flowersfortheghost · 9 months
two words: ghostflower coded
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alexdelray1 · 11 months
Miguel O'hara x F Reader.
-It wasn't a question.- and with that sentence chaos began.
All Spider people, things, animals and everything started chasing poor innocent Miles Morales. But first, something about me.
I'm Reader Khalifa and I'm Spider-Woman on Earth 5002. In my universe, I'm a celebrity. And some people will think how do I have time to be Spider-Woman and a celebrity at the same time? In my land, heroes do not hide their faces. This shows their dominance and that they are not afraid to show the face of a hero. In other lands it is different. Well, because they are handicapped (no offense to any readers). Just think how much I was paid to save all of New York. Billions. I'm not sure exactly, but it just shows how stupid the other Spider people are. It's not that I'm doing it for the money, but they are pushing these billions into my hands. The heroine cannot be poor, but let's go back.
I quickly moved to one of the pillars to get a better view of the whole situation, which was difficult because Miles kept having to run this way or that. I feel sorry for the boy. It reminds me of Shrek when Shrek had to fight some knights to shout at Lord Fart. They don't hold back. They seriously do what Miguel tells them to do. Although if I weren't so awesome, I'd suck his dick too. Well, unfortunately awesomeness is not a venereal disease, so he won't have it.
Damn, I lost Miles because of my awesome monologue. I swung towards the noise and as you can see the fight started to move outside and I noticed that Spinneret was about to attack Miles. And I liked her so much. Sorry Mary Jane.
I quickly appeared in the middle of the action and kicked her not as hard as I could. Because my awesomeness could kill her. Of course, I'm almost as powerful as Cosmic Spider-Man. I'm second in the rankings between Cosmic Spider-Man and Peni Parker. I found out about it on the earth 1218.
Spinneret has fallen and won't get up for some time. Miles looked at me. I gave him my alpha dominant rizz smile and he returned it with a virginal smile. It may be possible to rizzle some girl with that smile one day. When I say girl, I mean Gwen Stacy.
To be honest, his plan was more than predictable. I quickly disconnected from him and flew to the room where the sending home machine was. I noticed Margo there wondering what she would look like with what hairstyle.
-Oh, how are you, Margo? - I asked her.
-All right. I just can't choose what hairstyle would suit me. - she replied, staring at the screen. I went to the machine and started tinkering.
-Maybe try braids.- I suggested to her and noticed that the equipment had already started turning on by itself. Miles... I walked up to her and tried to engage her in conversation.
-Not very. And they hurt terribly. Maybe i'll straighten them? - she said.
-Girl, you have amazing hair and you want to straighten it? It's the same as just shaving it off. Try something else-- I couldn't finish.
-Wait. Why does the machine turn on by itself? - she asked and approached the machine.
-Idk.- I replied.
-Someone's turning it on.- Lyla said and she and Margo started trying to turn the machine off, but it didn't work.
Miles entered the machine and soon became visible. Margo looked at him and he looked at her and then at me. It's nice to be the third wheel on a bike.
Our drama Queen stormed into the room (Miguel O'hara). He was about to break through and get to the aura that was around Miles.
Fuck that. I've probably done everything in my life except riding Perdo Pascal.
I threw myself in front of the barrier and caused Miguel to hit my stomach with his claws and stop, which allowed the machine to transport Miles to his dimension.
-Oh no.- the only thing I heard from Miguel for now was when I fell to the floor and there was no trace of the boy. I looked past Miguel. Everyone else is here too and I think they're a little confused about what's going on. Miguel knelt down next to me and took my hair out of my face.
-Why?- he asked me, shocked.
-You know my reason. With great fucking power comes great fucking responsibility. He fucking took it. You will chase him, but you know well that no matter how many chains you put on him, he will free himself from all of them. Because he's fucking amazing like me. - I said and closed my eyes from tiredness.
-Olivia Octavius! Take her and go heal her now!-
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heliads · 2 years
Hello to one of the loveliest people in the universe! Ehe, I’m back, and I was wondering if you could a tasm Peter Parker x reader, except this, takes place after NWH, and like, the reader’s actually spiderwoman in her universe, and she also lost her Peter (who’s basically her universe’s task Peter)? And like they’re very wary of each other at first, but then they realize they’re not threats, and eventually have some fun banter and conversation before Peter says something like “you remind me of someone” and she replies with the same? And like, they realize reader doesn’t really have a place to go, so they go to Peter’s apartment, but she’s starting to hyperventilate because this is *exactly* where her Peter used to live, and so Peter has to remove her mask, and he’s just so shocked and they basically hold each other? Ehe yes torture me with angst please -
ok ily but i have not seen nwh whoops so idk if this makes any sense but i loved the vibe of this req so i simply had to do it
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The grave is not welcoming as of late, but then again cold stone never is. Your tears don’t quite dry, but then again they never do. You should be used to this now, you think, or at least have found a way to get a better hold of yourself before now, but even after all of this time, one look at Peter Parker’s headstone is all it takes for you to break.
It wasn’t fair, how he died. It wasn’t right. Peter Parker, your wonderful Peter, the one who would walk miles with you to your car just to make sure you would get home safely, the very boy who would watch science fiction movies with you just to critique their realism, should have lived a very long and very thrilling life. He deserved awards, praise, hundreds of friends just as devoted to him as you are.
You’re certain that he did, or at least that all of that came posthumously. You know the funeral service was packed full of people who wanted to talk about him, but all you could think about was that they never managed it while he was alive. Then again, perhaps your ire was misdirected in the hopes of sparing you some of the burn. After all, you’re the reason Peter is dead, aren’t you?
In the end, you didn’t save him when he needed it the most, and that’s on you. As the resident Spider-Woman, it’s your job to take care of those in need, to protect the city and take down threats before they can grow into problems. You’ve managed it for years, but when it came down to it, you couldn’t save your boyfriend.
Distantly, you wonder if he can see you now, if he blames you for what happened half as much as you blame yourself. The fight that day should have been an easy one, just another run of the mill bad guy with some freak twist that decided to make your life difficult yet again.
The problems started when the resident bad guy started showing off his latest inhuman abilities, then Peter stumbled into the thick of things. He shouldn’t have been there, he was supposed to be across town at a conference, but one minute you were ducking for cover in an attempt to reload your web shooters and the next moment you had a picture perfect few of a New York villain bearing down on your boyfriend.
You remember that day vividly, as if you saw it on a movie theater-type big screen instead of with your own eyes. You can still feel the pull of your muscles as you threw yourself across the alleyway just in time to push Peter out of the way. You grabbed him and swung to a nearby alley, and once you were out of imminent danger you were shouting at him about what the hell he was doing there.
Peter had a snappy answer, he always did, but you could tell he was stunned by what had just happened. It was a very close call, and you thought it would be the closest he would get. The issue was that you were distracted with figuring out just why Peter was there instead of how to get him out of there. You were looking him, and you had the perfect view of his face as Peter got hit by an energy blast from the same guy you were supposed to be fighting.
The inhuman had aimed at you, but missed just perfectly and the blast ricocheted into Peter as well. You could feel the heat of the blast just under your arm, but Peter caught it straight in the chest. You watched the light fade from his eyes in one breath. One breath and he was gone, and you were more alone than you had ever been in your entire life.
It destroyed you. That was months ago, and you’re still some fragile wreck who can’t see a happy couple without being swamped by her own devastation. You took down the inhuman that killed Peter, but that doesn’t make you feel any better. The only person left to blame is yourself, and you’ve certainly got enough run time on that self loathing to make it last a lifetime.
One thing and one thing alone can possibly start to make the guilt less severe, and that’s your time as Spider-Woman. You were already fairly active on your nightly patrols, but ever since Peter died, it’s become your life. You go out in your suit morning and night, hour after hour. Your boss complained that you were taking too much time off, so you went out even more and started fudging your times in the logbook. Your family wants to see you more often, you make up excuses. Nothing matters like this does.
It’s not a healthy habit, and you know that, but what can you do? You are nothing without Peter. You needed him in every sense of the way, and you failed him. At least now you can stop people from losing their Peters. At least now no one else has to feel as crushed as you do.
You spend one last moment kneeling at Peter’s grave, then gently run a hand over his name and stand up, tugging your mask back over your head. It’s time for another nightly patrol. Already, the sun is sinking beneath the horizon, which means that you need to be ready to fight until your last breath. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough that you’ll get that end tonight.
You find your next fight within a matter of minutes. There’s yet another robbery happening down yet another street, and it feels like proof that nothing ever gets better in this city. No matter how many hours you spend stopping hijackings like this one, there’s always more. 
Still, you have a part to play, and you play it as well as you always do. You’re operating on pure muscle memory by the time you swing into the alleyway, and your words when you ask the robbers to stop and put their hands in the air are a prepared speech. They don’t listen, of course, but then again, that’s kind of what you wanted. You’ve been itching for a fight for a while now. You feel it all the time. 
You’re expecting the robbers to run further into the alleyways, but they surprise you and instead start climbing a nearby fire escape to the surrounding roofs. An interesting technique, but not one that will save them in the long run. You just swing up after them, landing on your feet and starting to run the second the soles of your boots touch a solid surface.
After that, your body goes on autopilot. There are four robbers currently running away from you; you take the nearest man down within moments, shooting a web that anchors his ankle to the ground. He stumbles and falls hard. You leap neatly over his body to continue pursuing the others. The second closest suffers from the same fate, easy.
The other two have caught on to what you’re doing and stop running, angling their guns towards you. The weapons appear to be energy based of some sort, and hum and glow like engines. One of them fires at you and you duck just in time, watching as the projectile burns a hole in the brick behind you. Once upon a time, you would have used that as an opportunity for a snappy comeback, but you’ve long since started keeping your mouth shut. There’s nothing funny about what you do anymore, not after you failed when it mattered the most.
Instead, you fire two webs at each of the men, and, crossing your arms suddenly, force the two robbers to slam into each other. They stumble to the ground, dazed, and you pace towards the one on the left. You throw him against a nearby wall, using your webs to bind him to the brick surface.
You took your eyes off of the other robber for too long, though, and judging by the energy projectile that barely misses you, he’s got his hands back on his gun. You whip around and start to fire a web at him, but you can tell that it’s too late. Is this how it ends, after all this time? A dark night, a lonely roofline, one reflex coming a little too slowly? At least you’ll see Peter again when it all falls apart. You wonder if he’ll hate you when it’s the two of you in the land of the dead, or if he’s done what you couldn’t and forgiven you.
The killing blow doesn’t come, though. A net of spider web shoots out of nowhere, tackling the guy to the ground. The web wasn’t yours, though, your fingers are still reaching for your web shooter. There’s someone else here, then, someone who’s got a similar setup as you.
You scan the horizon frantically, and see the guy on your second pass. He’s dressed in a suit that’s eerily similar to yours, blue and red with a black spider emblem across his chest. Even the black-edged ovals for his eyes look like the ones you’re staring out of right now. You stalk towards him like a caged animal, one arm raising by your side to point at him.
“Who are you? Why are you imitating me?”
The other guy rubs a hand over his masked face as if tired. “Shoot. I’m in the wrong universe, aren’t I? They dropped me off in the wrong place.”
You cock your head to the side. “Sorry, I’m not sure I’m following. What are you talking about?”
The guy spreads his hands, fumbling for a reason. “I’m not from here.”
You nod slowly. “Yeah, I can see that. Still doesn’t explain why you’re dressed like me, though.”
The man chuckles. “If you think about it, you’re the one dressed like me. Listen, have you ever heard of the multiverse theory?”
At your hesitant nod, he continues speaking in a rush. “Good. Great. See, I was pulled out of my universe to help with a problem, but I think I ended up in the wrong spot. You must be the Spider-Man here, right? Same way I’m the Spider-Man in my place.”
You cross your arms over your chest, still not entirely inclined to believe him. “Yeah, I’m Spider-Woman. How are you getting back to your universe, then?”
Spider-Man’s mask twitches over what you can only assume is a grimace. “Wonderful question. I have no idea. Do you happen to be in contact with any multiversal experts? I don’t know, you got any wizards around?”
You widen your eyes slowly. “Wizards? Out of curiosity, are you supposed to be freaking me out more or less? I need to be sure so I can tell you how bad of a job you’re doing.”
The guy laughs. “Okay, you’ve got me there. Let me start over. My name is Spider-Man, I’m from New York, and although I don’t really know how I’m getting home, this place seems nice enough that I might be sticking around. Are you alright with that?”
You consider that. “I don’t know. Don’t you miss your home? Don’t you want to go back?”
Spider-Man lets out a desolate sigh, the kind you’ve only heard from your lungs. “I’ve lost enough people that it doesn’t feel like home anymore. At least here I get a fresh start.”
You nod at last. “I can understand that. Once you lose the right people, nothing feels like it’s worth it anymore.”
He points at you in agreement. “You get it, then. You’ve lost some people.”
You force a smile even though he can’t see it. “My boyfriend. I should have saved him, and I didn’t. Who’d you lose?”
Spider-Man’s hands twitch at his sides, as if reaching for someone he can’t ever touch again. “My girlfriend, my parents, my uncle. Feels like there’s no end to it. To be honest, I’m kind of wondering if they’d be alive here, if this universe’s version of me didn’t become Spider-Man. Maybe I’d even get to see my best friend again.”
You hope for his sake that he manages it. “I guess it all changes based on what we did. It’s funny that there are multiple Spider-People, though. Maybe no matter what, people feel like they need to do something.”
Spider-Man hums in agreement. “That’s what I was thinking about, too. We all chose this path. Why?”
You lift a shoulder. “I don’t know. Guilt, maybe. With great power comes great responsibility.”
You smile sadly to yourself at the quote. Peter had said that to you around the time he first found out you were Spider-Woman, and it helped ease some of the stress surrounding your alternate line of work. At least your boyfriend supported you in it, although look where that got him.
Spider-Man, however, reacts strongly to your words, a quiet gasp emanating from his lungs. “You say it too, huh? ‘With great power comes great responsibility?’ I was wondering if you would. A couple other Spider-guys I knew did the same thing, I think we all hear it from somebody important, someone we don’t think we can live without until–”
He cuts himself off hastily, as of swallowing back some unspoken tide of regret. “Anyway, it’s important. My Uncle Ben said it.”
Your smile fades as you remember the day you first heard it. “My boyfriend was the one to come up with it. Guess that matches the pattern.”
You glance away, and Spider-Man must be able to tell that the conversation is steering into troubled waters, because he quickly guides the topic back to something more palatable.
“It’s cool that there are all these connections, though. More than I expected.” He says.
You nod absentmindedly. “Yeah, I’m kind of curious about that, actually, how many things are similar between your life and mine. I got my powers because I was wandering around Oscorp. My best friend, the guy who ended up being my boyfriend, was wandering around and I was trying to catch up to him. He went right, I went left, and I ended up in–”
Spider-Man cuts you off excitedly. “A room full of spiders? Oh my God, I did the exact same thing. Talk about creepy. I know there was a scientific reason, but why was that room there? And why was it so easy to find?”
You shudder. “Tell me about it. Literally the worst experience of my life. I mean, having powers is cool, but so many spiders.”
Spider-Man laughs, and you swear you’ve heard it before, just out of reach to name. “I’m glad somebody else went through that. Nobody wants me to complain about that part, although I feel like I should. Disgusting. It’s interesting that your friend was there, though. Mine was too.”
You tilt your head to the side, thinking. “Interesting. It’s cool to think about all the different universes that could have been created had everyone made slightly different choices. How many universes are there, anyway? Millions? Billions?”
Spider-Man shrugs. “Infinities, maybe, and then more. There is no end to what the multiverse decides to create. Even if I can’t make it back to mine, I like your universe.”
He glances up at the sky, as if noticing the dark sky for the first time. “It’s getting late. We should probably go our separate ways.”
He turns to leave, but you stay on the roof. You don’t really have a place to go. As it turns out, being Spider-Woman full time is not great for paying rent. You’ve been crashing at a friend’s place for a while now, although you had to leave today because you could tell her patience was wearing thin. You were supposed to book a hotel room today until you could find another place, but you never got around to it.
Spider-Man doesn’t ask about that, thankfully, but he does turn back to you. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind catching up with another Spider-Person. Come back to my place?”
You smile under your mask, jogging to catch up with him. “You got an apartment so quickly? I thought you just arrived in this universe.”
Spider-Man nods. “No, I was surprised too. I got the exact same place I had in my universe, which was weird. The landlord looked confused, said something about how he thought I was leaving, but he let me rent the rooms again. Who knows, maybe the version of me in this universe just moved out.”
You shrug. “Well, I’m glad you got your place. Anything for some sort of normalcy, right?”
Spider-Man shudders. “Tell me about it. Here, follow me, it’s actually pretty close by.”
He leaps off the roof with a delicate movement, as if to him flying and falling were one and the same. He catches himself with a rope of spider web shot to a nearby building, and you follow him, both of you swinging in tandem to the beats of the city. Spider-Man directs you through turn after turn, eventually coming up on a window of a familiar apartment building.
You wait for him to unlatch the window, both of you perched on the fire escape. You look around while Spider-Man fiddles with the lock, and your heart freezes in your chest. You know this exact view, you spent so long looking out this particular window with someone very close to you.
Indeed, when Spider-Man finally gets the window open you all but throw yourself over the ledge. No, it’s true. This is the exact place. This is Peter Parker’s exact place. You swear you feel your breathing speed up to double time, and your head feels as light as a cloud.
A hand descends on your shoulder, steadying you. When you look up, Spider-Man’s regarding you with the best concerned expression he can manage through the mask. 
“Hey, is everything alright?” He asks, albeit somewhat pointlessly. You’re obviously not alright in the slightest, but you still find yourself nodding anyway.
“I think so. It’s just– well, this is my boyfriend’s old place. I haven’t been here since he died, and I didn’t expect to be back so soon. This is the same building, the same floor, even. This is where he lived, and–”
And where he stopped living, once you couldn’t save him. This is the empty apartment you had to clean out, where you had to load bags full of stuff into a taxi and take it to his aunt’s home. This is where you had to tell the landlord that he had to cancel the rent, although you were so overcome that you couldn’t even bear to tell the guy that Peter had died, only managed something about how he was moving really quickly.
The landlord. The landlord, which Spider-Man just said seemed surprised to rent the place out again. That couldn’t be, though, because the only reason the landlord would be surprised would be if Peter was back, and–
Spider-Man appears to have reached the same conclusion as you. “Wait, what was the name of your boyfriend? I need to know. What was his name?”
His voice is desperate, just as desperate as yours must be as well. The words come out in a choked gasp:
“Peter Parker.”
Spider-Man rears back as if you’ve slapped him. Then he’s shaking his head furiously. “Who are you? You said you were my friend. Who are you?”
You can’t manage another syllable, so you reach up to tug off your mask. Your hands are shaking too badly, though, and all you can do is scratch at the fabric. He gets what you’re trying to do, though, and takes it off for you. His gasp echoes around the apartment, eddying up ghosts that should have long stayed dead.
You know it from the way he says your name, even though it’s no longer tainted with all the memories you’ve made. No one else has ever said those letters in that exact same way, no one except the boy you’ve loved with all of your heart and buried in the cemetery three blocks away.
He nods, swallowing hard as he pulls off his own mask. The tears start the second you see his face. It’s him. It’s Peter. He’s still the same after all of this, still the boy you love. His hair curls in the same patterns, shines the same way under these familiar lights. You have seen him a thousand times in this exact room, maybe a million, but never like this.
His hand drifts forward unconsciously to wipe the tears from your face. “I can’t believe it. In this universe, you’re the one who had to deal with all this.”
You laugh even as the tears fall harder. “And in my universe, you’re dead, Peter. I didn’t save you. You needed me, and I couldn’t do it.”
Peter shakes his head. “That’s not true.”
You turn away. “How could you possibly know that?”
Peter’s crossing the room hurriedly so you’re forced to look at him. “Because I know you, Y/N, and I know that you’d never give up on a person if you thought you could help them. I know that even in a universe where you’re not Spider-Woman. I know it because I know you.”
You shake your head slowly. “You don’t even love me in your universe.”
It’s a cruel thing to say, especially to this boy who has only ever tried to help you. After all this time, though, you’re still so selfish over him that you’d never want him to be anyone else’s but yours.
Peter, however, just smiles. “I always wanted it to be you. In my universe, when Gwen died, I couldn’t bring myself to love anyone else, no matter how much I wished I could love you. I’m glad that your version of me could do it. At least one of me could do it.”
You reach out a trembling arm and Peter folds you into him. The two of you fit together just as easily as always, even without the memories or the years that shaped you. How long have you needed Peter? Just as long as he’s needed you, perhaps.
When you manage to look up from where you’ve tucked your head under his chin, you notice that Peter’s gazing gently at you, too. Neither of you are able to voice the words aloud, but you know exactly what he’s thinking. It’s what you’re thinking, too: let’s give this another chance, for all of us. For the Peter you lost and the Y/N that he left behind. For all of the memories that have been split between the two of you. At last, you get the do over you’ve wanted for so long.
marvel tag list: @namoreno, @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @caswinchester2000, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes
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emeraldspiral · 6 years
So I saw Venom last night opening weekend but totally forgot about this draft until now.
As I expected, Venom is not good, but it’s not so much that there’s anything exceptionally bad about it. It’s just missing a certain je ne sais quoi that good movies have that make them really satisfying.
It’s more complicated than being, cliche”, “disjointed”, “tonally inconsistent”, or “confused”.
So I’m just gonna say things that I thought about off the top of my head.
There’s an extent to where I feel like it’s nitpicking to call a story cliche, because sometimes a story just demands a certain type of structure. Like, you have to establish what normal is before you can show how the plot device changes things for the main character, then you have to show them struggling to adapt to whatever changes occur because of the plot device, then start to get the hang of things, then have a big setback, then have a triumphant comeback. That I can deal with.
But then there’s stuff like how they handled the villain that just felt incredibly phoned-in.
Like, I think the first scene of him he’s giving this really idealistic speech to a bunch of kids and a girl wants to ask him a question and the other kids shush her for no apparent reason (maybe they just wanted the lecture to be over with because they were bored?) and the bad guy makes this very on the nose speech about how some people like to silence others and stop them from asking questions and I should note that the bad guy is played by Riz Ahmed and the little girl was black. So you think you just got your first hint of what his villainous motive is and you think there’s going to be some kind of political statement. Like he or his parents were speaking out against oppression or something and then they got “silenced” and now he has some radical crackpot theories about solving all the problems of humanity through like, eugenics or something really taboo and now feels like he’s being “silenced” again because everyone’s telling him he’s insane and no one’s ever gonna get on board with his plan. But no, it ends up having nothing to do with his motivation at all. It was just there so he could show his true nature as a hypocrite in the next scene when he “silences” Eddie, specifically for asking questions he didn’t like.
Riz’s actual motivation is just... I don’t even know man. Like, the reason he’s established as a villain from the beginning is that he preys on vulnerable communities to get test subjects who he just slaughters en mass in order to create pharmaceuticals to treat like cancer and stuff. So it’s like, he’s an idealist who wants to save the world, but at the same time he has like no regard for human life. Like, it’s never indicated that he’s in it for profit or power or prestige, so all we’re left with is “He’s simultaneously a bleeding heart and a heartless misanthropic murderer. But the thing that really makes his character seem phoned-in is how they don’t have an explanation for why he’s so reckless and cuts corners and tries to go way too far way too fast with the symbiotes. He’s not under any pressure to produce results, he’s not about to lose funding. He just wants immediate results because...? My best guess is that since Eddie starts the interview listing things he achieved at a ridiculously young age that maybe it’s some kind of commentary about millennials being impatient and wanting instant gratification when it comes to the changes they want to see in the world. Either that or maybe it’s something like the Jurassic Park scientists being so over-eager to do something with their scientific breakthroughs they don’t bother to stop and consider the consequences.
The rules for symbiotes are a little confusing. We’re told they need an “exact match” and we’re shown several times the symbiotes rejecting hosts. But then we also see Venom and Riot just jumping into whatever bodies they want and being fine.
Also, they establish that the symbiotes basically eat the hosts from the inside out even when they are a match, but also need their hosts to survive. Venom tells Eddie that he wouldn’t eat him because he's a strong host and he likes him, but then later we learn that he has been eating his organs after all. Venom denies it, so you think maybe they’re mistaken somehow when they tell him his heart as atrophied. But no, he really was eating Eddie and at the end that’s just resolved with Venom telling Eddie he needs to eat more food if he doesn’t want Venom snacking on his liver. Like, is his heart still atrophied? Can Venom help him rebuild it? Does he need Venom to live now?
One of the biggest issues I take with the movie is how casually it treats cannibalism. Like, it’s a PG-13 movie with cannibalism in it. That alone is kind of unbelievable. But on top of that like, it happens multiple times, and the people involved just barely react to it. No projectile vomiting and curling up into a fetal position or anything. They’re just like “Oh, Venom, in my body, bit that guy’s head off. That’s mildly distressing.”
The other biggest issue I have is that the symbiotes look like shit. Spider-Man 3′s symbiote looked way better. The new symbiotes look incredibly fake, not just because they’re CGI, but like just the concept of them. They don’t look or move like they have real physical properties like mass or texture. They look like they’re trying to go for a liquid or gelatinous look, but it comes out looking like something that would’ve been considered cutting edge 10 years ago in a pre-rendered video-game cutscene.
I liked that the girlfriend at the beginning wasn’t just there to be a part of Eddie’s happy perfect life that he loses and then we never see her again so there was no point getting us invested in her instead of whoever the actual female lead is. She actually comes back and is useful. I also liked that at the end of the movie she didn’t just dump her boyfriend who did nothing wrong to get back with Eddie. But then, they ruined it by having Venom say they were going to win her back.
Which reminds me; why even have the fake-out where we think Venom is dead? There was no explanation for how he survived. No, “Oh, I thought he was gone! But it turns out there was a piece of him left somewhere and he reconstituted himself” or anything. We just cut immediately from “Goodbye Eddie” to “Psych! You totally thought he was really dead didn’t you! JK! He’s still around”. Also, what in-universe reason does Eddie have to lie to his ex the same way the movie lied by making her think Venom is gone? Especially if he’s going to be biting people’s heads off in public as if that’s not going to get back to her?
I also felt like Venom’s relationship with Eddie was underdeveloped. Like, Venom just attaches himself to Eddie, forces him to eat until he pukes, then beats up a bunch of people and suddenly he’s like “I like you Eddie” and “Oh, look at this skyline, maybe I don’t want to destroy the earth after all”. Like, we just met Venom, we didn’t even spend any time establishing what he thought of earth or humanity or Eddie before. We didn’t even know he planned on destroying humanity until he said that he didn’t want to anymore because the skyline was pretty. The only explanation we get for why Venom likes Eddie is him saying that Eddie’s a loser and on his planet, Venom’s a loser too but on earth he’s a badass, and that’s why he wants to keep the other symbiotes from taking over the planet. My pet theory though is that the real reason Venom takes a shine to Eddie is because prior to attaching himself to Eddie, Venom was using a homeless woman who knew Eddie as a host, and because Eddie was nice to her, her positive feelings toward him were transferred to Venom.
The end credits were really cool looking and even though it’s not really my jam I thought it was kinda cool that they wrote an actual song about Venom, (sounded like Eminem, would not be surprised if it was). You know, we really don’t see a whole lot of movies with songs written just for them. Like, Will Smith used to do it back in the 90s but the only other movie I can think of in recent memory that has it’s own song written specifically for and about it, is that David Hasselhoff disco number from the end credits of GotG 2. Even musicals tend to write their songs to be generic enough that they can be divorced from the context of the movie so they can be played on the radio and you can just imagine that they’re talking about you and your non-specific relatable experience.
Also, in the end credits there was a piece that sounded so much like Invader Zim music I was almost convinced Kevin Manthei worked on the film, and it looks like he has done some work with the Spider-Man franchise, but I didn’t see Venom anywhere on his IMDB. So IDK, if it’s just a coincidence, or if the composer was ripping off/inspired by Manthei, or if the music actually was originally composed by Manthei, but was used on a TV series or game first and became iconic enough that they wanted to keep using it, kinda like how they keep using the 60s “Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can” song in every Spider-Man film, even though they also have their own original themes.
If you stick around all the way to the end of the end credits you will actually surprisingly not get trolled with a ten second scene of nothing happening like in a lot of Marvel movies. They actually played a lengthy, like five-ten minute clip from Into the Spider-Verse, which actually got me interested in Into the Spider-Verse. Although I feel like the demographic for that movie is not the same as the demographic for Venom. Venom was clearly an R that got neutered so it could be shown to a wider audience.
The film itself was pretty much entirely self-contained. There are exactly 0 references to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic universe. Nobody gets purged at the end like in Ant-Man and the Wasp, and there’s no reference to it having already happened. Nobody name-drops Tony Stark or any other Avenger, or SHIELD, or anything else in the MCU. The closest they ever get is having Eddie and his girlfriend have thick New York accents and reference having once lived there before Eddie was run out of town. I actually think they did that specifically to avoid having to acknowledge Spider-Man, the Avengers, Dr. Strange, or any other New York based hero or event in the MCU. Likewise, even though it’s set in San Francisco, there’s no references to Ant-Man either.
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lycanhood · 7 years
DCTV Crossover: Crisis on Earth -X Part 1 & 2
Hi, I’m going to be watching the whole crossover today and tomorrow, but I’ll only do two liveblogs (one for each night, instead of four for each show)
Supergirl 3x08
James vs Ollie, interesting considering Ollie stole Jimmy’s girl in Smallville
Whoa, okay, not cool with this Nazi killing a black guy on my screen
Sara looks amazing in this Robin Hood getup, but then again she always looks amazing
Ugh, Mon-El is here
“Of course, she is. She’s Supergirl!” thank you, Alex
YAY sisters night!!
Um, Kara can’t put on break-up weight haha
I’m just not sure a wedding is the best way to get over the breakup blues, guys
Um, Iris, maybe the fact that Mon-El isn’t here should have been a clue that you shouldn’t bring him up
Keratin ha
Barry seeing Oliver in a suit and saying “Damn” is mood
What’s with the Darth Vader voice? Stop it
So Stein is totally gonna die. I can tell because he’s super excited about the future
Who is Alex hugging? She doesn’t know anyone on this Earth
“Her” Haha Sara’s face! Agent Canary looks like a very real possibility
Spider juice, yuck
“You can stick to things!” hahaha Good Ol Stein
Nice, Joe, reminding everyone of the awkward sibling thing WA has going on
ITS HAPPENING!!!!! Alex and Sara are making out!! Holy shit, I hoped I really did, but I somehow thought that was a pipe dream, but its really HAPPENING!!!!
Olicity is so bad at this. WTF are they doing? Wow that was embarrassing
Oh wow what did I do to deserve this Agent Canary content?
Wait...wtf did Mick sleep with Stein’s daughter? Surely not
“Out doing what?” Sara. She was doing Sara
“Do you know what I did?” “No, not the specifics, no.” Oh I am LIVING for this!!! The Danvers sisters are my life
Who is this waitress? She looks very familiar to me, and she’s acting weird. Is she a super fan of the flash? Is she from the future?
Aw this song :)
OMG! The minister!
Why are they not more alarmed that a guy was just vaporized!?!
Haha really enjoying the new and improved KillerFrost/Catlin. Caitlin rolled her eyes like damn I didn’t want to invite that bitch
Nooo not the heat vision stand off! That’s DUMB!
Have Oliver and Cisco done this breaching move before? They must have practiced right?
I’m not sure what I like more Sara and Alex fighting together or Sara and Alex sleeping together. Lucky for me this crossover has both.
I wonder if Nazi Supergirl and Nazi Oliver are like...a thing
So like are you married now or...oh I guess not
Aren’t you not suppose to let concussed people sleep?
Joe has to leave but Iris gets to stay?
Oooo the Trump dragging is back, nice
Let Alex at him, we all remember Exodus am I right?
Are you not also Kryptonian, Nazi Supergirl?
Wait shouldn’t Nazi Reverse Flash be Eobard Thawne?
Arrow 6x08
Oh shit they’re hitting Ollie right in the feels, bringing Tommy into this
Those did not look like 1945 outfits, guys
Just want to point out that there should probably be more than 52 earths, there should be like an infinite number of alternate universes
“...And Rory.” aw thats mean Barry
Um, Ollie, that’s not how Dopplgangers work
There we go making promises we can’t keep
Oh, Nazi Tommy is evil. I for one am #shocked
So he could have killed himself before, but instead he waited to make his terrifying speech
These three seem to work really well together
Haha “10% less brooding” a valid request
Yeah, anti-Kara/Ollie are definitely a thing. Weird
Yeach, fuck dopplegangers
Alot has changed since Ivy Town, Ollie
That was two years ago!
Please respect her on this, damn.
Is Cisco okay? Boy still sleepin?
“It’s not about you.” haha That’s what I’m always thinking about Wells. Get him the fuck out
Jazx, don’t make him feel bad for wanting to be with his famil
Awkward!Alex. It’s totally gonna be a thing
Aw :( That’s a real bummer on the Agent Canary front. We miss Maggie too, Alex
I love Maggie and I love Sanvers and I’m super sad they broke up. But even if they had stayed together forever and gotten married, I think that would have also been a bit problematic on a few levels. Because Alex just came out and it seems strange to me that she would fall madly in love with and live happily ever after with the first woman she dates. Like I love them, but that’s not very realistic to me. If maybe a season or two down the road they could bring Maggie back and they could somehow work through the whole “kids” issue that would be great. Maybe Alex could even have a smaller scale love interest in the meantime (not necessarily Sara and) not like right now, but maybe next season
Iris looks so good in this...sweater? Sweatshirt? Idk but she looks great
Hahaha poor Ollie on his motorcycle
Well, at least Barry isn’t a Nazi
So that is Eobard Thawne. Got it
Kara is so pissed about Nazi Supergirl
“Ew, gross! No offense.”
Uh oh, Ollie has some explaining to do
Now both the Karas are pissed!
Villians are always knocking things over to distract heroes, fucking cowards
Alex being a brilliant scientist!!! GIVE ME MORE!!!
Interesting how anti-Kara is the levelheaded sort of emotionless one and anti-Oliver is the overly sentimental one. I wonder if meeting anti-Kara is going to finally turn Kara off this whole “I’m not human, I shouldn’t feel these things” phase
Is Cisco still asleep? Is anyone checking on him?
Alex, Felicity, and Catlin looking good while they work
Hahah Mick wanting to bring KillerFrost out to play
What do you mean you can’t believe he’s back? He was just fucking with the Legends a few months ago, this shouldn’t be that shocking. People rarely seem to stay dead with you guys
Aaaand now I have that High School Musical song stuck in my head, thanks alot
Alex suiting up with the rest of the heroes!!!!
“Wall to wall Nazis” is never a sentence I wanted to hear
Alex forgot to bring her alien gun? Bummer
Where is our Supergirl? Is our Supergirl going to fight their Arrow? Sounds unfair, but okay
He didn’t check the fridge for mustard? The fuck?
I thought anti-Ollie was about to kill Wells and I wasn’t unhappy about it :/
Ok, but like anti-Supergirl hitting Ollie probably should have killed him
Mick is KillerFrost’s #1 fan
Uh! KillerFrost just freeze him! BE BETTER!
Aw Barry caught Alex
Well, fuck
What the fuck is wrong with anti-Kara? Foreboding
Wait her sister? Did anti-Kara have an anti-Alex or is she talking about some Kryptonian sorta sister?
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