#IE gamma
ina11rarepair · 6 months
@arugan asked: I know like 4 people that ship Alpha and Gamma but there is surely more people that appreciate it 💗 (and thank you for your works this acc is so wholesome)
" To walk alone is as cool as ice But another voice can be twice as nice So who's strong enough To call my bluff and sing? " -Harmony, by Emezie Okorafor
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good evening AruGan nation,, (●~◡~●) -👛
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pxnky-prxmise · 8 months
parenting with Omega Trio!!!
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the one holding the baby is a miximax of all of them (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) btw!!! i have not watched any other eps of other GO series btw^__^
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only-lonely-www · 1 year
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Protocol Omega except I gave them weapons
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psychedelic-nya · 3 months
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my favourite war criminals
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eky11 · 9 months
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Quick Alpha miximaxed with Gamma thingy
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piotrek-chomik · 1 month
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Where Alius is a real planet and protocol omega are aliens
Alpha Beta and Gamma are triplets and they're Aitors childhood friends
And it's all because Mike and Aitor met at the bakery
I'm weird
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amarriageoftrueminds · 8 months
Hi! Do you have any headcanons about the Howling Commandos?
Okay well sorry in advance 'nonny but it's been that kinda day so this answer might be a bit depressing
(to offset that here's an old ask with Howlie headcanons)
14 Headcanons about the Howling Commandos:
1 - all of the guys in the 107 who were captured by Hydra and put to work in the Krausberg POW-camp/factory later died of radiation-related cancers because of being exposed to Tesseract energy. (This was reported upon in the scientific press, post-war, and is part of the reason why people like Bruce Banner were duped into believing that the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project would be interested in a gamma-radiation sickness treatment.)
2 - Because Steve made the 107 famous, post-war there was a controversy of unscrupulous members of the 107 who hadn't been captured (ie. the guys who threw rotten food and homophobic jeers at Steve) claiming to have been in Krausberg. But the fact that those guys didn't develop the same health problems as real 107 rescue-ees unmasked them as valour thieves. (Especially galling for the Howlies, since Dum-Dum had had to fight for the government to officially recognise Gabe and Morita's valour in medals, as they deserved.)
3 - one of the Howlies' acquaintance Steve never got to meet was Izzy Cohen, a kid Bucky took under his wing from basic training onwards, who had lied about being underage in order to get into the Army. The same guns which Bucky and the guys were later forced to make for the Nazis turned him into a blue mist at Azzano.
4 - Gabe and Morita came from all-POC squads who were killed off completely because the Nazi guards at Krausberg were hardest on them and because they were the first Zola picked off to experiment on. (This presaged later torture by Zola of Isaiah's men, and of Asian civilians by Werner Reinhardt; both men hired by Peggy's SHIELDra).
5 - During the war Gabe once sat next to Bucky at a campfire, watching Steve perform some feat of extraordinary strength across the way, and -- thinking of his friends he had lost -- asked Bucky what Zola did to them all in the lab. Bucky couldn't talk about it...
6 - over Christmas 1943, before being deployed back to the continent, the Howlies were sent on intense specialised training in the coastal village of Aberdyfi in North Wales, under the auspices of a secretly all Jewish troop of Continental-European Commandos, called X Troop.
7 - because Monty was in with all the right chaps in the Old Boys network, he was able to give Steve et al insight into a lot of the political goings on behind the scenes in the British forces, give him a hint on which of the English intelligence-officers to dismiss due to incompetence, nepotism hiring, etc. Monty once took Steve and Bucky to the London Ritz, where the basement bar was a gay club. 👀
8 - during missions in France the Howlies met Virginia Hall, Noor Inayat Khan (Morita proposed to her while drunk), Logan Howlett (an old war buddy of Dum-Dum's), and Ernest Hemingway (whom they did not think much of: despite being just a journalist, he was waving a handgun around trying to 'liberate' the Paris Ritz... which had been long abandoned by the Nazis by the time he got there.)
9 - while filming movies as part of his USO tour, Steve was biletted at a place called Fort Roach, California, where the US Army Air Force's First Motion Picture Unit was making animated war-propaganda short movies for cinemas. While there, he got Bucky a signed animation-cell of 'Trigger Joe' and met (and punched) some actor guy called Donald Reagan??
10 - During the Allied Invasion of Sicily, the Howlies met three Brits who were introduced to Steve later on, in London. In the modern-day, Steve was delighted to discover that two of them had gone on to become famous actors after the war: one of them starred in Star Wars and another -- still alive -- in Lord of the Rings. He and Christopher Lee kept in touch (Bucky and CL agree that it's great they got the stabbing-noises right in the movies). It blew Tony's mind when he found Steve listening to an advance copy of a heavy metal album, that his 'buddy Chris' had sent him from England. Bucky kind of had a crush on him back in the day... (The third Brit the Howlies met in Sicily was 'Mad Jack' Churchill, of broadsword, longbow and bagpipe fame; Bucky wrote his Scottish dad a delighted letter about it).
11 - Steve and the guys once had to physically restrain Bucky from punching General Patton, during one of their morale-boosting visits to a Field Hospital. (One of the guys at this particular hospital had just had his leg blown off. And Bucky made sure Steve visited in his dirtied combat gear, and not looking immaculate, because he remembered how demoralising it was for bedridden pre-serum Steve if Bucky waltzed in looking all dapper, while Steve was feeling his worst.) The punishment for this incident was the Howlies having to let news crews follow them around for a week, filming propaganda newsreels.
12 - they also repeatedly got in trouble for damaging historic churches in Germany ('accidentally' blowing off the antisemitic Judensau carvings) and loitering in Nazi-occupied areas to put up anti-Nazi graffiti on public buildings (Steve loved exercising the old artistic muscles again.)
13 - after the war, Gabe became a leading light of the Civil Rights Movement in the South. He was once present for one of the Winter Soldier's assassinations in Manhattan, but didn't see who was responsible. (In another universe, where Isaiah Bradley escaped a lot sooner and managed to get to Macon, GA, he and Gabe teamed up to become a sort of Holmes-and-Watson vigilante duo.)
14 - Steve's tactical innovation for the D-Day Landings was to imitate the testudo or shield-wall formation of Roman legions. By standing at the front of one of the LCVPs as it hit the beach, holding a massive piece of steel as a shield, he was able to lead Bucky and the boys (plus 30 others, carrying a second giant shield) safely up the beach, plant the steel-shield, and then retreat to repeat this with each incoming landing craft. This was bastardised in a famous war movie, where Steve McQueen's Captain America simply did an Evel Knievel motorcycle jump over the fortifications to land on the German guns. Everyone is disappointed when Steve has to tell them he never did this. (Bucky keeps telling everyone he did... 🤦‍♀️🙄)
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anachrosims · 7 months
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Step by step in Reshade filters showing how I try to balance skin color vs background vs light-colored clothes.
Essentially the three main components of this are:
Color balance (hue/saturation/value & balance with RGB and everything in between)
Levels (white point/black point; ie, the limits framing how light/dark the colors white and black are in an imiage.)
If you're looking for a balanced portraiit, or even a slightly stylized one, you need to start with balancing the original image. Sometimes that can feel like you're desaturating/whitewashing it, but you need to remember: That will not be the final image, and in order to get a good result, you have to level the playing field, so to speak. Eventually, you will get back to an image that is more true to the original, I promise.
NOTE: Honestly, this isn't even a great illustration of this process, and my game crashed before I could finish this. But I thought this would be a good start in explaining that you can in fact edit darker skinned sims without whitewashing them. It can be difficult to balance contrast/colors, but it can be done and like anything else, you just need to experiment and work at it.
Of course, after this, I would take the image into Photoshop and edit it further to make a proper portrait.
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arugan · 8 months
non-exhaustive list of ie go cs characters as space objects (without explanation (maybe 1 or 2)
☆ alpha is a blackhole. Sagitarius A exactly. first character to see that can freeze time and movements, like a blackhole 🌺
☆ beta will be a binary star 🎉 the famous stars Sirius A and Sirius B. she has 2 personalities so why not 2 stars 🌺
☆ gamma as a nebula, then a γ-ray, yall are gonna say obviously, in my space concept i wrote, he was a nebula before crossing the outer-space by being a γ-ray (also did yall know that a γ-ray crossed our earth almost a year ago ?! it was the 8th october, the source of these rays are probably from a neutron star) 🌺
all these 3, were (or are) stars. their first step of life is necessarily being a star, because blackholes are stars that collapsed on themselves, and nebulas are stars that did NOT become blackholes (thankfully i guess), and simply explode. leaving really beautiful traces of gaz and dust behing 🌺
☆ now ar ecks, its a very specific thing, more a law and no illustration exist to really describe it, but he will be "Cosmic rays". Cosmic rays are particles from outside earth, very dangerous but thanks to the electromagnetic field of earth, these rays become secondary particles in our air. Less dangerous and divided in many particuls we know. (here is a pic, the source is here, this site explain it perfectly)
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so basically Perfect Cascade form like the primary cosmic rays, the dangerous ones. why i choosed it simply because these rays can blur and ruin our machines 💯 everything that is electronic can be damaged by these rays.
☆ zanark is the constellations, everything and nothing at the same time. the Zodiac, i first though his keshin was about the constellations but its from greek mythology (again 😒) ... ill pretend i didnt know that. did you ever saw constellations ? cuz i did, and we can see them only if where you live doesnt have light at night !!
☆ saru is a whitehole. not scientificly proved yet, i really hope its real tho lol. anyway, it joins my first point, a blackhole could bring back to a whitehole, even if they are totally opposite, and vice versa. why a whitehole, because saru "made" fei travel from eras to eras, time to another one, different "universes" (environments/surrondings) from nowhere. and whiteholes basically do that. make you travel somewhere youll never know
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kit-williams · 5 months
OC Fics and the Yandere
So I have another OC fic coming up. It will be for the Black Legion (I'm doing a Luna Wolf seperate because I count them as two different Legions tbh because Black Legion pulls from a lot of places but I digress)
The Idea I have for that one involves an OC named Dolli
I have an idea for a Mechanicus focused Yandere with the darling being named Gamma.
This is mainly a thought because for the Carcaradons it's not really an x reader fic it is a Tyberos x OC: Ophilia fic so if you want me to redo the Carcaradons to be Brother John Doe x reader then let me know.
But I have ideas and sometimes having a nameless female lead doesn't help
Uhhh Yes = I should count them therefor I wouldn't need to write another fic
No = They should NOT could therefor I would have to write another fic ie write another carcaradons fic
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kiame-sama · 2 years
what if someone else then Chrollo would get reader pregnant? Like I don’t know… a baby coming out and it has pink hair, so it’s Machis Baby. What happens them (I hope I got It right with women can get Omegas pregnant)
I have been awaiting this question, actually
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Okay, the first column is "Can they impregnate someone else?"
Second column "Can they be impregnated?"
Alpha, Delta, Beta, Gamma, Omega based in the male/female binary.
A female alpha can impregnate any other rank that can possibly be impregnated, ie. Female alpha can impregnate Male omega. However, they cannot become impregnated.
A male omega can be impregnated by any other rank that can impregnate others, but cannot impregnate others. ie. Male omega cannot impregnate female alpha.
It is not due to a lack of a womb or testis, more a lack of viability. Female alphas cannot physically carry a child to term, no womb but plentiful viable sperm. Male omegas don't have viable sperm but have womb+ viable eggs. Male omegas typically need a c-section delivery (most omegas do because no one wants an omega to be in agonizing labor for longer than they need to be regardless of outward sex).
Typically female alphas prefer 'she/her' pronouns, some may decide to go 'he/him' pronouns or even 'they/them'. Typically male omegas prefer 'he/him' instead of 'she/her' but can also use 'they/them'. The ability to become pregnant or impregnate others has smaller impact as omegas are coveted regardless of gender due to their rarity and versatility, where alphas will chose their mates as desired. As is with anything humans do, different cases and different individuals lead to different choices.
Most of my omegaverse Au is not based in binary sex but in blood-rank caste systems. Those in the same caste tend to be similar to one another and less similar to other ranks. Sex is usually a secondary trait in comparison to rank. An omega is an omega regardless. An alpha is an alpha regardless. Transgender, non-binary, and genderfluid people exist and are readily accepted by their identity.
What matters most in the omegaverse society is blood-determined rank. An omega will always be an omega, an alpha is always an alpha, like blood type and how an O+ person will never be AB-. Unlike blood-type though, rank tends to become apparent as the individual ages and can start to develop early or not until they reach adulthood.
The only 'early' indicator of rank is in the case of male presenting omegas and female presenting alphas. Male presenting omegas have wombs due to being an omega where other ranks do not. Female presenting alphas do not have wombs where other ranks do.
Can an alpha male and alpha female breed? Absolutely, they need a surrogate to carry to term and artificial insemination.
Can a male omega and female omega breed? If using a surrogate, yes. This doesn't happen often, if at all, because omegas are considered far too precious and emotionally fragile to have two bonded in such a way. Omegas need to be the only omega their mate/mates have or dejection can cause extreme symptoms of heartbreak-syndrome in a short period of time which is the lead killer of omegas. An omega bonded to another omega means those two are only going to accept one another, no one else. If anyone else attempts to enter the closed relationship or forces the two apart, the two omegas will very likely die. Since omegas number in the 1000 range world-wide all while having such profound impact on other ranks, losing two omegas at once is seen as a cataclysmic tragedy by most.
Omegas are far more territorial than alphas, but are less outwardly destructive as opposed to self-destructive. Omegas don't typically play nice with other omegas, even if they do, they are very guarded about who is theirs and who isn't. It is considered taboo for the mate of an omega to have any contact with an omega who isn't their mate. The only time an omega will get along with other omegas is in the parent/child sense. An omega with an omega pup will not be aggressive towards their own pup, but they will be fiercely protective of their pups and even dangerous to those who may intrude.
Omegas with multiple mates are similar to cats with multiple mates, more than likely they will have a litter of multiple and all the omega's mates will likely protect and raise the pup regardless of who the actual blood parent is.
Doctors can be any rank (other than omega) but any doctor that will interact with an omega must be nose-blind. Nose-blind means there is little to no influence of pheromones on the judgement of one who is nose-blind, meaning they can treat an omega without being bound by the same enamored behavior other ranks are when around omegas.
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ina11rarepair · 1 month
αγ AruGan / Alpha x Gamma ₊˚⊹⁠♡————— 💐⁠ —————♡⊹⁠˚₊ " I walk on the beach And I am dreaming Look into her eyes I wanna be there She moves her hips (oh) She makes me crazy She's got bitter lips Oh, sexy lady " -Sexy Lady, by Joy Em
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moodboard my second fav thing to do,,, -👛
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Okay, so, we technically have an hour to go on the other poll, but it seems pretty clear that the final answer is that folks want week-long polls! So the next question I have-
To be clear, pairing by order of number of submissions would mean the more frequently submitted ships would be pitted against each other first- ie Chucker vs Lolix would be the first matchup, because they've recieved the highest number of submissions. This would give a greater chance for rarer ships to come out on top, but also wouldn't necessarily be "fair" by typical tournament standards.
As always, current submission numbers are under the cut!
Church/Tex, aka Chex (2 submissions)
Grif/Simmons, aka Grimmons (8 submissions)
Tucker/Wash, aka Tuckington (4 submissions)
Caboose/Donut, aka Pastry Train (5 submissions)
Church/Tucker, aka Chucker (10 submissions)
Caboose/Wash, aka Washingboose (4 submissions)
Grif/Tucker, aka Grucker (2 submissions)
Sarge/Wash, aka Sargington (4 submissions)
Doc/Wash, aka Docington (4 submissions)
Doc/Donut, aka Docnut (6 submissions)
Church/Caboose, aka Churboose (2 submissions)
Donut/Wash, aka Washnut (4 submissions)
Tucker/Donut, aka Tucknut (4 submissions)
North/York, aka Nork (1 submission)
Florida/Wyoming, aka Flyoming (4 submissions)
Locus/Felix, aka Lolix (9 submissions)
Delta/York, aka Dork (3 submissions)
Kai (Sister)/Tucker, aka Sucker (3 submissions)
Sarge/Dr. Grey, aka MedicGun (3 submissions)
Church/Donut, aka Churchnut (2 submissions)
Kimball/Felix, aka Kimblix (1 submission)
Kimball/Doyle, aka Kimboyle (3 submissions)
Lopez/O'Malley, aka Lomalley (3 submissions)
Kimball/Dr. Grey, aka Greyball (1 submission)
Kimball/Carolina, aka Kimballina (6 submissions)
Jensen/Volleyball-Player Lieutenant, aka Jolleyball (2 submissions)
Locus/Wash, aka Locington (3 submissions)
Felix/Tucker, aka Fucker Tucklix (2 submissions)
Bitters/Matthews, aka Bitthews (2 submissions)
Bitters/Smith, aka Bittersmith (1 submission)
Bitters/Palomo, aka Bitlomo (1 submission)
Bitters/Jensen (1 submission)
Florida/Counsellor, aka Florice (2 submissions)
South/Carolina, aka Southlina (1 submission)
York/Carolina, aka Yorkalina (2 submissions)
Sheila/Lopez, aka Sheilopez? (3 submissions)
Red Zealot/V.I.C. (1 submission)
Maine/Wash, aka Mainewash (6 submissions)
C.T./479er (1 submission)
Tucker/Crunchbite (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Tex, aka Sex Texsis (5 submissions)
479er/Guy Moving The Crates (1 submission)
Florida/Sarge, aka Flarge (3 submissions)
Kai (Sister)/Kimball, aka Kaiball (1 submission)
Locus/Donut, aka Locnut (2 submissions)
Church/Sarge, aka Charge (1 submission)
Locus/Doyle, aka Loyle (1 submission)
Sharkface/Carolina, aka Sharkolina (2 submission)
Sarge/Locus, aka Locarge? (1 submission)
Ohio (Vera)/Sherry (4 submissions)
Blue Team Poly (2 submissions)
Church/Wash, aka Churchington (2 submissions)
Kai (Sister)/Caboose, aka Kaiboose (1 submission)
Caboose/Tucker, aka Tuckboose (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/Church, aka Chai? Sischurch? (1 submission)
Jensen/Volleyball/Palomo (2 submissions)
South/479er (2 submissions)
Alpha/Maine (1 submission)
Doc/Donut/O’Malley (2 submissions)
Church/Caboose/Tucker, aka Chuckboose (2 submissions)
Sigma/Maine, aka Sigmaine? (1 submission)
Gamma/Wyoming (1 submission)
C.T./South, aka Southicut (4 submissions)
Carolina/Dr. Grey, aka Greylina (3 submissions)
Caboose/Sheila, aka Tank-Lover (2 submissions)
North/York/Wash, aka Norkington (3 submissions)
Sharkface/Locus (1 submission)
Sharkface/Donut (1 submission)
Felix/Donut, aka dix (1 submission)
Maine/Carolina, aka Mainelina (1 submission)
Wyoming/York, aka work? (1 submission)
Bitters/Palomo/Jensen/Andersmith (3 submissions)
Tucker/Kimball, aka Tuckball (1 submission)
Sirus/Felix, aka Felus or Homewrecker (1 submission)
Carolina/Tucker, aka Tuckolina (1 submission)
Locus/Grif/Simmons, aka Logrimmons (3 submissions)
Director/Counsellor, aka Churrice? (1 submission)
Caboose/Tiny (1 submission)
Felix/Girlie (1 submission)
C.T./Wash (1 submission)
Dylan/Jax, aka Dylax (1 submission)
Sharkface/Zero (1 submission)
Sheila/Andy, aka Sheilandy (1 submission)
Sarge/Grif (1 submission)
Gene/Cronut (1 submission)
Kai (Sister)/South (1 submission)
Temple/Sharkface (2 submissions)
Doc/Lopez, aka Docpez (2 submissions)
Temple/Biff (3 submissions)
Lopez/Church, aka Churpez (1 submission)
Temple/Doc (1 submission)
Doc/ O’Malley, aka Docmalley (2 submissions)
Wash/Felix/Locus, aka Murder Sandwich (1 submission)
Felix/Kimball/Tucker (1 submission)
Illinois/York (1 submission)
Doc/Meta (1 submission)
Locus/Meta (1 submission)
Lopez/Locus, aka Locpez (1 submission)
Caboose/Alpha Church* (1 submission)
Wash/Epsilon* (1 submission)
Temple/Grif (1 submission)
Temple/Loco (1 submission)
Doc/Tucker, aka Docker (2 submissions)
Grif/Lopez (1 submission)
Doc/Grif (1 submission)
Tucker/Wash/Kai (Sister) (1 submission)
Locus/Siris (1 submission)
Sharkface/Felix, aka 1000 degree knife (1 submission)
Church/Tucker/Caboose/Simmons/Grif/Donut/Sarge (1 submission)
Felix/Locus/Siris (1 submission)
Doc/Donut/Tucker (1 submission)
Felix/Tucker/Sharkface, aka Fuckface (1 submission)
Carolina/Girlie, aka Carlie (1 submission)
Church/Grif, aka Grurch (1 submission)
Doc/Grif (1 submission)
Which leaves us at 115 ships overall!
*note: these submissions are the first to differentiate between alpha and epsilon church- I may roll these into previous churboose and churchington submissions if we don't receive any other submissions that make the distinction, or I may divide both churboose and churchington into alpha and epsilon variants. Maybe expect a poll on that, as well!
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aidenpriceless · 2 years
What AIs would best suit Mario and Luigi
Greetings, anon. I am glad you asked, as being open to possibilities is perhaps the most important trait that a scientist must possess. While dogma looks to provide a certain stabilty, curiosity is what is more likely to lead to expansion. With that in mind, I thank you for your question, and now I am going to jump into it immediately.
I am assuming the AI sample you are referring to is the one assigned to the top group: Omega (rage), Eta (fear) , Iota (happiness) , Delta (logic) , Gamma (deceit) , Theta (trust) , Epsilon (memory) , and Sigma (ambition) - in order of leaderboard position. These are EIGHT (8) possible matches for each character.
We could also consider the eventuality of assigning Eta and Iota as a pair like we did for Agent Carolina, but given that neither Mario nor Luigi need a suit of armour to use their powers and enhancements this could be wasteful. Besides, Agent Carolina's situation was a…Particular one, without going into detail.
Let us set the bases for this experiment, first and foremost.
Shows a positive and optimistic demeanour, often cheerful and playful.
Very attached to the value of fairness, shows kindness and courage, but sometimes can be overbearing, especially towards his younger twin brother Luigi.
Can be headstrong and cocky.
Is more impulsive than his brother and more prone to enter dangerous situations alone.
Good sportsmanship, compliments his opponents most of the time, although he has been observed reacting negatively in a few occasions. (ie wiping a tear in Mario Kart 64)
Interested in animals, including unusual ones.
Is musically inclined as listens to vastly different genres (classic opera and new-wave Europop) and plays multiple instruments: piano, guitar, synth, saxophone, trumpet and a few percussion instruments.
Dysfunctional when it comes to sexual matters, namely responding with stomping and murder, in that order, upon learning that Toad and Princess Peach have had oral sex. He is also seen urinating on Yoshi and farting towards his opponents to show confidence and dominance.
Fixation with food and smoking may hint an addictive personality, likely to cover up for the frustrations noted in the point above.
Despite these points, Mario is described to possess an indomitable will 'completely free of evil or temptation'.
Superhuman strength.
Superhuman durability and stamina, with the added ability to cheat death and respawn to return where he left.
Enhanced agility, capability to leap and jump, and overall speed.
Proficient with weapons.
Can drive karts and motorbikes.
Has pyrokinesis.
Can switch to 3D form for a limited time, although this will affect his health.
While in Dr Mario form (which can be found as both an alter ego and a separate character depending on installment), he is able to heal patients and defeat severe viruses.
He also happens to be a skilled plumber.
Luigi is often described as 'living in his brother's shadow' due to his more demure personality.
Timid and emotional, can be prone to over worrying and cowering. Despite this, he is described as 'Mario's fearless brother'. Mostly due to his ability to overcome his fears. Namely he has overcome his phasmophobia.
Is frequently overlooked and feels the weigh of it, sometimes showing signs of being tired of being 'the eternal understudy', feelings of unworthiness.
Displays childish behaviour during taunts and physical attacks.
Has been shown embelleshing stories about his adventures depicting himself as a more heroic, more corageous figure.
Clean and well groomed, he presents in a few occasion as a refined person, likely in order to make a good impression on others to obtain external validation, given that he is particularly sensitive to criticism.
Very vocal against animal cruelty.
Luigi thinks his brother his better than him and shows support and adoration rather than envy.
He is extremely cautious.
Has displayed clumsiness in that instance where he accidentally locked himself out of the air balloon.
Superhuman strength.
Superhuman durability and stamina.
Can manipulate both fire and lightning.
Super Luigi form (through consumption of a Super Mushroom).
Can create a field of negative energy. This field can: put opponents to sleep, cause them to move in slow motion, and deal damage. It is fueled by his sadness for being in Mario's shadow, and it is activated through an exotic dance number.
He too, like Mario, has an indomitable will free of evil and temptation.
Can drive karts and motorbikes.
He too happens to be a skilled plumber.
The key difference between these two characters, specifics aside, seems to be a lack of restraint in Mario as opposed to an excess of it in Luigi. An AI implant can easily influence these traits for the better or worse, but this leads us to the core question: what is the result we are after? What hypothesis are we aiming to verify in this setting?
Due to the fact that anon has not provided this key information, I am going to start speculating by considering multiple scenarios.
Delta's rationality is bound to keep Mario's poor impulse control in check, while Iota would boost Luigi's self esteem and all around happiness. While that would impair the usage of his Negative Energy field, he could rely on his other attacks and use them more efficiently, which would make up for this issue.
Let's say Mario is assigned with Delta again, but Luigi is assigned with Theta this time. Theta represents trust and despite its enthusiasm, it has to be kept under careful observation as its behavioural patterns can be childish at times. For this reason, Luigi might be overly cautious about preserving Theta's emotional well being, to a perhaps exaggerated extent which will have him hold back as always while Mario is in a more stabilized position.
Luigi, due to having self concept issues, might experience short term benefits from being able to deceive the enemy and give a desired impression through illusion of trickery. That being said, if we were to assign Gamma to it, we would have to take into account that Mario would have to be able to keep track of those schemes, which he will most definitely not do if Mario is paired with Omega which will intensify his aggression and poor impulse control.
The answer to this one is very easy. Eta, which is associated with fear, will be assigned to Luigi. Theta, which is associated with trust, will be assigned to Mario instead, effectively boosting the quality of his big brother instinct. This will create an imbalance in terms of responsibility, forcing Mario to take care of Theta and also of his brother and his newly enhanced fear. Due to the fact that they love each other, the brothers will be easily locked in a codependent dynamic. This type of dynamic is one that, by nature, doesn't involve much open discussion, as both parts want to perpetuate the problem, and more importantly it will play on the fact that Mario has more of a harder shell in comparison to his brother and is less expressive in terms of fear as he is the stronger and braver of the two. If Mario were to get angry, Luigi would grow more fearful and he would try harder to overcompensate. This will lead to mistakes on both sides.
If anon's aim was to pit Mario and Luigi against each other, it would be wise to give Sigma to Luigi. It would highly likely intensify the Negative Energy field as it is fueled by the sadness that Luigi feels for being in Mario's shadow, and of course a representation of ambition will ensure that there will be a constant supply Luigi's suffering on the matter. For Mario to be a worthy opponent, Gamma is a good choice. Now that the brothers are against each other, which they never have been, the dynamic spawns several unknowns which can be easily exploited through Gamma's cunning nature.
See for the scenario with the same conclusion and different premise, Delta and Theta would accentuate their already preexisting characteristics, further widening the gap in how they exploit their own potential.
This is what in the psychoanalysis field is commonly referred to as as a juicy scenario. The key point to focus on is, like in the Luigi gets Sigma scenario, making sure that Luigi's sadness about being overshadowed by his brother never ends. For this reason, we shall assign him with Omega, which is associated with rage. Anger and rage often function as cover up emotions, usually covering up for disgust (also known as 'the moral emotion') and pain, meaning they are often considered easier and more convenient to feel as opposed to the ones that are underlying. Hence this newfound aggression and strengthened Negative Energy Field are highly to win against a Mario who not only would naturally be surprised, concerned, and scared by this side of his brother that he had seen before, but is also paired with Eta that enhances this fear.
Epsilon is a fragment which needs further study and examination and, in my humble opinion, should not be assigned to anyone as it is…Malfunctioning, compared to other fragments. Hence its presence is almost guaranteed to worsen the host's emotional state without being able to compensate in any way in terms of physical ability. Therefore keeping the previous Eta and Mario match and have it confront a newly unstable Luigi who has been assigned with Epsilon seems to be the most suitable scenario for this outcome.
Thank you for asking, Anon, it is an honour for me to participate in these vital studies. If you or anyone else reading this post would like to comment or expand further, you are welcome to do so.
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
Amy Rose
do I like them: It's complicated.
If I had to sum it up, generally I do appreciate her and what she brings to the table, and I acknowledge how far she's came. But recent portrayals and circumstances (ie: the fans who have a collective meltdown every time Amy isn't in something) have made it hard to remain enthusiastic about her.
5 good qualities:
She has a strong design.
At her best, she inspires other characters to be their best.
She's more understanding than fans make her out to be. (Eg: her non-aggressive reaction to Elise bringing Sonic back to life.)
Her Advance animations are cute.
She's a good big sister figure for Cream... when Cream is allowed to show up. >:[
3 bad qualities:
She often tends to be at one extreme ("Marry me or I'll beat the shit out of you") or the other ("I can't acknowledge my crush on you because I need to be a Strong Female Character").
In general, I'm not a fan of the "girl so mad she scares everyone... even the villain!!!" trope. And Amy falls into that trap on occasion. Mostly in Sonic X.
Not her fault, but the Sonamy VS Sonally wars are extremely tedious, and that's without taking into account that I don't care for either of these ships (though Sonally is the worse of the two IMO).
favourite episode/etc: Most would go for her Gamma and Shadow moments in SA1 and SA2 respectively, but I'll instead go with Heroes, since aside from the very unfortunate moment with Team Sonic that everyone remembers, she's really not that bad in Heroes beyond that, and it's nice to see her help Cream and Big find their pals.
otp: None to be found here.
brotp: Cream! But I'd also like to see more moments between Amy and Tails that aren't about Sonic.
ot3: None here either.
notp: Sona-
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best quote: "Oh my god!"
Because it's funny.
head canon: After getting some lessons from Vanilla, Amy has become a very skilled cook/baker. When she's the one baking, no one can resist her treats.
Additionally, part of the reason she set up her fighting club in Battle is because she was inspired by her own growth in SA1, and wants to help others find that satisfaction for themselves.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Dr. Gero & Dr. Hedo both reanimated bodies into androids...
Dr. Gero created Android 8 who's implied to be reanimated like Frankenstein's monster, but as a cyborg. (I suppose that Frankenstein's monster is technically a cyborg too...)
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Dr. Hedo made his 3 zombie androids that he used to work at a convenience store.
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It seems like both of their early work consist of reanimating the deceased with cybernetics.
Then they move on to creating living artificial humans through technology. (Ie, Cell & the Gammas)
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