#me on knowhere
whitedragoncoranth · 6 months
Life On Knowhere
How did I meet Rocket? Shit, what was it? I dunno, look, there was some sort of promotional thing at Stark Tower, and I was there as a guest with a VIP invite--just because I like tech and I like Tony, like, just some rando drawn out of a hat, a--okay, fuck off, the thing wasn't rigged; I was genuinely invited to be there! Anyway, so I was hanging out with the Avengers, and shit, it was great! That's when I met Rocket, and of course, he was insulting my species and planet, it was all primitive this and bald-body that, and I got a bit pissed off.
I was like, "Mate, you're only like this because you've only had bad experiences with this planet--and you've only known Quill, the damn frat boy who never grew up!" and... and fuck me, he started cackling as Quill got this disgruntled look on his face, which made everyone else break out with laughter. I says to Rocket, "Look... if it's alright with everyone, come with me for a bit and I'll show you some cool stuff, give Earth one more chance, eh?" The little guy scoffed--but... he agreed.
So, I asked Tony politely to prep some stuff, a series of little flyers and brochures to give to people when I was out and about with Rocket; they detailed briefly what he was, touched on his life, and of course, his past; Tony did them up so they would engender sympathy for the little raccoon, give him a bit of leeway, and stave off the cliche panic, the screams, the want to call fucking animal control--they stressed that he was a fucking uplifted Raccoon, that he was as intelligent as any person; that he was a person!
Then... I took Rocket to a Steam Engine show. Called ahead, gave the show-greeters a flyer when they made a little fuss about Rocket (they were sorry after reading it) and we were in. I took him about the exhibits. Yeah, they were primitive... but the little guy could see everything, as huge and small flywheels turned, pistons and cylinders moved, governors spun, the sounds; these engines were as raw as it got, and Rocket was mesmerised by these chugging, puffing solid steel and cast-iron machines! "Wanna see a really big engine?" I asked him, grinning. He nodded, and then we went somewhere else, into a huge building, built in 1908.
Rocket looked about and was like, "So, where's the engine?" And I'm like, "... we're in it!" And then the little guy's jaw drops as he sees the huge flywheel; then his eyes are nearly popping out of his head as he takes it all in, this massive, ancient machine. Together, we met Alex Karnes, who took Rocket right through the engine, and the little guy was all over it. His crimson-eyes went a little misty when - after prep, Alex guided him to the small wheel that made the engine start and let him start it slowly with his two li'l paws, then bring it up to speed...
As he heard the massive engine run, the perfect, soothing, rhythmic sound, saw the wheels turning, the parts moving... something settled in Rocket's mind... that a Terran thought up this amazing, amazing machine, so much bigger than he was... That Terrans, for all their being primitive, made this; that everyone had to start somewhere... Rocket bade me kneel and I hugged him, gently. "M'Sorry, for... for..." Alex came over, concerned; then he gently ruffled Rocket's headfur when I explained that the little guy was a bit overwhelmed.
... Later, I took Rocket to a bare stretch of road. "So... why are we here?" he asked. I said nothing, just told him to wait a bit longer. Rocket opened his mouth to ask another question but - *VVVVVVRRROOOM!* - then the Rally Car blew by us and Rocket's fur stood up for a moment! He turned to me, breathless. "... da flark was that?!" he yelped. Thus, from steam engines to the rabbit hole of rally I took the raccoon, and soon he was drooling over car magazines, engine parts and specs, wondering if he might build something similar and race it somewhere on the station Knowhere.
All in all, Rocket had a great time. He still thought many things on Terra were primitive, but he gained a love for steam engines, and rally, and I soon saw a few of the latest magazines poking out from under a work bench... More and more visits to Terra followed, people prepared ahead for Rocket's benefit, so he could have a wonderful time without being seen as an animal; he even gained a few steam and gearhead friends as we went to the gamut of shows and rally races.
Several months later, Rocket broached the idea of me coming to Knowhere. "You've shown me some awesome stuff on Terra; now what say we take a trip back to where I live, yeah? I'll show ya 'round!" I agreed--and fuck me, Knowhere is the gnarliest, most hardcore place ever, the freaking head of a dead GOD! I was like, "Oh my god, this place is awesome; fuck I wanna live here!" I fell in love with the place, the people, the melting pot culture... What could I say, it was a done deal!
... Okay so - after Rocket helped me box up and move all my stuff to Knowhere, mostly books, my PC, clothes, old second-hand PC components; everything bar the furniture I had I'm bloody floored cos Rocket just handed me the card to an apartment that he says he got cheap, fuckin' tearing up I'm like, "What the hell, man!? I'll find a way to pay you back" but he just - I kid you not - freaking waves me away, mumbling something about some bonus from Nova Corps for some bounty or another. I'm... just some fucking near-useless Terran from Earth with no real skills at all - "old" Rocket would have called me a useless bald-body, but this is post-GotG3 Rocket, and he just says... "Keep being my friend...?"
"Of course, man!" I say and I'm fucking gonna KEEP THAT PROMISE cos I think poor Rocket needs a friend who's... not involved with any 'Guardians' business, you know? Rocket's a cool dude once you know him; he and I start hanging out as I unpack my stuff (thank god for all the built-in stuff, plenty of storage space and shelves) and we just talk about all kinds of things--avoiding sensitive topics of course, no need to yap about his past if you know what I mean, so we shoot the shit over milky fizzes (oh, man, to die for, mmh!) and sometimes just Orloni on a stick.
.... and then one day I meet Cosmo. And yes, before you ask, I know she's a super psionic space dog, okay--but when I saw her, I just forgot and so I'm down on my knees reaching out to pet her and talking to her in the soft sorta baby-voice I use for dogs, "Oh, hey, hi, hello sweetie...! Hello pretty girl...!" And... shit, Cosmo whines and then suddenly she's whimpering, cuddling up to me, falling on her side wanting to be petted but, seriously - whoever made that space suit can go fuck themselves - all I could do was pet her head and ears, but she loved it anyway, and she followed me home--aaaaand now she's sorta mine? Uhhh... sorry?
Rocket and I figure out a way to finally get her out of the damn suit and - well shit, she can just be a dog, now so she's cuddling up to me, whimpering lick-lick-licking all over my face and I'm laughing and not really trying to push her away as we collapse on my bed. Trip back to Terra later and I've got all the pet stuff I could ever need for her, canned and dry food, toys, chewable things, a grooming kit, the works. Before any of you people go off at me for thinking of Cosmo as a pet and treating her like one--she was! She was a domesticated dog, and she still has all those instincts, and the want for a human companion, even though she doesn't really need a, well, a master.
New modified suit thanks to Rocket, she can put it on and take it off without difficulty, and she loves a bath, to be dried and then to shake water all over as I laugh and reel away. She loves the simple things like that when she's not on mission, baths, brushing, playing fetch or tug of war, and to sleep cuddled up with me in bed. Oddly, so does Rocket, too... but fuck me if he doesn't sleep in the weirdest places and positions. Sometimes... fuck, sometimes if the missions a shitty one he'll... he'll come to the wrong apartment, if you know what I mean; he sometimes sleeps on my other side all cuddly (Cosmo on my right, he's on the left) with his head on my chest, but other times he's sprawled over my chest diagonal, or he's resting on my pillow curled about my head! And... as it all goes on, we... we sorta become a weird little family, the male Terran with the beard that fixes stuff or does odd jobs, the bomb-and-gun-making Raccoon, and the Space Dog who - with a thought - can squish someone between fuck off colossal blocks of concrete or hold a fucking ship together with her mind. God, I love this place so much!
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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2024's Fall of the House of X Vol.1 #2 cover by cover artist Pepe Larraz and colorist Marte Gracia.
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moomeecore · 1 year
the pure unadulterated joy of stumbling upon the bad guys books in the library entirley on accident (have never read the books, only seen thefilm) , sitting down to read the 1st book, and being caught of guard by getting to see this scene in real life, in person in the flesh. not as a tumblr post. the real deal! wonderful. i love gay people !!
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
doodle queue update! this weekend i had a creative sunburst and wrote like three chapters for different fics, sketched a little, and got to finish my work on @elegant-fleuret ‘s adorable oc. i love her. she is a perfect puff of cotton candy. she is every time i had caffeine-induced hyperactivity and every time i had a caffeine-induced crash. she’s besties with kraglin (which is a vibe) and she is THE fuckin rad as hell dj of knowhere??? (also a vibe)
in short she is perfection and i love her
thank you for letting me doodle her, elegant-fleuret. I love her so fuckin much and it was an honor to get to draw her ♡⭑༅:*゚:*:✼✿
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(more behind the cut. with a cameo by dunkin coffee)
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phantastragoria · 1 year
do you have a favourite portrayal of a character in the gotg game!! who is it and why <3
Oh I think they're all great honestly!!! Part of why I love the game so much is that genuinely, the whole team + supporting characters are written with such obvious love of the source material and equal attention between them all. When I see comments of people saying who their favorite character was from the game and the answer always being different from each person I'm like!! That's how it SHOULD be!!! They're the Guardians of the Galaxy (plural) the focus shouldn't all fall on a singular character like most other GotG media usually ends up as 😭
The two (sorry I can't pick just one) whom I think benefit the most from the game though are Drax and Gamora because they're almost always sidelined both in-and-out of universe by most of the various writers (especially as of late) and in turn the viewers/readers. I've been told plenty of times that they're the most boring members of the "main" team, BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! The amount of love the game versions get (by the few who've played it at least) proves that 🥺
I've never really liked 616 Drax shifting to being a complete clown during the 90s and such (and even less so when the MCU followed along 💀) So I appreciate the game taking a bit of his seriousness from the DnA run and just making him struggle with nuance and context clues in a less exaggerated way (autistic Drax I still believe in u) and I feel the focus put on him and how losing his original family + the aftermath deeply affected him hits pretty hard here because it's treated very seriously and shown in depth, especially with how his family (wife) gets actual focus. I cannot tell you anything about Yvette in comparison to Hovat, who actually seemed to have had a personality lol (AND she was on their village's council like omg imagine having more to you than just being The Housewife) Though I will say I flip and flop on my thoughts about Heather being disconnected from Drax's life in this universe... The TLDR is that I think his arc here specifically works stronger when he has to come to terms with losing his entire family and accepting the life he currently has with the Guardians. BUT!!! I very much appreciate that Heather is still confirmed to exist within this universe, even if that means her dad issues would have to be dealt with in a different context if we ever get to see her.
Also? Shoutout to the writers actually bringing up the intense paranoia that always kneecapped 616 Drax but having that be a turning point in his backstory here, with that conversation he has with Peter where he talks about how he was becoming so paranoid of everyone being a chitauri/Thanos conspirator to the point of literally turning into an obsessed maniac like Thanos, and realizing that he desperately needed to turn his life around, it's so ough.
Out of the already many great conversations throughout the game, I think the ones with him are the most poignant. My favorite scene in the whole game is Drax and Pete's little moment on Knowhere... makes me go wahhh
(l also love that out of everyone on the team, it's his headspace that we quite literally get to go into. You KNOW that if this was any other media it'd be going into Rocket or Groot's head and likely treated as a joke.)
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And oh my god, Gamora...
I find it so extremely refreshing that her role in the plot doesn't revolve purely around the men in her life, and instead, it's nearly exclusively her connection with other women. Or in the most direct obstacle she has to deal with, being how she starts projecting to the millionth degree on Nikki's situation for reminding her of what happened to her and Nebula. I find that infinitely more fascinating as a reading of her character rather than just dating drama or her arc getting completely overtaken by a man's instead.
And especially in her friendship with Mantis, who, despite having all these futures she's constantly seeing and having to navigate, still makes time to do her best to help her 🥺 From saving her life and being the one who put her on the path to healing on Lamentis, to getting her to join the Guardians and still checking in on her when she's able 😭 Friendship between women can be so powerful... u love to see it (🏳️‍🌈)
I also find it nice that there's this emphasis on her recovering mentally, and the comparison between Thanos essentially teaching her to just Deal with the shit in her life through very simplistic meditation versus the priests of Pama actually teaching her something to help soothe the mind :^( and that she still has moments of relapsing essentially. I find that to be a realistic take on recovery because that's just part of the journey since healing is not linear... and I think it's very sweet that she finds comfort in collecting something ---girly--- like dolls. Love to see a person reclaim a part of their childhood that they weren't allowed to experience. And how she's allowed to make BAD JOKES?? Imagine a woman being written to have multiple dimensions, crazy and absolutely unthinkable, I know.
There's this extremely specific theme in relation to Gamora across media that's been rattling around in my brain since first playing the game. When near the end during the revisit to Knowhere, she's about to completely lose it when Peter tries talking -for- her on what she's so upset about before immediately shooting him down, and she explains what happened between her and Nebula and she starts crying. It really struck me right then that she's never given a moment to cry elsewhere (or in the 616's case, the quite literal inability to.) aside from her shedding a Single Manly Tear (Original Sin) or a single moment out of legit fear (MCU 💀) because she's a hashtag Strong Independant Woman who can't be vulnerable etc etc. But for her to cry in front of the people she's come to care about, It gives her a moment of true vulnerability that I don't think she's allowed ever in most other media.
That and all of the above hits hard and is what makes me genuinely believe that the writers cared about her in the narrative and tried to do right by her when every other bit of media really hasn't nor cared to the majority of the time since the 90s :'^/ Brings a tear to my eye that she's allowed to just... exist in the narrative on her own merits and not on what she can provide to someone else's story.
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#lex thoughts#gotg thoughts#universe: eidos game#gotg2008#sorry for asking for a question then immediately disappearing for a month 💔 I'm on the most stressful roadtrip ever#i 🫶 you for asking about them though the Eidos gotg are my everything and i won't shut up about them if given the chance#very funny to me that all these important moments happen on Knowhere. Strange things can happen at the end of the universe.#The end page of W&tIW 09 is the only other Gamora moment of vulnerability across media that i can specifically pinpoint#But it's more self reflection in a way of a heavily traumatic experience that I don't feel ever truly got resolved within the 616 IMO#And I find it a specific point to be made when Gamora is/isn't allowed to feel or literally denied things that are stereotypically-#-categorized as -feminine- (which is dumb to assign gender roles to a simple human emotion such as CRYING.-#-But you get what I mean I hope) We play fast and loose with gender around here pardner I think all of the gotg should cry more#but in Gamora's case specifically it Hits Different knowing her past and treatment throughout media#i could also heavily go into the way the game adapts Peter's character in relation to his element guns but that's an essay for another time#just because -i- find that extremely fascinating doesn't mean i think he should particularly be the main focus (and he isnt)#bc pete rocket and groot are the ones that already get all the attention (even if i dont agree with how they're written elsewhere)#i just find it more engaging for the other two main characters of the team that always get sidelined by the writers actually being put in-#-the spotlight with equal attention given to them for once to be sooo -shakes fist#sorry for the intense word salad i hope i make sense lol ESSAY/RANT OVER .🤐
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me and my pathological need for a women who can kill me with their pinky to be my girlfriend against the world
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4bsurdcreature · 1 year
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miinteaa · 1 year
I’m not sure if anyone who likes kotlc still follows me BUT
If you do, what are some Halloween costume headcannons? I’m trying to draw the whole gang in costumes, but I only figured out keefe (Batman duh) and biana (princess !! Fun dresses and stuff!!) oh and fitz could be a prince to match!! (Not in a ship way obviously but in a siblings costume way!)
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Here's one for the good omens fandom.
How much dissent and general punishment had Aziraphale seen before he met angel Crowley?
Because his warning sounds like that of someone who is in the room with the higher ups, maybe doing some work in the background, and overhearing the higher ups discuss how they are going to deal with dissent among the other angels.
Did Aziraphale know Lucifer before he fell and saw him get reprimanded before the big one?
Things in heaven were already a little pear shaped before Crowley even prepped the galaxies. I really hope we get some insight into this in S3 because Aziraphale definetely saw something he wasn't meant to before it all started and he mentally shut it out after the first war of the angels.
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spybiote · 1 year
april was such a good mom
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milehighmechanic · 2 months
“Oh, the human race. You’re never happy, are you?” // from @cosmiicheskaya
There was a point, as a kid, when Tony was obsessed with space. For a prodigal engineer, it wasn't even a dream that was out of reach. Now, Tony's in his late fifties and he's had two significantly traumatic near-death experiences in space. It's kinda... offputting.
And yet, here he is, on Knowhere.
From here, it's not even that obvious they're in space. A little more grungy, a little more Star Wars, but Tony's been to downtowns that feel like this. Y'know, if you ignore all the different species wandering around. He feels better here than he did on the journey, with concrete under his boots and no stars in sight, but he's still on edge.
( He knows Nebula wouldn't have asked him out of retirement if it wasn't important. He wouldn't have agreed if anyone else had asked. )
Grumpy, the others say. Tony bares his teeth at them and wanders off to brood. Hasn't he earned the right to be grumpy?
Apparently not. There's a voice not quite behind him, and when he looks around, there's a dog in spacesuit. The dog in the spacesuit is lecturing him. Tony blinks.
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"Who the hell are you?"
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positively-emerald · 1 year
I. Was. Not. Expecting GOTG3 to hit me that hard.
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
college professors nerwin that teach the same things, but in different fonts 👀👀👀. same material, but different interpretations. students from both of your classes host their own debate sessions with each other in their free time because of the inconsistences between the two lectures supposedly teaching the same thing. Some students even find they prefer what the other professor is saying bc it just makes sense. And those students will be the ones that ask a question no one else in the class is thinking at times, but that each professor will know is something that student got from their partner's teachings. You'll both smile knowingly and maybe make little jokes as you explain your position and it's just so CUTE!! Like the students love the way you both respect each other's learnings but still have a great time poking fun at one another to your students. Real OTP type stuff uwu. I'm imagining y'all both teaching like mythology or smth similar :3. <333333333333
this concept is such a good one, and I didn't have it myself bc I was picturing erwin teaching English Lit, and myself teaching Art History - purely bc I think both our special interest line up with those really well (and honestly I think they're pretty similar too, personally).
BUT this idea is a Top Tier idea. I see it working with English Lit pretty easily (since I feel Erwin goes quite the traditional route, whereas I make up my own ideas and encourage students to do the same ("Break free from the machine children.")).
AND it could work really well with Art History too, especially when it comes to analyzing artworks because (and it was something I got very well when I was studying myself) you can make any argument about any artwork, and as long as you can explain yourself you have a Valid Argument. You could be set to analyze an artwork that is literally just a blue canvas and make the analysis that it actually represent Happiness, and as long as you can explain it you can get an A+. Makes plenty of leeway for everyone's interpretations, like art is meant to.
basically I agree with you 100%, and I won't go on bc I'll go WILDLY off topic about the art side of things (it was the one subject in school i enjoyed learning about (I could've sat 30 art exams and have done each happliy lol)).
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Listen, i have way more Peter Quill ideas if you’ll allow me-
Can we get one where the reader is super horny for Peter but she doesn’t really want to say anything because they keep getting interrupted by the other guardians (like Mantis, Rocket or Groot needing something) and it happens multiple times until the reader just pushes Peter aside and they start making out. 😂
It can be full smut or just end wherever you want it I’m not picky…but i wouldn’t turn down smut👀 it can also be gender neutral i don’t care, thanks Love! 💖
hii again sweetheart!! of course, send them in at anytime:) love love it, I was nice I wrote smut🤭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
storage room rendezvous
Peter Quill x f reader
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wc || 1.3k
warnings || 18+ only sexually explicit content minors dni
masterlist + rules
Being confined to the Bowie during long-haul missions often meant there wasn't much space or privacy, never having the luxury of a moment's silence without getting interrupted by one of the other guardians. You and Peter had recently started dating, so the amount of need you had for him was unbearable. You wanted him all the time.    
Rocket had to do an emergency landing on some random planet, twenty-something jump points away from Knowhere so he could tinker. So that left you and the rest of the crew stranded on the ship until the issue resolved. 
Waltzing your way over to the front of the ship, hands cutely laced together as you joined Quill in the captain seat, sitting across his lap. "Whatcha doing?" you question, making yourself comfortable. 
"Taking my seat before Rocket gets back," he chuckles, placing his hand on your thigh, adjusting you as he pulls you closer. "He ain't gonna like it," grinning at the thought. "What's up?" he asks, kissing your shoulder.
"Bored," you say slowly, your tone speckled with suggestion. 
"Bored, huh?" he repeats, his tone matching yours. "What'd ya wanna do?" he asks, already knowing what you're thinking, waiting for you to admit it.
"I did have one idea..." you hint, lightly trailing down his chest. "Oh, god!" you jump, lowering your face to the nape of Peter's neck. "Don't do that."
"What?" Quill questions, his eyes concerned as he follows your initial gaze. "God, Drax. How long you been there?" 
"Since we landed," Drax responds matter-of-factly, pulling a rustly bag from his pocket.
"That was an hour ago." You chime in, poking your head up to look at him. 
Shrugging simply. "Yeah... Zarg-Nut?" He offers, shaking the bag between you both.
Quill extends his hand over the back of the seat, cupping his palm towards Drax. "What?" he chuckles at your displeased expression, shoving a handful of the dried snack into his mouth. "I'm hungry."
"You are unbelievable," you playfully scoff, avoiding his green eyes. 
"Hi, guys." The soft voice of Mantis appears next to Drax. "Oh, can I have one?" She asks, nodding to the bag in his hand.
"They're all gone," Drax replies before pouring the contents into his mouth.
"I am Groot."
"Okay!" you say finally, clapping your hands together once. You loosen from Peter's grip as you stand up, lacing your hand into his as you lead him away from the group. "Come with me."
"Where we going?" Quill questions, following after you, his hand gripped into yours.
"Shut up," you whisper, leading him through the corridors as you search for a suitable storage room.
"You want me, don't ya?" he smugly asks, briskly walking to catch up with your long strides.
Poking your head through door gaps. "Yeah, now shut-up,"
He playfully chuckles, his tone full of assurance. "Knew it," snickering.
"Here's one," you mouth, dragging Peter into the empty room, forcefully shutting the door behind him.
You immediately attach your lips to his, ravenous and starved, desperately tugging at his t-shirt. He separates, his head hung low as he assesses your eyes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa... ain't even locked the door." He smirks, reaching behind to twist the lock. 
Quill loved when you needed him, loved seeing you desperate. He loved when you were verbal, telling him what you wanted, but not right now. He wanted the control and leadership he craved. 
He lightly trails his hand up your throat, grazing higher before cupping around your jaw, grasping the side of your face to bring you in. He instantly clashes his hungry mouth with yours, rolling and licking over your soft lips while his other hand travels behind your head to pull you closer. The need grows more urgent as his hands roam you, loosening the grip on your jaw to travel down to your throat. He holds it as he controls and deepens the kiss, pushing you back up and against the wall.
"What do you want?" he breathlessly asks against your lips, a wry grin looming. 
"You," you shakily reply, snaking your hands around his back, gripping the hem of his tee. 
"Yeah?" he softy whispers, entertaining you.
He slips his hand under your ass, cupping over the cheeks as he manhandles you, eagerly kneading the doughy flesh between his fingers. 
Sliding his palms up, they rest and clasp around your waist, kissing you in desperation as he squeezes you, grinding his clothed groin into yours.
He picks you up, holding you under your thighs as he walks you over to the stacked storage containers in the corner, placing you down atop them. His fingers snake into your waistband, immediately palming over your wet pussy, teasing your clit as his spare hand slides into his waistband. Lightly gripping his hardened cock and pulling himself out of his pants, firmly stroking up the length. 
You eagerly squirm out of your pants, letting them slide down your thighs and hang around your boots, draping from your ankles as you wrap your knees around his hips, bringing him closer. He yanks down his pants and boxers before sliding his tip through your folds, collecting your arousal around his shaft. "Fuck," he mutters at the contact, momentarily throwing his neck back.
He spits in his palm, rubbing the saliva over his veins to lube himself up as he adjusts you, bringing your hips forward. He pushes his head through your folds, slipping through the slick flesh as you both watch in anticipation. Needy whimpers fill the dingy room.
Gripping at his base, he eases into you. Slowly sliding his tip in as he attaches his mouth to yours, catching and muffling your initial moan. His hands graze up your back, holding you close as he sinks further into you, melting around his every inch. You bury your face in the crook of his neck, whining and mumbling against his warm skin as you adjust to his girth, clutching at his biceps. "Oh, God," muttering, his eyes screwing shut.
He kisses the side of your neck, lightly nibbling and suckling the skin as he slides in and out of you, moulding around him as he fucks into you. Completely filling you with every hasty wind of his hips, rolling into you as he chases after the high.
He grows desperate and demanding as he pushes into you. Massaging inside you, rubbing over your g-spot with the upper side of his cock, fucking into the areas you needed. He finally attaches his lips to yours, swallowing your open moans and whimpers as he groans into your mouth. Slipping in his tongue every once in a while.
You felt the overwhelming build of the high consume you, aimlessly whining against his lips as you felt yourself get closer. You convulse around him, sucking him in further in with every jolt. 
"Can I come in you?" he shakily asks, resting his forehead against yours. "Please- fuck," he mutters, closing his eyes like he's holding himself off. 
You eagerly nod, wrapping your legs tighter around him, crossing your ankles as you keep him glued to you. Desperately clawing at his back as you let go. Quill pulsates for the final time before spilling his load deep into you, senselessly whimpering in one another's mouth as you both reach your long-awaited release. The room full of hot shaky moans.
He gingerly drags himself from you, watching the connecting strings of his cum as he pulls out. He bends to the floor, pulling up his pants before doing the same with yours, holding your hand as he helps you down from the containers. Keeping you balanced, chuckling at your stumbly footing. 
"I'll uh... I'll, um," you stutter, momentarily closing your eyes as you think of the words. "I'll join you out there in a few minutes... don't make it obvious," you grin, reaching up to kiss him tenderly, playfully slapping his ass as he turns away.
Turning around with a faux displeased expression, head cocking. "I'll tell 'em," he warns with a raised brow and boyish smirk. "Don't think I won't..." teasing you. 
Grinning with raised hands as if to symbolise your innocence. "I'll see you in two minutes... Quial."
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jihyoruri · 1 month
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 NOBODY KNOWS kim minji x reader
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👛★ ͘ ⴰ ever since summer 2022 new jeans has been at the top of the world surpassing and creating records and getting biggger and better every month but then SM Entertainment drops a new girl group stardom out of knowhere on everyone’s heads “surpassing and creating records” just like a certain group, causing a rivalry in the media and between the groups behind closed doors.
in which behind the secret of rivalry between stardom and new jeans, there’s an even bigger secret between their leaders.
PARING — kim minji x idol!reader
last . masterlist. next
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★ ͘ ⴰSTARDOM | the debut album 💿 five tracks | successful level - successful (july 28th 2023) - collab with nintendo (that sm privilege)
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01. u-go-girl (og song by hyori) 190M mv views *5 wins* (most popular bside)
02. tell me (og song by wonder girls ) 205M mv views *15 wins* (debut)
03. 미행 (그림자: Shadow) (og song by fx)
04. so hot (og song by wonder girls ) 85M mv views *3*
05. rewind (og song by wonder girls )
★ ͘ PRETTY GIRL | 1st mini album 💿 five tracks | successful level - successful (december 18th 2023)
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01. 첫 사랑니 (Rum Pum Pum Pum) (og song by fx ) 178M mv views *4wins* (pre-release)
02. pretty girl (og song by kara) 190M mv views *12 wins* (official comeback)
03. honey (og song by kara ) 83M mv views *2 wins*
04. kissing you (og song by snsd) * 1 win *
05. look at me (og song by twice)
★ ͘ LOVE & BLUES | valentine’s day special 💿 two tracks | successful level - successful ( february 14th 2024)
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01. only (og song by lee hi ) 95M mv views *5 wins*
02.nothing (og song by kiss of life ) 70M mv views *1 wins*
★ ͘ STARSTRUCK | 2nd mini album 💿 six tracks | successful level - very successful (august 2nd 2024) - offcial collab/ partnership with bratz
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01. Mr (og song by kara) 190M mv views *6 wins* (pre release)
02. 10 minutes (og song by hyori) 209M mv views *10 wins* (official comeback)
03. get up(og song by babyvox ) 70M mv views
04. killer (og song by babyvox ) 78M mv views *3 wins*
05. ID; PEACE B (og song by boA ) 104M mv views *6 wins* (most popular bside)
06. DARING WOMAN (og song is the twice version of the song )
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