flowersfortheghost · 9 months
two words: ghostflower coded
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permetutotheworld · 17 days
unrequited marylene marlene’s pov where she writes about it
requested by @nyx-taylors-version
This is stupid i dont even know why im doing this but Lily said it would help so here we are. I like mary.
That didnt help and lily is a dirty liar
she smiled at me today and called me over, i dont want anyone but her to say my name ever again
there’s a party tonight in the tower, i’m going with Mary as friends. It shouldn’t hurt as much as it does. But then again, you never know, mary’s never said she’s straight explicitly! Lily says im being delusional but a girlie’s gotta be a little crazy sometimes
she likes a boy. Im not a boy. Ill be okay, it’s just a silly crush she means everything to me
im need to get over Mary i can’t go on like this it hurts too much, every time she smiles at me a knife twists in my gut and im winded for a second and i hate it
she’s leaving. Shes leaving hogwarts. Her family is leaving for america to avoid the war i cant i dont how can i i dont care.
is it wrong to wish i’d never met her? To wish i never had the chance to fall in love like her? Probably but she’s anyway so it doesnt matter. I wish she wasnt leaving
she’s leaving today and i feel like im dying, everyone’s crying but i just can’t make myself, what’s wrong with me? My best friend is leaving for another continent and i can’t even being myself to shed a tear or two
shes gone. she left and i couldnt even look her in the eye. she was sobbing and it killed me to see her upset but i coulnd’t do anything but hug her and wish i lived in a universe where Mary Macdonald didnt like boys
and now she’s gone, and a part of me left with her.
i miss her
three years later, 1981
mary, hi
marlene here, of course you’ll know that because of my shitty handwriting, mary i
everything’s gone to shit mary, lily and jamss are in hiding dorcas is dead gone and i miss you. Please come back don’t come back Mary its too dangerous, it would kill me if anything happened to you, you probably shouldn’t even reply to this, they’re checking all owls coming into the country, it really is a shit show over here
and mary, if anything happens to me, you’re my best friend in this world, i would do anything for you so please do this for me
stay away from britain. stay away from the war, get yourself the fuck away from all of this, even further than where you are now and live your life safely, please, i cant lose you
i have to go, peter’s knocking and it seems important
live a good life Mary Macdonald
love from
19th july 1981
the mckinnon’s were found dead early this morning by sirius black
We at the daily prophet extend our condolences to the friends and family members left behind.
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princesssmars · 1 year
joining the guardians of the galaxy and falling in love with peter and gamora.
you were a princess on your home planet, elegant and beautiful but still trained for battle. deadly when needed.
unfortunately before you can take your rightful place on the throne you're betrayed by your sister and your planet is destroyed, leaving you with no option but to flee and eventually end up dealijg with the wrong people.
so here you are, being held captive and in servitude by some royal dickhead with a weirdly shaped head who has hired some "galatically renowned assholes" to retrieve something stolen from him that he stole first.
maybe it would have worked in his favor if two of the group members (who you had to admit were a pair of the hottest creatures youd ever seen) hadn't been observing and taken a liking to you during their stay, the paler one admiring your hidden kindness despite your situation and the green one who looked at you with understanding when you told her about your sister.
when their stay after completing their job ended the dickhead invited them to his throne room, ready to give them their payment. but he was, as stated, a dickhead, so he was actually planning to gun them down and make amends with the guy he just stole from. but you'd heard his loud mouth blabbering about his plan to one of his troops in his room.
before his guards can even blast their guns the guardians haven already struck them down, leaving you to dispose of the king with a fake smile and a blast to the head.
after that, you're basically a member of the team. peter and gamora cant really hide their attraction to you, and rocket and drax admire your strength and willingness to dispose of those who have wronged you. groot is just taking his first steps and you think he's adorable and coddle him every chance you get, and he likes the attention. you're a perfect fit.
the couple are thinking the same. they havent put a label to their relationship, but know they have feelings for each other and you as well.
its the little things, bonding with gamora over your lost cultures and family problems, how you felt like since your familys betrayals you were alone in the universe until you met each other this team.
one thing she likes to keep a secret between the two of you is her insistence on the two of you trying a new dish and drink when you visit a planet. if anyone asks she'll act like she does it out of your begging, but she will wait at your door and stare at you when you dont head out into the market with her.
peter introduces you to earth music and will happily say he falls a little in love with you when you immediately take a liking to it. if you like singing you'll sing along to the tunes every chance you get, and will pull him up with you to dance during down time traveling through space.
after the trauma he's been through, i think he would deal with nightmares every other week. you were the second person he told about it after gamora, and since she preferred solitude at night he didnt want to pressure her into helping him when she was dealing with her own problems. (doesnt mean there wasnt the rare night where she would calmly go into his room at the sounds of his whimpers and whisper to him and run her hands through his hair until he soothed into a peaceful sleep.)
but if its been a rather rough day and he felt stressed out, you wouldnt even need him to ask before you were climbing into his bed and cuddling him from behind, reassuring him that you and the team believe in and care for him deeply. that he's safe when you're there. peter thinks those are some of his best nights of rest.
after a mission gone wrong nearly kills you, the pair know they cant keep dodging their feelings. its late at night when the rest of the team have gone to sleep when they sit at the table in the middle of the communal/eating area, just having finished eating some dessert you had previously picked up with gamora on a market trip and talking and laughing with the two.
after the stress of nearly losing you and the smile on your and gamoras faces, peter cant help but blurt out his feelings for you. your faces are in shock, and its in the middle of peter ranting and trying to backtrack that you grab both sides of his face from across the table and connect your lips.
when peter told stories of his past frequent sexual escapades, you were at first amused while slightly disgusted, but a small part of you was also intrigued. luckily that part wasn't dissapointed, because he reciprocates the kiss like his life depends on it.
the kiss is so good it makes you light-headed, but no matter whats happening around you, you could never ignore the small noises of annoyance gamora lets out, breaking the kiss and turning to her clearly upset but trying to hide it face. she looks away as if to keep her dignity, but when you slide your chair to the side with a smile to keep eye contact, she mentally damns you both and kisses you before doing the same with peter.
its the morning after, your messy-haired self exiting gamoras room while wearing peters shirt early in the morning while heading to the bathroom when you bump into rocket, heading to get an early start on a new invention
"called it. keep it sown next time, would ya?" he walks away, cackling at your flustered face as you hurry into the bathroom.
you rest your back across the door and smile to yourself. you loved these assholes.
hello i need more starmora x reader content at once pretty pleaseeee
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bigskydreaming · 3 months
My TW fandom experience:
*Everyone watches the exact same episode where Scott McCall says what if we dont kill people tho and after much deliberation, its agreed lets not kill people this episode and this is the only reason most former villains and fan favorites stick around and become the pack's new besties instead of being written out of the show due to the pack's initially proposed solution of Ready Set Murder*
Most of fandom: Well that was terrible. He's literally the worst. They should've just killed the villains, problem solved, why is he so dumb. Inquiring minds want to know.
Also most of fandom:
*writes fics where nobody cares what Scott says or thinks because they all agree, he's literally the worst, so dumb, why is he even here*
*fics remain mysteriously populated by all the characters everyone says the mains should absolutely have murdered to fix all their problems and the only reason they didnt in canon is Scott insidiously mind-controlled his friends into non-homicidal compliance*
Scott fans: .....hang on. I'm confused.
Most of fandom: What's confusing dumbass, literally why would they kill the villains that are hot and white and shippable instead of just making friends with them so that sometimes they can get married and have kids? Its called letting people change and grow, even mass murderers deserve redemption arcs. Also I dont know if you know this but murder is bad, plz read more books. LOL why are Scott fans like this.
Scott fans: Wait. But didn't all the characters want to murder that villain you made the central character and one half of the hero pair of 70% of the fics written last season? So who said what if we dont kill people tho and got everyone to change their votes from Ready Set Murder to Redemption Arc Marriage and then maybe babies?
Most of fandom: Umm, Stiles? Obviously. LMAO. Do you even watch the show?
Scott fans: Okay, but Stiles was the one who pitched Ready Set Murder. It was his plan. So who was like what if we dont kill people to Stiles, so that then he said wait guys lets not kill people?
Most of fandom: Oh that was Peter. They have a special bond. He gets him.
Scott fans: Right. So did Peter sell Stiles on the whole lets not kill people thing before he killed his niece and then like ten other people? Or was it after that.
Most of fandom: Before. No! Wait. After! Yeah, it was after that.
Scott fans: Got it. So who said what if we dont kill people to Peter to get him to agree lets not kill people which he definitely did since he definitely did not continue to kill people all the way to the end of the show?
Most of fandom: .....Deucali....
Scott fans: *squint one eye*
Most of fandom: .....heo....?
Scott fans: *squint both eyes*
Most of fandom: Derek! Right, yeah. Derek, it was definitely Derek.
Scott fans: Oh okay. Derek said lets not kill people to Peter. I'm assuming after he killed Peter, since I mean, it wouldn't make much sense for him to be all hey what if we dont kill people to Peter and then literally kill Peter haha. We can at least agree on that much, right?
Most of fandom: I don't know that we can, actually.
Scott fans: Well, let's just say that it was after he killed Peter and thus after Peter came back. Which does make sense, I guess, I mean, at least that was also after he gave his pack the Go Kill Lydia assignment for their werewolf homework....
Most of fandom: Whoa, whoa, hold up. That has nothing to do with any of this. It was a totally different situation because Derek didnt WANT to kill Lydia, he HAD to kill Lydia. She was turning into an evil murder lizard, what was he supposed to do?
Scott fans: She quite literally was not.
Most of fandom: Okay but see he THOUGHT she was, which is basically the same thing.
Scott fans: Is it tho?
Most of fandom: Yes. Look, he was like, 60% sure it was her and that's over half sure so that's a reasonable conclusion to make at that point. Anyone would have made that mistake.
Scott fans: Except for Scott. Because he's so much dumber than everyone else.
Most of fandom: Yes! Exactly.
Scott fans: So when Scott said what if we dont kill people to Derek, and stopped him and his pack from killing Lydia, because murder is bad and Derek even agrees, its not like he WANTED to kill Lydia, he just HAD to kill Lydia because she was probably an evil murder lizard and what else was he gonna do.....Scott only said and did that because he was too dumb to come to the conclusion everyone smarter than him would reasonably come to....which was that Lydia had to die, even though murder is bad and she was maybe potentially not even technically an evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: Right. So it doesnt count.
Scott fans: But it was good that he stopped them from killing Lydia though, right? Cuz everyone likes Lydia, and also, she wasnt actually the evil murder lizard, that was Jackson, and also, they turned out to not actually need to kill Jackson to stop him from being the evil murder lizard?
Most of fandom: ....yes but no. Like yes to all of that, but he was still wrong, is the point. So no.
Scott fans: So -
Most of fandom: Look I dont think you're getting it?! OMG, okay. I don't know if I can dumb it down any further, but lemme give it one last shot. 1) Murder is bad. 2) Even hot white villains deserve redemption arcs. 3) And Scott is terrible. There. Its really that simple lol.
Scott fans: Okay. So everyone deserves redemption. Any character can be better if the other characters give them a chance. Even mass murderers.
Most of fandom: Right.
Scott fans: But Scott is irredeemable. There's nothing that can make him any better so other characters shouldn't even bother giving him a chance. Because he's terrible.
Most of fandom: Also correct.
Scott fans: Because he's always saying murder is bad and what if we dont kill people tho.
Most of fandom: YES. Finally. Now you're getting it. Honestly, what was so hard about that.
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, need you here "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : hi uhm yes ill be posting more the next day since my hand have been itching.
warnings : nsfw MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
**lowercase intended**
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it wasnt long till harry fucked himself so hard into obliviation. watching himself in the mirror twitching, harry had it coming. he saw the way you looked into his friends eyes, the way youd talk so angelic, the way youd hit his shoulder whenever hed tease you. of course it infuriated him when he realizes that its peter you are talking to. he couldnt help but imagine the things youd do with peter. 
harry didnt just want you, he needed you, but he hardly admits that. he felt the way his heart yearned for you, the way his dick yearned for you, how his dick wanted to fill you. and you, you in that darn filthy black dress you had on during tonights party made him feel more needy and whiny for you. he wanted to pull his heart out of his body and gift it to you if he could. show him his beating heart that gives him the chance to watch you, to be here breathing with you.
hurried knocks erupted from the other side of the door, releasing harry from his thoughts. 
"hey man, i really need to take a piss. " whoever it was from the other side clearly wanted a death wish. harry wasnt even able to cum peacefully and had to hold that uncomfortable feeling he felt in his stomach, with his dick twitching at such small contact. 
" yea, yea hold on. " harry quickly zipped up his pants, washing his hands and cleaning the counter for any remains he might have left. 
walking out of the bathroom, the guy from the other side rushed in and slammed the door shut. harry heard a content sigh, and started walking towards the homemade bar that the host made, wanting to drown the feeling in his shots.
there, he saw you and peter still talking. annoying, he thought. harry couldnt even get to talk to you, and here is peter, stealing harrys only shot to talk to you. peter just wanted to show harry who you liked more and harry wanted to kill peter so badly that hed serve peters head on a silver platter on your doorstep. 
" come on dude, tonights the party and shes going. go and talk to her - just like the way you talk to every girl you see. able to sweep her up with your charms. " peter had been trying to convince harry, hoping itd change his mind about the party. 
" okay, but will you be there, with me? i dont know. i just turn all fuzzy for her man. " harry hid his face in his hands, sighing as his options began closing in on him.
“ of course, id be there. now what do you plan on wearing? “ 
harry felt like shit, seeing his best friend go for the same girl he liked. i mean, who was harry to assume but it seemed liked it and it had destroyed him internally. it was like having your eye on a target anyone barely knew and telling someone about it, but the same person has its eye on it the same as you after entrusting him with a secret. 
walking up to you two, he saw how close your faces were, as if peter was going to tell you a dirty secret. placing his hand onto your shoulder, he had interrupted your conversation. peter now understanding what harry wanted, backed away and beckoned goodbye to you. 
“ hey harry, whats up? “ your voice was mellifluous . if he could, he would want to spend his whole lifetime just to listen to your voice. even if you were to be angry with him, he would do anything to listen to you, to please you.
“ i just want to see if you are alright? “ it sounded more like a question to himself. with you, he didnt know how to cleanly start a conversation, but with other girls, he just blurt out whatever he had on his mind. he was afraid that you would judge him, scared to lose his nonexistent chance with you. 
“ yea i was fine until you came..all jokes. “ you laughed. the number one rule of talking to you is that to prepare yourself for some sarcastic remarks, you thought were funny. maybe thats why he was afraid despite harry himself throwing sarcastic comments left and right. 
“ oh right.. you and peter..? “ the scene of your faces being close together really irks him knowing that you were breathing the same air peter was breathing. 
“ oh, we were just talking. he was telling me about something rather…private? “ private? what could be so private that you needed to bring your faces so close. jealousy bubbled in his stomach, not realizing that his jealousy  reflected on how easy angry hed get. you had nearly let out peters secret but covered it up quickly. 
“  private? whats so private that looked like you were going to kiss him? “ harry had let that slip out. harry hadnt noticed that you were quite sober, being able to down alcohol without getting drunk immediately. sensing harrys tone, you were confused as to why he acted like that.
“ its just private alright? why are you being so - i dont know. its just really complicated. “ your eyes darted towards peter who were currently socializing with others. peter had previously shared with you about his newly developed web shooters, you being one of the people he told about his newly found secret life hes been multitasking with his school life. 
“ yea, well. everythings complicated with peter. i dont do complicated. “ harry flashed a smile before downing his left over alcohol. 
watching him with content, you noticed how you never really paid attention to him. if you could, you would spend hours watching him if it didnt appear creepy.
harry noticed your staring and couldnt help but blush lightly at the thought that you might feel the same way. the way your eyes got all big and doe excited him. it was as if you were a test paper he couldnt wait to solve ; you are such an openbook yet mysterious. he couldnt get enough of you and didnt know what to do. 
“ youre so pretty. “ you whispered, thinking that it was your thoughts that spoke and not you actually saying it outloud. it was when harry laughed when you took in what had happened. 
it was now harrys turn to look at you. when you met his gaze, you quickly looked away with how intensive his gaze was. filling yourself up another cup, you saw harry put his empty cup down and felt his hand snake around your waist. of course youd start to tense up, who wouldnt. 
moving your hips against his towards the soft music playing in the background, you cant help but stay stiff. harry soon felt himself get hard again.
“ do i make you nervous, (name)? “ he whispered. his face dangerously close to your neck and you felt his breath against your sensitive spot. oh how dearly did you want him.
inhaling to gather up courage, you turn towards him and crushed your lips onto his. fuck, harry thought. he was so dizzy that it felt like he died and his wishes were playing, dying on him. but no, there you were, taking in his air as if you were going to die and depended on him to supply you air. 
wrapping your arms around his neck, you pushed him against the counter that was behind him. and with that, he allowed you to take control of him, of his body. he almost felt like a porcelain doll with the way you handled him. it was soft and gentle, yet rough and needy. smiling into the kiss, he dipped his head lower to taste every depth of your mouth, wanting to taste how sweet you made the alcohol. 
pulling away, harrys lips followed yours like a pet. looking behind you, harry spotted peter watching with a content smile, bringing his hands into a gesture of a thumbs up. harry was confused. why would he be so supportive and proud when he was previously trying to get you? maybe it was up to peters plan, knowing how harry can be a wussy if it really meant to him, peter wanting harry to probably quicken the process. or maybe peter wanted to prove harry that he too can have anything in his life if he worked hard for it. 
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carpenoctemnyx · 10 months
Every single little moment in NPMD in order that just scratches my brain in the best way. I mean tbh the whole show does, but these moments are what the tism is grasping onto.
(WARNING: Its a LOT of moments, so theyre all under the cut since the post is so fuckin long)
"And I can survive it for only so long"(all of them)
The "im so fucking dead" from the ensemble during steph and pete's convo
"My melody! My melody! My melody"
"Grace just be cool! NEVER!"
"Im so fucking dead! YEAH!!"
"No! I wanna be invisible! Then why do you come to a public school dressed in suspenders and a fuckin bow tie?"
"Sycamore? I'd rather starve to death."
"Oh my god!! YOU'RE Micro-Peter! Oh, god."
"This outfit it the tapestry of my trauma!"
"Anyone every do this? *snap* Every damn day. My titties are tenderized!"
"It's polish."
"Spankoffski! Who are you running from? Ehh."
"He's straight ahead!"
"You wont defeat his kind. Never look in the eye. He's a literal monster!"
"Everyone knows how he BANGS!"
"He roars, and we cry, hes the reason with no why. He's a literal monster! A damn literal monster!"
"It's 3rd period, Shit-lips. I gotta get to remedial algebra."
"I never intended to walk through your hallway. Ohhh well theres a difference between intent and impact."
"Haha YEAH! NO dumbass!"
"Ohhh sorry! Fresh out of your favorite food! I guess im just gonna have to flick it!"
"Ohhhh a two bagger? Hahahaha! Whats a two bagger?"
"Oh!! That's so sick bro! Thats so fuckin funny! PYAHHH *punch sound*"
"Get him up!! Get this fucker up!!"
"Now deposit this trash in the nearest receptacle."
"Haha haha hahaha! Spunk! You're funny."
"*appalled* carry my books!?"
"Chasity, come on! You're breakin my balls."
"You dont know me very well, do you??"
"Watch some p0rn! You'll see! Tell me im wrong dirty girl. Dont call me that!"
"My little dirty girl *that one audience member OHHH*"
"And his name is Jesus Christ!"
"Forbidden fruit, dick hole!"
"You can leave, but you wont, stay in your seat!"
max's lil dance when hes singing "better leave your hopes behind no ones gonna stop me" that leads into that lil airplane arms move
also including the dance move with kyle "you wont defeat his kind, never look in the eye"
"You can watch as i rise! I will claim what is mine!"
"Learn to multi-task!"
"Well, well. If its not my october surprise."
"Stephanie, please, I'd like to have an intelligent conversation with you. In other words, shut up."
"Hooow ominous"
"Hey that looks like my... phone. It is."
"Please daddy?"
"NOO!! *dives forward and shoves hand in the way* Did you just put your hand BETWEEN the hammer and the phone??? ...yeah..."
How... am i supposed to study withOUT LISTENING TO SPOTIFY!?!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?? YOU'RE KILLING ME WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! If only, Stephanie. If only."
"This project's on thermo-dynamics. What the fuck are you talking about?"
"God! I just want someone to touch me! Anyone, PLEASE! Jesus! Calm down Ruth."
"Somebody walks to the office with Stephanie LauTer and suddenly he's Stefan Urquelle."
The way Richie Says peTe and uuusing you
"What was it like when she touched your arm? DID YOU CUM??? Ruth! Quit it!"
The way Richie says peTeR
"I'll never hold the real Rei and Asuka in my arms"
The way Pete says "Sorry!" To Ruth when his phone is ringing
The way Richie says TelemArkeTer
"NANI!?!?" *Ruth and Richie creeping towards Pete*
"What is she saying? What the FUCK is she saying!?"
"Oh my god!! Oh my god!! What's the matter with you guys!?"
"I'm actually the smart one in the group, if you can believe that."
"Really Ruth? A star wars analogy? Need i go into why Attack On Titan is superior in EVERY possible way!?"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Excuse me? Uh, not you. Just these two FUCKING nerds that wont leave me alone."
"They dont call it a cram session for nothing! Watch some p0rn! You'll see!"
"You're telling me I gotta be funny, AGAIN? I didnt do it on purpose the FIRST time!"
The way Richie says opportunity. It sounds like opportudidy
"Thats your perspective"
"Oh whoa whoa oh"
Then again im deranged"
"What if people see me as someone other than who I am"
"If i can finally be cool i will know that im not a loser!"
"I'm the ruler!"
"OHHHH! *crowd cheers* SHUT UP!"
"EUGH!! So you're a POOR piece of shit then?"
"Well im sick of your sh-sh-shit"
"I dont give a fuck what she said! I did not consent to this rendez-voos!"
"I decide if Kyle can date Brenda. *turns to Jason* The answer's still no... by the way!"
"I willed it into existence"
"Im your God. Now on your knees, bitch. It's time to say your fuckin prayers! *cuts to the Chasitys* Amen!"
"Mmm, that house. What's wrong with it? Its haunted. Everyone says so."
"Mom will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? Eheh I just want some head and butter. BREAD! BREAD! Bread and butt sex to go with this big shaft of meat im gonna choke down. Ohhhh boy. Oh criminy!"
"And theyre flyin reaaal low today"
"Some big, dumb, sexy, sweaty, hooot, football star"
The way Grace says "Hello??" When fantasy Max is calling her name
"Im hungry, and here you are brewing up a big ol' pot of dirty girl soup *siffs aggressively* ahhhh! My favorite!"
"You call my bath water dirty girl soup? This is wrong! This is sooo wrong"
"I know!" *max rips off his jacket and the crowd screams*
"I love... to FUCK!"
The entirety of Dirty Girl Soup song but extra extra emphasis on certain parts
"Hey boo, daddy needs a little of that dirty soup"
"You're lookin all filthy like, you know its wrong i know its right"
"I'll never ever tell ya to behave i am expecting you to be-betray me"
"Ima love you all night long" including Max's lil hip thing
"Oh! Dirty dirty girl wont you sing for me wont you love me like you dont care. (all of these esp the ones with Grace)
"Hey brute"
"Its clear you never stepped in a classroom" including Grace's lil dance move here
The way Grace says School
"For shame. I am expecting you to be-behave" including Grace's lil dance move here too
"On your knees pray along, if you wanna last until dawn"
And then the dirty dirty girl section including the dance
"RAH-AHH" *hand wave thing* and the second one of this too
"Got me hungry for more. Hungry for more."
"Im a im a im a good girl x4 WHO ON OCCASSION GETS DIRTY!!"
Again cue the dirty dirty girl bit + dance
Grace's lil shaky moan thing after "poisons the air"
"Damn these wandering hands! Damn these sinful loins!"
"This is a no-moan household!"
".....I'll get the plunger...."
"Girl! That must be so embarrassing for you."
"Standing up the mayor's daughter like he's got no fucks to give? Not gonna lie. Thats really sexy."
"Oh my god! The fucking bowtie kid??"
"Hey uh... dweeb! *both Richie and Ruth respond* yeah?"
"Oh shes touching meee! Luckyyyy!"
"Its better than i even imagined" *cute lil twirl*
"And what, pray tell, may that be, Stephanie?"
"God, you suck, Grace."
"Isn't this like breaking and entering? Im not breaking anything. My dad's the realtor!" *jingles keys*
"Hacked em to bloody bits!"
"PottyPants? How about PissyPants? Im not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language."
"Im not comfortable with this place. Its not structurally sound."
"Don't bully me!"
The whole Bully the Bully song but extra extra emphasis on specific parts
Grace's lil snap and spin moment
"Petey gonna jump on out" *Pete's lil move here*
Ruth saying "we're gonna cut off his nips!" And then Richie's lil shimmy move
"Richie the whole point is that its in the dark! Well then im gonna have to shoot the whole thing in a wide, and its gonna look like shit!"
"No! We're gonna be cool beans. We're gonna keep the beans cool. We're gonna gonna keep the beans, beans the cool, keep the beans, the cool, keep the beans, bean school. Beans school? Excellent!"
"I still wanna talk.... Hello...? Hello....? Hello? Who was that? My boyfriend! Sounded like a telemarketer. Okay, my EX boyfriend."
"You're the best friend ive ever had. Oh thats sad. I think im in love with you. Okay..." *walks away*
"Am i reading as ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?"
"You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown. Ohhh. But that could still work, he gets pretty scary sometimes."
Ruth's lil butt wiggle
"I mean you could just hit it and quit it, bro! Yeah... I dont want to though... You're fuckin useless pete!"
When Max walks up and burps and says "i gott piss" and this does a cute lil bouncy move
"Oh shiiiit. Wheres that creepy music comin from?"
"do it alfuckinready"
"Who's there? Maaaaax Jagermannn. WHAT!?"
"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Its a fuckin ghost!"
"Its time to stop running!" *chugs bear and smashes the can on his head and yeets it, then puts up his fists* "float over here ghost,* starts punching the air* im gonna kick your fucking ass!"
"Uhhh you cant fight me im an etheral being soooo... we'll see about that. Ima make you say boo-hoo, bitch! *charges at pete and pete runs away screaming* YESSSS I MAKE THE DEAD RUN IN FEAR!!! I AM JAGERMAAAAAN!!! I AM GOOOOD!!!! GOOO NIGHTHAWKS!!!"
*skele-ruth runs ins and does her lil scream thingy* "oh shit! Oh fuck! I didnt think there'd be a skele'en here! Im so fucking scared of skele'ens! Maybe i should just run! Where, Max?? Back home so Dad can call you a little cuck?? Can't even fight off one lousy skele'en?? No! I got not choice! Hey, Skele'en! I got a bone to pick with you, bitch!"
"It's working for me! He's sooo violent!"
Ruth's lil yelp after steph tells max to stop
"Steph we cant have a party here! This place is hella haunted!"
"It's all a prank. A trick to scare the shit out of you cuz you deserve it. What??? You're telling me you nerds put this whole thing together just for me? Wow. I though you guys hated me. But thanks. This was really great. You're not pissed? Oh! Are you kidding?? Nonono this is like THE nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"Ohhhh! And the skele'en. Oh. That was really special" *Max bows to Ruth*
"Look what you fuckin nerds made me do! I pissed my fucking pants! ....mission accomplished???" *Pete signaling to cut it out and Ruth and Grace behind him like wtf Richie*
"This wasnt murder! And it wasnt an accident! It was an act of God!"
"Oh yeah! Like thats gonna hold up in court! He was smote!"
Grace's snap and spin again and Richie groaning "oh nooo shes snapping again!!"
"We're gonna hack all his limbs off! Did you say hack all his limbs off?? Yeah! We're gonna hack all his limbs off!"
"You want me to films this!?!?!?!"
"Thank god Max is gone. Wasnt he your friends?? YEAAAAHHHH but he forbade me from dating, AND he wrecked my dad's Ski-Doo. FUCK that guy."
"Good news! You passed the test?? With flying colors! Oh-ho! Aaaaaa C+"
"Ya know, this is really your C+. Oh... Steph... you can keep it. It'd really bring down my GPA."
"No, Jagerman doesnt let nerds go to footba-... huh... you know maybe i will."
"Go, go Nighthawks! We'll take the fight unto the victors go the spoils! Go, go Nighthawks! We're taking flight we are the leaders and the royals! AHH-AHH!" Including the lil bird wing flappy thing
"N! I-G! H-T! AHH-AHH! KS!"
And the dudes in the background goin "Night! Hawks! Night! Hawks! Fly!"
"Fuuuck you Clivesdale go get fucked! You're fuckin losers, and we'll kill you! Kill your ass!"
They're my bros for life!"
Richie struggling to take off the mascot costume
"Ohhh. I remember what /I/ said. Do you? You FUCKIN NERD?"
"That aint good news for you, ya bitch"
"You shouldve joined the smoke club, you nerdy prude! NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE! *cue Jon bein fuckin goated at imitating a levitation* Nerdy prudes must diiiie!"
"I want you to repeat after me. Okay... Who will pray for me? Who will pray for me? When im gone? When im gone? Until another Richie, comes along. Can you repeat that one? WHO WILL PRAY FOR MEEE WHEN IM GONNNE OR IS THIIIIS THE ETERNAL DARK WITHOUT A DAWN! Who will pray for you? Who will pray for me? When your body's gone? When my body's gone? This is the consequence for what you've done! I'M NOT A LOSER! WHAT DID YOU SAY!?! ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ᵏᶦˡˡ ᵐᵉ. Im not a nerdy prude. Im not a loser! Of course nooot, Richiiie."
“He wasn’t sexy at all… MAMA IM CURED!!!”
“Shoot n shinola!”
“Mornin Daaaaadddy!”
“You don’t say? You don’t say! Welllll I’ll be down there in a jiffy! What did they find dad? They didn’t say!”
“Gosh! I hope it’s not termites! Haha”
“Ohhhh heck. I’m so heckin fudged!”
When the gang is getting called to the principals office and Pete just says “oh no” in like a monotone-y way
“Dont look at me! Get your hands out of your pockets! ….sorry sir….”
The reluctant “go nighthawks”
“Shut the fuck up Ruth!”
“We lost to CLIVESDALE!! FUCKIN *kicks chair* CLIVESDALE!!!”
“Yeahhh… thanks for NOTHIN!!!”
“Yes Ruth! We are fucked!”
“People tell me to die everyday!”
“Someone spilled the beans! All our cool beans!”
Again Ruth’s “Don’t bully me!!”
Pete’s lil “no” when Grace accuses him
“I’m gonna get those pigs off our backs!”
“Shock! Despair! Tragedy!"
“I’ve never known darker times, and I covered the protest live at the Hatchetfield Kennel! I am Dan Reynolds! With action news, week days at 10pm.”
And down down down down, who’s swinging the hatchet now in hatchet town! Someone’s got their hands on the hatchet handle. Swingin on the youth it’s a hatchet scandal. Careful or your folks will end up a cannibals plate. It ain’t great! You’re better on the run than you are hiding, suddenly this quiet town’s exciting.”
“I heard that their brains were soup, their intestines cut in two. So it’s gotta be Donna! What??? Yeah it’s gotta be Donna! DAAAAN!?!?!”
“I certainly don’t LOVE killing”
“Barry’s on the loose and he’s got a gun, and he’s got a motive to kill. IM IN A HURRY!!!”
“Get your hands off me!!!”
“Careful or your kids will end up on Charlie’s plate. Excuse me?? He just ate! How dare you!”
“Singing all these songs gives him greater windows to kill, but we’re singing still!!”
And now THIS PART. The ENTIRETY OF BRYCE CHARLES’ SOLO. It’s fucking transcendent!!!
“Until GERALD! went on his murder spreeeee! I KNEW IT WAS GERALD!! Linda, call my lawyer. Let’s kill him!!”
“Can I shit or will I drown??”
“Ohhhh barbecue monologues, eh? I saw that in New York. Really? How was it? Fuckin ✨transcendent✨”
Joey's whole monologue thing here but extra emphasis on “Every Kah-bob”
“I wanna remember who I am….”
Trevor’s “My barbecue!”
*ruth throws hands up* “I guess!”
“Betcha I could do it! Betcha I could!”
“in my dream, it’s MY barbecue!” *ruth’s little arm wave thing*
“How can something be medium AND well?”
“All of the trappings of the well to-do!”
“And life is fine, if only it were mine.”
“Judge me!”
“And the world’s a stage, when you’re middle of age.”
“It’s well done on the outside, not within! OOOH!”
“Oh ohhh just for once! Just for once! Just for oooooonce!”
Ruth’s cute lil tap dance move
“I used to dance. I used to dance”
“Oh nooo my anxiety *gags* I’m gonna hurl!”
“I believe your next line is AAAAHHHH”
“Project Ruth! They can’t hear you in the back row! Ow, my butt! You’re splitting me in two!”
Max slowly putting the “underwear” over Ruth’s head and then petting her
“Take a bow, bitch!”
The theater director’s dramatic screaming
“No nonono! You can’t do this to me okay?? This isn’t my fault! This isn’t my plan! Woah woah woah who’s place was it Grace? IT WAS GODS PLAN!! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! DO SOMETHING YOU SON OF A BITCH!!”
“Don’t! FOLLOW ME!”
“And he gives me his numberrrr! Very smooth!”
“EXCUSE ME! *audience screaming* I have been waiting for what feels like five fucking years and I STILL have not received my goddamn hot chocolate! Sorryy sir *deadpans fake spitting* here you go. …thank you….”
“MY dad sells women’s shoes!”
“Don’t spin this back on meee”
“Because you’re crazy about me. …..WHAT!?”
“On the first date, Steph? Have some respect for yourself!”
“If I loved you, you would know it. If I loved you, I would show it. If I love you like you should be loved. If I loved you like I’m capable of. If you were the one I’m thinking of, woah ohhh, oh babe I’d let you know”
“Wake me up when you turn eighteeeeen”
“Did they buy it? Ha!”
“Gimme a cup of hot water, and make it strong!”
“Does your phone plan cover calls to hell?”
“She’s bisexual and dead! Where else would she be??”
*whips out gun* “JUST COOL YOUR BEANS, STEPH! Just cool em right the heck down!”
“Shut the front door, spankoffski!”
Pete’s “HOLY SHIT!!” When officer bailey rushes at Paul
“STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!” *cue Emma screaming*
“You ruined our lives Grace!! I knowwww *sobbing* I just haven’t been thinking clearly lately. All I wanted was to be a regular girl, with no sexual desire, until she was safely married. I never asked for this tickle in my mommy spot. I’ve done so many terrible things, like touching myself and lying to the police. …..and dismembering a body….. well… we all did that, so…. But I called god a son of a b-word. Who am I!?!? *more sobbing* ohh.. it’s alright Grace. Don’t comfort her. She’s fuckin weird.”
“Stephanie, please. I’ve been bugging your phone since you were 12.”
“I don’t give a shit who you kill, but you just HAD to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?”
“A book??”
“You mean… satan? Oh no… they’re much worse.”
“K-yuck, k-yuck, k-fuck!”
*head gets thrown on stage* *collective screams* “Damn you miss tessburger! You were worthless!”
“Nerdy Prudes must die. That’s not me! I’m an elected official!”
“I can buy you beer!”
“I hate politics! It’s for NERDS!”
“Pete get behind me! I’ve got a gun! Steph, it’s a ghost… I don’t think that’s gonna do any good…. On the ground, bitch! I’m a cop!”
“Heck! Heck no!”
“Are you a woman of faith? Catholic. I’ll take that as a no.”
“He’s right there! WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Pete, is she okay? Can you feel a pulse? I have no idea what I’m doing.”
The entirety of the summoning scene. It’s my favoritest part of the whole show.
Extra extra emphasis on “we don’t give a shit about your phone!”
Max’s slow mo run beat boxing to stop the bullet
“So you do know the Bible”
Grace taking her hair down and shaking it out
“Grace what are you doing?? SHUT YOUR FUCKING FART HOLE SPANKOFFSKI!! I wanna hear this! As you were saying Grace….”
“Brewin a pot of dirty girl soup, just for you! What?? Uhh, It’s what you call my bath water in my sexual fantasies. *GASP* that’s nastyyy….. I like it.”
“What… the fuck… is happening right now!?!?”
“GRRRR! I’ll be right back!”
The background dialogue of Grace and Max and then Peter saying “holy cow they’re doin it! Grace is having sex with a fucking ghost!”
Grace sauntering out and smoking a cigarette and saying “wooow I needed that” and then max being baby girl and swinging his legs in the air and saying “where you goin? Don’t you wanna cuddle a little bit?”
“I paid the price, now fuck off” *Grace twirl*
“Nonooooooowwwhatever! It was fuckin worth it!”
“What the fuck you just say to me!?!?”
“Mom said it would help me make friends. Boy was she wrong.”
“Liek eye dew”
“That was… absolutely disgusting!!”
Graces evil laugh “the souls of the pervs make me strong” more evil laughter
“Darkness will spare my soul”
“Run dudes. RUN”
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gamorasxlover · 1 year
hi! here is my first attempt in writing and posting a fan fiction. let me know what you think <3
plot: a short paragraph about Peter and Gamora expressing their true love to each other.
“A Sky full of Stars”
Starmora Fan-fiction
“Groot just leave me alone” came the fully recognisable voice of Rocket. He was fixing a part of the ship, the Milano. He was obviously pissed off at Groot for something but no one ever knows what.
“I am Groot” came the high pitched voice of Groot. “No, you can’t help me Groot you little-“ his voice cut off by Peter. “No one is yelling at anyone on my ship… maybe at Drax because of his obsession with Zarg Nuts” he said. He was wearing his ravager trousers and a white almost see-through vest. “Why am i brought somehow into every conversation between you two?” came Drax’s voice from outside, he was sitting on a log by the fire entertaining Mantis with his impressions of all the Guardians (he was really good at them). “Have you seen Gamora by the way?” asked Peter. “Why you so obsessed Quill? She seriously cant be into a goof like you. Whatever, she’s sitting by the river over there” said Rocket pointing to the silhouette of Gamora sitting on the riverbank. Peter said nothing and started to walk over to her.
He brushed his hands through his hair and approached her. “Pretty night right?” he said. Gamora slightly jumped at the sudden sound of his voice. She turned.
“Oh its you, yeah, it really is.” she said looking back towards the river. Peter sat down a few feet from her. “Have you seen Nebula by the way?” asked Peter. Bold move bringing up her sister while trying to make her fall in love with him.
“No, why?” she asked. “Oh she just ‘borrowed’ something of mine and shes now disappeared with it” Peter replied moving slightly closer to her. They have had a few moments between them but he wasnt sure where there relationship was at this point.
“What did she take now?” Gamora asked turning to face him. Her brown eyes twinkled in the moonlight. “Dont worry, I just need to find her” he said. “I’ll go find her now then” said Gamora getting up. Peter grabbed her hand and pulled her back down towards him. “Wait dont go” he said. They were now basically inches away from each other.
The faint noise of the song ‘Aint no mountain high enough’ playing in the ship. “Why?” she asked.
“Can you swim?” he said raising an eyebrow slightly. “Thats a random questi-“ she was cut off and Peter picked her up. He was almost sure she was gonna kill him for doing this but she let him for some reason. “Peter what are you doing? Peter dont you dare, Peter!” she raised her voiced and Peter threw her gently into the water. He laughed and she came up to the surface. The expression on her face was ‘im gonna kill you now’. It then turned into a smile and she grabbed Peters leg and pulled him into the water.
She laughed. She never laughed. Peter came up to the surface and shook his head, his wet hair was in a hairstyle that made him look super hot. His top was now fully see-through. He laughed and splashed her. She was fully clothed but didnt seem to care. Peter took off his shirt and threw it onto the river bank.
Gamora stared at his body, she didnt mean to but she couldnt stop. Peter went up to her and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up and out of the water, only her legs were still in. They laughed.
The moonlight shown onto the water and lit up the water around them. Gamora put her arms around Peters neck and Peter held her close. He lowered her slowly down. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Mora I-“ Peter said but was yet again cut off. Gamora pulled him in and kissed him. The scenery was beautiful. Rocket looked over at them and sighed in disgust. There they were, kissing under a Sky Full of Stars.
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman. again.
i have done this so much. the first movie was so long. this ones even longer. by like ten minutes but still. ANYWAY LETS GET GOINGGGG IM SO EXCITED
it should be noted that i spent thirteen dollars on this film and its so worth it
the opening music is SOOOO GOOD
this little motif that plays here is played a few times thru the movie and i love when movies do that sjdhfksjd its so fun to have little music cues that carry over thru the film
i heard someone say this was their least favorite spiderman and it breaks my heart i love it sm
anyway. richards killing things.
so basically hes killing the little spiders they worked on and just kinda running off rn
this is a surprise scene thatll help us later
i know what hes doing and why hes doing it but its a secret so i wont say until it comes up
he was recording a little video diary thingy =]
okay droppin him off at mays weve seen this part already
i know its important but cmon. places to be.
yippee mary and richard on the plane!!!
"we're going to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders, never feeling safe. we cant do that to him." funny u say that richard
okay mary is off to the bathroom. in walks flight assistance guy.
i feel like i gotta explain every little detail of this film bc it means so much to me and i need u guys to understand KJGHSKJDGH
flight assistant guy is washing his hands off and theres a little bloodddd on himmmmm yikes
richard sees but doesnt say anything bc obv
oops flight assistant has a gun. and hes locked mary in the bathroom. and he has a parachute. and he stole richards laptop. AND HE HIT MARY WHEN SHE ESCAPED.
fight sceeeene marys down
this scene is fun but theres no way in hell richard parker would be able to fight AND WIN
the planes going down they shot out the window
flight assistant guy is now out of the plane JKGSKJHGJK richard and mary go down with it but marys already gone before they crash, richard dies in the crash as far as i know, like thats whats implied
parents dead. time for spiderman.
FUN FACT the movie made a mistaaaake and i caught it like my first watch. so theres this truck carrying plutonium that was stolen from oscorp that peters abt to go catch, right? and they say that plutonium is highly explosive. WELL ITS NOT. PLUTONIUM 238 IS BARELY A DAMN FISSILE ISOTOPE. SPIDERMAN. ITS USED AS A SOURCE OF HEAT AND ALPHA EMITTERS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. STUPID MOVIE. and look they couldve just taken the name or something bc it sounds cool but cmonnnn its wronggggg
yeahhh the driver of the stolen truck is aleksei sytsevitch. remember that itll come back later.
this chase music is so good i love the score for this film
another motif here while hes swinging that comes back later ehehe
we are nine minutes in. argh.
"hey, mr criminal? hey, my names spiderman, you can call me webhead, you can call me amazing, just dont call me late for dinner, you get it? not a shaker, areeee you a hugger?" "i am killer!" "woah, okay!"
makes me laugh every time its so dumb
peters banter is so fun in this movie i love it so much
omg max dillonnnnn okay so hes walking with all these blueprints and they fall into the street and no one helps him but peter. guess if thatll come back later.
peter catches all the vials of plutonium. except for one. hes a bit dumb.
okay so peters o the front of this cop car and he looks over into the cop car next to him and who does he see but mr stacy! from the first film! "nick thats impossible hes dead" oh just wait GKHSKJDGHDSKJ
HIS RING TONE IS THE "spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can" AND I LOVE IT
oh yeah theyre graduating today and peters late bc hes in a high speed chase. if i was allowed to decorate my cap it wouldve been spiderman themed.
HER SPEECH AGH im not gonna quote t bc its so long but it means the world to me
oh yeah aleksei sprays peter with the windshield wiper water thing i love that
gwen stacy the woman u are
again i love how they did gwen like they didnt just make her a basic love interest like in tobys films they actually gave her depth
theres a deleted scene here where the graduates are with their families where flash runs up to them in his cap and gown all excited and he tells gwen like "i made it i knew i could bc u believed in me" and they shouldve kept it bc it makes me so happy
"i know the next thing your unvle ben would say, dont just follow the path, make your own trail" "ralph waldo emerson" "no" "what do you mean, no?" "ben told me he made it up!" I WISHHHH BEN WERE HERE
ugh the way they both laughed over ben i love these two
aunt may says that she wishes ben were here and peter goes "yeah, and my folks" and mays smile drops a bit, her demeanor changes ever so slightly and she just "...yeah" THIS DOESNT SEEM IMPORTANT AND ITS NOT BUT IT MAKES SENSE LATER
im gonna finish this scene then continue in a rb this is getting long
i love that may tries to take a photo of peter and gwen and gwens like "cheese!! =D!" and peter is so awkwardly stood there like "cheeeeeese 😐"
she invites him to dinner with her family and she says shes gonna do her speech for him "over and over again, all night long" bc he missed ittttt aghhhhhhh
THIS. THISSSSSS. he watches the stacys take their family photo and then mr stacy appears in the background, and we flash back to the first film, his death, where hes telling peter to leave gwen alone. i am soooooo sad.
okay this dinner scene is devastating so! next post! i love this movie i have so many thoughts and were only 17 minutes in
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kahin · 1 year
so now that i effectively watched atsv and was left shell shocked. i just thought it was a movie thing like "tbc" ohh its a cutscene haha What the movies actually over. uhmm the plot was maybe lacking a bit but i get that its a two-part so no comment there. i should say i yelled when i saw jess drew because what do you mean there is a pregnant spider-woman on a MOTORBIKE doing cool tricks. i had to stop myself from going "oh yeah jess drew is so cool and awesome haha" like every two seconds. i hope i get to see more of malala windsor too tbh... {hijabi spiderman}. the spot was such a silly guy and i kind of understand that IS how you're meant to view him n it also sorta reminds me how in itsv no one took miles seriously as spiderman they all insisted that THEY were the ones who'd do the job and stay behind. n it sorta loops back a bit as well cz in itsv they kept goin "hes just a kid" and in atsv when peter keeps going "kid" he goes "stop calling me that" before escaping.
miguel. ohohohho what is up with him. i cant even get into this guys head i cant even say anything. hes chasing down a 15 year old and was abt to kill him in that fucking go home machine Bless margo 4 not doing anything wi that system reboot because. uhm. 💀
prowler aaron-42 had me sort of shaking because he was about ot kill miles-1610 like 3an jad "like no i dont want to be a good person" tekram 3aynak sidi o7 any other orders. 42-miles and 1610-miles switching circumstances is a cool little thing to note too. the spider that bit miles-1610 was from d-42 meaning that prowler miles in 42 was supposed to be spiderman. which kind of explains too why jeff is dead in 42 as opposed to . well. aaron. also rio in 42 has lighter eyes than 1610. the scene where our miles was like pouring his heart out to her and she doesnt even believe him left me like
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[ID: a 3D emoji turning to look at the viewer with a haunted expression. It is in complete darkness and light illuminates part of the expression and the right hand. end ID.]
hobie was so real also the entire movie cz during the "kid listen" scene i talked abt earlier he started motioning with his palms. i also had to stop myself from going "YOOO ITS HOBIE HEY GUYS LOOK HAVE OYU SEEN THIS"
anyway i dont get why you guys hated jess drew or margo kess. jess did barely anything except maybe be a TAD BIT harsh on gwen but she didnt. even lay a hand on miles meanwhile miguel was about to kill him like genuinely kill him probably at multiple times. margo i dont get the hate against her too i think it . listen im going to come up with a theory.... it might be antiblack racism.
i also rlly liked pavitr but the chai tea thing sends shivers up my spine because i know if i check his tag that'll be all i see. the moment he went "chai TEA?" i just went "yeah he sealed his fate forever. im so sorry pavitr this movie's first indian spider-man and they're gonna treat you badly. the fact they gave him like 100 or so unique signatures makes so much sense his moveset is so rad bro
In conclusion. uhm. MISSION STATUS: SICKK
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Frank fathering a little girl,
but shes older now hcs
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Reader: Female
Type: headcannons (part 4)
Notes/Warnings: Typical Violence, shit gets real in the end, also may make a whole fic off this bc I enjoyed these ideas so much.
Dedicated to: @pietromaximoffluvr so they can live out there dreams
You're super glad you have your relationship is back on track: old man and kid, father and daughter back at it again.
He knows he cant stop you from being a vigilante and shit he cant even stop himself, not that he finds himself much of one
So the least he can do is protect you more: showing you how to handle yourself better, using others weight, knives, the whole shebang
Turns out you actually knew how to do alot of that already
He wonders how? And you tell him you've watched the best at work, him hes the best
Doesnt mean he cant kick your ass though, he still does, decorated marine corp? Remember
But that doesnt mean you didnt land one or two punches on him.
"Come on old man I can take it."
"No. No you can't"
"Yeah I can come on! I can!"
First few times you couldnt take it but now you can
You'll both patch each other up, he'd never gone too far with you, but sometimes you do run into things so you'll stich each other up
You go out and box Peter too, you know show him how much you improved. You improved alot, shit maybe your even Avengers Quality?
Oh Tony for sure sticks his nose into your business now
There was a knock on the door luckily Frank was out and you had put all the guns in hidden locations while you tiddied up.
Opening the door you smiled, "Hey! Peter nice to see you- how did you get my address?"
"Me. That was me," a man spoke rushing to stand behind Peter, "Names. Stark. Tony Stark you probably knew that already."
"I could give one shit man." You shrugged, "Never seen you before to be honest."
"Iron man?" He asked.
You shrugged in confusion, "you dont look very iron to me."
"Thats not the point kid. Spiderling here's got some pretty hefty stuff on you. Being what? A dead terroists kid-"
It was quick you pullled the gun from the back of your pants, aiming it at his head.
"I advise you to say your next word very careful."
"Woah! Y/n! Y/n! Its okay!-"
"Its words." Tony argued, "my next words very carefully"
"You should be glad I'll even give you one."
So Tony likes you for sure.
Stark Approved
And once peter got you to chill out, you brought them in and let him explain.
"We need a sniper."
"In your dreams."
"It'll pay well" Tony spoke under his breath, "Just...sayin..."
You watched him hand over a check, and you snatched it, this check? Could set you and Frank for a while.
"Thats just a little over half of it."
"So what am I an Avenger now if I take this?"
"No." Peter spoke, "You can't become one so easily- trust me-"
"Yeah sure why not."
"Fine. I'll do it."
Luckily it was a one hit job, simple enough, and you went home clean, your prints not there, you not even existing within the parameters of the scene afterwards
And you were able to hand over the check to Frank.
He was disappointed in you, clearly he showed you how to shoot a gun, but not how to line up your morals
But once he learned you were simply backup, nothing more, but did shoot the guys kneecaps out to let the others to tag him and throw him in jail of where ever they sent him. He was relieved.
He sat you down and talked to you about how this wasnt about money, it wasnt about fame, it was about whats right.
So you promise to take no more jobs for money.
And he's proud of you: and also wants to kill this Tony Stark guy now
On a positive note, you guys go out for breakfast every sunday still and go to the Parker household for Sunday Dinner.
Thats where he hears about school events, because you wouldnt tell him, not that you didnt want him there: you knew he couldnt go.
"Did you get the email?" Peter questioned, Y/n looking up from her plate.
"No what email?"
"About the dance tickets-"
He ow'ed quickly as Y/n had kicked him, quickly clearing his throat and shoveling food in his mouth.
"This is Junior prom for the both of you?" May asked.
Peter and Y/n glancing at each other: "No Ma'm..." Y/n responded.
"Its a parent child thing." Y/n responded, "Funraiser type deal.."
"Like a Father daughter dance?" Frank questioned.
Peter nodded, "Yes sir."
You didnt talk much else during dinner had feeling as if you got caught once again.
You were quiet on the ride home too.
"Were you gonna tell me?" Frank questioned, parking the car.
Y/n shook her head no keeping her eyes forward.
"I know you can't go." Y/n told him, "I know you would of tried to go to. Its not worth the risk."
He sighed, hand running over the bottom half of his face in thought; "Come on. Its late."
You were glad there was no arguement. It wasnt worth it.
You didn't know how to dance either
And Peter had asked you to help him pratice as he was going with his Aunt.
You did, but damn did your feet hurt afterwards, how many times he steped on them.
He still had time to learn atleast.
Meanwhile school was good, you didn't hang out with Liz but rather MJ, Ned and Peter. Especially during lunch or after-school.
You're grades were good. You were good.
Life was good.
That was until Matt Murdock was waiting outside of school for you.
And now your guiding him through the streets.
"Haven't argued with you in a while." Matt started, "I miss you at confessional."
Y/n laughed, Matt smiling at his own stupid joke.
"I don't regret anything. Not as of recent." Y/n told, "I'll call you up when I do. Plus you know the church is quiet enough for me to clear my head."
Matt chuckled, "Good times good times. But this isn't about Confessional or your religion."
Y/n looked at him, "Yeah? Whats this about then Murdock?"
"Friendship." Matt responded.
"A bit werid to be hangin out with a 17 year old Matt."
"Let me rephrase that. Let's have a cup of coffee? Maybe a small meal and talk about how you know Im Daredevil and I know your Bullet Red."
Ah shit....
Yeah your keeping that one secret from Frank for sure.
So between being busy with school and now building a soild frienship with Matt, keeping up Vigalntte work and Stark trying to get you to permanently join the team your for sure busy.
But you prevail, and still find time to spend with your old man. Even if you push off something for a good hour or two to just get a nap with your head in his lap while he reads
Or for him to braid your hair
Weekly breakfast, your keeping strong on sundays
So you forsure didnt realize Frank kinda sneaking around.
Turns out he was gonna buy you a dress for that father daughter dance, but he's never really seen you in anything but pants so he just went with a suit
Your both not fuckin with ties
Open collar and button for the win
Still you dont realize what he's done till the day off.
You walking into your room to see the suit nicely laid on on the bed.
"Karen helped me pick it out."
Y/n turned around, Frank leaning against the door frame, he dressed in the classic colors, black and white. His shirt white and his coat and pants black.
"What's it for?" Y/n questioned, looking back down at the suit.
"What's the point in being your old man if I can't get you into danger some times?" He asked with a playful shrug, "Come on get dressed."
She smiled at him, he leaving her room, closing her door with a smile.
He's gonna cry when you seem come around that corner, some heels Karen had let Frank Borrow for you accompanied the slightly baggy suit, it matching Franks except you had a few more buttons undone that him.
He thinks your so beatiful, his little girl all grown up.
Not that grown up to have those buttons undone though, no he fixed those
"I like it like that."
"Its cold."
"We're inside-"
"Its cold."
God was he so proud.
He'll hold your face with a hand, rubbing a thumb over your cheek, god hes so proud of you
Has he mentioned how proud of you he is?
"Would you look at you..." He smiled, "all grown up..."
You know this is special for him, with whats happened to his own kids and wife.
You can only pull away from his hand and hug him instead,
He knows that this is when he has to slowly start letting you go, you're becoming an adult
"My baby girl all grown up."
"Okay. Don't start cryin on me old man."
"Pfft. Yeah right..." he spoke, pulling away and "rubbing" his eyes.
He drives you both to the school where the dance is being held.
You both stick to the walls, being both wall flowers.
But you make small talk with May and Peter.
Even Ned came along with Mj but they were there on "volunteer hours"
"What did you both do this time?" Y/n asked with a smile.
"I was asked." MJ spoke, "to volunteer."
"And you?" Y/n asked Ned.
"I didnt dress for PE."
"Kinda harsh punishment for not dressing." Y/n spoke and Ned shrugged, "anyways this is the Old man. You know. The construction worker."
Ned kinda geeked, I mean The Punisher is just a Superhero in bad light. Right?
Mj was super chill though
You swear if one more honry highschool comes up to you and says hi to you just to be near Frank your gonna snap a neck
Like...they never liked you in the first place...and there moms
Its like there arguing over Frank and its GROSS
Luckily a new decent song starts and You ask him if you two can go do a cheesey father daughter slow dance
Thank god he never thought he get away quick enough
"Thanks for saving my ass kid." Frank thanks.
Y/n shrugs, "Got my old mans back is all. Plus what horn dogs."
He laughs, arm hand on your waist and other hand in yours, your hand is on his shoulder.
She smiles at him, "Plus I might get jealous,"
He shakes his head: "Wouldnt want to see that now."
Y/n shrugs, with a smile, "I don't know. I go run off my friends for a mintye just for you run off with a mysterious woman into the night."
"Keep usin that imagination of yours." He snarked.
"Im being serious. Maybe you do need a girlfriend."
Frank just shakes his head, "Your all the girl I need. Just an Old man and his not so much kid."
"Don't tell me that means breakfast on Sunday is canceled?"
"Never in a-"
He's cut off by an explosion, you pulling him to the floor quickly and him covering you with his own body, arms wrapped around your head in a protective matter.
You don't know what happened, a pipe burst? Something in the science lab? You couldnt get the ringing out your ears to even focus
But you know someones pulling you to your feet and its not Frank.
So you fight back, its a man dressed in black, and not like "oh im a vigilante" shade, it's "im the bad guy" shade
Your earings are still ringing and it throws you off balance, you get your ass kinda handed too you before Peter Dress as Spiderman and a very late Matt Murdock dressed as Daredevil come in to save you and others.
"Y/n! Y/n! It's me!" Matt shouts at you, he pulled you into an empty hallway, hoping to get you back on your feet.
You're grabbing at his shoulders, theres a large wound on your temple, you cant hear him.
Its buzzy, and it rings, thats all your ears can hear.
Your shaking your head at him, eyes fill up with tears.
"Hey! Hey! Y/n! Where is Frank!"
Why can't you hear him.
"Y/n!" It finally reaches your ears loud and clear along with the blaring firealarm.
"Y/n! Where is Frank!?"
You can only shake your head, "I. I don't know!"
"Come on we're getting out of here-"
"No. Im not leaving without Frank!"
He knows your gonna be stubborn but he also needs you safe.
So lucky the art rooms right there and he can put a mask on your face, orginally used for spray painting and you guys are off.
You find a gun on the ground and use that to your advantage. Theres smoke in the gym, where some people still are.
You know the enemy is still here and are catious.
Your pretty good at hearing the bullet before its shot, and are able to shoot that bullet so they collide and stop, or splinter small enough to not too major damage.
"That is enough!"
It goes silent, the three all hidden within eyesight of each other, and all look at each other confused.
"I see the Devil of Hell's kitchen does not work alone! Not anymore!" The man laughed, "You must have heard of me. I had a run in with your father when you were younger Ms.Castle."
Y/n tensed, "now my intentions are not to kill him. Not yet aleast! Frank Castle is a vaulable too-"
"You stay the fuck away from Frank!" Y/n shouted in anger, "If you touch him I swear to fucking god! I'll rip your throat out!"
"Just like your father." He laughed, "Watch who you make friends with Ms.Caslte."
"Don't go." Matt argued quietly to her, he could sense her getting ready to fire, "play this smart."
Y/n stayed silent, hearing the men moving and the man leaving.
They came out from Cover, the room empty besides the people hiding for cover.
Your so angry, you could have protected him, you could have saved him.
Matt and Peter have to argue with you to play this smart
You just want him back
"He took my dad." Y/n panted, "He took all I fucking had!"
"I know. I know." Matt spoke, "we have to play this smart. He knows how to get under your skin. You have to calm down."
Peter griminced at the cut as he touched it causing you to wince: "We have to close this first."
"I just want him back." Y/n cried.
"I know. I know." Matt spoke, "and we'll get him back. He threated people we all care about."
"Who is he?"
"His names Fisk. Wilson Fisk."
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ifandomus · 3 years
I've always wondered how different CACW would be if Zemo just gave/showed Tony the video of the Starks' deaths earlier on in the film. Honestly, I think it would have just sent Tony and an unhinged warpath to find Bucky and kill him earlier. But I've always wondered how it would have effected the teams, if anyone would have sided with Tony, at least in wanting to bring Bucky to justice (maybe Tony keeps it a secret that he's gonna kill Bucky as soon as he captures him, idk).
Thank you for the ask!!
I agree! From everything we see with Tony there is not a doubt in my mind that he would still have tried to kill Bucky. And as a billionaire with a massive amounts of resources and government ties he would have found him much easier.
Also Tony didnt give a damn about Buckys safety even before finding out. As you pointed out in an earlier ask, Tony lied about helping Bucky to manipulate Steve into signing the accords. But T’challa had already been granted extradition. Tony was never going to follow up on helping Bucky, and he was perfectly fine using his life as a bargaining chip. Which does show a certain callousness that Tony had towards Bucky.
The changes really depends on when in the movie it happens. And any other changes that might have come from that. For example, would the hydra supersoldier death squad still be a threat? Because I dont think Steve would have recruited the rest of team Cap if it was only about Bucky, so it might only have been Steve, Sam and Bucky. However judging by their past experiences I am sure the others still would have wanted to help if given the chance. I mean:
Clint was mindcontrolled and used by Loki in Avengers 1, so he could easily understand that part of what Bucky went through
Wanda is literally a telepath and was the main target of propaganda by a lot of the same politicians who were after Bucky
Scott is an ex-con, so he knows what the system is actually like
So from both that and because they are all fair minded people, I could easily see all of them wanting to help Bucky.
Now lets see team Ironman
Tony would be trying to kill Bucky
T’challa would also be trying to kill Bucky, unless he found out that Bucky was framed earlier. In that case I think he would have tried to help Bucky and make amends to him for trying to kill him like he did in the actual ca:cw
Peter already had absolutely no idea what was going on because Tony didnt tell him anything
Rhodey would probably have wanted Bucky arrested and then let the government handle it. Because he seems to trust the government, at least during ca:cw
Vision would also probably have wanted Bucky arrested and given to the government. He clearly had no idea how messed up the system actually is
(Honestly both Rhodey and Visions sense of logic were a bit strange during the movie. Just look at the air control tower. Steve and Bucky were running towards the hangar, so Vision decided to cut down an entire tower. Thankfully Wanda held it up, until Rhodey used that sound blast on her so that she dropped it while Steve and Bucky were right under it! They might be supersoldiers, but I dont think that getting buried under several tons of rubble would have been good for either of them)
Natasha is definitely the hardest to figure out. It seems like she should have at least a little understanding of what Bucky went through from her experiences, but it doesnt seem like she did. I mean she didnt seem to have any problem with Bucky getting killed in Bucharest, and she recruited T’challa knowing full well that he intended to kill Bucky. All she seemed to care about was how it would affect Steve and the team. Its also really weird considering her and Clint in avengers 1. She saw her best friend being mindcontrolled into fighting for the enemy and did everything she could to help him. I really dont understand what was going on with her this movie. (This isnt anti Natasha, Im just saying that she was written a bit strange) So Im not sure what she would have done.
As I said it depends on when in the movie, and any changes that could have come from that. What I am sure about is that Tony would still have tried to kill Bucky. There is a possibility that he would join forces with T’challa (if he still thought Bucky killed his father), but that depends on if T’challa would have agreed to it or wanted to do it on his own. Either way Bucky would have both Tony and T’challa doing everything they could to kill him, and at least most of the rest of team Ironman trying to arrest him but not seeming that concerned with him surviving (although they wouldnt have been ok with straight up murder, if he had died in Bucharest, Berlin or the airport however...).
So yeah, what I can say for certain is that Bucky would definitely have been in a lot more danger, which is really saying something. And that would have put anyone trying to help him (like Steve) in more danger.
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loveu001 · 2 years
chapter four(might add on to it tmrw.)
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 Chapter four wc: 2137
  What the hell. How did he get out. I thought peter said he was in jail. Did he get released? What the fuck is happening. You start to shake.
Tears are forming in your eyes. “What do you want?” peter questions. You can tell hes angry. But you dont know what hes gonna do next. Thats what terrifies you. Mark might kill peter. You dont know what will happen.
“I just want to talk okay?” he replies. You dont believe that for one second. Why would they want to talk. Peter looks back at you and whispers, “go wait in the car.” You gulp and start shaking even worse than before. “I SAID GET IN THE CAR.” he shouts.
You tremble in fear and nod. You walk to the car. Mark tries to follow you but peter stops him. “Nuh-uh-uh mister. Stay right there. Why dont we take this somewhere.. More private” You finally reach the car and fumble with the keys trying to find the car key. When you finally find it, you open the car door, your hands shaking.
You get in the back seat and cover your ears. What if he kills peter? You gulp and look up  through the window and they arent there! You start to sweat in fear. What the fuck. Why are they doing this? Do they wanna be put in jail?
You lay back in the back seat and fall asleep. You wake up to a knock on the window. Your eyes shot open and you get up. “Hey, y/n its just me” he chuckles. Your unlock the door. Its peter. “Wheres mark?” you ask. He shrugs, “he ran away when i threatened him.” he lies.
You look down and see what looks like blood on his pants. You scrunch up your eyebrows and question, “erm peter?” “yes sweetheart?” “whats that blood.. Doing on your cpants..?”  He starts laughing and replies, “oh! Me and your ex boyfriend just got into a little.. ‘scuffle’."
You shrug and think to yourself, i guess that explains it. You get in the car and start driving. “So..” you say while popping a stick of gum in your mouth, “what do you want to do today?”
You keep your eyes on the road, “uhm i was thinking we could go see a movie at the movie theaters today? I was thinking of seeing friday the thirteenth. ORRRR we could possibly go to your house for a movie? I had thrown all my movies out when i was going through them because i had watched all of them like a thousand times.” he chuckles.
I mean you had some movies at your house so of course you had agreed to him driving over to your house for a movie. Its cheaper also, so you both agreed to that suggestion. “Of course!! Lets just drive by my apartment!!” you reply joyfully.
Your house wasnt that far. It was literally right down the street from the lab. That wasnt intended, you had moved in the apartment before you had even knew about the lab or got your job there. Funny coincidence,.
When you had arrived at the apartment, you unlock the door to your unit. “Its kinda funny how ive never been inside your house the years that we have known each other!” he exclaims.
  You two were walking to your room til you were a loud bang. His head immediately turned to where the noise came from. It came from your kitchen. ‘What was that..” your voice shaking. He looks you in the eyes and replies, “ill go check it out. Stay here sweetheart..” he gives you a kiss on the cheek and goes to check behind the kitchen counter. “Whos there?” he shouts, making your cat run from behind the counter. “Oh old lady! Ive been looking for you for days!! You must have been hiding from him.!!” you talk in a  baby voice to your cat. You had called her old lady because she was six or seven when you had gotten her at a shelter.
    She was just the sweetest cat you had ever had. She was caring like an old lady. Just reminded you of one. She was an old lady. You kneeled down to pick her up and peter kneels down also to pet her and whispers, “i didnt know you had a cat!” You look at him while petting your cat and respond, “i have had her for a year. Shes the sweetest little thing..I love her so much..” He smirks and jokes, “so you love me as much as her?” you both start laughing and you reply, “noo- i do love you a lot though..” you stand up and give him a kiss on the lips.
You start to unbutton his shirt while staring into his eyes intimately. “Do you really want to do this?” he questions. You grinned and replied, “do what?” You were teasing him. You knew what would happen tonight, you knew full well.
He continues to kiss you softly on your neck, pressed up against the kitchen counter. You let out quiet moans and whimpers whilst he gives you sloppy love bites and kisses. “You know what I mean.” he says, his voice low and raspy.
Your panties getting wetter and wetter by the second. You lead him to your room, not even worrying about which movie you two were going to watch. That wasnt even on your mind. Not on either of your minds. You fall back on the bed.
Youve never had penetrative sex with peter before so he was trying to be as gentle as possible. Hes on top of you. His soft, warm lips on yours.  His hands in your hair. His hair smelled of vanilla cupcakes. He trailed his fingers down your neck and started to softly kiss your neck.
Whimpers and soft moans exiting your lips. He stops leaving kisses on your neck and looks into your eyes. “Baby.. i cant hear those beautiful whimpers coming out of those pretty lips. Tell me if you would like me to stop. Okay my lovee?” he asks. You nod in agreement and reply, “o- -okay..” he continues to cover your neck with kisses. 
   He moves down to your collarbone. He begins to start leaving soft, gentle kisses on your collar bone. You moan softly as he is kissing hard on your collarbone.
He looks up at you and whispers, “oh does my beautiful princess like when i kiss her.. I know you do my love. Now why dont you remove your shirt like a girl for me. Okay?” You grinned and remove your shirt like he said, revealing your chest. He starts to kiss your breasts. “You have such a beautiful body sweetheart. Just for me.” You put your arms behind your back trying to unbuckle it, but your living room phone starts ringing. You groan and say, “its probably nothing. Let me go check.” You slip your shirt on and walk to the living room. You pick up the phone.
[is this y/n]
[yes? Why? who is this?]
[i was calling to inform you that Dr Brenner would like you to come to the lab immediately.]
You scrunch up your eyebrows in confusion. What the hell does he want? [yeah.. Did he tell you.. Why?]
[no sorry miss! He just asked me to call you to inform you about this.]
[oh-- ill be there as soon as i can!!}
  You groan and start to put your shoes back on. Hopefully he doesnt want you to work overtime. Peter looks out the door and shouts, not knowing if you could hear him or not. “HUN, WHERE ARE YOU HEADED TO?” you walk back into your room and answer, “i got a call saying that brenner wanted to discuss something..” He looks at you like he is confused. “Bout what?” You shrug, “i dont know. They didnt say.” He looks worried. “Do you want me to come with you? Its probably nothing though” You smile, “please.. Im kind of worried. Brenner never ever calls me at 8:40 pm on a day off.. Its off.” 
  You both walk out to his car and you get into the passenger side this time. You look at him and sigh, “im kinda sad that we didnt get to finish..i hope we could do it another time though.” He puts his hand on yours, “its okay! Dont worry about it. Ill get you a present..” The lab was about a 4 or 6 minute drive from your apartment. Not that far.
As soon as you guys reached the lab, it was practically pitch black outside. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and tells you, “its gonna be alright. Like i said, probably nothing my love. Dont stress about it.”
You grinn and whisper, “thank you peter..” You walk into the lab and there is brenner..and what looks like diana (one of the other workers.) Brenner looks pissed. You gulp. Diana.. Is crying? You and 001 make eye contact and shrug not knowing why she is crying. “YN can i speak to you alone. I am very frustrated with you.” You gulp again and nod. You have a bad feeling about this.
You follow brenner and two other workers into this small room. Youve seen 001 in this room before.. You couldnt remember what they were doing to him but he was screaming in pain. “Sit please.” he says. You could hear the anger in his voice.
You nod in agreement and sit in the chair. He stares into your soul it feels like. “Sir what did y-” he cuts you off with a question you did not expect. “Why did you assault diana..” You scrunch your eyebrows in disbelief. “Sir i didnt a-” You feel someone roughly grab your arm, making you stand wobbly.
You see one of the men reach in their back pocket and pull out what looks like a taser.    He puts it to your waist and you feel pain all over. You start screaming loudly and tears are rolling down your cheeks. He pulls the taser away from your waist. “So.. why did you assault diana? Are you gonna answer me this time?” You gulp and shake your head side to side frantically.
It hurts so bad to speak. All you manage to get out of your mouth is a ‘ah’ sound. The man puts the taser up against your back, making you fall on your face. You start to think you broke your nose. They pull you back up by your arm. “I swear sir!! I would never do that to diana! You know ive never done anything like that and would never do anything like that!! Please belie-” The door bursts open. You're too weak to lift your head up to see who was in the door way. 
Before brenner got the chance to speak the person says, worried, “what the fuck did you do to her!!? Did you kill her?” It was peter. You try to lift your head up but are too weak.
You see one of the men fall to the floor. Their neck snapped. The other falls with him. You almost fall to the floor but peter catches you. “Wake up, wake up, please dont die.. I love you so much.” He walks you out to the car in the exit from the back of the lab.
He gives your face a few soft slaps and you open your eyes. “Oh my god, you are okay! I was so worried.” he puts you in the backseat so you can lay down. “I know how it feels my love..ive been through it too much not to..” he gives you some painkillers he had in his car. “It will ease the pain a little bit. Let's get you home so i can take care of you.” You had fallen asleep in the car on the way home. It wasnt that bad compared to what your ex did. When you had gotten to your apartment, he carried you inside and puts you on your bed. “Ill make you something to eat my love.” He gives you a forehead kiss and walks to the kitchen. He looks in the cabinets and finds some soup. When he finishes heating the soup up, he walks back to your room and sits on your bed with you. “Okay! Its done. Be Careful baby, it's hot.” He scoots next to you on your bed and starts to play with your hair. He takes a handful of your hair and smells it. “You smell so good, princess. I have to go shower.. Want to come with me when you finish it?” you smile and nod.
authors note: i know this is a little short but am running out of ideas..might end it next chapter. love yall
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he’s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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okay just finished dofp rewatch here are my thoughts i jotted down as i watched the movie
>charles erik raven logan and peter carry this movie cause otherwise this stupid liberal plot would suck so bad. instead its gay cinema
>erik: relying on young us is…..
charles: im sure it will be fine!
narrator: it was not fine
>logan is HILARIOUS
>crying and wailing over raven baby girl i love you so much
>ignoring the alex in vietnam. i dont fucking care he didnt fight in vietnam goodbye charles is rich as fuck alex used his money to dodge the draft and is spending this movie looking for scott. he sees everything on the news two weeks later like “Hey Whats Going On?”
>i feel so bad for hank in this movie in first class i always lowkey wanna bully him but in this movie hes my annoying little brother
>CHARLES DEPRESSED ERA MY BELOVED i just really love this part of his arc its so important to me to see him hit a low point and then recover from it ;_;
>peter my beloved!!!! baby boy just wants to break into the pentagon he doesnt even question it!!!!
>erik baby im so sorry solitary happened to you and all your friends got murdered my poor little meow meow
>okay i 100% believe erik would try and kill raven to prevent a holocaust he’d kill just about anyone to prevent that but you cannot expect me to believe that he didn’t also try to kill trask aka the dude responsible for killing raven and building the murder machines in my mind he tries to merk trask with raven -> things still go to shit -> he goes welp that didnt work and trask is in the wind. sorry raven but you’ve gotta go -> things go even more to shit and raven and erik both split off again
>anyways at least he knows he fucked up hes so stupid but at least his apologies are genuine
>erik raven wlw mlm besties the movies can keep trying to imply romance all they want i will keep ignoring it
>CHARLES XAVIER MY BELOVED I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU’RE SO GOOD IN THIS MOVIE watching him recover and heal and grow is so important to me and makes me cry the hope scene…. the hope scene….. fanon charles YOU ARE NOTHING compared to actual canon movie charles
>erik you’re so hot please lavender marriage me i’ll treat you right i promise
>i dont give a shit about the “no killing” scene w/trask sorrrryyy the only good part is charles asking raven to come home wheres the post about how the more radical villain randomly does off the wall shit to make the audience sympathize with the centerist protag i need that for this movie i cannot believe it ends with “and trask goes to jail! so everything’s fine except stryker but raven handles that dont worry!” like. ah yes, sending trask to jail. im sure that will solve everything. btw i love how the CIA is absolutely anti mutant in this movie but they can’t truly include that because then they would lose funding for the helicopters n shit
>i love charles. i love charles. i love charles.
>old erik looks so distinguished in a cape while young erik looks dumb whats up with that
>erik and the stadium and having the robots blow up cop cars acab king he’s so funny i love watching him do property damage
>dropping the stadium on charles… :(
>i still dont give a shit about raven trying to kill trask let the girlboss girlboss it’s on trask and his people for trying to commit mass murder trying to blame her for the entire thing is ridiculous
>me crying over any scene with charles and raven vs thinking no killing plots are stupid: fight
>raven is allowed to do whatever she wants and i mean that more genuinely than i do with erik even like with him despite being my fave i only let him get away with like. 60% maybe 70% of the shit he pulls raven gets a solid 80-90%
>charles is so kind btw trying to kill my siblings is the one line you cannot cross if my on again off again girlfriend tried to kill my baby sister no matter the reason i would carve out her heart and eat it. i say this despite erik being my favorite character😭. i would kill him for that he is so lucky charles is the way he is
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starfanatic · 4 years
I cant be the only one who thinks Raven is very ungrateful and kinda toxic towards Hank and Charles and it’s overlooked because she’s... insecure ig?
1. Invisible Mutations
I fully understand what she means by it but i honestly could not feel bad for her. She’s a shapeshifter! Who cares if her initial form is Misses Smurf she can just change it after at will. I could understand Hank because he doesn’t have the luxury to change his body at will and he has to accept that. When Raven says Mutant and Proud to Hank I just know Hank was rolling his eyes in his head. YOU can change your body I cannot. She has more of a invisible mutation then Hank, Azazel, etc. Also she says “mutant and proud” but she wanted Charles to stay out of her head, thus suppressing his mutation. She has to hide her mutation, just like every other mutant has to do or they’ll get killed.
2. Erik
Now I love Erik, he’s not the problem here. But if we look at it from Hank’s POV, Raven is being extremely toxic. Raven has had zero communication with him and then she shows up at the mansion years or months later and she’s like “Hey there”. Hank is happy to see Raven again after so long but still upset she didn’t speak to him or write to him at all. Then the first thing she starts talking about is, you guessed it, Erik.
Imagine your ex (i know they weren’t really together but they were clearly romantically involved). Broke up with you and has basically ignored you for years (let’s say 13 years) and the first thing your ex does after seeing you is ask for help. And not only that, but ask for help for the man she/he left you for. And they didn’t do this once but TWICE.
Charles is a victim of this too, Raven doesn’t even try asking how he is it goes straight into a argument almost immediately. And then she’s like “this is about erik”. I would have told her to get out of my house (and helped erik on the low).
3. Her little line she had in Dark Phoenix
Honestly that was a slap in the face to a lot of Charles Xavier fans. HE DIDNT RISK ANYTHING? Raven saw Charles fight Erik and then saw the bullet his his spine. SHE IS LOOKING AT HIM IM A WHEELCHAIR. And did she forget Charles had to pull himself out of a drug addiction to help her. Also she’s literally standing in his house. He sacrificed his money, his time, his energy for the mutants so they have a safe haven to be. She had no right to say that.
Then she said “The women are always saving the men around here”. One, both of the women and men were helping the mission out easily. Also RAVEN didn’t do anything in the mission? She just barked orders the whole time. Jean, Storm, Peter, Kurt, and Scott was always working together like a team. And why is Raven acting like Logan didn’t have to go to the past to stop her from causing the extinction of the entire mutant race? Why is she acting like Charles didn’t have to stop her, even though she knew the consequences?
ALSO did she not say in apocalypse “you are not kids, you are x-men” why all of the sudden they are kids now? Does she think Charles is forcing them to do it? I know he put them in danger but he wanted to save every one on that ship.
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stillbreathing-aer · 2 years
im just gonna spam rq:
tasm and me freaking out about peter parker
yk normally notes would get this but since im here, tumblr will be subjected to my movie rants :)
this is literally just me commenting on the movie, like the whole movie, unless i stop randomly, unlikely, but could happen
bye fangirling over another golden boy. golden retriever boy. kfkkdkdk
this is a problem, how am i meant to function in society
save me
ckdfkfdkkdkckdkskdk CUTIES
nah dude this is it for me, she says after saying that about the last three fictional golden boys
THE HOLOS REMIND ME OF TONY man i miss that guy
goddammit pete- may :[
oh shit- oh poor baby- no-
aw shit dude-
istfg ben better NOT fucking die trying to find peter
oop bad guy incoming
oh nvm
i hope that man dies
i am so done w these GOOD FATHER FIGURES dying.
oh my
pete lets uh
calm ourselves yeah?-
w no poor Akfkeifieekkwwkwkkwkwkwkekdkekekwkwk the h
that is so upsetting
hm 🤭
oh shit
hes tonna drop him
he got dropped nvm
thats so funny
hehehehehehe slay peter slay
oh shit he gonna jump
oh nvm hes just showing off his awesome handstand
like literally just one hand
look at him, little crime fighter
go white boy go
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehe SLAY PETER SLAY.
so proud
a cop? in
yeah what he said
hes so funny
ive seen this behind the scenes its so funny w/o the webs there
aw how kind of him to give him breathing holes
oh no hes getting cocky 🧍
thats never good 🧍
wow nice going pete-
what a little weirdo /pos
may has to know
oh jeez pete your memory its failing you buddy
aw pete-
aw may- ;-;
peter- :/
lizard incoming 🫢🫢
yo are you stalking him?
i love having trouble processing audio w/o captions
aw gwen :']
shes so sweet
i love her
gone i love them
ayo lizard time?
hi mr i dont know your name scientist man
why is your arm so slimy
he do be transforming though
hehehehehehehehe cuties
wow what a large family you guys have
very cooool and probably insufferable
pete 🧍
oh lord pete
pete read the room??
they are so cute
im so gone
gone done
pete dont jump 💀
oh jesus
ahh lizard man is on the loose 💃
wait did he even try the oher door????
oh wow
he is gonna be forever traumatized by bridges from now in
aw shit dude
thank god
poor lizard man (?)
this city stans spiderman
they are adorable
look at his goofy little smile
what a dumbass
sorry, dumbasses, plural
sorry, cutest dumbasses
damn scientist man you look like a mess
scientist man and peter man you both arent being very subtle about this
otto in the ps4 spiderman game gives lizard scientist man energy
dr curt connors?
now i know your name funky scientist man
lil lizard boys
oh funky lil lizard boys i see
damn connors youve become a crazy basement man
all that video for nothing
hehe the web is so cool
oh man thats so sick
the vibrations from the webs
thats awesome
oop youre being surrounded peter man
man well i hated that
really just left your name on the camera like that
damn pete-
aw gwen fkdk-
hehehehe so cute
i love you gwen stacy
wow those are really bad pete
the eyes
they are
so fucking cute
spontaneously combust
as msuch as i think that you should sleep over bud may is gonna be pissed
oh but they are so cute :[
they are adorable
aw pete-
i love you gwen stacy and peter parker
god they are SO CUTE
im gonna stop living /j
youre losing it connors
good luck peter man
jesus connors
did he really just mKe a bomb
i feel like the peter in the ps4 game is a lot like andrews peter
and i am here for it
ew that regen on the tail was gross as
oh shit slay pete
god they are so cute it is almost insufferable
pete buddy wheres your mask
its in your hamd thats my bad
aw shit yeah those poor kids- theyre all traumatized
oh i hope this doesnt become one of those scenarios where the sweetheart becomes a cocky bastard :/
it better not ill be so sad
i doubt it will cause peter is the super boy so narratively that cannot be allowed to be permanent :D
so if he does, he'll redeem himself hopefully
connors is that a lab coat?
damn well theyre all dead now
not dead
thats unfortunate
lmao those people in the bg just staring at him on the call
gwen you cant die yet
i know you dont die yet
that sucks
cmon peter get up
come on peter wake up???????
nah its fine
aw shit pete
so many people know his face by now and i love it
that one post where its like an unspoken rule that even if youve seen spidermans face you cant reveal it is amazing
oh 🧍
i thought he was gonna
peter how mang days has it been since youve seen may
yes slay pete saved the day BUT IF GWENS DAD DIES I WILL FIGHT SOMEONE
sorry lizard man connors
what in the hell
damn welp
bring him back this isnt funny
i hate this place
thats fucked man
anyways i got distracted
ben i miss you
ayo spidercave??
stop that was cute w flash
anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk that is being posted on tumblr cause i cant copy/paste the whole thing :)
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