#I've decided to keep a reading list this year to motivate me to read more
kesleyjo · 1 year
I'm having some finale wine and I think I've got it. My final resolute head canon of Riverdale.
Keep in mind I have not watched the end of season 5 through the end and have absolutely no intention to, but I've seen and heard enough about *gestures vaguely* all of that to still stand by this.
Disclaimer: I do not believe this is what the writers intended whatsoever. This is all my imagination. I do however believe in this canon whole heartedly and its as true to me as whatever RAS's vision is to him. You choose who to trust.
Okay so first and foremost the entire series is written by Jughead. It's all his writings that are probably all sitting in a google docs draft folder.
I justify this due to the following:
He is the narrator
The entire series is obsessed with Betty Cooper for good or ill (I'll get to it)
Its all kind of sort of been alluded to that its all Jughead's writings anyway. At least in S1, again. I'll get to the why of that in a second.
He started writing season 1 in his junior year (so a year after the events of the S1). He read In Cold Blood (on his own, not for class, very important to him that you all know this) and was like "Hey my town had a murder and I have some trauma around it, so I should totes do this." And thus S1 is born.
This is why that season is (relatively) more grounded and far more realistic than the rest of the series because its based on a real true thing that happened and the real feelings and emotions of people involved. It has the least amount of exaggeration (but enough, because Jughead) and has the most coherent plot, which would make sense since Jughead isn't making anything up, he is recalling events.
This is also the only season that directly ties Jughead's narration and the plot to the book Jughead is writing on page, and thus tying them both together. Because again, its a thing that really happened.
So the characterizations, motivations, and actions of everyone in season 1 is the model of how and how these characters actually are and are a base for further exaggeration.
Seasons 2-4 are also based on true events but are exaggerations/interpretations of things that really happened, but are altered to make them more interesting to Jughead's readers (heh).
I don't want this post to be a novel so here is a brief listing of that I am thinking here for some of the main plots (but if you have a plot you want me to fit into this canon let me know):
The Black Hood: When Jughead showed Betty his first manuscript (S1) the positive constructive criticism she gave was that, "True crime is really popular right now, so this fits in with the zeitgeist." And Jughead ran with it. Fred also had his first heart attack at this time...we all know where I'm going with that so I'll just leave that there. RIP.
Making Hal the Black Hood: Hal leaves the family after the Polly debacle and finding some racy pics on Betty's computer (she sent them to Jug, she wasn't a camgirl) and decides to start his life over with a woman who is far more moral (and probably like 2 years older than Polly)
The Serpents/Class War with Hiram: Not a gang, just those under the boot of the rich that Hiram tries to eradicate through good ol fashioned gentrification. Archie and Veronica also start spending more time doing rich people shit and that drives a divide between the two main couples of the core four. But less about political plots and more about teenagers growing apart because of different interests
Season 3: Putting this all together because Jughead was having a hard time finding a plot here. So he focused on Alice's new weird young boyfriend who actually ended up taking off with Polly (leaving her twins), his newfound obsession with DnD (Betty was exhaustedly supportive of this) and Kevin's endless talk about the new megachurch he just joined. He and Betty also started watching a lot of horror films and Hitchcock at the time which leads us to...
Season 4: He and Betty go off to different schools but its because of college, not because Jug is the chosen one (again see why he is writing all of this himself). He meets a lot of pretentious people that challenge his relationship with Betty and he turns it into a mystery.
So now we have made it to 4.17. Ugh.
Okay so Jughead has written all of this, and reading everything back feels that Archie and Betty (who go to the same college now and are friends again after growing apart after he dated Veronica) have grown too close and Jug self destructs.
He self sabotages so hard and makes a story up in his head that Betty would be much happier with Archie who is doing perfectly mediocre at college while Jughead flunked out.
So he and Betty break up after a lot of frustrated fighting.
And he begins to write Betty differently. Wildly differently.
(You can't tell me this doesn't make more sense than whatever the hell happened in the show.)
Jughead dejected from his failure at school and his breakup Writes on and off for the next few years. His next main attempt is S5. His attempt at more realistic writing.
(Its also after Betty enters his life again, because at her core Betty is his muse)
He works through his fictional frustrations of Betty and Archie as a possible couple (They never dated. Archie is actually a aromantic pansexual who does not do commitment) and realized that he made it all up and they have nothing in common.
Jughead and Betty get back together at the end of "Season 5" but Betty tells him that writing about their real life is what tore them apart, so he needs to not use their relationship in his writing anymore.
So Jughead decided to get weird and wildly experimental with his writing. And because Jughead is not a particularly good writer S6 and S7 are born.
Betty, absolutely running out of positive things to say about his last few writing attempts tells him that maybe these exaggerated versions of their lives that bear no resemblance to the real world have run their course, and he should try something new.
So Jughead wraps up this now unrecognizable series of writings and moves onto something new.
With Betty diligently serving as his editor. She got distracted with her new job and left him unattended for those last few seasons and look what happened.
Also I realize that Archie/Veronica/Cheryl/Toni are absent in this so briefly
Archie: He always was in awe of Archie and slightly jealous of what he perceived he had over Jughead...this is why he is the quasi-hero and also why he tortures Arch and treats him like an idiot.
Veronica: I cannot stress this enough. He and Veronica have no relationship. She is his friend's girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend. The only thing he really knows about her is she is rich and hot. So he makes that her core personality and slaps on whatever traits fit her best for whatever plot he is writing at the time.
(This is also why almost all the women Veronica, Tabitha, Jessica, and Toni all are at some time his love interest. Self instert fan fic Jug. We see you.)
Cheryl/Toni: He and Toni are friends and Cheryl is her girlfriend who endlessly terrifies him. That is the core of her characterization.
I already regret the fact that I am sharing this long-winded mess with the world...but I can't take it back now.
Enjoy. And if you don't that is fine. It's my head canon not yours. Go make your own.
Have fun on finale night folks.
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wonryllis · 3 months
Hi I wanted to pop in and say I'm so sorry you got demotivated and decided to discontinue the series T_T I can't imagine how you must've felt when you didn't receive the feedback you were hoping for (especially since so many people requested to be on the tag list) I didn't request to be on the taglist but I was a silent reader/reblogger, definitely a bit out of character for me but I've been overwhelmed with the summer semester 😓 (that's no excuse tho and do not take it as one!! If I had the time to read along, I definitely had the time to comment something)
I don't expect this to magically change your mind but I'm sorry you ended up feeling the way that you do, I can't imagine it being a nice feeling at all. For what it's worth I truly did enjoy the parts that were released ♡
I hope you feel better!! You truly are a great writer 💓
yeah it wasn't that great of a feeling especially with how excited i was to share it, it had been years since i did an smau & dfh plot is very dear to me because it stems from one of my comfort dreams so it felt disappointing. plus with so many people asking to be tagged like you said i got even more excited but sad to say, not even 5% of them cared to give any feedback. and while i don't blame and say it's an obligation to do so but it is something that motivates me to keep writing so yeah it would have been nice if the case were otherwise.
i don't wanna blame anyone, i'm still glad people enjoyed it despite not letting me know of it. but it is what it is at the end of the day. i have seen so many amazing writers continue despite not getting feedback and so many amazing writers leave because they didn't get much feedback. i don't think any side is wrong, every writer/creator is different. and i just so happen to be one who values feedback to a great extent.
thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed it and thank you much for addressing me as a great writer and being concerned enough to send an ask, i really appreciate it <333
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
2023 WIP List
I saw a writer I really love doing this here and decided to respectfully borrow the idea.
I'm feeling really bummed about writing lately, can't seem to find the least bit of motivation and have jumped from story to story without adding anything of substance over the last month or so. Nothing seems to spark joy. And yet I have thousands of words in half-written stories I'm not sure what to do with. Ideally, I'd like to finish them, but at this point, who knows 🤷‍ So this is a way for me to take stock, do some soul-searching, try to find where my heart is writing-wise at the moment and see if I can manifest some inspo.✨
These are not even all my WIPs, just the ones I have opened at least once in the last year.
▪ Speed Dating 3/3 Klaroline, friends/roommates-to-lovers
Started in June 2022
The final part to my Speed Dating sequel, which is much longer than the original story because I have no self-respect. Klaus and Caroline are roommates and idiots. The OG one-shot had them going on a round of speed dating and failing to connect the dots and realizing that what they really should be doing is sucking face with each other. The sequel is kind of an expanded universe situation, where I wanted to show a little more of their roommie chemistry and push them into situations where they are finally confronted with the reality of their feelings. But that only happens once they start seeing other people because of course.
I have maybe 60% of the final part written but for some reason, after word-vomiting non-stop for a while, I got stuck on a kind of major point in the story. I've tried to start it soooo many times and it just won't go. 🙃 I think I'm looking at a good 6 to 8k words more before it's finished.
▪ Random Fic (not the real title) Klaroline (duh), sorta exes-to-enemies-to-lovers I guess
Started in May 2020
The start of my romantic comedy phase. This predates even my coffee shop AU. It's Caroline and Klaus having a fling that ends very, very badly, but then having to come together again a year later to marry their common friend (and Caroline's ex), Tyler. I wanted it to be quick, witty and light-hearted and then at some point it got some very emotional bits in the middle and turned into something else completely. I guess it's still mostly light-hearted, but it has some ~~substance, whatever that means. I think it's an okay fic, and it's 55k words, which is not too bad, but then does anyone still read 55k all at once these days? lol
The fic is finished. I think I wrapped it up in April last year, so a year ago. But I haven't been able to go back and read it again. I've tried, and I've started it so many times, but then I always stop and never pick it back up. But like. 55k words of finished fic here. 🤷‍
▪ Pendulum Klaroline, soulmates!AU but make it sad
Originally in January 2019, started rewriting in July 2020 (lol)
I have issues with this story. It's the saddest damn thing I've ever written, but it's also my favorite storyline I've ever come up with. It got some hate at the time, I don't know why, but also some of the most heartfelt comments/responses I've ever received on any story (and I still keep them all!), so I think this is one where you either love it or hate it. But because I feel so protective of it, I have problems (of the personal brand) leaving it out in the open, and I don't want to repost it until I'm absolutely sure it's ok. As you can see, it was one of my first ever fics, so the writing wasn't the best. But I still love it, I don't care. I keep wanting to make the writing match how much I love the idea, and I don't know if that's possible. 🙃
It's the rare AU I write entirely from Klaus' POV, which is something else. I'm not sure I'm that good with Klaus. It's also an AH, but it has a little magic twist. Every time Klaus dies, his life just restarts from the exact same point. He's born on the same year, at the same place, to the same parents. Except he remembers his previous lives, and so he accumulates the knowledge of hundreds and hundreds of previously lived years each time he's reborn. And then shit happens.
First time I posted this, it was 57k words long. I have successfully finished rewriting the first of three parts, which is around 14k words, but as you can see, I have been in this process since 2020 (!!!), so I need to go back and tinker with that as well. May God have mercy on my soul.
▪ Mystic Tours (not the real title) Klaroline, friends-to-lovers but also fake dating
Started in January 2023
This was inspired by Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, except it's not a Christmas story, and it doesn't actually have any farms. It has Klaroline fake dating to try and win a contest that can potentially save Caroline's failing business, and also loads of side-characters Sound of Settling style (including a horde of Mikaelsons and Bonnie and Enzo as Caroline's co-workers). I really like writing stories where I can fit a bunch of side characters and make the whole thing sorta absurd. But I also wanted to try to make something quicker, more dialogue-oriented and with shorter scenes. AND YET. I just can't seem to make it work, the writing kinda sucks.
I have some 6k words of this, but can't tell you how much of that is actually usable. And it's maybe 10% of the story. 🙃
▪ Friends that Ruin Your Life (may or may not be the title, undecided) Klaroline, Klefan (!!), affairs, fucked up people, angst
Started in March 2023
The five minutes during which I decided I wanted to go back to my origins and write something angsty and filled with complicated situations, a bit like Gasoline. It features Klaus and Stefan as a couple, and Caroline getting sucked into their messy marriage. So yes, Klaus is having an affair. In his defense, so is Stefan. Caroline's moral compass gets all out of sorts and she realizes the world is a lot less black-and-white than she'd previously assumed and sometimes you do get judged by your one-offs, even if your heart is in the right place.
I got super excited about this one and churned out the entire plan for the whole story, with all the scenes and most of the dialogues and the document alone is like 60k words long. I wrote that in like three days. 🥲 I don't think I could make it a one-shot, and I think that left me bummed because I didn't want it to be a multi-chapter. And then I'm not sure the writing was coming along fine enough, it wasn't flowing, and I started to question whether it was actually good or if I was totally tripping when I had this idea and this was actually insanely shitty. lol Leaning more towards the second right now.
▪ King Arthur AU (not the actual title) Klaroline, magic, fantasy, King Arthur
Started in March 2021
This is very high fantasy, and very intricate. It would be a multi-chapter, but I have no idea how long. I think I was leaning towards 10 chapters. I have four written. And the writing is fairly decent, if I may say so myself. But as it usually happens with me, I get to a point where I start wondering why am I even writing this, and then I stop. 🥲🥲 I also think I was having some doubts about how to wrap it up. It had maybe more plots than I wanted to work with. King Arthur was actually Elijah, and Klaus was Mordred, and Caroline was Guinevere-ish, a witch undercover in "Orleans" (I'm so creative!!).
Only reason this is even on the list is because I recently read the four chapters I have and thought they were pretty decent, but I haven't written anything in almost two years, so maybe I've swiped up on this one already.
▪ The Wolf III and IV 🤡
Started in October 2020 (!! when I tell you guys I've had this written for years lol)
I have technically written The Wolf 3. It's in my "headcanons" format, which is honestly a joke, because clearly I don't know how to write headcanons. 🤡 But as you can see by the starting date, it's very, very old, and it requires full rewriting and lots of editing. Chapters are 15 to 20k words long (some are longer). TW4 is a different story. I never actually wrote it down, all I have is a full, detailed plan of all the scenes and shit. My idea was to not split the two stories into two different fics, but rather continue on with TW4 in the same AO3 "document" (???) as TW3 and make it 34 chapters long instead of 21. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but also I don't have it in me to start another separate story.
But here we are, stuck on S03E17. 🤡 Gonna be honest with you, my dudes, it's been rough to find the motivation to open that document. I think I have half of 17, maybe, but I haven't touched that in over a month. Laely, I have been often sent into thinky thoughts that you really shouldn't have when you're writing fic just for the hell of it, you know. Like, this is in no way meant to be a great piece of writing, I shouldn't be worried about that. It's the fan service of the fan service. But I start to think about the real quality of it and whether it even makes sense to be writing it, I realize I wrote one fic that was good, a second one which I personally think was even better, and then I made the classic mistake of having one too many sequels. This is Jurassic Park III. It's not as crappy as Jurassic World, you have Sam Neill, but should it exist? I just want Klaus and Caroline to be together for a change, and I love adding random final scenes in every chapter where it's just the two of them being married, but - should this be written? Or rather, should this have been posted in the first place? Do we really wanna see them being domestic? Doesn't that kind of kill the vibe? I don't know, man. I don't know. Chapter one was a blast, people seemed so into it and I wrote five chapters at once and got maybe a little over-excited, and then which each update I feel like there's less and less readers and it really gets me thinking. These thoughts are sabotaging my will to write. I need to get back on my fuck it horse.
It will come to me at some point, though. I'm sure it will.
Anyway, these are all my current WIPs! Comments, ideas and positive energies are all welcome! ✨ Let's return to this in december and weep at how little progress I've made 🥲
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thelocalmuffin · 9 months
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Hello everyone! I wanted to share my accomplishments in 2023 before the year ends with a little bit of self reflection notes. You can enjoy everything in the read below.
Some fandoms highlighted include DGS, nintendo, and pokemon.
First off, this year has been hard for me. It's been a lot of self reflection and figuring my goals out after some became unattainable.
With that being said, I did accomplish a lot this year. I published my first recipe in a zine, finishing my first zine, improved my writing a lot, and picked up drawing once again. I also was able to get some actual help with some issues I have struggled with for years.
I want thank you all for your support. It means a lot that you enjoyed my artworks, writing, and ambition. Now here are my highlights for each month.
January: Foxtrot - An Asoryuu kitsune AU. One of the stories I took in when I was at my lowest last year and sparked a lot of my interest to keep writing. Plus Kitsune Kazuma.
February: Encore - A hassius story about motivation and being patient about the creation process. Though this was more or less my thoughts on this topic in general, this story literally inspired me to take my own advice and pick up drawing again.
March: The Memories that Lie - This was one I actually finished, but am glad I did. It's an asoryuu vampire story I was actually planning on scrapping, but ended up finishing anyway out of sheer stubbornness. To finish it, it took me completely restarting five chapters, but it came out a lot better than the original draft had mapped out.
April: This is when I took my hiatus and started to draw again in my free time. I was worn out, stressed, and collapsing under the pressure. This was my first piece that I posted.
May: Was a huge month for me. I launched the @blossominglovezine that you can enjoy here and published my first recipe in The Grand Adventure to Make the Perfect Cake for the @tgaacspringzine
June: I made my first icon! I was really busy this month planning for the trip of my dreams and doing some irl side work that ended up being permanent employment.
July: So I went to Las Vegas for a foodie tour. When I had a moment, I decided to draw the lovely Unicorn Goddess outfit.
August: This is when I did the Timmverse art study. This month was more of finishing up some logistics of zine work and getting a story out in the wild.
September: Goes to the Princess Peach Showtime piece I did! This piece really cemented my current style. And yes, I keep calling it Princess Peach Spotlight. Also wanted to mention I helped successfully launch the @dgscrimezine
October: Goes to my OC piece. CW for blood, but this piece was made for Halloween and the shading was really on point. I love this design for this OC.
November: I'm going with the fact I completed a ship week, asoryuu week. I got everything done at a reasonable time and was able to create so many fun pieces. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I had to skip day 6 because I ended up having an emergency. I also started pre-orders for my first for purchase zine, @desire-asoryuu-zine. This is still in pre-orders, so I wasn't sure if I was going to add it, but this is a big accomplishment for me.
December: I actually haven't been able to do much this month due to the holidays and getting distracted by Pokemon DLC, but I did draw this super cute Yuma!
Other highlights do include being accepted to multiple zine projects as a mod and contributor, which has been very exciting for me. You can check out that list here.
This upcoming year, I'll be helping with more projects and the @aawlwminibang events! I really want to do a personal project that I've been building up my skills for before pursuing, but now I think I'll be able to handle it. I won't announce it yet since it's still very much in development, but I hope I can in 2024.
Thank you all for your support this year. It has meant a ton.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Welcome to my page 💞
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Lmao nice, you found my page 🤡. Anyway I'm Mae and I've been here for quite some time tbh but with (sadly) plenty of hiatuses. Ppl originally came here for my story "Two worlds" (which im still working on, its just rly rly slow :((() but i started writing again bc ive finally caught up with bsd and it inspired me to start writing again in general! I'd love some requests but even if i dont get any, I'll still write some random hc's, stories and more bc i gotta use the motivation i have rn! Because of work i'll atleast try to upload smth every 2 days so yall in for smth (until my brain decides to shut off and not let me write again 💀) Anyway now onto my
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Bungou Stray Dogs
-No one likes syringes! (hc with dazai, atsushi, kunikida, aku and chuuya)
-No brain, just horny! (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa) hc
-No brain, just horny! 2 (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai and a bit of fyodor) hc
- I feel like sleeping on the couch tonight! (hc and lowkey drabble with Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Tetchou)
- Don't be so annoyed, love! (hc Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
- Exams are a hassle! (Chuuya x Reader) oneshot
-In sickness and health (Chuuya x Reader) continuation of Exams are a hassle!
- Cherry Sweet Kiss! (Tetchou x Reader) oneshot
- Love has no bounds! (Knight! Tetchoux Princess! Reader) oneshot
- Don't be so antsy! (Tetchou x Reader) mix of hc and oneshot
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-how the characters would help you with an assignment! (caitlyn, jinx and vi)
- Arcane Story Masterlist "Two worlds"
-"Two worlds" moodboard
-short future story idea (jinx x reader)
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Bsd: Majority of charas (the kids only platonic, pls no smut or smth with them or ill put u to jail 📸) not reading the manga so just a heads up if you request for charas that havent been seen in the anime yet! Also wont be writing about mori bc i c why ppl simp for him but i cant 😩 fyodor's also a bit tricky but i can try 🛐
- Hubby gets some help (IL Dan Heng x Reader x Blade) Drabble
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Who I'll write for!
Demon Slayer: I still gotta watch season 2... Pls no nezuko romantically... I beg you 🛐
Arcane: everyone except heimerdinger and silco bc im not into yordles and... silco is silco..
Also some characters in from League of Legends in general but just ask which charas bc listing the ones i wont write for is just too long of a list 😐
Jjk: all charas but only from the anime bc.. im not reading the manga yet again...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All jojo's and their respective gangs! Also other supporting charas but just ask and ill say if i write for them, lol
-still debating about dio bc i get why ppl simp for him but man's legit traumatised many generations of one family and prob hundreds of other ppl 💀
Naruto: main cast and akatsuki lol, u can request side charas too but im not gonna count every one of them bc yeaaaaaaah too long
Final fantasy 7 : all main casts from all ff7 games
Kingdom hearts: Organisation 13 and main cast!
Honkai Star Rail: all playable characters! (kid charas only platonic 💕)
still gotta think which other series but tbh my brain can only keep track of like some while ive consumed over 100 or smth and the ones that i like were streamed 6-7 years ago or smth 😭😭😭😭 but im currently in a bsd brainrot so give plenty of request for that rn if u want to LOL
Have fun on my page yall ✋💅
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amrago · 2 years
About Me
Call me Queen because I'm too lazy to find another nickname for myself.
In my day- job, which sometimes it's a night-job too, I work in IT - cybersecurity.
I'm 27, European and a polyglot. Despite the fact that I've been writing for 15 years I yet have to write a complete novel that I can call that way without feeling any shame.
I write speculative fiction and romance. I haven't tried with erotica but i won't be sharing anything related here regardless.
This blog is about my writing (and use it as a motivator when I can) and serves as a collection of resources and prompts i might use in the future.
I unconsciously tend to write about my own experiences so here a list of themes, tropes and similar things I naturally tend to write about. I think this is better than a self-id list and more interesting. This is no particular order of importance or how much I use it and of course not everything is always included.
Bisexuality, especially WLW "ships";
Disability, mental illness and neurodivergency;
Feeling without a choice;
Community in a positive way*;
Second (or even third, fourth chances);
Family and friends;
Some sort of war or big conflict;
Resilience and resistance...
I think there will be other things and I maybe will update the list as I go.
Anyway I'm always up for tag games etc. It might take me some time to get back because of my job (and ADHD).
I have to note that all my writing is original. I don't write or read fanfiction at the moment although I'm an avid reader.
Servant of Chaos -> Regency settled fantasy. Our MC is Rosaspina, 23 and demigod, grandson of Death and Destiny. He gets kicked out of magic university/institution, offically for a prank unofficially because his grades sucks. He was sent there because he had a clandestine relationship with the princess of the place he cames from and despite his parents being the general of the army and the first advisor he is not up enough the ladder for a marriage. Chaos offers him a job. Find the Death goddess so zombies stop ravaging a continent since she just disappeared. And why two of the most powerful entities ever existed decided to live in a castle with humans... And have a kid after the few millennia they have been alive and togheter. (Keep in mind that there is no racism or sexism in this world - the point is making a commentary on how much we undervalue people because they can't give you want you want in the way you expect them to. Yes MC is ADHD although it's never mentioned because at the time ADHD wasn't recognised yet. More details when I decide to create a wiki or something. )
Other things I'm working on:
What if? - Writing exercises ->That's the tag I use to publish the excerpt. I'm trying to learn how to write fiction in english and this helps.
[Placeholder for the prompt tag]
My writing -> Self-explanatory.
WIP -> Everything that has to do with my WIPs.
My tags to find references and writing tips are a mess. When I have some time (which I rarely do lol - the JOY of being an adult I guess) I will fix them in a way that makes sense.
That's everything for now!
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(artwork by @mayasdigitalart - she deactivated)
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reading update
what's up gamers, the odds are very slim that I'll be finishing another book before November is over, so let's do a roundup! I've you've been following me literally at all you probably saw me reblog my public shame TBR list at some point, and now we get the #reviews.
what have I been reading?
Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson, 2018) - this book is a really incredible piece of historical research, exploring the existence of transgender and gender non-conforming children in the first half of the 21st century. Gill-Peterson threads a great needle of both laying out ways in which trans identity and specifically trans youth were understood in the early decades of trans healthcare, establishing that young transgender people are in no way a modern phenomenon, while also making the strong case that trans youth have been able to exist without complication or medical intervention throughout American history. It's an engrossing medical history, and I would say intensely valuable to anyone who has a vested interest in protecting trans kids' right to autonomy and joy.
Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer? (Greg Rucka et al, 2002) - this, to me, is peak Batfamily content. everyone is miserable and nobody is communicating about it because they're all too depressed and bitchy. Bruce gets accused of murder and sent to prison and he decides the only reasonable thing to do is break out and never be Bruce Wayne again, with seemingly no concern about how horrific the consequences will be for his family as long as he gets to keep being Batman. the dysfunction is... fucking delicious. cannot WAIT to read Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, I must know how Brucie baby gets himself out of this one. also, hey, have I mentioned that I miss Babs as Oracle every single day? god, she's just... she's so much cooler as Oracle.
Alive at the End of the World (Saeed Jones, 2022) - Jones is so so so so so so SO good at writing layers of pain and hurt into his poetry. the imagery of apocalypse and protest is infinitely striking, and I was particularly shaken by the recurring series within the book that ended each segment, in which Jones finds himself in his apartment after a reading speaking with a doppelganger who turns out to be his own personified pain. chills!!!! CHILLS!!!!
Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger, 2020) - I wanted to make a point of reading something a little lighter, because we've been a little #heavy lately, and Little Badger's debut YA novel was perfect for that. while Elatsoe isn't what I'd call flawless - in particular, I have to say that the main characters seem VERY young for 17 year olds, feeling more like middle readers protagonists in most ways - it's an extremely charming book with a lot of really cool ideas. the world is one very like ours but suffused with mythology; ghosts, vampires, and fairies are well-known facts of life integrated seamlessly into the story. it's very cool to see an urban fantasy where the protagonist's parents are totally in on the supernatural and fully supportive of the teen sleuthing without any sketchy ulterior motivations, and I think the tidbit that Lipan folks are able to banish vampires for coming into their home - the entirety of their ancestral lands - without an invitation is one of the coolest twists on vampire lore I've ever seen.
Nature Poem (Tommy Pico, 2017) - I LOVE Tommy Pico's epic poetry (that's a literary term, not an outdated compliment), and I read Nature Poem in what I believe is the way that was intended: all in one evening, still wearing a cute little bodycon dress, glitter, and fishnets after a Halloween party, a little tipsy. as always Pico's voice is impeccable, dry and witty and observant and so, so tired of so much bullshit. the preoccupation of this poem is the idea of nature, specifically writing a poem about it, and Pico's railing against the idea that white poets can write countless poems about nature and only be seen as writing a poem, while he, as a Kumeyaay man, can't write a poem about nature without it being seen as a woo woo magical Native American thing. but it's not just that; no Pico poem is every just one thing, but a smart and circling conversation to drive a point home. I still don't know if I'm liking poetry right but man I know I love Tommy Pico.
The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life (Michael Warner, 1999) - full disclosure: I ordered this book in a feverish haze after it was recommended at a conference by a speaker who was so stupid hot that I nearly had a panic attack about it. we don't have time to unpack all that, but I will say that this was as eye-opening a read as nearly all historical queer texts are. the two things that jumped out at me most were 1.) Warner's well-written argument against the concept of marriage as a whole, with the then-ongoing fight for gay marriage necessarily included, and 2.) the scathing critiques of gay individuals who throw ~weird sexual deviant~ gays under the bus to further their own social standing. INSANE that that's still topical in 2022; can't wait to be quoting a 20+ year old book at people when the kink @ pride discourse starts in 2023.
A Dowry of Blood (S.T. Gibson, 2021) - that's right, it's the TikTok book about Dracula's brides being in a polycule! I figured with a description like that this was either going to be pretty good or bad in fun and interesting ways, and I wasn't disappointed at all. Dowry was a fast, fun read, with a heavy gothy ambiance all the way through. it carries more weight than expected by depicting Dracula himself as a surprisingly realistic abusive partner, a boyfriend from hell who keeps his partners on short leashes with a thinly-veiled threat of death if they ever displease him. if you like your vampires depressed, horny, and wrapped up in deeply unhealthy psychosexual mindgames you will LOVE this.
Into the Riverlands (Nghi Vo, 2022) - this is the latest novella in Vo's Singing Hills Cycle, which I cannot recommend enough to anyone. I didn't initially adore this entry quite as much as When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain or Empress of Salt and Fortune, I think because it felt less immersive. the Singing Hills Cycle tells stories within stories, framed by a cleric named Chih travelling to gather stories across the fictional kingdom in which they live. the first two novellas were much more immersive in their storytelling, and I think I missed having that in Into the Riverlands, but there was a certain reveal near the end that cast the whole thing in a very different light and made me like the setup a lot more. it's also worth noting that given the way this novella deals with larger-than-life martial artists and the way their legends are distorted across time, it reminded me VERY much of The Girl Who Kept Winter - a spectacularly fun read, one that I can't recommend enough.
The World We Make (N.K. Jemisin, 2022) - god DAMN, N.K. Jemisin! I was a little unsure about The City We Became, willing to rank it as my least favorite of Jemisin's books, but the sequel really knocked by socks off. I could hardly put it down, and I'm sad to see the duology ended already - if I'm being totally honest I think this book could easily have been fleshed into two for a trilogy, given how much capital-p-Plot is introduced, but I also really respect how much story Jemisin was able to so slicky introduce and resolve in under 400 pages here. on the whole this is a thriving, fast, fist-pumping love letter to New York City and the power of community in the face of all kinds of evil, and one of the few sequels I feel completely confident calling better than the original.
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danielfeketewrites · 8 months
Script Reading Challenge 2024
Back when I was studying screenwriting at University of Suffolk, we had an online guest lecture. I won't name the lecturer but one thing he said stuck with me.
He asked how many of us read at least 50 screenplays per year.
Obviously, none of us did. Outside of writing and reading for classes, we would read a few screenplays every year at most. None of us really had the time or motivation to read more of them.
Then he proclaimed that we should be thinking about something else for our futures, because if you can't be bothered to read at least one script every week, you are not serious about the industry.
Now, this is obviously a huge, steamy pile of gatekeepy bullshit. You don't need to read a script every week to be a screenwriter. You should read scripts if you want to writer them, obviously, but this is just gatekeeping. Fuck that.
And yet... This somehow stayed with me. I kept thinking: Maybe, if I can track my reading, I would be able to do this. If you read quickly enough, it doesn't take that much time - a page of a script should take up about a minute, so thats two hours of reading for an average-length feature film. It's a lot less for an episode of a TV show. Maybe I can even occasionally read some other stuff for this, like comic book scripts or stage plays and count that towards the goal...
So that's what I've decided to do. I'm going to read 52 scripts in 2024. Just to see if I can do it. I'll also try to share some thoughts about them and link those posts here. You can join me if you'd like. Although I'm not confident about many people doing that, as I'm posting it this quite a bit into January. Or maybe just join me in spirit, by reading my posts about this challenge. That's valid as well.
List of Scripts #SRC2024
Week 1: Rick and Morty: The Ricks Must Be Crazy ("Battery World") by Dan Guterman (TV)
Week 2: Hellboy by Guillermo del Torro (film)
Week 3: Red Dwarf: Polymorph by Grant Naylor (TV)
Week 4: Mr. Robot: eps1.0_hellofriend.mov by Sam Esmail (TV)
Week 5: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode One by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 6: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode Two by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 7: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode Three by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 8: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode Four by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 9: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode Five by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 10: Doctor Who: Shada: Episode Six by Douglas Adams (TV)
Week 11: Brick (film)
Week 12: ---
Week 13: ---
Week 14: ---
Week 15: ---
Week 16: ---
Week 17: ---
Week 18: ---
Week 19: ---
Week 20: ---
Week 21: ---
Week 22: ---
Week 23: ---
Week 24: ---
Week 25: ---
Week 26: ---
I'll keep adding links whenever I get around to writing posts about the scripts.
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Thinking about new years resolutions. I usually like making a list with the caveat that I'm not beholden to it. I feel like having exact goals and forcing myself to do them often doesn't work, it just sorta makes me feel worse when I can't do them. I'm self aware enough to feel satisfied about doing something I want without making it a hard goal. So anyways here's a more nebulous ramble of stuff I wanna do in this new year. Less I have to do this and more a direction of what I know will make me happy C:
I wanna cut out the dead time in my schedule. Not like the time I need to rest and do nothing or have pointless conversations with friends; I've learned those are kind of necessary to life. It's okay to not do anything when you feel bad, especially when the reason isn't tangible. No I want to cut to the chase when I'm lollygagging on deciding what to do with my free time, I wanna cut out stuff I just do to pass the time; when I'm not shutting down or not feeling it, I want to intentionally be doing the stuff that I know I'll love. I'm old enough that I know my tastes, I know what I'll like and I should just do it.
I wanna actually get through some of the games that have been on my list for a long time, the classic vns, the recommendations from my friends, etc.
I wanna get back to reading manga. It's a medium I've neglected a lot for the latter half of this last decade. And that's a shame because it's a medium that, when I like it, I'm fucking ravenous for. Shit is so easy to consume, I can do it right in bed and stay up for hours because I'm obsessed.
I wanna read at least a little bit more text. Reading books has often been a struggle for me because of attention issues (always losing my place and reading the same paragraph 14 times, not being able to shut out distracting noises so I have to idle until they stop, during the day I'm too antsy to read, and when it's too late or too early reading isn't stimulating enough for me to not drift off to sleep or get distracted). But there's books I want to read, books I know I'll love, books that have been on my shelf for 5+ years that i just haven't gotten to. Mainly I wanna start actually reading the monogatari LNs. I feel like it'll give me a greater appreciation of the series and open me up to parts of the fandom I feel like I've been cut off from forever. I consider it my favorite series so I wanna embrace every part of it.
I wanna watch anime for myself again. I always feel like I'm not watching any anime, even when i do. I've doing that tried-and-true trick of just watching anime with friends every week for like 7 years that I employed to keep myself from wasting away when i was in that post-college, retail job deep depression. But I've fallen out of watching stuff consistently on my own. I do it sometimes, but its usually when its a show i can obsess over a show w/ my online friends together (love you dis and mattie), but when we don't have that I often don't have the motivation. I wanna watch old stuff and new stuff and my friends' fav animes. I'll finish Aria one day and eventually start watching Lain.
I wanna post my feelings more. I feel like this site has enabled me to do that more than twitter (this itself is kind of an exercise in that), I just haven't gotten into the full swing because I've had poor time management and am still getting used to doing it. I want to express myself more to friends (both new and old). I feel like I'm so bad at managing communication with online friends; never reaching out to hang or initiating conversations. I can sometimes get intrusive thoughts born from jealousy or inferiority that make me feel insecure about some of the closest people I've ever known when the root of the issue is often just being bad at reaching out to them when they're usually free. Also, I just wanna play games w/ my friends more, even if I'm bad at it.
This is a new years resolution, but i wanna work out more. Specifically i wanna get back on that lower body routine I was on. In general I just want to boost my ass and thighs (my ass was never that skinny because i played hockey growing up, but there's potential i could be better exploring) and maybe trim my tummy a lil. I'm not actually all that dissatisfied with where I'm at now: soft at rest, but puffing out my chest will just barely give me that slightly buff look (for a guy) where the chest sticks out a lil bit further than the belly. My ideal is to sorta to be able to do both. I'm not too ambitious in going further than that, but I think I can reach that (or at least maintain where I'm at) if I can get on that basic lower body + cardio routine. Plus it'll get me more excited about cosplaying.
I wanna get more fem clothes and be more comfortable dressing fem around actual people. I want stuff that actually looks good together. I want to be confident enough to go outside in it and feel nice even if people are weird about it. I only went out once in a skirt and it was at 3 am walking down my street and back and i was basically just at critical-level-paranoid the whole time despite there being actually nobody else. It's something I've been interested in forever. I wanna be good at coordinating outfits in general; it's always looked fun, but depression, anxiety, and expectations about nerdy guys have always held me back.
I wanna get more fuckin sex toys. This is not in a down-on-myself-way, but, oddly enough, I'm a little ashamed that I'm a guy so late in my 20s that's explored so little of what I actually do to my body to get off. I should be a pro at rearranging my own guts by now. Like I'm confident in saying masturbating is kind of a hobby for me, I would do it even if I didn't have a sex drive that compels it because it's actually just fun for me. So I should treat it like a hobby where I actually learn about how to better please my body (as well as train it).
I wanna bake more. I can make bread now, I wanna be making that shit almost every week. I wanna bake more cookies. Cookies are one of the foods you can actually send through the mail so that means I cook actually send food out to friends and they could eat it. I could be actually making food for people and not be cagey about it! gotta learn what stuff they might actually like. But also for me. It's so satisfying just to be able to make the things you like, to be self-sufficient in that kinda way. I wanna learn how to cook more in general. There's a sense of control and power where you can just make your favorite things.
I wanna actually try writing fiction/fanfiction. Even if it's gunna be bad and cringe. I envy those who can do it even if it's written like a joke or done badly. I'd love to write stories, either about my own characters or just about my favorite ones from media. Specifically this year I've kinda learned about how good fanfiction can really be even when its sloppy or improvisational or the author doesn't feel good about it or all of the above. It's similar to cooking and baking where it feels like a magic power that you can actually learn how to do in this world.
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sunshine-vx · 10 months
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 19- Part 1 of 2)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to the beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(I don't have an illustration for this chapter (reason why will be elaborated on in an extra notes section), but here's a link to some W.I.Ps for the animation that is going to be for ch. 19! (My apologies for the poor quality) (Reason why the animation isn't complete will also be elaborated on) Huge thank you to @moonlightalpha666 for helping me with this animation!)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
(Extra notes (sorry this is so long): Hello everyone! This is Sunshine-VX!
So. The last chapter update was in May. And now it's November- half a year later.
First and foremost, I want to apologize- not for taking my time, but to anyone I've let down for taking so long. Last chapter update, I told you all I'd be making an animation for chapter 19, and that it would take a while. At the time, I had decided I wanted to post the complete animation alongside chapter 19, so I wouldn't post chapter 19 until the animation was complete. Unfortunately, I greatly overestimated myself in my ability to get what I wanted to done in a timeframe I saw as ideal. Low motivation, distractions, school, etc. have unfortunately caused the animation to take more time. And it will likely take another notable chunk of time.
That being said- The animation WILL be completed, in time. As I've promised many times, this fic, this project, will ultimately be completed- even if it takes literal years to do so.
I've ultimately decided, with the help of some of yall on a poll, that I'm going to try and continue to update my fic while working on the animation at the same time, instead of posting chapter 19 and continuing to update my fic only when the animation is complete. Obviously, with updating the fic being added to things to do, the animation will take longer to complete, and updates themselves will likely take a bit longer to complete. But again, as I keep saying, both the animation and this fic will be completed!
I also apologize for the fact that there's no illustration for this fic, I didn't have time, but I am again going to post some W.I.Ps of the animation for yall to see! Here's the link!
Lastly, I once again want to give @moonlightalpha666 a shoutout! She's been helping me immensely with the animation and a few other things with the chapter, and they've just been an amazing co-author in general!
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now- if anything else comes to mind, I will edit this. Thank you all so, SO much for being so patient and understanding- and of course, for reading! I'll see you all next time!
Now! Onto chapter 19!)
Ingo slowly opened his eyes. After a moment of feeling disoriented, he realized; he had jumped through the portal with Emmet! He was going to his origin world!
Was he there? Where was Emmet? Chandelure? The rest of their Pokémon?
Ingo quickly sat up and looked around, before all his excitement shattered in an instant, and the color drained from his face. 
He had once again woken up within his dreams; he was standing in a void, completely dark and empty. There was a floor beneath him, although he could not see it.
He was in a place where he'd call out to see if anyone would respond. Nothing.
He was in a place where a moment later, he'd feel a presence. Such a familiar, important presence. 
He was in a place where he'd try to investigate it, and it would always escape him, even if he was on the verge of finding it.
A white blur, a smile…a purple blur, a Pokémon…
…Emmet..? .….Chandelure....? 
Ingo got onto his feet and turned to look at his side, then whirled around, looking at every angle possible in the endless nothingness that consumed his surroundings. Once he had turned every-which-way, Ingo stopped, and he felt his position droop as a horrible feeling grew in his stomach.
Where were they? 
Why was he here? 
He had met them. The presences in his dreams. His family, his best friends. Emmet. Chandelure. His whole first Pokémon team! The hours before now, they had been clearer to him than ever before.
So why was he still here? 
Ingo felt himself beginning to spiral. His breathing became unsteady. He began to raise his arms, hesitating for a moment, before they were up to his chest. He fidgeted as the pit in his stomach began to feel even worse.
Why was he still being tormented by the ghost of a loved one long forgotten? Why was he still being plagued by the burden of not knowing where to belong? 
Ingo's eyes welled with tears, balling his hands into fists. What if he woke up, and they weren't there? What if he woke up, and all those things had never happened? What if he woke up, and it had all turned out to be a lie?
So many questions, and no answers presented to him now.
And so Ingo cried. He curled his one arm around himself, lowering his head and using his other arm to pull his hat down, as he often did when he was upset. Ingo closed his eyes and wept, unknowing if anyone would ever hear him. 
Tears fell off his face, and into the black abyss at his feet. 
And although Ingo, with his eyes closed, was unable to observe this, his tears made impact with the floor as if it was water, making ripples in the ground like rain hitting the surface of a lake, the impact and the ripples that came with a golden cognition, transforming into bright, colorful waves, before vanishing. It made the most gentle sound, echoing.
And then, after a few agonizing moments, Ingo felt warmth on his face, the darkness created by his closed eyes being threatened by…light?
Such a sparse glow.
But light nonetheless. Growing.
Ingo opened his eyes to look at the lower part of the void around him.
And there was…something else.
Something beautiful.
Thin light danced around Ingo's feet, and splashed around non-existent walls in the corners of his eyes, almost as if they were trying to create some sort of harmony, trying to show him something. Triangles, squares, forming. He moved, one step, then another, more golden, colorful ripples lighting up the floor from underneath his shoes, as if he was walking on water. 
Ingo stared in awe, blinking after a moment. He looked up, before being overwhelmed by the sight before him.
The dancing glows had become even brighter, and was painting something before Ingo that he could begin to understand.
A shaking triangle swayed its way into the shape of a tree. An unstable square whirled into becoming a building. There was a strange but comforting shape of a fantastic structure that spilled water endlessly. Ingo saw the shape of a path underneath him, with the texture of grass right to its side. He even began to, even if barely, see the shapes of what seemed to be people and Pokémon begin to form. 
This happened again and again. One building gave off a nostalgic vibe, as if he had visited it endless times; it was bright, in a way that was exciting. Another was a round dome, and if Ingo could hear anything other than wind and chimes, he was sure he would hear laughter and cheering.
He could even see a large, tall shape, a circle that carried smaller shapes in a moving fashion. 
Thin, shapeless waves of color capered around the terrain. Small, big, hyper, mellow. 
Ingo felt a wind on his back, and he blinked again, turning around. 
He heard a voice before his eyes could process anything, feeling a hand on his shoulder. Everything suddenly felt different.
"Ingo! I am Emmet, are you okay?"
"Lure, Chandelure, chan!"
Ingo gasped silently, and there they were. Emmet smiling brightly, Chandelure floating playfully beside him.
Ingo turned, once again inspecting the scene around him, and the dancing colors had finally painted their picture; a city. One Ingo felt he belonged in. 
Ingo stood on the pavement, grass surrounding it. There were a few water fountains beside the corners of the streets. He was standing beside a building that was colored corner to corner in bright light. Ingo for some reason knew this was a place where Pokémon battles took place along with fun activities. He often visited a loved one here. 
Then, the dome. It had many bright symbols on it, sounds like that of a party emitting from it. 
There were people and Pokémon walking down the streets, in and out the buildings. He felt he could almost recognize them, just almost, but not quite.
That was okay. He would soon.
He knew he would.
There was so much more, but Ingo had the urge to look down at his hands. He brought them up to the level of his chest, carefully, examining them.
Two, perfect, unripped white gloves, and two complete sleeves with large cuffs completely intact. His warden bracelet was no longer there, and he no longer felt the stress on his body from his time in Hisui.
Ingo flexed his hands, curling his fingers and then stretching them. 
Yes. They were his. Different, but they were his. 
Ingo faced Emmet, and spoke,
"Yes, I am okay, just got a bit lost in thought."
Emmet opened his mouth to respond, 
"You know what would take our minds off of things? The Ferris Wheel!"
Emmet pointed in an all-too familiar fashion towards that towering structure- a peculiar, spinning contraption that carried small, sightseeing cabins, decorated in multicolored lights; The Ferris Wheel, one of the city's most famous attractions.
And without knowing exactly why, Ingo vocalized,
"But Emmet, I thought you preferred the Pokémon Competitions."
Emmet laughed, 
"I do! But I want to try the Ferris Wheel this time? How about it?"
Ingo thought for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, but whatever it was, he was content with it.
"I actually think that would be quite fun!"
Emmet nodded before grabbing Ingo's hand and dashing forward
Then, something flashed before Ingo's vision. A quick recall of one of his newest memories; Ingo with Emmet at his side, his and Emmet's Pokémon herding around him. They all cried, but they all were filled with joy. 
It was from just the other day, when Ingo had reunited with Emmet and their Pokémon teams.
Then, Ingo woke up, his face wet with tears, more threatening to fall down his face.
He woke up.
He was inside a tunnel. Emmet and Chandelure were right at his sides, Emmet's hand grabbing Ingo's, leaning against his older brother and the tunnel wall at the same time, and one of Chandelure's appendages wrapped around Ingo's other arm, resting on the tunnel floor. Ingo couldn't quite tell if they were awake or asleep, but Emmet was smiling, Chandelure's flames crackling warmly and with peace. 
Ingo just stared for a moment, before he felt Emmet move at his side. Ingo snapped his attention to his brother, seeing that his younger brother was now awake. Tears rolled down Emmet's face, although he smiled.
Emmet opened his eyes, smiling still. He wiped his tears away and chuckled. 
Ingo then heard some wispy, clinking sounds from his other side. He turned to see that Chandelure had also woken up. 
Ingo thought for a moment, before he turned to Emmet again. 
"Emmet, did…did you have a strange dream…?"
Emmet's smile changed, although it did not falter.
"I did."
"Can you tell me what it was about?" Ingo asked.
Emmet thought for a moment, before beginning to explain.
"I was in..a void. I could not even see any walls or a floor. Although I could still stand."
Ingo nodded, "My dream was like that, too."
Emmet continued, "And I have had this dream ever since you disappeared. …Have your dreams been like that for a long time?"
Ingo once again replied in the affirmative, "Yes. Ever since I landed in Hisui."
Emmet hummed to himself, "When I was in that void…you would appear often. Except far away. Distorted. Out of reach. I would try to get your attention, to get to you..but you would always disappear. And even if I did get to you…I could not interact with you. You could not hear me, nor feel me. Nothing. Sometimes I swear you would notice me if not for just a second, but ultimately, you did not know I was there."
Ingo felt his shoulders sink.
"My dreams were like that…in a way. Except it was almost the opposite as well. I'd be in a void, too. I'd be alone. But I'd always begin to feel such a familiar presence..such important ones..but no matter how much I called out for someone, no matter how much I searched…I could never find it. At times, I swear I'd see or feel something. A white blur, a smile. A purple blur, a Pokémon…you and Chandelure…..but I'd never be able to get to you."
"Was this dream different? Before you woke up just now?" Ingo asked Emmet.
"It was."
"Can you tell me how?"
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (part 2 of 2)
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pixiemage · 2 years
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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ventingoutmyass · 2 months
idk. like. sometimes you want to say something because you know time is limited, but you just don't have really anything to say at that moment.
I don't want to leave everyone with nothing. it's hard to connect the person you know with their words from years ago, when they clearly had plenty to say in the last months. but I don't really have much, I suppose.
I guess a goal would be to say as much as possible as time runs out. I know how frustrated I get, trying to read what I'd written when things were at their worst to find nearly nothing.
I guess lately I'm thinking more about what's important, and what I want to be important. the last few months I've been seeing glimpses, real and naturally occuring habits of true friendship and loyalty. why did these skills come so late. why did I have to get them just as time is running out. but I know why. because other than my brother, I have one good friend. not counting distant family or exes that I go months without talking to. one friend, that talks to me literally every day, and has for years. one that's always done everything right and somehow, I began to replicate it. having one friend meant being able to focus on one friend. for years i juggled dozens of people who relied on me as much as this one does, and i wonder how i was ever able to convince myself i could do it. I've had much guilt for this one friend, for being the only one I couldn't push away. I knew the fate that would come. and I've been selfish. and I can't bring myself to regret it anymore. I've forgotten what friendship felt like. she reminds me.
I've worked on my project more, just in silly little micro projects and more character exploration. I suppose a goal would to be to create something cohesive, that could be shared along with this. probably not, but it's a goal.
I've been reading more, both books and fics. keeping lists and reading easy stuff has kept the motivation high. whenever my brain is equipped, I'm usually reading.
video games have been big for me for about a year and a half, since I was gifted my switch. every single waking moment was spent on animal crossing for about eight months. and that's when I still worked at the coffee truck, almost all of my time was freetime. stardew valley a few months ago, I have over a thousand hours logged between the two. don't ask for specifics I will not admit them. and the last week or so has been the pokemon sword game I got for my birthday that I'd forgotten about bc there was stardew valley to play.
trying to be good to others has been a challenge. getting pushed and pulled in different directions for different people has been hard. the emotional labor is unreal. but people deserve it. if I'm able to give it, it's duty. balance is key, balance is struggle, balance haunts every single moment of every single day and man... some days I do cave and just run to the drive thru and mindlessly watch easy to digest YouTube. yesterday was one of those days. I usually have one about once a week. variables that make any given moment difficult never stop. theres always something that's slowing me down. you may call it excuses. I call it living disabled.
the no new friends rule was my effort to die as selflessly as possible. but I seemed to overlook something crucial.
the human experience is selfish. we live and die alone. we are dangerously social creatures fated to isolation in this state of the world. we crave human connection. we may be so far disconnected that we don't know it, but we all do. I'm far from the exception.
once again, I remind you this could've been different. separation from eachother, the lack of community, brought us to this. ignorance and loss of proper communication brought us to this. it could've been better with solidarity. it could've been better if certain people, hundreds to thousands of years ago, hadn't decided to take far far more than they needed. if we lived without poverty and fear and borders and everything that disconnects us, I could've lived. with the social support and patience and accommodations, I could've made it. if life could've been easy. if I hadn't been taught so endlessly from so young how little my efforts count. if I hadn't been berated for every way I exist from so small. this conditioning never would've occurred. I never would have rewired that first time. I could've been an extension of my twelve year old self, before I was so harshly put out.
if the right people listened. if the right people noticed. if the right people stepped up. the right support net could've been everything. I know it because I see it for others. some grow up to craft it themselves. lack of options always stopped me, the roadblocks I possibly could cover always stopped me. more recently the desperate fear of loss stopped me from looking for anything worth keeping.
I suppose I have no option but to seek it.
what's left to lose?
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katherinejblackwell · 2 months
Yours, Katherine #07 - Planning My Fall TBR
Also read on my website! | Other Socials
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Photo by dilay (:
Dear Readers, It's technically still the middle of Summer, but with registering for classes and getting my things together for school next month, I'm starting to feel those first hints of Fall. I'm going to try to enjoy the Summer while it's still here and be grateful for the warm weather before we creep back towards Winter, but I also can't help being excited for my favorite season to start again. So, today, I'm going to plan out some of the books I'm hoping to read come Fall.
#01 - The Secret History by Donna Tartt
I've been trying to read this book for I want to say the past two or three years and, every time I start, I get maybe a fourth of the way through and then get distracted by something else and end up DNFing it. I think this year, it's going to be the first book on my list because I want to finally finish it and fill in the gaps in the story I have. I am interesed in the story, and I love the writing style, I'm just having trouble finishing. I think if I can push through the section I've already read and get into the new stuff, it'll pique my interest and I'll be able to make it to the end. I also think treating the paragraph breaks more like chapters than the actual chapters will help. If I remember correctly, every chapter is 50+ pages long, with a bunch of paragraph breaks per chapter. So, being used to chapters that are at least half that length, it can be a little hard to keep motivation when it almost feels like I'm not making any progress. Hopefully, treating those paragraph breaks like chapters instead will help me feel like I'm making tangible progress.
View The Secret History on Goodreads​
#02 - The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Assuming I manage to finish The Secret History, I'd also like to read Donna Tartt's most recent novel, The Goldfinch. To start with, it won a Pulitzer Prize in 2014, and I'm not sure you can get a better recommendation than that. I also think I'll find the art elements interesting, and this particular line from the description really intrigues me: "As he grows up, Theo learns to glide between the drawing rooms of the rich and the dusty antiques store where he works." As a Downton Abbey fan, drawing rooms of the rich and dusty antiques sounds right up my alley. I'm also really interested to see what messages will lie behind the story since I know The Secret History is at least in part a social commentary about elitism within academia. I'd also like to watch the movie that came out a few years ago, and I always try to read the book before the adaptation.
View The Goldfinch on Goodreads​
 #03 - Deadfall Hotel by Steve Rasnic Tem
I'm honestly not super excited about this one, although I do still want to read it. I (semi)recently pulled this book and a ton of others I hadn't read off of my shelf and moved them to a different part of the room so I could try to work my way through them all and decide if I wanted to keep them or pass them along. The reason I'm not super excited, and haven't read it yet despite owning it for a few years, is because I think it's supposed to be kind of a horror, and I'm not really a horror person. I'm a big scaredy cat and horror tends to freak me out or just make me feel sick. It was kind of hard to get a good grasp of how scary it is from the reviews, so I'm preparing to DNF it while also holding out hope that it'll just be a semi-spooky-semi-sweet story that I'll end up enjoying enough to revisit now and again.
View Deadfall Hotel on Goodreads
 #04 - The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
I'm pretty sure I've talked about this book here before, but I'm always ready to bring it up in any conversation ever. I don't generally like mysteries all that much, but I LOVED 7 1/2 Deaths, and it's my favorite mystery ever. I normally reread it around Fall and Winter and so far I've reread it once a year since I first read it 3 years ago. I think Stuart Turton is incredibly clever and I'd also like to read some of his newer works this Fall if I get a chance. I'm not sure what his other two books are like, but 7 1/2 Deaths at least is super interesting, particularly for the time loop element it has going on. The idea is that the main character is reliving the same day for seven days, and ever day he wakes up in a different person's body. (There's also a little more to it than that, but I won't write any spoilers here, and you can always feel free to go looking for them yourself.) The reason I find this so impressive is because it means that the author had to have a deep understanding of how the day progressed and be able to keep track of exactly what everyone was doing at different points in the day, as well as plot out how he was going to slowly reveal key details to the main character and the audience using the different perspectives. I'm really eager to take a crack at his other novels and see what else he's come up with.
View The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle on Goodreads
#05 - The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
This is technically four books, but this series has been high on my priority list for such a long time. As a lover of the fantasy genre, I think this a long over due read. I have technically read The Hobbit a handful of times in audiobook* form, and I absolutely adored it, but with audiobooks, I tend to space and miss bits, so I want to be able to sit down and properly read the whole thing before I get into the trilogy. I was originally going to read these books during the Summer until I decided to read the Riordanverse books instead. When I get through all the Riordan books I'm trying to read (hopefully by September but unlikely), I'll probably get started on this series to transition me into Fall if I don't go for The Secret History first.
View J.R.R. Tolkien on Goodreads
Book Recommendation
My book recommendation for the month is the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series. I haven't gotten to rereading this in my quest to reread all the Riordanverse books yet, but I remember the first one being one of my favorite Rick Riordan books of all time. I think the cast of main characters are all really sweet with each other and I love their friendship. I specifically remember loving the final battle scene in the first book where all of the characters kind of have their moments to shine and they all come together against the enemy. 
No real drink rec this month, but once again encouraging you to go and drink some water because it's still summer, it's boiling out, and you need to replenish your body's stores.
I hope you enjoyed reading my letter this month. I look forward to hearing back from you, and I'll write again soon!
Yours, Katherine
*PS, The absolutely stellar audiobook of The Hobbit I read is by Bluefax. Unfortunately, the original uploads to YouTube had some strikes against them and had to be taken down. However, you can still find a few of the chapters on Bluefax's Soundcloud, and the full audiobook can still be found here on Spotify as a podcast, so even if you don't have premium it can still be played in the correct order from mobile. The Spotify doesn't belong to Bluefax, though, so if you'd like to support the creator, you can view the official YouTube channel I linked above to see BTS Hobbit content, and listen to a Pride and Prejudice audiobook!
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gaoootic · 5 months
It's that one day!!
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As of this day right now the one I'm posting this, it marks a full half year since I started doing daily anki flashcards for Japanese learning. Frankly almost a little terrifying to witness the passage of time like this! The little calendar comprised of squares that track my actual progress haunts me every night, but it does also serve to motivate me. Maybe.
I've been taking it insanely slow to the point I would drive ethereal non-corporeal entities spectating me insane, but progress is progress.
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(that's like 1000 words i can almost sorta recall once upon a blue moon, nice.) (also why the hell do I know the word for realtor or 'smoking prohibited' before something like mirror the 2k6k deck is wildly scuffed in ordering but it does keep it fun somehow.)
Honestly, for learning a third language just for the fun of it I think I can afford to say I'm doing okay. It sort of started as a "hey I should combat these thoughts that I cannot be consistent on anything by being consistent on something" and it kinda happened, which is fun to think about. I definitely should be studying more grammar structure and probably trying to do more immersion even if I can barely read at the level of a little creature who has not yet been to kindergarten, but the beginning is probably the hardest. That's what it was like when I learned English, I think? Once I could actually consume content like an ipad baby in another language my neurons skyrocketed, I'm looking forward to that part.
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As of right now, I believe that if the scuffed jlpt mock exams I stumbled upon online do not fully lie to me, I should be roughly at N5 level. Which, admittedly, still doesn't sound all that impressive, but that's like one fifth of the way there in the arbitrary exam list that I'm not actually partaking in.
NONETHELESS, learning rudimentary Japanese has bestowed upon me a treasured ability not many can boast about possessing. I speak of a mind-altering, perception rendering out of this world skill that would send someone reeling upon laying their eyes on it. My production skills are beyond measure, allow me to give you a glimpse into the true zenith of Japanese language skills; I'm certain even native speakers would be shocked.
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Please, hold your applause. I know it is quite a lot to process. Not anyone can square up against a 1 and a half year old child when it comes to this, it is indeed impressive if I do dare say so myself.
Still, it's weird! Despite learning this in the background of my actual university studies, and despite not really being able to apply it anywhere, I do find this hobby to be quite fun. Is it also incredibly daunting when I stop to think about the depth I'm not even yet remotely aware of when it comes to more grammar structure, slang, cultural differences, kanji readings, pitch accents, dialectical quirks, avoiding falling into the duolingo blackhole, or even attempting to understand the true final boss: jp internet terminology and jokes? More than I could ever attempt to describe with words. Still fun though. Even so, I hope one day I'll actually be at a level where I'm truly glad I decided to get started on doing this, whether at a snail's pace or with many, many mistakes blocking my way. I think it'd be fun to look back on when I'm at a point in life where some sort of narrative arc is being tied up. I'll see when I'm there.
For now, it's back to the knowledge mines. I wonder what I'll use it for in the future lol
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treadmilltreats · 2 years
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Self love
In keeping with this week's theme of love and in honor of Valentine's Day I decided to write about a kind of love that we don't talk much about, Self-love.
I don't know why it's so hard for us to put ourselves first, we put everybody else in front of us and we are always at the end of the list. Especially us as women, we do this all the time. I remember a therapist that I went to once, telling me that you have to look at it as if you are on an airplane. When the flight attendant tells you that in case of an emergency, grab your mask and put it on 1st and then help your loved ones put on theirs.
That analogy was kind of an eye-opener to me because if you don't put that mask on first then you will not be able to help your loved ones in an emergency. It's kind of like life if you don't take care of yourself first, then you won't be able to take care of others.
I know for so many years I was a pleaser, I wanted to please everybody else so much that I let myself go, physically, emotionally, and mentally until there was nothing left of me and I didn't even know who I was anymore.
I remember when I woke up and looked in the mirror one morning and I didn't know who I was anymore, I hated myself and my life and knew I had to make a change. Trust and believe I came against a lot of resistance from my family who obviously wanted things to stay the same. My family would laugh at me during dinner, saying "Oh mom's into that woo-woo stuff again" but I didn't care, because I knew that I needed this for myself. So I started reading books and I started to go to Self Help seminars.
I went to Louise Hay's I Can Do It. I went to see Dr. Wayne Dyer, to see Miriam Williamson, Dr. Brain Weiss, Tony Robbins, and all these Self Help gurus that would give me some insight on how to love myself and how to change.
The more I started to like myself, the more my ex kept on telling me about how stupid I was and how dumb all of this was because he could see the change and he was afraid. I was getting stronger and he couldn't let that happen because then he would lose his control over me.
I would write and put up sticky notes in my bathroom that said you are worthy, you are beautiful. You can do this, anything that would keep me motivated to get to this new me.
I started writing a gratitude journal and some days I have to be honest I wasn't grateful for much, so I'd write I was grateful for waking up or my girls. Small things, anything just to start my mind thinking that way. I started writing positive things about what I wanted my life to be, and how I wanted to feel. I made vision boards with what I wanted to do when I was there. All of this to reprogram my mind.
Look, I know it's easy to love others hell, I've loved some really crappy men and that was easy but self-love is hard. We think we don't deserve it, that it is selfish, why we need it and so it's always last on our list.
But when you don't love yourself, when you put yourself last, you are giving free rein to others to treat you like that as well.
I've learned that it is okay to take 20 minutes a day and meditate, and to go to the gym every morning for me, for my body, and my mental health. It's okay not to do the dishes and meet up with your girlfriends, to have a massage or facial, to take that me time that you need to recharge.
So today my friends, my message is we must learn self-love. It's okay to love yourself, to put yourself first. It will make you a better mother or father, a better partner, and an amazing parent because you are fulfilled and happy. So to practice what I preach, on Valentine's day, I am getting a massage and a facial, because I know I'm worth it, and it is my gift to myself. So do something this week just for yourself, take that time, and love yourself, you are so worth it.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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rillabrooke · 4 years
2021 Reading List
An Accidental Duchess - littleLo (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Twelfth: Corinthe - Victor Hugo
Room Service - leigh_ (Wattpad)
Anne of Windy Poplars - L. M. Montgomery*
The Crucible - Arthur Miller**
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie**
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston**
Cherry Knots - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
Breakup Formula - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde**
Plunder - rskovach (Wattpad)
Lost With You - ArabiaJ (Wattpad)
A Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway**
Hired To Love - JordanLynde (Wattpad)*
Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw**
1984 - George Orwell**
In the Arms of My Enemy - TenayaGatrell2 (Wattpad)
The Ultimate Gift - Jim Stovall**
A Thousand Storms - yuenwrites (Wattpad)
Bartleby, The Scrivener - Herman Melville**
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman**
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Awakening - Kate Chopin**
Of Beauties and Beasts - gingerbread250 (Wattpad)
Sleepwalker - humored (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Thirteenth: Marius Enters the Shadow - Victor Hugo
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens* **
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson* **
Othello - William Shakespeare**
The Bully - TeaRainAndLove (Wattpad)
The Quirky Tale of April Hale - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald**
Quirky Romantic Queries About Love - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Fog Horn - Ray Bradbury**
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury**
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fourteenth: The Grandeurs of Despair - Victor Hugo
Shoot the Jerk - TheStupefying (Wattpad)
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green*
Annabelle's Will - LeeleeKez (Wattpad)
Million Dollar Woman - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Taxi Service - SydneyDruckman (Wattpad)
Door To Door - defend (Wattpad)*
Prince Charming - romanceandcake (Wattpad)
Daughters of the King - Purplejeans (Wattpad)
Falling for the Seat Filler - steffy_t (Wattpad)
Sarah, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan*
The Game Changer - steffy_t (Wattpad)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne*
The Bachelor - greenwriter (Wattpad)
Paris in the Rain - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fifteenth: The Rue de l'Homme Armé - Victor Hugo
Snapshot - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book First: The War Between Four Walls - Victor Hugo
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee Stewart*
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Second: The Intestine of the Leviathan - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Third: Mud but the Soul - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fourth: Javert Derailed - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fifth: Grandson and Grandfather - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Sixth: The Sleepless Night - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Seventh: The Last Draft from the Cup - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Eighth: Fading Away of the Twilight - Victor Hugo
Lady in Rags - Spiszy (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Ninth: Supreme Shadow, Supreme Dawn - Victor Hugo
Widow in White - Spiszy (Wattpad)
A Song For You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
Anne's House of Dreams - L. M. Montgomery*
Friendship for Dummies - leigh_ (Wattpad)
The Mermaid Hypothesis - adam_and_jane (Wattpad)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Edgar Allan Poe
Take Me Home - blissom (Wattpad)
The Cask of Amontillado - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe
62 Letters to You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
The Chances of Mary Jane Chaucer - arrowheads (Wattpad)
The Pit and the Pendulum - Edgar Allan Poe
Bequest - rowena_wiseman (Wattpad)
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
Age Matters - Enjelicious (Webtoon)
To Love Your Enemy - Jungyoon / Taegon (Webtoon)
Noblesse - Jeho Son / Kwangsu Lee (Webtoon)
The Steward of Blackwood Hall - flights_of_fantasy (Wattpad)
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Macbeth - William Shakespeare**
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen*
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Matilda - Roald Dahl
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
The Mystery of Marie Rogêt - Edgar Allan Poe
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar - Edgar Allan Poe
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade - Edgar Allan Poe
The Balloon-Hoax - Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death - Edgar Allan Poe
The Premature Burial - Edgar Allan Poe
Berenice - Edgar Allan Poe
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe
The Sphinx - Edgar Allan Poe
Morella - Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
* reread ** for school
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