#My regular cycle is 7 days
minty-bubblegum · 8 months
I swear at this point I'm just gonna rip out my uterus to untilt that bitch ☹️
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taylortruther · 11 months
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healthy-liiviing · 13 days
Here are some simple things you can do to stay healthy:
Drink plenty of water: Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and support various bodily functions.
Eat more fruits and vegetables: Load up on nutrient-dense produce at every meal and snack. The vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants are incredibly beneficial.
Get regular exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Activities like brisk walking, swimming, cycling, or joining an exercise class can help.
Get enough sleep: Most adults need 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Lack of sleep can negatively impact energy levels, mood, and overall health.
Practice portion control: Use smaller plates, read nutrition labels, and listen to hunger/fullness cues to avoid overeating.
Take the stairs: Choose stairs over elevators or escalators whenever possible for a quick calorie-burning workout.
Pack healthy snacks: Keep nutritious snacks like nuts, fresh fruits, veggie sticks on hand to avoid unhealthy impulse eating.
Stand up regularly: Set a reminder to get up and move around for 1-2 minutes every hour if you have a desk job.
Practice deep breathing: Take several deep breaths throughout the day to reduce stress and anxiety.
Stay socially connected: Maintain healthy relationships and social ties, which are important for mental and emotional well-being.
The key is making small, sustainable lifestyle adjustments. Even minor positive changes can lead to significant overall health improvements over time.
Please support my work by upvoting this article, commenting below, and sharing it with your friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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being-addie · 1 year
Rest Days
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It's currently peak summer where I live, and it is SWELTERING. While I'm planning to be as productive as possible (I'm not kidding my sketchbook is with me 24/7 at this point), thanks to the heat, I'm finding it really hard to stay focused sometimes. So when I'm feeling particularly lazy, or just distracted I take a rest day. I feel like I can afford this right now more often because it's the holidays, but when my classes restart in June I won't be able to even sit down.
ANYWAYS. Here's what I'm currently doing during an easy rest day. Maybe you can take some inspiration <3
My rest days:
Sleep in: I sleep until it's nearly 7:30 - 8:00 am. It's late for me because usually, I wake up at 6:00 am
Move around: If it's cloudy, I'll go for a walk, otherwise, I'll cycle to the gym.
Breakfast: I usually have this thing, where I saute some veggies, scramble eggs, and cook savoury oatmeal, then mix it all together. It's healthy and filling and it's amazing with barbeque sauce. If I'm craving something sweet, I make banana-oat pancakes (which taste and look so much better than regular pancakes I swear)
Sit in the sun: It's morning, and the sun isn't harsh, so I sit in the balcony with my cold coffee and chat with my mom as I soak up that Vitamin D
Watch a little TV: I'll watch like 2 episodes of the show I'm invested in (I'm watching Big Bang Theory)
Get ready: Take my sweet time bathing, doing my hair and getting dressed.
Sketch: So this is both productive and relaxing for me, so I'll pull up Pinterest and do some practice or I'll go to a cafe and do a live study.
Do a little crafting: Ok so this is my therapy. I'm not joking. I put on some Lana Del Rey, and make a mess of my desk. I love making little handmade gifts for family (I just made this insane exploding box thing for Mother's Day lol) or making paper crafts. I'm learning how to crochet as well. Highly recommend it. Put in your earphones, get your scissors out and start making something. Doesn't have to be pretty, just keep going.
Watch the sunset: My gallery is so full of pictures, I don't have any room for anything at this point. 85% is just sunset pictures.
Evening: I just eat dinner with my sister and grandpa, and then we like to sing and dance as I load the dishwasher and she cleans the table.
Read: After chores are done, I read on my tablet for a while.
Sleep: Bedtime skincare and lights off at 10:30.
I've actually done this in way more detail than I thought haha, but this is basically a way more relaxed version of my daily routine, just no studying?? But yeah here it is.
Understand that rest days are required. You do not have to constantly work. Humans are meant to socialise and have fun, as well as work. We aren't worker ants or bees. Relax, and remember to breathe. Everything will be ok. xoxo.
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
middle aged touya my beloved 🫶🏼 (cw: drinking)
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in his 40s, Touya is relatively tame. he spends most of his time working on his bike in the dingy little garage across the street from his place. he doesn’t need to work anymore (finally benefitting from nepotism, he thinks with a snort), but he finds himself helping out the elderly couple that live next to him from time to time, usually with an uneven shelf or a leaky faucet. they don’t ask him about his scars and the wife sends him back home with some sort of bread or sweet dessert every time, with the intention of fattening him up, since he won’t do it himself—which he finds ironic because he eats more and with a consistency that he hasn’t ever until now. 
he establishes a routine without meaning to, and at the end of every day he finds himself looking forward to going home—also for the first time in his life—because when he opens the door he’s nearly taken off his feet by the 93(.7, says the vet) pound monstrosity that he cohabitates with. 
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he found himself walking through the kennels of the local animal shelter a few years ago, after several of his mother’s gentle nudges to find himself a companion. after making it explicitly clear that she was barking up the wrong tree for grandkids, she just rolled her eyes, shaking her head. 
“I think it would be nice for you to have something to take care of,” she told him, expression only a little worried—but mostly just fond. 
so that’s how he ended up in front of the last kennel in the pound, lowered to a crouch and speaking softly to the huddled, shivering mass at the far corner of it. even as crouched in on himself as he was, touya could see the pale scars that littered his otherwise dark brown coat. he felt the phantom ache on his own skin.
“he’s been here a while,” a worker muttered from behind him, “not sure how much longer they’ll want to keep him here.”
touya turned his head to regard the voice, raising an eyebrow. “what d’you mean?”
“he’s on the euthanasia list. we’ve tried to keep him off of it for as long as we can—but he’s aggressive and there haven’t been any interested adopters. time’s running out for him, unfortunately.”
the reality of it turned in his stomach something familiar and wholly unwelcome. he was overcome with a feeling of sympathetic kinship—it was just like the world he knew to chew up and spit out everything it could. 
he decided he’d try to stop that cycle where he could. 
“I’ll take him.”
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“get off of me, you fuckin’ heifer” Touya laughs, pushing the dog back in a way that has it bounding back toward him, eager to play despite his age. neither one are particularly gentle, but there’s an underlying respect that comes with time and patience to keep the rough housing playful. touya hasn’t named the thing (because despite all of the ways he has changed, he’s still a bit of an ass), but any time Fuyumi brings his nieces over to visit, they stuff him into frilly princess costumes and call him whatever variation of “Princess Spotticus Snuffalopagus” they come up with that day—he figures that’s enough. 
he’s home to change and then he’s out the door again—because another first for him has happened unexpectedly: he’s found himself a few friends, and they have a standing Friday night meet up down at the bar across from the bike garage. none of them are much for talking, which suits Touya just fine. he strides up to the bar and takes his regular stool, nodding the familiar faces to the left of him and ordering his usual dark beer. it’s something he looks forward to now—the quiet comradery, the absence of the need to look over his shoulder. 
and right now, he is pointedly not doing that, because he thinks that if he just ignores the tap on his shoulder, it might just stop. 
it doesn’t.
“look, you little fuckin’ runt—” he snarls, turning to the source of the irritation—
“will you hold my drink?”
the interruption stops him dead in his tracks, long enough to blink back the shock at having been truly and willfully ignored to get a good look at you. 
at least 10 years his junior, clad in a pair of high-waisted jeans and a black tank top that leave just enough to the imagination to peak his interest. he realizes he’s staring, and his eyes snap to yours to find a knowing little smirk on your face.
“and why the fuck would i do that?”
“only for a minute,” you roll your eyes, like you’re the one that’s inconvenienced by this, “i just have to go to the bathroom.”  
he sighs, clipped and full of irritation, but holds a hand out to you regardless. you give him a smile that he immediately has to turn away from, huffing out a little “hurry up” as you turn toward the bathrooms. there’s no one around but him and his friends, but he finds himself curling your drink into his chest anyway, hunching over it like something nefarious might drop into it from above. 
it’s only a moment before you return, and much to his chagrin, you hop up onto the stool next to him and do well to make yourself at home, turning to hit him with another lopsided grin. he shoves your drink back in your hand a little too roughly—you pay it no mind, thanking him for watching it. 
“you just give your drink to any old stranger you find?”
you laugh a little, tipping your drink back to take a sip. he watches the tip of your tongue swipe a stray drop from your lip and he knows he should look away. 
he doesn’t.
“not usually.”
“that’s quite the fuckin’ gamble,” he gruffs, taking a sip of his own. 
“maybe,” you say, like you know something he doesn’t. he doesn’t like it. 
“don’t you have friends to get back to?”
“mm, yeah—i suppose i do,” you set your drink down and reach your arms up in a stretch—he has to look away then, because your chest strains against your tank top and he’s suddenly worried for his old heart—“what’s your name?”
he studies you then—eyes you with overt suspicion and you let him, smiling sweetly at him in a way that makes him nervous. he tuts at you, looking away to hide the flush that he feels creep up the side of his neck. 
“touya,” he grits out.
you repeat it, trying it out on your tongue, and he nearly comes out of his skin. you hop down from the stool, far too close to him—he doesn’t know why he wants to lean into your proximity.
“see you next time then, touya.”
he feels you well after you’ve gone. when the air stops vibrating, he lets out a sharp exhale, dropping his forehead to his hands on the bar top in front of him. the man next to him barks out a laugh, clapping him on the shoulder in some show of knowing sympathy. 
he’s too old for this shit. 
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Request: I can sooooooo see Hasan having a breeding kink. Like he’s so possessive and a show off, loved pointing out that Austin was wearing his jewelry at the Streamies, I can just imagine how proud and possessive he is knowing he got you pregnant.
Plus you’d look so gorgeous carrying his baby, he’s LOVING all the body changes you’re going through and would literally just worship you.
So something soft and smutty, even just foreplay and being intimate and close together.
He definitely makes u wear his rings during sex
And they’re too big for your fingers because he’s MASSIVE
But he’s like
“Keep them safe for me, yeah? They mean a lot to me.”
In the sweetest voice
So how could you not? Having to clench your fists so they don’t fall off…
ik we all probably think of Hasan being on the rougher side
Which is definitely true for when you guys are having your regular sex
But when he’s solely set on knocking you up he’s so gentle and romantic about it…
He tracks your cycle, obviously
Plans around the day you’re most fertile
He’s streaming as usual, before one day of each month, he’s just GONE.
No internet presence, no texts, no calls, nothing.
He disappears so completely even the FBI would struggle to get in contact with him.
Just so he can be completely focused on you!!! <3
Missionary all fucking day
All fucking day
Fucking all day
Puts a pillow under your hips
Has a plug ready to go
Gets really sensual with it
Lights tons of candles
Pink lights
Will tie your hands together with ribbon above your head
He can’t not touch, tug, pull, suck, pinch, kiss…
Especially with the aim of the day
There’s just something about your boobs that make him FUCKING fall in love all over again <3
To the main course,
He works on a schedule
Wake up - 6:00am (early, but he has to)
Wake you up with breakfast in bed - 6:30am
Fuck - 7:00 to 8:00
Relax - 8:00 to 8:30
Fuck - 8:30 to 9:30
Relax, etc., etc.
Makes sure to fill you up at least twice every hour!
If you guys have to go out after fucking, he’ll be smiling like a fucking idiot knowing that his cum is nestled in you, doing its job.
And that nobody even knows! But they will know soon!!!
Gets even more sad than you when all the tests come back negative
It happens!
And he’s over the moon about it!
He gets so fucking excited, immediately planning what the nursery will look like and buying you CUTE maternal clothes (none of those basic maternal clothes, no no no, you’re gonna be fashionable while pregnant, that’s for fucking sure!!!)
Completely stocks up on your favourite food!
One day, during your fourth month, you wake up to his head on your chest and his hand rubbing your tummy
You say “I’m not even showing yet, what you’re rubbing is my food baby.”
And he gets SO huffy with you
That’s HIS BABY right there ma’am!!!
Oh god…
Thinking of going to the fucking streamies with him like this…
In your sixth month, he’s already SO PROTECTIVE
Literally follows you around like a bodyguard, making sure people stay AT LEAST two feet away from you, no touching the belly without permission, throwing even his BEST FRIENDS stink eyes if they look at you for too long…
But also
You take a pic before going to the venue…
It’s a full length mirror pic…
Your dress is FUCKING AMAZING, with two slits in it…
Kneeling at your feet is Hasan, in his suit, hugging your leg while you play with his hair and he looks up at you like you quite literally MADE the universe.
People go feral for that pic <3 <3 <3
Oh and you thought he loved your tits before?
Now they’ve grown and gotten heavy with milk?
He can NOT get enough!!!
Staring at them all the time
Sometimes will just get you to flash him so he can get that little boost of serotonin he needs <3
You get so round <3
And he’s like
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So curvy, he wants to EAT YOU
If you keep the weight after giving birth
He’s SO fucking feral for it
I’ve got work to do
Buh BYE!!! <3
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kakksart · 10 months
Tanjiro Helps You When You Have Your Period!
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. ᕀ Tanjiro Kamado . ᕀ
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. The Help From Tanjiro! .
“Thank you, Tanjiro..” - (Name)
- so this might not be the same with everyone.. but this is mostly written on what I experience! And I know there probably wasn’t heating pads and etc but pretend there was!😭
Word Count : 1.2K
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You groaned as you walked out. Today, it was a horrible day and probably will be for the next few days.
The worst part is that you were friends with Tanjiro. He had a great sense of smell which sucked. It was always super duper awkward to tell him.
You wore your uniform and your katana was sheathed on your hip. The cramps you had were horrible! It always felt like someone was punching you.
Tanjiro and his friends, Inosuke and Zenitsu were all talking until they began to notice you.
Tanjiro waved at you with a wide smile. Meanwhile, Zenitsu was practically drooling over you. Inosuke stared at you as he followed Tanjiro when he walked over to you.
“Hey, (Name)! How has your day been?”
“It’s.. been alright I suppose. Not feeling at my best right now, otherwise, fine.”
He nodded before tilting his head at you.
“Why would you say that? Did something happen?”
Your hand was twirling and tugging onto your hair as you tried to find a response to his question. I mean, you could tell him the truth.. or lie.
“..Uh.. Oh, uhm..” You stuttered as you tried to find the right words. Nobody would want to tell someone they were on their period. It’s a regular thing yet it’s sort of embarrassing telling someone.
You felt him pat your shoulder with a smile.
“It’s alright, (Name)! You don’t have to tell me if you are uncomfortable with answering the question. It’s all alright! Please don’t stress over it.”
You nodded as he began to take a step back and gave you your own space.
“(Name)!!~” Zenitsu said before hugging your arm. You stared at him before rolling your eyes in a non-mean way.
“Zenitsu. Give her space.” Tanjiro said with a stern voice and a face. Zenitsu immediately backed off and gave you space.
“Hey Zenitsu, I hope you’ve been doing good!” You giggled, watching Tanjiro act like a mother.
“I’ve been working so hard for you!~ I was even better when I saw you.~”
You let out a “mhm.” and smiled at him.
“Fight me!” Inosuke said, but immediately stopped when Tanjiro gave him a glare. It was almost a “You better be glad we’re in public” stare.
“Hello to you too Inosuke!” You smiled before you had cramps again.
You let out a “mhph..” noise before closing your eyes.
“Are you alright, (Name)?” Tanjiro said.
“Yeah, I think..”
Once the cramps got a bit better you were able to calm yourself down a bit and look back at Tanjiro. The two of them stared at you dumbfounded.
The “two” were Inosuke and Zenitsu. It was mostly Inosuke. Inosuke never had any girls around him personally to know what periods are. Tanjiro had a family with girls around them so he must be familiar with them, right?
Since Zenitsu had 7 ex-girlfriends, he would have a clue about them. But he doesn’t even know that your on your period right now.
“So are we going to t-“
“No,” Tanjiro said with a huff. He crossed his arms and glared at you. “You are not alright at the moment! You will sit down, got it?”
Tanjiro sternly said, almost like a mother scolding their child. You never seen Tanjiro like this but you couldn’t help but listen.
“Okay..” You pouted before rolling your eyes.
You sat down and crossed your arms. Today you so badly wanted to train but you couldn’t! Damn this cycle.
You watched as Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke trained. You couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous.
As the three of them finished their training session you were bored out of your mind!
“(Name)! Did you see me?~ I looked so good right!?” Zenitsu asked, running towards you with excited eyes.
“No! I bet you they watched ME! I was too amazing for them to even notice you!” Inosuke said, pushing him out the way.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at their bickering.
“Give them space guys! They’re obviously not in the mood to talk.” Tanjiro stepped in front of the two, spreading his arms and blocking them from you.
“Your so mean!~ I just wanted to see their beautiful face! What’s wrong with that?” Zenitsu whined before turning the other way and crossing his arms.
“Zenitsu.” Tanjiro said.
“Yes, yes! Okay I got it..” He mumbled, and rolled his eyes.
“The two of you leave, Inosuke, Zenitsu. I need to speak to (Name).”
You tilted your head as you stared at Zenitsu and Inosuke. They nodded but Inosuke challenged him and saw who could go faster.
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the two. They were like children. Tanjiro was like their mother.
Speaking about Tanjiro..
“(Name), I understand what’s happening. Do you need anything? Is this your first time?” He asked, his tone was soft and kind.
You smiled at him. He was always so kind and gentle to others. You couldn’t help but love him for that.
“Ah, No.. it’s not my first time.” You muttered, nodding your head at his question.
Wait, shouldn’t you be talking with Mitsuri about this?
“Tanjiro, how do you know about all of this?”
“I’ve had two sisters.. and a mom.”
You let out an “Ohh..” and nodded. What a ride that must have been.
You played with your fingers before looking up at him. You saw his mouth begin to move.
“You ignored my question. What is it that you need?”
He put a finger over your lips, making you shush in an instant.
“I’ll go get you stuff, alright?” He said, refusing whatever you said. He wanted to be as much of a help as possible.
“Just try not to move as much.. Or run.” He muttered as he rubbed the back of his head with his right palm.
“Tanjiro, I know that.” You laughed before shaking your head. He let out an “Oh..” before having an embarrassed expression on his face.
“Uhm, I’ll just go get your stuff! Just. Stay. Here.” He muttered before turning around and running off.
You couldn’t help but giggle and smile at him. He was so happy and cute at times.
The next few days Tanjiro helped tremendously. Whenever he would sense anger or a negative emotion would always make you feel better.
If the boys, Inosuke, and Zenitsu bother you too much he would tell them to back off. Not in a harsh way of course.
He gave you pads/tampons, a heating pad, and a pain reliever. It felt so nice to have someone help you.
He would cuddle with you in bed and would listen to your ranting whenever you felt horrible. He was like the perfect boyfriend.
You were hugging him with your hands wrapped around him. You gave a relieved sigh before closing your eyes.
You felt him rubbing your back with his palm. You smiled before speaking.
“Thank you, Tanjiro..”
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I am SO SORRY for the delays. I’ve been having quite a struggle and I’m under a lot of stress.. lol. But thank you for reading guys! I know it’s short and rushed but I have so many assignments.🥹 Love ya!
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bts-0t-7 · 8 months
Next Chapter
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Pair: Taehyung x F Reader 
Summary: You missed two cycles. Not that it wasn’t common for you but you felt like it was much more than just that. So, keeping it a secret from Tae, you went to a doctor to solidify your doubts. And no doubt, it was happy news to bring back home. 
Genre: Fluff, Idolxreader, established relationship, wifey reader, married couple au, a little bit of suggestive themes (but we aren’t doing that today, yeah?), pregnancy
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of infertility, trouble conceiving
Remember that you aren’t alone and if you ever need a helping hand, our fellow social services, friends, and family will always be there for us :) If anybody is going to be insensitive on this topic on my blog, you will be blocked. Happy reading! Borahae💜 
A/N: Bold is for flashback.
WC: 1410
You couldn’t believe it. You just couldn’t believe it. 
You have sworn something was wrong. You knew something was odd with your body and when your period skipped the next month, you went straight to the pharmacy. In a box, there were three test kits. 
And when the timer beeped, you stared at these three test kits, all holding the same result. 
Pregnant. 7 weeks. 
In shock, wouldn’t be a safe word to use. You were filled with mixed emotions. You and Taehyung have been trying for almost a year now. You were almost certain you couldn’t conceive. Your periods have never been regular and it wasn’t an easy feat through when your menstruation cycle was around. So you had told Taehyung about your thoughts about having kids. Back then, the both of you were dating, and you knew Taehyung was big on having a family. 
“No, Y/N. It’s alright. We try and if we can’t, it’s okay.” Taehyung soothed you.
“But I know that you really want kids and I don’t think I will be able to give them to you.” Your doctors have told you that your body has been weak since young and due to the accumulated stress, it did not do the growth of your body well.
“Y/N,” Taehyung cupped your face, bringing it closer to his. He suddenly squished your cheeks, making your eyes widen in surprise. “All I need is you.”
Staring at the three tests on the washroom counter, you had to physically hold yourself up by gripping onto the edges of the sink. You needed to make sure - make sure that it was real before you go running to tell your husband. 
So you booked an appointment with your doctors and they told you the same thing the tests did. 
“Around seven weeks.” Dr Kim had given you a soft smile, handing you the pictures of the ultrasound scan. 
You headed out of the hospital after payment, brain yet to comprehend the knowledge you were given in a span of twenty minutes. You needed to tell Tae. Taehyung was the only thing on your mind.  
Staring back down at your ultrasound scan, you truly couldn’t believe your eyes. 
You headed to the nearest crafting store, picking out a ball of yarn, boxes, and crafting paper. Heading home, you were more careful than usual, afraid any sudden movements might hurt your child. Albit dumb if you were to tell your parents about what you were doing, but you couldn’t help but feel a little overprotective of the life growing inside you. 
It was a little past four in the afternoon and you decided to take a bath to get rid of the hospital smell. After drying your hair, you turned the television on and knitted while watching the latest ‘Run BTS!’. 
You stopped knitting after a while, placing your hand on your currently unnoticeable bump, saying, “That’s your dad and uncles. When you come into this world, you sure are going to be spoiled rotten.” You chuckled. You were the first among the girls to have gotten pregnant as of the information yesterday. 
You had told Hwani, Jin’s wife, three days ago. News spread fast within the group but you were more surprised that the boys had yet to catch on, seemingly that all their girlfriends and wives were gossiping over baby materials. 
Once you finished the little gift, you placed it in the box onto some crafting paper and the ultrasound. Wrapping the box with a ribbon, you proceeded to the kitchen to make dinner. Small, sharp barks could be heard as you walked to the kitchen. 
You bent down to collect Yeotan’s bowls. He was extremely chirpy today, following you everywhere and constantly going in between your legs. If you hadn’t known better, you would have said he was being protective. Placing his food bowls back into the tray, you gave Yeotan a scratch between his ears. 
Just as you finished setting the table, the door code chimed and Yeotan’s uncontrollable barking started again. You wiped your hands dry on your shirt as you walked out, greeting Taehyung with a kiss at the threshold of the main door. 
“Well, it’s not like I don’t like it. Rather the opposite, honestly. But I’m tired Jagiya. I don’t think I can do it today.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Can’t I just kiss my husband when he gets home?”
Taehyung looked at you suspiciously. “Of course you can but you normally have an ulterior motive.”
Let’s talk about selective hearing. It refers to hearing what you choose to hear and blank out everything else. You ignored the second half of the sentence, pulling your whiny husband to the living room and plopping him down onto the sofa. 
“Babe…” He called you warningly.
You headed over to the coffee table, carefully picking up the elegantly wrapped gift and placing it in his hands. Taehyung’s brows shot up, disappearing between his hair. 
“What’s this?” He took out his phone, confusion showing on his face. Oh, he’s always been an expressive one. “I don’t think I forgot anything? I swear today - is it our anni - wait no, that’s in three weeks.” Taehyung looked up with a face you knew too well.
The TaTa Mic face.
“Babe, I swear if I forgot anything, I’ll make it up to you.”
You sighed, caving into the look. If ARMY can’t even grasp a standing ground to the Tata Mic face, you surely stand an even lesser chance against it. 
“You didn’t forget anything, love.” You pointed back to the box. “Just.. Just open it.”
Taking a deep breath, you watch as Taehyung undoes the ribbon and opens the box. Watched as his brows furrowed even more, lip jutting out in a pout at the sight of the mittens you have knitted this afternoon. Watched as the gears in his brain turned the moment his eyes spotted the ultrasound picture beneath it. And as if in slow motion, you saw Taehyung’s eyes enlarge the moment the pieces clicked together. 
His head shot up so fast you were afraid he got a whiplash. 
“Serious? Serious!” Taehyung dropped to his knees. Thank god there was a carpet on the floor. His hands were shaking as you grasped them in yours, placing them on your stomach. “Jagiya, Jagiya, you aren’t kidding with me, right?”
His eyes shone with so much light that it was blinding to see. 
You shook your head. 
“We’re going to be parents, Tae.” Your voice wavered, tears coming forth, spilling over onto your cheeks. 
Taehyung looked down at your hands cupping your stomach and stared at it. He lifted your shirt in one motion, causing a gasp to fall from your lips. He brought his lips to your stomach, kissing it gently. 
“Hi, babyyyy…” Taehyung cooed. “You’re going to be the prettiest baby ever.”
You chuckled. 
Taehyung got up from his knees, cupping your face and kissing your lips. “And you are going to be the best mom ever.” 
“How do you know that?” You asked between his never-ending kisses. 
Leaning your foreheads together, Taehyung answered in his most famous way, “‘Cause it’s you.”
You smiled. 
At that moment, you were surrounded by love. You have never felt so high on such a joyous emotion before. As you looked down at Taehyung talking to your stomach, you felt so, so, so, grateful for the future you created together. Through thick and thin, the both of you have found a way to strengthen your connection, working together. 
The warmth of his love and joy radiates the whole house. And as your eyes locked, it was as if nothing else mattered at that moment - only you, Tae, and your unborn baby. Time seemed to still as the both of you looked at each other, so much affection and excitement in one’s eyes. 
And you knew - you just knew - that you were going to be okay. That as long as you had Tae by your side, you were going to be okay. 
As the both of you got up from the sofa, Tae suddenly pulled you into his arms, stopping you from walking any further from him. “You know what I said just now at the door? I take it back. I can definitely do it today.”
Your cheeks turned deep red as you smacked his arms. 
“Kim Taehyung!”
His bellowing laughter followed you all the way to the kitchen. 
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megumi-fm · 5 months
☆ little changes in my routine with big positive impacts ☆
sleep schedule: after years of trying to make the regular 10pm-6am sleep cycle work for me, I have decided to stop. time is a construct and there is no reason to sleep or wake up at 'conventional time' if my body clock is different. recently I've been going to bed at around 12:30pm/1:00am and I wake up at around 7:30am- which seems to be my body wake time. because of this, I wake feeling refreshed although I'm getting lesser hours of sleep. in fact, I wake up before my alarm rings on most days, and it's always a joy to learn that I get to spend ten more minutes in bed before my clock rings xD
night showers: another thing that has greatly helped my sleep is taking a shower a bit before bed. I find it really calming and as a way of actively processing the day and clearing my head before going to bed. I can also skip morning showers on days I need to get to work early. Plus, clean clothes and clean sheets help me sleep better. the only disadvantage to this is that I'm a shower singer and I tend to get in the feels and belt out notes to my favourite songs, which I can't do anymore considering the fact that my shower is around 11am and I shouldn't be disturbing the neighbors :P
switching out social media: deleting social media apps was the easy part. the real challenge was trying to find things to do in those spark moments of boredom when I find myself on the phone. I tried reading ebooks, but I wasn't able to focus. so I started bookmarking links I find interesting so that I can check them out whenever I get the urge to doomscroll. a lot of studyblr link cool videos or articles on their dop posts often, but most of my links come from the Tom Scott Newsletter. unlike the tiredness that comes with doomscrolling, I always feel refreshed and smarter when I use my phone lately. the urge to use my phone has weaned off as well.
digital journaling: when I first started journaling several years ago, it just did not work for me. I think I was more focused on writing everything in a certain way and implementing trackers and spreads that weren't functional for me. but I switched to notion for the past few months and stripped down the journalling process to it's bare essentials. I add a to-do list for the day, a cute picture I either took or found on the internet, and a note on how my day went and how I felt. there's also a checkbox for sleep, water, and exercise. sometimes I add notes on stuff I watch or read, but for the most part it's just this. it takes me just 15min, and I can update it as and when I like because of the phone app, and it helps me stay productive and motivated for the whole day. sometimes I embed gifs of my fav blorbos and go on about them 🤭
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yaksha-lover · 11 months
Yo yo sorry if this ask is odd I have experienced hell in the past few days as per the monthly schedule and since I'm fixated upon your vampire AU I was wondering if you'd be cool with me sending in an ask about what it'd be like to deal with having a period when surrounded by vampires.
(gonna refer to the reader as 'the resident human' using they/them pronouns sorry if it gets a bit muddled idk how to word this ask haha)
Content warning: I'm gonna mention periods / shark week / the blood moon / womb blender hours / scheduled monthly hell, etc.
From 1-10 how would you rate how sucky it'd be to have a period in a house full of vampires? Like, on one hand, some of them are probably either avoiding (Riddle) or even stalking (Rook perhaps) their resident human...
But on the other hand, if the human in cramp hell - I'm under the impression that the vampire bites could potentially counteract that to some degree right? Like they'd get rid of some of the pain (rip my anemic ass tho lmao)
Also there's the fact that Lilia's been around long enough to know what's going on and, as per the vampire sense of smell and whatnot, I'd like to imagine he knows before it starts and necessary supplies just sorta show up wherever the resident human will find them when they need them. Plus he's making sure they eat plenty of spinach or similar foods they might need and whatnot.
Uhhh I can't think of anything else lol. Sorry if this was an odd ask, it's kinda been on my mind a while so I figured I might as well share my thoughts. Have a nice day and stay hydrated ( ・⁠∀⁠・⁠) 👍
Lmao you’re all good, I’ve actually answered a couple of asks about periods before: x x
tw: periods, slightly gross (??)
I would say though, because period blood isn’t the same as regular blood, it’s not going to make them act so differently like they would if you had a wound. However, it’s kinda similar so (this might be gross) but I feel like vampires might like the smell of the pheromones cause heightened sense of smell. In that sense, it’s more like a perfume than a food, yk?
Some more shy would definitely blush and avoid MC during this time (Riddle like you mentioned, Adeuce, Jack, Epel, Idia, Sebek).
The more bold vampires would probably act more clingy than usual (Leona, Floyd, Rook) - They are also volunteering their bite to help you out. Despite their unashamed behaviour, they will make sure to keep you comfortable and not take too much blood.
The rest are pretty normal I think, they can control themselves and have the decency to ignore it.
Lilia’s dad energy comes out. You ask him to buy you pads one time and suddenly there’s an entire closet full of a million different supplies, literally anything you could need. Him and the others would be pretty sympathetic to your plights and would be happy to take care of anything you need.
Also you don’t need to track your cycle, Lilia would just be like, hey btw you’re menstruating next week. He knows before you do lol.
So if 1 is hell and 10 is a normal day, I feel like it’s a solid 7/10 at least. You might have to deal with some clingy and awkward guys, but even someone like Leona would take care of you, even if he grumbled while doing it lol.
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vegasicilia · 6 months
My bad, I forgot I had autism.
So, big f*cking week at work. Very f**king big week. I crushed it. I rose to the opportunity and finished better than anyone thought a project of mine at work. Boss huged me. Parents said they were proud. My LinkedIn was soaring. I was happy. I'm still happy.
I spent a whole week being more social, more hyperactive, more organized and more talkative than ever. I met people after people and made small talk. I f*cking orchestrated, directed and executed an event I had been planning for since May. Working 13 hours a day for 3 days. I FREAKING KILLED IT. All while going to the gym, keeping my diet in check and taking care of myself (bedroom clean, teeth brushed, nails clean, beard shaven).
Side note, for you my readers (is anyone reading this?). There's a thing I haven't told you officially, my dear Tumblr blog, and that is that I have a big fat autistic brain with ADHD sprinkles on top. And since I didn't know about any of this since I was 20, years have passed and my subconscious stil thinks I don't have autism and ADHD and that I can just function as a normal human being.
Back to the main story, an hour after the event was done and everyone was going home, it hit me. Like a train. My regular delusion that I can be a normal person for extended periods of time came to an end faster than I can say "autism". Like a freaking tsunami had reached my shore, I broke down at a friends house and slept for 12h straight. My brain had had enough. Dopamine wasn't flowing. Adrenaline rush was gone. My frontal cortex announced early retirement as I said goodbye to the few people who stayed until the very end.
I was down on my friends's sofa for about half a day. I thought that would be it, that I would get home and go to work the next day and everything would be fine. But it was not. I've spent the last few days as a zombie, walking around the office as if anything around me had anything to do with me. I came home at the end of my 9 to 5 to have dinner at 7 and be in bed by 8-9 every day. I stopped going to the gym, I couldn't care less about my diet and my skincare has stopped. And I can't do anything about it. I just don't care. I can't make myself care.
I have to stand aside as my brain repeats the cycle again: work hard & play hard until you can't take it anymore. And it's not something I can't really control. My roomates don't understand why I'm home so much and I'm not out and about all day like always. My friends reach out to hang but I just wanna wear my new pajamas and watch the new Doctor Who special (it was awesome btw, love you David Tennant)
I need recharging, but it feels like the world is made only for Duracell AA batteries I'm a potato in salt water trying to power a Tesla in the highway.
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
The Israel Electricity Company worker who was mortally wounded yesterday, passed away from his wounds. He's the second civilian that Hezbollah has killed on Israel's northern border since the start of the war.
The IDF releases critical footage constantly, this is one example. This shows an aborted attack once civilians, including kids, are detected:
Sometimes, it's so frustrating doing these daily update posts, because I don't have all of the material that I wanna share. Yesterday, Israeli TV shared footage of Hamas attacking regular Gazans as an aid truck comes in. Then they took all of the food for themselves. I'm frustrated, because I can't find it anywhere online, but I'll keep looking and share it in a future update if I find it.
I mentioned that Israel has been fighting on five fronts, but that's not including the constant need to protect Israeli civilians and institutions from cyber attacks. If you count that one... six fronts.
Some of the survivors from the music festival, where Hamas murdered over 260 young people, had to be involuntarily committed to stop them from hurting themselves.
In Australia, a man was attacked just cycling down the street for displaying an Israeli flag on his bicycles.
This is Guy Admoni.
Tumblr media
He was 25 years old, and visiting his disabled mother in kibbutz Kfar Azza on Oct 7. For three days, he was define as missing. Then he and his mom were found together in her bomb shelter, murdered. They were still hugging each other. It turns out, Guy was an officer in a very sensitive role in the Israeli intelligence forces. His dad Doron was interviewed today, and he said that when he heard his son was missing, he prayed that Guy was killed, not kidnapped. Doron was sure that if Hamas would have gotten their hands on his son, they would have tortured him. Had Guy not broken, he would have suffered a lot and for long. Had he broken, it would have put so many more lives in danger.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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koukaaa-descent · 3 months
sits politely in your inbox. saw your post about jester lifecycles and wanted to ask if you have ideas for masked lifecycles. to me the dramatic masks you find as scrap used to be maskeds before, the hosts bodies simply ran out of "juice" and weren't useful anymore so the mask dropped off (the remaining corpse is scavenged by other creatures).
okay long post time!! I’m glad people like what I drag from my brain. (This is very long)
This post will cover topics such as; decay, insects (not in detail) and body horror. If you’re sensitive to things like that, I recommend looking the other way. Otherwise, enjoy however many words of my brainrot! :]
I like to think that the Masks themselves were made rather than born, albeit still organic. I’ve always been a fan of horrifying grotesque body horror scenarios. (User Pangolin-404 and their masked having webs of nerves that root inside of a host’s body, which is so fucking cool by the way, reminded me of this. I realize after writing this whole thing that my brain likes that more than expected.)
Honestly.,, I have a feeling that the masks themselves have been around for a very very long time, and new ones only ever appear when someone unfortunate is converted. There was a war (ingame lore!) roughly 500 years ago which may or may not have facilitated their creation.
In my eyes, Comedy masks are the ones that’ve naturally spawned (I.e, already with a host or otherwise lying on the ground.) I like to believe that the comedy masks are the ‘first’ of the masks to exist, which have been around since the beginning. The ‘first generation’, per se.
I also like to think that the Tragedy masks are made when someone is converted. They’re basically the supposed ‘second’ generation of masks. It goes like this; comedy masked converts someone, they become a tragedy masked. That tragedy masked converts someone else, and then, well... thus begins a cycle. (Ex. Comedy gen 1>Tragedy>TragedyG1>TragedyG2> etc etc..)
There are a relatively smaller amount of Comedy masked as a result of this, but their quantity is still very much immense. (Ex. For every 10 Tragedies, there is 7 Comedies). The reason for this is that, despite how well they can trick and capture prey, they are still oftentimes rotting and weakened from extended periods of isolation without access to new hosts. There is henceforth a greater number of Masks than there is the Masked. Comedy Masks tend to have a greater lifespan with their hosts, as they are very, very experienced and have gathered a significantly larger amount of knowledge. (They are still not entirely sentient, no matter how deeply convincing it may be. They have a measure of sentience, but not enough. This only ever occurs within Comedy Masks.)
I doubt that they ever actually die unless the mask itself is utterly destroyed, shattered or rendered otherwise unusable.
After this point is where more visceral topics are covered. However; with a host, that specific lifetime is pretty simple, I think. In the beginning, the corpse is fresh, probably still warm (and kept warm by presumably boiling blood) and likely behaves the same as any other human body. Even has a heartbeat and continues to breathe. Vocalizing is possible although usually incomprehensible (typically just a weird slurry of sounds). Finer control is possible, down to curling its toes or flexing individual muscles, along with blinking, moving its tongue, or focusing and unfocusing its eyes. (Please note; a majority of those features tend to be entirely lost during possession, either melted from the host’s body or simply consumed during the process of conversion.)
After a day or so, natural body functions begin to slowly and steadily cease as, despite the Mask’s support, the body has finally lost enough of its own blood and thus slowly shuts down. The Mask’s replacement blood—the substance rendered eternally boiling—is not a suitable replacement despite its apparent compatibility with regular humanoid blood regardless of the type. It carries too little oxygen and remains too thick to move properly through the veins without its host’s own biological assistance. Rigor mortis sets in to the majority of the body by the end of the second day, and the mask has to relearn how to use the body as it has new limitations and requires different efforts in order to move as it used to. Movements become clumsier (not just from the disorientation of change) and the fine control it once had is now unable to be achieved again without outside assistance. Vocalizations are now completely incomprehensible as the entity can no longer fine-tune the required muscles in order to produce the vaguest notion of words. (Not that it was able to speak beforehand.)
The body remains this way for about a week total before further decay begins to set in. The nature of the planet that the host was on beforehand does matter; if it was on Offense during this phase, it would proceed much faster in comparison to Dine or Rend. Temperature affects decay times. Masked typically tend to avoid hotter areas for this reason during this period of its host’s ‘lifetime’ (if it cares for or understands what is happening.)
By the third phase of its ‘lifetime’, the body begins to rot. Fortunately, no insects or decomposers infest the body; the natural heat that the Masked’s blood produces keeps anything untoward away, up to and including foreign materials, unwanted substances and undesirable parasites. Most biological poisons have no effect on Masked in general, typically being denatured on contact with its blood. Artificial poisons, venoms and other toxic substances do occasionally effect a Masked, although usually only in the region that it first made contact in. They do not have very good blood circulation.
The skin of the host cools down rather than remaining at the warm temperature it previously had, which is likely an instinctive response from the Masked as it senses the decay. By this point, points that usually chafe or experience too much friction begin to slowly rub away from the flesh and bone, scraping skin and viscera away with it. The Masked does not experience pain, only discomfort.
At the very end of its current lifetime, true rot begins. If the host is using an entirely sealed suit, blood begins to fill the inside. The corpse begins to slowly, steadily, achingly liquify. At one point it will start to drip from the helmet’s filters, pushed outward with every movement. The Masked can no longer run, as doing so will simply worsen its condition. It is now at risk of abandoning its host and awaiting the next.
If its current host is wearing an unsealed suit, flesh simply sloughs off and out of it as the body weakens. During this state, the Masked first feels pain. (It does not recognize the feeling, and does not usually react. There are cases wherein first or second generation Tragedy masks attempt to cry or otherwise vocalize with screams, keens, gasps or sobs, further obliterating their remaining throat. The third generations and those afterward display no such behaviors, however.)
At the very end of its host’s lifetime (where it is left as merely bone, softened flesh and tendon), the Mask finds a very quiet place. Oddly enough, they seek out small and warm areas, usually dry in nature. It is not uncommon for a Masked to give itself to a member of its Masquerade (a term used for groups of Masked, taken from another researcher (Pangolin-404!)) or to another entity that it has taken a liking to. Albeit, this ‘fondness’ is based upon the creature’s unwillingness to kill it, and its own lack of desire to kill the creature. Several cases have been documented wherein Masked have given themselves to a varying assortment of creatures; other Masked, Hoarding Bugs, Spore Lizards, Nutcrackers (which is a very peculiar interaction), Jesters (thought to be out of malice, seeing as Masks can devour a grown Jester if it is attached for a length of time), Coil-heads (incredibly strange), and Brackens, who occasionally partake in attaching the Masks to their bodies in return for the Mask’s boiling blood, forming a symbiotic relationship with as many as three at a time.
In the process of placing itself somewhere or giving itself to another entity, the Masked takes itself off of its host. The body remains beneath its control for a very short amount of time afterward, as its disconnected span of vein-like ‘roots’ within the body act upon its last commands. Shortly afterward, the body collapses and becomes entirely harmless, likely having placed the Mask somewhere, or having handed it to another entity.
After that, the Mask returns to dormancy, awaiting a host. (I imagine that they place themselves in a warm area as to facilitate “good dreams”. I suppose that staying in a cold, lonely place would be rather unfortunate when one is in a state of dormancy, unable to wake and move by one’s own terms. This is just a theory, however.)
Notes; 1 Masks are typically made out of a material similar to bone. Comedy Masks resemble porcelain, retaining a certain shine rather than the dull white that most Tragedy masks have. 2 Masked tend to place their Masks nearby fireplaces or Hoarder Bug hives at the end of their host’s lifetime, as they both retain a great amount of heat. 3 It is thought that the symbiotic relationship that a Mask can create with a Bracken is entirely beneficial to both parties—hence symbiosis. The Mask typically partakes in any form of possession with parasitism, and it is unknown if it chooses to leave the Bracken’s bodily functions alone because of an inability to control it or because of its supposed lack of desire to do so.
Thankyou for reading ,,, my brain likes to rattle around a lot and. I am entirely normal about the masks and I can be trusted to speak a normal amount about them. I’m like 12% sure I answered your question
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
Can you talk about your totk time difference theory more? I don’t remember seeing you talk about it but I’ve had a very similar idea and want to see what your take is…
yes yes yes! i got into some of it here but that's very long and focuses more on the plot of totk in general so i'll go into the time difference theory specifically here!
as stated in the first post i made theorizing about totk, I think that totk and botw TOGETHER are going to function as one complete cycle. when i say "one cycle" I'm referring to one complete reincarnation cycle, from the beginning of link's journey to the true defeat of ganon. the standard formula for this cycle is 3-4 dungeons, (sometimes) a mini-boss, a catalyst event, 6-7 dungeons, and then the final battle. a good example of this is oot, where the first 3 dungeons are the ones you play through as child link, the catalyst is the aging-up of link after the temple of time, the 6 dungeons after that are the sages, and the final battle is when you face ganondorf in the castle. (the only thing this game is missing is the mini-boss, but you DO have a ganon encounter before the catalyst, it's just not an actual boss fight, so i consider the basic unit to still be intact. lol)
now, notably, in most games that follow this formula, after the catalyst event, a world-switch mechanic is introduced. in oot it's the switch between past and future, in tp it's the ability to control when link is in wolf form vs human, in alttp it's dark world vs regular hyrule, etc etc. botw, as a game, covers the cycle up until the shift in perspective. the divine beasts are the 4 initial dungeons and calamity ganon is the mini-boss. this means that, assuming totk is the second half of this cycle, a world-switch mechanic will likely be introduced along with the 6-7 dungeons before the final confrontation. I believe that the world-switch will likely be switching between the hero from 10k years ago mentioned in botw's framing lore and our present-day link. I think this is why we've seen two drastically different link designs in trailers up to this point but have yet to get an explanation about the green outfit. Seeing as no armor sets have been featured AT ALL in trailers aside from link's standard blue tunic and that green set, I think it's safe to assume that the outfit carries considerable narrative weight. I think it's likely the outfit that the 10k-years-ago hero wears to distinguish him from present-day link. my best guess as to how the world-switch will be framed is that it will have something to do with the arm. It's obviously got some special powers seeing as it seems to house the runes for this game, so I don't think it's too much of a stretch to suggest that it might be able to either connect the consciousnesses of the two links, show present link some of past link's memories, or otherwise allow the player to swap between times somehow.
That's the gist of it lol! i might be wrong but I honestly. don't think i am. i HOPE i'm right because one of the things i really REALLY want from totk is expansion upon botw's existing lore framework, ESPECIALLY irt the hero & ganondorf from 10k years ago.
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xkaidaxxxx · 24 days
Kid's Murder
Geto x reader, Gojo x reader
Warning: Murder, brainwashed, manipulation, new light, happy ending. no proof read sorry ya'll.
Reblogs are appreciated <3
“You’re a monster Suguru!” You yelled at him with tears running down your cheeks. “ Are you second guessing our life?” he asked. Your love for Suguru started during your 1st year of Highschool. As time passed by you two ended up dating. Bright and Happy. In love. When Suguru told you his future plans you didn’t care. You followed him. You were so blinded by love that you didn’t care to have him explain his entire process of his plan. He knew the girls he took in were more than likely to die, and so during your early twenties he wanted a son or daughter to carry on his ideals. To keep the cycle going in case he suddenly dies. You had twins at 19. Beautiful boys. Sena and Seiji. The pregnancy was surprisingly easy, same with birth. Suguru made sure he was there as much as he could while planning out what was cruel. When the twins turned 5…The eldest of them wasn’t a curse user. Sena. One Suguru came home feeling hurt. You saw blood on his cheek and hands. “ I tried saving him y/n. Our Sena.” he lied straight to you and since you were so naive you believe him. You were brainwashed and manipulated to the max. He got rid of his own son. As years passed by you ended up having 7 kids. Another set of twins and 3 single children. He killed off 3 out of the 7. Those murders with different stories. You were so fucking blind it was insane. Until you had 2 more kids. One day you were going to surprise Suguru and his daughter with lunch. It was an hour trip but it was alright. You heard their laughter and walked close enough to see the way Suguru made your little one scream and cry in pain. He then made it quick afterwards. You left running back. You got the kids fed and ready for bed. 
Children's names
You were going to search for help and the only people you thought of were your old classmates,teachers, and principle, Specifically Gojo Satoru. The strongest. One day you decided to take your children on a trip while their father was gone. They were so excited. You told them you’d take stops to different locations. The last one being where you knew Gojo goes to take a breather. To relax a bit. You enjoyed the time with your kids. Laughing, eating, taking photos. When you hit the last destination. You told them to set up the picnic you all decided to have “last minute”. You said you needed to use the bathrooms nearby. Instead you went into a hidden part of the forest. There he was. “ How did you know I’m here? Y/n.” Gojo asked. “ It’s always been your time to breathe and relax…I rolled the dice hoping you’d show here.” You replied, twiddling with your fingers. He noticed. You felt shameful having to ask for help. “What is it? Did you finally come to your senses after all these years?” he asked. You started crying silently, “I didn’t know Suguru was doing such cruel things.” you spoke. “You couldn’t be that stupid. You were so fucking blind and pathetic.” he replied looking at you directly. “ We h-had kids…ju-st recently..I witnessed hi-m murdering my youngest child a twin. My daughter. I noticed that the ones that died were non-sorcerers. The ones without curse energy.” you replied trying to hold back from more crying. Gojo felt awful. “ I can process him doing this to regular humans…but his own children..it's too much.” Gojo said. “ Mama!! Where are you!?” your son Sena called out. “Please Gojo help me. I can’t live with that man anymore. My kids…They can’t grow up to end up like him. They need a good environment to live in. I don’t want to lose them if they don’t agree with his ideals. Help me, I'm begging you.” You said falling onto your knees as Gojo looked away and didn’t respond to you. “Big brother… Is mama gone? Is she hurt? Did dada hurt her like he did with my twin.” Aki said, crying. Sena had his siblings in a line. You and Gojo heard him. “Please Gojo.” you begged. He helped you stand up again. He gave you a tight hug which you both needed. “ Let’s go now. I’ll support you and your kids from now on.” he said letting you go. “ I know the kids will want things from home.” you said. “ No we don’t.” Sena said. “ He hurt my siblings Mama,Right? Why?” Tadashi asked. You realized none of them needed anything from home. All they did was school and train. “ Your father lost his sanity.” Gojo said. “Let's get going. Leave everything behind. Any electronics as well.” You said. You walked back to the car putting everything inside. Sena lit the car on fire. Once you were all at a distance the car exploded and the flames burned incredibly strong. 
Children’s ages:
Sena 15 
Kazumi 11
Tadashi 10
Aki 5
Satomi 4
“ Mama, where are we going to live now?” Aki asked, holding her big brother’s Tadashi’s hand. “Somewhere safe sweetie.” you replied. Gojo carried Aki. “ My place. It’s very hidden. I will protect you all, don't worry.” Gojo replied. You knew he meant that. You didn’t want him to worry so you were going to hold up on your own as well. Satomi played with his blindfold. Hours passed. Gojo decided to keep you all close as you went shopping for daily necessities and fun things for the kids. Computers and phones for You, Sena, and Kazumi. He made sure you all had tracking devices for safety. Fun games. Board and online ones. He made sure their education will be good. He bought them school supplies and gave you their curriculums for the school year with the textbooks they’ll be needing. You’re a homeschool teacher and so you’ve taught them a lot. Once he took you all home they were shocked at how a hidden home could be so huge and luxurious. 
As they chose their rooms Gojo pulled you aside. “If you allow it, I'd like to take Sena to Jujutsu High. At least as a trial of 2 months. If he likes it, can he attend?” he said. “ A month and 2 weeks…if he wants to attend..he can but teach him all you can, to make him stronger, so he can protect himself and the relationships he makes along the way.” you said to him. “Yes. I will. I swear.” he replied. You nodded. He walked to the living room. “ Did you all choose a room?”  Gojo asked. They smiled and nodded. “ Satomi can have a room when she’s older, for now She’ll sleep with her mommy.” He said. “ Thank you sir!” they said in unison. “ No problem. Your mommy and I have known each other since we were in High School. Awesome right? She was a total weird and shy loser, however she’s a powerful person. A little bit near my level.” he said with a laugh he’s always had. “ Our mom isn't weird nor a shy loser!” Aki said. “ He’s right, I was weird and shy. He helped me get out of my shell. I kicked his ass only once, that's only because he had the flu.” You said taking Satomi from Kazumi. 
Months went on by. Sena did attend Jujutsu high. Gojo kept his promise. He trained Sena like no other. He taught him so much. When he’d come home to you and the kids. He helped them with the homework you gave them. He’d also help with Satomi. That little one is very energetic so he would tire her out with princess parties or playing who can get to mommy the fastest. With Kazumi and Tadashi he would teach them anything they’d need. One time you were busy with cleaning and Kazumi asked a terrifying question. “ Gojo. Is it true that periods hurt? When will I get mine?” she asked. It caught him so off guard. He was sweating and then put on his serious face. You and Shoko during those days were a pain to him and Suguru. You girls would complain a lot. He remembered how you girls complained about different painful spots. “Well… It will but every girl's body is different so who knows. I don’t know what age girls get it. Ask your mom about anything like that. She’s a female like you, so she’ll have loads of information about it. It’s good to know you trust me about asking things like that. Run along. Don’t forget to ask your mom and do your homework.” he replied. Kazumi left for her room. Gojo fell onto the couch and let out a huge sigh. He was panicking in his mind the entire time. “ Hey da- I mean Gojo…Is it okay If you can help me with math equations.” Tadashi said. Gojo was shocked. Tadashi called him dad. “ Yes of course. I’m always here if you need me okay.” he replied. 
There was a specific day where he bursted into tears.
“ I almost called him dad like 5 times…” Tadashi said to his siblings.  “Me too big brother” Aki replied. “ I did once..it felt normal. I apologized after. He said it was okay.” Kazumi added. “ I called him Dad in front of my classmates… They were all shocked. He didn’t deny me as his son. I keep wondering if he actually sees us as his kids…or if he was just trying to save me from embarrassment.” Sena said, playing with his shoe laces. Gojo was listening to them. He cried silently. Of course he did. After 2 months of you moving in with the kids, he started flirting with you. At first it was playful but after time he realized it was real. He started getting his shit together. He naturally became a father to them and a great boyfriend to you. “ Hey y/n..I heard them..they said Dad.” he said crying. You wiped his tears. “ I think that's beautiful. You are a great dad. You have your flaws but you’re a great dad. I love you Satoru Gojo.” you said. He kissed you passionately. The kids saw and gasped. “ Mama!” Satomi said. Gojo pulled away with a caught smile. “...does this mean… I mean..is it okay if we call you dad.” Kazumi asked. “ Sena, I didn't save you from embarrassment. I didn’t deny you because I think all of you kids are my own. My little, crazy, awesome angels.” Gojo replied. You held Gojo’s hand with a tight grip. Gojo always thought he’d never fall in love, that he’d never have kids, that he wouldn’t be able to enjoy life, it all faded away when he fell in love with you. “ Da..daa..dada.” Satomi said while having her cute little hands in her mouth. He carried her pecking her forehead. “That’s me.” he said happily. 
“ I love my babies and my Satoru.” You said. You were full of love and happiness. You all shared a big family hug.
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everythingwritingg · 7 months
Writing Climaxes
The climax is the part of the story that has the most action, usually at the end of the novel, before the resolution but after the rising action. Depending on the genre, the climax could either be a character’s worst enemy spreading their most valuable secret or a magical villain coming to terrorize a whole city.
1) Make sure the climax fits the genre and story. This is an obvious one, but magic would not belong in a realistic fiction story. If your climax fits the genre, I can’t tell you if it fits the story or not because I’m not an expert on your WIP and I don’t know. Just remember that the events should be reasonable with the prior events in your story.
2) Make sure it’s at the right spot. The climax is almost always towards the end, but whether the falling action is a few chapters or just ten pages, it’s important that it’s at a reasonable spot for your novel. Climaxes shouldn’t normally be at the beginning or else your reader will lose interest. You shouldn’t rush the falling action too much by putting the climax towards the end, but you shouldn’t rush the rising action either.
3) It should be the highest point of action. If you remember story mountain from your days in elementary school, that’s the top of the mountain. This is what a climax is, and remember that. You probably already know that, and I suppose what I’m trying to say is don’t give the prior scenes too much action or else you can’t write a proper climax.
4) Write good rising action. Good is a relative term, and this point doesn’t explain how to write good rising action. Maybe I’ll give you a post on that one day. But this is a reminder to make sure you write quality rising action that can build the climax.
5) Plan it out. For planners, you probably already plan out much more than the climax. Pantsers may not plan out anything at all. Whether a planner, pantser, or anything in between, you need to have an idea of what the climax should be. Even a few sentences is enough, but writing the climax will be way easier if you have a plan.
6) Make sure the stakes are high. In a romance novel, a breakup might be the high stake. In a sci-fi novel, people could get trapped in a cycle of time forever. The climax is the point that determines the fate of the characters (usually), and make sure you had high stakes in your novel to make the climax even more interesting.
7) Characters’ true personalities should be revealed. There’s a saying that goes something like, “it’s the tough times that show who you are.” In the climax, the reactions of the characters should show who they truly are inside. What are their true priorities in life? How do they react under pressure?
8) Time for plot twists and secrets to come out! Chances are, characters have been hiding a lot from each other and readers, and even themselves. In the climax, something should be revealed. Plot twists are also common, but don’t make them too unbelievable or it won’t flow naturally.
9) It should mark a turning point in your novel. Not everything has to be different from the way it was before, but the climax should spark change. For example, a protest that ended in violence may inspire government officials to change laws. Things after the climax should be different from the way they were before, including the characters. This is a wonderful time for character development.
10) Be descriptive. This should be the most detailed part of the novel, when you’ll describe the setting more clearly. There will be a higher page to time ratio. As one of the most memorable parts of the novel, you should get into more detail than you normally would in a regular scene.
I love climatic scenes when my fingers practically fly over the keys! It’s the part where my fingers and brain get the most excited, but it’s also the hardest part for me as well. I always feel like I’m not doing it right. I hope your climaxes go well!
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