paper-lilypie · 6 months
ok but that kid Mobius couldn’t prune was Loki right. like, that was Loki right. The brothers at the dock. That was Loki and Thor right. It was Loki
Mobius couldn’t kill Loki, chose his burden, and dedicated his life to him instead.
Mobius’s story started and ended with Loki. It had to be Loki.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
On a scale of 1 to 10 what’s the chances for huntlow getting together
Oh I'd say a 10 btw the show has been setting them up and paralleling them with Caleb and Evelyn. BUT considering the fact that their series was cut short anddd (as much as i love Willow, she's literally my favorite character) these are side characters. True, Hunter gets a lot more spot light but Luz is the main character. They have a LOT of ground to cover, especially since they didn't even finish really in the first special. So doubt we'll get more than crumbs or maybe even a cheek kiss?
“He’s gone… for real this time.” Hunter turned and smiled at his sister. He was finally free. His family would be safe. His loved ones. As painful as it was to have to finish off someone he had looked up to his entire life, even though the anger had helped, he felt a feeling of relief. Not just for himself, but even for… Caleb?
“You idiot!”
Luz backed away from the boy, Willow stomping towards them, eyes blazing in anger. Her destination was none other than Hunter.
“Huh? Me-“ his question was cut off as he flinched back. The buff girls hand raising and flying towards him. Preparing for probably the worst pummeling of today. Oh titan. What did he do now?
But the hit never came. Instead he was wrapped into a tight hug, one that signaled fear of letting go and relief. So much relief.
“You idiot, you-you. I thought I lost you! Again!” It didn’t take seeing the tears to know she was crying. He felt them fall on his arms before she moved her head, snuggling into his chest was the only way he could describe it. He quickly returned the embrace, smiling but letting a tear of his own fall freely. She cared about him. He knew they all dod. But something about the way she clung into his shirt made him feel like it was different.
All of the “flirting” as Luz had called it. The shared interest. The pictures. The times she’d casually lay her head in his shoulder. Or hold his hand as if it was the most natural thing to do. He was gonna marry this girl. The titan better believe it.
“I’m ok. I promise.” He muttered softly.
She nodded her head, well attempted to against his chest before pulling back, leaving her arms around his waste. She looked up at him, eyes still watered up. “Thank you, Hunter. I’m- Im sorry. I probably look so bad right now” she chuckled nervously.
Hunter brought a hand up to her face, wiping a tear away. “You look beautiful.”
Pop* Now. He had never seen her blush before, so this was definitely a sight that made him chuckle. Her cheeks had taken on a pink hue, flowers had graced her head in seconds, and a few sprouted around them.
“Ok lovebirds, we still have to find the others.” Gus laughed from a few feet away. They both jumped away from eachother. Hunter now blushing as well.
She smiled up at him and extended her hand. “Let’s go.”
And hand in hand, they joined the rest of the gang. Searching for signs of the others. Gus especially wanted to find Mattholomule. Whoever the at was.
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spctrsgf · 1 year
bounties + hunters ● encounter two
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summary: Jakku and paranoia. Paranoia and Jakku. Not such a great pair, especially with all the sand dunes. Right?
word count: 2.3k
warnings: language, canon type violence, mentions of blood
a/n: im so so so so sorry for how long this took me to write, i hit a bit of a block when trying to get the story up and running, apologies about that !!
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It’d been a month since you’d last seen him. You’d been counting.
It’s not like you’ll ever see him again, really: the universe is so big that it would take an epiphany of perfect moments to get the two of you to meet again. He could be anywhere by now, Hoth or Tatooine or some desolate planet in the Outer Rim. 
Yet, it’s like you missed him or something, or maybe you’re just tired, but you swear you keep seeing him out of the corner of your eye. You can hear his modulated voice at the booth to your left, ordering some food for himself or maybe something to place in that floating metal orb he has. Does he even still have that thing anymore?
But he’s not, of course. You whip your head around so fast you must’ve pulled more than a few muscles, but he’s not there. Just the booth, the merchant stationed at it, and an empty vat of space where you wished he’d be standing. 
Playing it off was harder than it looked: having to say you thought you heard music or something distracting was not as easy as words made it seem. You’re sure there was some sort of weird look strung between the two merchants you’d been between that one time on Tatooine, they probably even gossiped about it after you’d left.
Honestly? It was kind of tiring. After a few days living in constant paranoia, you were convinced you were schizophrenic or something along those lines. Another week or two taught you not to turn every time you thought you saw the light hit his beskar helmet, and to turn slower if you couldn’t quite stop that urge.
You’d curbed the urge twice during your long walk to your next bounty today, and the pep in your step is a sign of how proud you were, because you were definitely not thrilled to be walking this long and far. It’d been difficult to watch your six, but you made it work. Sort of.
Your hand came up to pat the linen that wrapped itself around your arm, covering the scar beneath it. On your last hunt, your very aversion to the delusion cost you a slice along the ripple of your bicep. It’s a careful balance; when to jump into attack and when to walk away like there was nothing you’d seen at all.
You gaze at the stretches of sand dunes ahead of you, really cursing the fact that you didn’t carry a speeder in your ship nor rent one from the town you’d left your ship in for its next tune up. The sweat rolls down your back, soaking the fabric of your undershirt and pooling at the overshirt wrapped tightly around your waist. You bring your hand up again to swipe at the condensation on your forehead, pushing your hair back from your face to cool yourself down as quickly as possible. 
The burn laps at the muscles in your legs as you edge on for two hours in the unrelenting beat the sun plays on your shoulders, but you push on nonetheless. You grit your teeth and stumble up and over the next sand dune, pulling out the tracking fob to see the ever blinking red light strumming its tune of disappointment in your lack of enthusiasm. “Stupid fucking bounty,” you grumble aloud, unbothered to filter your thoughts in the confidentiality that no one could hear you in the mounds upon mounds of sand. “Had to be in the middle of fucking nowhere on the shittiest planet with the shittiest fucking terrain where the fucking sun can drag it’s bitch ass nails into my fucking back!!!”
“Well, you’re really angry.”
You don’t turn. Your steps don’t even falter: you don’t fall for it, not when you’d resisted the quicksand your brain had set for you to fall into. You turn slightly to the left to more accurately trek towards your bounties location, shaking your head to clear the illusion from your head. He’s not there, The rational, beskar hard side of your brain screams. Don’t turn around. That’s not him, he’s gotta be on some weird planet, not here. He’s not behind you, that’s not a spark of beskar in your peripheral, the drawl of his voice isn’t there, don’t fall for it—
A hand is on your shoulder now. In the split second before you react, your brain teeters on the precipice of it, pondering the implication that it could be him. Time reaches near standstill in the moment of hope, of the dream that you actually would get to see him again. Wouldn’t that be crazy? Somehow, in some pitiful way, your paranoia brought him back to you. Maker, the possibilities could be endless. Maybe you could even strike up a deal to find out more about him, maybe even get him to let you tag along on his travels. It’d be quick, you’re quite good with negotiation. 
But it’s gone all too soon, you're out of the clouds back in real time and doing exactly what you’re trained to do: fight.
Words extend themselves towards you, but you don’t give them a fucking second. Your elbow is ramming backwards into the figure behind you, and you're turning to kick in their knee without even registering the pain nor the hard surface you rebounded against. You’re halfway through your kick before the person is able to catch up and recover from the impact of your move, quickly swinging their leg outwards and letting your weight fall forward with the lost contact. 
Their hands are grabbing your shoulders before you can get a face full of the grain below you, and you yelp in frustration, not because you can’t eat some of that godforsaken sand but because you refused to turn around when you heard something and nearly suffered more damage because of it. Your yelp knots into somewhat of a battle cry as you shove yourself up and out of their grip to attack again, angry and disappointed and really fucking tired.
“Hey,” Your attacker tries again, grip turning to steel on your arms. “It’s me!” You yelp, adrenaline overcome by the pain induced by the squeeze of their rough gloves on your bandage and therefore your cut. “Get off me, you fucker!” You growl, finally looking up.
The anger drains from you in a second, dissipating into the billion tiny grains of sand that caved around you. 
“I’m sorry.” He removes his hands from your arms but hovers them near as if to catch you if you were to run. 
You blink once, twice, three times, and then you turn. “No. Nope!”
“Where are you going?” He swings out to grab you, but you’re already out of reach.
“NOPE!” You yell into the slight breeze. “You don’t get to trick me! Not today! He’s not there, that’s just you being tired and–” the word twists sour on your tongue before launching out in a jut of disgust. “Missing him.”
He’s in front of you now. How the fuck did he move so fast? “What’re you talking about?”
You bump into the beskar covering his chest, and the grunt of frustration you expel stems from both the pain of hitting it and the fact that he was actually standing in front of you. 
“Hey.” His voice grounds your fraying mind. 
You brush your hair from your face again. “Hi.”
“You sound tired.”
“Thanks. What a kind compliment.” You’re brushing past him again with a snarl.
“That’s– that’s not what I meant.”
“Is it not?” You whirl on him. “Are you questioning my ability to speak Basic, huh? Wanna try Jawaese?” 
“No, I just meant–” His huff is accentuated by the modulator in his ever so shiny helmet. “I’m making this worse, aren’t I.”
A smile cracks your facade of impartiality. “A little.”
“I’m sorry.” His head bows ever so slightly.
“It’s okay. I’m giving you a hard time.”
Silence drapes a curtain over the both of you, doting the space static and the air between you even more hot than it already was in the middle of the desert. You study the Mandalorian out of the corner of your eye, wondering if he had some sort of air conditioner underneath all that armor. Maybe the beskar cooled him down. That’d be fucking sick. You note mentally as you start to trek towards your bounty. At least you think you are.
“Do you even know where you’re going?”
You scoff. “Of course I do.”
“I checked already.”
“Check again.”
You do what he says with a grunt. “They moved like .2 miles. Not a big deal.”
“That’s like an extra 40 minutes.”
“My tactics work. Leave me be.”
His helmet tilts towards you, rebounding the light of the sun straight into your eyes. “Mine are fas– oh.”
You wave him off as he tilts his head back to its resting position. “Here,” You slide behind him and to his other side. “All better.”
A nod is the only response you get, and then the silence is ever present again. 
“So,” You burst the bubble this time with almost a gasp of breath. “What do I even call you?”
“Do you need a name?”
“I’d like one, but no. Only if you’re comfortable.”
He’s silent, and you think he won’t answer your question, but then– “Most people call me Mando.”
You shrug. “Works for me.”
Mando. Maaaaaaaando. Mandooooooooo. Mando. Mandoe. Your brain reverberates the newfound information off the walls of your brain, tethering it into your head and every inch of memory that was him. 
There was something so vulnerable about the confession, like some emotion you couldn’t quite place dripping from each word that came out of his mouth. Or whatever he uses to speak, you can’t really tell. You get the impression that he doesn’t really interact with anyone long enough to share anything like a name. It’s an honor, honestly: to have that knowledge.
“Why’re you here?” 
Mando dips his head ever slightly to the side, telling you everything you needed to know.
“Bounty. Got it.”
You nod into the silence, slowly acclimating to it. You curb the desire to ask more questions, taking into account what little information you had about interacting with Mandalorians. 
They didn’t like to talk, and when they did, it was curt and straight to the point. You had just met Mando once before, and he was far from comfortable with you. You respected the lack of words, respected his decision to stay silent.
Jakku’s sun makes its presence known again as it tints the tips of your shoulders red, and you envy the cover Mando has on his own shoulders. Sun cover and maybe an air conditioner? Smart. Soon enough, you’re approaching the bounty’s location and the doom of your situation slaps its dirty hand right in front of you. 
You stop in front of the small town, double checking the fob as you lean into the shade of a building. Mando stands some six feet away from you, statuesque and still. You look up at him, curious as to why he hadn’t departed already. You were no expert on the way he worked— yet— but you had a feeling that he wasn't the type to hesitate.
He’s not moving. And frankly? It’s quite unnerving. You can’t pull the emotions he’s feeling out from underneath the helmet, you can’t analyze the way he’s standing because he’s holding himself with no emotion at all.
All of a sudden, he turns and faces the town, still stuck in the no emotion stance. Your brows furrow as you try to process the abrupt movement. It’s not unnatural, the movement, yet it still ruffles your feathers. What is he doing?
You’ve memorized each thread, every dip of the material in his cape, and he’s still standing there. You could probably tell someone how many inches wide his helmet is, how many dents there are in the shoulder pad on his right shoulder. You’re half through figuring he was dead before the implications of that situation draw you back into the present. You shift from one foot to another, and then start past him. A nod is given to as your steps pull you past.
A grip on your arm has you stopping short, not like you really wanted to go anywhere at all. Despite that fact, your shoulders hunch up in somewhat of a flinch, causing Mando to release your arm as quickly as he had grabbed it. “Wrong arm?” The concern laced in his voice bubbled in your stomach. “No, uh-” You babble. “You’re fine.”
He nods almost absently. 
“Did you need something?” leaves your lips before you can stop it.
“The inn. There,” He points to a slightly dusty sand structure a few buildings down. “That’s where they usually are.”
“How do you know they aren’t in a house or something like that?”
“Out this far? They wouldn’t even try that hard.”
You snort. “I hope you’re right.”
He shrugs.
You turn and take a few steps into the village before you turn back, watching him walk quietly. “Mando?” His cape whips as he comes to face you again. 
You smile, accentuating it with a tip of the head. “Thank you.”
His head tilts in response, and as he turns, you swear you hear him mumble you’re welcome.
You turn around once again, and head into the village. Your smile peels into a grin, and the pep in your step is ever evident as you trek into the hotel lobby. Even as you work to take care of your bounty, happiness strums a happy tune, battles the burn in your calf and the beating of the sun.
There are four dents in his shoulder pad on his right shoulder. Two on his left, but who’s counting?
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
May I have platonic/Familial headcanons of a gn! survivor! reader who gets along super well with Robbie? Started off rough, maybe he's being a little bit of a menace as a treat but they soon grow really close to the point where you usually wouldn't see one without the other?
Maybe he'd even go over to the survivor's part of the manor to spend time with them, much to some's horror at seeing my boy at the end of the hallway at like 6 in the morning going like 🧍
Angst idea: He slips out a 'Dolores' or refers to reader as his sibling offhandedly, I dunno I just wanna hug him so bad
Feel free to delete! Have a good day! Your writing is so warm 💖
THIS IS SO CUTEEE and thank you anon <333 i have a soft spot for mr robert white and found family so im using this prompt to hc dump😈😈
robbie and survivor!reader platonic/family headcanons🌲
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robbie is one of the friendliest hunters out there!!
he doesn't take the matches seriously and doesn't consider that it might be painful or scary for the survivors - he thinks of them as games, like hide and seek or a game of tag
your first encounter with robbie was. not the best i fear
robbie downed you quite quickly with his scorching fire souls, leaving a smug smile on his face
(also robbie loves graffitis and emoting at the person on the chair. not really a good thing if you've got a short fuse)
yet you also pitied him as he got stunned by patricia and norton, feeling bad as you heard him cry and hold his head in frustration
i mean... at least you enjoyed the candy he gave you while you were chaired? you weren't expecting such a thing, considering how you got used to jack playfully tracing his blade over your skin and mary lifting up your chin whenever your attention swayed away from her
the next time you joined a duo hunters game, robbie approached you himself - survivors rarely share candy with him, thinking it's some some kind of a trap, so he remembered you easily and wanted to be friends
now you got yourself mr robert himself following you around like a duckling >:]
he's very hyperactive, always asking questions and jumping from one topic to another
"___, why does mr. prospector have a candle on his head?" "well, he needed it for his job..." "YO ___ I FOUND A SMOKE BOMB‼️‼️" "ROBBIE NO"
im straying away from the canon right here but i think robbie would have an ipad. hes not a greasy ipad kid tho he just likes watching cartoons and playing minecraft while queuing (HE LIKES BLUEY!!!!)
he would also bring his tablet to you and show you pics of his favourite dinosaurs
little man robert actually really likes survivors :) he finds you guys silly and he can't wrap his head around the fact that y'all are so nervous and scared most of the time in the game
would probably have to beg michiko for it but eventually he'll sneak into the survivor's side of the manor to visit you
just imagine. him standing menacingly in front of your door at 2am like 🕴 , scaring you shitless in the process, and suddenly whispering:
"i brought cookies"
he comes over each weekend for movie nights >:) you two build a pillow fort, bring snacks and watch disney/superhero movies
would also ask you to play roblox with him or something
besides games like minecraft and roblox he likes to play pretend/roleplay as pirates or ninjas and would love it if you joined him
he has pet rats inside his head and all of them Have names :) occassionaly he'll take them out and show them to you
asks you for piggy back rides when he's too tired to walk around
he spends a lot of his time outside playing in the nearby forest and sometimes he'll just come inside carrying like. a massive fucking frog or some shit just to show it to you
would hold your hand while walking around the manor and during matches :))))))
robbie actually looks up to you a lot, even though he's a hunter and you're a survivor :] eventually you'll find him referring to you as his "best buddy" or even "bro/sis/sib"
still haves memories of his sister and his life in the asylum - although he coped with it a long time ago since he didn't have any other option, some of his mannerisms still stem from his past experiences
like for example, sharing candy, sneaking through the manor even though he hasn't done anything bad, hiding whenever some of the hunters walk by etc.
sometimes you'll hear him mention "dolores" in the middle of his usual info dump about his interests
robbie got over the loss of his sister pretty well and loves talking about her anyway, but even with that he still lacks an older sibling/big brother/sister figure deep inside
that's one of the reasons he's very friendly in general and protective of people he likes - he doesn't want to end up all alone again no matter what, and is afraid of someone leaving him
sometimes, before you tuck him to sleep and read him a bedtime story, you swear you can hear him sob - you end up staying by his side every time until you're sure he falls asleep with a smile on his face
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 8 - Runaway. Episode 3.
Andy: *As he sat up straight and started smoking his cig, that by then was almost half done anyway, I lit one as well, and couldn't help but notice my sister had stepped away a bit, but I could easily see she was fumbling around with her phone, probably notifying Congo and the others that we had located Andy, and he was okay under the circumstances. I looked at him and asked if he wanted to go home, and as he shook his head, I asked what else he wanted to do* Maybe we could go for a ride? *his voice sounded hopeful* I really need to get some more air.. we could take my bike? Maybe Congo could pick yours up? Evan: *I nodded agreeing and pointed at his upper body, he was only wearing a quite open tank top* maybe we should find you a light jacket or shirt first? I dont want you to catch a cold. It's getting a bit chilly in it. Andy: *He shook his head lightly* Nah, Im good, trust me. Evan: *I nodded at Lily in a way to indicate she could pass on the news, and as I stood up I dragged Andy with me* Lily: Evan… I will tell Congo to meet me here so we can take care of your bike *She smiled softly, so you could easily see the dimples on her cheeks, running her fingers through her short darkbrown hair* if you can just leave me a couple of cigs, that would be great. Evan: *I shook my head lightly* nah, I'll just lock it and pick it up tomorrow, not a lot of people come out here, besides, it's almost hidden in the grass anyway. Lily: *Rolled her eyes* Nonsense! It's no trouble at all. Evan: *I sighed softly and grabbed my cigs, giving her the rest of the package and my lighter* take care of the lighter, I got it from dad years ago. Will you be okay out here? Lily: *Nodded softly and bend forwards a bit, sliding the shaft of a big knife out from inside her boot* I know self defense brother mine *she winked and chuckled warmly* Evan: *I shook my head, I had never gotten over the fact she used to date a man that was 20 years older than her, a deer hunter, he had taught her not only how to use a knife, but also a gun. Didn't he know my big sister was able to take care of herself without wheapons, and he would only make her even more dangerous by adding tools to her hands? I chuckled softly* alright, we will head out then. If anything happens, call me… no call Andy, I will do the driving, it's safer. If you call him there is a better chance of the phone getting picked up at the first try. *I kissed her forehead gently and whispered in her ear as I hugged her tight* Thanks sis. He means the world to me. Lily: *She hugged me even tighter, and although she was only about half my size in weight, her squeeze still managed to let all air ot of me* I know, Evan. Now get going! *She laughed softly as she pushed herself away from me and lit a cig* I will see you back at the house, drive safely! Evan: *I nodded and jumped up on Andy's bike, him quickly following, wrapping his arms tight around my waist, and as he leaned his head against my back, I started the bike and drove off into the night. About 15 minutes later we stopped, back in the town, and we found all streets empty. It was past 4 in the morning, most houses was darkened, most people in them sleeping. Andy had asked me to pull over as he needed to pee, and as he returned to me from a small alley he looked at me a bit nervous*
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killianglyndon · 3 years
Reunion (tbb ep.16 fix-it fic)
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Pairing: Crosshair x Medic! Female Reader
Warning: tbb ep.16 spoilers, mentioned of killing people, inhibitor chip?, some kissing, grammar mistakes, typo (cause i didn’t proof read lol. im too tired to do that.)
A/N: anyway, i was so mad and sad about tbb finale, so i decided to write a fix-it fic. That doesn’t mean I hate the episode, this is just my version of story. im not really good at writing so...haha. that’s why im a gifmaker, also my main language is not English, so there would have some typos and grammar mistakes.
Word count: 1.6k
read on ao3
You and The Bad Batch were on the way to save Hunter. You knew this would be a trap, but you couldn’t help but think of a certain sniper, your lover.
You and the batch didn’t understand what had happened to him at first, his brother, your love. The way he called you and the batch traitor, the way he raised his gun to you, and the way he talked. This wasn’t him, this was not the crosshair you know. 
Then, it turned out that the kaminoans had implanted inhibitor chips in every clone to make clones blindly follow orders, even killing the jedi.
“Good soldiers follow orders” This line kept echoing in your head after you heard Crosshair say it. This, this was not the crosshair you know.
“You and omega wait here” Echo told you and omega.
“No, we should stick together!” Omega protested. 
You put a hand on Omega’s shoulder, trying to calm her.
“No, echo’s right” Wrecker agreed with him.
“Stay out of sight, if things go south we’ll send you a signal. Go back to the ship and contact Rex.” Echo added, looking at you and omega.
You gave him a nod and pulled Omega back to your side before watching them ascend to the training room.
You know how much Hunter meant to Omega, the way they interacted, and the way they cared for each other. You understood why the young girl looked up to him.
“Omega, I’m sure they’ll get Hunter back.” You reassured her.
“I know, and Crosshair.” She looked at you with her bright eyes.
You were a little shocked when she mentioned him. All this time, you tried so hard to suppress your feelings for him, your love for him. The batch knew that you missed him, they could tell. The way you stared into his empty bed, and the nights that you cried until you were too tired and the tears were dried.
“Yeah, and Crosshair…” You smiled sadly at the young girl.
When you and Omega joined the batch in the training room, you, Omega, and AZI stayed in one of the gun towers. That was when you saw him, your Crosshair. Hunter and he were tackling each other while Tech, Echo, and Wrecker were shooting the droids.
“I believe you may have activated a few too many droids.” AZI said to Omega and you.
“ We can see that, AZI.” Omega raised her bow, aiming for the nearest droid to Hunter and Crosshair. Meanwhile, you used your blaster to shoot some of the droids near the others.
After clearing out all the droids, you, Omega, and AZI joined the others on the ground. You walked closer to Crosshair and Hunter. 
You could see that Crosshair was shocked to see you, the coldness in his eyes, mixing up with a tiny bit of shock.
The big scar on the right side of his head was horrifying, did the empire did this to him? Your heart almost broke into million pieces, seeing the love of your life like this.
“Crosshair…” Your voice almost sounded like a whisper. 
For a moment, you see the real Crosshair, your Crosshair. But soon replaced by the coldness and aloofness.
“Crosshair, forget the empire. This isn’t you, it’s the inhibitor chip.” Hunter tried to talk some senses into him.
“Wrong.” Crosshair stared back at Hunter. “I had my chip removed a long time ago.” He added.
All of you looked shocked, Tech and Wrecker looked at each other, speechless. Hunter almost looked hurt. 
“Since when?” Hunter asked.
“Does it matter?”
No. No. This is not Crosshair. The Crosshair you know would never do this.
“Cross, the empire lied about many things, what if they lied to you?” You asked, trying to hold back your tears.
“This is who I am.” 
Crosshair tried to raise his rifle, but Hunter was faster. He stunned him before Crosshair’s attempt.
“Hunter, three Venators are descending on the city. We need to leave, now.” Tech stated.
“Wrecker, grab Crosshair. He’s coming with us.” Hunter grabbed Crosshair’s rifle and backpack, while you went to picked up Crosshair’s helmet.
You saw Omega gave Hunter a nod before walking away. Hunter caught you staring at him, so you gave a sad smile to him in return.
“He’s coming home with us.” Hunter said.
You and The Batch finally made it to Nala Se’s lab, Tech and Echo were currently trying to figure out a plan. After Crosshair and Hunter’s intense conversation, you saw him walking to the window and taking a seat to rest.
“AZI, come with me, I need your help on something.” You asked.
AZI followed you to Crosshair, you took a seat beside him.
“What do you want?” He asked coldly.
“AZI is a medical droid, he can scan you to check if you still have the chip.”
“Indeed, I helped CT-5555 removed his and CT-5385’s chip according to my memory database.” AZI said.
“Fine.” Crosshair agreed reluctantly.
“CT-9904, this scan only takes a few seconds” AZI said before scanning Crosshair.
To be honest, you knew he still had the chip, you hoped he still had the chip. Cause there was no way, no way the Crosshair you knew would be like this.
“The scan is completed.” AZI said.
“So..?” You asked.
“CT-9904 still has his chip, the chip’s effect was weakened due to the injury from ion engine.” AZI answered.
You felt almost relieved? 
The Batch heard it and rushed to you, “He still has...his chip?” Hunter asked, sounded a little guilty.
Echo, Tech, Omega, and Wrecker looked at each other, surprised by this unexpected news as well.
“That would be correct.”AZI replied.
“Could you remove it, AZI?” Omega asked, she wanted his brother back as much as any of you did.
“Yes. I’m capable of removing CT-9904’s inhibitor chip.”
“Do it.” Hunter said.
You stayed next to Crosshair while AZI removed his chip. The surgery was faster than you think, you hold Crosshair’s hand during the whole surgery, and you still holding it now.
“CT-9904’s chip has been removed. He should be awake in any minutes.” AZI stated.
You felt his hand pressing yours, “Crosshair?”
“Hey, you’re okay now. We removed your chip.” You reassured him.
Crosshair looked away from you, his eyes filled with guilt, confusion, anger, sadness.
“Don’t you hate me?” He asked. “All those things I had done…”
Your hand reached out to stroke his face, “No. Never. I know it’s the chip, Cross. It’s not your fault.” You smiled at him. “I love you, always and forever.” 
Crosshair put his hand on your face, wiping away the tears falling down your face. “ But I shot at you, I tried to kill you… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry…”
“Shhh, I forgive you, Cross. All of it. I’m sorry we didn’t come to save you earlier…” 
Crosshair sat up and pulled you into a hug, you melted into his touch, inhaling his scent. Your Crosshair was finally back to you, this is real. The sleepless night without him, the loneliness, the emptiness, the desperation, were all gone. Crosshair was back to you, alive.
“I love you too, cyare.” He said it back.
He pulled away a little so he could kiss you on the lips, his hand trailed to your nape, kissing you with force. You and Crosshair clung on to each other so hard, afraid you would lose each other again. That was when you heard Hunter cleared his throat, you two finally pulled away from each other.
“I know you two miss each other but this lab is about to collapse. and this is not very…” Hunter said and eyed Omega.
“Right, sorry about that.” You answered, then looked at Crosshair whose arm was still wrapped around you. “Cross.” You nudged him.
“Fine.” He gave up and retreated his arm.
“I see Crosshair still has his severe and unyielding personality.” Tech stated.
“This is called missing someone, Tech.” Crosshair said and pulled out one toothpick to throw it at him.
“Ha! He’s back!” Wrecker exclaimed and playfully punched Crosshair’s shoulder. 
Crosshair pretended to show an annoyed face, but deep down you knew he missed his brothers.
“Listen, Crosshair. I’m sorry. We should have come for you earlier.” Hunter said. “I was trying to keep the rest of the squad safe, but you are one of us. I’m sorry.”
Crosshair didn’t say anything, just stood up and walk toward Hunter. For a moment you thought he was going to punch him, but instead, Crosshair extended his hand to Hunter.
Hunter looked at Crosshair’s hand then his eyes, he reached out his hand to shake Crosshair’s. 
“We need to leave fast, the structure could not hold much longer.” AZI chimed in.
All of you finally made it to the platform, for once the Kamino is sunny.
Omega stared at the Tipoca City, which was all destroyed. “It’s… all gone.”
You looked at that direction, the place all clones called home was all gone. The Batch and you took a few seconds to process this, to accept the fact.
“We should leave before Empire’s scouts show up.” Tech said.
“You coming with us?” Wrecker asked, looking at Crosshair.
“Yeah.” Crosshair said and took out a toothpick, putting it into his mouth.
Hunter nodded at him before walking to the ship with the others.
You still stood next to Crosshair, “You ready?” you asked.
“Yeah.” He gave you a little smile then intertwined his hand with yours, leading you to the Marauder. 
You didn’t know what the future would be, but one thing was sure. Crosshair would be right beside you, always and forever.
tagging: @ahsoka1 @kavecika @starwarschicken @itsjml @ct-1994 @loth-wolffe-main @theiirs @thefeatherofhope @ahs0ka-tan0 @mallr4ts @kriffclone
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
otchet o missii
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© @wintersthighs
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
part one ⸺ part two ⸺ bonus
request made by anon: Hi Maria you beautiful person you please be my friend 🥺 I kinda have a request but if it doesn't speak to you then you don't have to write it, could you write something where reader is an enhanced/ mutant (kinda like Wanda or Jean Grey so like crazy powerful and dangerous) and Bucky just will not let the government get near her because he knows they'll probably experiment on her to make her a weapon cause they're sus like that? It can be romantic or platonic no preference, if ya want, please and thanks sorry this was so long
word count: 1.165 words.
warnings/tags: none. dad!bucky being overprotective with his baby soldier.
author notes: re-posted because tumblr deleted it for no reason. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Soldat, stoy”.
(Soldier, stop).
Your eyes widened. Your heart raced. The time froze. That command clicked something in your brain, producing the spheres of flames concentrated on your palms to dwindle till disappearing. You had just one second to look around you, before turning at the firm tone of voice behind your back. You found yourself in the middle of Times Square, surrounded by different security forces, aiming at you with large-caliber weapons. Above your head, two helicopters were setting up a perimeter. The chaos spread around the long avenue. You didn't have an idea of how you ended up there, but you were scared like never before.
Turning slowly, your eyes landed on a pair of pale blue orbs. You didn’t notice the other people as a backup. A feeling of safety invaded you when he tilted his head confused, narrowing his eyes, trying to understand how it was possible that you were there. But before you could take a step closer to him, a twinge followed by an electric cramp shook your body. The last thing you heard before blacking out was an I got you, and a cold arm wrapping your abdomen.
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Avengers Compound
06:03 pm, New York
“How do you know it’s not a trap set by Hydra?” Steve asked, reclining himself on his seat at the meeting table next to the rest of the Avengers.
“Because I trust her”. Bucky didn’t doubt replying, although he couldn’t understand why, hearing Stark clicking his tongue as he rolled his eyes.
“James, you don’t know her”. Natasha sighed, referring to the fact that being assassins together years ago meant nothing.
“I trained her. She owes me loyalty”.
“What’s that? Some kind of Stockholm Syndrome patented by Hydra?” Clint scoffed incredulously.
“Tell us what you know about her, Bucky. What you remember”. The captain asked his long-life friend, leaning on the table with both forearms rested against the edge of it.
The soldier gulped, deeply breathing, nodding his chin with his eyes lost somewhere on the dark oak. He explained how Vasily Karpov knew about you. An orphan with no family, no history, and a power of telepathy that allowed you to control the four elements as you pleased. Water, fire, earth, and air. From nowhere, your body could produce flames and throw them anywhere. Exactly the same you could do with water and air. Earth was different. Only by using your hands you could wild it as you want; creating earthquakes or holes, move it. The heroes around Bucky were stupefied. You were a potential danger.
Then, he told them about your skills. Karpov made him stay awake after killing Tony’s parents to train her. You were just a kid. And soon, you were a soldier with an angelic face who could kill anyone just by blinking your eyes. To tell the truth, the Winter Soldier was everything you had in this life. You two worked together, hand-to-hand, for more than ten years until he disappeared. With him out of the game, Hydra continued experimenting with you to replace him. But they reached a point where you couldn't bear the pain, losing control completely.
“Let me talk with her, please”. Bucky begged, touring his eyes around the people there.
“It’s too dangerous”. Vision affirmed, taking a position close to Tony.
“She. Owes. Me. Loyalty”. He repeated almost hissing, pointing out every word with his silver forefinger poking the table.
“You have five minutes before the Government brings her to the Raft”. Rhodes sentenced, crossing his arms on his chest. “Five minutes”.
Escorted by Steve and Wanda, who was the only one there that could control you, Bucky went down to the third sublevel. When the soporific made its effect and knocked you out in the middle of Manhattan, the Avengers managed to take you to their compound.
You were still stoned, but conscious enough to know what was happening around you. Everything spun inside the bunker. Your head hurt like hell and you felt a knot within the pit of your stomach that made you want to puke your guts. As the heavy door proffered a loud noise being opened you retreated to the farthest corner, placing your knees to your chest and wrapping your legs with both arms. Again, you were shaking. Terrified. About to beg for your life.
“Soldat, otchet o missii”.
(Soldier, mission report).
Your breathing became erratic as if the air wasn't enough to fill your lungs. You were at the edge of your crying, raising your hidden face from the gap of your knees. The Winter Soldier was standing some feet away from you. No expression on his face, as always, but with the small difference of a slight inkling of concern. He also looked skinnier, shorter hair, a grown beard. He looked healthier, free.
“Net zadaniya”. You whispered with a broken tone.
(No assignment).
“Soldat, otchet o missii”. He repeated taking a step ahead, hardening his voice.
(Soldier, mission report).
The command made you gulp a sob. Wasn’t he believing you? How could you lie to him?
“Net zadaniya”. You replied with no hesitation, standing on your bare feet and sticking your back to the wall. “Missiya ne naznachena”.
(No assignment. No mission assigned).
You noticed he wanted to turn to his partners, but he didn't. The soldier kept eye contact, coming a little more closer, invading your personal space without caring. He tilted his head forward, trying to find the answers to his questions in your orbs. But they both were emptied with the sole exception of the horror invading your chest and reflected on them. You didn't want to come back. You wanted to be released from Hydra's chain. You weren't an assassin, nor a monster.
“I wa… I was looking for… you”. Babbling, you confessed, being the explanation for why your mind took you to that place in concrete.
“Because you are the only person I have”.
His eyelids narrowed for a second, scanning your intentions, feeling frustrated by not finding anything hidden beneath your words. “Otchet o missii, soldat”.
(Mission report, soldier).
“Net zadaniya, Sergeant Barnes”.
(No assignment).
It was the first time you pronounced part of his real name since you met him many years ago and you could listen to his heartbeat increasing. Before you blinked, his metallic hand grabbed your throat and pinned you against the wall, watching the fury and the rage taking control over his grimace. Glancing above his shoulder, a redhead woman stopped the blonde man known as Captain America. Your gaze focused again on the soldier, loosening slowly the grip on your skin.
“Why don't you remember me?”
The last thing you knew about him was that the man behind him brought back the memories of his past life. His real life. But he was still looking at you with hate and revulsion. Of course, the Winter Soldier was conscious of who you were. What he had forgotten was how he felt about you. He didn't reply to your question, walking backward to the exit, leaving you there. Alone. Again.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
author notes: what do you think about, after the two parts explaining the story, continuing it to explore the evolution of their relationship? do you like the idea? lemme know in a comment or send me an ask!
TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @xx-marvelfanatic-xx @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @the-mystery-spot @multiyfandomgirl40 @purrrrfect @spidergirla5 @wanniiieeee @fanofalltheficsx @spideysimpossiblegirl @nocturnalherb16 @jointhehunt67 @the-witty-pen-name @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @edenxecho @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @diaryofkali @starrynite7114 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @skits90s @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell
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withered-tears · 2 years
I want to sorta, kickstart myself into writing again, even if just short stuff, so I've decided to do a bit of a game out of it!
Im going to list 6 fandoms, (and depending on how this goes, might add more later) and (taking my sweet time) write short non connected scenes of crossovers between all combinations! So that would mean 15 short scenes to write.
The fandoms are:
Star wars
My little pony
My hero academia
And since I already had some ideas for this one, Im going to start with:
Star Wars x Bleach
This was not the worst situation they've been in.
Later he will come up with some examples, now he is a bit busy trying to come up with a way for him and his master to walk out of this alive.
The ambush was a fast one, the results?
Him chained to post, his stump port sparking and dripping oil all over the floor (and no matter how relatively easy is to get a new replacement, losing that hand always seems to hurt as much as the first time), Obi wan, barely conscious, his forehead still bleeding, bounded and being ready for an execution.
Their weapons, both blasters and their lightsabers still at the camp, a few miles away. (And how would Anakin wish his legs would be unbound so he could kick himself right now, his paranoia towards his new blade making him choose to leave it behind, if only temporarily)
He tries to focus, use the force to either free himself or attack his captors, but a powerful electric shock makes him lose all concentration, in lieu of clenching his muscles in pain.
Is a clever way to subdue a jedi, his cuff are programmed to shock him in random intervals, not enough to fry him but certainly enough to keep him in check. (And wasnt that interesting, how this group of bounty hunters were going to such extremes to capture him alive, yet were about to kill Obi wan, was he the main target?)
Anaking struggles, but his bounds are too strong.
He is too weak.
Too weak.
He needs to be stronger, he wants power.
Do you really?
He startles, the vibrant purples of the grass around them, and the yellowish sky have both faded to an almost grey, his attackers seemed almost frozen, or perhaps in very slow motion.
Of course, the most shocking change was the new figure in the clearing, standing between him and Obi Wan.
They were tall, easily two heads taller than him, but their figure was a mystery. They were covered in a heavy cloack like cloth, not unlike a jedi's robe, yet different, darker in color, and with a thick cloth wrapping their waist, as a sort of belt.
No part of their body was visible, in fact, some sort of mist or perhaps smoke seemed to emanate from inside the cloack.
All he could see, was a pair of glowing, yellow eyes.
What do you want, Anakin Skywalker?
Anakin wonders, if this is what siths see when they surround themselves to the dark side of the force, if this is what it looks like when one sells their soul for power.
But what choice does he have?
And the being snorts.
No, you don't
"Wh- what?!"
You need power, to achieve what you want
"That's the same thing!-"
It is not, believe me, it is not. So tell me, what do you want?
Without meaning to, Anakin's gaze turns towards the still bleeding Obi Wan, and the creature's yellow eyes follow.
"Protect... I want, I want to protect him."
Just him?
And Anakin thinks of Rex and his squad, always having their backs, he thinks of Ahsoka, and how much he stills wants to teach her, he thinks of padme.
He thinks of his mother, dying on his arms.
"Everyone... I want to protect everyone."
And the figure takes a step closer, raising a hand seemingly made of smoke, and places it gently on his head, ruffling his hair.
Then let's do so
Call my name, Anakin, and we shall protect those you love
This was not the worst situation they've been in.
Give him a few minutes to think through his concussion and he'll think of a few examples.
But first, he has to focus all his mental discipline in helping his padawan. Oh righ, and in keeping his own head from getting blown off.
But ferore he could even begin to formulate a plan, the Force screamed.
It was a wrathful warcry, it was a joyfull cackle, it was the thundering wail of a newborn storm.
And Anakin was standing right in the middle of it.
Obi Wan has seen his fair share of exceptionally strong force users, and knew Anakin to be one, but he have never seen something like this.
The Force rippled the air, a miniature hurricane or raw power, the post that once held Anakin now lied in pieces, their attackers, those still conscious, seemed to have trouble standing, or even breathing.
Then Anakin raised his remaining hand, and with a distant sonic boom, his new lightsaber rushed into his hold.
His lightsaber, which Obi Wan knew was miles away.
But he didn't activated it.
Instead, he brings it close to his side, body lowered in a stance he never saw jedi nor sith use, opening pointing behind him.
He looked like someone about to unsheat a physical sword.
"Devour our chains."
His voice echoed with strength, his eyes glowed with power.
"The Eclipse."
The group of bounty hunters and assassins stared at the massive summoned beast made of smoke, ashes and darkness, and think to themselves,
This was definitely the worst situation they've been in.
And theres scene number 1! Hopefully more to come later.
@north-peach i think you'll like this one
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lavendersb · 3 years
Din Djarin x reader
Summary: Din wants to give you the universe. Making you see stars seems like a good place to start.
Warnings: Smut, this is str8 up sin, fingering, soft!dom Din, service!dom Din, overstimulation, so much praise, i wrote this at 3am so if this is hardly literate im so sorry :)
@maybege​ i have you to blame for encouraging my sinful behaviour 
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Din doesn’t know how he survived before you.
Of coursed he coped, he hadn’t become the best bounty hunter in the parsec without a certain level of diligence. His structured Mandalorian upbringing had taught him the importance of being capable and organized, of always being one step ahead.
But the child had brought with him its own unique set of challenges. Din could deal with the bounty hunters and imperial forces, they where nothing new to him. The joys of parenthood however had taken some getting used to.
He was an angel most of the time. Din could spend hours with the little womp rat and not encounter the slightest hitch, but when the fancy struck him, the child could turn into a little terror of angry gargles and twitching ears. The fact that he could also throw items around the crest with his strange magic powers didn’t make these tantrums any easier for Din to handle.
That’s when you had arrived. Offering your services as caretaker and claiming to be a half -decent mechanic as well, Din had hired you almost instantly. The child was almost as taken with you as he was, and from that moment on, Din never looked back.
He learns quickly that you had been very modest about your skills. Not only where you capable of handling whatever the child threw your way, you could also help with just about any problem the crest came up with. Din also learns that you’re not bad in a fight, and on the odd occasion he invites you out on a hunt with him. You work together like a well-oiled machine, united by a common goal of protecting the child. Protecting each other.
Perhaps it was your caring and capable nature that drew Din closer to you than he ever expected he would. Regardless of what it had been, Din has never felt as happy as when he comes home to see the love of his life waiting for him with his strange little son.
This is where his mind has wondered as he trudges through the swampy mud back to his ship. The bounty was on planet thankfully, so Din never had to worry about bringing the quarry near to his safe haven. The safe haven in question, the metallic body of the razor crest, peeks out at him through the trees and Din’s feet just can’t move fast enough.
Din lowers the ramp, and as he reaches the warmly lit interior of the hull he can’t help but pause a moment in shock.
The hull when Din had left it was a state. On the previous planet you had returned to the crest just as a team of Jawas had started to tear it apart. Thankfully Din had managed to scare them off before they could cause any real damage, but a fair few interior wall panels had already been unscrewed and tossed aside. This morning Din had left the hull in that same state. Now it was as if there had never been any damage at all.
But there, in the centre of the hull is the thing that makes Din’s heart clench beneath the beskar. You’ve set a small metal container on the ground, filled it with some warm water which gently steams, and placed the little green child inside for a bath. He watches where you kneel beside the tub, grinning at the child as he holds one of your fingers in one tiny hand, and splashes the water with the other.
“Hi,” you say through a slight laugh, snapping Din out of his reverent staring “we’re almost done here”
Din walks forward, coming to stand beside you and bending to press his forehead to yours softly.
“Did you fix the ship?” he asks softly, though he knows the answer.
“Yes,” you confirm, pulling away from him reluctantly. The child, now wholly interested in the return of his father, reaches out to Din and begins to babble uncontrollably.
“We’ve had a busy day, haven’t we? But you’ve been such a good helper,” You say to the child, and Din watches you fish the wriggling child out of his bath and wrap him up in a soft towel. He notes that the task of fixing the crest must have taken almost all of the day, and having to keep the child entertained at the same time wouldn’t have made it easy for you.
“Mesh’la, have you eaten today?”
Din takes your silence as an answer and his happiness falters just a little. Of course you would prioritise your task and the child before yourself. Sometimes he wonders how you would survive without him.
“I wanted to wait” you reassure him weakly “enjoy my break when the work is done”
“I’ll take him from here, you should rest” Din says, leaving no room for argument.
He takes the child from you, now dressed in a freshly cleaned robe (another task you’ve completed that he wants to thank you for). Din sees a moment of doubt pass over your face as you try to argue with him, but the feeling of tiredness creeping into your bones wins you over. With an acknowledging smile, you kiss the child on the head and disappear towards the nearest bunk.
Din takes care of the last few jobs of the day, content in the knowledge that his love is resting nearby. He makes the jump to hyperspace first, cradling the child in his arms. The little bundle is still warm from the bath, and Din watches his big glossy eyes blink slowly at him, trying to savour the last moment seeing his Buir’s shiny helmet before he falls asleep.
Once the child is safely asleep in his cot, Din goes to fish through his bag, producing one of the fresh bread rolls and a selection of berry’s he bought before he returned. He plates them with the last of the soup that’s left, and once he’s finished his own portion and secured his helmet back in place, he calls out to you to join him.
Woozy and half asleep, Din watches fondly as you float towards the little kitchen set-up. The sleep in your eyes is replaced with excitement as you catch a glimpse of the fresh food on the table.
“Din,” you breathe “you shouldn’t have”
“It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done today”
Din watches as you happily devour the food. He listens intently as you tell him all of the things you and the child got up to that day. How long it took to fix the panels, how the two of you played out in the muddy swamp for a while before you brought the child in for a well needed bath. This domesticity is something so new to him, but you make it feel easy. Just like you made it easy for him to fall in love with you. He would give you the galaxy, Din thinks, if only he knew where to start.
When the food is finished, Din clears the plates away but there’s a feeling deep down in his soul that he can do more for you. There’s still something else he can provide. As he sees you walk away towards the refresher, he knows he must act fast.
Din crowds you against the wall, pressing you against the panels you’ve just diligently fixed. A hand that rests at the back of your head prevents you from hurting your skull, and Din lets his fingers wind through the strands beneath them. Your eyes are wide as you stare up at his visor, surprised by his sudden movements and hopeful, Din can tell, that he might be about to pull unspeakable pleasures from you.
“Have I taken care of you? He asks quietly.
“No,” Din chastises “I haven’t. Not yet. Tell me what you need”
Your lips flutter as the words Din seeks dance around your mouth. He encourages your response by fisting your hair a little harder, not to be cruel, but to ease you into his instruction.
“You, Din” he finally hears you gasp “I need you”
Pride swells in him at your words, and he moves the hand in your hair to wrap around the small of your back and fasten on your waist, pulling you close to him whilst he presses you to the wall.
“Then you’ll have me”
Din uses his free hand to pull at the obstructing fabric that keeps him from the apex of your thighs. Softly, but without preamble his hand dips to your heat and makes a gentle swipe through your folds, groaning when he finds it warm and soft and so very wet already.
His fingers find your clit and with tiny, firm little circles he plays with it to his hearts content. Din feels you tremble and sag against him, enjoying how accepting you become to his touch.
“My sweet girl,” Din breathes, and it’s said so reverently it makes you tremble and mewl just that bit more.
“My sweet girl, you’ve worked so hard today” The movements against your clit slow and you whine in complaint. Din chuckles and shushes you “I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you whine desperately, moving to grip the arm that reaches between your legs, hoping to encourage it to move again.
Din smiles beneath his helmet, satisfied with your compliance as he returns to your clit with vigour, plucking from you tiny gasps that draw his hungry eyes to the way your pretty chest rises and falls.
“Then cum mesh’la. Come so I can fuck your pretty cunt with my fingers”
And oh how that filthy promise pushes you off the edge. He feels you stiffen in his arms and pulls you closer to him until you feel crushed by his solid presence. You can hardly register it though, too lost in the waves of pleasure that don’t seem to ease at all. Din doesn’t stop playing with your clit until your pretty moans turn to gasps and pleas to stop.
He doesn’t remove his hand from you, simply sliding his fingers down to trace that little fluttering hole he loves so dearly. He watches your face the whole time, enjoying how slack it goes when the first finger makes a teasing press against you.
“Pretty girl you take such good care of us, but you neglect yourself” he teasingly scolds, pressing into you a little further with his finger and watching you keen at his tone.
“Would you like to be taken care of? Is that what you need?”
“Yes, Din, yes” you nod frantically, squirming in his firm grasp.
He squeezes your hip in warning, before sliding his finger deep inside you. Both of you groan at the feeling of your soft heat welcoming his finger. He starts to pump into you, his pace direct and precise, hitting against that soft spongy spot with each push. Din wanted to give you the galaxy, making you see stars seemed like a good place to start.
“I knew from the first minute I saw you that you’d be so warm and soft everywhere” Din says as you cry out for him “and I was right, wasn’t I mesh’la? Your cunt might be the warmest, softest thing in the whole galaxy”
As he adds another finger, Din swears he’s never felt more whole then when he’s breaking you apart like this. Letting you be tender and vulnerable. You break apart for him so well he muses.
“Won’t you cum for me?” he says, and stars you’ve never wanted to come so bad in all your life. Not just because you think you might explode at the way his fingers are aiming for that spot that makes you cry out in pleasure, but also because you want- no need him to know how much you love him. How grateful you are that he treats you so well.
When you do cum its electric. You reach for Din’s pauldron for support, gripping the metal as you rock against his hand. He feels you soak his palm and groans, shamelessly grinding himself against whatever part if you he can.
He doesn’t pull his fingers from you, instead he massages your walls gently watching you twitch when he rubs that special place inside you. He waits until you meet his eye through the visor, expectantly waiting for him to withdraw his fingers.
Instead he presses his thumb back against your thoroughly abused clit and holds you tighter as you give a startled jolt against him.
“Din,” you whine, and he smirks at how wrecked and helpless you sound “I can’t-“
“You can” he insists, picking up the pace of the fingers inside you “You’ll cum again because I’m telling you to. Because I’m taking care of you, right?”
You can barely nod in response, your body to busy trying to cope with the overwhelming feeling of overstimulation. Din gazes at your face, taken by the way your brows pinch and fat tears fill your waterline and weigh down your eyelashes. 
The sight of you has him desperate, and he removes the hand from around your waist, using his torso to pin you to the wall so you don’t collapse. He tugs the cowl away from his neck to expose the tanned skin of his neck. You don’t need his instruction to know what to do next, and with what little energy left in your body, you lean forward to press messy, fluttering kisses to the skin over his pulse.
Din grunts, truly blissed out by the feeling of you on him doubles his assault on your sensitive heat. He barely hears your gasping warning before he feels you come utterly undone against him. Your cunt squeezes his fingers so tightly, and he makes sure to tell you that, though he’s not sure you can hear him. Your face is still pressed against his neck, breathing against him, and he swears he feels a wet tear drop against his skin.
“I love you, sweet girl” he says, pulling his fingers from you softly.
The hum that comes from your heavy, satisfied, and sleepy body tells him he’s done his job well. He lets himself feel proud. Upstairs, his child sleeps soundly in his crib. Well protected and well loved. Here, in his arms, lays his love. Soon she’ll be asleep in their shared bed, and Din will find himself wondering how he was blessed with such a wonderful and loving partner.
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stardustdiaries · 3 years
Is...is this okay?
Requested by: @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: chronic pain due to ♡menstruation♡ which also makes me include blood and nausea as a warning and Soft!Din deserves his own warning (SEASON 2 SPOILER: THE CHILD’S NAME)
Word count: 1,613
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  Din Djarin is a protector- there is no doubt in your mind about that.
In the few months of you traveling with the beskar cladded bounty hunter and his magical son, you had somehow managed to slip your way past his armor and straight into his heart. The fact terrified him at first, but as these new feelings came crashing over him, he tried to find ways to express his affection for you. Sometimes he did it by giving you extra rations, other times he would do it by bringing back trinkets he thought you would like from his hunts.
Now, he shows his affection by taking care of you during your least favorite time of the month.
Din was in the cockpit just before morning broke, punching in the coordinates to your next destination as he lightly bounced Grogu on his leg. Setting the Crest on autopilot, he let himself relax into his seat as the child snuggled up on his stomach. A heavy sigh crackled through the helmet’s modulator as stars and distant planets whizzed by in flashing streaks of silver and blue.
Grogu cooed loudly, distress and concern heavy on the sound as he poked a hand in direction of the cockpit’s door. Before Din could question his son, the sound of uneven and stumbling footsteps fell onto his ears. Din quickly climbed down the ladder to the hull of the Crest with the Child in one arm, brows pulled together at the sight of your blankets messily spilling out of your compartment. As he stepped closer to your compartment, his brows shot up at the bright red stain on your sheets, sudden realization crashing over him as he and Grogu exchanged concerned glances.
A pained gasp emanated from the refresher quickly followed by a heave. Din grimaced at the sound, dropping to one knee before gently placing Grogu on the floor and making his way to the refresher’s door. He knocked softly, sucking a sharp breath at the pained groan that echoed from the other side of the door. “Cyar’ika?”
A few beats pass before the door slides open, revealing your distraught self.  Din frowned under the helmet as you leaned against the doorframe, struggling to stop yourself from doubling over as you wrapped an arm around yourself. Taking note of your clean change of pants, Din's eyes traveled behind you, falling upon your old pair that were now stained with red- just like your sheets. Noticing where his eyes had settled, you lowered your head, embarrassed. “I-I'm sorry for the mess,” your voice rasped, words thick with pain and discomfort. “I’ll clean it up-"
Din shook his head, gently taking your hands in his and slowly pulling you back into the hull and close to him, making sure he wouldn’t do anything that would cause you more pain. “You don’t have to worry about it, cyar’ika.” He said softly, rubbing soothing circles on your back as another gut-twisting wave of pain shot through your body. Feeling your knees buckle, he wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. “Whoa. How about we get you back to bed?” he cooed, his voice gentle.  You buried your face on his chest, thankful that you could take in his warmth now that he wasn’t wearing his armor.
You nodded; eyes heavy with exhaustion as you let Din guide you through the hull. With a pout on your lips, you froze in place. Din looked back at you, tilting his head in concern as you looked at him with apologetic eyes. “Cyar’ika, what is it?”
“I…I stained my sheets,” you breathed guiltily, your eyes glossing over with tears of frustration as you winced at the pain on your abdomen. Din's heart shattered at how beaten you looked. He instinctively pulled you even closer to him, pressing his helmet to your forehead in a Keldabe kiss.
“I’ll take care of it, okay?” He assured you softly, his words crackling through the modulator. Sensing your hesitance, he gave you a reassuring tilt of his head before helping you lie down. “Is there anything I can do?”
You curled up into a ball under the sheets, taking a sharp breath as a response to the paralyzing surge of pain that wracked your body. Shaking your head, you squeezed your eyes shut at the pang of nausea that coursed through the deepest pits of your stomach. You felt sick, your stomach threatening to void itself of its contents as you tried to focus on controlling your breathing.
Din felt absolutely helpless as your breath hitched with every shot of pain that paralyzed your body, your muscles tense as beads of moisture collected themselves over your hairline. He offered you something small to eat and drink, fully knowing you’d reject the offer in your current state, but hopeful nonetheless that maybe he’d find a way to ease your discomfort. He didn’t bother with painkillers as he learned that your stomach always rejected them before they could even sooth the effects of your cramping muscles.
A pained gasp called him back to you and he was on his knees, by your side almost by reflex. He watched as you clenched your jaw and took notice of how your body shook tensely. “Cyar’ika…?” His hand cupped your cheek, pouting when you tried to hold back a whimper. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He knew it was a dumb question, but he needed to know what you were feeling.
When you opened your eyes, his heart stilled in it’s ribcage. The usual glint of joy that sparkled in your eyes was now replaced by exhaustion and torment. You leaned into the warmth of Din’s hand on your cheek, trying to focus on that before willing yourself to speak. “I-It hurts.” you choked as tears burned in your eyes before dropping to your cheeks.
The corners of Din’s lips dropped to a frown, his brows pulling themselves together in concern. He cooed sweet nothings as he gently wiped away the salty tracks of your tears. As an idea hit him, he pulled his lips into a thin line, contemplating his next moves. Slowly, he began to run his fingers over the flushed skin of your face, tracing your lips before he dropped his hand with a tilt of his head. “May I…?” he breathed, nodding in direction of the empty space on the cot.
Your eyebrows shot up in questioning. “But what if I accidentally-“
“Get blood on me? Cyar’ika, do you really think that’s what I’m concerned about right now?” he scoffed, but you could sense the smile he wore under the helmet. He waited for your response before he moved. Once you gave a stiff nod, Din darkened the room and removed his helmet. He gently climbed onto the cot, carefully making sure he wasn’t jolting you as he moved to your side. “Alright, come here.” With one arm carefully wrapped around you, he helped you move closer to him until your back was pressed against his chest.
You hummed as the heat radiating from his body spread over your own, letting your muscles loosen up slightly as his breath clashed with your skin. “That’s nice,” you rasped, your voice still strained, but genuine nonetheless.
“Yeah?” Din breathed a smile. He felt you tense up and hiss a few times and he would coo sweet words into your ears as a distraction. At some point, the pain must’ve been too much because your back arched before you curled up into a ball, a tired groan stumbling past your lips.
Din frowned at this. Before he could form a coherent thought, his hands snaked under your shirt and began to rub soft circles over skin of your abdomen. Immediately, you sighed in what Din recognized was relief. You got impossibly close to him and he didn’t argue against it. His hands were warm against your stomach and you sent a silent thank you to the Maker at this new sense of comfort.
“Is…is this okay?” he asked, fingers tracing shapes and patterns over your skin. His touch lingered and your eyes began to flutter as your exhaustion began to weigh on you. Melting against the shape of his body, a breath flew past your lips weakly as you slowly managed to stretch out your legs.
You managed to grace him with a small smile before letting your eyes close. “This is amazing.”
Din chuckled quietly, pressing a kiss on your cheek as his legs tangled with your own. He smiled as your heavy breaths settled into a soft and easy paced rhythm. You hadn’t made any sounds of complaint and your figure had finally released most of its stiffness. He knew you had finally managed to fall into the grasp of the rest your body had begged all day for, but he refused to remove his hands from their place on your stomach. Heck, he’ll continue rubbing circles over your skin all day if it meant that you’ll be able relax and rest.
Feeling a tug on one of his hands, he looked over your shoulder to see one of your own hands take hold of one of his. You pulled his hand sleepily, almost as if trying to keep him close and wrap his warmth around you like a blanket. He smiled at the gesture, pressing one last kiss onto your neck before settling next to you.
“I’ll be here, cyar’ika, you can rest.”
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mai-sau · 3 years
Prompt "give me attention" for kidnap family?
"haha, im gonna take it easy with prompts this time around, only a few hundred words -" cue spongebob title card "2.3k words later"
seriously tho thank you for the prompt!! (and sorry about the wait!) i had fun working on this one bc well i love any chance to write about this lil family of murderers and tiny bois :') hope u enjoy!!
Prompt: "Give me attention."
Thump. Maedhros slammed his book shut. A puff of dust wheezed out from the crusty pages; Maglor could make out the swirl of particles flying about in the dim shafts of sunlight peeking into his brother’s study from windows that he was sure were clean at some point in their existence.
Said brother tossed a glare over to Maglor from the other side of his desk.
“You’re allowed to be here. Quietly.” Maedhros threw a pointed look towards the abandoned scroll in Maglor’s hands.
“But I’m so very lonely, Nelyo,” Maglor pouted, and dropped the scroll on the desk. The parchment rolled out towards Maedhros, whose face was fast approaching the same shade as his hair. “Besides, I’ve already taken care of all my correspondence for the day. Nothing much else to do, really, but seek out the company of my darling brother.”
“I’m older than you,” Maedhros grit out, rubbing his temple in terse little circles. Which one of them he was reminding Maglor couldn’t say.
“Only by a few years,” Maglor teased. He let the corners of his lip curl up - he was well aware this made him look like “a cat about to feast on the fattest saucer of milk it’s ever conned” according to his brother, and that was why he did it.
On top of that dusty old book, Maedhros’ fingers twitched. Got you.
“Come on, Nelyo,” he whined. “Give me attentiooon.”
Maedhros threw him a positively hateful look, but Maglor knew he wouldn’t throw him out just yet. By this point, Maglor liked to think he knew his brother well enough.
There were some things he didn’t, of course, and this was fine. When his brother would wake and traipse out to the courtyard in the dead of night, staring at the moon hungrily for hours and hours as if he would never glimpse its light amidst the pitch dark again; when one of the many elves around Amon Ereb would do something wrong - not when one of their craftsmen made the same excited little exclamation as Curvo used to, or hunters fletched their arrows just how Tyelko did, Maglor understood these, at least - but a request phrased too sweetly, an abrupt movement, a smile too wide, and Maedhros’ throat would tighten, his words clipped, before excusing himself to go lock himself in his room for an hour, or two, or three: these parts of his brother Maglor may never know.
But he knew much, or at least enough. A few months after they’d taken in the twins, Maglor had just finished mopping an explosion of jam on the dining floor and sweeping up the shards of what was once the hefty jar that contained it. He’d first gently let Elros know that if they wanted food, they need only ask; he’d then let him know that no, of course they wouldn’t cast him out for breaking the jam jar, with no small amount of tears or internal panic on either end of that conversation.
By the time Maglor slunk into Maedhros’ study that evening to go over reports from around the fortress, he was maybe a bit tired. When Maedhros told him to wait for just a few minutes while he wrapped something or other up, Maglor might’ve let slip a touch of petulance and no small amount of theatrics into his voice when he asked when his dear Nelyo could spare just a moment for his poor baby brother, simply wilting away from the neglect.
Maglor had frozen, fearful of what his second-most severe brother would have to say in response to - well, whining. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d let himself do so. Oh, he’d been quite the brat in Valinor, and used to be quite proud of that fact, thank you. Each and every one of his brothers’ last nerves practically had his name on it. But it seemed ever since they arrived here, it was as if they simply couldn’t afford the waste of time. Ribbing was a favored pastime of his in Aman, but Beleriand offered no such frivolities.
But living with the twins, putting on playful words and coaxing laughter from two young faces that Maglor couldn’t bear to see two seconds from breaking anymore, had apparently loosened his discipline.
He’d thought Maedhros would treat him to one of his signature frowns, barking at him that neither of them had time to make things any harder for each other, but instead he’d… laughed. Just the slightest huff of air, yes, but a laugh nonetheless. Maglor hadn’t heard his brother laugh since…
Well, if anything, he was honoring his cousin’s memory.
So Maglor experimented over the years, let a few more teases and whines slip into his day-to-day interactions with Maedhros. His brother had since mustered a valiant effort to act annoyed, but Maglor could still catch a muffled chuckle or smothered grin here and there.
So. All in all, he’s sure he knows his brother pretty well at this point, and Maedhros was not troubled (bad), just bothered (good).
Which, of course, meant they could continue to play; Maglor would show no mercy.
“Please? Please, please? Just a smidgen of tender love and care from my dearly beloved big brother?” Maglor asked, eyes wide and pleading, hands clasped in front of him as he leaned over the desk. His hair, inky black, spilled all over his scroll.
Maedhros’ nose twitched. His right ear flicked. Oh yes. He was close to a chuckle now, he could tell. His dearly beloved big brother stood no fucking chance.
“Oh dear Eru, let my brother pay attention to - MANWË’S TITS!” Maglor shrieked, springing up from his seat after spotting a dark shadow peeking through the window.
His brother whirled around. Quick as a viper, his hand darted out to grasp the hilt of his sword. Despite this, Maglor could hear a choked noise he was more than halfway certain was the chuckle he had so desperately hunted. Oh well.
A chubby face stared right back at them, eyes round as saucers. Wait, make that two faces.
Both Maglor and Maedhros sagged with relief.
“Elros, can you please come in?” Maglor croaked, feeling five feet to the left of his physical body. “You too, Elrond.”
The two of them nodded bashfully, heads bobbing as they fumbled over to the glass. And they were… flapping. Each twin sported small brown wings on their back, looking much like the falcons Tyelko used to play with as a child. Maglor supposed, thinking of a great bird soaring away over the sea with light itself clutched tight in its talons, maybe they should have expected this one in particular.
Elros pushed once, twice at the windows, tiny arms straining against the pane and looking more panicked by the second. Behind him, Elrond simply pointed to the - oh, the window latch. Yes.
Maedhros stood up and flicked it open. Elros came tumbling through, nearly bashing his skull on the desk before Maedhros caught him midair.
Elrond flew in smoothly and landed on Maglor’s empty chair, wings neatly folding in. Maedhros dumped Elros on his own chair. His wing smacked Maedhros’ arm by mistake.
“We talked about this. No new shapeshifting without me or Maglor there,” Maedhros said, fixing each of them with a stern look.
Both the twins looked down at this. Elrond wrung his little wrists.
“We’re sorry!” Elros burst out, tears welling up in his eyes. “We won’t do it again, promise!”
“That’s what you said last time, sweetheart,” Maglor told him.
“And the time before that,” Maedhros grumbled.
“What we’re saying, dear, is that we understand that you’re sorry. But keeping your word has to take first priority,” Maglor explained softly.
Maedhros coughed.
“Or, er, not doing it again,” Maglor corrected. “That’s what counts.”
“We understand,” Elros sniffled. “It’s just, we wanted to hear, but you weren’t there to check with, because well, you were here, and, well, um, yes -”
“Bringing us to the next point of order,” Maedhros rumbled. He raised a brow at both of them. “Eavesdropping. We have also been over this.”
Oh dear. Elros looked like he was about to drown in a puddle of tears. Maglor rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades soothingly, careful of the new feathery appendages.
Thankfully, Elrond stepped in. “We remember, it’s not nice because we like to be in private sometimes and it’s not fair for us to not let other people be too,” he recited shyly. “Um, we just… we know you both meet up a lot like this, and we know it's important… but… um…” His lip trembled; his voice cracked. “Do you... talk about us? Do you not want us to hear because it’s bad? Because we can do better!” He promised quickly, eyes wide and wet. “Elros is getting really good at his music lessons, he’s practicing a lot! And I’m working on my writing lessons every day!”
Something in Maglor’s chest twisted. “Oh, honey, no -”
But his brother beat him to the punch. Striding out from behind the desk, he knelt down in front of Elrond. “Can I hug you?” he asked very quietly.
Elrond bit his lip and nodded. Without another word, Maedhros wrapped him up in his arms.
They stayed like that for a moment, Maedhros’ hulking frame wrapped around Elrond’s body, like a drape of russet locks, leather and rich furs. When his brother finally pulled away, he gave a heavy look to both children.
“We will never give you away because you’re not good enough. Alright? You will always be good enough. Both of you,” he told them. He reached out and covered Elrond’s tiny hand with his own, fingers curling around and intertwining. “And not because you’re caught up on your lessons, or do what we say.”
“Though those are certainly nice,” Maglor added. He flashed them a teasing grin before taking care to soften his expression once more, and laid a gentle hand on Elros’ shoulder. “You will always have our love. And nothing, not even the worst jam spill, or missed harp lesson - don’t think I didn’t notice that last week, dearest - can ever reach in and steal it. It is your’s by blood and birthright.”
“Love you,” Elros sniffled. Elrond echoed him, voice no less wobbly.
Maedhros gifted them with a small smile. “Love you both, starlights.”
“And -” Elros started, hiccuped, and continued. “And same for me too. Nothing can change that! I’ll always love you two.”
Maglor felt a pang of sickly guilt invade his chest and looked away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Maedhros stiffen.
“Me too,” Elrond said, voice suddenly clear. Maglor glanced at him and met a gaze that seemed years ahead of its time; he froze, rooted to the spot. “We’ll always love you no matter what you do.”
“Well -” Maglor started. “That’s…”
“No need to worry about us,” Maedhros recovered quickly, waving his hand. “Now then, it’s nearing bedtime, hm?”
“But wait!” Elros cried. “What were you two talking about then?”
“Yes! We saw Atya going like this,” Elrond clasped his pudgy hands together and shook them. “And his voice sounded all funny, and then he prayed to Eru about Atar paying more attention to Manwe’s t-”
“ALRIGHT!” Maglor yelped, clapping his hands. His face must’ve been steaming, his cheeks were burning, oh stars - “Bedtime!”
“But we want to know why you were saying all those funny things,” Elros complained loudly. His voice slipped into a high pitched whine, dripping with petulance. “Nelyo, Nelyo, give me attentioooon -”
“I do not sound like that!” Maglor gasped, scooping up a giggling Elrond to be carried to bed.
“I do not sound like that!”
Maglor turned around, gaping. That was not Elros’ voice.
Maedhros stared back. His eyes glinted with mirth and the most shit-eating grin curled his lips. In his arms was a starstruck Elros, who looked no less shocked than if the clouds themselves had just burst into song and danced a lively jig. And quite frankly, Maglor would be less surprised.
Maedhros dealt him one last smirk before twirling on his heel and walking out of the room to go deposit one elfling in his bed. Maglor still had the other, who poked his cheek.
“Atya? Are you okay?”
Slowly, ever so slowly, Maglor felt a smile grow across his face. His eyes stung with tears. He quickly wiped them with his sleeve before they could fatten and spill over his cheeks and probably make Elrond worry even more.
“Wonderful, dear.” He frowned for a second, considering. “Although I think there is a dreadful amount of mockery in my future.”
He looked down at Elrond. His son merely tilted his round head, offering a blank look. Maglor sighed happily. “But that’s okay.”
In time, it became clear that there was no need to worry about the looming threat of brotherly teasing paid back in full; Maedhros may have been looser with his laughter, but even this was a rare occasion still. Maglor did not mind, for any time he saw his brother’s eyes alight with anything other than fatal passion was a gift.
The true threat that lurked within Amon Ereb made itself known eventually.
Two weeks later, Maglor was scurrying to meet up with one of the smiths to discuss pending repairs but stopped short in front of a small figure in the courtyard blocking his path.
“Not now, sweetheart, Atya’s very busy,” Maglor told Elrond, harried, ready to flag down someone on the way to attend to whatever his son needed.
And then it happened. Elrond’s face crumpled just so. His eyes widened: big, round, and wet. His lip wobbled. When he opened his mouth, his voice took on a tone so absolutely, horribly pitiful that Maglor half-suspected the echo of Lúthien herself lived in his words.
“Please, Atya,” he begged, every word a death sentence. “Give me attentiooon.”
Oh Eru, Maglor despaired, even as he opened his arms for an evil little elfling to leap into, repairs forgotten. I’ve made a monster.
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cyncerity · 3 years
Hey I finally finished my thing for the mcyt g/t content exchange!!
I got @forgetful-dorito as my person, and I had a really fun time writing this seeing as you and I apparently have a lot of the same favorite g/t scenarios lmao. I picked the 3rd prompt and incorporated some of the aspects that you said you liked reading, so I hope you enjoy!!
tw: injuries and blood
Everything had gone to shit. One moment he was relaxing with his sons, and the next he was trudging through the forest with a broken ankle and a twisted wing. He couldn’t even fully remember how it happened. He just knew that somehow, now, he was alone. Well, sort of alone. He wouldn’t exactly call the two hunters chasing him welcome company.
Phil forced himself off the ground, despite the searing pain from his wing, and into a bush where he collapsed and put all his focus into being silent as his pursuers came into the clearing.
They carried cages, ropes, and knives with them, all no doubt to help them catch and bind the tiny hybrid. What for, Phil didn’t know. A pet, maybe, or food, if they were from that part of the black market. He wasn’t about to fly up and ask them. Phil saw them coming closer to his bush and quickly decided move to a different spot. He tried to get himself off the ground once more and fell almost immediately, the pain from the first attempt leaving him sore and flightless.
He tried to just crouch lower in the same spot, but a boot coming down near inches from his face made him sure he wasn’t safe. Phil ran as fast as his legs could carry him to a nearby bush, but his sprint on an injured foot couldn’t compare to the distance one of the hunter’s steps in his direction. Before he could even process what was happening, cold, rough hands grabbed him from behind, crushing his wing and knocking the air out of him as he let out a strangled yelp of pain.
“Finally! Geez, you were a pain in the ass to catch. Hopefully we can get a nice price on you to make it worth it.” One of the hunters snickered. The hunter called out to his companion and soon Phil was thrown into a steel cage, the door slammed shut behind him.
The cage was tied onto one of the hunter’s backpacks and soon they were off, leaving Phil being knocked back and forth in the cage with every step the hunter took. He grabbed onto the bars around him, desperate for any release from the repetitive slam into the walls around him, but he found himself to weak to keep a hold of anything. So he did the next best thing: he curled in on himself to brace for the impact, tucking his head between his knees, and cried.
How could he have let this happen? He had three sons to take care of! What would they do without him? He sighed, unfortunately knowing the truth that his sons were bigger than him, and though he was sure they’d be sad about his disappearance, they could manage fine without him. After all, what could he do for them that they couldn’t do for themselves?
Suddenly, after what felt like hours of waking, the cage stopped swinging. Phil forgot all that he had been thinking momentarily to relish the relief from the pain, not even caring why or how. But he was quickly brought back into his own thoughts as he heard something going on in front of the hunters that he couldn’t see. There seemed to be idle conversation that Phil’s muddled mind couldn’t pick up on, but it didn’t exactly matter to him. At least not until suddenly one of the men who kidnapped him yelled, and he was moving again, as the hunters turned around and sprinted in the opposite direction. The cage swung violently as Phil was dragged with them, now getting a clear look at what they were running from.
Technoblade stood where the hunters had just stood, a bloodied switchblade in his hand and a murderous glint in his eye. He seemed to be caught off guard by the fact that the men had run, given that Techno was standing still. Nonetheless, as soon as Phil saw him he began to cry out, begging, screaming for Techno to catch up to the men. But he was to far behind, now. And wasn’t even making a move to run. Phil didn’t know what he was doing until the switchblade suddenly left his hand, heading straight for the cage.
Phil was on the forest ground seconds later, the rope holding him him to the hunter cut by Techno’s knife as the men continued to run, unaware Phil was even missing. Techno ran up to Phil’s side holding anti-bacterial medicines, bandages, and a waterbottle, all the rug size for tinies to use. Phil also heard something being spoken to him, and as tired as he was, he tried his best to listen.
“-ad? Dad?! Are you ok? Can you hear me?! Oh my god your wing, what did they do to you? Please, c’mon Phil..” Techno worriedly stuttered. The cage door to the side of Phil was opened, and a hand reached in to help him out. Logically, Phil knew it was Techno. Logically, Phil knew that Techno wanted to help him. And logically, Phil knew that he wanted out of the cage. But Phil couldn’t be logical right now.
The tiny avian flinched from the hand and pushed himself in the opposite direction of the door. Phil tried to apologize once he realized what he’d subconsciously done before the look on Technos face shut him up. His son looked hurt. Not in the same way as Phil, since he was sure he looked like shit at the moment, but hurt as in betrayed. “I’m sorry, It’s not you, I swear, I just- I-“ “It’s ok, you must be in a lot of pain right now. What hurts?” Phil tried to apologize before Techno cut him off. The expression didn’t leave Technos face entirely, but it at least softened some.
“My wing and my right ankle. Im sure at least one is broken, if not both.” Techno nodded and slowly turned the cage so that the open door was beneath Phil, sliding the tiny so that he was on solid ground before he lifted the cage off of him. Techno held up the medical supplies to Phil. “Wilbur gave me these in case you were hurt when I found you. Do you want to put them on or should I?” Phil didn’t know how to respond. He definitely wasn’t in shape to bandage himself, but Techno didn’t feel…as safe as usual for some reason. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he knew he was being over dramatic. Phil sighed. “Y-you can bandage my wing, but I think I’ll need a hospital for my ankle.”
Techno nodded and for a split second, Phil expected to feel the burning pain sensation he felt when the wing was injured, or the cold grip he was trapped in when he was caught, but instead he only felt a light trickle and minor sting of hydrogen peroxide over his feathers. He felt how careful Techno was being as he wrapped the wing in bandages that were comically to small for him but just the right size for Phil. That made him feel better. Techno soon finished wrapping the wing and put the supplies away as he handed the water to Phil.
“Wilbur and Tommy are worried sick, I should probably call them and tell them I found you. We have a rendezvous point outside of the forest set up, but I can tell them to meet me directly at the hospital if your foot is really that bad.” Phil nodded as he drank the water, feeling a bit better.“Can I carry you? I’m not sure I can call an ambulance to the middle of the woods.” Phil hesitated at that, before nodding again. He was just being paranoid. Techno had never done anything to hurt him in the past, he wouldn’t now. Besides, he was still Phil’s son, and he loved him. He could at least have a little faith in him.
Techno gently lifted Phil off the ground, cupping the tiny against his chest as he began to slowly walk through the forest. Phil leaned back against the warmth and began to feel drowsy as the steady beating of Technos heart. All it took after that was Techno rubbing his finger down Phil’s back and the tiny avian was lulled to a peaceful sleep.
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quokkacore · 3 years
son of wolves IV [park chanyeol and byun baekhyun]
summary: your entire life, you’ve fought bravely to defend the walls of your home from the evil forest spirits of the spearwood trying to destroy it, alongside your family, friends, and your betrothed, baekhyun. until you’re infected by the evil that resides in one of these spirits, and you run away from home, before it can spread to those around you. it’s in your exile, wandering through the spearwood that you meet the wolf prince, a tall man of hardened eyes, few words, and a fiery temperament, raised by these spirits you’ve so grown to resent. it’s here that you begin to question everything you’ve ever known, and wonder whether the evil was out here, in the forest, or inside the walls of a place you once called home.
pairings: hunter!baekhyun x reader, wolfprince!chanyeol x reader
genre: reverse princessmononoke!au, ANGST, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, fantasy epic, war au, wolf!au
warnings: reader was drugged, language, MAJOR violence tw (gun violence and stabbing to be specific), animal death, threats of violence, loss of consciousness due to head trauma, body horror, horrible writing!!!
song recs: leave a trace - chvrches // lost it to trying - son lux // i will never die - delta rae // the legend of ashitaka - joe hisaishi // victory song - stray kids // pray for me // the weeknd & kendrick lamar // garden song - phoebe bridgers 
word count: 10.0k
a/n: im srry this is so late pls dnt hate me
this is the final chapter of sow!! i’m so glad i finally finished it. i love this fic, i really do. but this is SOO overdue.
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main masterlist // story masterlist
A fog hung over your head. You could barely see three feet in front of you, and everything was hazy. What you knew was that you were in the inner circle—it wasn't as cold. The sound of paws and feet crunching against the snow wasn't that far away from you. It stopped a few seconds later.
"Hello?" You called, slowly walking towards the sound. "Chanyeol?"
Again, the sound of paws and feet, but this time in the opposite direction. You reeled, now unsure of which way to go. A sense of dread was beginning to pool in your stomach. 
"Sehun? Junmyeon?" Your voice was small and shaky, taking one step forward. "Chanyeol?"
You stood still, waiting for a sign, a sound. The forest was dead silent. When you tried to take a step forward, your body turned rigid. Every single hair on your body stood straight up. 
And then, you began to shake. Just as the fog cleared, and two figures appeared in front of you. Both of them beaten bloody, chests heaving, eyes burning with rage. Chanyeol's shirt was torn, and there was a cut running across his chest, staining the ruined fabric. Tears were streaking his dirt stained face. 
Baekhyun's left cheek was swollen, quickly turning purple. His right cheek was bleeding. But he seemed more steady. His sword was drenched in drying blood. 
And then you noticed the wolves. 
All four of Chanyeol's brothers lay dying all around them, warm crimson melting the snow as they bled out. You could hear them whining in pain as they did, legs twitching in pain. 
You tried to call out to them, but you choked on black tendrils, bursting through your throat. Your jawbone cracked as they did, tremors wracking your body as you gagged on your cries of pain. All you could do was watch in horror as they charged at each other, hurling curses and obscenities at each other. 
The tremors in your body intensified, your injured arm cracking as the black, oily coils shot forward, wrapping around your throat.
Spots danced across your vision, your head beginning to pound as you couldn't breathe. Your vision lost focus, eyes blurring with tears. 
The last thing you saw was Baekhyun's sword impaling Chanyeol's chest, the iron bursting through his back. As his younger brother's blood splattered across his face and neck, Baekhyun's face broke into a sadistic grin. 
A horrible laugh rang throughout the forest, and you awoke with a start, hands grabbing at your neck to unwrap inky coils that weren't there. You were sweating and your chest was heaving.
Slowly, you sat up, blinking furiously to allow your eyes to adjust to the sunlight. You could tell that it was still relatively early, maybe before nine.  When you caught your breath, you wiped the sweat off of your brow. Your throat felt itchy and your head was pounding. Getting up was one thing, walking to the door was another. You were disoriented and dizzy, nauseous, even. You jiggled the door, and sighed when it wouldn’t budge. 
You glanced towards the window, even though you knew it was too small for you to jump out of. Rubbing your temples and letting out a deep sigh, you tried to push all of the events of last night to the back of your mind, Baekhyun’s betrayal refusing to fade to the back of your head. You lay down on the bed again, processing everything you knew now.
You loved Baekhyun, you really did. Yesterday morning, when he had kissed you, you felt relieved that you were in his arms again. 
But Baekhyun’s kisses, contrary to what you had originally thought, no longer felt as comforting or as safe. Even before he had thrown you to the wolves, metaphorically speaking. Chanyeol’s lips on yours permeated your mind, the memory stuck in your head. 
You found that the more you tried to pull away from the thought of that tall, mysterious man, the tighter his grip became—deep down, you knew that only in coming closer would you be released. Vaguely, it reminded you of the toy your father had brought you once when you were a child, woven out of thin strips of bamboo. Sticking your index fingers in, and then trying to pull them out was impossible, as the toy stretched and its hold got tighter. However, when you pushed them together, the toy expanded, and your fingers were released.
Were three weeks even long enough to fall in love? Two, considering the fact that the first week he basically wanted to kill you? You weren’t sure. All you knew was that right now, Chanyeol’s safety, as well as that of his brothers and of Selyne, was all you wanted.
Your thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the front door. You turned to face the door, waiting with bated breath. Had they returned so soon?
You were disappointed when the bedroom door swung open, Yixing standing awkwardly in the doorway. He stared at you, emotionlessly, before he sighed and stepped inside. Your eyes watched his every move like a hawk, and scowled at him when he sat down on the chair where your clothes were. 
“I’m here to do a check-up,” He told you, “You’re still recovering.”
“What, from my cold induced madness or the huge stab wound in my back?” You spat. He looked down, face not changing. He almost looked ashamed.
“I’m sorry you see it that way.” His voice was quiet. “I brought you some food and some water. You can eat that and then we can get started. I know you must be hungry.”
He pulled out a bowl wrapped in fabric, as well as a canteen from his bag. When he showed you what was inside—rice and some beef—you lifted your gaze to meet his eyes. After last night, you weren't sure you ever wanted to eat anything again. Yixing shook his head once he realized. Which meant he knew.
"There's nothing in it," He said, sounding earnest. "I promise, Y/N." 
You would have refused, but the pounding in your head seemed to be unending. It didn’t take long for your resolve to crack. You drank almost all of the water in the canteen, and you practically inhaled the meal. 
“The troops left three hours ago. About a hundred and twenty soldiers total. Baekhyun, Minseok and Jongdae are leading them,” He informed you, fiddling with his clothes and staring at the walls. 
You didn’t reply, too angry to do so.
When you finished, you allowed him to do his check up. He asked you about how you were feeling, how certain parts of your body felt, like your legs and your chest, if you’d been feeling dizzy or nauseous. He was done fairly quickly, and as he packed away the now empty bowl, spoke up again.
“Remember the time Jongdae dared me to sneak out into the Spearwood when we were younger?”
“When Minseok misfired and shot you?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah. How could I forget after the way your dad almost punched Min?”
He let out a soft chuckle, but there was no joy behind it. “I spent about three hours out there. I never told you guys, but I got lost pretty quickly. I panicked once I realized I didn’t know where I was. I thought I was gonna get killed by some animal in the name of the gods or something. You know how I panic.”
You nodded, humming, unsure of where he was going. “It was summertime,” He continued, “So it wasn’t as quiet as it is now. And about halfway through those three hours, I heard branches snapping behind me, and… this thing sounded big, Y/N. I-I just about shit my pants when I turned. Because I had never seen a bear so close to me before, and it was huge, and it was headed towards me.”
He looked up at you, eyes full of awe. “I was so freaked out, it didn’t occur to me to try and shoot it or to play dead or anything. All I could do was stand there, trying not to scream or provoke it. It walked right past me, and kept walking straight. I thought I should run or hide, until it turned back to look at me and… she spoke to me. Well, not speak, it was more like—”
“Like an echo in your mind,” You said, sitting up straight, “That… that was Mirren.”
He nodded, a ghost of a smile gracing his face. “She wasn’t anything like they told us she would be. She was so… kind, and gentle. She knew I was afraid, and she promised she wouldn’t hurt me if I didn’t hurt her. And I was a 19 year old idiot who had a sword. I wasn’t going to try and kill a goddess. So I followed her, and she took me as far as she could without being seen. We barely spoke. But when she told me to keep going, because that was as far as she could go safely, I was so grateful. I… I never would have expected that kind of mercy and kindness from one of the gods, not after everything we were taught. And then twenty minutes later I got back to the wall and Minseok misfired.”
Yixing furrowed his eyebrows, staring at his hands in his lap. “That Chanyeol guy. He’s pretty much the only link between the human world and the forest, right?”
You nodded.
“So if he died or if Selyne died… the forest would lose its only possible bridge between the two. And that would make it harder for them to understand us, or to communicate easily.”
Again, you nodded. Yixing shrugged. “For us, that’s a good thing. The gods would have to communicate directly with us, and we could take them down when they’re vulnerable.”
You nodded, looking to the side and gnawing on the inside of your cheek. Why he felt the need to rub it in made no sense to you, why would he—
“Which is why it would be a shame if you were to escape.”
Your head snapped forward to look at him, eyes widening. He sighed, obviously nervous. When he spoke, his voice was quiet. “It would be a shame if you were to overpower me and lock me in this room. An even bigger shame if you were to know that your bow and quiver are in the stables, and that the guards patrolling the east gate change shifts in about… fifteen minutes. A huge shame, really.” 
You just about stopped breathing, staring at him wordlessly. Yixing raised an eyebrow. 
“Are you going to do anything or do I have to knock myself out?”
“Why can’t you just say that I locked you in here?”
“What, you really think they’ll believe that?”
You stood up, shaking your head. He was right, but that didn’t make you feel any better about knocking Yixing’s lights out. “Thank you, Xing. I can never repay you.”
Yixing waved his hand. “You don’t owe me anything, Y/N. If anything, this is me repaying my own debt.”
You sighed shakily, and Yixing stood up. “Please don’t hit me too hard,” He said. You smiled, and shook your head, before throwing up your fists. Before you could do anything, he held up his hands. “W-wait, wait.”
“Kick Baekhyun’s ass,” He ordered, “His head’s been getting too big for his shoulders, anyway.”
You smiled sadly, before nodding. “I’ll try,” You answered, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” 
Yixing shut his eyes, grimacing. “Do it.”
With one final deep breath, you swung at his temple, and Yixing fell to the floor. You checked to make sure he was knocked out cold, tapping his face slightly, and setting off when he didn’t come to. 
You changed into more suitable clothes to wear in combat, and slung on your snow boots and a dark blue cloak.
Before you left, you walked into the dining room, and looked towards the floor, before something glinting in the low sunlight caught your eye. Heart splintering, you picked up the necklace, and tucked it into your pocket.
This would have been so much easier if you’d been let out before the sun came up. You placed the hood of your cloak up, hiding your face and keeping your head down, hoping to not draw too much attention as you walked towards the stables. Thankfully, the path leading there was still relatively empty given that it was before ten. 
When you got to the stables, you found your bow and arrow hung on the wall, right next to Ivan’s stall. For a moment, you considered taking him with you, but decided against it. It would be too hard to sneak a reindeer out in broad daylight. You would simply have to run as fast as you could and hope that luck was on your side.
So you hid the weapons under your cloak, and made your way to the east gate, where, just as Yixing had said, the parapet atop it was empty. And once you had broken the lock, and were outside, you were gone. 
Immediately, you realized that the energy in the Spearwood was different. The air was crisper, seemingly even colder. If the forest had been quiet the first time you stepped into it, you could practically hear the sound of your blood rushing throughout your body. A few minutes into your walk, it began to snow, and you found yourself shivering already.
Once you were out of sight of the parapets, you removed your cloak briefly, placing the quiver and bow over it rather than under it for better access.
Being alone in the snow, with everything you knew now, filled you with an odd sense of nostalgia. If a month ago, someone had told you you would willingly march into the Spearwood to try and end the war, you definitely wouldn’t have expected this to be your course of actions, and you certainly would have expected to have different motives. 
You did your best to retrace your old steps, but the past 24 hours, the fact that it had been three weeks since you came this way, and the difference in lighting made it significantly harder. You walked for about forty minutes, cautious enough to listen for the footsteps of anyone who might have followed you from Ironbend.
And while eventually you did hear footsteps, they definitely weren’t from anyone you were expecting. The fast sound of paws thumping against the snow, racing at you from behind barely gave you time to turn and spot the giant mass of white fur bounding towards you. With a soft, “oomph!” you were tackled to the ground, tumbling a few times before finally landing on your back in the snow. You opened your eyes to meet a familiar gaze. 
We really have to stop meeting like this, y’know, Sehun declared as he stepped back, it’s weird.
“You’re the one that tackled me,” You argued, sitting up and brushing off the snow that was on your cloak. “What are you doing so far out of the inner circle?”
Sehun shook himself off, before staring at you seriously. Emergency patrol. Mama sensed danger. 
 “She was right,” You said with a nod, “Is she safe?”
Why would she be keeping herself safe? He sounded kind of exasperated. 
“Because she’s the target, Sehun. The three troops they brought out are looking for her.”
All of the playfulness in Sehun’s demeanor seemed to evaporate. Shit. Junmyeon knows where she is. Get on. I’m taking you to him.
You got on his back, and he huffed slightly at the new sensation of having to carry you. Sorry if it gets bumpy. I’m not really used to having people ride on my back... That’s usually Junmyeon’s job.
“Shut up, you overgrown spoiled baby,” You answered warmly, “It’s okay. As long as we get there in one piece.”
Did you get there in one piece? Kind of. You had to cling onto him and lower yourself to basically lie on his back. Otherwise you bounced too much and you risked falling off of him. The wind ripped your hood off, whipping your hair in the process and drying your eyes. 
He slowed down once he approached a clearing, where you could easily see the brown wolf standing in the white snow. He turned once he heard Sehun’s paws. When he noticed you, he seemed rather taken aback. 
Y/N? What are you doing here? Why did you even leave? He asked when you got off of Sehun.
“I needed to warn you. All of you. Selyne is in danger.”
She’s the warden of the forest, he pointed out, I think it’s an occupational hazard.
You sighed, annoyed at how willing the both of them had been to brush off your warnings so easily. “This is different. More than a hundred men are in the forest right now—all of them armed with guns, I might add—trying to find her, because they know that if she dies, Chanyeol loses his link to the forest and any hope for negotiation and bridging the spirit world and the human world is gone. You need to warn her, now.”
Junmyeon, evidently stunned speechless, looked between you and Sehun for a few seconds, before his gaze settled on you finally. We knew about the troops. We didn’t know about their plan. How did you find out? 
You pursed your lips. “My… I used to be close to their leader. He’s… the swordsman.”
Shit, Sehun swore. 
Fuck, Junmyeon agreed.
Your eyes widened at the distant sound of the deep voice, turning your head to see Chanyeol, trudging through the snow. His eyes were wide, and when he recognized your face, he began walking faster. 
Of their own accord, your feet started moving in his direction. You ignored the voices of Sehun and Junmyeon trying to catch your attention. He sped up again, now making his best attempt to run to you, even though the snow passed his ankles. Your heart pounding in your chest, blood roaring in your ears, you sped up as well. As the distance lessened, you took in the familiar features. The pelt that kept him warm, the mask held back atop his dark hair, his cheeks streaked with blood he’d painted on, the round earrings dangling from his prominent ears.
Finally, he was within arms reach, and he reached out his arms the same way you did. His gaze was desperate, almost unbelieving that it was really you. The two of you collided, lips smashing against each other as his hands gripped you in several different places, like he was trying to make sure you were tangible. First at your waist, then your back, until finally, they gripped your face tenderly, calloused hands holding your face. Your hands wrapped around his neck, standing up straight to reach his lips. 
The state of catharsis his desperate kisses gave you confirmed it. You knew in your heart who you wanted. 
 When Chanyeol pulled away, you wiped away the snowflakes that had fallen on his cheeks and nose. “Y/N,” He murmured, “You came back.”
You nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
”I had to,” You said softly, nuzzling your nose against his cheek, “I needed to warn you about what’s coming.”
His face fell slightly when he heard your reasoning, but he didn’t step away. “Y/N, I… I shouldn’t have let you leave. A-and I shouldn’t have said those things I said. I was… scared. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, breaking away. “Right now, we can’t focus on that. I need you all to listen to me. I know what the troops are trying to do.” 
He nodded, eyes turning serious. “Come on,” He said, turning you to face the clearing. The two of you paused when you noticed the two other wolves sitting in the clearing, watching you bemusedly. 
I told you something happened, Jongin said to Kyungsoo, Now you owe me your next part of the hunt. 
Chanyeol scowled, and had this not been such a serious moment, you would have laughed. The two of you walked back over to the quartet, where you greeted them all properly. Not wasting any time, you went over the basics. How you’d been found by Baekhyun and taken back to Ironbend, what you told the Council in an attempt to get them to consider a truce, how you managed to escape. Baekhyun and his plan. The danger that Selyne was in, and by extension, the danger that Chanyeol was in. 
“She needs to hide, now,” You told them once you finished, “Chanyeol, you might need to hide, too.”
“I’m not going to hide,” He fired back. “This is my home. They’re threatening my mother. I’m not about to stand back and let them do it.” 
You stared at him, gripping his forearm. “Chanyeol, Baekhyun knows. He told me he would kill you.”
“And I’m telling you I’ll kill him.” Chanyeol’s eyes were wide, serious. “Y/N, I’m more expendable than Selyne is. If I die, it’s a major setback. If Selyne dies…”
It’s the beginning of the end for us, Kyungsoo completed, The magic of the forest will become unbalanced if it loses one of its Pillars. 
And if the magic of the forest becomes unbalanced, we lose our strongest wall of defense, Junmyeon agreed. It’s our job as our mother’s sons to lead in her place in moments when she can’t. One of those moments is now. Chanyeol has to fight.
You clenched your jaw. “Fine,” You bit out, “But someone needs to go warn Selyne, right now.” 
Chanyeol and I can go. Jongin, Kyungsoo, you both need to gather the other wolf packs. Call the bears as well, any other animals that can defend the forest. Foxes, coyotes, birds of prey, lynxes. Call the raccoons if you have to. This is life or death. Junmyeon straightened his posture. Sehun, you show Y/N how far the troops have gone. Stay hidden. Let’s rendezvous in an hour and wait for Kyungsoo and Jongin with the reinforcements.
  We’ll go as fast as we can, Jongin said, before turning to Kyungsoo. Let’s go. 
Sehun lifted his head to gaze at you. You heard him. Get on.
You nodded, turning to Chanyeol, who was about to get onto Junmyeon. “Wait.”
Chanyeol’s eyes softened as you approached him, reaching into your pocket. You tucked the necklace into the palm of his hand, closing his fist around it. “Be careful,” You begged him, “I didn’t betray an entire village just for you to get yourself killed.”
He gave a soft smile, his other hand grasping yours. “I’ll come back to you,” He promised. You peered into his eyes, wanting to say so many things.
Gross, Sehun interrupted, and Chanyeol’s smile disappeared immediately. “Don’t be a dick.”
He’s Sehun, Junmyeon mumbled, giving something akin to an eyeroll, Kind of impossible for him not to be. Now come on, we need to go now.
Chanyeol offered you one small, final smile, before he and Junmyeon sped off. 
You turned to Sehun, getting on his back. “Is it that hard for you to not be an asshole?” You asked, tone warm and teasing.
You all love me anyway, he replied. His cheekiness was not missed. The two of you took off immediately afterwards. You remembered to lower yourself and stay close to his back. Sehun explained that the magic of the forest was affecting the troops, leading them on the wrong path.
They’ve been going in circles for about two hours now, Sehun snickered, But we can’t just let them trample through the forest without teaching them a lesson. 
“Be careful once we get closer to their location,” You said into his ear, “They’ll probably have scouts patrolling within a few hundred meters of their formation on all sides.”
I’ll keep that in mind. 
The pair of you slowed to a walk, and you got off of him, pulling out your bow and nocking an arrow out of caution. Silence reigned over the forest, making the sounds of your boots crunching in the snow cringeworthy and deafening. The two of you were nearing the top of a hill, approaching its steep summit. As you approached it, the sound of stomping and snow crunching became louder and louder. You swallowed the lump in your throat, slowing significantly.
You stopped at the sound of a familiar shout. The boom of the voice actually made Sehun’s ears lower, the wolf flinching at the noise.
“Regroup!” Jongdae yelled, “We’ll stop for ten minutes.” 
You stared at Sehun, who in turn gazed at you before cocking his head at a large boulder that should give you both some cover. Slowly, as quietly as possible, you both approached the snow cap rock, before Sehun peeked over the edge of the rock. 
They’re at the base of the hill. If you’re gonna come over here, be careful. 
You leaned over the side of the rock, releasing the tension in the string of your bow. 
120 sounded like a lot of men, you realized, but the visual was somewhat underwhelming. They easily fit in the large clearing at the base of the hill. Seeing them all huddled together in the cold brought you an odd sense of comfort. 
Seeing Byun Baekhyun and his two lackeys had the opposite effect.
Baekhyun, Minseok and Jongdae were excellent military strategists. They were better than you, that was for sure, and you came from a long line of military leaders. They worked even better when the three of them worked together. In previous campaigns in other places, they’d done great damage with even smaller troops. You knew damn well that they would turn this relatively small group into a well oiled killing machine, and use each man to the best of their ability.
Still, you knew they had some weaknesses in their formations. Every formation did. They were very susceptible to being attacked from the back. It would catch them off guard very easily. 
What are you thinking? Sehun asked.
“They can be very vulnerable from the back,” You whispered, “This is their standard formation. I doubt they’ll change it now that they’re this deep—takes too much time, lowers their guard. See the back line? Those are the reserves. They’re generally the strongest men, but they’re more spread out. That’s where Baekhyun, Jongdae and Minseok are, also—their leaders. The ones meant to be fodder are generally put on the front line.”
That’s… interesting. But an attack from the back would mean taking out a small group of strong opponents, and then fighting a larger group. That’s… not ideal. We would tire ourselves out.
“There are bound to be more than 120 animals in the forest willing to defend it,” You pointed out. “They’re used to combat at a distance, especially with the shoulder guns. If we can approach them and overwhelm them, we might just be able to get them to retreat.” 
You watched as Baekhyun, Jongdae and Minseok had a quiet discussion between the three of them, Jongdae’s hands gesturing wildly. 
“Jackasses,” You grumbled, before stepping back safely behind the boulder. “Have we seen enough?” 
I think so. It looks like they’re going to keep heading west. Which is good. Mama’s den is east. Let’s get back to the rendezvous point. 
You nodded, exhaling softly. You stole one last glance at Baekhyun before you and Sehun trudged down the hill, putting some distance between the troops and you both before you mounted the wolf and broke out into a run. You kept your eyes open as he ran, hoping the winds would dry the tears in your eyes.
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You were the first ones back in the clearing. 
“You’re sure we’re in the right place, right?” You asked, just to be sure. Sehun sat, shaking some snowflakes off of his snout. This is where the pack scent is strongest, and I can still see the tracks from where we all split up, so yes. And look, that’s where you and Chanyeol… swapped spit.
“And you say Chanyeol and I are the gross ones.”
Sehun laughed. Well, that’s what it looked like! Human displays of affection are so odd. At first I thought you were trying to eat each other.
You shook your head. “No. Not at all,” You answered with a laugh, “It’s actually—”
Sehun’s head turned, ears perking up. Your speech died in your mouth, watching as a few seconds later, Chanyeol and Junmyeon came into view. They made their way into the clearing, and stopped right in front of you. Chanyeol slid off of Junmyeon’s back, stretching his legs when he did.
It took her some convincing, but Mother is safe. She’s in one of her secret dens, just in case. 
You sighed in relief. “Good.”
We also found Beval and Emyr on our way there. We made sure to warn them.
Well, what did they say? Sehun asked.
Beval is rounding up the birds of prey as we speak. He’s also sending them some heavy snowfall and winds—he called it a welcome gift.
You smiled as the remark before Junmyeon continued. Emyr is rounding up the deer, and he’s sent out a message to any smaller animals to stay in their dens. The deer will be joining us, but they’ll stay at a distance so they can treat the injured.  
“Selyne sends her blessing,” Chanyeol added, looking at you.  “She also wanted me to return this to you.”
Chanyeol stretched out his hand, holding out a familiar black sheath with a leather band. The silver guards and the pommel of the sword seemed to glow in the daylight.
 “So that’s where that went,” You mumbled, more to yourself. You looked up at Chanyeol after you had grabbed the sword. “Thank you.”
He waved his hand. “This is important.”
So, what now? Sehun asked, Wait for the reinforcements?
I suppose so, Junmyeon answered, before eyeing you and Chanyeol. He turned to face Sehun. Mother actually wanted me to talk to you about something. Come on, let’s go. 
What on earth could she want you to nag me for at a time like this? I—
Junmyeon bared his teeth, growling in a move that surprised the three of you Sehun’s words died abruptly. Sehun, he hissed, eyes darting between the youngest wolf, and you and Chanyeol, Come on. 
...Oh. Oh! Okay. Yeah. It’s probably that… thing I was talking about with her yesterday. Okay, yeah, let’s go.
The two wolves stalked off, Junmyeon nagging the entire time.
You looked up at Chanyeol, before tying the leather band securely around your waist. “Alright, we have some time to kill. Do… do you wanna talk about that night?”
Chanyeol slumped forward, looking downwards. When he looked back up, he nodded. You leaned against a tree, crossing your arms.
“I was an ass,” Chanyeol admitted. “I was unfair to you. But… I don’t know, Y/N. I’m just… I was terrified. I’ve never felt so vulnerable with someone else, before.”
“I love you. I don’t—I don’t know when or how it happened. And I was so angry when I didn’t go after you. And then when I finally did, it was too late. We didn’t find you. I just… lost it kind of.”
He showed you his right hand, where the knuckles were bruised and cut.
“What did you even do, punch a tree?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.  
He pursed his lips, ears turning red. “Well…”
You bit back a laugh, and tried hard to hold back the smile trying to break onto your face. 
“Oh, gods.”
“Shut up,” He huffed, trying to hold back his own smile now.
“You’re… you’re really something,” You said. Chanyeol shrugged and his face fell again.
“I fucked up. I shouldn’t have—”
“No, I shouldn’t have pushed you away,” You countered, “I was scared, too. Terrified. But after everything that’s happened since then, I know what I want. I want to stay here, with you, and I want to protect this place.”
“Y-you’re gonna stay?”
You looked down, shutting your eyes. You thought over the life you’d had in Ironbend, all of the friends and family you’d ever known. All of them united under one cause, and here you were, about to throw it all away. Guilt swam in your chest at the idea of having to consider them enemies.
“I want to be with you,” You hummed, grabbing his hand, “And if they knew about us, they would kill me.”
His hand squeezed yours. “I’m not going to let them.”
You smiled sadly. “I’m not going to let them hurt you, either.”
He opened his mouth to say something, when the sound of rustling in the distance caused him to turn his head. Instantly, the two of you reached for your weapons.
It’s them, Sehun called, running back into the clearing. It’s time.
You looked at Chanyeol, who squeezed your hand again. “Let’s do this.”
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This would have been a lot faster had it been summer. So many animals were hibernating, and while there were still more animals than there were humans, you still wondered whether or not it would be enough. These animals didn’t have the types of weapons that the humans did, save for your sword, bow and arrow, and Chanyeol’s dagger. 
A total of 361 animals showed up. Chanyeol’s four brothers, and a total of 97 wolves from different packs scattered throughout the Spearwood, for a total of 101 wolves. It made sense to you that the majority of animals would be wolves, given that Selyne was the one that was threatened the most. Other troops included 51 birds of prey, 46 foxes, 29 coyotes, 32 bears, 55 deer, 19 raccoons, 11 lynxes and surprisingly enough, 17 squirrels. 
You weren’t sure whether to be surprised by the fact that squirrels had decided to show up or that the vast majority of them—along with the raccoons—came armed with relatively large jagged rocks to throw at the small army. 
At first, the animals were skeptical of your plan. You didn’t blame them. A human, a foreigner, trying to lead them into battle? It didn’t sound safe.
The plan was simple enough. Wait until the troops reached one of the streams, so that it would be difficult for them to cross. Start an aerial attack with the birds of prey, the squirrels and the raccoons, then the front line of animals would attack the back line. The second, third and fourth lines would attack all around, and eventually the lines would open up towards the north, in an effort to push them back. The deer would be waiting past the stream, out of sight, waiting to work on the injured with their magic. You made sure to explain to them how the guns worked, and what needed to be done to heal the wounds. 
The troops would be given a wide berth on all sides. The signals to attack would be given via howls, or in the case of the birds of prey, a screech.
Each wolf would be leading from a different direction. Junmyeon would be leading the front line with Chanyeol. Jongin would lead the second line, Kyungsoo the third, and Sehun the fourth lines. 
You would be on the front line as well. As the groups separated, the forest seemed to fill with fog. You followed Junmyeon and Chanyeol, who were following the scent of the human troops as they led your group of about 50 or so animals. The only sound you could hear was the sound of snow crunching beneath you. You could barely see anything as the fog hanging overhead seemed to seep into the forest the closer and closer you got. You tried desperately not to think of your dream. 
The wind blew harder as well, whipping your hair every which way, drying your eyes. Snow fell even heavier. It became slightly harder to trudge through it.
As your group came to its waiting point, one of the birds—a hawk, you saw—flew overhead before flying back up into the fog overhead. That was the signal to stop and wait.
Junmyeon stopped, turning back to the group. Chanyeol held his hand up, signalling for everyone to stop and wait. 
You couldn’t see the troops yet, but you knew that they weren’t too far away. The dense treeline simply made it difficult to see anything that wasn’t a hundred meters away. All you could do now was wait. Your eyes met Chanyeol’s for a second, and he flashed you a soft smile. You looked him once over, your heart doing a backflip when it saw the opal necklace resting against his shirt.
“Be safe,” He mouthed at you, and you nodded as he pulled down his mask. 
“You, too.”
The silence of the forest was shattered by a gunshot. You both turned to face the direction the sound was coming from, which was straight ahead. You forced yourself to take deep breaths, flexing your fingers. Your fingertips were numb from the cold. A second gunshot echoed through the forest, your stomach began to sink.
Gripping your bow, you tried to recall how many bows you had in your quiver. 35, 36? No more than 37, that was for sure.
Y/N, You heard Junmyeon say, flinching when a third gunshot came. You nodded once in his direction. Get on. Chanyeol will get off once we’re close enough. Your bow won’t work up close. 
“Okay,” you mumbled, approaching them slowly. “We’re not too heavy?”
It’ll be fine, the wolf huffed, Just don’t take too much time with those arrows.
“Got it,” You answered, getting on, right behind Chanyeol. You made a mental note to suggest a saddle for them—if they knew what a saddle was, anyway. 
“Hold on to me,” Chanyeol murmured, “Don’t pull out your bow until I say so.”
You nodded. “Be careful. Both of you.” 
A fourth gunshot sounded, and you wrapped your arms around his torso.
“I’m gonna kiss you so hard when this is over,” Chanyeol whispered.
Gods, Sehun’s right, Junmyeon grumbled, You two are disgus—
A shrieking noise rang across the forest, and all of the hairs stood up on your body as you registered as the sound of a hawk’s screeching.
Now! Junmyeon yelled, beginning to charge forward, all of the other animals running behind you.
“Wait for my signal,” Chanyeol told you, “Stay alert.”
You didn’t reply, too focused on thinking about what was about to happen. As Junmyeon and the other animals weaved through the trees, you began to see something in the distance, barely outlined in the fog. Two more gunshots sounded, sparks glowing for a split second in the mist, perfectly giving away their location. 
They were closer now. You could hear murmuring, shouting. The sound of running water, albeit a bit softer than the voices. Any second now, they would hear you.
“Now!” Chanyeol told you, as a large, dark mass came into view, slightly blurred by the fog. You pulled away from Chanyeol, pulling off your bow and nocking an arrow quickly.
“What is that noise!?” You heard a voice yell. You couldn’t recognize who it was.
“STAND FIRM!” A loud voice ordered. Jongdae. 
A single figure burst into view, and you knew it had to be a scout. The young man turned, and his eyes widened when he spotted you, grimacing as you aimed your arrow at him. 
His mouth opened wide, and he began to screech, “From the nor—!”
Your arrow pierced his chest, and you forced yourself to look away as he fell to the ground.
“The north!” You heard Baekhyun say, “FACE NORTH! NOW!”
You pulled out another arrow and nocked it as well, just as the troops appeared in your line of vision. You spotted Baekhyun almost immediately, but couldn’t bring yourself to aim directly at him. Instead, as the animals charged, you let it fly into someone right behind him, hitting the man straight in the eye. The arrow whizzed past Baekhyun’s head. His eyes widened momentarily when he saw you on top of the wolf, sitting behind Chanyeol’s familiar face, before it twisted into a hateful sneer. 
“Attack!” He cried, “Fire, NOW!”
The first gunshots were fired, thick rocks still raining down on the men, hawks and eagles swooping down to claw at their faces. 
As Junmyeon turned, he slowed down enough for Chanyeol to jump off. The man pulled out his dagger, charging straight for a soldier of similar stature. 
Your turn, Y/N, Junmyeon said, You run out of arrows and I’ll call in the second line. 
“On it!” You answered, aiming another arrow. 
The two of you made an unlikely duo, working surprisingly well. Junmyeon knew to run slightly away from the fighting, because up close your arrows wouldn’t be much help. Running parallel to the front line, you fired arrow after arrow into the crowd. You even managed to get him to dodge a few bullets. One grazed his side, causing him to yelp, and you countered by sending your arrow into the neck of the man who shot at him. 
Truthfully, you tried not to aim at the people you knew. It was too difficult, seeing their shock and the look of betrayal cross their faces for a split second before you fired your arrow. But that was difficult, because everyone knew you, the same way they knew their father. 
You couldn’t imagine what they must have been thinking, to see someone who they thought would become their leader in the future fighting alongside their supposed enemies. 
All around you, chaos reigned. The rock flinging had slowed down, but birds were still diving down to attack men at random. The men at the other side of the troops were trying to spread out, to extend the front line, but it didn’t seem to be working very well. In the distance you watched two men try to fend off a grizzly bear. You had to turn your attention elsewhere, but from the looks of it, they weren’t winning.
Soon enough, you were down to your last arrow. Which, in a way, was good, because you could tell Junmyeon was beginning to slow down. The sooner he had less weight to carry, the better.
Do you see Chanyeol? Junmyeon asked, and your eyes scanned the front line, stopping when they landed on Chanyeol fighting hand to hand with a soldier. He was on the other side of the battlefield. “I see him,” You answered, “Junmyeon, let me off now and call in the second line!”
What about you? He asked as you slid off his back, firing your final arrow into a man aiming at a bar, cringing when you recognized him as the baker’s son. “I’ll be fine,” You insisted, slinging your bow across your chest, before pulling out your sword, “Just call them, now!”
Taking off before he could answer, your legs set off. As you ran, you assessed the damage. Some animals lay injured or dying, others running off as they got injured, probably to circle around to the deer.
Your breath puffed out as you made your way towards Chanyeol. You heard people call your name, some even calling out for help, but you refused to spare them any glances. You wondered if they had seen you charging in… they probably hadn’t.
When you were about fifty meters from Chanyeol, someone stepped in front of you. Looking up to meet their eyes, you saw Minseok, holding his spear up and eyeing you defensively. 
“Get out of here and they might just let you live,” He grunted. You held your sword out, eyeing the movements of his right arm. 
“As if you would let the gods live,” You quipped, “In the grand scheme of things, I’m no one.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to have to do this.” His voice was shaky, glancing to the side to avoid your eyes. “We’ve been friends for years, I would never forgive myself if I had to—”
Thwap! You turned the blade so that when you hit him with it, the flat end hit the side of his head. The edge still drew some blood, though, and Minseok stumbled back, giving you just enough time to lift your leg, kicking him square in the chest. He stumbled back even further before falling to the ground, breathless. You hopped closer, hoping to knock him unconscious without hurting him too much.
Looking at him, your heart ached. As you lumbered over him, grabbing the collar of his shirt, you frowned. “I’m sorry,” You murmured, before knocking his head into the ground once, twice, three times, until his eyes rolled back into his head and his body went limp.
You had no time to check whether or not he was still breathing, instead standing straight up and taking a deep breath before starting to run again. As you did, you heard Junmyeon’s howl echo across the forest. Weaving through the trees, you knew more help would be here soon. 
And it did, the second line appearing towards the south within a matter of seconds, sandwiching the troops between two groups of animals. As you got closer to Chanyeol, you felt something pull you back by the cloak, letting out a yelp as you fell to the ground. You fell on your butt, pain traveling up your back. Looking back to see what had snagged your cloak, you watched as Baekhyun ran past you in an attempt to get to Chanyeol, who had his back turned as he fought off another man. Baekhyun didn’t so much as spare you a glance.
You stumbled to your feet, eyes widening as you watched Baekhyun pull out his sword. Your feet somehow seemed to fly across the snow, your body going into overdrive. You’d seen this strategy before. Someone would distract the target, only for Baekhyun to come in and strike them down from behind.
You knew what would happen if you didn’t stop it. Slowing down for only a moment, you picked up a large rock that had to have hit some poor man in the head. Not even hesitating, you chucked the bloody rock at Baekhyun’s feet, causing him to stumble. 
That gave you the advantage, making a beeline in front of him, practically back to back to Chanyeol. Your smaller sword met Baekhyun’s with a loud clang, the look on his face turning incredulous when he saw that it was you. 
Baekhyun had always been a better swordsman. Every time you had asked him to help you train, it always ended with him pinning you down. But right now, you couldn’t afford to lose. You simply couldn’t.
“You just had to come and ruin everything,” He grunted, countering with a parry. You blocked it, your swords sliding against each other. You pushed him back, breathing heavily. 
“I’m not gonna let you destroy this place,” You answered. He let out a scoff.
“What are you gonna do, huh? You never miss a shot,” Baekhyun growled, “And yet you missed me. What is it, honey, still got a soft spot for me?” 
Your swords met again, your arms buckling with the strain. You couldn’t meet his eyes, you realized as your eyes filled with tears.
“We have you outnumbered. Call off the attack now,” You pleaded, sounding too desperate for your own good, “It’s not too late, Baek—”
“Oh, darling, I’m not stopping, not until I destroy all of it. Not if I have to burn—” His sword slashed forward, barely missing you as he roared, “—The entire Spearwood to the ground, not if I have to burn down all of Ironbend to get rid of every piece of fucking vermin in this place.”
You stepped forward, tears burning your dry eyes, and that was your mistake. In your attempt to parry, he sidestepped you, knocking you to the ground with a harsh shove. Your blade fell out of your hand, landing in the snow.
As you fell to the ground, you met Baekhyun’s gaze for the first time since your swords clashed. You were surprised to find tears streaking down his face, as well. His eyes looked like that of a wild animal, bewildered and desperate as he lifted his sword, ready to come down at you.
“And if I have to kill you too, my love?” He let out a single humorless laugh, a sad, cold smile gracing his beautifully twisted features, “So be it.” 
Your eyes squeezed shut as his sword began to fall, curling into yourself as you did. You didn’t want your last sight of the man you once loved to be this distorted image of him, drunk on the pursuit of power. All you wanted was the end.
Only, the end never came. Not in the way you expected it to, at least. Because a split second later, you heard Baekhyun gasp, and a deep, guttural groan came from above you. 
Your eyes snapped open, face contorting into an expression of horror as you saw the tip of Baekhyun’s sword peeking out of Chanyeol’s back, dripping blood. You watched as Chanyeol lurched forward, Baekhyun pulling off the mask, glaring up at his long lost brother with what you could only describe as bitter rage.
“You look just like the old man,” He muttered spitefully, “Go figure.”
Chanyeol didn’t answer, groaning out before coughing. Blood spilled from his lips. 
Your heart began to pound, and all of the noise around you seemed to fade into nothingness. All you could focus on was the blood staining Chanyeol’s tattered shirt a dark red, dripping onto your pants and his white pelt. The only noise you could hear was your own labored breathing and your blood roaring in your ears, not feeling the trembling in your necrotic arm.
You barely even registered the ear shattering wail that echoed across the battlefield, inky black tearing at your skin as they branched out everywhere. Your eyes rolled up back into your head, your body convulsing. 
You didn’t see the way they wrapped around every being within a thirty meter radius, squeezing with a vengeance. You didn’t see the way the wolves, who were on the other side of the battlefield stopped in awe to watch as you attempted to destroy everything in your path. You didn’t see Baekhyun get ripped away from Chanyeol, getting lifted some ten feet into the air as his eyes widened in terror, because he had only ever seen you hold back one of these fits. You didn’t see the few men who weren’t in your grip freeze, only able to watch as men and animals alike struggled to free themselves from you. 
You didn’t see. But Chanyeol did. He watched as all of this happened in less than ten seconds, before one tendril pulled out the sword, causing him to tumble to the ground right next to you. He fell to his hands and knees, wheezing and spitting out more blood that fell from his mouth.
When he managed to register what was going on, he crawled over to you, one hand pressing down on a rapidly bleeding stab wound he couldn’t even feel due to the adrenaline rushing through his body. He watched as your hand bent back and forth, contorting impossibly. Cringing at the sound of the cracking bones and your incessant screaming, he leaned over you and reached out his free hand. 
If this didn’t stop, you would kill everyone and everything in your grip and get yourself killed in the process. He grabbed your free hand with all the strength he could muster, trying to ignore the stiffness in your joints. His fingers tried to get your own fingers to grip the opal on your necklace, but nothing happened. 
“Please,” He wheezed, “Please, Y/N.”
With your cries ringing in his ears, he ripped his hand from the stab wound and touched your necklace, staining your neck red as he did, before bringing your hand to his neck, from where a second opal was dangling. His necklace, the one you had returned to him only an hour or so prior.
He coughed, cringing again as blood splattered across your face. “I’ve got you,” He croaked, “That—that night, when you asked me to make it stop, Y/N, I’m—I’m here, I’m trying. Please.”
Your screaming began to quiet, and his voice dropped to a panicked whisper. “Pl—please, Y/N. Please.”
He knew it must have taken less than a few seconds, but it truly did seem like an eternity to him. The tendrils recoiled back into your arm, letting go of all of the creatures you’d had in your grip. Baekhyun fell into the snow a few feet away from you, the wind knocked out of him. Your screaming stopped, and your bones snapped into place, but your sobs didn’t stop, not as your body wracked with pain as the aftershocks kicked in. 
The shock wore off on the remaining men within a minute or so, most of them beginning to flee north, dropping their weapons as they went. Jongdae came forward, already having guided an unconscious Minseok onto his reindeer. “Baekhyun, we have to go now.”
Baekhyun looked up, breathing unevenly. “No, not before I kill h—”
“There’s no time!” Jongdae barked hurriedly. “He’s gonna die anyway, look at what you did to him. And the more you stay, especially after everyone heard what you said about burning Ironbend to the ground, the worse it’s gonna be for you. So get on the damn reindeer, now.” 
Baekhyun faltered, sneering before hurrying onto the reindeer. Your eyes cracked open as Jongdae got on the third reindeer, and they rode off north, presumably to lick their wounds and try and explain everything to the council.
You looked up, just as Chanyeol toppled over on top of you. You ignored the screaming in your arms and the tension in your jaw as you rolled the pair of you over, eyes brimming with tears again when the smell of blood hit your nose. 
He looked so pale, beneath you. Your hands pulled his head gently onto your lap, before one of them began cradling his head. The other tried desperately to press down on the wound, but the stiffness in your arms didn’t help much.
“You can’t die like this,” You whispered hoarsely, “I just came back.”
He managed to quip a smile. “You’ll be alright,” He crooned, one hand limply. “It’s—it’s your turn now, to ride with my br—my brothers.”
“No,” You begged.
Chanyeol! You both turned your heads as the four brothers in question ran up to the both of you.
“Hey,” Chanyeol murmured, as if he wasn’t bleeding out beneath you, “That wasn’t... very fun. I… I don’t wanna do that again.”
You idiot, Junmyeon said, voice trembling, the usual chastising tone he had now empty. What’s mother gonna say when she finds out you went and got yourself killed?
You can’t die, you ass, Sehun added. You can’t.
He’s not going to. 
Your head snapped up, just in time to watch two figures leap into view, a third lumbering behind them, a fourth flying overhead. Quickly, just as everyone else registered that it was the gods, your head bowed in respect.
Beval landed on a branch overhead, the fog clearing. Selyne and Emyr stopped before you, as Mirren began to round up the remaining animals, directing them across the stream.
Chanyeol, Selyne murmured, tone anxious. You never would have expected that from her. What have you done?
“What I had to do to keep you all safe,” He answered, meeting the she-wolf’s gaze. His eyes moved to look at Emyr. 
“My king. I’m sorry for all the loss the forest has felt today.”
Emyr shook his head.  It will mourn, but it will forever be grateful for the sacrifice you all made to keep it safe. We will honor you. Heroes, all of you.
You were trembling as you kept your head down, trying to memorize each corner of his face. Every mole, every blemish, every eyelash.
Even you, Y/N.
Your head snapped up, meeting the gaze of the deer god with your tearful eyes. “Th-thank you, great king,” You replied, “But we only did what was right.”
Indeed. But I do believe you deserve more than honor. You’ve sacrificed much. Daresay, I think you’ve proved yourself to me and to the forest.
You didn’t know why your heart sank. Despite this being what you set out to do, you didn’t feel victorious. “Oh,” You murmured, unsure what to say as Chanyeol shifted his head below you.
Oh? Selyne quipped, You’re being bestowed a gift by a god and that’s all you can say?
“I don’t want it,” You blurted, more tears running down your face. You couldn’t control your mouth even if you wanted to, shaking your head. All you could do was weep and stare down at Chanyeol. The light in his eyes seemed to be getting dimmer. “Give it to him, please. He’s done more for this forest than I ever could. Please heal him, my king, please.”
Fascinating. You would allow yourself to die if it meant that Chanyeol would live?
“Y/N, don’t do this,” Chanyeol whispered. You shook your head at him, before nodding at Emyr. 
“Yes, absolutely, yes. Without a doubt. Please don’t let him die.”
What would happen to us if I, as the king of this forest, simply allowed all of my subjects to live in their time of dying? Maybe this is for the best, child. This is his fate.
“No, I can’t let that happen!”
Why not?
“Because I love him. Please, please don’t let him die.”
Emyr stared at you for a long time. Until finally, he gave you the closest thing a deer could give to a smile. Very well, he agreed. You’ve learned, girl. You’ve let go of your pride and you have sacrificed everything you previously had for our home. I will heal him… and I will heal you, as well. You’ve earned it. Both of you.
You sighed in relief, slumping over Chanyeol. The deer god approached you both, before pressing something akin to a kiss on your forehead, and then doing the same thing to Chanyeol’s hand. 
 For a moment, nothing happened. But then, your body seemed to sing as it jumped into the air of its own accord, Chanyeol right next to you. You watched as the wound began to close, before you felt the sensation of a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. Your eyes moved to your arm, watching as it returned to its natural color, the scars of the bite Sehun had given you fading. 
You landed on your feet, managing to catch Chanyeol before he fell to the ground. He groaned, slinging his arm around your shoulder. 
“How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” He admitted, “But I’ll live.” 
He faced Emyr. “Thank you, my king. I can never fully repay you for what you’ve done.”
So long as you continue to protect us as you have all your life, consider your debt repaid. 
You bowed your own head in respect. “Thank you. I promise to protect the forest until the day I die.” 
I never would have expected it to end this way, Selyne said. I never thought I would thank you for saving my son and protecting me.
You looked at Chanyeol, who smiled weakly at you.
Um, I hate to ruin the mood, Kyungsoo mumbled, But they didn’t actually surrender. They retreated. They’ll be back. What’ll we do then?
Your smile faded, heaving a deep sigh. Baekhyun was still out there, currently on his way back to Ironbend—but he wouldn’t get off easily for essentially leading 120 men on what as basically a suicide mission and getting more than half of them killed. And he would definitely get in trouble for what he told you about being willing to burn Ironbend to the ground. 
With luck, this would mean severe consequences for him. His reputation would likely suffer, and he might even get booted from the council. But now that you were gone, who was left to govern after your father passed away? You could only hope someone like Yixing would pass on to lead. 
Truthfully, you weren’t sure how to answer. But in your silence, Chanyeol spoke up, reaching for one of your hands and squeezing it tightly.
“We’ll be alright,” He said, “Come what may—we’ll be alright.” 
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taglist: @delightpcy​ @chanyeolscoon​ @xxbluestrifexx​ @imsoba​ @chogiwhy127​ @always-wishing-for-rain @riajae​
77 notes · View notes
dindjarinbae · 3 years
Four Words, Fourteen Letters (Din Djarin x reader)
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requested by @insertcoolnamee:  DIN OWNS MY HEART that's all. Like you could write about Din dropping hints that he wants to marry the reader?
second request by anon: Hi could you please do a part 3 to All My Love series cuz OH MAN ITS TOO GOOD I NEED MORE SO MUCH MORE
okay hi so basically, i fused these two requests together and made this. i am so sorry it is so short but i am dying in recovery from surgery so pls forgive. im going to be working on other requests for the time being so my request box is still closed, but if you ever need anything, my message box is ALWAYS open. i promise im nice. OKAY LOVE U ALL.
WARNINGS: none, just fluffy
There was seldom peace on the Razor Crest. Usually the kid was causing some havoc or there was an unrelentingly annoying bounty, sometimes there was just Din getting grumpy, and then the times it was Grogu crying, which in turn would break your heart and you’d have to cry along with him. 
But not today. And Din was thankful for that. As he climbed down from the cockpit and let his eyes settle upon you and the sleeping baby in your lap as you sat on the floor against the wall, he realized something. He wanted you around forever.
He had always wanted you around, always. You made him happy, you and him shared so much love, he was simply full of bliss around you. But by forever... forever meant he wanted to put a pretty ring on your finger and have you take his last name. 
Din Djarin wanted to marry you. 
The only problem was that he didn’t really know how to ask. He had never been a very emotional person, and he’d never been good with words either. So he started very simple to see if you’d catch on. 
The first hint he dropped was two days later when the three of you were all walking off the ship on Nevarro to return a bounty to Greef Karga. He glanced over at you while you held onto the baby and he smiled underneath his helmet at the way you made sure to cover the baby’s eyes to keep the sun from irritating the fifty year old toddler. You turned your head and looked up at Din with a smile, “Look, I made him a little hat kinda.” You giggled. 
And sure enough, you did. You’d used one of your scarves to wrap around his little head and he looked like he was comfortably swaddled. He probably was. He adored you, there was no doubt about that. And there was also no doubt that he saw you as a mother. Din smiled underneath his helmet and he looked down at the two of you before taking a breath, “Every little guy needs a mother to make him a hat when it’s hot out.” He said pointedly and made a point to look at you intensely. 
If you noticed, you didn’t really say anything, and you giggled, “I guess so. It’s kinda hard with these ears, though.” You said and reached down to brush your thumb across one of his long ears, and he cooed, trying to reach up and grab at your fingers. 
The second hint Din decided to drop was a little more obvious, and it was while the baby napped down in the hull. You and Din sat in the cockpit, him in his pilot’s chair and you sat happily on his right thigh with your legs draped across his lap while you sat with his left arm in your lap. You sat with a clean cloth as you tried to buff a few scuffs out of his beskar vambrace while he watched your face admiringly.
“Y/n.” He said your name more as a statement than a question, and you turned your head up towards him. 
“Huh?” You asked lamely and he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“Have you ever thought about marriage?” He asked quietly and traced one of his gloved fingers along the side of your leg as it rested over the tops of his. 
You thought for a moment and then you gave him a nod, “Yeah, I’ve thought about it. Have you?” You asked and looked up to where you imagined his eyes would be. 
It was Din’s turn to nod at you this time and you smiled a bit, contently turning back to buffing out his armor until it gleamed. He assumed that was the last of the conversation and he fell silent as he watched your delicate hands work to shine up his armor. 
Later that night after you had fallen asleep in his lap up in the cockpit, he carried you down to the bunk that you often shared with him and he laid you down before shedding his armor and his helmet. He crawled in right next to you and he wrapped both of his arms around your waist, tugging you back against him. You stirred a bit as the motion of being moved back and you placed both of your hands down against his wrists. You didn’t turn your head around because you felt his chin on your head and you sighed out contently. 
“Are you awake?” Din asked, quietly enough so that if you weren’t, you didn’t wake, but loud enough that if you were awake, you’d hear. You nodded very gently and you felt his arms tighten around you as he tugged you backwards until you were flush against his chest, “you shouldn’t be. Go back to sleep, it’s so late, y/n.” He scolded gently and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. 
“Well then why did you ask me if I was awake?” You giggled and shook your head, sighing out contently at the feeling of the gentle kiss he left on top of your head. 
He didn’t answer but he let out a sigh as well and you brushed your thumbs over his wrists and turned your head back to place a small kiss on his chin, his facial hair tickling your chin and lips, “Getting a little furry, Mister bounty hunter, perhaps you should shave tomorrow night.” You teased and he only laughed in reply and buried his face in your neck, placing a few kisses against the skin just below your jawline. 
 You giggled while the scruff on his face tickled your neck and you rolled over so that you were facing him, “I love you, you know.” You said happily and tapped around his face in the dark to find his lips before you leaned in and pressed a little kiss upon them. He pulled back and let out a quiet breath before he reached for your hand and held it tightly in his own. 
“Of course I know. And I love you. I love you very much, in fact. I want you in my life forever, I daresay.” He whispered and you felt the slight tremble in his hand. 
He was nervous. He knew it was now or never, because you weren’t taking any hints and he was gonna chicken out any other time. What others would’ve described as butterflies in their stomach, he would describe as a million kicking children. His heart beat heavily and quickly in his chest and he felt the words tumblr from his lips before he could even think them through:
“I want you to marry me. I want to marry you. Will you marry me?” He blurted and it felt like time stopped. The bunk around you two seemed hotter and he felt almost dizzy with excitement and terrible, sickening anticipation, while you, on the other hand, were screaming inside of your head. Truly, you wanted nothing more but to marry Din Djarin. You knew in your soul that he was the one person you would love until time ran out and the infinite universe swallowed up the galaxy, sniffling it out like a small flame. It was four words. Fourteen simple letters. But he was petrified.
The silence scared him and he almost recanted his words, ready to gloss them over with assurance that he was only teasing before your arms slung around his neck and your lips were upon his. 
“Yes, yes, I’ll marry you. Of course I’ll marry you.” You breathed against his mouth and pulled him down for a deeper kiss. 
He had to pull away, breathlessly, so that he could smile and catch his breath. His heart was still racing like a herd of running orbaks, and he nodded, “I love you. I cannot wait to call you my wife. To raise the kid with you. To show you my face.” He breathed, and you were over the moon, arms still tightly wrapped around his neck. 
As you laid there in silence together, your lips repeatedly finding each other’s, he had one thought cross his mind:
y/n Djarin. 
Yeah. He liked that.
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