#I....may use some of this content in the game at some point 👀
promitto-amor · 11 months
Should Something Happen
Pairing: Mark Hoffman x You
Summary: While working as Jigsaw Apprentices, Amanda spoils some quality bonding time between yourself and Hoffman.
Warnings: Cursing!
Might this actually be a little bit of fluff? I wanted to do something involving the main Jigsaw crew and a protective Hoffman. 👀
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Perhaps the only aspect of being an apprentice Mark enjoyed was the opportunity to work alongside you. Every trap crafted, every game played and every eventual death led Mark one step closer to his freedom. A life no longer in servitude for an impulsive act of vengeance. Mark had always struggled to quell his impulsiveness. It made him good in the field, Mark had earned a fair share of promotions for his quick actions, but his greatest mistake had cost him almost a year of servitude to Jigsaw himself. Until his sentence was up, until mark could be certain both John Kramer and his helper monkey were dead, he would carry out his part in the games with minimal complaint. In the meantime, he could find a steady contentment in watching the slackened, dream-like expression on your face as you fiddled with some shards of broken glass. 
“Careful,” Mark finds himself saying, “It’s not intended to spill your blood.”
You drop the shards back into the glass coffin and wander back to the workbench you’ve commandeered as a desk, “There’s so many traps,” You whine and if it were anyone else Mark would be grinding his teeth together. You flip your notebook onto a fresh page, “Who is this one for again?”
“I try not to make a habit of remembering names.” Mark answers, “Once you name something you get attached.”
You nod, “You’re right.” You pick up your pencil and hover it over the page. “Sadly I don’t have that luxury.” Mark keeps one eye on you as he cleans up his workbench, placing a set of screwdriver heads back in their assigned places. You think for a couple more minutes, your expression growing more pained till you drop the pencil again. “How can I write the tape for someone I know barely anything about?”
“Don’t ask me,” Mark says. “I’ve never been one for words.”
You give him a shrewd look, as if confirming his words. “You have special uses.” You say, jumping off your stool and heading over to a stack of boxes, freshly delivered.
“Oh yeah, like what?”
You send him a small smile, “Brawn, muscle, inside info…” 
“Is that all I am?” Mark can’t help the flicker of irritation he feels, “A meathead?”
“No,” You return to him, catching on you may have offended him. “You…” A couple teeth sink into your lip, “You’re the only one whose behaving.” 
Mark glances towards the open door, connecting the room to the rest of the Nerve Gas House, “Go on.”
You turn cagey, “Ever since Mexico…”
“Ah,” Mark nods, “Say no more.”
“I don’t like what I’ve been hearing.” You admit, “The aim of all this was never revenge.”
“Was it not?” Mark enjoys how your head lifts up to meet his gaze, “Was that not why you got mixed up in all this?”
You fix him with eyes of steel, “Maybe…” You admit, “But not anymore. Seems we’re cut from the same cloth, Detective.”
Mark likes how you say his title, pronouncing every syllable distinctly, “You don’t know me. Not really.”
“Maybe we should work on that?”
Something gives a leap inside Mark. Before he can answer you’re back at the delivery boxes and Amanda is thudding through the door. Her steel toe capped boots echo on the wood, little patches of dust springing up where she steps. She pauses on catching Mark stood in the centre of the room, “Admiring my work?” She asks, tilting her head.
“I thought John made this one?” You pipe up, before Mark can.
“He did.” Mark confirms, “That’s why this one has some refinement.”
“But it was my idea to add the…” Amanda’s points to the walls and then places her hands a couple inches apart. She presses them together slowly, applying pressure. The visual is enough for Mark to look away.
You busy yourself with the boxes again, “There’s nothing but syringes.” You take out one to show the two apprentices.
Mark tosses you a pair of gloves, “Put them on, they probably aren’t clean.”
You make a face and drop the syringe you’re holding, “Great. I’m going to need a check-up after this.”
“Be thankful you’re not the poor bastard diving in there.” Amanda smirks, heading over to inspect the coffin trap. “Is this one done yet?”
“Just needs a couple tests,” Mark says. “Any volunteers?”
“You first.” Amanda holds her arms up as if she’s a presenter, “Get in there, Detective.”
“What about you, babe?” Amanda slinks over to you and throws an arm around your shoulders, “The glass isn’t in yet, it’ll be like taking a good nap.”
“Stop trying to scare her.” Mark’s voice comes out with more bite than he expected. 
Amanda’s eyes flash, “Why you protective all of a sudden, Hoffman?”
Mark would never confess to the bitch before him, but he’s made a mistake and Amanda knows it. “We’re not testing anything without John here.”
Amanda makes a noncommittal noise.
“If John approves it, I’ll test it.” You offer, “I trust him.” Amanda jumps back into performance mode, “Aren’t they precious?”
“If you put this on.” You gingerly remove from another box a very familiar contraption and hold it out for Amanda to see. Mark grins behind Amanda’s back. He can just picture the colour draining from her face. Amanda doesn’t move as you walk past her with the Reverse Bear Trap in hand, “Very funny.” She calls, trying to reclaim some of her bravado.
“I thought so.” You counter, placing the device on the workbench.
Amanda’s scowl only becomes more prominent the longer she stares at her old trap, “Why is that here?” “Inventory.” You supply, “Or so I’m guessing.”
“Something old can always be re-used.” John wheels himself into the room. Wheelchair bound, he surveys the glass coffin standing pride of place in the middle of the room. “Is Laura’s test finished?”
“Almost,” Mark busies himself with checking over the gears situated behind the coffin.
“Laura,” You repeat, scribbling something on your pad. “I couldn’t for the life of me remember.”
John appears amused at your choice of words, “Writer’s block?” You look up as John wheels himself over to you. The Reverse Bear Trap is sat just a few feet away, Mark doesn’t like how close you are to something so barbaric. With you showing John your tape speeches and Mark still preoccupied with the gears, Amanda sulks in the middle. She makes her way over to Mark’s toolbox and grabs a wrench, right in John’s line of sight. Mark thinks it’s pathetic behaviour, how co-dependent she’s become since Mexico. He can see that your worries were justified. She makes her way over to the trap, but Mark has left her with nothing to do.
“There’s one glaring issue I see with this entire game,” You say in a low voice. You glance over to Amanda, “Won’t they all get suspicious if every one of them has a trap but her?”
“What did you say?”
“Amanda,” John cautions as his apprentice as she wheels round on the spot.
“I just worry that something will happen.” You say, closing your notebook and leaning against the workbench. “Are you really betting on all them failing and Daniel just being the last one left alive?”
“He doesn’t have a trap either.” Amanda points out, “I’m not the only one.”
“He isn’t being tested.” John states simply, “That is why you are there, Amanda. To protect him.” He turns back to you, “Nor is Amanda being tested.”
‘I still think we should put something in there.” You hold up your hands, “I think it’s foolish to leave it to chance.”
“Not if you can predict the outcome.”
Mark has heard it all before from John Kramer. He knows your attempts are futile, so he finishes up his work on the coffin and with nothing else to do, makes his way to the door. “I’m done for the night.”
“Thank you, Mark.” John says, “The game begins tomorrow. I presume you’ll be in position?”
“On the monitors.” He nods.
He’s been excused. Mark should go home and rest up for a long day ahead tomorrow. But he can’t quite bring himself to leave. John has resumed helping you with writing out the tape for the trap, but Mark doesn’t like how Amanda won’t leave the two of you alone. Her new behaviour has made him protective. Mark would have liked you to finish up at the same time as him. Perhaps he could offer to drop you home and they could work on getting to know each other.
“You want to put me in that.”
You, John and Mark all turn to Amanda, “What?” You ask.
Amanda nods, “That.” She points to the Reverse Bear Trap, “You want that to be my test. You want me to do it again?”
John glances imperceptibly to Mark. He swallows, so John shares their concern about his favourite apprentice. “Do you know how stupid you sound?” Mark cuts in, taking up what he hopes is a casual position beside you. “Everyone knows you already escaped it. 24/7 news coverage.” You’re still leaning against the workbench as Amanda walks around it, her eyes fixed on you as if you were prey. 
“It’s not a bad idea,” You taunt, “Some poetic justice”, but Amanda doesn’t find it clever. 
She shoves the Reverse Bear Trap toward you, “You don’t deserve to be here.” She hisses. Mark swears he can hear a ticking sound as you brace your arms on the table, “Of all the people to win, it had to be you didn’t it?” “Fair and square.” You return and Mark finds himself wondering for the umpteenth time just what your own game was. Before Amanda, before Mark himself joined Jigsaw, you were tested and won. His eyes fall on the scar on your neck, all that remains of your own brush with death.
“Use your brain,” You counter and your face is far too close to the trap as you glare back at Amanda Young. “You’d have to wake up in it, or someone would have to put you in it. I don’t think either of those are going to work in this game.”
“How about you wake up in it, you bitch?”
Mark’s hands snake around your middle and yank you back just as the trap rips open with a loud bang. The ferocity makes both you and Amanda jump. You would have fallen off your stool if not for Mark’s chest breaking your fall. He can feel the sharp breaths you take as the Reverse Bear Trap cools down and lies dormant once more.
“Amanda, take the trap and put it in my office.” John says. His apprentice turns wide, teary eyes on him, but John’s face is expressionless. “Now.”
She obeys instantly, taking the trap and striding out of the room.
Mark slides you back onto your stool, “Thank you.” You murmur, hand jumping instinctively to your neck.
“Are you alright?” John asks and you nod. Mark can see right through you, he could feel the tremors of your body against his. That was a close call. 
“She’s out of line, John.” Mark says, “I don’t know what the fuck happened over there, but it’s messed with her.”
“Amanda will be fine.” John insists, “She will play her part, so long as she isn’t provoked.” You nod, understanding your own fault but Mark refuses to admit to his own. “Now Detective, I believe we’re finished here. I will see you both tomorrow for the final preparations.”
Mark watches John wheel himself out. The moment he’s gone you rest your forearms on the workbench and place your head on them. You let out a deep sigh. Mark’s never been good at consoling anyone. It’s just not what he does. Not since Angelina…
He spots your fallen notebook and places it beside you, “Need a ride home?” “I don’t think I want to go home.” You say, your voice weak.
“You don’t want to stay here.” Mark says, “You can’t anyway. They all…arrive tomorrow.”
“How can you do that?” You lift up your head, “How can you willingly put people in here knowing they will probably die?” Mark meets your eyes, “I convince myself they deserve to suffer.”
“You don’t lie awake thinking about it?”
“No,” He’s being honest. “I think it’s one less shitty person out there.”
“Then you must think that about me.” You push some hair out of your eyes and wrap your arms around yourself. “I’m not…you know what I did-“
“And you know what I did.” Mark takes you by your forearms, “Do you think I’m a monster?”
Your eyes dart around the room and then land on the glass coffin, “Sometimes.” Mark allows himself time to digest that, it isn’t what he wanted to hear. But your hands come to rest on his own forearms and then you’re pressing your forehead into his chest, “But you make me feel safe. You help me.”
He didn’t expect to earn such close proximity again, this time deliberately. Mark pulls you closer, your hands slide up to rest on his chest and Mark curses his choice to remain in a jacket. Your warmth is tantalising as it seeps into him. Mark tucks you into his large frame and winds his arms back around you.
It feels good to be wanted.
With your face smushed into him, Mark rests his head atop yours. He doesn’t know what else he can do, so he lets his eyes close. “We can look out for each other.” He proposes, “Should something happen.”
“I’d like that.”
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exo-raskreia · 4 months
More on Utahime's potential in the Shinjuku Showdown Arc
So, GOJO HAS RISEN 🥳 (potentially). We'll see in the next chapter or so 😥. There are several ways this could've happened. In this post, however, I will mostly focus on Utahime.
(My reaction to chapter 260 at end of post)
Chapter 259 once again showcased flashbacks of the other characters strategizing against Sukuna, except for Gojo, Utahime, Gakuganji & Ijichi. At this point, one's inclined to believe that team was up to something during the time-skip. It's getting too obvious now.
In this post, I talked about Utahime's potential role in Gojo's revival and/or maybe have another equally important role in this arc.
While some ideas still stand, I thought of some others.
• One of my delulu theories was that Utahime & team could summon Sukuna with his 20th finger to a new vessel (maybe back to Yuuji) or maybe do something else with it, & I just got the idea that what if it's with Nobara's help? With Todo's return & the strange imagery in that recent MV for the opening of the Phantom Parade mobile game, "Avant" by Eve, which potentially foreshadows Gojo's return, & even shows Nobara's Straw Doll CT, Sukuna's new domain, etc., could it be Nobara will return as well? Could she use her Resonance on Sukuna's 20th finger, as it was revealed in 259 that Yuuji's & Sukuna's souls are still connected? (As of right now, it's possible Yuuta may be storing the finger inside Rika, so I wonder about the retrieval of it...)
Another possibility is what if they were doing something with the Prism Realm? That MV showed a bunch of those boxes with creepy eyes, like Sukuna's... What if Gojo's "special training" that he mentioned in 223 had to do with that? Like, maybe his team found a way to train in the box, as time flies differently? Or they were figuring out a way to seal Sukuna? In that same MV, we see paper seals on the boxes, so what if Utahime, as a shrine maiden, made them? Is it possible the team found or created more than one Prism, or something similar?
One thing that worries me is that the only ones who know about Yaga's secret CT are Gakuganji & Gojo. It hasn't been brought up again so... Were they planning something with that? Related to Gojo or maybe Nobara? I don't like the implications, though...
Because of that lingering connection between Sukuna & Yuuji, it seems like Sukuna was able to be a step ahead of everyone due to seeing/sensing all the sorcerers' plans that Yuuji had been a part of during the time-skip. Now, we know that Todo had kept his comeback secret from Yuuji so as not to alert Sukuna. Which could mean...that Utahime's CT was also kept a secret from Yuuji.
Sukuna still doesn't know about it. We know that Yuuji never knew about it while harboring Sukuna, & it seems that this was kept from him even during the time-skip? So, it means that he had no idea what Gojo was planning for his initial attack nor what else he was potentially doing during the time-skip.
Was this Gojo's idea? Did he just want to show off their 200% Hollow Purple? Is it because Utahime is a trump card? And/or is it to protect Utahime? (oof, Gojo, if that's so, we see u~ 👀)
To add to this, we got some recent content that makes me wonder if something regarding Utahime's character may actually happen. This is all mere wishful thinking speculation, of course.
• In the upcoming JJK exhibition (summer 2024), Gege is releasing some rough drafts from the manga & will apparently elaborate on his creative process when making them. One of them is the "You cryin'?" scene from chapter 65.
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Out of all his rough drafts, he chose this one as one of the main ones for promo... 👀
In the original text here, Gojo said, "You're weak, so don't go on business trips too often." /OR "You're weak, so don't push yourself too hard."
(translation varies. Here, here, & here for further context)
The text seems to imply that Gojo didn't want Utahime to go so far away for missions (she was 3 hours away by train from Tokyo), or that she shouldn't take on such dangerous missions. Is it because he wouldn't be able to get to her sooner if she needed help, since at the time, he couldn't teleport yet? 👀
Gege changed it to "I came to save you" in the official release. Why, though? We could still tell Gojo was worried for Utahime due to him leaving the supervisor & his teammates behind to go save her from the mansion, forgetting to put up the curtain, & using Blue (which at the time, was exhausting to use) while managing to leave her unscathed. Did Gege think Gojo's concern for Utahime would be too obvious with the original text, though? 😏
• The characters got some updates on their profiles for the upcoming 4th character popularity poll. However, while most of the others got some slight changes, Utahime's only reiterates that she's a very good singer.
(Used Google Translate)
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(We wish Gege would just give us more info on her but oh well 😮‍💨...)
Even this article finds the brief description strange.
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Why did Gege bring this up again? Why not simply say she's a very good dancer instead, as we now know? He had said in the 2021 fanbook that her singing is a huge part of her CT, but we have yet to see it in action (unless the chanting for her 120% counted?). Some people had already lost hope that we'd get it, so is he implying that it's still something to look forward to? That her VA, Yoko Hikasa's singing talent, won't actually go to waste in the future? That Utahime still has a role to play? 👀
• On April 2, in order to commemorate Vol. 26 of the manga (containing infamous chapter 236), Shounen Jump uploaded a lofi video to their official YouTube channel in which we see edited versions of Gojo's memories. These mysterious edits have made people theorize that Gojo's memories have become a distorted mess in his brain, which is implied to be damaged in his (potentially) current state between life & death.
Utahime & Shoko appear with Gojo in one of the images.
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Both girls have been theorized to help bring back Gojo. Utahime seems to be the focal point here, however, while Shoko is more in the background. Her appearance is that of her & Gojo's phone call scene, which had lasted 3min 41s in the anime (341, guys). Why is Utahime more prominent to him here, instead of his former teammate & closest friend?
(Full delulu) Could this be foreshadowing that Utahime will be the one to call Gojo back from the airport? That she will use her singing to reach him? Lure him like a siren or something? Or, like I said before in my aforementioned delulu post, does her singing have healing abilities?
Got the idea from this post that in the edit, it's like Gojo's heading (north) towards the girls, & since Utahime is at the center (of Gojo's distorted memory, mind u 😌), could it be implying she really will be the key to help guide him back? While Shoko is busy healing him?
AND SO...onto chapter 260:
(Gege, u better not be playing... Sukuna better not be hallucinating or smth...😑)
Right now, the Binding Vow theory seems the most popular, & while I don't like it, it's still possible. However, would this discredit the theory that Shoko healed him? And/or that Utahime buffed her? Maybe not. Shoko did say in 258 that the efficacy of her RCT can depend on the person's body/CE being healed. So, would Gojo have had to give up something, like his right eye, in order for Shoko's RCT to work, in case his CE was rejecting hers? 🤔😓
Gege will explain what's going on in the next chapters. As Gojo's return does seem rather sudden & random, it's possible it may not be official YET, but it doesn't mean it won't happen. So if this is a fluke, I do believe Gojo will return at a crucial moment.
Whether it was/will be thru a BV or with outside help, we will see. Either way, this also means that Utahime is coming back!! We'll finally see her again!! Where there is Gojo, there is Utahime. WE'RE GETTING THAT FLASHBACK, TRUST. Incredible how Gege timed this so closely with last year's chapter 222 in May, in which Gojo gets unsealed, & then in 223, Utahime reappears after a long absence WITH him. WILL GEGE DO THIS AGAIN? OH, MAN-
Ok, I know I'm fully delulu & Gege may go against all our expectations in the next chapter or so, so I'll try to keep them low. We'll see... He's not off the hook yet... 😕😫
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steamberrystudio · 10 months
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Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for Steamberry stuffs!
Finished writing all routes up through the end of chapter 9
Started working on editing for now
Added in-game achievements
Received some new BG art
Okay, so writing-wise, I wrote Yren's content up through the end of chapter 9. Also revamped my end-route summaries for Yren and Raif.
The current word count is 426,000 words.
But I decided to hold off on finishing the endings for the four remaining routes. The main reason for this is that I have planned a lot of early-story changes that are going to shift the trajectory of the route endings. And I was really struggling with how to construct the route endings with those planned changes in a more nebulous state.
I usually try to avoid working out of order because I find it is not conducive to forward progress. But there are some points when you have to break the rules and go back to make important edits because you need them there in order to be able to move forward.
I'm kind of at that point.
So I decided I would fully edit Asher's route, which will allow me to inject all those planned changes into the story which will make it much easier to construct endings that call back to that earlier foreshadowing.
So writing-wise, that's what I've been doing this week. I am currently up to Chapter 6 in the edit (which means I'm a little less than half through the route).
Other Stuff:
I have received new BGs of course. Those are coming in at a fairly steady rate of 1.5 - 2 weeks each.
I also have decided to add in-game achievements to WSC. I've been thinking about it for a while but putting it off since I know that one more screen (like an achievements gallery) means more tweaks to the UI. But I finally sucked it up and did it anyway.
I've also been playing with a colour slider for Wil's sprite. I'm not going to go into detail about it here because I've talked about it more in depth on Patreon and will continue to post most of the details there.
But the idea is that instead of choosing from 3 skin tones and 2 hair colours, there would be colour sliders allowing for a much greater range of selection. One of the big concerns with colour sliders is whether or not the recolours can be made to look as good as recolouring manually - which has always been why I've stayed away from them. 
The more complex shading styles have always struggled with colour sliders. But a developer friend - Feniks - has made a really cool and dynamic shader that actually can recreate even painterly or non-outlined art styles with incredible accuracy.
Using a slider is really useful because it increases the variations the player gets while *reducing* my work load. Instead of having to recolour manually, I would actually only need to colour everything once in grey scale.
Of course, it's not as easy as just dumping in the code and art. It requires some experimentation and learning but right now it is looking like I will be able to make it work. So I may be able to show off some examples in the future.
None this time...
Upcoming Weeks:
I am currently editing Chapter 6 of asher/common routes and there are some pretty substantial edits I have to make.
It's always tricky to estimate what I will get done editing wise because editing does not flow at a more or less even pace like writing. Chapter 5, 6, and 7 had (and will have) major updates and changes so it may take a while to get through them. Though I'm already through with Ch 5. So...that's one of three.
And I'm also working on the GS lore book, still (LoL. 🙃). Someone today reminded me that I still need to go through all the deleted content to see if anything is salvageable for the lore book too.
Thank you so much to that person (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And you need to answer for your crimes, my friend.) 👀
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
😳🥵 your expansion on the "he's in the mood, partner isn't" is WHEW I was thinking if maybe you could expand on the "partner is in the mood, he isn't" as well? like the flip side? maybe goes in the direction of the piece you wrote about Benny's voice maybe a lil? he'd be all wrapped around his person and give them soft touches and murmurs... Santi on the other hand... I think he might be a little more 😈 even when he doesn't feel like participating... or he offers his thigh some more... Benny too? or maybe he/they grab their person's favorite toy for them and hold it in place for them? 👀😇😏😏😏
Benny & Santiago (you're in the ✨mood✨, they're not)
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Original: Benny vs. Santiago (they're in the mood, you're not)
Content: NSFW 18+, masturbation, dirty talk, praise kink, thigh riding, MMF dynamics, voice kink
While it's nearly unheard of for Benny to turn down sex, there are times after matches that even the excess adrenaline running through his veins isn't enough to override his complete and utter exhaustion, his body left sore, battered, and bruised. It's on those nights and early mornings, when you wake up desperate and wanting, that that his lips dance across the shell of your ear as he lays beside you, letting the sound of his deep voice guide your fingers toward your dripping folds as he murmurs things like—"Tell me how wet you are" and "Put another finger in, baby" and "Let me hear how good it feels."
And even if he's not participating, Benny loves to have his mouth on yours while you're touching yourself—lips slotted together, the kiss growing more and more sloppy as you get closer to your climax, at which point he'll swallow down each and every one of your wanton moans.
If you're on the couch rather than in bed, Benny likes to pull you into his lap on the recliner seat, his solid chest flush against your back as he wraps his arms around you. With his legs caged around yours, he'll nudge your thighs apart, his chin resting on your shoulder as you slip your hand into your underwear.
Santiago has plenty of filthy words and praise to whisper when you touch yourself when he's not quite in the mood, things like "I think you can take more than that" and "Good girl" and "You're so wet, you'd take my cock so well right now." But the thing is, although he may not be physically participating, Santiago wants you to use him. He wants you to climb into his lap and straddle him, dragging your dripping cunt over one of his thick, muscled thighs and riding him until you're a debauched, moaning mess.
Benny & Santiago
(Suspend your disbelief so hard right now that both of these men will somehow not be in the mood 😂)
On the rare occasion that neither of them is fucking you, Benny and Santiago like to make a game out of your masturbation, taking turns telling you what to do and how touch yourself to see who can make you come first. They'll step into roles, like simmering praise from Benny that makes your toes curl and filthy degradation from Santiago that leaves your mouth dry. Benny likes to see you indulge yourself, urging you to plunge your fingers faster in and out of the wet mess you've made of your pussy, but Santiago toys with you, hitting the brakes when you're nearly at the edge as he tells you to slow down, to wait.
And when you pull out your vibrator, Santiago likes to sit you down in his lap as he holds it for you, his hips rocking into yours and pushing you forward as you shamelessly fuck yourself on the toy. Benny, meanwhile, kneels in front of you, one hand cupping the side of your neck, blue eyes locked on yours as he slips two fingers into your mouth for you to suck on until you come.
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sun-marie · 10 months
Hmm, so I just found something super interesting. In my current playthrough I got Wyll's dance scene with Ruathym without romancing him and had to decline (again 😭), but then when I talked to him next the game bugged out and froze, like they were in conversation. The only way to unfreeze was to 'skip' with spacebar, at which point the convo popped up and Wyll said "The Blade of Frontiers, at your calling."
Then I went into the dialogue history in the Journal and found they had this exchange 👀
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Wyll, Ruathym Wyll: I'm sorry. I might have come on a little strong with the dance invitation. Wyll: I was imagining my younger days, prancing about without a care in the world. Wyll: We may never be dance partners. But we have fellowship, and I wouldn't trade that for all the gold in the Counting House. Wyll: Well - that's enough sentiment for one day. What did you need? Wyll: The Blade of Frontiers, at your calling. Ruathym: Leave.
And so I guess Wyll did get some content from Patch 4 👀 And like, even if it's bugged, this is such a welcome surprise, not only because now it feels like there's actual closure between the two of them and generally no hard feelings (which makes me feel better bc I hate having to turn Wyll down 🥺), it also may be a sign that Larian is hearing us ask for more content for Wyll! And even if it's something small like this, that has me super excited.
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eclysia · 1 year
Hi!! You reblogged my pokemon fan games post and I would love to hear your full rec list 👀👀 I’ve been interested in pokemon rejuvenation and thinking about trying it out once I finish playing pokemon insurgence!
oh i have lots! im going to throw some rom hacks in the bundle as well. ill sort them by rom hacks and fangames.
here we go!
Emerald Rogue is the way to go if you want a roguelike experience like TBOI or Hades! There's virtually no story, but it's quite a lot of fun to play and has lots of replay value, fit with sidequests and challenges with intriguing rewards.
Recommended if you want to jump right in and get to battling, testing your skill!
Unbound is a ROM hack that truly has it all; fit with an original story and region, postgame, difficulty options, and the CFRU engine that has added a myriad of QOL features to Fire Red hacks, it is undoubtedly one of the very best hacks of all time! It also has an original soundtrack!
Recommended if you want to play a story-driven game with countless quality-of-life features!
Gaia is a more grounded ROM hack that could very easily fool me for a mainline game; this is a compliment, as it's wonderfully done! It has a plot centralizing around the legendary golems, an original region and characters, and flavor that just feels homey. (This also maaayy be getting an update in the future, so keep that in mind.)
Recommended if you're looking for a casual but intriguing experience!
Onto the fangames- I have an extensive list, but I'm going to keep it at three games each since this post is getting quite lengthy.
I won't go in depth on these two since you've played one and are going to play another, but Reborn and Rejuvenation are musts for me! With that out of the way,
Tectonic is a fangame that turns the entire Pokemon experience on its head. Rather than EVs, Style Points can be freely distributed and taken away. Every Pokemon has been reworked from the ground up, and there are even new status effects like Dizziness and Numbness. The plot revolves around the Avatar Phenomenon, ghostly apparitions of Pokemon wreaking havoc across the region, and racing your brother for the title of Champion to gain the approval of your cold-shouldered mother.
There's quite a steep learning curve, but I think it's worth it; this is one of my favorite plots in a fangame thus far.
Recommended if you want to shake up the original Pokemon formula!
Desolation is the third major 'Rebornian' game along with Reborn itself and Rejuvenation. It plays similarly to the other two, with a cohesive, dark plot and field effects, difficulty, and choices that have consequences. It also features gorgeous art and a lovely soundtrack!
What is it your dream? Is it to be a hero..?
Recommended if you enjoyed pretty much anything about Reborn!
Flux is the final fangame I will be recommending today. It's quite incomplete, with one chapter of three being finished, but it more than makes up for it with the story content, gameplay, and gorgeous art. It's also the only fangame in this list that consists almost entirely of Fakemon; some may even seem familiar!
The same people who created Uranium (also do recommend) are currently working on Flux, and some designs have been remastered and carried over into the new game.
Recommended if.. you're breathing. This fangame is amazing. I love it!
If that's not enough, some people over on the Reborn Discord have compiled a list of virtually every ROM hack and fangame out there, with the means to filter to your tastes. I hope it suits you well!
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therichantsim · 1 year
Below the cut is a long-drawn-out rant. I debated long and hard about doing this but I’m tired of keeping bottled up. So, I’m about to get messy as fuck and put all my business out there. Frankly at this point, I don’t even care. I tried to let it slide because I don’t like drama unless it’s in a sims story. However, at this point I have nothing to lose since apparently the people I once called friends stopped fucking with me anyway. 
I don’t know what’s being said in the private chats and DM’s, but I notice some interesting behavior ever since @shanisims posted her “goodbye post”. I don’t normally do callout post or bring personal drama out into the open, but my intuition tells me some shit is being said about me that ain’t true. Shanisims befriended me and we began chatting in the DM’s, then on Discord. We shared story stuff, personal stuff, then we started collaborating together. We swapped sims. I did some builds for her, and we collaborated on each other’s stories. She engaged in my content and vice versa. Then one day she just stopped. Once I noticed I stopped engaging too. Then next thing I knew... I was blocked on all platforms. I have another blog I use for shitposting that I follow my favs from. I really enjoyed her story, so I quietly continued to read it from there. At some point she alludes to a “beef” when she brings my OC’s persona into her story. She mentions that Bishop looks different because of “reasons”. Then she does it again later on in the story when Bishop is featured. My question was why allude to anything? No one was asking unless you want them to ask. 👀🤨 It was passive aggressive, calculated and cunning. Mind you whatever offense that allegedly took place happened over a year ago.  So, I decided to ask her what her problem was. I sent her message from that account, and I said it was me. I didn’t pretend to be anonymous. I wanted to know what her beef was with me and if she has such an issue with me that she had to block me why continue to use my sims, my builds and my character’s persona? I told her I felt used. She goes out of her way to be extremely friendly and overly helpful online then for whatever reason she just turns on you.  In the past I’ve been told by her and a few others that I am not afraid of confrontation, and that I can come off very blunt and direct. I’m 49 years old I don’t have time for games, and I try very hard to make sure I’m understood online. However, I do think, re-read, and re-write my words many times before I hit send so that they aren’t misinterpreted online since my tone can’t be heard.  All I know is not too long after her goodbye post went up, mutuals I have had online friendships and history with stopped engaging with my post. Some even unfollowed me. I don’t know what she’s telling these people. When I confronted her, she never responded. Instead, she played victim and did a goodbye post. You would’ve thought I bullied her, pulled up to her house and was outside ready to fight or something. I’m also calling out some of my so called “mutuals” cough cough @storiesbyjes2g and @ladybugsimblr​ because in the year 2023 where online friendships are no longer considered a foreign concept, people like y’all will happily discard them instead of doing the hard work of confronting, communicating, accountability, honesty and resolving. Instead, you hid behind platitudes like “protecting my peace” or pretend to be cool just to go radio silent afterwards. But I’m just some random lady on the internet so, who gives a fuck right? This goes for anyone else that may have passed judgement on me regarding Shani without knowing all the facts. I still don’t even know what happened! Take away from this what you will but I wanted to put it out there because I’m hurt and felt like being a petty bitch. Now here is real drama you can “protect your peace” from. 
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sharky857 · 2 years
I have a mighty need to know what mods you installed on stardew :o
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I'm gonna list only the actual mods I wanted to get, leaving out the ones needed to make said mods work in game.
Also, quick and due premise: I play 100% solo, just so the "judges & juries" may kinda rest their "OMG THATS CHEATING" tiddies with some of those mods.
That being said, currently I have the following mods installed. All can be found on "Nexus mods". This is gonna be quite a list, so I'm adding a break to trim the post down.
Also: no links. Wouldn't want Tumblr to think this post as some form of spam. 😅 (But I'm writing the mods' names as they are on that site, so if anyone is interested, they should also be very easy to dig out via the search bar.)
"No Cooties" + "Free Love" + "Platonic Partners and Friendships", all installed from what's an "aroace bundle" I stumbled upon while looking exactly for the thing. The forced relationships as they are set in the game have been quite a turn-off for me.
"(DGA) Sewing furniture set", its a DGA (Dynamic Game Assets) type of mod that allows players to have their own sewing machine at the farm. This same mod also comes with the dye pots to recolour your stuff. So yeah, no more need to plan a visit at Emily's! :D (Just a fair warning: the dye pots are huge.)
"(DGA) Piano", another DGA mod. The creator remodelled a large couch into a piano, trying to make it similar to the one into Elliot's cabin. This mod is of the DGA kind because you can actually play it.
"Blahaj", it's exactly what you can expect it to be: the "Blahaj" shark from Ikea. 💖
"DGA Hanging pride banners", another DGA mod from the "aroace bundle" and with tons of LGBT+ pride flags to put on display on your own indoors.
"Starry night interface", a content pack (I refuse to use the abbreviation, just in case Tumblr-bot might detect and see it as that other abbreviation :°D) that changes the UI into the lilac-purple-pastel blue colours, plus some more aestethical changes in the way icons and portrait borders look.
"Flower dancing", a mod that makes your farmer finally wear "That Godforsaken Attire™". I think it also makes your farmer actually follow the dance moves a bit better. Bonus point! You can tweak this mod's options to decide if your farmer is gonna wear the dress or the suit, regardless of their gender. 👀
"Seasonal cute characters", a mod that replaces every single NPC's portrait and in game sprite with a version of theirs whose clothes change with each season (and also event).
"Seasonal outfit revision - Elliott", it's installed-but-not-really. This mod's been created by a different author from the former, so that players could replace Elliott's portraits in "Seasonal cute characters" with these revised versions. The reason is that the original mod uses one of the early portrait versions for Elliott, while the "revision" replaces those portraits with the current Elliott. Alas, it's lacking the "beach Elliott", so the only way to not have his babyface'd version while he's on Ginger Island would be to remove that specific asset.
"AT Telephone recolor", an AT (Alternative Texture) mod so I could finally stop to have only one, fugly red phone in mah haus (and on Ginger Island). :°)
"Map teleport", a very handy mod that (I presume) functions based on the in game totems, but with some extra perks. For starter: totems can teleport you only to a fixated location marked by a statue (or an obelisk). The map teleport will YEET you on any location pointed out by the map; all one has to do is open the map and click away. On a side note: Idk if this is intentional or not, just know that you can also teleport your horsie. This has been happening to me every single time I would use this exploit while my farmer is still on the saddle. Which is twice as handy, especially to roam around Ginger Island. *cough!*
"Skull Cavern Elevator", a mod that works exactly like the elevator in the mines. No more, no less. Now I see how some players would share screen of their farmers at something like "skull cavern level 654786".
"Chests anywhere", yet another very useful mod that allows players to access and interact with any crafted chests, fish tank, and even shipping bins and fridges as if they were additional inventories, no matter where they are. I decided to install this mod because I was sick and tired of having all of my 36 backpack slots full while roaming either some volcano or the skull caverns. 😤 Bonus point for the mod offering an in menu-inventory option to rename all of the "chests" mentioned above.
"Vibrant pastoral", merely a reshade mod. Installed mostly because I'm trying not to go blind when it's winter time in Pelican Town (the overall white colour seems toned down). :°D
"Deepwoods mod", it's a mod that adds a fan-made explorable area accessible from the "Secret Woods". It's a nice, not-so-little place to explore, with different levels and enemies (mostly a green recolour of the ones found in the mines) and looks exactly what an unexplored woods would look like. You just gotta play to see it. 💖 On a side note: the author said that it's also complatible with other mods, like "SVE" (aka: Stardew Valley Expanded).
"Yet another jump mod", a mod that allows your farmer (and their horse) to actually jump. Quite handy to save some time by simply jumping over obstacles instead of going around them. 😈
"Item recovery", a mod that merely allows players to recover all the items they may have lost upon "dyingn't" in the mines/quarry/cavern/volcano, instead of just one. I have yet to "dien't" since installing this mod, so Idk if it actually works.
"Craftable auto-petter", because my dumdum bum never purchased a single one from Joja until I had the chance, and I read that the chance to find an auto-petter in alternative ways is quite slim. 😔
"Combat controls", simply a mod that make your farmer actually aim where they should: where your cursor is actually pointing at. I was sick & tired of getting my HELTH dangerously low only because the loser on screen was facing the wrong direction. 🙃💢
"Carry chests", simply a mod that lets you pick up and move around chests without needing to empty them completely first.
"Auto-grab truffles", a mod that implement an additional option for the "auto-grabber" already available in game, so that it can pick also truffles up. It's installed but I have yet to try it out in game, so Idk if it works as intended.
"Dynamic night time", a mod with a more "natural" shift between the light in different times of the day. It works like a charm even with the reshade.
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daisyyy-do · 2 years
I thought i’d do one of those intro posts because damn there’s a lot of you, and who doesn’t love talking about themselves? im joking i swear
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Main Points
This blog is mainly going to contain topics about the Redactedverse, however it may contain content about Interactive Fictions as that is my newest obsession.
I am of age.
I am more than fine with anybody interacting with my page as NSFW topics (if there even will be any), will be posted under ‘read more’.
My DM’s are happily open for anyone who wants to discuss anything Redactedverse related, IF related, or anything else we might have in common! plz i need more redactedverse friends.
I will not tolerate any kind of discrimination or homophobia on my blog. If you’re in general saying shitty things; you’re blocked.
That’s about it for the main points! have a wonderful rest of your day!
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Points to get to know me!
I have a mild massive obsession with raccoons.
I absolutely love video games! Some of my favourites are the Life Is Strange series, Cyberpunk 2077, Spirtfarer, Days Gone, The Last of us, the Far Cry series, and a shit ton more.
I also love reading! The dystopian, sci-fi, cyberpunk, fantasy genre are generally my favourite but found family is really what sells it for me. Six of Crows, The Raven Cycle, Aristotle and Dante, are just a few of my favourites but there’s once again, a shit ton more.
If it wasn’t obvious from the border divider above I’m on the ace spectrum! Specifically Demi-sexuality. Hello ace friends i <3 you
David Shaw is my main man.
I am an INFP and a Sagittarius.
Psychology is the secret love of my life.
Not really a point to get to know me BUT i wholeheartedly recommend checking out Interactive Fiction if you haven’t already or you love reading. Just search it on Tumblr and then there’s a whole new universe before you! I am so down to give recs if anyone wants them 👀
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archxvii · 2 years
I'll say for as much grief as I've seen with this season, it's actually the first season where I really thought MC was in danger. Cuz u know, it's mc obvi she's not going to be BUT she should be, she should feel in danger as everyone else sometimes and it DID make me react.
I was like oh shit Mc booted off real? 👀 (I don't think that storyline could've been executed in an interesting way cuz u'd miss lots of bonding time with the ROs)
And like in the latest episode, when it came to choosing a couple , in the end I chose Arlo and Peter just because if that decision came out they'd be the people it would matter least to me. Cuz everyone's secrets (especially MC's) are out all the fucking time and I was like. What a perfect way to create drama than to reveal who you voted for. See, in s2 (or other seasons, they're kinda a blur ) I was secure enough that nobody would betray MC that way or that it wouldn't happen, but the fact I did think it could happen this season is...exciting in a way.
MC isn't immune! And that's interesting but I do wish she wasn't fucking getting gang pilled on every 2 seconds like christ 😵‍💫
Like yes maybe MC's situation has felt precarious in other seasons (never felt that way to me but yk) at least she had FRIENDS. Like can we get s5 MC some fucking friends I'm BEGGING 🤚😭 Dana is well (gesture vaguely at whatever the fuck she got going on) and my opinion of Kat changes a lot. Fluctuates like her opinion of MC ♡ I like Kat, I think she could've made for an awesome best friend to MC. She tells it how it is, and isn't afraid to make herself pass first, like I don't need a friend for MC who's always groveling at her feet. The confidence is nice! And it would've been nice to see Kat genuinely care for MC, and it could've even been a 'slow-burn' friendship. Cuz she clearly was set up as the rival character at the start, but yk when Dana starts flirting with Suresh or sumn she comes see u and you can talk to her. While Dana isn't exactly honest to MC and telling her what she wants to hear (in advices b4 casa amor 💀) Kat could've been this girl who's stick to her guns. Yes you may not have liked what she said but maybe you needed to hear it yk. They could've done that with Arlo too, like I was ready to like her and then she gives me shit for a man that I hadn't flirted much with 🤚😭 Like girl c'mon (it must be worse when you haven't expressed any interest in Suresh at all )
Also another thing while I'm thinking about it, is that you can flirt with Arlo, she shows interest for like a second before shifting to Dana. And with a bi MC it's kinda. Funny I suppose to see Dana get the girls (Arlo&Gabi) at least you can express interest in Gabi 💀
Another point is; everyone always saying people wants MC....uhm. Where? They may want MC but sure as shit ain't showing it 👨‍🦲 You never feel like you're passing first this season, which ig in a narrative where MC is a normal contender is fine but gameplay wise? Sucks. Like someone who's just genuinely into mc is not that hard and some might have found that with Alfie and if you stick with him he switches for Meera cuz of ur baggage but is still into you? Like boy 💆‍♀️. MC shouldn't feel unwanted here 😭 Or even Finn (which depends if he's honest ig - I think he is and for argument sake let's suppose he is), he's telling MC he's into but never has shown that interest proper throughout the time with him. Moments where he pulls us aside it's always for Kat or Arlo stuff and it's like ok? No cheeky banters, nothing?
Suresh is playing his little games and Eddie never appealed to me so, I didn't give him much attention but I don’t think yall had much content either.
Nicolas/Johnny is well. It is what it is. They have their cute moment but it's hard to say that they choose MC cuz they genuinely looe her or cuz of the baggage. Of course, it doesn't bother them cuz they need to exploit it.
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maiteo · 2 years
maimai I love when you bless us with your thoughts and knowledge 🤭🤓 so if you have time later can you make some predictions for this season?
who's winning the prem? arsenal? 👀 and serie a? you think juve has a chance or it's too late? the ucl and europa league?
love you xx 🥰
not maimai im beaming🥹 my face hurts, I love YOU💗 I think this is gonna be long. I feel like guessing the winners of any league is tough rn it seems so sporadic atm…which is fun…. if it benefits my clubs🤭
but! the prem… obviously I wanna say arsenal especially given how they’ve been playing and the squad’s mentality…but I’ve been here before yk? I’ve seen this film before😭 and in order to stay sane & not get my hopes up I’ve refused believe the league is ours until the very end of the season. I feel like if not us then citeh… :/ or maybe an even bigger surprise..maybe someone else will sneak up top. it’s been a wild season so far tbh…we shall see ig..
now serie a…my optimism can be a lil annoying when it comes to my faves succeeding ik🤭 that being said… I feel like the wc break affected every team in different ways and not everyone has found their footing yet…opening things up a bit. obvs napoli is on top w a 7 point gap(?) but the numbers following them aren’t that far off like Juve & Milan are tied for third (lovers quarrel👁️) I think there’s gonna be some slip ups tbh like today Milan couldn’t hold off Torino… don’t think it’s too late at all for Juve to climb the table tbh..which is wild now that i think about it lmaooo not to start rambling but all the credit goes to players, not baldllegri. I think their drive & their love for their club/each other kinda powered them up & that was evident just before the wc break. plus the youngsters are getting their chances AND Fede’s back? like i said it’s not safe when he’s around just look at how his presence impacts the game & everyone else feeds off of that like!!!
UCL is tough for the same reasons like the wc right in the middle was goofy😭 the transfer window is another reason why I think it’s opened up like these clubs that are still in it are at risk of either losing promising players or some will be lucky to gain a few. but my bias is screaming porto even tho im still shocked they made it to the knockouts ansjsks. but I did say a few months ago that it was time for a team not in ingland/ethpaña to win and I’m still standing by that! I feel like it’s gonna come down to which team i hate least…im a lil scared ngl let’s get rid of citeh, spuds, & inter then we’ll talk!
europa…erm.. lmaoo the lineup is wild and I feel like it can literally go in any direction. obvs I want MAI teams to be in contention for the trophy but I absolutely hate some of the teams there and the thought of having to play them makes me queasy. I also feel like a lot of the “underdogs” can pull off some upsets too especially given how congested some of the games are for teams in certain leagues. like I can imagine teams like Betis & PSV doing so. of course I want my teams to not get battered but then I’m like….I want them to focus on our leagues too yk? esp bc im always worried about fitness, player availability..all that lol i think I’ll have a definite answer when it starts back up again
im hoping this is legible beloved lmao lmk YOUR thoughts!!🫶🏽🎤
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nuri148 · 11 months
Hey Nuri 🫶
How have you been lately?
For the random stuff ask game, how about 9, 11 & 44? 👀
Thank you!
Hey, Val!
I'm doing well, though I've been awfully busy after the summer holidays, and after finishing my fic I'm taking a respite of sorts.
Thanks for the ask! Let's see...
9. If you could have superpowers what would u want to have?
Hmm... I'm torn between teleporting and invisibility. Both have the same issue: would the clothes and objects on my person be affected as well? No point being able to sneak into the movies for free if I have to go naked. ngl I'd content myself with the superpower to eat whatever and however much I want without gaining weight.
11. Weirdest pet peeve
The weirdest?... idk... I guess for the many pet peeves I have, they're pretty vanilla. The one that seems to baffle people most, I think, is my complete rejection of mafia-themed movies/shows. They put me off entirely, can't engage with them, no matter how awesome the plot is, how many oscars it got or whether my current blorbo stars in it. It's a huge nope for me. People have no problem when I say I couldn't care less about vampires or zombies, but I say the same about mafia and they'll bring up every masterfully done movie or tv-show from the Godfather to last week.
44. Top 5 weirdest things you have eaten (food edition)
YMMV since what's weird or even disgusting to you may be a perfectly normal dish in some other place (innards, rabbit, snails= normal stuff here). SInce it says food, not dishes, I'm counting ingredients as well, to make it more interesting: - Banana pizza. In Brazil. It's a dessert pizza. It wasn't that bad tbh, but I wouldn't repeat. - Lizard. One of these fellows was attacking my dad's chicken coop, so he killed it... and stewed it. #TastesLikeChicken - "Lentiglie della fortuna" This is a Sicilian New Year tradition. It's just a lentil stew, but they eat it at midnight, you see? Like, you're looking for a prosecco refill to keep toasting and they hand you a bowl of lentils... dude, we just had dinner. 3 courses and dessert. Husband and I legit thought they were pranking us. Makes the list not by composition, but by schedule. - Burnt paper. Once in a New Year's party, a girl, I think she was Russian, said they had this tradition to write a wish for the new year, burn the paper and drop the ashes on the champagne and drink it. A bunch of us did it. My wish didn't come true. - Cochineal. Why buy E-120 when you can make your own? See my latest baking project: https://twitter.com/Nuri_148/status/1716203220438028537
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Hey there!
I’d be curious to know who you match me with in mystic messenger:)
My biggest interests in general are character analysis, creating MBTI content analysis and making sense of what’s currently peeking some great insight into a concept.(game theories, film theories etc.)
You could say my love language is discussing fiction, solving issues and finding abstract solutions to someone’s problems. (I’m great at giving practical advice but not much on the emotional perspective- which is ironic bc I’m one of the MM players 😀) Beside rationalising, I like toying with people to watch them laugh or have fun playing, pranking or joking!
Dislikes…not much. Beside narrow mindedness, there’s not much I dislike? Perhaps seeing people react a way that proves their uncomfortableness to the point where they’d leave? What I like…walking through the city while listening to music, watching everyone enjoy their days and pursuing different activities.
I’m not the pickiest eater and try every food out at least once! My memories can’t recall any specific favourite food cause everything can be enjoyable in some way.🤔
My general outfit style is tomboyish and usually very dark themed.(reason why I’m called an EMO 🪨)
The languages I’m capable of communicating with are German, English and Persian! And currently studying Spanish for the sake of it;)
I’m the type of person who goes around asking the questions no one needed to acknowledge they existed in the first place.”what if we used cannibalism to survive?” Or “what if butterflies were capable of fearing height?” So I warn whoever approaches me haha (Jojo reference?👀)
Obviously I’m an ENTP cause what else? An alien? Presumably.
I match you with...
Hear me out, I understand that this might sound a little silly because it may seem as though the two of you would have nothing in common. However, an interesting tidbit here is that you actually do have a lot in common. You're both driven by a sense of interest in your hobbies and it keeps you grounded on the worst days. You both hate when people beat around the bush. You enjoy knowing that you can understand what somebody else is dealing with so you're not running around trying to figure it out on your own.
All you need is somebody who tells you like it is. That's why it works with Jaehee, believe it or not. Communication can be really hard for some people but when you find somebody who knows how to do it with you the right way, it works. She's interested in hearing you strategize about the media that you can soon. She does the same thing when it comes to the musicals and plays that Zen is in. Imagine if you were to combine the two of those interests together for the both of you. It would be interesting to mix the two things that you enjoy together. I imagine that it would be a very long day in the cafe for people if the two of you were talking like that while working. It's a shame, they should be more excited that the two of you get so bright-eyed and happy about it.
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manjiroro · 3 years
Hey! May I please get a Tokyo Revenger matchup (and MHA if you're doing 2 fandoms)! 🙋🏾‍♀️
Ok so I'm a bisexual girl 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 who uses any pronouns, mostly she/they. I'm an ambivert 😈 I am a Virgo, although I don't think I act like one. It's probably because I'm an Aries Rising and Pisces Moon. And I'm also an ISFP 4w5
Personality: I've been told that I'm pretty inocent looking but once I open my mouth, people never think so anymore 💀 cause at school, people would describe me as kind, quiet, athletic, chill, smart, funny but when I open my mouth I start talking about weird things. (I once told my teacher about how some astronauts had herpes in Space 🏃🏾‍♀️). So, at school I would also be described as weird, dirty-minded and overall a nice person to be around 😌
At home, I would be described as a troublemaker who never listens and does whatever she wants. So I get in trouble a lot especially since I talk back 👀 but for good reason 😤 but other than being a troublemaker, I would be described as loud(I have a very high-pitched scream so I do it all the time for fun), energetic(Suprisingly, I act a lot like the younger sibling although I am the oldest 💀), dumb(I once watched my baby cousin eat and then asked if she had teeth like she wasn't just chewing on food 😐), annoying (I annoy my sister so much to the point where if my mom ever hears my sister say "stop", she automatically assumes I did something 😭), competative(I was playing with my sister and almost lost a game and accidentally broke something in her room 😶), argumentative(I get into arguments all the time just cause I'm speaking facts 🙄), mean(I asked my sister to give me a situation where I'm mean and she told me that she didn't know and that I'm just mean 😒), strong(I'm constantly told that I don't know my strength and that I'm really rough. My dad even told that when I was younger nobody wanted to play with me cause I was too rough 😢), chill at times (which is like 20% of time), really talkative although I have a stutter(Nobody can ever watch a movie with me because all I do is talk, talk, talk and criticize everything the characters do cause they be dumb as hell). I would also like to add in that I laugh and smile at EVERYTHING‼️ I smile so much to the point where I have smile lines(I have a really faint scar in that area that looks like a smile line 😏) 😫 but it's aight cause I got 2 cute dimples 😼 I've had multiple times where people never believed that I was telling the truth just cause I was smiling really hard 😔 LMAO there was this one time I saw a kid fall on the road so I covered my face so no one could see me laugh and my friends thought I was crying until I lifted my head for them to see the smile I had on my face and they were SO disappointed in me 😹 Last thing that I would describe myself as is HOT‼️ I be checking myself in the mirror everyday cause I am THAT pretty 😌 Ooo also my top kins are Itadori, Denki, Nishinoya, Bokuto and Atsumu 🤩
My Hobbies/Interests: One thing I've always been obsessed with is playing the Sims! I would always spend hours getting custom content and creating my sims just to make them have babies and never play with them again 😭 It was worth it tho, I haven't played in a few months but next time I will play will be at cousin's house cause we made a plan to play together 😌✊🏾 but other than playing the sims, I like playing video games with my sister(we play Ace Attorney, Gang Beasts, My Hero Justice 2, Overcooked and some other games), sleep cause my sleep schedule is fucked 😿, playing with my rats(they're all boys and their names are Gyuki, Bean, Boba, Squidge and Mango), read xblack¡reader fanfics, listen to music, dance(I've been told that I have a natural talent for dancing 😏 I've been asked multiple times if I took lessons but I have never have 💃🏾), going for walks, watch videos/movies/shows/anime, read my Warrior Cats books (I never expected a book about feral cats to make me cry so much 💀) and PROCRASTINATE cause I hate homework 😤
My dislikes: I ABSOLUTELY HATE 9-5 jobs‼️ There's no way in hell I'm boutta work from 9-5 everyday for the rest of my life until retirement. I literally only have one life to live, I want to have fun and live it. I just wish I could be rich and live that black women in luxury life while also helping people and animals 😭 another thing I hate is being told what to do. I like doing things on my own time when I want to, it just feels better like that 🤷🏾‍♀️(and yeah I totally get in trouble for that 👀). I'm pretty patient with people most of the time(although I do got a lot to say 😠 but I ain't gon waste that much effort on school kids 😒) so there's nothing I really hate but I really hate it when someone explains something to me like I'm dumb 😐 I don't really understand big words most of the time 🤠 but like I'm not stupid, I understand what you're saying damn 😒 I also hate hypocrites like don't be talking when you do the same thing 24/7 🙄 but yeah I'm pretty tolerant of people so there's not a lot that gets under my skin(there may be a few things that I probably forgot) but I will say that, that is a different story at home. My mom and sister would say that I'm very easily angered. Once I said that I'm easily angered sometimes and they both looked at me like I was crazy and they were like "SOMETIMES?? 🤨".
My favourite traits in people: Ion even know what I like about most people 😭 I would say that being easygoing, confident and open-minded are things that I really like so kinda like me ig. Ooo I also really like politeness, like I find that shit so attractive 🤤 Humor is very good too since I love laughing 😆.
What I would like to do with my s/o: Some things I would love to do is...
- Go on late night drives
- Listen to music together
- Do chaotic shit together
- Cuddle
- Go skateboarding (like if my s/o was able to skate, I'd like to hold on to their shoulders while they help me I- 😍)
- Play with kids together
- Go ice-skating or rollerblading
- Go for ice-cream
- Watch horror movies or tv dramas
- Bake or Cook together
- Go on roller-coasters together
- Go to a haunted house together
- Cosplay (if my s/o is a dude, I want them to wear a maid dress while I wear a butler outfit and then have us take pictures together 😍)
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^ Like this (I would be the one being carried)
I just wanna do a whole bunch of cute, domestic and chaotic shit together! 😫
That's it! I'm sorry if that was too much 😭 and thanks in advance btw <3
500 milestone event (closed!!)
hello!! thank you for joining my event~~ omg?? okay everything about you seems fun help- also idky tumblr doesnt like that image but i wanna do that with my s/o too 😔😔
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i match you with.. MATSUNO CHIFUYU
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i picked chifuyu because i feel he can match your chaotic energy but be super sweet at the same time
he might be caught off guard at first when he finds out how different you seem than when he first met you
but in the end he has the best time with you, doing the weird chaotic shit you wanna do
i’m sure he hits all your favourite traits so best boy :3
you can definitely do domestic and chaotic shit with him and it will be a blast
but when you tell him to wear the maid dress he’s a little shy at first but after much convincing he’ll put it on
oh he’s also the type to be super patient with you so if you’re mad, he’ll wait until you’ve cooled down and he wouldn’t argue with you just cuz
the both of you would spend your time together playing games and watching anime
he loves everything about you really from your personality to your interests, you never fail to make him laugh
you and chifuyu are a chaotic couple, there’s no doubt about it. whatever weird thing one of you did, the other would be present. but that isn’t to say that the both of you have never done anything calm. there were many instances where the both of you would hang out at home, chilling with each other, instead of being menaces to the toman guys, especially takemichi.
and this was one of those days where the both of you decided on having a stay home date. it started out with baking, the both of you made a mess of the kitchen trying to bake cupcakes, chifuyu thought that it would be funny to throw flour at you and the both of you ended up having a flour fight, coating the kitchen white.
afterwards, you decided to watch a horror movie. chifuyu never really liked horror movies so the entire time, he was clinging onto you for dear life while you laughed at him. sadly though, at some point, chifuyu flinched so hard that he knocked all the snacks off the table, making you laugh at him. he was embarrassed of course and decided to defend himself by saying shit like “something flew into my eye, it was just my reflexes.” and so the movie had been forgotten.
and now, the both of you were in your bedroom, rummaging through your closet.
“fuyu, can you wear this for me?”
you asked your boyfriend while holding up a maid dress. he looks at you with wide eyes and his mouth opened, red slowly creeping onto his face.
“aw why not??”
“because.. it’s embarrassing..”
“aw c’mon, just once pleaseeee and i’ll forget about you flinching so hard just now.”
“hey it wasn’t because of the movie i told you this.”
“sure, so put on the maid dress or i’m telling baji your lame excuse.”
chifuyu narrows his eyes at you before sighing. he takes hold of the dress and went into the bathroom to change.
once he returned, you squealed at how adorable he looks.
“hey why are you wearing the butler outfit and i’m wearing the maid dress?”
you ignored him.
“let’s take a picture!!”
“i’ll tell baji, chifuyu.”
he sighs at the threat and nods. you told him what pose he should do as you set your phone on the floor and took the picture. now chifuyu wouldn’t outright admit it but, that picture was his favourite and was his wallpaper for the next few months.
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
if youre still doing horror asks 👀 5 for jess, 18 19 for jenna, 8 for lela
OF COURSE i will always be doing them thank you beloved!! some spoiler warnings on #5 and tw for suicide mention on #8
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5. Has your oc ever had a near-death experience?
not really prior to the reaping. after the reaping she has most of the in game events — the helicopter crash does a number on her considering it was her first time ever flying and she was already not a fan and she found out mid flight her mom died back home and prom was tomorrow. also, she’s had plenty of gunfights prior to knowing about bliss bullets she assumed at the time were life or death and reacted with appropriate panic and self preservation.
also (spoiler alert for wildfire published content for anyone who intends to read but isn’t caught up) she’s *glances nervously at end of last chapter/still unedited next chapter* losing lots of blood right now, as we speak. which is (spoiler alert for next chapter)
probably the most she’s been consciously aware of possible impending death, openly acknowledges she might die, etc. and she’s using what she believes may be her final moments to verbally torment john in a “definitely not flirty” way and casually ask “do you care about me?? do you think i’m funny and cool?? do you?”
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18. Is there anyone your oc would kill? Anyone they would kill for?
pretty much anyone who gets in the way of what she’s trying to do, she doesn’t feel any type of way about death. but outright violence isn’t really her style, so she’d probably be more likely to turn them into an angel. or if it was truly someone she needed to completely eliminate she’d ask the chosen to take care of it rather than do it herself. she doesn’t have any particular enemies and doesn’t really hold grudges though, people are either in her way or not.
she would basically kill if ordered by any of the seeds, although she may question if it really has to be her job, she’s got other shit to do. and with the possible exception of jacob, she doesn’t really listen to anything he says or respect him at all and if he told her someone needed to die she’d probably get a second opinion.
19. If your oc were to turn into a vampire or a werewolf, which would they  be, and what would they be like? If they already are one of those, what  would they be like as the other one?  
oooooh i could see a case for both but i think ultimately vampire, she has that cool aloof charm that would work well for a vamp. (although if we’re talking traditional vampire rules, not going in the sun or cooking with garlic are both gonna be major problems for her.)
first thing she would do if she got turned would probably be just to study up on her new “condition.” and assuming she lives in a world where not a lot is known about vampires she’s probably going to go information hunting herself. and subject herself to her own research methods to find out the details on vampirism. what happens if she exclusively drinks squirrel blood for two weeks straight? does blood type make a difference? do uv lamps burn her? she’s just as willing to subject herself to pain and danger for the sake of knowledge as she is everyone else, so she’s going to put herself through hell to answer every question she can about vampirism. whether or not she’s a danger to humanity at large really just depends on what she’s doing that week — maybe she’ll try hunting or turning the entire population of hope county, maybe she won’t. she’ll see how she feels.
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8. What would your oc do if they knew they were going to die in the near future?
well, she probably wouldn’t believe it at first. she’s assumed she was going to die slash intended to die plenty of times and it never came to pass, at this point she really does feel “chosen.”
if she knew to the point of absolute certainty, she’d probably try to get a jumpstart on dying so she could go out how she wanted and with optimal dignity. she’d plan a last nice day where she’d do everything she wanted — start with a nice long swim in the henbane, do a little hunt with her personal judge pack to catch her last meal, snuggle up with them for a while, then wander off into the woods alone to die.
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nopeferatu · 4 years
A got a few questions
1. Do you think is one slides or is mutual ?
2.I may don't ship America and England. Buy you do you feel about hate this ship gets?
I'm gonna put this under a cut bc I didn't realize how long this got sooo if you wanna read here you go:
So remember, all of this is in the realm of headcanons bc there aren't many "official ships" in heta canon yanno? But in my interpretation of the comics, my personal headcanons, I think that its a mutual crush that they have on one another. The valentines strip is like, the BEST example of that. Ame expressed a sadness that England didnt get him chocolates for Valentines Day of ALL FUCKING DAYS, to which England was like this:
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ofc Ame kinda rejected him by eating a bucket full of his own chocolates but to me that whole strip just SCREAMS them having romantic feelings for each other that they both are either too prideful or too stupid (or maybe a bit of both) to realize.
I'm gonna focus more on Ame here bc I think its pretty obvious that you can (key word CAN, not like you have to) read England as having a crush on Ame, but like....I think people forget Ame is a tsundere in his own regards, especially around England. He tries to give off a really flippant "lol why would i like you loser" type of vibe when it comes to england but then he turns around and forces them to do couples costumes for Halloween, and like Ame set up this whole elaborate game thing to try and get England to be his first follower on twitter (to which Hima said that Ame would have just found another excuse to get him to be his first follower anyways).
Like I'm sorry but I don't think Ame would go through all that effort for Eng if he didn't have feelings for him in some way or another.
So thats how I interpret it, and thats my own headcanons and stuff and if other people disagree and/or see those interractions in a different light, then thats fine! Just don't force your opinions and your view of canon down my throat.
I think its pretty obvious that as a shipper I don't agree with the hate it gets. Its fine if you don't like it because its okay to have boundaries and dislikes! Theres a lot of pairs in heta that make me really uncomfortable, but firstly: I don't go out looking for that content just to make myself pissed off. I block tags and even if I do see art of pairs that make me uncomfy it takes me zero dollars to just scroll by and continue doing whatever I was doing before. Secondly I just don't see the point in harassing people for interpreting canon differently than I do. Fandom, in recent years, has really forgotten that its okay to have different headcanons and different ways of seeing canon, and that different hcs can coexist without being a threat to each other.
Plus there is official US x UK content that hima has designed/posted himself, such aaaaaas
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this official amerigigi (the fandom's word for when england wears ame's bomber jacket) that hima actually posted to his blog back in 2008
and the entire card deck he designed with England and America as queen and king of spades. Not even GerIta, which is arguably one of the most obvious pairs in the series, is an actual pair in the card deck. Its Germany and Japan who are king and queen.
Sooooooo yeah tldr just dont harass people and youre gucci lol
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