#like a fear of caterpillars or something 😅
elitadream · 1 year
Are there very simple things (like for example darkness,....) that your version of Mario is afraid of?
Oh, that's a very interesting question! 😮
I headcanon him as having stage fright and feeling very uneasy when having to address a large crowd, but I think what my Mario hates and fears the most would probably be small/enclosed spaces. Being stuck somewhere too narrow and cramped for him to break free or even move, feeling utterly powerless and slowly growing more and more agitated as time would pass. 😰 Despite usually being more composed and self-assured than Luigi, this would always make him panic very quickly. I imagine that most of the things capable of making him feel a deep genuine sense of fright would be situational, based in scenarios where he's unable to change his own predicament, and worse yet: inacapble of helping others. 😔
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nekohime19 · 1 month
Mini Mac # 35 : protective instinct
Monkey King is a protective dad
The moon was rising above the night sky, illuminating the somber surroundings. The pilgrims were sleeping peacefully, blanketed by the sea of stars. Sanzang was curled in his wool blanket like a caterpillar in its cocoon. Bajie was openly snoring, spread on the floor like a starfish. Wujing was sleeping on his back, arms resting on his chest like a dignified mummy. And Ao Lie slept in his horse form, nestled in the soft grass.
Wukong looked down at the lil guy sleeping near him. Macaque was curled around his bud, almost hiding it in his fur. Wukong found it really adorable. He was the only one not sleeping, he couldn't even if he wanted to really. Everytime he closed his eyes, he felt this inexplicable fear rise inside of him. It was like if he didn't watch over the bud, something terrible would happen to it.
It's not like he didn't trust Macaque. Even if the lil guy didn't fight that often, he wasn't weak by any means. Just the other day he kicked a demon ass to the moon and beyond only because they dared to glare the bud. Wukong didn't even have the time to fight the demon, for Macaque had already beaten it to a bloody pulp. It was admittedly the most attractive thing Wukong ever saw.
But even if he knew Macaque could kick asses, he was still worried. It wasn't something he could control. It was like a deep seated instinct which resurfaced despite him.
It's been a while since he slept because of this.
The great sage returned to his weaving. He was making a mini tiger skirt for the baby, or a tiger diaper really, so the infant could match Macaque and him. It was his pastime to make different things for the baby. He already made toys, clothes and he planned to make mini chiffon dolls of the pilgrims. Wukong had never thought he would be so good with needle work, but he found he quite liked it, it was soothing.
Wukong had to admit that since the bud was birthed, he didn't do much courting. It's not like he didn't want to. But he was so focused on making sure that the baby would be correctly welcomed and that Macaque had everything he wanted. Courting took a backseat.
“Wukong ?” The great sage flinched and turned towards Macaque. The lil guy rubbed his eyes and looked up at the golden-furred monkey with inquiry. “You're not asleep?”
“Huh, Noo? Someone needs to keep watch.” Awkwardly chuckled Wukong. Macaque raised a skeptical eyebrow and sighed fondly.
“Wanna, huh, shrink and sleep with me?” Wukong fluffed up at the proposition, he fiddled with his fingers before putting his needlework aside and shrunk down.
The lil Monkey King nervously approached Macaque. The lil guy patted the other side of the bud. Wukong laid down and curled there, circling the bud. The folded flower was warm. Wukong felt his heart thump in excitement.
“Thanks… You know for doing so much.” Mumbled Macaque, Wukong looked at him and was surprised to see a blush dust his cheeks.
“No problem.” Replied Wukong.
Both monkeys laid in silence, encircling the bud with warmth. Wukong loved the smell of the flower. The peach blossom had the sweetest scent. Then suddenly, they both heard a lil thump. They stared at the bud amazed, and felt lil kicks under the soft petals.
Wukong nuzzled against the bud, tears nipping at his eyes.
“They never did that before.” Mumbled Macaque. “Guess they like you.”
They spend the rest of the night whispering to each other, proposing names for the baby.
They fell asleep in the dead of the night, tails weaved together, both nuzzling the bud.
+ cut scenes
Sanzang *after waking up* : awww, they cuddle together 🥰
Bajie : they should get married already 🙄
Wukong *choosing name* : What about Sun Wukong Jr? ☺️
Macaque :..... No 😅
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