#a very interesting subject to think about though! :3 👏
elitadream · 1 year
Are there very simple things (like for example darkness,....) that your version of Mario is afraid of?
Oh, that's a very interesting question! 😮
I headcanon him as having stage fright and feeling very uneasy when having to address a large crowd, but I think what my Mario hates and fears the most would probably be small/enclosed spaces. Being stuck somewhere too narrow and cramped for him to break free or even move, feeling utterly powerless and slowly growing more and more agitated as time would pass. 😰 Despite usually being more composed and self-assured than Luigi, this would always make him panic very quickly. I imagine that most of the things capable of making him feel a deep genuine sense of fright would be situational, based in scenarios where he's unable to change his own predicament, and worse yet: inacapble of helping others. 😔
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mintytealfox · 10 months
I need to know any and all hc you have on Fool's Gold aaa I just love the way you write~
b'aaawwWWWWWWW thanks 🥹🥹💞💞
-RUBS HANDS TOGETHER- Fool's Gold hcsssss lets see what ive got cookin in this brain here lol
Most of these are going to be about when he is on his own and doesn't have anyone he cares about in the picture at all, Cause I imagine he is different when he has someone, even something, that brings 'care' back into his thoughts and heart. AND all are subject to change, just my initial thoughts 👀👏👏
1 .(a potential one, still not landed on it yet but) I think he enjoys the dark and fire, sort of being the 180 of his other self. Likely enjoying the thrill it provides and especially since neither can really hurt him anymore. He still craves light and safety, but he isn't desperate for those things anymore. This potential hc of mine came about cause of this:
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I put down my very first decoration and I was laughing cause it looks like Norton was like 'oh man Alice gonna love what I added' 😊-A LOUD BLAZING FIRE BLASTING IN ALICE'S APARTMENT-
2. Enjoys being spooky, enjoys being the bully. ITs like his way of saying 'this is how the world showed me it worked, I am just following the same song and dance that was shown me' and now laughing about it. I think he is having the time of his life thinking that morals are no longer a thing to hold him back 🙃I think Norton never had the opportunity to be a child, and is now taking that opportunity to finally let loose and play. Even though that means playing with other's lives -laughs nervously-
3. Singing is easy for him now. He doesn't have that black lung business anymore and is just humming away and enjoying himself. Feeling free of the weight of humanity.
4. He does feel a constant pain though 👀 and is doing what he can to be rid of it. Like phantom pains, they are there but not a thing you can do about them, really. So, he is using the distraction of hunting and hurting others to dull his own agony that feels like his body is being pulled apart and put back together over and over again.
5. When he is alone and quiet, his decent self nags at him (but this doesn't happen often 😔). Just as he nagged and fought for control before the explosion. but Norton's humanity is still in there, never completely snuffed out. FG generally has full control and doesn't give a single care about anything except avoiding pain. for now 👀
6. The fact that his obsession is still 'to change his fate' is interesting to me. The one constant in his adult life is this mantra: 'must change my fate'
7. Significantly more open with his emotions, not holding anything back. When he is mad? HE IS MAD and there is no mistaking it and vice versa. Ah 😭
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
I think grrm hates women. Also he probably has a thing for young women like daenerys and sansa. Their descriptions are in gross details, especially daenerys. The rumors he's described in the free cities about her are absolutely 🤢. Why did they need to be so young. You know there is a topic called author psychology where you can study the works of the author to discern their thoughts, personal bias and even some real life incidents.
Hi there Anon! 🤗 and sorry for the delay!
I wouldn't say that he hates women, but I would say that like most men, if not all, he understands men better and identifies with them much better as well. He also mostly focuses on male friendships, and what women think of their fathers and brothers as opposed as their sisters or mothers. I know some other people have written about this much better than I could, and if you want I can ask one of my friends @xenonwitch for some metas on this topic ;)
That he has a serious kink with petite women getting it on with huge dudes has been established 😂😂😂😂 and that he projects to his own work has been established as well 😂😂 I mean this freaking dude based Lysa of an ex-girlfriend - class act, George, such a class act. Mature too 👏👏
I have a friend who works/studies in the same field as me and she once told me she is glad George writes (and has no children) because she thinks it's a vessel for him to canalize a lot of hum... interesting thoughts?
Personally that is a field of Psychology that while I can find interesting it has a lot of interpretation, and is too subjective, and has little facts and I prefer facts 😬 and more objective measures. I mean... I don't even trust/like questionnaires XD so this is how little faith in people/mankind I (mostly) have.
At the same time while he writes those things, we read them. So what does that say about us? I am not very comfortable with judging someone because of what they write and in George's defense he's trying to portrait to us a cruel and brutal world and I do think he does a (VERY) good job at it!
While some of the ages make me a little uncomfortable, even in a Medieval-like setting - bellow 15 makes me hum... not feel too good? - and he does go a little overboard with what were the practices throughout history, the fact that his stories do take place in this Medieval-like setting do give me more peace of mind than if they took place in a modern setting. Comparing him for instance with Stephen King - who wrote a child gangbang scene between 11 year olds in a modern setting, oh and defended it - I take a lot more issue with dear Stephen. There should be so much that coke can be an excuse for ��
At the end of the day though, as long as it's fiction and people aren't hurting anyone, if I take issue with something it's really my own personal problem 🤷‍♀️ If I don't like it or if bothers me all that much I should just move on.
Something stops being normal when it interferes with your every day life and I don't think this is the case here, so you know what? All the power to you, George. It would be a blast if you kept writing instead of selling your characters off to H*O -3-
In any case, in anything we write, our bias will always shine through, no matter how scientific our writing is. We are trying to prove something with our work, and we have a general explanation, so knowingly so or not, we will give more emphasis to what supports our views and tend to ignore what does not. And as someone who writes scientific papers, I can say that a lot of times getting something published is a matter of how well you can convince others, and a p doesn't always cut it 😬
Anyway those are just my thoughts. Thank you for the ask and happy new year! 🤗
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onnabox · 5 years
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OOF, that must have been quite the nerve I hit. 
If my Lili/Markle post yesterday didn’t have someone tagged in it and it still made them upset, I guess that means they’re aware they’re guilty of harassing public women and don’t want to admit Lili would think they’re entitled and disgusting for their horrendous online behavior.
Speaking of Lili, it’s interesting how little some people want what she said on their blogs, going so far as to attack me but crop out the subject matter. While Markle prompted it, it’s clear she meant her statement to apply sweepingly to women in the public limelight. So let’s reiterate so we don’t forget:
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Apologies if my cut didn’t work on your platform.
Now as for some clarifications to dumpie, my tags stated that if someone scrutinized and judged Lili, Cami, or any other actress (maybe recently, like, I dunno, Sarah Desjardins? Who has all of one biasedly twisted interviews and is already getting ripped to shreds just for being a part of Jughead’s plot?), Lili’s words applied to them. This will assist with some of your poor reading comprehension skills on a few points:
 1) Pretending you know how someone like Cole or Lili (or any other cast member) feels about another actor based on snippets of social media/public interviews and then spreading degrading rumors about them, whom you know nothing about, because of your imaginings, is scrutinizing and judging. You👏Don’t👏Know👏Any👏Of👏These👏People👏. Calling someone stumpy, lipless, fake tits (do I really need to go on? Anyone with a brain cell gets the point: you’re gleefully a bodyshamer of young famous women) is scrutinizing and judging. Who determines their “egregious” behavior? You? Someone who knows nothing about them and is assuming you do? This is exactly a part of what Lili is talking about, you dramamongers. You👏Don’t👏Know👏Any👏Of👏These👏People👏. You are making up what you think their lives and relationships are like. Unless they directly state racist, sexist, homophobic, bodyshaming etc. opinions, you’re like a 6 year old playing Sherlock with a Blue’s Clues book.
But please, feel free to find where I’ve done so on my blog which makes me a hypocrite and screenshot it, so you actually have an iota of truth to your spittle flinging rants for once. (:
2) I specifically referenced the word ‘actress’ in my tags. We all know you’re very dramatic Melinda, but you could never make it in the business and should stick with your day jo-- ah wait, instead of having one, you seem to think that it’s bullying actors and actresses online. Nevermind. Maybe just stop judging and scrutinizing women who are under the pressure of the public eye, like Lili is clearly asking her real fans to do. 
3)According to an anon, though I’m not going to dig through your deplorable shit fest of a blog to verify, you’ve been bragging about now stalking me on my reddit, and via tumblr you’ve literally been harassing and lying about me on a weekly/sometimes daily basis for just shy of a year now. Given those circumstances, I can’t say I have much of a problem ‘baselessly’ dragging you ever. There’s a pretty strong base for that, especially because you’ve been trying to find out personal information about me to dox me (publicly claiming you know my profession ring any bells?), like you’ve already done to at least one other person.
4) And considering I included Lili as one of the women being judged and scrutinized, what makes you think I wasn’t implicating other blogs who do this as well? Anyone who does this, especially on the reg, is doing something wrong. You just set yourself apart as the crème de la crème of bodyshaming, harassing, and libel spreading. There, look, I even managed to stroke your ego. I bet that makes you happy.
5) Tagged or untagged doesn’t matter and you’re being willingly obtuse about it to try and stave off justified criticism. Anyone with an established follower base can stop tagging things, start saying inflammatory disgusting things to stoke drama, and still have it gain traction and be spread around. Let’s quote something mama Reinhart shared:
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You’re still fucking responsible for your abhorrent words and actions and unless you actually are stupid, you full well understand this.
So anyway, what fire? All I see is you wiping your shit stain on some matches and calling it charcoal.
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