#I've got 2 concerts to go to this year and if everything goes right might visit my grandparents in June in B.
balkanballad · 2 months
I think hearing Lane Moje live would heal me (parts of me)
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crmsnmth-journal · 4 months
9:42 PM
"You Will Be Okay. Or You Won't. One of Those." This was the stupid meme that got me thinking since a few hours ago. I get the joke, I do. And it's funny to me, but the idea of it is, in its own way, kind of uplifting. To me anyway, and how my mind has been working for the past decade or so. There are only two outcomes, basically a yes and no idea. Human Binary, if you will. Simply putting life down to its very basic understanding of human beings. You either will be ok, or you won't. There's nothing else there. It's yes and no. And even though I've turned into quite the coward in the last couple years, this helps me gain some of the confidence I once had burning through me. The fire's not back, and I don't ever really expect it to be back, but there's at least a spark. There's no kindling, so it won't last. But for someone with my mental health battles, even a spark is beautiful.
I'm going to a concert June 1st. Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls, Amigo the Devil, Bridge City Sinners, and some others that I don't know. Frank Turner and Amigo is probably the most important show I'll ever get to go to. Frank saved me years ago, and Amigo saved me recently. Both of them, I mean literally. Frank made me put down the piece of glass and Amigo stopped me from swallowing a bottle of sedatives. They are very important to me. My brother said he'd drive, and it's not too far, just the Twin Cities. I have been to an actual real concert/show since Wednesday 13, with Tif and Chad, back in 2014. I used to go to a lot of shows. Almost every weekend for a while there. And I guess I've been to shows since Wednesday 13, but I'm not including shitty bands playing at The Silver Dome. And I'm not including bands that play at this town's shitty Heritage Days thing. But an actual show by someone I'd really like to see, and I'd really like to see these two on stage. This will also be the first show I've gone to since I got sober and clean. I'm not even in the slightest bit nervous. I got this. I really hope nothing goes wrong and takes this from me. I buy the tickets tomorrow.
So I guess I have something to look forward to. And as I type that, I realize I haven't look forward to something since the birth of my son in 2020. There's been nothing to really look forward to. Jail sucked, my dad has a stroke, my dad gets into a car accident and ends up dying from complications of both, and old friends don't want to be around a violent felon. I don't blame anybody on that. I wish they knew the whole truth of what happened on those nights. It might not change any views on me and, in the end, that's ok. I can't change the views of those who see me. It's not worth my time anymore. Those who knew me, and those who know me know the whole story, and not just the part where I was a monster. Those who know me know I don't like violence in any form. And the only time violence is ok is in defense. But I have no defense. I didn't in the courtroom, and I let her take everything from me. All my possessions, my son, my freedom, my reputation, my name. Everything. It's been almost four years since this hell began. I'm slowly getting my name right. Ever the optimist, Chris. It can only go up from down here. I won't fall off the ladder this time. I got this.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
What saddens me the most is how at this point it feels like a competition between us (the fans ) and H&O. It's like bcuz we keep pointing out how fake they look and how pathetic this makes them seem they turn out to do it even more and go extreme. I mean the massive amt of pics they leak just screams "here suckers you think we fake look at me roaming around London and LA w this woman you think I'm gay? Look at me kissing this woman and sneakily taking pics of her and coming to kiss her all while she's reading a book" like it's not even funny it genuinely hurts me to think how drifted I feel from him as a fan. Like hazza , we're not against you we're not your enemies we're just simply pointing it out bcuz it's ruining your image , your career , it's not fair to you or to her family and her kids. The most annoying thing is when i say anything abiut olivia and my friends or holivia shippers say why do you care he doesn't even know about your existence and honestly I'm aware duh but it's the fact that them doing every legit intimate/non-intimate thing a couple could do they do it public and shoving the pictures down our throats is so wrong and insensitive. Like what do you wanna prove? It's like i feel like genuinely apologising to the holivia shippers for fantasizing about me and harry together. Like dude ik it won't be true, ik I'm just a fan chill but me calling out Olivia for being an attention seeker, a lesbophobic, a racist has got nothing to do w jealousy. It's got to do with facts that's been proved. It's got to do with how genuinely pathetic of a human she is. And trust me at this point I don't even like harry. Genuinely, I've stopped stanning him not because he is a homewrecker but because he is continuing with this stunt still. He is easily letting her take advantage of his popularity and how fucking disgusting it is how she keeps acting as if she's a victim and Harry's fandom sends her hate when she fucking literally is playing with us and he's allowing her to . Like as fans very honestly he doesn't do anything for us , he goes to tour bcuz yes he likes to and likes to meet fans but it's also coz it's important for him to make money and he honestly loves this "untouchable guy" image that his management has created. We have no idea where he is most of the times nd then one day he decides to show up in the spotlight again holding hands with a woman who is actually her boss. I honestly don't believe Jeff is trying to ruin harry. They have been good friends for a long while, harry isn't forced to do anything by his management he shows up when he wants to, he makes music at his own pace , he writes about whatever he wants to, whether he's gay or not doesn't matter he made the lights up music video if his management really had to hide his sexuality and throw in Camille and others as a beard they won't even allow such a music video which would raise so many questions. They know that nowadays it's all about being open and supportive so if harry really is gay they are smart enough to not hide it and be supportive of him bcuz that would make them seem good in the gp so it really is either Harry's own personal choice to hide or he's genuinely straight( personally i think he's straight) and hamille was no beard it was pr but it was also real, holivia might also be real but what the main problem with this one is
Is that not only is it destructive of them, their management, their families, their careers, the movie and the other actors it is also not acceptable in any way for two people to be so highly unprofessional to just be in a relationship and not even hide it until the shooting was over. You can't just be like I fell in love what could we do? You can't just let your feelings just so easily get in the way of other things. If it's actually true love with an element of pr its still wrong. Bcuz she didn't think of Jason doesn't matter if they were already on the edge of breaking up, what matters is when you have a baby with someone you're always gonna be family and it's not right to just forget about then and be like it just happened like no you have ethics and responsibilities. This goes for harry too.
As laughable and entertaining this stunt is , it also should be a wake up call for all of us especially who believe it is wrong and is a stunt to not watch dwd, to not follow Olivia, to not search her on Google. They both made a mistake and they should pay for it its only fair. Especially Olivia
And for harry I just hope he realises how valuable and important fans are. We are not shits you can manipulate with , we dont deserve paying money for concerts and not having any guarantee whether it's gonna happen or not untill the end moment, we dont deserve to just be ignored and only be cared for when theres new music or a movie coming up . I hope he learns that even if he's a big star he's not as big as selena gomez, Ariana Grande, Taylor ,Justin or Billie. Even they're super busy but they do things for the fans, there's a gratefulness you can sense, they communicate. But if he continues to be so complicated and drifted he'll lose his fans and I believe he's smart enough to know that by this point!
not gonna lie, this made me tear up.
thank you for sharing this! i think it’s really important for us to talk about this situation and share our thoughts because this is really affecting his fans, in a bad way, and is causing people to drift away from him.
i completely understand and agree with everything you said, especially the part about this being unprofessional. it’s wrong in so many ways. if you look at it from the real side: she cheated on jason, a man she’s been with for 9 years and has 2 children with. harry knew she was with him and has kids, she brought her daughter to the DWD set, yet he didn’t think or care about that. they had an affair while she was still engaged, and she went “public with her bf” just a month or two after calling the engagement off.
the PR side: harry agreed to be in a fake relationship with an engaged woman who has children to promote her career, and to promote the movie (that already has such a talented cast). she’s putting her children on the line just to get more attention and promo for herself. their teams have created such a messy storyline that’s fucked both of them, and there’s no turning back.
this entire situation is messed up, and i hope both of them realize that.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 1/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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My theory is that everybody will be gathered together for some event and then shit goes down. Sort of like the ending of 1x08.
We've seen an image of Adam, Omar, and Ludde together at a party of some sort. I can't post it here because of Tumblr only allowing ten pictures, but you can find it in Ludde's prediction post that I made prior to the season 3 premiere.
Felicia might be absent from this considering how her mental health has been recently, and instead opting to stay at home rather than attending a party.
I have my suspicions that Elias will be attending this party, though. We saw him at some concert in the season 3 trailer and they made it look like he was watching Amie singing in Stockholm. But maybe Amie will be performing at this party and Elias is watching her here instead?
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed "Follow" in 1x08 and "Second Sight" in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn't be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
Maybe Elias approaches her after the performance to express how good she is. He hasn't really seen her do a live performance since 1x08, where she still hadn't really come out of her shell. They've also grown a lot closer this season. Perhaps Elias even has something more to tell her?
I can't help but feel like this party will end on a bad note, though. We have that whole thing with Andreas potentially buying a gun or whatever he's up to (discussed this more in another question down below).
I have a feeling this party is going to get interrupted in some way and that the season is going to end on a major cliffhanger.
I don't even know what they'll do with Ludde and Felicia. Ludde has no idea what happened to Felicia in these last two episodes, and I hope they'll have a conversation just to clear the air surrounding the whole press situation. Ludde still loves her even if he broke things off, and I would really like to see him reassure Felicia that the blame lies with Jack and not her. I don't think they will get back together and repeat what 2x10 did since the drama is still so fresh. Felicia shouldn't really get into a relationship right now, either.
I'm unsure about Klara. I feel like she's mostly done her part this season, but maybe things aren't completely finished between her and Elias. Maybe there were some things left unsaid on Klara's part when she met with Elias at the café, and Elias never really confirmed where he was at.
This talk regarding their relationship (and Eagles?) might happen in the season finale. I'm leaning towards them ending it for good since I doubt they will be getting back together. However, I'm pretty sure that it will be on good terms now after everything Klara did for Felicia.
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I somewhat agree with this, even if it was worded a little harshly. Felicia shouldn't have been so quick to share the most personal thing that had ever happened to her on her first date with a guy she had just met. And she shouldn't have done the same thing with Jack, even if it was someone she'd known for longer.
I think she should've at least waited a while to see if the person she told her secrets to was trustworthy—sort of like Ludde did when he told Felicia the truth about how Andreas landed in prison. That's a huge secret and it made more sense to have it be shared closer to the end of the first season rather in the first three episodes.
On the other hand, I can definitely understand why she was so quick to share her problems. Felicia was really lonely when she first came to Oskarshamn. Her parents were fighting all the time, and her dad was only focused on Elias' hockey career. She carried these huge traumatic events and had nobody really supporting her when she ended up at the hospital and was sent to rehab. Felicia couldn't share the secret about her dad's affair either. She really had nobody in her life that she could talk to about any of this.
So it's reasonable that when she finally met a person who she really connected with, she felt comfortable enough to finally share these burdens she had been carrying. She actually started out by saying this to Ludde in 1x03:
I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I don’t talk about it to people.
I don't think Felicia set out to tell her whole backstory to Ludde. It just happened. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but Felicia probably realized that she desperately needed someone to talk to. And she said herself that it felt really good to just get these secrets out (until it didn't when she thought Ludde had spilled the beans to Klara). Felicia even made sure to stress to Ludde that he couldn't tell anybody about her experiences in the US.
Felicia: I don’t want this to come out, that’s really important. Ludde: Of course, I’d never tell.
A similar situation arose with Jack. Felicia was more isolated than ever and she had aborted a child that nobody knew about—not even her mom. That's a huge secret to carry on your own.
Felicia had known Jack since she was a child. She trusted him and he was a family friend. Not only that, but Jack has the ability to be incredibly charming when he wants to be. If anything, it makes more sense that Felicia told her personal things to Jack rather than to Ludde. She couldn't predict that Jack would turn out to be a cheating asshole who would leak everything in the press. It's kind of sad that Felicia would have to constantly keep quiet about all the wounds she's carrying when support from the people around her is the thing she needs and craves.
I've never said that the Kroon family's reaction to them being slandered in the press wasn't valid. I actually understood their anger and frustration quite well, but they let their emotions get the better of them. Yelling at Felicia did nothing to help the situation even though it's fair that they would direct their anger at the person who was to blame in that situation.
It wasn't pretty, and ganging up on Felicia (when her personal business had also been leaked) wasn't the best way to deal with the situation. But because their privacy was violated, I understand it. I can agree with you on that part.
It just sounds like you're implying that Felicia isn't allowed to share personal stuff at all because it would be "gifting ammo to expose her family". If Jack had actually been a decent person and never ruined her family's reputation in the press, you wouldn't be as harsh on her. The situation just got blown out of proportion for everybody.
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Put these questions together since they were sort of asking the same thing regarding the last scene of 3x09. Here is the full transcript from that scene if anybody needs a reminder:
Man: Hey. Andreas: Hello. Man: Wasn’t yesterday. Welcome to the outside. Andreas: Thanks. Hey… The last time I saw you, you said you knew somebody who sells. Man: Are you thinking of a fully automatic? Andreas: Yeah, whatever. Man: There’s a guy in Stockholm. I’ll fix it. I’ll send you the number. Just tell him I sent you. Andreas: Alright, good. Got it. Man: Good. Good, see you. Andreas: See you.
It actually didn't click for me at all when I first saw this scene that Andreas could've been talking about buying a gun—my first thought was actually that he was talking about a car because I'm that stupid lmao.
Anyway, there is definitely potential for the season to end on a cliffhanger involving a gun and Andreas. I have a few theories on what the season could end like. Season 3 has been so much darker than previous seasons, so while this might feel too serious for a show like Eagles it's definitely not out of the question after the recent episodes. Anyway, here's what I think could happen.
1. The season ends with Andreas having the gun—but we don't know if he'll actually use it 2. The season ends with Andreas just about to shoot someone—but we don't know who (?) 3. The season ends with Andreas having just shot someone—but we don't know who (?)
I don't know which one of these theories I'm leaning more towards, but I really hope this won't be the outcome for Andreas. He just spent close to a year in prison for something he didn't even do. Andreas is not a criminal, and it would be disappointing if he actually ended up doing this. They could be throwing us for a loop.
I mean, personally I don't think shooting somebody because they were the reason my younger brother didn't get into his dream school is enough reason to risk ending up in prison for. Yes, Ludde got his reputation ruined, but there are other ways to solve that than to resort to crime. Andreas should know that too, considering the whole thing where he got landed in jail because he tried to protect Ludde.
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This could absolutely be the case but at the same time I'm a little unsure. Hopefully things will just go up from here since the last two episodes were so dark, but I'm unsure what that last scene in 3x09 will mean for the season finale.
I hope they will do something similar to 2x10, where the ending was more bittersweet than just sour. We had the moment with Elias finally being drafted to the US and then Felicia and Ludde finally getting back together. We saw Amie achieve her dreams as a pop star. And yet there were still sour tones with us seeing Klara's dad passing away, Ludde being brought to the police station, and Amie being entirely alone and heartbroken.
2x10 was a really good episode and the ending montage gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it. I think ending a season like that, with both positives and negatives, hits you more emotionally rather than just ending on one or the other. The 1x08 season finale was really depressing and while the cliffhanger was intriguing, it didn't hit as hard for me as 2x10.
I'm kind of curious if they'll be able to top that episode—it's definitely among my personal favorites.
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My stance is that if Elias and Amie won't happen in 3x10, they will be guaranteed to happen in season 4. There is no way they're passing that opportunity up. They have clear chemistry, are fan favorites, and it absolutely makes sense for them to get together considering where they're at in their journeys—both having realized their dreams but then coming back to Oskarshamn because it didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
I think they have a mutual understanding of each other—in season 3 more than ever—and it would definitely be a shame if their potential was wasted. So I can't see the writer(s) passing up that opportunity.
There is a possibility for Elias to make a move in the season 3 finale, but I think it's better to keep our expectations low. We just had Felicia go through something really traumatic and her whole family is dealing with the ramifications of Jack slandering them in the media. Elias's relationship with Amie might have to take a backseat because of that.
There's also the thing where we thought that Petra might forbid Amie from seeing Elias because the newspapers painted him as a sex addict. But I think Petra and Amie have reached an understanding in their relationship after the whole Michael thing, and I can see Petra taking Amie's word when saying that Elias isn't what the press makes him out to be—and that he's not like his father.
I really do want to see something happen between them in the season finale, though. I'm excited but impatient for Elias and Amie and I think there are many fans who feel the same way.
But there is a reason they've been so slow to develop their relationship. Elias and Amie have grown as people separately and they're at a point where I believe they're more compatible than they ever were previously. They've been building their character development, slowly but surely, and I like that they haven't been rushed together like Felicia and Ludde were.
If nothing happens between them in season 3, don't lose hope. I think season 4 will absolutely be Elias and Amie's season.
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I hope so. I hope Petra isn't listening to the tabloids and tries to see what's in front of her instead, which is that Elias is not Mats.
Elias is entirely his own person. I know Petra was heartbroken when Mats left her after getting drafted, but when Elias was put into this exact situation he hesitated because he didn't want to leave Klara alone.
Klara: Elias… I don’t understand why you’re even thinking about this. Of course you’re going [to the US]. You’ve always wanted this. Right? Elias: But I don’t want to leave you.
Petra doesn't know about this, but we as the audience do. Elias's actions have always been caring and supportive (and I'm not just saying this because Elias has always been my favorite character). It should only be a matter of time until Petra realizes that, if she just gave him a chance.
I think that Petra will eventually see that Amie has finally found someone special who makes her happy. That Elias isn't at all like how Mats was at his age, or like Michael who didn't even bother to support her.
Petra has been so unlucky in love and I hope she can see through her prejudices and let her daughter be happy and loved, in the way that Petra never really got to be.
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It could happen, but even if it does I don't think they will be separated for most of season 4.
Maybe Amie decides to finally take charge of her career and tells the record label that she's doing this her way or not at all. Maybe she even decides to quit to try a music career on her own terms, or with a different label that doesn't make her as successful but doesn't control her.
I never felt like the particular record label Amie ended up with was a great fit for her. Yes, she's very talented and I would love to see her become an even bigger star, but only if it's done the way Amie wants it to be done. There could be the possibility of Amie leaving the label, just like how Elias left the US.
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I definitely think Felicia has picked up on Elias overworking himself. He's been at the gym constantly, even during the school field trip to Stockholm. Elias left this huge opportunity in the US to come back to Eagles, and the overworking could be a result of him feeling like he has to prove to both himself and the people around him that this decision was the right one.
They've been super subtle about this whole thing and I hope they will be discussing it properly soon instead of just giving us small snippets. There was discussion about this being an eating disorder, but I think it's leaning more towards overworking like you said and bad eating habits (in my opinion, we would need to see something more drastic before drawing the conclusion that Elias might have an eating disorder).
There's so much that needs to be brought up in the season 3 finale—like what exactly Andreas is planning and its outcome, Felicia healing after her suicide attempt and potentially having a conversation with Ludde, and maybe some sort of triangle drama between Elias and if he'll choose Klara or Amie. There are so many possibilities here that I have my suspicions that this storyline won't be fully resolved in just one episode.
I think it will be pushed forward into season 4 because that seems to make the most sense right now. I've been wrong before though, so something else could definitely happen.
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radio-nano · 5 years
Queen concerts were also successful beause of those guys!
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Scroll if you want to learn who these guys are and what they did. You will also read about a Lord, a henna user, who had best haircut and Queen’s favorite food. (I wrote in bold letters the parts about Queen members and some funny facts.)
1. a"rigger". They assemble the stage (all 6000 square feet of it). Sometimes this can take two days, so there are two stages on this European tour. While one is being taken down at one venue, the other is being assembled at the next.
2 another "rigger".
3 John "Tumbridge" Wells, one of the security men responsible for looking after the members of Queen. "Tumbridge" looks after Brian May, escorts him wherever he goes and keeps the fans from getting too close.
4 Wally Gore group security, he looks after John Deacon
5 Alex Alexandrou, carpenter. There's two of us, and we put up all the stage scenery. I put up the walkways around the back and sides of the stage wich Freddie runs along. He likes to run on carpet, so I have to lay that down everywhere.
6. Chris "Crystal" Taylor, group coordinator. He organises all of the personal Queen crew, roadies, the security men. He makes sure they all know what they have to do and when they have to do it.
7. Jim Deveney, monitor engineer. "I sit out of sight on stage. I have to make things sound good so that the band can hear what they're doing. The sound comes through these speakers called "monitors" wich face onto the stage. The worst act I ever worked for was Rod Stewart. He was really miserable.
8. Joe Fanelli, Freddie's main personal assistant, who cooks for him at his London Home. "He likes anything really exotic, North African food, curries, good French cooking. He hates veal and doesn't eat carrots. Lambs is a bit iffy too. Brian's vegetarian but he eats fish. John likes very simple food, pie and mash and Roger likes anything but lamb.
9. Tony Williams, in charge of Queen's wardrobe. "I have to look after all of the band's stage clothes. That includes lots of details like making sure all the changes of clothes they need are backstage (Freddie changes about three times each performance), labelling the band's stage shoes (because they all wear the same stripey Adidas), and looking after Freddie's special moustache scissors. Also I have to wash all of their clothes in my hotel bedroom. My bath is always full. And Brian May has been using all this red henna do dye his hair and it comes out all over his shirts. It's very hectic".
10. Brandan Hyland, group security
11. One of the 15 "truckers" who each drive a massive 40 feet lorry loaded up with sound and lighting equipment.  (For extra money they also operate the spotlights wich "follow" the group around stage).
12. Brian "Jobby" Zellis. one of Queen's personal road crew.
13 Brian May, Queen's guitarist.
14 John "Moxy" Glover, Roger Taylor's personnal roadie. "Basically I have to look after his drum kit and set it up on stage. I have to keep him supllied with drum sticks. He has sticks made with his own name on and he uses about ten sets  a show. I got a bit drunk with Status Quo's roadies in Paris earlier this tour, and started throwing all his sticks in the audience.
15. Terry Giddings, group security.
16. Dieter Breit, physiotherapist for the group and crew. He has to look after any sprains and injuries that anybody might suffer, e.g. a sprained guitar-playing finger which needs massaging on Brian May's valuable hand.
17. A lighting assistant.
18. A "rigger"
19. Peter "Ratty" Hince, one of Queen's personal road crew. "I have to look after John Deacon's bass guitars and Freddie's guitar and special radio microphones (the one that don't have a fead) and keyboard instruments. I have to make sure that everything is exactly where it should be on stage, otherwise Freddie particularly will glare and let me know if anything's wrong. He's very particular about things being just right. Personally I don't enjoy these tour as much as the old ones. Nowadays ther's too much equipment, too many hangers-on, and everybody's trying to be important."
20. John "Collie" Collins, one of Queen's personnal road crew. "I'm the spare man, really. I work with Ratty  and the piano tuner, help to see that everything is where it should be at the right time. Do you know I got married yesterday! I celebrated the wedding with the band and crew. It had to be squeezed in during the tour.
21. Roger Taylor, Those "shades"! That turned up collar! Must be Queen's drummer.
22. A trucker
23. Another trucker.
24. A rigger.
25. Another rigger
26 John Deacon, youn know , Queen's bass player, the one with the good haircut.
27 Tom "Midget" Foehlinger, sound monitor
28 An unknown person who sneaked in
29 Mickey Conafray, trucker
30 Mick Riddle, caterer
31 A lighting assistant
32 Albert Sutton, truck driver. "I carry the sound system, or some of it. We don't see the band or the road crew most of the time, because we travel ahead of everyone else. We have to get to the site before they do, and although we help with the setting up, we're off for two days while the rest of them are working on the concert. There are 15 "truckers" on this tour, plus the bus wich takes the road crew and sometimes the band. The worst thing about this job is being away from home for a long time when you're on tour. And the best thing is...erm maybe that should be a secret".
33. A caterer
34 Dave Lewis, another Caterer
35 A sound monitor.
36 Stave Benjamins, one of Queen's personal road crew, or "roadies" as they hate to be called. They look after all the instruments, microphones and amplifiers which Queen use on stage, setting them up, tuning them, and keep them clean.
37. another trucker"
38. Dave Thomas, caterer. I've been catering for Queen since 1975, every tour. The band eat the same food as everyone else, but they do have certain favorite foods. After a show they usually like an omelette or sometimes beans on toast or occasionally a steak au poivre. They're also pretty fond of Indonesian cooking".
39. Rex Ray, second sound engineer. He mixes the sound for all the support groups.
40. Spike Edney, keybordist and second guitar player: " My biggest fear is that it might get too damp, which makes the synthesisers cut out. I just pray that I'm out of clouting range of Freddie if that happens. He might not realise why I'm not playing and he'd be very upset if he thought I was daydreaming of something. But Queen on the whole are great to work with and they get drunk a lot too. Champagne every night, it's great!
41. Simon tutchener, lighting director. "I operate the main lighting console during the concert. It took three weeks to rehearse. I have a crew who set all the lights up, and 14 spotlights operators who I control through an intercom system and one man on a "Ver-lite", plus a man on the colour changer computer, plus a man on a computer which controls the up and down movement of the whole lighting rig, and then there are a few bits on stage, including Brian May special spaceship thing which comes down during his solo spot with all the flashing lights and..." (that's quite enought about lighting. Ed)
42 Stage rigger, who helps to set up the 6000 square feet of stage (all carpetted)
43 Sylvia Reed, assistant to the tour manager, Gerry Stickells. She is really a personal secretary.
44. James "Trip" Khalaf, chief sound enginer: "I mix the live sound for Queen, and I'm in overall charge for the half a million watts of PA (ie sound system. pa means Public adress) that we're carting around.
45. Lord Frederick Lucan of Mercury. You know him. Freddie.
46. "Phoebe", one of Freddie's personal assistants. These people help to arrange Sir Frederick's day, making sure he gets to appointments on time, and taking care of all those little details, which keep him happy.
47. A rigger
48. Lyndsey Beckingham, caterer. One of a team of five who feed the crew and the group. The caterers have their own van to transport all the food, cookers and fridges necessary to feed up to 60 people three times a day.
49 Bill Louthe, sound monitor. One of the assistants to the chief sound engineer, who sets up the massive sound system making sure it works perfectly, and run around while Queen are on stage, putting things right ( like tangled wiring) and making sure that there are no problems which could cause any deterioration of the sound quality.
50. Dave Mills, head of backstage and front of stage security. "My job is to stop any skirmishes or fights by pulling people out, people who faint, and putting in the hands of the first aid people. Earlier on this tour, in Dublin, I pulled out a young man whose ear was barely hanging on by a thread, probably because some idiot threw a glass."
51 Gerry Stickells, tout manager. The most important poeple on the tour. He looks after the road crew, from the lighting team to caterers; hiring them, making sure that they're paid and that everyone's alright. (he even remembers every crew member's birthday, making a fuss of them so they get too miserable). The other important thing he does is to go out months before the tour to look at the planned concert sites and to make all the thousands of arrangements that need to be made in advance. He's been working with acts like Rod Steward and Elton John and has organised Queen's road tour for 11 years. "They have to be highly-strung crazy people, they have to in order to ware themselves up to perform. So I admire them, yes. But I wouldn't want to socialise with them. Soon as this tour is over I'll go home and watch television."
52 Mike Weisman, production and stage manager. "I'm in charge of seeing that the stage and scenery is all but together properly. We work all day to get everything right. I have to coordinate all the work of the riggers and carpenters."
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klaineownsmysoul · 5 years
hello. i've just started glee (lol i know i'm super late) and i'm obsessed with klaine. could you explain why you don't like season 6 klaine? should i not watch it
First off - welcome to the Klaine fandom!  Its never too late to join. I’m pretty sure as long as this show is streaming somewhere, new people will be discovering it all the time.  I myself am notorious for wandering into a show after 3 or 4 seasons - Modern Family, Supernatural, 24 - are some prime examples of shows I was late to the party to and then lost my mind catching up on. Secondly - congratulations on having excellent taste! 😉  Klaine is really the only thing worth remembering Glee for.  
With regards to your question about season 6?  Well, I’m not sure where you are in terms of episodes and seasons and I don’t want to spoil anything for you if you don’t want to know, so consider the rest of this post as one giant spoiler. I would also never want to dissuade someone from watching, so please keep in mind this is just my opinion on things.  I watched through to the end as did all of my fellow Klainers here so its doable.  Its just not the easiest or prettiest thing.
**********Spoilers below************
I think for me, the word that comes to mind most and sums season 6 up best is waste.  They were utterly and completely wasted in those final 13 episodes. These were going to be the last eps we were going to get with them and my reaction week after week was “tick tock bitches, where’s my Klaine?”   Their storyline - if you can even call it that - went nowhere.  People’s opinions on season 6 varied - some liked it, some like me loathed almost every moment of it, some disliked it as it aired but have mellowed since - but I think one thing we could all pretty much agree on is that no one wanted to go back to Lima.  Doing that erased any forward momentum they gathered during the last half of season 5 episodes when they finally dumped all the dead weight holding this show back and concentrated solely on an NYC arc.   As off kilter as those eps felt Klaine-wise, at least they were interesting and a move in the right direction.  Watching Blaine waste away in Lima alone for all of season 4 and then ¾ of season 5 pissed me off to no end.  It shouldn’t have taken so long to get him and Kurt back in the same place and I’m not going to get off on a rant here about how they never should have been separated in the first place.  I could write a dissertation on how that one decision - de-aging Blaine and making him a junior - was the dumbest fucking thing this show ever did.  And considering the dumbass decisions this show made along the way, that is really saying something.  But I digress.  They ended season 5 in such a good place relationship wise that to decide to break them up again in the season premiere and then have their story grind to a halt for 7 episodes before they got married was a knife to my heart week after week.  Breaking them up in a cold cruel flashback was bad enough.  Having Blaine be so upset that he was kicked out of the school he worked so hard to get into, his so-called friends forgot all about his existence and he had nothing and no one to lean on so he had to move back home to Ohio was terrible.  But the worst of the worst - Blaine and DK.  That was an unforgivable sin as far as I’m concerned.  It goes against everything that makes Blaine Blaine and was nothing but a giant glowing middle finger from RIB to the Klaine fandom.  To bring back a character that was not missed, not even mentioned during season 4 and only once in season 5 and placing him in a romantic relationship with the soulmate of the boy he physically and emotionally abused for months on end was in the most appalling taste possible.  It was deliberately aimed at our fandom by RIB as the ultimate “fuck you.”  Nothing more because they are petty little assholes.  Every single time he was within 50 feet of Blaine or god forbid touched him, my soul died a little.  The Blaine I know and adore would never ever ever in a million years look at him and see anything but the guy who drove Kurt to Dalton because he feared for his life.  And Kurt?  He realized he fucked up, left NYC to come back to Lima for Blaine and then…nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  He spent more time as Rachel’s god damned cheerleader than he did trying to woo Blaine back, which would have been the only redeeming piece of them being apart.  Because it had to come from Kurt.  He was the one who ended things; Blaine never wanted to leave.  So the apology and reasons and the heartfelt declarations of love that we are accustomed to coming from Blaine had to come from Kurt to make this worthwhile.  But sadly, like every other aspect of season 6, they fumbled this too.  Badly.  They danced around each other awkwardly for 7 episodes and nothing was accomplished or moved forward.  I can’t get into an angry rant here about their wedding; I will be here all damn night. I have made my feelings crystal clear about that already during many a rage post, but let’s just say that ep may be the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced tv wise.  Nothing was theirs, nothing about the wedding had anything to do with them as a couple.  They were a throw in and then thrown aside just as quickly.  Their 30 second “reunion” if you can even call it that after 7 eps of pure hell was yet another slap in the face.  Blaine’s “there’s no one else” was everything that he needed to hear from Kurt and a small novel of explanation more.  But no.  We weren’t gifted with one of those trademark heart to hearts that we got during season 3; those convos that separated them from every other couple on this show and made me believe that even though they were so young, they really were meant to be.  And then once they were married, they disappeared.  Sure they were around physically, but that’s it.  Dalton burns down and Klaine is given fuck all to do story-wise.  A place that held so much importance for them as a couple was destroyed as a plot device and their reaction was limited to Blaine’s sad puppy eyes at the beginning of the ep.  We got one sentence from Kurt in some ep I can’t remember about Blaine getting into NYU for the next semester and that was the extent of their future plans.  They never had a conversation about moving back and what they would look like, what that would entail in terms of living arrangements and how they would do better as a couple now that they know what they have and how much they don’t want to lose each other again.  Nothing,  Season 6 should have built upon 5x20 and culminated in their wedding.  We should have gotten wedding planning and vows and honeymoon destination discussions and ring shopping and they should have had a wedding that reflected who they are as a couple.  It should not have been a means to end so Glee could show off their super awesome double gay wedding that managed to unite 2 fandoms that generally don’t get along in their utter dislike.  Congrats - RIB managed to craft an ep where 2 fan favorite couples got married that was panned by both fandoms.  That takes a special level of obliviousness.  
More newbies introduced in season 6 that no one needed and just took up valuable time that could have been put to Klaine or wrapping up the stories from the already bloated original cast.  I wasn’t going to invest myself in characters with an expiration date, so spending endless time on them was time I wasn’t going to get back.  Everyone and their mother propping Rachel up and telling her how great she is, how much of a star she is, and how nothing that’s happened to her could possibly be her fault because she is perfect was infuriating.  Pointless duets between her and Sam when we all knew their weird sudden relationship wasn’t going anywhere.  Having Mr. Schue and Coach Sue getting as many duets as Klaine did during season 6 is a sentence I should never type but I just did.  Neither Kurt nor Blaine getting a solo at all.  My god, how the fuck did that happen?   Why did that happen?  It was like they went out of their way to screw Kurt and Blaine as individual characters and and as a couple.  Having an entire episode centered on some bratty preteen who sang more than Klaine did.  Having 2 episodes without Kurt and Blaine at all and the only reason they threw Blaine into the 2009 flashback was because people flipped the fuck out at the idea of him not being in a 3rd episode out of 13.  
There’s a reason why during 3 @comewatchklaine rewatches, the only full ep from season 6 we watched was 6x13, the series finale.  Some kind soul pulled together the Klaine bits from eps 5 and on and all of that was only about 40 minutes long.  40 minutes.  40 minutes worth of Klaine in like 7 episodes and that doesn’t include the first 4 because those were a complete waste.  The locker scene and flash forward were the only bits that felt authentically Klaine to me.  That is what I choose to remember because the rest of it taints this show to me.   
So long story long, that is why I loathe and despise season 6 as a whole. I’m sorry I don’t have more positive things to say.  Please don’t take my words as a reason to skip the end - if you want to watch, go ahead.  I would never want to be why someone missed out on something they might enjoy.   Season 6 could have and should have been amazing; so amazing that saying goodbye to them would have been heartbreaking.  Instead, I was glad I got to see them get married and that they got the happy ending they deserved, but that was about it.  If that’s how little this show thought of them at that point, I was glad to see it end.  I will always be grateful that it gave me Klaine because I will love them always.  I will never forgive them, though, for the appalling way they were treated and its why I make a concerted effort to avoid anything RIB has a hand in now and in the future.
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scripttorture · 5 years
(pt 1 of 2) So I've got a character (A) that gets snagged by this group of mercenaries/assassins in the hope of drawing out this other character (B) they've been trying to kill. B is telepathic, so the group is hoping that by torturing A he'll have to come and save her. It doesn't work, and A goes through about three days of torture (beatings, mostly) before she's rescued by another character, C.
(pt 2 of 2) C and A are from different races that are mortal enemies, but C saves A because torture is something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. Granted, he does the bare minimum to save her, but could that sort of thing be enough to shake A's firmly held beliefs about C's whole race? Secondly, how do I patch things up between A and B? I've got a lot of people being unreasonable, especially in the short term, but I'm not sure how reconciliation should go, since A is mad and B is ashamed.
Whenit comes to strongly held beliefs I don’t think there are many firmanswers.
Evidencealone generally doesn’tshake our beliefs and we have a marked tendency to pick and choosethe evidence we cite, emphasising and giving more weight to thingsthat support what we believe. We do this even when we’re aware ofthis effect. It seems to be a universally human trait.
Butevidence coupled with emotional appeals canchange people’s minds. People can also gradually change over time.
Thekey word here is ‘can’. It is possible.That doesn’t mean it happens every time.
Thingslike de-radicalisation programs domake a measurable difference in the broad sense. But they don’treach everyone they interact with.
Andthe things which trigger a change of heart are not always fastacting. They can be things that gnaw at a person over a course ofyears, gradually prompting them to shift their stance.
Essentiallyyou could choose to take this either way. You could have A’s viewof C’s people changing, either abruptly or gradually. But you couldalso have A write the incident off as an exception to the rule orotherwise dismiss it. Either response can happen in real life.
Let’sstep back from the success rates of organisations like After Hate fora moment and address this as writers.
Ifyou wantA to have a massive change of heart then however quick the change itcan’t feel like it comes out of nowhere. The readers have tounderstand the process A goes through emotionally.
Whichmeans the reason behind this has to be more than C’s actions: itneeds to be the feelings and thoughts those actions prompt in A.Otherwise the change is going to come across emotionally flat.
ShowA struggling with these thoughts and feelings, swinging betweendoubting what they were taught and what they experienced. Don’t betempted to make this change easy and don’t be afraid to show Afalling back on old, toxic patterns occasionally.
Movingon from these sorts of hateful idea isn’t easy. It means aconcerted choice every day to address your own toxicity and dedicateyourself to being a better person.
Thatsort of introspection, judgement and emotional work is always inprogress. People often slide back a little even if they’re makingprogress over all. That isn’t unusual.
AndI honestly think that this change will read better if it involvessome internal struggle. The best way to present that will vary withhow you write. If it’s from A’s point of view you can show it asis. You might be able to work it in to conversation with C.
Youmight find having B pick up on it works as well, because that thengives you a way to tie these separate sub-plots together. It mightwell be easier for A and B to argue about how A feels about C/C’speople then it is for them to address their problems with each other.
Whichleads us to A and B’s relationship.
HonestlyI think this is something you should be tailoring to the charactersbecause the ‘right’ answer is going to vary with the individualsinvolved. It might be helpful to unpack some ‘logical knowledge’vs ‘emotional assumptions’ on the part of both characters though.
Let’sstart with A.
NowA probably knowsthat rescuing her wasn’t just a question of skill or bravery. Arescue mission is a difficult and risky prospect, highly likely tofail and extremely rare in reality.
She’dknow that B would find it difficult to rescue A. If B doesn’t havean organisation backing them up then a rescue would have been almostimpossible to pull off successfully.
She’dknow that a rescue attempt could result in B being captured andtortured too. She’d know that an unsuccessful rescue attempt couldeasily lead to A herself being killed.
AdditionallyA would also be aware that torture was warping her perception of theworld. A would probably not always be awareof where She was being held or many of the details of herimprisonment.
Ifall B has to go on for a rescue mission is A’s thoughts then A mustknow that B would have had trouble finding her.
Awould also know that the more B connected with A’s mind the moreimpaired B would be. Because B would also be experiencing thedisorientation, confusion and delirium the pain of torture causes.This sort of confused thinking would leak through and create animpairment even if B couldn’t experience A’s pain.
Bwould also know, logically, all the reasons they couldn’tpractically have rescued A.
Bwould be in the unfortunate position of having a second-handexperience of A’s trauma throughout. The threat of torture is veryreal here. It’s immediate. B’s fear of that is legitimate andshouldn’t be dismissed.
Butthat logic doesn’t trump the emotional side of all this.
Andthe emotional side is that B probably feels like they let A down. Aprobably feel betrayed and hurt and abandoned. They bothprobably feel isolated from each other and like it’s harder totalk.
Neitherof these sets of feelings are logical or rational. But there’s anextent to which that doesn’t matter.
Ithink the best way to address it is directly. Which doesn’t providean easy resolution.
Thething is- most torture victims don’texpect to be rescued. They are not in a position to…. think there’sany possibility of rescue. A’s position here is unusual and thatcomes in part from her being privileged enough to know powerfulpeople. Contact with other survivors might help A realise this andprocess a little of how she feels emotionally. It might help heremotionally accept that the expectations she had of B wereunreasonable.
Havingthem talk about it, the reasons why A expected something and thereasons B couldn’t provide it is an important first step. But thisisn’t something that’s going to resolve overnight. Oneconversation, even if they do listen and understand each other, isn’tgoing to resolve everything.
OnA’s side it’s a case of rebuilding trust. I think that’s ofteneasier to write because we see so many examples of it in literature:trust lost and rebuilt. It’s something that’s best built upslowly over time with a lot of actions on B’s part rather than withsome kind of ‘Big Damn Heroes’ moment.
Agood starting point would probably be helping A with her recovery.Consistent help with the little things she’s struggling with (whichinitially may include eating, getting dressed and moving about) wouldgo a long way.
Shemight not forgive B quickly or at all. She may stop relying on B toprotect her. But care is important too. It’s possible to trustsomeone with some things, some aspects of life and not others.
Partof this depends on how deep you want their reconciliation to go. It’sperfectly possible for them to completely rebuild their relationshipso it’s just as strong as before, but it would take more work thenrebuilding something shallower.
Ithink in some ways B’s side of this emotional problem is harder. Acan meet other torture or trauma survivors and learn that theexpectation of rescue is a fantasy out of most people’s reach. Shecan gradually come to trust B again if they both communicate honestlyand B takes the time to try and care for her, to try and build thatfriendship back.
ButI get the impression B has lost their trust in themselves and that’sa lot harder to regain.
Angerruns out of steam eventually. And sick angry people still need to eator help getting out of bed.
Shamecan eat at someone for the rest of their life.  
Myhonest instinct is that if these were real people they’d both needtherapy. A lot of therapy.  And while that’s not something that wecan work in to every setting emotional support definitely is.
Bis going to have to forgive themselves for what happened. A big partof that means accepting their own powerlessness in this situation,which is a terrifying thing. It create a sort of emotional push-pulleffect, forgiving themselves means accepting something incrediblyfrightening so it’s easier to avoid those feelings and hold on toarrogance.
Itcan sometimes be easier to tell ourselves we’re cowards or badpeople then it is to accept our own limits.
EarningA’s trust again may not necessarily combat these feelings, B mightcontinue to feel unworthy of that trust.
Thereare a lot of ways to write a set up like this convincingly and well.I think you’ll get the best results by trying to tie thecharacters’ progress to both the overall story and the charactersas individuals.
They’reprobably going to go mess up a few times. They’re probably going toheal at different rates and be ready for different things atdifferent times. Try to be aware of how other things that arehappening in the narrative might effect the characters emotionally.Because the other things going on in their lives could be useful toprompt this kind of emotional growth.
WhenI’m trying to reconcile characters I often try to think about whatthe root of the problem is. It’s often not what the characters areexpressing or consciously aware of as the ‘problem’.
Inthis case I’d guess that it’s ideas of safety and security on A’spart and ideas of duty and bravery on B’s. Those ideas are thingsall of us can understand but the ways they’re expressed areparticular to your characters.
Ihope that helps. :)
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fuckmybiaslist · 7 years
OH MY GOD YOU'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 2014 TELL ME MORE how has the fandom changed?? .. except for the size and awards and stuff LIKE WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST GRADUAL CHANGES YOU'VE NOTICED .. and maybe like share some anecdotes about how the fandom was before?? I've heard jin/v was the most popular ship back then?? I LOVE THIS KIND OF STUFF PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES
Hey there anon!  True Fact I started this tumblr in spring of 2014 and that’s about when I got into BTS.  I had been circling the kpop drain for a while and was starting to reblog more and more kpop on a personal blog I had…you know how the story goes…heh.   Anyways, my real-life friend and co-worker @eternalsquee and I made our blogs together at the same time.  She’s also the one who got me into BTS (sending me photos over our work chat - SERIOUS BUSINESS) 
Like I’ve said, BTS is my first (and really only) fandom, so everything was just so - overwhelming and NEW when I first really started to get into BTS, I just - I don’t know i have nothing else to compare it to, and I have an awful memory, so this might be dissapointing! But I will try to talk about some things I can remember.  
First off, I can remember watching American Hustle Life unsubbed (because subs back then still took like 2 - 3 days to do heh) and just - falling in love with the boys.  Sure, there were a ton of cringey moments, and the complaints against that show are totally valid, but it was also a really awesome intro to the boys.  And there were these beautiful moments, and BTS were just - not like any group I had ever seen ever.  There was just something so refreshing about THEM.  
Dark & Wild was the first comeback, and by then Esquee and I were in full fucking frenzy.  It being my first comeback ever, I was totally unprepared for the photo releases, the constant buildup - and then the day the  ‘What Am I To You’ comeback trailer was released was just - electric.  I still get chills when I hear that opening chime of the clock…ahhh.  
And then they unleashed DANGER on us and Jin’s ARMS and HHHHh the DANCE and ALL OF IT and my entire world exploded and the rest is history.  
The fandom - I don’t know I guess it was smaller?  It has really seemed - to stay the same just grow in the years since 2014.  The variety of people have grown, but even in the beginning I remember being amazed at the different people doing different things all around the world that I was meeting through being totally head over heels for this group.  It really was a community, and it remains a community to this day, and even though It’s getting bigger literally by the second, the foundation is there - through the years - and I think just like BTS that keeps the fandom grounded in that family feeling.  And that’s a beautiful thing.  
It’s also been a beautiful thing to see the guys in BTS grow.  Kookie was still such a smol shy bunnybean back in 2014, still coming out of his shell a bit, still so very very young.  Jin hadn’t let his flag completely fly yet either, although I remember shitting myself every time a new recipe blog came out - ahhh.  They were all just less sure of themselves, a bit more self-conscious - just - they have also seemed to get more comfortable with us as well as with performing and - I don’t know.  They’ve just grown up, beautifully - and come together as a team so wonderfully and that - man.  That feeling that they are bound together has just grown more and more as the years have gone on and - my heart.… .
When TRB came about in 2015 Esquee and I knew we had to try to go - that was both of our first Kpop concerts and also Esquee’s first plane trip!  Going to Chicago and knowing we were in the same city as BTS was just - electrifying.  We got a hotel that was right near the Roosevelt Theater - knowing that they were there sound checking while we were so CLOSE was just !!!!!  There were fireworks that night for some baseball game but they were literally right by the window of our hotel and it seemed like the whole city was celebrating with us!  
The concert - was just - first off the theater was SO SMALL compared to the wings venue holy god, so SMALL thinking back - we were SO CLOSE.  Even being around 5000 other army’s (was that the venue’s capacity) was AMAZING - I didn’t know very many people I wish I had gotten to meet that were there - but just - it was SO LOUD and we were right in the aisle between the first section and second and when the show started people just rushed forward it was - and I had a sign that said Jin was handsome and I waved it the whole show along with my bomb and screamed for him so loud I lost my voice and I’m pretty sure he saw my sign (my friend Nacs who was there with us said he did).  BUt LORD - the concert - I just - I can still remember it like it was a dream, just like the Wings concert it didn’t seem real - but we got to see them do I Need U and Dope and Danger and Miss RIght and just - so many amazing songs.  They didn’t even have merch
About shipping, I’ve pretty much ALWAYS shipped Jin mostly with Yoongi, and let me tell you what, Yoonjin fics were rare rare rare and super rare.  YoonMin was a huge thing and NamJin and VHope was bigger back then too.  Or just seemed bigger? Because less people were writing? YoonSeok was still also remarkably rare back then, although less rare than Yoonjin, and … yeah…it was a bit different, but maybe just because less people were writing in general?  I don’t know.  
As far as here on Tumblr, there were less BTS blogs (of course) especially less Jin focused blogs?  There are so many more now which !!!!! makes me so happy.  ONe thing tho, there were ALWAYS Jin blogs on here.  Even before I was on here, there were people shitting themselves over Jin and I just joined in SO!!  Every time somebody talks about how Jin has been ignored and neglected by fans it makes me really really sad because some of us have been on here loving Jin all day every day for Y E A R S and YEARS, and maybe we’re not the biggest blogs but we’re SOMETHING.  Jin has always had love on here, and it makes me so happy to see that increasing.  
I guess, finally, the biggest change in all of this is in the boys themselves.  They are really growing up, really hitting their stride, and it just makes me so excited for them and feel so warm and happy as a fan - compared to 2014 they have come so far and done so much. That feeling I had when HYYH 1 came out with I Need U  - BTS changed the game in one fucking instant and haven’t looked back since.  I’m honored to be a fan and will ALWAYS be a BTS fan (and a Jin biased BTS fan at that) from here til FOREVER.  
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yzzy-gggg · 7 years
I've Been Tagged
Tagged by: @active-mind-15 Rules: Make them up as you go??? 1) What’s your favourite animal? Crap, I’m torn. I have an obsession for goats but I also have an obsession for dogs… But if I absolutely need to pick one it’ll have to be dogs. I’ve always wanted one since I was a kid and I squeal every time I see them on the streets. I personally love corgis but yes, dogs are my fave. 2) Do you watch YouTube or Netflix more? Lol I don’t have a Netflix so it’s obviously YouTube. Plus YouTube’s got the weird videos I love stumbling upon. 3) Do you like horror movies? Nope. Lol not at all. I absolutely hate anything that deals with horror. Horror movies, stories, rumors, anything. I cannot handle it. 4) Which fictional character is your favourite and/or which one do you relate to the most? Akashi Seijuro is hands down my favorite and will always be my favorite. I love that boy with all my heart that if he popped out of my screen I would not hesitate to marry him on the spot. While some may have been afraid of him or on the fence about him in the beginning of KnB, I have been in love since the start lol. I have a thing for redheaded anime boys but he just takes it all home. As for the character I relate to the most, I want to say Hinata Shoyo. One, I’m basically as small or smaller than him, and two, I always get teased about it like he does lol. I also play tennis ans like volleyball, the taller you are, the more of an advantage you have. So someone who’s as tiny as me has to work twice as hard to keep up with them, just like Hinata. 5) When you dream, do people you know show up in those dreams? Always. In fact, anytime I do dream someone I know shows up almost every single time. 6) Do you like taking baths? Actually, not really lol. I just don’t like sitting butt naked lol. 7) Milkshakes or Ice cream? Ice cream. I like milk shakes, but it’s so annoying having to wait a bit for it to melt before it can go through the straw lol. Ice cream’s easier it’s just scoop and eat. 8) Favourite food? OH BOY THIS IS TOUGH. Can I just say anything, and I mean ANYTHING Japanese. I love love love Japanese food. Absolutely beautiful in flavor and texture. If I have to choose one dish, then it’s going to have to be ramen. But not just any ramen. Hands down my favorite is the ramen from the restaurant called Ichiran. I had it in Shibuya when I was in Japan and it was honestly the best ramen I’ve ever had. I miss it so much. 9) Do you have/want tatoos? And what was your first/what do you want to get first? I have no tattoos and I don’t really want any lol. I don’t like the fact that it’ll probably hurt to get one, so I’d just avoid the whole thing altogether. 10) If could have any superpower, what would it be? I’m going to have to go with Telekinesis. Reading people’s minds and using your mind to control objects and stuff seems so cool. Telepathy is cool too, and I’m kinda convinced that comes with Telekinesis? What do I get with Telekinesis lol? 11) If you were given the opportunity to go to space, would you? If it’s just go up to see the earth then back, yes. If not, then nah lmao. 12) Happiest memory? The entire week I was in Japan lol. I fucking love that place and I’ve never been so happy when I was there. I fell in love with Tokyo and Japan and I just want to go back as soon as possible. 13) Favourite song? I really don’t have one right now oops. But whenever “Despacito” comes on the radio I blast that cuz I love the tune lol. I’m a basic American. 14) Favourite scent? The smell of food cooking because I’m a self proclaimed foodie and just such a fatass for food lol I love food. 15) If you could have any animal on the planet as a pet, what would you choose? A fucking corgi puppy cuz I’ve been asking for a dog ever since I was five lol. I’ve been waiting for years, might as well get it as a pet before moving on to other animals. 16) Favourite feature about yourself? My hair, probably. According to my friends, it looks good both long and short. And it’s always so soft and silky and it’s naturally straight. And it blocks one of my eyebrows when I let it down so if I screw up no one sees it lol. 17) Have you been to a concert, if so which one? If not, which would you like to see? AHA YES. I’ve seen Bruno Mars, B.A.P., VIXX (SCREAMS CUZ THEY’RE MY FAVE KPOP GROUP) and BTS. So American, KPOP, KPOP, KPOP. My friends are trying to get me to go to Lollapalooza this year but idk 18) Favorite fruit? Strawberries. As long as they’re actually sweet cuz they taste good with chocolate, whipped cream or just by themselves. 19) Favourite colour? Damn this is another hard one. I really am loving pastel pink lately since it’s such a nice color to wear, but as an all time fave it’s going to have to be white. White means purity and cleanliness and it’s always beautiful as a dress. And white goes with basically everything, so from a fashion stand point it’s a must. Not to mention my wardrobe has a lot of white sooo… 20) What do you like to do to relax? I usually just sit back and watch anime or read fanfics or manga lol. I also write fanfics, but I’ve had a 3-month long writer’s block so clearly we can all see how that’s going. Playing tennis can also be a good stress reliever and since I’m playing it in college, it served as both practice and relieving me of stress. 21) Do you like anime? Anime is all I ever watch so uhh… Yes I fucking love anime. I can honestly only cry from anime. Anything on T.V. or in the movies I can’t cry. But if it’s anime and it’s sad I’m sobbing like a baby, oh god. 22) Proudest moment? My proudest moment would have to be winning the championship at one of my tennis tournaments during my senior year of highschool. We were down in Springfield and my partner and I were in the doubles championship against this team. And it was so goddamn frustrating because these girls kept cheating like no fucking other because they couldn’t return the balls that hit close to the baseline, so they’d just call them out when our balls were clearly in the lines. So when we asked for a line judge, their parents started bad talking us and saying how we’re rich kids who can afford line judges, which is not true at all. None of us are rich. And it’s not difficult to ask a random dude to stand there and make sure no one’s cheating. But long story short, we won in three sets and it was so satisfying because we ended up having to deal with them ourselves and we did. Plus both my partner and I were pretty weak mentally and would get frustrated easily, so you can imagine how pissed we were. But thankfully we picked ourselves back up and bam. Won. SO YEAH THIS WAS FUN. Never been tagged. And now I think I have to tag someone else right? So I’m going to go ahead and tag my friend @thekuroiookami ^^ If you haven’t done this, then have fun~
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exowl · 7 years
hey it's me again :) i've never intended to make you feel unworthy bc it's not the case, you're one of the most chill people i've found here and that's why i thought it'd be fine to talk to you. i was just curious why people treat the idols as a 'boyfriend' or a 'husband', i find it quite interesting. it's normal to dream about your bias but to assume to be in any kind of relation with him is another thing. 1-
or, perhaps, they assume that a possible encounter at a concert or anywhere else will make him fall in love. I think love is not a matter of seconds but a matter of soul and we’re also free to think that maybe he already has some1 in his heart&mind. people usually tend to see ’signals’ in what he does so maybe there are, but not as everyone perceives them or not for who they think. if he would ’fall in love’ at a concert do you think he would leave that person to go without doing something?2-
ugh again me and my ’pleading’ lol you’re in your right to call me the annoying anon, i hope you’re not mad at me for asking, but from everyone i’ve seen being shipped with ksoo & with the same feelings as you describe him, you seem the most easy to talk to and outgoing so i thought it’d be cool to just ask. I apologize in advance if i did something wrong :/ 3-
1) I don’t think you are annoying, everyone is free to think and express what they want, of course respecting others.2)I do think there are limits and boundaries and pretending your idol is yours and no one else’s is something I find wrong. But again, people is free to do as they wish as long as they don’t hurt anyone or something.3) I don’t think anyone feels the same way. I’m not saying my feelings are ehhh harder or more pure or anything no. As similar as our feelings could be, each one of us feel different, each one of us have different concepts of love. And as similar as our feelings (this goes for anyone not just Ksoo stans) are, they are always different. This is why is hard to generalize, because we don’t know their stories, we don’t know the background, the roots, their thoughts. But yes, again, there are limits.4) If he has someone, I don’t think she/he would worry about stans you know? Unless he/she knows Ksoo could actually prefer that person, unless he/she feels that fan is a threat. Dating an idol is probably different than dating a “normal” person. Why? Because they are always in the spotlight, there will always be thousands that will want to be in the position their S/O is, there will always be people that will love him. And you can’t do anything about it but respect it. Again they are free to feel as they wish and just because he/She is in that special place, doesn’t mean it gives them the right to order others to stop feeling. If someone is getting in a relationship with an idol I think it’s important to know where they are standing, what they are getting themselves into and respect their idol boyfriend/girlfriend career. If you can’t live with this then what the fuck are you doing there, then That’s not love, that’s even more selfish than the fans thinking their idol is their boyfriend. Because you (not you, in general) are getting in the way of their dream. You can’t ask someone just to give up on their dream because you don’t like people daydreaming about your boyfriend. 5) again, we might have different concepts of love. People tend to not believe in love at first sight because.. hell, it happens once in a life time. But I have lived it (not with Ksoo if you are  wondering) and even if I did not know the guy I loved him. I got to know him later and that love got stronger. but that’s another story and what I felt for that guy was probably very different from what I feel for Ksoo. So.. love can happen in many different ways and also in the most strange ways. We simply don’t see it coming, even if you’ve been by that person’s side your whole life. It just comes one day, catches us off guard. So I do think that if Ksoo or any idol fall for some girl/boy in a concert (which is highly unlikely because honestly you see nothing from stage) or a fanmeeting or the streets, they would do something or they would live with that person’s memory. Because being in the spotlight is hard and going after a person with such pure intentions is probably even harder than it is for us mortals that aren’t famous.6) You didn’t make me feel unworthy. I do that on my own. I’ve always have, since the moment I realized I loved him. Probably even before that. Why? Because I know where I am standing. I know that I’m just a girl out of millions that feel something for him, I know he’s an idol surrounded by so many girls and boys, I know that for him to fall in love with me would require a miracle or something. Or maybe not a miracle but what we call fate, or a soul link, or whatever who knows. I do not think I have more opportunity than his other fans, I do not think he’s mine, I do not think he would even look at me. But again, I’m allowed to dream. And what I feel for him, again, is the most unselfish thing I have ever felt. I love him beyond words, I love him with my whole body, mind, heart and soul. Every fiber in my skin trembles just by the mention of his name. But I do not love him in a “crazy” way. I would never go stalk him, would never force him to love me, would never impose my feelings. The only thing I truly want is for him to smile and be happy. Again, even if it’s not with me. I’ve been feeling like this for years hun, and this is why I don’t take things lightly and go crazy, because time has given me “wisdom”, or however you would call it. Believe me when I say that I try everyday to forget what I feel for him, to get over it because… he’s an idol. But I can’t. The more I try the worse it becomes. The more I find myself loving him, even when I think it’s impossible to love him more than I do today. And again, I do not care who he is with, as long as he is happy. Even if I stay alone my whole life. And you know why? Because even without knowing he gave me love. I mean, thanks to him I lived love in my life, with my own flesh, I can say I found what we all wish to do in our lives. What some die, without even finding once in their lives. And I will always be grateful to him for that, for the experience I got to live thanks to him. Even after explaining this to you, I can say this is just the tip of the iceberg. Feelings are so complex and hard to explain and this is why I think everyone feels different, no matter how similar it is. There are so many things behind the words we say. Imagine you found two girls that wrote exactly the same thing about him. Like every word, every punctuation, everything is the same. I still think that even after saying the exact same thing, the feeling is different. Because no one has the same heart and same mind. I don’t think that even soulmates, if they exist, do. Fuck this was long sorry. Xo, Ara~
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sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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