#I'm outta here
gifs-of-puppets · 2 months
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Sesame Street (1969-Present)
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nemfrog · 11 months
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Ascension. An illustrated vocabulary for the use of the deaf. 1857.
Internet Archive
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ftvs-cm45 · 9 months
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The ending of this show is just like how Owl House came up shorter than we expected.
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cadathecat · 10 months
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good bye!! 👋
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bbtin · 5 months
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Hibari's leaving. See ya'll next year!
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sugarmilk · 25 days
spotify playing enya while the edible is kicking in
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ninascoffee · 10 months
It is actually impossible to study for my exam which is in two days, guys wtf am I doing💀
This is what happens when both your parents are teachers I guess🚶🏻‍♀️
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howifeltabouthim · 9 days
'You were fun,' she said, packing her bag and heading for the airport, 'and now you're not.'
Kate Atkinson, from Death at the Sign of the Rook
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capricornsister · 9 months
Stress after stress after stress - problem after problem after problem
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jonsnoodlearms · 7 months
I have such a limited taste when it comes to fanfic and it's making life difficult
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gifs-of-puppets · 1 year
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Sesame Street (1969-Present)
Source: Muppet Wiki
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whitedragoncoranth · 6 months
Life On Knowhere
How did I meet Rocket? Shit, what was it? I dunno, look, there was some sort of promotional thing at Stark Tower, and I was there as a guest with a VIP invite--just because I like tech and I like Tony, like, just some rando drawn out of a hat, a--okay, fuck off, the thing wasn't rigged; I was genuinely invited to be there! Anyway, so I was hanging out with the Avengers, and shit, it was great! That's when I met Rocket, and of course, he was insulting my species and planet, it was all primitive this and bald-body that, and I got a bit pissed off.
I was like, "Mate, you're only like this because you've only had bad experiences with this planet--and you've only known Quill, the damn frat boy who never grew up!" and... and fuck me, he started cackling as Quill got this disgruntled look on his face, which made everyone else break out with laughter. I says to Rocket, "Look... if it's alright with everyone, come with me for a bit and I'll show you some cool stuff, give Earth one more chance, eh?" The little guy scoffed--but... he agreed.
So, I asked Tony politely to prep some stuff, a series of little flyers and brochures to give to people when I was out and about with Rocket; they detailed briefly what he was, touched on his life, and of course, his past; Tony did them up so they would engender sympathy for the little raccoon, give him a bit of leeway, and stave off the cliche panic, the screams, the want to call fucking animal control--they stressed that he was a fucking uplifted Raccoon, that he was as intelligent as any person; that he was a person!
Then... I took Rocket to a Steam Engine show. Called ahead, gave the show-greeters a flyer when they made a little fuss about Rocket (they were sorry after reading it) and we were in. I took him about the exhibits. Yeah, they were primitive... but the little guy could see everything, as huge and small flywheels turned, pistons and cylinders moved, governors spun, the sounds; these engines were as raw as it got, and Rocket was mesmerised by these chugging, puffing solid steel and cast-iron machines! "Wanna see a really big engine?" I asked him, grinning. He nodded, and then we went somewhere else, into a huge building, built in 1908.
Rocket looked about and was like, "So, where's the engine?" And I'm like, "... we're in it!" And then the little guy's jaw drops as he sees the huge flywheel; then his eyes are nearly popping out of his head as he takes it all in, this massive, ancient machine. Together, we met Alex Karnes, who took Rocket right through the engine, and the little guy was all over it. His crimson-eyes went a little misty when - after prep, Alex guided him to the small wheel that made the engine start and let him start it slowly with his two li'l paws, then bring it up to speed...
As he heard the massive engine run, the perfect, soothing, rhythmic sound, saw the wheels turning, the parts moving... something settled in Rocket's mind... that a Terran thought up this amazing, amazing machine, so much bigger than he was... That Terrans, for all their being primitive, made this; that everyone had to start somewhere... Rocket bade me kneel and I hugged him, gently. "M'Sorry, for... for..." Alex came over, concerned; then he gently ruffled Rocket's headfur when I explained that the little guy was a bit overwhelmed.
... Later, I took Rocket to a bare stretch of road. "So... why are we here?" he asked. I said nothing, just told him to wait a bit longer. Rocket opened his mouth to ask another question but - *VVVVVVRRROOOM!* - then the Rally Car blew by us and Rocket's fur stood up for a moment! He turned to me, breathless. "... da flark was that?!" he yelped. Thus, from steam engines to the rabbit hole of rally I took the raccoon, and soon he was drooling over car magazines, engine parts and specs, wondering if he might build something similar and race it somewhere on the station Knowhere.
All in all, Rocket had a great time. He still thought many things on Terra were primitive, but he gained a love for steam engines, and rally, and I soon saw a few of the latest magazines poking out from under a work bench... More and more visits to Terra followed, people prepared ahead for Rocket's benefit, so he could have a wonderful time without being seen as an animal; he even gained a few steam and gearhead friends as we went to the gamut of shows and rally races.
Several months later, Rocket broached the idea of me coming to Knowhere. "You've shown me some awesome stuff on Terra; now what say we take a trip back to where I live, yeah? I'll show ya 'round!" I agreed--and fuck me, Knowhere is the gnarliest, most hardcore place ever, the freaking head of a dead GOD! I was like, "Oh my god, this place is awesome; fuck I wanna live here!" I fell in love with the place, the people, the melting pot culture... What could I say, it was a done deal!
... Okay so - after Rocket helped me box up and move all my stuff to Knowhere, mostly books, my PC, clothes, old second-hand PC components; everything bar the furniture I had I'm bloody floored cos Rocket just handed me the card to an apartment that he says he got cheap, fuckin' tearing up I'm like, "What the hell, man!? I'll find a way to pay you back" but he just - I kid you not - freaking waves me away, mumbling something about some bonus from Nova Corps for some bounty or another. I'm... just some fucking near-useless Terran from Earth with no real skills at all - "old" Rocket would have called me a useless bald-body, but this is post-GotG3 Rocket, and he just says... "Keep being my friend...?"
"Of course, man!" I say and I'm fucking gonna KEEP THAT PROMISE cos I think poor Rocket needs a friend who's... not involved with any 'Guardians' business, you know? Rocket's a cool dude once you know him; he and I start hanging out as I unpack my stuff (thank god for all the built-in stuff, plenty of storage space and shelves) and we just talk about all kinds of things--avoiding sensitive topics of course, no need to yap about his past if you know what I mean, so we shoot the shit over milky fizzes (oh, man, to die for, mmh!) and sometimes just Orloni on a stick.
.... and then one day I meet Cosmo. And yes, before you ask, I know she's a super psionic space dog, okay--but when I saw her, I just forgot and so I'm down on my knees reaching out to pet her and talking to her in the soft sorta baby-voice I use for dogs, "Oh, hey, hi, hello sweetie...! Hello pretty girl...!" And... shit, Cosmo whines and then suddenly she's whimpering, cuddling up to me, falling on her side wanting to be petted but, seriously - whoever made that space suit can go fuck themselves - all I could do was pet her head and ears, but she loved it anyway, and she followed me home--aaaaand now she's sorta mine? Uhhh... sorry?
Rocket and I figure out a way to finally get her out of the damn suit and - well shit, she can just be a dog, now so she's cuddling up to me, whimpering lick-lick-licking all over my face and I'm laughing and not really trying to push her away as we collapse on my bed. Trip back to Terra later and I've got all the pet stuff I could ever need for her, canned and dry food, toys, chewable things, a grooming kit, the works. Before any of you people go off at me for thinking of Cosmo as a pet and treating her like one--she was! She was a domesticated dog, and she still has all those instincts, and the want for a human companion, even though she doesn't really need a, well, a master.
New modified suit thanks to Rocket, she can put it on and take it off without difficulty, and she loves a bath, to be dried and then to shake water all over as I laugh and reel away. She loves the simple things like that when she's not on mission, baths, brushing, playing fetch or tug of war, and to sleep cuddled up with me in bed. Oddly, so does Rocket, too... but fuck me if he doesn't sleep in the weirdest places and positions. Sometimes... fuck, sometimes if the missions a shitty one he'll... he'll come to the wrong apartment, if you know what I mean; he sometimes sleeps on my other side all cuddly (Cosmo on my right, he's on the left) with his head on my chest, but other times he's sprawled over my chest diagonal, or he's resting on my pillow curled about my head! And... as it all goes on, we... we sorta become a weird little family, the male Terran with the beard that fixes stuff or does odd jobs, the bomb-and-gun-making Raccoon, and the Space Dog who - with a thought - can squish someone between fuck off colossal blocks of concrete or hold a fucking ship together with her mind. God, I love this place so much!
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
He kept running, running and running, running out of breath and energy.
"(How long have I been running)" He thought. "(I can't see them anywhere but I can't stop, these guys are sneaky...)"
He tripped and stopped behind trees to catch his breath and then go back to running, he didn't know if they were still following him. "(My head hurts... That hit was really rough for me!)"
Suddenly, he found a cave with vines and leaves covering it's entrance. "(Finally!)" He sighed in relief and ran towards it, but he stopped. "(No, stop, what if someone else lives there? No people would trust me, I know it.)" He heard a cracking twig and felt a cold on his back. "(No time to question! Hide first!)"
He practically jumped to the cave and hid behind a large rock, he waited there, recovering his energy and kind of checking if he hadn't any other bullet hole or scratch in any other place... No, all good.
He stood up and was about to take his helmet off when he saw, passing a short tunnel, guns and supplies all over the place, and it didn't seem abandoned.
"Do-." Someone started saying. He turned around and grabbed his gun and was ready to shoot at anything, even if he didn't want to.
"I was going to say don't move but meh." His opponent said. It was a girl, wearing a part of colored goggles so her eyes were invisible, plus, she had a short scarf covering her mouth, Great. "Now watch your hands, man, cause I ain't letting them grab my stuff."
"Wait, you think I'm-? Oh, no, I'm hiding here, I didn't even know someone lived here before getting inside." He never stopped pointing at her. "Now you tell me, do you work for the monster team or are you a survivor?"
"Survivor, man! Why would I work with the monsters?!"
"I don't know, by this time anyone could be working for them."
"Well, I'm not."
"... Great, cause neither am I..."
They stood like that for a while.
"So, are we droping the guns or...?"
"Only if you drop yours first."
"Uh! You drop your gun first!"
"I won't."
"If you drop yours I'll drop mine, promise."
"How do I know you won't shoot first?"
"I won't."
"Yeah, I've heard that speech before, no thanks."
"Oh, for jesus christ sake!" She dropped her gun first. "There, now you drop yours."
He decided to follow the game and slowly put the gun in the floor. "Alright, then."
"So, now that we've both put our guns down and swore we don't work for the enemie, do you mind introducing yourself?"
"That's a bit quick, isn't it?"
"I haven't socialized with other people in a long while, dude! At least give me this one."
"Okay, I'm Scarlet." She streched her hand. "C'mon, man, don't keep me hanging!"
He shook her hand and than saw her taking her goggles and scarf away. "There we go, what's your name?"
"Uhh... I haven't introduced myself personally t anyone this years." He said.
"At least a nickname? Or can you take your weird helmet off?"
"I don't know."
"Damn, you have some serious trust issues, don't ya'?"
"Je... Yeah, a few."
Scarlet walked closer to him. "Oh my goodness!"
"What-? Why are you-?! What are you looking at?"
"Well, from this close I can see there's a huge bloodstain in your helmet! Did you bonk your head or something?"
"Or something, more like it." He said. "Yeah, I've been through a lot. Is it really that bad?"
"Ahá, don't worry, I can help you with that."
"Huh?" He couldn't understand it, a minute ago they were both almost threatening each other to death... She clearly hasn't talk to others in a while. "Why would you?"
"Well, you didn't kill me and we are now kinda in trust now, aren't we?"
"I would say so... maybe?"
"Okay, wait a litte here." She ran to another spot and brought back a few stuff. Meanwhile, he took his helmet off. "Damn it, the bloodstain is too notorious."
Scarlet got back with a set of things to sew the injury. "I don't have anaesthesia so you'll have to take it like this."
"Is that... a bottle of whisky?"
"I ran out of medical alcohol... Plus, we can have a drink later, it's on the house."
"Uhh, okay."
"Sit here." Scarlet pointed a spot, he had no choice but to sit down and watch how she had the thread and needle. "Did you know floss thread is great for sweing injuries?"
"It is?"
"You'll see it." Scarlet said and sat in front of him, gently pouring some of the alcohol and water to clean the blood off.
"Ow, damn it!" He hissed quietly.
"Oh, I haven't even started with the stitches!"
Scarlet grabbed the needle and pierced through his skin over and over, and the thread wasn't making it easier.
"This is going to take a little while, cause the cut is big."
"Yeah, just... Agh."
He tried to stay as quiet as he could, until Scarlet broke the silence. "So, what's your name again?"
"My name?"
"Yeah, what is it? You look like a..." Scarlet would keep on doing that until he told her his name.
"Okay, fine, fine." He said. "But after you finish sewing."
"You're a bastard, has anyone told you that?" Scarlet said, laughing and pulled the thread harder.
"A few time- OW!"
"JAJA! This will be fun." Scarlet almost misses her needle, until she finally finished sewing and cut the stitches. "There, now tell me your name."
He chuckled and pushed his orange-colored hair away from his face. "Call me JZ."
"JZ as in...?"
"Is Scarlet your real name?"
"You're scarlet, I'm JZ."
"JZ as in Jordan!"
"Hehehe, no."
"No, once again."
"James! Wait, I said that one already... OH OH, Jim!"
"... Shit..."
"Jim! Or... Jimmy." Scarlet mocked. "You're name's Jimmy!"
JZ just sighed. "No, it's not. Plus, have I asked you your real name?"
"Ahg, no."
"See? You were kiiinda close but no... That's not my name."
"Awwe." Scarlet pouted and then hunched her back due to a sound she heard.
"Monsters!" She and JZ whispered at the same time. They both grabbed their guns.
"Well, JZ, feel like killing some monsters?"
"Never, but I have to, apparently."
"Good one! Let's go!"
"(My name is Jimmy... But I can't tell her that, I don't know if she's heard of me being wanted... Maybe those creatures followed me here, damn it, why do I have to be so clumsy?! It's been over two years already. I wish I had the same creature sent as the Kratt bros, that would make things a lot easier...)" JZ thought as he grabbed his bag and pulled out of there a kind of big wand with a golden gem on the center.
"You're a wizard?!" Scarlet asked as she shot a demon in the head with salt bullets.
"No, I got lessons from one." JZ said. "(I haven't used this old thing in a while course it hasn't been necessary, but thank God I brought it.)"
They fought together, nothing actually out of normal in both rourines, but Scarlet did noticed Jimmy's clumsiness in battle, even though he was actually a good fighter.
After they were done, they got rid of the corpses (The best way is burning them) And sat to take a drink inside Scarlet's cave... Finally, Jimmy had someone to actually talk to in all this time and so had Scarlet...
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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bbtin · 2 years
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That’s it for Sanzou’s day!  He’s going, but hopefully the gang will convince to be back next year!
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arvandus · 2 years
12 reports in one month, 7 of which were new evaluations. I’m tired.  Can I sleep now?
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