rosalind-hawkins · 5 months
I got something SO FUN off the whump wheel....
"Shot (Arrow)" - wanna go for the mumblyboys??? I'd love to see your take :D
oh oh OH You know how to get me started! 💜
Okay okay SO!
Kaiba takes his boys—Ryou, Duke, and Mokuba, because family time—out for an activity: archery. Okay, cool, it was probably Ryou's idea trying to get a real feel for his new archer character, and Duke is like, "Sure, I'm up for anything, and I have a ranger character so this will be fun," and Mokuba loves anything that makes him feel powerful or is "safely violent" (think paintball, laser tag, fencing).
WELL there's an instructor there but something still goes wrong. Either Ryou's hand slips or he has a clumsy moment or there was a distraction, and he accidentally shoots Duke in the leg.
Duke starts swearing immediately, because OUCH, Mokuba is just watching wide-eyed, Ryou drops the bow and starts apologizing/crying immediately. The instructor calls an ambulance, Kaiba helps Duke sit down while also telling him to stop swearing in front of Mokuba, and Duke is like, "THAT'S SERIOUSLY WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT RIGHT NOW?" And Ryou feels horrible but Duke is telling him that it's fine and he's not mad, but his face is all pinched up in pain. Kaiba's the one keeping a level head, helps the first-aid certified instructor get the tourniquet on or whatever is needed. By the time the ambulance arrives, Mokuba is ready to make a Skyrim "took an arrow to the knee" joke which Seto actually laughs at (just a little bit) and Ryou cries harder and Duke says "omg STOP?" and Kaiba hugs Ryou trying to calm him down now that Duke is being seen to. Kaiba probably tells Duke to squeeze his hand instead of swearing and he's just steady and calm and there for him. Will carry him to a spot where the paramedics can reach him more easily if necessary while Mokuba guides and comforts Ryou.
I don't think I punish Duke enough, he's the least angsty boy in this ship, so that's why he became the target this time.
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sesshy380 · 9 months
Heya! If you're still looking for prompts - I'd love some Euroshipping (Ryou x Seto), and for any kinda holiday type prompt... blizzard/trapped because of blizzard? Ooooor... anything hot chocolate related. Or skiing! Ooooh or the Nutcracker?
From, IAmAllYetNotAtAll (I hate not being able to send an ask from a side blog!)
@iamallyetnotatall, I am so sorry it took me so long to get this finished! Around the time I came up with a basic idea on how to do this particular pairing (because I was all 'Rarepair? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED'), I got hit hard with the dreaded combo of brain fog and writer's block. About the time it all lifted and I remembered the basic idea I was going to go with, I had no time/energy to write 😭
Well here it is! I went for the simple idea of Hot Chocolate, because who doesn't love cocoa this time of year?
I will warn you: Since this is a rarepair, there is no established relationship. Instead, we have a scene were it's obvious a relationship can develop from. I hope it meets your expectations! (also, I only gave this a quick one-over, so apologies for any SPAG)
‘You're the most important person in all of Domino! You have to go!’
Well…Mokuba was right about one thing: He was definitely the most important person in Domino. Having to be present at the Holiday Extravaganza, however…Seto was certain he wouldn't have been missed. The only people who cared about his presence were people wanting him to invest in their crappy startups and single women who wanted to fix his bachelor status…both of which were testing his patience at the moment.
He scoured the room, looking for any excuse to walk away. Normally he'd tell people to just get lost, but Mokuba had made it a point to remind him multiple times that he needed to be ‘nice’ if he wanted to help secure extra funding for the local orphanages. Holding his tongue was proving to be an extreme challenge.
His gaze came to an abrupt halt as he spotted a head of familiar white hair.
He didn't know much about Bakura Ryou, aside from the fact that his father was the curator of the local museum and that his mother and sister had died when he was younger. He knew little else about his former highschool classmate.
Based on Ryou's expression, he was enduring the same agony of having to put on a smile despite not wanting to be there.
A couple of older gentlemen approached him, accompanied by a younger woman. One of the gentlemen seemed to be on very familiar grounds with Ryou, leading Seto to believe it may have been Ryou's father…and based on the series of formal bows, it looked to be that he was trying to set Ryou up with a female relative of an acquaintance.
He vaguely recalled overhearing once that Ryou’s father was fairly absent from his life except for when it was convenient for the man. This event must be one of those ‘convenient’ times.
He could practically sense Ryou's discomfort from across the room, despite his outwardly polite facade. He was certain Ryou was begging for an escape just as much as he was.
He internally groaned. Coming to someone else’s rescue wasn’t exactly something he was in the habit of doing, but it made his blood boil seeing someone else stuck in the predicament of having to be polite and do things against their wishes for the sake of a paternal figure that didn’t give a damn any other time.
Seto excused himself from the small group of people that were easily carrying on a conversation without him and began to cross the room, trying to recall any other pieces of useful information about his former classmate.
He knew Ryou was into games and sometimes hung out with those ‘other nerds’ back in highschool. What else? Hadn’t one of them mentioned in passing that Ryou now worked at his father’s museum? Something about being in charge of creating the dioramas? That meant he had to be pretty good at it. A father that paid little interest to his offspring wouldn’t hire him otherwise, because one bad display would look bad on said father.
That was something Seto could work with.
He approached Ryou, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes as though he had been inconvenienced.
“Was I not clear in my instructions on where to meet, or have you decided to turn down my offer? Let me know now, because I’d rather not waste time if I should be finding someone else to create a to-scale model of Kaiba Land.”
He was met with three shocked faces…and one mildly confused one. The mildly confused face quickly caught on and smiled in relief.
Ryou gave a respectful bow before speaking.
“Apologies, Kaiba-sama. I thought I still had some time before we met up. I am still very much interested in your offer. Would it be alright if we changed our meeting venue to the coffee shop down the street? I don’t know about you, but I could go for a nice cup of hot chocolate right about now.”
Seto turned while waving a dismissive hand. “Whatever. So long as it’s better than the instant junk they’re serving here.”
He heard Ryou offer a humble apology for having to leave in such an abrupt manner (as well as some subtle disapproval from his father), before his former classmate joined him in walking towards the exit.
Ryou was silent as he fell in-stride beside him, both making their way towards the coffee shop as they had ‘agreed’ upon. Now that they were away from the eyes and ears of the event, Seto could have easily told him to get lost. He was certain his former classmate knew there was no job offer…though now that he’d thought of it, the idea of having a to-scale replica of his theme park was very tempting.
“I’ll just tell him that you changed your mind. If he doesn’t believe me, I’ll just have to remind him that CEO’s change their mind on a whim all the time,” Ryou said with a small smile on his face, breaking the silence between them as they entered the coffee shop.
Seto hid the fact that he was a bit surprised. Ryou was already thinking several steps ahead on how to handle the fact that he wasn’t going to be employed by a very well-known CEO. Beneath that fluffy head of white, he was probably also working out how to handle the backlash that would inevitably come at ‘not being good enough to work for Kaiba Seto’.
“You make the diorama displays at the museum, right?” Seto asked as they took a seat while their drinks were being prepared.
Ryou’s eyes widened a bit, looking a bit surprised. “Yes, I do.”
“Good. That means I’ve chosen the right person to make a miniature Kaiba Land that I can display inside the Welcome Center. It will make a great visual aid for idiots that are too stupid to follow a map.”
Ryou continued to look at him in surprise, along with some confusion thrown in.
“I don’t half-ass things,” Seto explained. “And I’m not known for changing my mind on things of this nature. We’ll stop by my office later and get the details of our contract drawn up.”
He gave a small, subtle smile. “I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t go all-out.”
Ryou continued to stare for a moment longer before a small, genuine smile graced his face, his eyes becoming soft and warm.
Eyes that matched the rich chocolate of the drinks they now held in their hands peered through him, making Seto wonder if Ryou could truly see him.
“Would it be odd to ask for this to be added to our future contract?” Ryou asked.
“And by ‘this’ you mean…?” Seto questioned.
“A trip to this particular coffee shop once a week until the project is finished. Just the two of us being ourselves…and not who everyone expects us to be.”
Seto didn’t know why, but he found himself relaxing enough around his former classmate that he dared to expose a smile that he usually kept hidden to all except Mokuba.
“Compared to some of the things I’ll be requesting, not at all.”
Ryou’s face immediately fell. “Please don’t tell me you want it to be one-tenth scale. That’s essentially just a mini-Kaiba Land for toddlers.”
Seto pretended to think.
“That’s actually not a bad idea…”
“You asked for a model, not a toddler daycare.”
“That idea isn’t too bad either…”
Ryou buried his face in his hands and groaned.
Seto quietly chuckled.
“We’ll talk numbers in my office. Right now, per our future agreement, let's just relax and enjoy our drinks.”
Ryou lowered his hands, wrapping them around his cup…that small smile once again gracing his face.
“Now that sounds like a great idea.”
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ygobigbang · 4 months
Announcing the completion of YGO Mini Bang 2024~!
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We have just finished the postings for this year's YGO bang, so thank you very much to everyone from the mod team! You have all been so great, and we couldn't have done this without you!
With this completed, we will now start working on a bigger, better bang, so make sure to follow us for updates.
Below is a completed list of all YGO Mini Bang 2024 works. Please enjoy from the bottom of our hearts!
S0/Duel Monsters
Before//After by - IAmAllYetNotAtAll ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
A Day With A Girlfriend by millenniumwriter ↳ART by SaintArtemis - twitter
Checkered by mysticalflute - tumblr ↳ART by miran - tumblr | twitter
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200 by dxmichelle - tumblr ↳ART by dreamydelite - twitter
Dungeons and Discord by yugirl - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tumblr
Freefall by lysimachias - tumblr ↳ART by Otter - tumblr
Let's Make A Deal by RosalindHawkins - tumblr ↳ART by Leech - tumblr
Love, and Other Things by Beni_O2 ↳ART by Elly - tumblr
Marmalade Skies by Soryenn ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
Should I Know You? by SerenaJones ↳ART by Artnijna - tumblr
Stop and Smell the Flowers by cynassa ↳ART by Kero - twitter
A Welcome Sight by ArienElensar - tumblr ↳ART by cait - tumblr ↳ART by Schatten-Light - twitter
Again by PaulaAna - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Friendship is Stored in the Frosting by TheEvilAuthoress ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
A mirror image by Dazy_izuzai - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Colors Changing Hue by LuckyLadybug ↳ART by Alphabet - tumblr
Dew of Life by Firebull ↳ART by Kira - tumblr
if you want to be loved, say it out loud by Tenka - tumblr ↳ART by oudkee - tumblr | twitter
All The Pieces by Michio_Mokota ↳ART by Kero - twitter
And Yet All in the Sunset Shall Listen by IVMysteryNumbers - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
The Moon Man, Reporting From Earth Hours 17 to 19 by Scattered_Irises - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
Do AIs Dream of Baby Dragons? by seiyuna - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by kuppatan - tumblr
The Inaugural Solo Debut by merryfortune - tumblr ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
my eyes locked on you/after holding my breath by Wayfinder_Rinku ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Selfish Unto Death by CrimsonfireSilvermelody ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Planless Plan by Gohan - tumblr ↳ART by Ryuu - tumblr
Curse of Rose by seventhdoctor - tumblr ↳ART by Porch - tumblr
Fusion Tag by rainbowkuriboh - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tubmlr
YGO Mini Bang 2024 Ao3 Collection Here
Our biggest and warmest thank you to the writers, artists, and betas of this mod team's first event!
@4lpabet | @arien-elensar | @artnijna | @caitlin-makes-stuff | @ciescen |
@cynassa | @darkmagicians | @distortedwhite | @dreamymochapie | @dxmichelle
@iamallyetnotatall | @ivmysterynumbers | @kaiseryuki | @kira-hayashi | @kuppatan
@kuriboo | @leechysmile | @meda-princess | @merryfortune | @mystical-flute
@neoasari | @nini-the-mirror | @oudkee | @raptorbooty12 | @rymyanna
@sabellabella | @seventhdoctor | @skiel-infinity | @texasdreamer01 | @the-kings-of-games
@winkle-pickers | @worstofyam6 | @yugirl | CrimsonfireSilvermelody (Ao3) | Firebull (Ao3) | LuckyLadybug (Ao3) | RosalindHawkins (Ao3) | RheaLightning (Ao3) | saint_artemis_ (X) | Schatten-Light (X) | seiyuna (Ao3) | SerenaJones (Ao3) | Soryenn (Ao3) | Temple of Bo
We hope to see you again in the future!
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stardustneeko · 6 months
cw: blood
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(A very tight crop of) My second piece for YGO Rare Pairs Mini Bang this season - a delish necroship sandwich having all the fun they can get out of corrupting each other in the Shadow Realm! Legit this was my reaction upon receiving this assignment:
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Check out the full, uncensored version here:
And of course check out the 🔥🔥🔥 story by @iamallyetnotatall!!
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bakawitch · 2 months
New boyfriend acquired and clownified!
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Little shady circus au rubyshipping for @iamallyetnotatall just cuz! 🙃
I made Atem's stage name Treasure so that he can match with the Jewel and Gem theming. He also has a crown because of course he does (with little bells!) He's pretty good at sleight of hand and juggling with sharp stuff, but he's still relatively inexperienced with the acrobatics bit. Good on-site medic, though! He only has a 30% mortality rate :)
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fat-butch-dyke · 1 year
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commission for @iamallyetnotatall thank you so much for commissioning me these two are so cute aaa (new fave ship unlocked tbh-)
commission info: here
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iamallyetnotatall · 1 month
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I ended up doing two prompts for Day 1!!!
Here we have: Day 1 - Secret Relationships Ship: Identityshipping (Ryou x Rishid)
This fic came about because... the poll I had the other day with all the numbers? (Which had determined my Free Day fic!) The lowest number out of both polls was 2 which belonged to Rishid. And that disappointed me because 2 is my favourite number, so I gave Rishid and Ryou their own fic ❤
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silverlulus · 5 months
All admins have been found for the mer ygo zine project 🫧
Thank you all so much to those who reached out and took the roles, means a lot to me and I look forward to working more with ye during this 💫
Admins on board for this zine -
( I'll update what the roles are later on here, but handling docs, art and so forth is sorted for sure 🌟)
And a huge thank you to those who shared and so forth, means the world 💖
Will update when can with what will be happening next 💕
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Euroshipping vibes for the day:
When Seto starts developing feelings for Ryou, he begins drafting a new type of dragon card to basically browbeat I2 into putting into the game:
A beautiful spirit dragon that has synergy with the blue eyes archetype.
And it has to have a fusion with BEWD.
No, Pegasus, the dragon has to be beautiful and it has to have crystal blue eyes because Ryou has blue eyes are you even listening to him?!
(I blame @iamallyetnotatall for this)
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rosalind-hawkins · 5 months
Heeeey <3
Okay so for the give a sentence, you write five thing. I will be CRUEL. Your sentence is....
"Never gonna give you up."
(With or without quotation marks, up to you :D) Have fun~
Ha! Joke's on you, I unironically adore that song!
But yes, thank you for participating!
"Never gonna give you up," Ryou sang at the top of his lungs. Duke tried not to visibly cringe, and failed, turning up the volume of the radio to drown out his boyfriend's voice as he drove.
"Never gonna let you dooooown," Ryou warbled even louder, giving Duke a wide grin from the passenger seat.
A loud sigh from the back seat interrupted the song and Ryou both, and Duke glanced at the rear view mirror to see Seto cross his arms. Duke couldn't tell if his expression was a scowl or a smirk.
"This is what happens when you make me sit in the back seat."
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irondadfics · 1 month
Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read a while ago that I haven’t been able to find again. It’s an Endgame fix it fic where Peter takes the infinity stones and keeps going back in time to try to save Tony kinda in a loop I think. He tries a bunch of different things and I remember that Pepper discovers what he’s doing and tries to help. Thank you
hello, is this your fic?
Invoking Groundhog's Day by IAmAllYetNotAtAll
The only thing separating him and all the power in the world is a few inches of metal. Stephen's already explained that there was no way to bring someone back to life with them. Bringing back half the universe was easy, as they hadn't been dead, merely... hidden away for a while. He would die, he thinks, if he tried. (He thinks someone should. Try, that is. Thor, or Carol, or Bruce, once he's better. It's selfish, he knows, but he can't help but think it. He wonders if Pepper thinks it too.) AKA: the story where Peter uses the Time Stone to go back in time to try and save Tony. Unfortunately, Peter finds out it's harder than it seems.
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justapalspal · 7 months
Total Fics Finished This Half Week: the last 4/12 of a completed fic and 17/17 of a wip, so 2 total
Total Fics Finished Overall: 14 full fics and 5 wips, so 19 total
Total Comments Left This Half Week: 21 chapter comments + 3 replies, so 24 comments
Total Comments Left: 95 comments
Some Fic Recs:
Familiar Home by IAmAllYetNotAtAll — warnings: healing from and discussion of past traumas and abuse, references to mature content
Ryou is the Head Witch in charge of Familiar Home, a sanctuary for abandoned and rejected familiars.
Marik comes in search of the familiar he'd once rejected, hoping to make amends.
Angstshipping is the main focus, however all Conspireshipping configurations are present.
If you want a peaceful read, this is it! I was able to read this in a few day’s time, but I’m sure you could binge it easily in one sitting too. Just as the description and tags say, this is a witch & familiar au, and a story about healing from past trauma. It’s a sweet little tale about making amends and forging new relationships while moving forward, definitely give it a try :)
Angst is the main Conspireshipping flavor present, followed by Tender and then the others (yay great big polycule!!).
Gratitude by Resuri — warnings: blood and violence, gore, mature content, past child abuse, killing and murder, body horror elements, corpse eating, see individual chapter warnings for greater depth
Amir is an assassin. His job is easy. Someone give him a target, he kills them, and he gets paid for it. Not to mention he is really good at it. However, never could he had imagined his job would have him to be acknowledged by the most beautiful and horrific creature he ever saw.
But, hey, Ryou just wants to thank him for the meals!
The fic I binged in just around a day and a half!! I can’t believe I did that but wowwee, this fic was hard to put down 😂😂 Ryou’s a monster and Amir (Yamima) is human, and we follow our Deathshipping dudes through day to day strife and learn more about their family pasts as time goes on. Definitely has gore elements and body horror elements if that isn’t your thing. It’s a very creative au if you’re into that sort of stuff though, especially with monster seraph!Ryou’s whole shtick and what he has going on in his life! I say give it a try if you’ve got a stronger stomach for reading gory things <3
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ygobigbang · 4 months
Day 3 Postings for YGO Mini Bang 2024 (June 4th)
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READ IT [GX]: Again by PaulaAna - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
READ IT [DM]: Before//After by - IAmAllYetNotAtAll ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
READ IT [DM]: A Day With A Girlfriend by millenniumwriter ↳ART by SaintArtemis - twitter
READ IT [VRAINS]: my eyes locked on you/after holding my breath by Wayfinder_Rinku ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
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enemyoflactose · 8 months
Euroshipping for @iamallyetnotatall . It's a little on the angsty side. I hope you still like it. I still need to come up with a title for this.
The sound of a keyboard being relentlessly typed at resonated throughout the massive office of the world famous, Seto Kaiba.
This wasn't at all unordinary. He was usually in his office working on coming up with either a new Duel Disk system, or coming up with a new tournament idea. Currently, it was the latter.
This wasn't a particularly important tournament. Well, not important for getting the King of Games title, or any title really. It was mostly a charity event in which the best duelists from around the world would duel not only each other, but whatever adoring fan they had.
Right now, it is just in the planning stage and it hasn't actually been announced yet. It still took priority over the new Duel Disk upgrade, he could work on that later.
“Hey! Seto!” The sharp yell of Mokuba rang through his ears.
“What is it Mokuba?” That’s weird, Mokuba usually doesn’t bother him while he’s working.
“It’s about time you answered, I’ve been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes,” he scolded, “Anyway, I was just coming in to ask if you got Ryou his gift yet, or y’know made any plans with him.”
Gift? Plans? Why would he need to do that? Was Ryou feeling down and he just hadn’t caught it yet? Or was there some sort of special occasion he’d forgotten about?
“Why would I need to do that? Did something happen?”
If looks could kill, Seto would've died the very moment he ended that first sentence.
“Are you kidding me Seto!?” He cried, “You Didn't Do Anything For Ryou For Valentine’s Day!?”
“Mokuba I have a job to worry about-”
“You also have a boyfriend to worry about!”
Seto didn't have a retort. He did have Ryou, and he was probably waiting for him to call for a surprise date.
The thought of him waiting for a call or for Seto to show up only for neither of those to happen, wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world.
“Mokuba, tell Isono to set up a date for me and Ryou. Preferably at our house.”
“Thank you for staying late to help set up the new exhibit, Bakura-san,” Ishizu said, “this never would've been finished on time without you.”
“It's no problem, I'm always happy to help! And you know you can call me Ryou, right?”
Ishizu rubbed the back of her head and let out a breathy laugh, “Ah, I suppose I should now. I'm just so used to calling you by your surname.”
They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Ishizu spoke again, “By the way Ba-Ryou, do you have any plans with Kaiba-san this evening?”
This evening? Did Seto plan something and he forgot?
“Um, I'm not sure. I don't think so, why?”
“Oh,” she sounded surprised, “well I guess I should have expected that from you two. Valentine's Day isn't something either of you care for, is it?”
Valentine's Day? VALENTINE'S DAY?!
“I-i-I have to go. See you Monday Ishizu.” He stuttered and ran off.
Ryou ran down the streets of Domino. His feet hitting the pavement of the sidewalk in hard, fast steps.
‘Valentine’s day!’ he screamed at himself, ‘I can't believe I forgot!’
How he managed to forget the international holiday was beyond him. It was displayed everywhere, his friends were talking non stop about their plans, and Ryou had been given twice as many love letters and presents from unknown individuals. How did he manage to forget?
Coming to a sharp turn, Ryou slipped and fell face down on his chest.
‘First I forget about Valentine's Day, then I eat absolute shit. What a day…’
Crawling up from his fall and only wincing slightly, Ryou was suddenly lifted up and placed on his feet.
“Are you alright?” an all too familiar voice asked.
Ryou turned around and was greeted by the sight of the one person he really needed to avoid for at least an hour, “Seto..?”
“Hey, you're coming with me.”
Seto dragged him away from the corner and towards his car, tossing Ryou in the passenger side, and driving off once in his own seat.
Ryou fiddled with his coat’s collar, “so uhm, where are we going?”
“My place, I have something planned for you.”
Oh no… Seto had something for Ryou, but Ryou didn't have anything for Seto. He was the worst boyfriend ever. Tears were starting to prickle in his eyes. I can't believe this.
“Hey don't cry,” the soothing voice of Seto Kaiba demanded, “I know this seems like a last minute thing on my part, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I'm sorry I forgot.”
What? Seto hadn't remembered either? Well that made things less bad. Though he certainly had more of a reason to forget. Ryou didn't.
“I'm sorry, that's not why I'm upset,” his voice cracked slightly, “it's just that even though you forgot you still managed to do something for me, but I don't have anything to give you. Not even a card.” he was almost crying at this point.
Seto didn't respond. He only reached out a hand and ruffled Ryou's hair. This action soothed some of his nerves, but he was still upset.
“Don't worry about it. I don't care if you didn't get me anything, just that you owned up to it, and still want to be with me. We can still have a great Valentine's Day, but only if you stop crying and enjoy the evening with me.”
Ryou sniffled, and wiped the tears from his eyes. Seto was right… All that mattered was that they remembered now and still loved each other.
“You're right, I'm sorry.” he apologized.
Seto let out a sigh, and took his hand off Ryou's head to focus more on driving.
“Don't apologize for being stressed about this. Be glad we both forgot and not just one of us,” Seto snickered a bit, “that would have been worse.”
That little comment made all worries leave Ryou's mind, he smiled and let himself finally relax.
“Ok. Still love me?” He tried to cuddle up to Seto, but the seat belts made it difficult.
“Yeah. But only if you never bring this up again.”
Ryou giggled, and agreed. That was probably for the best. They could always have a better Valentine's Day next year.
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bakawitch · 5 months
Follow up on this rubyshipping post. Ask and ye shall receive @iamallyetnotatall !
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Visuals for the boys who sort of ended up more acrobat/magician than clown looking 😅
Also some random lore I came up with!
Atem in the au was studying to be a surgeon before running away, and he's really good at card tricks (usually used by him as both parlour tricks and a hobby to pass time). He gets interested in Ryou and Bakura (stage named Jewel and Gem) because he can't figure out how they do their tricks. Ryou and Bakura end up developing an interest in him because of his particular skill sets at first, too (on site medic/probably apprentice or sideshow act) and exploiting on Atem's sort of obvious attraction they end up convincing him to run away with the circus using the magnificent powers of suggestion and seduction. Anyway, Atem probably joins their act eventually and maybe dable in some illegal medical things for extra profit (idk what counted as illegal medical things in the fictional 1800's)
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Attention attention Irondad writers!
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I was just thinking
You know what would be cute as hell?
✨ An Irondad spinoff writing exchange ✨
Like, hear me out!
There are so many great fics out there! And there are lots of great writing exchanges already, I know. We have mix-ups and pirates and rewrites, but ... here's the thing,
For so many fics, I really just want to know what happens next!
Like, sure the story is finished and it wouldn't make sense for that fic to keep going. But why can't we have a spinoff fic based in that world? A fic of a fic, if you will?
I think it would be super cute if we could like, cobble together a list of fics that absolutely deserve a spinoff and y'all could pick straws and do your writing magic.
Just a few extra scenes from a different writer, letting us linger in the OG writer's creative world a bit more. Not quite canon to the OG fic but also not not canon. A spinoff. 🎤💥
(right off the top of my head, for example
I want to live in the world of @losingmymindtonight's "The Reinvention of Tony Stark" for so much longer it causes me physical pain
I want spinoffs of the new realities in @iamallyetnotatall's "Turning Tables" chapter 59 and 60 so bad it makes me feral
goldenambedo's "When Peter Forgot What Day It Was" what happened next, dude???
@fluencca's "Hi, Everyone" lives rent free in my mind! please someone tell me how that battle went down!
these are just examples. But I feel like this could be a thing!)
Could it be a thing? Thoughts???
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