#I've another tag game left 😂
95jezzica · 2 years
some nordic headcanons?
Sure, a lot of them! 😄 Many of them are already in my tag "hws Headcanons" though, so I apologize in advance if I accidentally repeat any of them here. ^_^; It's getting difficult to remember which ones I've already written down/posted here on Tumblr. 😂 xD
The Nordics take turns being the voice of reason of the group depending on the topic and discussion at hand, with varying results. x) The only one who everyone actually listens to, though, is angry Finland. Have you guys ever heard of the saying: "Fear the kind man's fury"? . Well, there's some truth in it.
- Finland doesn't get angry often, and in fairness it's always because of a good reason whenever he DOES, but with that said you better pray you're not the one on the receiving end. It's not pretty, and Finland isn't always proud of this anger.
- Estonia is 120% Finland's best friend of all time and space. Brothers in everything but blood, and they have sticked it through for each other through thick and thin.
- Finland has a room in his house dubbed as Estonia's room whenever Est comes over to visit.
- Finland is good friends with all of the Nordics, but strictly within the Nordic family his best friends are likely Norway and/or Sweden (depending on the time in history). If he's honest Finland views Iceland more like a younger brother than friend, but they're still very close, and Finland often jokes Iceland is his "brother from another mother, and father".
- Finland and Denmark are great friends and also cheerful drinking buddies.
- Over half of the stupid stuff Denmark gets blamed for was caused by Sweden, but the non-Nordic nations rarely ever realizes since Sweden is such a quiet person by nature. Denmark honestly doesn't mind it too much; he finds it hilarious and want to see how long Sweden can get away with the dumb stuff and/or pranks without the others realizing. x)
- A tired Iceland once called out "Dadmark" instead of Denmark. Denmark cried happy tears and Iceland has never been able to live it down. x)
(With that said it's canon that Denmark raised Iceland in Hetalia , so while it was probably a group effort when the Nordics were still all together in the union(s), there's also likely some truth behind accidentally calling Denmark as "Dadmark".) 🧡 x)
- Iceland is the baby-brother of the family, and the rest of them are very protective of him. Norway is the most pushy about it though, which is partly why their interactions end up a bit tense at times even though they care about each other a lot. It has gotten a lot better over time though, and Norway seems to have found a better balance of how much he can actually push and/or tease Iceland without accidentally taking it too far.
- Though Iceland will never admit this aloud, he really misses when he was small enough to feel comfortable getting a ride on top of Denmark's shoulders. Iceland supposes he connects the memories to more carefree times when things were less complicated, but he has never quite been able to let go of the memory of Denmark cheerfully running around with him on top of his shoulders.
- During the summers the Nordics used to play/have a "game" they called "Throw the child!" . How the game worked was that Finland used his strength and aim to throw out a small and laughing Iceland over the lake/sea, where one of the other Nordics waited to catch him and swim him back to the shore. Iceland absolutely LOVED the game, but they eventually stopped when Iceland began to consider himself "too old for such silly games". Sometimes Finland will do a surprise round of the game for old times' sake though, and Iceland secretly doesn't mind. 🧡 x)
- Sweden and Finland left Denmark's place in the middle of the night when they ran away.
- The morning a young Iceland woke up with a small carved wooden bear next to his pillow, he knew Sweden was already long gone. Even at the young age Iceland was at the time, Iceland instinctively understood this had been Sweden's way to apologise for not giving Iceland a proper goodbye before running away with Finland and no promises of when they would even be able to see each other again.
- Hours later when Iceland was hiding away from the world, he also found a letter adressed to him from Finland.
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- The North Nordics (Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland) all have eye-colours which exists in the auroras. To cheer up Denmark, who felt a little left out by being the only one without "aurora eyes", Finland once told him: "The auroras wouldn't exist without the sky". It worked. 💙
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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OK, ok, I'll post something, sheesh! Lol, kidding. I wanted to post. Though I'm not sure who's left for me to tag 😂 Thank you for the tags and lots of love to @stardustasincocaine. @urban-sith, @moodandmist, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, and @captain-aralias
I've got (sorry!) a little angst from my erotic grope fest fic today:
A Fucked Up Cinderella Story
Without the chemicals of arousal flooding my brain, I can finally think. And my thoughts bring me no ease. I’ve spent ten hours with this boy. We’ve bared nearly every secret of our bodies to each other. And no few of the secrets of our minds too. I feel like I know him better than I know the people I’ve lived with or around for eighteen years.
And, two hours from now, he’ll be gone. I’ll never see him again.
It’s not to be borne. I don’t want to give him up.
But do I have the right to ask him for more than these twelve hours? The agency he works for has gone to great lengths to ensure that our identities are kept private from one another. I’d willingly shed my mask right now if he asked it of me. But is it fair for me to ask him to shed his?
He’s in arguably the more vulnerable position here. I’ve got family, money, and political power on my side if he were the type of person to come after me. If what he’s said is true, he has almost nothing. One friend, no money, no family.
I’d be risking a reputation of being gay (which is true) (and I don’t care if everyone knows it), and of being the type of man who hires escorts (which probably every man in the old families has done at one time or another. And no few of the women).
He’d be risking a reputation of being an escort. Prostitution may be the oldest profession, but it’s also still the most reviled, as unfair as that is. He could lose job opportunities, educational ones, and I don’t know his friend, but there are definitely some people that would discard a friendship with him over it.
So, I risk almost nothing by revealing myself, and he risks everything.
I feel a black cloud of grief rise up in me as I realize that, no, I can’t try to find out who he is.
To counter that, something good
from The Watford Games
Simon’s forehead is on mine, and our lips are a finger’s width apart. I can feel his hot breath washing over my skin, smelling of rat meat and something indefinable. It should be disgusting, but it’s not. I’m depraved, I know.
He’s saying I’m not a monster, and those are words I would have given anything to hear, before. When I was just a boy longing after another boy who hated him.
But now? Now that I’ve tasted the buttery fatty richness of Simon’s blood? He can’t tell me I’m not a monster. Not when everything in me is dying to sink my teeth into his neck and drink him dry.
“I am!�� I retort, trying not to notice how my bottom lip actually brushes his when I speak.
I can’t see Simon’s eyes through the darkness, and that’s a tragedy. I want to know if he’s peering at me with suspicion, as I’m used to, or with the much newer and exciting look of interest he’s been giving me lately. I’m probably imagining the latter, though.
“Baz,” he whispers, “Shut up.”
And then he kisses me.
What? It's a classic line! 😂 Ok, tagging a few folks (for Sunday, since I'm gonna once again post at a minute to midnight🙄). @angelsfalling16, @bazzybelle, @bloodiedpixie, @caitybug, @fatalfangirl, @facewithoutheart, @im-gettingby, @otherworldsivelivedin, @prettylightsbigcity, @palimpsessed, @skee3000, @tea-brigade, and everyone mentioned at the top!
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icemanhoneybadger · 3 years
About my blog tag game! Thank you @marquezquartararohmygod for tagging me🥰
1. Why did you choose your url?
I'm a big fan of Kimi (the Iceman) and Dan (the Honey Badger) and their two personalities are so different but both so funny. If I can't have more content of them together I'll bring them together here.😂
2. Any side blogs?
Nope, this is it folks.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I've only been kind of active for maybe a year, I think
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I don't know like anything about how shit works on this site so probably no.😂
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I don't know, I just kind of stumbled in here, found the F1 and Motogp fandoms and just never left. 😂
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because Fabio's neck tattoo makes me feral tbh.
7. Why did you choose your header?
8. What's your post with the most notes?
My top post is a collection of smiley boys.😍
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don't know what classifies anyone as a mutual on here, I'm not all that interactive but the lovely @marquezquartararohmygod is who I've spoken to most here (I appreciate you)❤️
10. How many followers do you have?
I have 59 at the moment.
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I don't think so but I rant too often.😂
13. How often do you use tumblr?
I haven't been as active lately but usually every day
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Oh no, your girl is far too non confrontational for that.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I don't reblog chain posts but posts about why reblogging makes a difference to content creators on here then yeah I'll always try and reblog as often as possible.
16. Do you like tag games?
This is my first one! I think they're quite fun.😇
17. Do you like ask games?
I don't think I've ever played one but they seem fun too.
18. Which of your moots do you think is tumblr famous?
I have no concept of fame on here, I see someone post regularly and interact with other blogs and I assume they're big on here.😂
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'm emotionally devoid at the moment but I have a teeny crush on pretty much every content creator here based on my sheer awe in the face of their talent.😍
I would like to tag @formulakay, @maxielonceagain, @formulafc, @mickdidthat, @welld0nebaku and @thotboy-charles
Thank you for involving me in the fun😘
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megacarapa · 2 years
tagged by @headphonemouse in their "show off your toolkit" game i don't feel like explaining it just read leon's explanation ANYWAY here is my crafting bag =)
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which contains......... a lot of stuff and i love blabbing so cut for length😂
tagging anyone who sees this and feels like they wanna do it since it really is a cute idea
there is so much stuff that i will have to separate it into a few pictures, first one:
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top from left to right:
- my collection of embroidery floss (which i use more for making bracelets/tapestries than actual embroidery), i keep them in an ice cream box😂 theres a lot of them but i do use them pretty regularly
- a box with leftover thread, which i also have a lot of, i use them here and there for random stuff but i've been trying to figure out a better method to use up more of them jfkf
- a glasses case which i use to store the specific thread i'm using on whatever project i'm working on in the moment (right now it's the thread for the needlepoint i'm working on), if i'm doing two projects at once then i just find a second glasses case, everyone in my family wears glasses so they're lying around everywhere😂
bottom left is two different types of white thread, i could get into it but tldr white thread is a necessity a lot of the time so it's helpful to have a lot of it, the first one i bought recently and the second mom gave to me
bottom right is wool mom gave me one time i tried crochet for a few hours, as you can see i haven't done much but i wanna try it more in the future so i've been keeping it together with my other stuff, theres more wool in the storage room
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the cardboard stuff on the left work as looms for when i'm making bracelets, they're not a necessity but it's easy for me to get confused with a bunch of thread so they help with that
on the right is one big embroidery hoop that mom gave me and 3 smaller ones i bought randomly one time, censored out is a Secret Project TM that i started and did a bunch of work for in 2020 and then haven't touched since, i tend to do that, like, sometimes my projects will have unbelievably long hiatuses, but i WILL get to it, its something i want to finish
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top left to right:
- a fuck ton of glue😂😂 i use this stuff a lot for various things
- origami paper☺️ which i wanna try more often but i haven't in a while
- another glasses case for keeping pins so i don't accidentally stab myself
bottom left to right:
- my ruler!! it has both centimeters and inches, really handy, maybe my favourite thing in this whole bag
- another cardboard loom but in circle shape, theres a bracelet technique that requires a loom like this
- pink box cutter (i think its called that in english??) that i've had since elementary school, i should probably get a better one but i'm emotionally attached nfnfkf
- crochet hook given to me by mom along with the wool
- that thing for punching holes into stuff, i mostly use it for paper, i forgot what its called
- candle i used to make waxed thread a few times
- needle cushion that mom made for me =) she also did the embroidery on it, it's so😭💕💕💕
along with that i have a little case dad gave me that i use for keeping smaller stuff
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from left to right
- the case itself
- small toothpick that i use for correcting mistakes on bracelets/tapestries
- bigger wooden stick for tying tapestries onto
- pencil, eraser, sticky tape (which i should get more of hghjf)
- keychains for when i wanna make....... keychains (which i don't do too often bc they're a pain to make jfjfkfl)
- binder clips
and well, i AM a guy, so of course i will have some.......
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soccer scissors🙄!!! 🤣🤣 i stole these from maja
that's it for the crafts bag, but speaking of things i stole from maja, look at the bag i use to store paper😆
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and this is unrelated to everything but since we're on a "things i stole from maja" kick look at this violetta lunchbox that i stole from maja
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its tiny as shit and can barely hold anything and sucks but its my favourite thing ever, i always bring it when going on hikes
thank you for reading😂
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thisonesatellite · 3 years
GTKY tag game
i was tagged by the incomparable @winterbythesea, who loves scoundrels at least as much as i do. Thank you so much!!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
It's a play on one of my fave songs (and albums) of all time -- Recovering the Satellites - Counting Crows -- which is why i made it my AO3 handle. When i joined tumblr the name was taken, so i made it ThisOneSatellite, which is a nod to that song plus the fact that i usually like to observe more than join things.
2. Any side blogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
April 2019.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes. It's 'what are q looking at'. 'Cause i'm creative, see.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because @profdanglaisstuff left a lovely AO3 comment on my second fic and asked if i "was on tumblr". i'd heard of tumblr, kind of, and couldn't quite fathom just what it was, but then i thought, oh hell, just do it.
Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what was to come - i didn't even know what a fandom was. i had No. Idea. But it's been a hell of a ride so far and i'm so glad i decided to go!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i don't have an icon.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because it's the joke that's made me laugh the loudest, out of all the funny things i've ever found across the interwebs (and there have been many).
Plus i'm a huge fan of Alien and Aliens. Yes, BOTH, don't @ me. No, none of the others, also don't @ me. 😂
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Apparently it's a oneshot called Nocturne - with 139 notes. (i broke three digits? ME??)
This actually makes me very happy, because i have a soft spot for that fic, and it features absolutely lovely art by the wonderful @captainsjedi.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea. (i'm not even 100% sure what a mutual is. Someone you follow who follows you back? Yes? Well, i'm still not sure how many. 😂)
10. How many followers do you have?
216. And they're all fabulous. (155,687,541 if you count porn bots)
11. How many people do you follow?
12. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Sometimes several times a day, sometimes not for several days at all.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. Am i doing this wrong? 😂
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i have never encountered a post with that message. And i would certainly not be coerced. i am ridiculously impervious to guilt trips.
15. Do you like tag games?
16. Do you like ask games?
Also yes!
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Once again, i have no idea. i think i'm definitely not doing this right.
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No. Well, not that i know of. i would know, right? 😂
i have no idea who has done this already, so i'm tagging:
@fragilebeautifulchaos @tiganasummertree @andiirivera @xsajx @spartanguard and @carpedzem because you all gotta know about the "grab a jam" URL. 💖💖💖 (Only if you guys want to do this, obv.)
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
😂 🏅☀️ ✏️ for the ask game?
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
All the keysmashes or screaming after I do something mean to the characters. It's amazing and I love it
🏅 What is the fic you’re most proud of?
Growing Pains. 100% but Shifting Perspective is a close second. I think the only reason that Growing Pains comes first is because it's completed and it was my first work for the fandom
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
My current favourite fic (that is ongoing and I'm reading along with) is Solivagency it's really good and I'm loving it as it is (make sure you read the tags etc. if you're going to read it though)
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
I can't think of a specific one, and I'm honestly a bit too tired to dig through all the comments to find the ones I'm thinking of, but it's definitely any ones that have analysis of what I've written (I'm begging for more of these) because I love them alot and they're really fun to read
(Send me an ask based on my fics)
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year
tagged by the loml @lewishamil10n 💙 she always keeps me entertained <3
This isn't a lewis hamilton blog anymore, we only do tag games here
rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up.
1. Anti Hero - Taylor Swift (I'm, indeed, the problem)
2. Ya Tabtab - Nancy Ajram (literally grooving as it plays)
3. Vegas - Doja Cat
4. Flowers - Miley Cyrus
5. Abhi Na Jao Chor Kar - Mohd Rafi & Asha Bhosle (the hopeless romantic in me LOVES this song)
6. Angel Eyes - Raghav (this is such a classic)
7. Something Just Like - Chainsmokers ft Coldplay (reminds me of Lewis somehow, I guess because of all the F1 edits with it)
8. A Gangster's Wife - Ms Krazie
9. Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
10. Bum Bum Tam Tam - MC Fioti
Tagging everyone who comes across this post. (y'all can mention my name in the tagged by line <3)
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