#INCLUDING the ones contained within the profile picture
bilbao-song · 1 year
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my two favorite ads i have received on tumblr recently
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daisyanonnl · 1 year
Hello, I am the victim in this situation. I am using an alternate account in order to protect my identity. I planned not to address this, but I feel like I need to in order to leave no room for misinterpretation and to bring myself mental peace. Trigger warning for grooming and tickling. Please read at your own discretion!!
Me and Porter had been friends for half a year. I cut ties with them soon after when I realized what was happening to me. This was the DM I received from a concerned individual within his Discord server that really solidified the gravity of the situation for me:
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They then proceeded put me in contact with another concerned party after this DM. One of concerns they showed within the DM regarding the "sketch pages" is referring to these sketches that Porter made featuring both of our Welcome Home characters made in an online drawing game.
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The images above showcase his adult OC Porter tickling my OC, who is a teenager. Given the age of my character and the fact that I am a teenager too, he shouldn't have made these. Regardless of if I started it or not. The responsibility lies with the adult, not the child. No adult should ever indulge in these actions alongside a child, as it's highly inappropriate. Especially since it has been proven that tickling has previously been a fetish for him. Even if it isn't anymore, that doesn't negate the inappropriate nature of his actions towards me.
Another concern raised later was regarding a "fanfiction" Porter wrote including his OC, and a caricature of me being tickled by his character. Again, the character included is supposed to represent me - a minor. I will warn in advance that the screenshots below may or may not be slightly out of order.
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Think of this what you will, but this is not appropriate behavior to engage in with a child, regardless of the circumstances. Porter has not deleted this fic, which makes me highly uncomfortable to know that he is actively has this saved even after everything that he has been found guilty of. Another individual within the server voice chat advised Porter not to write this, as it would be extremely alarming, and not okay. This was said when he mentioned writing it, before he actually did. He agreed, even acknowledging the dangerous nature of doing this. And yet, he still decided to go through with it later. This, however, barely scrapes the surface of the disgusting and alarming nature of his DM's and messages in his server towards me. I will apply a trigger warning accordingly for grooming with what is about to be shown.
(His profile picture is censored because it shows artwork made by an individual who is uninvolved, and I do not wish for them to be found via this artwork and possibly harassed.)
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He has stated before multiple times within voice chat that if our messages were exposed into the public, he could get into serious trouble. Despite this, he persisted. His discord admin excused his actions on account that I "consented" and was comfortable with this behavior. But the glaring problem here is that minors cannot consent.
It was in his hands to make sure he kept me safe, and he failed to do so. He knew that I am a vulnerable, neglected, touch-starved and attention-starved teenager, and that I would not question him. No matter his "intentions" with me, it is still clear to see that he groomed me. Grooming does not always need to be explicitly sexual to be considered as such. Grooming is not a black and white issue. It's a very nuanced subject and can be hard to detect by even adults. He has also compared our interactions to "sibling tickle fights".
I've personally never seen siblings tickle eachother while calling one another "cute", using pet names, and putting one another in a "lee" and "ler" category. These are behaviors that I've seen strictly in the fetishistic areas of the tickling community. I've also never seen this behavior shared between parents and their children. Even if this was "play" between siblings or parents and their kids, it wouldn't make it any less alarming. This is not simply "innocent horseplay" as he tries to say. This is something far more sinister.
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I come from a very broken home. Porter made me feel special. He made me feel safe. He made me feel cared about and loved, more than any adult figure in my life has made me feel, and for this reason I grew heavily attached to him. He knew full well about my home situation and my fragile mental state, and this is why he felt content to take advantage of me. He was also aware about my emotional attachment to him. Himself, as well as his close friend circle who were also very close to me, acknowledged that he is careless in how he interacts with younger individuals. This gives even more reasons for him to stop interacting with minors altogether.
Another individual within his friend circle, who works closely with preschoolers may I add, has been defending this disgusting behavior and insisting that what happened to me wasn't grooming, and that I'm "hurting real victims" by saying this. This individual goes by Beauregardent/Museicorne/Darlingdoeling on most platforms; one being Twitter.
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This message was forwarded to me by an uninvolved third party.) This absolutely shattered me. It felt as if they literally spat in my face. I am absolutely appalled and horrified that this is an opinion held by someone who works with toddlers between the ages of 3-5. It does not matter if it was "intentional" or not, what matters is that he was still complicit in acting in this way towards me. The fact that he has stated many times that his behavior could get him in trouble, is very evident that he knew what he was doing was wrong.
Beauregardent and Porter's server moderator have both stated that he committed "groomer actions" but that he's not actually a bonafide groomer. This point is obviously chocked full of nonsensical semantics, and to say this is spitting in the face of not only me, but other victims who have been in my shoes and have been traumatized. It's literally like saying: "Well, the kidnapper did kidnapper actions, but they're not a kidnapper! They had good intentions when they kidnapped that child!"
Surprise, surprise. The floor is made of floor.
The fact that Porter has turned off and hidden certain comments on this post shows me that he is not willing to face the consequences and rightful backlash from this situation. He has proved that he is only trying to save face.
This situation has traumatized me greatly and has caused me extreme emotional distress. These are the effects of grooming. The individuals who confronted me about this situation are also victims of grooming, and have compared their situations to my own to further emphasis their concerns. I have also spoken with many other victims of grooming after this situation, and all have expressed their grief and heartbreak for me. A majority of them approached me first.
This is really all I have to say for now, and if any additional information is needed I will update this post accordingly. I believe I've covered the entire basis of this situation, on my side at least.
This post will serve as a compilation of necessary evidence for others to view and make educated decisions. As well as to make my statement and my opinions, and my sheer pain with this situation be known. I don't wish to address this any further for my own mental peace and safety. This account will remain, as I do not plan on letting my pain go unheard, nor do I want Porter to have ample room to misinterpret and get away with what he did to me. I am healing. I'm taking the necessary steps to feel better after what happened. Thank you.
I know I said I wouldn't address this further, but I feel it is necessary to include an extra piece of information which has been brought to my attention.
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It is apparent that Porter is attempting to make a comeback even after all of this happened. This is very concerning. I'd like others, especially minors, to be aware and stay safe. If you click the notes on this post and view the accounts of individuals that liked it, you will find that some of them happen to be minors. I'm very worried for them, and frankly appalled that Porter is trying to sneak his way back onto Tumblr after everything he's been found guilty of. He also still has minors in his Discord server - one of which is being protected by an adult who stated they were only staying there to keep the minor safe in Porters presence, as the minor is not willing to leave the server.
After I contributed my statement to his original post, he switched off the reblogs. I was already well aware that he wasn't willing to take proper accountability for his actions, but this has given me even more proof of such.
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This is all for now, and I may make more updates if anything vital comes to light. Love you all. Thank you for hearing out my story. Please stay safe and cautious. Especially to all of you younger individuals.
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qroier · 8 months
yt-dlp: An Installation and Use Guide
This guide specifically walks through how to download and use yt-dlp on Windows, but if you have a Mac, you should still be able to follow along. Just make sure to download the Mac version of software whenever the option comes up. I'm also going to be assuming that you have a 64-bit Windows system. The standard today tends to be 64-bit for PCs, but if you're not sure and you want to double check then go to Settings -> System -> About -> Device Specifications -> System Type.
This guide also focuses on the command line version of yt-dlp (accessed on Windows by typing cd in the search bar). If you prefer to access the program through a GUI, you'll need to download additional software. Here's a link to help you get started. (LINK)
If you have any specific questions that you can't find an answer to within the linked resources, feel free to reach out and I'll do my best. Also, as someone who can be incredibly computer illiterate at times, I'm writing this guide in a way that explains a bunch of things I used to be confused about, so sorry if it goes over something in too much detail.
These are just some handy links in case you run into a problem.
The yt-dlp GitHub page (has literally everything you might need)
The r/youtubedl wiki, includes a list of common errors and FAQs
Click on this link. It will take you directly to the section on the yt-dlp GitHub page where you can download the program.
Feel free to download whichever version works best for you, but I recommend scrolling down to RELEASE FILES and downloading the version that works for your system from the Recommended section. I've included a picture below.
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Once you've clicked on your version (yt-dlp.exe for Windows users), yt-dlp will download automatically. It should show up in your Downloads folder.
To merge video and audio files (which helps you get the best quality from youtube possible), you also need to download FFmpeg.
Scroll down even more to the DEPENDENCIES section.
Click on that first link. It will take you to the FFmpeg webpage. Clicking on Download in the sidebar will take you to a page full of different versions of FFmpeg. DO NOT CLICK on the big green button in the middle of the page. What we need is a version that is already compiled.
Find the section that looks like this (titled Get packages & executable files):
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If you're Mac, pick accordingly. If you're Windows or even Linux, I actually recommend you download from this webpage. It contains the same versions as the Windows builds by BtbN but is instead managed by the developers of yt-dlp.
Find the one titled "ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl.zip" (I've included a highlighted picture below for reference).
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That will download and go into your Downloads folder too.
Setting up a Folder:
The easiest way to use yt-dlp is by placing it and FFmpeg into a folder. You can store the folder wherever you want, but you will need to remember (and type out) the path to the folder every time you want to use yt-dlp, so I recommend not making it too deep.
What I did was make a folder titled "yt-dlp" within my Desktop folder.
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Move the yt-dlp application from your downloads folder to your new yt-dlp folder.
IMPORTANT: Assuming you also placed the yt-dlp folder into your Desktop folder (and assuming you are a Windows user), then the full path to your new yt-dlp folder should be C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Desktop\yt-dlp. Fill YOUR_USERNAME in with whatever your profile is called on your PC.
For the FFmpeg zip you downloaded, extract the zip file into your new yt-dlp folder by clicking the zip, clicking Extract all from the tool bar, and then entering the path to your yt-dlp folder. Everything within the zip is already stored into a folder, so you don't need to create a new folder just for FFmpeg.
Now you're ready to go!
This section is going to be almost exclusively Windows-focused because I've never used a Mac before and I don't know how the Mac command line varies from the Windows one. I'm also not going to go into any details. If you want more info or to explore the options, I recommend checking out the links in the Resources section.
Type cd and then press enter into the Windows search bar to bring up the command line. If you've never used the command line before, this is what it looks like:
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I covered up my username with that blue square.
Type the following into the command line:
cd Desktop cd yt-dlp
This will take you to the same place where your yt-dlp application is stored. You must cd into the appropriate folders every time you want to use yt-dlp.
YouTube, Twitch, and Most Websites:
Find a link to whatever YouTube or Twitch video that you want.
Into the command line, type yt-dlp followed by the link you want to use. This is what it should look like (the red is what you type):
C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Desktop\yt-dlp> yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hECaXfk2Wo4
Press enter and viola! Your video should download! It will automatically go into your yt-dlp folder.
Twitter forces you to log into an account to view a video, so you have to give yt-dlp your account information if you want to download anything. I understand being wary of doing this.
The easiest way of going about this is by typing:
yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hECaXfk2Wo4 -u YOUR_TWITTER_USERNAME -p YOUR_TWITTER_PASSWORD
And then your video should download as normal.
Alternatively, you can use your browser cookies as explained here.
Here is the section on the GitHub that explains updating. Basically, type yt-dlp as if you want to download a video, but instead of also adding the link, add -U at the end.
If you want to upload a video or clip to tumblr and it's not working, my number one advice is to rename the video file to something simple and add .mp4 at the end. If that doesn't work, try converting it (either with yt-dlp itself or an online website). Sometimes you just have to fiddle with things before they work the way you want. Good luck!
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Volume 1 Nightwatch Profiles
1. Vladimir
Vladimir is with his 200 years the oldest warrior of The Nightwatch. The drop of blood incorporated in his ring, symbolizes who he is: a vampire. That drop was not accidentally processed into a ring, because just like a circle a ring symbolizes eternity, an eternal life. Very fitting for someone who has two centuries on his counter.
[Fake ink: the most famous vampire is Count Dracula (origin: Transylvania)]
Smart, reasonable, great persuasiveness, courteous, 200 years old.
• Can turn himself invisible.
• Can switch to vampire speed, which makes him faster than a whirlwind.
• He can hypnotize humans and some creatures with his eyes, but only for short amounts of time.
• One guess… garlic, of course! As soon as he comes near garlic he looses all his powers.
• Shuns bright sunlight and because of that often wears sunglasses.
• No reflection, which he has to hide from normal people.
Archivist’s note: We barely see Vlad wearing sunglasses in the show, and we also rarely to never see him use these mentioned hypnosis powers. It’s unclear when these books were written in the timeline of show production, but this leads me to believe these profiles were written before or during show production. The discrepancies are the biggest with Keelin, but more on that in the notes on her section.
While the text in the weakness section does not state that the loss of power to garlic is impermanent, we see in the show that it does not have lasting consequences on him.
2. Keelin
Meet Keelin. Attached to her necklace is a golden feather. That refers to birds and thus the ability to fly. The most special gift of an elf is… that she can fly. Hence the feather. But there’s more… to the ancient Egyptians the feather is a symbol of truth. Keelin has a strongly developed intuition that has never steered her wrong. That too is contained within the image of the feather.
[Fake ink: typical are the pointed ears]
High EQ and thus high empathy, good at improvising, has a strongly developed intuition, is positive and shrewd.
• An expert in making all kinds of magical concoctions.
• The elf dust in her long blonde hair gives her magical powers.
• Has wings and can therefore fly.
• Chaotic and sometimes overconfident.
• Freezes up in small rooms because the tiniest movement can damage her wings.
Archivist’s note: There’s a big difference between this profile’s Keelin and the show’s Keelin, this being the wings. As far as I am aware, Keelin has never had wings in the show or movies, and as the monster manuals are mainly episode retellings by Vega, they don’t show up in the manuals’ stories either. The picture included with her profile in this volume does picture her with translucent wings, though.
The discrepancies in the profiles are also present in volume two, who’s profiles are the similar to volume one except for a different layout, some reworded text, and the addition of some facts such as birthday and favourite foods, but the discrepancies are removed from volume 3 onward.
I suspect Keelin may have been conceptualised with wings in earlier versions of her character due to the many different connotations of the word “elf” in Dutch, which include the typical elves English speakers will imagine when hearing the word, but also include pixies, fairies, fey, sprites, brownies, certain spirits, etc. It is almost used as a catchall term for a certain type of folkloric creature.
Keelin’s most obvious connection to these connotations, the wings, were eventually cut from her character, but the influence is still visible in the “elf dust” in her hair (which due to these connotations can just as well be translated as fairy dust or pixie dust).
3. Wilko
Werewolf Wilko has a leather bracelet with an incorporated wolf fang. Both the leather and the fang are two obvious animal symbolism. In Wilko’s case the fang especially is a strong image of his special gifts: exceptional power, bravery and above-human senses. The wolf fang symbolizes the close relationship between animal and nature and thus also between Wilko and Nature.
[Fake ink: noticeably hairy]
Brave, honest, adventurer, tough. Can decide and act quickly.
• Above-human strenght, fast, agile.
• Iron-strong senses (hearing, vision, taste, smell).
• Sometimes impulsive. Stubborn and fiery.
• When he gets into contact with silver he changes back to his human form. Silver blocks his transformation to a werewolf. He can thus be kept prisoner with a silver chain.
Archivist’s note: Wilko’s profile is the most in line with what we see in the show, which doesn’t surprise me. Where there are many versions of vampires and elves have certain connotations in Dutch, werewolves are quite straight-forward. The only discrepancy I could spot, which I’m not certain of since I haven’t watched the episodes in a while, is the notion that silver forces him to return to human form. In the show, it harms him instead (in both human and werewolf form), which I do feel makes more sense for a weakness.
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pjwarriorcats · 2 years
Current Events: Sagutoyas
No community is immune to problematic people, nor will every creator prove to be deserving of the platform they occupy. Such is the case for Sagutoyas, a once-popular creator in the Warriors animation community, now revealed to be completely undeserving of it.
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[Alt Text: Sagutoyas' YouTube profile picture of her fursona Sally against an electric blue background: Artist credit]
Sagutoyas (or Sally) is a 25-year-old Swedish self-proclaimed artist, author, and animator. She began her career creating content on Youtube in 2012, posting speedpaints of primarily her own original characters. She wouldn’t post her first Warriors-related video until 2016, a work-in-progress of a Multi-Animator-Project (MAP) part for Sparrow’s World’s “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” MAP. In the following years, Sally’s expressive animations would quickly rise to popularity, and she would continue to find success and growing support making MAP parts, animation memes, and even hosting projects herself.
Sally’s content was not limited to Warrior Cats animations and artwork, but she quickly became well-known within the fandom specifically. In only six years, she amassed a subscriber count of around 154k on Youtube. However, in light of recent events, that count has dropped by several thousand subscribers in the span of only two days.
Before we continue, this is a good time to dispense a quick trigger warning. The following paragraphs discuss allegations of grooming and the sending NSFW content to minors. No explicit images are shown, but they are mentioned, and censored versions are contained in some of the linked documents. Please keep yourself safe.
Earlier this week, a Google Docs document was released on Twitter regarding events that took place primarily in 2018/2019, outlining allegations against Sagutoyas for grooming, dating an underaged person, and behaving inappropriately in a chat that contained minors. The original document was taken down due to Google’s TOS, but an archive of it can be found here. (A further trigger warning for that document can be found within.)
For several months in 2018-19, Sally engaged in a non-platonic relationship with another creator (now going by the name “Sol”) when she was over 20 and he was 17, but the majority of their interactions would begin when the victim was only freshly 16, including a confession of feelings for each other. Sally would continuously ask Sol to keep their relationship on the down-low; she knew what she was doing would have consequences for her reputation if she was found out, and she wanted to avoid them. Furthermore, Sol was a fan of Sally’s, and as such, even without an age difference, there was already a power imbalance between the two. Sol himself wrote in his own document on the subject: “as it turns out, maybe I was just some fanboy all along. I felt “special” feeling like Sally’s “sidekick”, being treated in a way other adults wouldn’t treat me[...]”
Several others have also come forward, all members of the same chat with Sagutoyas (named, distastefully, “YaoiClan,” following the naming conventions of the Warriors books), to corroborate this story and offer points of their own. One mentioned that, despite the chat consisting mostly of minors, “NSFW posting was very common in the server” (Chikki). Others still came forward with other red flags and problematic behaviors that were missed—like stream clips that were lost due to unlisted VODs, including one where Sally read “bad yaoi” live on her channel. This was something that apparently happened on multiple occasions, according to this Twitter thread written by another former member of “YaoiClan.” NSFW artwork was also created and shared by Sally.
With all of this said, I encourage you to read the documents in order to understand and be aware of all the details of the situation, but I also want to call for kindness and consideration toward any of the victims involved in Sagutoyas’s actions, and especially for those who were minors at the time. It was not the fault of anyone who was underaged and engaged in it; it was Sally’s responsibility as the adult in the situation to put a halt to it, much less instigate it herself. Already victims have asked to be left alone, and their wishes deserve to be respected.
The Warriors fandom has made impressive strides as a community on the internet. There have been countless extraordinary collaborative projects, animations, artworks, and otherwise fan creations made by the people who occupy it. However, while many do, not everyone deserves a platform here. In light of this new information, it may be a good time to reevaluate who you choose to support.
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shanzay0011 · 7 months
Managed File Transfer Market Size, Demand Analysis, Price Trends, Global Industry Report 2024-2034
Managed File Transfer Market provides strategy of mergers and executions to enhance their Market share and product assortment. The main goal of Global Managed File Transfer Market report is to provide a clear picture and a better understanding of the market. Additionally, it also covers the overall market situation along with future lookout around the world. The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, capacity, capacity utilization rate, price, production, production rate, CAGR, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, and gross margin. In addition, This Report study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with applicable market segments and sub-segments.
The Managed File Transfer Market report profiles the successive companies, which includes: - IBM Axway Saison Information Systems Opentext CA Technologies Accellion Globalscape
A specific study of competitive landscape of the global Managed File Transfer Market has granted, providing insights into the corporate profiles, financial standing, recent developments, mergers and acquisitions, and therefore the SWOT analysis. This analysis report will provide a transparent program to reader’s concern regarding the general market situation to further choose on this market projects.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/sample-request/2910645
This report studies the global Managed File Transfer Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Managed File Transfer Market size (value & volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Managed File Transfer Market Report by Material, Application and Geography with Global Forecast to 2030 is a connoisseur and far-reaching research provide details associated with world’s major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, South America Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the crucial nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).
Reports Intellect analysts are currently working analyzing and incorporating their insights on the effect of COVID-19 across diverse industry verticals. These insights are quite promising for various businesses and industries to cope up with this unprecedented downturn and take effective strategic decisions to thrive and proliferate in the ever competitive business ecosystem. By Types: System-centric File Transfer People-centric File Transfer Extreme File Transfer
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Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East and Africa
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shiza0022 · 7 months
Medical Polymers Market Outlook | Forecast 2024-2034
Medical Polymers Market provides strategy of mergers and executions to enhance their Market share and product assortment. The main goal of Global Medical Polymers Market report is to provide a clear picture and a better understanding of the market. Additionally, it also covers the overall market situation along with future lookout around the world. The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, capacity, capacity utilization rate, price, production, production rate, CAGR, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, and gross margin. In addition, This Report study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with applicable market segments and sub-segments.
The Medical Polymers Market report profiles the successive companies, which includes: - BASF SE Bayer Celanese DSM Du Pont Solvay Eastman Chemical
A specific study of competitive landscape of the global Medical Polymers Market has granted, providing insights into the corporate profiles, financial standing, recent developments, mergers and acquisitions, and therefore the SWOT analysis. This analysis report will provide a transparent program to reader’s concern regarding the general market situation to further choose on this market projects.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/sample-request/2910655
This report studies the global Medical Polymers Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Medical Polymers Market size (value & volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Medical Polymers Market Report by Material, Application and Geography with Global Forecast to 2030 is a connoisseur and far-reaching research provide details associated with world’s major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, South America Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the crucial nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).
Reports Intellect analysts are currently working analyzing and incorporating their insights on the effect of COVID-19 across diverse industry verticals. These insights are quite promising for various businesses and industries to cope up with this unprecedented downturn and take effective strategic decisions to thrive and proliferate in the ever competitive business ecosystem. By Types: Medical resins and fibers Medical elastomers Biodegradable plastics
By Applications: Medical devices and equipment Medical packaging Others (Including tissue engineering and cardio stents)
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East and Africa
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·  Save and cut time carrying out entry-level research by characterizing the growth, size, leading players and segments within the global Market.
About Us :- Reports Intellect is your one-stop solution for everything associated with market research and market intelligence. 
Our exhausting team works hard to fetch the best authentic research reports backed with impeccable data figures that guarantee outstanding results anytime for you.
So, whether it is the newest report from the researchers or a custom requirement, our team is here to assist you within the absolute best manner. Contact Us: [email protected] PH - + 1-706-996-2486 US Address: 225 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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creativecourse · 9 months
Cinematic LUT Collection Information Cinematic LUT Collection are files that contain color grading information used in post-production to apply specific looks and styles to video footage or images. Cinematic LUT Collection by Tom Noske A collection of my best Cinematic LUTs for LOG & Rec709 footage that I use on a daily basis to give my footage a dramatic and timeless aesthetic. Tested to work on Canon, Sony, Blackmagic, ARRI & RED cameras. These LUTs are designed to give you a clean cinematic aesthetic for all kind of shooting scenarios including Indoor, Outdoor, Landscape and Documentary Filmmaking without having to spend hours grading your footage. If you want to create the best results: Make sure to lower the opacity of the LUT and adjust the contrast, highlights and vibrance of your footage to fine tune the look to your style. While these LUTs are designed to work with any footage, you will get the best results if your clips are shot in a flat picture profile for better dynamic range (eg. LOG C, SLOG or C-LOG). For footage that has already been corrected, the Rec709 LUTs will work best, for LOG footage, the LOG LUTs will work best. How to use them? When applying a LUT, if you find the result too intense for your footage, start by decreasing the contrast, highlights and vibrance values of your footage to create the desired result before decreasing the opacity of the LUT. Decreasing the opacity, will result in loss of the colour values built into it. I personally find setting the opacity between 70-90% and adjusting the contrast and highlights works best for me. The same concept applies to white balance. If your image is looking too warm or cool, a simple white balance correction will instantly fix this. To achieve the best results, make sure to correct the white balance of your footage before applying the LUT. My personal recommendation would be to first apply your camera manufacturers Rec709 conversion LUT for your specific color profile (you can find these on the manufacturers website) and then apply one of the Rec709 LUTs from this collection. This will ensure the best color reproduction for your specific camera. If you are unsure how to install LUTs into your video editing software, a simple YouTube search will solve all your problems. Simply type “how to install luts in ​your editing software​." Will these LUTs work with my camera? Yes, these LUTs, specifically the Rec709 versions have been tested on Canon, Sony, RED, Arri and Blackmagic cameras to ensure they work well across the board. To achieve the best results, pair these LUTs with your manufacturers Rec709 conversion LUT that you can find for free on their site. There is a tutorial included that details how to make these LUTs work on any footage. Will I get access to any updates to this collection? Yes! Any updates I make to this collection will be emailed to you for download. Will these work on iPhone? Yes! I regularly color grade my iPhone footage in VN with these LUTs! All you will have to do is transfer the LUTs to the files app on your phone then install them into your video editing app of choice, I personally use and would recommend VN. What You’ll Learn In This Course? 8 stylized LUTs for Rec709 (.cube files) 8 stylized LUTs for LOG (.cube files) Compatible with Adobe Premiere, Final Cut X, DaVinci Resolve, Photoshop, and any other software that utilizes 3D LUTs. A 45 minute mini course detailing: My personal color grading workflow. How to make any LUT work with any footage. How to use Rec709 conversion LUTs to get the most out of your LOG footage Extra tips and tricks I use to make my videos stand out! About Author Tom Noske is a content creator and endurance athlete from Melbourne, Australia. His content focuses on the worlds of tech, personal development, and filmmaking. With half a decade of real-world commercial filmmaking experience, he is now bringing that knowledge full-time into his work as a content creator. He has worked
with clients like Hendricks Gin, Reebok Australia, Canon Australia, Sony, Grovemade, Adobe, ASUS ANZ, and Artlist. His work has also been recognized by industry-leading brands such as Google, Microsoft, and DJI. More courses from the same author: Tom Noske
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mariacallous · 10 months
Fake profiles claiming to know the whereabouts of the girl, politicians claiming to have hidden information about the kidnappers, conspiracy theories and use of an AI-generated image of the young victim to generate clicks, have all surged on social media channels in North Macedonia related to the double murder that has shocked the country.
The authorities on Sunday found the bodies of both victims,14-year-old Vanja Gjorcevska from Skopje, who went missing last week, and Pance Zezovski, 74, a retired barber from the town of Veles who was reported missing a few days before the girl.
Five suspects are in custody, including the main suspect, Ljupco Palevski, a far-right activist and a businessman, who was seized in Turkey.
Wild theories and fake news run riot
But the spread of theories began far before the discovery, right after the teenage girl was reported missing on November 27, when profiles on Facebooks started sharing information on her alleged whereabouts, which the Interior Ministry later determined were fake profiles, urging people to get their information from the official sources.
One day before the gruesome discovery of the bodies of the victims, following the confessions of some of the suspects on Saturday, the leader of a small political party, Macedonian Concept, Petar Bogojeski, on his social profile posted the “disturbing news” asking the Interior Ministry  to answer him within 30 minutes, whether the alleged information they got, that the kidnappers had been released from police custody and allowed to flee to neighbouring Kosovo, was true.
The post, which was released when the police had only said that they had apprehended five people and found one vehicle, contained a strong hint that the perpetrators were ethnic Albanians, which turned out not to be false.
At that time, information that the bodies of the victims had been found was not yet published.
In a country where Albanians make up the second-largest ethnic group after Macedonians, the Interior Ministry was prompted to quickly dismiss this “information” and warn against the spread of false data that might ignite ethnic tensions.
It was later revealed that all five suspects were ethnic Macedonians.
But when the girl’s body was found on Sunday, both X (Twitter) and Facebook saw a real explosion of reactions, including fake news and misinformation.
That day, a former TV host,. Milenko Nedelkovski, posted on X a suggestion that both the police and the government knew that the girl was dead five days before they shared the information – but had kept it a secret so as not to disturb last last week’s OSCE Summit in the country.
The post, and its claim, which was quickly rebuffed, went viral nonetheless.
That day also, on December 4, some social media users shared graphic but unverified details about how the girl died. An X user claimed that she was first strangled, had her jaw broken, and then was shot in the back, saying that he got the information from a police officer.
The tweet was soon deleted, but other social media users continued to repost the claim on their accounts.
Another group on Facebook posted an AI-generated picture of thje girl, calling on others to join their group called “Justice for Vanja”.
Users on X also spread conspiracy theories about the second victim, Pance Zezovski. In another post on X that went viral the user claimed that Zezovski wasn’t killed over an alleged debt of 500 euros, as police suspected. The real reason had been his alleged possession of maps where gold was hidden.
Authorities suspect that the first victim owed a small debt to one of the perpetrators and that his car was later used for the kidnapping of the girl.
Reactions also focused on the girl’s father and his subsequent arrest for suspected involvement in the affair.
Some social media users on X suggested that he had ordered the kidnapping of his daughter. Such tweets quickly went viral, prompting scores of hate speech aimed at the father.
Police in fact are still investigating the father’s role, after other suspects said he might have revealed his daughters’ schedule on the day of the kidnapping.
Authorities suspect that the motive for the girl’s kidnaping was to extort money from her mother, but are yet to determine whether the girl was later killed in a panic, when the case went public.
Meanwhile, after police earlier this week confirmed that the main suspect was Ljupco Palevski, a far-right activist who made frequent anti-Western and pro-Russian posts, a group on social media called “Justice for Palco” [his nickname], started conspiracy theories alleging that Palevski, whom they regard as a patriot, has been framed so that he could be removed from the political scene.
“Ljupco Palevski Palco is a true Macedonian patriot and as such he has been unwanted for a long time among all anti-Macedonian political subjects, especially Kurto and Murto [a common term for the two main parties]. The system … has accused him falsely,” wrote Facebook user Toni Desna.
Authorities pledge to sanction hate speech
“Cases that stir hatred on ethnic or religious ground or stir hysteria will be prosecuted,” the chief of the Prosecution in Skopje, Gavril Bubevski, said earlier this week.
On Tuesday, PM Dimitar Kovacevski also addressed the issue, saying that the groups and individuals that have been spreading fake news on the internet and stirring tension and hysteria are the same ones that did the same during previous times of crisis, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the global financial crisis.
He also appealed for these individuals to be “sanctioned”.
However, North Macedonia has a poor track record of sanctioning hate speech.
While criminal law in theory sanctions these acts in two articles, human rights groups, including the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, noted earlier this year that almost none of the files they and others had come across have seen a legal conclusion in court.
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Reflection 2
Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.Twitter is a free social networking site where users broadcast short posts known as tweets. These tweets can contain text, videos, photos or links. To access Twitter, users need an internet connection or smart phone to use the app or website.Skype is for connecting with the people that matter most in your life and work. It's built for both one-on-one and group conversations and works wherever you are -With Skype, you can have meetings and create great things with your workgroup, share a story or celebrate a birthday with friends and family, and learn a new skill or hobby with a teacher.Pinterest is a visual discovery engine for finding ideas like recipes, home and style inspiration, and more.
Threads is an app from Instagram where you can post threads, reply to others and follow profiles you're interested in. Threads and replies can include short pieces of text, links, photos, videos or any combination of them. People can also follow you to see your threads and replies in their feeds and from your profile.WhatsApp is a free cross-platform messaging service. It lets users of iPhone and Android smartphones and Mac and Windows PC call and exchange text, photo, audio and video messages with others across the globe for free, regardless of the recipient's device.Dropbox helps you maximize inspiration and minimize distraction, letting your best ideas come to life. It's a tool that allows you to sync your content, share important files, folders, and links, and collaborate with whomever, whenever, wherever. All safely within the cloud.Google Drive is a cloud-based storage service that enables users to store and access files online. The service syncs stored documents, photos and more across all the user's devices, including mobile devices, tablets and PCs. I search this information to make myself easy to understand the function or the use of this application some of the given apps are already installed on my phone like facebook and google drive i didn't feel any difficulty in making this the truth is i enjoy it though i can't wait to do the next one but i have a problem to these applications it takes a lot of storage on my phone that's why i need to delete some pictures and videos that's the only problem encountered in this activity overall i enjoy it
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Global Distribution System
Global Distribution System
Why a Global Distribution System (GDS) Is Important for the Success of Travel Firms?
Global Distribution System or GDS has become an important part of the global Travel port development at present. GDS is a network operated by another organization to improve and facilitate the automatic transfer between the individuals and travel agents.
Our GDS is capable of linking service, rate and product and services related to the three different travel sectors. Those 3 levels are including airline travel agents.
For handling the ever-growing network of various online reservation systems, there are the global consolidators, which consolidate the global travel data from various airline providers.
Systems like that will aggregate and distributes travel-related data’s to end travel management companies, which is called the Global Distribution System.
GDS System is typically a centralized reservation system used as an ultimate access point by different travel agents for reservations on different reservation systems.
This computerized travel reservation system (TRS) offers automated transactions between travel agents and vendors who provide booking services to travelers in return.
GDS works in 3 sectors namely Hotel, Airline, and Car rental reservations. Our GDS connects all of these three sectors and a huge share of worldwide travel bookings goes through GDS and other consolidators.
The important and major GDS systems that commonly used are Amadeus, Sabre, Apollo, Galileo, Worldspan, Abacus and Infini. These are all having links to our databases and provide all the links to the travel agents who are the primary customers.
This medium is mostly used by the travel agents to check the availability of seats, rates, and comparisons between the airline’s fares.
This connects almost all such reservation systems in a single portal and it also connects various other GDS present to provide combination services like flights plus hotels or hotels plus rental cars etc.
The alliance between single ARS- Airline reservation system and the GDS is so advanced and booking system and the travel agents access availability and pricing information in real-time.
We can finish our searching, booking, and generating PNR within no time. The GDS contains the entire information in that PNR, called user profiling, whereas ARS contains PNR details for that passenger-only related to a particular airline.
Almost all clients are using online methods to book an airline and are one of the popular methods. It is one of the easiest ways of reserving with full security of their payments and other financial transactions and by using several online travel agents to compare prices and facilities.
Before the Internet, travelers could write, telephone the airline directly, or use a travel agent to make a reservation. Nowadays, online travel agents are promoting their facilities and by pictures in an airline, information on prices and deals, and even information on local resorts.
One of the key benefits of the online airline reservation is the last-minute arrangement of travel. Several websites specialize in searches for deals on rooms.
National (Global) distribution system has a wide area and most of the large airline chains having connections on it. This will redirect the information into the single portal which thousands of travel agents aligned.
An airline should have a secured reservation system on its websites and all the reservation systems are processing through it. The data is then passed onto a backend system that can be accessed by an airline to manage bookings.
Small airline managers and owners recognize that technology is the key to growing their business and increasing their bookings over time.
Whatever the process inside the airline reservation and to sell rooms or an airline reservation system is required. However, it can be frightening to select a system, particularly when so many are designed for large airline operations and chains.
PHP and MySQL are the two used to store data in an online reservation system. The script provides powerful room booking and reservation management functionality and allows you to install a clear call-to-action tool on your airline website which will impact conversions and increase bookings.
Our online airline reservation system is highly customizable and compatible with various website types.
FlightsLogic Online Airline Reservation System has provided travel agencies a new dimension. Travel companies can provide their users with the facility of choosing top airlines, both nationally and internationally.
Connected with top-flight APIs and self-contracted inventories, airline reservation systems are popular as they connect user's ideal airline inventories across thousands of destinations worldwide. We are providing integrated airline reservation software with extranet solutions to global customers.
Over the past few years, the travel and hospitality domain has witnessed tremendous growth and our unique online reservation software lets you connect with the global clients by providing them search and book functionality.
Our online airline reservation system aims to empower agencies, travel companies, hospitality partners to manage online airline bookings quickly and effectively. Travel management companies and flight aggregators across India, United States, Germany Spain, Africa, and the Middle East, are going for the top flight reservation system and self-contracted inventory.
Choose the best airline reservation system company FlightsLogic to stay ahead of the competition. We provide a customized booking engine that matches the look and feel of a property’s website.
Our property management system lets the staff handle day-to-day operations. Check whether any guests inside the room or gone out, find which room is clean and which one is dirt for housekeeping, and running customized reports are all supported.
While using our flight booking engine your guest will experience the smooth functioning and quick reservation requiring minimum efforts while using their PC, smartphones or tablets. Maximize the revenues by allowing your guests to avail of special offers, promo codes and the ability to do group bookings.
FlightsLogic lets you lower your costs and manage your airline without compromise. It is user-friendly and allows you to modify, organize operations, and change things quickly and easily when needed.
Everything can be managed from one point. Offer a wide variety of rates and policies, Custom console for Travel agents or Corporates to improve sales, Confirm airline bookings & get paid online from your website.
We can’t ignore the fact that booking an airline through the agent is a time-consuming process. FlightsLogic online flight reservation system is the best platform, as it adds many benefits and you can easily book the airline through the internet.
It discovers more information about an airline which is situated in a particular area and you can also select a flight according to your demands and choice.
Why do Travel Agents need access to GDS Systems like Amadeus, Galileo, and Sabre?
A flight booking system allows its guests to schedule dates and length of stay, room selection, extras, and payment all in one place. Most of the tourists can book the flight from the airport online.
The online booking system works all the time. It also increases your sales because you are not limited to your working hours. This allows your potential customers to book a room from anywhere and at any time.
Show that the 24*7 online reservation systems considerably increases the number of airline bookings. The airline reservation system will make your work more effective.
They all are wanted to be tied to awaiting a mail or phone call of a guest. They will be able to take bookings around 7 days a week.
They can keep track of each booking and all details related to it. Such systems come with various analytic tools. You will have to all the information to better understand the guest, what they favored and what updation you have to need in your business. You need to focus on the week part of your business.
A second major benefit of the online airline reservation system, you can easily promote your business through social media online to create a page or start a campaign and sell packages, add-ons online. Let customers choose the package they want. You can generate business from here or increase income.
Payment modes are also easy with the online booking platform. You can pay the charges of room and food as a form of a gift. Airline booking app will decrease the workload for your employees and optimizes consumer service, make sure that bookings are synced and the possibility of availability is updated with each booking process.
The symbol of a good flight booking system makes the work process carefully. The preponderance of the customers use the internet in this digital world, they discover on the internet everything they need to know.
If your business is not showing online you can miss a great opportunity. If you want to take advantage of this modern booking approach, you must integrate your business online reservation platform with your product, service pages. You can take a great business through internet online services.
Why FlightsLogic is one of the leading travel tech firms is because you can access it from anywhere at any time, you are not tied to your reception desk.
We are based in the ‘cloud’ meaning you can log in from anywhere via the internet. Whether you’re using a laptop at home, an iPad or your smartphone, FlightsLogic gives you unprecedented access to control and run your property.
Using a pooled inventory model, we can evenly distribute all your available rooms across several sites – including your website.
Maximize your revenue by selling as many rooms as possible, without any fear of overbooking. You can consistently promote all the available rooms on your booking channel.
All inventories are decreased automatically across all sites when a booking is made from any site, removing all of the manual work from selling your rooms online while maximizing your revenue. Start accepting bookings through your website within minutes.
Our responsive flight booking engine makes it easy for your guests to book online, using any type of device. Bookings are completely commission-free; it’s your website after all! You will have to add the code snippet to your website and start receiving bookings.
Nowadays people mostly book flight with online booking systems. With FlightsLogic you can easily reach millions of potential guests. Say goodbye to manual updates.
We save you time with two-way integrations with all the important booking sites and automatically keeps your availability and bookings up-to-date.
While dealing with the global market, having global airline inventory is a must. Our airline reservation system software must be connected with top airline inventory to provide the best deals to global clients.
As an online travel agency, you should always opt for online airline reservation systems that have the ability of B2B and B2C both the interfaces.
There should be a distinct division between the B2B and B2C versions of the airline reservation system. This separation could be achieved by implementing a customized customer interface with distinct features.
There would be some customers who would prefer paying through credit or debit cards and there would be others you would prefer using PayPal.
Users should be able to choose their preferred payment methods otherwise they will move on to a different website. Retaining the old client is equally important to attracting new clients.
Your airline reservation system should have a facility that offers timely notifications for booking status and cancellation status through emails.
One of the most effective ways used by the airline reservation system for retaining customers is pushing the relevant content to them with help of mapping the cities, and countries with the help of a one-stop-shop on your home page.
Clients always prefer dealing with real business. When you integrate the Google map street views with the airline reservation system, it will enable the client to locate the business with ease.
Google Maps also helps you in getting connected to customers who prefer to deal with FaceTime. An online travel agency is considered to be excellent when it can create an excellent agent activity, which further simplifies the process of user behavior analysis.
The result of the Aanalysis helps in determining the strong and weak points and also helps in product development. Also, we are providing graphical booking reports which give agents a clear idea about the progress, which is happening on their front.
For more details, Pls visit Our website:
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aruntangade · 1 year
Social Media Marketing Tips To Increase Your Followers
In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting to build your online presence, increasing your social media followers is crucial for success. In this article, we'll explore some effective social media marketing tips that can help you grow your follower count and promote your affiliate product, '200 Social Media Marketing Tactics' ebook.
Tumblr media
Engage Consistently: One of the most important strategies to boost your followers is to engage with your audience regularly. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in conversations related to your niche. Engaging content is more likely to be shared, which can lead to increased visibility and followers.
Quality Content is Key: Content is the heart of social media marketing. Create valuable, informative, and entertaining content that resonates with your target audience. When people find your content valuable, they are more likely to follow you for more.
Leverage Visuals: Visual content, such as images and videos, tends to perform exceptionally well on social media platforms. Use high-quality visuals to capture the attention of your audience. Consider creating eye-catching graphics and videos to promote your affiliate product.
Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent brand image across all your social media profiles. This includes using the same profile picture, cover photo, and bio information. Consistency builds trust and makes it easier for users to recognize and follow you.
Use Hashtags Wisely: Hashtags can significantly increase the discoverability of your content. Research and use relevant hashtags that are trending or widely used within your niche. However, don't overdo it; 2-3 relevant hashtags per post are usually sufficient.
Collaborate with Influencers: Partnering with influencers in your niche can help you tap into their existing follower base. Collaborative content and shoutouts from influencers can expose your profile to a broader audience, potentially increasing your follower count.
Run Contests and Giveaways: Contests and giveaways can generate excitement and engagement. Ask participants to follow your account, like your posts, and tag friends for a chance to win prizes. This can rapidly boost your follower count and generate buzz around your affiliate product.
Promote Your Affiliate Product: Now, let's talk about how you can incorporate your affiliate product, '200 Social Media Marketing Tactics,' into your social media strategy. Create dedicated posts or stories highlighting the benefits of the ebook and how it can help your followers. Be genuine and explain how the product has personally benefited you.
Educational Content: Share snippets of valuable information from the ebook. Create teaser posts that provide a taste of what readers can expect to find in the ebook. This not only promotes the product but also positions you as an authority in social media marketing.
User Reviews: Encourage users who have purchased the ebook to leave reviews or testimonials on your social media profiles. Positive reviews can build trust and encourage others to check out the product.
Pin Affiliate Links: On platforms like Twitter and Pinterest, you can pin a tweet or post that contains your affiliate link to the top of your profile. This ensures that anyone who visits your profile will see the affiliate product prominently.
In conclusion, increasing your social media followers requires a combination of engagement, high-quality content, and strategic promotion. By following these social media marketing tips and integrating your affiliate product into your strategy authentically, you can grow your following and drive more traffic to '200 Social Media Marketing Tactics' ebook. Remember that building a strong social media presence takes time, patience, and consistency, so stay committed to your efforts, and you'll see results over time.
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crynotifier · 1 year
How Recur’s Shutdown Underscores the Challenges of the NFT Market - Crynotifier
How Recur’s Shutdown Underscores the Challenges of the NFT Market - Crynotifier
Recur, the NFT startup known for hosting the intellectual property of several big brands like Hello Kitty and Nickelodeon, announced on Friday that its Web3 platform is winding down. The decision comes despite a $50 million Series A funding round and a valuation of $333 million. 
The company cited “unforeseen challenges and shifts in the business landscape” as reasons for the shutdown. This news sent ripples through the NFT community and raises questions about the stability and future of the NFT market.
The Rise and Fall of Recur
Founded in 2021, Recur quickly made a name for itself in the NFT space by offering businesses Web3 “building blocks.” Its platform was used for creating in-game assets, loyalty programs, and digital collectibles leveraging NFTs. In July of the same year, Recur embarked on a “jet-setting NFT experience” with Hello Kitty and Friends and noted “unprecedented demand” for its TV Packs containing profile-picture NFTs of Nickelodeon characters.
However, the company’s ambitions were grounded a little more than a year later. Over the next several months, Recur’s platform will steadily lose its core features, including the ability to withdraw NFTs, cash out stablecoin balances, and trade collectibles on Recur-hosted marketplaces.
In late 2021, Recur announced a valuation of $333 million after a $50 million Series A funding round led by Digital, an investment fund backed by billionaire hedge fund manager Steve Cohen. Other notable names participated in a $5 million seed funding round, such as investor and NFT creator Gary Vaynerchuk, Gemini’s Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin.
The Challenges and Headwinds in the NFT Space
The decision to shut down has not been an easy one, as stated by the company on Twitter. The NFT market has seen fluctuations and shifts that have affected several platforms, including Nifty’s, a social network turned Web3 creators portal, which also announced its shutdown.
Today, with heavy hearts, we must share some difficult news.
After much contemplation and consideration, we’ve decided to deprecate the RECUR platform, effective November 16, 2023.
Learn more: https://t.co/5NbiTQSAGo
— RECUR (@RecurForever) August 18, 2023
Recur’s move to wind down its platform reflects the challenges that even well-funded and well-backed companies face in the rapidly changing landscape of NFTs. The company’s shutdown raises questions about the sustainability of NFT platforms and the factors that contribute to their success or failure.
Preserving Digital Collectibles
Despite the shutdown, Recur has plans to ensure that various digital collectibles will live on. The company stated that metadata and media for its NFTs would be migrated to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer file-sharing network built by Protocol Labs. Other assets will be hosted on Filecoin’s network.
This move highlights the importance of decentralized file-sharing networks in preserving digital collectibles and the value they hold for their owners. It also underscores the need for robust solutions to maintain the integrity and accessibility of digital assets, even in the face of platform closures.
A Cautionary Tale for the NFT Industry?
Recur’s shutdown, despite significant investment and big-name backers, serves as a cautionary tale for the NFT industry. It underscores the volatility and unpredictability of the market and the need for careful navigation and adaptability. 
The decision to migrate assets to decentralized networks like IPFS also points to emerging best practices in preserving digital value. As the NFT landscape continues to evolve, the lessons from Recur’s journey may well inform future strategies and approaches within the industry.
The Information contained in or provided from or through this website is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.
New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/how-recurs-shutdown-underscores-the-challenges-of-the-nft-market-crynotifier/
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shopwithmenow · 1 year
A Seamless Switch: How to Change Your Mobile Number on Flipkart
In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping your contact information up to date is essential for smooth communication and seamless online experiences. If you're a Flipkart user and need to change your registered mobile number, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to change your mobile number on Flipkart, ensuring that your account details are accurate and up to date.
Today we discuss "how to change mobile number flipkart" step by step:-
Step 1: Log into Your Flipkart Account
Begin by visiting Flipkart's official website or opening the Flipkart app on your device. Log into your Flipkart account using your registered email address and password.
Step 2: Access Your Account Settings
Once you're logged in, navigate to the account settings section. On the Flipkart website, you can typically find this by clicking on your account name or profile picture in the top-right corner. On the app, access the menu options and look for the "My Account" or similar section.
Step 3: Locate the "Personal Information" Section
Within the account settings, search for the "Personal Information" or similar option. This section typically contains your basic account details, including your name, email address, and mobile number.
Step 4: Select "Edit" or "Change" Mobile Number
In the "Personal Information" section, locate the field displaying your current mobile number. Look for an "Edit" or "Change" option next to the mobile number field and click on it.
Step 5: Verify Your Identity
To ensure security and prevent unauthorized changes, Flipkart may require you to verify your identity. This verification process typically involves entering your account password or receiving a one-time password (OTP) on your registered email address or alternate mobile number.
Step 6: Enter Your New Mobile Number
Once your identity is verified, you'll be prompted to enter your new mobile number. Carefully input your new mobile number, ensuring it is accurate and belongs to you. Double-check for any typos or mistakes before proceeding.
Step 7: Confirm the Mobile Number Change
After entering your new mobile number, Flipkart will usually ask you to confirm the change. Review the entered mobile number and ensure it is correct. Click on the confirmation button or similar option to proceed with the mobile number change.
Step 8: Verify the New Mobile Number
To complete the process, Flipkart may require you to verify the new mobile number. This verification step could involve receiving an OTP on the newly registered mobile number or following specific instructions provided by Flipkart.
Step 9: Update Account Recovery Information (Optional)
While changing your mobile number, it's a good practice to review and update your account recovery information. This includes adding an alternate email address or updating security questions and answers. Having updated recovery information can be helpful if you ever need to regain access to your Flipkart account.
Step 10: Mobile Number Successfully Changed
Congratulations! You have successfully changed your mobile number on Flipkart. Your account details are now updated, and you can enjoy a seamless experience with your new registered mobile number.
Updating your mobile number on Flipkart is a straightforward process that ensures accurate account information and smooth communication. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily change your mobile number, allowing you to stay connected and receive important notifications from Flipkart. Remember to verify your new mobile number and update any additional account recovery information for added security.
Also checkout "how can i get fast delivery on flipkart"
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shanzay0011 · 7 months
Managed VPN Market Report 2024 - By Size, Report, Growth, Demand, Forecast To 2034
Managed VPN Market provides strategy of mergers and executions to enhance their Market share and product assortment. The main goal of Global Managed VPN Market report is to provide a clear picture and a better understanding of the market. Additionally, it also covers the overall market situation along with future lookout around the world. The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, capacity, capacity utilization rate, price, production, production rate, CAGR, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, and gross margin. In addition, This Report study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with applicable market segments and sub-segments.
The Managed VPN Market report profiles the successive companies, which includes: - Orange Business Services AT&T Verizon Communication Cisco Systems BT Group PLC Vodafone Group
A specific study of competitive landscape of the global Managed VPN Market has granted, providing insights into the corporate profiles, financial standing, recent developments, mergers and acquisitions, and therefore the SWOT analysis. This analysis report will provide a transparent program to reader’s concern regarding the general market situation to further choose on this market projects.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/sample-request/2910646
This report studies the global Managed VPN Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Managed VPN Market size (value & volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Managed VPN Market Report by Material, Application and Geography with Global Forecast to 2030 is a connoisseur and far-reaching research provide details associated with world’s major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, South America Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the crucial nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).
Reports Intellect analysts are currently working analyzing and incorporating their insights on the effect of COVID-19 across diverse industry verticals. These insights are quite promising for various businesses and industries to cope up with this unprecedented downturn and take effective strategic decisions to thrive and proliferate in the ever competitive business ecosystem. By Types: Remote Access VPN Site-to-site VPN
By Applications: BFSI, Healthcare IT and Media Transportation Manufacturing, Energy
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East and Africa
Get Discount On the Purchase of This Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/discount-request/2910646
Reasons why you should buy this report
·  Understand the Present and future of the Managed VPN Market in both Established and emerging markets. 
·  The report assists in realigning the business strategies by accentuate the Managed VPN business priorities.
·  The report throws light on the segment expected to dominate the Managed VPN industry and market.
·  Forecasts the regions expected to perceive ascension.
·  The newest developments within the Managed VPN industry and details of the industry leaders alongside their market share and methods.
·  Saves time on the entry level research as the report contains principal data concerning about growth, size, leading players and segments of the industry.
·  Save and cut time carrying out entry-level research by characterizing the growth, size, leading players and segments within the global Market.
About Us :- Reports Intellect is your one-stop solution for everything associated with market research and market intelligence. 
Our exhausting team works hard to fetch the best authentic research reports backed with impeccable data figures that guarantee outstanding results anytime for you.
So, whether it is the newest report from the researchers or a custom requirement, our team is here to assist you within the absolute best manner. Contact Us: [email protected] PH - + 1-706-996-2486 US Address: 225 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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shiza0022 · 7 months
Medical Probe Covers 2024 Size, Share Industry Trends, Growth, Development Status, Future Plans Analysis by 2034
Medical Probe Covers Market provides strategy of mergers and executions to enhance their Market share and product assortment. The main goal of Global Medical Probe Covers Market report is to provide a clear picture and a better understanding of the market. Additionally, it also covers the overall market situation along with future lookout around the world. The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, capacity, capacity utilization rate, price, production, production rate, CAGR, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, and gross margin. In addition, This Report study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with applicable market segments and sub-segments.
The Medical Probe Covers Market report profiles the successive companies, which includes: - Ecolab PDC Healthcare Medline Sheathing Technologies Protek Medical Products Cardinal Health Welch Ally
A specific study of competitive landscape of the global Medical Probe Covers Market has granted, providing insights into the corporate profiles, financial standing, recent developments, mergers and acquisitions, and therefore the SWOT analysis. This analysis report will provide a transparent program to reader’s concern regarding the general market situation to further choose on this market projects.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/sample-request/2910656
This report studies the global Medical Probe Covers Market status and forecast, categorizes the global Medical Probe Covers Market size (value & volume), revenue (Million USD), product price by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Medical Probe Covers Market Report by Material, Application and Geography with Global Forecast to 2030 is a connoisseur and far-reaching research provide details associated with world’s major provincial economic situations, Concentrating on the principle districts (North America, South America Europe, and Asia-Pacific) and the crucial nations (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and China).
Reports Intellect analysts are currently working analyzing and incorporating their insights on the effect of COVID-19 across diverse industry verticals. These insights are quite promising for various businesses and industries to cope up with this unprecedented downturn and take effective strategic decisions to thrive and proliferate in the ever competitive business ecosystem. By Types: Latex-free Probe Cover Latex Probe Cover
By Applications: Thermometer Probe Ultrasonic Probe
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America Europe Asia-Pacific South America Middle East and Africa
Get Discount On the Purchase of This Report @ https://www.reportsintellect.com/discount-request/2910656
Reasons why you should buy this report
·  Understand the Present and future of the Medical Probe Covers Market in both Established and emerging markets. 
·  The report assists in realigning the business strategies by accentuate the Medical Probe Covers business priorities.
·  The report throws light on the segment expected to dominate the Medical Probe Covers industry and market.
·  Forecasts the regions expected to perceive ascension.
·  The newest developments within the Medical Probe Covers industry and details of the industry leaders alongside their market share and methods.
·  Saves time on the entry level research as the report contains principal data concerning about growth, size, leading players and segments of the industry.
·  Save and cut time carrying out entry-level research by characterizing the growth, size, leading players and segments within the global Market.
About Us :- Reports Intellect is your one-stop solution for everything associated with market research and market intelligence. 
Our exhausting team works hard to fetch the best authentic research reports backed with impeccable data figures that guarantee outstanding results anytime for you.
So, whether it is the newest report from the researchers or a custom requirement, our team is here to assist you within the absolute best manner. Contact Us: [email protected] PH - + 1-706-996-2486 US Address: 225 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 400, Atlanta, GA 30303
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