#I. they put HER in hell but not rainflower??????
artaintfartwarriors · 2 years
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Girl ur in HELL?!
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Toxic Lightning Round 1: Warriors
Rainflower vs. Millie vs. Lizardstripe vs. Mapleshade
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Why they're the Worst (TM)
Basically disowned her son after he was permanently disabled due to falling in the river and smashing his jaw on a rock. Had him RENAMED after his injury (Stormkit -> Crookedkit) and said she couldn't love him because he was "ugly". Spent the rest of her life ignoring him and heavily favoring her other son and Crooked's brother. AND YET. SHE STILL GOT TO GO TO HEAVEN???
She didn’t allow him as a small child to sleep in the same nest as her and his brother, basically the cat version of throwing him out on the streets. Rainflower also forced their leader to change his name to something that reflected his disability, and once he was old enough to provide for himself effectively disowned him. This extreme emotional abuse had a huge effect on both of her sons, and caused her disabled son to literally start training in cat hell because he didn’t feel appreciated anywhere else.
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Treated her daughter's disability as a tragedy and used it as an excuse to neglect her other children. Briarlight deserved better 🔪🔪🔪
tw: cat murder)))) let the kitteh win the tournament, she pretty much just hated her kits including a foster kitten she was forced to adopt, and that foster kitten was bullied by her kits and he was blamed for it. pretty toxic mom ngl also she's a kitty look at the lil hissy girl look at her /affectionate (this also goes for rainflower too I just hate her)
Oh boy, strap in bc this one’s crazy. So, Mapleshade was a cat who died several generations before the main series began. She had kids through an illegal relationship with the man who killed her leader’s son, and she and her very young children were ultimately exiled from their Clan when the truth of their parentage was revealed. Mapleshade tried to take them across the river to their father, and all three kittens were swept away and drowned. Mapleshade then went on a grief-fueled killing spree, driven by hallucinations of her dead children urging her to kill the cats she perceived to be responsible for their deaths. Eventually, she confronted her ex and his pregnant mate (bc oh yeah, it turns out Mapleshade was the Other Woman), and the ex was killed protecting his pregnant mate. Mapleshade also died in this fight, but her hatred was so strong that she basically became a demon in cat hell and declared eternal suffering on her ex’s entire bloodline. Two generations later, the ex’s grandson breaks his jaw as a kitten and is rejected by his mother. Mapleshade swoops in as a maternal figure and promises to make the poor kid into the best warrior he can be, despite his broken jaw being a significant disability. She grooms and manipulates him throughout his entire life, and every person he loves dies horribly, one by one. Whether or not Mapleshade actually caused these deaths is unclear, but she does make Crookedstar (the cat she’s been manipulating) believe that she’s caused them. This is because when Crookedstar was a small, rejected child, she made him promise her that he would always put his Clan first. Being a kid, Crookedstar made the promise without a second thought, not realizing that Mapleshade meant that he could never be close with anyone (since that would mean putting his loved ones before his Clan). Therefore, Crookedstar thinks that every death of his loved ones is a punishment from Mapleshade, his maternal figure, for breaking the promise he made as a kitten.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
i think the reason shellheart gets passed around as Best Warriors Parent a lot is primarily because of that scene where he told his son that him fighting with rainflower wasnt his fault. its something a lot of people with argumentative caretakers will latch on to, and it was a surprisingly thoughtful thing for them to write in when usually the writers are so… bad at it (which is also why it stuck out).
that being said, shellheart being put above cats like brambleberry and echosnout is weird to me, and definitely feels like the fandom and writer misogyny at work. ESPECIALLY when you compare it brightflower asking a directed question and being temporarily PUT IN HELL for it and crucified.p by the fandom for it. i literally saw somebody call YELLOWFANG a bad mom. yknow, the woman being abused and seperaed from her child against her will who felt like her heart was shattering fiving him up and tried to support him even when raggedstar was getting between her and her son. this fandom judges moms WAY harded than dads and if shellheart was a woman people would be calling him mid
Oh he definitely has his cute moments! But you know, you're meant to like Shellheart. He's likeable by design, he's got a few cute moments to be the Good Parent in comparison to Rainflower (not that that's like a difficult task. anyone showing Crooked some Basic Decency is gonna like a saint compared to Rain-let's-involve-the-entire-clan-in-my-abuse-flower). think bonefall said it best in this post. What does the book spend time on instead? when do these scenes happen? Why are they so rare? And so on and so on.
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tx0r1a · 2 years
not to warrior post on main but I recently re-read crookedstar's promise and one thing that's going to absolutely bug me forever is why hailstar didn't just ???? NOT listen to rainflower??? about name change???
I'm absolutely against bs rule that's "Leader's word is a law" given amount of tyrannical or inexperienced cats that were put in charge but he was literally the law and rainflower was some average queen, so what the hell happened??
Is there some unspoken "parents know what's best for their kids" rule among clans or what because if it is, it's pretty disturbing if you ask me.He literally could've just say he won't do it and if rainflower started to throw tantrum he could've punish her which would be funny (unless he did this for her to stop bugging him which is still a low blow)
But nooo, instead he re-named this child one of the most cruel names in the series bc his Karen of a mother asked about it
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gregrulzok · 3 years
I swear Warrior Cats fans will be like "Mapleshade is a wonderful mom!!!" And then in the same breath turn around to yell about how Palebird was abusive.
[SPOILERS for Mapleshade's Vengeance and Tallstar's Revenge]
Mapleshade wasn't abusive by any measure but she was an extremely irresponsible parent. She lead her practically newborn children into a raging river in the middle of a storm to a territory she couldn't even be sure would accept her. It literally wouldn't have been that hard to lead them off-territory for a few days until the weather calmed, or flag down a RiverClan patrol for help, or gone to Fourtrees-- hell there's a twoleg bridge further on RiverClan's border!! But NO, she had to do it the way she wanted to.
Caring about your children isn't enough to be a good parent. If your actions and decisions directly put your child in danger - and you KNOW you're putting your child in danger - you aren't a good parent.
Meanwhile Palebird was... Never abusive. She was negligent, yes, but she was literally suffering from Postpartum depression because one of her children DIED. She loved and supported Tallkit, but she was physically unable to give him attention and affection. YES, that was very very hard on Tallkit, but it wasn't at all Palebird's fault. There was nothing she could've done. And Tallkit wasn't growing up alone, he was being taken care of by Sandgorse who, no doubt, was also grieving.
Anyway Palebird is leaps and bounds a better mother than Mapleshade, and at least neither of them are fucking Rainflower or god forBID Nightcloud.
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I swear there needs to be a trial of sorts to get into starclan. cats like
Onestar, Rainflower, skystar, Mudclaw, , and other cats could be able to redeem themselves or suffer.
Onestar is a terrible person. he did terrible things. he could sit in the dark-forest, realizing what he did was wrong. then maybe Firestar and him could talk at the border and they could make up and Onestar would be allowed into starclan.
Rainflower is a terrible person. what she did to Crookedstar is fucked. but maybe like at the end of crookedstar's promise were the comic is it could have been where when Crookedstar is about to get his lives he and Rainflower talk and Rainflower is allowed into starclan, just for a short while to give him a life. then she would get sent back to the dark-forest. then when Crookedstar dies he would convince starclan to send Rainflower back to the dark-forest. not because he forgives her. but because he doesn't want her to suffer like she made him suffer.
Skystar is a terrible person. I kind of have an au idea where Skystar is made into Cloudstar (they already look similar) so he can first-hand watch his clan get destoryed. but maybe Skystar could live in the dark-forest for a few moons, not that long. he would see One-eye and other evil cats and hate what he has become. so Thunderstar and Greywing then allow him back into the clan.
Mudclaw is a terrible person. I haven't read his manga. but I plan to buy it soon when I have the time to go to barns and noble. but I have the basic idea of it. what Mudclaw did is disloyal and against the code, not in a good way. honestly he was partly right about Onestar. but that does not give him the right to have done that. he could be in the dark-forest for a while until he and Tallstar have a long talk. they forgive each other and then Mudclaw is allowed into starclan.
anyway, sorry for another long post. I agree that Brightflower shouldn't have gone to the dark-forest though (if she really did) she did nothing wrong and was a good mother to Yellowfang. but Brokenstar manipulated her and made her think Yellowfang killed her other kits. that was the only time she snapped at her daugher and it was because of her grief.
I agree that Onestar got off too easily
esp when we consider that Juniperclaw went to hell for almost killing an entire Clan when Onestar did the exact same thing [he was going to let yellowcough kill all of ShadowClan]
in fact
Juniperclaw at least thought he was doing the right thing [he wasn't, but he was convinced he was] and Onestar literally just was upset with ShadowClan
Rainflower being in StarClan is my biggest beef with Crookedstar's Promise because after all her abuse towards him
Skystar apparently had a 'redemption'
it was rushed, poorly handled, and doesn't make up for his many, many war crimes, but the Erins don't want us to be mad at him
even though that doesn't erase the harm he did
the kits he was going to kill
the wars he started
the fact that he stood over his own brother, claws out, ready to kill him until Gray Wing started fighting back
idk if they were going to redeem him they could've done better
Mudclaw is a mixed bag
he's another Juniperclaw situation where only one cat gets punished for putting innocent lives in danger and it's written in a very anti-ShadowClan sorta way
he did believe he was doing the right thing, and technically he was in the right by accordance of the Warrior Code
but he did start a coup, attempt to kill someone who didn't have any beef with him and was betrayed by a worse evil [Hawkfrost]
but idk
I do feel Mudclaw got off a little too freely, but I do believe he could end up in StarClan
he just got there too quickly imo
long story short
cat afterlife doesn't make sense
I don't listen to anything Su Susann said about the cats in hell [esp the sudden character murdering of Lilywhisker - who, granted, was a background character without much going for her but you know what I mean]
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WAIT THEY PUT FRECKLEWISH IN HELL?! Her father deserves to be in the dark forest more than she does!
I stg this is the Lilywhisker and Brightflower thing all over again- where the Erins don’t know how to write female villains (Mapleshade was the lucky exception) so they just throw random she-cats into the DF and give the flimsiest excuses of why they’re there. “Oh you’re still mad about your kits dying? Off to hell with you with murderers and war criminals!”
When there are literally so many she-cats who could be in the dark forest that ARENT? Ummm??? Rainflower? Is right there???
It’s so confusing why she is in the dark forest when so many worse cats are in StarClan
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kurouzus · 2 years
i am thinking abt and still so mad abt that time they put brightflower in the darkforest after all the backlash they had faced for years abt rainflower making it into starclan. mostly bc brightflower Didnt Deserve To Go To Hell and because it shows they had NO grasp of Why people were mad about rainflower being in starclan. Its incredible! Truly! Rainflower had spent her sons whole life neglecting him and being cruel to him meanwhile Brightflower was a Good Mother up until the moment she attacked Yellowfang. And without context, yeah, that sounds bad! But you have to consider WHY. Like. Put yourself in Brightflowers shoes here. Your two young children have gone missing. They are found, *murdered,* bodies Still Warm, and your older daughter was standing over their bodies COVERED in their blood. All signs pointed to Yellowfang having just murdered her younger siblings. What would you do in this situation. Would you be able to control your anger and grief? Would you be able to keep your composure in front of who you believe to have just murdered your youngest children? And yet that is what got her put in the dark forest. its incredible. and like i am not saying it was ok to attack yellowfang but given all of the circumstances here most cats Would Have. but WHATEVER
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admutual · 5 years
What do you think Roger’s childhood was like up in space?
oh god , i sdknsdkj have Some hcs for his childhood ,, but my hcs are kinda messy, so i’ll try to word this the best i can.
i’ll start with his relationship with his parents since i got a Lot to say here.
for starters,, his childhood was mostly ,, hh Not Great.
his mother was controlling, emotionally abusive, neglectful, and highly manipulative. she also kept roger a shut-in most of his childhood, so roger never really gained proper social skills and had to rely on her as his only source of interpersonal contact. she had this habit of bullying him and putting him down and just destroying his self-esteem, before softening up and drawing him back in with a faux sense of compassion and gentleness (she def tried to convince him that she was the only one who could possibly love him). she was sorta a ‘zira meets mother gothel meets rainflower from warrior cats, with a little frollo mixed in’ type. she was a mess.
his dad on the other hand was emotionally distant and absent and just utterly disinterested in roger, and the few times he was around he was loud, aggressive, and prone to fits of anger. he was also highly religious and it Showed. i don’t have the actual complete details for the religion he followed, all i really have is most of my inspiration for it stems from a lot of xenofiction i read (lapine mythology from watership down, starclan from warrior cats, the spirituality from tailchaser’s song ,, i’m like physically unable to make non-human creatures without drawing inspiration from xenofiction) and that roger definitely experiences some religious trauma from him.
his parents fought a Lot. and it did a number on roger,, kinda why i like to believe he’s so desperate for drama, it’s all he’s known and the peace of quiet living is unnerving to him.
roger was desperate to be on his parents’ good sides. his mother was unpredictable in this regard in that she bounced back and forth between being gentle and kind before switching to verbal abuse and aggression. his dad though never expressed any positive feelings for roger. rog tried really hard to earn his dad’s affection, but after he got older and started to realize that that just wasn’t gonna happen, his tone toward him shifted to disdain. it definitely helped that his mother was loud in her distaste for his father too and through her aforementioned behavior managed to keep roger on her side through it all. if his mom hated someone, roger did too.
that whole thing about roger eating his dad,, ye . gonna make that Edgier let’s go. i like to imagine it was long after roger had accepted that his dad sucked, he was alone with him, he got pushed a little too far, and he just snapped, killing him. as for the cannibalism thing, that religion i mentioned earlier? i still don’t have much details, but one thing i Do know is that one important belief in this religion is how their bodies are handled after death and it’s very important that funeral services are handled accordingly,, shit like don’t touch the body with bare skin after the passing, their grave must be lined with bark and leaves from a specific type of tree, no visiting the burial site for a set period of time after burial, etc. so roger, being the dramatic extreme petty bitch he is, decided to give one last ‘fuck you’ to his dad by eating him instead to fuck up the burial process. we love taking a generic primetime sitcom and making it edgier than it needs to be.
i kinda like to imagine roger’s relationships with his parents heavily influenced his relationship with stan and francine too:
for stan’s side, roger felt that stan reminded him a lot of his own father. like i said, roger felt a heavy resentment towards his father, and after coming to earth and finding he was going to be living with someone who all too closely resembled him, he put his foot down and refused to allow himself to keel over to what felt like mistreatment from him.
when roger first started to get to know stan, all he saw in him initially was the same anger and neglect he got from his own father, and in turn went out of his way to lash out and harass him as sort of a cathartic defense. but then time went on, the two started to see each other on their own level, and roger realized how stan below the surface was far from how his dad was, and he warmed up enough to view him as a close friend. i kinda like to think roger softened up to stan after finding out about jack too, as you know he could relate to him having a shitty neglectful dad himself.
as for francine, roger was drawn to her for the opposite reason in that she was nothing like his mom. roger was a total mama’s boy back home, like i said she kept him shut-in during his childhood to where she was the only one he could rely on. even after coming to earth, roger was still under the impression that she truly loved him and he had a habit of getting overly defensive of her (klaus makes a ‘your mom’ joke and roger’s in tears screaming at him to take it back). he started to question some of her treatment towards him the longer he stayed, especially with the more families he got close to where he got to observe other people’s parental relationships, but never enough to have an epiphany that she sucked. it wasn’t until after the events of ‘weiner of our discontent’ that he finally started to actively reflect on his past life on his home planet, now that he knew he was stuck on earth to stay, and he finally accepted that his mom wasn’t good to him.
as for how this influenced his relationship with francine, like i said francine was way different from roger’s mom. initially roger was super uncomfortable every time she treated him kindly and gently. he sorta held back from getting too close for a good month or two because he didn’t know which of her behavior was genuine and what was just a facade. but time went on, he decided to trust her by letting down his guard and allowing her to get close, and now the two are as tight-knit as can be. and roger’s still a total mama’s boy with her sometimes. also the aforementioned religious trauma roger experienced,, i like to believe that also drew him closer to francine after hearing her experiences growing up. roger’s just Shared Trauma Buddies with everyone.
anyways after years of constant abuse and neglect, he eventually finds a family that loves him unconditionally and he’s finally allowed to rest. i’m a slut for the ‘earn your happy ending’ trope and i’m pushing that onto roger.
(actually one last thing ,, this isn’t a set-in-stone hc, i’m not sure if i’m gonna keep it, but i like to bounce around the idea that maybe the reason his parents were so awful to him is because they believed he was responsible for a sibling’s death. like roger when he really little was out playing on the ice, things Went Wrong and it shattered, his older sib leaped in to rescue him, but things Went Even More Wrong, and his sibling managed to save him but not themself. and his parent’s (or at least his mom since i like to imagine his dad just from the start was pretty distant) immediately placed the blame on roger and never forgave. like i said idk if i’m gonna keep it as a hc, but whatevs thought i’d mention it anyway since the topic of roger’s childhood’s brought up)
and now that that’s done, the other stuff.
i like to believe because of roger’s kind’s practice of abduction, they have a decent enough study on various other planet’s species. and roger, from a young age, immediately built up a fascination with humans. he spent hours reading and rereading every study and book he could find on them. when he was given the choice to be The Decider, it was a complete dream come true for him, not only because he found what he felt was his life’s purpose, but also because he could finally study up close a species he’s admired all his life. (also once roger landed on earth his interest in humans quickly shifted from an ‘idk i just think they’re cute and fun and interesting creatures!!’ to an ‘oh fuck . o h god … humans are Hot what the hell ….’ like i make jokes about how ‘oh haha steve’s an alien fucker lol’ but tbh ……. roger’s the alien fucker in the relationship.)
bouncing off that, they definitely don’t have english as their main language. that’s always been a trope that’s annoyed me, the whole ‘every alien just inexplicably speaks english by default and can communicate with humans fluently’ trope. because of that, i like to believe roger self-taught himself multiple languages through earthling test subjects, listening to audio recordings and such. he wasn’t completely fluent, but it was enough that he could at least communicate enough once he landed on earth. and as for the mothership featured in ‘lost in space’,, hc that it’s installed with a universal translator. still kinda a lazy cop-out i guess, but whatever.
roger’s always been ,, idk,, softer than his species. not in an ‘uwu he’s actually a total sweetheart’ kinda way, but just in that unlike most of his kind, he can experience compassion (it’s rare and his conscience is still really weak, and empathy is still completely foreign to him, but he does experience compassion for those he allows to get close to him like the smiths), he’s always been too sensitive compared to most of his kind, he’s too emotionally-driven, he latches onto others and cares to much what others think of him, just a bunch of things that to most of his peers made him come across as ‘weaker’.
roger picked his own name!! i don’t really care for the trope of aliens having generic western names, so my hc is that when roger’s kind are born they’re given a placeholder name (or a title or something) and then they’re allowed to pick whatever name they want as they get older, which often times is influenced by other species. like i said earlier, roger’s always had a fascination with humans, and i like to think he decided to name himself after an abduction victim he read up on.
once roger was able to distance himself from his mom and was allowed on his own, he was a constant traveller, both in the sense of journeying across his home planet, and in finding any way possible to travel to other planets. sitting still for too long bored him and he needed to explore every possible place he could.
liste n ,,,,, roger loved building snowmen growing up. the few times he got the chance to get out was always spent building them and creating personalities for them. and he still finds himself building them on earth sometimes.
roger’s always loved reading. he can’t count how many times he flew through all the books they had around the house. and even now he just . really loves to read and can power through massive books in a matter of hours.
he loves watching the snow fall and blizzards always brought him a lot of comfort.
that whole thing about roger’s kind being 60% electricity? roger had a lot of trouble controlling excess electricity as a kid. his parents weren’t good teachers, so he just had a habit of accidentally jolting others on accident, sometimes while reading he’d get too excited and accidentally singe the papers a little, he was always pretty shaky as a kid just from how much electricity he had coursing through his body that he had zero clue how to process safely.
roger’s tendency towards playing characters came at a young age. he was always running around the house playing pretend as multiple characters and that habit just never went away.
i like to imagine roger enjoyed building little dens in the snow to chill in. for his kind, children tend to build snow dens to function in the same way human kids build treehouses,, just to vibe with their friends. and on earth sometimes during the winter roger will decide to build a den in the backyard and spend some of his nights down there.
roger’s kind love swimming. probably one of their more popular sports, hell some of them even choose to fish for their own food in the same way seals do. roger though? terrified of the water. nowadays he’s okay with it (still prefers to avoid it for the most part though), but as a kid it was one of his worst fears.
i feel like there’s something i’m missing? idk, this is long enough though so i’ll stop jsdgndks.
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Fuck StarClan part 1
If you take StarClan and the Dark Forest interfering with the living to an extreme, you can basically put any cat's bad actions on them.
It would remove literally all of the agency these characters are given if StarClan and the dark forest interacts with them all the time. Oh, this cat did terrible things but everyone knows they were influenced by cat heaven or cat hell so did they really do those things?
I've been thinking about this for a while now but I decided to write about it because a Discord pal of mine came up with the idea that Appledusk influences Rainflower instead of Mapleshade doing so for Crookeedstar. It's a brilliant idea and would serve as an amazing motivation for why Rainflower did what she did.
But it also is a double edged sword because it takes away from the fact that it was all her. She chose to raise one kit over the other. She chose to cast her kid out after a life altering injury and ignored him to basically her deathbed. And it takes agency from the Clan, who, with the exception of the medicine cat and one of the queens, absolutely went along with rainflower. Shellheart was unique in standing up for stormkit. Literally two others did. And yeah, rainflower was the only one actively putting him down but nobody else really stopped her from doing that. Out of an entire clan literally a handful of cats insisted that she was wrong.
RiverClan indifference is mirrored again when Tigerstar takes over but that was more complicated. Crookestar's Promise was literally every single one of those "my entire clan hates or ignores me because I'm different somehow but I'm going to prove them wrong" plotlines and wow I just realized that.
What do I do with this?
Why am I so salty?
Definitely not at the idea. Rainflower deserves a novella or something because I gotta know what was going on with RiverClan of the time from an adult pov that they just let it happen. It just hit a sore spot when I theorized that could imply Rainflower could be absolved of her actions. She definitely wouldn't, but I've been thinking on cat heaven and cat hell and predetermination and prophecy so I took that to an extreme conclusion.
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nexiraptor · 6 years
Warrior cats is garbage here is why (Edited: now with racism rant)
For several years majority of us who are in this fandom have read a lot of these books and when we were young we used to praise them as great works of fiction and really cool for any cat lover so much so that we made little animated music videos of these fictional cats in their fictional world.
However it’s time for those rose tinted goggles to come off as we need to talk about how warrior cats is a garbage series and how it can be fixed but it won’t be because the Erins are not listening to us in all actuality.
Continuity what’s that?: The writer’s don’t know either
So Warrior Cats has a lot of books, I mean tons that you would think that they would have a good sense of continuity. Let me tell you something my friend continuity does not exist in these books. Some cats will have the wrong pelt colors, names will be badly spelled, and don’t get me started on characters coming back to life (Literally). The most prominent example of these continuity errors would have to be Clawface who dies in the book “Fire and Ice.” but then comes back to life a book that is between “Forest of Secrets” and “Rising Storm.” You might be asking yourself “Why are there so many continuity and mistakes in the series Catie?” Well the thing about most book series is that the authors probably have a backlog of what is canon and the continuity of the series in general.
However it seems the Erins do not have this as they seem to be writing the books very carelessly which brings a lot of problems with it. Sure this is a series for children but that does not mean you get to be lazy with your continuity or editing. Frankly if I were in charge I would have the Erins write down everything they are going to write in the future into a book for continuity sake. That way we don’t have cats being misgendered or coming back to life however there might not even be a good source of continuity when the Erins keep having different opinions over which cat becomes mates with which cat (we are going to get back to the Erin’s bickering later though) The same happened with Dovewing’s eyes and everyone threw a massive shit fit over that… Maybe in the future this problem will be fixed but lord knows that will happen....
Incest is wincest: The Erins creepy obsession with mates and incest
I don’t think I have to make this any simpler but DON’T FUCK YOUR COUSIN! I don’t think has been iterated enough to the Erins and i’m fucking impress the editor has caught only instance of this when there are several instances of this shit. The most recent which had me seething was Ivypool and Fernsong, we literally had an arc about pretty much how Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovewing are all kin of Firestar and that Ivypool (Dovewing’s sister) and Fernsong (Lionblaze’s son) are literally cousins! Like not even distant cousins! Yet Kate Cary did not find that a little weird… We then have Dustpelt and Ferncloud who are related (Dustpelt being Ferncloud’s uncle) Let us not forget that Willowpelt and Patchpelt who are SIBLINGS also be come mates and had Greystripe. Oh and don’t get me started on how Sandstorm’s half brother was hitting on her daughter! You could always put in the notion “But Catie they are just cats what is wrong with incest.” and I have to say that we can’t keep crying that when this is a fantasy in which cats are organised, have their own religion, and have their own myths and traditions. These are anthropomorphized cats and this is also a children’s book. The Erins should not have so much incest in a children’s book of all things but they have done much worse so I don’t put it against them.
However let's talk about the near graphic depictions of childbirth these books have. These authors have a weird obsession over pregnant cats and giving us wonderful imagery of these cats giving birth. Like think about it for a split second how many graphic depictions of birth do you read in a warrior cats book. However the weird thing about the Erins is how the she cats keep getting younger when they get pregnant have y’all noticed that. Violetshine who was just named a warrior suddenly gets pregnant and has kids. Mothflight who was a brand new medicine cat gets pregnant as well and has some kits. (Mothflight is probably the worst mother though because she gave away a kit who literally drowned and might have PTSD to a clan that swims like it would be interesting to see where that goes but I doubt the Erins would ever go down that path) there is also Star Flower who is impregnated by Clear Sky and his son Thunder was lusting over this she cat and it’s really weird and I don’t get it…
Either way the Erins are very creepy with this stuff and let’s just leave it at that (Of now…)e
Death of the author: The Erins should not dictate canon unless it’s in the books:
Time to get to the most important point in this whole entire rant that is address to the wiki in particular. It’s time to commit to death of the author because if we want to determine what is canon and what is not we need to do this action.
To the people who have no idea what “Death of the author.” is it’s when we decide that what the authors say outside of the books should not be canon because these writers are doing nothing but harm if we keep having their words be the word of gospel because from what you can tell the Erins are not that good with continuity and have even started several fan wars. One of the most prominent examples of when we needed to commit “Death of the author” the most though was with warriors superfan Su Susan. Su Susan helped fill the wiki pages however giving a super fan that much power is going to lead to a lot of wars between fans and we already have enough to bicker about. Yeah it’s interesting to see who Swiftpaw’s siblings are or who the rest of Princess’s kits are but if you give a superfan the power to change possible canon then it becomes a problem and what makes me a little ticked off is that a wiki that is suppose to give us official information followed this superfan’s word which is a giant problem.
You guys have to be more critical of what you accept what is canon and what is not guys or else we are going to face even more problems in the warriors fandom in general.
The part where I talk about Ableism from the Erins
Yeah not fancy title here because what the erins do to disabled cats is kind of disgusting. The cats who have disabilities in this book series really get shit on like a lot. Then again it does not help that the first disabled cats we meet are named One-eye and Halftail. That’s not even the beginning of all of the bad names these cats get for having a disability we got Deadfoot, Crookedjaw, White-eye, Runningnose, and Lostface. Most of these are renames too like what is with these leaders and allowing these names to exist or should I say why is the editor allowing this shit in the first place? Sure most of these guys get high ranks and that’s fine but do they have to have such awful names and don’t get me started on Rainflower and how badly she treated Crookedstar. Even worse is probably Brokenstar who got ridiculed by his whole entire clan for having a broken tail like why do the Erins write this shit… Let’s not forget all the disable cats that became medicine cats. The most prominent being Cinderpelt and Jayfeather one being crippled by a car and the other being blind.
It would have been so interesting to have a cat like Cinderpelt despite her injuries rise up and become a warrior after he leg injury because that would have showcased a strong female character despite her being crippled by a car instead what do the Erins do? “Let’s make her a medicine cat and then reincarnate her and then not even do that and just let her spirit be possessed by this cat.” Oh yes that’s definitely what I want to see instead of something empowering to give to all of the female audiences that are reading this series which seems to be the majority of warrior cats fans!
Then there is Jayfeather who is blind and pretty much get shucked into the role of medicine cat apprentice which fucking sucks because a blind warrior would have been a cool concept as well. Like imagine all these cool concepts that could have happened in warriors but did not because The Erins didn’t even think of the possibility. Another possibility for a blind warrior before even Jayfeather would have been Longtail but that was also wasted potential too. Then we finally get to the most wasted potential and possible good representation for disabled people if The Erins had not killed her off Briarlight. Briarlight is pretty much oozing with potential to be a good storyline about a warrior who overcomes her disability and helps her clan in some way. Hell you could have made her a mediator it would have been a perfect role for her as it would give Briarlight something to do besides be the medicine cat assistant. Then in the most “Fuck you.” moment they kill her off because of course we can’t have a cat with such a crippling disability be useful… I also forgot to mention Snowkit who was deaf but didn’t matter if would get a deaf warrior who could possibly use sign language let’s just send a hawk in to kill the kit!
This is how ableist the Erins are when they won’t let us have any good representation when they won’t let a fully blind cat be a warrior or even a deaf cat. However it seems The Erins don’t seem really into that and would rather have warriors be normal cats without any disabilities which is wrong.
She cats are dispensable: The Erins are sexist
Yes despite there being a lot of women in the writing process of this series the series seems to really love killing off mainly she cats. (This also might be why we keep getting a lot of incest) There are very few she cats that really live for a very long time hell sometimes they will even kill off she cats with major storylines off book or you will find out about their deaths in their super editions or novellas if you read those. The most notorious currently is Leafpool in the most recent novel as we barely get any mention of her at all and yet her death has impacted the clans but when you don’t let us see her die or even let us say goodbye to a character until another couple of months people are going to get pissed. Hell Hollyleaf’s death was another example of people getting pissed at the Erins as you just introduced her in one book only to kill her off in the next. Needletail who should have been a way more prominent character in Vision of Shadows gets killed off way too early as well as I believe she did not get enough character development for me to really like her all that much. Silverstream, Spottedleaf, Ferncloud, and Sorreltail are probably the most prominent of characters that should not have died so soon because there could have been some interesting plot development with these cats.
Even Bramblestar in Bramblestar’s storm talks about there are very few she cats left in his clan. Maybe it’s because The Erins just keep killing she cats who have potential to be good characters if they didn’t keep shanking them with their writing knives. It’s disgusting how many times we get she cats who are strong and powerful who then get shanked by the Erins everytime the plots needs to move on. Sandstorm was killed off to “Lessen the load.” Spottedleaf was killed off so “Firestar did not have to choose in starclan.” Hollyleaf did because “She made the ultimate sacrifice.” these deaths are preventable and provide nothing to the reader at all but disappointment and anger.
We still have some interesting she cats like Mothwing, Tawnypelt, Mistystar, and Squirrelflight but lord knows when they are going to get the knife as well…
You are going to love these characters: Erins have made some really bad characters
Welcome to the several hundred take on why Ashfur is a bad character for so many reasons even though I can now do you a couple better. Let’s just start with Ashfur because he is one of the easier cats to point out The Erin’s shit writing. First of all Ashfur starts out as friends with Squirrelflight and they get close but I think we all knew she was going to end up with Bramblestar eventually. However instead of acting like a normal person during a breakup Ashfur goes straight to 11. Ashfur sets up a trap to MURDER Squirrelflight’s father and when that didn’t work he tried to murder her adopted children (Another thing The Erins seem to hate is adopted families) still Ashfur goes to Starclan because he “Loved too much.” you can clearly see the problem here… How about a cat who complains about their fucking leg being crushed DARK FOREST BITCH that’s what happened to Lilywhisker when one The Erins confirmed that but was quickly revoked because that gives us even more questions about Starclan and whoever is judging the cats up there needs a fucking intervention.
Onestar fucking Onestar… there is so much wrong with this cat that even I was like “Mudclaw would have been a better leader than this asshole.” Onestar decides to be mates with a random kittypet and then when it’s time to move he doesn’t allow his son to be in the clans and prevent pretty bad disaster from happening. Demanded more than he rightfully deserved because of his status as a leader and being a general dick to Firestar along with dissing him off. You expect me to accept his apology for doing all of this shit only for him to drown to death and calling it “Heroic.” fuck no Erins Onestar deserved that because he no longer was leading that clan because Onestar is the worst character in the warrior cats series because The Erins decided to shit on Onestar’s character I would rather read a fanfic where Mudclaw was leader cause he probably would not be doing this shit.
Spottedleaf’s Heart: The worst book in warriors so far
Alright let’s rip the bandage off because you all knew this book was going to come into the discussion some how and we need to talk about this like grown people because this is where I pretty much stopped reading the series. Vicky who wrote the book as written a book where the lesson that was learned here was “It’s okay to groom a child and force them down a path they don’t want to go on.” This book is the worst offender of how shitty The Erins are in my opinion when they themselves even after Vicky left did not denounce this awful book and made it noncanon because frankly this book is the only book in my opinion that I am convinced is non canon because of how disgusting it is. Vicky retired when this book got the much need criticism and backlash it needed but sadly because Vicky retired we will probably never get a statement about possibly making this one story non canon because frankly children should not be reading that kind of stuff especially when it is written so poorly.
So just to summarize The Erins are currently saying “Child grooming is okay.” to their readers and not even think “Hey maybe we should have Spottedpaw talk to a grown up about this stuff and maybe get her out of this situation” that would have been a great idea but no body decided that was a good idea.
The tribe of racism: How The Erins are really fucking racist
This is an edited in part because after thinking it through and someone having opened my eyes about this I was shocked that I did not think about this when I initially posted the essay. Let’s talk about racism in the warrior cats series.
The clan cats will be coded white
The tribe cats coded native american
Bloodclan coded African american
Susan and Jacques coded hispanic
other rogues, loners, and kittypets can be coded as other minorities as well.
Now warrior cats has a white savior complex because The Tribe cats cannot defend themselves without the clan cats apparently because they had to be saved from a giant lion and a bunch of rogues along with there being a panic over who the next leader should be. The Erins pretty much wrote native Americans as “Confused defenceless people who don’t know what to do against really bad threats.” despite surviving for 60 YEARS. I would love to see a book on the tribe being strong cats but The Erins don’t want to do that as it would be “Too boring and there would be few cats.” like wtf Erins the tribe of rushing would be very interesting and would introduce us to different customs maybe even learn about how their religion works. When we do get a POV of a tribe of rushing water cat they all immediately leave the mountains to go to the forest so we can’t have a proper POV of the Tribe of rushing water’s life.
Bloodclan though has a very different problem from The tribe of rushing water. These guys are coded black as they seem to have some sort of organized gang and judging by how racist the Erins are it would not be too far from the case to believe that they are an African american street gang/mafia (They could also be a form of an Italian mafia as well which is still bad) however the gang after being led from their city to the clan territory they are quickly killed off by the “Superior clan cats.” who once again are coded white. You can see where this is going the white people killing off and disbanding an African American street gang. If this sounds familiar that’s because it happened to the black panther party a group of African Americans who wanted to defend themselves only to be killed off and tortured by the very white government. 
Now you can argue with me that Jaques and Susan are not hispanic however they are pretty much very muscular and are bullies to the clan cats. They also killed Talonpaw and are then confronted by the clans and are quickly defeated. These two kittypets while this is going to be a stretch are most likely based on the hispanic stereotype of how they are quick to anger and are super macho. As secrets of the clans states “They are both Hostile and dangerous, with no warrior code to guide their actions.”
Then there are the rogues, loners, and kittypets who the very white clans constantly insult and are pretty terrible to despite their kindness. The only clan that is very accepting of rogues and even lets them stay in their camp in Windclan. Even cats who originally did not have racial prejudice suddenly have it and get very angry over having to welcome a new warrior in (Oh no more people to help you defend your clan how terrible!) All in all The Erins are pretty racist writers which is great to stack up with the other shit they have done as well...        
In Conclusion
The Erins currently are really bad writers and as it currently stands people. I recommend to stop reading the warrior cats series as I believe it’s only going to get worse from here. I would instead focus my attention at fan works which have a far better continuity and even though there are some great books after Dawn of the clans I think Dawn of the clans is like the best ending to read and warriors and the Erins should have stopped there and then just did super editions and novellas.
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Tbf, I feel like putting adora crellin up against ANYONE is hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby, but what’s so infuriating about Rainflower is the complete lack of consequences for her actions (other than cat divorce). She’s still respected by her Clanmates, her leader actually goes along with her crusade against poor Crookedkit by renaming him (when he could’ve easily said no), her ex-husband and other son are devastated when she dies, and SHE GOES TO HEAVEN. In contrast, one of the cats in cat hell is there bc she didn’t save three children from drowning, when she herself couldn’t swim, and another is there for ATTEMPTED poisoning. Like, only three cats in the entire book acknowledge how terrible Rainflower is, and one of those cats is Crookedstar himself.
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Ngl when I first heard that Frecklewish was in the Dark Forest, I thought it was a mistake considering how inconsistent the wiki and the family tree is But it's not the Erins had to make a fricken page about and I'm pissed
yeah it's just
really infuriating
especially when they claim to have noticed what the fans were saying and then literally repeating things that fans had been debunking ever since they realized that Frecklewish was in the Dark Forest
and another thing that gets me is them saying they checked the forums and
no offence
as someone who was on those forums like
ages ago
if it's the forums I think it is
that place is a toxic cesspool filled with legitimate Mapleshade apologists / people who believe she should be in StarClan, people who have the most vile and uncomfortable hatred for Squirrelflight to the point it boils down to actual sexism, and where I found some of the worst Thistleclaw defenders
also the place where I recall a forum thread where someone argued that LGBT+ cats weren't realistic and people gatekeep the fandom often
and then they say that but they don't address how there are worse cats who are in StarClan as we speak does nothing but make my blood boil
then they brush it off like "oh, but ig you can believe StarClan made a mistake" and bringing up ASHFUR
there's also the argument that - if assuming that cats who are more equip to swim as compared to you from a land-dwelling Clan gets you sent to hell, why aren't more cats in hell?
I know I rambled about this in my original post, too, but them saying she was complacent in the deaths of the kits and mis-telling what happened in Mapleshade's Vengeance by mentioning all this spite and head in Frecklewish's heart that cannot be read in the original context of the book [in fact, we see more of the opposite]
then why isn't half of arc 1 ShadowClan in hell? No one but a few select cats fought to save the kits from Brokenstar's abuse
why isn't Rainflower, who horribly neglected one of her sons, or Lizardstripe, who refused to feed a kitten and made him feel absolutely unwanted [even allowing her own kits to harass him]
why isn't Oakstar himself, who not only was the one to banish Mapleshade, but also potentially put kittypet kits in harm during his raids on twolegplace all because these much weaker cats were just simply curious about the forest?
what about Russetfur, Rowanclaw, and Cedarheart, who had left Berrykit stuck in a fox trap and did nothing but laugh and jeer? He was still a young kit at that point!
fucking Raggedstar, who killed without needing to and lied through his teeth - the same Raggedstar who gaslit Yellowfang about the murder of Hal, who joined in to mocking her whenever she wanted to help Sagewhisker, who emotionally and mentally ab*sed her and then claimed he loved her, who would lash out at her when he was upset and then proceed to give her the cold shoulder?
why do these cats get to go to StarClan? I understand they want to say StarClan is flawed, but some of these flaws run so much deeper than others to the point where it's actually fucking concerning
how is Frecklewish worse than any of these cats? these horrible cats who, even if one if just an author statement, are all enjoying a rather undeserved paradise?
but what did we expect?
these are the same website runners who decided that Vicky was wrong in saying certain things were no longer canon and implementing the very controversial Su Susann headcanons
the same people who, in their post about Frecklewish, linked back to the post all about who they are [Behind The Scenes At Warrior Cats HQ] as in weird sort of "we're in charge so you have to listen to what we say" manner
I'm going to stay mad at this and the moment the website allows me to log on I'm reacting to that post very negatively
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🌝 I want the rants…
Most bullshit moments;
- one big one that's been getting me lately is literally everything that's happened to Dovewing in OotS Lion and Jay steal her childhood and isolate her socially for a long time, only using her for her powers the moment she's a young adult, everyone tries to pressure her to marry this guy she doesn't even love who she only sees as a friend but no one cares how she feels and the guy she does have romantic feelings for treated her like shit and was gaslighting her for a long time
Dove deserved better
- the "couldn't think of a power" for Hollyleaf I get writing can be hard, but the excuse that Holly's powers were dormant would've been cooler imo Dove could've been the fourth in the end
- Finleap Fuck Finleap Fuck everything he did to Twigbranch and then his half-assed apology
- how StarClan - including Spottedleaf - treated Leafpool throughout her relationship with Crow and her pregnancy they constantly go back and forth on and her and then put on trial years after she had that omen that she was going to have three kits and it just feels really bullshitty
- all the in-universe sexism which again not a can of worms I'm gonna open, but I will point to it aggressively until I have the nerve to turn all my thoughts into words
- how Millie treated Briarlight
- also all the in-universe ableism while I'm thinking about it
- all the cool, forgotten facts that we never see again like come on what the fuck I want the Great Clans, I want Warrior Cats Olympics, I want more than we get
- Ashfur in StarClan + people saying Thistleclaw [even pre SpH] deserved to be in StarClan
- Frecklewish being in hell, but the worse Oakstar, Rainflower, Raggedstar, and Sandgorse get heaven.
I know it only asked for on, but I gave a small list of things that bother me cause I couldn't really put them in any sort of order to say what I consider the most bullshit
so enjoy the list
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