#I've been blessed today
arklayraven · 5 months
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rainymoodlet · 8 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ A Picnic... ]
Part 1 of 2 💐
@mattodore @morrigan-sims
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grilledcolgate · 10 months
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hatake · 1 month
you have a day where you feel absolutely unloveable only to come home to a message from your best friend saying they were so happy to talk to you yesterday. life is hard, but it is really worth it sometimes.
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rosenfey · 3 months
I mean I stand by what I said re bg3 and I understand and I'm not surprised and all. it's just. I guess I'm getting very emotional over it being over because. I haven't looked forward to a game as much ever before in my life. and I don't think I ever will. there's no game or piece of media in my life that affected me like bg3 did. it helped me become a better, healthier person. and it's super important to me and it's just. bittersweet. I understand the decision and I'm not mad or disappointed I'm just sad. because I feel empty. because I feel like I have nothing else to look forward to in life. and idk idk it's just. sad. I'm getting very emotional over it this evening but that's just me. when I feel something I feel it very strongly and this game is more than just a game to me. so it being over and all is. bittersweet. I know all good things must end but it doesn't mean there will be no sadness.
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despairforme · 4 months
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Who wants some fun-? ~
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
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Good luck on your pulls everyone! 🌻
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roseapov · 2 months
Feeling nostalgia rn
Today honestly reminds me of the time in *let me check the date* 2022?!?!?! HOW WAS THAT SO LONG AGO??😭😭
Well, anyway- Today reminds me of the time when I was supposed to be sleeping, during a night of the return to my home from visiting family (it is a very long road, and I'm coming back after this night too-), back then I found @genshinluvr 'Not What You'd Expect' and stayed up to 3/4 am reading the chapters!
Ever since then I was checking up on them everyday, and then started checking them every Sunday, not skipping a week FOR MONTHS (I think I started a bit before 'By The Seashore' until around 'Happily Ever After?'), and reading everything with such a fascination. Later on I also started reading her HSR x Reader, and got super into it too!
So I wanted to share with everyone thede amazing pieces of art, a literal masterpieces that I want to thank greatly for lots of memories and good moments! Seriously, her writing is so professional and good! I'll never forget this work, it's truly one of a kind, thank you for writing it!
PLEASE go check it out!
Time to repeat history with reading and re-reading new things from Aaliah on the night before my return to home! (And being tired the day after-) Love you!
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teamhawkeye · 1 year
after having nearly lost my mother last month, i am feeling especially grateful to have her this Mother’s Day and cherishing being able to sit across from her at a table for breakfast
happy Mother’s Day to any out there celebrating their mothers, or being a mother themself! to anyone else who doesn’t celebrate, may you have a happy Sunday! ❤️
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 15
“Over Yet" by Hayley Williams
#song of the day#very exciting to have one of my brothers tell me entirely unprompted that he's enjoying the current playlist#a very big win#I spent most of my work day today doing what I've been thinking of as 'evil rubber-ducking'#where the IT guys throw me the especially Difficult faculty members--the ones who can't be helped because they won't listen--#and I trick them into actually talking me through what they're doing so we can find the problem and fix it#(eternally amazed by people who request help and then refuse it. you called me bud. you submitted a service request ticket on purpose.#oh you can't do your job without connecting to the vpn? that's great we can't fix it until you tell us what's fucking stopping you)#mostly this 'tricking' takes the form of me being a sweet young butter-wouldn't-melt Southern girl in over my head with mean IT guys#bless them (derogatory) these folks who won't let IT even attempt to start working through the 'have you tried' scripts#because they know they're getting something wrong but are too angry-embarrassed to admit they don't know what#are still delighted to mansplain the idea of a remote connection to me#--that's not fair. I shouldn't mischaracterize them it's mostly not mansplaining.#the two today were yankee-splaining me. city-splaining maybe.#what would a hick like me (y'all is one person. all y'all or some'a y'all for multiple people) possibly know about enterprise networks--#anyway they were using the wrong login credentials and were so sure of themselves they'd never even tried the other set just to see#bless. their. hearts.#(IT owes me so many little favors like this now. the latest database tweak I asked for got done live while I described it to them)#anyway anyway! love the chorus on this song#'to get out of your head yes break a sweat / baby tell yourself it ain't over yet'#makes me move my head every time
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greppelheks · 24 days
My coworkers have all been so incredibly nice to me since I went home last week because I'm so burnt out. And coworkers who later heard that I'm home sick but not just with the flu have sent me long and thoughtful and kind texts. They're all so incredibly sweet.
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aberooski · 2 months
i know it’s late, but i wanted to say i’m proud of you for making it through today 🫶 you’re so so brave abby, don’t ever forget that
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Thank you 🥺🫂
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kaeyapot · 2 months
was playing genshin and decided to go for a physical kaeya build so i was like hey i sure wish i had aquila favonia for my boy to really spice shit up. you would never believe what i got with a one pull on standard banner :D
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blessings list for @brown-little-robin!!
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tieflingbi · 10 months
i'm gone for like 2 weeks and i come back to see tumblr live is a thing here now i love pain and agony 🙃
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juicedbeetle · 1 year
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since your life's been super shitty...
posted with @bikinibottomdayz 's permission
please don't repost outside tumblr
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