thebestestdancers · 4 months
i lvoe that butch lesbians beinf mistaken as gay men post so dearly it holds a special palce in my heart
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ninjayuri · 11 months
i think if i werw a spiderman my spiderman idenrity would be absolutely batshit insane and unhinged bc most people know me as 😐 all the time and dont bother figuring out more. of course im fckn """mysterious""" you wanks youve never even TALKED to me how WLD tou know anything. Anyway
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from Russian, French and Tolkienesque forenames, excluding the letter "O"
Abamine Abartel Abdanne Abdui Aberadil Aberim Aberufin Abifey Abijacquel Abine Abinel Abluglór Abrahagas Abrenbur Adakh Adamirë Adine Afantin Agabague Agafan Agaladil Agallast Aganna Agapie Agastin Agaël Agdan Agdavvalin Agduglinar Aghâl Aldar Alekaël Alentarc Alethôr Aliant Almart Almasfar Amand Amburum Amilya Amiryatr Amvre Amvrethil Anadûn Ancel Andin Andir Andis Andislast Anemmarl Aniered Anikatelse Animlimir Aniquette Anislaurt Anistisca Annia Annielbel Antan Antin Anting Anuil Aracara Aradiry Aragalin Araglúthir Arane Aratry Arcir Ardir Aredh Ariene Aringwë Arith Arthel Arthráine Arvette Arwenglina Asfalérikt Astanin Audele Aulwë Aurel Aurey Aurumbulë Aurélène Avandir Avdanmalie Avdil Avdilg Avermar Avgue Avgund Avguste Avgustien Avika Aviklian Avimiel Avite Aviya Avkse Avkser Avlanier Avrendil Avrendir Avrenise Avreth Avrika Avsern Avserry Avsile Avsim Avudette...
Barade Baste Batjant Belexandil Belyneland Bendur Benièlein Benna Benrin Berin Berina Berufth Bette Brahtangel Bramunúvar Bravainna Brertr Brety Brierven Brikt Béagnès Calantin Calim Carar Caraste Catjam Celebrann Chalir Chamûl Chane Chril Cécianyë Cécir Cédéagdan Céliestë Dacienty Dacquen Dannen Diette Dilia Dáinge Eilastë Eilgapha Elcar Eldiscalim Elene Elexey Eliel Elinaran Elisivade Ellan Elseviamar Elvenniduc Elyana Emenric Emmar Emmaridir Emnadan Endis Ervikanen Essad Eärelen Eärencie Eärna Fabarc Falcwin Fanislan Feregrian Feriel Findan Finevim Frahergy Franbry Francir Frandurin Fréawil Frégine Fréliendur Frélène Frémick Galdiner Gancalane Gapharveg Gapie Garaphieu Garchrin Gelmirin Genne Gerey Gerie Gerum Geste Gestine Gilbenrien Gilya Gislaymy Gliviar Glucir Glúvid Grick Griline Griën Gríanatrin Gríane Grómient Gurene Gusikh Gustar Gwalfwin Gwindir Gélid Hadiamit Halaeg Haraty Harice Haëlle Heleb Helli Helvi Hereg Herine Huanne Huant Huglin Huguer Hundir Hunír Hámarce Hérène Idenric Igilavguy Ildanuele Imennikh Inarce Indirë Inèsey Islaiducil Islan Jacale Jarah Jeana Jeandil Jeandilúva Jeandria Jeane Jeannicir Jeant Juliam Julidant Julin Jériam Jérènethir Jérès Kalephir Katyanmar Kentar Khaly Killand Kirin Kiyath Kúvie Ladantinel Ladar Ladiette Lairès Lance Laste Laulfhir Lavdacques Lavicila Lavvale Lebry Liendury Lique Luccal Luden Ludia Luinyë Lyaar Macir Maetlav Magana Magavena Maghâl Mahakir Mahiern Maianie Mainel Maislad Makir Malin Malinakh Mannethôn Mannie Mantim Marad Maranc Marcembas Marcil Marette Marida Mariel Marilimë Marwen Mastin Mastrie Maulë Mauma Maxislady Milad Milemmair Mirène Mitte Mulich Munglude Mélir Mélis Mírdan Mírinette Mírislaul Nalberette Naliecar Nalise Narindiya Natil Natin Nattelekas Natyavid Nerië Nicka Nifey Niquely Palda Paste Pastise Pathôr Paurucca Paurwen Paury Pergil Periel Pitinya Radarl Ragavia Rahert Raldin Raleil Ramicara Ramran Randre Ranickaël Ranwë Ratine Ravikas Rentin Régimë Rémene Rémereth Rémine Rímain Salcalfhin Sallaur Sanièlegas Sarandy Sarvé Scalas Shnárichel Silúvak Sineslad Smainyaar Smélia Smélisla Stathie Stelir Stine Stiust Stéphin Suislan Svedh Svichely Svika Sylviky Súril Tacir Tandilaur Tannya Tantil Tarad Tatate Thaël Thelas Thrin Théli Thérimen Tince Tinya Tistan Ulierily Vaildad Vakili Vakinzil Vakum Valandë Valavand Valáf Vassamvrer Vassë Vether Vieriene Vinui Vippel Vièvel Vlahalena Vlickak Vline Vánadil Vérômelm Wathaël Xavudiste Yancir Yekaël Yerumeria Yessa Yulwë Yvend Yávin Yávinzing Zendufine Élinath Élène Írdakind
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feanor-the-dragon · 3 years
you: *sees hot woman* not to be a lesbian but oh my god you: I'm a bi dude me: are you sure? Like, really sure about that? No, no, ignore the transgenderisation ray I'm holding behind my back, just think about what you said (obvs this is a joke)
Lol! I have indeed considered that distinct possibility, tbh. I came out of it feeling quite sure that I am a dude who just also happens to like the color pink and things that are pretty. But imo everyone should allow themselves to question their identity and be honest with themselves about whether they are really happy with their gender or might be happier with another, or maybe are just unhappy with the gender-norms imposed upon them and wanna present their gender a little less "conventionally," or whatever else.
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richincolor · 3 years
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New Releases For The Rest of 2020
The year ends with a number of books we've all been anticipating which makes for lots of great reading for us during the winter holidays. What books are you looking forward to?
A Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes #4) by Sabaa Tahir Razorbill
Picking up just a few months after A Reaper at the Gates left off…
The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.
At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.
Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory–or to an unimaginable doom.
And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life–and love–he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save–or destroy–all that he knows. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Heiress Apparently (Daughters of the Dynasty #1) by Diana Ma Amulet
Gemma Huang is a recent transplant to Los Angeles from Illinois, having abandoned plans for college to pursue a career in acting, much to the dismay of her parents. Now she’s living with three roommates in a two-bedroom hovel, auditioning for bit roles that hardly cover rent. Gemma’s big break comes when she’s asked to play a lead role in an update of M. Butterfly filming for the summer in Beijing. When she arrives, she’s stopped by paparazzi at the airport. She quickly realizes she may as well be the twin of one of the most notorious young socialites in Beijing. Thus kicks off a summer of revelations, in which Gemma uncovers a legacy her parents have spent their lives protecting her from—one her mother would conceal from her daughter at any cost. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph Candlewick Press
“We don’t see color.” “I didn’t know Black people liked Star Wars!” “What hood are you from?” For Frederick Joseph, life in a mostly white high school as a smart and increasingly popular transfer student was full of wince-worthy moments that he often simply let go. As he grew older, however, he saw these as missed opportunities not only to stand up for himself, but to spread awareness to the white friends and acquaintances who didn’t see the negative impact they were having and who would change if they knew how.
Speaking directly to the reader, The Black Friend calls up race-related anecdotes from the author’s past, weaving in his thoughts on why they were hurtful and how he might handle things differently now. Each chapter includes the voice of at least one artist or activist, including Tarell Alvin McCraney, screenwriter of Moonlight; April Reign, creator of #OscarsSoWhite; Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give; and eleven others. Touching on everything from cultural appropriation to power dynamics, “reverse racism” to white privilege, microaggressions to the tragic results of overt racism, this book serves as conversation starter, tool kit, and invaluable window into the life of a former “token Black kid” who now presents himself as the friend many of us need. Back matter includes an encyclopedia of racism, providing details on relevant historical events, terminology, and more.
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera, Celia Moscote (Illustrations) BOOM! Box
A NEW GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION OF THE BESTSELLING BOOK! Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But don’t worry, Juliet has something kinda resembling a plan that’ll help her figure out what it means to be Puerto Rican, lesbian and out. See, she’s going to intern with Harlowe Brisbane – her favorite feminist author, someone’s who’s the last work on feminism, self-love and lots of of ther things that will help Juliet find her ever elusive epiphany. There’s just one problem – Harlowe’s white, not from the Bronx and doesn’t have the answers. Okay, maybe that’s more than one problem but Juliet never said it was a perfect plan… Critically-acclaimed writer Gabby Rivera adapts her bestselling novel alongside artist Celia Moscote in an unforgettable queer coming-of-age story exploring race, idenrity and what it means to be true to your amazing self. even when the rest of the world doesn’t understand.
A Curse of Roses by Diana Pinguicha Entangled Teen
With just one touch, bread turns into roses. With just one bite, cheese turns into lilies.
There’s a famine plaguing the land, and Princess Yzabel is wasting food simply by trying to eat. Before she can even swallow, her magic—her curse—has turned her meal into a bouquet. She’s on the verge of starving, which only reminds her that the people of Portugal have been enduring the same pain.
If only it were possible to reverse her magic. Then she could turn flowers…into food.
Fatyan, a beautiful Enchanted Moura, is the only one who can help. But she is trapped by magical binds. She can teach Yzabel how to control her curse—if Yzabel sets her free with a kiss.
As the King of Portugal’s betrothed, Yzabel would be committing treason, but what good is a king if his country has starved to death?
With just one kiss, Fatyan is set free. And with just one kiss, Yzabel is yearning for more.
She’d sought out Fatyan to help her save the people. Now, loving her could mean Yzabel’s destruction.
Based on Portuguese legend, this #OwnVoices historical fantasy is an epic tale of mystery, magic, and making the impossible choice between love and duty…
New Releases on Dec. 8th
A Universe of Wishes: A We Need Diverse Books Anthology edited by Dhonielle Clayton Random House Children’s Books
In the fourth collaboration with We Need Diverse Books, fifteen award-winning and celebrated diverse authors deliver stories about a princess without need of a prince, a monster long misunderstood, memories that vanish with a spell, and voices that refuse to stay silent in the face of injustice. This powerful and inclusive collection contains a universe of wishes for a braver and more beautiful world.
Authors include: Samira Ahmed, Libba Bray, Dhonielle Clayton, Zoraida Córdova, Tessa Gratton, Kwame Mbalia, Anna-Marie McLemore, Tochi Onyebuchi, Mark Oshiro, Natalie C. Parker, Rebecca Roanhorse, Victoria Schwab, Tara Sim, Nic Stone, and a to-be-announced debut author/short-story contest winner.
New Releases on Dec. 15th
Oculta (A Forgery of Magic #2) by Maya Motayne Balzer + Bray
After joining forces to save Castallan from an ancient magical evil, Alfie and Finn haven’t seen each other in months. Alfie is finally stepping up to his role as heir and preparing for an International Peace Summit, while Finn is travelling and revelling in her newfound freedom from Ignacio.
That is, until she’s unexpectedly installed as the new leader of one of Castallan’s powerful crime families. Now one of the four Thief Lords of Castallan, she’s forced to preside over the illegal underground Oculta competition, which coincides with the summit and boasts a legendary prize.
Just when Finn finds herself back in San Cristobal, Alfie’s plans are also derailed. Los Toros, the mysterious syndicate responsible for his brother’s murder, has resurfaced—and their newest target is the summit. And when these events all unexpectedly converge, Finn and Alfie are once again forced to work together to follow the assassins’ trail and preserve Castallan’s hopes for peace with Englass.
But will they be able to stop these sinister foes before a new war threatens their kingdom?
This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano Philomel Books
17-year-old vegan feminist Ellen Lopez-Rourke has one muggy Houston summer left before college. She plans to spend every last moment with her two best friends before they go off to the opposite ends of Texas for school. But when Ellen is grounded for the entire summer by her (sometimes) evil stepmother, all her plans are thrown out the window.
Determined to do something with her time, Ellen (with the help of BFF Melissa) convinces her parents to let her join the local muggle Quidditch team. An all-gender, full-contact game, Quidditch isn’t quite what Ellen expects. There’s no flying, no magic, just a bunch of scrappy players holding PVC pipe between their legs and throwing dodgeballs. Suddenly Ellen is thrown into the very different world of sports: her life is all practices, training, and running with a group of Harry Potter fans.
Even as Melissa pulls away to pursue new relationships and their other BFF Xiumiao seems more interested in moving on from high school (and from Ellen), Ellen is steadily finding a place among her teammates. Maybe Quidditch is where she belongs.
But with her home life and friend troubles quickly spinning out of control–Ellen must fight for the future that she wants, now she’s playing for keeps. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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2020ya · 3 years
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by Gabby Rivera, Celia Moscote (Illustrations)
(BOOM! Box, 12/1/20)
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A NEW GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION OF THE BESTSELLING BOOK! Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But don’t worry, Juliet has something kinda resembling a plan that’ll help her figure out what it means to be Puerto Rican, lesbian and out. See, she’s going to intern with Harlowe Brisbane - her favorite feminist author, someone’s who’s the last work on feminism, self-love and lots of of ther things that will help Juliet find her ever elusive epiphany. There’s just one problem - Harlowe’s white, not from the Bronx and doesn’t have the answers. Okay, maybe that’s more than one problem but Juliet never said it was a perfect plan... Critically-acclaimed writer Gabby Rivera adapts her bestselling novel alongside artist Celia Moscote in an unforgettable queer coming-of-age story exploring race, idenrity and what it means to be true to your amazing self. even when the rest of the world doesn’t understand.
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
It gets worse. Mirage was actually in the Titans epilogue to Idenrity Crisis. (Considering Tim's father died...) Wally mentions the JLA "did something" to Doctor Light, and Light uses Ollie as a trap to get the Titans, all the Titans, there, so he can warn them about the Justice League. (It sounds ridiculous, but think of what we've learned.) Mirage is there. Guess who she's next to?
I can’t believe we’re actually supposed to consider Mirage a Titan. Can DC please stop. 
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klucksize · 3 years
Szerencsere egesz sok minden, de ez idenre egy ilyen kis challengem, hogy rajojjek mi az ami igazan
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imposterogers · 5 years
Im still upset that the Hulk in Endgame is justbig green Bruce instead of the Hulk. Bruce didnt become the Hulk bc his attempt at the serum didnt work. The serum amplifies who you are inside and Bruce has DID the Hulk is a different idenrity even before he was physical and I miss that
the hulk’s anger was never the hulk’s anger. it came from bruce. bruce may have been calm and dormant, but below the surface, he was fiery hot, bubbling, and waiting to explode. if marvel had bothered giving him a back story (his father was abusive and he watched his dad KILL his mom), this would have made more sense and been explored.
completely ignoring the core hulk characteristics was a mistake bc they’re also bruce banners core characteristics. he is angry. he is lonely and he does feel like he doesn’t fit in. bruce is scared of becoming a monster (a monster like his dad), bc sometimes he feels like one. they swept the hulk part of the hulk under a rug, keeping the green and the strong and little else.
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tccrystal · 3 years
original liquid Silicone phone case with magsafe with chip, can idenrity the color of the phone case https://www.instagram.com/p/CM1QIwanwDp/?igshid=mz8xkclhdu0i
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kukanyul · 6 years
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annyi koncertjegyet vettem mar idenre, hogy muszaj naptarban vezetnem, hogy ne felejtsem el oket. junius vege viszonylag eros lesz
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hirzilla · 4 years
Idénre ennyi volt a nyár - Brutális viharokkal robban be október első hete, ezekre a területekre adtak ki riasztást
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lefutomafelmaratont · 4 years
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Ez is megvolt, bocs Timi, hogy egy lassu kis szar voltam es hatraltattalak, bakker ra kell szoknom a heti 2-3 futasra most mar tenyleg.
Szoval az ev elso versenye volt ez, 11km terepfutas, fajt mint a szar. Az elso km utan azt hittem, visszafordulok.
A 3-4. Km kornyeken kezdtem erezni, hogy alakul a vizholyag a talpamom, hat mire levettem a cipot itthon, igy alltak a helyzetek:
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A zokninelkuli natur keptol inkabb mindenkit megkimelek, legyen eleg annyi, hogy amikor furdeni kellett menni a sebemmel, ugy sikitottam ahogy viz erte a talpam, hogy a szomszedok elgondolkodhattak, hogy mi is tortenik..
Amugy egeszen megtetszettek ezek a futoversenyek. Asszem nezek meg nehanyat. Eddig csak a Dunakanyar felmaratont neztem ki, illetve a Vadlan Ultra terepen futunk elvileg 100 km-t harman, szoval azert van kihívás idenre (+a 3 spartan tav) de egy-ket verseny meg beferne. Egy kicsit irigy lettem ma azokra, akik a zuzmaran futottak, mert iszonyatosan cuki volt a befutoerem, de mindegy, lesz meg boven nekem is szep medalom iden. Meg persze egy uj cipom.... Cska ugy szorom a dellat, yay!
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orossandor · 5 years
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akkor idenre is legyen egy ilyen. #szeged #family #család https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZhmklJZiD/?igshid=5sxoxvjsmojv
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doomedgemini7 · 4 years
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oppsallbadfeels · 5 years
it was likw my snese of idenrity was pulled out from under me whole i wasn't paying attebtion and i just hve to say hey not fair i wasn't even thunking about my self at all while watching the video this time
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