bringmemyqueen · 7 years
I'm a potate and I'm here bc iwadai :D Do you have some hcs or aus with them? (I'm sorry if I'm a bother, I just keep thinking that I need smth with them and it haunts my butt for over a week now T_T)
why hello fellow potate ♥∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ you’re not a bother at all!! how could i ever be annoyed by an iwadai ask??? that’s literally impossible never going to happen don’t worry :>
some random headcanons:
Iwaizumi just loves to bask in the few cm of height difference between him and Daichi. Daichi swears he’ll grow taller in the next year (of every year). these dorks and their height obsession i swear
Iwaizumi is an actual sap ok like he sometimes doesn’t even realize it. i’m forever going to write him this way. I just feel he’s the type to really cherish and love hard when he’s in a relationship. Also because I love Daichi so much I like to make Iwaizumi emotionally weak to Daichi =u=
Daichi is such a fuckin tease (most times intentional) and Iwaizumi initiates touch more often
Iwaizumi’s favorite physical features of Daichi: eyes and thighs; Daichi’s favorite physical features of Iwaizumi: pouty lips, arms, eyes, back
They take turns doing chores and are all civil about it, but in general they’re a mess like they throw their clothes everywhere and anywhere until a pile forms and they can’t tell which pile is clean or dirty
THEY GET A BIG FLOOFY DOG!!! who I’ve decidedly named Wan because it sounds like a bark and also the number one which can stand for Daichi’s jersey number and Hajime ;v;
Iwaizumi is a movie/film fanatic and they have movie night twice a month sometimes more depending how free they are. they cuddle on the couch, kiss each other with popcorn breath, and have lengthy discussions about the plot and characters
Daichi enjoys listening to all types of music and Iwaizumi loves watching him sing because he’s always so into it (not the greatest singer tho). Daichi has plenty of foreign songs that he likes to sing to Iwaizumi but Iwaizumi doesn’t know much English so he looks up the songs and realizes that they’re all incredibly cheesy love songs and wow he’s blushing so hard now
They’re both strong enough to carry the other over their shoulders and they wrestle each other alllllll the time for funsies. Sometimes it leads to make-out sessions and other times one or the other accidentally gets elbowed or kicked a little too hard
some iwadai aus
college au: me and my friend jess tried to write a slow burn chaptered fic but uhhhhhhhh we’re stuck on chapter 2……like its been what six months?? since we started OTL i really want to finish it because im so so so desperate for an iwadai centric long fic and trust me this was going to be long. we have an outline. AN OUTLINE. OF THEIR FOUR YEARS OF COLLEGE. BUT WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO WORD. anyways this is the basic college au i will never get tired of where iwadai become friends and eventually like each other but they’re both too dumb and dense to realize their own feelings until some incident happens and one of them realizes and they’re like oh shit what to do because they don’t want to ruin their friendship. gawwwd i want to write this but i’m forever a mediocre one-shot writer TT__TT
same neighborhood au: where Daichi moves into the same neighborhood as Iwaizumi and Oikawa in his childhood. The three of them become close but Daichi ends up moving again after a couple of years. Then they meet again in high school when Daichi transfers to Seijou during his third year. ughghgh im sorry I have a story for this and i’m trying to explain without spoiling it too much because I want to make it into a comic but its basically a high school romance iwadai au lmao (also a small bit of one-sided oi/dai maybe?, but supportive best friend oiks) aaaand jsut to put it out there Iwaizumi has a scar on his lip and Daichi has one on his stomach/back from an incident that happened when they were kids and that’s all I’ll say for now. its a vague mess i know OTL
mafia au: i don’t have much of an idea for this one yet since I just thought about it recently (which is ridiculous because im fcking love mafia au the best kind of angst man). honestly i just want to draw iwadai half-naked with a bunch of pretty and elaborate tattoos. But I’m thinking about it as I write this and guys……imagine Karasuno mafia boss Daichi falling in love with Seijou’s right hand man Iwaizumi. The mafia bosses having monthly meetings or something and they’re only allowed to bring one person with them. Imagine the eye-fucking during the meetings and secret rendezvous during high tensions between the groups hgngngngn im gone
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iarixai · 4 years
i feel like i should make a list of all the rarepairs i ship now to give yall a grasp on how much down the rabbit whole i have gotten. btw i still love all the popular ships too, so please don’t get mad.
you know at this point im just haikyuu brainrot
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
sometimes Iwa falls into a pit of insecurity and he'll overwork himself, he'll usually take on more work hours, pull all nighters studying, or spend too much time at the gym, dai is so worried cause one time iwa was so overworked he collapsed in the hallway after a date, iwa hates admitting his insecurities and tries to hide it as best as he can from daichi, but ever since then dai keeps a good eye on him and will try to force him to take a break or show him love and that he's worth so much
you made daichi cry
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
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SASO - BR2: Fill #1
prompt: Neck/Throat
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Any hcs for iwadai with an injured iwaizumi
asdlfkjsd more angst potential ok alright fine i can still make this fluffy ;;u;;
i feel like iwa is usually careful so he doesn’t get any major sports-related injuries often so when it does happen you can bet daichi is seriously worried. he’ll kind of freeze up and silently panic to himself. its only when iwa reassures him by holding his hand and telling him that he’s ok is daichi able to breathe easy again.
iwa doesn’t hide his minor injuries from daichi, but he doesn’t mention it either and when daichi does notice it, iwa always downplays how much it actually hurts. daichi never believes him anyways and tells him he’s not impressing anyone with his manly facade (daichi is such a hypocrite though because he does exact same thing when he’s the one that’s injured)
daichi always asks to look at the injury so he can assess the damage himself. even though daichi spends most of the time scolding iwa, the latter enjoys it when daichi tends to his wounds because daichi’s hands are always gentle. iwa also likes to call him his personal doctor :>
there was one time iwa jokingly asked for daichi to kiss his pain away and daichi surprises him by actually doing it. and now its become a habit that daichi kisses his wounds after bandaging them
iwa doesn’t like feeling weak but since dating daichi he takes every chance he gets to be spoiled by daichi. like when his dominant hand is injured, daichi helps him eat by feeding him. he should be in pain, but he just has the biggest grin on his face =u=
daichi won’t admit it out loud but he enjoys spoiling iwa when he’s injured or sick. it gives him an excuse to be more sappy than usual when he’d be too embarrassed otherwise. he’d probably do anything iwa asked during these times
i dont think daichi has to worry about iwa being reckless when he’s injured. iwa will know how to take care of himself and rest when its necessary. the only exception would be if he’s emotionally unstable like maybe when iwadai are in the middle of arguing. he’ll overwork himself and put more stress on the injury because he’d rather feel physical pain than emotional pain
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
I started watching ballroom e youkoso(the ballroom dance anime) and i imagined iwadai as dance partners and this whole scenario came into my head where daichi's first partner suffered a fall where she can't return to dance and dai kinda blames himself but she wanted him to find a new partner and go to nationals and now iwa is kinda some punk kid who gets into trouble a lot and one day he has to stay after school and clean maybe some graffiti he did so he's doing it with headphones on(part one)
(Part 2) and he gets bored and thinks no one is watching so he dances to the music(surprisingly he listens to classical) and dai ends up seeing him and iwa tells him not to tell anyone and daichi begs him to be his dance partner, iwa refuses a few times but agrees to go to one of daichi practices to get him to stop nagging, he sees daichi dance and practically falls in love with him and his moves, at that practice he takes daichi's hands and starts to dance with him and its ad if they're
(Part 3) made to be partners, and iwa tells him he'll dance with him but no one at school can know, and slowly the two grow close and really fall for one another, and they finally enter a competition and daichi is speechless bevause iwa looks amazing all groomed with his hair pushed back, but daichi starts to panic cause what if he makes a mistake and iwa gets hurt but iwa assures him that won't happen and at that moment they almost kiss, they're amazing at the competition and kinda shock(cont.)
Everyone since they're both males dancing together, daichi is flustered, but iwa has the most serious look in his eyes, they end up doing an outstanding job, yet they get 2nd, but they still get to move on to semi finals, between that time iwa starts to train even harder and it's concerning daichi and iwa won't share what's going on, during that time before semi finals iwa is more quiet at practice and more quick to anger, he starts to get into more trouble at school, daichi finds him one(cont.)
(Cont.)Night a week before the semi finals in the studio on the floor in pain from overworking himself. Daichi helps him up and takes him to his place. iwa finally opens up admitting he has feelings for him and he had opened up to his father about dancing and his dad had flipped out and practically disowned him especially when he found out his son was dancing with a guy, daichi comforted him and admitted his feelings and they end up winning the semi finals and move to finals
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Iwadai where iwa will sometimes try to pull all nighters to get essays and shit done and daichi actually hates it, he prefers to sleep with iwa by his side plus he knows its not healthy for iwa to pull an all nighter and i could imagine one of the times they had both already been aeguing that day so at like 3 am daichi gets mad and tells iwa he needs to stop being so stubborn and iwa bitterly replies how daichi usually complains about sharing a bed with iwa(cause of heat(prt 1)
(Prt 2) iwa sometimes snores, or will be cuddling daichi with out realizing his strength so daichi cant break free in the morning lol) daichi just ends up going back to bed feels bad and the next night iwa is about to pull another all nighter to study but winds up passing out around 1 am in the chair so daichi carries him to bed and cuddles him and peppers him with kisses, in the morning they make up(possibly even make up sex haha)
;;;;;; i didn’t ask for this hurt. i can’t help imagining daichi sleeping alone on the first night. he’ll have trouble sleeping because he can just feel how empty the other half of the bed is. and while he sometimes complains about iwa’s arms being too tight around him, he can’t sleep comfortably without them either ;m;
sjlkafj thank you for giving them a happy ending!!! uvu daichi carrying a sleeping iwa!!!! //cries how fucking cute is that i’m feeling blessed just thinking about it ;;v;; can i drabble their make up scene too?? too late here it is: daichi wakes up first and he’s relieved that the first thing he sees is iwa’s sleeping face right next to him. he really hates when they’re arguing because he ends up missing iwa’s touches and since iwa is really touchy, the absence of it feels really big. daichi snuggles closer to iwa, practically burying his face into the other’s shoulder. it stirs iwa awake, but he only wraps his arm around daichi tighter, pulling them closer together. daichi looks up at iwa and whispers a late apology for complaining about iwa’s sleeping habits. iwa sleepily kisses daichi’s nose and apologizes for worrying daichi and making him sleep alone. daichi takes the chance to pout, muttering quietly how lonely it was. iwa just barely manages to catch it. he comforts daichi with loving kisses all over his face.
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
daichi is my favourite character and i love everything that involves him but i never thought of iwadai and after seeing your art and hcs you literally changed my mind thanks a lot for that because it's not enough that i ship soumako but now i ship another rarepair and it's not fair because now i'm just thirsty for more stuff about them and there's never enough but still thank you for filling that with your work :))
sdjfklajfl;kasjf im sorry i’ve dragged you into more rarepair pain but also eyyy you’re welcome! ;^) i’ve been kinda busy with //gestures wildly// life so i haven’t been drawing much but i’ll try my best to keep making content for my favorite rarepairs!!
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Hi there!! I just wanted to say that I love your headcanons about chubby!Daichi and Iwaizumi, so much so, that I've been inspired, to write something using that concept. Is that okay? I will give you inspiration credits, ofc, but it's totally okay if you'd rather I not use your ideas. I respect that! And I'm sorry if this sounds really stupid, I just don't want to use ideas that aren't my own without giving credit where credit is due. Thank you!
you’re going to make me cry anon ;;;; IT IS ABSOLUTELY OKAY AND NOT STUPID AT ALL. thank you for loving my hcs!! i cant believe they’ve inspired you to write iwadai TTmTT im so thirsty for iwadai fics how could i ever refuse. when you’re done plsplspslspsspls do let me know!! i’d love to read it :’>
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Good to hear! I'm already looking forward to it! And ya more people should draw that, huh? I would myself but... I'm a bit too busy and also drawing ship things is so hard how do you even do that?? Like drawing one person is one thing, but drawing them together is ... despair... anyway I hope other artists feel inspired by your art to draw iwadai too! :3 it needs to get more popular! (Especially with the chubby daichi haha)
omg i definitely understand. i have plenty of ships that i just can’t draw for because i’m bad at coming up with ideas orz but the ideas come easier for me when its about iwadai!! im just desperate and love them vvvvvv much (too much probably) ;;v;;
also gotta thank the anons and sloth and kath and pretty much anyone that’s ever talked to me about iwadai for always providing and enabling me to draw iwadai hcs and aus!!!! i honestly feel so blessed and just really really grateful that i’m surrounded by such lovely people TTvTT 
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Super cliché, but daichi works in a restaurant and iwa-chan happen to be a client (he's a police officer). Iwa-chan started by loving the food and when knew that daichi is the one who made it, he started to notice him and fell in love little by little. He then loves daichi so much that he can't bear just being a regular client, so he smoothly tries to invite daichi out or purposely touches his hand. Daichi actually finds iwa good looking, but doesn't want to admit that iwa is flirting with him.
UNPOPULAR OPINION I LOVE CLICHE TROPES ((im weak for all and any au/trope if it means it’ll be iwadai. i just. want. iwadai. v desperate over here))
hnggg chef daichi x police iwa YES PLS
the way to a person’s heart (or at least mine) is through food yes good. the restaurant probably has an open kitchen so Iwaizumi can see Daichi working hard. He’ll probably think Daichi has anger problems because of how hectic the kitchen can get when it’s busy. But then there’s a time when Iwaizumi comes in by himself when it’s less packed probably around the time the restaurant is just about ready to close for break. They let Iwaizumi order since he’s a regular. He sits at a table close to the kitchen, and he’s able to see Daichi work in a calmer manner than usual and its….so soothing. The way Daichi looks so focused and then proud of the meal he’s created is so pure. Iwaizumi is entranced and doesn’t realize he’s been staring the whole time. Daichi catches his stare and decides to serve Iwaizumi his food himself. They chat and Iwaizumi finds Daichi has a great smile and that starts the fluttering in Iwaizumi’s heart. Iwaizumi continues to come during this time, in hopes of getting to be alone with Daichi, and it eventually becomes a habit. It’s the little touches that gets hope sparking within both of them. Fingers brushing as Daichi hands Iwaizumi his plate of food, legs and feet under the table doing accidental footsies, playful shoulder bumps as they joke, lingering touches on arms as they say see you again.
Iwaizumi is trying to make it as obvious as possible that he’s flirting with Daichi, but the latter is so stubborn and reluctant to admit it. Fleeting touches are no longer enough for him. Instead of their normal goodbyes, Iwaizumi decides to step it up, gently grabbing hold of Daichi’s hand. Daichi chuckles thinking its a joke, but when Iwaizumi holds on to his hand for longer than a second, Daichi begins to blush, heart pounding and nervous because ohmygod Iwaizumi /might/ like him and holy shit i think i like him a lot too. Daichi doesn’t pull his hand away and Iwaizumi takes that as ok to keep holding his hand, even rubbing his skin, feeling the scars and roughness from the life of being a chef. They gaze at each other and the mood is so nerve wracking because they both just want to confess their feelings, but they’re not sure how to do it. Iwaizumi’s waited long enough though, so he decides to just blurt it out because he’s sososo nervous and actually really scared that Daichi will reject him because then he’d have to find a new place to dine but most importantly he’d lose the best time of his day, spending time with Daichi.
The moment of panic is relieved though when Daichi smiles at his confession, cheeks blushing a pretty red. Daichi holds their embraced hands tighter and confesses his feelings too and the mood is so sappy and romantic. They’re so giddy and happy that their feelings are mutual. its great ;v;
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Im the iwadai anon, sorry i went to the pool earlier and the idea came into my mind, you're just one of my favorite accounts, i especially love your art and hcs and didn't even expect you to want to draw this but thank you so much
also fyi you and everyone else never ever ever ever need to apologize for sending me iwadai asks!!!! i should be the one thanking everyone because i get absolutely giddy when you guys share your precious thoughts about iwadai with me TTvTT you all are so lovely too!!! im cry...... srsly you guys are the best ....always indulging me with all these great ideas ;;v;;
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
haikyuu!! for 001 and soumako for 002 :>
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Daichi ;;v;;
Least Favorite character: Probably Lev
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): IWADAI, aohina, matsuhana, and pretty much all the daichi ships
Character I find most attractive: i wanna say Daichi but fck its Kuroo
Character I would marry: DAICHI
Character I would be best friends with: hmm probably Kuroo or Mattsun or Yachi
a random thought: im desperate for more iwadai in my life
An unpopular opinion: idk if its unpopular but i never see anyone gushing over how good looking bokuto is??? ive seen people gush over art of his hair being down but thats it. like im so always in love with his eyes hes a beautiful birb and i love him a lot ;v;
my canon OTP: daiyui if it becomes canon
Non-canon OTP: surprise surprise IWADAI
pairing I am not a fan of: kuro/tsukki, kuro/ken
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm no one comes to mind. i think furudate does a great job with creating and developing characters
favourite friendship: tanaka and noya (i like them romantically too :>)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: ID LIKE TO ADOPT AONE PLS
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: oh man i dont remember when probably when it was still considered a crack ship?? i saw fanart of a redraw of that one scene where sousuke corners haru at the vending machine and in the fanart makoto appears and sousuke falls for makoto haha i think it was in 2015 that i started actively shipping them and drawing fanart of them 
my thoughts: THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM. I think they complement each other well and while they may seem like opposites they have a lot in common with each other LIKE HOW THEYD PUT THEIR FRIEND’S FEELINGS BEFORE THEIR OWN, THEY CARE TOO MUCH AND RISK HURTING THEMSELVES, BOTH GOT SOME ABANDONMENT ISSUES. pls let them learn love and happiness in each other ;v;
What makes me happy about them: the fact that they’d get along so well with each other like i could see them being just really good friends. i mean come on look at the s2 ep14 this episode is a treasure //prayer emoji// makoto is such a fckin social butterfly and the way sousuke rubs his neck like a fckin shy boy is so cute and later the water gun fight interaction OML theyre such competitive teasing dorks. the thought of them spending time together and becoming close friends (then lovers wink wonk) makes me so happy because makoto is such an understanding bab and i feel has enough patience to get to know sousuke and once sousuke opens up to him he’d find that makoto is a one of kind kind of person and would protect their friendship at all cost (rip pining sousuke)
What makes me sad about them: the fact that there wasn’t enough canon interaction between them ;o;
things done in fanfic that annoys me: pair the spares like um pls dont treat my babies like leftovers thanks. i mean there’s nothing wrong with second love/rebound love but im just not into characters falling in love with another character while still immensely in love with the previous (unless its meant to be a poly ship). also HATE when sousuke is characterized as abusive. hes an angry boy (and has the right to be) but he isnt abusive or an overly aggressive asshole pls stop. I MUCH PREFER ACTUAL DORKY SOUSUKE THANKS
things I look for in fanfic: UM PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WRITTEN FOR SOUMAKO. i always look for good characterization and interesting storylines (WHICH BTW ALL YOUR FICS HAVE. YOUR INTERPRETATION OF FREE CHARACTERS IS ALWAYS SO GOOD AND IS ONE OF MY FAVS). im also absolutely weakkkkk for soulmate aus and college aus so that should click bait me easy
My kinks: don’t think I have any for them. what counts as a kink anyways?? like does vanilla talk and dorky teasing count?? because i love tooth rotting fluff even while theyre sexing it up
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: hmmm if i had to choose then Haru for Makoto and Kisumi for Sousuke
My happily ever after for them: tokyo college friends to lovers to dorky happily married with two kids and a cat. sousuke heals his shoulder, makes an appearance at olympics twice before retiring and becoming a coach just like makoto (swimming coach husbands yes). makoto finds happiness with his dream job and while he sometimes misses competitive swimming he looks back with fondness not regret. soumako supporting each other every step of the way. growing old, moving back to iwatobi, and smiling adorably and lovingly at each other as they sit on the beach watching the sunset. ;;v;; 
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