#I'm sorry this is trash lmao I suck at this
here2bbtstrash · 2 years
it's sweet (explicit)
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genre: a fluffy lil sickfic
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: you forgot to call out sick from your dick appointment, but he stays anyway.
word count: 4.3k
contains: no smut just fluff????? new year new me 😎 but as this is fuckbuddies to maybe-lovers and there are certainly a few references in here to sex, because of who i am as a person, it's enough that i'm tagging it explicit anyway lmao. but this is all fluff! reader has the flu, tae is a sweet sweet boi and takes care of her, it's all a bit sappy~ 🤧
A/N: happy new year!!! and a very happy belated birthday to my capricorn prince 💜 this soft little idea got stuck in my brain and wouldn't let go, and i had a lot more fun writing it than expected. plus i feel like i only wrote tae as a menace in 2022 (sorry to tae 👹) so i had to right my wrongs with this one lmao. it was a nice interlude before i jump into LDOMLT ch11 (the final chapter 😭) - i hope you all enjoy and that your 2023s are off to a pleasant start!!!
read on AO3!
You genuinely enjoy being single.
With your last relationship officially in the trash, you’ve found yourself settled into a comfortable peace. There’s no man in your life to mess up your plans, to force you to have to compromise or share anything, to suck up your energy and domestic labor like some kind of emotional vampire. You can do what you want, whenever you want, and you have a reliable rotation of both sex toys and fuckbuddies to keep you physically satisfied when the need arises.
Being single, you have come to learn, is fucking great.
Except when you get sick.
A knock at your apartment door drags you out of your DayQuil-induced slumber. You move to sit up with a sniffle before letting yourself drop back into your veritable nest of blankets on the couch, struck with the immediate recollection: it’s just the food you ordered. You’d specifically put in a request that they leave it at the door, but maybe the delivery person is just being nice and letting you know it’s there.
Except then they knock again.
And ring the doorbell.
“Jesus,” you groan to yourself, aggressively enough that you’re nearly sent into a fresh coughing fit, but you manage to choke down the spasm in your lungs as you drag yourself to standing. You cross the short distance from your couch to the front door, sure you look like death warmed over, and swing the door open.
At first, you’re certain it’s the DayQuil fucking with you.
The corner of his mouth pulls up as he blinks sweetly at you, expressive almond eyes peeking out beneath untidy dark hair— extra fluffy today, like he’s just washed it and waltzed out of the house without any styling. His clothes tell the same story, a plain gray hoodie and joggers, creased a little like he’d just pulled them off his bedroom floor, though everything looks fresh off the runway on him.
As your eyes trail down his frame, you take in the container of ramen you ordered, held easily in one of his large hands, his long fingers hooking over the side.
His presence is typically a welcome one, particularly on Friday nights like tonight, but those are circumstances where you tend to be a little more… put together. So why is he here tonight?
“When did you start working for D—”
The food delivery service name dies on your tongue as your thoughts finally catch up with your mouth. He’s here tonight because it’s Friday, and this is what you do on Fridays. He’s here because you didn’t cancel. You’d had the thought in a drowsy half-awake state between naps, then had promptly rolled over and pressed your face into the pillow, telling yourself you’d remember to text Taehyung when you woke up.
Which of course, you did not. And so here he is, having clearly intercepted your delivery. And, it now occurs to you, having to witness how absolutely godawful you must look in your stained sweatpants, your hair surely a mess from a day spent napping on the couch.
“Oh fuck,” you mutter, quickly crossing your arms over your baggy t-shirt, suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re not wearing a bra. Why that matters when you’re standing in front of a man who regularly leaves hickeys all over your tits, you’re not sure, but in this moment it somehow feels like it does.
“Tae,” you take a step back, trying to keep him out of your germ radius. “I’m so sorry, I forgot to text you. I’m super sick, I think it’s the flu. You should go.”
He frowns a little, his eyes jumping from you down to the takeout container in his hands. “This is like, barely warm.”
That makes you smile a little despite yourself. A very Taehyung greeting.
“Yeah, well.” You roll your eyes. “I pay twice as much so it can take an hour and be cold by the time it gets here. Makes sense, right?”
His dazzling smile at your sarcastic remark only heightens your own self-consciousness, and you quickly extend a hand for the container.
“Sorry to make you come all this way. Hopefully next week I’ll be back to normal.”
Taehyung nods, yet makes no move to hand over the soup he’s currently holding hostage. “You should rest. Let me heat it up for you.”
You can’t help but wonder what he expects to happen when he crosses the threshold, and that makes you heave a sigh, then quickly bury the cough that chases after it into the crook of your elbow.
Thankfully your voice doesn’t give out when you manage to answer him. “I’m serious, Tae. I’m not—” you pause, considering how to phrase it: desperate to be railed? “—you know, the way I usually am on Fridays. Nothing’s gonna happen tonight. Except maybe you’ll get sick.”
He shrugs, like there are worse things. “I get it. But you shouldn’t be alone.”
At least he’s been sufficiently warned, you think to yourself, and then you relent, leaving the front door of your apartment swung wide as you step back across the living room to promptly collapse onto the couch again. You bury your face in the blankets with a muffled groan as you hear Taehyung shut the door behind him, then make his way into the kitchen.
As is typical with any man that enters your kitchen, you expect to have to walk Taehyung step-by-step through how to do everything. But, to your surprise, he asks no questions: he seems to find a good-sized pot and figure out how to work the stove all on his own, and you can hear him humming softly to himself as he goes.
Truly a credit to the male species, you think to yourself with a bitter laugh.
You collapse back against the cushions, a little too aware of the fuckbuddy in your kitchen to be able to drift off to sleep entirely. Nevertheless, you still find yourself slipping into a haze, your eyes dropping shut just to snap open again at the tap of a bowl being set down on the coffee table in front of you.
Your eyes widen as you sit up and stare down at your ramen, only to find two halves of a soft-boiled egg staring back up at you. You’d ordered from your favorite place in the city, which is easily the best ramen you’ve had in your life, but you know those fuckers charge extra for an egg. Which is why your cheap ass never orders one.
But here one is. So that means…
Taehyung drops down onto the couch next to you before you can even finish compiling the thought in your brain, but he must be able to read the look on your face. “Oh, do you not like eggs?”
“I— no,” you answer quickly. “I mean yes. I mean, I like them, I just… Thank you.”
You glance up in time to see him shrug, his mouth twisting a little, like he’s suddenly made shy by his own kindness. “Gotta get your protein in,” he offers casually, and you laugh over the steam rising up from your bowl.
He keeps a tentative cushion’s distance away from you, but you can feel his eyes watching as you take your first sip of the rich, warm broth. While you slurp it down, you tell yourself not to get greedy with Taehyung’s time: you expect this will be it, that with his act of kindness done for the day, he’ll get to his feet and be on his way. As soon as your front door slams shut behind him, he’ll probably be pulling up his text messages with one of the many other options that must be available to him.
You try to ignore the way that thought makes your stomach twist, to just eat your damn soup and not think about it. It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.
But to your surprise, Taehyung leans forward and snatches the TV remote off your coffee table with a triumphant sigh before slumping back against the couch, like he’s settling in. “Do you wanna watch something?”
You shake your head as you take another sip before answering. “You really don’t have to stay, Tae. I can appreciate that I’m not a lot of fun to be around tonight. And obviously you didn’t come here to watch me eat ramen.”
Already starting to scroll through your streaming services, Taehyung runs his free hand through his hair with a knowing, slightly horny smile. “Depends on what you mean by eat ramen.”
You nearly choke on a noodle, but he’s otherwise distracted, mouth dropping open a little as he clicks into one of the options.
“Oh, I know what we can watch.”
When he pulls up A Charlie Brown Christmas and promptly presses play, you can’t help smirking. “Christmas? You’re, what, five days late?”
Taehyung’s mouth opens again, like he’s going to say something, and then he just smiles that same self-conscious smile. “Ah, I just like the music.”
His long fingers splay out in front of him, miming along to the opening melody while he adopts the faux-cool expression of a jazz pianist. You hide a giggle in another sip of broth, and he quickly shrugs the impression off, crossing his arms over his chest as if to keep his limbs under control.
“And it’s cute,” he adds, voice halfway between shy and sentimental. “The little tree.”
It occurs to you now that you’ve never seen Taehyung so… your brain can’t find the right word. He’s just different tonight.
You nod as you slurp up a strand of noodles, and you can’t deny that he’s right as the movie plays on. It’s been years since you’ve seen it, not since you were a kid, but it’s just as enjoyable now, somehow timeless. You find yourself smiling softly as you finish your meal and settle back against the couch, tugging the blanket up to your chin.
All at once, Taehyung jumps up, and you watch dumbfounded as he silently scoops up your dishes and disappears off to the kitchen. When you hear the tap switch on, your jaw drops in sheer disbelief, and you sit up again, peeking over the back of the couch to get a glimpse of him: he’s pulled on the dishwashing gloves you keep tucked next to the sink and is making short work of not just the bowl and the pot, but the takeout container too, and your various other sick-person dishes you’d regrettably let pile up. Humming to himself along with Vince Guaraldi, like it’s something he does every day.
Your head spins as you drop back down against the cushion. What is happening? Did you take too much cold medicine?
That thought only reverberates louder in your brain when he returns, still humming the last few notes of the song. This time he chooses to settle in right beside you on the couch, as if entirely unconcerned about the contagious virus running rampant in your body— he just pulls you into his side, one arm wrapped over your shoulders, fingertips casually starting to play with the ends of your hair. Like it’s that easy.
You glance up at him, shaking your head a little, and Taehyung looks down to meet your gaze. “What?”
“This is just…” An incredulous laugh cuts off the end of your sentence. It’s hard to believe you’re looking at the same person. This can’t be the man who wraps his hand around your throat as he spits into your mouth, who will keep you in his bed for hours until you’re crying from overstimulation, who fucks you so good you can hardly walk the next day.
“I didn’t expect you to be like this,” you admit, pairing the words with a finger driven gently into Taehyung’s ribs. He squirms a little. “You’re… sweet.”
Taehyung’s lips part, and then he pauses, clearly considering how exactly to answer you. His mouth turns up soft at the corners, hesitant, as if he’s embarrassed to say what comes next. And then he says it. “You didn’t seem like you wanted sweet.”
The words settle over you, offered quietly in the low, rich tones of his voice, and as you keep gazing up at him, it strikes you: he’s not wrong. If he’d pulled this cozy domestic housewife act on you any earlier, on a normal Friday, you would’ve sent him packing without hesitation.
That thought makes you a little sad.
You tuck back in against Taehyung’s side, trying to refocus on the TV screen as you snuggle in under the blanket. Pressed close like this, you can feel the sturdy thud of his heartbeat in his chest, at a rhythm not dissimilar to yours.
“Well, I won’t tell anyone,” you breathe, and you swear you can hear him smile.
His touch lingers as the last few minutes of the movie play on: slipping from the ends of your hair to trace over the fabric of your shirt, then sliding further up to dip beneath the collar of it. The talented fingers you’ve become well-acquainted with work their magic in a new way, pressing firm circles into the muscles of your shoulders, muscles you didn’t realize were pinched so tight until he starts to work them open.
“Fuck,” you murmur, shifting a little to allow him better access as he continues. “That feels so good.” You can’t quite help the laugh that flutters out after your words; it’s certainly not the first time he’s made you say them.
There’s a small huff of breath from Taehyung beside you, and then his hand moves up to cup the back of your neck and give a gentle squeeze. It’s a comforting motion, and just arousing enough to make you sigh a note, your eyes briefly dropping shut. When they flutter open again, you realize the movie has ended, that he’s looking down at you, a knowing smirk toying at his lips.
“Don’t start,” you warn, unable to keep your voice entirely serious. “I meant what I said, I’m tapped out for the night.”
Taehyung raises his palms in the air, as if to claim his innocence, and you find yourself instantly missing the heat of his hand on your skin. “All I was thinking is that I kinda want dessert. Too tapped out for that?”
“I’ll never say no to dessert,” you admit with a soft smile. “I think I have ice cream in the freezer.”
Something glints in Taehyung’s eyes at your words. All at once he untangles himself from you and, rather than standing up and walking the long way around like a normal human, chooses instead to vault himself over the back of the couch, as if to get your freezer as fast as possible. You tip back against the cushions, momentarily overcome with laughter, and thankfully, it doesn’t trigger a cough attack.
After a second, you cocoon the blanket around yourself, then get up to follow after him, dropping unceremoniously down onto one of the barstools tucked on the far side of your kitchen island.
Taehyung glances up, clearly surprised, then continues trying drawers until he finds the silverware and retrieves two spoons.
“Just want to keep you company,” you say by way of explanation as he hands you one, and you reach down to pry off the lid of the pint of chocolate ice cream he’s set down on the counter. It’s only as you glance up again that you realize he’s grabbed something else, too, and is continuing to rummage through your cupboards. “Wait, what are you doing?”
There’s an innocent look on Taehyung’s face as he rights himself, the handle of a pan clutched in one hand. “I found something when I was looking for the ice cream. It’s my favorite. And I thought it might make you feel better, too.”
“Uh huh,” you intone, though your mouth is already starting to tick up, endeared. “A completely selfless act, I’m sure.”
“Of course it is,” he answers with an over-exaggerated wink, flipping the pan cooly in his grip. You squint at the bag as he thuds it down on the counter beside him, then sets the pan on the stove and flips on the burner beneath it.
Hotteok. You’d completely forgotten you’d even picked the bag of frozen sweet pancakes up a few weeks ago, that you had purposefully tucked them into the back of your fridge for a particularly good— or bad— day.
“Chef Kim,” you ask, feigning the tone of a journalist conducting an important interview as you fish your phone out of the pocket of your sweatpants. “Can I interest you in some background music, or do you prefer to cook in absolute silence?”
Taehyung glances back over his shoulder at you, his grin nearly too big for his face. “How about Sinatra?”
You raise one eyebrow at the admittedly unexpected suggestion. “Frank or Nancy?”
He pauses for a moment, as if considering. “Either.”
It’s only a few taps, and then Come Fly With Me is floating out of your Bluetooth speaker, and Taehyung is singing along to himself as he drops a frozen disc onto the heated pan, occasionally turning back to deliver lines to you with an extended hand.
You roll your eyes as you drag your spoon through the top layer of softening ice cream, sucking it into your mouth in an attempt to hide the grin that’s spread over your face.
By the third song you find yourself humming along too, trying not to put too much strain on your still-weak throat. The kitchen has started to smell of sweet, toasted dough as Taehyung works diligently at the stove, and he finally flips the burner off before turning back to you, a plate in each hand and a thick pancake stacked atop each plate.
“Sous chef, will you please apply the ice cream?” he asks, eyes wide and blinking as he sets the dishes down.
Quickly playing along, you nod as you begin to scoop a healthy amount onto each plate. “Yes, chef!”
“And sous chef, do you, uh… have any chocolate sauce?”
You bite back a laugh as his roleplay falls apart as quickly as it began. “It’s in the fridge.”
Taehyung promptly turns and pulls the door open, eyes searching the shelves before he finally spots the dark brown bottle and lets out a triumphant hum. He nudges the fridge shut again with his hip before striding back toward you.
“Plating is key,” he muses. You answer with an appreciative nod and a giggle when he uncaps the sauce, then leans down close to the plates, feigning intense focus as he drizzles each dollop of ice cream with stripes of chocolate.
Once his artful design is complete, he steps back, his tongue toying at the corner of his mouth as he spins one plate to admire his handiwork.
“What do you think, chef?” you tease, and he nods once, decisive.
“It’s perfect.” He glances up, shooting you a grin that knocks the breath from your lungs, and you try to collect yourself as he nudges a plate toward you, encouraging you to take a bite.
You carve your spoon through the pastry, right down the middle where it’s stuffed full of sweet brown sugar syrup. The flaky layers pull apart at the impact, warm enough that you can see steam rising off of the golden dough. You pair a small piece of pancake with a wedge of ice cream on your spoon, then bring both into your mouth at once, and the contrasting mixtures linger on your tongue: hot and cold, sticky sugar chased by rich chocolate. It’s so good that you can’t help but make a soft, appreciative noise as you press your hand to your mouth and chew.
“Do you want to know something?” Taehyung’s voice pulls your attention back, and you look up at him.
“Today’s my birthday.”
There’s a split second where you wonder if this is another imagined scenario, and then your eyes widen as you take in the look on his face and realize he’s entirely serious.
“Wait, Taehyung, really?”
He nods once, bringing a spoonful of ice cream to his lips.
“I-I had no idea,” you stammer, suddenly feeling like an asshole. His birthday, and he’s here waiting on you hand and foot, while you haven’t so much as said a word of felicitations. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he’s waving away your apology with his spoon, then proceeding to answer around his bite of food. “It’s not like I expected you to know. I don’t really make a big deal of it.” He shrugs. “I tend to… I don't know. I get sort of melancholy this time of year. The holidays, my birthday. It’s a lot all at once. A lot of pressure. To be happy. To have everything figured out.”
Nodding slowly, you let his words fully wash over you before you respond. “I get that,” you finally murmur, working off another piece of hotteok. “Nobody ever talks about it, but I feel like birthdays are kinda weird as an adult. You have enough of them and it just starts to feel like a day, you know? Not special.”
“I usually find myself just hiding out, waiting for it to be over,” Taehyung admits.
You take a second to think back. “Yeah. I didn’t even do anything on my birthday this year.” A self-pitying laugh rises up before you can stop it. “Honestly, this whole year was such a flop. I’m glad it’s nearly done.”
Taehyung makes a face like he can’t disagree. “Hey, sometimes that’s life.” He pauses, brow furrowing slightly, then reaches a palm across the table. “Can I play a song?”
“Go ahead,” you offer, pushing your phone into his hand. You scrape your spoon along your dwindling dessert, and haven’t even managed to bring the assembled bite to your mouth before the music changes— from one Frank Sinatra song to another, this one with a driving blues rhythm.
Taehyung is already on his feet, hips starting to sway. “Ah, come on. You have to dance with me.”
He’s closed the distance between you before you can even protest, his hands smoothing across the blanket still wrapped over your shoulders.
“Let me take your coat, ma’am.”
You shift off the stool and onto your feet with a smile as he unwraps the blanket from around you and tosses it toward the back of the couch, missing by at least a foot.
“Why thank you,” you tease, feigning some kind of Transatlantic lilt to your voice that makes him really laugh. “Such a gentleman.”
Taehyung turns to face you again, and then you feel his large hand pressing to the small of your back, warm even through the fabric of your shirt, and your heart stutters a little. You take his other hand in yours and let him lead, let him pull you all the way in until you can turn your head and press your cheek to the firm plane of his chest.
Frank Sinatra croons on about how you can’t let life get you down, and suddenly there’s a weight settling in the pit of your stomach.
“I feel bad, Taehyung,” you admit, and when you glance up at him, he’s looking right back down at you. “That you’re here with me tonight.”
“Why?” he asks, like he really doesn’t know.
“Because,” you shake your head. “I don’t know. There’s a million better places you could be. I can’t even give you birthday sex.”
“I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t want to,” he answers simply, then leans back, guiding you under his arm for a spin.
A little giggle bubbles up in your chest, catches on the first syllable of your reply as you twirl. “A-are you sure?”
Taehyung nods, thoughtful, when you come back to center again. “This is a good reminder that… I like taking care of people. It’s been a while since anyone’s let me.” The hand holding yours gives a gentle squeeze, and you can’t help but squeeze back.
“Well, thank you for taking care of me,” you answer softly. “You did a good job. Pretty sure I’m on the mend already.” You blink up at him through your lashes, and the way his eyes are fixed on you makes your heart squeeze, too.
It’s nearly overwhelming, taking him in like this, close enough that you can see every stray beauty mark kissed over his handsome features. Fluffy-haired, big-dicked Kim Taehyung— who would’ve thought?
Taehyung’s adam’s apple jerks in his throat as he swallows, and you feel a sudden rush of heat all over, one you don’t quite think you can blame on a fever. It hardly even occurs to you that the two of you have come to a complete standstill now, barefoot in the middle of your kitchen, Taehyung’s palm pressed to your back, the fingers of your joined hands now shifting to lace together.
“Taehyung,” you’re breathing his name before you even realize it. “Would you… want to stay here tonight? Like, sleep together, literally?”
The smile that flashes over his face is nothing short of brilliant. “Yeah, okay.”
Your voice dips a little lower, teasing, as you smile back. “I really do think I’m feeling better, so. Maybe in the morning I can take care of you, too.”
Taehyung’s fingers brush the length of your jaw, then reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue.
“I’ve got this spray that makes my throat totally numb, so.”
He pauses, his mouth so close to yours that you can feel his breath ghosting over your skin, but he can’t quite keep a straight face. “Fuck, why is that so sexy?”
You’re laughing against his lips when he kisses you.
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manicplank · 7 months
I've been wondering if anybody asked this already but what do you think the pizza towers cast room looks like?
(Out of subject but i saw one of your post, and pizza tower also changed my life too lmao it's one of the best things that has happened to me last year)
Sorry if this isn't super detailed, I suck at writing place settings :')
Room headcanons
Peppino: Boring and bland. Never really personalized his room. He has a bed, a nightstand, a lamp, and a fan. Boring old man room.
Gustavo: His room is also kind of bland. Probably has some pictures of his family or artwork on his walls. There might be some of Brick's toys scattered about the floor.
Mr. Stick: Also bland. Much like Gustavo's, he also has a few pictures and art here and there. He definitely has fancy bed sets and blankets.
Pepperman: Has a bit of a fancy room. There's portraits and artwork of himself almost everywhere. He has fancy bedding and curtains. He even has a lamp that looks like himself.
The Vigilante: He has a nice room. It's a little country with pictures of cowboys and horses as well as family. His bedding is probably super nice. Imagine those little rooms you'd see in farmhouses on Zillow. Yeah, that's his.
The Noise: (So, I'm like 90% sure it's canonical that he and Noisette live together; she makes a chocolate corn cob for him every night.) He and Noisette share a room together. They couldn't settle on whether to make the walls yellow or pink, so they did both. Half is yellow, half is pink. Noise's side of the room has only a couple plushes from his childhood. He also has cool tapestries and posters.
Noisette: Her side of the room is overwhelmed with plushies EVERYWHERE. She has one of those nets that has a ton of plushes, plus like 5 more on the bed. She has Sanrio posters, cute tapestries, and pictures of her friends and family. They probably have those led lights with all the colors.
Fake Peppino: Doesn't have a room. He pretty much stays in Bruno's Pizzeria. He doesn't mind. He has his little table in the corner, some trash scattered about, and he loves the mascot on the wall! It doesn't take luxury to make this guy happy.
Pizzahead: I imagine his walls would be purple. His room is probably pizza themed. He might have a few movie posters of old movies from the 1900's. His pillows are shaped like various pizza toppings. Probably has a sign on the door that says "NO GIRLS, GAMERS ONLY". Ironically, of course.
Pillar John: The fourth floor is his "room" inside of the tower. But, before the tower, he had a decent room with a big bed and Lego models of things just about everywhere.
Gerome: Another bland and boring room. He's a simple man who likes simple things. Probably has a few family photos up on his walls.
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harkermylee · 28 days
OMGGG OFC I LOVED IT HEHE!! it was sooo domestic and cute, even your descriptions of how lee was already in comfy clothes had me thinking of how cuddly and endearing she'd look :')
stoppp because you're cooking with these ideas, I can absolutely see all of this happening KDJSKDJ I feel like her friends would be a lot like how agent carter was with her -- definitely the type of people to joke around a lot and enjoy putting her on the spot LMAO. she would be so cute and sweet, getting so embarrassed and annoyed with her friends HAHA
how else do you think lee would behave with a crush? (omg I'm so sorry for all the questions, I just really love your hcs ahhh)
-- driving anon
RAH don’t apologize you’re my favorite anon and like hello i love your questions HHEEH. i will def write more hcs for this soon and maybe even a fic!
i just think she would be so awkward and shy, not being able to make eye contact with her crush AT ALL. i mean she couldn’t even spare a glance at you before her face turned red. she would try her best to get close to you but fail because she was always too scared of rejection :-(. i also think she would maybe try to write you a note or something but immediately crumble it up and trash it because she sucks at words. too complicated for her brain.
she’s just such a cutie I ADORE HER!!! lee harker please let me kiss you. she would be such a sweetie pie, offering to do things for you but like never making full contact with you. she would offer to hold your bag when you needed to do something orrr throw your lunch away but she would never look you in the eye as she offered, her eyes stuck to the ground. i mean!! she’s being as brave as she can!! eye contact is hard with a girl as pretty as you!! aghh!!!
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damaramegido · 4 months
should probably give a comprehensive life update since i haven't done that in a while
for the most part life is going great! i'm making huge progress with my mental health and generally doing well.
i'm a screenwriting major now because it turns out i suck at animating but am pretty okay at writing! it's going really well.
i'm in the process of moving to a WAYYYY nicer place in sunnyvale! once i'm settled in (and have a functional laptop again lmao) i'm planning on dipping my toe into making video essays--there wasn't space to film in my old place so even though i wanted to i couldn't. yes this is just an excuse to inflict my autism on everyone, what of it?
i have a substack where i'm blogging the simpsons! i'm on season two now and having a great time dissecting the show. (please subscribe if that sounds interesting to you/you like my writing, i'm trying to go pro 🙏)
i was diagnosed with crohn's in february which SUCKS but now i'm receiving treatment so hopefully my symptoms will improve eventually. i'm 31 and my body is falling apart. this is the one negative in my life now
the aforementioned crohn's is getting in the way of me being in my slut era but SOON
most importantly, i was blessed by the cat distribution system in january! his name is philly cheesesteak and he's about eleven months old now and he's the most perfect and bestest baby boy. here is a pic of him (he doesn't understand moving but he's very excited that There Is Box)
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ps i will try to get back to my fics over the summer i'm so sorry it's just that i've been too busy with screenwriting. i've got stuff in the works (car lesbians AND a really horrible pearlrose trash hell toxic yuri humanstuck that i'm writing with my friend avery) so please be patient. thank u 💜
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tsukiyon · 1 year
Hate to rant about this every once in a while but words can't explain how much I hate the 90s anime worshippers of Sailor Moon that gets an incredible amount of joy while shitting on manga and Crystal with no stop and how I couldn't find a single one of them that actually made sense till today. I am serious, i would have agreed with them if 90s anime wasn't a mess with no character growth or depth to be found anywhere even though it was supposed to give them to characters because of more screen time. If anything, that makes anime much more less than manga, since you give characters more screen time only for them to stay the exact same for 200 episodes straight and then develop some villains or filler characters instead which feels like a joke. No need to even mention stuff that made up by anime team and didn't make any sense in the end because they couldn't wait for manga arcs to get completed (yes I'm looking at you Sailor Stars, the worst adaptation in the whole franchise) I am also genuinely sick of the way people praise Ikuhara like he saved Sailor Moon from drowning in the depths of ocean because honestly it is more like him and other directors that wanted to lead an anime as if it is original and owns to them even though it had a source material that sold incredibly well despite being a shoujo manga, completely messed up the main plot and turned it into something purposeless. 90s anime is good for those that wants a character driven story with no actual character growth nor depth and manga might not focus on every single character separately since it is story driven (which a lot of popular mahou shoujo like Madoka, Sakura does much worse than Sailor Moon) but it KNOWS what it is doing and doesn't create a mess of non-sense stuff nor a cast that stays the same from beginning to end. I am sorry but it sounds hilarious when people say that an anime that couldn't give even it's MAIN character a real development is better written than manga. Usagi stayed the same for 200 episodes straight and some of you out there still talking like "anime fleshed out this filler character that only appeared for 1 episode 🥰 manga sucks though because it lacks characterization, why none of the villains are redeemed?!?"
I love 90s anime since it is Sailor Moon at the end of the day but the way people constantly trying to trash down the manga just because it is not FOR them is so dumb. Like your anime, hate the manga that is the reason why that anime exists in first place but at least be real lol...just because something isn't for you doesn't mean it is bad.
Honestly Sailor Moon manga is a very unique work even in this era of manga and the top reason is because never have i seen a manga that is hated by it's own fans AND this much LMAO
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saltymongoose · 2 years
MSG: What if…. Tf2 characters in MadCom universe?? This came in my head suddenly, I'm sorry 😭 - @gr4cefully-bon
Honestly, I really love TF2, the characters are all blorbo material. Having all the Mercs from the game in Madness Combat would definitely be very chaotic though lmao. Typically the people we discuss have some sort of serious disposition (like the Batter or Doomguy) or they're very innocent (Kirby), but the Mercs are almost the opposite of them.
To start off with them as a group, I think they'd be at odds with your grunts most of the time. It's highly likely that they believe they can do jobs faster and more efficiently with their specialization and how they work together - and they're actually correct. It's not surprising, considering how incredibly smart some of their members are and the fact that there are simply more of them in their group. For this reason, the boys see them as being more of a substantial threat in their competition for your favor. However, your main vessels also have their own problems (or lack thereof) with each Merc individually too.
(Rest under the cut because this is a long one. I'm not joking, this is very general but also somehow fic length? 😅)
Starting with Scout, I can definitely see them disliking him for how much of a loudmouth he is, and he would definitely get into arguments with Deimos a lot (because of course they'd start fights with each other, they're too headstrong not to). I also think Scout's tendency to trash-talk your vessels (because he's obviously better than them) would be very grating to Sanford and Doc specifically. Those two are just trying to be cordial most times but it's so annoying to have him constantly badgering them about everything.
Hank, on the other hand, is more offended by how the Bostonian tries to show off around you. Whether Scout does it for romantic reasons or not is up for interpretation (because Ms. Pauling is still someone to consider, even if she's not there), but he still tries to impress you, which puts him at odds with your vessel. Even worse, it's not like Hank can just kill him to get rid of him since his Medic will just bring him back again. (Very ironic, all things considered.)
Scout’s very competitive by nature, so most of his views on your vessels are initially related to how he can prove that he’s better than them. He already has them beat on speed (although Deimos comes close), but he’s sure he can find some way to scheme his way past their ferocity. It’s not hard for him to notice that your grunts do nearly everything for your approval, so a part of him figures that you can be the incidental “judge” over this (another reason why he shows off so much around you). Although, he also makes jokes about how they “suck up” to you, only to realize that they’re completely genuine about going unbelievably far for your affection. It’s kinda weird, but since he also becomes friends with you, he can get it. Sorta.
He likely ends up befriending Sanford further, especially if some of the details about Scout's Ma are revealed. Scout's pretty close with his mother, or at least to the level of being pretty protective over her, and Sanford's the same way with his. I can see Sanford kinda nudging the Mercs to cut it out if they make jabs at Scout about this specifically, which definitely makes the Merc in question see him in a new, better light. It's probably why he'll interrupt the others (Spy) when they try to get real friendly with you as a way to return the favor, which also has the bonus of improving his relations with the other grunts too.
Maybe a few well-times jokes might liken him more to Deimos (he is "the funny one" after all), but he's probably a bit scared of Hank no matter how much time is spent around him; the man's kinda like Pyro but without any of the innocence. Scout enjoys combat, but not to the horrifying level Hank appears to. It makes him uneasy. Doc is fine enough, but his whole meddling with death and mortality reminds him a bit too much of his own Medic. But, you know, a lot more closed off and cold. Like everyone else in his group, he's mostly fine with them at the very least, since you've got a pretty good handle on them in terms of behavior.
The Engineer is probably one of the more tolerable for your grunts, simply because he's pretty polite and hospitable. He's probably one of the Mercs who actually acknowledges that you're all on the same side, so there's no reason to go picking fights. However, he does still flex his technical knowledge a lot of the time, which might tick off Deimos (and Doc) a fair bit. It's still pretty tame, though. Sanford is probably just chill with him, although Hank might try to target his turrets and such just to get a new gun out of it, if possible.
Engineer’s thoughts on them, on the other hand, are very similar to that of his own crew. Hank reminds him of the violence everyone is capable of, Deimos is fairly similar to Scout (even their hats/visors are practically the same), and Sanford reminds him of a mixture of Demoman and the more lowkey members of the Mercs. 2B shares a lot of practical traits with Medic, which is to be expected as well. As a result of these similarities, he finds himself warming up to that rather quickly. Plus, he's used to how rambunctious a group of murderous people can be, so he's able to adapt to whatever they throw at him. (Although it still annoys him when Hank tries to break one of his machines - if you could make him not do that, that'd be great.)
Despite your boys’ initial dislike of him, I could see them becoming friends down the line. Engie is really nice and down to earth, and I think he would understand why the boys weren't exactly happy about his group arriving (in reference to you, of course) which means that he can also lessen whatever tension is there.
Heavy is another one who the guys wouldn't have that big of an issue with since he's just very mellow. His love for combat (and use of his minigun) is something Hank can appreciate, especially since he doesn't really do it for your attention. Deimos and Doc seem to like his rather morbid sense of humor, and Doc finds him likable on an intellectual level. Also, as it turns out, Sanford can whip up some pretty good sandwiches, so that's something for them to "bond" over in addition to everything else. It's to be expected; Heavy is a pretty likable guy.
In Heavy's view, he starts off pretty indifferent to them in the beginning. They get along well enough, since he’s not exactly new to being around a group of murderous mercenaries, but he likely won’t be as close to them as his own squad. This might change, with time spent going over weapons with Hank, cooking with Sanford, and having lively discussions with Deimos (who is notably not as obnoxious as Scout) and Doc about literature and such. (A lot of the things Heavy has read are actually nonexistent in Nevada, which just makes the topic more interesting to the grunts. Luckily for them, you also want to know what they're discussing, so they get to be with you when they do it. Does this make the grunts like Heavy more by proxy? Maybe.)
Medic, on the other hand, has disagreements with 2B a lot. Oddly enough, it's usually just Doc's problem. Medic's very eccentric, more so than any scientist 2B's come across before (well, save for Tricky). Then you add this to the fact that Medic is very intelligent, and actually has concrete knowledge of the medical field (including reviving people), and you have someone who could very easily take Doc’s place in your little group. Of course, realistically speaking there isn’t actually any chance of that happening - but the fact that you now go to Medic instead of 2B for anything medically related makes that fear rear its ugly head once in a while, no matter how irrational it is. (You probably just do it so you aren’t “bothering” 2BDamned with things he might have to work to research. He really wishes you wouldn’t worry about that; he’d spend weeks pouring over textbooks just to give you a single answer, and would be happy all the while just because you thought to ask him.) It also doesn’t help that Medic had a far better first impression with you, showing genuine interest in you and your abilities and accepting your power immediately instead of the doubt and suspicion Doc gave you.
Doc’s direct confrontations with him are kicked off more from his obvious skepticism of Medic’s experiments, but they don’t go very far, since Medic is too busy actually working on them to entertain anything else (unless it’s his teammates getting themselves injured and/or killed, which happens a lot). Sanford is probably very wary around Medic since he views the man as wildly unpredictable and dangerous (besides, who knows what experiments he’d end up doing with a whole other species to use). Deimos has the same reaction for the most part, but he does have a lot of curiosity about his experiments too, just because they’re interesting. The medigun is also an engineering marvel in his eyes, so I can see him trying to formulate some way to ask about it. As for Hank, well, let’s just say that the ÜberCharge is something he finds fascinating. Being bulletproof would make taking out enemies (and impressing you) so much more efficient for him, and it could cement his place as more of a powerhouse among the grunts you use as vessels. Plus, with how big he is, Medic might not even have to find a Mega Baboon heart to do it which could make the idea more tempting for him. (Now, how to get away with it without 2BDamned trying to prevent it-)
As for Medic’s thoughts on them, he thinks they’re interesting. They’re a team that operates like his, but without all the maximized specialization. Adaptable as teammates, and brought together for the single purpose of working for you, their collective Player (which is admittedly a lot better than working for either of the Mann twins). He can also probably view parallels between them and his own group, which makes him a lot friendlier, in his own way. He’s still absorbed by his work, of course, but he won’t pass up a chance to have some conversation with them if they’d like. He’d probably be quite intrigued by the entire “mythos” of Nevada, with the Employers, the Higher Powers, the Other Place, S-3LFs, etc. - and grunt biology, naturally. So the potential conversations with your cross-faced vessels would be a good way to learn about it, which is a bonus for him.
However, he finds it a bit strange that they seem so hesitant to discuss you. They are obviously fond of you, so why would they shy away from talking at length about your abilities? (It’s actually because they don’t think he deserves to know everything about you, which he’ll likely come to figure out rather quickly. The behavior from them is too weird not to. Luckily he can just ask you directly.)
Demoman and Soldier are probably some of the more inherently likable Mercs, since they honestly fit right in Nevada’s wasteland and are genuinely funny (even if they don’t mean to be). Sanford is your group’s explosive expert, so he probably tries to get some pointers from Demoman about stickybombs and how to make himself more effective on this front (to assist you better, of course). And considering how personable Demoman is, and the fact that he's more than happy to explain his craft to such an eager "student", it’s really no trouble at all for him to do it. He probably becomes friends with him over this too, which makes things easier for you. Deimos and Hank also have a fascination with the explosives, but the latter comes closer to outright taking them to use them (so Demoman appreciates how the others in your group (and you, mainly you) stop him from doing that). Doc’s rather curious about why his eye doesn’t grow back after Medic heals him but decides not to ask after Medic started going on and on about monsters and demons when he tried to discuss it one time.
Soldier’s an absolute riot, and I think Sanford and Deimos are the types to play along whenever he “orders” them to do something like common soldiers. Nevada doesn’t really have any military forces in the traditional sense (no use for Bootcamp when Nevada is such a violent place anyway), so it's weirdly fun for them to indulge in it. Soldier also probably favors them because of this, which you find hilarious.
However, Hank is more disapproving of anyone trying to order him around (because he only accepts your word now - and maybe 2B's still), which would become a small source of conflict between them. Even more annoying is Soldier's view that Hank just needs to be whipped up into shape to behave "properly" (which is never gonna happen, cause this is Hank). Doc doesn't interact much with Soldier, even if his actions are very entertaining. It's simply not in 2B's nature to be around such outgoing people for long periods of time; he finds it draining, and he'd loathe if he ended up missing out on time he could've spent with you if he's too busy recharging his social battery. There is one thing they all appreciate about Soldier, though, this being that his bravado is constant. Soldier's grandiose attitude and overzealous methods aren't restricted to when he's in your presence, which is part of the reason why all your boys like (or at the very least, tolerate) him more than some of the others.
Sniper evokes a lot of disgust from the whole jar weapon he uses (o_o), but his “professional” demeanor makes him very easy to be around. Your grunts don’t have a trained ranged specialist (2B doesn’t count since field work isn’t his primary role), so they suppose that you using him isn’t too bad. It’s a lot easier to focus on people they’re fighting for you if the opposing side’s snipers are being taken care of by one of yours. They’ll still pout about it and try to one-up him of course, but they won’t be as deeply offended or irked as with some others. 
However, Sniper being charming and notably enjoyable company also means you like being around him, which makes your boys less than enthused. It’s not like Sniper is trying to be that way, but it still makes them tense. Although, Sniper notices how they are around you (it’s very obvious) so he’ll tease them about it, maybe even siding up closer to you every now and then just to see how mad they get. Nothing serious, but enough to make jokes about you having your own guard dogs (which doesn’t actually offend them, weirdly enough). It’s a bit tense on their side, again, but Sniper’s lax enough not to let it bother him. Besides, with how quirky his own group is, he has more than enough tolerance for the grunts’ weirdness.
Pyro is actually pretty harmless from their viewpoint. Your boys see how you two draw little pictures of unicorns and fairies together, and how cheerful he is despite being overly violent, and they just can’t find him all that threatening. Hank is amused by his jovial attitude concerning literally burning people alive, while Deimos enjoys showing off his pyrokinesis to the weirdly-innocent pyromaniac. It’s kind of a bonding point, and I think all of your boys would find Pyro rather endearing in his genuine attitude, even if Doc and Sanford are a bit worried about his psyche. (Was it combat and trauma that made him like this? The mask he wears?-)
Pyro probably just sees more new friends when he meets your grunts, like how he views the Mercs on his own team (and even the other nine Mercs). He’s excessively friendly and upbeat, constantly inviting them to whatever you and he are doing (tea parties, drawing, fixing up his flamethrower, you helping him sharpen his axes, etc.) and they agree each time, which makes him even happier. He's probably the one they have the best relationship with, purely because they don't think of him as a threat in any sense, so they're alright with him getting all cozy with you. So long as it's not too cozy, of course. You're still their Player too.
Finally, there's Spy. Otherwise known as the single Merc which your boys just cannot stand in any capacity; the one person out of the nine eccentric humans who they have the most conflict with. Why? Because of his propensity to flirt with you anytime and anywhere possible. He’s a suave smooth-talker, a gentleman among homicidal maniacs, and he just won't shut up when he's around you. Always complimenting your eyes, comparing you to flowers, and calling you terms of endearment. Talking about how your beauty puts the sunrises and sunsets of your world to shame, and how the stars could only feel ashamed to come so far from how brilliant you shined in comparison. And you always blush and roll your eyes, because you know it's probably not that serious, even if it's flattering.
You even tell your grunts about this, hoping to make them ease off from being so threatening towards him. However, this just exacerbates the problem. Who the fuck does he think he is, just flustering you for no reason? Pulling you around like you're some kind of toy he can play with for entertainment?
Spy doesn't deserve to even think such terms about you, especially if they're ingenuine. And even if they weren't, it couldn't measure up to a fraction of the love they have for you. It honestly makes them consider outright killing him, consequences be damned. It's not like anything would be permanent, since Medic could just revive him anyway. But your sure disappointment in them and inevitable hurt from this prevents them from doing so. (Spy doesn't know how lucky he is, that the grunts' fondness for their Player surpasses even their bloodlust.)
Instead, they settle for glaring, pulling you away from him, distracting you whenever you're about to interact, or just outright blocking him from viewing you (Hank, Hank does all this the most). Deimos will also loudly talk over him, insult him, or just fluster you himself by using his voice (and looking smugly at Spy when you blush from a small, genuine comment (and/or innuendo) from him). Sanford will point out how worthless his comments are if he doesn't mean them, and how you deserve better than some womanizer. Doc can come up with any excuse under the sun as to why you need to be doing something other than talking to him and make it sound believable. Anything to stop him from flirting with you.
So it's definitely a mixed bag insofar as your grunts' reactions to the TF2 Mercs. Some are closer with them than others, which is only natural. However, all of this only stands if the Mercs themselves don't have a confirmed romantic (and/or obsessive) level of interest in you, which would make things worse by far lmao.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
Now I'm just upset I sent like 1k words of lore and it ends up being a ghost? Tumblr??? Why??
Anyways yeah poor Waffles was created so I can show that the clans really want to scare the kittypets away and stuff.
Dunno what happened with the humans and honestly don't care to create a reason so they just disappeared one day. Many cats did start crying and that's how the kingdoms formed at first. They started forming groups to support each other because a lot of cats did have deep emotional bonds with their owners.
They learned how to open the bags and cans and breaking out their trapped friends inside of the homes that were locked. (The raccoons helped by smashing in some windows lmao).
Tiny doesn't exist because I fused him with Rusty and that's why Scourge as we know doesn't exist in Kittypet Kingdoms.
The dogs were kind of peeved off on the behalf of their packmates and some who knew how to eloquently speak cat almost went off on a clan cat before being dragged back.
Barley and his barn are neutral grey area for the kingdoms and the clans. They respect this dude's wish to live in peace.
Also, the kittypets found a way to use fire. It's just the raccoons perfected it and then it went from there.
The clan cats were absolutely offended to try and be bribed with "trash" when I have read your twolegplace culture and they were being bribed with what these cats considered treasure. Their toys. Their special little blankets. Even their cans of tuna.
Most of the kittypets were offended the fuck off and had to be dragged back by force to not cause a fight.
Waffles is scarred for life and while he does joke about it from time to time. It was rather truly traumatizing to have him be pinned down and feel his tail be torn away from him to send a message to the other kittypets. He was kind of never the same.
They could've taken his eye. One of his ears. Given him a nasty scar on his body but they took his tail and that's what makes it worse. He was created to show that most of the clan cats can't be reasonably be reasoned with.
He walked in on a Gathering, they heard him out. They heard the humans are gone and most of them agreed that, "Hmm, yes, the twolegs are gone we can take the land for ourselves and go back to the times before all of this. Starclan sent this as a message for a brighter future. Come here little kittypet. Here's what's gonna happen if you and your little friend decide to stay and not leave when asked."
That's haunting!
God, that fucking sucks dude I'm sorry that ended up happening. Tumblr sucks ass.
Honestly I don't mind that there isn't a specific cause towards the disappearance of the humans, I think it adds a bit of mystery that won't be solved. Poor Kittypets though, imagine one day you find your house empty with none of your Housefolk in sight, I like how that led to the formation of the Kingdoms, it builds a sense of community and builds a strong bond between those who were affected the most.
I feel like I remember you talking about making "Scourge" some kind of patron to the Kittypet Kingdoms but I could be misremembering, feel free to correct me on that. I think Tiny and Rusty being put into one character for this AU can lead to a lot of interesting ideas. It's good to know that Barley is just trying to live in peace and the Kingdoms respect his wishes (surprised the Clans respected his wishes but I digress). I'm sure that the raccoons helped the Kittypets with how to safely create fire without burning themselves. I'd imagine that while yeah, the cats have thumbs, with your word about Racoon thumbs generally being more capable, I think that it'd be hard for cats to hold tools to make fire.
I would very much imagine some dogs holding every fiber of their being back from mauling a clan cat to death, I don't blame em. Also makes a lot of sense for the Kittypets to be offended back at the fact that the Clans considered their prized possessions and treasure, "trash". Again, don't blame the Kittypets who wanted to beat the fuck out of the Clan cats, but also they're stronger than me, it would have been on sight for me.
Poor Waffles, man. I guess sometimes you need to show the unwilling and violent nature of the clans through some form of writing. But also, fuck, imagine how horrible he feels after realizing that he gave the Clans vital info about the disappearance of the Twolegs and feeling like he's the cause of their frequent raids and attempted take-overs of some of the Kingdoms. He feels like he's doomed them all.
Overall this is such good ideas you got cooking up! Really gets you thinking about something else too. How many cats in the Clans don't share the same sentiment towards the Kingdoms, how many cats in the Clans are tolerant of them? Are they scared to voice their opinion because they fear punishment? Such a terrifying idea.
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
I was looking at the background art for volume 11 again bc like. The room is the eyes to the soul and all that. Haha definitely not back on my hyperfixed game.
Anyway, I'm overanalyzing mallek's background art benath the cut.
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GOD I always forget how much of a slob he is. Mallek self shippers are so strong. From left to right:
The SEVERAL husk towers, now being either discarded or repurposed. So Mallek does buy / reroute new tech pretty frequently. Note how his couch is falling apart: he does not care for the finer things regarding comfort, only his hobby.
WAIT LMAO NOTE WHAT APPEARS TO BE TISSUES ON THE COUCH?? AND SOCKS ALL OVER??? Either the man is crying in this room or.... 😳😳😳
On that note why are there socks on his floating shelves. Mallek doesn't do laundry confirmed: the hoodie he gives you must be musky as hell.
Not only does he hoverboard, he LONGBOARDS. Very cool B)
Swim trunks on the floor implies Mallek knows how to swim, and he likely swims in the sewer thing beneath his hive.
His workspace and shelves are actually reasonably tidy?? Wait a second....
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Some sort of grubs on the floor in the pile of trash by his coon- likely game grubs or food, I'm guessing, since they're white. OR?? Mallek terrible father confirmed?? /j
I'm sorry but I would not get in that musty ass crusty slime coon. So much bacteria that the coon itself is growing legs so it can clean itself.
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His limo! It's important to note that this limo background gets reused in Marvus's route, but Mallek's came first.
Note the camera above the TV and gamer controller (which is so hilarious: a joystick and one button. It's 100% a minecraft controller then). Could this imply that Mallek is a streamer?? He's always come across as rather private to me (side note: steaming in his coparatively tidy limo really hits my funny bone). Comprimise: Mallek is a streamer with one of those AI sprites instead of his face, ykwim?? Idk what they're called.
Mallek either canonically drinks alcohol, or the drinks just come with the limo.
He's drinking that same juice that Xefros does. For the life of me, I can't remember what it is/does, but iirc isn't it supposed to be good for psychic ability? Mallek is implied not to be psychic, however. Maybe it's just troll monster. Idr....
LMFAO i noted this when I deep dived into Marvus's limo, but I love the chair by the mini fridge having TWO seatbelts and what appears to be a booster seat?? Manlet Marvus move over, it's Manlet Malleks turn lmao.
SHAG RUG!!! So disgusting, you know that thing has dirt and crumbs in it.
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More slobbery -_-'
So desperate for clean silverware that he pulled the whole drawer out. My man you are RICH just hire a cleaning service. Please.
He does not have a kitchen table. It's kind of implied he either sits in one of those (rocking??? lmfao) chairs or eats while sitting on the floor (on the random yellow mat).
I noted this detail a few years ago, but it's my favorite: Mallek keeps houseplants (possibly implied to be recently watered?).
Mallek keeps fruit in his hive, but it looks like he doesn't actually eat it. I wonder if it's wax fruit.
I'm sorry but looking at this image, I can not imagine Mallek actually cooks. He eats cereal and gets delivery and he's gotten grub sauce EVERYWHERE. There is no stove in his kitchen. Hell, no microwave either.
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WHOSE LUSUSES ARE THOSE?? Kinda cute ngl. Does this imply ceruleans can also have semi aquaric and/or water loving lususes?
Speaking of parallels: so it's not just purplebloods who litter.
Other bluebloods come down here, I wonder if they're friends with mallek?? Also note the cerulean sign being tagged in indigo. Inchresting...
The graffiti reads "suck my nook" and the yellow caution sign reads "do not block." In case you were curious.
I like the idea that mallek comes down here when he can't sleep: you can see that light gets filtered, so I wonder if he could be safe from the sun down here? Irradation nonwithstanding...
That's all! I am insane, so I enjoy deep diving into stuff like this.
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tellywoodtrash · 1 year
hello, tt! i need advice 😭 i don't get along with my immediate or extended family. and while my parents might be abusive, at least i know how to deal with them. my relatives on the other hand are absolute sewer trash. every single one of them is toxic beyond belief. every time i'm forced to spend time with them, i go into a depressive slump, i'm not even kidding. technically, i turned 18 last month, but i'm still not allowed to make my own decisons & cut them off. how do i deal with this?
Hey baby friend,
I'm sorry you're surrounded by these kinda people. *hug* Interacting with such kinds is literally a soul-sucking affair and no wonder you're left drained at the end of it. Cutting them off is obviously the most ideal thing, but it truly is not always feasible (esp. if you belong to an asian culture); adulthood is all about having these leeches in your life and saving your time and energy by navigating around them.
There's a method called The Grey Rock Method. Basically, it's to give these kinda people sooooooo little of your time/energy/information that they get bored and go find other people to bother. You're an adult now so it's not like they can force you to do otherwise. Here are some helpful tips:
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It's literallllllllly "go girllllllllll, give us nothing!!!!!" but as a psychological maneuver, lmao. But as someone who currently uses this with my toxic relatives and has found great success, to the point that they've forgotten I live in the same city as them, I can say it works!
I hope you're able to move into a situation with more agency soon. Hang in there, I promise you it will eventually get better!!!!! Sending you lots of love and good vibes! 💖💖💖
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strangerays · 1 year
more excerpts! (week of 7/10/2023)
after I wrote a surprise scene (which revealed to me a lot that I didn't know about Ray) the words just started to flow out of me. so I said "why not? I'll roll with that!" And! I've managed to add about 4k words to my book this week! I wanted to share some of that here ^-^
These scenes follow Ray after she leaves a birthday party. She's having a bit of a breakdown because she's just made a discovery, which must be kept a secret in order to protect her best friend.
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By the time I started to pull myself out of the water, it felt like hours had passed. Tangles of my hair clung to my face and dripped cold water over my shoulders, down my hips. Sand like mud swallowed my feet. No stars shone. Clouds hid the moon. I couldn’t tell whether I had been crying. When I rubbed my eyes, my fingers were red with cold. A riled breeze made me shiver, pushing me up, onto the sand.             A cry of laughter erupted further down the beach. Reaching for my clothes, I eyed the group of kids through the waves of cattails.             The girls stood in water that looked like it was glowing green in the moonlight. Their hair was wet because they had been swimming too. The boys stood on top of rocks slippery with sea-spit. They were all laughing at each other. I looked away. My eyes burned from the salt and the dark.             I pulled my shirt on backwards over my wet body. When I was dressed, I rode my bike far past them, listening to frogs and the slap of an animal slinking deep underneath the water.             Mothouse was already closed, and Kath had gone home. I sat down on the bench outside and pulled my shoes off. My socks were wet. Chewing hard on my lip, I threw them in the trash can beside the bench.             I didn’t know what I was doing – I just knew I didn’t want to go home. There was so much inside me, so much that I never wanted to bring it home. Bubbling. Boiling. Threatening to spill. I needed to find a place to put it.
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“Ray?”             With a start, I whirled around. I hadn’t realized I was standing so near Butternut Brook until I saw her, then I realized the marshy smell all around me, and the chirrup of crickets.             Jude was standing at the edge of her driveway, looking at me as though I had crawled out of the brook. She was wearing a pair of Stranger Things pajama pants.             “Your clothes are wet,” she said. “Have you been swimming?”             I couldn’t tell if she was really there or not. Somehow, she always managed to be there when I needed her. Without asking for her. Her hair was wavy like she’d been bundled in a blanket for hours. Neither of us were wearing shoes or socks. It was a peculiar night. “Yeah.”             She left her driveway, stepping closer to me. Behind her shoulder, all the lights inside the one-story house were shut off. I wondered whether she was home alone, or she stayed up late, like Lonan and I. Boxes were piled on the doorstep.             “You’re shivering,” she said. Her voice sounded sleepy, like she hadn’t spoken a word for hours. “How long have you been out here? I thought you were going to a party.”             My lip trembled. “I wanted to go home.”             “But you’re all the way out here.”             My eyes filled with tears. Jude pressed her lips together into a nervous smile.             “You’re crying.”             My bike fell to the ground. Instead of catching it, Jude’s hands found my waist, pulling me into a tight embrace. She was shorter than me, so she buried her head in my shoulder, and I put my chin in her hair.             “I’m sorry,” I said. “I just… want to… stop.”             I was sobbing. Jude didn’t let me go until I stopped.
I also tried writing a chapter in Jude's perspective! Still not sure if I'm gonna keep it (I haven't finished it lmao) but since I have one from Lonan's perspective, I figured it couldn't hurt to try writing another character. I suck at making their voices different but that's totally ok in this draft right now!! I just wanted to get the idea down.
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Ray was so eager to keep secrets. She gathered everything close to her and refused to let go, until they rotted. And, even when the things she loved had lost their luster, she protected them. It really annoyed me in a way, that some people were so fortunate to hold their lives in their hands like that. It made me want to stick around her, to help her protect those things she was so afraid of losing. It was late, and I didn’t have anything else to do. Even if I did, I was sure I would have chosen her the same.
That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed these snippets as much as I enjoyed writing them <3
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
hey heyheyheyheyhey, your work is absolutely amazing and the weird engagement is just because tumblr sucks, youre great at what you do and we all appreciate you sososososo much, youre such a kind, lovely person that deserves only the best!!!!
do you have any rules for reblogging your work? ive been tempted so many times (because everything you make is amazing), but was worried about coming across as rude, also!!!! if tumblr is stressing you out maybe take a mental health break? or just do things that you know will make you happy, like watching your favorite show or petting some cats? youre such an amazing person and im sorry things haven't been going well for you, hopefully that changes soon and you get the kind of appreciation you deserve, and hopefully tumblr stops sucking and messing up the work youve put your time and effort into, please stay safe!!!!!
askjhdkajhsd thank you so much anon this is such a lovely thing for you to do! i know the engagement thing shouldn't bother me but i think it's worse when someone has trusted me with an idea and i can't get it off the ground (my original stuff is trash and can languish forgotten for all i care lmao)
also you can reblog whatever you like on my blog, i encourage you to reblog anything from anyone unless the post specifically says don't or they have reblogs turned off! it's not rude at all! i reblog everything i'm allowed to lmao, i'll reblog a flop post, a dog post, an absolutely deplorable fics, everything u-u
can't have break because brain say everyone forget finnie if she go, but to be honest, i do it to myself, i would be just as stressed without any pressure lol ALSO TW FOR ME BEING A LOSER this is actually the happiest i've been in a while so...do with that information what you will lol
but thank you very sincerely anon ;-; i too would like tumblr to stop leaving the wrong descriptions and content warnings and titles and deleted notes from the things i post, that would be WONDERFUL 💚
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‼️About mE‼️ (tagged by @bl33ditout, wasssssssssssup, you got me like always)
Nickname: Tagz (glad I finally came up with one) and my friends call me Bic (like the lighter)
Sign: Yield, lmao. No, I'm a Cancer. Lil crab bastard.
Height: 5'11" (in my chunkiest sneaks)
Last Google Search: JDevil (fr I'm writing a cyberpunk DnD campaign and I needed a muse, catch me spacing out to some Killbot)
Song Stuck In My Head: Uhhhh, GlitchGang (Remix), hands down. When I heard that Hed (P.E.), Crazy Town, and Twiztid did a collab I think I came in my pants. I've listened to it like twice a day for the past week.
Sleep: I probably need some right now, but fuck that. I took a nap today.
Dream Job: Obligatory pro wrestler or rap metal musician pipe dream, but fr I really want to go into child psychology to become a youth councilor. Or a s//ugar b//aby, lmao.
Wearing: Just my whites and some black basketball shorts.
Favorite Song(s): Right now? Literally anything ICP adjacent but I've been getting very into Crazy Town recently. Yes I am the worst person you know. Also really feeling any track off Significant Other rn.
Favorite Instrument: Bass and turntables.
Aesthetic(s): Hoo bitch, I've been waiting for this one. Carcore saved my life. Y2K will never die in my opinion. My own personal brand of post-modern-southern-gothic-redneck-white-trash-whatever. Does the general concept of trashiness count? Well it does now. Old dead memes and image macros are a vibe on their own. Glittery shit. I'm not into rave or scene myself but I think it's hot. And shiny silver plastic electronics. Oh and juggalo shit, but that's pretty much carcore. (this is like my catch all for striking color combinations, oversized clothes, murdered out cars, facepaint, 90s and 00s hip hop and rnb, -core music, sweets, etc.) Plus the generic metalheadisms.
Favorite Author(s): glitchesaintshit and slapfool on Ao3
Favorite Color(s): Neon Green 💚 Electric Blue 💙 Blood Red ❤️
Last Song: Callout by Attila (sorry but I'm going there)
Last Series: Breaking Bad (I finally started it!!)
Random: I miss watching Minecraft letsplays but they all suck now, I don't even know what the fuck an SMP is.
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
I'm sorry if this ends up being unsolicited advice or something, but I see that you've been going through some rough times. I'm not going to tell you that soon everything is going to be fine because I don't know that. Things might suck mega donkey dick for a completely undetermined amount of time that seems too long and unfair. I cannot and therefore will not tell you that it will all be over soon and everything will be better soon because "soon" is relative and unfortunately I don't have superpowers that can see into the future.
I cannot and will not say that eventually things will be perfectly idyllic with 100% certainty and that one day you'll never hurt again, but I will say is that there is nothing wrong with being Trash Time Royalty and owning the hell out of it. Even if your throne is currently made of the most foul shit, shit still has the potential to fertilize something beautiful; even if that "beauty" is just that you woke up feeling pretty okay. It's a start, and the start is what matters. Even if the start is starting over every week, every other day, or even every day, it's still a start. It means you tried, and trying is a huge step in itself. Even though it's hella fucking hard, you should be proud of yourself for trying, no matter how big or how small the step may seem. You tried, and that will always be something.
this is so sweet <33 i appreciate it a lot, thank you. i feel like at this point all i can manage is surviving the day and it feels like the bare minimum but i suppose it is still trying. also “things might suck mega donkey dick” is by far my favorite sentence in an ask LMAO
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
hey there<3 i'm sending this as an anonymous because there will be a lot of expressing emotions in here which i'm not used to doing.. so it's gonna be weird to me if i reread it again after you post it..🫶🏼
ahhh i don't know where to start honestly.. i've installed this app without knowing what's ahead of me.. especially getting to know new people, it was an unexpected thing. i thought i would be a silent reader, i've always been one.
the reason why i even installed tumblr is because i wanted to follow mimi - you probably know her. i had no idea how to use this app nor how this broken site works😭 but i never knew i would be so lucky💜
one day, i opened the app, and one of your works (a popular hobi fiction 👀) was at the top of the page. it had like 3k notes i guess? so i decided to read it and it was truly amazing<3 and that's where the journey began!!
and then i commented on one of your posts and then you were like: 'welcome', something like that. i mean you did welcome me and it was so nice of you!? that's when i knew that you're a very sweet person!<3 you gave a very good first impression 😏😊
i went ahead and took a look at your blog, everything about it. and when i knew that you identify yourself as queer, i smiled so hard😭 i mean i am straight, but something about queers hits different, i really genuinely love them. (and no please don't think i'm creepy 👀)
anyways, and that's when i decided to start reading your fictions!! i read 90% of them and if i started to talk about how good your writing is it would take hours to just describe the beauty of it. so let's just say it's perfect<3
your style of writing brings comfort to me, even if it's just porn. i really don't care if it's angsty, fluffy, smutty,... it just comforts me in a way that can't be described, at least by me because i suck at these things :')
you're the type of person who i wish i could meet one day<3 i didn't only read your fictions, i saw when you felt tired, unmotivated, sad, even confused in some asks and i wished i could hug you and make you smile. because i once was sad and you were there for me. i vented, and you listened.. you even said things to me that i will never ever forget in my whole life. i still look at them in my screenshots whenever i feel down and that one reason can truly show why i love you so much 💜
i still remember when you started the process of writing TSOYB, and then at some point you thought it was shit ☹️ but then it was drop day and i got to read a magnificently written fiction and it was obvious how much you had worked for it to turn out this way!! i was so proud of you (and i still am!💜) because you didn't fucking give up even when you felt it was trash. you trusted the process and i learnt a lesson from you. because i'm a perfectionist, so if i don't do something correctly at the first time, i start to think i'm literally useless and all of the overthinking shit starts again blah blah. so now whenever i even think to overthink 😭 i remember someone like you exists💜 i remember your words. you helped me em💜
ah i don't know what else to say.. there's still like too many emotions i wanna express but i just don't know how to do that.
god i just love you with all my heart, you don't even have an idea about my gratefulness towards you. and to god who gave me a chance to know such a wonderful person!!💜💜
like namjoon once said: "i wish there was a better word than 'love'. i really truly love you. please know that."
(and please please if there was any type of weirdness in this i'm so sorry it's 2:48! am!)
omg anon 🥺 this is so overwhelmingly sweet i don't even know how to respond!!!! i'm gonna stick it under a cut so this isn't a million years long hahaha 💜
i'm so glad you managed to find me - bless party on you for blowing up lmao 🙏 and glad you felt welcomed!! the more people that follow the harder it gets for me to keep up with everyone personally, but i do really try to make sure everyone feels welcome here 🥺 (except bigots 👹) - it's important to me to curate a safe chill space where we can all just read porn and have fun lmao!
LOL NOT QUEERS HIT DIFFERENT that's so fucking funny akhglksjrgsjfkg can confirm we do 😌
gahhhhh you're so kind about my writing thank you thank you 🫠 i think this is probably my favorite compliment to get, that people feel comforted by my work. it's brought me a lot of comfort to write and to establish this little blog, so the fact that i can share that with others is truly priceless!!
and omg 🥺 you got to see the process work in real-time!! that's so wild. i really do think i hit a bottom on pretty much every fic i write (sometimes i'm more vocal about it on tumblr, sometimes less) where i just feel like ugh, this sucks, it's never gonna be good, i should give up. and part of the writing process is just pushing through that - which is really hard for me because i am also a perfectionist!! but you're so right. sometimes you just have to trust the process and do whatever it is anyway, even when every word feels like a struggle!
this was such a sweet note to receive 😭 i'm sorry it took me so long to respond!! but i didn't want to half-ass a reply either since you took the time to share your thoughts and be so vulnerable. that really means the world to me! i love you a lot and i hope you're having a wonderful new year so far 💜 and i'm always here if you need me!!
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kagejima · 2 years
So far she was the best 😭😭 sad but I had worse, like at least she validates my feelings. I had other therapist give me example of kids who are born without limbs or telling me that I'm young and pretty so I should live my life??? Like?? I was at the hospital too. I'll try and search for someone else. I also talk with my psychiatrist when I have appointments and she's understanding. Or at least she's doing a good job?? Idek at this point. I had some doctors that would focus on some things more than other. Like idk I have more than one mental illness 😭 so they said let's focus on depression for now, or this antidepressants work for your ocd too, while my current doctor paid attention to my ocd too. It's hard. I thought that once I go to doctors, I will find a cure quickly, but after years I'm met with the fact that mental illness it's so hard to treat. And sometimes you just have to learn how to manage it your whole life which sucks. :/
I wish I was at least born pretty 😭 literally everytime I get out of the house someone calls me ugly or makes a mean comment. It was horrible back in school. I was bullied so bad. And frankly I never liked the way I look, but they can just ignore me you know?? The men are the worst. They would go out of their way to let me know how ugly they think I am. And most of the times I wasn't even interacting with them??? I don't get it. It was hard seeing how they'd flirt with my friends but call me ugly. That made things awkward for my friends too.
Wish I had at least money lmao. I resent my parents for having kids. My whole family actually. Cause their parents pressured them into getting married and having kids yada yada cause that's what you're suppose to do? And they had 3 😭 :/ and now I'm fucked. And somehow it's still my fault for being unreasonable and mean?? All my life I felt guilty, I deserve to feel angry now.
Sorry for the long rant. I keep on saying the same thing to my therapist too but I still don't feel any better . And I'm getting old, I'll soon be 27 :(
:((( It sounds like you just have a shitty therapist right now. I hope that you can easily transition into one that's way better for you!! I'm glad that you have a good psychiatrist though and that your current doctor listens to you and is actively helping you in the meantime, those are very important as well!
And yeah, I get you about the men stuff 🥲🥲🥲 tbh, most men i know are trash anyways so i'm not surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also please don't be so hard on yourself about your looks! 🥺🥺 I think being born pretty is very... it's a weird area. Some of the worst people I've ever known in my whole life - like just absolutely nasty people - were conventionally pretty, and I'm sure others here will agree with me they have met people like that as well.
I think loving yourself and your looks is a very long and hard journey, but I believe in you! Hell, I'm 31 and I'm still insecure about my face sometimes. When I finally cut my hair into the pixie it is now, I felt more like me than I had in my entire life, but there's still awful people going "Haha, you look like a 10 year old boy!!" BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?? fuck them. and fuck those people that say rude things to you!! i don't know if you know the song, but whenever i get down like that, i like to listen to kesha's "let 'em talk" until i feel better!!
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ram-de · 1 year
[read] white trash warlock
idk when I'll be continuing good omens and evelyn hardcastle im sorry christian apocalypse and murder time loop... I'll get back one day
After reading extraordinaties, and then all of us villains (and demise) I think I'm growing fond of the fantasy as a genre. I've read several pjo books and I think Harry potter in my teenage years but my English comprehension wasnt as good as how I am right now (writing is a different thing) so I think I missed a lot of clues and all lol there's always stuff I get confused and read back. I wondered what the hell happens at some points. I've read more contemporary dramas the past few months. BUT... Damn fantasy opens up a lot of interesting scenarios... And... I crave for more👉👈 good thing there's a basically infinite supply of fantasy stories
What I know about this book? White trash warlock... Is well, it's an urban fantasy. Meaning, as far as I understand it, a lot of fantasy tropes are implemented in the more usual contemporary setting. Did I get that right? I dont know.
The premise is... Some peeps can see through The Sight, a different kind of dimension(?) that dwells and live in basically the same place. The main protagonists are this guy Adam and his brother. They were estranged until one day Adam's brother asks him for help.
Alright. COOL LIZARD PEOPLE... I can't really image what the hell cue is. My English comprehension isn't as good as I thought💀 alright. So theres this stuff that a guy made out of like, magical peeps creatures remains to make some kind of magical items. Cues? And Adam is pursuing the guy making these things. He's also been thrown away by his family simply because he has an affinity with magical entities, albeit weak.
His brother Robert is a guy with a wife whose unable to have child for like three times. And she's... She's nursing a blob of magical creature... Uh... Why am I doing a summary... BACK TO THE PROGRAM...
Ouu I like myself some groveling plot, asking for help after you kicked your brother out is low. I expect some good asking for forgiveness... Lmao
There's gonna be a lot of angst isn't there sghsgshsh like family drama
So people just powers up (Sight) randomly from genetics?? Witch > warlock > whatever Adam is. Living with someone that can predict the future must've sucks like dont spoil me old lady💀
Why does the story gave me the shivers im lowkey scared it's making me think of my own future shzgshhs fiction is supposed to be an escape stopppp
Oh bobby is an ass screw him I'd call him another slime but he's probably gonna have a redemption one way or another and I know it's gonna be good
I didn't miss that Aunt Sue didn't promise him anything when he asked if she'll be there when he returns. This lady can see the future (tho idk if it extends to her own's) OH SHE'S GONNA BE DEAD...
The Liberty House is some kind of a conversion therapy esque kind of school? oh the mom and the bro is shitty fr SLIMES YOU ALL
Adam my skilled ghostbuster son🤲 (I've never watched ghostbuster) ((he's older than me))
I don't actually know if I can read through this estranged distant painful family drama (for Adam, screw his mom)
Ouu... That's a bit chilling. WORLD BUILDING... LORE... APOCALYPSE INCOMING...
Bob guy irritates me as he should. Excellent characterization! I want him eradicated!
Is this an insta-love trope um😭 not too fond of them but dhsgshjehd ill muster through...
Idk bob sending ur brother to something akin of a conversion therapy just because he had something akin of a mental illness (it's not mental illness it's magic though I'm sure with how it affected Adam that much it'd get him some) (even if it's mental illness, do you really send them off and never check up on them?...huh... Wait some people do that?😭)
One thing that I thought in stories is, in this modern age of cameras and CCTV, there's no way strange occurrences can be kept hidden to the rest of the world. What do you mean reaper came in the form of human host that awoke when someone is gonna die? Wouldn't someone bat an eye for public death if a stranger suddenly grew and turned their pencil into a schyte... In the broad daylight? He'd be the killer, then! (technically not but also, that's how grim reaper reap souls?) but what if it's just an accepted normalcies... If so why is this guy Adam thought as if it's a hidden secrets only witches knows. This felt like a nitpick😭 im sure there's like an in-world answer idk why this one stucks lol
Also Adam is a witch that's good to know
OUUU time stopped for the mortal side. I see. I'm stupid.
Nitpicking is fun because I act like I'm a better writer than wrjtert who put love and sweat into their creation, in the product of their world building and lore. Im sorry😔 So the next nitpick is, does the non-mortal magic creatures speak English?
Oh their dead is a cheater AND a deadbeat I NEED HIM TO PERISH
Ok not a cheater (yet, idk)
Adam and Bobby seems OK-ish during their childhood who wanna bet it's something with their dad that made them estranged
Imagine waking up with a stranger memories damn Adam this is why you don't tether your life to another... ARE THEY BASICALLY SHARING A BRAIN NOW
That's some body horror right there like whatever you thought about the other guy knows too and nothing to hide or nothing to keep to yourself no personality whatsoever and also no individuality LIKE... Maybe it's good if they're like a good person but what if they're doing it to rob your bank account or steal whatever
So they're like fated mates now ok ig
Bob my even if you think sending your bro to a mental institute is "the best" thing to do, why haven't you reached out to him after, like all this time.
I like that Adam kept reminding Bob of how much he hated him, like yea deservedaushhshsushsh the elves are such cool creatures argent is a queen silver is a king and yes. What question? Uh, any. Yes.
This guy hasn't moved on from his ex😭 get over it smh
Bruh I though he's offering his own car lmaoo Adam you're such a menace and elves are car thiefs!!
Is this a meet-cute? I don't know if it's a meet-cute but I liked it. I'm eating. I'm thriving so much. Vics accepting magic just like that contrasting to how Adam's bro and mom denied it all his life😭 augshsh
WAIT THIS IS CUTE I'M SOLD.... WHO CARES IT ITS INSTA LOVE ITS INSTA CUTE and I love cute things except real people's. Real life kinda sucks. But this... This is soft and fluffy😭
Bobby's reluctance and Adam's attunement to magic reminds me of kids stories. I mean, like Peter Pan, maybe? I don't know, I haven't watched Peter Pan. Like this one kid movie about a kid that have monster friend in the forest. They're like a big monster doll. I forgot what the movie is called. Or like this one show where a kid (human, live action) can visit his animal friends (cartoon, animated). Or like Narnia. Um... What's my point. What I'm saying is that fantasy is just a temporary thing, and how kid grown out of them after they're an adult. Bobby wanted Adam to have a /normal/ live, despite magic and magical world present and real and exists. In a way, Adam is stuck on his affinity with magic (and partly that's because his family rejected it in the first place. When he's scared of it, they put him to therapist and give him drugs, diagnosing it of something he's not rather than listening, helping him in a way that would accepts him too.) and contrast that with Bobby who's just over all of it (partly because his father, deadbeat and abusive, also have an affinity to magic)
Vic is a cutie😭
Hm... Silver can't be Perak, can't he? W. DNDHSHS WTF. UM. UMMM.... WHAT IN THE TRANSLATION IS THIS. UM. Silver is literally Perak in Indonesian😭 like that's the word translation. UM.????
Huh... Wait. That's weird. Silver is Argentum in Latin...😭 Okay, that's three. A pattern. What does this means. Does elves names themselves after a variation of the word 'Silver' in several languages. Is Silver and Argent the same person? WHAT IS HAPOENDJNG
So Perak is just a different guy and elves just named after Silvers ooooookay
Oh there is it is I have zero skills for implied clues haha😭
Bruh the King is mad stupid for locking the single practicioner left alive to fought the spirit😭 like my man that thing lolled elves and humans and there you have a guy willing to fight for it, and you locked him and your son because they had a thing in the past?
31----- AHHH soft soft and fluffy my heart is warm
I think I'll explode if Adam ended up with Silver, dont pursue the immortal/mortal angst PLEASEEE vic is good, no, GREAT even
Vicente... Dreamy
So all this time Bobby's doing is just an influence of a higher being? Aw that's strangely unfulfilling, now the groveling doesn't seem justified and I'm not excited for, if it'd happen, anymore. That's disappointing.
Surely Argent isn't going to be ded right..
This flashback is painful😭 I can sorta get why Bobby would send Adam to the house but really he's sending him for another years of hurt. Adam:( His dad is abusive. His mom is passive. And his brother no longer protects him.
Okay... So it's not necessarily a higher being puppeteering Bobby, sort of give him a way, leading him into it. That makes it better. Because what Bobby had done is still horrible.
AAH it ended. It's a HFN, definitely. And I'm... Why do I felt like I expected more of an ending? It doesn't really tie up a lot of loose knots. like his family problem (which is fair, since it's taken a lot of time.) I DID NOT SEE ANY GROVELLING, HMM? even the sorries felt lackluster like it's just unsaid and they just accepted it for what it is. Which is also fair, since they've been through a lot. but ALSO... the thing with Vic. Like... We don't even see him in the last chapter😭 and this guy Adam is going to go again to look for the warlock. UM. DO I READ THE SEQUELS...
Yes. Yea I will be. But I'll pace it out... I can do self-restraint (I can't)
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