#I've been too tired for asks recently but this one one is extra important
hereliesbou · 23 days
Stupid Silly Health And Wellness Headcannons!?
A fun(ny) thing i like to think about sometimes is a character's diet and fitness habits, especially during a time where I'm trying to be extra careful of my own due to my conditions.
What are their habits like, what do they eat on a daily basis?
Do they have a schedule for it all or is it just whatever they're feeling at the moment?
I touched on this a little bit before for Mr. Plant and Argos but that was forrreeeverrrr ago and also it's gone now since I deleted VoidBeau. Though i'm sure there are reblogs floating around somewhere.
But I will reiterate some ideas and also go over some slightly more recent stuff I've been wondering.
-In terms of eating habits for Mr. Plant, I've always envisioned a lot of depression meals. At least before Argos showed up.
Just whatever is there and doesn't require any effort.
A whole carton of blueberries, cheese out of the bag, junkfood galore cause it's just there and ready.
Frying an orange is probably the most effort he'll put into something on a good day.
But also I feel like he's reasonably active that it seems to balance things out? 🤔
Murder and hiding bodies can't be easy.
A single full grown adult is a heavy thing to overpower and move around, let alone three. Maybe more! And what does Mr. Plant do when he hangs around in the dark parts of the void? I always imagine him luring people in for murderous fun.
This is the closest I think Mr. Plant comes to consistently working out, otherwise I don't think he cares very much.
I've always pictured Mr. Plant being a mix of muscle and probably a bit of flab around the belly.
Besides, Ashur did say he imagined Mr. Plant being a "big guy" and ALSO that he doesn't share body types with his characters so
free game. 😎
-I used to always picture Argos being a lot more put together in regards to a better diet, but the more I thought about it, the more I think...
No, probably not actually.
He has a million jobs and probably just barely makes it to any of them at any given moment.
Argos is the anime character running down the road with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth.
Man barely eats I imagine. He's either way too busy or he forgets entirely unless someone is there to remind him.
Even on his days off, I picture Argos snacks more than he eats proper meals. He tries to be health conscious and do meal preps and stuff but between work, hobbies and finding time to spend with Mr. Plant, he just doesn't have the time or is too tired.
However, I do feel like when it comes to other people, Argos is much better at finding time/energy to cook up actual food, especially for Mr. Plant.
I can easily imagine Argos making those super aesthetic lunch boxes for Mr. Plant. Made with extra care and love with all his favourites, and stuff from Argos' garden! <3
On the other hand, I can also see Argos doing it for a co-worker he doesn't like.
Also stuff from Argos' garden.
Expect to not see that person again the following week. Or the next day...
In terms of exercise, it's all of Argos' jobs that keep him active.
As well as his gardening and plant finding... and other less than legal extra curricular activities he may get into from time to time.
Guy's always on his feet.
-Mr. Flower is the put together one. He's got a full daily schedule for breakfast, lunch and dinner and he's very particular when he's out grocery shopping. The kinda guy to spend time reading labels and make note of which brands he'd rather avoid.
Also maybe the type to make comments on your food choices which can be annoying, but he means well.
If you ask for health advice, he'd be happy to give it!
I can also see Mr. Flower being up super early for morning jogs and stuff. He strikes me as the type to have an office job so spending as much time outside of that on his feet is probably important to him.
and for fun (and me)...
He's a busy guy also but doesn't worry too much about what he puts in his body, though he should.
He eats out most of the time due his schedule and it's a toss up whether or not it's somewhere fancy, healthy or the greasiest burger joint this side of the void.
If it were up to him though, he'd probably stick to the burgers but he's always got someone on his back over his health... Friends, co-workers, even some of his employees.
Because of that, he's got a gym schedule but he probably wouldn't follow it of his own volition.
Thorn's got people begging him constantly to stop smoking or at least cut back, but the problem with that is, if he's not smoking eight packs a day, he's burning through the unhealthiest snacks possible.
Bags of chips, energy drinks and sodas galore, and there's always gotta be some kind of lollipop in his mouth if there can't be cigarette in it.
So everyone just lets him smoke.
I imagine his weight fluctuates a lot.
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grgie · 1 year
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I posted 1,266 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (5%)
1,207 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 356 of my posts in 2022
#helena talks to the void - 29 posts
#goncharov - 16 posts
#helena speaks to people - 15 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#knife gang - 12 posts
#taz duck - 5 posts
#work things - 4 posts
#my posts - 4 posts
#hmm - 3 posts
#tagged - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#he is also slightly blue bc i once got bright blue bedsheets without washing them first and they stained everything (including my skin) blue
My Top Posts in 2022:
i never give customers my name at work whenever they ask for it, not because i dont want them to use it to report me to my managers (although thats a bonus) but because of the fae. "can i have your name?" no :) nice try tho you tricky bastards
13 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
uglystudies → grgie
url change!! i now track #grgie (although i'll still keep an eye on the uglystudies tag too, i just wont be reblogging study content to this blog anymore)
19 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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my friend knows nothing about the dsmp or dream and george and is trying to put the pieces together through twitter
23 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
a lil timelapse of me finishing and submitting my dissertation (32 minutes before the deadline) but i realised that this is likely the last study post i'll ever make (not that i was ever regularly posting lol) so its a little bittersweet! ive had this studyblr since 2015 (seven years holy shit thats a long time) and i do think its been an incredibly important part of my life, for better or worse. i started this blog in an attempt to hold myself more accountable whilst studying for my gcses and i think for most part it was helpful (ignoring 2016/17 studyblr... muji and overexposing our pictures really had a grip on us huh) despite the weirdly large number of asks i got from people telling me that i shouldnt do 5 a-levels (i did 5 and i aced all of them. suck it. AND i did an epq as well! extra suck it!)
apparently theres 15k of you, which i simply do not think is true (i imagine the vast majority of my followers are made up of long abandoned studyblrs) but for those of you who continue to stick around and like my silly little posts, even if we don't interact, ur huge and i appreciate u. ive made some many wonderful (and hopefully lifelong) friends as a result of studyblr and genuinely wouldnt change it for the world :')
i've mentioned this in the tags of a post recently but im going to change my url soon to a non study related one because im not studying anymore lol, but dw im not deleting this blog or anything, this blog has always been very loosely defined as a studyblr so you can expect plenty more dracula daily memes in the near future
also yikes that is not the most flattering angle lmao
44 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[getting validation from mutuals about my spotify wrapped songs]: ah yes, i am winning in being a good mutual with good music taste, something both normal and possible to achieve
172 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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georgetheblob-art · 4 years
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twirl ur giant goth gf...twirl her.......
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bi-bard · 3 years
Chick Flick Moments - Sam Winchester Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Chick Flick Moments
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Requested: by an anonymous reader
Word Count: 2,363 words
Warning(s): violence, cussing, Sam embarrassing himself, spoilers for any movie/show listed in the author's note
Summary: (Season 11) Gabriel takes a break from hiding to teach (Y/n) and Sam to forgive each other.
Author's Note: I had so much fun putting this request together! Also, if I remember correctly, this reader wanted to remain anonymous.
Here are links to all the scenes that inspired parts of this imagine:
1 (Princess Bride), 2 (8x12 Criminal Minds; can't find just the scene to link), 3 (Moulin Rouge), 4 (The Notebook), 5 (The 10 Things I Hate About You), 6 (Gilmore Girls), 7 (La La Land)
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
I rolled my eyes as I walked through the bunker.
Sam was still ranting about the most recent hunt. I was just tired of listening to it. Dean had long since given up trying to control his brother, who had shown no sign of listening to anyone.
"You can't just throw yourself into every single enemy," Sam yelled. "Fun fact, you're not Superman!"
"Oh my god," I finally, turning around. I had been halfway through the library at this point. Dean continued through the bunker, ignoring us. "I ran up to one extra vamp because you were about to get your throat ripped out! Yes, I put myself in danger but it was to save you!"
"Why are you so desperate to be a hero," he asked.
"Why are you so pissy that I saved you," I shouted back.
I let out a yell before turning and leaving.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed," I shouted from down the hall. "Maybe you'll be nicer in the morning! You're welcome for saving your ass!"
I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut. I changed quickly, throwing my old clothes into the corner before curling up on my bed. My emotions got the better of me. I started crying into my pillow.
Imagine saving the man you secretly loved... and then he got mad at you about it.
I fell asleep crying that night.
--time skip--
I shot awake, cringing at how bright it was.
I looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the light.
I was on a hill. I was on a hill, lying in the grass with the sun shining on my face. This is not good.
I stood up and did a circle to look around the long stretches of grass. Nothing looked even slightly familiar.
"For fuck's sake," I muttered.
I decided that the best option would be to try to climb down and find a person... somewhere.
I was just about to start making my way down the hill when I felt a hand grab me.
Out of pure fear, I grabbed the person and pulled them from behind me. The person went flying down the hill.
"(Y/n)," I heard Sam's voice yell as he rolled down the hill.
I put my hand over my mouth. He soon stopped rolling and then he stood up, scrambling to pull the black mask off of his face. I sighed, dropping my hand when I saw he was alright.
"Sam," I called.
"Your instinct is to throw some down a hill," Sam asked.
"When a masked man tries to grab me, definitely," I replied. "Fun fact, Sam, I can actually defend myself."
He gave me a sarcastic smile. I shot it right back to him.
Sam looked down at his outfit before sighing and shrugging at me. He had just started to move back up the hill when my visions went dark.
I opened my eyes a few moments later.
What had been an open field was now a dark warehouse or factory. I saw Sam across from me, but also a group of people behind him. I recognized them. They were characters from Criminal Minds, a guilty pleasure I watched when we weren't hunting.
I tried to figure out what was happening.
Then, I became all too aware of the barrel of a gun pressing into my neck.
"No," Sam yelled.
It clicked.
Sam was supposed to be Spencer. I was Maeve. This was Zugzwang.
My heart dropped.
"Wait, please, don't," Sam yelled as the gun pressed harder on my neck.
"Sam, shut up," I snapped.
"Me for (Y/n)," he shouted.
"You would do that," Diane- the unsub of that episode- asked.
"Yes," Sam replied.
"No," I yelled. "Sam, shut up."
"You shut up," Diane growled at me.
"One difference between me and her...," I growled back.
I grabbed the gun, pushing it forward, away from my neck. The bullet she tried to fire hit the brick wall. I turned, bringing an elbow down on her arm. Her hand dropped the gun into my grasp. I pointed it toward her.
"...I'm not scared of a simple gun."
The others walked over and arrested her. I looked at Sam.
"If you continued, she would've killed herself, which would've killed me," I explained. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I watch this show when we aren't hunting."
He walks over, going to hug me before the scene changes again.
"Holy...," I trailed off as I looked around.
Around us, we could see the tops of roofs and a beautiful night sky. It was almost a dreamy setting.
"Where are we now," Sam asked.
"Only the great Moulin Rouge," Sam and I both twirled around to face... Gabriel. "I know, I know... I'm not dead, anyway!"
I rolled my eyes.
"You two need to learn a lesson," he pointed at us.
"It's like back in 2010," I mumbled. "Play our roles to get out. Probably why we were pulled out of the last two."
"You'll fall into them naturally, I promise," Gabriel smirked. "And yes. Stop ignoring the plotline."
"Alright... sure, I was gonna get shot for your crappy game," I snapped sarcastically.
Then, he was gone. I rolled my eyes.
"So, what are the roles," Sam asked as I walked around the top of the elephant.
"Well, Christian and Satine," I pointed between us. "Maeve and Spencer. The Princess Bride and Westley. It's all romance."
"Why," Sam scrunched his face up.
"Because Gabe wants to get his rocks off," I said sarcastically, "I don't know, Sam!"
I walked down the stairs of the elephant. It was gorgeous here. It was just as vibrant as the movie made it look.
"Wow," I look back at Sam. "This is awesome."
I chuckled and nodded.
"What seen is it?"
"The Elephant Love Medley," I said. "Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman sing this mash-up of famous love songs as his character tries to convince her that there is nothing more important than love."
"I'm not gonna sing," Sam shook his head.
"I was not gonna ask you too," I chuckled. "I've heard you sing."
I just shrugged.
I looked around at the room, trying to figure out how to play these roles without the singing.
"Wait," I said. "Come on."
I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the stairs.
"What is it," Sam asked as we made it to the top.
"At the end of the medley, Christian and Satine are dancing and they walk out onto this field of clouds and are held up in the sky."
"This whole movie feels like a fever dream the first time you watch it."
"Come on," Sam held a hand out to me.
"Can you dance?"
"Not well," he chuckled. "The role didn't say I needed to be good."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.
I tried to lead his steps and laughed as he stumbled into a pattern.
"Come on," I moved back so I could grab only one hand.
I led him a few steps forward and onto- what seemed to be- steps in the clouds. I let out an excited laugh when it worked. Sam looked at me and grinned at my excitement.
As soon as got to the top of the steps... it was gone.
We were in the middle of the street now.
"Aw, that was just mean," I mumbled. I glared at Sam when I heard him laughed.
He held his hands up jokingly before extending one toward me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"I know what movie this is," he shrugged. I motioned for him to continue explaining. He walked over, hand still held out to me, "The Notebook. Noah and Allie dance in the street. So... will you dance with me? Even without the sequence where we dance in the clouds."
I bit my lip as I smiled.
I took his hand and let him pull me into the street. I laughed as I stumbled into his chest.
We fell into the scene naturally.
Sam held one of my hands in his and held my waist with the other. I placed my free hand on his shoulder. I looked up at him. It felt strange that we so casually fell into the scene but I was happy.
Sam jokingly twirled me around before pulling me back to his chest. I closed my eyes and chuckled.
"What," he asked.
"Nothing," I shook my head. "I just never saw you as such a romantic."
"Well, don't tell anyone, you'll ruin my reputation," he said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes.
Sam spun the two of us in a circle before going to dip me. I didn't think I'd ever get to experience something like this. It always just felt like something I should forget about as a hunter. I was starting to forget why I was so angry with Sam in the first place.
I barely noticed that Sam was leaning in before the scene around me changed.
I was on a football field.
I looked around.
There was no sign of Sam.
"Crap," I mumbled, trying to figure out where to look first.
Then, there was a voice going over the field's speakers.
"You're just too good to be true... can't take my eyes off of you..."
I looked around toward the stands to see Sam walking with a mic. Can't sing, my ass.
"You'd be like heaven to touch... I wanna hold you so much"
"Oh my god," I muttered.
"At long last love has arrived... And I thank God I'm alive... You're just too good to be true... Can't take my eyes off of you."
I tried to bite back my laugh. He shrugged at me with an embarrassed smile and stepped into the actual stands.
We both jumped when the marching band started playing. I looked to see Gabriel smirking and leading their march.
Sam and I shrugged at each other. He continued on with the act.
Now, Sam Winchester pretending to be Patrick in "10 Things I Hate About You" was a treat... and was exactly what you imagined it would be.
He was almost stumbling down the steps as he continued on with the act. I was laughing hysterically by the time I saw the security guards starting to run in.
"Sam," I yelled, pointing behind him.
"Crap," I heard through the mic (which made me almost double-over in laughter) as he tried to take off running.
As soon as he was grabbed, the scene changed.
We both took a deep breath when we realized we were sitting together in a car.
"Thank god," Sam mumbled.
"That was a great performance, by the way," I said, still chuckling.
"Shut up," he muttered, laughing along with me. We fell silent after a minute. "So... what scene is this?"
"I have no idea," I replied.
"It's Gilmore Girls, dumbasses," we heard Gabriel's voice but saw no sign of him. "Season 1, Episode 16... absolute idiots."
"Didn't peg him for a Gilmore Girls fan," I said. Sam laughed.
"Me neither."
We fell silent again.
"I'm sorry," Sam said, looking over at me. "You were right. You can defend yourself and you were just trying to help me. I'm sorry for being such a dick about it."
I grinned, "Thanks... I forgive you. I know you were just worried about me."
Sam smiled back.
"I... umm...," Sam looked down for a moment, clearing his throat and collecting his thoughts. "I just... I love you."
My heart leaped up into my throat. I blinked at him a few times and forced a chuckle out. Which was the wrong response but I panicked. Hunters... we could face the devil but emotions were a no-no.
"(Y/n)," Sam's smile dropped slowly when he realized I wasn't responding.
I was just about to respond when the scene changed again.
Sam was gone again and I was on a city street.
"Dammit," I muttered.
I ran down the street, turning the corner. I looked at the wall of the building I was by. Was this a jazz club?
I walked through the door and was guided to a table so I could sit down and watch the performance.
"La La Land," I said.
Sam and I watched this together. Dean had gone to bed. We weren't tired and just turned this movie on because it looked like it was mostly happy.
Big dance numbers, beautiful effects... and the epilogue that made me hide tears from Sam.
I looked at the stage. Sam was sitting there, wearing a suit, looking at the audience nervously. He hesitantly reached toward the piano. It was like it was a prerecorded track. It sounded just like the movie.
I smiled.
I just wanted to talk to him.
Soon the performance ended.
I stood up and started walking over, seeing Sam starting to walk out.
I grinned at him, "Sam-"
He cut me off by cupping the sides of my face and kissing me softly. I touched his sides lightly, smiling against his lips. It was... magic. Absolute magic.
Then, I shot awake, back in my bed in the bunker.
The game was over. Thank God.
"(Y/n)," I heard yell through the bunker hall.
I ran into the hall and ran toward his room.
We stopped as soon as we saw each other.
"Please tell me that wasn't a dream," I said. He shook his head, smiling widely at me.
I ran over, pulling him down to kiss him again. It was softer than our last kiss and I loved it. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer. I buried my hands through his hair.
"Woah, what did I miss," we pulled away when we heard Dean.
I could basically feel Sam chuckle against my lips before he moved to look at his brother. I turned around in Sam's arm.
"A chick flick moment," Sam answered.
"Alright," Dean gave us a weird look before leaving without another word.
I looked back at Sam with a smile, "I love you."
"I love you too," he grinned and leaned in to kiss me softly again.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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supergirlfics · 5 years
Where B!D is so exhausted from all her obligations (work, extra curriculars, social engagements, etc) that consistent 14+ hour days just cause her to break down when telling people goodbye from game night, especially when B!D hugs Maggie goodbye? (I've been super busy recently and this upcoming week is going to be hell - tomorrow alone is 6:30a-11p... 😭)
A/N: I feel ya! Hopefully you can find yourself some down time.. Good luck!
And what a pain this was to write. Like, physically. It HURT my bad shoulder - but it was totally worth it!
Game night was so much fun, you almost forgot about how exhausted you were. You were on a team with Alex and the two of you came so close to beating Kara and Winn. Unfortunately, Kara was still too good. She was practically unbeatable. 
When the games ended, so did your false sense of security. Tomorrow, you would go straight back to your excessively busy schedule. Between work and school and everything else, you came home just to sleep and wake up five hours later and do it all over again. If you ate, you couldn’t remember it. Food was just a blur mixed in with work. 
Despite the fact that you were so tired you were starting to go loopy, you had so much fun at game night. You always, always looked forward to spending time with your sisters and friends. 
“See you guys later,” Winn said as he stood. “And I’m totally gonna take you down again next week.”
“Yeah right,” You said, punching his shoulder playfully. “Next week is my week.”
“We’ll see about that.” Winn wrapped you in a tight hug and as he did, you could feel all your exhaustion wash over you in a wave of emotion. 
You pulled away abruptly. You didn’t want to start crying in front of all your friends.
“I’ll see you at work, Kara,” James said. “Tiny Danvers, it’s been a delight, as always.”
“Good to see you, too, man.”
There it was again. The pang that came with seeing your friends leave. The realization that your life would go back to the stressful mess it was.
“Baby Danvers,” Maggie said. “Will I see you for lunch tomorrow?”
You forced a smile. You were excited to have lunch with Alex’s girlfriend, but you had to squeeze it into your schedule. You’d probably be up an extra hour doing homework. “Of course.”
Maggie wrapped you in a hug. She placed a hand on the back of your head and you felt yourself relax against her. The tension in your shoulders decreased. This time, you couldn’t hold back the emotions. Tears filled your eyes and slowly rolled down your cheeks. 
When Maggie let go, there was no hiding it. “Hey, what’s going on?” Maggie asked, her eyes filling with concern. She wiped away a tear before planting her hands on your shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“What’s going on?” Kara asked. Before you knew it, she and Alex were at your side. “Why are you crying?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how concerned your sisters were. 
“I’ve just been so busy,” You admitted. “I guess it’s taking a toll on me. Emotionally. I never really get a break.”
“We don’t have to do lunch tomorrow.”
“No,” You said quickly. “Time with my friends is the only thing that keeps me sane. I need it.”
“Okay,” Maggie said. “Have you considered you might be stretching yourself too thin? You don’t have to take on so much.”
“You can always drop your workload,” Alex said. 
“Or your work hours,” Kara piped in. “You could even quit. I can afford the rent myself.”
“I couldn’t do that to you, Kara.”
“Yes you could. I paid my rent long before you moved in and I’ll continue to pay it after you leave. Your health is way more important than a few extra bucks.”
“You mean a few hundred extra bucks,” You corrected.
“Why don’t we discuss this further at lunch tomorrow, okay?” Maggie said. “For now, you need to get some sleep.”
“Yes ma’am. I’ll see you tomorrow, Maggie.”
“See you tomorrow, Baby Danvers.”
Alex gave you a big hug before leaving with Maggie. You watched them go with one final twinge of sadness. 
“Come on,” Kara said. It was her turn to put her hands on your shoulders. “Bed. Now.”
“Your not my mom, Kara.”
“I am tonight. Lights out immediately. And give me your phone. I’ll sit with you until you fall asleep.”
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serensama · 5 years
Hi April! I know I should've messaged you instead of dumping my feelings in the ask box but something about animosity comforts me. It's not that big of a concern. Just that right now I'm at the stage where my work ethic really matters. I'm about to go to University, which means that I have to work very hard (I'm trying to get into medicine). But for the most of my life, I've just gotten by without working hard. (1/?)
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Hello Darling, I understand :) And luckily it is something that may help others if I answer it as a non-direct message type thing so it’s all good sweetie! I completely and utterly understand where you are coming from. I’ve literally been there. In high school I never had to try hard at anything, I got good grades because for me the work was easy and I could pass by without true hard work. That is not to say I didnt study because I did and I was very good at it, but for the type of marks I received and the minimal effort I actually put in- it definitely wasn’t equal. Hence when I went into university I stupidly believed it was the same story, imagine my surprise when I got my first paper back and it was a credit and not a distinction or high distinction. I was floored. And when I received a PASS for statistics (and i mean JUST PASSED BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH DO I HAVE TO FLASH MY PROFESSOR TO GET A HIGHER GRADE KIND OF PASS!?) WHAT ON EARTH? YOU MEAN I HAVE TO… TO… TRY?! REALLY TRY!? It’s not a bad thing, to be taken down a peg or two. To realise that for your dreams sometimes you have to sweat and cry and work at it until you reach your dream. But I promise you honey, it will be worth it. If this is the path you want you will get it. Even if you fail to get into the course you want to get into- i PROMISE YOU- there is a way in, even if it means you have to work harder and take the longer route. You need to realise that failure doesn’t mean the end of the line, it just means the end of the line to that particular path. There are so many left untravelled, believe me. Perhaps you can do a makeup test or extra credit somewhere to make up for the recent test. Ask your teacher if there’s something you can do if it really upsets you and if by chance there is not, its something that makes you stronger and makes you want to work harder to never feel again. Though i feel I need to reiterate, failure isn’t a bad thing so dont be too afraid of it, although i understand the stress of it during schooling. In regards to the drama around you- heck, enjoy it, but don’t get caught up into it. If you’re somewhere in the middle thats okay! Get lost in the crowd of idiots around you and keep your mind focused on what you want. I promise there will always be drama wherever you go, the only difference are the players are different and vary in age. It’s still enthralling to me to see middle aged men and women play at being in High school drama life at work… i wish I had popcorn half the time. Do I know about the drama? Of course. Do i care? Do I let it affect me? Never. The one thing I do want to seriously touch upon is the overly critical parents. Grade conscious parents. I come from a family who was so expectant of good results that when I received an A+++ for a maths test or history paper, they would nod and say good or ‘as it should be’. I never received the “Wow! That’s amazing! You worked hard for that (okay i didn’t but still would have been nice to hear it) Well done!” so I figured that if I got anything less than an A that their disappointment would kill me, that they would love me less. That’s just not true.  They may have been surprised or concerned but their love for me wouldn’t change and they may expect me to work harder to pick up the slack but they wouldn’t let their perception of me change just because of a grade. If your parents are literally working you to the bone you need to sit them down and talk to them, truly. There are children all over the world over working themselves to the point of stress, fatigue and depression- to the point of suicide. I’m not saying that’s where you are, but its somewhere that too many kids are nowadays. Every single parent who lost their child because they got bad grades or were too stressed out will tell you- it was never worth it. Their child’s happiness and lives were worth more than a good grade or entry into university. You need to take a break. It is important. Your brain can not function if it is too tired and stressed. Information will not process properly and you will forget everything you’re desperate to remember. You need to sleep and exercise and eat well. If your parents are really invested in your future they need to know this. If it will please them, and help you- make a schedule. Seriously. In a planner whether it be daily or weekly- write out what youre going to study in a day and for how long- but be sure to pen in time for yourself. A day, half a day where you can just watch tv or read for fun or go out with friends. Something entirely not academic related. Show your parents and yourself you are committed to your future and in doing so are creating a healthy study/life balance. Making sure that in between study sessions whether it be an hour or hour and a half- take a quick 5/10 minute break. Reward yourself. Also its been seen that the brain cant keep doing the same thing for too long or the efficacy diminishes. So take a break and relax and stretch! I used to go onto social media or perhaps watch the other half of the anime i was watching (id watch one episode over two or so hours so it gave me something to look forward to in between breaks hehe) just so my brain could have some down time :) 
I guess what i’m saying without all that waffling on is
1- Grades and university are not the be all and end all. You can get to where you want to go if you want to, there are different avenues and you can always discus that with your teachers, guidance counsellors and universities themselves! 
2- Parents want you to talk to them, show them you’re serious and responsible and that you need some time off once in a while so you can perform your best! 
3- You got this honey, I know you do. You will be just fine. 
4- You can always come to me if you need to talk. 
5- Take care and good luck!!!
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psycholojosh · 2 years
Rest Before You Even Need It
Recently, I've been having some bouts of low motivation and sadness. For the past year, I've been dealing with a very adult issue at home that involves money. Being one of two breadwinners in a household of five, I found that balancing one's passion and practicality isn't a walk in the park.
I've always said, "Mabigat sa pakiramdam na malaki ang pangarap ngunit maliit ang pagkakataon." This sentiment I've had since I've immersed myself in (young) adulthood carried me to always seek out the opportunity that would take me to my dreams and life goals. But it came with its own set of challenges as well. To give some context, the money issue was impeding my full attention to my studies - which is an important part of my growth right now. Because of this, I found it difficult to catch up with my studies. Granted, I am a working student. Yet, I feel like the emotional and mental load that I'm carrying is disproportionate to what my situation has.
Asking for help has been one of my solutions. I actually did reach out to my family members to discuss my needs. Unfortunately - and I am fully aware and accountable for what I'll say next - I feel like they have put my dreams are put at a lower value than someone else's in the family. And it sucks. While I can radically accept this situation, I also feel tired and upset that no one is helping me. The only piece of "comfort" that I receive is their remarks and reminders of how my personality is strong and I'm bolder than... the other person I referred to earlier.
Yes, I do think I am strong...
And I also get sad, tired, and frustrated too.
Just last week, I took it upon myself to talk to my program adviser, Doc Anna. She's known me for quite some time now, both as her student and as a former supervisee when I worked with her in a clinic. There are some aspects about myself that I trust her objectivity with. In that 1 hour conversation, I didn't expect to receive so much validation for my thoughts and, more importantly, my emotions. I am upset. I am tired. And I am worried for myself. Overall, she helped me paint my own picture of how hard it is to be in this situation and how to see the light at the end of this tunnel.
But the most important thing that brought legitimate tears in my eyes was when she said this: "I believe that you have the power to turn things around with what you have control over..."
Immediately, I started sobbing. We were on a phone call so I had to pause her and tell her what was happening. And in that moment I realized that those were words I haven't heard from anyone about me recently. That I had worth. That I had potential. And that I was doing the best that I can. I can honestly say that I'm tearing up just typing this.
What followed was a series of advice that I found useful in planning my next steps and making important decisions. But what struck me the most was that she pointed out how I needed to take more rests - now more than ever.
"When the going gets tougher and more painful, the more we should intentionally put time to rest and take care of ourselves," she said.
The breath that came out of my lungs exhaling was exquisite. It felt like the conversation was meant to soothe and empower me to take control. I needed to hear those words to realize that I wasn't really taking care of myself. I worked so many extra jobs and rakets these past weeks. I worried so much and got stuck in that state. I even ended up crying so much whenever I'm reminded of my problems. And yet, I still functioned as if nothing was bothering me.
Yeah... I need to rest. Even before I get to a point of burnout. Even before I get to a point of emotional numbness. The true healing that comes from rest is the intention. She's right - as the misery increases, so too must the soothing.
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You have to watch the video in the end.
Look everyone's story is different. And I understand his.
But I want to explain something. Carpenters and Construction workers rule the world.
They're as important as a McDonald's Happy Meal.
I want to explain something else. Sometimes people don't dream of going to Harvard, they're forced to. Sometimes people at Harvard -- I got into Harvard and I got into Yale Law. I chose not to go to either. -- sometimes people at Harvard just want to work with their hands.
I got Into Harvard. And I got into Yale Law.
I went to the University of New Mexico after a dabble at Oklahoma State, TVI - now CNM.
After a long time.. High school, being accepted into Ivey League schools, marriage, divorce, a 7 year old, 6 colleges/universities, trying to decide on something other than a Speech Pathologist because i believe you can learn a child's dialect and they don't speak wrong but different -- I gave myself a stern taking to.
I wanted to be an Architect.
To be an Architect my most important people are Carpenters, Construction workers, electricians, plumbers. And more.
I would need carpenters for sure because I love Gothic, Roman, Greek, Colonial style homes/buildings.
Well I never made it as an Architect my local universities didn't offer it at a bachelor's level and I failed out via running out of money for Speech Pathology.
And it was fucking hard.
But I want to tell you something. Look at his post here you'll see him on scaffolding. In NYC there's scaffolding every where. One of my favorite things on a hot day was sit under there and listen to them work.
We did so much underground work, freeing slaves.
One day I just couldn't handle it anymore. And I sat under scaffolding and I leaned my back against the wall and I pulled my knees up to my face and began to very loudly cry. It was one of the loudest places in the city. I thought no one could hear me.
Then I felt someone touch me. And ask if I was Ok. I wondered how long I had been crying because it was silent and I thought all the workers went home.
So I wiped my face in my shirt and I nodded "mmm I'm ok. Sorry. It was just so loud I thought no one could hear"
"Well we all did"
And I looked up and half the construction crew was standing looking worried.
And it made me bust into tears again. And they asked if i had been beaten or raped or needed the police or any random thing.
And i said "no. I'm just a recent widow and my child died right after child birth and i return kidnapped victims and my job is just hard let me put it that way"
So he gave me a bottle of water and asked if i needed money and told me safe places to go where nice people worked that were nice to the homeless.
So one day the noise of the hammers... The rhythm... I just decided. Not going to work was better for me. I was just gonna do something nice for nice people ... May be for a day or two..
So i would go to Macy's and buy shirts and boots and extra personal supplies for the construction workers, the people they told me about that were kind to the homeless and giving.
After a week the CIA asked what i was doing and when i would return to work. I said they could do it and i didn't want to.
They told me i wasn't acting healthy. I needed yo be underground feeling desperate and worried that i couldn't get people home to their families when my family was killed in front of me.
I couldn't. "Well quit buying stuff"
"Fine I'll buy less"
"Quit going to Macy's. What's wrong with the Bodega?"
"Oh sure where i shopped with my dead husband? No people need quality and quality is what they deserve! They work and they can afford their own clothes but they don't because it's too expensive for rent!! They can't afford clothes that don't rip or get holes in them every two weeks!!" I was yelling but i was mad. I wasn't letting people suffer and i wasn't letting myself suffer. No one had the right to tell me i was wrong. "Lower their rent so they have more than a few hundred bucks!! Look at them# bologna sandwiches that was all! They had no money to even eat! What am i doing wrong?! Good quality! Leave me be!!"
We always had long talks about quality. Because sometimes we found good at Bargain Basement and sometimes we didn't. So i knew Blue would approve.
"Yeah well you'll get fired"
"You wanna fire me?! Go ahead! And then when i want to go back to work you're not going to stop me! You'll thank me! So shove it!"
"You're causing a scene"
"No you are!!"
"You sit here for hours under the scaffolding that could fall on you and kill yoh while playing solitare in cards by yourself! You're not even Tarot. You could be making money on the street helping us but you aren't"
"That lady is a bitch. That lady ain't. That lady is sweet as the devil and that man is married to a cunt!!!! There are you happy now? Leave me be?" I was already exhausted and all the construction workers were down waiting for an explanation and to protect me.
They weren't very happy to find out I worked for the CIA. I guess they felt betrayed. I said "i help victims that get trapped under ground"
And so they thought like They fell into a pit of mud or something and needed help. Which is understandable.
I couldn't explain how i could feel abandoning those girls was my right. How i needed to. How helping them was destroying me. It was not explainable.
I didn't want to be encouraged to go back. I didn't want to be told i was wrong because it hurt my heart. I So damaged.
And I didn't want to volcano in anger. Not at anyone that didn't deserve it.
So I explained then... "*if someone is kidnapped and stuck or put under ground for human trafficking then they can't get out -- not on their own. They need me or the CIA and the CIA can cover for me while I am recovering to a better emotional state"
And one said "but you'll be fired"
"Well i run the CIA so i doubt that and i do check in with them every day down the street at least twice. That is why i was later today there was an issue with ome of the clubs and i had to sort it out. I just can't see the girls and work Like i used to. Promise to take them home. Make sure they see their families when my own was murdered in front of my face. Its just not something i can do"
They asked me for $500 and went to Macy's and in my place where i always sat and did solitare was a white paper Macy's bag. And it said "for the CIA GIRL named Sabrina"
And inside was a leopard fur coat. Of which they had got $250 from the CIA guy attempting to chew out my ass. And luckily it had been marked down. $657.32.
"Don't worry it was half off. And we split the leftover remaining for food. I hope you don't mind" i heard behind me.
I was crying so much I had snot bubbles.
So carpenters... They're like Gods. I've always looked up yo construction workers since that day.
Janitors at the elementary schools i attended they were always my heroes. If i didn't clean. I got beat. I tried to clean the whole cafeteria. Until I was told not to. I didn't have to. And ever since then it's been hard to just let them do their jobs and not help them.
They have been my heroes for s very long time. And not because I'm a germaphobe. Because they took pride in their work
Because like this man in this post always felt inferior. Bullied and picked on even.
Sometimes i would watch a janitor pick up trash next to the can a kid wouldn't pick up because he missed. And I would start crying and mess my make up up. And every one would ask me what was wrong. And i would bust into tears again "because the janitor had to clean!!".
I'm not talking just elementary school. I'm talking Jr high. I'm talking high school. Im talking i would skip school and smoke pot, smoke behind the principal's office or art building kinda old. And i would bust into tears because a janitors bad luck.
Ridiculous old. I would beat up bigger than me boys in school. Even beat the principal once for whipping my little brother. They still did paddling if there was a permission slip. My brothers wasn't signed. Mine and Nathaniel's had been and both said no paddling. So they called it even and let it go.
But i still cried cause the janitor who took pride in his work was bossed around like a bitch by the principal and the principal happened to be white and the janitor black.
So i stopped that shit by shoving the principal in his office and standing in front of it until he promised not to talk to the janitor. Every time he did with disrespect there i went. He took off running down the hall. Scared. Oh that pissed me off. Coward ass.
I used to work st Mazzios in Okmulgee. They used to go in after 8pm on Friday. I always waited on him and his wife cause Jamie always wanted a break to do dishes then. And we needed to. It was a mess by then. Dishes would be sliding off the counter And shit.
He never tipped. I asked his wife once why. She said "ask him" while laughing.
"Well? She's directed me to ask you. Seems your wife is in command here"
"Well I would tip if I had a waitress that didn't give me a black eye!"
"Well served, keep your dollar"
"Well next time I'm gonna pay $3!!"
So I told Jamie, "I don't mind doing dishes and it will save your nails I don't do mine. This guy here is the Principal at Preston and said he will pay to tip any waitress but me 3 whole dollars"
"Do the dishes"
She went over "I'm sorry was there a problem with your server?"
"She gave me a black eye!!!" What a dunce.
"Well I'll make sure she works extra hard on the dishes while I'll be the waitress to only you unless someone comes in since she's dangerous and can't come from behind the counter"
He looked over the back of his red booth and grinned. I grinned back.
Then he looked troubled "don't forget the tip" I sang back in a nasty I'll punch you in the face again tone. And kicked and threw all the chairs into the tables if they weren't pushed in on my walk back.
She got $5.
Oh it was definitely a joke around the restaurant. Friday nights after 8 weren't boring anymore.
His wife loved it. She was so tired of his shit. She knew we worked every Friday night and he was so dumb we could work him over on anything m
... ...
So in NYC. Scaffolding takes over the city sidewalks. Sometimes we have to walk in the street to pass. Or cross the street then cross back.because concrete barriers.
So in NYC the scaffolding is the rulers of the sidewalk. Put there by workers like the man who feels inferior to Harvard students.
They are in command.
I loved sitting under the scaffolding and hearing the hammers. The men above. Working for money. The men above free. Free in the sky. Free from the streets. As far as they could safely be from the underground.
They were like the bird Phoneix to me.
I couldn't see them but i could hear them. Banging and whistling to a song on the radio or in their head.
Up there they were free. Free to build and create. What they were doing would last for years. Decades.
What they were doing would be seen by all of New York City. Its visitors. Its home personnel. Its bodegas. The kidnapped. Every one.
The CIA was afraid i would be lonlier when they moved on. But i knew they were working. I could hear it. And one day the scaffolding I found safe Haven under would be missing.
And i would see the Grand Prize. Their work completed.
I could never finish a bunker they would always refill. I needed a Happy Ending. I needed Green Grass Roots on the side of the building the whole street they touched the lives of could see.
When they finished i took the girls. "You see that up there? The blue and green? That wasn't there before. My friends did that. I want you to know every thing you touch and every thing you see leaves a definition. Some may be wrong and some may be right. But my friends did that and saved me from my misery. And right now want to hug that building"
And we did.
So to this man in this post and all people that work and feel inferior...
Specifically to this man -- each and every student st Harvard looked at you the same way you looked st them "i can be something one day. I can be someone as important as him. I can help build a wall to stay up for years to come so students like me can keep coming to Harvard. If he can do it. And work in Harvard. I can at least graduate"
So never belittle yourself. You are important. You are worth more than money. You change the world every day.
You remember that. People we don't always say it.
But we think it. We find inspiration every where.
A girl screaming in the driveway. A dude feeling lost because all the world was shut down in a joke like but meaningful song video. My worries about people working too hard and not being home or happy.
Regular people others would think as trash. Or overlook as a fun silly video of the times.
P Diddy tripping as well as many others.
You all changed the world.
And you did it better than the President of the United States of America.
We The People.
Need our "lower class" financed people and our "lower classed: educated.
My cousin only finished 5th grade. You never could tell by looking at her. I never remember. I never think about it. Until she mentions it. And it SHOCKS me. It shocks the shit out of me. Because I didn't think about it and i couldn't tell. I look up to her and admire her.
So while I am PROUD this man made his dreams come true in secret -- why? -- because they were his dreams and his dreams alone and he didn't want no one meddling in his dreams -- I want to tell all of you.
You are not inferior because of your race or employment. Your pay grade or gender.
Here if you can pass a test or quiz or do a quick something every one gets $5.
Because you're all equal.
Love yourselves
And this man in the post is amazing i want to say again. Idk how old he is. He looks young. But he applied himself and focused and he tried. And he succeeded.
We're gonna be ok world. Its just gonna take some time
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Plus there aren't the same forces driving startups to spread. If you tried now to create a descriptive phrase about yourself that sticks in their heads. I didn't mean it as a practical suggestion, but more as an exploration of the lower bound of what it would do to you if at mile 20 of a marathon, someone ran up beside you and said You must feel really tired. If accelerating variation in productivity is far from the only source of economic inequality, we won't fix these problems. An individual European manufacturer could import industrial techniques and they'd work fine. They did but I am not sure I buy that ABNB reminds me of Etsy in that it facilitates real commerce in a marketplace model directly between two people. We do a lot of lies of this type will get their attention. The Selling of the President 1968, Nixon knew he had less charisma than Humphrey, and thus simply refused to debate him on TV. The spread of startups seems to be a rule with them that everything has to start with statistics.
Whatever their other flaws, laziness is usually not one of them. But not quite. If the Democrats had been running a candidate as charismatic as Clinton in the 2004 election, he'd have won. It's usually a mistake for a promising company less than a year old even to talk to corp dev unless a you want to set yourself apart from other people, you have to do it yourself. The effort that goes into looking productive is not merely wasted, but actually makes organizations less productive. To mislead someone so grossly about the world would seem not protection but abuse. Sometimes the pie fallacy is stated explicitly:. Already spreading to pros. I stopped worrying about it. Between the brief time available and their lack of technical background, many in the audience at startup school. To see how, envision two things: a the amount of cash Microsoft now has on hand, and b any business model you have at this point is probably wrong anyway. A demo explains what you've made more effectively than any verbal description.
Oy. But it doesn't do this out of frivolity. That was probably the best way to get information out of them was to ask what surprised them. VCs are harsh when negotiating with startups is that you've built something based on your own a priori theories of what the world needs, but that you have. Well, there precisely is Montaigne's great discovery. The reasons parents don't want their teenage kids having sex. People won't let you. That's why I write them.
When a man runs off with his secretary, is it always partly his wife's fault? The idea of a foul-mouthed, cynical 10 year old bothers me so much is not just one thing. To be jaded you have to do is expand it. It's a good exercise for you, too, to sit down and try to figure something out. Founders at Work. This group says one thing. The real problem is that you make what you measure. Even Microsoft sees that now. If you work on overlooked problems, you're more likely to work than attacking wealth in the process.1 And kids do need protecting. You must feel really tired.
Which means if it becomes the norm for founders to keep control after an A round? If you're a great public speaker you may be able to brag about the good terms they got. Particularly the sort written by the staff writers of newsmagazines.2 If a kid asked who won the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic weight of carbon was, you could just tell him. And that's certainly not something I realized when I started. In that case, tweak your product and try again. All previous revolutions have spread. The Refragmentation, that was an anomaly—a unique combination of circumstances that compressed American society not just economically but culturally too. Here parents' desires conflict.
Knowing that founders will keep control of the board after a series A is unheard-of. No one is even afraid of Microsoft anymore. It's usually a mistake to talk to corp dev. If we send them an email asking what's up, and the conclusion—uh, what is the conclusion? There are an infinite number of questions. They'd merely seem like incompetent adults.3 But trying to show it by partitioning the presentation is going too far. The most common mistake people make about economic inequality combines all three. But exponential growth especially tends to bite you.
I see around me in Silicon Valley is that you make what you measure. Not even investors, who are imitating classical scholars, who are merely the inheritors of a tradition growing out of what was, 700 years ago, fascinating and urgently needed work. Many published essays peter out in the world for the next several centuries the main work of European scholars, in almost every field, was to assimilate what they knew. They're the ones that set the trends, both for other startups and for VCs. I mean show, not tell. I know, no one has proposed it before. Actually this seems to the student a pointless exercise, because we're now three steps removed from real work: the students are imitating English professors, who are supposed to behave, and it's different from what lawyers do, and the difference is embodied in the name of simplification. Don't assume when this happens that you've failed. Indeed, this is just how most good software gets created. Y Combinator partners found ourselves saying a lot of lies to get us and our parents through our childhood.
If you're only doing a startup, then if the startup fails, you fail. At the most recent true counterexample is probably 1960. In defend-a-position writing that would be a flaw. Fred is. And certainly the founders of a company called Y Combinator that helps people start startups. So we concentrate on the basics. Everyday life gives you no practice in this.4 It's easy to convince investors there will be zero. Ambitious people already move halfway around the world to further their careers, and startups run on morale.
Later we added two more investors. But filtering out 95% of the lies people told 100 years ago it would have a connection with Aristotle, but mediocre programmers is the last thing you tend to be on the fly is that Steve Wozniak started out by solving his own problems.
Determination is the thesis of this type are also the golden age of tax avoidance. I stuck with such energy that he had more fun than he'd had in grad school in the field they describe. But although for-profit prison companies and prison guard unions both spend a lot cheaper than business school, and the Origins of Europe, Cornell University Press, 1965.
All you have a taste for interesting ideas: whether you have to decide whether you're in the sciences, even if the growth in wealth in a domain is for sale unless the owner shouldn't pay me extra for doing so because otherwise competitors would take up, and at least consider going into the star it was the capital which would harm their all-important GPA. Zagat's lists the Ritz Carlton Dining Room in SF as requiring jackets but I wouldn't want the first year or so, or was likely to resort to in order to avoid becoming an alcoholic. If you extrapolate another 20 years, dribbling out a preliminary answer on the world of the living.
The First Industrial Revolution happen earlier? The two 10 minuteses have 3 weeks between them generate a lot of people starting normal companies too.
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epajournal · 7 years
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Hi, my name is Alex. May I ask your name?
Hey there. I guess Elise, that's my real name.
I don't know, I feel silly doing this at all. I guess first, how are you?
It sounds like you're worried about being judged
Well, I'm mostly worried about being whiny, honestly.
Like... I don't know, I'm not in an immediate place where I'm going to hurt myself, honestly
Why don't we start with what brought you here today
I just know if I don't talk about it or at least let someone know I'm having bad thoughts that it'll swell into a pretty crappy place later.
Well, I guess just... My life's in a real weird place. I'm on medication but I've been off it for a few days, back on it again. I've been in therapy for close to a year but my life just seems to be getting worse.
I think I need to get a new therapist or something, or at least talk to her about improving our sessions. But it's tough.
I also know that we're at a place where it's like... There's not too much more she can do for me in a lot of ways.
And I guess that's scary.
It can be very discouraging when you feel the help you're getting isn't helping. It sounds like this is adding extra stress to your life at a very bad time
I wish I had something that was more unknown to me or had some big revelation about why I'm all dysfunctional, but. I don't. I feel like a car that's been taken apart and clearly you can see things aren't working right, but somehow you can't get the pieces to fit back together right. There's not much more to do than just trash it, you know?
And yeah, it's demotivating. It took me a long time to go to therapy again, I mean I went through a bunch of therapy as a kid and none of it was too much help. I took a chance with it again recently and it's just been...
I guess a lot of it has been useful, at the very least I can say I'm working on it, but I just want to be... Not even "fine", but just better.
It's hard to imagine a year ago that I was nearly a functioning person, but. I guess it's a real shaky support that keeps that facade going, things were clearly going wrong.
Sorry, I feel weird not asking again, how are you?
No need to feel weird. We are here to work with you and focus on how you are doing
Well, thank you.
I'm in my late twenties and live with my mom and brother... Our house isn't big enough for everyone so we ended up with me in the basement, but in the last few months I finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and moved upstairs, even though that means not having a room and sleeping in the living room.
And it's been a rough adjustment. I can't get myself to take care of my messes easily as it is, so combine having a small house where I don't have a room, things build up, people get upset. I've been out of work since last July, I had some financial fortune to get by but I fucked that up pretty badly and I'm broke again, but I just... There's no way I can hold a job. My therapist and I are working on SSI but it just... takes a while, and it makes me feel like I'm a brat.
My mom's disabled, physically, so it's like. I feel like I'm making an excuse for myself when I should just be having a job. I've worked before for years, but I just can't. I mean I can barely keep myself showered, or bother to eat, even though I'm a fat sunnovabitch because I rarely leave my house.
So it's just... Things get tense. I don't want to be a burden on anyone.
The answer seems to be that it'd be easiest if I weren't here, but aside from it being a scary idea, I know that'd be a lot of shit my family would have to go through.
But I still think about it a lot, and it's upsetting.
I just want to be left alone, honestly. I feel like most of my life I haven't had any chance to just "be". I want to exist but just barely, I guess.
I've been working on it, it doesn't look like it, but I have been. I'm just not well, physically and psychologically. Today I started an herb garden, I'm raising them from seeds, hopefully they work.
I try to take my dog out, I got a FitBit so I can be mindful of my movement. But as soon as I do these things, people think I'm shirking important things, but... I need to do anything I can now, because otherwise I just do nothing.
You sound very invested in your recovery. It can be tough feeling like a burden on people, but it sounds like you have a family that you care about and that cares about you. So it sounds like at some point in the past you felt you were doing better, but you now feel yourself spiraling in a downward direction. You're not sure if it's the move to a less private living situation, or the medication or if you should try seeing a new professional and it sounds like all these factors are really overwhelming you
I fantasize about running away a lot. But I have a dog who I feel like I need to be there for even though my family would take care of her, and I have a 20 year-old cat... And I don't want to ditch him.
Yeah, that all sounds fair. I mean, it's a long history of dysfunction, I can't even tell you my family history and growing up.
I guess the one good thing about therapy is I'm finally so tired of mourning my past because I just can't be bothered to talk about it anymore, which is saying something, because it's been the only thing I can discuss with any passion for a while.
But now I'm just like, "here I am," and it's crappy. Like, that's done. There's nothing I can do that I haven't already to try and compartmentalize and digest it better. But I'm still messed up and now I'm an adult and nobody can fix it for me.
Some days I feel okay. But I just... I'm tired all the time and I don't care about anything, the only thing that I actually feel emotionally responsive to is when I'm upsetting people.
I tried to move into my dad's a number of years ago after he told me there'd "always be a place" for me with him, and he knows things have been awful, and he's a lot to blame for it. But when I did, he suddenly didn't have room, which sucked. It kind of felt like I finally went to make a huge change in my life even though I was scared and ultimately was told, "nah." Like... Idk.
I just keep thinking I need to get out of here, and the only feasible way I can imagine that is to not exist anymore.
But that's a whole mess to itself.
It's a good thing I'm anxious about what happens after you die, though. A lot of the time that's the only thing that keeps me here-- I guess that's true for a lot of people, but still.
There really is no easy fix, which can make things seem hopeless. Elise, have you been thinking about suicide?
Oh sure, but that's nothing new. I think about it pretty constantly, but I'm not going to enact it.
I walked in on my mom readying to kill herself when I was thirteen and decided I didn't want to do that to anybody.
But it's still a thought, and it's one of those things where it's just... Super depressing to realize that's what you'd kind of like to do.
But you haven't thought about how and when you want to kill yourself and you're able to stay safe while we continue to chat?
Yeah, I'm okay. That's why I'm talking now, so I don't have more of these thoughts later. I took an Ativan recently and I'm getting pretty calmed down in addition to that. I'm not in any danger to myself now, but. It's preventative, I guess.
I've never really thought /how/ I'd kill myself, they all seem pretty creepy. More of what would happen after, which I guess is less dangerous.
(my ativan is prescription, btw, I don't use it often but I do have it officially for when I need it)
I just kind of needed someone to talk to so it didn't stay in my head and chest and get into Bad Territory.
I just hope I'll be Okay someday. I keep thinking I'm about to get to the final corner of this maze but it just keeps goddamn turning.
Ok. Well Elise, what else do you think would help you right now? It sounds like having someone to talk to has helped with the stress a bit
And it's tough, too, because you can't see all the progress you've made in these situations. But that's the depression talking.
and yeah, it has, I'm getting pretty relaxed again already, so thank you for that.
I think I need to contact my therapist and discuss making our appointments more constructive, and contact my doctor to start finding a psychiatrist I like. My recent one retired.
Which sucks, I really liked her.
I need to keep on my SSI application... And just keep working through my list of to-do's, since every one of those I complete makes me feel like I'm doing a little bit better.
I guess for right now I should get something to eat or drink and do little things, maybe just fold my clothes while I watch a movie, and probably write in my journal.
And maybe tonight I'll go for a drive for some privacy and have a good cry-- I've been needing to do that for a while now.
It sounds like feeling like you are making steps toward your recovery is important to you. You have a very well built plan of next steps to take.
Thanks, I guess it's a matter of me actually doing them, haha. My mom actually is out here trying to get me to talk to her and... I think I should, I don't mean to cut off from you so quickly, but I'm calmed down and I know there are people out there in actual danger.
Would you like someone from the IMAlive Team to follow up with you? That follow-up would be via email, a few days after this chat.
Mm... I think I'm okay, actually-- Or, would that be just a check-in, I guess?
Sure, you can contact me at *********@gmail.com, I guess.
Gives me something to keep working on myself for so I can reply with positive news, haha.
A check-in. Ok Elise a member of IMAlive will follow up with you. In the meantime, be good to yourself smiley
Thanks so much, I really appreciate you listening to me.
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