#I'm sure he would also have quite a mundane and endearing fear as well
elitadream ยท 1 year
Are there very simple things (like for example darkness,....) that your version of Mario is afraid of?
Oh, that's a very interesting question! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
I headcanon him as having stage fright and feeling very uneasy when having to address a large crowd, but I think what my Mario hates and fears the most would probably be small/enclosed spaces. Being stuck somewhere too narrow and cramped for him to break free or even move, feeling utterly powerless and slowly growing more and more agitated as time would pass. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ Despite usually being more composed and self-assured than Luigi, this would always make him panic very quickly. I imagine that most of the things capable of making him feel a deep genuine sense of fright would be situational, based in scenarios where he's unable to change his own predicament, and worse yet: inacapble of helping others. ๐Ÿ˜”
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tartagliaxx ยท 3 years
L isten, I only stumbled upon your blog recently, but your writing? Chef's kiss! Absolutely wonderful! Consider yourself having a new follower mate uwub
But yes, I'd also like to join in the event for Zhongli, if you don't mind!
I'm the Sassy Lost Child. No, seriously. I'm... very short to say the least (short enough to be considered a gremlin against him honestly with a whopping 4'9" despite me being the eldest), but what I lack in height I do try to make up in personality! Can be very loud, expressive, and animated considering I once used to dream of being an actress, but can get very timid and very easily flustered if you play your cards right. Also known to be both childish in how I act sometimes, but mature when it comes to serious matters? Ah, the duality of looking young but being old--
Surprisingly enough, I'm very careful with my heart. Or, well, I try to be, at least. I've seen a little too much of heartbreak to be careless with it after all. That's why I may keep others at an arms length--there's no point if we end up hurting and leaving each other one day. But with some time and some reassurance, that fear will slowly die down, and you'll get to hear secrets I'd never tell anyone else.
time itself is an expression of love.
when a young man waits at his table an hour before the agreement just to make sure his lover wouldn't need to or when a young woman ponders over her dress nights before a date โ€” each second thinking about the other is an act of love itself. zhongli, no, rex lapis oversaw many contracts though one he could never quite grasp was the contract of matrimony. some fail before the first year, some last until fifty, and some... well, some last beyond the lifetime of mankind, and those are the ones that are celebrated ever so merrily by their descendants.
it's quite an endearing thought but not one he fully comprehends. he knows, however, that if time is a reasonable measure of love, then he has so much to give. a hundred years worth of longing, a thousand years worth of waiting โ€” three millennia's worth of slow burn romance. meeting you wasn't the climax, it was the first page and everything else was a prologue written in a separate book. falling in love with you? well, that's the hundredth chapter that would extend infinitely until the word 'infinity' loses its missing.
aside from your contrasting quirks, well, there is no real way to describe your love and it comes to a point that most say that it's anticlimactic. perhaps the billions of words that preceded your loving climax brought their expectations too high but is there really no beauty to a love that is simply... is? love with zhongli exists between mercury and jupiter. it's finding firm, solid ground after a jump and it's having curtains billowing in the wind. it's the stark contrast between the skies and the earth and it's the way he easily steals your composure even without meaning to. it's the way he manages to quell your worries with a small smile and it's the way he stares after you every time you burst into a beautiful explosion of exuberance. it exists the same way calcium lives in your bones and it is a tale of untold satisfaction and relief. perhaps meaningless to the world's greatest critics but to the eyes of the two artists that made it, it's a masterpiece that held so many hidden meanings reserved only for their eyes to see. it's a kind of love that's mature but curious โ€” much like a child's youthful innocence โ€” and perhaps, so unexplainable that the poets could only ever attempt to write it off as a play and yet, still fail to capture it wholely.
bizarre and mundane. old and childish. traditional and modern. it's a work of art in the sense that it's open for interpretation but everyone knows that behind closed doors, its existence makes the whole world glint with a golden sheen.
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โ”โ” โ˜† NOTES: hi! welcome to my blog and thank you for joining in the fun! i have... so much i wanted to say about your relationship but i don't know how to phrase it exactly. i just know that zhongli understands your need to take it slow and in fact, will probably insist even after you give him permission to court you (might be because he's the one who needs to take it slow). i also know that he's more than willing to reassure you whenever you need it. conversations could extend for so long and he's just so soft for the way you ramble about this and that. and the way you're just so charismatic in a way so different from him? asjdafakfajj zhongli's so whipped but he has an old timer's heart so he doesn't know how to express it. ah, i'm rambling sorry. again, i hope you liked it even if it's like,, a hot mess :DD
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