doulayogimama · 23 days
When baby boy goes to daycare around 2yo or when I can afford a part time nanny, I’m going to go back to school to become a Mother-Baby Nurse and full IBCLC ✨
My PP experience in the hospital was horrible partly because the Mother-Baby Nurses just didn’t seem to give AF. I follow a couple on IG and seeing how they spoil their patients and are attentive to them lights up my soul.
I want to be that person. I want to bring you a mama mocktail and get you a bag full of everything you need before you even realize you need it. I’ll ask you if you want help learning to use your pump (if you have one). I’ll ask you your goals for the day and I’ll make sure we do it (ie taking a shower, which I was too scared to do after my C-section in the hospital).
I’m going to buy a workbook or something for the maths that I’ll need to know when I start the program. That’s my biggest mental hurdle - just telling myself I CAN do advanced math and I am smart enough for it.
Kevin is supportive of me and I want to cry because my dad told my mom she was stupid for wanting to go back to school … he ended up being the short sighted one. She should’ve gotten that degree. And I won’t make the same mistake. Even if I become a nurse at 35, that could be a wonderful 35 year career.
It’s not too late ✨
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inmamellado · 5 months
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¿Os suena? y no, no te quedas "sin leche" por la tarde pero se juntan demasiados ingredientes en el coctel.
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taylorwatwork · 6 months
After a long deep think, I've decided to go back to school and study to become an IBCLC!
Working as a certified postpartum doula this summer, I will take classes and gain hands-on experience with postpartum clients in supporting them through their newborn care and feeding journey.
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jedimandalorian · 10 months
Are Sabine and Ezra in love? Draw your own conclusions.
The quotes are from healthline.com.
They are from this article: “Is It Love? Dilated Pupils and 7 Other Signs to Watch For”
Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
Article written By Adrienne Santos-Longhurst.
Screenshots from Ahsoka Season 1, written by Dave Filoni.
Featuring Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine Wren and
Eman Esfandi as Ezra Bridger.
1. Pupil dilation.
“For starters, oxytocin and dopamine— the “love hormones” — have an effect on pupil size.
Your brain gets a boost of these chemicals when you’re sexually or romantically attracted to someone.
This surge in hormones appears to make your pupils dilate.
Dilation may also be related to the biological need to reproduce.
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It’s been suggested that a male’s attraction to larger pupils has to do with their biological quest to pass on their genes.
A woman with dilated pupils mirrors his attraction, indicating returned interest and perhaps sexual excitement.”
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2. Mutual eye contact.
“We all love a little eye candy and can’t help but stare when someone catches our interest.
But did you know that making prolonged eye contact with someone can make you more appealing?
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One 2006 study found that a person’s attractiveness is boosted when they make eye contact and direct interest your way.
And, according to older research, the longer you engage in mutual eye contact, the stronger your feelings of love and affection become.
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Eye contact may be just as important once you’re in a relationship.
The amount of eye contact you and your partner share may be indicative of just how in love you are.
Older research suggests that couples who are deeply in love make more eye contact than those who aren’t.”
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3. Leaning or tilting.
“The way a person sits or stands in your presence says a lot about their interest. Someone who’s interested or flirting with you will often lean or tilt your way.
Examples of this are leaning forward and bringing their upper body toward you, or moving closer to the edge of their seat when talking to you.”
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4. Feet pointing.
“Without having to give it any real thought or effort, a person’s feet will generally point in the direction they want to go.
If you’re speaking to someone and their feet are pointing toward you, then they’re where they want to be.”
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5. Mirroring.
“Mirroring has long been thought to be a nonverbal sign of interest.
Mirroring is the mimicking — subconscious or otherwise — of another person’s actions and behaviors.
When two people are genuinely engaged in conversation, they tend to mirror each other without even realizing it.
It’s also believed that a person will mimic your actions when they want to build a rapport with you.
Aligning their actions encourages closeness and creates a bond.
So, if you happen to notice that the person you’re chatting up is holding their hand in the same position you are, they’re probably interested.”
6. Touching.
“Subtle motions, such as grazing your arm or leg during an animated conversation, may be a sign of interest.
Also take note of how they interact with themselves when speaking to you.
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Running their hand along their arm or through their hair while looking at or speaking to you may be another sign of attraction.”
7. Blushing.
“Your face becomes flushed when you get a rush of adrenaline. This causes your heart to race and your blood vessels to dilate.
It can result from any type of emotion, whether that’s stress or embarrassment or anger.
But in terms of mating, it’s a good indicator that you’ve managed to get someone excited.
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Blushing has long been thought of as a sign of
attraction and attractiveness.”
Are Sabine and Ezra in love? I say trust the science.
Rewatch all of Sabine and Ezra’s scenes together in Ahsoka and draw your own conclusion.
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jartita-me-teneis · 4 months
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Se tiene conocimiento de que cada mamífero crea su leche de acuerdo a las necesidades de su especie.
Representación de 3 especies diferentes:
• Lo amarillo representa la grasa de la leche
• Lo azul representa la proteína de la leche
• Lo rosado representa el azúcar de la leche.
• Lo blanco es el contenido de agua.
Podemos observar claramente la diferencia de la composición de cada leche, que está perfectamente diseñada para las necesidades y desarrollo de sus crías."
FUENTE: Alba Padró Arocas IBCLC
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ambuschool · 2 months
My first conference
Yang baca dari awal pasti tau kalau waktu itu sekitar bulan maret atau mei gitu - diantara ke-hectic-an duniawi - mencoba submit abstract ke conference Public Health Victoria gitu. Berrbulan-bulan nggak ada kabar sampe aku hampir lupa dan beberapa hari lalu dpt kabar kalau abstract ku DITERIMA 🥺
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Jujur masyaAllah seneng bgt tp ada rasa takutnya juga karena takut gak bs sebaik itu, tapi ya masih bulan november juga. Masih plenty of time utk preparing semua ini :”) alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah.
Aku gak bikin abstract ini scr sengaja. Ini adapah assignment-ku di mata kuliah Nutrition Politics and Policy yang cuman dpt nilai 75 😭🤣 tapi aku tau, nilaiku gak maksimal karena aku simply gak comply sm rubric penilaian aja bukan aku tolol gak bs nulis wkwk 🥲 (ini taunya setelah dikasih tau Raania deng).
Dan krn conference ini ngomongin tntg commercial determinant of health yg WHICH EMANG SANGAT BERPENGARUH YA BUND DI NEGARA BERKEMBANG, jadi Angle Commercial Milk Formula ini yg aku emphasize juga
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Walau ternyata daftar conference tuh mahal juga ya ceuuuu (ternyata keterima abstract gak serta merta kita bs dtg secara cuma-cuma) karena ttp harus bayar registrasi conference-nya sebesar 300 Aud, tapi ku berharap ku bisa elevate my career in public health dan MUNGKIN AAMINN, bisa jadi jalanku juga kalau nanti beneran ada PhD project yg sesuai dengan minatku hiksss aamiinn.
Setelah dipikir2 kayanya aku mau pulang dulu setahun dua tahun buat praktik serius di bidang konseling menyusui agar bisa dpt 1000 jam praktik dan ujian IBCLC, sekaligus bangun kebun di puncak. Abis gitu melanglang buana lagi ke negeri orang utk belajar tentang menyusui - sanitasi - nutrisi - kesehatan lingkungan.
Bismillah, semoga ada uangnya bulan depan jd bs segera regist conference-nya dan mulai nyiapin PPT nya buat conference. Laa hawlaa walla quwwata illa billah :)
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justsunflowr · 1 year
Menyusui dengan Lip Tie Tounge Tie
Assalamu'alaykum, semoga kalian sehat2 dan dalam penjagaan Allah swt; Semoga kita selalu ingat hak bathin jiwa raga yg tenang dengan tidak skip dzikir (dalam bentuk apapun) walaupun riweuh ngurus bayik, tapi Allah yg urus kita semua (asal kita sabar, shalat, dan bersyukur❤️)
Now, disclaimer dulu:
- Walaupun aku lulusan kedokteran tapi tidak banyak mendalami persusuan ini, tulisan ini aku buat niatnya utk bagi-bagi pengalaman mana tau ada yg sedang mengASIhi dan ternyata juga anaknya dengan Lip Tie Tounge Tie (LTTT).
- Aku juga baru googling2 aja, belum sampe baca jurnal2nya karena belum bs jd prioritas, maka konsullah ke ahlinya, di sini ya konselor laktasi; modal tanyaaa semua dan searching tipis2 (tetep dr sumber terpercaya).
- All typed in one go dr handphone karena kalau aku tunda lagi pasti ga kebuat ini, sama kaya foto postwedding yg udah dibooking terus gajadi, sekarang menyesal kenapa ga sempetin sejam dua jam, sekarang ga mgkn aku bisa difoto proper dengan BMI normal dalam waktu dekat🥲
Jadi mohon maaf typo dan flight of ideas, I will try my best.
Nah apa sih LTTT itu? Bisa di googling aja hehe tapi singkatnya lip tie : ada ikatan bawah bibir atas mana dia terlalu pendek/tebel/terlalu deket gigi dan tounge tie : lingual frenulum yg menghubungkan dasar lidah ke lidah-nya pendek/tebel/terlalu deket ujung lidah
adanya tie ini berpengaruh ke kemampuan lidah bergerak, termasuk dalam menyusui, berbicara dan makan.
Okay, jd gini... aku berencana breastfeeding anak selama mgkn yg aku bisa, kalau semua memungkinkan, kalau rejekinya. Sama seperti kebanyakan ibu-ibu seangkatan, aku ikut juga kelas menyusui online itu.. sangat menambah cakrawala ya; terutama masalah frenulotomy (diinsisi/dibuka/dipotong sebagian) LTTT.
Ternyata ada tiga kubu besar yg aku dapati, kalau ini spektrum it goes like this:
1. Kubu asal kenaikan BB Baik-> Berat badan naik sesuai, tidak perlu, tidak urgent; di beberapa forum aku baca salah satu argumennya, kemampuan oromotor termasuk LTTT nya ini akan ikut berkembang, ada yg dengan fisioterapi dulu juga
2. Kubu di antara -> BB bs saja baik TAPI ada scoring seberapa butuh frenulotomynya, scoring nya ada beberapa tool, kurang lebih ada penilaian dari anatomi LTTT nya (seberapa pendek/tebal/kaku, posisi), anatomi puting dan payudara ibu, sampai keluhan menyusui (sakit payudara, bayi tersedak, dll)
3. Kubu semakin cepat semakin baik kalau ada indikasi, indikasi di sini selain seperti kubu kedua, ini lebih holistik lagi, dinilai juga kenyamanan ibu dan bayi; karena lip tie tounge tie yg walaupun dr awal BBnya baik, tapi karena produksi ASI itu supply and demand (yg mana kalau karena lttt bayi salah latch on/terbukanya mulut kurang maksimal/ngempeng atau ngisap cuma sampe puting) awal2 masih terkompensasi karena produksi yg dipengaruhi hormon postpartum masih banyak, tapi setelah itu karena demand-nya berkurang, maka apa? yak betul, supply pun berkurang; jadilah drama ASI sedikit.
Oh ya sekilas info, dr kelas aku juga belajar: Ibu dengan ASI sedikit yg organik (yg beneran dari sananya) itu persentasinya keciiiiil sekali; banyaknya ya karena manajemen laktasinya kurang optimal. Nah, dengan ngomong ini aku pun tau (karena udah ngerasain) kalau menyusu itu apalagi sampe 2 tahun sebuah 1. privilege; 2. rejeki. Tugas kita sebagai Ibu ya berusaha sebisa kita dengan ilmu dulu sambil doa terus Allah mudahkan. Semoga semua orang punya kesempatan yg sama dan supportive enviroment utk memperjuangkan breastfeeding untuk anaknya.
Nah menurut aku, aku ngikutin kubu yg ketiga ini; ternyata LTTT itu bukan cuma masalah sakit menyusu atau BB seret. Aku juga udah lihat bawah lidah bayi tapi menurutku frenulumnya masih di belakang.
Jadi aku ke konselor laktasi karena bayiku bbnya baik cukup aja jd bulan kedua itu naiknya 800gr, masih bisa ditingkatkan pikirku, jadi mau memastikan apa ada salah posisi/perlengketan maka aku cari konselor laktasi, kebetulan ada IBCLC juga di Medan. Di kasus aku BB naik cukup, tidak sakit menyusui, tapi.. setelah konsul, yg indikasi lttt yg ujung-ujungnya produksi ASI bisa makin drop itu adalah karena bayiku sering ngempeeeng di payudara, bisa aampe sejam; aku baca-baca awalnya modal googling bisa aja itu just another newborn thing -- seeking comfort (comfort nursing); tapi kata konselor laktasi itu juga bisa tanda lttt itu (mulut ga bisa nganga gede maka dia ga kenyang/ga puas menyusu makanya dia bisanya ngempeng lama); efeknya aku tuh siang-siang bisa seharian sampe jadwal tidur malam itu di tempat tidur nyusuin anak, karena yg menyusui yg harusnya bisa selesai dalam10-30 menit; di aku jadi 1-1,5 jam; oh ya, mengempeng/nyusunya dan menyeruput/tidak nganga gede jd areola masih banyak ketinggalan; mengempeng ini mulai ada pas bayiku 2 bulanan kayanya, kalau yg menyeruput itu dari awal tapi kalau disusui samping tiduran nymping masih bisa nganga lumayan. Bibir atas engga memble jd ga ada seal yg baik pas anak menyusui itu aku udah notice sejak lahir, bahkan pas aku coba memble-in, dia balik lagi menyeruput.
Nah saat itu aku pikir aman aja karena BB naik baik. Padahal seal yg ga baik bikin latch on salah, bisa aja sakit, bisa juga engga; yg pasti anak lebih gassy karena udara lebih mudah masuk, jadi lebih mudah muntah dan cegukan; nah bayiku cegukan tuh, mayan sering, aku mikirnya yaa karena newborn jd belum well developed kerja diafragmanya dan katup vocal cord nya; padahal yaaa karena udara terlalu banyak masuk jd lambungnya kembung dan buat spasme diafragma🙂
Nah, pertanyaan awal-awal yg ditanya pas mulai konsul: "Tidur siangnya gimana dari pagi ke malam?" Bayik sejak 1 bulan tidur malamnya sudah teratur, tapi siangnya masih harus aku gendong, kalau di put down jarang bgt bisa, pasti antara lagi disusui maka ketiduran; itu juga abis ngempeng, aku yg banyak narik payudara, dan mostly dia kebangun🙂 Tapi kupikir, kan masih newborn? tapi emang pas sudah masuk 3 bulan ini masih seperti itu.. kata dokternya: "Sampe ada loh yg susah solat karena anaknya rewel" And I was like: Iyah, itu aku dook! Emang yg lain engga?" Katanya harusnya bisa tidur diletak, ga terus2an/rewel. Jadi ya bayiku rewel karena ga kenyang, malam itu karena udah sirkadian ritme makanya lebih terlelap tapi kemungkinan karena lttt ini sangking lelahnya ngeyot tapi ga puas, jd dia tertidur ajaa gitu pas malam, udah lah emang jam tidur dan udah lelah ngenyot begitu.. Ngerti ga guys aku ngomong apa ini? Kalau rahman ngerti nih😂
Nah jadi setelah berdiskusi dengan Bapaknya bayi dan searching sebisa kami; kami setuju dilakukan frenulotomy pas bayi usia 3 bulan. InsyaAllah ini bentuk ikhtiar kami agar bayi bisa menyusui dengan nyaman dan sehat-sehat dan Ibunya bisa lebih produktif.
Nah, dengan menyetujui frenulotomy dan semua risiko-risiko pembedahan minor pada umumnya (pendarahan, nyeri, reaattach, sampe scarring); ohya, nyerinya harusnya tidak lama, karena frenulum sejatinya juga tidak banyak nervesnya, tapi tetep kasian bayi pas diinsisi sih tangisannya🥲 Setelah itu, things got better, not instantly tho!
Setelah insisi, diajarin cara senamin area muka, mulut dan lidah yg harus kami lakuin 5 kali sehari 3 minggu ke depan, kami kontrol lagi/minggu, fisioterapi dengan fisioterapis/mgg dan diberi obat nyeri utk 1 hari dan salep utk bekas insisi utk 3 mgg;
Fast forward, di awal minggu ke-3, bayik cukup senamin 4 kali, tidak perlu fisioterapi lagi, dan lukanya bagus.
Apa yg aku rasain dan amatin?
Seminggu pertama, hari pertama sih deg2an senaminnya masih nangis2 karena itu.. kaku kan lidahnya karena selama 3 bulan ngenyotnya salah.
Aku pun baru tahu karena lttt, bayik emang kebih nunduk nyusunya (karena kerestrict itu lagi) jd sebadan-badan pun kaku (yg aku ga notice, yg tau ini ya dokternya sama fisioterapisnya; yg bisa aku lihat, pas ganti baju, dia ga serewel dulu.
Minggu kedua, masih gatel mau nimbang😂 akhirnya disuruh jgn nimbang supaya ga bias dan kepikiran karena ini mau koreksi quality of life bukan semata-mata BB aja. Di minggu kedua ini awal-awal aku kayak: kok belum berasa ya??, tapi diakhir minggu; yg aku lihat bayik udah bisa nap ditinggal, ga ngempeng lagi, udah bisa lepas nenen dalam 30 menitan, udah makin mirip video2 breastfeeding nganganya.. dan payudaranya lebih terasa terisi; alhamdulillah🫶
nah yg jadi PR besar adalah aku harus latih bayik yg udah kebiasa latch on dengan salah (nunduk, nyeruput, and it takes time, kata dokternya bisa kurang lebih 6 minggu sampe bayik bisa nenen macem video2 breastfeeding itu hehehe), jadi kerjaan aku lepas2in sampe bayik bener nganganya fufufu kasian bayik kadang bete dia🥲 semangat ya naaak maafin Umma kalau masih suka salah ancang-ancangnya.
In the meantime, aku bersyukur dengan keputusan insisi lttt bayi; quality of life nya dan aku beneran makin baik, insyaAllah nanti mengikuti tumbuh kembangnya.. it was scary at first but soo worth it. Dan aku dah ga bisa miring2in english lagi soalnya bayik dah bangun wkwkwk dan perjalanan mengASIhi masih berjalan, bismillah yah!
(Terima kasih Rahman for being an amazing partner and father menemani kami as you always are. We love you.)
Kataku, follow your motherly instinct, cari-cari tahu dulu secukupnya aja terus pergi ke profesional yg klop dan cocok yah☺️❤️
Al-Quran 2:286 "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
Inna ma'al usri yusro "Verily, with hardsip; there is ease."
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luvsiebaby · 1 month
Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker: A Perfect Blend of Style and Comfort for Your Little One
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When it comes to dressing your baby, every parent wants the perfect blend of comfort, practicality, and style. The Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker is a shining example of this trifecta. Designed with the modern parent in mind, this beautiful piece from Luvsie Baby isn't just an accessory; it's a statement of love and care for your little one.
The Essence of Luvsie
Luvsie Baby was born out of a deep understanding of the precious bond between parents and their newborns. Founded by Sarah-Ashley, a mother of three and a former NICU nurse and IBCLC, Luvsie is all about enhancing the magical moments of skin-to-skin contact between parents and their babies. Sarah-Ashley’s experience and passion are woven into every product, ensuring that each item is designed to support and nurture the connection between you and your baby.
The Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker is no exception. It captures the essence of what Luvsie stands for—comfort, style, and a touch of magic.
The Design: Timeless and Versatile
The Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker features a classic checker pattern in a warm, earthy terracotta hue. This color not only exudes a sense of warmth and coziness but also pairs beautifully with a variety of other colors and patterns, making it a versatile accessory in your baby’s wardrobe.
The checker design is timeless, offering a nod to classic style while maintaining a modern edge. Whether you're dressing your baby for a special occasion or a casual day at home, this bow is sure to add a touch of charm and sophistication.
Comfort That Cares
One of the key features of the Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker is its exceptional comfort. Made from Luvsie’s signature magically soft fabric, this bow is gentle on your baby’s delicate skin. The fabric is carefully selected to ensure that it is soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic, making it ideal for your baby’s sensitive skin.
The bow is designed to stay in place without being too tight, ensuring your baby feels comfortable all day long. It’s perfect for those special skin-to-skin moments that Luvsie is known for, allowing you to dress your baby with ease while maintaining that all-important physical connection.
Practicality Meets Style
At Luvsie, practicality is never sacrificed for style, and the Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker is a perfect example of this balance. The bow is easy to put on and take off, making it a convenient accessory for busy parents. Its durable construction ensures that it can withstand the wear and tear of daily use while maintaining its shape and softness.
Whether you're heading out for a family outing or enjoying a quiet day at home, this bow adds an effortless touch of elegance to your baby’s look. It’s also an excellent choice for photo sessions, capturing those precious moments in style.
A Thoughtful Gift
The Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker makes a thoughtful gift for any new parent. Its combination of style, comfort, and practicality ensures that it will be a beloved addition to any baby’s wardrobe. Whether you’re shopping for your own little one or looking for the perfect baby shower gift, this bow is sure to delight.
The Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker is more than just a baby accessory—it’s a reflection of the love and care that goes into every Luvsie product. With its timeless design, exceptional comfort, and practical functionality, this bow is a must-have for any parent who values both style and comfort for their little one. Dress your baby in the Luvsie Bow Terracotta Checker and create beautiful, lasting memories with every wear.
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awsomebloggersblog · 1 month
Job Opening For BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT - NON NURSING Intuitive Health Services - Job title: BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT - NON NURSING Job description: JOB REQUIREMENTS Education Must be certified as a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC or CLC). CLC must be working on IBCLC certification and achieve within 2 years of employment. Experience Minimum of one year experience on a Maternity/Inf... Apply for the job now! https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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fit2b · 2 months
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My amazing birth-expert friend Lisa is a Lamaze certified childbirth educator (LCCE) and an International board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). Lisa has made some interesting observations that fly in the face of modern thought about giving young girls IUD’s or putting them on the pill for the sake of controlling their cycles so they can compete or avoid pain. Lisa also has an M.A. in Human Development with a specialization in Lactation Consulting and Natural Family Planning – Sympto Thermal Method Trained. She works for a local hospital here in my area.
To read her insights on our blog, please message us with the word BIRTH CONTROL because Instagram is still restricting our ability to initiate messages due to our discussion of 🐝 M 👁️ from last week 🙄
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doulayogimama · 10 months
My client is 41 weeks and still pregnant (she originally said that she thought baby would “for sure” be here by 11/11 😬).
She asked me for a breastfeeding consultation for “a slightly unique situation” so we’re chatting tomorrow.
I’m a little nervous 😅 I’m hoping she’s just leaking colostrum and is like WTF is this or has inverted nipples or something ~simple~ I can confidently help her with.
But hey, free is free, and she knows I’m still a student 😂 I also have a network of IBCLC’s to reach out to for insight if I want more information.
Either way, I just want to be helpful and make her feel at ease 🙏🏽
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inmamellado · 7 months
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Hoy se celebra el Día Internacional de las IBCLCs. Mi felicitación para todas las compañeras de profesión y para las estupendas socias de la Asociación Española de IBCLCs que tengo el honor de presidir. Gracias a todas por proteger y promover la lactancia. Gracias a cada madre, cada bebé cada familia que me abre un hueco en su vida para permitirme acompañarles en su lactancia.
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themomsandthecity · 2 months
My Daughter Is Almost 3, and I'll Breastfeed For as Long as She Wants Me To
When I got pregnant, I felt quite ambivalent about breastfeeding. Like many, I thought we'd give it a go and if it worked for us, great. If it didn't, I'd bottle feed. I dutifully joined prenatal classes that scratched the surface of how to do it and I bought nipple cream - but I also bought bottles. My pregnancy had been plain sailing but at 32 weeks, my usually wriggly baby wasn't moving at all. Right up until birth, babies continue to move regularly, so I knew this was a huge red flag. An emergency scan showed that my baby was extremely small and terrifyingly, there were concerns about my placenta, which wasn't providing the support it was supposed to. Suddenly, the control I felt over my own body, pregnancy, and birth was stripped away. At 37 weeks, I was induced and my baby was born vaginally, following a heavily monitored, but very active, positive labor. I spent our "golden hour" cradling my 4-pounds, 10-ounces daughter; small, but perfect. I put her to my breast and she latched immediately. I decided there and then that I wanted to breastfeed. In fact, it suddenly became desperately important to me. A few hours later though, her breathing faltered, she became unresponsive and wouldn't feed. The pediatric doctor told me that our daughter had sepsis and she was immediately whisked away to NICU. Seeing my tiny child in an incubator and having to ask permission to touch or hold her was devastating. I still felt totally out of control, but nourishing her with my body was something I knew I could attempt. If nothing else, at least I could try to feed her. I sat for hours in NICU practicing skin-to-skin and being coached by her wonderful medical team on how to feed her. A week later, we left the hospital with breastfeeding fully established. I think it'd be apt at this point to say that breastfeeding wasn't super straightforward for us. Many mothers know that breastfeeding may well be "natural," but that's not to say it's easy at all. The cracked nipples and blocked ducts are one thing, but the utter exhaustion and mental impact are quite another. I turned to some incredible resources to help me when I felt lost, including La Leche League and evidence-based Instagram accounts run by qualified lactation consultants, like Kathryn Stagg, IBCLC, and The Breastfeeding Mentor. --- Experts Featured in This Article Olivia Hinge, IBCLC, is a midwife, lactation consultant, and author of the book, "A Judgement-Free Guide to Feeding Your Baby: Boob, Bottle and All." --- As my daughter grew, I had arbitrary dates in my head as markers to stop breastfeeding, because that seemed to be what everyone else was doing. Six months, one year, 18 months - they all passed us by. It wasn't until my friend mentioned "natural term weaning" to me that something clicked. It means to be led by your child and allow them to outgrow breastfeeding in their own time. According to the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers, children allowed to continue breastfeeding will typically self-wean between the ages of two and seven. We're still feeding at two years and almost ten months, and I'm not planning on stopping until she wants to. Typically, she feeds three times a day: on wake, before nap, and before sleep. She stopped feeding in the night by herself around her first birthday. She rarely asks to feed outside of these times, but if she does, I let her. She can feed anywhere, anytime. After almost three years, the act of breastfeeding feels wound into my being. It has quite honestly been the most beautiful and empowering experience of my life. But not every journey works out like ours and isn't as easy as choosing to continue or stop. The WHO recommends breastfeeding to two years old and beyond. However, in the US, only one in four infants is exclusively breastfed for six months. The UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world, with eight in 10 women stopping before they want to. Sadly, so many… https://www.popsugar.com/family/extended-breastfeeding-personal-essay-49383637?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ingatlah · 2 months
Rangkaian HJK ke-355, Guru dan Siswa SMP se-Kota Padang Nonton dan Bedah Novel Siti Nurbaya
INGATLAH.COM – Rangkaian Hari Jadi Kota (HJK) ke-355 Kota Padang terus bergulir, nonton film bersama dan bedah novel Siti Nurbaya ikut dihadiri dua cucu sastrawan fenomenal Kota Padang, Almarhum Marah Roesli di Gedung Bagindo Aziz Chan Youth Center, Senin (5/8). Dua cucu Almarhum Marah Roesli yang hadir Dr. Utami Roesli SpA, MBA, FABM, IBCLC dan Dra. Dewi Odjar Ratna Komala MM, CPEC, CCEHT, CEHT…
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ambuschool · 21 days
What I Will Gonna Be After Graduated?
Pertanyaan yg beberapa kali muncul dalam percakapan basa-basi, ataupun orang serius nanya karena public health seluas itu.
Jujur ya masih belum tau. Tapi kusendiri mencoba untuk menggali skill-skill apa yang kira2 bakal dibutuhin kedepannya.
I am struck into breastfeeding sih ya jujur karena buatku isu breastfeeding ini isu keadilan. Karena breastfeeding ini suatu hal “gratis” yg Allah kasih ke kita. Tapi emang utk memanfaatkannya dgn maksimal harus banyak dibantu sama orang lain - secara knowledge dan skill (re : konselor menyusui). Makanya aku mah gak pernah narif ke orang2 yg konsul ke aku. Disamping, akupun ngerasa belum bs all out dampingin, mungkin nanti kl hands on langsung beda yah.
Dan aku juga MARAH BANGET sama industri-industri dan oknum-oknum yang nawarin susu formula ke masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah dan mereka sampe harus banting tulang - bahkan orangtuanya harus nyolong sampe susu dikasih tag-tag alarm di supermarket-supermarket karena banyak yg kena jerat susu formula padahal mereka nggak butuh.
Aku selalu cerita ke orang-orang kalau kisah ini deket banget denganku. Karena ada sepupunya Mas Mogi yang Supir Truk Perusahaan Pupuk, gaji 2.5 juta sebulan, 1 jutanya buat beli susu formula.
Tapi aku pernah juga cerita ke orang lain tntg isu ini. Ada yg menganggap biasa-biasa aja karena mungkin isunya nggak “dekat” dengan mereka dan merasa bahwa memakai susu formula adalah pilihan orangtua, pada kenyataannya, banyak juga yg dijebak.
But anyway, balik lg ke topik aku mau jadi apa nanti pas lulus? Menyadari keterbatasanku sebagai ibu yang anaknya juga perlu di nurture dan perlu kehadiranku, juga menyadari bahwa aku gak pinter-pinter amat. Aku juga belum berani memproyeksikan diri.
Tapi salah satu rencanaku pas pulang ke Indonesia itu praktik di RS/Klinik, untuk credentials jadi IBCLC. Biar konselor menyusuiku beneran di acknowledge secara internasional dan aku bs punya ilmu yg lebih luasss lg buat edukasi orang2.
Selain itu, sebenernya kepengen kerja di lembaga yang bisa main di kebijakan, bukan hanya di Grass Root karena selama ini aku gak punya PoV itu. Hmm, mungkin kalau mau ambil kebijakan harus punya dasar pengetahuan juga tentang health system ya? Jadi bingung juga soalnya aku gak tertarik disana wkwk, otakku Civil Society banget soalnya 😂😂
Anyway, perasaan gak pengen balik ke Indo tuh jujur ada banget ya. Ngerasa hopeless bgt sm tu negara, buset dah kuota haji dimainin, ada orang yg 3 tahun gak pulang krn nyari kerja, tapi diatas ada orang-orang yg korupsi 271 Triliyun cm dihukum 3 tahun penjara dan denda 5 ribu, belom lagi masalah anak presiden pake jet pribadi. Gilaak.
Hal-hal kaya gini jujur mengganggu gue banget. Dan mikir dalam hal kecil apa gue bisa berkontribusi biar Indonesia lebih baik lagi. Wakwaww bukannya putus asa malah cari cara, emang otak gue udah ter-brainwash sama nilai2 Rumah Kepemimpinan dan Forum Indonesia Muda nih wkwkw.
Dan pas kemarin nonton Youtube-nya Pak Anies dan Panji, Pak Anies selalu mengulang-ngulang kata “Keadilan” ; “Kesetaraan” yang ternyata membuat hatiku bergetar. Ternyata yg bikin aku marah ngeliat rakyat kecil tersiksa dan elite hura-hura karena rasa setara dan adil itu nggak ada disana!
Kagum sih sama orang pinter yang mau turun langsung menyelesaikan masalah di akar rumput. Walau namanya pas jadi pemimpin ada aja di caci makinya, tapi gue percaya sm mereka yg berilmu, sekolah tinggi dengan bener (bukan bayar orang utk sekolah dia dpt ijazahnya aja, ada temen gue yg kerjanya kaya gini di DPR 🙃) dan punya willing yg kuat utk membuat kebijakan yg pro-masyarakat buka Pro-elite. Walau pasti dlm perjalanannya gak akan lepas dari elite (anjir elite nih siapa sih kok mereka jahat bgt , mgkn krn bisnis mereka kebanyakan kotor dan gamau status quo mereka diganggu), tapi semoga value dan support system utk bernegara dgn baik itu ttp ada.
Ah jangankan elite ya, Na. Kenyamanan km di Melb dengan segala fasilitas public, sekolah, dll ini juga bikin km males kan balik ke Indo? Walau dari awal jg udh ttd kontrak bakal balik ke indo after lulus minimal 2 tahun, sempet kepikiran juga pengen stay longer disini dan nyari cara biar bs stay longer disini. Emang hawa nafsu manusia kaya gitu, tapi apa kita harus ngikutin hawa nafsu? Allah kan bekalin kita dengan hati juga! Nah mana nih yang lebih menang?
Itu deh, hidup tuh sesimpel gitu gaksih sebenenrnya? Tapi realitanya ngejalaninnya gak sesimpel itu krn manusia suka menakar untung ruginya pake logika juga 😌
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ubuntuservice · 4 months
What Services Are Available Under the NDIS?
The NDIS needs to regain trust by allowing participants to have a trusted advocate who will put bad providers on notice as soon as they are not pulling their weight. This will make a big difference to many participants.
Women are underdiagnosed in disabilities that the NDIS funds such as autism spectrum disorder, and autoimmune conditions including ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy services are designed to help people manage their daily activities and improve their quality of life. They include assistance with sleep and rest; support to manage anxiety and depression; personalised pain management; and driving assessments.
OTs can also offer specialised support in areas such as paediatric occupational therapy, assistive technology and environmental modifications. They can also assist with the development of goals and strategies for people with mental health conditions and work on coping mechanisms to help people with disabilities find ways to stay active in their communities. They can also provide support for people who have trouble with everyday tasks like eating, bathing and shopping.
Speech Pathology
Corcyra is a highly experienced Speech Pathologist who specialises in dysphagia and feeding. She is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and can deliver breastfeeding workshops or individual consults for antenatally pregnant women, new parents, infants and young children.
Midwest Support Coordination offers support coordination for plan managed and self managed NDIS participants. Emily will work with you to understand your NDIS plan and assist you to maintain choice and control over your supports.
NDIS services Wandina, Midwest and Murchison provide information, access, assistance and other supports funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme. These services are designed to help you live the life you want, with more time with family and friends, greater independence and improved quality of life.
Physiotherapy is a key component of the NDIS framework, offering participants essential support services that contribute to their enhanced quality of life. Physiotherapy services address mobility challenges and enhance physical capabilities, increasing functional independence and promoting wellbeing.
To access physiotherapy, participants should work closely with their NDIS planner and healthcare professionals to conduct a thorough assessment of their individual needs. Once completed, they can then use their NDIS funding to access physiotherapy sessions with a registered provider.
To find a physiotherapy provider, participants should consider qualifications and experience, services offered, location, accessibility, and cost. They can also ask their NDIS support coordinator for recommendations or check with local physiotherapy professional organizations.
Social Work
Social workers are present across the NDIS offering a variety of services. They are often responsible for assessments and support planning, however they also offer positive behaviour support, counselling, psychosocial recovery coaching and more. They can help participants manage their authorised supports by forecasting annual service demands and expenses. It’s crucial that participants familiarise themselves with the NDIS price guide to ensure that billing procedures are compliant.
NDIS registered Social Workers act as advocates for their participants, ensuring that their voices are heard and their rights upheld within the system. They are also well-versed in NDIS processes and can navigate the complexities of the NDIS system for their participants.
Dietetic services are a core NDIS health support that helps participants achieve their goals, including building or maintaining their capacity for social interaction, learning and self-care. An Accredited Practising Dietitian can provide you with nutrition support that enhances your overall wellbeing.
if your going to publish codes of conduct and service garantees you need to ensure they are adhered to or your just publishing crooked nonsense that isnt fit for purpose. also why do you not use a.i to help navigate a website that you know is nt fit for purpose? its a simple solution that would be cheaper and faster. oh and it would save you from paying temps.
Behaviour Support
Behaviour support is a key component in the NDIS. It helps participants address challenging behaviours and increase their quality of life through strengths-based strategies. This includes addressing difficult behaviours such as self-injury, damaging property, and physical or verbal aggression.
NDIS participants can access behaviour support services through their Capacity Building Supports budget. This supports their wellbeing, and is part of building relationships and a strong support system for the participant.
Behaviour support services that involve regulated restrictive practices are only available through registered NDIS providers. These providers must report the use of these practices to the NDIS Commission on a regular basis. They must also include fade out strategies in their comprehensive behaviour support plans.
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