#I'm the czechs
Dunno how to put it properly into words but lately I find myself thinking more about that particular innocence of fairy tales, for lack of better word. Where a traveller in the middle of a field comes across an old woman with a scythe who is very clearly Death, but he treats her as any other auntie from the village. Or meeting a strange green-skinned man by the lake and sharing your loaf of bread with him when he asks because even though he's clearly not human, your mother's last words before you left home were to be kind to everyone. Where the old man in the forest rewards you for your help with nothing but a dove feather, and when you accept even such a seemingly useless reward with gratitude, on your way home you learn that it's turned to solid gold. Where supernatural beings never harm a person directly and every action against humans is a test of character, and every supernatural punishment is the result of a person bringing on their own demise through their own actions they could have avoided had they changed their ways. Where the hero wins for no other reason than that they were a good person. I don't have the braincells to describe this better right now but I wish modern fairy tales did this more instead of trying to be fantasy action movies.
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toubledrouble · 1 year
Interesting fact I think you didn't know (and which I've learned from my chemistry teacher that worked in different branches of the industry his entire life):
Czech people are kind of radiation resistant because we literally live on radioactive soil (the entire country is filled with uranium. When Marie Sklodowska Curie discovered radiation, she was using Czech uranium).
And that's also why we handled the Chernobyl radiation so well - we're used to it and basically immune to it.
That's right folks, Czechs are basically radioactive
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crepegosette · 1 year
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czechbela but they’re vilá amalka and kordulka from vilá amalká
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decoscribbler2137 · 3 months
Recently I was in Alphonse Mucha muzeum. In Prague Czech Republic
He is my favourite artist so I was so exited to see his work in person. It might seem silly but it made me bit emotional.
Especialy after learning about Slav Epic. That he painted it not olny for Czech's but for all Slavs. And that really strucked me. That I could search and find myself in it. That Slavic heritage, legends and myths even tho not so popular are something to be pround of.
That maby the beauty I couldn't find in myself while looking in the mirror is under wraps somwhere.
Because if Mucha could bring out the hidden beauty and put all of his heart in his works. Maby just maby that charm and allure is somwhere inside me.
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[ 1928, coloured lithography, 140 x 90 cm] [ his daughter Jaroslava was modeling for that lithography!]
( maby that's why I like it so much haha because it was made with love)
I do recognize Światowid behind the girl, I recognize long braids, flower crown and her gown. I know it all. It's part of me as it is a part of many many other people.
And perhaps you too can find yourself in one of Mucha works or any other artist you like!
Prague was such a beautifull place to visit. I'm so honored and happy that I was able to come💗💖
And I hope Czech's are pround of him too!
Mucha desined one of the stained glass in Saint Vitus Cathedral alongside of other talented artists!
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( picture I took of it, Saint Vitus Catedral, Prague Czech Republic)
His art appeared on old money bills too!
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( my picture, National Museum in Prague)
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ukulelegodparent · 7 months
Taking the train is so fucking great! I've barely been on it for 30min and I've already seen a bunch of geese and deer and a heron!
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imcoveredinpaint · 5 months
Malá holčička procházející kolem mě: ,,...ale já nechci uklízet chodníky. Já budu bohatá a potom..."
Sice jsem víc neslyšela, ale i tak má lepší plán na budoucnost, než-li já.
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pivo-rizky-svickova · 2 months
Czechia >>> Czech Republic
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17.03.2024, Getting rid of winter and welcoming spring
I visited some friends and took part in a traditional spring ritual. This was my first time taking part and it was very interesting. Girls carry a dummy made of straw, adorned with cloth, ribbons and hollow egg necklace. The dummy is Smrtka (Death) or Morana (the Slavic goddess of winter and death), the girls are carrying her out of the town, singing the whole way. At the river they set her on fire and then throw her into the river (drown her). The winter is now over and spring comes. They go back to the town with blossoming twigs decorated with ribbon (letečko), bringing spring back with them.
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enlitment · 4 months
Top 5 underappreciated historical figures!
Thanks for the ask! This one was super fun, but also super difficult to answer. I've purposefully avoided mentioning the ladies of the French Revolution, since I have another question specifically about them lined up.
With that being said, in no particular order:
Anyone in the classics circle likely knows much more about her than I do, but I'm so glad I've discovered her through Tumblr! All of the things I've learned about her so far have been so interesting. It's incredible to see how much political (and military) power a Roman woman was able to yield despite living in a deeply patriarchal society.
(also, the part of me that loves drama really appreciates the story about her stabbing Cicero's tongue with hairpins after the proscriptions and Octavian's atrocious poem about her)
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2. Émilie du Châtelet
Also hardly a surprise for anyone who's been following me for a while. Again, the fact that I've only relatively recently found out that there was a female mathematician and physicist in the fist half of the 18th century with such significant contributions to the field makes me almost feel as if I've been lied to.
She is special to me both because she was incredibly smart (she was able to understand Newton like few other people in her time and she spoke so many languages!) but there's also something about her writing that makes her feel deeply human and relatable. I've read some of her texts, and not only are they written in a beautiful prose but they're also incredibly moving. Her view on how to achieve happiness in life is one of the best I've ever came across, and her arguments for the education of women always make me feel so emotional...
...when she says that it was only after she realised that the circle of (male) French intellectuals accepted her among themselves and treated her as equal that she realised she too "might be a thinking creature"... I don't know, there's something about it that always gets to me.
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Okay, time to introduce some male historical figures as well! This one is a residue from the time when I was really into the American Revolution.
3. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
He was probably the only one in Baron von Steuben's original group that was able to speak decent English when they first arrived in the US to join the revolutionary war, which a) makes him quite important b) is kind of funny to think about.
But what I especially like about him is that he was a talented linguist who seemed to have genuine respect for other cultures, which let's face it, was quite rare in his times. While taking part in the American Revolutionary War, he recorded and studied the languages of Native American People. How cool is that?
(He was also potentially queer and I do have a soft spot for queer history)
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Okay, guess should bring up someone interesting from Czech history as well. I fully confess that my own country's history is not necessarily my favourite area of study, but for her, I'll always make an exception:
4. Milena Jesenská
Probably most well known as Kafka's (kind of?) girlfriend/pen pal, but there is so much more to her story!
She was a writer and a journalist during the first half of the 20th century. She was really talented and soon made a reputation for herself, which let's face it, wasn't an easy thing to do for women in her time.
After Czechia became occupied by Nazi Germany, she joined the resistance movement and helped Jewish families to escape. She was later transported to a concentration camp, where she worked as a nurse and was said to have been "a moral support for other prisoners". She unfortunately died there when she was only 47. Still, what a life!
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5. John Polidori
He's not necessarily my number one favourite person but I'd argue he is one of the most unappreciated figures. Vampires in fiction are massively popular but he rarely gets credited as one of its first authors. (Also the theory that Lord Ruthven, the charismatic, immoral aristocrat featured in The Vampyre is heavily based off on Lord Byron is not only entirely plausible but also quite funny).
Whenever I read something about the Geneva Squad, I always end up feeling kind of bad for him. As a foreigner, someone who was of a lower social status and - since he technically came along as Byron's personal physician - a paid employee, it just seems to me like he was never actually fully part of the group. Maybe I'm wrong, but to me, he felt kind of like a perpetual outsider. Lord Byron also got the credit for writing The Vampyre that should have gone to Polidori.
He was of course far from a perfect saint, with his drug and gambling addiction, but I still can't help but feel that he deserved better.
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year
obsessed with how this 80s british scifi sitcom literally has it all
the most pathetic loser piece of shit little meow meow guy of all time with an ever-changing tragic backstory that somehow manages to get worse and worse each time
a whole entire catboy
transgender computer
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This is on of the movies ever
*the buck pun is not present in the original, the original goes like "conjure me a [slang word for money]" "[slang word]? I don't know him. But I can show you something else." But in English there was almost no way to not do the pun. so there you go
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maslickonachlebik · 4 months
if you remember in body swap rimmer called lister "mister rimlister" and it has been on my mind for pretty long idk
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crepegosette · 2 years
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wanted to test some brushes so here’s some girlbosses 
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eddiepeaches · 4 months
sick home from work today with the worst cold I've had in a minute, pls feel free to send me asks with ideas for what little ed and stede could be doing <3 (all my previous asks are tagged here, I think I've responded with a lil drawing to all the ones I've seen)
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wrinklyromanesque · 5 months
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i needed to tell everybody everything for so long
@palacholic @brblifuk
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chussyracing · 11 months
optional: add where you're from/where you live to therefore know if you watch in your mother tongue or not 👀
if you're daring: which language do you usually consume other f1 content in? (memes, tweets, tiktoks, articles etc)
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