#I've got a big reveal for one player and a big moment for another next session
lesbedilfvriska · 2 years
Ugh. Brain get better at DMing challenge.
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rose-morose · 2 months
I've had the Olympics on in the background and now I can only think in sports commentator voices
(hotd season 2 spoilers under the cut)
Baela Targaryen fucking mvp of the season dropping little chunks of wisdom all over the place with massive repercussions to the players and by extension the game
Oscar Tully and Alys Rivers were close runner ups with some big last minute plays, each finishing very strong, but to be fair, they had to deal with Daemon who had forgotten which team he was on, so they unfortunately got stuck with a much larger challenge
Ser Simon Strong gets an honorable mention for looking fabulous, staying faithful, and silently clapping in the background with joy on his face while Daemon remembered what color his jersey was and made a game saving play
a disappointing performance from Ser Alfred Broome tonight, I knew he wasn't quite on the level but I never thought I'd see him fumble the ball so hard, leaving Alys and Oscar to pick up the slack
Jace pulled his shit together last minute thanks to mvp Baela and got an assist alongside Ser Simon and Alyn of Hull, bringing to fruition the foundation carefully laid by Alys and Oscar and allowing Rhaenyra to score with Daemon
Larys Strong once again making small adjustments that will likely be game changing in the third quarter, bringing Aegon off the bench and to another field to avoid being murdered by his brother Aemond, who is currently subbing for him until he's taken a breather and recovered from Aemond's last attempt on his life
Tyland Lannister finally does something right in his life and guarantees a host of new players coming onto the field in the third quarter after having a lot of sex
Helaena, shocking the world tonight when she revealed that she does actually know the rules of the game and is kind of supporting the other team, inspiring her mother, Alicent, to start playing for the black team because she is gay
Ulf and Ser Criston Cole both making borderline suicidal plays tonight that we hope works out for exactly one of them
meanwhile the green team coach has finally been found inside a dark box and is putting rookie Daeron Targaryen onto the field in the hopes of shaking things up for the third quarter
all in all this has been a fantastic game, and I can't wait to see what the players cook up next
now a moment of silence for Rhaenys Targaryen, former finalist for the last crown cup championship, after she was killed by Aemond who still hasn't been red carded for some reason
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witchynek0 · 3 months
why I think Ultraman:Rising a one of the better movies in the last months
I watch ALOT of movies, and im not joking, I have alot of free time. and recently I have taken notice that alot of movies, especially animated ones, feel rushed. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT ultra man rising although a long movie, feels really slow. you get to meet Ken Sato. a cocky baseball player, but also; Ultraman! he accidentally picks up a kaiju baby, and is asked to raise it till the baby can go back to its native land, all while fighting the KGB.
ken sato is a cocky baseball player playing for ‘the giants’, with no family, and no friends. he is confident and full of himself, and sure he will make the Giants Great again. all on his own. he doesnt care about his team, and he doesnt care about his reputation. the night of his game he has to work on a Kaiju attack where he saves kaiju baby and takes them to his base. keeping it safe from the KGB, who want to use the baby to find Kaiju Island and kill all Kaiju
i've watched this movie on repeat since it came out, the buildup of the story and the small details and secrets that get revealed as the story progresses keep you guessing and grasping for more. the movie lets you form an attachment to the character, and doesnt rush you by telling you all the ‘lore’ as quickly as possible and then moving on to the problem and how they solve it. 
Ami seems to play a key role in Ken his development, the ‘off the record chat’ seems to open his mind. he asks her how she juggles her job and kid, since he is having a hard time with it. ami says “...they are trying to discover who they are, and what they want. and the only support they have; is us. imperfect messed up us dealing with our own issues. trying to figure out who we are…” 
this strikes ken to free the baby Kaiju, and teaches her Baseball. with trial and error the baby kaiju, named Emi later. explore their bond. safely in the base. the next day when Ken is on a promised follow up interview with Ami, Emi gets out of the base, follows a blip with one of Satos commercials on it. and climbs a tower. ken saves her for falling but breaks her arm in the process and has to ask his dad for help. all of this happens in roughly a hour, see how much that is? how much ive written down about Ken sato and how you got to know him? now this is not all that is shown in the movie, so do watch it if you havent. because this is just the tip of the iceberg. and there is another hour left. 
and in that hour, Emi changes and learns alot. Ken his dad gets more involved. and i havent even mentioned the AI robot that helps ken during this first half of the movie. i dont mention the KGB and their underlying motive. this movie offers so much compared to others ive watched. lets take for example disneys Wish. (dont come at me disney i do still love you) it was fast, i barely got the plot the first time around and i felt rushed and hurried. i watched Wish $ times i still dont really get it. and feel like i havent seen all of the movie. and not just disney, but alot of ‘BIG’ companies lately, have made rushed movies that werent thought through. the story isnt rich and flavourful Pho. but more like a diluted murky beef broth, still good, but less satisfying. the animated movie industry ahs been through some hardship lately, new techniques. and mostly the animators, who work hard for little pay, under alot of stress to make good content cause our attention span doesnt last. and the internet is fast paced. ive made animations, by hand, and its so hard to get it looking good. im here to tell you, Ultraman;Rising is the movie id show people when they ask me “what do you want to do as an animator?” and i say “make something as good as this is.” 
id also like to make it clear that yes, there are good if not better OTHER animated movies, but this is recent and is the best example in the moment.
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ko11ok · 1 year
Just wanna say ty for being some of the chosen Kollok people that carried the hashtag and are still around
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hahaha yeah ofc!!
honestly i still need to like. actually finish series 2 (cannot call it kollok because kollok 1991 is always just kollok in my heart) i got maybe three episodes in because personally I wasn't enjoying the direction they went with it. i think it would've been better as an independent series, it just didn't have the heart and soul kollok 1991 had.
okay. i was like. i don't need to go on a rant....but i want to >:)
one of the things I liked about kollok 1991 was how messy it was, it was messy and fun and dark at the same time, there was a lot of cool stuff about it, and it felt like watching someone's beloved homegame with their unhinged dm, where not everything got wrapped up neatly and you never quite knew what was going to happen next.
the second series felt to clean to me, everything was put together, very streamline, very neat. it didn't have the edges or the humor 1991 had that was integral to [of course], my personal enjoyment of it. i feel like the ascended in general felt flat to me as well, like they were trying so hard to get us invested and interested in them that they wrapped back around to myself feeling like i didn't know them at all.
i think they tried really hard to do a little bit of everything, trying to let old fans see the legacy cast and their story, bring in a new audience with the ascended and the new story. it just all felt like? too much? like by catering to everyone and anyone they catered to no one. I remember zac saying that he wanted the second series to be something that anyone who'd never heard of kollok before could pick up and start watching, but to me that was so incredibly flawed. 1991 by its nature is a complex story, even if you created something new in the universe, the deeper lore and characters are still there, especially with how it was written.
my only pet peeve with zac's gaming style is that it's clear he almost always bites off more than he can chew, and when he needs to reconcile what he's bitten off, he almost always just spits it out (retcons) rather than just tries to swallow it (improvise, shift). he has extremely rich backstories and background written, and he likes to drop hints and ideas, but he never reveals any answers that are truly satisfying. (which maybe I missed because i didn't watch the second series). he likes to tease his audience, but never truly satisfy, in my opinion the most satisfying moments almost always came from the players.
imo legacy and the ascended should've been two different shows. they could've had the same format, they even could've existed in the same universe! [BIG BIG, "this is coming from someone who watched only like the first few episodes"], they could've just broken them up into separate shows at separate times. they could've given the old fans a satisfying ending, and given the new fans something to chew on with the ascended.
in my like. dream scenario, legacy's timeline instead takes place in 2002. (i've mentioned how i think a "kollok 2002" would be really cool, another palindrome year, most of the cast would be 11 years older, and in their late twenties/early thirties) they could still have mallory having gone into the black rock, tibby wracked with guilt, and the others sort of far flung. i think they could've pulled the same stuff and gotten a good result!! they could've even kept the timeline!! the ascended would rebel shortly after, the could've even done a series about that, which would've felt very similar, and ended where the show eventually got to, with the disillusioned ascended trying to figure out what the fuck they were going to do
idk! just my ten cents on it. sorry for taking your message and doing a lil rant lmao hope you don't mind
maybe i should do a sweet kollok rewatch in the future soon....like 1991 is pretty long but maybe i could swing it again >:)
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
prom- e.m
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!Reader
Summary: you ask eddie munson to prom
Warnings: angst bro, unrequited feelings, eddie being a butthead, chrissy is not the villain i promise, not proof read oops
Request: No
Word Count: 2k
A/N: got inspired by this idea @ashwhowrites threw out there about wanting something like this made, so i thought why not give it a shot? plus i've been trying to find an excuse to write an eddie prom fic. enjoy- sava
part two
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You look to the stage seated at the end of the cafeteria briefly, seeing the big banner advertising the senior prom, making your heart flutter. The Hawkins High prom was the one time of year where everyone isn’t completely miserable and they all come together, cliques having an unspoken settlement, and allowing one another to come together and celebrate one of the last big moments of high school you’d all share together, before walking the stage made on the football field and going your separate ways on new journeys. Everyone had been buzzing about it for weeks, and you thought today would finally be the day.
You smooth out the pleats in your skirt, taking deep breaths in and out as you slowly approached his lunch table. The loud ruckus of the cafeteria filled your ears as your feet brought you closer and closer to the biggest outcast of the school. Not that you saw him that way, but everyone you surrounded yourself with did.
Eddie Munson has been the object of your affection since his first senior year. His beautiful brown eyes ultimately pulled you in one day during your sophomore year, seeing how much he’d changed from his brief time with you at the middle school amazed you. You were captivated by his passionate personality and his carefree attitude towards the conformity that was forced within the walls of this high school, which you were not able to escape, roped into joining the cheer squad with your best friend and the queen of Hawkins High, Chrissy Cunningham.
The two of you met when you moved to Hawkins back in middle school. She was the first person you met when you got to the school, getting paired to sit next to her for the remainder of the year, and the two of you clicked instantly. You spent so many nights together giggling and gossiping, and it was something you continued to do throughout high school. The two of you told each other everything, especially when it came to your dating lives, or lack there of.
She was the only one who knew about your crush on Eddie. You always felt you had to keep quiet about it, especially around the other cheerleaders and football players. Their clouded judgement and resentment towards the ‘freaks’ made your heart sink, but you always opted to keep your head down and refuse to join in on their reign of terror towards them. 
Chrissy convinced you to ask Eddie in the first place. You were hesitant, wanting to continue to keep your feelings towards the resident metalhead deep down, with graduation around the corner for you, and if what Eddie shouted in the cafeteria constantly, it was approaching for him as well. You didn’t see the point in revealing anything now, thinking you could just go about life without him knowing. But Chrissy was there to remind you “what do you have to lose?”
Approaching the well-known Hellfire table, you cough a little to gain the attention of the boys. They all look up at you at the same time, sharing glances with one another as confusion seeped into their faces. You flash them all a timid smile, playing with the end of your cheer skirt to relieve some nerves. 
“Hi guys,” you squeak out. You watch Eddie sit at the head of the table, looking down out his bag of mini pretzels and grabbing his bright red apple, taking a big chomp out of it. 
“Uh, can we help you?” A younger boy with long black hair asks, whom you recognize as Nancy Wheeler’s brother, Mike. Blood rushes to your cheeks, heat overpowering you just for a minute as they all continue to stare at you with their mouths slightly open.
“Yeah! I was uh-just wondering if I could talk with you, Eddie. Alone?” you ask, your eyes meeting his across the table as he freezes, a small sliver of pretzel hanging out of his mouth. He drops the bag to the table and looks to who you knew as Gareth, standing from his seat with wide eyes. You walk towards the corner of the cafeteria, not missing the snickers and mumbles coming from his friends.
You turn to look at Eddie, his hands resting in the pockets of his leather jacket as he finally catches up to you. His big brown eyes peer up to you, his brows raised in a questionable manner, making the nerves spread further throughout your body. Maybe this was going to be a mistake-
“Just so you know, I don’t do deals in the middle of the cafeteria, so if you’re looking for something to clear your head, you’ll have to go to the spot in the woods,” Eddie lets out. 
“What? No, I’m not looking for drugs, I don’t-I don’t smoke,” you tell him, shaking your hands. Did it look like you were trying to buy? Eddie was the local dealer, so it wasn’t totally out of the question.
“Okay…” he responds, rolling his eyes as he snickers to himself. You bite your lip before letting out a deep breath. “Then what did you want?” 
“Okay, so, this might sound crazy, but I wanted to know if you were going to prom?” You finally ask. Eddie’s expression falters a little, his questioned look quickly shifting into a surprised one, as if caught off guard.
“Wasn’t really planning on it. After school events that don’t consist of D&D gatherings aren’t exactly my thing,” he answers. You try hiding the hurt in your expression at his answer, his ability to write it off so quickly making your confidence shrink.
“Oh…well, maybe you’d reconsider? Like say if someone were to ask you to go with them, as their date? And hypothetically that someone…being me?” 
He takes a moment to just stare at you, blinking rapidly a few times before looking around the cafeteria, making you worried, but also confused. He seemed rather off today, with his eyes barely meeting yours unless met with confusion or surprise now, and his entire demeanor even felt off.
Then, he begins to laugh.
Was he laughing at you? Or the question? Or maybe what everyone said about him was right, he was crazy.
“Yeah well like I said earlier, I don’t do prom. And I definitely don’t do cheerleaders, so associating with both at the same time isn’t in the cards for me. So just go back to your friends, okay?” His voice was almost sinister, face merely inches from yours as he whispers the blatant reject in your ear. 
You take a step back from him and catch the seriousness etched across his face, looking to the floor in an attempt to hide the hurt his words caused you to feel. You bump pass him as you continue your efforts of hiding your feelings, walking towards the double doors located closest to you that bled out into the hallway, no longer having an appetite for any food.
All but running to your locker, you fling it open and make yourself small, hunching over into the metal box and covering your face as the tears begin to flow out. You should’ve never taken Chrissy’s advice and kept those feelings buried deep inside. Of course he wouldn’t like someone like you. Even if you didn’t fit in with the other cheerleaders on the squad, he still associated you with the assholes of Hawkins High, and part of you couldn’t blame him. They’ve spent years treating him like shit, and you’ve been too much of a coward to do or say anything in his defense.
What hurt worse was that Eddie and you were on good terms. The two of you shared Miss Click’s class last year, alongside Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, two of your closest friends. Eddie would ask for your help and the two of you would talk while trying to get him through the assignments he struggled with, which launched your tiny crush into a full blown one-sided love affair. You thought maybe he saw you differently than the rest of the squad, with you and Chrissy always trying to exchange pleasantries and on friendly terms with the metalhead. But deep down, Eddie still knew all jocks were the same, it was clear in the way he spoke to you.
The lunch bell springs to life, pulling you out of your lonely pity party. You look to the mirror you kept in your locker and clean up the makeup that was running down your cheeks with a spare tissue. Taking a deep breath, you grab your books for the remainder of your classes and shut the door to your locker, turning on your heel with you head hung just a bit lower than usual, and darting your way through the crowded halls, onto the rest of the pathetic day.
You push open the doors the led to the parking lot, your peers scattered around trying to escape for the weekend, only to ultimately come back later tonight for the game. Running down the steps, you start the journey towards your car, wanting to relax for the next few hours before you and Chrissy come back for the championship game. 
The school day had flown by, the cruel gods above you taking pity on your rejection during your lunch period. You hadn’t talked with Chrissy for the rest of the day, not having any classes with her after lunchtime anyways. You want to run to her so badly and tell her you shouldn’t have listened to her, but ultimately, you just wanted a shoulder to cry on and soothing words thrown your way.
As you walk towards your car at the end of the lot, you spot Eddie leaning up against his van, the flashbacks from earlier telling you to look away from his figure, but your heart and eyes just can’t seem to listen. As you keep going, you see other pair of feet with him, almost between his own. Getting a better look, you see Chrissy leaning against the van as well, her close proximity making your heart plunge deeper into the depths of your stomach.
No, she’d never be interested in Eddie like that. She was in a very serious relationship with Jason Carver, a.k.a the biggest tormentor towards your crush. Plus, she was your best friend, and new how fondly you thought of Eddie, she couldn’t possibly want to ever hurt you like that. Keeping your head down, you attempt to walk pass them, completely unnoticeable, until your ears perk up at their conversation.
“I was just wondering, if you’d want to go to prom with me?” He asks her, causing you to drop the notebook you’d been carrying in your hand. Shit.
You reach down to grab the book and look back to see them staring at you, as if they were deer caught in headlights in the dead of night. You let out a sigh and pick up the pace towards your car, unlocking the door quickly and tossing your things inside as you ignore Chrissy’s calls out for you.
“…I don’t do prom. And I definitely don’t do cheerleaders…” his words rang in your head as you start the engine, looking behind you to back up and pull out of your spot. You quickly glance their way, faces turned into sad expressions as they watch you fly by them, trying your best to exit the hell that was the high school parking lot. 
A few tears began escaping once more, trickling down your cheeks as you replay the events of today on your drive home. How could Eddie be so quick to reject you, with the excuse of not liking the idea of prom or associating with cheerleaders, but completely do a 180 and ask Chrissy, the girl who everyone knew you were best friends, to the prom? Maybe when he told you his words in the lunch room, he meant specifically it was you he had no interest in. Because who can resist the queen of Hawkins High.
You continue to wallow throughout the drive home, the tightness in your chest never letting up even as you pull into the driveway of your home. Jumping out, you leave your belongs inside the car as you lock it, running to the front door and swinging it open. You had time before the game tonight to mop about as you please, so you grab a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave, waiting patiently to start the pity party you pressed pause on at your locker, wanting to just forget silly notion of you going to prom with the man of your dreams.
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
Ardent Affections :
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Pairing : Timeskip + Virgin! Sakusa Kiyoomi x Female reader
Rating : 18+, Explicit
Word count : 3k
Warnings : Smut and fluff (and holy shit I ended up including a bit of angst) , Loss of virginity, blow job, fingering, vaginal sex, established relationships.
A/n: I prefer dirtier side of Smuts but this was as far as I could go with Saku sooooo I hope my fluffy smut isn't cringey >.<.
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Putting the plum filled onigiri in the clean plastic container, you give it another look over to make sure it's tidy enough, afterall, the person you made this for was nothing if not picky. But, you also knew he loved umeboshi, so after a few successful weeks of your relationship with Sakusa, you went ahead and bought more than enough dried plums to practice making something he won't be able to refuse. It didn't take long to reach the gym he was practicing at, with lunch time approaching, he'd be on his break too, giving you the perfect chance to have some alone time.
One would think, that no boyfriend would refuse their significant other's cooking but falling in love with him as well as dating him made you realise it wasn't the status quo. He was, at the very least, peculiar. Always on his own, Sakusa never felt the need to be involved with a lot of people, ironical as it may be for someone who played a team sport, his idiosyncrasies made it hard for most people to get close to him. That's why the sight of a cluster of high shool girls flocking your boyfriend, to give him their handmade goods was comical yet unsettling.
It wasn't something you got jealous at, but it's something that made you second guess yourself instead, whenever the thought of making him something pooped in your head, this same scene played infront of your eyes. Sakusa surrounded by a bunch of girls with heart eyes, wanting to give him stuff. On the verge of losing his polite demeanor, Sakusa almost gave them a taste of his blunt indifference if it weren't for some faculty member intervening. Today was the same.
With the perfect excuse, he pulled himself away from the group and sauntered towards you, eye twitching with a look that screamed ' I saw you having fun on my expense'. You quickly pulled yourself out of the gloomy thoughts and greeted him with your regular smile.
" I didn't wanted to disturb your fan meet", the cheeky tone in your voice added to his annoyance.
" I assure you that you didn't, besides you know I don't like hand made stuff ", he grumbled, voice carrying the regular icky note you were used to but it caused the dull ache in your heart grew. Before you could answer, you saw Bokuto running towards your direction, making you jump with his boisterous greeting,
" HEY! Y/n chan!... Are you gonna join us for lunch as well ?", The look in his face was as cute as his voice which was cutoff by Sakusa's cold one,
" No. I don't like the places you go to eat. Also, I'm done for today so we have no reason to stay.", Curt and to the point, Sakusa answered him and gestured you with his eyes to follow him instead.
" Geez, it's like he can never let loose!, Y/n chan! You should ask him to open up more!", pouting, the energetic male glared at Sakusa's retreating form.
"Ummm, Sorry Bokuto! He still doesn't know how to..... People? I guess? But he's trying! I know he is! So don't worry... We'll catch up with you guys sometime else okay?", With a slight bow, you trailed after your boyfriend, leaving a deflated Bokuto behind.
As you walked behind him, you thought about the first time the both of you met, he didn't even looked at you properly before leaving just like he was right now, about how you had to put your feelings out in the open first so that he'd finally notice them, how, for the last few days your garbage can only had dozens of messed up onigiri, and how the lunch you packed was getting colder by the minute as it layed still in your bag.
You were lost in thought for the rest of the way, he wasn't one to talk much but your constant silence was not something that often happened. Still not being used to initiating small talks, all he could do was gaze at the dazed look on your face.
The two of you made your way back to his apartment that the sports facility provided the players. You had been here a couple of times before but never long enough to actually call it 'staying over'.
" Why are we at your place?", You quietly ask, making him pause before speaking.
" I did say I was done with practice for the day", opening the front door he ushered you in. It was unsurprisingly neat, the entrance not having any useless items, infact everything in his place had a purpose or use.
It was a big step, him letting anyone in his personal space, considering his high maintenance personality you thought he'd dip you in a bucket of sanitizer everyday but he was a lot more chill when you both take your respective baths. He still goes in first.
The moment you stepped outside the bathroom, you saw a nervous looking Sakusa was sitting on the edge of his bed.
" Did you really wanted to have lunch with those guys?", His abrupt question caught you off guard, so apparently he took your silencein the wrong way, but it still warmed your heart to know he noticed and cared enough to talk about it, albeit clumsily.
" Is that why you think I was quite on our way here?", The reply you gave made him avert his eyes, whether it was out of embarrassment or the awkwardness in the room, it didn't change the fact that your sudden change in behaviour was noted by your boyfriend.
" If you have something to say, then I want you to tell me, I'm afraid I won't know otherwise", Sakusa added, finally looking at you with his deadpan yet sharp look.
He was right, every couple needs to have proper communication in order for their relationship to succeed, so with that in mind you decided to tell him about what's bothering you.
Walking over to his side, you sat next to him,
" I made you lunch today, but when I saw you rejecting your fans gifts saying you don't like handmade stuff, it- bothered me.", Your reasoning might've been a little selfish, it's not like you wanted to force anything on him just because you were his girlfriend but the fear of getting rejected always made you hold back on so many things.
" So I didn't give it to you, and then I just started having a trail of depressing thoughts about how maybe I'm the only one who wants anything from this relationship, I mean we haven't even done anything more than kissing Kiyoomi.", To you, this confession was nothing more than the frustrations you've built up. He was silently listening as you went on, not interrupting until you were done.
" I see....", His soft baritone was laced I'm regret as he brought his hands to you head, gently combing the strands, " I'm sorry, I made you feel that way, it's obvious that both of us need to work on our communication skills but there is one thing you got wrong", saying that, his hand combing you hair pushed you forward until you were right in front of his glossy lips,
" It should go without saying that I wouldn't let you in here if I didn't loved you, and you wouldn't be in this bed either if I didn't wanted you.", By the end of his sentence, his hot mouth covered your in a demonically passionate kiss which was all teeth and tongue. It was probably your longest kiss as well, making you grip his shoulders so hard it would've probably left marks if it weren't for his taut musculature. You pressed you hands on his sculpted chest, feeling his nipples harden as you slowly run you thumbs over them. Sakusa pulled away from you to catch a few breaths, his lips shining with your mixed saliva.
" I've never done this before......", hesitation crossed his eyes which soon melted into a look of determination as he brought his face near yours.
"But if it's with you, I know I'll like it", he panted, pulling you on his lap to continue his ministrations from a more closer proximity. The uncharacteristically deep kiss encouraged your hands to roam around more, to feel all of his ripped form through the fabric of his thin shirt. Your hand grazed his crotch, this contact alone was enough to make him twitch, his virginity showing, the blush on his cheeks spreaded all the way to his neck.
The front of his shorts looked so strained,It was painfully clear how much his cock was begging for attention, so you pushed Sakusa back until he was lying flat on the bed, feet still on the floor. Searching his eyes for any objections, you pulled his waistband down to reveal his bulging member. It suited a big guy like him, his thick cock felt so hot and heavy in you hand it took everything in you to stop yourself from jumping on it right away.
" Hggg... Wait... It's-", his voiced carried more embarrassment than discomfort but you stopped nonetheless.
" Dirty?.....is that what you want to say?", questioningly, you looked at him from between his legs as he nodded.
" Well sex is better dirty but, I'll try not to make a mess okay?", With a wink you grabbed his shaft with one hand and took his tip in your mouth. The warm, wet insides of your mouth touching the sensitive head of his cock made him shudder in pleasure but he didn't make more than a hum. Maybe your boyfriend was still embarrassed but now that you finally get to go down on him, you made it a personal goal to hear his moans.
Detemined to hear his beautiful whimpers, you added pressure on his member through your tongue as you moved your lips up and down, swallowing him as much as you could. Droll dripping from the side of your mouth and his precum gave you enough lubrication to increase you pace, going harder and harder until you felt your teeth make contact with his sensitive shaft, that must've hurt, you thought but atleast it got a reaction out of him.
" AH-.....mmmhh Y/n damnit.....you're doing it too roughly", you heard him complain from above you,
" I just rough housed you a little..... Anyway, you can't blame a girl who's been abstaining herself from fucking her hot boyfriend ", with a pop you pulled him out of your mouth and looked up at the wide eyed Sakusa with an uncharacteristic boldness that even surprised you. Maybe it was because of the situation or because you two had a heart to heart conversation about your feelings just now but you felt oddly comfortable with him more than you ever did before. You knew he loved you enough to put up with anything you'd throw at him at his point, so why not push your luck?
"......well aren't you a vulgar little girl", regaining his composure, Sakusa propped himself on his elbows to give you his trademark deadpan look. You squeeze his balls teasingly in an attempt to rile him up further, his face contorts a little before he shoots you a glare.
" I'm going to make you regret that", with nothing more than a growl he grabbed your hand to make lie face down beside him, for a second you thought he'd spank you, but the moment you raised you head from the mattress to see what's going on, a big hand was on your head pushing your face down again, his other hand ghosting over the hem of your t-shirt.
" It's my turn now, so you better behave", emphasizing the behave he first pulled your shirt off of your shoulders, then swiftly getting rid of your pants. This was an interesting turn of event, just a moment ago your virgin boyfriend was squirming like a pathetic little boy but with just a little teasing made him switch into daddy mode, you'd be lying if you said it wasn't thrilling.
You laid there stark naked as you heard a few rustling sounds coming from behind, indicating Sakusa taking his cloths off. His long, deft fingers grabbed your hips, raising them a slightly off the surface of the mattress, the digits of his right hand crept near your dripping core as if wondering if he should touch you or not, you moved your hips closer so you could feel his touch but he retreated his hand, only to pinch one of your butt cheek. The tease.
" If you're expecting me to eat you out too then keep dreaming..... but since I made you wait so long, I'll give you something else today", his matter of fact tone was even as he traced two long fingers up your slit taking in all of your juices, he pushed them inside your aching pussy. His thick digits rubbing your walls made you moan in the pillow, with his thumb he started rubbing your engorged clit. His actions were not exactly gentle but you didn't wanted them to be either, you wanted him to pound you into the mattress so bad but maybe it was asking too much from someone inexperienced.
" You like this right?", It wasn't exactly a question, as his increased his speed, with his free hand he pinched your ass again leaving small red marks in the fleshy patch of skin. Your first orgasm in so many weeks approached you with an intense force, making you buck you hips in Sakusa's hand. Just as your pussy started clenching around the fingers that was inside it, he withdrew his hand leaving you with a strange sense of emptiness.
" Not so fast y/n, it's more efficient it we cum together, besides I know you want more than just my fingers", his voice carrying the cockiness of someone far more experienced but you can't complain, for both his actions and words were easily bringing you closer to the edge. Ignoring the stickiness of his fingers he lightly massaged your butt cheeks before kneeling right behind them. The sight of your flushed, naked body was enough to get him going, something that he dare not admit.
From the corner of your eye, you saw him opening his bedside drawer to retrieve a condom. Well, atleast one of you were prepared for this, just as he finished putting on the thin protection, he asked you,
" I'm putting it in y/n", he didn't make it sound like a question but it wasn't until you nodded in approval, that he moved. Groaning lightly, Sakusa entered you inch by inch, making the process as slow as possible so could clearly feel the delicious stretch his thick cock provided. You were already panting by the time he bottomed out in you, as he started moving his hips you rolled yours to match his pace, creating a steady rhythm.
Both your pants and body were in sync, building up pleasure that soon reached its peak, the roll of your hips and the sound of his name from your mouth urged him to take a hold of your hips and drive his pulsating member further into your cunt. He felt your walls clenching around him when your body experienced the well awaited orgasm, quivering beneath him like. The sudden pressure added on to his cock made your boyfriend follow right after. The both of you were still riding your high when he lowered his torso on to your back, sweat slicked bodies on top of each other, you wondered what kind of face he would be making right about now. Hoping it wasn't one of disgust, you turned your face to the side, his endearing curls tickling your ears as he kept his nose buried in the nape of your neck.
There was a serene quality to the room where the two of you laid still until Sakusa got up abruptly, you knew that it was bath time even before he uttered anything.
" Let's eat", his soft voice seemed almost like a whisper which was confusing and astonishing at the same time when he tossed one towel to you and quickly wiped himself with the other.
Making quick work of the cleaning, you both went to the living room where you pulled out the bento box from your bag. It felt cold against your hand but this time it didn't make you sad because now you were sure that the person next to you wouldn't reject it.
Opening the box, you noticed they got a little crushed, probably because of you tossing your bag aside dejectedly when you first arrived, the previously well made onigiri lost their original shape but you hoped they tasted the same.
Gingerly showing him the box you thought about quickly explaining it's condition and telling him about how you made it in the most hygienic way possible for a human but the words died in your mouth when Sakusa briskly took one piece out and munched on the distorted rice ball. You watched him chew, waiting became too nerve-racking so you blurted, " How is it Kiyoomi?!", Talk about putting pressure on a guy but it didn't deter him from telling you the truth.
" It's good", the simple reply he gave was the best, you thought, his words were never grandiose, just to the point that's what made you believe them everytime he decides to be honest with you.
"Next time...", He mumbled in between his increasing breaths and tinted cheeks,"Lets make it together".
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rayne-storm · 3 years
AUgust 6 - Gaming
Fandom: Hyperdrive
As always, Hyperdrive belongs to my beautiful and talented BFF @rad-infiniitum / @starburnedfarrago
This was just super fun to write, and although the logistics as presented are just absolutely whack, I hope you enjoy!!
She smiled as she hit the buttons with routine familiarity, starting her stream. She smiled gently as she addressed her followers and her little intro video played.
There was her channel name: STELLA-PY , and the letters rearranged themselves to some bubbly synth music to: LETS-PLAY and faded out to reveal the title card for the game that she was tackling today.
"Good afternoon, guys! It's me, Stella-Py!"
"Py" in this case was pronounced "Pie," and the comments she had received about the similarity mixed with her heavier frame were old news long ago. She kept herself in a small frame at the corner of the video, just because she knew she tended to make silly faces playing spookier games, and if anyone really got a sense of her size from that, she applauded their eye for detail. Any hate got pretty quickly removed from the chat thanks to a friend who maintained it, and her lovely (if few) fans.
"Today, we're doing something new and short, while I recover from the awful, awful fetus monster. This is one you guys have been telling me to try!"
She pulled up the application on her computer, and a solid wall of blue illuminated her screen. From the wall, white letters in a vintage font appeared one by one to reveal:
Stella smiled and let the elegant chiptunes that came after the letter play for a moment before starting to speak again.
"That's right, folks! Quest For The Moon Queen was published seven years ago to itch.io by an anonymous, indie developer that only called themself 'BL00 SCR33N.' It's remained relatively obscure since then, which is a shame because it looks so cute! From what I've seen, this is an adventure game where the player is this adorable little knight, trying to rescue and woo the titular Moon Queen. I'm super excited to get into it, and please make sure to put asterisks before any spoilers to hide them!"
She paused to let the chat catch up, answering a couple of questions about her day, how the baby cow was doing, and when she would do a baby cow reveal (the poll for the baby cow name was still going, Moomin being the leader by far). The chat satisfied, she hit ENTER on her keyboard, and the screen slowly darkened.
First came a little tutorial.
There was a little blue knight in front of a white screen, and little floating text walked the player through the various movements they could do. It was relatively simple, arrow keys to move, space to jump, and a couple of keys or mouse clicks to shoot a little spark.
After the tutorial came an adorable side-scrolling adventure where the little blue knight jumped over hurdles and shot sparks at bees and little black boomerang-like shapes.
Three levels of slightly increasing difficulty later, there was a boss fight.
The boss was labeled "THE DICTATOR" and a chiptune-version of ABBA's "Voulez-Vous?" played. The knight grew a little taller, and was faced suddenly by a giant black tarantula with a hundred glowing red eyes.
The sparks were ineffective, and Stella began to panic when she noticed a small sword icon. Interacting with that froze the boss and brought up an option screen:
Well, wasn't that unique?? Stella immediately chose to fight with "SPIRIT" and the scene dissolved into a cute little cutscene.
The little knight stood before THE DICTATOR, trembling only slightly in the presence of the fierce enemy.
"I must go!" The knight proclaimed in chiming little chirps
"But why?? You have served me loyally all this time!"
"I must find my own path, and you must care for your fallen kingdom."
The scene dissolved again, and the spider rolled over, defeated.
Stella felt there was more to the story, but could only really comment on how sweet that was.
"This is such a cute little game! You guys are the best, and if anyone has any idea how to get in contact with the person who developed this, please let them know that I love it so much!!"
The next levels were water-themed (of course), leading up to a new boss fight:
This boss was a massive squid, with pink tendrils that acted as hair. The blue Knight's sparks again were ineffective, and again Stella was presented a choice:
Stella again went for the softer route, and again, the screen dissolved.
Surprisingly, the squid-like creature shrunk to being smaller even than the Blue Knight.
"I am afraid, Knight."
"Why are you afraid? You have everything you could ever want, now."
"Because I am so small, and this world is so big."
The knight knelt and gently hugged the little creature.
"Take heart, EXILE, for there are many large things, but there is only one of you. Develop your skills, grow your talents, and the world will bend for you."
The EXILE bobbed happily, nodding.
"Thank you Knight! Good luck on your journey!!"
The EXILE swam away, and the Knight progressed.
So it went, with such bosses as:
THE CORINTHIAN, an eagle dressed like a glam-rocker, who the Knight could either PLUCK or APPLAUD. Applause led to the Knight clapping and giving the creature a CD to sing along to.
a giant troll THE BEAST that offered a stealth option to SNEAK around or SLAY.
THE PRETENDER, a shadowy silhouette of a woman, and the Knight could choose KILL or KINDNESS. Kindness led to the Knight patting the shadow on the back, and with each little pat more of the sprite filled in until the shadow became a dark-skinned woman in a space suit.
Finally, about two hours of play later, the knight was jumping on clouds and was faced with the final boss:
This boss was a massive metal insectoid, and Stella waited for the choice to appear, but a minute of waiting led to her health being knocked down halfway, and a message popping up:
That felt… wrong.
The chat was exploding to fight back as the monster hit the Knight, but she just couldn't.
Tears in her eyes, she removed her hands from the keyboard.
The health bar was knocked down to zero.
NOT EVERY BATTLE CAN BE WON the screen proclaimed, as it began to fade.
Suddenly, a shower of pink and green lights fluttered down.
The chat began to go crazy. This, it seemed, had never been discovered before. Everyone always fought the monster, and gained a trite little victory screen, the little Blue Knight doing a little dance.
This was something completely new.
The metal shell of the boss began to melt, and out floated a beautiful woman, pale-skinned with pink and green hair, and nearly translucent green wings that shimmered and glowed.
She floated down to the body of the little fallen Knight and kissed his head. The knight slowly stood.
"Thank you, Blue Knight, for your compassion. Thank you for setting me free. You do not have to hide yourself any longer."
The armor melted away from the knight, and an adorable little creature with blue skin, long ears, and yellow eyes remained.
The descriptions of the characters changed. The Blue Knight became THE REGRETFUL SOUL, and what once was THE DEMON became…
"Thank you, my lady," the REGRETFUL SOUL chirped, and they took each other's hands.
The MOON QUEEN scooped up the little creature, and began to fly up the screen with him. As they reached the top, they turned and faced the screen.
The screen faded to black, and Stella initially thought it had completely ended. She was about to exit out of the program (still sobbing), when a little message slowly flowed up from the bottom:
Stella couldn't help crying harder, and blubbered out her closing spiel. The chat still kept going absolutely crazy, some claiming that this was a hacked copy of the game, or that they totally knew about the secret ending. Suddenly a new kind of message began exploding:
The game was gone.
It wasn't on itch.io, or any other site that the chat could find.
What in the world…?
Stella figured that she would deal with the implications of that later, saying goodbye and logging out of her stream.
She gave herself a few more minutes to cry before she heard the soft ping of a new email.
She sighed and opened it, ready to be assaulted by some kind of anger (per usual when she streamed), and was surprised to see the sender was going by "BL00 SCR33N."
She opened the message, and it simply read:
"You saved the knight and the Moon Queen. Congratulations. Want to meet up?"
After that was a phone number.
This was a terrible idea.
She called.
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lovetheplayers · 5 years
Taylor's interview with Kyle & Jackie O | KIIS 1065 (April 29, 2019)
Kyle: It’s Kyle and Jackie. I’ve been telling you all morning: Taylor Swift, the biggest star in the world right now and a new single ME! that’s out now. She joins us on the phone. This is really weird, Jackie, because I was only thinking last week in LA: what’s going on with Taylor Swift? We’re overdue for some Taylor Swift stuff. I felt a vibe—a Taylor Swift vibe, you know what I’m saying? And then, boom, here we are. New song’s out, she’s one of the best in the business. I’d say the best in the world. Good morning, Taylor.
Jackie: Hey, Taylor!
Taylor: Well, hi! That was a really, really, very nice intro.
Kyle: Oh, well you deserve it, doll. Absolutely killing it at the moment. Congrats on that new song. We’re all loving it and oh, that video. Scoring the most video views on YouTube within 24 hours. How good’s that? Definitely well-deserved.
Taylor: Oh, thank you for saying that. Thanks for watching it. It was so, so, so much fun to make that video. Like, one of the most fun video shoots I’ve ever had. And yeah, like, collaborating with Brendon Urie on this song was hilarious because he’s just so much fun and so full of energy and kind of brings a hundred and fifty percent enthusiasm to everything he does, so he’s flying through the air, fighting in French. It’s just the whole thing.
Jackie: Who came up with the concept for that? Do you come up with that or do you leave it to someone who’s kind of, like—that’s their expertise in that field?
Taylor: Well actually I wrote the treatment concept for this video and approached Dave Myers about it and thought–and just thought, like, we could get together and come up with the best visual effects to add to the storyline, so it ended up working out exactly that way. And Dave Myers is an amazing director and we co-directed this and just really tried to make this entire fantastical, magical world but also include as many foreshadowing moments about the new album and visuals that would kind of be, like, little clues and hints and Easter eggs in the video, so it was a process that started months ago and took a lot of time to plan, but it really paid off in the end. I feel like people are, like, being entertained by it and that’s the nicest thing you could tell somebody whose job it is to try to entertain people.
Jackie: Yeah, because I noticed in the lead up on your Instagram there were a lot of pastel colors on your page in the lead up to it, which probably a lot of people didn’t realize that was, you know, working towards the announcement of the clip.
Taylor: Yeah, I mean the fans are very clever and they–I think realized it very soon. Like, immediately they realized that this is a very abrupt shift from my Instagram. If you scroll down my Instagram it was all dark colors and then it just immediately turned into just, like, a majestic cloud of Easter colors. My fans picked up on it really quick and–but yeah, the fact that they’re so clever and the fact that they’re so detail-oriented and they watch a video and they’ll watch it, you know, 20 times trying to figure out what they’ve missed, that makes it more fun to do that stuff because if nobody was paying attention and I put, like, 50 Easter egg clues in this music video I’d be so bummed out. I’d be like, “Oh, man. That was a lot of effort for nothing.”
Kyle: Hey, now there’s a snake featured within the video clip: that symbol–is that any–is there any–well you know what they say about the snake. Is that about anything? Is that just a thing you’ve thrown in there? What’s the go?
Taylor: The snake in the video is symbolic of something.
Jackie: Yeah, well we won’t say what it is then. Well I think we all know. And also in the beginning of the clip you and Brendon, you’re having a fight. I’m thinking, I’m assuming it’s in French, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it’s in French and that’s another symbolic clue that will probably be revealed in the next few months. Like, a lot of the Easter eggs that I put in the videos are ones that, like, I want them to age well. Like, I want some of them to be revealed within, you know, people watching the video initially, and then, like, some of them people won’t realize the meaning of them until about, like, 6 months to a year from now when we go on tour. Like, that’s how many– that’s how far ahead I've been planning this album. I just want the fans to have a good time. I think that if you look at music and how people used to gather around the record player to listen to music, it was such a social event, and now these days we have I think a responsibility to try and turn music back into a social event, and whatever ways, you know, artists think of to do that, I think it’s really kind of exciting that we have so many outlets now to make a song back into something that people not only listen to but kind of assign to their memories and talk about with their friends. You know, I love, like, Game of Thrones and figuring out theories and clues and things like that, so I think the more we can have that social and discussion element to music the more fun it is for people.
Kyle: Oh, my god. Have you watched Game of Thrones yet, GOT as we all call it? Have you watched it?
Taylor: I literally just watched the new episode before I got on the phone with you. Oh, my god.
Jackie: Okay, what did you think?
Taylor: Okay, well, did you watch it?
Kyle: No, I haven’t watched it yet but I’m dying to because I’ve been over in LA for a while so this week I’ll have three up my sleeve. I’m pretty pumped about it. Everyone’s talking about it. Jackie–she’s so behind. She’s like you know back in season 1, episode 2. What are you?
Jackie: So I have missed a whole season and I’ve got to catch up on it. I’ve been a huge fan but I’ve missed a season, but everyone is talking about the latest episode and that it’s a big episode. Is it?
Taylor: It’s literally the most beautiful episode I’ve ever seen. And the score is so, so exquisite and the visual effects and the acting and the battle sequences. Like, I don’t want to be, like, that person who spoils anything so I’m not going to, but, yeah you just have, like, a real wild ride ahead of you. I’m so happy about, like, the quality content we’re getting from Game of Thrones.
Jackie: I’ll have to catch up.
Taylor: Yeah, it’s so good.
Jackie: And you’re gonna be in the new Cats film as well which is supposed to be epic. That comes out around Christmas, right?
Taylor: Yeah, it does! I shot that in London for a couple months and it was so much fun, and I learned so much because I was going in every day and I was doing extensive choreography, and dialect coaching, and a class called cat school where they have an expert come in and teach us how to move our bodies like a cat and how to sense things like a cat and how to–just kind of learning as much as we can about their physicality and why they do things the way they do things And it’s, um, it’s been amazing doing that process of kind of being a part of a big movie. I’m really grateful that I got to do that.
Kyle: Oh, but you would have a massive advantage, an upper hand on the rest of the cast. So who’s in it? Rebel Wilson, James Corden–we love him–Idris Elba–totally excellent bloke– but you of all are the biggest cat lover. They don’t come anywhere near you. You love cats.
Taylor: They all love cats. They were all so prepared. You have no idea.
Kyle: Well we were asking who loves cats more. I’m the biggest pussy lover in this country, so just saying. Just leaving it out there for you.
Taylor: Oh, my god. Judi Dench actually was going to be in the original production of Cats but she was injured so she couldn’t be in it. This is actually, like, it’s so meaningful for so many different ways. There is just—like, it was so much fun because everybody was so committed and also it’s some of the best dancers in the world; like, dancers that I’ve been so, like—admired so much from afar like Mette Towley and just people who are so, so, so insanely talented, and so getting to work with them and getting to know them, it’s no complaints here.
Kyle: Well we cannot wait to see you in that film. Congratulations on the film, on the video, on the music. It’s great to see you back, I’m telling you. I’m glad you’re here. New song ME! It’s incredible; well done. Hopefully you’ll come and visit here in Australia soon. The door’s always open. Thanks for chatting, hon.
Jackie: Thanks, Taylor .
Taylor: I’ll definitely come visit you in Australia. And thanks so much for chatting with me and for watching the new video. it’s really sweet of you, and hopefully I’ll see you guys soon.
Kyle: No worries. See you soon, babe! Taylor Swift!
Jackie: Bye, hon!
Taylor: Bye, guys!
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howrv · 5 years
Fargo's Museum Ranch: Chapter 4
Visually, the ranch was pristine but weathered, much like Fargo. They both have withstood storms, and it showed. The twisting winds are brutal coming off the nearby Chiricahua Mountains. At one moment you see a sand storm in the distance, swirling tornados, ejecting white plumes high in the air. Then in seconds, the swirl overtakes you. There is no light. It is like someone ripped the sun from the sky and you are being blasted and tossed by sand at 40 to 60 mph. You are blinded. Becky and I have experienced such a storm driving our bus on I-10 in the New Mexican desert. The most terrifying 30 seconds of my life.
But the Museum Ranch stands as it has for decades, everything in its place choreographed by a master set director. There are a dozen or so sheltered gathering spaces (sitting areas) around the ranch. Each unique and all displaying memorabilia and photos of movie stars with their arms draped on the shoulder of a younger Fargo. These gathering spots are in the corner of barns, under carriage sheds, by fire pits, attached to a hen house or upstairs over a storage shed. In each one, there are places and porches to sit and talk. Some have a few chairs and benches, while others have a few metal milk crates turned on end, or maybe a log for us to straddle. But most notably, in every space there was a single armed chair with a padded seat were Fargo would hold court to a captive audience of us.
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There was always music playing in the background. Radio set to a Mexican station or a phonograph player softly emitting vocals of Patsy Cline, Hank Snow, Rex Allen, and Ernest Tubb. Signature cowboy songs. A perfect underscore to match our cinematic imaginations, while Fargo told stories of the old west.
While Becky and Fargo were chatting, I was admiring a Stetson hat and removed it from a hook on a post. Barton was quick to tell me that I should "replace it like I found it" because if it were 1/8 inch off, or rehung askew Fargo would notice.
Fargo and his ranch hands each had a few trucks. Quattro even had a Cadillac. But all vehicles were stashed behind a grove of mesquite or under the back side of a shed, not distracting from the perception that we were back in the late 1800's. An electric golf cart was the only hardware that belied the visual genera. Fargo needed it's assistance to get around and check on things. He would fatigue quickly and often pulled out an inhaler from his jeans to allay coughing and breathlessness. But at 89, he was still leaner and keener than most of our friends just reaching retirement age.
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We climbed aboard the electric cart and set out to see the ranch. He rode us to where stagecoaches and chuck wagons were stored. The one carriage with a large frame, Jonny Cash liked best. Quartto pointed out the chuck wagon used by Lee Marvin and Brian Keith in The Quest and Monty Walsh. There was the stagecoach Maureen O'Hare while swishing her petticoats climbed in and rode off, in Big Jake. He pointed out items used in McClintock, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, wagons from the Little House pilot, saddles and spurs from Three Amigos and yokes and harnesses that accompanied the mule teams in Bonanza. Most, he said, he had sold or left back in Old Tuscon where we visited last year. But he still had an amazing collection of important antiquities from the silver screen.
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He called our attention to an old blacksmith's anvil. "That thing weighs 350 pounds," he said with half grin half grimace. "You know how I know?" To which I gave a shrug. "Arnold Schwarzenegger picked the damn thing up and told me," Fargo grinned, adding emphasis by raising his eyebrows up and down three or four times making his hat bob on his head.
Homing pigeons moved in and out of their roosts. Fargo explained how intelligent they were and their dependable characteristics. He supplied Old Tuscon with birds for many movies. So if you are watching an old John Ford western and you see birds a flight, they were probably trained by our friend Fargo to fly on cue.
Once he was commissioned to provide deer for a scene of the animals running through prairie. The scene was to be shot from above from a helicopter. However, the producers were prohibited from herding or using live game in a shoot. So Ole' Fargo rigged antlers on his goats, placed them at one end of a canyon and put Barton at the other end of the canyon with the pappa goat to call the "deer herd." The helicopter lifted off and the scene was captured in one take.
We headed down a fence line on the safe side of longhorn steer and bulls to a wood-hewn building with a cross on the front. Quattro hobbled in with us as we entered the chapel.
At the front, centered between two wood beams was a large print of the last supper, the one depicting the servant in the foreground. On the right was a pulpit draped in a colorful sarape blanket with two wooden slats tied in a cross on the front. Behind the pulpit was a statue of The Madonna and another cross above it. On the walls were Indian ceremonial feathers and bells, a menorah, a yarmulke, and plastic flower arrangements. Beside the pulpit was a photo of Mother Teresa and The Pope.
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On the left side of the chapel was a firebrick altar with a leaded glass backdrop. A brass cross leaned against a wood mantle and two tin cups dangled below. Fargo retrieved a now extinct, Blue Diamond self-striking match from a Ball Jar, scratched it across the brick, and began lighting several candles. I was about to cross myself or genuflect when Fargo broke my reverence and uttered, "Yeah, I've got all kinds of religious shit in here. I've got Protestant shit, Catholic shit, Jewish shit, Indian shit, and we've even had a few weddings. Quattro there's a minister, and he officiates," gesturing to Quattro who was now standing behind the podium gripping both sides firmly.
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Quattro, the minister, told us a little of his story while standing behind the pulpit. He had originated in Pensylvania and came out to Arizona to visit his brother at UofA in Tucson. He met Fargo on set at Old Tucson, fell in love with the west and never went back. He helped Fargo with the animals, worked as a bronc rider and stuntman, and fit into the movie business as Fargo's sidekick.
After blowing out the candles on the altar, we left the church and headed down the lane, opening and closing gates behind us. We drove onto open range where fifty miles of sagebrush, tumbleweed, and sand lay in front of the jagged Chiricahua mountains where we hiked just days before. We arrived at a clump of mesquite trees that shaded seven grave sites. We sat on benches and listened as Fargo told us stories about each ranch hand who was buried there. His words were kind with a deep appreciation for their service.
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We carted back to the coffee pot area. It was 2 pm. Fargo moved his chair from in front of the padlocked door and opened it. The door swung inward to reveal a saloon right out of the movies. Four stools, a swinging door, and a bar lined with bottles of whiskey, bourbon, and tequila in front of mirrored glass. Hanging behind the bar were cowboy hats, Indian headress, scores of photographs, lanterns, spurs, feathers, beads and oh yes, an Indian scalp. I wasn't too surprised when he pointed out the spur marks in the oak bar top.
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We looked through his stacks of 12-inch long-play records. An impressive collection. Becky chose Hank Snow and we enjoyed a few cold ones while Fargo told more stories of movies and the stars he knew.
We had spent the entire day with three of the most interesting men I've ever met. We learned more about animals, birds, Indians, history and movies, than I had in a lifetime. But this was just the first day of three. The next day we were to bring our forty-foot Allegro Bus (our Home On Wheels) and park right in the middle of The Museum Ranch, 12 miles and a hundred years from town.
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Teaching Rally Round
You've already taken the first steps towards becoming a teacher of Rally Round. You've played at least two games and won them both. You are beginning to think that you understand the game. Perhaps you've played 100 games and are still undefeated.
The next step is you have to lose. No matter how big the shock to the spectators watching the game, you must lose and lose gracelessly, arguing against some of the rulings during the game and claiming those rulings were in contradiction of rulings made in previous games which of course they were.
You will never win another game of Rally Round. The purpose of Rally Round is to identify losers and make them believe that they are winners through the "game" of Rally Round.
As you might have suspected, there are no rules in Rally Round (much like love and war). Every rally round game must include a teacher and a teacher assistant along with the identified loser who is invited to the game for the sole purpose of increasing his/her confidence and belief in their good fortune thus resulting in a more steadfast, braver person who is a candidate to become a teacher.
Understand that all of your previous victories have been set-up jobs to make you feel better about yourself. A teacher will soon invite you to join him in another game of Rally Round when the next loser soon to be winner is identified. You will agree to play while suggesting a variation of the game that will generally be over-ruled by the teacher although not always.
You will follow the lead of the teacher, who is making the game up as he/she goes along. You will admire the good luck of the new player and sympathize whenever there is a momentary setback on his/her road to ultimate, assured victory. You will register dismay at your own misfortune.
The more players competing in the game, the more support given to the teacher of the game who himself has been on a long, long, losing streak and has risen through the ranks of participant and student teacher. Of course, those introductory steps can be skipped entirely if the teacher needs a third party to begin the victory streak of a recently identified loser.
The only "rules" of the game are that the loser must always win, the teachers must always lose and no one can reveal that the outcome of every game has been predetermined until the loser begins to question the game itself under the misunderstanding that he has a better understanding of the rules of the game than does the teacher which is an impossibility because the teacher is making the rules up as he/she goes along.
When a winner (loser) is deemed confident and brave enough to face the facts, he/she is privately enlightened (as you are being enlightened at this moment) the true nature of the game and informed that they will never win another game on their road to being a teacher.
They must take the pledge not to reveal what they know at the risk of becoming a RRINO (Rally Rounder In Name Only) which will include exclusion from the ever growing base as well as prejudicial bias against the RRINO as word spreads amongst the base that the god damned RRino couldn't keep his/her blabbermouth shut and thus was revealed as an untrustworthy "asshole" a person beneath the contempt of all Rally Rounders everywhere forever.
As your teacher, I am confident that you will take the pledge and become an active member of our base and will participate in every game of rally round to which you are invited. My reputation as a teacher depends upon trust. Based upon the games that I've witnessed you playing, I've noticed and admired your ability to think you've got things figured out and your ever increasing arrogance.
I think you're ready to start losing which is of course victory. We know you're a natural loser, that's what got you into the game in the first place.
Remember the ancient adage; if you cant do then teach and if you can't teach...teach teachers.
You're gonna make a great teacher.
0 notes
bulgariansumo · 3 years
Galactimato Big Brother Week 3
<<Week 1 | < Week 2 | Week 4>
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Week 3 begins with yet another vacancy, this time evicted by America through Emil. Things didn't go too smoothly, however, as his plans may have been seen by another houseguest! How long will he be able to keep his secrets? Is he running out of time?
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Now that everyone has had a few weeks to get to know each other, they were asked one simple question: Who would they evict out of anyone in the house? Most were too nice to give an answer, but some did respond.
"Higgy." Tsuki tapped her cheek. "I don't like the way he works Nicky and Toni to death with those dance rehearsals."
"The older Konno is too," Lorenzo tried to find the word, "...rowdy for my liking."
"Higgy!" Maxy answered without hesitation. "Someone needs to knock him off his high horse! At least Mai is fun about it."
Higgy tilted his nose up. "Maxy is a nuisance."
"It's nice to have friends here." "Angelo started. I-I even made a new one! Somehow. But it's hard to s-s--to spend time together... It's selfish, but everyone I'd vote off is close to them in some way. Or America's Player. Th-They could be really bad for my friends' chances. I th-thh--I might I know who it is..."
Those cryptic words may spell trouble for Emil, but the next segment spells HoH. It's time for the Head of Household Competition!
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"I don't have many rules." Jun stated upon winning. "Just, like, keep the vibes chill, okay?"
Were the vibes chill? Before we head to the Nomination Ceremony, let's see what some of the houseguests have to say!
"It's nice! Higgy's practice is a little rough, but that's normal. The star rangers are nice. Emil and Roxie have poofy hair and hearts. We are friends~" Nicky pointed at the camera. "And you're here too."
"The viewers or...?" asked Kenji.
Nicky smiled.
"I think he's dehydrated."
"I swear Higgy has his band brainwashed." Tsuki shook her head. "Toni especially. Poor thing's practically on a leash!"
"Everyone thinks Higgy-senpai is mean. He is," Toni admitted, "but he protects me from Maxy! And listens to me! Sometimes."
"I don't like that kid trying to cling to Toni. Jun too." Mai sneered. "He's weird. I heard him begging for that freckle chart when Toni was tossing it out because 'I didn't get a chance to vote for you!'" She mimicked Angelo's pitiful face. "Gimme a break! I swear he woulda dug in the trash if Emil wasn't there."
"I've been hanging out a lot with Emil and Maxy lately and hadn't realized how much I ignored Angie." Leon glanced away. "But Emil's been getting him to tag along! He's so welcoming like that~! Also, I swore I saw a leg in the garbage can last night. Might be my imagination."
"I'm worried about Mai." mused Jun. "She says wild stuff and doesn't, like, have guidance. I've been trying to help out. Angelo hovers around, but I guess he's too shy to interrupt. I worry about him too. Y'know how it is, yeah?" They asked Kenji.
"Please don't acknowledge me."
"Lorie asked me about voting off Mia." Emil began. "I forgot her family was struggling financially, so that's what I told him. Feel kinda bad though." He paused. "But what I do remember is that Jun knows how to check fingerprints. I've been keeping an eye on Ange so he doesn't get his hands on the chart again." He winked. "I think he's worried about Leon, Roxie, and Toni, but I can't see America voting them out. I tried telling him that. Subtly. 'Siiiides, we took the trash out yesterday afternoon."
"It's been nice being with the others, even th--even though I know what Emil's doing. I-I don't have anything against him, and it's kinda s-silly but," Angelo pulled a crumpled, stained paper from his coat, "I trust myself over America. S-s--I'm sorry."
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It appears Emil has underestimated how far Angelo will go to protect his friends. But can he protect them from the veto ceremony? Let's find out!
"Thanks for a really chill week, you guys." Jun started. "I'd rather not nominate anyone, but two of you did kinda harsh the vibe. Higgy, Maxy, step into the nomination zone."
They did so, glaring at each other all the way.
"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't mess with my rehearsals." Higgy muttered.
"Well you shouldn'ta had 'em near my bird-calling spot!"
"What kind of birds make fart sounds??"
"Hey! Don't blame your butt problems on the birds!"
Higgy seethed. "I have ways to make you live in regret."
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"Hey, hey." Jun interrupted. "Let's let the eviction votes settle this, assuming neither of you get vetoed."
"Fine." conceded Higgy. "But if he somehow survives, mark my words, I will evict Maxy Konno with my own hands."
"Not if I get rid of you first." Maxy flashed his fangs.
"Oooooh, spicy!" Benji's gold tooth twinkled as he smiled. "Will the flames of rivalry be put out by eviction, or will they burn a little longer? Stick around for the veto competition to find out!"
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"I didn't even do anything to get Higgy nominated!" Emil recounted from the interview room at some unspecified point in the future. "I was too busy dealing with Angelo and forgot!" He laughed.
For the PoV Competition, it's time to get schooled ...Again?
"Is it a good idea to reuse a challenge in the same week?" asked Kenji.
"Reuse sounds so cheap, call it a 'redux!" Benji corrected. "Plus, I'd rather not build anymore sets until we have more hands on deck."
"I understand."
Jun, Maxy, and Higgy, along with Roxie, Nicky, and Tsuki, play Getting Schooled again for the Power of Veto. Maxy wins! Onto the Veto Ceremony!
"Should I use this now or wait until we explain ourselves or whatever?" Maxy waved his PoV around.
"Why waste our time? Just use it." Higgy ordered.
"Thought I was the host, but okay!" Benji raised his eyebrows. "Why don'tcha use your veto?"
"I veto myself! ...Again~" Maxy gave a dirt-eating grin to Higgy and Toni as he returned to the group.
Jun seemed at a loss. "Uhh. Shoot. I dunno who else to pick."
"Excuse me?" Angelo raised a hand.
"A volunteer~" announced Benji.
"No no no! I-I just wanted t-t-to know if you could check this for prints?"Angelo lifted the freckles chart.
"Did you get that from the dumpster??" Emil blurted out.
"I'd be interested in it." Jun answered Angelo's question. "But I don't, like, have everyone's prints on hand for comparison. And now's kind of a bad time."
"S-Sorry..." Angelo looked down.
"It's cool!" They reassured. "Tell you what, give me a name and I'll check that person's fingerprints after the eviction, 'k?"
"Right now?"
"In front of everyone?"
"I'd let you whisper, but... you seem to have a situation going on." Jun gestured to his trashy clothes.
"Th-That's okay." Angelo declined.
"You sure?"
"Well. You helped me with one thing at least." Jun told him.
"What's that?"
"Picking a replacement. Angelo, step into the zone."
"Wh-what?" His eyes widened in shock.
"No one knows who put up the chart but you and the culprit." Jun smirked. "Could be the same person. You have the perfect moment to name them and you won't?" They went on. "Sounds suspicious to me. Sounds like something America's Player would do to throw us off."
"What?? No, I'm not them!" he insisted.
"That's something America's Player would say!" accused Maxy.
"I-I'm not! I'm really not!"
"Leave him alone!" Toni defended.
"Didn't you throw it out?" Mai recalled. "He could've been tryin' to frame you."
"Angelo wouldn't do that," Toni turned to his friend, "would you...?"
"No." Angelo was on the verge of tears, wounded by the accusation. "Of course not!"
"We don't know if he did it." Jun reminded, looking a little mortified, just as Emil did. "But just to be on the safe side, he's the replacement."
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Angelo set out to reveal the truth but one hesitation landed him in hot water with his fellow contestants. Where will the votes fall, and who will America choose as its next target?
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While Higgy was no Mr. Popularity, Angelo proved to be too big of a threat to Emil for America to allow him a continued existence at the household. How did the houseguests handle this decision?
"The younger Summers has schemed once." reminisced Lorenzo."He could be doing so again."
"I'll make sure Toni's safe." Mai nodded, folding her arms.
Maxy threw his hands up"I don't care if the other kid's America's Player, Higgy's goin' down!"
"Do I really have to explain my vote?" Leon smiled nervously. "Angie's my little brother!"
"So Emil," Benji began, "what do you have to say to uhh, that?"
"What can I say?" Emil shook his head. "He had to go, but... that was brutal. He could've ratted me out at any moment, but he didn't. I feel like I need to say something to him."
"You'll get your chance."
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Angelo became yet another falling star from the Celestion-5's sky, following Aiden and Mia. How many more will follow him? At least four more, but only time will tell. As for now, it seems like Emil isn't the only one who has something to say to him.
"Hey." Jun leaned in the doorway as Angelo, clean and freshly dressed, packed his bags.
They sighed. "Shoulda picked my words more carefully. I got so wrapped up in my theory, I started a witch hunt. I didn't mean to, but I did, and for that I'm so sorry."
Angelo stopped packing "Thank you Jun. Th-That means a lot to me." He held up the chart. "Do you still want this?"
"Sure, it's the least I can do." Jun's smile melted into a frown as they took it in their hands. "It's soaked."
"S-Sorry, I know it's gross." He apologized. "It got stained in the garbage and my hands were s-sweaty, so that didn't help."
They gave a pitied smile. "It's not your fault. But I can't take prints from this. Not by normal means."
"You know what? It's better that way." Angelo almost said something, but stopped. "Yeah, you're probably right."
Benji stood in front of the house with Angelo. "Well. That was kind of a rough ceremony, huh? How're ya feelin'?"
"A little sad I have to leave." admitted Angelo. "But if th-th--if I helped the others s-survive, I'm happy. I just hope no one's too mad at me."
"Welp, these three aren't!" Benji extended an arm to the side. "You can come out now!"
Leon exited first and gave his brother a hug. "I'll miss you, buddy."
"I'll miss you a lot too..."
He gave another hug. "That one's for Roxie!"
"She's not here...?" Angelo seemed a little hurt.
"She would be if she could! But someone else wanted to show up even more."
Toni barreled around the corner and into Angelo for a hug, stunning him.
"T-Toni? But you--"
"I didn't vote against you because I thought you lied!" Toni blurted, holding Angelo's hands. "I did so Higgy wouldn't be mad at me. I really like you! I'm sorry!!"
"It's okay. I...I like you too!" Angelo happily teared up. "I hope I can see you again someday."
"Toni, it's time for rehearsal!" Higgy's voice called.
Toni looked at his shoes. "Sorry, but I have to go now."
He turned to walk away, turned back, and gave Angelo one last hug before running off.
Emil was the last to exit. "Hey, Ange."
"Yeah, he wanted to say goodbye!" Leon explained to his brother's shock.
"Plus I had something to tell you!" added Emil. "A secret!"
Emil stooped down to whisper to him.
Angelo smiled and giggled. "I have something for you too."
He whispered something in Emil's ear. The latter stood back up and nodded.
"Of course. I'll try! And one last thing!" Emil gave Angelo a hearty hug. "Stay strong out there, okay? We're rooting for ya!" He winked.
"And don't try to sneak back into the house!" Leon warned. "We'll miss you, but don't do any crimes!"
Angelo laughed. "I'll do my best!"
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