lunastars21 · 1 year
I find it funny how Twitter is always arguing what is better to call fang
Like many grew up with "Nack the weasel"
And others "fang the sniper"
A new generation going to get used to "Fang the hunter" plus "jet the Jerboa" being a new one mentioned but still an old name.
Yet no one's asking the proper question
If all these are fake names! Then what the hell is his real name! Or at least a name that makes him freeze up like "how do you know that!?" No one seems to ask that! No! Everyone's arguing that if you call him a certain old fake name of his than the other you're wrong! Like guYs, WHAT THE HELL IS HIS ACTUAL NAME THEN LMAO.
Nack the weasel is the closest one because well, he debuted with it and in my headcanon that's his actual name while fang is just a fake one.
But if NACK is just another fake name then WHAT IS HIS NAME I NEED TO KNOW-
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Hellow, i just reblogged that post about the cauldron loving elain and I have been seized with a need to figure out what the hell is going on with that so I shall read one (1) chapter if acomaf to bring me closer to my goal. For the record, I did know about the cauldron loving elain and hating nesta because idk, nesta was angry and annoying when she was dunked into it but elain was just so sweet and demure about it probably, i did not think it was. romantic love. but this is a sjm book so I was foolish to assume there would be a male character whos not insanely horny. Actually, is the cauldron even male? He is in the german version but thats just bc the word cauldron is masculine grammatically. Quick someone draw like, a tumblr sexyman humanized version of the cauldron. actually no, tumblrsexymen are traditionally twinks and sjm hates those. Quick someone draw like, a super buff shirtless man with golden hair, or whatever the color of the cauldron is
anyway, PREVIOUSLY ON: THE FLAMES AND DARKNESS LIVEBLOG we had the Court on Nightmares Under The Mountain Reenactment Scene as I like to call it and can we talk about how Feyre has known Rhys for like a year and only liked him for like half a year and yet she was perfectly fine sitting in his lap nacked and letting herself be sexualized by him. Like, I dont even have any kind of sexual trauma, you would still need to build up sooooo many years of friendship and good will for me to do that for you and you would NOT be allowed to jerk me off!! whatever, lets get on with this, its time for chapter 43
I hate that Rhysand is being all like "i shouldnt have brought you, i didnt want you to see this side of me" when its like, buddy you didnt have to do all this shit you couldve just walked in an been like "Im your high lord and demand your orb" and they wouldve given it to you because youre their high lord and youre demanding their orb. And if he thought they wouldnt have given it to him, he couldve easily come up with a different distraction he just went with the one that sexualizes Feyre because hes weirdo. Like, if hes so cruel on every other day then he shouldve acted really nicely, greeted Keir by giving him the biggest hug and being like "uncleeeee!! :D long time no see :)" and Feyre should have been dressed up as like, the embodiment of spring in pastel green soft shades of pink and but Rhysand still treats with the utmost kindness and respect, now that would throw the Hewn City for a loop
Okay so the reason Rhys broke keirs arm is because the word 'whore' triggered him which is understandable but like, Feyre thought of herself as the Highlords Whore in a very deliberate parallel to Rhysand being known as Amarantha's Whore and Im pretty sure she even straightup thought something about being in the position he had for so many years but she was like, horny about it and the narrative just isnt acknowledging it. Like, theyre not talking about it even though their mindlink was presumably open the whole time bc I remember them flirting through the link, and Feyre isnt even like "oh man, I feel bad for thinking that when its so upsetting to him" its so weird
Rhysand basically said "I will never try to protect you by locking you away, instead I will protect you by killing anyone who upsets you, even when they dont actually upset you and they just upset me" like he and Tamlin are not fundamentally any different from each other, its just that Rhysand is a coldblooded murderer. but its fine cuz he wears black leather i guess
I just realized. Rhysand had a boner when Feyre was sitting in his lap. did that go away when he broke Keirs arm or did he walk out of that meeting with his dick fully hard
Listen, maybe its just because its 3am and Im a little sleepdeprived but this conversation barely makes any sense, these bozos are just completely talking past each other at this point
Rhysand just said something about how Tamlin just locked Feyre up and let her waste away and almost die and Feyre was gonna say "He was trying his best" but Rhys interrupted her like "Dont compare me to him, stop comparing us" when she didnt say anything about that ??? my guy is projecting so hard rn he thinks theyre having a conversation that theyre not even having
And like i would argue that Feyre doesnt even compare Rhysand and Tamlin that much, the narrative definitely does it a LOT, but Ive been reading Feyres thoughts throughout this whole ordeal and I feel like she barely even thought about Tamlin since she sent him that letter
This scene is supposed this big turning point for their relationship and its clearly meant to be really emotional but the only emotion i can feel rn is annoyance with Rhysand because its like, he did have genuinely traumatic things that happened to him but not only is he barely affected by any of them, those are not even the things that the narrative brings up whenever its trying to get me to sympathise with him instead its always just "whaaaaaaa everyone thinks Im nasty and evil just because i keep doing nasty and evil things T-T"
Feyre is being very cruel but in a kinda funny way because its directed at Rhysand rn, i would insert the quote but I am in no state to translate anything at the moment but shes basically like "of course you have to hide your true self from your friends, they wouldnt wanna hang out with otherwise, you burden"
Idk why but the prose being like "my arrow struck him too deep" is so funny to me, it has the same energy as the vampire fics i read where the weird gay one gets his heart broken and he goes "it wouldve hurt less if he staked me in the heart"
Feyre is like "i cant believe he was so vulnerable and shared his sorrows with me and just threw all of it in his face" and I could not give less of a shit, but ive been on a big emotional abuse kick lately so now Im thinking about what if Feyre was just faking having feelings for Rhys in order to make him fall in love with her and be vulnerable with her only to then tell him the truth and reject the mating bond and make him completely break down as revenge for UTM. now that would actually be empowering
Now Feyre is thinking about how shes been using Rhysand for a long time now and come onnnnnn there is such a big power difference between them, I genuinely think its basically impossible for her to do that. Like, hes the most powerful guy in the history of guys or whatever, if anything you were doing bothered him that much he could simply make you stop doing it. hm. now Im thinking about what if rhysand was actually a huge masochist. Now that would actually be hot
Feyre is talking about how all the members of the inner circle suffered and are traumatized and theyve all learned to live with it and, not to extend too much sympathy to Rhysand, but all of the ICs major traumatic events happened centuries ago, his traumatic event happened one (1) year ago and it lasted 49 years i think its gonna take a little more time till hes all better
ughhhhhhh dont remind me of Amrens stupid romance subplot im gonna kill myself
Starfall is called Die Nacht der fallenden Sterne [the night of the calling stars] in german which is so much cooler and more whimsical, shoutout to my gal pal Alexandra Ernst for attempting to reinsert atleast a little bit of whimsy into this joyless world
Also, apparently its expected that Rhysand spend the first starfall in fifty years with his people, his people in this case referring to the Verlarians in the city that no one knows exists and not the people living in his courts actual capital. then again, i guess those bozos are all trapped under a mountain and wouldnt be able to watch it anyway so who cares
Amren said "hes not lucky to have us, we're lucky to have him" like yeah, hes paying you all exorbitant salaries just for being his buddies
God, amrens jacking rhys off so hard rn I cant believe she didnt wanna have sex with him when he asked
btw Im not even gonna dignify all that vaguely meta bullshit about how Tamlin is the golden prince and rhysand is the villain in the stories but the villain in stories is the guy who locks maidens away in towers and rhys freed her with anx kind of commentary because its just stupid, its just sjm bashing you over the head with how subversive she is when Tamlin and Rhysand are basically the same guy with different aesthetics at this point, like Feyre is not making a choice between the goodboy hero and the badboy villain, shes making a choice between a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (green) and a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (black)
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
(panic attack tw) hi!! I was wondering if you could write an Aziraphale x Reader where the reader is having a panic attack due to anxiety disorder and he comforts them? If not, thats ok, i understand. I struggle with anxiety/panic attacks and reading imagines based off my experience is kinda comforting, and imagining my fave characters helping is quite therapeutic for me and possibly others :) Have a lovely day 💞
I will happily do this, I’ve never actually experienced panic attacks, so I’ll do the best I can on the information I’ve looked up. I hope you find comfort with Aziraphale :) Sorry this took so long. Also, sorry it’s short, but I hope it helps.
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Some days became too much. Even the smallest things could tick you off and bring on your wave of emotions. You were prone to panic attacks in certain situations and it was hard to get through alone.
Luckily you had someone by your side every time it became too much. It was like he knew when it would happen and he would be right there beside you.
Aziraphale, a literal angel, was everything you needed in times like these. He made everything better, even if he didn’t always realise it. You were so grateful to have him by your side.
You had stressed yourself out too much and now were losing sense of things around you as your mind took over.
Aziraphale was quick to appear at your side.
You could just about hear him, but your mind was reeling and your breathing was becoming erratic. It was hard to focus on any one thing.
You felt something in your back. His hand was warm, but not enough to make you focus on it alone. He began to rub circles on your nack as he brought his other hand up to your shoulder. His touch was gentle.
“Listen to me. It’s alright. Everything is alright. Just listen to my voice.”
His voice was soothing and soft. It got him perfectly. He, too, was soft and gentle. It was what you liked about him. He was the definition of an angel in your book.
“That’s it. Just focus on my voice. You’re just having a bad day, but I’ll make it all better. Everything will fine.” He spoke so nicely. You wanted to hear his voice every day. “You’re doing wonderfully!”
Soon his voice was all you could hear. You were still having a hard time focusing, but his voice was reaching you.
“Shh. You don’t have to say anything. Just listen.”
You could feel his hand on your back now. Its warmth was getting through to you and it felt nice. There was a comforting feeling about his touch. Comforting was a word perfect for the angel.
“I’m so proud of you! You’re doing so well.”
Hearing him say those words made you smile. Despite how clouded your mind felt and how anxious you were at the moment, you managed a smile.
“Ah, look at that beautiful smile! What would I do without it?”
You managed to look up at the angel and felt tears appear. It wasn’t because you were having your panic attack, no, it was because he said such beautiful words to you even in this state.
“Aziraphale.” Your voice was soft.
The angel saw how you were easing off and pulled you into a gentle hug. He continued to whisper in your ear, all wonderful things that made you fall ever more in love with him.
Without really realising it, you had calmed down a lot. Soon enough you were just standing there in Aziraphale’s arms, listening to his voice and breathing slowly.
“Thank you.” You mumbled after a long pause of silence.
“You’re always welcome, dear.”
Aziraphale pressed a soft kiss to your head and held your hand as you both went to sit down. You just needed some time to rest now.
Aziraphale would stay with you until you felt completely better.
“No matter what happens, or how it happens, never feel ashamed to call upon me for help.” He told you. “I will always come to you when you need me.”
After all, when you love someone, you should always be that way.
You gave him a smile and rested your head against his shoulder.
You felt better already.
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haosmull8 · 6 years
having Hanakaki was a childrens story , at least you though . IT was just the three of you aginst the world. Joshua , Jeonghan and you. Nothing could stop you , Josh could get any girl you want. Jeonghan could talk anyone out of anythimg weather it would be getting into touble or not doing his homework thr night before it was due he'd get out of it. Then there was tou the exactt oppisite of both. Loud , Clumsy with words and things. You deffnantly cant get out of things.  Maybe thats when you liked Josh , he was smoothe with his words. Either way you liked him.
There is a stupid glitch that occurred wile typing this. I’m sorry that it turned out like this. I’ll try to fix it by the next chapter!! Sorry if this wasn’t to expectations any feed back is accepted. 💜
Josh x Reader saterdays and sundys were always reserved for the fleamarket. Always. Just not this one inpaticular , Jeonghan had decided to tag along .  You used to go to the fleamarket with your grandma all the time on the weekends she would always take ypu for thr "one of a kind" fair food , and ypu would leave with full tummies and a new nick nack of some sort. Her favorite thing to go was always the flower booth , she always got new seeds to plant the following spirng and summer. Your favorte flowers were always her pansies. You’d always pick them and take them to yours and Josh’s mom. After that they always called you pansy. Then your grandma passed away , there were to many flowers . You began to hate them from the looks to the smell . Roses no longer smelled sweet and soft they smelt old and sickly , daisies one smelt clean and fresh now smell bland. They weren't the same. " This cake HAS to be the best ive had by far!" Jeonghan smiled as shoving another fork full in his mouth . "you say that withe each bite you take." you looked over your map of the grounds, " cant find the truth Pansy!" he ate another bite then got up. You really did really just come here to find a old pink Floyd record and leave but Jeonghan wanted to stay a wile longer so that's what you guys are doing.  On the way to the record booth when you passed flower stand. “ A flower for a flower !” thr old man smiled handing you one “ thanks but yellow Carnations are used for getting well” you smiled and walked away. “ I swear you never even try to be nice anymore.” You heard Jeonghan mumble . “ they were half dead. Kids kept touching the petals. That kills them .” You loaded your things in his car. It was now a week day. The last day of school to be exact. You Josh and Jeonghan were in your normal stun the middle of the classroom, “ being in the middle makes it look like you’re trying. Front makes you look like your trying to hard. And back they know you’re definitely not trying at all .” Josh has told you on the first day of high school. “ you think the ceremony will start soon. I forgot to feed the cat.” Jeonghan had mumbled over to you. “ soon. It’s not nine yet .” Josh whispered. The class was loud normally but definitely loud today. “ thirty bucks that Jen will be knocked up this summer” you giggled. “ Thirty bucks ?! What are you trying to buy ?!” Both Josh and Jeonghan said in unison. “ food.” Was your last reply till after their ceremony. “ you fine ?” Josh looked at you .” Yeah. Cooler than a cucumber!” You chirped up. You have been coughing for a few days now. Some days been better than others. The only thing you can think of it was allergies were getting the best of you so you’ve just been choking it down .” Or are you as that school is done for and we have to be with each other till college starts .” Jeonghan walked up “ no. “ you walked off. You watched girls run up to Josh and act all pretty. They said their goodbyes and gave him each a earring. Stupid of them to do that. You thought. Then another cough. You excused yourself to run to the restroom. Your coughs kept getting harsher. The taste of iron got more. You spat just to see the sink splattered with crimson. A few coughs later there was white and pink petals. You date there in awe chrysanthemums and daisies now sat in the sink. Their meaning , shame and bashfulness. Daisies meaning innocence. Maybe this whole Hanakaki wasn’t a child’s tell your grandma told you after all.
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wroteasongabouther · 7 years
fratboy!harry - part 4
thank you all so freaking much for the feedback/love on fratboy!harry so far it’s really sweet... again, feel free to drop any questions, blurb ideas, etc into my ask box whenever!!!
fratboy!harry tag >> story page
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“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you say while watching James lean over and delete a few things from your notes. Of course you had gotten some things mixed up during a lecture earlier this week.
“To be honest, I didn’t quite get it at first either,” James states.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” you say while tilting your chin up and pouting out your bottom lip.
“Maybe,” James admits, giving you that nice toothy grin again - but it was nothing like a pair of dimples. You shake your head slightly as you catch yourself comparing James to Harry.
Last night after you ate some good old ramen noodles and got set up at your desk, you nearly finished your whole assignment. Just leaving it to be revised by James today after class. As you were finishing up your work - around midnight - was when Harry texted you. Red flag for inappropriate time, anything after ten could pretty much be classified as a booty call - it was simple college logic. But nothing about Harry’s texts were really booty call related.
Sorry about the guys today, hope you got your assignment done without my smarts
It’s alright, my butt hurt from the couch by then anyways.. and I managed just fine, shocking I know
Sure you got quite the brain in ya, little bird, was only joking
Oh I know.. it’s late, I’m going to go to sleep now I think
Alright, goodnight y/n
Night H
Then you slept soundly, your dreams consumed by green eyes and strange tattoos. But now you weren’t looking into the eyes you dreamt of, instead you’re looking at James’ boring brown ones as he tried to flirt with you - again. He didn’t seem to get that you weren’t interested. James was still a nice guy though, so you kept smiling at his flirtatious comments and tried to get your work done.
“That’s it,” you smile while typing out the last bit of your assignment, “all done,” your smile turned to a grin as you realize you had managed to finish an entire assignment within like 12 hours.
“You’re doing a lot better then you give yourself credit for,” James says while gathering his own notes up from the messy table you two had taken over at a diner on campus.
“Well, you were helpful too,” you inject. James grins again, and just then you glance over his shoulder and see one of your good friends walking towards you - Thomas. Everything about his facial expression spoke clear of jealousy as he saw you sitting with another guy.
“Hey,” Thomas says as he stands beside the table.
“Hey what’s up?” You smile.
“Nothing really,” Thomas shrugs before tossing his backpack at the floor and sitting down beside you. You’re a little thrown off by him welcoming himself to sit, and when you look at James you see he is too. “Who’s this?” Thomas asks, picking up one of your left over fries and popping it into his mouth.
“James,” he introduces himself as you just look at your friend in utter shock. But more of a eyes narrowed and lips firm while staring at him.
“Oh, so not Harry,” Thomas chews with his mouth open while mentioning the other boy he was jealous over. Good old Thomas.
“Harry?” James questions, looking at you now.
“A friend,” you answer shortly and bring the straw of your coke to your lips.
“Anyways,” James clears his throat, “I was going to mention, there’s this party this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come-“
“Y/N doesn’t really party,” Thomas states, cutting James off nonchalantly. You roll your eyes and give Thomas a quick ‘thats enough’ look.
“I do,” you clarify, “sometimes,”
“Alright,” James trails off, looking between you and Thomas - clear just as confused you were. “Well, I’ll text you about it, it’s tomorrow so hopefully you can make it,” James smiles while standing from the table.
“Okay,” you nod, “thanks again for your help, and for lunch too,”
James grins before saying his goodbyes and walking out of the diner. The moment he’s out the front door you turn and smack Thomas on the arm. He flinched and gasps dramatically. You hit him again for good measure.
“What the hell?” Thomas exclaims.
“What was that about? It’s not like that with James,” you state.
“Oh whatever, the guy’s totally into you,”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m not into him,”
“So are you gunna go to that party?” Thomas questions, stealing another fry off your plate.
You shrug, “I don’t know, maybe,”
“Right,” Thomas mutters before finishing off the plate. He brushes off his hands and stands up from the table you had been at for quite a while now. “Wanna go look around the shops or something? I’m bored,”
“Fine,” you sigh and stand from the table as well. After getting all your things together, you follow Thomas out of the diner and out into the sunshine. “I swear it keeps getting hotter here,” you groan.
“It’s Arizona, what did you expect?” Thomas chuckles.
You bump into Thomas, causing him to nearly loosing his footing and fall on the sidewalk. Now that was funny, you laugh so hard you have to grab you stomach. Thomas had been a clumsy guy since you first met him here a college, literally tripping over some wires from a projector and dropping his things in front of the whole class. Then he took the seat next to you, and a friendship began. A year later and Thomas still was a good friend to you.
Thomas and you ended up inside the vintage shop. There was a mess of pretty much anything you could want. From old vinyls to shirts or even some old nick-nacks. You were laughing as Thomas held up a vinyl for Madonna, singing in a high pitched voice. Again you had to hold your stomach as he made you laugh so much.
“Thomas, stop,” you say between your laughter. He keeps on acting out as Madonna, so you step forward and take the vinyl from him, leaning into his body while you both laughed.
Thomas quits laughing as he looks over you, eyebrows pulled together at something. Or someone it seemed. You turn around and see Harry standing there with a brown paper bag in hand and a similar face that Thomas had. What were the odds…
“Harry, hey,” you breathe out while stepping away from Thomas.
His eyes stay glued to Thomas while you take in his appearance today. Same black jeans, a pair of brown boots and a grey tshirt. Not that it was any shock, but he looked hot.
“Hey,” he nods.
“Whatcha doing here?” You ask, genuinely intrigued for an answer.
“Just picked something up,” he responds while lifting up the paper bag. It must’ve been for someone else, cause you really couldn’t imagine Harry geeking out over this old vintage stuff. You notice his eyes are back on Thomas, narrowed for a second before his expression turns smug.
“Uh, Thomas this is Harry, Harry this is Thomas,” you introduce the two ridiculous young men.
“Nice to put a face to a voice,” Harry says, still as smug as ever.
“Yeah,” Thomas narrows his eyes.
“Anyways,” you draw out and put the Madonna album back down.
“I have to get going, I’ll see you ‘round,” Harry blurts out before turning away and walking right out the front door. You stand there a bit surprised, staring out the window as you watched him get into his car. What was up with him?
Thomas sighs and leans back against the wooden table the vinyls were stored in. You already know he has a million things to say. So you roll your eyes and look towards him.
“Didn’t think I’d be meeting both the boys in your life today,” Thomas says.
“Oh shut it,” you nudge him gently before looking through the vinyls again.
You didn’t correct him. Because it was the first week of your second year in college and somehow you had two boys you were thinking of already. One was smiley and kind while the other was smug and had your head spinning a million miles an hour. Last week you were ignoring boys existence and babbling on about how boys suck - this week you were more confused than ever.
“I think I’m going to buy that old Harley Davidson shirt back there,” you state, changing the topic while walking over where it hang. 
Once you’ve paid, you and Thomas leave the shop. You convince him to stop for a smoothie before asking what he wanted to do next. Movies at your dorm ended up being the plan, only because Thomas offered to order pizza. So you two pick up the pizza and get to your dorm.
Thomas launches himself onto your double bed, taking up one side while you grab your laptop and set down the pizza between you two. As some new Netflix show plays on your small MacBook screen you really realize how much you needed a tv in here. You’re munching on your second piece as your phone vibrates.
“Five bucks it’s Harry,” Thomas says before you pick up your phone. You roll your eyes at him and grab your phone.
“It’s James,” you state while having another bite of pizza.
“Ah shit, it was a 50/50 chance,” Thomas gives you a smirk while you narrow your eyes at him.
Hey, what’s up?
Hey! Just watching some Netflix wbu??
Bored, just making some dinner
Yum, whatcha making??
Pasta, it’s bulking season
You have to hold back from making a face. But as Thomas snorts beside you, you know you failed on doing so. You try to ignore how stupid James sounded and read his next text.
Think about that party?
Yeah, I’ll have to ask a friend if she wants to come with or not first..
Fair enough, more the merrier.
“Stop making that face,” Thomas says with food in his mouth.
“Stop talking with your mouth full,”
Thomas sticks his hands up before focusing back on the show. Your phone vibrates again in your phone, this time it’s a Snapchat notification - from Harry. Your lips tug just a little, you literally have to fight off your smile.
You open it quickly, not caring if it seemed weird, and look at the snap video he sent. It was in the kitchen of his frat house. Eddy has two cans of beer in hand, then suddenly he’s smashing one into his mouth and the crushing it in his hand as he drinks it - doing the same with the second one. There’s obviously quite a few other guys around as many guys cheer as Eddy throws down both cans and yells. Harry flips the camera and widens his eyes, you can’t help but chuckle at his expression.
You send back a selfie, brows pulled together and lips pursed out a bit. You caption it ‘what in the world?’ and add a sticker with the time on it - it was only 6:30 in the evening after all. Frat boys were weird. After you send the snap, you look up and see Thomas is watching you.
“What?” You question.
He shakes his head, “nothing, I’m not gunna say anything,” he says and looks back at the show again.
You narrow your eyes at Thomas and lean back on your headboard. Harry snaps you back a selfie, reading ‘frat things, don’t dare eddy anything he’ll do it’ you shake your head and smile. Instead of a selfie this time, you send one from the front facing camera. There’s your computer, the pizza, and Thomas’s back in the shot before you type out ‘noted, you guys are totally crazy’
Harry opened the snap. But he didn’t reply. He posted on his story ten minutes later too. You bite on your bottom lip and debate snapping him again. First his weirdness at the vintage shop and now this - damn, when did you get this desperate? You let out a small sigh and put your phone down.
“Do I need to beat anyone up?” Thomas asks, not looking away from the show as he takes another piece of pizza.
You lean forward and grab another piece as well, “no,” you mutter.
“Just,” Thomas pauses and looks back at you with a small smile, “just be careful, Y/N,”
You look at your friend and try to register what he’s saying. Thomas would always be jealous, wishing it was him you were blushing over. But you always thought he had it better than whatever guy you were talking to. He sat here in your bed, eating pizza, more often than any guy you ever spoke to before. Despite being put in the friend zone, Thomas was around a lot longer than any other guy.
You decided to just give him a smile and nod in return. Then you two go back to watching your small computer screen and eating pizza. Soon enough Jessica shows up and joins you two, wedging herself between you both. And that was how you ideally liked to spend your nights here at college, with your friends watching pointless tv and eating junk. It was a hell of a lot better than stressing over school or some stupid frat parties. Which, you’d probably be at tomorrow anyways.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 years
oooooo I wanna know more about the Puerto Rico AU or the Pie Shop AU. You pick
You know what, you’re the best so you get both! Again, so much credit to @sassy-laffy she’s wonderful
Puerto Rico AU
When she was a little thing, Theo used to collect all kinds of nick nacks, feathers and stones and snail shells and such. So one time Alex brought her some nice smooth beach pebbles he’d kept from Puerto Rico. He also taught her to salsa dance at one of the fancy lawyer parties he and Aaron always had to drag their little ones to. So since she was tiny, there has been a solemn promise between them that whenever the Hamiltons went on vacation to Puerto Rico (as Alex kept insisting he was going to), Theo would come too.
They eventually go when Theo and Philip are sixteen and they have so much fun. Theo falls in love with the place, all the colours and noise and just being in a new place. During the day they all go to the beach and play in the water and mess around and in the evenings they can hear the music from nearby bars and its just like magic for Theo. Alex finds her one evening sat on the windowsill of her room, dangling her legs out and just listening to the sounds. They chat for a little while and Theo kind of realises how much she needed to just get away for a while. 
Everything’s not perfect however, this is when Theo and Philip are kind of dancing around each other in a hormone fuelled, mutual crush, neither one of them admitting it kind of thing. And one morning they’re having breakfast at this place and the waitress and Philip are non-too-subtly flirting, to the point where Philip leaves with a napkin with her phone number on it. Theo is understandably crushed and Philip is oblivious, wondering why she suddenly won’t walk with him or talk to him or even look at him.
Alex and Eliza of course see this plain as day and kind of try and steer the two kids into situations where they have to sort this out, eventually just sending them on a walk up the beach together. Theo and Philip eventually break through this fog of sexual tension and are honest with each other, culminating in their first, kind of rushed, kind of shy kiss. And its lovely. 
They are a little drunk on love and each other after that, so on the last night of the vacation they take a walk together in the evening and its so romantic and calm and peaceful. They have their first time together that night, on the beach and its really good. They come back with the goofiest, satisfied smiles on their faces and Alex and Eliza roll their eyes and feign complete innocence. 
Happily ever after!
Pie Shop AU- or The Result of My Girlfriend Finally Giving in to Me and Listening to Waitress
Theo is in law school and having an utterly miserable time, she’s stressed to hell and working herself into the ground, staying up too late and not eating, drinking or sleeping. Her boyfriend Philip is seriously worried about her, he’s never seen her this bad since her mother died. So after one night when she accidentally lets slip that she’s been having suicidal thoughts and they both cry for hours, Philip puts his foot down and helps her decide to quit. 
So Theo is at a bit of a loose end with what to do. Fortunately Aaron is supportive but she doesn’t know what to do with her life now. Fortunately, Pip has been asked by the college he’s a junior professor at to write a textbook. They say the money he earns is going to be for starting their lives together, maybe having a kid, stuff like that. But Philip wants his love to be happy so on her birthday he wakes her up with a present- a set of keys. He buys a run down old diner in the city and he’s going to help her open her own pie shop. Baking was always her favourite thing and her way of calming down, now she can make it her life. Theo is so overwhelmed, she can’t believe he did this for her, but she’s so happy.
After a lot of work, Theo opens her place and it is Amazing. Both of their families help with the fixing and the decorating (Eliza makes her so many cute little odds and ends for her shop, its adorable). She comes up with all these weird and cool flavours with cool names, the whole family hangs out there. Alex is always there working (Theo makes him decaf coffee and swears blind its not), the little ones are always running around the place, Pip helps out, Jamie works there on weekends cos he’s an amazing baker. Its all just so cute and lovely and Theo is the happiest she’s ever been. 
One day Philip is helping her clean up after hours, just tidying away. And he says oh, they’ve got an order in for a job- Theo caters parties and stuff. He says its an engagement party and Theo asks, oh whose? And Philip answers “Ours,” and promptly pulls a ring out of his pocked and gets down on one knee and thats how he proposes. Its very cute.
(Combining with the Theatre Kids AU) One day Angie and Eliza are sat at the counter while Theo works and they notice that she’s not looking well at all and she keeps running to the bathroom, obviously to be sick, even though she insists she’s fine. Angie and Eliza share a look and Angie starts singing The Negative in a non subtle ‘yeah, right’ kind of way. Theo glares at her and tells her to shut up…but yeah, she is pregnant. She tells Philip by making him a pie and scratching Congratulations, Daddy into a pie crust and giving it to him because she’s better with pastry than she is with words. Philip happy sobs. 
Theo comes up with a pie flavour for each one of her children and she lets them name it and keeps it on the chalkboard. Like, Al has a berry pie (because when she had the idea, he kept sneaking berries from the kitchen when she wasn’t looking) called the ‘I love my mama Pie’ because Al is a complete sweetheart. Ronnie has a mostly chocolate pie because that’s what he was always trying to get his hands on as a baby and its called the ‘I love chocolate but not as much as I love mama, I guess’ Pie. Ronnie is less of a sweetheart but he tries. Rachel has a lemon meringue pie because she legit came out of the womb frowning like the adorable little raincloud she is. Ellie has a super sweet kind of marshmallow pie because she is the smiliest little baby ever and could only be represented by something as sweet as she is. 
Basically this is the fluffiest and happiest AU ever and I love it 
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