jaxximax · 6 years
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cloudielyds · 4 years
theo raeken x fem!reader
warnings : some language
key : y/n = your name (can also be nickname, whatever you prefer.) l/n = your last name
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y/n’a pov
as i sat down in class, i could feel someone’s presence next to me in the chair that used to empty. i looked over and to my surprise, it was theo raeken, the person scott had told me to stay away from since the first day he’d seen him back in beacon hills. “hey.” i heard theo say with his normal smirk planted on his face. “hi?”
“you’re staring.” he noted with a chuckle before turning his attention towards the teacher. i copied him and saw the teacher had written some things on the blackboard, some things i didn’t understand at all. i sighed before turning back to theo, i had to ask him why he had sat himself next to me. “theo.” i whispered quiet enough for only him to hear. he hummed. “why are you sitting next to me?” i asked.
“because, it was the only seat that were empty and i find you attractive.” he shrugged, not looking at me once. “wha-” i was about to say something but the teacher interrupted.
“ms. l/n, anything i can help you with?” he asked. all the eyes of my classmates were on me, with a panicking heart i shook my head as i held my head low. my heartbeat slows as i tale a deep breath, i hate this teacher. “you okay?” theo asked and looked over at me with a concerned look in his blue eyes. i nodded. “why do you ask?”
“your heartbeat, it was sky high.” he answered. “ohh...”
before i could say anything more the teacher spoke up once again, not to me this time luckily. “so, we’re going to work in pair.” he told us. “you and the person next to you are partners and you won’t have enough time in class so you must find time within the next week.” he explained firmly.
“of course.” i mumbled. i had to work with theo, hurray. the sarcasm in my thoughts made me happy theo couldnt read minds. “so.. mine at 5 pm?” theo suggested as the bell rang. “sure.” i gave him a quick smile before heading to next class. this time both scott and stiles was there so i wasnt stuck with someone i didnt want to.
“guys. you wont believe what just happened.” i exclaimed frustrated as i approached my two best friends. scott and stiles looked at me confused. “what happened?” stiles asked, leaning against the lockers. “i got paired with raeken himself and now i have to be at his place at 5 pm today.” i groaned loudly as i rolled my eyes by the thought of theo.
stiles snorted. “theo must be overly happy at the moment.” he laughed and scott joined. i stood there confused. “what do you mean?”
“theo’s head over heals for you, y/n. you should hear his heartbeat whenever he sees you, it’s hilarious.” scott told me as the two continued to laugh. i wasn’t laughing. “whats so funny about it?” i asked, feeling utterly confused about myself. why would theo even like me the slightest, he’s so good looking and.. hot, and i’m just an average girl, nothing special about it. “its funny because you would never like him back.” stiles said and scott agreed as the laughs died out.
“i mean..” i thought for a second if i should say anything about it. because theo was, as said, incredibly good looking and i wouldn’t mind dating him, but i knew he was bad. scott and stiles looked at me in horror. i oit my hands up in defense. “calm your titties. i was just going to say that he’s good looking, but i wouldnt date him.” i assured them with a matter of factly look. “but, you would let him fuck you.” stiles commented. “that was unnecessary.”
“anyways, we should head to class so we dont end up getting detention, again.” scott said and both stiles and i agreed.
as school ended i went to my locker and out all the books i didnt need in it and replaced them with the ones i needed in my backpack. “don’t forget, 5 pm.” i heard someone whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spines. “theo.” i growled quietly as i saw him exit the school building.
i went home and did the other work before checking the time when it neared half past four. “great.” i mumbled before packing what i needed and headed out. since my dad had taken my car after i came home earlier i had to go, luckily it wasnt the longest way. i took a shortcut through the forest and arrived at theo’s house. i knocked on the door and waited.
“hm, 5 minutes early?” theo acted surprised as he opened the door. he lead me to his room and closed the door behind us. i sighed and dropped my bag on the floor. “do you want anything before we start?” theo asked softly. “no thanks.” i smiled at him. he seemed much nicer here when we were alone than when we were at school.
we worked for a while and it was actually nice. i really got to know theo how he really was, if he wasnt playing with me. by the end i had to ask. “is it true what scott and stiles says about you?” i asked, looking away but i could feel his eyes on me. “what do they say?”
“that you.. like me?”
he was quiet for a while. the silence in the room was hanging over me, it felt like it was suffocating me. “yes.” theo said suddenly, making me flinch as i wasnt prepared for another noise for at least another five minutes. “what?”
“you asked if it was true that i like you and... yes, it’s true.” he answered truthfully, i could tell. “oh...” i breathed out, feeling some color spreading across my face. “yeah.. but, y/n, look. i’ve changed, i promise. i haven’t done anything bad in a long time, i- i swear, you have to believe me.” he pleaded. i looked up and my eyes met his, i could see there were no lies lurking behind an act, he was telling the truth.
“i know.. theo. i just...” i paused. “i just don’t know what scott would say about it. he still don’t trust you, and neither do stiles, i... i really do believe you, but i dont think stiles and scott will.” i told him and look away, folding my hands in my lap. i could see in th corner of my eye that theo nodded understandingly. “you don’t have to like me back, y/n. i know you don’t. just, don’t believe everything scott and stiles says, please.”
“trust me, i know. and..” i thought for a second. “are you free on friday? or saturday morning?” i asked. he looked at me confused. “maybe you’d want to watch the sunrise with me?” i suggested shyly, biting my lip nervously. i didnt know where all this nervousness and shyness came from but it definitely wasnt good for me. “your heartbeat-” theo chuckled. “and yeah, sounds good.”
i smiled at him before checking the time. “shit, its so late.” i exclaimed before packing my stuff quickly. “see ya!” i said to theo, giving him a quick peck on his cheek before hurrying out. running all the way home.
(i haven’t proof read, im sorry.)
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