cynicallyneutral · 1 year
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mollymooo · 6 months
Dinners Served
spencer reid x reader
summary: even after living alone for almost a year, you still can’t help but make way too much food. not that Spencer’s complaining, he sure can use the company
an: i’m so hungry bro i saw this girl make a lasagna on ig reels and it looked buss
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The sound of bubbling water and the low hum of some random song I had heard earlier today bounced off the walls of my rather empty apartment. The smell of fresh tomato sauce made my mouth water and I smiled warmly while I picked up my phone
foods almost done :)
Be over soon.
I smile slightly at the text and giggle to myself as I play some random song on my phone and dance in place. I didn’t even hear the door open nor did I see Spencer leaning against the wall, watching me sing and dance
“You know, it has been proven that dancing allows a persons mind to be free” He sits down at the island and places his head in his hands while he cheekily smirks
“Really? Did YOU know it’s rude to sneak up on people like that?” I lean against the counter top and fold my arms.
This has been our routine for the past year. It all started back when I first moved in.
Setting the final box on the floor, I stand and place my hands on my hips. God, how’d it get so late?
I flop down on the couch and call the number on the ad for cheap Chinese food, cuz lord knows i’m not about to whip up a whole meal. I tap around on my phone and practically squeal when I hear my doorbell ring.
I spread out all the food I ordered on the counter almost bursting with excitement
“Oh shit.. This is way too much food.” I groan slightly, it’s way too late to call any friends to come help, so I nervously peak out into the hall and glance at the door next to me. Eh, worth a shot
I knock on the door timidly and hear something, or someone fall over a few seconds later
“Coming!” A man yells out amidst the struggle behind the door and after a moment, the door swings open.
His hair is long and curly, with a pair of glasses on top of his head and a dark black shirt with a pair of loose sleep pants.
“Yes?” He takes his glasses from his mess of hair and places them on his face as he scans me
“Sorry for disturbing you so late, and you can totally say no since you don’t know me and I may very well be a murderer, but I accidentally ordered way too much food, and my fridge doesn’t work.” I mumbled slightly but mainly got the point across. I didn’t expect my neighbor too look like THAT. Much less expect him to be awake.
“Im Spencer, and you must be an angel because I haven’t eaten all day.” He steps out of his apartment and closes the door behind him, following me to my door while I giggle slightly
“No angel here. I’m Y/N”
“Hey, I can leave if you think i’m a creep” He starts to stand from his place at the island
“No! I was kidding” He snickers as I rush to grab him and sit him back down “I like your company..” I awkwardly add at the end
“I’m sure I would’ve starved by now if it weren’t for you.” His large hand lands on top of mine still wrapped around his forearm as he sits back down
We lock eyes, just for a moment. But I would’ve sworn that those large eyes glanced down at my lips, just slightly.
“Plus, foods ready!” I awkwardly add, pretty much ruining the moment
Way to go me.
I start to add a hefty amount of pasta to each plate and watch as Spencer adds an absurd amount of sauce and cheese to his own portion. I take my place next to him and practically cry while shoving a bite into my mouth
“Thank you, by the way..” He avoids eye contact while I tilt my head slightly
“For the food? Cuz that’s a thanks LONG overdue-“
“No…For all of this. For just being you, I guess. I’m glad I got to know you”
I smile slightly and wrap one arm around him, pulling him into a tight hug. His lanky arms find solace around my waist while he sighs comfortably
“This means a lot to me” His face nuzzles into my neck, his slight stubble tickling me
“I’m glad you like me, Dr Reid.”
He chuckles slightly and sighs
“You have no idea.”
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fishybone · 4 months
Wakes up from being not online for a long while.
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I never thought I'd make Little Shop Of Horrors art, especially with the "I'm so Hungry I can eat a horse" with Seymour and Audrey Two. Though, I think it's just something I've been focusing on and enjoying since I'm actually playing as one of the main characters, Mushnik in my schools play!!!
Tad bit nervous but I'm sure it'll be lots of fun! Tried to do a new art style which I'm happy with a lot! Hoping to maybe make more Little Shop Of Horrors art since it would be nice practice and fun!
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tokio-motel · 10 months
Hello! I love your writing so much, you saved me with the x male reader 🙏🏻 I was wondering if you could do one where Bill is always denying his sexuality. Like, reader already has feelings for him and Bill likes reader too but tries to push it away and in an interview Bill gets asked about liking men and he's like "of course I don't, it would be a waste for all the pretty girls" and stuff, just like that one interview and reader is kinda hurt. But when they get back to the tour bus and they all fall asleep, reader wakes up late at night and walks up to Bill crying and when he asks him what's wrong Bill expresses his fears and that he just wants to be loved for who he is and don't feel ashamed about it (already crying omg 😭) and then reader gets the opportunity and tells him about how he feels about Bill. In the beginning Bill denies it like, "no you can't love me, why me?" and insecurities and stuff but at the end reader kisses him and Bill gives in and then end up sleeping in each other's arms, Bill being the small spoon you know 😩 I hope you like the idea! Thank you so much!!
hii love! im so glad you like my writing 🤞😻 ewwwahh it gets corny during the confession part but erm..
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"Let's welcome Tokio Hotel, ladies and gentlemen!"
Bill wanted to puke as he heard those words, hearing all the fangirls and boys scream and squeal like guinea pigs. His stomach curled and he actually felt sick. Oh god, was it too late to cancel an interview? He just wanted to go back to the tour bus, to just sit and watch TV..put on one of M/N's favorite shows and eat snacks and.. -
"Bill, c'mon let's go! We'll follow you out." Tom hissed, patting his brother on the shoulder with a small push. The dreadhead paused, about to ask if Bill was feeling okay, because he looked ill and slightly more pale than usual, but Bill had already began to walk out from the curtains, praying to whatever god was out there he wouldn't trip. M/N followed shortly behind, giving Bill a smile when he looked over his shoulder with a fearful expression.
Bill sat down in the black chair on the stage, listening to the roars and claps of fans come from the space before him. He looked over at M/N, feeling his heart beat quicken. He really did like interviews sometimes, but actually sitting down infront of thousands of people was enough stress to make him go into tears. Although, as he looked at M/N, all his nervousness and anxiety slowly melted away with a small smile, accompanied with a pat to his shoulder. "We got this Bill, it's just like every other time."
He comforted, not looking away until Bill gave a soft nod and grin, thanking the boy under his breath as the applauds slowly died out. He turned his attention to the interviewer infront of them, an older man with greyish-blonde hair. Bill quite liked his tuxedo, he wondered if he could buy the same. His heart skipped a beat as the interviewer cleared his throat, folding his hands as he looked at all the band members.
"Ah..It's so nice to have you guys here!" The interviewer grinned. Oh god, the roars started up again, whistling and hoots coming from the crowd. The band could only smile and laugh, giving nods as they answered "Its great to be here." although it could barley be heard. As soon as the cheers died down again, the interviewer continued. "Hmm, there are a lot of people here. Why don't you all introduce yourself?"
Why oh why? Didn't everybody already know their names? Why did he have to introduce himself? Why why why why-
"I'm Bill Kaulitz. Singer." he smiled, looking over at the camera infront of them.
"Tom Kaulitz. Guitarist.."
"Georg Listing, I'm the bassist."
"Gustav Schäfer. Drums!"
"...M/N. Bassist aswell."
The crowd whooped inbetween everybody, which was starting to get old for Bill. Tom probably didn't mind, his twin watched as the brunette was looking off into the crowd, most likely at some hot chick. Bil resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he didn't want that on TV.
Bill sat nervously, on the edge of his seat as he saw how the interviewer glanced down at his notes before directly looking at Bill himself. "Mm.. Let's start with you Bill, yes?" God no. No thank you, anybody else start please.... "Yeah, why not?" Bill gave a small chuckle as he fixed his posture slightly. He braced himself, heart thumping as he stopped all movements as he began to ponder what the question would be. Oh no.. Please no.
His heart stopped as the interviewer leaned in with a sly smile, squinting his eyes slightly almost as if he was taunting Bill. "So, Bill," he began, taking a second to look at the crowd before continuing, "There's been some rumors squirming about your sexuality, as you might have heard due to the makeup and clothing...care to set the record straight?" Oh.
The crowd was uncomfortably quiet, looking at Bill with piercing eyes waiting for his response. Bill could feel the looks his band members were sending him, even Tom was looking directly at him with a quirked eyebrow. Bill cleared his throat, his mouth going dry as he felt his heart beat quicken. "Oh, no, no, no. I'm definitely not gay...would be a waste to all the girls don't 'cha think?" he responded, trying to ease the air. He nearly let out a relieved sigh as he heart the audience laugh a bit and clap.
He got the courage to look at his band members, but they didn't seem to care. Tom gave Bill a soft nod before returning his gaze to the audience. Georg gave a small smile and Gustav Rose his eyebrows for a second before letting them go back down, now looking at the interviewer awaiting the next question. As Bill looked at M/N, he expected him to at least give a soft grin, but no. He gave him a weird look...a look mixed with emotions Bil couldn't distinguish. He almost looked..sad? A tad bit hurt?
M/N could only clench his fists, blinking back tears threatening to fall. His heart sank deeper and deeper with each word Bill had spoken, and he felt like he was being stabbed repeatedly. He felt as if Bil was holding back- hell he knew he was lying. He knew Bill better than anyone. Okay..maybe not better than Tom. But he just knew something wasn't right.
Bil could only sigh as he leaned backinto hi seat, trying to ignore the thoughts he had about possibly angering M/N. He didn't intend to make him sad! Or hurt. Or whatever the hell he was...
Why was he so..upset?
Bill stammered back into the tour bus with a groan, barley making it to the couch. He plopped himself down, not bothering to take off his makeup. He heard a soft laugh from Tom as his brother put a hand to his forehead, checking if he was ill or overheated. He could make out a faint command come from his brother, yet didn't respond until the third time he said it. "Take off your jacket, you'll get too hot." he stayed motionless for a moment before removing the leather piece of clothing, taking it to the bunk beds as he threw it down next to his bunk. He pulled off his shoes and got into his bed, his hair still spikey and hard with hairspray.
M/N didn't really talk as the tour bus drove on, giving a soft smile to Georg when he had been told he was very well-spoken during the interview. He barley talked as he ate dinner, twirling the pasta on his fork as he spaced out, being reminded by Tom it would be cold if he didn't eat it. He glanced over at the unopened container of pasta, having the word 'Bill' written in chicken-scratch-like writing.
Then he glanced back at where Bill was laying down, how he could hear soft snores and shuffles come from the bunk. He felt a pang in his heart as he thought about just how beautiful Bill was today, how his makeup was more perfect than usual and how his clothes stood out. How his hair looked so gorgeous and how black his fingernails were.
How was it possible to be so amazing? He has always wondered whenever he glanced at the singer. Whenever he took a peak at Bill he couldn't pull his gaze away, mesmerized by the beauty infront of him. He just..loved Bill so much. Yet Bill didn't like boys, according to him. No, he liked girls.
M/N didn't speak for the rest of the night, going straight to bed shortly after he finished the last of his spaghetti.
M/N groaned as he suddenly awoke, his shoulders hurt and he couldn't move his legs for a few seconds. He turned to the other side of his bed, smiling when he became comfortable again. He muzzled into the blanket slightly as he sighed, looking forward to sleeping again. Until he heard a small sniffle. He tossed his head lazily over his shoulder, wincing as he pulled the muscle. The air was quiet, accompanied by the occasional snores coming from Gustav.
M/N ignored this, letting his head fall back down as he closed his eyes once more. He felt so good, he was so comfortable and he was so warm. He felt himself start to lose consciousness, hearing nothing but the faint beat of his heart in his pillow, and then another sniffle was heard. This time with a small sob attached to the end. He heard shaky breathes come from somebodies bunk, yet it was too high pitched to be Georg. Who would be crying right now...
"Bill?" M/N whispered hoarsly, his voice raspy and quiet due to just waking up. He listened to how the noises stopped the moment he said something, how the shuffling had instantly paused. He took a second to think if he was really gonna get out of bed. He was so damn comfortable, he was in the perfect position and...
M/N slowly got out of bed, wincing as his legs nearly gave out on him. He stood for a second, stretching, before he walked over to Bills bunk, the curtain covering his bed. He awkwardly stood there before whispering another soft "Bill.."
This time he asked, he heard another shaky breath followed by a sniffle. M/N hesitantly reached his hand out, pulling at the curtain softly. There Bill sat, knees up to his chest and his arms holding them even closer. His head was perched on his kneecaps as soft tears went down his face, down his cheeks and onto his neck and shirt. M/N took a second before he sat down next to his friend, attempting to comfort him.
Bill sat still, although soft sobs would escape his mouth. Although it was clear he was holding back, since his body was shaking and trembling. His eyes were basically red and his cheeks were flushed with pink. He could barley look at the boy next to him, only being able to glance over before he took in a shaky inhale and started crying again.
It stayed like this, completely silent apart from a few sniffles from Bill and snores from Gustav before M/N began to talk. "Bill..what's wrong?" He questioned, a hand going to rub his bestfriends back. Bill took a second before responding, leaning into the touch of his friend. "I'm..I’m scared, M/N." Bill muttered, his voice high pitched as he tried to stop his tears, soft whines coming from his mouth as he tried to breath probably.
"I'm just scared of being outed to the public..god they already think I'm gay anyways..." he hiccuped, his hands going up to harshly wipe his eyes. "I want to find someone..who likes me for me. Who actually likes me, M/N. I just wanna date and not have to worry about the gender of the person and..." Bill trailed off, covering his head with his hands.
"I'm sorry. I'm making this so awkward." he groaned, feeling uncomfortable as M/N stayed silent.
"I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to be scared, Bill. It sucks that we're famous and everything's on TV, huh?" M/N let out a watery chuckle, taking Bills limp hand into his own. "Ive seen you for who you truly are, how you are off screen. The real you. I love every part about you Bill, I truly do. I love you so much, all the way from your spiky hair to your platform shoes. I love you so much. " Bill peaked up from his arms, looking at M/N with an expression mixed with confusion and horror.
"No...no you can't. You can't love me that's not..." Bill blabbered, eyes flickering back and forth from M/N's. His heart beat quickened and he was sure it was going to pop out of his chest and fall out infront of them. "It's not right." Bill said, although his eyes filled with tears as he inched closer to his friend, actions going against his words.
M/N stayed silent, looking at Bills beautiful face before he leaned in, going to peck Bills lips. Bill nearly pulled away, but felt himself slowly melt into the kiss, gripping M/N's hand tightly. This wants right, he knew it. Or at least he thought he knew. He couldn't think about anything else other than M/N right now as the boy held his free hand into Bills chin. Bill felt an ungodly amount of weight lifting off his shoulders as his anxiety slowly drifted, leaving him feeling content and..strangely calm.
As M/N pulled away, he watched as Bills eyebrows scrunched in concussion, still holding M/N's hands tight. M/N traced the lines in Bills hands as best he could, due to the lighting not being the best before pulling away, and pulled up the covers from Bills bed, starting to get up to go to his own bunk. "Wait!" Bill whisper-shouted, trying not to wake the others up. He gripped onto M/N's forearm tightly, which made M/N pause and look at Bill with concern.
"Stay. Please."
Bill didn't need to say anything else. M/N crawled back in, laying next to Bill as he pulled the covers over both of them. "C'mere." M/N mumbled sleepily, feeling his eyelids grow heavy once more. Bill happily shuffled over, allowing himself to be spooned by his friend. Or boyfriend. Bill truly didn't know. That didn't matter right now though. All that mattered now was M/N's hand draping over Bills waist, holding him close.
Bill could only wish M/N would still be here with him by morning.
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leafyyygreensss · 11 months
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gargloyl · 1 year
sometimes a man hurts every woman who enters his life bc his true soulmate is a man
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if i colored this that woudl mean i have to shade and i dont think im mentally prepared for that
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tagapagsalaysay · 8 months
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yeah okay
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dh--ii · 2 months
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princehungergrowls2 · 4 months
Reblog if you've ever went to bed on an empty stomach
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my body yearns for the soup
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cryptids-coffee · 2 years
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miradelletarot · 4 days
Got home about an hr-ish ago (I think...) I haven't eaten since 9pm last night, so I'm testing my fortitude with some crackers and water.
I discovered:
1. Anesthesia makes me INCREDIBLY dizzy and nauseous (thank the gods for zofran).
2. Valium gives me the fucking giggles, and I say dumb shit. Honestly, it was a fun time 😆
3. The lead up to the main event is almost as bad as the nausea and dizziness from the anesthesia.
The last thing I remember is randomly declaring that "Gale Dekarios is my favorite fictional character," before I went nighty night 😂 (literally, I don't remember closing my eyes. It's weird.)
One of my nurses, Patti, sent me home with a shit ton of snacks. She was such a fantastic lady (everyone was tbh,) but Patti was amazing. She put up with my difficult veins, and never once hurt me.
Anyway, I'm tired asf. Just wanted to give a lucid update while I was snacking lol. I want to also thank everyone for putting up with my anxiety posts about this thing. Y'all have been so loving and supportive, and I truly can't thank you enough.
Since you unfortunately had to miss out on mine and my BFFs dark humor, and my medically-induced, unfiltered silly goosery, have these pictures instead. I'm tired asf, but I got snacks for days 🙌
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I think nothing better has ever been made
(For those who are confused: This is the guy's wikipedia page)
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batmanego · 2 months
one of my greatest fears is that i have been unknowingly lying to myself and everyone else about the true contents of my life and the traumas i have been through and that one day i or someone else will discover this and it will all unravel. i wish there was an objective observer to my whole life that could tell me everything i've forgotten and make judgements about what in my story of myself is true and what is false. basically i wish someone could tell me who i am and what i've been through because it's all so vague and abstract that i feel as if i've lied about everything
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I have a love hate relationship with this teacher (history)
He's cool, kinda boring, nice outside of class
But he eats in front of the class
And he eats like, desserts
I want a cheesecake :'(
And it's strawberry
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detentiontrack · 5 days
If they transfer and admit me for surgery tomorrow morning and DON’T feed me tonight, I’m going to start throwing medical equipment
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