#I'm taking some baby steps to 1 talk to people 2 write
harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x Reader pt. 4
You were a delivery girl who was frequently dispatched to famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon….
Part 1, Part 2,Part3
The thing about being new parents is they go into it not thinking how much it'll change their life. as they build a routine around the baby's care that they often forget that they're still people, and need to take of themselves and each other wise over time the stress will start to boil over. And Ken had reached that boiling point as he came home from the game furious cos he got chewed out by the coach and he took his frustrations out on R/n as soon as he walked through the door.
The aftermath of the argument that ensued left Kenji with a sore cheek and even more bruised ego as R/n stormed out of the house in tears her parting words being "You have no right coming at me like, Sato! I'm not who took in giant baby and forced a stranger to uproot her life, because he's too proud admit that he bit off more than he could chew." Kenji made his way downstairs and felt his legs shake as he made his way towards the baby's containment chamber feeling even more frustrated.
He finally breaks down crying grieving over the stress and trials that came with parenting and driving off the only person that had been trying to help him and what was worst...even if he did go after R/n, he wouldn't know where she would go! in the month that they've lived together; never once had they ever sat down and just have a real conversation that didn't involve the baby. That, and he hadn't exactly been the nicest guy since she moved in with him either.
Mina asked if Ken would like to hit some balls as that usually helps him feel better and started up a simulation of the dodger stadium. Unfortunately Ken's frustrations seem to grow as he missed every pitch thrown his way, Baby watched him curiously and started giggling thinking he was being silly; He eventually got sick of everything and retreated to his room.
He kicked the mini fridge in his couch open finding a single can of coconut water. Ken snorted tried to kick the drawer shut but it was being stubborn after the fourth kick it finally locked and Ken buried his head into his hands. Mina approached him concerned, she explained that Kenji was experiencing a breakdown due to stress, no surprises there. She asked if he would like to participate in a counseling session simulation. Ken didn't want that.
"I need to talk to someone, not something...offense Mina."
"Then perhaps you should call someone, a friend? "
"A friend...Well I just chased out the closest person I could call a...."
Ken had an idea who to call he ended up calling Ami Wakita for help hopefully she can help him sort his head out and maybe help fix things with R/n, but first he had to come off as subtle as possible so the reporter doesn't suspect his current living situation. Ken waited a rings for Ami answer. "Miss Wakita,. It's Ken, Ken Sato, I need to talk to you." Ami panicked a little thinking Ken calling to complain about her most recent article she'd done on him. "Oh, Mr. Sato. If this is about what I wrote, I'm sorry but I solely write based on what I see-" Ken interrupted her assuring that the reason for him calling had nothing to do with her article, he just needed a minute to talk.
Ami cut him a deal; five minutes of talking and he gives her an exclusive interview, Ken reluctantly agreed her her terms and began talking. He wanted to know how she does make it work? How does she juggle her job while also caring for her family at the same time? "I mean, how did you did not lose it on your partner or resist the urge to throw your kid out a window?" There was a slight pause on the other end and Ken was worried he said too much before Ami spoke. "Ken, do you have a secret wife and child? cos that would make one heck of a story.~" Ken felt his cheeks burn as he firmly denied it Ami snickered assuring him that she was joking.
She told him that parenting was difficult even with two people but it's a rewarding journey and though it can seem bleak and stressful at times, but there's always that awe that comes with these little lives are relying on imperfect you to guide them through it all, even teaching you a few things along the way the feeling you get from experiencing it is... "Incredible..." Ken said in awe as he watched the baby trying to copy him from watching some of his old games.
He asked Mina to lower the kaiju's containment field and managed to get a hold of a giant baseball bat he just randomly had lying around and handed it off to the baby. "...And your five minutes are up!" Amy stated Ken hadn't heard her right away as he was trying to Baby how to swing her bat. "Ken, are you still there?" The baseball players eyes widened as remembered her was on call with her. "Oh, yeah. thanks!" Ami said his thanks can be the exclusive interview he promised. "Ah, right. Let's meet tomorrow at Tonkatsu Tonki in Meguro, around 7?" He hung up before Ami agreed and Ken returned to teaching Baby how to play baseball he had Mina bring up a simulation a baseball field from his childhood complete with his mom cheering him on front the stands.
Ken showed the baby how to hold her bat and went to pitchers mound the first try didn't go so well as Ken had accidentally nailed her in the forehead causing baby to started crying; Ken went to calm her down and reassure her. "It's okay, it happens. We'll try again. this time keep your eye on the ball." Ken went to pitch again and this time baby hit a homerun! Ken and Mina cheered and ran up to the kaiju. "C'mon girl, time to run your bases!" the the baby laughed and chirped giddily as she followed her daddy.
Cut to an hour later the baby has fallen asleep though with some difficulty, Ken learned that R/n would sing to the infant kaiju; which was news to him(he was usually K.O.'d or fighting Kaiju while R/n was on duty.) According to Mina R/n has lovely singing voice. Lucky the teddy bear R/n got Baby combined some Music box melodies playing on the speakers was enough to calm the infant dragon down. Now Ken had different matter to attend to: Apologizing to R/n. it's been an hour or so and she still hasn't come back...
He did relax a little knowing they were on an island so she couldn't have gone far, she would've had to borrow one of his cars to leave (There was a Baby incident with R/n's car.)..."Mina did you give R/n a watch?" he asked in an anxious tone Mina confirmed that she had. "Bring her location up." Ken brows furrowed in concern as R/n location showed her off the shore in the ocean. "She probably walked onto a shoal path and got trapped on on a rock something when the tide came in." Mina theorized that didn't calm Ken's nerves as he told Mina to keep an eye on baby while he went to look for R/n he turned into Ultraman left for a swim out the airlock.
R/n was cold, sore, wet and pissed off and worst off trapped on this rusty-ass buoy that she managed to grabbed onto as the current pulled her away from the shore, R/n scratched her arms and legs up from climbing onto to it as the ocean came more restless with each passing minute, and all she could do was sit there and berate herself. "Because you let it get to you, You let the stress and Ken get to you and that's you how you drowned in the sea...." R/n eyes widened horror as the realization dawns on her "Holy crap, I'm going to drown in the sea" Her complexion turned ashen as she last out a small gasp. "..Just like Meimei's card reading said." R/n said thinking back to her last shift.
*R/n was sitting in the DN6 break room eating lunch while Meimei sat across from her giving her a Tarot card reading with Digimon cards??? R/n looks at cards then at the teen skeptically. "...And how exactly would I drown in tea?" she asked while taking a bite of her sandwich.*
R/n thought it over for moment then shrugged "Eh, close enough..." And this was All be cause she just wanted a few minutes to herself and to be far away from Ken as possible! But being stuck out here made R/n realize she couldn't really blame him for lashing like that. He was stressed out they both were, neither of them haven't had a moment of peace in what seemed like forever! Hell they've barely spoke to each other since R/n moved in...One of them was bound to snap from the pressure eventually!
R/n looked across the pitch dark bay at the distance of the Ultrabase and wondered if she should risk it and try to swim back? The delivery girl looked down at her scrapped hand and legs then snorted. She'd never make it, R/n was by no means a profession swimmer and even if she was there was a risk of riptides; that with all the blood she was leaking she'd be inviting every predator in a near mile to a free dinner! 
While was stressing over her current predicament she failed to noticed the two blue lights under the waters surface searching around until they looked up, they seem brightened up when they noticed her sitting at the water's edge, R/n let out a panicked yelp as tried to hang on to the buoy for dear life as the waves caused by the unknown entity crashed against it threatening to send R/n tumbling out to sea! *Oh, Great...now I'm gonna get eaten by a kaiju!* The delivery girl thought as the unknown creature broke the waters surface but what greeted R/n wasn't some aquatic monster wanting to eat her but instead the towering figure of Ultraman standing over her.
"R/n." He said with a relieved sigh as he leaned down to get better look at her. "Are you okay?" The delivery girl hugged the buoy tight as his movements caused the water to shift around. "I'd be happier if I was on land!" the delivery girl whined as the buoy shifted violently Ken reached out and held the buoy still while he held out his free hand out for R/n to climb on to. The tiny woman reluctantly hopped on and expected Ken to just walk them back to the base but instead he suddenly cupped his other hand over her. "Hey, take a deep breath for me, ok?" R/n looked up confused at what Ken was doing. "Hold my breath? what for-" her voiced echoed of into the distance as Ultraman suddenly flew off into the sky.
R/n felt like her stomach was yanked into her feet as Ultraman flew them somewhere when he finally stopped and set her down R/n needed a minute to get her bearings before looking around her eyes widened in awe as she took in the white sandy beach and untamed jungle in the distance. "Where is this?" she asked looking up at the silver giant who rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's just a random island my dad used for training, it's small enough not show up on any maps and completely uninhabited." he explained as the [y/hc] woman looked out into surroundings she could see some parts of the the island were all kinds of torn up and in the pale moonlight she could see areas of the beach were glassed over like it had been hit by a lighting strike or say an alien energy beam...
"Why did you bring me here-....Are you going kill me?!" Ultraman looked at her startled "What the hell makes you think that?!" R/n goes on a rant on how she knows and seen too much, she could go to the press! Which she wouldn't actually... but still she's a liability to his life! "Would you calm down? I'm not gonna kill you...I brought you here to talk." Ken reassured as he sat down, it was kinda funny seeing Ultraman sitting so casually in that sand as R/n reluctantly joined him...
the two of them relaxed to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and crickets chirping in distant the jungle as Ken finally spoke up. "I'm sorry freaked out at you like that, It's just this whole thing with the baby and my jobs-" His timer started blinking R/n put her hand on his thigh. "Hey, It's okay. I get it..." Ken didn't seemed too convinced.
"No, what you said earlier; about uprooting your life... I never thanked you once for that did I?" The giant asked looking down the human his eyes dimmed somberly as R/n removed her hand from his thigh and looked down at her lap. "It wouldn't hurt to hear it every now and then...." The giant moved his hand so it was rested behind R/n who leaned back against it. "Well thanks, for everything." he said as the two sat in silence for a few moments enjoying the silence before R/n spoke up.
"I'm curious why haven't you switched back to human, don't you have 3 minutes or something?" Ultraman looked down at her oddly. "Uh...What? I don't have time limit, why would you think that?" he asked with sight laugh R/n's mouth opened but closed again when she couldn't come up with an answer. "I'm not sure...maybe I read it somewhere?" Ken was curious now and went to press where she had read that from? but was interrupted by Mina calling informing that the baby was waking up soon and she won't be happy seeing both her parents gone.
 "Welp, looks like break time over, let's go home" He held his hand out for R/n to hop onto this time delivery girl was ready for take off as Ultraman jumped up into the sky, when they got back to base Mina chewed Ken out for not bringing straight home to have her scrapes treated before the deciding to run away for an hour.
{Ultraman didn't turn back into Ken cos he knew they weren't going to be staying on the island long.]
{Also: Did you catch the Archer reference?}
@oh-kurva, @mashiromochi,
@boogiemansbitch, @ok-boke
176 notes · View notes
psychelis-new · 9 months
pick a pile: "New Year's message for you"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to find a message that this new year wants to be delivered to you as it starts.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL! May you stay blessed, healthy, safe and happy all year long. May you be able to see your dreams come true before your eyes.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Honeybun this year I want you to focus on doing a bit more for yourself. More of the things you enjoy, more of the things you can do to show yourself love and care: make yourself a cup of that drink you love, stay hydrated/eat well, make your bed carefully, take a long bath, read or watch a movie, start that course you wanted to try, go to that new shop/market you wanted to see, dance and sing, draw and paint, go for a walk, take a nap, give yourself accolades for all you've done until now. Give yourself small gifts here and there to show yourself how much you appreciate all you do and the person you are becoming. You deserve that. Working on yourself while handling relationships and life is not easy, and you're doing your best. Take a breath, take time for you and set your boundaries. You're giving a lot on the outside to others, and I'd like for you to learn how to include yourself more into that receiving side. Not everything others need has to be so impellent: give it the right importance. Give to yourself too, you are as deserving as anyone else just because you're alive now: you don't have to do anything in particular to deserve love and care. Remind yourself that is not perfection what you're aiming for, as it doesn't exist: mistakes are okay, they help you grow and better yourself. Be nice, be happy: beautiful things are coming. Stretch yourself out, take (up) your place/space in your life. P.S. I know you like to write, so write. Write it all down. You never know... Don't be scared of talking about yourself and your needs.
song: cure my desire | hannah wants, clementine douglas
Possible meeting of new people especially friends and especially if you've been alone for a while now in the most unexpected ways/places (maybe also while you're expressing yourself in some -even artistic- way: could be photography, writing, talking, taking notes, studying, classes/courses...), follow your guts.
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pile 2
Little cutie you're so lovely you have no idea. And you're hurt, even if maybe you're not entirely aware of the ways you are. But that's okay: it'll come to you with time. We don't have to know and understand everything immediatly: that'll be too much, don't you think? We need to let things move and develop at their own pace. And at our own pace too: we need to respect ourselves. I know for now you may just feel confused and hurt, and I'm sorry. But don't give up. What I can tell you is: I'm gonna be gentle with you. I'm gonna watch you grow and learn how to take care of you and of your past, step by step (baby steps!). Your inner child needs you so much... Don't shut them off, listen to them. Help them find the answers they seek and could never get. Help them receive the love and attention they deserve. Those bandages you put over your wounds are now in need to be removed and the wounds need a better healing. Let them go, don't hold onto them anymore. I know you feel so worned out now, but you will make it. You have no idea what can be born on a healing wound. Think about the cracks in the concrete and how flowers can born from them. You're the same. You have buildt up walls and confined yourself behind a rigid structure to protect yourself but now it's all starting to crumble: you're too sweet to not be willing to deal with others and receiving love. You need others, everyone does. Let it all crumble, let others come closer. You will know who to trust, trust yourself. You will know how to make flowers come out of that place of hurt, you will survive. You will make it. I love you.
song: release | editors
You have probably jaded yourself out of pain or have been jaded for a while, maybe you're finding out about triggers and traumas you may need to work on. I feel things will start to improve this year, you may be approached by good people. Some of you may also be approached by someone from their past trying to make things up: up to you if to let them in again in your life or not but please be aware of who they are now and keep in mind the pain they caused you. Stay grounded. I don't see much career/school-wise, probably it's not the main focus of the year or there aren't huge changes in sight as for now.
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pile 3
Sweetheart, it's time to move. It's time to change, to travel. To see new places and experience new emotions. To start a new life. I know you want it too, you're hungry for all that at this point. It's time to travel in time as well: go to your past once more, it's almost done. Take care of your inner child and younger self, help them heal the last bits of pain. Love them and love your present self the same way, as they're still part of you. They still live inside of you: embrace them, embrace your whole self, embrace every part of you. And plan your future: don't let life and others decide your moves entirely. Listen to what they want to say and find the hidden meaning of what happens if you need, but then act according on your intuition. Trust yourself and your guts the most and be aware of others' real intentions and energy around you. Be graceful and delicate as you've always been but don't let anyone fool you, don't let their fears win you over, don't let your hurt self control you and hinder you. You already know it: it's time, it's time. It's time to shed a light onto what is hidden, onto what is dark; it's time for clarity, especially of your mind. Be open to receive, also new downloads from us. We're not leaving from your side, ever. It's our time too now. Be a ray of sunshine for everyone to see, be always lovely and warm with others as I know you are. Dream big and act even bigger.
song: set fire to the rain | adele
For some, strong love energy (possible counterpart/fs/long time partner-- their higher self may be in contact with you); also new start in career/change of career/start of business/change of school or way to study/results
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pile 4
Dear one, this year I would like you to focus on creating your new self, on crafting yourself with no fear of failure. You have all that you need, just let yourself see that and welcome who you are from within. Take time to know yourself/build up yourself again, if this is what you need now. You've been through a lot now so it's okay to be confused and maybe even angry. But do not give up on the amazing person you are. Shine bright, and let those who like you, see the real you. Let your real self out and be liked by others, and don't worry about how they may perceive you. I know it's hard and you only want to be accepted, as you are tired of feeling alone, but trust me: the moment you start embracing yourself, people will come at you, attracted by your amazing talents and abilities. You can't see them now, so please, go within to find them. You have plenty, trust me. Be nice and compassionate with yourself: you've been through a lot. And remember it's okay if it's going to take a little more time to get where you want: the path you will choose, will take you anywhere you want. Just don't let others' images of you make you change your mind. Life and relationships are pretty complex, and it's hard to get through them tbh. But you can make it, you can come out of the storm and you will. And out of this storm, you'll find exactly want you want. Even me.
song: le cose più rare | cosmo (at the end it keeps repeating "then maybe one day we'll meet again" and I think it may be important for someone of you, especially if about someone you're no longer in contact with/cannot be in contact with)
For some, there's possible love/partnership (also friends) in sight; career-wise you may receive an important offer and/or as said get into a partnership or find clients interested in what you offer (you may come up with that in a few months if you aren't still sure about it)
282 notes · View notes
nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
A bun in the oven | Part 1
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PAIRING | Baker!Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Employee!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | The relationship between you and Tony has been going steady for a while, and Tony is ready to take the next step in your relationship as he asks you to move in with him and his cat, Oliver. When you find out you're pregnant not long after the move, your relationship takes an unexpected turn, but you and Tony are set on giving your little baby the best life you possibly can.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, unspecified age gap, use of nickname (Peach, Detka, Bambi, Baby Girl, Cupcake), parts of Reader's body are described (thighs, stretchmarks, belly), unplanned pregnancy, references to morning sickness.
SMUT | Daddy kink, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, lactation kink, dirty talk, teasing, begging, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), overstimulation.
A/N | All I have to say is... wow. I didn't plan for this fic to become this long, but I'm very happy with how it turned out! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for all the help during this fic, from helping me when I was stuck during the writing to supporting me through it all; it all means more than you'll ever know. Thank you so much for proofreading this; your reactions made my experience unforgettable! Eu te amo 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Bakery Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | Comfort hug Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo | First ultrasound
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Part 2
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Today is a long and busy day in the bakery for you, especially since Tony isn't there to run things like he usually does. Every Wednesday is his one day off; this time, it is an absolute rush of people the entire day. Your colleague, Alex, had to be called in as well, and you're delighted when the door finally closes; the bakery case is pretty much empty aside from a few cookies and a few stray pieces of pie.
''Why don't you go home? I'm sure the boss will be happy to see you,'' your colleague and good friend, Wanda, tells you with a wink. Since you and Tony started seeing each other, you have been practically inseparable, and you can't wait to see him and little Oliver again.
''Are you sure you don't need my help-'' you try, but she cuts you off.
''Go home, Detka. You've been here since 6 AM; you deserve to let yourself be taken care of at home,'' she says with a knowing look, and with a sigh, you nod, taking off your apron to go home. The drive is surprisingly fast, and before you know it, you're ringing the bell at Tony's house as he asked you to come over tonight.
The door swings open, and Tony greets you in a casual yet sexy outfit, lightly messed-up curls, and Oliver in his arms. A broad smile adorns his face as he takes in your outfit, which is comfortable yet perfect for the chilly weather outside. Tony is the first to lean in for a kiss, and as soon as your lips meet his, every last thought in your head seems to disappear, and all you can think about is that you're home again with your two favorite boys.
''How's my girl doing today?'' Tony asks as you step in, giving Oliver some scratches as well.
''I'm tired. We had a long and busy day, but I'm happy to be home again with my two favorite guys,'' you say before giving a peck on his lips, needing to stand on your toes to reach him since he's quite a bit taller than you are. After a few last scratches behind Oliver's ears, you venture into Tony's house and see how you need a bath to relax your aching muscles on your way to the bathroom.
''I'm going to take a bath, is that okay? My legs are sore beyond belief, and I could use some relaxation,'' you ask Tony, who confirms you can.
''I'll run it for you, Peach. You can just get undressed, and I'll do the rest,'' he tells you before heading to the bathroom. You trail behind him with your Kindle, but he walks faster than you. When you reach the bathroom, the bath is already half full, and there are many bubbles in your favorite scent, Peach.
You quickly undress yourself as you're facing away from the bathroom, failing to notice Tony walking your way as you're going to unhook your bra.
''Please, let me do it, Peach. I missed you so much today,'' he whispers against your ear, and you can feel your nipples pebble at his words combined with the cool temperature in the bedroom. His fingers unhook the lacy garment without a single problem, letting it fall to the floor and exposing your now hard nipples.
His long fingers get a gentle hold of both of them, stimulating them lightly but enough to have you clenching around nothing and moaning his name softly. Your hips involuntarily buck against his crotch, and you can feel him getting harder in his pants, too, knowing he enjoys this just as much as you - if not more.
''D-Daddy,'' you say in a breathy moan, his hands now cupping your entire breasts, massaging them softly, your hands holding onto his arms as he does so. Not long after, he lets them go to hook his fingers behind the hem of your panties, tugging them down in a smooth motion as he crouches behind you, allowing you to step out of them.
''Turn around for me, Peach,'' he asks in a low voice, and you do without hesitation. His lips place soft kisses on your thighs, whispering sweet words to you, his hands gliding from your calves up to your thighs and butt, where they rest for a moment to massage it as well.
''You're perfect in my eyes, Peach, all these curves adorning your body have me falling in love with you every single day,'' he says as his kisses trail up, placing one on your mound, too, right above your pussy. A wave of arousal flows through you as his lips make contact with your sensitive flesh, leaving you to clench around nothing and wish he was eating you out like a starved man.
''Those heavenly, thick thighs I want to be buried between every day, these beautiful stretch marks adorning your legs and belly, your amazing hips that I can never give enough love, and this perfect, soft, poochy belly that makes you softer than the softest teddy bear,'' he says, placing kisses everywhere before finally getting up, his hands staying on your waist.
''I'm so lucky to call you my girl, Peach, and because of that, I want to discuss something with you over dinner,'' he says before capturing your lips again, your fingers digging into his biceps as he takes your breath away. As he pulls away, a small smile dances on your lips, your eyes closed just a few seconds longer to keep the moment's magic alive.
''I love you, Tony, and I want to thank you for everything,'' you say with a shy smile, met with a broad one adorning his face.
''Oh, my beautiful, delicious Peach, you deserve nothing but the best, and I promise to give you nothing short of that every day. I love you so much, and I should thank you for everything you do for me. You truly make every day brighter with your existence, and I can't wait to spend every day together with you,'' he says, stealing one last, deep kiss before guiding you to the bath.
With one playful smack on your butt, he helps you into the bath, and you let the warm water engulf you as Tony crouches next to the tub so he's at eye level with you.
''You can take as long as you need, alright? I'll get started on dinner for us, and Oliver and I will be waiting for you when you're done,'' he tells you, stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear as he looks at you with nothing but love and adoration. With one last kiss on your forehead, he gets up, lighting a candle on his way out before letting you relax in the hot water, and you open your Kindle, ready to finally finish the book you've been reading.
As you let your muscles relax, you subconsciously let one of your hands rest on your belly. Over the last few months, you and Tony have been talking a little more about the possibility of having children, and even though neither of you is actively trying, you wouldn't say no to getting pregnant sooner than later. Little did you know that Tony couldn't stop thinking about you getting pregnant.
As he's preparing dinner for the two of you tonight, his mind constantly wanders about what it would be like to have a little one. Everything seems to pass the revue from how he would care for you when you're pregnant to how you two would raise them. As he thinks about potential baby names, he suddenly hears your footsteps on the hardwood floor as you walk into the kitchen.
''How was-'' is all he can say before he turns around, his jaw practically on the floor at the sight before him. You're dressed in one of his dress shirts, which is about three sizes too big for you, and from what he can tell, you're wearing little underneath. He can't ignore the way he can feel himself stir in his jeans as he looks you up and down, smirking back at him with an innocent look on your face.
''What's wrong, Daddy? Is there something on my face?'' you ask with a mischievous, semi-innocent tone in your voice that has Tony going crazy for you already. It doesn't take long for him to have you onto the counter, two of his fingers working you through your orgasm, leaving bruises on your neck from the small love bites.
''This was your goal, wasn't it? Driving Daddy so crazy he just had to give you what you so badly wanted?'' he asks you, but you're too far gone even to register what he's asking you. All you know is how the pleasure is taking over your entire brain, and white edges appear in your field of vision as the pleasure is becoming too much, and you squeeze his biceps hard as you cum, your arousal squirting all over your boyfriend's arm and the kitchen floor.
With a satisfied smile, he works you carefully through the rest of your orgasm, giving gentle kisses along the column of your throat, his free hand rubbing your thigh soothingly. A slight whine escapes your lips as he pulls out his strong, thick fingers before holding them out for you, allowing you to lick them clean for him. With a content smile, you lick them clean, listening to Tony whispering sweet words to you.
''I can't wait to start our family, Peach; I bet you'll look even more beautiful when your belly gets nice and round. Our baby will be growing to be a healthy and strong person. God, I hope they'll look just like you, Peach,'' Tony tells you, sealing his words with a gentle kiss on your cheek before he helps you back on the ground, your legs still unsteady under your body.
''Careful there, Bambi! How about this: you go and sit on the couch with our little devil, and I finish dinner while you watch some TV,'' he offers, and you nod in response, finally trusting your legs not to give out from under you.
''I love you, Tony; I'm the luckiest woman on earth,'' your hands grab his cheeks before you pull him down, kissing his lips softly before turning around and settling on the couch. Oliver finds his spot on your lap soon after, but this time, he is adamant about lying his head on your belly as if trying to protect it. You don't think anything of it right now; instead, you give him the scratches he desires while watching TV, just like Tony said.
Thirty minutes later, your dinner is ready, and Tony has set the dining room table already. A few candles light the room in a dim, romantic light, your favorite music plays in the background, and the food looks as delicious as ever. How you got so lucky to have a man who is both a master at baking and cooking is beyond you, but you're not one to complain about it for even a second.
As soon as you're seated and ready to eat, Tony cuts right to the point, impatience taking over as he tries not to wobble his leg up and down the entire time. There's a bit of a lump in his throat as he thinks about how to approach this topic, but eventually, he decides to rip off the bandaid and ask you straight up what he thinks.
''Peach, do you remember when I said I wanted to discuss something over dinner with you?'' he starts, and you nod as you grab some salad.
''I want to discuss you moving in with me - with us. That way, you're closer to the bakery; you and I can spend even more time together that way. And I'm sure Oliver wouldn't object to you moving in, either,'' he says softly as his deep, dark brown eyes look into yours in anticipation of your answer.
''I-I'd love to, but the lease of my apartment isn't up yet for another seven months,'' you tell him, brows knitted as you think about the considerable fine you'll have to pay to end the contract earlier.
''You don't have to worry about that, Peach. I-'' he starts as he thinks about how to bring up his next point. ''- I already paid the fine to get out of your contract, so all you have to do is get your stuff before the end of the month, and you're all set to go.''
Your eyes widen at his confession, and you can feel the butterflies in your stomach go wild at his confession. A broad smile works its way onto your lips, and you quickly get up before straddling Tony's lap as you pepper his face with a bunch of kisses.
''Thank you *kiss* thank you *kiss* thank you!'' you told him, and from that moment on, you were slowly either moving stuff into Tony's house or selling stuff that you didn't need anymore. Before the end of the month, you're officially moved into Tony's house, living with the man you love more than anything in the world.
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It's been nearly three months since you officially moved in with Tony, and this morning, you got a chance to sleep in as you're having a day off. You're wrapped in Tony's arms as you're lying on top of him, exchanging slow kisses with a hint of tongue here and there, teasing one another a bit. These mornings are an absolute godsend for you both; you always like to make the most of them.
Tony's hands are roaming over your body, slowly gliding over your waist and hips until they find their place on your butt, squeezing suddenly to get a little yelp out of you, making him chuckle.
''What's going on, Peach?'' he says with a mischievous look, and you can't help but giggle at the sight. His usually dark brown eyes have darkened, and there's a hint of lust in them before he leans forward, catching your lips in a slightly possessive kiss, making your head spin from the intensity of it.
"Tony, please!'' you say against his lips, and before you know it, you're lying on your back, and he's lining his cock up with your entrance, ready to push in until he's buried completely. He stills as he looks up, his tip brushing over your entrance as he moves, making you squirm a little at the feeling.
''That's not what I want you to call me, Peach; I believe you know better than that,'' Tony says with a raised eyebrow, and you look up at him with a bashful look, a blush creeping onto your cheeks at what he's asking of you exactly.
"I'm sorry, Daddy,'' you tell him almost in a whisper, but it's good enough as he leans in to capture your lips with his, teasing you at the same time as he strokes his length, letting the head push against your entrance, but it's not enough to slide in, driving you crazy. All you want is to feel him inside you, every ridge, vein, and throb inside your pussy as he makes love to you, makes you fall apart on his cock.
''Please, Daddy, don't tease me,'' you whine softly, the teasing almost being too much as your hand slips down, but he lets go of himself to pin your hand above your head, making your breath hitch at the quick assertion of dominance, your arousal only making you wetter for him.
''But you're so beautiful when you beg for me, Peach. I can listen to it all day,'' he whispers into your ear before softly nipping your earlobe with his teeth, his hips thrusting forward as his cock glides through your folds, making you moan as it rubs over your sensitive clit.
''That's it, Baby Girl, want you to fucking moan and beg for Daddy,'' he says in a growl, the hand that was holding your wrist going back to his length, lining it up once again.
''Daddy, please fuck-'' is all you can say before he slides into the hilt, a long, broken moan tumbling from your lips. He lets you adjust to him before setting a slow, leisurely pace, wanting to take his time to have you fall apart for him. He revels in every moan and whimper falling from your lips, his eyes trained on yours to make sure there isn't any discomfort on your part.
''So big, Daddy, 's so big inside me,'' you breathe out as he pulls out before sliding it back in at an almost teasing pace, stretching out your pussy with every inch that he slides back into the warmth of you. He groans lightly when you wrap your legs around his waist, sucking him deeper into you.
''God, I love being inside you, Peach; I want to fuck you bare every single day until you're pregnant with my babies. Seeing those delicious boobs growing as they're filling with your milk, drinking from them until they're better, and your amazing belly growing round with our baby,'' he grunts against your neck between kisses and nips, which he soothes with his tongue.
''Will fuck you every single day until my cum drips out of this tight pussy, stuffed so fucking full with it that it drips out of you, and I'll stuff every last bit of it back until you're round for me, Peach, is that what you want? Do you want to carry Daddy's babies? Being a beautiful, pregnant wife for Daddy?'' he says as he picks up the pace, and your fingernails are making red lines on his back from the pleasure as you're trying to ground yourself.
''Fuck, yes, Daddy! Want all your babies!'' you exclaim as his cock hits your sweet spot just right, having you dangerously close to the edge without actually tipping you over. You can feel the pleasure building, but you also know you need just one more thing, and you're not afraid of begging for it, knowing how much he likes it.
''D-Daddy, fingers please,'' you croak out; the pleasure of his thrusts has you nearly unable to speak a coherent sentence, but the look of delight on your face tells him you're very much enjoying yourself.
''Where do you want them, Peach? Do you want Daddy to play with your perfect, sensitive, perky nipples?'' he asks as he pulls on one of them playfully, a loud whine escaping your lips at the feeling.
''M-my clit, Daddy, need them on my clit,'' you say with half-lidded eyes. A broad smile is dancing on Tony's lips as he picks up the pace as his thumb presses onto your clit, making the orgasm wash over you with a force you've rarely felt before, squirting all over Tony and the bed with a loud moan, your back arching into him as he praises you endlessly.
''Fuck! Doing so good for me, Peach, cum for Daddy!'' he says, and not long after, he cums too, his seed squirting onto your walls, the warmth filling you up as your hands scratch his back, a deep growl escaping his chest as you're both panting, riding out your orgasms. Tony carefully pulls out before crawling down your body, scooping up the cum that's dripping out and stuffing it back into your sensitive pussy, whines escaping your lips from the oversensitivity.
''Daddy, 's too much!'' you say as you try to close your thighs, but his broad shoulders prevent that from happening as he shushes you. Tears are flowing down your cheeks as the overstimulation gets too much, and you jerk your body away from him, and that's when he stops.
''You're okay, Peach, I'm here,'' he whispers against your scalp as he places himself next to you, and you crawl into his hold, softly sniffling as you let the emotions run their course. Tony's whispering sweet words to you as you come down from it, letting his warmth envelop you entirely under the comforter until it's time to get up and shower.
''Do you want to go and take a shower with me, Peach?'' he asks, and you nod. He steps out of bed and guides you carefully to the shower, where you let the hot water run over your body as Tony gives you endless kisses while washing every inch of your body.
''So perfect for me, Peach, 'm the luckiest man on earth to have such a beautiful wife,'' he says, and you turn around with wide eyes, a knowing look on your face. Your heart skips a beat at the word, but at the same time, the butterflies in your stomach go wild, too, and now it's all you can think about—becoming the future Mrs. Tony Stark.
''You like the sound of that? My wife?'' he asks with a broad smile, and you nod before standing on your toes, placing a soft peck on his lips.
''I do,'' you say with a wink, and then you finish the rest of your shower before heading out, ready to make breakfast for you and Tony and feed little Oliver. With a towel wrapped around your hair and body, you walk out of the shower, only to find Oliver, who has made his way into the bedroom and is now biting something previously in Tony's bedside drawer.
''What are you-'' you say as you walk over to Oliver, whose head snaps to you, his big eyes showing his guilt as he knows he got caught. When you see what he was trying to use as a chew toy, you can't help but let a deep laugh escape before grabbing it and heading to Tony.
''You'll never guess what Oliver did when I walked in,'' you tell Tony, who looks at you with one eye closed as he just got shampoo in it.
''I believe he wants a little brother or sister because I caught him trying to destroy the condoms in your bedside drawer!'' you tell Tony, who can't help but shake his head with a chuckle. Little did either of you know that Oliver's wish had already come true, though you don't know it yet.
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You've been sick the past week, and Tony has taken excellent care of you. From showering you when you were too weak to stand on your feet and clean yourself to giving you food and fluids, he has done everything in his power to make you feel better, but in all honesty, it has only gotten worse.
During the entire week, Oliver has never left your side, permanently curled up by your side, on your legs, or with his head protectively on your belly. Right now, you're lying on the bed, a few pillows under your head, Oliver on your lap with his paw on your stomach to protect you, and a thought wiggles into your head.
A while ago, you read something about cats that can sense when a woman is pregnant, and ever since you remembered that moment, you couldn't shake the idea. Oliver is lying with his head on your belly right now, and you're scratching him behind his ears when you decide to call Wanda, as she's supposed to come over with some groceries later that can't wait until Tony's home late tonight.
''Hi, Detka. Is everything okay?'' Wanda says as she picks up the phone after the second ring. Worry is laced in her voice, though you're quick to reassure her.
''Everything's okay apart from me being sick, of course,'' you say with a sigh as you're trying to prevent another wave of nausea, which works this time. Oliver switches positions and is cuddling even closer now, which makes you melt at the sight, and that's when you remember you're still on the phone.
''I- uhm… I have a favor to ask?'' you say in a high-pitched voice.
''Could you- uhm- Will you maybe get me a pregnancy test?'' you mumble, and you're not sure if she heard you, but she did.
''Really? I mean, of course, anything you need, but do you think your being sick might be morning sickness?'' she asks, and you hum in response, your hand lying on your belly as you think of the possibility of a tiny human growing inside you. The baby who will be the perfect combination of you and Tony. It's something you've dreamt about for a while, and now your biggest dream - becoming a mom - might come true.
''I'm about 50% sure. Oliver has been more clingy lately, and I read online that they can sense pregnancies, so I think it might be worth doing a test,'' you tell her honestly, and she agrees to buy a test for you so that you can ease your mind.
''You're the best, Wanda,'' you say before hanging up, and when you do, another wave of nausea hits, and you grab the trashcan just in time. Your morning sickness is the worst when you wake up, but it tends to linger throughout the afternoon, too, which isn't exactly fun either.
Not long after, Wanda has the groceries you requested and a pregnancy test. Oliver is happy to see her, and after a few scratches behind his ears, both of them are settled on your bed, where you can find the most comfortable position right now.
''Thank you for getting the test; I wasn't sure how else I would get one since I can't leave the house in this state,'' you sigh as you play with the box in your hands. Nerves are starting to take over now that you're getting ready to take it, and even though you're 99% sure what the outcome will be, it's still scary.
''It's okay, that's what friends are for! How late are you, if I may ask?'' she asks you, and you look at her with a nervous look on your face. The reality is settling in about how long ago it may have been, and you realize the signs have been quite noticeable. From the morning sickness to the increasing bra size and the fact that you're eating more, it all points towards pregnancy.
''If I had to make a guess, I'd say I'm about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant,'' you tell her, a small smile darting on your lips as you think about the little human inside you. You look at the box before getting ready to take it.
''Will you stay with me? When I take the test?'' you ask her.
''Like you even need to ask! Now take the test; I'm curious if I will be an auntie in 7 months!'' Wanda says excitedly, and you can't help but laugh as her enthusiasm works its way into your mood as well. A few minutes later, the test is taken, and you're waiting for the result.
''Are you hoping for a positive?'' Wanda asks as she holds your hand, and you squeeze it as you think about the answer. Of course, you're hoping for it, but deep down inside, you can also feel a little guilt, as this would mean you would have to give up a part of your dream to work in a bakery, which is your passion.
''I feel like 95% of me is hoping for a positive test, seeing how I've always wanted to be a Mom, and I know Tony wants to become a Dad as well. But there is also this five percent of me hoping for a negative, knowing that if it isn't, I will have to give up my dream of becoming a baker. I know it's not true, but deep down, it's a thought I can't seem to shake,'' you tell her, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
''I feel so… selfish to admit it out loud,'' you say as you wipe the tears with the back of your hand, and Wanda pulls you into a side hug, her arm wrapping around your shoulders as you lay your head on her shoulder, letting her comfort you right now.
''It's not selfish to think that way, Detka; getting a child will change your life no matter what, but I think you and Tony will get through this without a single problem,'' she tells you reassuringly, and just when you're about to answer her, your alarm goes off. You pick up the test, and an excited squeal leaves your mouth, seeing it's positive. You're pregnant with the baby of the love of your life, and your dream is coming true.
''Oh my god, I'm so happy for you, Detka! I'm so happy you're going to be a Mom!'' she says as she pulls you into a hug, and now you can let happy tears flow over your cheeks, clamping the test tightly to your chest as you let the emotions run their course. From that moment on, your hands are constantly on your belly, and all you can think about is how Tony's going to react.
Not too long ago, you ordered a cute bandana for Oliver to wear when this day arrives, and you're glad you had the foresight to order it already. Now, you're settled on the couch, and Oliver is wearing the dark blue piece of fabric, happily purring in your lap as you watch some tv to distract yourself from the fact that Tony can come home at any moment now.
''Peach, I'm home!'' Tony says as he walks through the door, and you get up to greet him, carrying Oliver as well. You're excited to see him, but you're also nervous to tell him what's going on.
''How're you feeling, Baby Girl?'' he asks, feeling your forehead for a potential fever. His hand rests on your cheek, rubbing your cheek lovingly with his thumb.
''Good, how was your day?'' you say, and before he can answer, he suddenly notices the bandana Oliver's wearing, and his eyes grow wide as the words sink in.
''Is this- Are you- Is is true? Are you pregnant?'' Tony asks, and you nod as you take the test out of the pocket of the hoodie you're wearing, showing him that you're most definitely pregnant with his baby.
''Oh my god, I'm going to be a Dad! I can't believe it, there's a little baby growing in this belly of yours,'' he says before capturing your lips with his, and not long after the kiss turns salty as Tony's tears escape, so you pull back from it, wiping them away with the back of your hand.
''I'm going to be a Daddy,'' he whispers to your belly as he crouches down, lifting your hoodie to place a few soft kisses on it, whispering sweet things to the little embryo. His emotions are overwhelming as the tears keep flowing, yet he's very happy at the same time. The day he's dreamt of for almost 2 decades is here, and he's happy to share it with you.
A week later, you have your first ultrasound planned, and you're just stepping out of the shower with Tony. This morning is rough, and you even contemplate rescheduling the appointment.
''Are you sure we have to go today? I want to lay in bed,'' you try to convince Tony with a slight pout, which he swiftly kisses away.
''I'm sure we have to go, Peach. I know you want to stay in bed, but we'll see our little Cupcake for the first time today! If you want to stay home, we, of course, can, but I think it's important we go if you're feeling good enough, my juicy Peach,'' he tells you, and with a soft groan, you let your head fall against his chest. Tony and his reasonable thinking have you feeling some way, though you know he's right.
''Alright, but only if I can go in a comfy outfit; I don't feel like wearing jeans or a bra today,'' you tell him. A smirk appears as he leans in to whisper the following words in your ear.
''You will never hear me complain about you not wearing a bra or panties, Peach. You know that's how I want you always to walk around.'' Your breath hitches in your throat at his words, and you turn your head to capture his lips with yours, giving him a deep, passionate kiss that leaves you both breathless.
''God, I love you so much,'' you tell Tony before turning around and putting on a comfortable outfit, ready to go to your appointment. Armed with your water bottle and some medicine against the worst of the morning sickness, you go to the car, and 20 minutes later, you're at the hospital, ready for your appointment.
During your time in the waiting room, you get increasingly nervous, and Tony can tell by the way you're fiddling with your hands that something's going on. He grabs one of them and squeezes reassuringly before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
You're called in a few minutes later, and it's finally time to see your baby for the first time. The nurse explains everything, and before you know it, you can not only see your baby for the very first time, but you can also hear a rapid heartbeat that has both you and Tony tearing up. Your baby is healthy and growing at a rapid rate.
''Congratulations, you two, your baby is happy and healthy there! You're about eight weeks along now, meaning your due date will be around February 14th,'' she tells you, and you look at Tony with pure adoration in your eyes. You'll possibly have your love child on the day of love, making it perfect.
''Thank you so much,'' you tell the nurse, and when you're finally home, you're cuddled up on your bed, just like you wanted before you left the house. You're sitting on Tony's lap with your back against his chest, your legs stretched out over his, and Oliver is lying on your lap, his head cuddled up against your belly.
''What do you think about becoming a big brother, Oliver? Are you as excited as your Daddy and me?'' you ask him, and Tony places his head on your shoulder to see his little boy's response. Oliver bumps his head carefully against your belly, and you can feel yourself melting into Tony's hold, his hands splayed out on your stomach.
''Meow!'' Oliver responds. You have never felt so loved as you do now. Your boyfriend is by your side, your cat is on your lap, and a baby is in your belly. The rest of your life is officially about to start, and you can't wait.
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cordeliawhohung · 3 days
Pup anon!!!!
putting the ask you sent me copied and pasted under the cut because 1: a fox cries; never howls spoilers and 2: just cuz some of it might be a little triggering in regards to vague mentions of abusive relationships because i am also going to yap lmao
first of all about the second ask yes lmao, apparently just like half an ask got sent through because I meant the fc;nh, that I have to say it really had me saying yeowch out loud and clutching my kitties, I loved the same situation (obviously not the exact same way) so I just have to tell you that you portrayed the feelings perfectly, there’s too many parts that I went ‘yeah that’s exactly it’ but this one Grief is the quintessence of escape. You’ve crossed the threshold — you were dragged beyond it — and now there’s no way back to the way things were. Your life wasn’t good, and it was far from comfortable, but it was familiar. You only know how to navigate things when bound. Chained to an unforgiving master. How are you supposed to live with free hands?  I don’t even know where to begin with it, I suck with words too much, but you simply did it, I could yap for hours without an end about it, about living it and about how you portrayed it exactly how it is, but every word you wrote just, it was it, it was exactly how it felt, and that exact part was exactly how it felt when I finally managed to leave, even if for me didn’t go on for years, it was like six months maybe? when you finally step out, go back home, go back to a “normal life” you literally don’t know how to live it anymore, you always feel the ghost of the teeth, the words, the hands, everything, I was so used to that that it took me some long 7 years to finally be able to have a proper routine, to have a proper felling or wholeness at some point again even if not completely, I don’t know what the proper word would be, but as weird as it sounds reading that chapter brought me an amount of comfort that I can’t explain, I can’t never talk about this with anyone because they start looking at me like some sort of broken toy and suddenly start treating me like if walking in eggshells around me and treating me like a child, but while reading it felt like some sort of being understood for the first time, you truly are more than an incredible writer, i’ve overcome the whole situation just fine, even just a few days after getting out talking about it felt like telling a story and not something I lived and it stays like that until today, I actually have a friend that always used to ask me questions about it bc she wrote fics of that kind and wanted to know how to portray the feelings and the situations and I loooved answering her, it was the only moment where I could talk about it freely and calmly without the other person looking at me with pity, and to end this long ass personal yap once again, you’re just incredible, i’ll never get tired of reading every single thing that you write, you feel like seeing a baby kitten playing between flowers on a sunny day while you try to guess cloud shapes, i’m so excited for the next chapters, please always take care of yourself <3 and actually the yap that I have for yesterdays situation has some of this involved, i’ll send that soon enough i’m excited about it but I wanted to say all of this first, I know that you said that long asks don’t bother you but still i’m sorry!!! I feel like if i’m talking with my life long lost friend but at the same time like a girl sending her favorite celebrity mail while shaking on her boots
i get so terribly sad when anyone says that they can relate to certain characters/aspects of my stories because they are some truly horrible things to experience, but at the same time it's a little comforting because it's like, oh yeah i'm not alone. because i'm being so real when i say pretty much everything i've ever written and will ever write is just a trauma fic lmao. and i've had a few people come into my asks and tell me "omg you described this so well" or something to that effect, and while 1, thank you for the compliment haha, 2 it's something i try my best to do as far as evoking emotions, it's something i feel like i have to do.
like, people only want to listen to your trauma when it's pretty. when it's palatable. when you can dip your fingers into the blood and make it a painting. when you can turn it into art. it's honestly what got me back into writing because i needed some place to put it all down.
and yes, the pity people look at you with. i mentioned that a little bit too here:
For the first time in your life he makes you feel more like a victim than a toy, and you’re not sure if that feels any better.
it's such a really strange feeling to attempt to overcome. the want/need to share something but to be looked at the same. like a human. to be regarded with the strength you have for being a survivor. because it's alienating, in a way, not being able to talk about your past, these important in integral parts of yourself, because you know someone is going to treat you oddly because of it. good natured, of course, and i feel like media has portrayed that it is supposed to be that way, but it can be frustrating too. just, yes on that part.
also don't apologize for the personal yapping! i'm honestly glad you did. it's good to get that stuff of your chest, and i'm honestly so honored that i can create something that someone is able to relate to in a positive sense; that they feel seen and heard.
but ugh im so glad to hear from you! my brain is mush so i hope at least half of this makes sense i just also wanted to hop onto the yap. don't apologize for long asks either! i promise i don't mind at all lmao. and hey maybe one of these days when you feel comfortable to reveal yourself we can do all this in dms alsdkfj
also, so excited to hear the second part to your other ask earlier re: the collaring mmmm.
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luckyfrogtarot · 1 year
Pick an Autumn Snoopy 🍂
The autumn equinox is soon so let’s see what it might be bringing in for you!
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Pile 1: Pile 1 you could be one to put others before yourself. You could be surrounded by people who follow some strict set of rules and they might apply those rules to you too. You could try to please them by following their rules and pretending as if that doesn't go against what you believe or what you'd like to do. For some of you it could also be that you are emotionally more mature than some people around you and you have to pretend to not be so as to not hurt their egos. Mostly because this person or people always want to be right and it would be tough for you to go against them. This person/people could quickly get defensive and it could cause verbal spats between the both of you. This could lead you to wear a mask around this person or these people. It could even leave you feeling quite isolated at times too. This probably won't be for everyone but for most or some this is a work place or boss I'm talking about here. What does this have to do with the equinox? You ask. It seems like this equinox is bringing you time to consider rest and rejuvenation. Maybe you're able to vacation, go to a spa or even spend some time alone at home taking a bath. Something about water and relaxing in or around water will be good for you. There is a sense of you "detoxing" from this person or people that day(s). You're going to be able to slough away any unnecessary energy they may have placed on you over time. By this I mean any down putting ideologies or just in general bad vibes. It will be a time for you to focus on yourself and pamper yourself. You could be buying yourself your favorite beverage and maybe some bath products or candles. Whatever it is you do that day it will be to help you cleanse. Whether you do that physically through a bath or energetically with flames (safely pls) you will feel a lot lighter afterwards.
Pile 2: Pile 2 your excitement for Halloween is coming through strongly. You're excited for all of it the trick or treating, the dressing up, and the candy. You're home or room is already decorated and you might continue to decorate if you find more home accessories. Now moving on you could be someone who is fairly young. A student perhaps who has a lot on their mind about their future. You don't necessarily have to be young to have chosen this group. What is shared in this group is that you guys have the future on your mind. You have a lot of racing thoughts. If you are a student you're thinking about next year, the next classes, what school to attend, do you want/need a masters? If you're not a student you could be thinking about your next step in life should I change jobs? Should I move states? The thoughts continue I could keep writing. This equinox will be a time for you too calm these thoughts. Meditation might be helpful, it doesn't have to be meditation though. I know not everyone likes to meditate or some people find it difficult. Anything that strengthens your intuition and trust in yourself is going to be helpful. The cards show that logically you are really intelligent and as such you are thinking of all the possibilities of your choices. That's good and helpful and you could find your answer(s) in trusting yourself and the process. You'll be able to use both your intuition and logic this equinox to make decisions that will bring in the best for you this fall.
Pile 3: There is a beginning coming in for you. Pile 3 you could have been working on something up until this equinox or around this time. You could be scared to show what it is you've been working on. For a lot of you I'm seeing this is something creative. Posting your art or music on social media might be some of the things you guys want to do. The point is several people will be watching you and what you've worked on. You're worried these people are going to judge you or hate you or your work. There are several cards suggesting that you will be more accepted and love than you think. You are showing up as the empress; you are knowledgeable, creative, and intuitive. People will enjoy seeing you shine. If you do find yourself receiving discouraging comments or energy you will more than likely be too busy following your dreams to pay attention to them. You know exactly where you’re going too btw. The scene in Brave where Merida follows the Will o the Wisps comes to mind. You could either need to find your inner Merida or you will find her. Independent of your gender you will be finding the courage to carve and follow your own path.
(You got three songs so that’s why I assume you might be an artist of some kinda esp w mona lisa there)
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tabithatwo · 1 year
fics and posts of note!
if yellowjackets enthusiast is my second job (it is) then, within that, fic writing is my day job and tumblr rambling is my moonlighting, so here's easy access to my fics and to my more involved posts!
current status: okay SO i absolutely feel the need to try and finish abmb before s3 airs. so i am going to try and whip out the last (3? 4?) chapters of that before updating my other WIPs. that said i never actually know what i'm going to do until it's happening so who knows! i'm just glad my six month abmb hiatus has officially been ended with that last update <3 and my personal life has chilled some, so i am writing again <3 —9/21
likely order of updates: abmb, fences, resurrection —9/21
works in progress
x always be my baby (~350k)
All the living yellowjackets are forced together when someone decides to unearth their past. Tensions rise, past relationships are revealed, and new ones are forged in a reunion that no one asked for (except maybe Misty).
explicit / post-s1 canon-divergence / primarily adult timeline
x fences need mending (~38k)
Every decision that Jackie and Shauna had ever made—together and separately, in anger and in love, for themselves and for each other—had led them to this exact moment, a dreary October morning in the intensive care unit of NewYork-Presbyterian.
explicit / no crash au / dual timeline
x we practice resurrection every night (~22k)
A series of moments based pre, during, and post 1996 canon, centered around Jackie and Shauna, accounting for the huge, rippling impact of one small change: the Holmdel bust goes differently. Shauna ends up walking home with Jackie instead of Jeff.
explicit / jackie lives au / slice of life
complete (multichap)
x she shines me up like gold (~12k)
Jackie convinces Shauna to wear something a little different than her usual to Van and Taissa's Halloween party.
explicit / no crash au / mid-twenties
x you're just a bee charmer (~53k)
When Jeff dumps Jackie right before winter break, Shauna decides she's willing to do pretty much anything to keep them broken up. Jackie just wants to feel wanted, so what harm can a few messages from a new account really do?
explicit / no crash au / shifted ten years (they graduate in 06, rather than 96)
x just unzip me (~32k)
Shauna is the maid of honor in the Taylor-Sadecki wedding, but on the big day both the bride and the groom have a confession to make.
explicit / no crash au / set in 2004-2006
x prolong the night
explicit / jackie lives au / especially twisted
x (pt 1) no one knows what dawn will come (~12k)
Shauna helps warm Jackie up and, months later, Jackie helps Shauna survive labor.
x (pt 2): drunk from so many roses, redder than wine (~8k)
Jackie can't leave Shauna alone when the butchering duties get darker. Everyone has their role, and hers is just how she likes it—inextricably tied to Shauna.
x honey come over, the party's gone slower (~4k)
Nat’s dead, but that doesn’t mean it’s all over. She laid Jackie to her final rest, and now Jackie’s the one to welcome her to this strange new home.
teen / post s2 finale / nat pov
x trying to keep you alive (~5k)
A night of Shauna feeling especially self-destructive (cruising for women, talking to Jackie's ghost, and burning bridges with the only two people in her corner).
explicit / canon-compliant / post return / ghost!jackie or hallucination!jackie depending on how you read it
x no take backs (~3k)
Laura Lee is a few steps ahead of Jackie in this whole navigating being a ghost thing, and Shauna is falling apart quicker than Jackie can pick up the pieces.
mature / canon-compliant / set during 2x01 / ghost!jackie pov
posts of note
x jackie taylor is a lesbian frame by frame pt. 1
x jackie taylor is a lesbian frame by frame pt. 2
x tai and shauna / call your mom
x shauna and psychosis
x the "dreams" (travis' dialogue on near death experiences in 2x02)
x the "dreams" (eating and drinking in other realms motif)
x jackieshauna / lottielee
x mirrors and reflections in yj (the pilot)
x pit girl scenes and their cuts away from natalie
x lesbian breakup so bad (yj edition)
x sight and power and leadership (lottie, tai, nat, jackie ruminations)
x jackieshauna / our wives under the sea
x yj and jennifer's body
x nat/jackie ruminations
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spamtoon · 3 months
DCRC Book Club TWO !
for last week. oops. i'm so sorry puffy school and driving have been kicking my metaphorical ahh BUT. i need to read more of the funny uno comic. you have uno it came free with your ducklair tower (has said this joke like five times)
PLEASE know this is just going to be like. liveposting. rather than an analysis im typing this all while i'm reading the comic
pkna spoilers. again long post do not feel like you have to read unless you want to
please know that every time i look at an evronian now i think HOLY SHIT ! its Agron from Evron! me and my friends had a very enjoyable reading of issue 1 but this bad boy is allll me baby
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i was going to say wow this penguin guy looks sick i wonder if he's an actual charcter and then i realized the big metal thing is NOT armor that is their WEAPON and i am more dsappointed but yknow what sure. we need more penguin representation in duck.verse aside from those fuck ass penguins (referring to tus.kernini's penguins)
i would also like to note that the italian sound effects are very funny. i am told there is a SPAM later in the comic and i would like to see that come to fruition
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ooh? you're already at the making breakfasts stage donald? how fascinating... sorry no matter if i get an attachment to uno i will acknowledge he is forever donald's alright. the fucking way uno looks back i'm so... he's so goobity. he's such a thing. such a goober in fact
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well you see uno. this vandal is a club penguin fan and is looking to recreate the box dimensio--nevermind he's not taking any of the boxes joke cancelled HAH NEVERMIND HE IS TAKING THE BOXES see i told you
your AUNT is a mutant. obsessed with the idea of donald duck using your aunt instead of your mom because of his family being full of a whole bunch of uncles and aunts its beautiful i think
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angus fangus can you please get your bitch ass out of here and into the other hemisphere for me? thanks. you made donald sad. you made him so fucking sad im so (feat lyla lay swagger)
cog i ough. from what i understand from other comics the publication that tries to frame them is almost never Actually On Their Premises. this could lead to some interesting setups...
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donald yyou little fucking shit. i see where the 87 triplets get it from. i mean i approve but you little fucking shit. i love that uno just goes along with it like yeah this guy's a dick let's mess him up
im appreciating how they write lyla okay. she's so Manipulative but not in a bad way you know. yes she just said she was the duck avenger but she's doing it in order to gague donald's reactions, or as donald thinks possibly tip him off? she clearly knows a lot more than anyone gives her credit for and yet here we are.
oh she fucking knows knows actually alright. alright i see where they're going with this (i dont) (i am reading with Intrigue...) wait wait my epic brain thoughts alright.t they're doing the thing where they set something up and then they have a reveal so lyla lay. just might be a mutant like time fucky wucker was talking about eh? eh?
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the fucking fight scenes int his comic... the way they show the differences between weapons and just like. play with the panels. it might be standard for th medium and i just havent read hat many comics but i love shit like this
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please know that if uno didn't exit camera 9 would be my favorite character. spamcore. to me. and the fucking way they portray time travel here ough. cool as fucking hell. the slow stepping forward and the Wind Effect oho. ohoho.
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uno's fucking face sory i just. i too wonder how the fuck they're gonna outliquida.tor themselves out of this one becuase this. guy does in fact seem overpowered but donald probably has to deal with many more overpowered people
2 issues in and we've already introduced time police dear lord i wonder how it's going to snowball from here.
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the duck avenger version of the everyone's an idiot d.arkwing falacy. everyone's a fucking snoop and its beautiful. donald is so serious here and yet everybody else is like five steps ahead of him
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uno smiling is so fucking precious i don't care what anyone says its so fucking precious okay. please know i'm starting to feel important is making me emo but im writing the rest of this post immedaitely after rewatching a goo.fy movie with people so... and after three episodes that make em fucking nsnngamgsnmgngnsmgab you know
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the fucking way i actually went :O over this i'm so predictable omg. that's so cool. robots... are so cool holy shit. so there's just robots everywhere alright thats Fucking Sick Actually. i retract the thing i said in vc today acab does not apply to her i think she's... a silly girl...
hey uno. you see with uno. i dont even know much about him yet. i don't want to say it for certain right now but it feels like. not quite a bright spark in terms of Level yet but like. like bright spark in that i feel like him rejecting me would make me feel good you know. yes please list all the ways that though i am mechanical i am a disgrace to all robotkind, with my primitive technology and even more primitive habits. this could change. i am on the second issue of this long running comic. but at this point that probably isn't the case. uno makes me feel like a rat in that he's beautiful and i will prioritize saving him over the various citizens in the city. not that he needs it
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gay ahh wink from this mega.mind lookin ahh... dude i literally went to movie night and then when i came bakc there were like. two three pages left. but y'know what i ough. as i've said before i am invested in this thing and i have homework to do but i also kinda wanna do week three right now y'know. oughghghg i just. i'm so glad that they like gave l.yla lay an acutla purpose like i knew she had to be the only pk.na character in mudae for a reason but from her introduction i was SO worried they were just gonna have her be. The Girl Friend Character but she is shaping up to be so so so much more than that.
thank you dipshit duck for getting me to like. suck it up and be comfortable with reading comics because theres so much duckverse has in store for me and i cant wait to experience it all
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
The opening credits are beautiful, I'll give them that
"I know that no one who looks like you or me has ever married one of these people, ever." Bridgerton: Now Even More Suspicious When It Comes to Depictions of Race
Even permitting for the thirteen children, Queen Charlotte seems pretty neutral about her granddaughter's [redacted] LOL
"Very brown. Thoughts?" Me walking into parties in high school
Not Lady Danbury's Crypt Keeper-ass husband removing his teeth to sleep
"Lord Danbury. Imagine." [Tensely] "I am imagining." Lady Danbury knows that a title needs an heir
"You may be too beautiful to marry me. People will talk, given that I am a troll." George is handsome to the point of distraction
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"Either way, the choice is entirely up to her." I know it's like bare minimum but I do appreciate George reinforcing Charlotte's autonomy in the matter of their marriage
Charlotte changing outfits is fun for two reasons 1) That she is showing that she will be her own woman as Queen and 2) The superstition around seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding
Honestly, honestly. Get u a man who will bequeath u an investment property and give u ur space whenever you want it.
"Do we not spend this night together? My governness said that is what happens on our wedding night." [Pregnant pause] "Fine. I shall stay." What is George's deal? Surely even the pretense of consummation is necessary?
George from Bridgerton 🤝Derek from Swan Princes: How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less
Charlotte does not mince words for her Virgin and Whore Adult Children:
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"Your father and I made 15 royal babies all by ourselves. I do not see why the whole lot of you cannot make just one." Mad props for surviving 15 rounds of childbirth in Georgian England
Say what you will about Charlotte's currently loveless marriage, at least she's eating good food
HAHAHAH we finally get gay characters in this show and it's Five Steps Behind Brimsley and There's Nothing Wrong With His Bits Other Guy
Justice for Benedict and Eloise, who are bisexual and lesbian to meeee
"I do not know a single soul here except for you. I'm completely alone, and you prefer the sky to me." Even if George refuses to be a husband to Charlotte, he can at least be a friend
"What if he puts another one of his gigantic babies inside me?" Am I to take this as Lady Danbury has living children or nah
George sending Charlotte a dog is another green flag
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Thank God for Lady Danbury, no one will ever tell the Bridgerton women what sex is when they ought to
"But it can be such a pleasure." "Or it can be a painful, lifelong sentence." Danbury vs. Bridgerton: Marriage dichotomy edition
"I do not like the part where my head hits the wall over and over again. Is there a way to avoid that?" "Yes, there is a way to avoid that." George said: I want to be on bottom 🥰
George said: I am about to ruin the energy of our whole marriage in less than a minute
Is the King's tremor meant to represent his already being in the midst of his disease? :((
"Mother was going on and on to all the ladies at tea that their love means we now live in an unnatural society." Violet's mum said: The energy of this show isn't rank enough, time to be racist
Violet's dad calling her both Beauty and Brains as she asks questions 💝I love him
"So they are exactly like us. Better in some cases considering that several of them are from royal families of their own, and have much more money than we do." Violet said: I'm an ally
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HAHAHAH George and Charlotte working out their issues in classic Bridgerton style, via sex montage
"It would be difficult for you to hear about the Queen being with child long after the fact, would it not?" Lady Danbury said: I will go to ANY length to avoid spending time with my husband (fair)
"I planned some correspondence that I need to write, so the time was useful." Agatha, Master of Dissassociation
Not Mama Ledger dissing the Tween Mozart LMAO
"I told you that I enjoy science. Part of that science is agriculture. I enjoy farming." "So King George is... Farmer George?" There's the Farmer George I've heard so much about
"Why do you not understand that you hold our fates in your hands?" Something something the distance from the nobility to the class it rules something something labour from women of colour (and specifically Black women) something something Bridgerton bringing up the outward dynamics of racial inequity while refusing to interrogate the fact Nearly Every Single Black Female Character of Significance AND Simon Has Had Their Reproductive Autonomy Taken Away (Simon's mother, Marina, Lady Danbury, Queen Charlotte)
Shout-out Brimsley and NWWHB (Nothing Wrong With His Bits) for being my emotional support background couple
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"You can be a person with me." George and Charlotte uniting over their common understanding of their duty to support the nation ❤️
Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger ending racism one dance at a time
"Thank you." "You never have to thank me. We are a team." This line would've absolutely KILLED IT had it not been for the fact that Voltron already used this line in 2018, in a more emotionally substantive context (Shout-out my boy Shiro)
Not Lady Danbury and her homie Coral giggling and hugging because Lord Danbury is deceased (good for them)
Flhkfjhfkjhf Lady Danbury's 'Sorry I offended you about your dead husband, mine sucked,' tea is a social event on its own
"I was in the sky, but now I am going inside. Into Buckingham House." Charlotte immediately understanding that she needs to work within George's delusions :(
"Tell me, what would the people prefer: A royal baby, or cheap bread?" These principles do make for a good ruler, it is a shame about The Illness
"You command an entire kingdom. You can command yourself." George said: Friendship ended with early-onset neurological dysfunction, now personal affirmations are my best friend
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(I really hope someone has done fanart from this ep with George and that meme 'I am no longer mentally ill')
Tfjfjhfjfhf imagine if instead of finding me the right meds for my nerve pain, my doctor just slapped me in the face and told me to get a hold of myself. Georgian England Medicine do be rough
"Her perfection is matched only by my deformity." Fuck. I did not anticipate how deeply Farmer George's story would hit from a place of like. Self-imposed exclusion due to living in a broken body. But damn
Did it really take until four episodes in for NWWHB aka the King's Man aka Brimsley's boyfriend aka Reynolds to get a name?
I am enjoying the retrospective on all of these events from George's side of things
"And just like an animal, I will break you." I no longer enjoy the retrospective on George's side of things
It really is the Ultimate Gesture that he's getting tortured so he can get be well enough to know his wife
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If nothing else, the King has a solid homie in Reynolds
Really fair of Charlotte to be upset to be uninformed of what George was going through, but brutal that he's going back to Doctor Mon(ster)ro
"Do you suppose the Queen ever seeks...?" Omg I wouldn't expect Violet to be so saucy
Why are all the middle-aged women rising from their beds in the night is this going to be like that Glee song where everyone simultaneously discovers masturbation
"Loneliness is a battle even queens must fight for themselves." Penelope Featherington, somewhere: I gotta make fun of the Queen for having a mentally-ill husband
I'm pretty sure this captioning is incorrect, and what George is saying is, "Doctor! Doctor!" and not "Torture! Torture!" But both are accurate I suppose
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Hahahaha not to add insult to injury for Violet, but Lady Danbury made eye contact with Violet's dad at Lord Danbury's funeral like she was thinking he was beekeeping age
"It's not surprising you should mourn him, he was your husband." You don't have to like someone to feel weird that they're dead
"I was three when my parents promised me. When a deal was struck. Three years old. So, I was raised to be his wife." Agatha's parents said have you heard of grooming? We have brought it down to a science
The People of Colour in Nobility raise fair points about succession
"I am sorry to report that she remains alive and well, Your Majesty." Brimsley said treason is allowed if it's funny
"Paint her skin lighter. Pale. His Majesty wants her to glow." 70% of fanart for any given fandom LMAO (also shout-out to the real world contention around images of Queen Charlotte)
"I will see you here tomorrow. Same time. You will wear better shoes. We can ramble together." I KNEWWWW there was some eye contact going on [Agatha as Animatronic Fox voice] I'm gonna fuck your dad, Violet
"Your garden is in bloom." "It is blooming out of control." It IS going to be like that scene from Glee
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"Georgie, be a good boy and approve your brothers' marriages." "...I approve." The Princes forgot that there is one power that trumps even the monarchy: Being a mama's boy
"Your body is not your own." Welcome 2 having a uterus
At least Aldophus would be willing to intervene if his sister were in physical danger
"Rambles are there." "Rambles are there." "I am there." This would be so romantic if it were not directed at her future friend's dad LMAO
Agatha, somewhere in the present: My garden bloomed for your father once, Violet
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"The hard part is done," said Princess Augusta, as if being married to a person losing grip on themselves for the remainder of their life is not a hard part
There is something that feels like empathy about Augusta saying that Charlotte never has to see her husband again, even if it's immediately followed by the clarification they could need another heir
Brimsley reaching out to Charlotte but unable to reach her due to Georgian social graces
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I do feel for Reynolds, in his being caught and unable to do anything to help his partner or his friend/King
It is funny that we have not once seen Agatha interact with her children, given how family oriented the main plot of the show is. Historically accurate, mayhaps, but omg
"What do any of the women of the ton know of true friendship?" Agatha said: FRIENDSHIP IS FOR MEN AND THE POOR
"We are untold stories. And yesterday, you told me something of your story. And I, thank you." "You are most welcome." I love Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury's friendship ❤️
"It did not bloom until after he was gone." With your dad, Violet!
"I want to be gardened as much as possible." Violet said: Now that I have found my libido, I am open for business
Dominic Danbury is sooo cute I want a million more scenes of the world's tiniest noble:
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I do love how they give specific context to what royal connections the Danbury family has in Sierra Leone, rather than leaving their noble connections in ambiguity
I know Charlotte's the queen but damn imagine having someone who has just stationed their whole business in your drawing room before you got home
"Where will Your Majesty go?" "Why, I have come here." Charlotte said: Be a pal and commit treason with me, Agatha
Agatha and Charlotte deciding to start their friendship sincerely 💗I love women
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"I'm afraid." "Afraid of what?" "That I will not be able to love her." "Love is not a thing one is able or not able to do based on some magic. Some chemistry. That is for plays. Love is determination. Love is a choice one makes." Charlotte said: Love is companionship, William
"And these youthful fits shall become mere embarrassing memories." 1) Adolphus, you say this with the slightest bit of context as to why Charlotte left and 2) Not a good time to use the word 'fits,' it's a sensitive topic
"And I am not... coming inside." Finally the prophecy of dad fucking is fulfilled
Charlotte said: That's enough of this medical malpractice
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You know, I didn't really keep a good count of Agatha's kids. Are there four already or does she potentially give birth to her homie's half-sibling LMAO
Also: It is deeply weird that Papa Ledger's method of hitting on people is the birthday hat he also makes for his daughter
Violet has now found the birthday hat; to be expected but unfortunate for all involved. Does she think it was her husband or does she know it was her dad?
"I see them. Do you not?" Brimsley is ride or die for Charlotte 4ever
"I love you. From the mo... from the moment I saw you trying to go over the garden wall, I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you Charlotte. My heart calls your name. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know." COMMUNICATION
I love the double meaning in the last two lines, because it bridges right into him telling her about his condition so it's both "I wanted to tell you (that I love you)," and "I wanted to tell you (that I have been bearing this)."
"Perhaps one day [Violet] will have an unimpeachable reputation. Just like yours." I think this is how Papa Ledger has chosen to break up with Agatha
"I do not remember names. I am female." Me when I lie
"You do not know us. Any of us. You do not learn about us. You do not care for what we care for." Generational trauma: Royal edition
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"They will be together, have a marriage, grow old as one. We would serve them together." "A lifetime." Gay marriage: Royal aide edition
"Losing a husband is... inconvenient." Augusta said: Sorrows, sorrows, prayers
"I will not engage with the princess. I've promised the Queen friendship." Agatha said: Loyal homies before royal homies
"Brimsley. Have you any family? Did you never marry?" Incredible that after approximately 30 years, Charlotte has not once asked Brimsley about his personal life. Oh, rich people
Lady Danbury is too honourable to ask Charlotte for help, even though she needs help with title succession :(
"I have loved and been loved. And that is all I shall say." Lady Danbury said: I will never admit to sleeping with your dad, Violet
"There is womanly work afoot." HAHAHA me when I want a man to leave
Were I Charlotte, I would not take kindly to the horse comparison, no matter how helpful it was
"And over the years, I learned I need not be content to surrender myself to the uselessness of female pursuits. Instead, I secured my son as King." Augusta said: Crying is for women, we are politicians
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You know, all this talk of Parliament has suddenly reminded me how anachronistic George's haircut is. I wonder if he will finally put on a wig
"You have been an admirable adversary thus far. Our battles bring me satisfaction. So this, will not do. You are not allowed to come here and sob. You may not quit. Cover your bruises and endure. Do not lose control of your fate, Agatha." HAHAHAHA I can't believe Augusta is giving Agatha a pep talk and a shot of alcohol mid-title negotiation. That's mentorship
"I am sorry." Is George hiding under the bed? LMAO
Update from ten seconds later: He is
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Sometimes, love is not about who will pull you out from beneath the bed, but who will get under the bed with you
"Not a full me. Not a full marriage. Only half. Half a man. Half a king. half a life." "If what we have is half, then we shall make it the very best half." 💘Oh Charlotte
I know Agatha doesn't NEED to marry a Prince, but I think it'd be fun if she did
"I will not say words with hearts and flowers, because I know you are not a hearts and flowers woman. But there is something here. Between us. I believe we could be happy together." Yet another marriage of companionship about to be tossed over for passion. Why does no one on this show what to marry someone who simply wants to provide them a life of kindness!!! (I know in Agatha's case, Lord Ledger is also kind, but not kind enough not to cheat on his wife and introduce his daughter to his mistress. Soooooo)
Why do they cut to the back-and-forth between invitation and sex like it is necessary preparation for the ball hahahhaa
George is representing a very real mental health experience of when you spend a long time in your house and then you experience like mild agoraphobia when you have to be outside again
Literally no one at this ball has hair like George LMAO. But why am I seeking anything historical in the Shonda Rhimes Cinematic Universe:
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"I cannot marry you, but only because I cannot marry anyone." I respect this position if it's coming from a point of independence rather than for a different man. I love her regaining agency over the direction of her life!
"You make him happy. Thank you, your Majesty." This is the closest thing to a compliment Charlotte will ever receive from her mother-in-law
This show is pretty bittersweet, given all that we know becomes of the Queen and King in the future
Shout-out to Brimsley and Reynold's relationship for being the saving grace of this show
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Hahahaha Charlotte finally gets her one (1) legitimate grandchild after 50 ones that she does not care to know about
"I only did not wish to place my burdens on top of your own." Agatha 💞
"I suggest your shift your fear into faith and come to us with your concerns directly. To do otherwise would suggest we are incapable of addressing them." Charlotte is such a good Queen
Charlotte said: Your mum WAS right about my child-bearing hips!
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"I believe you should leave the hats where they are. They are lovely. As you say, cheerful." This is as close as Lady Danbury will come to acknowledging the dad-fucking
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"Your line will live on." "Our line." "Our line." Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The splicing between the young version of George and Charlotte and their younger selves. This is really getting to my heart.
"You did not go over the wall." "No George, I did not go over the wall." I'M GOING TO CRY, THIS IS MY FAVOURITE OF THE BRIDGERTON SEASONS 😭😭😭 ROMANCE!!
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lifmera · 4 months
HIHIHI, I was wondering if you could match me up with a Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and a Sally face character? IF THAT'S TOO MANY YOU CAN JUST DO ONE OR THE OTHER
OOKAY so, basic info, yappa yappa, I'm not good at thiisiss
My name is Sophie, I am Hispanic though I know NOTHING about Spanish UHUSHSU🤺🤺 I and gender fluid (They/She/He), I'm a January Aquarius (if that matters), and a INTP/INFP
Personality wise : I guess I'm an ambivert? MOST OF THE TIIMMMEE I'll mirror one's personality, but in general, it depends how close I am with said person 💪😼 Once you get to REALLY know me, I have little to no filter (in the right situations), I can be really sarcastic, really sexual (in a joking manner/as long as the other party is okay with it), affectionately insult, and I curse like a witch being trialed. I get irritated easily though, but I (try) to keep that to myself, being a people pleaser. Oh, I tell a joke? It's a dad joke. My love languages are gift giving, and depending on the person, a bit of physical touch (Side hugs, hand holding, ECT.)
FOR MY STYLEE... I REALLY think it's a huge mix of dark clothes: Goth, Adam Sandler, skateboard, Grunge, ECT., though I'm REALLY open minded!
I saw some people talk about their physical appearance.. SO LETS DO IITT : Brown, wavey hair that goes all the way to my lower back (I WANNA CUT IT AHHH), bangs that I absolutely DO NOT know how to style, somewhere between tan-white skin, roundish-almond, brown eyes, upper lip beauty mark, rectangular body shape with MEAT IN THE THIGHS RAHH 🥓🍖 My nose is straighter than I am, y'all
I LOOVVE Wine, literally heaven on earth. I also love drawing, animating, singing, writing, doing random voice overs, doing voice impressions, music (Mostly metal, rock, Goth, alt/indie, electronic), anything horror, insects, space, reptiles, basically any animal, anatomy, origami, and some other stuff I forgot about.
Some extra stuff about mee, I am usually very closed off and try to be polite until I have a deep friendship with a person, I am THE total fucking opposite. I love the internet, it literally raised me, therefore, I will cherish it (most of the time at least). I am literally a perfectionist, like AHHHH. I am very naive, like help me, I've caused so many problems with my naiveness 😭😭🤺
I LOVE daydreaming, why be in the real world when you can star off into space and pretend you're in another? Despite being the youngest in my family, I am surprisingly the one who acts like an older sister. I LOVE BABIES!!! Like, my step-aunt had a baby ALSO named Sofie, and I got to hold her AHSHAHHZH. I can be a bit hypersexual (FUCK YOU TRAUMA), But I know how to control it because I'm just like that 💪😼👹
I'm SOO sorry if this is too lengthy
I hope you're having a wonderful day/night! Thank you in advance if you DO match me with a character
HI LOVE!!!!! OFC!!2!1!1!
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Although you don’t realize it at first, it’s really easy to get along with husk. Even if you aren’t drinking!!
I think your personality drew this kitty in!! Although he doesn’t mind the sexual jokes, he would prefer to keep them to a minimum. He loved when you are sarcastic with him- or make jokes. Thats his humor as well, and loves to indulge in someone who has similar humor!!
Although you get irritated quickly- he can tell immediately. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. He will being you somewhere quiet/alone and away from people and talk to you about it.
He would try to help you NOT be a people pleaser, def the guy to stick up for you and tell that person to do it themselves.
Although his love language seems to be quality time- he doesn’t mind any!! He’ll feel bad to take gifts from you tho :(
He’d enjoy watching your outfits!! One day he’ll ask you to be goth- another adam!! He thinks anything you wear is cute on you.
If you love wine, he’ll MAKE sure he always has it in stock for you- let alone let anyone else order it. Probably hides it too.
He’d love to hear about your interests, or new animations, or even hearing you sing!!
Even if you’re naive!! He will be your bodyguard. Literally might be so annoying but he’s up your ass.
Even if you think you have imperfections- to him you don’t. And he will make sure you know that!!
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Come on. I think you and Larry would bond over your culture!! He also does NOT know any Spanish. LOSER ALERT. (Hc: he probably only understands it but fucks up pronunciation)
Your personality suits him sm. Cursing like a sailor? Him too. If you mirror his personality? Loves you. If you get close to him? Love you more. If you are sexual? He’ll play back don’t worry!!
Style, style, style. HE LOVES IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD. Everyday he looks forward to what you’re gonna wear, and probably goes all googly eyes. Cause he’s a loser like that!!!
He’ll definitely be a gift giver too, he’ll share his drugs (if you are into that. If not thats cool too!!) He’ll paint you all the time!!
Would drink with you 24/7. He probably wouldn’t drink wine though. He’d say it’s too “elegant”.
He loves your hair sm. You both have similar hair AHHH!!! he probably braided ur hair and his together once, or it got stuck head banging!!
Begs you to sing sanity falls while he paints. He absolutely LIVES to hear you sing.
Indulges in anything you like- will try it out ONCE. If he likes it, he’ll join you for more! Or just to spend time with you :)
Would probably love the internet too if he was raised off it.
Also sooooo naive. Two peas in a pod.
He would daydream with you. (As in he gets high and pretends he’s in lala land.)
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Literally definition of “have to be close to get each others personalities”
Understands that it’ll take time for you to show your true personality- but him too.
He will also make sarcastic remarks to you, and engage in playful banter!!! If you make a sexual joke- don’t think he wont flirt with you. He will.
More of a physical touch guy!! He wants to make sure you aren’t leaving him. He’s scared to keep losing people.
Not a wine drinker- but probably an alcoholic under the covers. Or maybe he drinks a shit ton when he’s stressed and regrets it.
LOVES your thighs. Would eat them!
At first he thought you were insane, but slowly started to love your style- and he now sometimes dresses in it. Even while sneaking to the human realm!
Definitely not an art driven guy. He’s bland but he gotta work! And on that note, has BEGGED you to join !!! And if you did- he’d get your art and use that to lure victims. Play guitar? Slash them behind a tree. Sing? They die backstage. Photography/Drawings/Animations? Once they leave into an alley they are done for!!
Will probably want to start a family with you- or hope you can at least get through to loona. He cherishes her soooo much!!
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Hi! First of all I hope you are having and amazing day/night! I happened to find this little blog that his helping demigods to find their godly parents and as someone who really unable to solve their own personality I would be very happy if you could help me out too!
Sooo somethings about myself:
1) I study at the univeristy at the moment for two different professions (One is Gastronomy and Culunary Art while the other one is Ethnography)
2) My hobbies are drawing, listening music, reading, writing, swimming, hiking, cooking, conduct research on history and cultures and doing some little crafting projects. Most of the people who knows my hobbies often tells me that I'm good at drawing and writing. Also from some experience I'm pretty good at acting too
3) I have an interesting connection between kids and animals. Somehow I make most of the young kids relaxed and happy when I take care of them. Same could go for animals too. Many of my acquaintances said that veterinary medicine or teaching could be good professions for me when choosing a department but I really didn't want to leave my love for researching.
4) I mostly have a mixed taste when it comes to music but most of my playlists consist of alternative singers and music groups. My fave Alt music category is Glam Rock, I can listen any kind of Glam Rock for ours.
5) My love languages are speding quality time and giving gifts.
6) My social life is kind of weird tbh. Most people a little shy about approaching me. One of my close friends actually straight up told me that I was looking so intimidating and happy while being alone that she got scared to approach me for a while. But in realty I'm just afraid that I won't make a good impressions in people (I thing this is some kind of anxiety ?). Also I'm not very good at endure people who are not willing to develop or do good things for themselves, "stupid" people (which there is a lot of them in my country) in my book so whenever I get in a chat with them I somehow use my expressions more than normal so that they understand I don't wish to talk with them.
7) I have this weird thing about my look. I don't like to be standard. Just as I can express myself with my clothing, I think I can do the same with my body. That's why I like tattos, colored hairs, piercings and such. Also some little step to achive my thought made me realize I was and am genderfluid. Soo I think it was also a win win.
Hello camper! Glad to be of help 😌 honestly I had the same problem, and then as soon as I got input from others I was like "wait yeah it really was obvious" 😅😅😅
Ok so I had to do some research BUT
I reckon you're a Demeter kid. Demeter is traditionally goddess of the harvest, but she is also the goddess of culinary arts. Although it's not explicitly stated, I'm so very sure the Demeter kids are the most multicultural cabin. You can't tell me that Demeter doesn't travel all over the world to see all the different crops and plants and dishes other countries have, even if her home base is still America. She's also the goddess of fertility and her children are natural nurturers (despite what dear Meg McCaffrey may make you think), which makes sense why babies and animals are drawn to you.
Well, child of Demeter, welcome to Camp Half Blood! Cabin 4 is unfortunately still under construction, although hopefully it'll be finished soon - for the time being, you'll have to continue camping out in Cabin 11. On the up side, Miranda Gardner, head counsellor of Demeter Cabin, has just negotiated that her and her siblings get a section of the cabin exclusively to themselves, so that should be more comfortable. I'm honestly not sure how she pulled that off, although I will say I saw Meg walking around earlier with an extremely smug look on her face... and some shiny new steel-toed boots...
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anisecandy · 1 year
Why won't you listen
Chapter 1
(continuation of the "Why won't you just take your time" and "Why won’t you just go one step at a time?")
Summary: After Peter’s efforts to learn more about his partners lead to a big quarrel, Eddie and the Symbiote learn some new things about themselves as well.
Rating: T
Words count: 5,242
Genre: Developing Relationship
Parings: Peter Parker/Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Author's note:
So, two things.
1. You know, I initially wrote this just for myself, with no intention of posting it. I simply wanted to explore a kink I found interesting. But then a mutual of mine mentioned posting a fic with foot fetish annnd I kind of felt less embarrassed of what I wanted to write about here. But that meant I had to scrape... 90% of what I already wrote? Since it was good enough for myself, but way too ooc for anybody else. While changing the concept and polishing it... I ended up with a piece that was way more serious than I planned. So I decided to split it into two chapters! The first is like PG-13, and explores character dynamics. The second is still being written, but is gonna be just kink lol. So the tags and the rating WILL change! But I'm really happy with how that first part turned out and as such I wanted more people to be able to read it ^^
2. The previous works in this series are sort of, therapeutic guilty pleasure for me. "I wish people talked to each other more!!" kind of fics. And I like that about them! But with this one, I tried to do my best to keep the canon level of the characters emotional intelligence, ability to communicate, etc. Which means they act differently than in previous parts! I wrote those like- A year ago...? So I think I understand Eddie and Peter, and, of course Symby, more now!
Link to the work on ao3
“We’re not doing this,” Eddie said for what seemed like the hundredth time and Peter could feel himself losing patience.
"Look, if you're uncomfortable-"
"With the fact that you need exposure therapy to get accustomed to our visage?" The corner of Eddie's mouth twitched. "Maybe a little."
Peter couldn't help but scowl at those words. He crossed his arms.
"Well that's not exactly my fault, is it."
The way Eddie cringed made him feel a bit guilty, but he was in the right here. Which was why it was so frustrating how reluctant his partner(s) was acting right now. Especially since the previous instance of, how he put it, "exposure therapy" was his own idea.
"Why are you being so difficult about this?" He huffed.
Eddie made a face.
"Let us ask you a better question; why did you bring your whole lab to our bedroom?" He pointed accusingly to hills of messy bed sheets, between which shined glass and metal of the instruments Peter set up. There were only six of them, hardly varanting such theatrical descriptions.
"Oh, would you stop that, you melodramatic baby," Peter rolled his eyes. "You can't tell me you're scared of a pair of gloves and a magnifying glass."
"What about those little doohickeys?"
A set of tweezers, syringes and a laboratory scalpel was shoved into his face. Eddie held them like damning evidence, with a look of utter dismay.
"That's for a better examination," he replied smoothly.
"Exami-" Eddie eyed the sharp surgical steel with disbelief. “So you have gotten bored of dissecting frogs with kids and decided to cut us up instead?"
"Of course not," Peter scoffed. "Neither of those is any more dangerous than a spatula at a dentist's office."
As much as Peter would like this to close the discussion, Eddie didn't seem a shard less defensive than he was seconds ago. The way he glared at the tools, you'd think one of them spit on his mother's grave. He threw them back on the bed, sending one of the scalpels flying. Peter's arm shot to catch it on instinct, before it fell to the floor, but his eyes stayed still. Eddie returned his annoyed gaze with an unyielding stare of his own.
"You will put those things back where you got them from and we won't be talking about it anymore," he said eventually, before getting up with the intention of walking away from any further arguments.
A groan left Peter's mouth, as he dragged a hand over his face.
"Come on, it's not like I'm intending to-" he mimicked pulling on gloves and poking around in a pile of gore, dr. Frankenstein's style. "I just want to learn more about you guys!"
"Then invite us for coffee," Eddie snarled over his shoulder. "We're free on friday."
At this point, Peter started to believe he was doing it on purpose, just to spite him. Wouldn't be the first time.
"You know that's not what I mean!"
The only response he got was the click of the lock closing in the frame. His teeth gritted as he chewed on a few choices of adjectives. In the end though, he only let out a huff. Then he stood up and followed through the door.
He found Eddie in the living room, picking up his bag, all but ready to head home. He grabbed one of the handles, before he could turn toward the exit.
"Why are you so against it?"
"Why are you so up for it?" Eddie's eyebrows raised on his forehead in an unimpressed manner.
"I swear to- I want to just do more of what we did last week!" Exasperation couldn't be more apparent in his voice if he tried, as he spread his arms. "Okay? That's it. That's literally it, just minus the sex part. Look-" He paused, to get back his composure. Maybe they were just having a miscommunication happening. Maybe Eddie was just getting something wrong and not being a contrarian for the heck of it. "When we... Sort of broke the transformation in steps and I could like... Understand some things better. Take a closer look at them. That helped, okay? I just want things to work for us. Between us"
Contrary to what he expected, or rather, hoped for, this only seemed to anger Eddie even more. He bent down to properly face him, but his gaze was cold and teeth bared threateningly.
"Those aren't the same," he stated firmly.
"But they are."
"No, Peter," he stressed so much that the words seemed to scratch his throat. "It's nothing alike. That and agreeing to be a specimen for you couldn't be further apart."
"You're not-"
Peter almost choked, as his breath froze in a hard lump just over his lungs. He gaped at them, seeking to see if Eddie, if they actually meant to say this. The ice in his eyes left little room for guessing.
"You're not a specimen," he finished softly. "You're my partners."
"Oh, so you ask all your dates for blood samples?"
The tone of Eddie's voice contrasted sharply against his. It was like a knife to the conversation and Peter found himself glancing away, in spite of himself.
"Thought so," Eddie remarked bitterly, driving the point all the way.
One pull was enough to free his bag from Peter's hand. The grip he held on it before turned incidental at best, making the action closer to untangling it from a branch than fighting a person. Once his fingers were no longer hooked over the fabric, his arms fell listlessly.
And when Eddie turned around and left, he let him.
They avoided Peter for the next few days. If Eddie could have his way, it would be even longer. No matter the excuses his Other provided for Peter's behavior, he found himself rejecting each one. Still, the wednesday after their quarrel (Although, Eddie thought bitterly, it wasn't really "quarreling" as much as one of the sides blatantly disregarding personhood of the other side) they almost ran into him during a night stroll over the rooftops. It wasn't much of a coincidence - the paths of their routines were planned with the intention of staying out of each others' ways most of the time. Their styles of helping people and dealing with the criminals didn't mesh well, to say the least. Even so, there were a few crossing points between them. Just enough to occasionally check on the other, maybe once or twice a week, to ask about the night, exchange iloveyous and a couple of kisses. They took this route so many times that Eddie didn't even register that they were heading to one of the crossings out of habit, until he saw the burning red of Peter's costume less than hundred feet away.
The moment he realized his mistake, he flattened themselves against the wall, hoping the other man didn't see them approach. As the Symbiote began to change colors to blend in with the shadows spreaded among the tenement houses, he let out a quiet hiss.
"I can't believe I was this distracted..." He mumbled and clicked his tongue. "Why didn't you stop us from coming here?"
Hoped to see Peter.
"Well, I did not. I don't want to see him, until he'll apologize to us."
How? Would have to talk for that, first.
"He has a phone," Eddie grumbled.
They both knew Peter wrote over twenty messages asking them to meet up.
Not that it had any bearing on Eddie’s thoughts on the matter.
Unaware of the dispute happening right under his nose, Peter stayed mostly motionless on the roof. He didn’t appear too focused tonight, sitting with his legs casually dangling over the edge instead of his usual crouched down position, allowing him to quickly sprout into the action. A more attentive glance discovered that he even had a thermos standing right beside him. When he reached to drink from it, a cloud of steam escaped from under the cap. Nothing unusual, considering that November was approaching fast. Nonetheless, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he probably planned to stay in this spot for a longer while.
Seems to be waiting.
"For what? The reckoning?" Eddie hissed grumpily.
Place of meetings, the Symbiote stirred, reminding him. When he didn't react (not counting an eye roll), it gently nudged at his heart. Let's go to him.
Let's talk. Peter's here to talk.
"As if!" He scoffed, ostentatiously looking away.
His first thought was to immediately leave, to which the Symbiote intensely protested. He didn't reply to its insistence. It already knew his stance on the matter well enough. With little hesitation, he got ready to leave, just when a high pitched scream cut through the muffled sounds of the nightlife.
Peter's head jerked up as if tugged by an invisible wire. In a heartbeat he launched himself into the river of lights, circulating under his feet. Their eyes followed him to a point, but he disappeared out of their line of sight the moment they blinked. They stared at the corner store by which it happened for a few seconds, before Eddie turned away.
"Looks like we won't be talking to him either way," he said, seemingly lightly.
The Symbiote was like a small, barely felt tide over his skin. Despite its mellow nature, to his slight surprise he recognized determination in its movements.
Will be back, it said without a trace of doubt.
He wrinkled his nose at it, before glancing back in the corner store's direction.
"Unlikely," he assessed. "Now  that a crime has happened, he'll surely relocate, or even go home."
Will be back.
"For the thermos, maybe."
Will resume waiting. Wants to meet.
"He's probably here by chance," he insisted. "I guarantee you, if he'll return here, he'll get moving right away."
But he didn't.
Just like the Symbiote foresighted, Peter soon perched back down by his abandoned drink. He shook his right hand a few times, cracked his fingers and stretched, but that was all the "moving"  he appeared to have planned for the closest future, slumping slightly in his seat. After a minute or so, he even started humming.
The two of them observed him from the shadows. Eventually, the Symbiote chimed in.
Will go talk now, right?
That pulled on the strings of Eddie's contrarian nature, making him carefully slide down the wall, with the intention to quietly disappear into the night. But the moment he shot a line of webbing at the nearest building and jumped, following its pull, the web started to melt. With eyes wide and a feeling of betrayal ringing in his chest, he crashed on the balcony below.
The loud thud of body hitting the concrete obviously reached Peter's ears, and he jumped up to a low crouch, scanning his surroundings and ready to pounce into the action. His eyes reached them the moment the Symbiote decided to abandon their camouflage. No honor among super villains. How typical. As soon as he saw their bulky silhouette ungracefully spreaded over the floor, the tension left his shoulders. If it wasn't for the mask he pulled down as soon as he suspected danger, he would be probably sending them now one of his most obnoxious grins.
"Gee, I wanted to ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven, but damn, this looks like one mighty crash," he said cheerfully.
"Oh can it, will you," Eddie grouched, scrambling to his feet.
For a few seconds he stood undecided. He still wasn't in the mood to deal with Peter's overall callousness, not to mention that his Other's treachery left him quite bitter.  It was on its behalf that he was angry, and yet... To think that it was so eager to let Peter treat it (both of them) like a curious experiment (to put under a microscope, to test, to prod with needles, to cut up and-).
Peter wouldn't do that...
Despite its words, he could sense hesitation revibrating through its tentacles wrapped around his brain. It was hope rather than certainty and he was baffled that it offered him even that much. Because Peter... Peter was many things. A hero — sure, by a certain definition. Their lover, as of late. Most importantly though, for the time being, a scientist. And they didn't trust scientists one bit.
Peter was still watching them, seemingly nonchalant  but vigilant; his arms hanging propped by elbows on his knees. But they knew him well enough to notice the strain in his back and legs. He didn't know what to do either. It was a little funny to think of. He probably waited here for a few hours already. And through all this time, he didn't figure out what to start with.
Maybe that was why eventually Eddie just let out an angry sigh and climbed the wall, to reluctantly sit beside him. Many things, right, but in the end, this was Peter, first and foremost.
Well, that and the fact that he would have felt as if he was running away if they left now. And that just wouldn't do.
"Want some soup?" Peter asked after a minute or so of over-stretched silence , ready to snap.
"So now you're not only providing the adventurous thiefs with clothing, but with food as well?" Eddie tilted their head to the right, letting their tongue fully roll out. "Truly, Spider, your generosity must know no bounds."
The other man shrugged, pouring a portion into the cup anyway, despite receiving no answer.
"I don't always take a thermos with me. I mean, usually I'm on the move, so the cold doesn't get to me, but yesterday my butt nearly froze to the roof, so... Yeah."
They could tell Peter wanted them to ask if he was waiting here yesterday as well. For how long, preferably. If they threw in a few "oh"s and "aw"s regarding the replies, of course accompanied by a look saying "poor you! you've endured for us so much! you're so poor, and sweet and everything else doesn't matter and is in the past!", then he'd probably feel as if everything was right in the world again.
He and Peter couldn't be more different, but the similarities they did share were some of the most annoying traits a human being could possibly have. Not that Eddie ever allowed himself to consciously acknowledge that.
The cap hung in the air, filling it with a steady stream of deliciously smelling steam. Venom eyed it with an unreadable expression. Taking it would mean, while maybe not straight up accepting an olive branch, at the very least willingness to do so, additionally on Peter's terms. The Symbiote wished to reach for it. Eddie would rather eat his own journalist notepad.
"One of Aunt May's best works," Peter almost sang the "o", shifting the weight of the cap in his hand and making the soup shimmer appetizingly.
Well, damn it.
Without a word(or eye-contact), they took the offered food. Again, they could sense Peter was smiling. They took a sip.
"...And here we were, beginning to think your words could actually be trusted," they said under their breath.
Peter raised up his arms defensively.
"Hold on there, I've never specify if I meant she cooked it... Or provided the recipe." The murderous look they sent him only made him laugh. "Come on, it's still pretty good, no?"
"It's...," A grimace formed on their face, but in the end Eddie couldn't find it in himself to lie. "Serviceable."
Another moment passed between them in silence. The Symbiote creeped down Eddie's face, allowing them to blow at the hot soup. While their (Eddie's) eyes stayed fixed on the cap, the whirling biomass "glanced" at Peter. He pulled the mask up for drinking, but the upper half of his face was still obscured, making it impossible to know if he was glancing their way too.
After a few more minutes filled with nothing but the sounds of the city flowing under their feet, Peter cleared his throat. His fingers drummed over the metal of thermos. The hollow sound vibrating through it made the Symbiote tense. Even after all this time, it still stayed a bit wary about the noises reminding it of the chiming bells.
“A pretty calm night we’re having, eh?” Peter prompted carefreely, as if he managed to drain the nervousness off his voice and magazine all of it in his restless hands.
They just stared at him, until he shifted uncomfortably in his place and sat the thermos down, to further wiggle his fingers.
“Right,” he mumbled, before letting out a sigh. “Right.” He put his hands into a small pyramid, tapping its top against his chin, as he rocked slightly back and forth. “Look… I… Well. I didn’t think you would treat my suggestion this seriously. And… get this upset.”
Eddie’s lips stretched down, exposing teeth. The strands of symbiote surrounding his neck like a collar began to draw up, billowing anxiously.
“Is this an exordium to an apology?” Eddie asked sharply.
“A wh-? Well, I guess-”
“Because if so,” he cut him off with a glare. “Then we’d advise you to start over, as this is the worst one we’ve had the displeasure of ever hearing.”
At the very last, they got his full attention. Peter's head snapped to face them. The  yellow street lights reached the bottom of the eyes of his mask. Despite all reason, the color didn't seem warm at all, after resting on their mirror-like surface.
“What do you want me to do?” The irritation, previously pushed to the back, now started to bleed through, saturating his voice with a much more familiar hue.
“Well, what do you think?”
“I don’t know! That's why I'm asking!”
“Oh, you don’t?" Eddie's eyes narrowed, and he leaned into Peter's personal space, ultimately breaking the balance keeping the moment from falling into another fighting ring. "Then why won’t you cut a piece of us and put it under a microscope, hm? After all, that’d be the best way to understand us, no?”
Since the bottom of Peter's maska was resting on  his nose bridge, they could see how his lips pressed into an almost white line, to the sound of teeth grinding against each other. 
“For the- I’ve already said I’m sorry!”
“No, no you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did!”
“All you said was that we’re over-sensitive.”
“I don’t- that’s not what I meant.”
“No! I-" Peter paused, to take a deep breath. He rested his palms down, and gripped the edge of the roof, bending down, as if in hope that swallowing the coldness of the night would cool him down. "Just. I’m sorry if you think what I said was… I don’t know, hurtful, alright?”
Hearing those words, the Symbiote let go of Eddie's lungs, to which it was clinging up until now and landed in a pile below his stomach. It bubbled up a little in relief.
Apologized. Okay now, no?
But apparently it was alone in its feelings.
"Hurtful, he says," Eddie let out a curt laugh, startling it. "If isn't that an amusing way to put it." His eyes, when he turned toward Peter were anything but amused. "Just tell it to us straight. You think we're over-reacting."
Eddie! Apologized! No need for this!
Its protests had as much influence on the ongoing scene as the wind blowing over the empty roofs. 
"I," Peter forced through clenched teeth, "really don't feel like doing this tonight."
"Do you think we're over-reacting, Peter?" Eddie repeated, placing every word as if he was slamming steel font into paper.
"Maybe I do!" Peter finally snapped. "Maybe I do, in fact, think you're blowing things out of proportion, maybe I do think it's absurd that you're acting as if I want to vivisect you, maybe I am a bit upset that you've been ignoring me and acting as if I did something absolutely unforgivable, when I just asked to take some samples! Yeah, maybe I do!"
When he finished around his fingertips, digging into the cement like curled talons, spread a web of cracks. But Eddie didn't even notice that. He was glaring at Peter with eyes like icicles, and an expression just as cold.
"Unbelievable," he hissed through clenched teeth.
Not giving Peter the time to react, he got up, towering over him like a gigantic gargoyle.
"That's your takeaway? We don't agree to your every whim so suddenly we're the bad guy here?"
"It's not some whim!" Peter almost growled as he jumped to his feet as well. "Sometimes- Sometimes you're insufferable! Did it ever," he stabbed his finger into their chest, "ever, crossed your mind to, I don't know, look at things from other person's point of view?! To maybe consider you're just being selfish?!"
"Oh, so we're the selfish ones?!"
"Well, I wasn't ghosting you for three days, for the immense crime of trying to find any way to make this goddamn mishegas work!" he yelled, throwing his arms to the sides.
"Listen here, you self-entitled brat-!"
But before he could finish, the mass of tendrils up until now nervously flailing around his neck exploded like a geyser, enveloping his head in a tight hood. Peter's mouth opened in a gasp, but he didn't manage to utter even a word, before a tentacle glued it shut as well.
 While Eddie pulled at the plasma stuck to his face, it split open, forming a maw going from one of his shoulders to the other. Peter stumbled back, almost falling. Only when the tentacle left his mouth, and the Symbiote streamed down, exposing the offended eyes of Eddie, did he calmed down.
"No more shouting," the alien quietly hissed. "Don't like shouting. Please?"
Eddie scowled, crossing his arms. Peter swallowed hard.
"Uh- Yeah, right, sorry about that," he mumbled, sounding a little taken aback.
"Don't like being hurt."
Peter's lips formed into an "o".
"Ah damn, did we really get this loud? Then, I'm really sorry. Didn't mean to- lose my temper this much." He cleared his throat, rubbing his hands stiffly.
With an unhappy grunt, Eddie's head swung side to side, strung along by his Other.
Its tentacles rested in a comforting manner over Eddie's head, simultaneously wrapping around his hands as well. It wasn't often that it took over the body they shared - but it could feel anger coursing through Eddie's veins and making his heart beat like a war drum. Talking in a state like this, which it could sense Peter sharing too, was bound to only make things worse. And it didn't want to meet with Peter only to further the rift the quarrel was forming between them. It curled inward a bit. It much preferred going along with the current formed by its host's will. When it pushed Eddie into facing Peter, it hoped he would make up with him without any further input of its own. One of its tentacles dripped down his face, caressing his rough features with tenderness and the slightest bit of exasperation.
It loved both of them. But it started to occur to it, that sometimes they acted rather... Stubbornly. Absolutely refusing to engage with each other in an actually productive manner. Which meant, that it probably should eventually start getting involved more. Even if it would prefer not to.
Speaking and acting for itself... Was hard.
Still, it had to at least try.
Peter can't read our mind, it shimmered inward. Humans can't read thoughts.
Eddie tensed and puffed up, taking on a pose of absolute offense and indignation. It petted his head once more.
"Don't like needles. Don't like being cut," the Symbiote said softly.
Letting out a sigh, Peter ran a hand down his face. When he spoke, his voice almost cracked, trying to close the gates on the flooding frustration. He seemed to intend to sound reassuring. What he came off as, brought to the mind a doctor at the end of his shift, explaining to a little kid that the bitter syrup he's prescribing them is absolutely not going to turn their tummy into a swamp.
"Jelly... You know that I would never hurt you. Come on, don't you trust me?"
The Symbiote hesitated, while choosing its next words. Eventually, it pulled its wide maw into just a small opening, before nearly whispering;
"Said don't want to be a specimen. But Peter wants to make us into it anyway"
And with those words, the tiny mouth sank back into its mass. Soon after it followed the collar of tentacles, previously stopping Eddie from interrupting it. He made an exaggerated grimace, and wiped his lips theatrically.
"I would much appreciate it if you didn't do that again," he huffed, receiving no answer.
His Other spread in curls along his organs, too nervous after speaking up to reply verbally. Instead it pushed forward an impression of a clarinet making tiny doots beside a massive, booming tuba. After that it went completely silent.
"That's not true," Eddie scoffed. 
He didn't really listen for an answer though. Instead, his eyes wandered to the side, stealing a peak at Peter, who was now sitting slouched. His hands hung like tied in a knot, occasionally jerking up in the beginning of a gesture, before collapsing back down. He seemed to be in quite the conundrum. Which, in a way, was a promising sight and Eddie found himself curious as to what his response to his Other would ultimately be.
"...But I really wouldn't hurt you."
"Oh, you can't be serious!"
All the dimming agitation that was smoldering in his chest arose with twice the strength. And then, they fell, turning into a hissing bundle of tired frustration.
"All I'm saying is just that-" Peter attempted once more, but he silenced him with a gesture.
"That's enough." He crossed his arms, feeling the claws dig a little deeper than they usually would. "I- We just can't do this right now."
The breath they took did little to soothe their nerves. But maybe something like a hot shower would. And a bucket of chocolate ice cream. They turned away, about to jump off the roof. It looked like it was going to be a relatively peaceful night. They might as well spend the rest of it inside.
"Eddie! We're not done talking!" Peter shouted after them.
"We are."
From behind they could hear an annoyed groan that they didn't bother to respond to. While they walked away, their face shifted to sharp fangs and blank eyes. They didn't even look back - and maybe they should have, because before they could put a foot over the edge, they got tugged right back by a strand of web. With a muffled curse between their teeth, Eddie sent a sharp glare over their shoulder. His patience was running thin. If this was to keep on going, he would- He would have to stop themselves from doing something they would regret later. And he would stop themselves. But the longer he could feel the hollow mirrors over themselves, the harder it was going to be.
"Peter," he drawled out. "We're going to say this one more time. We're done. Please. While we're still civil."
They snapped the webline off. Peter didn't send another, but he made a step toward them. Eddie grit their teeth.
"But this is important!"
The sincerity they didn't expect to resonate through his voice threw them off balance. For a moment, they froze. Peter dragged a hand down his face and then up it, pulling the mask with it. The eyes it exposed looked... Lost. He opened his mouth, taking in a breath, but the words he hoped to say didn't make it past his lips, tripping somewhere along the way and crushing down with a choked sigh. Eventually, he pressed his palms into his eyes, rubbing hard with another groan that grew into a full-on rant of muffled gibberish.
"I want this to work," he forced out finally, looking between his fingers. "This... THIS," he accentuated, pointing to the ground, "Is me trying to make it work. Okay? That's- there's no other motives attached to it. I'm trying to make this work. That's all."
Their heart clenched. Eddie wasn't sure if it was because the Symbiote grabbed onto it or... For some other reason. Maybe both. 
For a while, Peter rocked on his heels. As always, his hands were restless, like two separate beings, perhaps, fittingly, a pair of spiders scattering around in twitching spurts. Eventually, one of said spurts sent them to their hands, landing onto them with all the anxiety and all the hope of a crashfall.
"You scare me,” he said, running his thumb over the inches of their claws. “I wish we could be over it, but we're not. Like this... Sometimes I'm still scared of you. But- But if you'd let me- If I could understand you, I know that would help. I know it."
"That's not what we're against," they quietly responded.
"Then what?"
"The -” Eddie squeezed their eyelids shut, overtaken by pure frustration. “Jesus. Peter, it's not that hard to understand!"
"Then explain it to me!” Peter let go of their hand, spreading his arms. “If it's so obvious, explain it to me!"
In this moment, Eddie just really wanted to grab his head between their claws and yell directly into his face, letter by letter enucleating how much of a block headed moron he was being. He didn’t do that. But what he shouted was dripping with the need and intention of it.
 "The scalpels, Peter! The syringes, the microscopes-! Turning into a- another science project of yours, treating us like a freak to research and experiment on!"
"How else am I supposed to learn about you then?!" Peter screamed back, matching their exasperation to the t.
"Just be with us!" They grabbed Peter's hand, despite the fact he flinched away the moment they approached, and pressed it against their chest, against their heart.  "Look at us! Touch us! That's what we are. " Their voice grew soft and almost begging. Like a plea for Peter to not take his hand away. To meet their eyes and at least try to seek for the humanity in them, even if he was failing to see it. "This." They squeezed his hand. "Not some cells under a microscope. This."
For a while, Peter stood with his head hanging low. He stared at his palm, right beside the head of the white spider symbol. At the tendrils gently reaching up from it, growing past his wrist, past the elbow, to rest on his cheek. His breath hitched. He didn't look up.
But he didn't back away either.
It was uncertain, and rough, and quiet. They almost didn't hear it, as he leaned forward, resting his forehead at the center of their chest. His arms trembled a bit, when he reached up and then even more, when he dug them deep into the Symbiote.
The kiss that came afterward was both the most natural thing and the most possibility awkward. It was their worst yet, probably. Their mouths didn't fit together like that; not when it came to the kisses that were sweet and tender, anyway. It was nice, though. In its own way. And maybe that could be enough of a start.
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Spread love to fanfic writers! 🤍 Answer these questions about your fanfics then send this to 5 other fanfic writers
Name a fic you loved writing the most.
Name a fic that others loved but you didn't care for as much.
Name a fic you had the most fun writing.
Name a fic that you are the most proud of.
Name a fic that you wish had gotten more recognition.
Name your happiest/saddest/most comedic fics!
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Hi Milky & Mack!!! Thank you both for sending this to me! I should NOT be lazy and give you each different answers. But unfortunately, I am feeling very lazy today. <3
A fic that I loved writing the most
‣ It would have to be Hush, Little Baby It's a story about Katsuki getting up with his baby (6 months ish) after she has a bad dream or something. I wrote it in less than 15 minutes and I damn near cried at the end. It was so sweet to me coming from a man like him. And I think my favorite part of it was obviously the last line of it, but the fact that I can totally see him doing that after he's grown up a bit is what brings me the most joy.
A fic others loved but I didn't care for as much
‣ I think I'm my number one fan, tbh 😑. Like, I think stuff I write is ok at the very least and I think I'm not alone in this when I wonder why the fuck some of my stuff doesn't take off more. At least, I kinda hope so. At the beginning of the year I started this stupid thing where I wanted to be more candid about stuff - try to be more open? I guess. So I made up a little series called Clean Dirty Thoughts. Honestly, Mack and Honee were the only ones who even bothered to look at it. And I think Mack did it out of pity lmao (Thank you Mack, ilysm).
Name a fic you had the most fun writing
‣ It wasn't really a "fic" but my @katkitkats (a new moot turned friend I talk with almost everyday) shot me a really fun HC for Kat's ask for Sweet Hanma and I have never been so in love with such an asshole as that moment in time. It's spiraled tremendously since.
Name a fic that you are the most proud of
‣ Talk Dirty To Me is the small small small piece that I feel put me on the tumblr map. It's so short and I'm a little saddened by the fact that I've written things 5x's longer than that and they get like, next to no notes. I guess the people want short fun things to read? Idk. It could totally be me. I'm learning more and more to write for ME and if other people enjoy it that's fantastic. Just kidding. I get excited every single time someone likes my stuff lol.
Name a fic that you wish had gotten more recognition
‣ What do you mean pick only one??? Over Thanksgiving last year I wrote a fic about TAMAKI AMAJIKI that I was so fucking sure was gold. Like I said, I am my number 1 fan. I thought I nailed him perfectly in that. I dunno. Maybe my #'s are all wrong? Maybe I just suck? 😂
Name your happiest/saddest/most comedic fics
‣ The happiest fic ... off the top of my head I think it would be *Say Yes, Or I'll Shoot. It's about Hange. It's 100% an inaccurate portrayal of them. But I thought it was super cute.
‣ The saddest fic ... hmm ... I started a series called Throwing Down the Gauntlet and it's about Katsuki x F.reader and all of their shit. I'm not done with it yet. I've had to step back from it because the motivation to keep going was next to nothing. I do plan on finishing it. Currently sitting at part 7.
‣ The most comedic thing would have to be Wrong Hole. It's just a stupid little thing about some of the guys from AOT. Made me giggle. Made like 3 1/2 other people giggle, too. So my job here is done.
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bookish-artist · 9 months
I just found your blog and loving it! Could you maybe answer all those questions since I'm new here? 🙏🏼
Well welcome! And of course I can, thank you for asking so nicely mon ami ❤️
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, always
2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No my hair is picky
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Um well they're tucked in at the end, not on the sides
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No not my vibe of decor
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes way too much tbh
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
No I'm not really a coupon user
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Probably a bear. I feel like a single creature is easier to get away from than a swarm, if escape is plausible
8: Do you have freckles?
I do not
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cutting me off/talking over me.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No never
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Occasionally yes
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I chew my pens *sometimes* but not my pencils
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your song of the week?
Loud - The Home Team
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course!
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yeah
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Talladega Nights, can't stand it
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Probably on my family's land
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Depends on the restaurant I get them from, different places have different favorites lol
25: What is your favorite food?
Mexican, specifically enchiladas
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Oh gods.. Pride and Prejudice, any of the Winnie the Pooh movies, old school Disney, Phantom of the Opera, there's just so so many lol
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My fwb 😆
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Sure why not?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Hmm, probably in elementary school. We did that write a soldier program and that's the last vivid memory I have of writing a letter
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
No, I always have at least a quarter in there
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, jalapenos
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Sunny side up egg on an everything bagel with orange juice, maybe some bacon
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Between 11:30-12
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My first costume ever was a hershey kiss! Then I was a power ranger, pirate, Belle, witch, cat, dog, wolf, red riding hood, Ghost face, pumpkin king, angel, devil, fairy.. I've done a little bit of everything 😅
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Um sign of the rat I think? '96 baby ✌🏼
40: Are you horny?
At this very moment?? No lol
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not currently no, eyeballing a couple
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Legos, duh
43: Are you stubborn?
Me? Stubborn? Never 🙄
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Ew neither
45: Ever watch soap operas?
No not really my thing. Unless you count k dramas
46: Are you afraid of heights?
I don't love them, but they're not a fear
47: Do you sing in the car?
Full on karaoke show
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Karaoke show part 2
49: Do you dance in the car?
Way way too often 😂
50: Ever used a gun?
Yes, I'm a good shot too 😏
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Probably my uncle's wedding like 10+ years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Absolutely not, I love them! One of my favorite genres ever
53: Is Christmas stressful?
When you wait until the very last minute like I did yes 😮‍💨
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I have not actually, I'll have to add that to the list
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I'm not a big pie person
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, ballerina, librarian
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Frequently, it's a little unsettling actually
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
Also sometimes lol
62: What do you wear to bed?
Either sweatpants and a tee or just a tee
63: First concert?
Panic at the Disco!
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Well I'm allergic to nuts and I don't eat sunflower seeds, sooo 😂
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No never
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I don't really care honestly, as long as they can help pay bills and have some ambition in life in gemeral
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Yes 😇
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Of course
74: Own any record albums?
Not yet!
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Ghost, Bad Omens, Hozier, BTS
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Panic at the disco back on 2016
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81: Tea or coffee?
Coffee, iced, extra milk extra sugar please thanks
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles are god tier
83: Can you swim well?
Well enough
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Ehh that could use some work
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ for sure
87: Ever won a contest?
Not that I remember
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Not yet
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Don't make me choose
90: Can you knit or crochet?
No but I want to learn to crochet
91: Best room for a fireplace?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Single af
94: Who was your HS crush?
He was one of my best friends senior year and nothing ever happened :/ come to find out he almost kissed me one day bc he liked me so much but he never did 🤦🏼‍♀️
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Hope this gives you some insight! If you wanna know more you're always welcome to ask 😊
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thethermocline · 2 years
@ fiction writers: pst. Little children do not walk up to strange adults and say "hey I'm being abused. :'( Here are three concrete examples of what's going on. Also, behold my underfed frame and bruises (one of which is in the shape of a hand)."
Abuse and how it affects behavior in children is, of course, a very complex topic. But here are some tips for writers that may be helpful. This is based on my training as a caretaker, experience caring for children ages 0-4, and close friendships with several adult survivors.
Firstly, even once a person knows and accepts that they were abused as a kid, they won't automatically realize how deep it went and all the ways it manifested. When you're friends with survivors of abuse, they will tell you light-hearted anecdotes without realizing that they are revealing another facet of abuse. For example, a friend of mine recently had to be told, 10 years after the fact, that the way her parents failed to handle her need for glasses was, in fact, neglect. She's known for years that she had been abused, but all the medical issues that arose in her childhood and then went unresolved never occurred to her as being another form of that abuse. Which leads into...
1. They probably don't know they're being abused while it's happening. Children come into this world with no frame of reference. They take their clues from those around them; and if those people abuse them, well, that's just how the world is then. Think of older people being like, "well MY parents whipped me with a belt and I turned out fine!!!!" I would argue that they are not fine, and hitting children with belts is abuse. But when they were kids, that's Just How It Was; years later, they still believe that it was their own fault for getting hit. Even if a child realizes that Something Is Wrong, they may struggle to pin down exactly what, and then further struggle to articulate it.
2. Please stop with the hand-shaped bruise trope. Also the black eye trope. It is rare for bruises to be so definite, and promoting this narrow idea of what "real abuse" looks like can make it harder for victims to get help. Generally, if an abuser beats you, they're not going to go for the face or anywhere else easily seen.
Take the case of a two year old child who had four or five small bruises on the inner thigh. Consider: the bruises were not arranged neatly in the exact shape of a hand. But: how many benign ways can a two year old get bruises like that on the upper inner thigh? Also relevant: this child was known to display erratic behavior and a marked and persistent reluctance to go to bed. The evidence for abuse, therefore, is circumstantial. However: if someone messes their kid up in an obvious, provable way, they are probably not then gonna send them to hang out with trained mandatory reporters.
Just like my neighbor who abandoned a cat and then lied about it because she knew what she did was illegal in our area, people do not want to get in trouble. (Do not worry, I took the cat and got him safely to a shelter. Last i heard he's doing well and is "highly adoptable," the sweetheart.) Keep this in mind while you write: abusers will take steps to keep from being detected and stopped.
Let go of the idea that abuse is always unambiguously evident and only present when it reaches an arbitrary "bad enough" threshold. Did you know that if a baby isn't held enough, it can develop a flat spot on the back of the head? Signs of abuse and neglect can be subtle.
3. A small child whose pain has always been received with apathy from adults has no particular reason to suppose that an adult they've not met before would act any differently. Kids take a long time to establish trust with adults. A benign example of this; I once looked after a sweet little girl from age 2 to 3. Her siblings told me that she was outgoing and effusive at home, but with us she was quiet and shy. It took six months for her to start talking, and even then only around me and a specific coworker (we were the ones most reliably taking care of her, as opposed to floaters who came and went). Most kids aren't quite that shy, but it's not necessarily unusual either! An outgoing, friendly child will come right up to a stranger and start interacting. But if they are shy or abused, it is far less likely. If you want your abused child character to latch on to your protagonist, you have to ask yourself why they do. What about the protagonist is different from other adults they've known? Children are not savants; your protagonist might have a heart of gold, but if they are gruff and unfriendly, they're probably gonna scare a little kid.
4. Children are not tiny therapists. Please stop writing this. They are not going to counsel your main couple into realizing how much they love each other. It's not cute or sweet to have kids taking care of adults.
5. People, much less children, often have difficulty identifying what they are feeling and why. A young child may know they are upset but will likely need help articulating why and finding healthy ways to manage that emotion. For example, a three year old child will not say, "I don't like loud noises because it reminds me of my dad being violent towards my mom and screaming at her." They're more likely to simply stand there and cry silently in terror. It is up to the adult to deduce the problem, remove them from the upsetting stimulation, and soothe the child.
6. People are often affected by abuse long after they are removed from the situation. Once your brain has been marinated in that kind of fear, it doesn't easily move on. It is not uncommon for victims of childhood abuse to only start remembering and confronting it around age 30. Your brain can and will shut memories down to protect you - but usually this is only temporary. It's also common for symptoms of trauma to intensify significantly once the source of trauma is removed. This is because, once you are safe, your brain finally feels secure enough to move out of survival mode and start processing what happened. Keep that in mind when you're writing; just because a character is safe does not mean they will act as if they are. Even if their mind feels secure, the body may still flinch. "Irrational fears" may develop; for example, a previous victim of an attempted break in while they were home may develop a fear of uncovered windows. Or perhaps they double and triple check locks, and give anti break-in devices as gifts to loved ones.
Those are my top tips for writing abused characters. I wish you all luck with your stories. Let me know if i need to tag this post differently.
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raystuffofficial · 1 year
Hey guys so I'ma write a little story of my yandere au :) if you don't wanna read it, it's okay! But I do appreciate it if ya do, this might take me a long time to do-
Just a little heads up, Williams yandere is named "Luna Malaki" and she is a very nerdy girl and she doesn't talk to people much! I will draw her someday and yeah-
I opened the doors to go outside, and to my very own eyes...I see William...standing in the middle of the place, knife in hand and he was on top of one of a boy in my class, named Roy, stabbing the body till be couldn't recognize his face anymore. William quickly turned around to look my direction, his face covered in blood and his eyes were...full of pure insanity...I stepped back...he started to run at me, I jumped and ran away. I was a fast runner surprisingly, he could barely catch up. But he won't stop, he just keeps running. It's like he never runs out of air. Unlike me, I'm running out of air. I needed to find somewhere to hide. As I wasn't in his sight anymore, I ran into a classroom. Everyone was dead, even the teacher. I ran into a closet that was in there and I was absolutely silent...
Hours go by, and I think he stopped searching. As I was about to open the doors, I heard the classroom door open. I stayed completely silent as I heard him speak, his voice was like acid to my skin.
"Luuuunaaaa~....you can't hide forever...."
He said. I gulped, hoping that he wouldn't find me. But it's William, he never gives up....and I should know, I actually saw him murder a girl by drowning her. He makes me sick to my stomach. I just wanna punch him! But he has a knife, he's stronger... should I just bring myself out to him?....N-NO! He scares me enough...I heard him checking stuff, trying to find me till....he got to the closet...I heard him talking..it was like he was talking to me..
"Baby~...listen....I know you're scared...just come out...I wouldn't hurt a hair on your little tiny head..."
I hated him! Why would he choose me!? I'm just some nerd who loves books! Who would date a nerd?...well William apparently. I heard him speak again.
"Don't make me open this door, Luna.... you know what might happen if I have to force it open...~"
I wanted to scream, but I didn't. He grabbed the handle.
He counted, I tried to think of something..
He continued. I knew he was starting to drool, he has a certain voice when he is drooling, it just sounds insane.
He opened the door and to his surprise...there was...scared for dear life... He smiled, his teeth are very sharp.
"Found you~"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me out, I was absolutely terrified, I didn't wanna go with him, but more than usual. He forced me. He took a towel with chloroform on it and put it on my nose. I started to pass out, and the last thing I heard was his words...
"I love you....Luna~"
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gabbyzeyla · 2 years
Hi guys!! So, I'm new on this awesome app, and I wanna try to write a few marvel stories for you! My name is Gabby and Loki's my favorite marvel character!
Also, this is my first ever story, so any tips will help! This story contains a lot of TW so be careful!!
I'm open to requests, but they WILL take some time cuz I'm still in school! Any likes, shares or followers definitely help!! Thank you guys!!! 💚
!!TW!! this story contains mention of and/or very detailed or not so detailed talks of: abuse, rape, self harm, needles, shotting (very likely), shouting/screaming, all kinds of emotions, hospitals (very likely) LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANY!
1. The Nightmare
It was around 3 am. As you laid on the bed, next to the famous Black Widow, who was curently watching over you, you started moving and moving in the bed, signaling Natasha that it's happening again. What's happening again? You having an nightmare about all the things those men did to you before Nat had rescued you. After noticing, she sat up, now sitting on the bed, and tried to wake you up, by calling your name, not risking to make the whole thing even worse by touching you.
"Malysh, wake up sweetie. C'mon, wake up..wake up..."
After 10 more minutes of trying to wake you, you finally did. Not in the most pleasent way, but you did. After the painful scream that you woke up with, you began panicking, as a sign for Natasha to come in front of you.
"Malysh? Sweetheart, are you okay? Can I touch you, Kaya? Is it okay if I touch you?"
You shake your head, telling the Black Widow you did not want to be touched right now. True, the people who hurt you were only and only men, but that doesn't mean you're perfectly okay with women, either. And Nathasha understood that, she truly did.
"Alright, that's okay, I understand that. Would you like a glass of water, malysh?"
Again, you shook your head, your hands still slightly shaking, but you're no more hyperventilating.
"Okay, that's fine. Can I touch you now? Can I hold your hands, malysh?"
You nod this time. You're feeling better, and your breathing is normal again. You're still a little tense, but 'baby steps do matter', as Nathasha said.
"Ok, you ready?"
You nod again. She reaches out to you, but you flinch and back away quickly.
"It's okay, it's okay. I won't hurt you, ok? You're safe here, malysh."
You nod, a sign to make her know you got the message.
"May I touch you now? Do you feel alright with it?"
You nod, this time you were sure you could bare the skin contact. It may not be a big deal for others, but for you, it was a huge deal. You were still very scared it was just a dream or that you haven't actually escaped the hell hole and the memories of your suffering there still felt very real to you. Nat was patient. Oh, how patient she was. She stayed with you since she rescued you, with no one pressuring her to do it. She chose to do it. As did the men who made you suffer. Now holding your hands, the famous hero lets a small smile slide across her face. It was reassuring. She knew that very well.
"Come on, malysh. Let's get you back to sleep."
At the mention of sleep, you shook your head. You didn't want to go back to sleep. No, going back to sleep meant getting nightmares again, and you for sure did not want that. These nightmares hurt you, mentally the most, but it almost feels as they also hurt you physically.
"That's alright. We can stay up a little longer if you want."
You nod at that. A night without 3 to 5 nightmares sounded like heaven, even thought it meant staying up all night. You didn't mind it as long as you got away for this night with only 2 nightmares, the one you recently got and the one you had a few hours ago, at 1 am, maybe? You lost track of time, but Natasha surely didn't. The heroine cared for you, spoke so soft, calm and caring and you felt safe with her. Well, more safer then you ever felt in your whole life. You still had your doubts sometimes, but the romanoff always reminded you that it was normal after eveything you went through. She also told you many many times that you had gone through so much more then her. You didn't quite believe her, but she reassured you again and again, never stopping from making you feel safe with her around you.
After some convincing and a lot of promises from Natasha, she finally got you to go back to sleep. After making sure you fell asleep, she just laid there, next to you, and looked at you with such a caring expression, like she wanted someone to look at her when she fell asleep.
Then, it was clear to her. She cared for you like a daughter, or like a sister. The romanoff wasn't quite sure which was it, but she did know she loved you.
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