#I'm sorry if this is bad I genuinely don't know anything about Vietnam but I tried ^^;
cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hi I've been devouring all your alerudy works and THEY'RE SOOOOO GOOD! Thank you for bringing them all to life. I don't know if you're viet or not but seeing that "cục vàng" in the pet names post gave me whiplash in all the best ways lol. Anyway if you're cool with it could I request one with vietnamese!reader taking alerudy to a trip and showing them off all the sights while spoiling them with food and pet names? Thanks a ton!
Hey there! I'm not Vietnamese, so I don't know anything about Vietnam, sorry about that ^^; I did some research, though, so I hope what I wrote is still alright!
AleRudy with a Vietnamese!S/O
I feel as though the two of them would especially love to go to one of the more natural places Vietnam has to offer. From the Hoàng Liên Son Mountains to the Detian Waterfall, they’d love anything nature has to offer. There may be some greenery in Mexico, but there are still a lot of deserts as well. Therefore they’d love to go to places like the Ninh Binh Province. Naturally, they’ll also visit some cities with you, they do wanna try all kinds of foods, after all. Neither of them are very picky when it comes to food, but they would prefer something a bit more spicy. It’s what they’re used to from home. They’d probably like bún bò huế quite a bit, if prepared correctly, but they’d also be pretty fond of something along the lines of pho. It doesn’t have to be extravagant in their eyes, something simple will do just fine as long as you recommend it to them. Although neither of them speak Vietnamese, Rodolfo especially would love to just listen to you talk to the locals. There’s something so enchanting to him about hearing you speak Vietnamese. Alejandro would sometimes need to snap him out of his trance to show him something like the Temple of Literature. Although the three of you would spend a lot of time wandering around the cities, you would likely also just spend a day at the beach. That’s about the best time you could teach them some basic phrases. Even if it may seem like they’re listening intently to you, the both of them are yearning for the water. Alejandro may even get a watergun from somewhere to spritz the both of you into going into the water with him. If you’re shorter than them then expect them to pick you up and throw you around in the water. If you’re taller, then Alejandro will dunk you. Rodolfo would tell him to stop, but that won’t stop him from laughing a bit as you fight Alejandro in the water to get back at him.
During the evenings where the three of you get ready for bed, you can try to speak Vietnamese with them. Rodolfo will try to translate your sentences with a guide he picked up from somewhere, while Alejandro will simply retaliate with some Spanish. You wanna have a language fight, amor? Gladly. He won’t be mean, he’ll just tell you how gorgeous and cute you are, how nice it is to get to know your culture better now. Call him “gấu chó” and explain to him what it means and he might actually just start play fighting with you. Rodolfo would try to get you to be more quiet before the three of you get into trouble. But then you hit him with a good old “người thương” and he goes quiet. Again, you’d have to explain what you mean since they don’t know any Vietnamese at all. But once you do, he’ll give you a shy smile before bopping you lightly on the cheek. How dare you be this cute. And this continues all night. “Chó con” gets you a “cielo”, “mèo con” gets you a little “corazón”. This little war of yours you got going on continues until one of you runs out of terms of endearment. Rodolfo will have kissed you both good night by then and will have gone to bed, he needs the energy for the next day, after all. The loser among the both of you has to buy the winner dinner the next day. Either way, it doesn’t bother you. After all, what’s more lovely than getting to share your culture with your partners? At some point, either of you just gives up and you just snuggle up to Rodolfo, trapping him between the both of you. After all, you still have quite a few days of adventuring through Vietnam left.
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voxnumbskull · 5 months
Hey guys, feel like I haven't posted anything Nanu related in a while because I've been in a bad slump, and I'm just now pulling myself out of it again, so I decided to treat you with some headcanons.
If any of these are repeats, I'm sorry. I can't remember what I have and haven't said, and I really don't feel like going back and looking.
That being said, I just have hcs about his past before becoming a cop today.
•I always imagine Nanu in his early 40s. I hc him being born on November 14th, 1981, putting him at 42 years today. Also, I chose this date specifically because something about it felt right, and he really gives me November Scorpio vibes.
•Nanu to me always resembled some other characters in the franchise vaguely, at least as far as facial features go. He definitely screams Unovan, with a strong jawline and larger eyes reminiscent of an American man. But he also has something about him that screams Hoenn, mostly really specific facial features that makes him resemble characters like Norman and of course Kabu, who is canonically from the Hoenn region. This always made me believe he's mixed Asian American. Unovan father, Hoennian mother, tales as old as time.
•Whether or not they lived in Alola at any time during his childhood is honestly up to your preference. I could genuinely see him growing up pretty much anywhere around a more large urban area.
•I like to imagine his father served in the military at some point, since in our world, Nanu would have been born not long after the end of the Vietnam war. I imagine his father was a hard ass, and his mother was the strict parent who just wanted to see her son doing well. Their influence most definitely made him the rebellious type when he got older, and the embarrassment of some of the things he did, or getting involved with the cops one two many times inspired him to turn over a new leaf later in life and join the academy.
•Nanu would have been a teen to young adult in the 90s, so I imagine a lot of band tshirts, washed out jeans, flannels, dirt stained Converse, and messy hair. No doubt his grungy style and interests drove his parents crazy. Especially the music. Favoring 90s grunge, 80s hairbands and old school thrash, trad metal, etc. Anything loud that drowned out the high expectations placed on his shoulders.
•This makes me feel like he eventually would've tried making a band with some of his high school buddies. Not his idea, of course, but it sounded cool and gave him something to do. Hell, he even enjoyed the idea of getting to be a dope ass bassist like some of his faves.
•Maybe he gets his first job in retail somewhere just to save up money for his own shiny red bass guitar, and he practices by recreating his favorite bass lines from his horde of CDs.
•Maybe they even get as far as becoming a decently popular garage band in their area, who knows?
•Around the age of 20-21 though, Nanu starts getting serious about his future, and he quits the band to join the police academy, where he showed real talent. The rest was history.
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battleslippers · 6 months
4, 7, 14, 17 for the Outsiders ask!!
4. Rank the main 7.
Oh god, this one is really hard for me; I like all of them 😭
1. Probably Ponyboy? I post way more about Dallas (lord help me), but I find Pony way more loveable. Like, he's such a little shit, but he's also hilarious in his own 14-year-old way, and I found him the most relatable when I read the book.
2. Dallas -- As bad as i want to place him at 7th, I'd feel like a liar because of everything I've drawn of the guy. Realistically, I'd DESPISE him, but I find him so fascinating as a character. It's like looking at a disease under a microscope. He's just such a huge mess. It's also probably because of Tim/Dally LMAOOO
3. Two-Bit -- he's funny. I also love it when I find those fics that take into account his alcoholism and deadbeat behavior. They either make the most depressing thing ever or write a really nice development arc. Peeling back that layer of humor to see everything that guy is hiding is probably one of my favorite things to do/see.
4. Darry -- This guy has so much shit going on at 20, and everything between him and Pony is so interesting. He also reminds me of my own brother (😭). However, the woobification of him kind of kills it for me.
5. Steve -- I don't think I've talked about him enough, but the fact there's not much elaboration on him gives people a good amount of creative freedom, which I'm a huge fan of. Ofc, I still wish we had more about him. Plus, Imagining his aftermath of Vietnam + the whole deal between him and Ponyboy really sells me.
6. Sodapop -- I know we do see more of him in the book than Steve, but I guess he didn't interest me as much? Don't get me wrong, he's a great character with a good amount of depth, but I genuinely like Steve more. The thing about Vietnam also applies to him though.
7. Johnny -- I'm so sorry. I don't know why, but I never paid him enough attention and I probably should reread the book for this one. I do think he's really funny because the idea of him getting away with sass is just too good. I also think Ponyboy's narration definitely distorted his character in the book (no. 1 perpetrator of Johnny woobification honestly).
7. What are your favorite non-romantic relationships?
Curtis brother family dynamics
Shepard family dynamics
Steve and Ponyboy's relationship
14. Tell us your 5 headcanons you basically see as canon.
1. Johnny is really sassy; he's just able to get away with it because it's him. This frustrates Ponyboy to no end.
2. Ponyboy becomes one of those semi-pretentious lit/English majors. His main reaction to Soda's letter was the spelling, and he seems the type to become a teacher or journalist.
3. I know S.E. specifically stated this wasn't canon, but Soda and Steve going to Vietnam is stuck in my head forever. I find it so interesting (heartbreaking), and the opportunities with this is endless.
4. The Shepards are POC. I don't know why, but I always envisioned them like this, and the fanart kind of just fueled it.
5. Darry used to get into all sorts of shit when he was younger. I mean, he was a regular kid at some point too! Probably nothing too bad though.
17. Are there any criticisms or salt you have with the book?
Not necessarily? I'd have to give it a reread, but there wasn't anything that particularly annoyed me. I guess I wish we saw more of some characters, but it makes sense why they weren't included as much because of the story's focus.
tysm for the ask!!
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mieczyhale · 4 years
mace im sorry i don't have coherent thoughts but i'm so just like,,, what was klaus this season. what was ben. the cult was pointless to klaus' character. the things that matter to klaus' character were ignored. the dave stuff was a lot of nothing. i felt like the possession thing shouldve been huge for ben and klaus' relationship but we're supposed to think klaus feeling violated is funny and inconsequential? ben going to the light was just shoved in at the end? i just---what???? who??
i’m on the same page as you, anony, especially in coherency lmfao
klaus this season was.. not totally bad, but i think most of that can be put on robert for his acting and how well he knows his own character bc the writers clearly didn’t know what was up (or maybe they did and playing him off this season as comedic relief, having him tossed to the side and mistreated, is going to play into s3 somehow. idk. i’m not writing off any possibility because overall the writers have done really really well with everything else so in my soul i feel like there has to be a reason they did what they did to him this season yknow??) for all the jokes they had him making and stuff, i think robert definitely played klaus the way we as fans know him - suffering constantly but unwilling to let anyone actually see that and if they do he’s gonna make it sound like a joke. he’s not gonna act serious because that leads to pain and he’s had more than enough of that. HOWEVER. i am genuinely so so pissed that he didn’t get to fight or really use his powers this season. and the part before ben sacrifices himself where klaus finally got up the courage to try and help, the fact that he didn’t succeed - that it wasn’t klaus who saved the day - is just... sldflksd GOD I HATE IT. oh and the scene towards the end where everyone gets shot and the one remaining swede kills the handler?? THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN KLAUS. he should have come back to life as he does, as is PART OF HIS POWERS, grabbed a gun that he knows how to use well - thank you vietnam - and he should have shot the bitch. but no. we didn’t even get that. vanya got klaus’s levitation and diego got klaus’s telekinesis and klaus got ??? a cowboy hat. which i mean looks good on him and he deserves it but it doesnt make up for *gestures at everything* and tbh even that was tainted because one of the siblings says “50$ if we leave him here” when klaus runs to grab the hat. seriously??!! SERIOUSLY??! it’s not funny, it’s just more of people not caring about klaus and thinking abandoning him is a fun joke to make ANYWAY. onto things you actually mentioned sdlkdsjf;ls i think the cult wasn’t pointless to his character necessarily, i think it did provide something, but it wasn’t used to its fullest extent. we got little things like klaus talking about it making him claustrophobic and making him feel like his skin is on fire, and his followers become something he cant escape even though he desperately wants too - it’s like having the ghosts all over again except he’s sober and these are live people who can touch him. but the show never actually out loud makes that comparison when they should have. i think it would have helped the cult thing seem less random. as for the dave thing.. i don’t think it was a lot of ‘nothing’ but again i think they could have definitely done more with it. it lets klaus see dave again, in a way, and it shows us more about both of them and the relationship they had. we learn more about dave, who he is, the kind of people he had around him and the environment he grew up in. it shows us that klaus and dave talked about all kinds of things, nothing was too mundane or unimportant. it shows us that three years after dave’s death klaus is still grieving and is still 100% in love. and it shows us that klaus isn’t always as selfish as people assume right alongside another hit to the face (oof unintentional wording) of just how much he loved dave. he wanted to save dave’s life so badly he made a fool of himself, put up with homophobia, took a hit to the face, and still kept trying to stop him from enlisting even though, per the last timeline, it would mean they’d never meet. klaus is willing to have dave never know him, is willing to handle that pain and heartbreak pretty much forever, as long as dave lives. my heart literally cannot handle it the possession thing. i haven’t stopped being angry and uncomfortable and disgusted by it since i saw it like 2 days ago now. that plot the writers really fucked up on it was a big thing for their relationship but not in any way that lead to growth or understanding or power control or ANYTHING. i love ben but i have so many fucking problems with him after watching s2 that i almost wanna take my love back tbh. the writers tried to make it seem like what ben was doing was okay - because he was angry and frustrated with klaus, because klaus wasn’t doing what he wanted, because klaus couldn’t stay sober, etc. like any of that makes possessing someone without their consent okay... or threatening to possess someone the moment their guard is down (leaving klaus paranoid and afraid to sleep).. or getting permission to possess someone and then refusing to leave (and its double garbage when diego encourages ben to continue possessing klaus. diego’s reason was gross and even if he hadnt given a reason he was still encouraging ben to not give klaus’s body back to him. which like.. im sure klaus can see and hear what’s going on. so he now is aware that his brother would rather have ben-wearing-klaus than actual klaus. the amount that would fucking hurt. a nyway) klaus never really got to talk about how it made him feel, not in any situation where anyone was listening. he never got to go off on ben for what he did, and what he was about to do, even though he had every right to. ben kind of knew how klaus felt about it but he showed very clearly that he didnt care. ben just did not fucking care about klaus this season. and it wasnt a ‘tough love’ thing like they tried to do in s1. it was just horrible and it hurt to watch. and i feel like s2 ben wouldnt have apologized to klaus even if he had been seriously confronted. we now know that klaus has this power. and we know that it can easily be abused by someone else. and i feel like that could tie into his ability to make the ghosts corporeal and such. it could definitely work as an interesting lead into exploring more of his many powers. and it could have worked as a way to bring ben and klaus closer without anyone getting hurt or violated. but.. for s2.. it wasnt used that way. it was used as a way to degrade and humiliate klaus. and they clearly wanted us to find it funny. it was one of the least funny things to happen all season. actually probably THE least funny thing. right along with nobody giving a shit when they thought klaus was having a seizure or OD-ing (both during their meeting with reginald and in the alley when they were supposed to meet up to use the briefcase five got from the handler), AND OF COURSE  nobody taking klaus seriously, paying attention to him, or caring about him (except for allison at some points) and ben finally going into the light at the end..  was kind of shoved in?? but i think what made it feel that way, for me at least, wasn’t so much the placement or timing of it but that it wasn’t really acknowledged afterwards?? it just.. happened, and we were all heartbroken, and on screen... nothing. it felt like a very sudden end to his storyline and yeah they could have done a little more to make it feel like a natural end for him thanks for the ask and sharing your thoughts on s2 with me~!! <3
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