felizusnavidad · 6 months
haiku about the end of the year
it’s this time of the year
when you say goodbye
to moments of doubt and anger and tears
don’t let fuckers win
screw them
let’s focus on goodness and light
they will never know these feelings
goodbye bad bad people
once upon a time, in a faraway land in a small and shitty mall there was this "luxury" store and guess what was it called? ****Trend
there was a girl, poppy was her name she used to work in this place and oh, it was once her safe space but not anymore, what a shame
the job was shitty, that's not a lie her workmates were amazing though they made her laugh, laughed at her jokes (she even befriended the new guy)
and then one day no fun, no more she got the worst news ever "we are transferring you", the bad bitch witch tells her "to a different mall, a different store"
the store was far away from poppy's and her new team couldn't accept her there was one guy who fucking hated her she couldn't take it, she wrote her notice
i guess you can say she wrote her way out but she still had to stay for quite some time tried to be nice to them, was that a crime? "i will survive this, without a doubt"
crying sessions in the bathroom that was poppy's way to cope but then one day she just said "nope" new idea, sick leave, BOOM!
who's laughing now? i guess not them she's gonna have long christmas break she knows for sure that wasn't a mistake that's why now she is writing this poem
she also got a new job offer her teerico merch is on the way good things are coming, also, hey! she's taking the job, it starts next year!
she saw in the heights live in koszalin she met jakub gierszał with her bestie, bel she wrote her way out of this hell (maybe one day she will also meet lin?)
here's to new year, here's to the new chapter here's to uk trip and the eras tour in poland! here's to my friends, my moots from foreign land may poppy's life be full of laughter!
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runestele · 6 months
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Marcus Edge 🤝 Hannibal: Cannibalism is okay
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To my lovely Mina who jumpscares me everytime I see her name bc my mom’s name is Mina 💀
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NAHAHAHA AIN'T NO WAY 😭😭😭 tell your mom she's dope asf
also, bel, sweetie, darling - PLS STOP SPENDING MONEY ON ME 💗🧍‍♀️ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BUT I CAN'T--
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daughterofsarenrae · 2 years
Why did no one tell me horizon forbidden west had ferret machines
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silkylious · 2 years
no minors allowed unfortunately ............... this is the end of our mutualship 💔💔💔
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lemonynuggets · 5 months
I got Stardew Valley and I’m making it everyone’s problem /vpos
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felizusnavidad · 7 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better ✨
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aegonx · 9 months
⭐️- Put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity❣️✨🤍
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xfancyuu · 1 year
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fairysluna · 5 months
"look what you do to me" with ye olde cregan I BEG
worthy of you.
Cregan thinks his little brother is not worthy of a woman like you, which is why he takes the opportunity to show you that he is the one for you.
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PAIRING — Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader / (Side) Masc!OC x Fem!Reader.
TAGS — smut (f!oral sex, p in v, praise kink, loss of virginity), mentions of cheating, mentions of alcohol consumption, cursing, OC is a terrible man, older!cregan, widower!cregan, age gap (early 20s and early 30s). If something is missing let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE — first of all, a big thank you to my gorgeous @bucknastysbabe for being my beta reader and helping me edit this, ily!! i got a bit inspired by this plot and it's longer than i expected💀
Thank you Bel for sending this request because i loved writing this!! I hope you enjoy it!!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤenglish is not my first language.
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How cruel were the gods when they put you in his brother's arms instead of the ones you craved the most.
The first time that Lord Stark laid his eyes upon you, he felt the air leaving his lungs, and his voice being caged inside his throat. His eyes immediately widened at the beautiful sight of you, bewitched by the way you so politely greeted him, and mesmerized by the way you uttered his name. Cregan was in awe, trying to ignore the feeling in his gut and the quickened pace of his heart as he smelled the sweet scent of vanilla coming from your hair. He wondered if you were some kind of nymph, effortlessly enchanting him with a single glance. 
After the loss of his wife, few were the women who managed to catch his eye. A couple of balls were made, and they all resulted in the same thing; a group of ladies following him around, showering him with shallow compliments and words that he did not wish to hear. 
How lucky he felt when he saw you walking in with your father, Lord Reed, into the ballroom, and how miserable he left that night after learning you were betrothed to his young brother; Edrik, a careless young man who —according to Lord Stark— is not worthy of you. At all. He's ruthless, the opposite of a chivalrous man. Cregan knows that while you were waiting for him for dinner, he's fucking some whores in brothels and paying with gold that he would steal from Cregan's chambers. He despised him. He was ashamed of him, and his behaviour towards you. You were a lady, a delicate and sweet girl who could have found someone better. 
Someone like himself, he would think. 
At that moment, while you were nervously chewing your nails sitting at the small table of your chambers as you drank tea, Cregan was out there searching for his younger brother, and trying to force him back to the Winterfell castle. That very same day was supposed to be your wedding, and the groom was nowhere to be seen. You knew better than to cry, you didn't want to suffer for him anymore; so you just sat there, slowly tapping your fingertips against the delicate porcelain of the cup, staring at the crackling fireplace and thinking about something else. 
At that point, you were just begging for him to be alive and well. Nothing more. 
A few minutes passed when you saw Cregan entering your chambers with his grey eyes staring intensely at you as he walked inside. His heavy boots stumped against the wooden floor, prompting you to stand up a bit too quickly. You noticed the pitiful look in his eyes when he noticed you were still wearing that white wedding dress; his heart shattered for you. 
“Did you find him?” you dared to speak first. Somehow, your voice came out colder than both of you expected.
“We did,” he nodded. “He was in a brothel… drunk and enjoying his last hours of freedom, as he said.” The annoyed tone of his voice was quite clear to hear as he spat every single word with rage and even shame. 
Gods forgive him for this insurmountable wrath towards his kin. 
“Where is he now?” The question slipped out of your lips merely out of habit. 
“In his chambers, being bathed by one of the maids,” Cregan explained, unable to bear the vision of your tears gathering in the corner of your eyes. He sought to look at a place over your shoulder, just to ease the ache in his chest.
It wasn't sadness, not at all. It was ire; he knew it. It was supposed to be your special day, and your betrothed decided to ruin it, though you were not surprised.
“Is it the maid that sucks his cock every morning? Or is it the one that let him fuck her in the arse?” you mockingly mentioned, lifting the cup of tea and sipping it slowly. The knot in your throat was becoming unbearable, too tight and barely letting you utter a word. 
Cregan's eyes softened with sorrow. “My lady,” he started, daring to take a step closer to you. The small rounded table was the only thing keeping you two apart. “Allow me to apologize for the misbehaviour of my brother, you deserve the utmost respect from whoever is lucky enough to marry you. Edrik is childish, and his actions often bring shame to our family name.”
“You shall not apologize for your brother's mistakes,” you softly said, sighing tiredly at this situation repeating over and over again. “You're an honourable man, Lord Stark, it's a pity your brother is not even half of the man you are.” 
Cregan felt his heart tapping against his chest, even under those thick layers of fur, he was still able to hear how fast it was beating. His eyes briefly looked away from you out of shyness, feeling so flustered by your mere presence. Oh, gods, this was excruciating; seeing you there with your beautiful eyes staring up at him, looking so fragile and bewitching. The white dress fit you perfectly, you were radiant that night, and he cursed at his brother for looking down on you. 
Edrik was a dumb boy. Luckily, Cregan was a wise man. 
“It pains me to know he doesn't appreciate you,” he muttered as he took unhurried steps closer to you. “You deserve so much more.” 
“It's the best I can get, I suppose,” you shrugged. “At least my betrothed is indulging his uncontrollable lust with whores instead of forcing himself on me. It could be worse.” 
“But it's not supposed to be bad at all,” Cregan discussed. “A husband has to provide for his wife, and treat her with respect.”
His hand approached your left cheek and he placed it there, cupping your face. Your soft skin felt his calloused fingers and suddenly all the air of your lungs vanished. Your lips parted, and that simple gesture blurred Cregan's mind with the urge to devour them. As he looked down at you, you could see in his eyes that there was a rare sparkle in them. It was so mesmerizing. 
“I guess you're asking too much from your brother, my Lord.”
He scoffed.
“If only the gods had been more merciful of us, you would be my wife instead,” he mentioned with a wistful tone. He took another step, and now you were able to smell the pine scent from his clothes. “We probably would be in our private celebration by now.” 
You sighed delightedly as his thumb went to your lower lip, lightly touching it as he glanced at it. Falling in love with him had been so easy; he was so kind, so courteous and gentle. Whenever his brother was cruel and mean to you, he was always there to make you feel good. Many were the times you imagined this wedding being with him instead of Edrik. 
“I would be looking at your beautiful body as you remove this gown. Only for me to see,” he whispered, his touch going downwards until he grabbed the pearls around your neck. “I would take my time to appreciate every single inch of your skin, touching you… kissing you, making sure you know you're the most beautiful maiden in Westeros.” 
His face leaned towards you, and you felt his nose rubbing against your cheek as you closed your eyes. His deep, low voice sent shivers down your spine while your mind was imagining every single word that came out of his plump lips. His touch reached down your sides until you felt his strong grip on your waist. 
Cregan took a deep breath as he smelled your sweet perfume; he couldn't help but sigh. 
“I would pleasure you in so many ways,” he continued, his voice so raspy it made your knees weak. “With my mouth, my hands… until all that comes from your lips is my name.” 
“Cregan…” you breathed out, and he hummed in delight. 
“Yes, just like that.” 
You dared to open your eyes, meeting his and seeing how they were dilated and glazed with lust; yours were probably in the same state. You were able to feel the heat between your legs, almost causing you to squirm to make you feel something. Something to sate the intense desire crawling around your body.
“I would do so many things to you, my darling,” he murmured. “Would you like me to do them?” 
You nodded.
“Yes,” you replied, embarrassingly fast. 
His hands went to your back, calloused fingers finding their way to untie your gown. Your chest was against his, and the closeness did nothing but increase your desperation to have him. 
“My brother doesn't deserve you, does he? He is just a stupid boy, and you deserve a man.” You felt the dress loosening around your body and you swallowed hard at the expectation. “Please, let me be that man for you…” 
You were unable to bear it any longer, the temptation being too much. You closed the distance between you two at the same time he started to slip the dress down your body — until it pooled around your feet. His lips fit perfectly against yours, they were slightly chapped due to the cold, yet they felt heavenly. He moaned against your mouth when you boldly deepened the kiss by grabbing Cregan’s nape and pulling him closer to you, all while his hands pressed your lower back. 
It was slow and passionate, taking your breath away as he claimed your mouth with his tongue, swirling against yours and stealing soft whimpers from you. Soon, he grabbed your thighs to lift you and sat you on the table; the cup of tea spilling to stain your white undergown, you couldn't care less. His lips on yours were all you could think of as his hands gripped your body, pressing you against him.
The thin skirt of your undergown lifted as you wrapped your legs around Cregan’s waist, and his hands began to sneak under it to touch the soft skin of your thighs. He left a heat on your body with his fingertips, one that made you desperate to feel him. All while his mouth was reluctant to leave yours, obsessed with the sweet taste of you. He would unconsciously groan, and as he pressed his hips against yours you could easily notice the effect you had on him. 
He pulled away to take a look at you, he found your swollen lips glistening with remains of your and his drool. Your eyes were sparkling as stars and your breathing growing agitated. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Cregan Stark had fallen in love with you once again at that moment. 
“You should belong to me instead,” he huskily said. “I should be the one who takes your body-”
“Do it,” you interrupted without doublethinking it. Your tone was decided and demanding, it shocked him a little. 
“Oh, my little one…” he murmured with a strained voice as if the thought had left him breathless. 
“I don't want your brother… I never did.” Your confession drew a small smile on his lips. “Since day one all I've wanted is you.” 
He took a deep breath before cupping your face with both of his hands, forcing you to look him in the eye. 
“Look what you do to me,” he murmured as you stared at his face, noticing a rare glow in him. “Believe me when I say your feelings are mutual… you've been on my mind ever since you arrived. It was torturous to see you being disregarded by Edrik while I was sitting there wishing I could just hold your hand. My heart, my body, my soul, it all aches for you. I'm desperate to feel you, and I cannot bear it any longer.” 
The despair in his voice, so clear and vivid. 
“Allow me to do it,” he pleaded, “I'm begging you to let me have a taste of you, at least for a night… so I can finally end this torment.” 
“I will accept,” you managed to say in small gasps. “Only if you promise me this won't be the last time.” 
He nodded. “I promise.”
The time was not wasted, you quickly leaned forward to kiss him again with the same intensity and need as before. Both of you moaned against each other while your hands were swiftly untying his snow-covered coat at the same time his were pulling down your undergown until it fell down your arms. Your breasts were freed and you couldn't help but feel slightly ashamed; no man had seen you in such a vulnerable state before. However, all insecurities vanished from your overthinking mind once he laid his eyes on your chest and sighed, enamoured by the view. 
He gave you a single glance at you to ask for your permission and, once you nodded, his fingers travelled down your body until they trapped your nipples. He gently squeezed them between his digits, soft enough to not cause you any discomfort but hard enough to make them peak. Your mouth was slightly parted, allowing silent gasps to fall down your lips as he admired your pure flesh. He leaned forward then, and you instinctively leaned back; before you noticed his tongue was lapping at one of your sensitive buds, swirling around it and nibbling on it from time to time. You held your body up with your forearms, closing your eyes once he sucked on it. A moan escaped you as he pulled apart from it and went to the other one, giving it the same attention. 
His hand was grabbing the small of your back as you touched his hair, tangling your fingers in his brown locks and pulling them whenever his tongue made you feel butterflies in your belly. It was so good, and you were blissful thinking that you were doing it with him. Your ever-kind and loving Lord of Winterfell.
Suddenly, his mouth traced a path down your body, licking and kissing your belly until he reached your pelvis. You lifted your hips once his hands started to pull down your last vestiges of coverage, and in mere seconds you were completely exposed to him as your cheeks got warm once again. 
Your legs were spread by his hands on your inner thighs, and Cregan was able to see the mess in your core; you were soaking, and his mouth watered with the urge to taste you. For a few seconds, he was just there admiring you, and then he started to kiss your legs from your ankles, all the way to your hips, shamelessly marking you and leaving red bruises behind; you loved it. 
Cregan gave you a quick look, noticing how you were almost shaking with expectation; your eyes reluctant to leave his frame as his thumb spread your swollen lower lips and exposed that little, throbbing button begging for his attention. He stuck out his tongue, slowly brushing it against your clit. You almost died there. Your hand immediately went back to his hair, pulling it a bit too harshly for his liking. 
“Sh…” he cooed, kissing your inner thighs in the meantime. “Come on, little one, let me make you feel good, I know you want it.” 
Gods, you did. You need it.
“Keep your legs open for me, and let me have my feast,” he murmured before his tongue lapped on your pearl again. 
The way he teased your flesh so sensually made your limbs shake. You were gasping as he licked and kissed every single part of you, lurking around and trying to discover your most sensitive spot. Once he found it, you saw stars. 
Your betrothed was far from your mind when Cregan dared to push one of his long, thick fingers inside your weeping hole. You cried out his name as your legs shook around his head and, as he curled up his fingers to rub your walls, you felt a knot in your belly starting to form and begging to be released. Goosebumps erupted over your stimulated body.
“Gods… Cregan!” you found yourself whining. He hummed delighted with the way his name sounded from your lips. 
His tongue fervently began to flick your clit as he added another finger, pumping them slowly but deeply. The sound of your juices coating his digits was becoming addictive; so sinful, yet heavenly. He was desperate to feel you all. 
As he moaned and whimpered against your soaked flesh, you couldn't help but feel an unknown sensation in your gut; as if you were about to explode. Your heart was beating incredibly fast as you leaned your head back and let your mouth spill thousands of obscene sounds; Cregan's cock twitched in his pants the moment he looked up at you. 
Gods, you were so fucking beautiful. It was not fair that you belonged to someone else. 
Suddenly, with a shout of shock, you felt yourself peak. You gasped loudly and you clenched your eyes shut. Cregan felt your walls squeezing his fingers so deliciously as he drank from you and licked you clean. By the end of it, you were sweating, breathing fast and your hips twitching. You turned into a quivering mess.
Cregan lifted his face, giving one wolfish look before quickly grabbing your cheeks. He desperately kissed you as he groaned in ecstasy. You tasted yourself on his lips as he picked you up and took you towards the bed… the very same bed you were supposed to be sharing with your betrothed that night. 
The guilt hit you, briefly making you feel dirty and sullied. But then, as you saw Cregan slowly removing his attires, you remembered who was your betrothed, and what he was doing earlier that day. If he could fuck a whore, why couldn't you fuck another man? You doubted the lesser brother would even notice. 
Besides, it wasn't just a man, it was Cregan. Your Cregan. 
So, now, as the handsome man in front of you removed his last piece of clothing, you felt your walls clench around nothing as you glanced at his cock. His head furiously red, already leaking and twitching as he started to crawl from the bottom of the bed until he was between your legs. He kissed you again, this time slower… more tenderly. You sighed against his lips.
“You're still a maiden,” he said as a statement rather than a question. You nodded, either way, confirming his words. “Then I'll go slow… though I must warn you, it might hurt for a bit, but I promise you, little one, it'll all be worth it in the end.” 
“I trust you,” you whispered as your hand reached his cheek, gently caressing his stubble. 
“Open your legs for me, my darling,” he commanded, and you did as he said. He looked down at your entrance, “seven hells…” he groaned at the sight, before spitting down to his cock and stroking it a few times. Cregan swiped the ruddy tip of his prick against your folds, teasing them to hear you moan one more time before carefully pressing the blunt head against your entrance. 
You cried out once he started to stretch you out, feeling the slight burn that left you breathless as he made his way inside the tight hole between your trembling legs. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth; Cregan noticed your discomfort, so he brought his thumb to your clit, tracing slow circles on it and trying to make you relax. You let out a shaky breath, chest heaving through the pinch.
Your tightness would try to push him away as tried to go deeper, yet he found a way to keep going until he was fully buried inside of you, whimpering your name. Your soft walls felt so fucking good around him, almost making the man drool against your shoulder. His sweaty forehead was pressed against your cheek and you could hear his ragged breathing in your ear, causing chills down your spine. He gave you a moment to forget about the pain, all while he peppered your neck with soft kisses and gentle bites. 
“I think I have just reached heaven,” he murmured, his voice sounding so deep and seductive. “So tight, so small around my cock…” he continued words that left his mouth before he could even think about them. 
“I- I feel so full…” you muttered, feeling his length pulsing inside of you. 
“Shh… I know, my darling, just take deep breaths for me,” he commanded you, and you obeyed. His thumb pushed slightly harder against your clit and you hummed. “Mhm, does that feel nice? My beautiful girl, you're doing such a good job for me,” he praised you, “taking me so well.” 
“Feels good…” you nodded. 
“It does, doesn't it?” he softly chuckled. “Gods, the way your sweet little pussy takes my cock makes me fucking crazy. Can- can I move? Fuck– Is it okay if I start moving?” 
His gentleness and softness did little to make you forget about the way he spoke to you. His dirty words made you clench around his girth, feeling butterflies in your lower belly. You needed Cregan to move and bring back the effervescent heat. 
“Please, do,” you begged, and he wasted no time in obeying. 
His mouth dropped open as he dragged his cock out of your tightness, noticing how it was covered by your slickness. He pushed in again, filling you and causing you to moan in simultaneous discomfort and pleasure. His left hand went to your hip, grabbing your skin and going deeper inside of you. Slowly at first, he started to fasten his pace until the sound of your bodies colliding against each other was mixed with your moans. 
Your hands wrapped around his shoulders as he hid his face on your neck, his harsh breathing causing chills on your skin as he moved slowly but forcefully; such a perfect pace to make you see stars. Your legs were bent at each side of his body, while he took you and claimed your shaky frame. Soon you realized that he had not lied, it felt magnificent once the pain started to fade away. 
His name would escape your lips as if it was an endless chant, incentivizing him to keep going, to continue his movements until you couldn't bear it anymore. A layer of sweat would cover your body as Cregan's weight was on top of you, it felt as if you were burning yet you didn't want to push him away. You craved to feel his skin on you, loving the way his pelvis would brush against your throbbing clit each time he thrusts into you. 
“Fuck, my darling,” he groaned in your ear, “your pussy was made for me to fuck,” he whimpered, biting your earlobe. You replied with a whine. “So fucking delicious, feeling so tight around my cock.” 
Cregan lifted his face to look at your messy state. The eye contact that followed almost made you reach your peak once again, it was all so intense it made your head spin. Your nails dug into his flesh and he whispered your name; you hummed in response. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he murmured.
He further quickened the pace, his cock now touching that sweet spot of yours. Your walls would clench around him as you felt the much-needed orgasm approaching. A ring of your juices appeared on his cock, and he changed positions so now he was on his knees, grabbing your hips and fucking you faster, rougher. 
He saw your breasts bouncing on your chest as he thrusted into you, the sight so arousing that he felt his cock twitch inside of you. His stones were full, ready to burst at any moment now. However, no matter how much he desired it, he knew he just couldn't release inside you. No risks must be taken if he wanted to do this again. 
With your legs spreaded, his thumb effortlessly reached your exposed clits, flicking it and smearing your wetness around it. Your limbs shook as your mind went numb, and soon your orgasms washed over you. You cried out his name, tightening your grip around his cock. 
That's when he pulled out and poured himself on your soaked flesh, staining your folds with his pearly seed. 
Once he took a quick look at you, he felt a coil of raw pleasure snake around his body. A whine left his lips as he wrapped his hand around his length, stroking it a few times to make sure he would cover you with every single drop. He was overstimulated already; sweaty, breathless and flushed. He looked so beautiful like that.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, caressing your thighs. 
You frown, slightly confused. “What- what for?” 
Instead of answering you right away, he leaned and joined his lips with yours, gently and tenderly kissing you. His hands cupped your face and yours laid on his thick arms. A few minutes later, he pulled away only to leave soft kisses all over your face making you giggle. 
“For giving me the honour of making you mine,” he replied. “Though I must confess that I don't think I will be able to live without having you in my bed every night.” 
You felt a smile appearing on your lips and a familiar warmth on your cheeks. 
“Well,” you sighed, “perhaps, you should do something about it.” That flirtatious tone was a bit odd coming from you, but Cregan loved it. 
“Yes,” he nodded, softly chuckling as he leaned to kiss you once more. “I will definitely do something about it.”
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follow @by-fairysluna for updates!
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agendabymooner · 11 months
sweet spoiled husband (+ son) ! sebastian vettel x ofc (filipino!ofc)
summary: there’s nothing more swoon-worthy than bel ong-vettel’s constant fawning over the retired german driver. AND mick schumacher can be anything. hell, he can also be the vettels’ child for a week as he travels to philippines to visit the couple.
content warning: mick schumacher <3, tweets at the first post, whipped!ofc being in love with seb and their son mick, seb being an afam (iykyk; for my halo halo homies, ily), wealthy and celebrity!ofc
note: i miss philippines. chile anyway, here’s some seb and mick content. p.s. I DO NOT OWN THESE PHOTOS, i got them from pinterest. also, you should see the tweets in full view 💕
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liked by mickschumacher, ginaschumacher, georgerussell63
mickschumacher from what i hear, i wouldn’t want to leave either 😅 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel until the personal space gets invaded hahaha!
user1 god has favourites and its the two of them
user2 god has a favourite and its sebastian vettel
user3 god has a favourite and its their dog hi-ro
georgerussell63 he’s really one-upping toto with all those shirts huh 🤣 liked by belongvettel
belongvettel i swear he never got the idea from toto 😭 it’s the retirement epiphany i suppose
georgerussell63 AH that’s more like it 👌
user6 cut the cameras. deadass.
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tagged belongvettel
liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, landonorris
user2 they took you to intramuros??? you are their favourite child 🤓
lewishamilton look at those two! so sweet 😍
belongvettel thank you so much for visiting us, mick! you’re more than welcome to stay for as long as you like (unless we live in switzerland, but of course you’re also welcome there) 🫶 liked by mickschumacher
mickschumacher i want more of those coconut shake please
belongvettel consider it done!
user3 i know the whole grid is foaming in the mouth rn after they saw you travel for free 😩
oscarpiastri jealous tbh
landonorris mate spare some schumacher genes, it’s the only way i’ll get noticed
mickschumacher 😘 no, i’d rather be an only child
ginaschumacher 👁️👄👁️
user4 bro forgot he had a sister lmfao 💀
user5 i just know that mick’s gonna be the talk of the grid when he returns from his vacation 😭😭
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tagged mickschumacher
liked by georgerussell63, landonorris, maxverstappen1
mickschumacher looking forward to it!! liked by belongvettel
georgerussell63 the only time mick got a driver’s seat this season is seen at the last photo hahaha
mickschumacher don’t be jealous i have better shirtless photos than you 😡
user1 FACE OFF?!!! who has better shirtless photos
user2 bel please 😭 you fed us with too much shirtless mick photos
user3 sorry guys i drooled a lil
landonorris mickschumacher did you burn your tongue drinking the first pic too?
mickschumacher no 😅
belongvettel yes 😅
landonorris hi belongvettel can you take me to a trip next??? and oscar??? and max??? and danny???
user5 bel rn: “this is not the kind of charity i do” liked by mickschumacher
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georgieluz · 6 months
hello! when you get this, list some mutuals you love to see around and then ask someone else! spread the love!!
hello! sorry about the incredibly late reply, work has been hectic, but i can indeed throw some love and affection at my lovely mutuals!
first up: my best friend, favourite person, and overall saint of a human for putting up with all my ramblings, @footprintsinthesxnd! jess, i love you to bits and i'm so lucky to have you in my life! you're a ray of sunshine and a constant safe space in my life. you're so talented, and genuinely kind, and you deserve all the happiness in the world! thank you for being my friend <3 ily a lot!!!!
next we have @ep6bastogne! bel, you make me laugh on the daily.. like literally all the time.. and it's just so easy to talk with you, whether it's about something silly or serious, i just feel like you completely get me. i love our conversations and how similar we are! you and your big brain posts make my dashboard and it genuinely feels a lil bit empty when you're not around. you've got me lowkey crushing on hockey men i don't even know for no good reason but i love it!
@lamialamia bc we always have great conversations and i love how we can discuss everything about hbo war from in-depth meta all the way to the silliest stuff ever. whenever i'm watching something or posting about something it's always so fun to talk about it with you! i hope we have many more interesting conversations!
@theflyingfin you were one of the first people i started talking to when i first came back to tumblr and it really made me feel a lot more comfortable being back here and in the fandom! i love all our chats about andyeddie and f1 stuff and you're just an awesome person who makes my tumblr experience a lot better :)
@merriell-allesandro-shelton for always checking in on me (and everyone else in the fandom). you're such a fun and engaging presence here, and i feel like you bring a lot of people out of their shells, which in turn, makes them feel a lot more comfortable being more interactive in the fandom. you're such a caring friend and i love all the conversations we have and how open and honest we can be with each other! very glad we met and became friends!
@jump-wings and @yeahcurrahhe-e you guys were actually two of my first mutuals on this new account and i love seeing you both on my dash or in my interactions! it's kinda comforting if that makes sense? since you were here when i started this acc
@thewayisset you have such beautiful art!! and it makes me smile every single time i see it on my dashboard!!
some more people i love to see on my dash and whose posts i pretty much adore reading regardless of the topic: @hellofanidea @lewis-winters @jenkil @almost-a-class-act you guys itch a certain spot in my brain with your meta and headcanons that i really dig!
@cody-helix02 @mads-weasley @heystovepipeboys too, i love seeing your posts and i always feel happy seeing you guys pop up in my activity notifications!!
honestly, all of my mutuals are really special to me. if you're a mutual of mine, or even if we just talk on posts outside of following each other, please consider yourself loved and appreciated!
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felizusnavidad · 3 months
Who’s most likely to drown another member of the prison gang and make a fiddle using their breast bone (mention who would be the drowner and the drowned)
Who’s most likely to unite the six of us and remind us we’re not who we marry when we all compete over who has the most tragic tale
Which two members of the prison gang will have the most epic cabinet battle if they become politicians
Who’s most likely to get on the downtown train, run away and start their career as a fashion designer
Who is most likely to bomb the school?
Who is most likely to spend the last 30 hours of their life getting (ykwim) (I’m kidding about this question btw)
Who is most likely to be GAY and EUROPEAN, having everyone else confused
Who is most likely to have a burn book?
Who is most likely to call their cousin when they need a little something something for someone they have a crush on
Who is most likely to win 96000 and spend it all on Piragua?
Which duo of the prison gang is likely to be THAT enemies to best friends trope?
Who is most likely to befriend a ghost and have them possess their father to seek revenge?
sorry for leaving you hanging anix anon, this is such a fun question tho & i wanted to answer it when i'm in the mood. let's think:
i mean come on - @anixknowsnothin would be rose the drowner & i would be pearl the drowned, this one is so obvious (ily sis)
i'm pretty sure it's something @redwidow616 would do
in my mind it's @noproof-youjustknow our wonderful mother & @anixknowsnothin the smartest teenager i've ever met, it would be epic cause both of you are so clever, i wish i could see that
definitely @mymuses-acquiredlikebruises cause she's probably the most creative person in our prison gang!
@anixknowsnothin & no i won't elaborate
@noproof-youjustknow we all know that (& she admitted it herself!)
@anixknowsnothin because you're kinda gay & not european at all so it would be very confusing to everyone
me & @measuredmotion for sure
i wanted to say @measuredmotion & then i realized it's from 21 chump street for the love of god i'm so stupid jshshshhshs ok ok i don't know your families guys i am still going to say bel tho ahahahhaha (this is obviously a joke)
come on, you know it's me & me only (piragua guy my beloved)
@anixknowsnothin & @redwidow616 yes yes i can see it very clearly
@mymuses-acquiredlikebruises & i am the ghost she befriended hshshhshs
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measuredmotion · 6 months
Bel, where do I start?! I am so happy that I came across your blog whilst trying to consume every bit of little mermaid and JHK content. You have always been source of positivity and light, and for that I love you so much. I cherish our friendship and I love seeing your posts on my dash (when I'm not stalking your blog ofc haha) thank you for being so amazing! ily!
oooh M!! ♥️♥️♥️ YOU ARE SO SO SWEET! Thank you for your message! I can’t even express how much I appreciate you I’m sorry for being chaotic! I love you! Friendship from the internet is real for real! 🥺🤧 You’re always so kind and just always out there to say good word about others! Such people are needed in this world and I’m so grateful we 'bumped' into each other here, on this hellsite 🫶✨
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teamnick · 5 months
for your fic rec ask game: 7, 9, 12? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
hii phoebe <3
7. line from a fic that's haunted you?
"I was strong and I was of good courage; and I was not frightened nor dismayed; for you had been with me wherever I went." from 'We do not lose heart' by Akira @effervescentdragon...I could have chosen any line from this fic, each and everyone of them is just. so so beautiful, so angsty...one of my all-time favorite piarles fics <3
9. a fic that made you cry?
despite being a crybaby, I dont cry very often during fic reading...my heart hurts, or i feel the butterflies, but tears? nah. however! i found proof in our DMs:
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the fic in question is 'When the day is new' from Bel @francophones, post-retirement piarles and yea...that part still makes me so emotional..."He rests his forehead against the back of Charles’s neck, nosing at the sparse grays that Charles hates and Pierre loves" idk i LOVE soulmates in love forever and ever, choosing each other every day, growing old together...also this part: "Pierre admires the way Charles' raw edges have softened with age. The terrain of his body has shifted slightly with every decade of their lives, but he remains just as infuriatingly attractive to Pierre as he was at seventeen, twenty four, thirty. Pierre expects this will always be the case." my heart!!!!!
12. fic you want everyone to study in a literature class?
'Nth' by an anonymous author...this piarles fic is just hauntingly beautiful. magical realism!! greek mythology!! I'm in awe of it all - the descriptions, the dialogues...gorgeous concept and a perfect execution. anon if you're reading this - ily forever and thank you so much for this masterpiece. <333
fic rec ask game
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 4 months
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I do not believe for one second that there’s anything “little” about this certified angus beefcake of a man 🥵
ily Bel 💜
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