minty-bubblegum · 8 months
I swear at this point I'm just gonna rip out my uterus to untilt that bitch ☹️
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cerneterydrive · 2 years
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Gotcha!! I am a sucker for how you write Enzo, and even more of a sucker for hurt/comfort or angst that ends in fluff. So to mix the two, my brain came up with this: Reader and Enzo have been together for a while, both are in love with eachother. The only thing is, R has never seen Enzo's "dark side", because the occasion never presented itself, until when Enzo beats up a guy for touching R and making her uncomfortable. R is shocked to say the least, or taken aback, but offers all the same to clean up Enzo's wounds, very lost in thought, because maybe usually violence scares her. Knowing Enzo he would realize this, and kind of spiral in a "did I scare you? Are you afraid of me? I would never hurt you" worries, while R was simply worried about Enzo's well being. So it ends with Reader comforting Enzo and vice versa, just a sweet bonding moment after a bit of a scare and angst. Feel free to change this or make it more dramatic💕💕💕💕💕
you couldn't shake the slimy feeling you had since this morning when Cormac tried to touch you. Well, he did touch you, smacked your ass really. And when you gave him the finger he called you a slag. You tried to ignore him, ignore the interaction. Enzo had tried to ask you what was wrong at lunch, but you told him you were just tired, that you'd had a tough divination class that morning. You could tell he wasn't buying it, but he also didn't push you.
when you were walking with Pansy on your way to the library, she had asked you again, and finally you told her. "What a fucking tosser! A right prick, he is," you had agreed with her words, telling her that you were going to go to the library for your free period. She said she would see you later and that you two could plan to hex him during dinner if you'd want.
You'd liked that idea, so when you saw Pansy sprinting towards you in the library, you were heavily confused. You stood up as she approached you, nearly out of breath. You urged her to tell you what was going on. She nodded, hands on her knees, "Enzo...in the court yard...Cormac...blood...s'getting real bad."
"Oh my god," you took off running, Pansy (reluctantly given that she had just sprinted to you) close behind. When you got to the court yard a small crowd had already formed. You pushed your way through until you got to the inner circle, your hand instantly going to cover your gape at the scene before you.
You always knew Enzo was a big man, he was not only tall, but broad as well. You just never realized how much broader he was than most the guys your age because from where you were standing, you couldn't even see Cormac with how Enzo was hunched over him, landing blow after blow.
You looked around the circle until you spotted the rest of Enzo's friends, storming up to them. You pointed at Blaise and Mattheo, "Stop him. You stop him right now before a professor comes out here."
Mattheo smirked, "No way, princess. This is Enzo's victim, he's not finished yet." You turned, now seeing a different angle of the fight. Cormac's face was bloody and swollen, one eye closed completely shut, the skin around it looking taught like a balloon.
You turned back to the both of them, "Mattheo Marvelo you stop this right. now. or I swear to Merlin I'll hex your dick to the size of a peanut for a month." With his middle name and the threat, Mattheo nodded at Blaise, both boys launching themselves toward Enzo, struggling slightly to pull him off.
Enzo was fighting back against them slightly, trying to swing towards Cormac again. He was so blind by rage he didn't even notice anyone around him. You couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't watch him fight anymore.
"Lorenzo, enough." Your voice was loud and stern. Enzo looked toward you, immediately catching your eyes and relaxing in the two other boys' hold. When you nodded they finally released him. You instructed the other boys to 'take care of this', motioning toward Cormac's beaten and moaning body.
You grabbed hold of Enzo's forearm, not wanting to fully grab his hand and get covered in someone else's blood. You led him down to the dungeons, down the hall of the boys dormitory and into the bathroom.
You pointed to the edge of the tub, "Sit." Enzo did so immediately, looking down at the ground like a child about to be scolded. You opened of of the cabinets, grabbing gauze and some healing potions that the boys kept on hand.
Walking back towards Enzo, you tapped the inside of one of his knees, signaling him to widen his legs so you could stand between them. You lifted his head with a finger under his chin. His had a small cut on his lower lip, "Looks like he got one good swing on you."
Enzo smirked, "Yeah, one's all he got the chance to get." You tsked at him, "You know I hate fighting, Enzo. You never fight, it's always the others."
Enzo's smirk turned to a frown, his lip splitting open slightly more, "I'm so sorry, angel, did I scare you? Are you afraid of me now? You know I would never hurt you, righ-"
You cut him off with a finger to his lips before patting the split in his lip with gauze and a healing potion.
"Why were you fighting him," you knew the answer, but you wanted to know how he knew. You grabbed one of his hands, waving your wand over the cuts that you can only assume were made from either Cormac's teeth or the harsh bridge of his nose coming into contact with Enzo's fists.
"Darling, my angel girl, he touched you, no, he smacked you, and called you names? What kind of protector would I be if I let shit like that slide. No way, that is never happening." You couldn't help but smile as you finished healing his other hand.
You cupped his cheek now, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth, "My sweet Enzo bear, my big bad protector." Enzo placed his hands on either side of your hips, one hand going round to give you ass a playful squeeze.
You squealed, swatting at his hand with a giggle. Enzo smiled at the sound, pulling you closer still, "I will always be here to protect you, no matter what. I love you angel girl."
You smiled, "I love you too, Enzo," leaning in again to give him a proper kiss.
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pupyuj · 9 months
campus rebel! g!p wonyoung who fucks the shit out of the stuco president for getting her into trouble 😵‍💫😵‍💫 OH MY GOD I WANNA HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS
bad girl wony... yeah.. yeah exactly. i giggle every time i get g!p ive asks esp annyeongz i just want them to double team me tbh—
LISTENNNN ... ever since 230423 wonyoung i have never been the same, that look is literally how i picture rebel wony 😭😭😭
wwhat if she has never gotten in trouble for all the bullshit she did when you weren't the stuco president :(( wony got away with everything scot-free bcs the previous presidents were scared of what might happen to them (like expulsion) bcs wony had a bit of a hold in the school 😟😟 but then you got elected, and things changed real fast 😁 teachers were actually scolding her?? giving her shit when she was late to class or wandered the halls during?? and she has never gotten detention before... until you personally put her in one 😭
the detention in question being held in the student council meeting room, it was just you and her. wony was pissed, she could be out partying and getting laid right now but instead, she had to stare at your pretty face while you did your work and babysat her at the same time! looking up from your desk briefly and seeing that the paper in front of wonyoung was still blank. "it's a simple apology, jang. i'm doing you a favor by saving you from a criminal charge. this won't hurt your reputation, you know." you said with a sigh.
"oh trust me, it's been hurt the moment you stepped up that stupid podium in the gym and did your campaign speech like you were the leader of the nation." wonyoung picked up her pen and started scribbling on her paper. well, at least you wouldn't have to deal with her eyes just burning holes into your head anymore! she doesn't even get why she has to apologize 🤨 spray-painting cock and balls to that creepy janitor's truck was funny! and he deserved it!
and then a few minutes later, here comes wony marching over to your desk and slamming her paper down in front of you. what you didn't see was a proper apology but rather a big drawing of a middle finger. this was useless.
"do you wanna go to jail, jang? don't forget that this isn't the first time you've broken a literal law!"
wonyoung merely shrugged, a cocky smile on her lips, "you're just afraid you'll miss me."
you grabbed a new piece of paper, stood up, and pushed it on her chest, "get your shit together. not even your daddy can pull you out of the mess you want to create." but wonyoung was not at all threatened! see, she has always thought that as much as you were a pain in her ass for always scolding her about what she wore, her attitude, and everything... you were still hot. and to you, even when wonyoung was the bane of your existence, you still wanted her badly deep down (pretty, charismatic, cute smile... who could ever resist?), so you didn't complain at all when she suddenly grabbed your waist and kissed you 😳😳
it was messy, what with wonyoung biting your lips and forcing her tongue in your mouth,,, and it wasn't until she lifted you on top of your desk that she finally pulled away, busying her hands with unbuttoning your shirt, her lips now on your neck,,, the way she wouldn't stop teasing you 😭😭 "d'you get me in trouble just so you can have me alone? you could have just told me that you wanted me, prez." shes so annoying 😩
shhdfdkffbf wony marking you all over and you complaining about it 😭😭 AND YOU'RE ARGUING EVEN WHEN SHE HAS HER DICK INSIDE YOU BCS SHE'S TOO FAST OR SOMETHING 💀 you really have no fucking idea why girls throw themselves on her all the time when all she's focused on is her pleasure 🙄 but wony doesn't give a fuck, she's still pissed at you for making her look weak and small now 🫠🫠 so she doesn't care that her pace is too fast, or that she practically forced her big cock inside your tight walls, or that she left too many bite marks on your neck and shoulders... people were gonna know what happened here, and people will know that it was all her doing 😈
wony forcing your legs open for her while she pounds your cunt 🤤🤤🤤 but she's baby so she was whining and groaning in your ear, head buried on your shoulder bcs you feel really good :(( and she gets addicted to the way you say her actual name, totally different from the usual spiteful way you say 'jang', so she makes you say it again and again :((( your voice becoming the thing that grounds her but god she literally can't help but just ruin you so after coming together for the first time, wony immediately puts your legs on the ground and bends you over :((((
her saying mean things to you while she's destrying your cunt from behindddd 🫠🫠
"you're a f-fucking bitch, prez... i hate you.."
"be thankful that you're so pretty, and that this pussy is fucking sweet c-cuz.. ahh, fuck...! i would have gotten you expelled a long time ago... mhmm.. feels so good... so good..."
"from now on, i'm gonna make you my slut... i'm sure you'd like that, unnie.. j-jang wonyoung's cute little cocksleeve sounds more of a better title than student council president..."
needless to say, she fucks you stupid until detention was over! but since you still had stuco prez things to do until sundown, you had to stay in school and ofc wony did too 😁 tho you didn't complain this time bcs cockwarming her while you did your work and kissing her from time to time made everything a little less boring! 🤤
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
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"This is so unfair. I'm a trans girl and got put in this sorority where the only way they're letting me stay on estrogen and be a girl is if I don't be a gooner. They know trans girls are so sweet and perverted that being in a sorority is our fetishistic dream. So many sexy girls to bust a nut to, all of them bi, making out with each other, half of them so pregnant they look ready to pop. Huge boobs, fat asses, all super eager to fuck and party. And I was told by the administration office my stay at the sorority is preliminary, to see if I can behave myself. I was given a list of stuff that will prove I'm secretly just a man trying to invade girls' spaces......
Number one, no jerking off to the girls or trying to cum on them as I go about my day. WTF, the other girls rub their clits for hours on end, in the middle of the lounge and foyer, their mouthwatering pussies out for all to see. They squirt on each other for fun before class! But I can only masturbate if I'm alone? It's so unfair!
Number two, no accidental ejaculation. So no cumming in my panties or down my leg in a cute dress. No cumming in my bikini or my yoga pants. I have to keep my cock under control at all times. Never mind how many girls are fondling themselves all day long as they talk and study and shower, playing with themselves nonstop, groping their tits, their big pregnant bellies, some girls in the halls will even be talking to each other and casually fisting their own asses like it's totally normal. I'm so jealous!
Number three, sapphic fakegirls are just boys. No relationships with girls, period. ....... Never mind that literally every girl here scissors and fuck the other girls for fun. I'm only allowed to take it up the ass at the frathouse to prove I'm a girl.
Number four, no porn. I'm not to watch porn casually, with other people around, in a 'perverted and male way', because I guess girls don't blast porn and watch it in public? Oh wait, every girl does. Porn is on in the lounge 24/7, I just have to walk by and not indulge in watching it. Girls are watching porn on their phones constantly. My roommate watches videos of girls getting gangraped in public for hours every night and cums over and over. The videos sound so amazing! The girls start off complaining about being kissed and groped, to stop pulling out their breasts, how embarrassed they are for their huge tits to be pulled out in public, then the girls usually whine about being pregnant and so many cocks could hurt the babies. But the men never care, they fuck these girls soooo hard for hours in public and nobody does anything, they just watch and film, or masturbate to the carnage. Eventually, the girls wind up moaning and cumming, loving every second of it. I wanna watch these vids so bad it hurts! And my cute pregnant roommate, Stephanie, gets to abuse her pussy over and over and over, absolutely soaking her bed in her pussy juices, but I'd be the perv for doing the same.....
Number five, no grabbing or playing with my cock in the restroom. I have a pretty girl that monitors me in the bathroom every time I go, to make sure I'm not gooning and jerking off. The girls chosen to watch me are so sexy and clearly only there to tempt me into breaking the rules. Only really curvy girls with thick thighs, big asses, huge boobs, and pregnant bellies sticking out so far their arms don't even reach out all the way in front of them. The girls love teasing me, telling me what a pretty girl I am, how beautiful my tits are, how much they want to suck my fat cock. But I can only sit down and pee as they watch, no touching my cock at all.... It's always dripping pee when I get up and I just have to deal with it.
Number six, no filming the other girls in perverted way. No upskirts, no following them filming their asses or tits. Nothing. It's so frustrating because the other girls do this constantly. They'll film upskirts of their friends and upload them to TikTok or Instagram all the time, even grope and pull out their tits like pervy boys.... And that's all in good fun.
Long story short, this university has one of the highest detrans rates for trans girls and I'm sad to say I cracked. It all became too much. I'm gooning soooo hard! I'm filming all these sexy girls, finally, humping the ground, playing with my cock, asking the girls perverted questions like how many babies they're pushed out or whether or not they fantasize about being raped. I can't contain it anymore. I've jerked off like a dozen times today. I'm being transferred to the frathouse..... And as of twenty minutes ago I was given my first shot of testosterone.
Sorry, mom and dad, looks like you're getting back your son. I love how this feels, jerking off in public, groping the other girls, saying lewd, nasty things to them as I stroke my cock. Fuckkkkk I really am a boy, aren't I? This sucks..... I guess playing pretend as a girl really was just a way for me to see more titties, fat asses, swollen pussies, and bellies stretched to the bursting point with babies. I really was just infiltrating, hoping to be one of them and engage in all the wonderful, perverted stuff girls do to each other. Instead I'm going to be just another musclebound creep, forcing myself on pretty girls around campus and bragging about it to all my gooner friends.... My cock is getting hard again just thinking about it.
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huexuri · 5 months
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⊹ what are we? (fem!reader x gyu)
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warnings: fem!reader, college au, crying (not dacryphilia), slight body worshipping, size kink mentions, bsf!beomgyu
note: gyu looks so fucking good in the photos above i'm so wet (i'm menstruating.) and also i was gonna end this as fluff but why stop there when u can have so much more right
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you finally arrive to your same old eyesore of a college building, drained and exhausted which was very painfully obvious by the way your eyebags were heavier than usual and the way you didn't even bother to make your hair like you usually did — just slapping on a claw clip like a hair tie and your hair is falling apart each step you take. your shirt is crumpled because you didn't bother to iron it, and your heavy ass bag is barely staying on your shoulder as you have to readjust it every 5 seconds.
you really didn't want to come today, but you don't have a choice. your legs hurt and your eyelids are uneven and you're sighing the entire way to your hostel. you being in horrible shape, swearing to yourself that if someone asked you if you were okay, you'd burst into tears and start having a breakdown in the middle of your lecture. and your best friend beomgyu noticed this, being the only one watching you as you walk through the hallways lazily.
finally settling all the mess that followed you this morning, you head to the bathroom to try to look presentable. putting your hair in an actual ponytail and curling your lashes while smothering on some of your lip balm, you finally collect yourself and head out, just to bump into another student, standing at the end of the hallway seemingly waiting for someone.
"oh my god- ugh! i'm really so sorry, today has just been a rough one, i'm so blur right now—" you mutter out frantically, accidentally knocking the little strawberry protein bar off their hand and onto the floor.
"girl!! it's okay, it's me! it's gyu, don't worry oh my gosh.." beomgyu giggled slightly at your anxiousness and picked up the protein bar. brushing the dust off of the plastic packaging, he hands it to you.
you take some time to regain yourself — you're about to cry because of how bad your day is starting, but realizing that it's beomgyu that you bumped into after seeing static, you finally let out a sigh of relief.
"oh.... um what's this gyu??" you take the protein bar from him. it's your favourite strawberry protein bar that you always stole from beomgyu because you didn't know where he got it.
"it's for you, i know how much you liked it so i bought a separate bar for you. you seemed really tired so i thought that it'd help a bit." your friend said casually, patting your shoulder as reassurance.
"i'm not tired!" you said frustratedly, "just... today's not going well, i—"
"i can see right through you, i know you're not okay. just eat it, and i'll see you in class. okay?" he pecks at your forehead so casually as if he does it on a daily basis. this was the first time he'd ever done that, and you can't lie, butterflies swarmed in your churning stomach.
beomgyu starts to walk away as you stare at him in disbelief for a good 5 seconds, before shouting a weak "stop!.." his way, and his head turns right at you.
running to him while stuffing the bar into your pocket of your sweatpants, you hug him so tightly, the warmth of his body and the plush of his hoodie feeling like silk on your skin.
when he bends down to return the hug, your head in the crook of his neck, you finally break down onto him, beads of salty tears staining his hoodie.
"i'm so sorry, i don't even know why i'm c-crying." you mutter, even more muffled when you speak into the cloth but he still understood you.
"hey, hey, shh.. it's gonna be okay. what about we hang out later, or like.. i bring you shopping, or... do you need water? what do you need? it'll be okay, please don't cr—"
"i need you.." you reply hastily, sniffling, and arms wrapped around him tighter than before.
"after the lesson, okay? okay pretty? don't cry, you're so strong." beomgyu replies, his big hands patting the small of your back. he always called you pretty as a supportive friendly "go girl!" way, but it felt so different when he reassured you, it felt so genuine. it made you feel prettier than he'd usually do. you felt like his pretty girl.
pulling apart from his embrace, you nod and sniffle, your nose and eyes red as he cups your face and wipes your tears away with his thumb, sweetly caressing your face.
the both of you finally calm down and you walk to class together. you don't know how to see him now, is he still your friend or are you both more than that? maybe he was just being affectionate because he's a supportive friend, but what kind of friend would—
snapping out of your thoughts as you both arrive to your seats, gyu being seated next to you. he admires you as you munch on the protein bar he gave you, even breaking off a piece for him.
your lecturer is talking but all you can think about is his arm around your chair, lightly fidgeting with the sleeve of your shirt. your head is rested comfortably on his shoulder and you're really trying your best to take notes. but it's hard when you both are so close like this, it's like another side of him has revealed to you the moment you started sobbing. you're not complaining. it feels great to have someone like him as a.... friend?
classes finally ended, and the both of you meet up again, planning to go to a shopping mall to cheer you up. you already did feel better after he hugged you, but beomgyu kept insisting he'd bring you out to eat all the bingsu you want, and that it'd be on him. how can you ever decline that?
the both of you had the best day at the shopping mall, and the both of you even took little polaroid photos together.
hopping in his car, preparing to return to the both of your designated hostels, there's the sound of the car engine revving and the both of you sigh after what seemed to be .. sort of a date.
but there was still an aching question that never faded from the back of your head that you'd ought to ask him since this morning.
"what are we?"
you hadn't realized you just said it out loud. when he replies you, you slightly shiver.
"wanna find out?" he replies to you as he started to drive.
there was a silence for a few minutes. it wasn't awkward, but rather as if he gave you time to ponder.
"can i kiss you?" you blurted out, breaking the silence.
beomgyu swerved and parked at a remote place. it was dark outside and the city lights are miles away.
"what are you waiting for?" beomgyu looked at you with expectancy in his glistening brown eyes.
looking around hesitantly, hoping that nobody would see you guys, beomgyu lifts your chin with his soft hands, waiting for an answer.
"i-i don't know," you muttered.
"then go on, kiss me, pretty girl." beomgyu smiled at you with reassurance.
you closed your eyes as he pulled you close. his cold lips met yours and one of your palm cups his cheek as the other grip on his fluffy hair. your noses touch and beomgyu sighs as he sinks into you, now torso on top of yours, the both of you decide to take it to the backseat.
not breaking the kiss in this entire 20 seconds as your tongues play fight with each other, your mouth taking his lips in, his teeth gliding onto your lips. you sloppily let go of the kiss as a string of saliva connects your lips with his. you're both catching breaths and panting slowly, gazing at each other with awe.
"what are we now?" you say, almost in a whisper.
"is this not enough to answer your question?" beomgyu says while wiping his mouth.
"i don't think so.." you coo, and a pretty grin replaces beomgyu's tireless expression.
running your fingers down his torso and trailing little kisses down his clothed pecs, getting closer and closer to his bud, you look up at him, eyeing him with consent and he nods.
you lift his shirt up to reveal his toned body that he always hid under his baggy shirts. you praise his body with your love and finally, you lay a tongue on his bud. hands on his chest as his shirt's folds rest on the top of your head. you draw little circles with your tongue around his bare nipple and he sighs at that, his back arching away from the car seat for a bit before laying on the car seat again, head thrown back after looking at the lovely sight from above.
you do the same to his other nipple, painting it wet with your spit before letting go and slowly making your way down to his waistband, getting dangerously close to his erection that grew the more you came closer.
beomgyu strokes your hair and tucks your face framing piece behind your ear, with hope that you'll quickly help his aching boner already..
tracing his v-line with your soft fingers and tugging at his waistband before gazing up at his pretty features, waiting for permission.
beomgyu eagerly nods his head, eyes glossy with plead.
"please, go on.." he whispers impatiently, his cock already seeming to want to burst out of his pants.
"okay, okay." you giggle softly and unzip his pants, pulling it and bunching it up towards you, only to be met with the sight of his throbbing cock, the only barrier between you and him being the thin polyester of his boxers.
he's bigger than you expected. it felt odd that you'd be thinking about your best friend's cock now that it's in front of you. once you struggle to pull down his boxers, immediately his cock springs out and slightly hits his own stomach. now, with much ease you continue to pull down his boxers and... well, you're not even sure if you can take him whole.
with a final knowing look at him, beomgyu gives you the green light as he adjusts his position to rest his back.
he gasps as you take him in your mouth, the feeling of your warmth enveloping his shaft is exhilarating to him.
"s-shit,... that feels so..." beomgyu murmured, his eyebrows in a slight frown. his eyes lustrous, looking at your pretty face as you sink down on him.
he loses himself in the pleasure,, moaning softly and thrusting upward into each stroke of your mouth. he gently fists at your hair — eyes fluttering shut as his mouth grows agape, whimpers escaping him now and then.
you on the other hand; you're hollowing your cheeks so you can take him as much as you can, despite his almost unnatural size and girth. the beads of precum that slide effortlessly down your throat each time you lower your head onto him and his slit taps the back of your throat.
"d-does it feel good?" you mumble, with him still in your mouth.
"fuck yes it does, i..." beomgyu's eyes roll backwards when you basically swallow his cock. "you're so good at this, h-how.. oh my— holy shit,"
you start to increase your pace at his words, bubbles of spit collecting at the back of your throat, coating the entirety of his quivering tip, slightly gagging on it.
"oh my fucking god."
beomgyu's whispers send you to heaven on earth. his pretty shaking voice is like candy for your ears. the sight of his sweaty hair falling in front of his eyes, his lips drying up because it'd been slightly parted for so long. finally licking his lips and bucking his hips up into you, you can feel his pelvis stutter, and you know he's going to squirt into your mouth, so you prepare — positioning yourself to sink onto him before he—
"fuck, cummin', a-aah—"
hot cum spurts down your throat and with ease, you take it all. his hips buck up to pump it all out of him and his grip on your hair loosens.
you finally let go of his cock along with the breath you'd been holding for god knows how long. stretching his boxers over his cock and then his pants, you crawl onto him with one final kiss so he'd taste himself off of you.
"today wasn't a bad day after all hm?" beomgyu smiled, his hand rubbing your upper back as if to release the tension from your previous position.
"not anymore, now that i can confirm that we're more than just best friends." you return the smile gently.
"yeah, we're best best friends!" beomgyu teased.
"gyu!! oh my god, you little rat..."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
What if one Monday after a weekend of crying over her bully!Eddie, he tells her she looks like shit and like she hasn't slept in days and she can't help but tear up so he silently vows to take care of her, and he'd force her to sit on his lap and sleep during lunch and little things like that. He'd leer at anyone who so much as looked her way, he needed her to have a peaceful day. He'd call her his little crybaby and make her give him little kisses as thankyous for taking care of her but she doesn't care, it's better than him pushing her around and smacking her ass in front of anyone who happens to be around.
What Eddie didn't realise is in this constant change of behaviour, he'd conditioned her to need him whenever she's overtired or sad. She'd start calling him in the middle of the night asking for him to come over and help her sleep. He never wanted to- he wanted to tell her no, call her mean names and put her back in her place but he couldn't bring himself to let her down. Every time he would rush to her house, climb through her window and fuss/kiss her until she was so relaxed and cosy she drifted off. He was never there when she woke up but there'd always be a thanku nudey polaroid or magazine in his locker or car as a thankyou for taking care of her
-🐱, sorry if this one is a lil weird- my meds have sent my lil horny goblin brain into mushy gushy subspace, I wanna be babied by a meanie lmao
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
i'll write the second part as a part 2!! it's very cute but i couldn't fit it all in one blurb </3
cw // bully!eddie. nothing terrible, he doesn't ever hurt her or anything, he's just annoying as fuck - don't like don't read
Eddie's grip on your wrist hasn't loosened since you'd walked out of class. Typically, he pushes you around, catching you before you trip and teasing you for being so off-balance. Today, though, he drags you through the doors of the cafeteria, and your stomach drops. Is he going to humiliate you in front of the entire room? Is he going to dump milk over your head, soak your shirt so that it's stuck to your figure? Is he going to shove your face in a plate of mashed potatoes and show you off to the crowd? Is he going to force you to eat something he steps on? Is he going to-
You're sitting in his lap. He's plopped down on a bench, yanking you down by one arm so that you land on his thighs. He has you facing him, your chest pushed up against his as you stare bewilderedly at him.
"Lay down," He demands, pushing his hand against the back of your head so that your face is forced over his shoulder, "You're tired. You look like shit, honey."
Your eyes fill with tears from where you're struggling to fight his grip, and he scoffs.
"Not a bad thing, crybaby. I'm not being mean, I'm being honest. Y'look like you haven't slept for days," He lets the back of your head go, thumbing roughly at the bags under your eyes, "I won't kick you while you're down. That's not really my thing. Just take a nap, get your sleep, so I can go back to messing with you."
Without another word he's pushing again at the back of your head, and you let his words sink in while you rest on his shoulder. You shouldn't let him keep you here like this. You should insist on studying in the library, or some other place he wouldn't dare enter. But he's warm, his shirt is soft, and though the smell of weed makes your nose wrinkle, there's musk beneath it that makes your tummy twist. His hand settles on your thighs, just below the hemline of your skirt, and rubs up underneath it, brushing the globes of your ass where they meet your thighs. You shiver, tucking your face into his neck so that you can drown out the noise of the lunchroom.
He gets strange looks when you finally doze off. Jeff sends him a glance that's far from friendly, nose wrinkled in judgement, disgust, and probably a little jealousy. He makes the decision to chuck an apple slice at him instead of an entire apple, which he's sure the man appreciates. Mike takes note of this, and schools his expression to be neutral, as he avoids asking about you like the rest of them.
When the school bell rings you don't wake, instead still lightly snoring against his neck. He thinks he can feel drool there too, and he'd be lying if he said the thought didn't stiffen his cock.
"Hey," He taps at your side, one hand still flush to your ass, "Come on, honey. Time to wake up, nap's over."
Your eyes flutter open, he can feel the lashes against his skin.
"You feeling any better?" He asks as you straighten from his lap, your hands braced against his chest for stability as everyone vacates the room, on their way to their next class.
"You're looking a bit better," He muses, not waiting for an answer. He once again rubs a thumb over the bags under your eyes, but then his fingers slip down to grip your chin. He pulls your face down, ignoring the way your hands tighten in his shirt in alarm.
"Eddie, what-"
"You owe me a thank you," He speaks only centimeters away from your lips, "I didn't have to be this nice to you, y'know. I could have flipped your skirt up like I always do."
You sniffle once, nodding as much as you can while he holds your face to his.
"Well?" His eyebrows raise, "I'm waiting."
"Thank you, Eddie." You mumble, the tip of your nose brushing his own, "I appreciate it."
He scoffs, "Not what I meant," And kisses you firmly. There's no pulling back, not when his fingers are hooked around your chin and tugging you impossibly closer. He backs away after only a moment, leaning back expectantly.
"Your turn," He explains, "Say thank you, crybaby."
Your hands inch up his chest as you lean in, lips parted to capture his lower one in between them. You feel him squeeze at the fleshy curve of your ass when you do, and there's a devilish glint in his eyes when you pull away.
"That's not gonna cut it, honey." He laughs, and then he's moving back for more. You're not sure how many times he does it, relentlessly jamming his lips to yours, but you're not sure you can stand up straight when he finally gets his fill.
"It's less than I want, but it'll do." He decides, patting the bare skin of your ass, now aching from where he'd kneaded it, "You'd better get to class now, honey. Don't be late, or I won't be this nice to you again."
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txtmetonight · 7 months
Unrequited love
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call summary ⋆ ★ Small head canons of unrequited love
pairing *. * Hyung Line x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Angst, slight fluff, head canons with storylines
warnings *. * Toxic Relationship, Implied cheating, Hanahaki Disease (blood, throwing up flowers), breakdowns, bad grammar
call duration⋆ ★ 1.2k
a/n*. *  been in my drafts for soooo long, but whatever. Hope you enjoy!
taglist ⋆ ★  @kflixnet
part 2
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Heeseung˚ · • . ° . fall out
✭ Heeseung was the love of your life, he was your first love, your first kiss, the first person you woke up in the morning next to
✭ He fell first but you fell harder, and god you're not sure if you regret it or not
✭ You were probably his classmate in middle school, someone who just sat next to him in some of his classes, and at first, you didn't really catch his eye
✭ And though you don't really remember your first official encounter with him he definitely did
✭ You gave him your umbrella after a long day of school, telling him to keep it with a small smile on your face as your parents come by to pick you up
✭ He swore that the exact moment replayed like an old videotape in his mind, in his dreams, and how giddy it made him feel, how lucky he was to have a girl like you
✭ Warm kisses, soft cuddles, loving gifts, cringe- worthy photos and his hand always tucked in the back pocket of your jeans
✭ You wonder what happened
✭ Though being together forever started with a promise ring, the heart-wrenching changes started gradually to your dismay
✭ He first started to blow you off from your weekly dates, coming up with some random ass excuse
✭ Then he proceeded to spend his time with his friends rather than with you... and somehow by coincidence, there was always the new girl in every single picture he took from his "hangouts"
✭ It didn't really take that long for them to start texting, each text they sent sending your stomach in a gut-twisting sob
✭ Fuck, you really should've seen it coming and it didn't help that Heeseung practically spelled it out for you
✭ Because the next thing you know, Heeseung was placing his flirty touches all over her, he was playing with her hair, her fingers, and then her lips before slipping his hand into hers, taking her to the next room over
✭ While you watch silently with a broken heart and burning tears
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Jay ˚ · • . ° . childhood best friends
✭ You two were best friends due to your mothers being childhood friends themselves
✭ Which meant that you've known Jay your whole life
✭ The first time you've acknowledged your long-lasting crush on him was when he carried you home after a nasty wound had made you immobile in your legs and he cried and cried to make you feel better before deciding to suck it up and piggyback you the nearest hospital
✭ You've watched him grow up, and you were scared, so scared because it was only you and Jay, no one else and you didn't want that to change
✭ So maybe introducing a new friend to him wasn't the best idea
✭ Because soon enough, Jay and (Y/n)'s movie night became Jay, (Y/n) and your friend's movie night
✭ A two-person study date turned into three inside jokes that you've both known for a decade, ones you swore to never share with others...
✭ Well surprise she knew them too
✭ And you couldn't even do anything...you loved them too much
✭You would rather have your heart stabbed over a hundred times than ruin your friendship with your best friend, the love of your life
✭ So it was no shocker when you agreed to help Jay out when he came running up to you in a panic, questioning what he should do to court your best friend
✭ Only for her to ask the same thing that night unaware of the silent heartbreak you were going through
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Jake · • . ° . hanahaki
✭ The sweet boy who bothered you every morning with tooth-rotting smiles
✭ Quickly became your seat mate and then your partner for some physics project and then your friend
✭ Somewhere in that whole process, you fell for him–hard
✭ So so hard that it sometimes hurt too much to breathe, because he was just so handsome and kind and everything in between
✭ You were actually planning to keep your crush to yourself and you were extremely content with that plan at first
✭ And to be honest, you two were already acting like a couple
✭ Holding hands, snuggling up while watching a movie, late-night talks, small pecks to the forehead
✭ You weren't really threatened at all–until you saw him flirting with the girl next to him in English
✭ So that's when you decided that you were going to ask him out, and he surely was going to say yes right?
✭ Wrong because the next thing you know, you're being rejected by a sheepish smile, eyes flickering towards the flowers that were starting to wilt in your hand, mimicking your mood
✭ Guess that you underestimated your love for him
✭ Because you're suddenly throwing up flowers and blood in the school bathroom, choking on the thorns that drag up your throat with each painful lurch
✭ Blood drips down your lips and you're not sure what to do with yourself anymore
✭ Your heart wails from agony and your lungs scream at you to stop
✭ But you can't just stop loving Jake, because he was still oh so fucking, stupidly dear to you, and you being dumb enough, you choose to remain as close friends
✭ Yet as the world spins, and you watch him grow more in love with that English major girl, you wonder if your adoration for him was worth more than your life...
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Sunghoon · • . ° . fake dating
✭ You were always a mess–you think
✭ So that's why you said yes, to Sunghoon's proposal right a week or two after you had just broken up with
✭ And honestly, it didn't seem too bad then, you both wanted another person jealous, he wanted his crush to notice him and you wanted your ex back...kinda
✭ But you didn't expect that the cold prince was so heart-thawing, so sweet and kind
✭ He always tended to your every need, always asked for consent before anything with you
✭ And in the weakness of getting over your ex, your beating organ sought out him, and he easily returned it...or rather pretended to
✭ With his lips on yours, you felt a sense of blissfulness you haven't felt in a while and with his hand holding yours, you don't want this dream to end
✭ Your brain started to warp up the lines between pretend and real, but Sunghoon was always grounded in reality, because his eyes always imagined her when he was with you, and that's why you think he blinked a little longer than usual, with you by his side
✭ But you're always brought back with a slap when Sunghoon cuts through the act, immediately stopping when the actual light of his eye is gone, always laughing with you about it, yet still holding that longing look in his eyes
✭ He was too blind to notice your relentless yearning, or maybe he did and he ignored it...you're not very sure
✭ And finally, the dreaded day comes, and he breaks the news to you after another ice skating date, over some hot fries and a shared strawberry milkshake
✭ "She told me that she liked me..." He hums to you, still feeding you a fry, and it takes everything in you to not break down crying, nodding at his words
✭ "We can break up now..not that we were ever actually dating in the first place!" He chuckles, and over his loud laughter, he doesn't notice the tears you let out, or the choked sobs you cage
✭ You're a fucking disaster
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luvtonique · 1 month
I wanted to address all of the controversies about me and put some explanations on them because unfortunately we live in a day and age where people just see the dirt without ever wondering how the dirt got there. They think "Man that guy never washes his car look how filthy it is" because I just fuckin went offroading 10 minutes ago but they didn't know that.
Aight let's start with numero uno, the thing I'm called the most, the big word for good ol Jay: Transphobe!
This is the one with the most hilarious backstory of them all which to this day baffles my goddamn mind.
I used to be a hated artist because I drew violent shit, I was known for Lil Miss Rarity which is a super violent comic. Naturally this lead to people saying that I was "killing children" because I was drawing violent (and sometimes pornographic) images of a children's cartoon show (My Little Pony).
So in my quick rise to stardom, I had a lot of hateful people attacking me as well, and I had fun with it. I called them out, called them stupid, etc.
Well, one of them was Dumbo. Dumbo spent 6 full months making posts about me that are still on their blog to this day. Every single time I made a post, they reblogged it or reposted it, to call me a shithead, call me an ass hole, wish I'd kill myself, etc.
One day I was doing a fundraiser to put away money for a potential emergency because my mom had hurt her spine really bad and was in the hospital. I had a goal of $300 and raised $1200.
Dumbo, of course, was saying hateful shit about me still, and said, I quote, "I hope that whore dies in the hospital lmao"
So, I looked into who Dumbo was. The Brony fandom was, at the time, all about Love and Tolerance, so I did some sleuthing and found out they were an artist on DeviantART taking full color commissions for $10. I commissioned them on my DA account, and asked them to draw Lil Miss Rarity. They and I had a very polite conversation, and since they drew the picture very quickly I tipped them 100% and told them to up their prices because their art is very good.
They thanked me, not knowing it was me (despite that it was literally my main account), and I walked away.
Then, they checked my gallery, found out it was me, and went into a rage, making a post that says, "LMFAO, Jay just begged for money and then turned around and used it to commission an artist for double their asking price, what a shithead!!"
So, I took the screencaps of all of their death threats over 6 months, compiled them all, and showed my massive Tumblr following in a huge callout post against them. In the middle, I referred to Dumbo as "he/she/it/clown" and everyone (AND I FUCKING MEAN EVERYONE) completely ignored the 6 months of death threats and how consistently polite I was to them, and sided with Dumbo in a moment that labeled me "Transphobic" for the rest of my life.
Another instance is I called Kris from Deltarune he/she, and was called transphobic for that, and got the amazing quote "That's a real-ass child and you're misgendering them deliberately," to which I replied, "That's not a real-ass child that's a fictional character you fucking retard"
I grew up in Los Angeles in special ed classes and have a mentally retarded brother, I have the pass to say retard, fuck off.
I grew up in Los Angeles with a father who called himself "N*gger Bob" (he's white) because he was a super racist who believed being asked to help take the trash out was "akin to slavery." He also beat my retarded brother half to death for having a black girlfriend.
I was in LA during the Rodney King riots, I was in LA right in the middle of the Crips and Bloods trying to kill each other and having fuckloads of gang shootouts that I overheard when I was chilling in the Ceritos (spelling) mall.
I know what racism looks like.
A white boy saying the n-word while playing Fortnite is not what racism looks like.
A white boy singing along with Busta Rhymes (hi that's me) on a livestream and casually dropping n-bombs because I'M SINGING ALONG WITH BUSTA, BITCH, is not what racism looks like. I had three black friends growing up, Davion, Julian and Smalls, and also Undrier but Undrier was retarded and I didn't consider him a friend he just followed me around and called me "Day" because he couldn't pronounce J's. But me, Smalls and Davion would stand on Davion's aunt's porch and eat zucchini cornbread and listen to Woo Haw and headbang and sing along til the fucking cows came home.
But now that I'm grown up, my upbringing apparently doesn't matter, my FUCKING SKIN COLOR DOES (you know, racist ideology!) and I'm no longer allowed to say the n-word despite having casually spent my entire childhood surrounded by black friends who were completely okay with me saying it. I grew up in the hood, motherfucker! Bellflower born n' raised, bitch! Wes' Side!
But I'm <skin color> and since <skin color> isn't allowed to <thing that's designated for only other skin color to do>, I'm racist.
I was molested when I was 13, which thankfully didn't leave too much emotional scarring on me. Anthony Sevarino, the dude's name was, and he shoved my hand in his pants and showed me his dick during a camping trip and said he was gonna fuck me in my bed. I was so shocked by this happening that I didn't even tell my parents who were in the same motorhome literally asleep 10 feet from me.
Growing up, I always had a really emotional trigger to seeing harm come to children, I hate it. I cry and shake uncontrollably when I see children getting hurt, no matter what. It's the only thing I have I'd call a "trigger."
I saw that episode of Rugrats where Tommy cuts his finger and then he's scared to do anything anymore because he might get hurt, and that made me fucking bawl, it still does, seeing Tommy cry super fucking hard over seeing his finger bleed- holy shit it's making me teary eyed right now just typing that.
So, naturally, I don't want children to get hurt and am extremely against pedophilia, child predatory behavior, MAPs, grooming and these FUCKING PEOPLE WHO KEEP CASUALLY TALKING TO 13 YEAR OLDS ON DISCORD FOR FUCK SAKE.
"But Jay! You drew foalcon! Those fictional ponies are underaged!"
What, you mean that tag that's still extremely popular and always has been in the brony fandom?
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Yeah can't imagine why I, a very popular artist in the brony fandom from 12 years ago to 10 years ago, would ever draw something so insanely high demand and so insanely popular. Can't fucking imagine.
Never mind that I haven't drawn it in 3 years, removed all my old images of it, and even announced I'm not drawing that shit anymore, I'm still losing friends when they find out I did once, because "I can't associate with a pedophile I'm sorry." (See: "I can't differentiate fiction from reality and also can't allow a person to move on from a troubled past that they had.")
Also never mind that the few crowdpleaser foalcon moments in Lil Miss Rarity were officially written out entirely (the part where Twist and Sweetie Belle kissed).
But you know what's amazing? Being part of the brony fandom and being an artist willing to draw anything meant that people would come to me and literally confess that they're in possession of the "real shit" and wanted to know if I was interested. Seven of them, seven, are in prison now because of me and my buddy "Z" contacting the FBI with their confessions and the shit they shared with me thinking that I was a "safe person" to admit that shit to.
My position in the fandom as an artist who gets to know their commissioners personally and was willing to draw that type of shit was literally fishing out real actual predators and putting them in prison, but I was still getting called a pedophile, and still get called it today. It's fuckin great man.
I was trans. Shaved my hair half off, dyed it blue, called myself Jynkx, cussed out my family, moved to Ohio with a guy who wore diapers around the house (with his brother living there) and collected loli figurines, and dated a transgirl who was catfishing and manipulating me for 9 fucking years. I have a Discord server to this day with pronoun selection roles, my best friend is trans (I met her when she was cis and helped her come to the decision to transition and it has since improved her life and happiness), and almost every mod in my Discord server is trans.
The problem, of course, is that the trans activist community hates itself more than any other, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. This is a group of people who encourage hating cisgendered people, and encourage people to hate the body they're in and to transition to a "different body." It's been proven multiple sources that there are entire "Femboy Cults" (search that on YouTube) who are actively seeking out depressed people to manipulate them into starting HRT, and cutting off their family.
Bridget, as you all remember her, was a manipulator who lied to me for 9 years of dating to make me depressed, hate myself, hate my family, give her thousands of dollars, and kept promising we'd meet some day while turning down every opportunity (such as conventions we were both already going to) to meet (yes, I went to conventions she was at and didn't meet her).
I was a victim of manipulation, was surrounded by horribly manipulative and narcissistic pieces of shit who warped my mind and made me believe I was depressed because I was "an egg" and needed to go get on HRT and change myself. And I almost did! I came within a hair's reach of shoving a hormone-altering drug into myself in hopes it would cure my depression, and then went "Wait a second, I'm not depressed because I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, I'm depressed because femboy-obsessed manipulative pervert rapists want me to turn myself into their fetish." I broke up with Bridget, I moved home from Ohio, I waited for my hair to stop being blue, and I became proud of myself for escaping that horrible situation and bettering myself mentally.
So how's this make me a transphobe?
I draw LGD (Lesbians Getting Dicked) because I think it's hot when girls who like girls have sex with guys. I've drawn some pretty offensive pictures of it such as a pic of two lesbians being told "Pride month's over, ladies, time to be straight again" while being surrounded by hard dicks and looking scared.
Why'd I do this? Well because a lesbian friend of mine also likes that shit and we did that as an art trade.
But why do I draw it on my own sometimes? Because it's hot. It's fucking fictional porn, it's not real, it can't hurt you. I tag it LGD and only post it in servers you need accounts to see. You don't like it stop going out of your way to look at it, and if someone slams it in your face in your private "We Hate Jay" Discord server (which there are many of. I have moles who tell me.), that's not my fault y'fuckin dipshits. I properly tag and hide my stuff so only people who want to see it can see it. If someone showed you a picture of my spread asshole, you should get mad at them, not me. They're the one who SAVED IT TO THEIR COMPUTER AND SHOWED IT TO THEIR FRIENDS UNSOLICITED, YOU MORONS.
Next up: AN ASS HOLE.
I've spent 13 years being called all of the above names no matter how much I've catered to their activism and was even part of their activist movements directly. Fuck you.
Next up: A NAZI
I said on Twitter, "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
And that, without any further comment from me literally at all, turned into a massive amount of people including "Wootmaster" (Added note: I talked with Woot in private and he gave me the okay and apologized, we cool) calling me racist and a "Bootlicking Nazi." I literally did not add to it. I literally just said the opening line and left it for 3 days.
That's why I deleted my Twitter.
That's why people think I'm a Nazi.
Because I said "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
You see why I make angry rant posts like this one?
Because this is how I've been treated for 13 fucking years.
I've been attacked, called names, labeled evil, told I'm phobic against the movements I was literally part of and being an activist for, had money stolen from me by perverts who got arrested for drilling a hole in the bathroom wall at a brony convention to jack off to his female roommates (he pretended to be trans and bullied them into letting him room with them in their "Safe Women's Hotel Room" and then did that shit and got arrested. But not before he stole money from me! Six thousand fucking dollars!), lived with a fucking probably actual child predator who would show me his loli figures and foalcon posters every day and try to convince me to like them and showed me his dick multiple times...
I literally was smack dab in the middle of super ultra liberal activism and trans activism for over a goddamn decade, right down to blue hair half shaved off and calling myself Jynkx.
And I come back, snap out of it, and get cussed out and called transphobic and "the reason trans people are being killed" because I don't like the flowery 1-dimensional LGBT representation in World of Warcraft and have a 9 year running best friend I went to multiple conventions with decide instantly that I'm a Nazi racist communist because I didn't disown my mother when she voted for the orange guy, and because I called one of their friends "Insane" for identifying as fae/fie and thinking they're a goddamn gaelic woodland sprite. (Btw he was my most frequent commissioner for loli shit and used to jack off while I was drawing it for him.)
You see, people.
I've spent 13 years surrounding myself with and getting personally connected with the lives of my commissioners as a brony/furry artist who was deep into LGBT and Liberal activism.
And in those 13 years I've come to realize that I surrounded myself with the most fucking disgusting and evil people on earth, who no matter how much I would shill for them and do what they asked, I would still be the label-covered punching bag whose reputation is now so utterly in the trash that literally no matter what I draw, say, or do today, I still have people on shady Discord servers n' shit calling me a fucking lolcow and a pedo and a transphobe and a Nazi and a racist and a homophobe and an ass hole.
I have learned in 13 goddamn years that you can't appease these fucking lunatic psychopaths.
And so I don't anymore.
So who am I really?
I'm an incredibly easy to talk to artist, I'm a dude, I love roleplaying and drawing pictures for people, I like writing song lyrics, I love hearing about new inventions and innovations, I love goats, I love dogs, I think cats make bad pets but I don't mind cats, I'm making a video game about an elf girl, and I want you hateful people who I've lived rent-free in the heads of for over a goddamn decade to leave me and my fanbase the fuck alone.
Love you all.
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tojisbbygworl · 11 months
The Worst Mistake - Hobie Brown x Black!Reader pt. 1
Summary: Hobie has never been one to shy away from anything. Even if the risk is greater than the reward.
Or; Hobie takes too many shrooms, and all of his fears and doubts about the woman he loves comes rushing all at once and he makes an extremely irrational decision.
Characters: Hobie, Miles
Tags: 18+, Substance Use/Abuse, ANGST, Hurt/No Comfort, Bad Break Up, AU - No Powers, Hobie lives in Brooklyn, Hobie is 21+, Miles is 18+ only cuz it makes sense for the story not weird I promise, Miles is kind of an ass, Hobie and you need a HUG, I forgot he was British, OOC but it’s because of the drugs
author’s note: Okay, this is a plot that I have been wanting to write for months now but didn’t know which fandom I should write it for. I will be pouring all my feelings out into this so hopefully you shed a tear or two and even if u don’t lie and say u did!
Part 2 Part 3
AO3 version
My AO3
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It was getting late. The tv was blaring with some random show that the both of them didn’t have to pay attention to. She was sleeping next to him, a scowl on her face. And Hobie had never felt more alone.
The day was going so well at first. The two of them had all day to spend together. He didn’t have a gig or practice, she didn’t have to work or go to class, they made some sandwiches and had a nice picnic by a river. What went wrong?
What? Is he a fucking idiot? He knows exactly what went wrong.
For months now, Hobie’s been getting into heavier drugs than weed. She was never interested, the ‘don’t do drugs’ campaign going to work in her brain whenever he even mentioned anything else. But, she didn’t judge. She understood that shrooms just weren't for her and he never pressured her or pushed. So, he took them.
The first time was nice. They found that he was a lot more clingy than usual. He opened up more. Touched her more, kissed her more. He even giggled a few times that day.
Then he grew a small tolerance. So he started taking more…and more…and each time something was different. Shrooms made him speak his mind a lot. Sometimes too much and inappropriately. He didn’t know how to get what he was saying across in a way that wouldn’t insult her so he just said what was on his mind.
In the middle of the night, after having a quick dinner at the diner near his apartment, he remembered all the times he’s thought about breaking up with her. Usually, when he would have these thoughts, he swallowed them knowing it was just his paranoia. But his mind was scattered. So he told her. And when she started crying he just sat there and stared. To his defense, at least he looked sorry. But he didn’t take it back. And his explanation was half assed.
“Sometimes, I just get scared for our future. But I try to ignore it because I love you so much. And I know you love me.” That’s…not what he meant to say. He’s scared that he is not enough. That he won’t be able to give her the life she deserves. Why can’t he just say that instead of sitting here and watching her wipe her tears?
How they even came back from that night is nothing short of a miracle. But, Hobie was sure that there was no coming back from this.
It wasn’t until too late that he realized that he isn’t the "Tolerance God" that he seems to think he is. He thinks because he’s not throwing up, seeing smells, and hearing colors that he’s doing just fine. Today, he took more grams than he ever had. 7, to be exact. Along with the lemon tekking, it was certainly the strongest dose he ever had or will have taken. And he can feel it.
She fell asleep hours ago when they got home from their beautiful picnic. She hadn’t spoken a word to him when she got in the bed, the only indication he had of how she felt being the sneer she gave him before she pulled the blanket over herself and turned around. She left no room to cuddle, there were two blankets on the bed and she snatched the entirety of one of them. He deserved it.
“You know babe, you need to grow up, okay?”
Why the hell would he say that? Why did he start thinking about all the faults of their relationship at that moment? About how every fight they had was over something stupid, and even though they weren’t often, they were exhausting. She held onto her anger and refused to let go. It’s been something he’s wanted to talk to her about, but why now? And why like this?
She was laughing before he said that, smiling because they were both gushing about how much they appreciated each other and how excited they are for their future together and then he dropped that bomb. And he smiled while he did it. The way her face dropped and her eyes began to water; he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget it.
He tried saying sorry when they walked in. She didn’t listen. And why would she?
Hobie looks at the back of her head. Then he stared at the ceiling. His heart was beating fast and he started to feel a little sweaty. Taking in some deep breaths, he realizes that his girlfriend giving him the cold shoulder is absolutely not helping his high. He swallows his pride then reaches over to shake her awake.
When she does, she turns to him. She still has that pained and troubled look on her face. He gulps, but can’t stop staring at her. His mouth opens only slightly, and his big brown eyes flicker between hers.
“What is it?” She says quietly, her voice raspy from sleep.
“I just…” he gulps again before taking a part of her blanket and lifting it up, tugging at it slightly. “I wanted to get under the blanket.” His voice is full of vulnerability that he never imagined he’d be capable of.
Unfortunately, she didn’t hear it. “There’s a blanket over there.” She snapped at him.
He looks down at the blanket sitting next to his feet. Then, looking back up at her and pleading with his eyes, he tries again. “I know…but…” Once again, his words are stuck in his throat. He just can’t convey what he was trying to say to her.
‘But I want to be under your blanket. With you. Please?’
He can say that she didn’t give him a chance as she scoffed and tugged her blanket out of his arms and turned back around again, but she was attentively listening before he trailed off. It felt as though the blanket was ripped from his grasp, and he stared in dismay at his hand still reaching out to her. He doesn’t try to wake her up again after that.
His hand falls and he rolls on to his back completely again, staring at the ceiling. Damn. So this was it? Are they really never going to recover from this? There’s no way, right? So why was he feeling so much anxiety? Why was he so terrified?
A tear slips from his eye down the side of his face. Then another. And then another. One by one, salty droplets force themselves out of his eye sockets until he is full on crying. Why is he even crying? He doesn’t know. He just knows that he fucked up and he’s not sure if she’ll forgive him so easily this time.
His brain was working full time filling his head with desolate thoughts about his future with her. He remembers every fight, every mistake, every tear she’s ever shed because of him. Why was she even still with him? He wasn’t a good boyfriend. He never was. Will he ever be? Can he-
Unbeknownst to him, his sobbing had woken her up, filling her with worry as soon as she saw his chest shaking. She immediately caressed his face and when she did, as if it was instinct, he turned and embraced her tighter than ever. His crying got louder, his body violently jerking with each sob. She was distraught. This complete and utter dejection was not something she had seen on him before. It was breaking her heart. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry,” he wailed into her shoulder. He couldn’t seem to keep still, to just hold her in his arms. No matter how tightly he wrapped himself around her, she was still to far away. His hands were ever changing and would grab her waist moving across it in an effort to bring her closer to him. “I’m so sorry.”
She relaxed but only a little. “Aw, baby,” she wipes the tears from his face with her thumb. It was contorted in pain. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I’m not upset with you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says again.
She shakes her head. “Babe, it’s okay. I promise-“
“I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
She furrowed her brows. “What are you talking about baby?”
What is he talking about? He wasn’t even sure himself. But he knew that he wasn’t happy right now. He continued to cry, his eyes closed and his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry for trying to change you.”
Okay…what? With everything he said, she only got more and more confused. When was he trying to change her? Was it because of what he said? Does he understand why she was even upset about that? “What do you mean? What do you want me to be?”
He took a deep breath and wailed, “My wife.” A long series of sobs escaped him after that.
“I’m going to marry you. You don’t have to be sad.” She said, still not understanding why he was so upset.
He shook his head. She started to let go of his face. “I’m trying to turn you into someone you’re not. That’s why we fight all the time. And I’m sorry.”
She lets go of him and he lets her sit up from the bed and look down at him. They don’t break eye contact for a minute. He looks into her eyes, still crying, but not as violently. She’s terrified. She’s always been smart. She knows exactly what he’s saying. “Are you breaking up with me?”
Her world falls apart. She gasped horrifically, sliding off the bed and standing up to stare at him. Her mouth doesn’t close and now it’s her turn to cry violently. “What?”
“I’m sorry. It’s time.”
“Why? What did I do? What did I do?” She became beside herself. She clutched her shirt as there was nothing she could do that could help with the pain she was feeling.
“You didn’t do anything. It’s not you. I just-” he sat up and on the edge of the bed cutting himself off from trying to explain what he was thinking. But of course, he wasn’t thinking at all, was he? At least not rationally. “I need to really think about what I want out of life.”
Hobie, no. Why are you telling her these things? You want her. She wants you. So fucking make it work. But there isn’t a logical voice in his head and she’s too upset to be a voice of reason as well. So now they’re stuck.
She fell to the ground, collapsed, more like. She cries and heaves into the floor while he just looks at her. Like he always does. He should get up and comfort her the way she comforted him but he doesn’t. Does she even want him to touch her right now?
She looks up at him and desperately pleads, “Please don’t do this to me.” She holds her chest. “I love you so much…”
Yes. She wants him to walk over to her and hold her. But he doesn't. “I love you too, but-”
“Then tell me to lay back down and go to sleep.” He had never heard her beg like this in the 2 1/2 years they had been dating. It was breaking him. But instead, he stood up and opened his bedroom door. She gasped again. “Why are you doing this?”
Hobie grows frustrated with himself, but from the way he starts crying even harder and the angry look he had on his face, it comes off as him being frustrated with her. He grabs his head and repeatedly slams his hand on it as if he’s trying to get his brain to work. “Because,” he spat, “There’s a question in my head and I need to find the answer.”
“And this is the answer?” She asks. “Breaking up with me?”
Hobie doesn’t answer her. He doesn’t know. But, it’s the only answer he has. She breaks down again and hunches over. “You’re breaking my heart.”
“I know,” he said.
Hobie…what the actual fuck are you saying? How could he tell her that? He loves this girl so much and she’s looking at him like she doesn’t recognize him. He’s betrayed her. He’s certain they will never come back from this. Ever.
It takes her some time, but she stands up on her own, still in shock and disbelief. He doesn’t say anything, just watches as she gathers all of her things and walks past him. He follows her out his bedroom door, down the hallway, through the kitchen, through the living room, and finally at the front door.
“When did you stop loving me?” She asked him before he opened the door.
“I haven’t stopped loving you,” he tried to explain.
“Then why are you doing this to me?”
“I don’t know.” He muttered.
Befuddled, she glared at him. “You don’t know? What the fuck does that mean?”
Hobie, again, angry with himself but taking it out on her shouts, “This is about me finding the person I want to marry.”
No. No, no, no, no, NO! Why, Hobie? Why? He didn’t mean that. That’s not what he wanted to say. And he regrets it the moment he says it. She gasped and held her mouth. Then she becomes furious. Hobie’s face jerks to the left and he holds his stinging cheek. He looks back at her, the both of them still crying.
“I fucking hate you.” With that, she walks away.
Hobie stands there for a few moments, trying to understand how everything went so bad in such a small amount of time. Trying to understand why he still wasn’t happy; why he was even more upset than before. That question was still there. He hadn’t answered it. What has he done?
Not long after she left, Hobie grabs his keys and leaves the apartment as well. At first, he doesn’t know where he’s walking. He just doesn’t want to be home right now. He only had his keys and his phone, which died when they got back home. He walked through Brooklyn like a ghost, people moving themselves out of his way and going right back to their own lives.
It felt so surreal that the worst decision he’s ever made in his life was just some odd minutes ago. His entire world was destroyed and he was the one at fault. How could he do this to her? To himself? What was he thinking?
After some time, he stops in front of a townhouse door. These were a lot nicer than his own apartment building, bigger too. They were basically glorified flats, anyway. Fit for a family.
He knocked. The door opened and he came face to face with a close friend of his, Miles Morales. They’ve been inseparable ever since they were kids but in recent years, they’ve grown apart. Hobie was older and had more responsibilities than him while Miles…
Yes, he was younger, but it was only by a few years. He never really seemed to grow. Of course he got taller, added a little more muscle, and he gained a deeper voice, but he was still immature. Hobie didn’t have the energy for that like he used to.
But, Miles was one of his best friends and he didn’t know anyone else who always has their door open.
“ ‘Sup, bruh?” He said, nonchalantly. He walks away and waits by an open door that led downstairs. Hobie takes it as an invitation and walks inside, closing the front door behind him. He follows Miles down the steps to his basement which is basically just a second living room. There was an old couch and a large TV which housed the waiting screen for Overwatch. Of course. Miles was always playing Overwatch.
Miles sits on the couch and looks back at Hobie who was clearly downtrodden. He furrows his brows. “What happened?”
Hobie doesn’t look up from the floor. In a quiet voice he says, “I broke up with Y/N.”
ending a/n: Girl I almost didn't want to proofread this that shit hurted. Just so y’all can rly get the gist abt how strong shrooms are, the dosage you should be taking is 2 grams. Also, lemon tekking (dousing the shrooms in lemon juice) will make it stronger. So 7 grams on top of lemon tekking will fuck you up badly. Don’t do this. Please.
Anywayyyyy, be on the look out for part two, I'm thinking about making this 3 parts depending on how long the second part is. Please let me know what you think! Did it hurt? IT BETTER!
Part 2 Part 3
My AO3
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silverjirachi · 3 months
big old fuck you to my freshman high school latin teacher who FIRST DAY OF CLASS first day of high school had us all go around and say why we were taking latin (we were in catholic school) and my 14 year old ass very excitedly and very enthusiastically went on a small tangent about how i was writing a book and one of the characters was from the past and i wanted him to speak some latin and he said “well. that seems like a bad reason. anyways.” like im sorry? your depressed ass played minesweeper all day in the middle of the class you were teaching and you had nothing better to say to a 14 year old. that shit was so hurtful at the time but now its just pathetic oh my god
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bellysoupset · 1 year
hiii , could you maybe write a fic on vince being the sickie and wendy as caretaker bc he doesn’t get torched enough and he’s so cute when he’s sick
Wendy knew something was wrong when Vince barely answered her as they drove back to her place, his head resting against the passenger window. It was uncharacteristic, so she poked his thigh, keeping her eyes on the road.
"What's on your mind?" She asked, stealing a quick glance. He seemed surprise by the poke, as if he had forgotten she was in the car.
"What's on your mind? You seem far away."
Vince shrugged, yawning, "nothing much. I'm sleepy, we had three school tours today..."
She opened s smile, "Oh no, the horror. You're now the favorite person of three different middle schools."
His cheeks heated up, "I mean, yeah," he replied smugly, although it was lacking his usual luster, "but have you dealt with a hoard of curious seven year old with sticky fingers before? One class is already a pain in the ass, imagine three."
Wendy grimaced in sympathy. She wasn't good with children, had never been. It wasn't that she disliked them, more that the little gremlins could smell weakness and knew exactly how to leave her panicked.
Next to her, Vince yawned again, squeezing her hand that was still resting on his thigh.
He all but marched to bed, much to Wendy's confusion. Yes, she knew he was tired, but this was uncharacteristic even for him. Vince wasn't the type to get cranky when he was sleepy, just when he was hungry.
She got ready for bed, then crawled next to him, crossing her hands on top of his naked chest and planting her chin on it, so she was almost draped over him, "hey."
"Hey yourself," he yawned, opening a tired smile. She reached in, pushing a strand of dark hair away from his eyes.
"What's wrong? No bullshit."
"My stomach hurts, you might wanna move," he smiled, "I really don't wanna puke on another bra of yours."
Wendy let out a snort, leaning in to bump her nose on his, "luckily I'm not wearing a bra right now..." she teased, before giggling at his eyebrows shooting up. She pulled back, rolling on the bed so she wasn't resting her full weight on top of him, just a leg intertwined with his, "you didn't mention feeling sick."
"Not sick," Vince moved uncomfortably, "but I don't know, dinner isn't sitting quite right."
"Can I do anything to help?" she glanced at him worriedly, "I have tums and pepto-"
"Nah," he interrupted, shaking his head, "rub my belly?"
Wendy squinted at him, glancing at his stomach. It seemed perfectly normal, it wasn't bloated or anything. Just as pudgy as ever, but not rounding out...
"Are you fucking with me?"
Her boyfriend let out a chuckle, shaking his head, "no, no I'm not.. But you do make it too easy, doll."
"Shut up," her cheeks burned. Wendy expected more teasing, but instead Vince simply let out a sigh, giving up on the matter, a testimony of how icky he must've been feeling.
She shifted on the bed, trailing a hand up his stomach. Despite the fact it wasn't bloated, Wendy immediately cringed in sympathy when the soft pressure of her hand caused his belly to let out a sloshy whine.
"Ow," she cringed, "that can't be feeling good."
"It's not bad," he cleared up, closing his eyes and moving her hand down, near his belly button, "just kinda gross."
Wendy opted for not answering, instead resting her cheek on his chest and continuing to rub his stomach. Vince didn't say anything else or make any other noise, so she wasn't sure how much the belly rub was helping, if helping at all.
She got sucked in by the movement, eyes dropping closed and very soon Wendy felt herself starting to drift in and out, waking up mid belly rub in order to continue, as if he somehow wouldn't catch on the fact.
Above her hair there was a noise and she glanced up, only to smile. Vince had fallen asleep, lips half parted, chest going up and down as he breathed in deeply. She moved up on the bed, snuggling closer to him and closing her eyes.
When she woke up again, Vince wasn't in bed.
"Vin?" She got up, yawning and walking to the bathroom. Wendy was surprised when the door opened and the place was empty and dark. Now she was fully awake.
"Vince?" she stepped out of the bedroom, rubbing at her eye and then frowned as she saw Vince's head over the couch's back, "honey, what are you doing here?"
He looked exhausted, but awake, "Can't sleep," Vince grimaced, "I think one of the gremlins gave me the flu. Do I feel warm to you?"
Wendy raised her eyebrows, then planted a hand on his forehead, "a little bit, yeah. Not that much, though... Let me get the thermometer."
Vince nodded, he looked completely defeated. Wendy rushed back into the room and then came back, this time carrying the entire first aid kit and a blanket.
"Put this under your tongue," she handed him the thermometer, then spread the blanket over his lap and sat down too, "anything else? Cough? Sniffles? Stomachache?"
"Just feel gross," he mumbled, voice muffled by the device in his mouth. Wendy pouted at him, he wasn't making it easy for her.
"I know honey, but I need to know what is this so I can give you the correct medication..." she noticed the lines of pain near his eyes and the fact his dark hair was contrasting terribly against the pale skin, "you don't look so good, Vin."
"Uhm," he nodded, then leaned in and rested his head on her shoulder, sighing deeply. She rubbed his arm, turning her face to press her lips to his forehead. He didn't feel overly warm, no more than what she'd expect from being in bed.
"Yeah, no fever, Vin," Wendy frowned, as the thermometer beeped a minute later and confirmed her suspicion, "I need you to talk with me."
He rubbed a hand over his face, grimacing, "I don't fucking know, Wen. I feel... Shaky, nauseous, my head is throbbing. None of it is major, I just feel crappy."
She winced in sympathy, "come back to bed, babe. I'll make you some tea, hopefully you're just wound up too tight."
He seemed to pounder it for a minute, before nodding and getting up, collecting the blanket. Wendy frowned, wordlessly reaching to steady him on his feet.
She didn't follow him into the bedroom, instead going to the small kitchen area and starting the tea. By the time she made it back, half of her expected Vin to be asleep again. It was, after all, four AM.
"Hey," he smiled at her, tiredly and Wendy's heart squeezed with sympathy. She might be sleepy, but he clearly was dead on his feet but couldn't sleep.
"Here," she handed him the large mug of peppermint tea and crawled on the bed, grabbing the remote for the television. It was obvious neither of them were getting anymore sleep that night, "anything you want to watch?"
"Put on whatever you want, Wen," He shrugged, leaning back and cradling the mug in his hands. As soon as she turned up the episode, Vince took another sip of the tea and put away the mug, turning to cuddle her.
She opened a pleased smile, the man was a huge teddy bear, all warm and soft and if she wasn't sleepy before, she definitely was whenever he held her like that. He nuzzled his face on her shoulder, planting a little kiss on the exposed skin and sighing as he attempted to sleep.
They stayed like that for an entire episode, her fingers running through his hair while her eyes grew heavier and heavier and the sun just started to rise. Until Vince, whom she thought was asleep, let out a groan and pulled away.
"Fuck," he mumbled, voice thick with pain. He grabbed on the headboard, stumbling up and Wendy sat up too.
"Vin? What's wrong?" she noticed his hand planted on his stomach, which was still just as pudgy as before, none of the bloat she usually saw when he was sick. It was all very unusual.
Vince didn't answer her, but stumbled to the bathroom and locked the door behind him, which told her enough. She cringed and got up, leaving the bedroom to give him some privacy and to heat up a hot water bottle.
It was nearly half an hour later when he stumbled out of the bedroom, face covered in a thin layer of sweat, now wearing a large orange sweater that she hated more than anything and had purposefully stolen from his dorm so he'd stop wearing.
"Hey..." she met him halfway and Vince grimaced.
"I feel awful," he groaned, melting as she pulled him into a hug. Now he felt slightly warmer than before, but not by much. She pulled him to sit down by the kitchen island and Vince slumped forward, folding his arms and pressing his cheek on top of them, looking completely worn.
"Did you eat anything with milk in it?" Wendy frowned, rubbing his back up and down. She heard his belly let out a little whine, complaining. He shook his head.
"No..." then gulped down, "Please don't talk about food."
"I'm sorry," she kissed his temple, "I heated up a water bottle for you, Vin, it'll help with the cramps."
He nodded, but didn't move a muscle. Instead all he did was let out another deep sigh and press even further against the counter, as if it was bringing some comfort to grind the hard surface.
"Vin, what do you need?" Wendy asked, hating feeling this useless. She was a doctor, she fixed people! She wanted to help him, "wouldn't lie down hel-"
He interrupted her with a shrug, followed by another groan, "I... I'm so nauseous," he mumbled, letting out a little airy burp. When Vince looked up, she could see his paleness had gone straight into green territory.
"I'm gonna get you a bucket," Wendy squeezed his shoulder, crossing the kitchen to grab a bucket in the laundry. This one was fully decorated with little tulips.
She guided him back to the couch and Vince quickly draped himself over her lap, like those overgrown dogs who didn't realize they were not lap dogs. Wendy chuckled, putting her feet on the coffee table and starting to pet his hair, "we can skip class, but I can't skip work later."
"It's okay, I'll feel-" he gagged, but continued talking, "- better soon."
She froze up, reaching for the bucket, but it wasn't a productive gag and Vince was once more slumped down, breathing through the waves of nausea.
Wendy cupped his forehead, regretting she hadn't thought to get a wet washcloth, even if he didn't have a fever. Yet, she could feel it was edging on feverish heat, just waiting for her to be distracted so it'd go up. Vince's fevers, she was learning, were always high and scary.
They stayed like this for a long while, long enough the sun had been up already when Wendy felt Vince shift and muffled a wet belch against her thigh, wrapping an arm protectively against his stomach.
She touched his forehead again, noticing the heat had steadily grown into fever territory, "Vin-"
He reached out for the bucket, but didn't bother sitting up, instead tipping over the couch to burp inside the bin. In this position she could feel perfectly as his stomach gurgled uneasily, pressed against her thigh.
His whole back arched as a violent heave went through him, harsh and causing him to cough. Vince spat in the bin, panting and letting out a whimper, "I don't feel well..." and then a rush of vomit exploded out of his mouth.
He got most of it in the bucket, but not all, and the minute he managed to breathe and open his eyes, Vince was groaning, sitting up straight, "shit, Wen, I'm so sorry-"
"It's okay honey, don't worry about the rug," Wendy pushed the hair away from his forehead. He was sweating profusely, "now you definitely have a fever."
"Uhm..." Vince couldn't answer her, too busy curling around the bucket and coughing weakly, bringing up yet another stream of vomit.
Wendy couldn't help but wince, it all sounded so extremely painful... She rubbed his thigh, hoping to bring in some small comfort, "get it up baby, the sooner you get rid of whatever's making you so sick, the sooner you'll feel better..."
He pulled back, resting his forehead on the rim of the bucket and panting, swallowing back gags. Wendy waited for him to say anything, but Vince was deadly quiet, clearly battling another round of nausea.
"Honey," she combed her fingers through his hair, "are you done?"
A shake of his head answered her, the bucket slipping a little on his grip so she reached in to hold it steady, "okay, take your time."
Wendy expected Vince to throw up again soon, everything was harsh and violent when it came down to Vin being ill, but instead he just stayed quiet, breathing shallowly through the queasiness.
"I hate children," he mumbled after a long while, startling her. Wendy let out a snort.
"You love children," she rolled her eyes, "you turn into a big mushy marshmallow around them."
"Uhm," he groaned, leaning in to burp over the bucket, spitting the saliva collecting in his mouth, "fuck, my back hurts."
"Here..." Wendy grabbed the abandoned hot water bottle, that now wasn't as warm and pressed it against his lower back, figuring it was the biggest offender with how he had to hunch down over the bucket. Vince let out a small, relieved sigh, before rocketing forward once more as a surprise gag brought up a stream of watery vomit.
She cringed as it melted down in a coughing fit, not just choking, but actual coughing, coming from deep in his chest, "aww, Vin, this isn't just a stomach bug."
"Great..." Vince whined, voice echoing inside the bucket, all scratchy, "fucking great."
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sluttyhollow · 9 months
I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 9
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate even you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 2,3k
18+, minors do not interact
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Your next meeting was on Friday. Fortunately the weekend lets you stay longer in the evening. Well, fortunately for you at least. Shinazugawa didn't feel so well with it. He has a lot going on in his head, especially about you.
The things that Rengoku told him about, that you were an adult and that it was okay. At that moment it felt like total bullshit. Unfortunately, the more time passed, the deeper the thought rooted in his mind. The thought about doing things with you... adult kind of things. All of your one-on-one meetings only boosted his imagination. Also, the way you looked at him. Of course he noticed it.
At first he thought you were just such a patient student which he liked. Then he acknowledged all your longing glances and sighs. He got angry. He thought he was a dumbass, thinking you liked the subject and how he led the classes and it came out you were only looking at his appearance. It was rather hurtful but whatever. People are like this and you just need to live with it. Well, then you signed for the competition, came to him on your own, asked for his help and worked your ass off just before his eyes. Now he has proof that you are, in fact, a good student, you just happen to have a crush on him. Now this was the most devastating thought for him, because he liked it. He liked the fact that you were interested and pursued your dreams and also, how your cheeks tinted with pink whenever he would lock eyes with you. You looked like a sweet, tasty piece that he could treat with tenderness as well as roughly.
No, no, no. This is your student you fucking dumbass.
It was easy to say when he sat in his office in the middle of the day, harder when he was alone at home, Genya out of the house, and feeling kinda horny. At these times, the thought would appear in his mind and give him a headache.
The white haired heard a knock on his door, it must have been you. Lately, the two of you would bring each other coffee. One time it was you, the other time him. The cup was already placed on your side of the desk, right next to his.
''Hello.'' You greeted upon coming.
''Hey.'' He answered.
Both of you dropped the formalities in your chats. Still, you called him 'Shinazugawa' while he referred to you as 'Miss Y/N'. Well, he was not sure whether he wanted you to call him by his first name. Not because of the university stuff. He just kinda liked to be called 'Sanemi' in certain situations and he tried to dodge any possibility of coming back to these trains of thoughts.
After you've done all the necessary things for the day, it was already very late.
''Ten p.m. Oh my god. Time flies by is your having fun.'' You laughed a bit, looking at the clock.
''You're having fun?''
''And you're not?'' You asked.
''Never said that. It's just university stuff, most of students would find it rather boring or even agonising at times.''
''Have more faith in us professor.'' Second laugh exited your lips as you started to pack your things.
He saw that you're about to leave and he kinda didn't like the thought.
''Any plans for the weekend?'' The white haired brought up.
''Huh?'' You looked at him puzzled for a second. ''Oh, no, not really. Maybe I'll meet with Anna, my friend.'' You shrugged.
''Really, not meeting with anyone else?''
''Who should I meet.'' You giggled a bit at the interrogation.
''I don't know, you were the one that told Tengen you liked someone. Yet, I've never seen you busy with any boy or a girl. Did you lie to Tengen?'' He gave you a raised brow look.
You were surprised he remembered that conversation.
''That? It was a bluff.'' You waved your hand. ''He was just pursuing very much.''
''So you did lie?''
''Well... not entirely.'' You looked to the sides with a silly grin.
''Good to hear, because if you would and he would know it you would be dead in your classes with him, which you'll have. He would never ever forgive you. And don't think he would be an ass, no he would stick to you even more.''
''Do you don't like him?'' You asked, surprised by the amount of badmouthing.
''No, I never said I didn't. Actually I know him long enough to know that I can say such things about him and he'll still write to me nearly every weekend if we're going out together with his three wifes.'' This time Shinazugawa shrugged.
''What? Three wifes?'' You sat back down upon hearing it.
The white haired didn't even look back at you, just smiled under his nose a little.
You and Shinazugawa sat and sighed, looking at his plan. The two of you were just about to sum up the project and send it to the competition but just then Shinazugawa got the information that he is required to attend a series of end-of-semester meetings. He wouldn't have time until the end of the week and the next week was Christmas already. You had to finish it very quickly.
''I must have a day off, this can't be.'' He was flipping from day to day and you were peeking over his shoulder.
He had literally no time. Then, he stopped one day. It was New Year's Eve. He looked at you pointing at that day and you gave him a pleading glance. Sighing, he went back to the calendar.
''I think I can take this day off of my plans.'' He pointed to the date.
You looked at it and spotted that he had something written down there. It said 'Genya-birthday trip'. Your heart dropped. He wanted to cancel a birthday trip with his brother rather than let you down with your work. You couldn't let that happen. Gritting your teeth, you gave him the answer.
''If you don't have any plans I think New Year's Eve is okay. I actually can't come the other day.''
He looked at you surprised.
''Okay then. Note down my phone number, we'll need to be in contact.''
You nodded your head, taking out your phone. The two of you exchanged numbers.
Christmas was a nice, peaceful time for you. Unfortunately, it ended very quickly and you had to go back to your dorm to meet with Shinazugawa. You got an invitation for a party but you had to partly turn it down. You let Ann know that you'll come as soon as it's possible but you don't know the exact time. Because of that you decided to dress more part like, to be able to go straight from the meeting to the party. Shinazugawa would get why you look like that.
You put on a classic black dress that had a turtleneck, shoved off your shoulders and was mid-tight length. You also put on black stockings that hid under the dress's hem. Then you accessorised, fixed your hair and put on your normal party makeup. Choosing the boots of your liking you looked at your phone. Earlier the two of you decided that you would call Shinazugawa around six p.m. to get information about the place of meeting. He was not able to come earlier.
As it was six, you made your call.
''Hello, this is Y/N L/N, I'm calling to ask where do we meet.''
''Hey, I've tried to get to my office at the university but it's impossible now. You'll have to come to my apartment, I have a second office here. I'm waiting for you. It's not far from the university, I'll text you the address.'' You heard from the other side.
What? You're supposed to go to his house?
Taking a look at your outfit you started to doubt whether it's a good idea. Next second you got a text with the address and an annotation 'Waiting!'. Shit, no time to pick a new outfit and you're not going to a New Year's Eve party in sweatpants.
Arriving at the place you found the right number and dialled it. The door to the apartment building opened for you and you heard Shinazugawa say '12th floor'. God, thanks there is an elevator here. Finding the right door, you knocked at it. Hearing footsteps from the other side you thought you're about to explode.
You were just about to come to his house, on New Year's Eve in a sexy party outfit only to do a project. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Please professor, have doe's buttons up to your neck.
The white haired man opened the door. He had a black shirt this time, of course not made up to the very end under his neck, and classy black pants. You matched, how sweet.
''Welcome.'' He greeted, letting you in.
You took off your shoes and stood in the hall not knowing what to do.
''Come this way.'' He started to guide you to his office.
The house helt modern yet cosy. It was in white, black and grey shades with a lot of geometric, wooden and sometimes metallic elements. Nevertheless, Shinazugawas presence was visible in every corner. Neatly hanging coats, calendars and boards with tons of his stuff, you even spotted a perfume, passing next to the bathroom. It looked fancy and expensive. Damn, he definitely not broke.
His office looked neat and professional, just like you assumed. The chairs here were far more comfortable than the ones in the university and the desk was bigger with many articles on it.
The two of you started with the project to be able to finish it as soon as you can. Well, you still glanced at him from time to time. You asked yourself whether he looked better in that white or black shirt. This one contrasted with his snowlike hair and place, lavender eyes, but it also slimmed him out even more and gave him a less teacher vibe. Looking down you spotted a black, leather belt. Oh god, what could he do with it?
Mmmm, noooo, no girl.
He was not as obvious as you were, but he had a hard time not to look at that tight, short dress. At first he thought it would be the only thing distracting him but then you sat down. The hem of that freaking dress went up a bit and revealed that you had stockings. He had to cough to mask his realisation.
With these thoughts in mind the two of you worked, not focused at all. You constantly had to correct something, change and rewrite, both of you blaming it on the hour and the fact of today's celebration. The thing that none of you paid attention to was time, how funny.
Once you finally submitted the work you glanced at the clock and made a shocked sound. It was quarter to midnight. Shinazugawa also looked at the time and grumbled.
''I'm so so so sorry professor.'' You darted your head his waw with a scared expression.
The only thought that occupied your mind was the fact that you took him nearly the whole night. It was also impossible for you to reach your party on time.
''No need to be, I didn't have anything planned for tonight.'' He answered.
''What? Why? It's New Year's Eve.'' You asked shocked as he stood up.
''I have a lot of things to do and taking a day off is nice.''
You nodded your head. Understandable looking at his plan.
''Well then, I will go now.'' You smiled at him, also pushing yourself up from your chair.
''You want to spend the countdown alone in the dorms or in an uber?'' He asked.
''Well, I've got no better option.''
''Actually I thought it may end like that. If you want, you can stay till the countdown here.'' He was not facing you so you didn't see his expression.
''I... um...'' You didn't know what to answer. ''Well, if it's not a problem.''
''If it was I would not ask.''
Nodding, you traced after him as he headed out of the office.
''Is your brother home? Would he be joining us?'' You asked but then you realised he never told you he has a brother. ''I know from a friend that knows Genya.''
At first he gave you a suspicious look but then he dropped it after hearing your explanation.
''No, he's on a party.''
Oh. So you're alone.
Shinazugawa reached into his fridge. The kitchen was joined to the living room. You sat down on one of the black couches. The material was slick and cold. Your heart was about to fall out of your chest, a warm sensation started to create in your stomach and your spine seemed to be plugged into a contact. The lights were still off.
Suddenly, you saw Shinazugawa place a champagne glass on the table from behind you. You could almost feel his breath on your neck as he bent over to serve you. He placed the bottle next to the glasses and sat down on the same couch, not touching you.
''I suppose we wait for the countdown.'' He said quietly, his voice a bit harsh but with an interesting, encouraging, new emotion behind it.
He looked at you, his back comfortable in the sofas corner, hands on both sides, wide apart and staring straight at your face. You didn't know if it was only your imagination or was there something more behind those pale lavender eyes. Something that made you feel like a prey but also like a woman...
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 month
Saw a post saying basically not to abuse medical professionals and like.
Medical professionals have extreme power over their patients. They literally hold people's lives in their hands. Is what you're calling "abuse" actually abuse, or is it self-defense against your abuse of a vulnerable marginalized person?
Well, this is the profession that exists primarily to gatekeep medical care and knowledge (at least under our current legal and political systems, given that if you have the knowledge but lack the paperwork you can face criminal charges for practicing medicine), which has a culture of hero-god worship built up around it and treats any criticism of extreme violations of patient autonomy and medical abuse as heretical and hysterical anti-science ravings.
This is them saying "don't expect us to help you do the most basic aspect of our jobs if you 'mistreat' us, we're not martyrs".
You signed up to deal with people in extreme pain, who are dying, who are in survival mode and like drowning people may accidentally hurt others no matter how badly they wouldn't normally want to, and you claim that if they "really can't help it" that's one thing, but these are the same people claiming that people are either too quiet or too dramatic to be in pain, that let people die because they don't take very serious symptoms seriously until it's too late because they think their judgment is infallible and patients don't know shit about their own bodies, and so on.
Doctors are just fucking medical cops. All I can see when a doctor says this shit (or a nurse or most other medical workers, though I'll admit that there are exceptions) is people accusing my (impoverished disabled neurodivergent queer) ass of abusing my abusive (middle class not queer abled neurotypical) mother. All I can think of is how an abused child or a battered spouse is called abusive the one time they hit back, or even say something mean, or even fucking disobey whoever is considered the "authority" in a given situation.
While this is vague-ing a post, it isn't really at anyone in particular. I'm making my own post about this on my own blog because I have medical trauma* as a result of deeply ingrained systemic abuse, primarily perpetrated by medical professionals.
*If you think trauma makes people LESS reliable narrators on the oppression that caused it, you've bought into sanist psychiatric bullshit and need to check yourself/ves. You might also consider that if the vast vast majority of a marginalized group of people share similar stories of the same type of trauma, the problem isn't actually the fucking "insanity of trauma" and that the problem is actually that fucking bad.
Abuse arises out of hierarchical power imbalances. Patients may be able to hurt medical professionals - especially physically. And I'm not saying there are never entitled people seeking medical care that treat people in general like shit. Some patients may even be able to do lasting harm. But in the vast majority of cases, patients are categorically incapable of abusing medical professionals. If you think otherwise, especially as a medical professional, it's most likely because you're unwilling to examine your own power, privilege, role in upholding deeply harmful ableist systems, the harm you've already done, your own limitations, biases, flaws, fallibility, and bigotry, and the way your own ego gets in the way of acknowledging your complicity in structural ableism.
And you know what? You've been taught at every turn to reinforce and reify those things. It's still your responsibility to deconstruct those and stop hurting vulnerable people, though.
So anyway, don't worry, you're not abusing medical professionals. Even you acting in self defense being called "abuse" is just classic victim blaming. It's the exact same thing that happens to all victims of abuse - while I have complicated feelings about this mnemonic, it is basically DARVO, and sometimes it's also the bullshit concept of "reactive abuse" being weaponized against victims, if they have the bare minimum decency of recognizing the abuses of medical professionals as such.
Don't abuse patients. Don't abuse disabled people. Get over yourself and recognize that you did sign up for a job that is sometimes dangerous, that sick, injured, and dying people don't owe you worshipful gratitude for often failing to do the bare minimum of your damned jobs, and that any actual abuse you face is not from fucking patients, but from your bosses/jobs. Organize, form unions, and actually use them to get better working conditions instead of just to cover your asses while you play Malpractice: The Game, but as a patient who has only been made sicker and had my quality of life ripped from me by 99 percent of you, stop fucking crying "abuse".
You're half a step from calling it "reverse ableism".
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howlingday · 6 months
The Salem Song
Salem: Oh, Zwei~! I heard there's a song about me, and I want to hear it!
Zwei: Are... Are you sure?
Salem: Zwei, put the song on!
Zwei: It's... It's not very nice.
Salem: Zwei, put it on!
Zwei: Alright. (Presses scroll)
(Music plays to the musical tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch")
You're a mean one, Ms. Salem~.
Salem: That's me~.
You're a fugly piece of shit~!
Salem: What?
You bring bendy straws to bathrooms 'cause you like the taste of piss, Ms. Saleeeeem~!
Salem: No. No, I- No, I don't.
I wouldn't suck your tits if they were dipped in honey and could cure cancer.
Salem: Monty Oum! Who wrote this?! Who wrote this song, Zwei?!
Salem: Zwei, stop the song.
Zwei: I can't.
Salem: What do you mean you can't?
Zwei: It's broken.
Salem: What's broken?!
Zwei: I dunno, it's jammed.
Salem: What do you- Fine! Can you at least turn it down?
Zwei: I can't. I... I'm a dog.
Salem: ZWEI!
You're a dipshit, Ms. Salem~.
Salem: (Sighs) Okay?
Even babies want you dead~!
Salem: ...Wow.
You've never bring home a man 'cause you're scared you'll wet the bed, Ms. Saleeeeeeem~!
Salem: I wish they weren't so good at rhyming.
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote:
Salem: I'm not.
Salem: No, no, no, this is not how it goes! Like, I knew they changed it, but I thought it would be like a key change, or maybe a guitar solo! But this is... This is just degrading. This hurts.
Zwei: It's pretty detailed, yeah.
Salem: What happened to the Beowolf part? I actually liked that part! It was kinda funny!
Zwei: It was a Beringel.
Salem: No, it was a Beowolf!
Zwei: It was a Beringel.
Salem: Was it a Beringel?
Zwei: Yeah, "Two Left Foot Beringel".
Salem: Oh.
You're poor, Ms. Salem~!
Salem: Didn't leave a stone unturned.
You can't afford the bus~!
Salem: Lower middle class, maybe!
You're deathly allergic to treenuts, and your exact address is thus,
Ms. Saleeeeeeem~!
Salem: What? Nonono! I-!
1482 Black Dragon Island Blvd.
Salem: Holy shit...
Remnant, Nevada.
Salem: That's my address! Wh-What are you gonna do?!
Salem: This is a song that kids sing? Every year, they sing this same song around the Non-Descript Winter Holiday decorations?
Zwei: Yeah
Salem: A song that says "bitch"?! It has said "bitch" three times!
Zwei: Yeah, that's... That's too much.
Salem: They know I saved humanity, right?! Like, at the end of the series, I saved them all! I'm a good guy now! I pay my taxes! I go to church! (Epic solo) Oh, there is a guitar solo. ...Okay, that actually is a really good solo.
Zwei: Yeah.
Salem: Just a shame about the rest of the song.
It's not just that you are inbred~!
Salem: I'm fucked.
Miss Salem~!
Salem: This feels bad...
You don't know how to read~!
Salem: This feels really bad...
Salem: ...
According to an anonymous poll, with a sample size of more than three thousand people of Remnant who are asked to rank you on a scale from one to a hundred...
Zwei: ...Ms. Salem?
Salem: (Gone from her seat)
...based on variant traits such as likeablility, general odor, and your physical attractiveness...
Salem: (Standing over a cliff, Music muffled)
Zwei: What's wrong, Ms. Salem?
Salem: ...You ever feel like no matter how hard you try, people will always see you as your past self. Just as this one thing. This one, unchangeable thing.
Zwei: ...Like a dog?
Salem: (Sighs) I guess no matter what I do, I'll always be this black, white, and red monster.
Zwei: You're red?
Salem: Yeah, I'm red.
Zwei: Oh. I always thought you were gray.
Salem: You didn't know I was red, too?
Zwei: No. Dog.
Salem: (Smiles) That's right.
Zwei: ...I love you, Ms. Salem.
Salem: (Pets Zwei) I love you, too, Zwei.
Zwei: Happy Non-Descript Winter Holiday.
Salem: Happy Non-Descript Winter Holiday.
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