wildbluesorbit · 6 months
What the hell is this, Joshua Michael?!
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ellieslittleburrow · 10 months
Warnings : uuuuuuuum angst? Grr scary brother
A/N: sorry for the delay lol. I had to copy and paste every single line from my other account so if something's out of place im soorry hahahah ❤️
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God damn you st-
Maybe if i went slower
"God da-"
"Young lady."
Your eyes flew up as your lips parted in a little gasp. Before you stood a large figure. Broad shoulders and a threatening stance, it towered over you, causing you to freeze in place.
Tiny splinters dug into your frozen fingers as you gripped the stair handle, tightening your hold the more Sherlock kept silent.
I mean, is he going to keep standing there until the sun sets and the birds start churping?
Your older brother stepped aside, motioning for you to step inside. And you complied, slowly and hesitantingly.
"Youngsters ought not to be wandering about late at night, particularily when expressly told ,on multiple counts, not to slip out." Sherlock patienly waited for you, taking after you the moment you passed by him.
You felt smaller with a much bigger shadow than you. But you kept your posture straight, anyways.
Your head was feeling too heavy for your liking and you just wanted to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Sherlock, is there any way we could do this tomorrow morning? Now's not the time for a lecture." The words came in a gruff tone. And as if you weren't already in enough trouble with the man, you just headed for the room you and sister Enola shared.
"Sure...Tomorrow." Sherlock's voice sounded." Good night, little one."
"And don't think i didn't see those marks on your neck"
"We'll discuss it tomorrow."
It's tomorrow.
A pain is etching from your temple down to the hollow part that sits under your cheek.
Flashes of your....eventful evening storm in from your subconscious and a long sigh escapes your lips.
" Finally awake."
AH. You shriek, your body jerking to the uncomfortably close voice over you. Rolling around halfway, you jump backwards, shrieking at the two people standing over you.
What the hell?
Sherlock and Enola were standing at your bed, both leaning down to examine you like you're a cadaver they were just about to start inspecting.
But you weren't. So why the fu-"
"How did you get that, y/n?" The investigator's eyes dart from your own eyes to your cheek, and you unconsciously cover the said thing with your hand.
Uh....you were't sure whether to lie or not. Whether to tell the whole truth or just half of it.
"Uhhh..." A long sigh escaped your lips without your accordance as you hadn't already decided on which story to tell yet. "Uh..." You stuttered again, flustered.
You shrink in your bed, melting into the sheets as you leaned away from the figure that lowered it's upper body over yours.
"Little one, your answer better be the right one."
Sherlock's eyes calculatedly pursuited yours until they locked.
Dark and threatening, they glared into your soul. Shit. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
"I....I fell down the bar stairs."
Fuck. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
Sherlock straightens his back. "Really?"
"Y...yeah. you c-c-an ask the men th-there if you want." You got out of bed, the opposite side of where your siblings were standing.
"I was walking....I might've had a drink or two." Maybe admitting to another forbidden punishable act will help you elude the real thing? "And as i was walking down, my ankle twisted and i found myself flying down the stairs."
You brushed past both of them, heading for the door. Nice lie! If they were to go ask the men there, nobody would be able to say a single word, because all of them would have been too drunk to even know their own names.
You'd highfive yourself but-
"Alright then, show me the other bruises."
You were glad your back was facing them, as your eyes widened in surprise. Fuck! You didn't think of that. "The ones on your hands and knees, probably, as well as your hip." Triumph laced Sherlock's voice. You internally damned him to an afterlife in hell.
"What...other bruises?"
"Well of course i can't do that!" You spin around, disdain etched across your face. You scoff.
"I can't undress myself in front of y-"
Haha! Enola. You almost forgot about h-
"He'll leave the room."
You snort a provocative chuckle "You really believe i think of you any differently, Enola?"
"I'm sure he trusts my decision making by now." Your sister lifted a triumphant brow.
Enola's eyebrows relax as annoyance etches across her face. She sighs and happiness internally floods your body. Looks like you were close to win the battle. With her.
"How's this?" Anger embodies Sherlock.
Definitely only with her.
"Lie and i will make sure you...never do that again."
Sherlock started walking towards you.
"But then again, i would like for you to spare us the anticipation, i already know you're lying. Because your-"
"Because my toes seem strange and i breathed in instead of out?"
"Because your friend came running here and said you were getting yourself in really bad trouble. And that it was only a matter of time before somebody got badly hurt."
Oh..of course she did...
"Listen, y/n, we understand that you're afraid of our reactions." Enola started, crossing her arms over her chest. "But you can't hide those things from us, we're your siblings."
Adorable-not good enough, though. Not to insult Enola's attemps and efforts, but you'd never do that just because you're siblin-"That's Enola."
"On my part, if i ever find out you're lying to me about something like this, i will make your life a living hell, little girl. And trust my words, i will make sure of it."
Your head spun towards Sherlock, a bit surprised and...scared as darkness suddenly swamped his voice.
You would've rolled your eyes at him but you were already in enough trouble. You wouldn't want to bury yourself in it, would you?
"I'm sorry." The lie slipped out of your lips like butter. You're not sorry. You don't care. In fact, you're not done with those stupid bastards. And you're not one to let go easily.
Thankfully, they weren't going to know since your face was already bruised. Or are they?
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blvvdndb0nes · 6 days
long vent under the cut lots of caps abd me being a spoiled bitchy disgusting ungrateful brat
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perennialtide · 3 years
I feel like this specific chunk of yesterday's stream is really important and hold so many details about their entire characters
(after Sam was trying to prove he's not an idiot)
D: You were right! Techno was going to break me out of torture. You said "oh that was regrettable" like you spilt your soup or something. Yeah I was tortured- for months! That's not something you "aw yeah i kinda regret it";
You can own it sam you're an evil dude. You do evil things it's fine-
S:I am not, I'm not-
D: You kill people, you trap people, you torture people-
S: I'm not the bad guy
D: Look just own up to it! Look! I owned up to it, okay?! I owned up to it-
S: No you didn't-
D: I've done some horrible things- I've done horrible things
S: You did not, you did not-
D: I have my reasons, I have my reasons-
S: You only admit that to me though-
D: They're not excuses, they're reasons!
I wouldn't admit it to other people because they wouldn't understand! But the difference is that I dont say "I did that but im sooorry, I'm so soorry"-
S: Look you know what you're right I'm not sorry! If the roles were reversed I would do it now, i would do it now
D: Well theere you go, theeere's the Sam i know, there's -
S: Look you wanna be real with each other-
D: yeah?
S: yeah!
(Sam then goes onto admit he was excited over Quackity coming to torture him, a means to get the revival book;after Dream threatening Quackity, continued onto asking what Dream's goal is, Dream avoids answering)
D: This is karma-
S: This is not karma
D: It is karma
S: (after a long pause) I don’t think so
D: How? It's literally karma: you put me in a box for a year and you're gonna be put in a box for a year- How is that not karma?
(Sam pauses and instead of answering changes the topic to Dream lying about the food)
S: (off to the side) Treating a bad guy bad doesn't give you karma..
D: (outloud describes himself as hate, evil, and anger that's been let out of Pandora's Box)
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ochako999 · 3 years
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from SEASON 4 EVE PARTY!!! she is wondering why isnt he wearing a shirt underneath smh
funfact i love zeon-schmid studen-master relationship the most but its so goddang hard to draw an old man cryyyyyyy keep reading for me simping and crying over them all bc i barely have energy to finish my sketches so i’ll just upload SOME of them here
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OK LMAO soorry i didnt write it in english bc i thought it would be funnier if i use my language LOLOLOL basically its just EXOS but Highschool AU, and if you know the original  plot, then you know what I mean............... only in Gakuran.....
again, sorry for the bad, random art styles bc i was just drawing whatever the hell came  into my mind...and i needed quick scribbs scribbs before my body gone tired or lost inspo.... and thats how i make sketches AHAHHA
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above was drawn right after i finished chapter 11 or 12(a month ago??) and i cried like a bitch it was so wholesome and sadddd i wanted to punch Zeon for being  a punk but then again he was smol boi who just lost his family........ and daddy Schmid didnt know how to raise and heal himb. bUT I SCREAMED when he saved his adopted son from dying after the battle with papa Shufraken hnhsnhdndhsndhsndh
I was ultra sobbing when I watched a Synergy raid cutscene where Kaya said “Zeon doesnt know how to enjoy music, maybe bc his wound is too deep.” I SOBS MAAANN poor mc-kun....
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...man i just cant believe my ideas went canon it was NUTZ i was so sos so so happy, and yes, Schmid is my number one in my party. I grow him. I just love him so much man.......
ngl when he went separate ways in chapter 16(cmiiw?) (the one where Neomi released Forbidden Consequence) HE WAS SO ILL bc he just saved his son UGH, and i have a bad feeling ab him in later chapters..........
I finished chp18 actually, but I havent played anything after the season 4 update........ to many new character and new fatecores and AU its so hard to catch up _(:’‘<  7  )L_ I just hope hes ok. He approved Iris and asked her to take care of him in his stead AAA IM SOFT
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Now that Seo-A came in and becomes his 2nd studen but we havent know HOW did she do that- and how did they met???? so I’m really looking forward it :(
Master’s footsteps combo has become my favorite phrase in the entire game beCAusE the obvious reason of Him and his kids being unbearably wholeSoMEE AS HECK
PLS PRAY FOR ME I want to finish my sketches of them one day WAAAAA
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adrenalinesaint · 4 years
1, 3, 8, 12
1. What would prevent you from following someone?
These days, my screening process is pretty lenient. I used to be a lot more strict about who I would follow -- par example, I would only follow other DC blogs, very seldom would I follow OCs, etc. But in the past few years I’ve come to find that the most fun I get out of rp comes from threads I do with people who either aren’t particularly concerned with the actual DC canon as much as they just love the individual character that they play, or some particularly engaging and quality OCs.
But, I digress. These days the only factors that will preclude my follow are the following.
The mun is a minor
I lack interest in the muse
I can tell you’re only after one thing (the scarepeen)
and aren’t being up front about it.
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
Are ya ready, kids? It’s time for my hottest take yet.
I kind of hate all rp trends. Overprocessed icons, hyper-stylized desktop themes, over-formatted text in posts, pretty much anything that fashionable rpers will see as a signal of “quality blogs,” i detest. Granted, I don’t let my judgement toward a person’s aesthetic dedication influence my perception of them as an rper. If you’re good at writing and love your muse and have a cool take on that muse, then i really don’t care what your blog looks like or even if you use icons at all.
My hatred for trends really just comes from two places tho. The first is, of course, that I’ve been on this godforsaken website for so long now that if I were to attempt to keep up with the changing tides of rpc fashion I would always be working on new shit for this blog when I really only have the time and energy to actually come here to write as opposed to make graphics. Hoo boy, get a load of that run-on. Anyway. The second is that I find it to be some weird kind of batsignal for other fashionable blogs as if to say, “dont worry, you can follow me back, i’m pretty too”.
its all like some weird high school cafeteria “you can/can’t sit with us” bullshit and honestly im over it.
Let your work speak for itself. If you are an engaging writer and a fun person to plot with, if you’re friendly to talk to and open to discussion, if you have good ideas and dedication and love for your muse -- that’s what I want people to care about. Not how fancy your posts look on the dashboard.
Again, though, if you have both (fashionable visuals & are just a Good Roleplayer), then power to you. You have more skill than I. And I will admit that I’ve put a fair amount of effort into crafting something visually pleasing for my roleplay blogs too. Let it be known I hardly advocate for throwing aesthetic entirely to the wind. I am gay after all.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Again, with the spicy takes.
Purple prose. I get it, you like adjectives. I sometimes struggle here, too, because I’m particularly fond of imagery, but I try to keep my descriptions from including the word “orbs” in descriptions of eyes. Brevity is the soul of wit, my friends. One really needn’t try so hard.
Long posts for the sake of long posts && length matching. Write what needs writing. I find it tedious to read through superfluous filler text. I prefer any length of text to include important information about characterization or plot. That said, I tend to write a stream of consciousness style, so I can be guilty of going on and on. On the subject of length matching: it’s fine to write something small after something large. It doesn’t mean ur a dumdum and it’s not disrespectful.
Meme Karma. So sensitive. Although I understand this is going out of fashion, as people now prefer for memes to be reblogged from the source to keep their notes clean.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
Nah. Drama has always sort of exploded around me, though. I’ll admit that I’m extremely proficient in gathering information from both sides and watching shit implode while sipping a cuppa, though. I’m a messy bitch, and I do not regret it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ soorry boot it
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ainarosewood · 5 years
Prompt # 23 Parched Visions
This takes place right after the events of the MSQ A Requiem for Heroes. So MSQ Spoilers beneath the cut
It had been a very long time since Ryna had found herself with nothing to do.  After she had returned to the Rising Stones from Isgard the other remaining scions had set about searching for the Beacon that the cowled man had said he left for her. The fighting in Ala Mhigo had reached a stalemate and General Raubahun had made it clear he hadn’t needed her skills on the line.  It even seemed that petitions to the Adventurers guild in all of the cities had slowed down, that or all of the heads there were making sure she didn’t have to do any. 
So here she was finding herself without any work and hating it.  When she had work she could distract herself from worrying about the Archons and the twins but now, she had time to focus on it and she could feel how frayed her nerves were.  Both Amber and Fairwinds were doing their best to try to distract their Captain from here worries but it was not working well since they themselves were just as worried.
She also had to hide said worries for the remaining Scions were looking to her for leadership.  She honestly didn’t mind she understood they needed stability in this uncertain time. So she put on her Captain’s face and made sure she was there when they needed her.  The strain was wearing on her but she endured, she had to for all their sakes.
She decided to spend the afternoon with the unconscious Scions.  It had been several days since she had carried Alisaie into that room and placed her on the bed not far from her brother.  Guilt racked her that shed been unable to save either of them from their current fate.
An I swear by Llymlaen, if that cowled cur is responsible for this…if they’ve come to any harm I’ll keel haul him! she thought to herself fiercly.
Both her carbuncles chimed in agreement and then hopped on each bed to curl up with one of the twins.  Fairwinds had become quite fond of Alisaie the girls fiery temper impressing the carbuncle and she never ceased to be amused at seeing people fall to the young elezen’s razor wit and tongue.  Amber had taken to Alphinaud before even Ryna had realized her fondness for either twin.  His steadfast determination and desire for bringing about a better future had endeared himself to her.
Ryna sat down on a chair between the beds gently taking a hand in each of hers. No one, save the carbuncles knew how much the twins fall had hurt her.  She knew they were strong, she had seen them stand against Bahamut himself weakening him enough so she could go and slay his heart.  But they were so young and fragile looking. Especially right now, both of them looked so wan and pale and the stillness was frightening.  
Im sorry, I couldn’t save ye both, she said silently to them. As she sat there the strain of the past few weeks finally took their toll and she found herself drifting off.
Ryna found her self stumbling along aimless. She was going…..somewhere. The Viera trudged along staring at the ground it was coated in sand with plants of purple and red hues dotting the landscape around her.  She was near a shore but there was no moisture in the air.  It was cold and the sky was filled with a sickly golden glow that was blinding in its brilliance.  
She staggered along her throat parched from the lack of moisture.  Suddenly the Echo flared in her head filling it with a cascade of images…memories…the pain nearly dropping the Viera to her knees.
To her right a gravely voice began to cackle saying, “Weary Wanderer.”
She whirled to see a white furred gremlin its large golden eyes filled with amusement, “No fight left to fight,” it jeered, “No life left to live.” as it laughed again.
Rage filled her  though she knew not why and she gritted her teeth her hand falling to her grimoire on her hip when she caught a even brighter glow out of the corner of her eye as she turned toward it she heard the little shite chattering, “Lo’ it comes, the end your end.”
Suddenly the light filled clouds parted and a winged being descended.  Its shape was familiar though for the life of her she couldn’t remember why.  
Sin Eater, a naggingly familiar voice echoed in her mind as she opened her tome and summoned out Amber.  The carbuncle leapt between her and the Sin Eater as the beast slashed the air sending a beam of silver light arcing from its blade.  The beam slammed into the carbuncle and then shattered it heading straight for Ryna who threw up her arms in defense…
Then she started as she felt something touch her shoulders she whirled to find a nervous Clemence placing a blanket on her shoulders the walls of the Rising Stones solid behind her.  “Soorry,” the hyur stammered, “I…saw you had fallen asleep and I didn’t want you to catch cold…”
Ryna gave her a gentle smile stating softly, “It’s all right lass, forgive me for turning so I…was havin a bit o a nightmare it seems.”
Clemence smiled back relieved, “Well I’d be surprised if you didn’t after all you’ve been through…you are alright aren’t you?”
Once again Ryna smiled and stated, “Aye lass, as well as I can be givin all that's ‘appened,” She then stood and looked at both of the carbuncles as they jumped from the beds, “ ‘ere I’m sure ye were coming over to take care o this two Aye?”
Clemence nodded then stepped over to the twins and began checking them over as Ryna stated, “I’ll be ‘eading of te proper bed.”
Clemence looked up briefly, “You probably should rest well,” then the cheerful conjurer returned to her work.
As she and the carbuncles made their way to Ryna’s rooms the Viera thought about what had just happened.  Had that been a dream?  Or was it an Echo Vision, if the latter when was that for she didn’t recall ever being in such a place…
Captain what was that? Amber asked looking up at her summoner.
“Wish the ‘ell I knew..” she replied, “All I know is I think after I get some sleep. I’m gonna see bout ‘elpin find that beacon.”
The carbuncle nodded and Fairwinds chimed, We’ll help sooner we find the others the better!
Ryna gave the carbuncle a pat on the head stating, “Aye, that it would be.”
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legobatjoker · 2 years
!! im so sorry 4 not sending th many asks mx nd 4 not answering urs im j like rly so tired nd kinda out of it nd stuff nd its midnight now so i rly rly goo ta go 2 sleep (esp sincei v got a v busy day tmrw -__-) but i do rly j wanna say that well i love you so so much mx i rly rly do :'> like ur j such an amazing important friend 2 me yk like ur lry here 4 me so so much nd care for me so so much nd are j so os good 2 me mx nd it lry doesj mean the whole world to me and i hope so so so much to care 4 u to and b here 4 u nd tht u know ohw much i rly rly love nd care abt u bc i do so so much so so v much nd i want u 2 know tht nd just u just make my life so so so much better and happier mx j like knowing u nd bieng ur friend is so so incredible bleoved it rly rly is and i j feel so so lucking 2 know u and have u in my life u j mean so so so much 2 me u rly rly do :'> i hope ur doing good nd tht u sleep so well 2night, i love you so os much my beloved<3 ❣🍊💕🦋🐞💞🍰❣✨
!!!! im soorry u were v tired and stuff yesterday and im sorry i didnt get to reply to ur asks or send any to you but i rlly appreciated them and also dw ever ab not sending many or if u dont get a chance to ofc!! ik u said today is busy for u so pls feel free to tell me more ab that if u want whether good or bad no matter what i want to hear if u wanan share! and yeah i am sooooo glad i can be here for u and that i can make u happier and stiff bcuz you really make me so much happier and make me feel so much better always just are so here for me and kind and thoughtful and i really live you so so much!!!! :’’>>>> 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️💕💕❤️❤️
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just-hockeythings · 7 years
Oops- Freddie Andersen Part 5
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I’m in such a Freddie loving mood after that game I just had to post this next part I’ve had written for a little while. It’s kind of short but the next part is also almost done so I should be posting that relatively soon! Thanks for reading!!
Part four can be found here 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, a little flirtatious 
Word count: 1.2
It’s the day before the game and you’re getting ready to leave work. Earlier that day you had asked your Toronto best friend (Y/F/N) to go to the game with you. She was there the night of the whole texting adventure and was pretty supportive of you just being friends with Freddie. She also happened to be a huge hockey fan so you knew she would appreciate it the most.  You made plans to get dinner beforehand and get to the game early enough to watch warm-ups. You weren’t totally sure what to expect but you were really excited nonetheless. You ordered a Maple Leafs shirt online to wear and had been thinking about what else to wear all day.  You had spoken to Freddie a couple more times throughout the week, it wasn’t anything close to talking constantly but you just asked how each other was doing and told the other things about your day. You talked to him just like you would any of your other friends and romantic thoughts only popped into your head sometimes. You told yourself it was just societal norms pressuring you into thinking about him that way because he’s a guy and you’re a girl and that’s just how it is or whatever. You pushed the thoughts away and just enjoyed talking to him.  
“So are you ready for the big game tomorrow?” reads your last text from Freddie.  You didn’t get the chance to respond right away but you could now that you were leaving work. You pulled on your cost, grabbed your bag, and walked out the door, phone in hand.
“Are YOU ready for the big game tomorrow? All I have to do is sit, drink, and watch some hockey u have to stop a bunch of pucks and try not to get run over by huge guys on sharp skates”
You smile at you clever response before putting your phone down and driving home. You have a response by the time you get home but don’t check it until you’re sitting in your living room. You make some hot chocolate, wrap up in a blanket and turn the tv on to one of your favorite tv shows.
“In case you forgot I am a PROFESSIONAL. Get ready to be wowed.”
You rolled your eyes at the cockyness but deep down you kinda liked it.  You send a couple of eye rolling emojis and “I think I’ll be ready”.  You then text your friend confirming your plans for tomorrow. You spent the rest of the night relaxing, topping it off with a nice hot bubble bath. You lit some candles, turning on your favorite soothing music, and soaked in your hot bubbly tub. You had stopped texting Freddy a little bit ago but decided a bathtub snap is totally an appropriate thing to send to a friend right? You sent the snap to a couple of your other friends too just to be safe.  It was just a picture of bubbles, candles and your legs, nothing too crazy just showing you were having a nice bath, and it was a pretty good picture if you did say so yourself. Once the picture was sent you set your phone on the ground and sank into the water. You hummed along to your music and let yourself unwind.  There were very few things you loved more than a nice hot bath after a long week of work. After a few minutes you looked over and noticed your phone lighting up with a notification. You dried off your hands a little and picked up your phone. You had a couple responses from you snap, just a couple of “you lucky bitch” “what kind of bubble bath is that” and other responses from your friends, but you saved Freddie’s response for last. You pressed the square by his name and were pleasantly surprised by grinning shirtless Freddie. “ long day?” the snap read, but you were too focused on his broad, naked shoulders. And that cute like grin god damn… you stop yourself, because you should not be thinking about a friend like that. You send him a close up pouty face that just says “yes”. He sends back is own pouty face that says “im soorry” You stare at the picture until it’s gone, trying not to think about how nice it would be to have your hands on that chest again. You knew you should stop but you were in a such a good mood and you just couldn’t help you self. You send a picture that’s a little more thigh than you would probably send any of your other friends that says “tomorrow will be great tho so its fine” Freddie sends back a picture of his own legs, mocking your own pose that said “i’ll make sure of it” you know the picture is making fun of you a little but you couldn't help but admire his thighs. Damn that boy has some nice thighs.
It was late, you were too relaxed from your bath, Freddie was being flirty. These were all the things you told yourself after sending your next picture. You flip the camera to selfie but don’t close too much on your face. Your picture isn’t really a topless one, but is does definitely show more chest than you would send to a friend. You bite your lip a little, not too much that it’s over the top but it’s a suggestive look for sure. You retake it a couple of times making sure you get just the right amount of sultry and type “how do you plan on doing that?” You feel a little tinge of regret after hitting send, but it goes away as soon as you get his response.  It’s partially his face, making bedroom eyes that made you a little bit tingly, but mostly his chest. His broad beautiful chest that you want to kiss and bite and wow you should NOT be thinking about him like this. The snap says “you’ll just have to wait and see babe” and it gives all you all kind of not-just-friends feelings. This is wrong you think to yourself, I shouldn’t be leading him on right? But he knows, it’s just a little fun. You use these thoughts to convince yourself sending another snap is a good idea. It’s a slight variation of your other snap, it’s more chest and less face, mostly just your mouth which is pouting just a little. It’s not quite a rated R picture but it’s pretty close. “I can’t get a little hint?” you type and hit send. You stare at your phone waiting for his response, and you are luckily because you get a notification almost right away. It’s a picture of of his lower body. He’s wearing dark basketball shorts and apparently nothing else, the snap says “No darling you’ll have to wait” You drop your phone on the bathroom floor and slide down into the water groaning. He so fucking hot you want to scream. You realize now you definitely shouldn’t have started anything. You decide to drain you bath and get ready for bed before you do anything else you might regret. You send him one last snap, it’s you wrapped in your towel and it says, “I guess I’ll find out tomorrow, goodnight”
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kkpopdroptop · 7 years
date night
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you're juno's gf living in the states while he's off in south korea focusing on music and doing SMTM6
"Hey Juno!" Woodie excitedly hopped to his teammate, clapping a hand over his shoulder as they walked past the exit. "So guess what happened! I finally convinced Wonjae to get a drink with us tonight! You ready to go?"
Juno shrugged, "Go on without me, I can't tonight."
"What!" Woodie pouted, stopping in his tracks. "B-but, convincing Wonjae to get drinks with us took me forever!"
"Get drinks with Killa, Mezz or Hash, they'd be down for it." Juno suggested. Woodie stomped his foot on the ground and asked for a good reason to skip on drinks.  "Ok fine, I can't come because I got a very special date with a very special lady."
"You have a date?" His friend yelled, making Juno nod in response. Woodie's expression suddenly turned excited, "A date! A date with with a real, live person?"
Another nod. Wait, should he be offended?
"Why didn't you just say so!" He began shooing Juno away from the studio, pushing him in the direction he was walking. "Go ahead, don't let me be in the way of true love!"
Juno laughed at the sudden mood change and chuckled to himself as your name popped up on his phone.
(y/n) ❤️: I'll be home in 30, be prepared for date night;)
You spritzed on your favorite perfume, smoothing out the silk of your dress and flouncing your hair a bit before running your fingers through it. You spent an hour doing our hair and makeup and now all you wanted to do was sleep now that you were done, but more importantly, there was someone waiting for you.
juno ❤️: ready whenever you are
The screen of the laptop lit up, your fingers immediately clicking on the Skype app and calling your one and only. After a couple rings, you were greeted by the handsome face of your boyfriend, "Hey Baby."
"Hey there Handsome." You smiled through the camera, your boyfriend's face coming through the screen clear as day. He looked just as handsome in a clean and crisp black button up with his hair slicked back and his face freshly shaved. You missed the smell of his aftershave, of his cologne, of his everything back in California.
But you were both sure that your long distance relationship would work out, that you weren't going to be another broken up couple with millions of miles between them.
"How's my girl doing?" He smiled, his pearly whites shining in the camera. You told him about your day at work, nothing out of the ordinary or exciting at all, so you asked him the same back. "Tired, but now that I get to see you, I'm not anymore."
You smiled as you took a bite of the pasta you made for yourself, trying to carefully not smudge your lipstick as Juno ate his meal too. You got up to get some more wine for yourself as you heard a low whistle.
"Damn, my baby be lookin' sexy just for me." Juno took in the sight of you in that silk dress, drooling over every single curve and line of you. He bit his lip and looked down for a moment, unsuccessfully trying to hide his grin.
You twirled around in your dress, the motion making the slit in the side of your left leg flaring up as you spun. You couldn't help the bashful smile on your lips as you noticed your boyfriend getting flustered.
He fixed his hair back with a happy smile as you eventually sat back down in front of your webcam, "God I just want to be with you right now and rip that dress—"
"Juno." You cut him off with a scandalized shake of your head. You felt your cheeks blush slightly as he winked at you again. Before he could insert another remark about ripping your very expensive dress off, you changed the subject, "How was Show Me the Money today?"
"Good, we had rehearsals and team bonding over food. We're filming the main battles tomorrow, so we have the rest of the day to relax and prepare. Woodie wanted me to get drinks with him and Wonjae, but I told him I had a date with a very special someone."
"You should have invited them over! I really want to meet them someday."
"Hell no, inviting them to date night? This is our thing, Baby." He grumbled. "And I already see them for eight plus hours of filming and rehearsal in between for the show."
"Not date night, but another time. I wanna meet your teammates and your friends and everyone." You picked at the last of your pasta after you finished your sentence, knowing what you just implied.
"I'll introduce you when you visit over here."
You stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up again, "That's not going to be for awhile and you know that, Juno." He always talked of you visiting him in South Korea, but you didn't want him to pay everything for your measly, small visit. You also knew your boss wouldn't let you off for two weeks, you were damn good at your job and she wasn't going to let her best worker off for more than three days.
"I told you, I'll pay for your airfare and everything and you can stay with me for a week or two till you go back! Baby, please."
You shook your head, "I told you, my boss needs me at work." Silence filled the space as you drank the last of your wine. Neither of you were looking at each other, until you spoke up again, "I miss you, and I know it sucks right now and I can't visit you, but soon, we'll be together again." You hoped for him to look up, and he did just that.
"I know."
"I'm sorry." You felt guilty for dampening the mood, for not being able to visit him, for putting him through all this. You felt your eyes water. Were you a bad girlfriend?
"Hey hey hey," he said softly, catching your attention. "You're not a bad girlfriend, don't be sorry about anything. We'll be together soon anyways."
You let out a small smile, hope and love blossoming in you chest again, "Soon."
"Soon." He nodded, staring back into the camera with the same love right back. "Love you."
"I love you too." You leaned forward, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you just stared at him on your screen. The wine might have made you a little bit buzzed, but you were still in control of your mind and everything. You noticed Juno look down at his ringing phone, a small laugh escaping his lips before he shook his head. "What happened?"
"Woodie drunk texted me," he started, one drunk text appearing on his screen after another.
Woodie!! Gochild!!: 
ALso wonjaae And hashie and killlaagamz arent here, AND I don'TTT AVE A RIDE HOMEEEEEE,,  hep pleseee [9:25PM]
Juno let out a long sigh at the words of the last text, "Baby, I am so sorry." He started typing out a response to his friend, already cursing him out in his head in all the languages he knew. "But I think Woodie needs a ride home and all the guys ditched him."
"It's okay." You hiccupped. "I promise, it's alright." You emphasized, but even your boyfriend could easily tell that you were sad about ending your date early. "Make sure Woodie gets home safe."
"But Baby—"
"Hey don't feel bad for cutting off our date, Woodie's more important right now." You could sense his apprehension and the guilt in his eyes. "Even if we were out in Seoul at some fancy restaurant for date night and Woodie—or any one of your friends—called for a ride because they were too drunk to drive, I would end our date and make you drive to wherever they were to take them home."
Juno looked up at you on the screen silently, a small smile coming on his lips, "What? Their well-being matters to me too, they're your friends."
He shoved on his jacket as he continued to stare at you in amazement, a look of awe in his eyes. "Why are you such an amazing girlfriend?" He picked up his laptop and brought it over to his kitchen counter, trying to continue the call for as long as he could.
"Because I have an amazing and loving boyfriend." You confidently flipped your hair back and smirked. "Now go take care of your friends."
"Yes Ma'am." He saluted to you, you heard the jingle of his keys in his hands. "I promise to call you after I take him home."
"Good night, Mr. Westside." You teased with your nickname for him, even putting your fingers in the W-formation. "I love you."
"Love you too, Mrs. Westside." He said right back, a cheesy smile on his face.
"Bye." You added, the same cheesy grin on your lips as you clicked the red 'end call' button. The screen went black on your end, the Skype mainpage highlighting the most recent call with your boyfriend till you minimized that page and found yourself staring at your screensaver of you and him together.
Soon, you thought to yourself.
The smile on Juno's lips couldn't be erased even as he trekked all the way to his car and started for the bar Woodie was at. Thoughts of you two together filled his mind, happy memories of nights staying up late listening to his newest track, him watching you study for your classes, waking up together in the same bed and laying there for hours till your stomachs growled in unison. He loved you with all his heart and he knew you felt the same.
"Woodie! Woodie!" Juno called out, mumbling a stretch of curse words under his breath as he walked through the busy bar. He called Woodie's phone over and over till he heard the familiar ringtone at the end of the line of booths.
"Hyung!" A lone figure sat slumped in a booth, empty bottles of soju and money shoved under basket of peanuts on the table next to the ringing phone. "You're here!"
Juno helped his friend to his feet, gently draping Woodie's arm over his own shoulders, "We're going to the car, let's go home."
"Did I ruin your date? Hyung, I'm so so so sorry!" He wailed, leading to a number of spectators' eyes on them as they walked out of the bar back to the car. "I didn't mean to mess it all up for you and your date."
"You're fine, Woodie. (y/n) understands completely." He eased his friend into the passenger seat, buckling his belt and circling around to the driver's side.
"So her name's (y/n)?" Woodie sat up straighter and pursed his lips eagerly. "Tell me more about her. Do you like her? What does she look like—is she pretty? Was it love at first sight when she walked in? Are you in love with her already?" The barrage of questions came rolling through as Juno drove, each thought running in his mind becoming nothing but you.
"Yeah what?"
"Yeah, I like her. Yeah, she's beautiful. Yeah, I fell for her as soon as I saw her, and yes I'm in love with her."
133 notes · View notes
chimericarchitect · 7 years
kurvakiousSexekutionoir 2
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 17:43 --
[05:43] KS: Hey! hoow are yoou?
[05:43] TS: Hey! Long time no see. :P
[05:43] TS: I'm good.
[05:44] TS: Whaddup?
[05:44] KS: I was woondering.
[05:44] KS: yoour having this party thing
[05:44] KS: hoow are peoople getting there? me foor example
[05:45] TS: Well, in your case I will be picking you up!
[05:45] TS: So there's nothing for you to worry about
[05:45] KS: .... where are yoou having it if we have too avooid yoour guardian?
[05:46] TS: Mmmm, not my hive!
[05:46] TS: I got a place though
[05:46] KS: which means were goonna use that weird jumpy thing...
[05:46] KS: doosnet it
[05:47] TS: You mean a transpotalizer...?
[05:47] KS: witchcraft
[05:47] TS: (eyeroll.exe)
[05:47] KS: technoocraft?
[05:47] KS: freaking freaky either way
[05:48] KS: but i doo it foor yoou kiwi
[05:48] KS: um alsoo
[05:48] KS: loots oof peoople?
[05:48] TS: Not a lot! ONly 9 so far.
[05:49] KS: 9?!!!
[05:49] KS: thats soo many...
[05:49] TS: The Halloween one I went to had 30 people ;D
[05:49] KS: .... ooh goog
[05:49] KS: Thats...
[05:50] KS: were there aloot oof scary peoople their?
[05:50] KS: there
[05:50] TS: I dunno! They didn't seem scary to me.
[05:50] KS: Yes but yoou a very sweet little shut in...
[05:50] KS: oor ex shut in?
[05:50] TS: Hey!
[05:51] TS: Look, no one was scary! They were all very nice.
[05:51] KS: then why was the party soome hoow saved by oone persoon oonly being there foor a few minutes?
[05:52] TS: Mmm, Probably because that person doesn't get along with the host?
[05:52] TS: Can't say!
[05:53] KS: *whine* soo whoo rsvped?
[05:53] TS: Hang on, lemme look
[05:53] KS: kay
[05:55] TS: 1. subborealcetacean 2. violetbard 3. kurvakioussexekutionoir 4. aesthetic-virtuoso 5. ad1ostoreador 6. wa2p 7. adeysia 8. feralvulpecula 9. solbee-captor
[05:55] TS: These are they
[05:56] KS: hoow many oof these are highbloooods? just oout oof curioousity
[05:57] TS: How high of a blood do they need to be in order to be highblood?
[05:57] KS: aboove teal
[05:58] TS: Not including teal?
[05:58] TS: Just one!
[05:58] KS: ah... im guessin viooletbard is... yeah
[05:59] KS: ooh geez oone sec. mooms chewing oon a roock
[05:59] TS: Your lusus is weird
[06:00] TS: You are what you eat, so she must be dumb as a rock
[06:00] KS: never mind it was a very red peice oof wooood.
[06:00] KS: hey!
[06:00] KS: shes smarter than yoou'
[06:00] KS: guess thats noot saying much :p
[06:00] TS: Prove it :P
[06:01] TS: You called a transportalizer witchcraft
[06:02] KS: looook, i knoow their coommoon. but anything that takes my parts disoolves them and refoorms them is fucking scary
[06:02] KS: what if it gets turned ooff half way!
[06:03] TS: Thennnnn
[06:03] TS: You die?
[06:03] TS: I don't know
[06:03] TS: Never happened! :D
[06:03] KS: .... Yoou die shoould noot be acoompenied by smiley face
[06:03] TS: Hehehe~
[06:04] TS: Well, I don't think it dissolves you anyway
[06:04] TS: That's a misconception
[06:04] KS: what is it then?
[06:04] KS: what dooes it doo?
[06:04] TS: Smoosh!
[06:05] TS: Space!
[06:05] TS: :D
[06:05] KS: hndfjsdhfksdi im goonna dieeee
[06:05] TS: Eventually! ^_^
[06:05] KS: im goonna lick yoou...
[06:06] TS: Gross
[06:06] KS: right in the ear
[06:06] TS: Ew
[06:06] KS: really wet
[06:07] TS: UR Disgustin'
[06:07] KS: yoour a troollgladite
[06:08] KS: Are yoou ignooring my amazing wit
[06:10] TS: Yeah, "amazing" is one way to describe that
[06:10] TS: But I wasn't ignoring you
[06:10] TS: I was working on my Uni-Stitch
[06:11] KS: yoour croochet?
[06:13] TS: Hehe, yeah, let's go with that ;D
[06:13] TS: What're you up to?
[06:13] KS: ... what else coould that mean?
[06:13] KS: ooh um
[06:13] KS: i am attmpting too make my cloothes foor the party
[06:14] TS: :O
[06:14] TS: D'you want some help?
[06:14] TS: What're you going to wear? It's not a costume party
[06:15] KS: ive goot it moostly. im just having a hanioous time with the design
[06:15] KS: i knoow but i alsoo doont want too wear my ragged cloothes ya knoow?
[06:15] TS: :T
[06:16] TS: You sure you don't want me to make/get you something?
[06:16] KS: woorried ill embarass yoou?~
[06:18] TS: Nope!
[06:18] KS: truth is im recycling an oold thing i made foorever agoo.
[06:19] TS: Mmm? :3
[06:19] KS: yooull see ;)
[06:19] TS: Okay. So long as you are comfortable, that it what matters
[06:20] KS: ooh theres gooing too be aloot oof peoople.
[06:20] KS: im gooing too be freaking oout inside
[06:20] KS: ooutside ill be hoot as fuck
[06:21] KS: this isnt foormal is it?
[06:21] TS: Not formal, no.
[06:21] TS: Casual is fine.
[06:22] KS: ookay cooool
[06:22] TS: Are you excited?
[06:23] KS: i am alsoo scared but yea
[06:23] KS: but i have oone questioon foor yoou.
[06:23] KS: this is a human hoolliday oor soo has been said.
[06:23] KS: whats a human
[06:23] TS: Ohhh myyy GOOOODDDD
[06:23] TS: This again??
[06:24] TS: They
[06:24] TS: Are
[06:24] TS: Aliens
[06:24] TS: Pinky softy aliens
[06:24] KS: what doo yoou mean again?!
[06:24] KS: alsoo fucking ew what?
[06:24] TS: :O
[06:24] TS: Wait
[06:24] TS: I thought we talked about this?
[06:25] KS: ... i yoou "multiverseing" again?
[06:25] KS: are
[06:25] KS: noot i
[06:25] KS: wtf
[06:26] TS: I am always multiverse-ing!
[06:26] TS: You are too, now
[06:26] KS: ... i.. did i coonsent too this
[06:26] TS: Yep!
[06:26] TS: You're welcome
[06:27] KS: ... that soounds like yoou coonsented foor my kiwi
[06:28] TS: No way! You totally agreed.
[06:28] TS: You're in it now
[06:28] TS: :P
[06:28] KS: mmmmmmmmmmm
[06:28] KS: i knoow
[06:28] KS: soomeoone foolloowed my bloog
[06:28] TS: !! :O
[06:28] TS: Who?
[06:29] KS: succinctlysevered
[06:29] TS: aiylsihbvs'
[06:29] TS: BAD
[06:29] TS: OH
[06:29] TS: D:
[06:30] KS: ???
[06:30] TS: That guy is scary
[06:30] KS: they seemed ookay when we talked foor a sec.
[06:30] KS: but i was awkward soo we havent really talked again
[06:30] TS: He is really
[06:30] TS: REALLY
[06:30] TS: into killing and stuff
[06:30] KS: ....
[06:30] KS: troolls
[06:31] KS: oour whoole race
[06:31] TS: :(
[06:31] KS: sweet little shut in kiwi
[06:31] TS: >:(
[06:31] TS: It grew eyebrows just for you
[06:31] KS: such a precioous innoocent sooul
[06:32] KS: yoour gooing too be eaten alive
[06:32] KS: and noot in the fun way...
[06:33] TS: D:<
[06:33] TS: Kitty
[06:33] TS: STFU
[06:33] KS: oohhh sensitive
[06:33] TS: I can be tough
[06:33] TS: I'm trying
[06:33] KS: awwwwwwwwww
[06:34] KS: kiwi
[06:34] KS: im soorry yoour just too cute
[06:34] KS: like a baby meoowbeast trying too attack a dragoon
[06:34] TS: I will block you
[06:34] KS: noooooooooooooooooooooo
[06:34] KS: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:34] KS: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[06:35] KS: dddddddddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttt leav me
[06:35] TS: stahp
[06:35] TS: garbage words
[06:35] TS: ew
[06:35] TS: I had to read this
[06:35] TS: SEVERAL times
[06:35] TS: in order to understand you
[06:35] KS: *whine*
[06:35] TS: (Squint)
[06:36] KS: doont bloock me
[06:36] KS: doont leave meh
[06:36] TS: Why are you being dumb
[06:36] TS: it was a joke kitty
[06:37] KS: mir
[06:38] KS: kiwi why doo yoou doo this too me
[06:38] TS: Do what?? Make jokes?
[06:38] TS: Now who's sensitive, you weenie?
[06:38] KS: blugh
[06:38] KS: shuddup
[06:38] KS: i am noot
[06:38] KS: hT{OO:GReyfjtmsrga
[06:38] KS: FYGUNLE
[06:39] KS: ,VKJOOUEFY8Wgab
[06:39] TS: (SquintX2 Combo)
[06:39] KS: cvgfkvm.
[06:39] TS: stop
[06:39] KS: moom was oon the keybooard again
[06:39] TS: Your lusus is dumb
[06:39] TS: XP
[06:39] KS: she likes yoou thoough
[06:39] TS: XPPPP
[06:39] KS: did the spit ever coome oout oof yoour shirt froom when she licked yoou?
[06:40] TS: I had to destroy that shirt!
[06:41] KS: why?
[06:41] KS: it was just spit.
[06:41] KS: and a little blooood..
[06:42] KS: ookay maybe there was moore blooood than their shoould usually be
[06:42] TS: YEAH
[06:42] TS: I had to destroy the evidence before Anista saw
[06:42] TS: Couldn't risk it
[06:42] KS: ooh... yeah thats fair....
[06:46] TS: So what're you doing?
[06:46] KS: well i just sewed part oof my finger too my dress... soo i seam ripping.
[06:46] KS: yoou?
[06:47] TS: You sewed your finger onto your dress? How??
[06:48] KS: stoopped paying attentioon and went throough the calloouse
[06:49] TS: Are you bleeding on your new clothes?
[06:50] KS: noope
[06:50] KS: im gooood doont woorry
[06:50] KS: cant see it anyway. im wearing black
[06:51] TS: Mm.
[06:52] KS: soo what will yoou wear? goobblebeast coostume?
[06:58] TS: No way! The event is CASUAL
[06:58] TS: I will wear something CASUAL
[06:58] TS: Not a COSTUME
[06:58] KS: ......
[06:58] KS: yoour a meme i doont belive yoou woont be extra
[06:58] TS: Holy shit
[06:58] TS: Called THE FUCK out
[06:59] TS: by my own friend no less
[06:59] TS: You absolute monster
[06:59] KS: if its private i think its just calling hoooofbeast shit?
[07:00] TS: >:O
[07:00] TS: I guess??
[07:01] TS: Well, either way, I am dressing CASUALLY
[07:01] KS: alright.
[07:01] KS: its gooing too be oon yoour shirt istn it yoou little turd
[07:05] TS: No!
[07:05] TS: I was gonna wear something normal
[07:07] KS: alright fine i relent
[07:10] TS: Good
[07:11] TS: Sorry, I've been pretty busy
[07:11] KS: its all gooood
[07:11] KS: whats wroong?
[07:11] TS: Nothing is wrong!
[07:11] TS: Not right now, anyway
[07:11] KS: yoou sure
[07:12] TS: Yep!
[07:12] TS: Just checking for cracks
[07:12] TS: Fixin' the place up
[07:12] KS: .... croochet doosnt crack...
[07:12] TS: :?
[07:12] TS: Sure it does?
[07:12] KS: earlier yoou said yoou were dooing croochet
[07:12] TS: :D
[07:12] KS: It disnt
[07:13] KS: what are yoou danceing arooung yoou degenerate lightning bug
[07:13] TS: Hehe! You're funny. ^_^
[07:13] TS: ZZip! ZZap
[07:13] TS: Lightning!
[07:14] TS: Don't worry about it. :P
[07:14] KS: fine....
[07:16] KS: hey
[07:16] KS: soo ive been looooking aroound gaming sites
[07:16] KS: any yoou coould suggest too me?
[07:17] TS: Sure!
[07:17] TS: I know a Karkat who plays the Sims
[07:17] TS: He enjoys it!
[07:17] TS: I could ask for a copy
[07:17] KS: sims?
[07:17] KS: and what doo yoou mean a karkat
[07:18] KS: ... theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: multiverse
[07:18] KS: ooh good theres moore than oone
[07:18] KS: is there anoother me?
[07:18] KS: oof coouse theres anoother ma
[07:18] KS: hooly shit
[07:19] TS: I haven't met another you yet, if it's any consolation
[07:19] KS: doo yoou think there are peoople whoo goo betweaan these universes? noot just with a weird techmagic server
[07:19] KS: but like
[07:19] KS: peoople
[07:21] KS: what if thats what all these peoople can doo
[07:21] KS: am i the oonly oone whoo cant
[07:21] KS: am i really that fereal
[07:21] KS: am i crazy????!!!!
[07:24] TS: You are feral and crazy! :P
[07:24] TS: jk
[07:24] TS: But
[07:24] TS: I had to travel across the multiverse to go to that party you know
[07:24] KS: ooh my good transpoortalizers are actual fucking witchcraft
[07:29] TS: Well
[07:29] TS: Not all of them
[07:29] KS: ....
[07:29] KS: is this soome hoow linked with yoour brain poowers
[07:32] TS: My brain powers? Really?
[07:32] TS: A lot of lowbloods are psychic!
[07:32] KS: yes but i mean yoou seem too be... extra...
[07:32] KS: i dunnoo
[07:33] TS: :?
[07:33] KS: yoou seem really stroon coompared too oothers ive knoown
[07:34] TS: Oh. Really? :3
[07:34] TS: I'm flattered.
[07:34] TS: What makes you think so?
[07:34] KS: pfff oone persoon i used too knoow coouldnt lift a spoooon. yoou fly
[07:34] TS: Ohhh
[07:35] TS: Well, I'm not REALLY strong
[07:35] TS: But I'm decent!
[07:35] KS: impressive.
[07:35] TS: ^_^
[07:41] KS: blugables
[07:43] TS: What?
[07:44] KS: ooh thats the soound oof my incooming death because yoour cute as fuck
[07:50] TS: Why must you do this?
[07:50] TS: Oh hey
[07:50] TS: I just remembered
[07:50] TS: I met someone
[07:58] KS: what?!
[07:58] KS: wait
[07:58] KS: like
[07:58] KS: MET?????!!!
[07:58] TS: Face to face? Uhhh, yeah?
[07:58] TS: I went to a party!
[07:58] TS: But if you mean did I MEET someone...
[07:58] TS: ;)
[07:58] KS: quadrents bitch doo yoou have them
[07:58] TS: I do! :D
[07:59] TS: Haha
[07:59] TS: His name is Tulket
[07:59] TS: What do you wanna know?
[07:59] KS: tulket...
[07:59] KS: tulllket
[07:59] KS: Crestaciean?
[08:00] KS: the guy whoos handle soounds like shellfish?
[08:01] TS: !!!
[08:02] TS: subborealcetacean you brute
[08:02] KS: what even dooes that mean
[08:02] TS: LOOK IT UP
[08:02] TS: You language bound hooligan
[08:02] KS: nyaw looookit yoou
[08:02] KS: getting all prootective
[08:02] KS: cute~
[08:03] TS: Can it you trout >///<
[08:03] KS: canned troout? this reminds me
[08:03] KS: isnt he a fishy?
[08:03] KS: kiwi and guppy?
[08:03] KS: sitting in a tree?
[08:03] KS: k
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: s
[08:03] KS: i
[08:03] KS: n
[08:03] KS: g
[08:04] KS: ?
[08:05] KS: be right baclk ookay?
[08:12] TS: You are GARBAGE
[08:12] TS: XPPP
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] is now an idle chum! --
[08:31] KS: yes i knoow but still
[08:31] KS: alsoo after reaading anything and everything i coould oon his pages
[08:31] KS: ...
[08:32] KS: ill be woorried but yoou are ookay with him i think.
[08:32] KS: just knoow
[08:32] KS: if he ever hurts yoou, i will find him.
[08:32] KS: i will capture him
[08:32] KS: and i will make sure my lusus eats him in teeny tiny peices
[08:32] TS: Oh, you're back. Thanks for making this unpleasant. >:T
[08:33] KS: ~ just looooking oout foor my girl
[08:33] KS: anyway im super happy foor yoou
[08:33] KS: yoou deserve happieness
[08:34] TS: XPP
[08:34] TS: What were you doing, anyway?
[08:34] KS: ...
[08:35] KS: i may have goone and cyber staled him too make sure he wasnt a serial killer oor cannabal oor anything woorriesoome
[08:35] TS: O_O
[08:35] TS: Creepy
[08:35] KS: what?
[08:35] KS: i care aboout yoou
[08:36] TS: Okay, but Tulket is a good person!
[08:36] TS: You coulda asked me
[08:36] TS: OR
[08:36] TS: You could talk to him yourself!
[08:37] KS: ... i think ill wait oon that
[08:37] KS: but yoou shoould tootaly tell me aboout hi,
[08:37] KS: 'and yoou guys as a cooupel
[08:37] KS: wait
[08:37] KS: dooes he knoow aboout yoour blooood?
[08:37] KS: and if soo hoow did he find oout
[08:37] KS: was it inaproopriate?
[08:38] TS: >:O
[08:38] TS: You lewd thing!
[08:38] TS: YES
[08:38] TS: He knows about my blood color
[08:38] TS: HOWEVER
[08:38] TS: I don't think he gets it
[08:38] TS: He's a teal seadweller
[08:39] KS: thats deffinately oodd foor sure
[08:39] KS: still doosnt tell me weeather oor noot yoouve pailed
[08:39] TS: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:39] TS: NO
[08:40] TS: I haven't known him that long!
[08:40] TS: D:<
[08:40] TS: What if I said we did, huh? Then what??
[08:40] KS: awww soo embarassed~ i bet if yoour emoojis were accurate im sure theyed have little lines
[08:41] KS: then id be impressed. maybe. id proobably ask hoow gooood he was
[08:41] TS: (SQUINT)
[08:42] KS: what? im curioous
[08:43] KS: hiding froom scoociety and coonstantly mooving doosnt give aloot oof "scoocial" time
[08:45] TS: (((S Q U I N T)))
[08:45] TS: Look
[08:45] TS: I gotta go
[08:45] TS: I'll talk to you later
[08:45] KS: ooh..
[08:45] KS: ookay
[08:45] KS: i wast trying too make yoou actually mad. soorry broo.
[08:45] KS: talk too ya later ookay?
[08:46] TS: Yep!
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thespace-dragon · 7 years
I just wanted to say that I love your works on Ao3. They are so perfect in so many ways. The combination of fluff and angst kills me. The way you present a darker version of Lance and a more innocent/curious Keith makes my heart pound so loud because it fits so well. I love your ideas and don't get me started with the writing style. I hope you are ok :) (and if you have some advices for a bigginer in the art of writing I am glad to listen) Looking forward to reading more of your MASTERPIECES!
a;skdjgnasg fuck i got so caught up in chores today a;kngadfg, SOOrry this took so freaking long for me to answer jesus fu..
ANYWHOODLES THANK YOU AGAIN FOR LIKE THE BEST COMPLIMENT EVERY JUST AGHHHH i love to really play on how lance can get serious on missions and how keith is a little sheltered and go as far as i can with it. other than that i really try to stick with their canon personalities. (modern aus i dip into their fanon counterparts because theyre memes like holy fuck its awesome) and dude i feel like my writing style is all over the place dont get me started on it xD
but writing tips. gosh this will be long
write your ideas down, all of them, no exception. nothing is stupid, no headcanon not accepted, none of those thoughts. you thought it up, write it down and come back to it one day. who knows you can make it into a fic one day (look at the rift and ruins, prime examples)
write whenever you can, and strive for every day. im a little rusty with writing right now because ive been so busy i crash every time i get home and honestly im a mess, but i try to write as much as i can during my down times. it honestly helps so much.
READ. read a shitton, pick up things from other authors, other fic writers. since i dont necessarily have the motivation to write every day, i make up for it in reading. reading saves lives.
use your own experiences to add another level of depth to your fics. i do it all the time. i adapt some of my life experiences to fit into aus and such, sometimes a whole fic is a result of my life (see displaced)
let art inspire you. there have been so many times that i just let inspiration take me from art that its not even funny (i blame you @thesearchingastronaut
also let music inspire you too! just because song fics might be a little ‘outdated’ doesnt mean you still cant write them. i have a few that are based of songs completely. (which reminds me i still need to finish one of them rip)
scream and scheme. find someone that you scream ideas at and generally just bounce ideas off of them. itll help you find plotholes and what not.
plot your shit out. i cannot stress this enough. there was a time when i didnt plot and looking back on those fics now, theyre all over the place. now i typically have the main plot events all written down, and depending on how previous chapters went, i shore up plotholes in the next chapter. but main plot then break it down into chapters and create events that link everything together
let your characters grow and change. sure fanfics dont offer a lot of room for growht because we all want to remain true to the characters, but that doesnt mean you cant let them grow. its your fic, they will grow in response to how you write it.
let them have flaws too. in ruins everyone has flaws: shiro is terrible with his words despite being a great leader and a warrior. pidge has a one track mind, completely focused on the end result and not letting herself bond with the others. hunk can be timid and it makes it hard to be proud of his work. keith is stubborn, to the point where communication can be compromised because he doesnt want to listen. lance... sigh, lance is many things, the biggest being that he can trust too easily. (shiro and keith were exceptions to his rule of giving the benefit of the doubt because of their previous positions in the galra empire)but what im saying is, let them have weaknesses, let them learn from their mistakes. it makes the characters feel more 3 dimensional
dont give up. ever. if someone leaves a bad review on your fic, dont worry too much about it. you can take some of what they said into consideration, but dont let what they get you too down. on my first fic ever, i got a flame that called my original character for a universe a mary sue. did that stop me? obviously not because here i am still writing fanfics.
join group chats if you can with other writers. theyre always there to help and really give the best advice. ive met some great people by joining discord servers. some really great artists too! dont be afraid to reach out and start talking with people. my ask box is always open ^^
last but not least, and certainly not because 13 is my lucky number, but  DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANOTHER WRITER. just dont do it. it will kill your drive ebcause youre too busy thinking of how youll never catch up, never be like the writer that you admire. everyone starts somewhere, and everyone grows at their own pace. not everyone is going to be spectacular for every fic, or right out of the gate, hell, my first few fics were awful, i hate them, but i keep them around because it shows how far ive come.
oh god, i think thats it. i hope thats it xD but if you have anymore questions, or want to scream in general, dont be a stranger!! Thanks again hun :D
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skychai · 8 years
Hiiii!!!! Soorry for the many questions, im curious :3 Caramel Frappe, Iced Cafe Mocha, Vanilla Latte, Sparkling Water, and Rose Hip Tea!
Nah it’s fine, sorry for the late response I passed out
Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game?I’m going to go with minecraft only due to the fact that I’ve played it since alpha and I’m still playing it now
Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days?Sit on my computer and watch youtube, this is also what I do on sunny days
Vanilla Latte : Board games or drinking games?I don’t drink alcohol at all (I’m also only 19)  and if you’ve ever seen my board game collection you can tell that I love board games to an annoying point
Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a personI want someone who isn’t bigoted, and loves me.
Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kissIt’s been awhile but I think we went to the middle school b/c it has a large park and we sat on a hill and I was super nervous but she said I was gonna be fine and we did it and we kept doing it and every kiss since then has been so great
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Homestuck High - Chapter 5
Homestuck high Chapter 5: Birth of the triplets!, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
~I haven't even read the chapter but I know this is going to be bad
i am SOOOOOO SOORRY i doesnt update earlier i started scool again a few weeks ago and i was concantating RELY HARD ON MY WORK. i evenn showed my plans for this story 2 my english teacher
~What did she ever do to you
who was gravely impressed by my origiginality.
~Pretty sure that's not what gravely means
~"Gravely is defined as something done seriously or somberly, or something that is very serious and bad. If you have been stabbed in the heart and may die, this is an example of a time when you are gravely injured."
~Nevermind, that's the correct word to use
i wnt 2 tank everyone for supporting this story!
~Where's my tank?
just waint until u see what happens next heehee
It has been two weeks sence diabolo
~You mean evil!Sollux?
impgrenated Jade with his seed and she was in the hospitil going to give birth sence deamon babys grow quick and stuff like in twilight.
~This story is a combination of Homestuck, My Immortal, and Twilight
~Also, the baby wasn't a demon, it was half human half vampire
She was in a lot of pain and everyone was here to cheer her on sence she was scaerd of theoutcome because demoan babys are hurtful.
~Aren't all babies demons though?
Dave was ver upset be cause it was his girlfrend and he didnt like that she was wit child with another man and a deamon nontheless. John new that rose cold be next if he was not carefull and had not ben sleeping for to weeks
~Two weeks is fourteen days
~"Randy Gardner (born c. 1947) is the holder of the scientifically documented record for the longest a human has intentionally gone without sleep not using stimulants of any kind. In 1964, Gardner , a high school student in San Diego, California, stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days 24 minutes)."
~Someone here is lying
because rose could be next.
"she is in pain" the nurse moaned sadly
~*sad moans*
"what about the baby" dave demadnded
"you mean babies"
~Oh hell
the nurse corrected "she is having triplets but they are not of natral causes!"
~Are you going to elaborate on that?
Everyone looked sadly at each other. Jade might not survie and the babys might take over her body.
~Silly, babies can't ruin your life until AFTER they're born
A doctor appeared.
"she has given birth to the childs!" he announced
~To the childs
"they are burtn with fires of hell but the others cannot tell of the things that they will face of a lonly mothers grace" Tarvos prophisied
~John, I need one of your underwhelming reactions
~Suddenly, a giant dam with a letter B on the starboard side traps the babies in a giant clam while Dave ejaculates
Rose took Johns hand "I feel uneasy" she quoted "soemthing is amist"
"i can feel it to" John reconziled and he kissed Rose passiontly.
~John, not now
Everyone went to see Jade and her babies there were two boys and a girl. one boy had grayish skin an wellow eyes like a demon
~They're fucking trolls
and then the girl had daves blond hair but then the other boy...LOOKED LIKE TARVOS!
~There can only be one TRUE Tarvos
"omg" everyone said
~John's Underwhelming Reactions (TM) are beginning to catch on
"they all have different fathers" the nurse said widely "please take a shit and we will explain the circumsize."
~I was gonna comment on how triplets having different fathers is literally impossible, but then I read the rest of the sentence and just, what?
Dave couldnt sit down he was too angry. one of his childs were a damon and the other lookedlike his best frend! he also did not have a air for his family name! his true cchild was a girl...
~You could just have a second child later. Maybe when you're actually married and not just a bunch of adolescent teens?
"HOW COULD YOU TAVOS!" dave cried as tears welled in his eyes "she is my wife to be!"
"it was an accidant it happened in mcdonnald" Tarvos solmnly said.
~How did she give birth to a child less than a month after it was conceived? I can understand with the whole twilight demon logic, but not a troll
~Hold on, how the fuck did they even have a child together? Humans and trolls have completely different reproductive systems!
"we did not mean it Dave!" jade weeped
"You stole my son...now i shall make you pay!" dave exclamed and left
~He didn't steal your son. It's technically his child, you had no part in his conception. Sure, Jade cheated on you, but it was never your child
Jade cried as rosepatted her back and the babys slept. Jade was worred dave might turn to the dark side and she did not want to date a daemon!
~You're worried about Dave becoming evil as someone who literally went grimdark pats your back
"John" rose said suddenly "we need to make plans."
~How is that a cliffhanger
also 2 the ppl sayin im a troll IM NOT STP SAYING THAT!
~I honestly wish this was all just a joke
mi frends say itzs not about spellin byt the stry that matters
~And you have neither
so i dnt need to rite amazilg like the twilight author does to please u! for those suporting mi storey U GAIZ R AWSOME!
~Why does her spelling become infinitely worse when she makes author's notes?
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