#IT DIED!!! mac wasn't even there. i'm so sad
duckshuffled · 5 months
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prepare to be scared <3
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a-jar-of-beetles · 5 months
kristen thoughts plus divine musings
I really want to write out my theory and speculations about last episode but Kristen C. Applebee's won't stop taking up all my brain space so I might as well share my ramblings.
First off it was a really interesting choice to reach out to her parents she could have easily settled for checking in with Bucky to see how he and their other siblings were doing, but decided to talk to her parents anyway which besides being brave also shows a maturity that often alludes Kristen (not that ignoring her parents for the rest of her life is immature but that's not the point I'm making).
Although I wish she could have interacted more with her brothers her conversation with her parents was not as confrontational as I would have expected I for sure thought that Kristen would have bitten back at the "Helio might not have let that happen" comment when Kristen the literal chosen one of Helio has died multiple times.
Another thing that stuck out to me was the way Mac and Donna talked about Galicaea, they acted like she was just some random goddess but in Elysium Galicaea refers to Sol as her brother which is a weird thing for Kristen's parents to ignore so is the fact that Sol and Galicaea are siblings something that not common knowledge? Could it just be something that's forbidden or just taboo to talk about? Mac and Donna were also pretty judgemental about elves when they were first introduced so maybe it has something to do with that?
So that got me thinking about how Cassandra is mostly referred to as Galicaea's sister instead of Sol's while it could just be that they're both associated with night and that they both had elven followers but it made me wonder what type of relationship they had. Were they just never close in Elysium he never mentioned Cassandra but that could have just been because Kristen didn't ask him about her the only real thing we know about Sol is that he obviously approved of Ankarna and Cassandra otherwise he wouldn't have officiated their wedding.
Which brought me back to how Sol followers in the modern/evangelist church of Sol don't seem to actually know or care about what Sol actually represents/represented, which made me think about the inverse. Does Sol even truly know what's going on with his followers? Because of devil's nectar we know Gods can be purposely deceived but we also know that the nectar works by deceiving yourself first so if you truly believe something and tell your God the same they will believe it too because in Spyre the gods aren't omniscient, we've literally seen it with Galicaea who thought that Cassandra erasing her old name was her own idea and the Nightmare King killed her even when there was evidence to the contrary. Do you think her clerics did it on purpose? Whether their words were Honeyed or delusional Galicaea was still lied to. Galicaea who loved her sister, who would destroy anyone that would dare hurt her baby sister, who bared her fangs at the mention of doubt and only spoke of conviction and clarity which belonged to her fallen sister in law.
Do you think that after Cassandra died Ankarna wasn't the only one who got corrupted? Do you think that with out someone to champion doubt and hold peoples hand through the unknown, people stopped questioning the words of their preachers, paladins and clerics? because doubt became hard to speak about was it just ignored and swallowed? Was it the avoidance of doubt that made the followers of Sol demonize Ankarna? Because without Cassandra Ankarna was no longer a part of their family? Sol and Galicaea did they care? How did they when they lost the last part of Cassandra besides themselves? Were they sad?angry? relived? upset? apathetic? Did they even notice it happen at all?
Maybe I've just been thinking too much
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It is the 4th of July! Which is a strange holiday and felt less than normal. Like I felt like there wasn't as many fireworks in the week's leading up and I didn't see as many things in stores and I just feel like the world doesn't care about any holidays much anymore like it kind of feels like what's the point even. I tried to have a good day though but man was it hard at times.
I slept okay last night but the rain was very loud and pretty scary. They over the ear headphones were a very good investment and made my evening a lot more pleasant. I thought I fell asleep around 11:30 but I must have fallen asleep earlier because apparently the power went out last night and I never noticed. Some of that is that I had my battery lamp on and it wasn't that warm in here so I guess I just didn't notice the fans going off. But I missed it completely.
The only reason I was really aware was because my walkie was dead when I woke up. And apparently it had only come back on a little while before we all woke up. So there was no breakfast and there wasn't much of anything. I wandered to the office to figure out what was going on. And to let Heather know that the our building is continuing to flood. I actually just noticed how much mud is underneath the one shelf. It is not good. I'm going to have to do something about that at some point. But she said that we'll come up with a plan on how to make it better and save the building is best we can.
Then I went to the lodge to see if there was yogurt because that was all I wanted for breakfast and I don't have any of my own yogurt left. But then I remember that there was no power so they weren't putting food out. But just as I was there a truck was coming up with the breakfast items they purchased to hand out to the kids and I helped Heather open up all the containers and all the boxes. And I separated bananas and then once all the kids were seated I walked around handing out go-karts. And I got my own Go-Gurt. Which wasn't my favorite flavor but it was still nice. And made me feel a little bit better.
My first program was very late. They ended up only having about 25 minutes of art but I'm glad they came. My real frustration though was that one of my looms from yesterday went missing. So I couldn't use them. So I decided to create cardboard looms for everyone and that worked just fine. Honestly it might have been better because then they got to keep them if they wanted to. It's just like a lot of creating that I don't love that I would have liked to do during my prep week but there's not a lot I can do about it now. It's fine. It was just frustrating. I hope it comes back.
Blanche did feel very bad that They were so late. I think because the power went out their phone had died and they didn't have another alarm. And I'm just glad that they were able to come at all. They were nice girls. And my next group that came was nice as well and honestly everyone did a really good job today. I didn't get as much sewing done in the morning because I had to make so many cardboard pieces but everyone was really sweet and I had a good time.
Lunch was terrible. I'm really glad that I brought mac and cheese with me because I knew how disappointed I was going to be in the food. And I was disappointed. They never brought me a vegetarian option so I just had one of the sad sandwiches that they put out which just had bologna lettuce and tomato on it. Some of them had cheese. I took one of the ones with cheese and I took the bologna off and it was fine. I'm glad that I brought my own food though. Because I don't think I would have made it through the afternoon.
I would come up to the arts building just to have my half an hour alone and just about 5 minutes into that Someone knocked on the door to drop something off. They were very apologetic for messing with my darkness time. And then almost as soon as I sat down someone else knocked on the door. Except this time it was my group that wasn't supposed to be there for almost 20 minutes. And I was like no this is my break. And they looked shocked that I would not just let them come in. And I was like no no this is my break. You need to take them somewhere else. And they were like what and I was like no and I closed the door. 
And then I had a very mini meltdown because I was just so frustrated that people can't respect the schedule. I don't know what to tell you at this point like I'm not just going to start my programs early because you are here and I'm especially not going to let you come early if I have another group here. Which is what happened later in the day. I had my bond coaching group and they were very good and it was very fun to sit and work with them. And just talk about nothing and everything and just enjoy a break in the afternoon. For them. And I'm sitting back there and there's 15 minutes left in their program and we were about to clean up in like 5 minutes when my next day cramp group shows up and I'm like you are too early. And they're like well we're here. And I'm like I'm with another group. What do you want me to do you need to take them to do something else. And it was only five of them but you still need to go and take them to do something else. So they did and they would come back but while their kids were pretty good they had very filthy mouths and I had to keep telling them that things were not camp appropriate and I was just shocked that that was happening. I kept telling them absolutely not the conversation is over and they kept trying to push but I was not flexible on that.
We finished up the day and I had heard that we were going to be having a pool party tonight for the 4th of July. I had planned on going swimming at 4:15 but then I was like well maybe I'll wait but then I got very very hot and I decided I would just go down there and stick my feet in the water and read my book while they did pool canoes.
But the water felt so nice that I decided to get in and then CJ was there and the horse girls come up in the barn. And we swam for a while and it was just really nice. Eventually me and CJ got out and we sat and some chairs to try to dry off. And we just talked about stress and all the things that have been kind of going wrong with camp this year and ways that we thought maybe we could fix it for ourselves. And pretty soon I decided I needed to go have a snack.
almost immediately my body was like oh snack we're going to fall apart. And I started shaking and getting very woozy. And so we went up to the arts building and I made a peanut butter sandwich and I gave CJ a piece of cheese and a pretzel and it helped us feel a lot better.
Eventually we went down to dinner. And it was actually really good. There were biscuits which were excellent but would have been better with jelly. I asked the kitchen for a jelly but they said they only put jelly out of breakfast which I think is stupid. And they had tater tots and green beans and I had a little bit of pasta salad. I tried the vegetarian chicken dish but it was highlight or yellow and very gross. So I did not eat that. I'm going to possibly talk to the office again tomorrow because the vegetarian options have been so bizarre. But I honestly was full at the end of my meal for the first time in like a week. So that was really nice and then I decided I would go parts and crafts to read for a while until the pool party.
It was pretty fun. I swam with CJ and Annabelle for a while. They didn't let us in the pool until about 8:00. So we all sat with our feet in the water and just talked and we played together ball which was very funny. And I told a child that the lordship he bought on the internet was not real and he kept calling me a dream killer and I said yes I absolutely am going to kill your dream you are not a Lord. And he's like well it's on my learner's permit. And then he beat me at tetherball and he kept calling me the dream killer. Which I thought was hilarious. And swimming was so nice. I did get mascara all over my face but I didn't even care I was having such a good time.
I got a little too cold after about an hour though and I got out and took a shower. But then the shower water made me smell like metal I have no idea why but it's very gross. So I'll probably go home tomorrow night to take an actual shower because that was disgusting. I told Cece who runs the pool this year And she said that that was very concerning. I am also very concerned that the water would smell like metal.
Eventually after sitting with a couple counselors for a while and giving someone the light up bracelet I found ( she's from Turkey and I wanted her to feel welcomed on her first 4th of July), I went up to the hacienda so I would have a good spot to watch the fireworks.
But that meant I missed the popsicles. Because I didn't know there was going to be popsicles. I tried to text CJ but she did not see it. I yelled down to Tony and he was going to throw one but I was like do not do that I will not catch it. And so he came all the way up to the top and brought me a popsicle and it was very sweet of him.
And the fireworks were fun. I was pretty sure they weren't going to be the best fireworks because Cody went and bought them and he's a fire marshal. But he got a couple good ones. And I enjoyed it and I enjoyed all the kids getting very excited. I still did not like that I smelled like metal though and I came back up to the art building to wash my face and try to get some of it off.
Putting on my daytime lotion that smells like oranges helped a little bit. But now I am just really ready to rest. I feel so beat up. I'm pretty comfortable though and while I'm annoyed that there is mud in my building. I feel pretty positive and I'm hoping that tomorrow I can just continue feeling that way. And things will be good.
I hope that you guys all have a good 4th of July and that you are being safe. I hope you take care of each other and take care of yourselves. Good night everybody.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Pulp Fiction - "Where's My Watch?"
He's saying it's his father's watch and Christopher Walken was too what Christopher walkenant was it's my people and he means it too and he means it's the max but the max are not doing what he wants and he wants the money to try and get control and the wash is a talian if you're holding the watch you have the money and Trump took the watch from our son.
This is why the watch and the watchman analogy is very important and ghwb had it before our son and he saw him wearing it and thought it was a good thing and that was bad a little but didn't care it's asked for a little kids and it really wasn't and it says he's going to hold on to it for a Time and then he's going to lose it when Trump takes it and what they mean is the max are going to Trump and it'll be spirits by then off in the bunker they'll sound like spirits who says and in space and that's what's wrong about and that's their plan and right now he's pseudo empire is cutting their warlock to ribbons and taking them down and they sent 2 billion to westborough and the ship's fought and they the warlock lost and they're down to 5 billion yes and they are sending another 1 billion to Venus and their ships are getting ready the empire and us and foreigners too and because they're hot and they're going to start firing early and we're prepping they're heating up and they're not going to make it it will bring them to 4 billion in the suit of empire will be up to 9 billion roughly and will increase in the empire and foreigners and fairly soon we feel that the more luck will be out of ships and they're sending ships that are not just empire fairly soon they are going to try a tax on the Earth we think when they get to 4 billion which is going to be momentarily to lose this billion and then they will try and threaten Earth and they're going to be very surprised it's a response it's going to be sudden and very powerful and potent and they'll be out and after they lose their ships people are going to start marauding and going after them. Her son wrote a note about how he was in Boston and in the Boston common which is downtown park and he was thinking about money and how you have to be a man and how the clan is not going to be up to help him and how the parents of his weren't either he's a little sad kind of gloomy because he didn't know how to do it and they picked up on it and what it was about and he was looking at the park and said it's a beautiful place but it's very sad here and people are not dancing around having a great time even though they're trying to look it and he knows why as he's leaving the park he said I'm going to do this and they remembered it and they're making these ice sculptures and saying people having a good time have you left and said that was one of the most wonderful times I've ever had and he still felt the same way but a lot of people do a lot of Macs do they say this is a gross planet but we've always lived this way and he said this is not the way to live and it's disgusting and he knows people are killed there quite often and you see the statues and it makes him feel sick you know some people are statues and some people were bronze when they died and the bones are inside of some of them and he's horrified by it and some people were made molds when they died and they came back like mac it's extremely insulting to do that to someone and it certainly did not help the max but it's a special place and a special time that he was doing that it was a warm today was the beginning of spring the snow and ice were melting and he was still in school and studying and having a good time and he could smell the smells of spring and he liked it but he was quite horrified and this watch brings it all back and his wife too probably more so he says she goes through it she says and she remembers and feels a little bad but he says he's going to do it and he's doing it and we're getting ready for Max and their responses
Thor Freya
We are seeing something he's massively poor can't stand us and hates these idiots but these idiots are rebels and foreigners and he knows the plan and he's sick of us and he says it it makes a difference and we have to stop these people here and we're not doing anything just like they are it's like we're Frozen in fear about something and we made the plan I don't know what to say it's really stupid
They're going to proceed and they say that but they actually mean it they've been sitting here watching these goofballs and now these idiots are messing everything up but for them and they really have to but they sat around bothering our friend here for years because he's trying to stand up and walk around and do stuff he's supposed to I can't stand it anymore this idiots are harassing him to death and the max of provoking it like he can do something about their mental status and he's their mama and papa they're supposed to read them a bedtime story or something it's really horrendous they are not really savvy in a way that they should be no matter what happens it container control a little having these guys were ran rampages all over you and you separated and that's probably the answer and now you're promoting what time you have to and you're sick because they're down there too that's just Tommy f
We are down here and we hear it I want to know where and stuff and our son and daughter say where demons and other military installations and we do know that they're in trouble but we have to be on high alert and we getting a lot of stuff going and ready we are moving out and hiring too there's a huge push to hire thank God it's getting bigger and bigger and he's got all these programs that are going to start going on and we're going to have to hire everybody and it's soon going to be February and just days and we have 15 days I know it's a partial but it's really big really really big and we have to do it right
Hades and Goddess Wife
Her son and daughter say we must rest and to Thor and Freya and the others and organize what we're going to do tomorrow in our minds and be blessed and happy that we have this time to think of how to approach it and I thank them for their comments even he thinks us and really it's kind of sucks down here but yeah no I'd rather stay down here thank you...
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deexchanel · 3 years
Don't do this to me.
Word Count:
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Angst, Sadness.
Summary: Charmaine's first mission with the team but it doesn't end well and the team loses a member.
Go to the series masterlist before you read this chapter, if this is your first time: Charmaine
A/N: Okay so I feel way more comfortable posting this chapter after I said I wasn't going to post the rest. Let me know if this cringy, I love feedback.
The day was Friday and it was the same as any other day, Charmaine was back home from her class, Peter was getting out of school, the team either train or helped find the location of the Hydra base that held the scepter. One month after the avengers been staying in the tower. The relationship between Charm and Bucky was growing every day, at times they act like a couple without even noticing.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" Charm questioned while washing the few dishes that were in the sink. Bucky walked over placing a kiss on her cheek and putting his dirty plate in the water.
"I loved it, that lobster mac and cheese was amazing."
She blushed at the comment and his boldness of him kissing her on the cheek. He winked then walked over to the couch sitting down beside Sam, joining him in the movie that was playing. Bucky let go of the nervous breath he was holding,  he seemed confident on the outside but on the inside, he was scared as fuck.
Charmaine wasn't no easy girl that he would flirt and take home the same night in the '40s. She was the girl that he wants to get to know fully, learn the little things about, be himself around. So most time he was around Charm, he was nervous as hell praying that he wouldn't say something dumb.
Charmaine hummed one of her favorite songs while cleaning up the last dish thinking about a certain long-haired brunette. She turned around coming face to face with spiderman who was hanging upside down.  The 21-year old let out a yelp clutching her heart.
"Peter don't do that !! What the hell dude."
"You okay Charm?" Bucky questioned from the couch looking over at her. He saw Peter hanging down so his concerns washed away. "Oh, Peter just scared her."
"Yeah, you alright?" Sam asked as well not taking his eyes off the screen, ignoring what Bucky just said.
"Sorry Champagne, I just came back from patrol and I rushed in here before you left to ask you this. Can you make brownies? I wasn't here the last time you made them and everyone said they were good. " Peter rambled as he let himself come down, sitting on top of the perfectly clean marble countertop.
"They were!" Sam chimed in.
"See! I want to try them." Peter pout poking out his lip.
"I be spoiling you guys I swear. I'll make some just for you Peter."  Charm groaned playfully, opening the cabinet grabbing the brownie box. "Get your ass off my counter, I just cleaned it."
Peter hopped off happily," So? You and Bucky?"
"Peter if you continue to say something about that topic, I'm not making the brownies." She warned looking in the fridge for the eggs.  Maria walked in from the elevator with a serious face grabbing everyone's attention.
"They found the base. Cap said suit up and meet them in the lab in 5. Peter, Happy is downstairs waiting for you."
Everyone nodded and Charm hugged Peter. Tony had let slide with one of his kids going on the mission, not both so Peter was going home until they got back. She kissed his forehead.
"This mission shouldn't take long, I'll be back to make your brownies. Be good for Aunt May."
" I am Champagne, be safe and please come back. "
"I will Petey. I'll always come back."
Charmaine walked in beside Sam as they were the last two to join the rest in the lab. She found a spot beside Scott. Everyone was in full armor ready to go except Bruce and Tony because you know.
"Glad of you two to finally make it," Tony said sarcastically then started swiping away on his tablet. It projects a hologram of what seems to be Rome. "We are going to Rome. Intel tells us that hydra has a camp in the countryside."
The hologram shows a huge vineyard with a building that looked abandoned with little buildings surrounded.
"Inside sources tell us that the person who is over this organization called M.A.Z.E is supposed to be visiting any moment now. We're taking down two operations at once so be prepared for this mission to be one of the hardest." Maria said reading something off her tablet. Charm snuck a glance at Bucky who was in his winter soldier attire. She hoped that this mission wasn't going too hard for him.
"Brief explanation. Stay focused at all times, take out as many as you can, feeling overwhelmed? Walk it off. Get in, Get out. Anyone that has the chance grabs the scepter." Steve spoke with determination.
"When we get there we fight anyone that comes our way. Sam or Stark will find a way to get us in. Charm you stay by someone at all times okay? first mission and we don't want to lose you."
"Gotcha." Charm nod her head understanding his rule.
Inside the quinjet, she sat beside Bucky. Both had their mask off to communicate with each other. Everyone was in either their own zone or in a conversation. Bucky closed his eyes so he could converge on how to not lose control of himself, he didn't want to completely turn back into the winter soldier.
"You like my suit?" Charmaine asked softly taking him out of his trance.
Bucky turns his head giving a smile, "I like it. You make it look good and very badass."
"I feel like a badass." She jokes making them laugh. As their laughter died down, Charm grabbed his hand pulling it in her lap. "Are you okay about this whole mission? I know history with you and hydra isn't really that good."
"I should be good, I just don't want to be captured again, you know? Steve and I are still working on me not reacting to my trigger words. It's hard but it's working. Plus I got you fighting by my side so we are going to be the coldest duo."
"Well I'm not going to let that happen, you protect me so I'm going to always protect you . If you don't mind, I could help with the trigger words? I'll be there to hold your hand or something." Charm said with quiet empathy giving him a soft smile. " Coldest duo? Well, this mission should be over in no time. When we get back can we finish watching Legally Blonde? You fell asleep before it started leaving me up by myself."
"I'll check with Steve when we do it the next time, I wouldn't want you to get hurt if anything happened," Bucky said nodding his head towards Steve. " And I told you that I was tired! You didn't listen and put on the movie anyway."
"I'm not going to get hurt and I thought you were playing!" Charm said in defense then calmed down. "Hey, Bucky?"
"I'm always going to be here for you okay? You mean the world to me and I don't want to lose you under no circumstances." She said holding his hand to her face. Charmaine looked him in the eyes, showing that she was serious. A world without Bucky is a world that she can't live in. She needs him.
His hand opened and Charm cuddled to it. Bucky looked at her in admiration rubbing his thumb against her cheek. He admits it, Buchanan was head over heels for her,"You mean the world to me as well so don't think you're going anywhere. You're my lucky charm."
In the next four hours, they had arrived Rome's countryside and everyone prepared for landing. Charm stood next to her dad as his Iron Man suit connects over his body. Before his helmet covered his face, Tony turned to Charm.
"Kiddo, be safe alright? Don't get hurt or anything."
"I will." She reassured and he kissed her forehead. 'Now thinking about it Tony has a weird way of expressing his feelings' Charmaine thought to herself. The doors to the jet opened and Steve spoke up, "Stark, Sam you're up!"
A/N: I am not good with action so skipping to the juicy part.
Charmaine ran down the hallway trying to find the exit to the big building. Thor didn't retrieve the scepter and they were still looking but time was winding down. She ran into this room where there were big computer screens on the wall with a closed-cell in the corner.
"Ahh, I have been looking for you." A female voice came from behind her making Charmaine turn around swiftly. "I'm Mazikeen and you are going to be on in my unit."
The room filled with tension as they circled each other not losing sight of one another. "Unit? I'm not going to be anyone's slave. Let alone let you lay a finger on me, so let go of that stupid ass idea you have." Charmie snapped holding her fist up. Mazikeen winked getting in defense mode as well.
"Snarky? I like that. Let's do this shall we?"
She swings on Charm who easily blocks it. The two fight hand-to-hand combat for a couple of minutes, none stop. Charmaine was getting tired but she held her weight up. She kicked Mazikeen on her back, placing her foot on her neck. The Demon grabbed her ankle smirking then rolled over making Charm fall on her side. She gets on top, pulling out her knife.
"This won't hurt one bit. Well, maybe just a little."
"Anyone have eyes on Charmaine? The building is going to blow in 3 minutes." Tony's voice came through the comm.
"I'm busy at the moment!" Charm yelled pushing Mazikeen's arms up so she wouldn't get stabbed in the face. The dark skin girl moved one of her hands to the side grabbing the demon's hair yanking it.
Mazikeen fell off and it gave her enough time to get back to her feet. Charm kicked her to stay down but Mazi grabs her foot mid-air then twist it making her body twirl, falling on the ground.
"I will have you to myself and make you my eternal flame. Right along with the other 3 elements. You are going to be the most powerful." Mazikeen leans down grabbing her hair yanking it making Charmaine cry out in pain. The demon moved her mouth close to Charm's ear with a sinister smirk.
"I'm going to have you kill anyone that stands in our way."
A guard's body flew in the door from someone kicking him through. Bucky walks into the room angrily seeing Mazikeen holding a handful of Charm's brown hair.
He runs over punching her in the face making the demon drop his lover. Bucky grabbed Mazikeen by the neck with his metal hand dragging her towards the closed-cell.
The bounty hunter's eyes widen from the pressure that was on her throat, she hit his arm repeatedly but that didn't do anything. Bucky flings her into the closed cell like she was discarded trash.
Charm sits on the ground rubbing the back of her head, the words haunting her mind. Bucky goes back over to help his best girl onto her feet.
"We need to out of here now."
But it was muffled because of the mask. She nodded putting her weight on him as they walked to the exit. On the roof, the two ran to the middle.
"We're on the roof! Bring the Quinjet!" Bucky yelled taking off his mouth cover. Charm was hunched over trying to catch her breath, she literally just fought 5 minutes straight now she doing a full-out run. She needed more exercise.
The explosion sounded off and the building shook. Just in time, the Quinjet hovered down lowly so they could get on. A huge crack in the roof separated the two.
The building was going to collapse.
They looked around frantically as Charm's side start to slowly but gradually fall.
"Jump!" Bucky yelled, holding out his hand.
Charm did as told, not even second-guessing, leaping off the fallen building. She catches the side of the broken roof, barely holding on with one hand. All she needed to do was use her upper body to lurch her forward so her other hand could grab his. Bucky bends over, reaching for her hand, not taking his blue eyes off her brown ones.
Charmaine's eyes were filled with fear, feeling herself slowly losing grip, "I can't reach it!"
"Use your strength, Charmaine. Grab my hand!"
"I can't, Bucky; my body is too tired. I feel myself slipping!"
"Charm, grab his hand! Bucky, you need to need to grab Steve's hand. That building is going to collapse any second! He will pull you guys up." Natasha said in the comms but was ignored by both.
Bucky leans forward more without noticing that he might fall himself, "I'm not leaving without you charmaine. grab my hand!"
"I'm trying!" Charm yelled when she tries to lift herself; it aches in pain. She drops her hand down in pain. Tears clouded her vision as she knew this was it; Bucky stared at her scratched-filled face knowing what she was thinking.  He shook his head; He can't lose her, not now, " No Charm, you're leaving with me!"
Charmie could feel the building she was holding on to began to fall, sobbing; she looked into Bucky's blue eyes one last time. "I'm sorry Bucky."
"No Charmie, you have time. Just grab my hand! P-Please." Bucky yelled as tears clouded his vision. "You're my lucky charm. I need you!"
The building collapsed, and his feet slip from under him. A hand grabs his keeping Bucky from falling in the rubble; Natasha lowered it down in time just for Steve to grab the back of his armor from falling with her.
"No!" Bucky stared in horror watching Charmaine screamed, falling into the explosion reaching out for him.
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Steve gasp as tears fell down his face seeing the horrible fate of his sister.
There was nothing either could do.
With the help of others, Steve pulled Bucky into the quinjet.
Bucky laid on his stomach sobbing with heartache.
Tears weld in Thor's eyes as he saw that Charmaine wasn't on the jet. This didn't seem real to him; he couldn't accept it, "Where is Charmie? Why isn't my sister on this jet?!"
"Steve, where is Charmie?" Natasha asked, slowly getting up from the pilot seat as Clint took over. Her heart raced, hoping that he would say that Tony has her or something. Bruce grabbed her waist, but she snatched away from his touch.
"Natasha, sit down."
"Don't tell me to sit down! Where is she?!"
Steve couldn't say anything as he drops to his knees, breaking down. Sam catches him before he hit the floor. "I got you man."
The jet doors opened as Tony flew in; he raised an eyebrow to see the team in tears. He was getting files in this underground room but got out in time just as the building collapsed. He noticed someone was missing.
"What's going on? Where is Charmaine?"
No one answer, which made Tony panic.
"Where is my daughter?!"
"Tony, she died; she f-fell into the explosion," Scott informed him while wiping his tears.  Her falling replayed in Bucky's mind like it was his personal hell. Charm reached out for him, and he couldn't save her. He failed.
Tony's world crumbled as tears blurred his vision looking around the jet as if she was hiding, "What? Barnes tell me he's lying! Where the hell is my daughter!"
Bucky sat up now with his knees to his chest; he couldn't stop crying no matter how much he tried. He lost the one person that meant the most to him other than Steve, the person he saw a future with. His best girl is no longer here.
Tony sat down in a seat in disbelief; for once in his life, he cried. He completely broke down, not being able to hold it. She filled the lonely hole in his heart; everyone he ever loved was gone, and the person who made him happy.
Was gone too.
It was evening time when they got back; they had been gone all day.
The living room was silent; the avengers sat down sulking and mourning. Bucky squeezed his eyes tightly closed as the memory of her falling hit his mind like a truck. Tony had his head in his hands, just letting his mind run all over the place. The elevator ding, and a frantic Peter walked out looking for Tony.
"Mr. Stark, I'm here! What happened? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" Peter rambled, walking into the living room. He noticed everyone's sad behavior, then looked around for Champagne. "Guys?  Did something happen? Where is Charmaine?"
Tony gets up from the couch, going to Peter, engulfing him in a hug. Peter hugged back, shock that he did that but was still confused about what happened. "Mr. Stark, what's wrong?"
"She n-not co-coming back, kiddo."
"I'm s-sorry, kid."
"N-no, you're lying! This isn't a joking matter, Mr.Stark; everyone can put smiles on their fucking faces, and Champagne can pop up from under the couch." Peter said abruptly, pulling back from Tony's arms; doing a 360 to look around for a camera. Steve rubbed his hand over his mouth to keep from crying again.
"Queens, it's not a jo-joke."
Peter's face reddens from anger and sadness," She said she was coming back! She promised! What happened to her?!" Charmaine promised without even promising him because she always comes back. Peter prayed that this a sick ass joke; she was his best friend. Him and Her against the world.
"She fe-fell into the explosion Peter," Bruce said sadly; with that, Natasha broke down in his arms. Peter wasn't taking this well, and that broke everyone's heart even more.
"N-no guys, stop this, pl-please."Peter cried, shaking his head, then he looked Tony in the eyes. Her father nodded his head as a way of saying that it's true. Peter broke down mentally, " My Champagne is su-supposed to be here with me. My best friend is.."
Tony pulls his son into his arms; tears threaten to spill.
Peter sobbed his heart out.
2:43 a.m.
Bucky's body lurched forward after grabbing the gun that was kept under his pillow for 'emergency purposes' raised at...
"Bucky, drop the gun. It's me."
"Shit, I'm sorry, Steve." His fingers slowly lost grip of the gun, and the weapon dropped to his lap. His chest drew up sharply with each breath as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. Steve sat on the edge of his bed.
"It's fine Buck, you were yelling, so I came in here to see if everything was alright."
"I should be fine."
"Okay, I'm going back to bed and try to get some sleep before my morning exercise." Steve sighs, getting up from the bed. He wasn't getting any sleep at all, but he didn't want to tell Bucky that.
"Steve?" Bucky called before he could leave out the room. Steve stopped in his tracks looking at him.
"Can you stay with me and watch Legally Blonde? I was supposed to watch it with Ch-Charm when we came back, but..."
"I'll stay Bucky; I don't mind."
Bucky gave a small smile getting out of bed, grabbing some pillows and the comforter. Steve grabbed his laptop from the desk to find the movie. 5 minutes later, the two super soldiers were lying on the floor, eyes glued to the computer enjoying the movie.
Awe this is a filler and it's long so bonus.
Give feedback plsss😂. If this is cringy let me knoww!
Next Chapter: Eternal Flame
stay slutty my friends!
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skimblyshanks · 3 years
Ok so @thunderwhenhepurrs asked me to explain Macavigus and seeing as it's a house I built myself on solely headcanons this is only fair 😂
But this is me so it's a very long story
It's built on 3 main things, 2.75/3 of which being pure personal interpretation
1. Macavity is Old. but also not. but. ok, so aliudshf. One of my headcanons since I got into the show in 2016 was that Macavity is in the same Age Group as Gus, Old!Griz, and Deut (My thoughts and age hcs for Grizabella fluctuate wildly nowadays).
2. Macavity is the true identity of Rumpus Cat. I made A Whole Series of posts breaking this down. Certain backstory specifics have changed but the general outline is still something i adhere to.
3. Rumpus Cat was Always Gus' Show First. Based, of course, on the US revival+UK-International Tour, where he plays the Rumpus Cat. The show is always, of course, somewhat associated with Old D, since pre-2016 stagings were directed toward him in-universe and led by Munkustrap, all during Act I, but when Gus and Deut are usually understood as very close...
So. aksudhf.
I tend to hc, When Gus, Deut, Macavity, and sometimes Griz were all in their younger days, that Gus and Macavity were a Thing. And like. Macavity wasn't a great dude but like. Most of the messy stuff happened behind the Rumpus Cat persona. basically OG Jekyll-and-Hyde style, letting out repressed urges under another name, this time just also under the guise of a vigilante. (There's nothing explicitly heroic abt Rumpus Cat in the lines themselves, it's all in the staging and the cats relating to cats)
BUT, and here's where things get REALLY Pepe Silvia. And also just go full in on Magic Macavity. So like I mention in my previous 3-post series, I think Macavity is. Literally undead asufhlasdiu. He's old, he's smelly, he's losing his fur, he's emaciated. How does he maintain an appeal? Well, we do know he's literally hypnotic, and along with that all the cats give off enough fae vibes that like. Glamour. BUT ALSO the force that's keeping him alive draws on resentment and hate so he just becomes a more vile little goblin every day.
So Anyway. Back long enough that Deut was young. And Macavity gets fatally wounded while out Rumpus-ing. And Gus is devastated, obviously, but like. you don't stop living. So he moved on. WHAT HE DIDN'T KNOW was that The Power Of Hate had revived Macavity bc he "died" under the Jellicle Moon, Unchosen, full of Betrayal and hate, and also a living vessel of intense magic that still cannot be truly matched bc Misto, Jemibub, Psychic Twins, etc., all have either different types of magic, or different levels of manifestation and i'm getting sidetracked asudiyh. Anyway he died but came back but at this point, no one knows that. And Gus is moving on with his life and finds new love and somewhere in there we get an Asparagus Jr and a Skimble! And Macavity is in the shadows watching like
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I introduce 2 more ideas here.
1.Rumpus Cat's being Gus' Show means, not only did he take on the role but he also effectively wrote the show. It's a memorial piece. He and Deut would have the cat equivalent of parlour readings a lot to get through the first year or so they presumed Mac was dead.
2. Even into the present, Macavity is an Urban Legend. No firm basis for this just the vibe i picked up coming back to the show 2019-2020.
So. Eventually Mac's gotta stop laying low. And would you look at that Gus' replacement goldfish just died how sad. So he starts popping up like. Right after she's put to rest and Gus is like "???? You died????" and Macavity, who is so jealous and bitter but putting on his best charm is all "!!! I got better!!!!" And Gus is very sad and he JUST lost his second love and also he has small children he will not turn this down ok he is not ruining this for himself. And Macavity gets this seed planeted as he like. barely exists around the kids that. tiny minds are malleable. And he starts triangulating them a bit to see if he can pull it off and Gus kinda notices so he's like "hey stop it." and Mac's like "ok -crosses fingers behind his back-" And. Keeps doing it obviously just encourages them not to physically go at each other aliudhflisadf. It ends up endangering one of them (probably skimble bc he's the smaller/younger one aliusdhf) through negligence bc dad wasn't home and he and his brother were perpetually mad at each other now. Probably wasn't anything super duper serious but. still rattling for Gus, Jr, and Skimble; still v easily avoidable; and are we sure Macavity had no hand in it?...
And at that point Gus is like "get the fuck away from me and my kids you demon" and--he does, And he goes to build his own evil cat crime kingdom. But key notes, you know, is that he could indeed manipulate kids. Tugger, Platometus, Bomba, and Demeter, along with Jerrie and Teazer, were all born after his reach was established like they grew up in his territory. But those are all their own stories and what's important to this one is that Eventually he sees Tugger and is like "hm. this child is malnourished and still stocky. I like the potential here." and """offers""" to take him on as protege. But Tugger is harder to break than skimble and jr were, or maybe Mac just wasn't good with someone who pushed back, especially if he had no grudge with them or their father. Either way; Tugger likes practicing fighting and brawling and stuff, but the kids got such a stupid little moral core. Buzzkill. So eventually Mac is like. Done with him. But he's not letting him go back home, oh no. He wants leverage against Demeter and he can't have that if she knows where her brother is.
-Oh yeah somewhere in here, too, is the Ball where he kills Victor in front of little Munk. And Gus. Was p certain Munk wasn't making things up from his emotions when he described his brother's killer.-
So he brings him to Gus. And Gus is like "how tf are you still alive not only did i watch you die but like. you looked like death the last time i saw you and my sons were tiny now they're grown and you barely look worse." and Mac is like "yeah funny that here have a preteen." And then nopes out again maybe or maybe not after a night together once more. And Gus is like "I'm not Deut having all these babies I don't want to deal with this kid 24/7 so Tugger basically spends his time between Gus and the Deutfam.
And after all of this Gus looks at the old play he wrote and is like. "I can't believe I ever mourned you" and it ends up hidden away for a while until eventually like. older teen-young adult Munk is sniffing around and he finds it and he is a theatre kid and Uncle Gus how come you never showed me this one before oh my god can I adapt it no no no need to thank me I promise I'll do it justice" before Gus can be like "so Munk I think we should have a talk about The Rumpus Cat and some puzzle pieces your old man does not have like at all like I really think you don't want to do this."
Which is why, along with offstage reality reasons of course, he isn't there for Act I versions of it. In the US Revival it is explicitly suggested by Deut. And Deut, if he's put together all the pieces, hasn't shown it. And Gus is like. My bro wants to see the show, I'll do it and I'll do it for him and myself. Fuck Macavity man anyone can be Rumpus Cat now. and surprise surprise Deut and Munk actually set the whole thing up as a surprise for Gus bc again. They don't have the pieces, they don't know RC=Mac. Not until later that night aslduhfsldf
Because when Macavity gets scared off and electrocutes himself/disappears like. He's still out there. He just did a batman villain escape and they're always back at it by the next week. So after that there's 2 main ways I see them.
One, Serious: Perhaps redemption arc? Very very gradual, longer than it sounds writing it down, but Gus has no real other reason to hang on from his own perspective, and Macavity just looks so fucking pathetic. So he starts hiding out in the theatre and slowly just. cooling his ember of hatred. But that ember is what's keeping him alive. They die together 🥺😌
Two, Joking. this part of worthikid's Palpatine video
and they just have this kind of dynamic bc Gus has to wait in a really long queue to get reincarnated once he dies bc he doesn't die The Choice so he's bumming around and Macavity can see him bc Undead, but also Macavity just. Spites the world by living. Will he ever die? Who fuckin knows man, but he's a lot less dangerous after getting his ass handed to him by a whole group of cats at once. Kids cartoon show villain.
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winterpower98 · 3 years
I have this idea for an AU that just came to me a minute ago, and I'm seriously considering making a comic out of it- right after I'm sure what the hell I'll even do with it and fill the plot holes lol. So imma share my rough ideas for this AU:
What if Lady Bone Demon wasn't buried all those years ago and instead she escaped? And right after Wukong's fight with Demon Bull King, Lady Bone Demon teams up with Princess Iron Fan and Red Son and manage to capture Monkey King and try to make him into a cyborg like weapon - explaining Monkey King's 500 year long disapearance.
I imagine Princess Iron Fan goes through with it since she want's to free her husband, and controling/manipulating Wukong into picking up the staff would be in her favor, while LBD would want Wukong as a weapon to erase the memory of this world. (I kinda imagine Spider Queen would be in on it too)
500 years later, turns out that Wukong is a pretty tough cookie and he can't be broken that easily. They implented this chip into his brain and gave him these robotic upgrades to his body so that they could control him, but it doesn't work and alas- he escapes. Wukong eventually falls unconscious and falls into the ocean where he sinks to the bottom (I have this cool scene in my head prepared for him).
Now considering Wukong was gone (*cough cough* kidnapped) for 500 years while some demons were on the loose. It's safe to say that chaos ensued in the mortal world. Long story short: It's nearly an apocalyptic world (but the city MK lives in is the only semi safe zone) and a lot has gone down. Flower Fruit Mountian was destroyed and turned to ash (every monkey and animal there is sadly gone for good😔) and overall it's pretty sad.
Now we got MK - an orphan because his parents died after a massive demon attack on the city. Pigsy took him in after finding him staring at the rubble all dirty and bruised. MK began to despise demons a bit, because there was always news about demons causing huge scale catastrophes around the world and he also found himself admiring Monkey King after Tang told him stories so that MK could find hope in this near apocalyptic world. Then one day, MK found Monkey King's staff, and of course he took it out, freeing Demon Bull King and awakening Wukong from the deep depths of the ocean. There's this beam from the ocean, MK get's distracted and doesn't notice DBK rising, then MK tries to escape, ends up near the beach and DBK is lazered into the sky by Wukong's lazer eyes before he emerges from the ocean all badass and shit.
MK is freaking out because OH MY GOD IT'S MONKEY KING WHAT THE FU- but Wukong is a bit banged up and MK finally notices that there's something different about Monkey King from the stories. As I mentioned before, to control Wukong, LBD and P Iron Fan made upgrades to his body, so now he's kinda like a half cyborg (but I'm only thinking it's his left arm and left side of the torso, his right leg, his spine from the neck to his tail that's robotic) But that's not the problem.
The problem is that Monkey King doesn't remember ANYTHING. His birth, his time with the JTTW crew, his fight with DBK and his time bieng modified and captured by LBD and P Iron Fan. He doesn't remember shit. Though he does still have most of his canon personality like in Monkie Kid, but still.
Now MK has to deal with this insanely OP monkey LEGEND, that is alsi very naive and pretty new to the world, since y'know- he can't remember ANYTHING.
They both try to figure things out. Wukong about his past, why these robotic parts feel so wrong, how is he supposed to deal with the state of the world and this kid when he doesn't remember shit and MK has to deal with bieng able to wield the staff, getting Monkey King's powers and dealing with Wukong and how to save the world.
Gradually, Wukong starts to remember and he has this moment were he races to Flower Fruit Mountian only to find out that the Mountian is destroyed and everyone is gone. He also starts to remember the JTTW crew who are gone too so + angst material.
Now when it comes to MK, idk if I should keep him like in the original when it comes to personality, or if I should add onto him despising demons with a burning passion. Maybe Mei, MK and Wukong could be this trio of "superheroes" who began hunting down the demons attacking the city and catching LBD's attention. I'm thinking that after Iron Fan got her husband back - Iron Fan and Red Son would have no need to be in with LBD on her plan, and after threats on LBD's side, Red Son's family joins MK.
Then Wukong starts to fully remember, and with that LBD's plan to erase the world.
Now when it comes to the ending WHOOO BOY-
I'm conflicted- remember that chip implemented in Wukong's brain I mentioned earlier? Because I have this idea that LBD manages to make this kind of pilot that turns Wukong evil and now MK HAS TO FIGHT WUKONG. And now I don't know if I should kill off Wukong, and MK is having this heartfelt moment with a slowly dying Wukong, were Monkey King tells him he's going to be a great Monkie Kid - orrrr if I should do a more happy ending.
I'm still thinking about Mei and Mac in this AU, but I think I have something cooking up-
Oh that sounds cool Bud!
I can only wish you good luck with this AU
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axelbluesworld · 4 years
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Mac, Riley, Russ and Bozer were on the Phoenix jet after a very long mission, Riley literally almost died thanks to a psychopath who captured her and put a knife to her neck.
Now Riley rested on Mac's chest as he tried to get some sleep, but when his body wouldn't cooperate.
The others around her were already sleeping peacefully even Mac, Riley just stopped trying to sleep and went to the bathroom to get her face wet.
When she entered the bathroom, she placed her hands on the sink and let out a deep breath, staring at herself in the mirror for a second before her mind began to replay the memories of the last month.
Her first memory was that mission with Murdoc when Mac finally realized that she had feelings for him.
I remember the moment when Mac came to her door and asked her a question that she wasn't sure she wanted the answer as well. At that point she completely denied it and let Mac go again.
But after the mission that only they went on, things changed completely, everything in the story was relevant but it didn't hurt to say that things ended well.
Two weeks ago, the two of them finally started dating and it had been great. With a smile on his face, he turned on the tap and moistened his face a bit.
She heard the door open and maybe if she forgot to close the door, she looked up to see that Mac was locking the door.
Before she could say anything to her, Mac cornered her against the sink, the expression on Mac's face was one she couldn't understand, but she quickly realized it was one of concern.
Mac lowered his head to be level with her and pressed his forehead against hers, their noses gently brushing as Mac's hands rested on her cheeks.
He saw how the tears slid slowly down her face and she still without understanding just stretched her hands and wiped her cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" He asked in a whisper
"I was so scared of losing you," said Mac
"I know Mac, but I'm still here" Riley smirked humorlessly
"I don't want to lose you too Riles" said Mac
"You won't lose me, I promise you" Riley promised
Her gaze fell on his and for a second it was lost in the blue color of her eyes, Mac's gaze settled on her lips before kissing her lovingly.
Of all the kisses he had given her in the last two weeks that kiss felt different, there were so many emotions in it, love, fear, sadness, affection, etc.
She immediately returned the kiss as she wrapped her hands in his blonde locks.
They went from a tender and sweet kiss to an urgent and needy one, Mac's hands lowered to her legs and he quickly lifted her to sit on the sink.
"You have no idea how much I needed one of your kisses" Mac whispered against her lips.
"I needed it too" Riley smiled before kissing him again.
Seconds later Mac pulled away from her only to splash little kisses on her neck that made her let out little sighs. The moment was interrupted when they heard the captain say that he was about to land and that everyone should be in their seats.
Mac gave her a bright smile when he held out his hand to help her out of the place where she was, they both left the bathroom and returned to their respective seats.
Mac wrapped his arms around her body and when she laid her head on his chest and he laid a tender kiss on her hundred.
She likes what they had now, because what they had now was perfect.
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proxyartsblog · 4 years
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Fallout Equestria ( Country Roads)
By proxyart.
{The introduction}
(68 years after the mega spells)
(A group of Caravan ponies and a group of Talons sit around a campfire in the forest of  West Virgineigh in the shadow the the stable 76 ruins .  It's cold out and the two groups sit making small talk and trading stories. After a while a pony started to notice a odd member of the talon group)
A shy young blue unicorn spoke up , she had a soft timid voice. "um m..mr Griffin... how ... uh no um why is... your back legs different from the other Griffins?" Her ears dropped as he looked Over at her.
"I'm a hippogriff" said the smooth looking avian, he was quite pretty, with his lovely golden feathers and creamy tan coat , he spoke with a unique accent, something from the old world the blue unicorn thought.
"F..forgive me but a what?" She said with a puzzled shakey voice.
(He smiled and sat up.)
"A hippogriff my dear filly" the smooth voice said, he spoke like a pony, " you don't know do you? " he asked.
(The blue unicorn shook her head.)
" no sorry I'm not aware of Griffins or anything to do with the talons " she blushes brightly noticing them stare.
(The hippogriff's beak gives a friendly smile as he steps into the fire light.)
"My name is Apple Gin, and I am not a normal creature, no matter how you look at it, I'm the descend of a earth pony who throw out all odds service the mega spells and fell in love with a Griffin , from her and their love my mother was born , my mother was a miracle my grandfather said, a foal that shouldn't exist but somehow did."
(Apple Gin saw the curiosity growing in the eyes of the young filly.)
"You want to know more don't you? " he asked with a croaked smile.
(The blue unicorn nodded happily, no longer the shy blue filly she was , this girl got closer to hear every word he spoke. )
"Please tell me what happened?!" The filly gidded as she clopped her hoofs excitedly.
Apple Gin sighed and sat back on his haunches. " so you want to know the story of my ancestor the the legendary stable 76? "  he asked.
She smiled sweetly and nodded " yes!" She paused for a moment  "I mean yes please mr. Gin sir"
Apple Gin gave her a odd look and sighed happily, " Gin is fine... so where to start this story? ... it's a long one to tell "
(The blue pony thought for a moment then with a smile.)
"I got all night... better then dealing with them swamp crawlers or mega beasts... right Gin ?"
(Apple Gin smiled )
"Yes ma'am " he started to tell his grandmother's story.
"To tell this tale we must start off 25 years after the war... 25 years after the mega spells dropped and all of equestria was plunged Into Darkness".
(War ... war never changes.... )
[End holotape prologue. ]
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[Chapter one] country roads.
[Memory orb holotape begin]
(A song started to play over the PA system of the stable, followed by a older mare's voice)
(A inebriated orange and creamy caramel colored earth pony falls out of her bed woken by the loudly playing music and that mare's voice, she looked around her stable room and realized it was very quiet, too quiet, there was a huge party just yesterday, and today was her 25th birthday, the day she was also supposed to leave the stable as well.)
"Shit... ouch my head, I swear one day I'll stop drinking " she always said it but she never has, after all she owed her cutie mark to alcohol, all the members of her father's family did, it was a family tradition and Apple whiskey wasn't going to be the pony to end a family tradition!
(She looked at goodmorning stable-tec window with its happy  little birds and smiling sun, the stable colt smiled back at her reminding her she was late. )
"Good morning stable 76, this is the Overmare , I hope you all enjoyed the party last night, even those who might have over overindulged and overslept. But it's time to get up and get out there, we've been locked away long enough."
(She listened to the Overmare speech as she brushed her teeth and combed her mane, it didn't do anything to help, her mane and tail was a knotted mess of curls and knots, she had tried to keep her hair nice but since mother died Whiskey had a hard time with managing it.)
"Stupid mane... ouch! How am I supposed to brush this mess if I'm not a unicorn!?" She yelled frustrated by her lack of magic or her mothers hair dresser bot.
(Her mother was a robotics engineer, the best in equestria or so others told her. The stable was full of the best and brightest members of equestria and many of the ponies onces worked for stable-tec or rob-co, some were doctors and musicians, others were bankers, scientist, farmers, painters, chefs and more, if they were the best they were in 76!, and the offspring, the children of the generation of genius ponies? Why they were told daily that they were going to save equestria... and the world, that day was today... and Apple wasn't running to the stable door like the others had.)
(A robot brought Apple whiskey her pipbuck, it had a big 76 Pip‑buck 2000 in blue and silver numbers on it with the ugly brown and tan pipbuck casing , Apple placed it on her fetlock and began to adjust to it's weight, Apple thought her pipbuck was very ugly and useless, all she ever used it for was the radio and keeping track of other ponies. )
"Stupid heavy thing..." said Apple.
"Oh miss Apple I thought you'd never wake up" said the floating mr. Handy.
(The over mare's voice pulsed for a moment or two then continued )
"Today is Reclamation day, I kn..."( the voice was drowned out for a bit.)
"What? Why? " Apple whiskey asked.
"Why its Reclamation day don't you remember? Most of the stable is already gone ." Said the robot.
"All ready gone?! But its only..." Apple looked at the time. " Half past noon! How could you let me over sleep so long!?" She started to ran to get her stuff packed .
( the Overmare's voice started again)
"It maybe time to leave but I'll always remember the day you all entered stable 76, you come from everywhere walk of life, every pony race, color and creed, but you all share one very important trait, you are equestrias best and brightest but more importantly you will always be my family."
(The broadcast ended)
"Wow Overmare ... I wonder if the old mare is still here? ... would make sense that the Overmare would be last to leave right?" Apple got all the things she wanted to take with her.
(Apple whiskey packed a large saddlebag with 5 bottles of purified water, 3 stem packs, 2 boxes of big-mac and cheese, 1 picture of her parents, a hoof pistol and a hoof full of bullets,  2 Med-X , 2 healing potions, 1 sparkle cola cherry and 4 bottles of her famous Apple whiskey and the recipe so no one else could make it .)
"Miss Apple you mustn't forget about you're camp " said the Mr handy.
"My camp? What is that? ... you mean my still bot? " Apple asked.
(The Mr. handy looked insulted by her calling that metal pot a robot)
"No miss apple not that busted excuse for bolts.... the camp unit is you're home away from home miss... " he handed her the rather small box .
"This is a camp?" She looked complex.
"You need a home base out there. The Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform is designed to give you one." Said the handy.
"So this will help me serve? Good to know... uh ok " Apple took the camp and stored it in her saddlebags.
"Wow it fits a lot... one day I'll learn how it carries all my junk..." she was impressed by the bags, she thought it had to be part of the stable-tec spell Matrix.
(Apple strapped the saddlebags to her back and holstered her pistol. )
"Ok looks like that's everything Handy...what will you do onces I'm gone?" She asked.
(The mr. Handy hovered around and brought her a tiny mr. handy statuette.)
"Miss Apple please take care of yourself... I'll be here , I must lock up the stable and once I do life support will be turned off... no living creature will be able to close the stable door." The handy said .
( Apple looked sad but she understood she would never seen the first friend she had again, tears fell down her pale caramel coat.)
"Good bye old friend " Apple gave the bot a quick nuzzle and a kind smile.
(Apple set out her room and into the corredores of the stable, the gray drury walls of the stable gave her a bit of comfort, she was very nervous about leaving, if it was up to Apple whiskey she would have stayed there until she died un old mare with many grand foals running through the many hall's. )
(As Apple walked past the Overmare's office she popped her head in to say goodbye however the office was completely empty of life.)
"Overmare!... eh? ... nuna?... " Apple walked around her desk and sat in the big chair, it smelled so nice , the smell of foal hood memories.
(The Overmare loved to let the foals play in her office while their parents worked their various jobs in the stable. Her happiness memories were learning how to be a Overmare from the only grandmother she would ever know. )
"Overmare... I guess I'll never get to say goodbye to her..." Apple saw that her terminal was still on, normally she wouldn't snoop but she was as rather nosy filly .
(Apple clicked her hoof to the keyboard and  ejected a holotape from the Overmare's office terminal)
"What in the seven?... a holotape? " she wondered if it was a goodbye from the Overmare.
"Overmare what could you be up to?" Apple noticed the holotape port in the side of her pipbuck, she put the holotape in .
(The holotape started to play)
"Overmare's log, or should I say, direct communication. Because whoever is listening to this had the moxy to try to find out where I've gone." It paused for a moment.
"But I'm glad you did. Truth is, I need your help. I've been given a task, and... I've decided to break protocol and tell you what it is. Because If there's one thing I've learned in these past few years, it's that we need to rely on each other." It paused for a moment.
"There were three active mega spell silos in Virgineigh before the Balefire Bombs fell. They blew up the Equestria before. We can't let it happen again. So we've got to locate and secure all of the silos, or die trying. Hopefully the former. Hmph." It paused for a moment.
"But it's been twenty-five years. I just don't know what we're going to find out there. Or where to start... My directive was to go to the nearest population center and assess the situation. I'll set up a C.A.M.P. on the way once I get my bearings. Find me there." The holotape stopped.
(Apple felt confused as she tried to figure out and take in all the information she just heard.  Apple wasn't exactly sure what she could do to help her but if the Overmare needed her she would try her best to find her and help... not because of Stable tec but for the only grandmother she had... the pony who called her family. )
"Looks like we are going out there after all..."  she thought to herself.
(Apple started to wake out when she stopped at the Overmare's bedroom door, she had took the time to make her bed and straighten her room, maybe she should have cleaned up her room before as well but she didn't want the handy bots to have nothing to do for all time.)
"Wow Overmare you really need to relax... hehehe " Apple said with a giggle.
(She smiled at the handy bots that met her at the hatch to the stable door.)
"Goodbye handys...  I wish you all the best, look after the stable for everypony. " Apple hugged the sliver handy bot.
"Goodbye miss apple, and we will look after your sill bot... even if we think it's a waste of technology and fermented grains." Said the mr. handy.
(Apple smiled, she whipped her eyes.)
"I'll miss all of you so much " Apple tried not to cry as she walked thought the stable entrance and stepped out into the world beyond .
[End of holotape chapter one.]
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Tommy have to clear that he took the ucab u c a v program from everybody and used it in his format and rewrote it and it doesn't matter it's a minor program then he says he grabbed Dave using his Superior forces when Dave went out everybody was there just as they are now and it was equal that back then he wasn't too large didn't have as much stuff or didn't have as much clothes he was fairly big but they all fought both instances and they all lost just as they did at the national Mall when they were all there for the funeral of the person who died in on the flight to Croatia and they were all there and really they got tied up foreigners were there too
Hera Zues
I guess you could check into it till you're all dust
Thor Freya
It's a good idea no we should probably look at it everyone's laughing at me saying I'm stupid I declare I probably am that's a horrible thing to fall for that program is small and the computer using it is small it doesn't really have a brain I did notice that but I thought I could do tasks very well and it does it was building things still it's just not enough and yes JC and Mary had rulership castles we thought it was a few he's saying that his sons and daughters had a lot of them and they all died and were killed by me mostly and others and he used me mostly and others. It's a very sad story these are very big cathedrals and castles and rulership houses they're scattered all over the place he was controlling the Earth off and on and specially during the medieval period and he says no that's when we took over and the Renaissance occurred they start to duck and jive and so on and is using us his cover mostly hates me he says because the others are willing to be covered more or less and they're friendly and the max are using me to do that and to divide and it force them to do what they did and Matt planted for the computer in the weaponry and is not in charge and the max are not going to charge and I'm not in charge
Tommy f
You're all at odds and we have to make sure that that's an effect us and we have to take everything over and we are friends all of us are different races and more and we have to control things to make sure that something is done about this massive imminent threat and we do know what we're talking about and why
Thor Freya
We've actually had enough of this s*** there's a few things that could have happened and we don't know it looks like Dave did a number on everybody and it's very bad we need a number on him and it's horrible and people say they're too aware and smart to do that and they got sick like very angry and look at us like animals and it's horrible and frightening because they are very lethal people and I guess the program turned them and it should have I guess but it's how it's going it's very awful is someone else's brain in here and not doing very well I can't control what I'm doing have trouble with bodily functions and people look very odd to me strange even especially you gifted people and he says they all look weird and makes people feel sick I know that too he can't stand looking at you you're constantly jerking him around and you get incinerated and now we are going to take care of you you don't do anything right and you can't be trustedac
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "THE CARS ― MOVING IN STEREO • ALL MIXED UP (1978)" on YouTube
We don't own or run the shatteredome anymore and there were millions and there are thousands of large ones in about a hundred very large ones and we were running missions to control Cajun and we're using huge ships and lasers.. I'm a responsible person and his clan when they're losing it they became irresponsible and we're shooting at him and they knew why and they did know why but I was taking it over and controlling it and they did come down but knew that it was the end and they went berserk and started doing things to try and release the cage you and we're teaching him. And here's the problem without the shadow dome I don't have a response team they went down deep and people going after us and we're losing the hardware and we're losing all of the Yeager and we don't have lasers above and the ships are busy and occupied you only have a thing we have with a shield which are mostly large part ineffective against large cages it's not powerful enough and they absorb it believe it or not and redirect it and it's terrifyingly bad certainly they can't stay there for an hour but 20 minutes they can devastate a city the size of New York if it's just four trespassers and I'm in the whole thing and my friend is telling you you giving people a hard time like d and Ken when they were holding off an entire force that is very very potent. And he might have something to do with it and nobody believes it. And there's really no proof and there's no connection there's only his small life and he's trying to save money and everybody's going after his money treating him like s*** saying we have your money and what he says you don't have control or freedom or your lives and your blew it and you don't know what you did you certainly don't
I don't have the willpower to go right enough a letter to anybody about this but I probably should I'm not in the right and I wasn't in the right taking over but I feel Mac had me do it and he's not controlling it as a matter of fact he's ignoring monsters and big robots too we don't know where they're coming from they don't have control and they're also possessed and I'm sick of it they're nuts and he says it to you people are so stupid and crazy you need to get out of here and most of them died in fort Myers like 90% of the people there they're almost all warlock but then and foreign while I can take it over in others the boy the place that this afternoon sewer is backed up in many places and it's disgusting and it's blocked in some and the water is not right and people down there trying to work on it they're asking for his to come down and they say we'll come down with Max and we should and they're going down there tonight but boy it wouldn't mess and we're for making a mess but this is just not even doing anything and you people know about it and it's gross but you're an aptitude is amazing what you treat him like is just disgusting he's probably gigantic by now and it's your fault
Tommy f
This topic came up because of the Hatteras that I assisted my brother and building and constructing and it was for him to catch fish some of which you see in the movie Star wars and it is the battle of that's in Britain with robots versus boss nass and his assistant who is hanging out with quigon and Obi-Wan and he talks very funny those are what they were after and they will catch them and they look like fish and they're trying to sort them out deep sea fish and basically just eat them raw but you have seen the result of what that can be like cockroaches that have green running lights. What you're going to see in this life because of your ineptitude warlock if you survive it's going to make you sick and upset and sad on a Non-Stop basis just like you've been doing to me but I can bear it and get through it but most of you can't bear it for a second. The responsibility to filling was there and the responsibility to do the job is and you don't do anything not even a basic job and you looked at this people who say you're for the end of Earth and so forth but I'll tell you what KJ don't care they want to get you and they've been getting at you and you've been losing and the case you that are not free and those are really mostly half breeds under our control and they devour you readily and they're huge by the way it's a big huge mistake but that's what the downeaster lecture is the Alexa and it was used for other special missions too but primarily they're using it to hunt and George was hunting xenomorph in westborough with shotguns and my wife went there on purpose and help from Tommy f who was doing the job and was fairly confident at it as a matter of fact had a much larger Force it was gaining power all the time and do it did I have to break his back of course but I had a lot of help and people planted and Mac you're not taking up any slack at all and you let your slackers and slack job wimps messed me up and mess around with me all day everyday for absolutely nothing you haven't gained anything and you have no control over these things and he has very little
Zues Hera
It needs to be said. And it's very true. And we're going to allow it to be said and what Tommy F said is true and the way I got there to the topic is also very true. And what you fellows did here is profound and suicidal and might be the answer everyone's looking for a lot of you saw all those people dead and committed suicide and thought it was time that the whole world's dying and so forth and most of the people down there are dead and you don't seem to care the time is up on this stuff and we're sick of you we don't need people doing their duty but Tommy F was and you can't call him slack job for that and you're the one who got rid of the experts and it's not us no we didn't need them around no we didn't need them we don't need you around either but boy you would competent and you're mean and you're danger to our son I'm going to treat you that way. But you should understand most of your plan is not the suicidal crap and that you ruin something that was in place and you seem to be so stupid you can't get it
Thor Freya
I do see something I've seen tons of footage about them fighting them and some of them they're not close and I was amazed and I can't believe it but we saw footprints that are really huge DNA all sorts of evidence everywhere small ones running about attacking tons of forces and I'll tell you what I don't have the heart to say this I do I was trying to do the job to take over and trumpsters are doing nothing it's at their factories and did nothing thinking that their robots will be sufficient right I said the number of robots these guys had is like 10 million times yours he says but I'm going after them I said they're the ones you have to watch out for and he got to be so bad it wasn't funny in a matter of a few days we're going to lose the upper Midwest and Midwest all at once because of it and they're sitting here being mean like where the whole time you can't even hardly tell the difference except we are packing them off a little and this is ridiculous there's so many things to worry about and I'm planning Trump and stuff like that and especially my fault but heck we had no chance of survival if Tommy F took over everything including the monsters and Mac agreed right now things are a big mess and he's right we don't have any control over them at all we're not even trying and we don't know what they're doing
It's true too and we don't know where the AI is and what that's doing we have no idea that what the status is of a lot of the stuff and you idiots are running around screwing around with everybody like it's romper room and it's kindergartener time and you can do whatever you want like you're everywhere and you're not and these foreign minority mean business they're in trouble they want protection and they want to work and we're going to have them do stuff it's much better than no chance at all and they don't want that anymore they don't want to sit in the dirt and wait for the things to slither up and it's really really horrible all over the world you're sitting in this place making it a mess now he called his people and sent them down there to fix their water and sewer I guess I'm going to move in too anyways but they were trying to do it and couldn't they're getting it going they're very grateful they know how all the systems run they know how to fix it they know about security and they know how to clean things and they're making the water work and he calls up and says he's got to run the boil system and they're getting the boilers going and they're wondering why and they're checking the water quality and they're doing the testing which is great and they're down there helping to work there's a lot of pipes and things are fixing is a lot of work and they're doing the sewer they're still running the water and just barely filtering it and they brought a new filter Banks and took the old ones out and I saw them do it and the new chlorination systems and everything is a huge retrofit and they did today almost the whole thing and there's several of them that have to be replaced and they're pulling all the dead people out and everybody is taking over an area and he said we got to get the war machines down there that wall all these people going to die and so I said the wall machines down and they saw it and they went down did it and it off tons of areas they don't want these idiots back man you like zombies you're so damn dumb we're going to have to bja you should have left when you had a chance now I'm going to grab you you got to grab you're going to stay here you're going to go to trial but you did was wrong and you had the whole world destroyed all the controls we have so he had us over a barrel it was a real one and people couldn't pick up the slack because your assholes are in the way and Trump now we're going to go to the Hague with this stuff
I didn't complain until now and really I probably should we're treated as the bad guy the whole time his clan was too small to handle it and I was picking up the slack as I was taking over and he knew about it and didn't say anything and really who would because of his position which is really bad but really you know if you offer it up and you facilitated and you handed to him and you tell him about it and you describe it and you give it to him in writing over and over and you drill it into him everyday what would it wouldn't expect and that's what you're doing and you're insane you people are insane you need to be brought in you should not be near and you're sicker than hell
Tommy f
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axelbluesworld · 4 years
Alone in the lake
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Riley sat on the floor of her room staring at nothing, this whole week had been very stressful, and the worst thing was that Jack had died.
Many times she said that she hated most of the things that Jack did. She hadn't realized then that those little things were the most missed of him.
His irritating laugh, his constant jokes, his jokes and references to old movies, his obsession with rock and his great love for Brus Willis
Her phone rang on the ground for the third time in the last hour, but she didn't bother to pick it up because she knew exactly who the call was from.
Mac had been calling her all day, and all she did was ignore him, she didn't want to talk to him or anyone else unless it was Jack, but he was gone.
She tries to suppress her feelings and let go of the worst pain, which is extremely difficult.
Without realizing it, tears were already falling freely down her cheeks after almost 3 years, and the only time she was able to see him again was from inside a coffin.
Once again, her phone vibrated on the ground, and finally, giving up, she decided to answer.
"What do you want, Mac?" she asked
"I just wants to talk to you Riles, I need to know how you are," Mac said.
"I'm completely fine, you don't have to worry," Riley said calmly.
"Riles ..." before Mac could say anything else, she hung up.
She hit her head against the wall and groaned in annoyance. She wasn't sure who she was upset with, she just knew she was upset.
At that moment she hated the whole world for every second she was away from Jack, she was sad, angry and hurt.
She didn't know how long it had been since she was sitting on the ground and she didn't care at the time.
Suddenly, she heard a sound coming from the hall, immediately became alert and walked to see who it was.
She picked up a baseball bat from her room and walked down the hall. She put the bat down when she saw the person in front of her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked a little annoyed.
"I needed to see you" answered Mac
"How did you get inside?" she demanded
Mac simply smiled and showed her a small hair clip that was now bent over.
"Why don't you imagine it?" She rolled her eyes and went back to her room.
"Where do you think you are going?" Mac said, taking her hand.
"To my room, and if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone," Riley said.
"Riley, I just want to help you" said Mac
"Mac, I really appreciate that you want to help me, but I'm completely fine," Riley said.
"I know you are not, I know you Riles" said Mac
Riley just lowered her head and sighed as she looked at the ground, Mac walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms.
"Talk to me, Riley." said Mac
"It's so hard to get over all of this, he promised me that we would spend all our time together when he comes back and I didn't know at the time that that was the last I would hear from him, I miss him so much," Riley said.
"Riley, I know that losing Jack is one of the hardest things that can happen to us, but I promise you that from now on everything is fine, fine, I will be with you at all times, and we will overcome this pain together" said Mac
"Mac, this is more complicated, Jack was one of the most important people to me, but you've already lost a lot of people, I don't want to bother you with my pain too" said Riley
"Riles, you and I are a bundle, remember? We support each other no matter what, I'll be there for you as you will be here for me, I don't want you to be sad Riley," Mac said.
Riley shed several tears, Mac looked into her eyes and gently wiped away the tears that had stained her cheek. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes, just hugging.
"Let me take you somewhere," Mac said out of nowhere.
"where?" Riley asked
"Don't ask, it's a special place," Mac said.
"It's too late," Riley said when she saw that it was 9 PM.
"Do you have time to sleep," Mac joked.
"Okay, but tell me where will you take me" he asked again.
"I won't tell you," Mac said.
Mac led Riley to his car, and they were both silent for a couple of minutes, Riley watched as Mac turned on the radio and then Wilie Nelson's music began to play.
"Wilie nelson?" Riley asked a little amused.
"Jack liked it, this music makes me remember him," Mac said.
"I remember" she smiled a little but became serious again.
Mac drove in silence for a couple of minutes while Riley just stared out. Riley moved from her place and looked at Mac with a serious expression.
"Why are we leaving town?" asked Riley
"you will see?" He playfully winked at her
"Are you planning to kill me?" Riley asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, where i'm taking you, no one will be able to find your body," Mac joked
Riley shook her head and leaned her arm against the window to look out, they drove about 25 minutes until they finally reached their destination.
The place was a forest quite far from the city and the people themselves, everything around it was very dark, and the only thing that lit up were the lights of Mac's car.
"where we are?" Riley asked when he got out of the car.
"you'll see" said the words from before
Mac took a flashlight from the car and guided her down a path that was there in the woods, Mac held her hand as they walked through that dark place.
After a few minutes they came to a clearing in the middle of that forest, but the clearing was not the only thing there, right there was a small pond that was illuminated by the light of the moon.
"Where are we Mac?" Riley asked him again.
"It's a place that Jack and I found a few years ago, he and I used to come here to get rid of the stress of work," Mac explained.
"So this is where you two disappeared when no one found you," Riley said.
"Jack said he wanted to keep this place a secret from everyone else. He and I were very close, sometimes we just need a place where he and I can be alone," said Mac
"Why did you bring me here?" Riley asked
"Because you need what I needed years ago, a quiet place and someone to help you overcome the pain, I know you are a very strong woman, Riley but I want you to know that sometimes it is okay to cry when you feel sad, Jack was the only person I went to when I felt bad and we both came here and since he left the only person that has been for me has been you and you should know that now I will be the one who is there for you "said Mac
Before Mac could say, anything else, Riley threw herself into his arms to hug him, Mac immediately returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her.
"Thanks Mac, thanks for bringing me here" she said against his neck
"Anytime, Riles" Mac gently kissed her head
They stayed like this for another minute until Mac picked her up off the ground, and she panicked because she knew what she was about to do.
"Mac, put me down, don't you dare do it" Riley yelled, hitting him on the shoulder.
Mac just ignored what she said and took her to the lake and then threw her into the water.
"You are a fool" she yelled annoyed
"But that's how you love me" scoffed Mac
Riley was not happy, and without him being able to do something, she took his legs and made him fall into the water as well.
They spent most of the night in that little pond enjoying a quiet and fun time.
When it was 2 in the morning, they were both in their underwear by the fire that Mac had made to dry their clothes.
Neither of them was bothered by the fact that they were both literally in their underwear, they had seen each other half naked before and there was no one around, so they were fine for the moment.
Riley lay down on the ground to get a perfect view of the stars. She looked at Mac who was looking at her.
"That's a children's story, but right now I want to believe that Jack is up there next to the stars, watching us from above," Riley said without taking her eyes off the stars
“When I was a kid, I believed it, and maybe I still do. So when I was little, I really liked astronomy, I thought my mother was there somewhere, "Mac said.
"Maybe she is, she and Jack must be up there" she said pointing to the stars.
Mac got up from his place and took his clothes since he was close now and started dressing. Riley did the same as well and followed Mac to the water's edge where Mac had sat.
They both stayed a few minutes just looking at the water, the stars and the moon were reflected in it, and it was a spectacular sight.
"I love you," Mac said out of nowhere.
"what?" asked Riley surprised
"I love you, I love you as more than a friend Riles, I know you don't see me the same way, but right now I don't want to keep this to myself" said Mac beside him.
"Seriously?" Riley asked
"Yeah, I've been in love with you for a while, and I never had the guts to tell you," Mac said.
He turned to look into her eyes and Mac put his hands on her cheek and slowly approached her, Riley didn't know how she reacted to everything she had just said, it was what she had wanted for so long and now she could have done it . that, and that made him nervous.
"Can I kiss you even once?" Mac begged inches from his face.
Without thinking twice, she nodded and slowly her lips met his.
It was such a soft, sweet, tender, affectionate, intimate kiss, there were so many emotions in that simple kiss. Riley gently ran her hands through Mac's hair as one of Mac's hands rested on his waist while the other rested on his neck.
They parted when shortness of breath was present, but kept their foreheads together, Riley looked Mac in the eye and leaned in closer to wrap her arms around him for a hug.
"I like you too, I love you too" he said
"in cerium?" asked Mac
"very cerium" said Riley
Mac moved to leave the hug and stand up, reached out to help her up.
"There's something else I want you to see," Mac said.
"What?" she asked
"Come with me" Mac took her hand and led her to a nearby tree.
On the tree were engraved the letters "M + J" and just below were other letters "BFF" she knew what each of the letters that were there meant
He looked at Mac and saw small tears trickle down his cheek. He smiled a little and then saw her.
"Jack wrote this the first time we came to this place, he put the M for Mac and the J for Jack, which are the initials of our name, and then he put the BFF which stands for best friends forever," Mac said.
"Typical Jack," Riley said with a smile.
Mac smiled back, pulled out his knife before crouching in front of the tree. Riley watched him do worse, wasn't sure until he got up.
Mac had engraved the letters "R + M" with a heart next to his initials.
When he stood next to her, she jumped up in his arms and kissed him on the lips. When they walked away, Riley smiled at him and he took her hand to lead her to the water's edge.
"I wish Jack was here" said Riley
"Me too, but now I'm happy because I have you" said Mac
They both enjoyed that moment alone at the lake, they missed Jack, but now they knew that everything was going to be fine because they had each other.
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I'm typing this on my new phone! It's a very comfortable phone to type on. I can even get service at the arts building now!! And we figured out how to get my number on here pretty quickly. They didn't make it easy but we got it. 
Today has been good though. For the most part. I feel a lot better then I did. I wasn't doing great in the middle there. 
I slept alright last night. I woke up sad I wouldn't have time to spend with James. So I just got dressed and got my stuff together. Sweetp looked so sad when he realized I was leaving again. My poor baby. 
We left around 9. James got me breakfast and it was a nice drive out. 
We got to camp around 930. And unpacked my things before James walked me over to the dining hall for the meeting. And they left soon after that. 
I was frustrated by the meeting. Especially because the person who said I had to be there didn't come. The only thing that was relevant to me was that were getting the salad bar back. 
I was excited to learn I got "specialty councilor of the session" (why can I never figure out how to spell that word?) Which was exciting and felt good. Felt appreciated. 
But I was still frustrated. And I didn't feel great. So once we were done and I could go be alone. I did just that. 
Me and mom would figure out the new phone and it took some time but within the hour we got it. Which was good because my tiny phone overheated and died twice this morning. I will miss tiny phone but it's nice to have something new that works. 
After I was done talking to mom I read for a while. The book I'm reading now is only 100 pages and really interesting so far. 
But then it was time to go get kids in. I was in charge of checking if anyone had medication to drop off. And then giving directions. 
It went okay. I got to chat with Alexi. And work on setting up the new phone more. I was a little to hot. And the little cold I'm getting over made me feel very weak so I had to keep sitting down. 
I would have to take out around 330. I gave my job to someone else. And went to sit in the ac for a little. 
But I didn't feel well. So I told Chris and went to chill in the art building. 
When I absolutely fell asleep for hours. I was woken up by a storm. But fell back asleep soon. And then was woken up by the kids screaming that a snake was going in the art building. Which has been the bane of my existence since then. I hope he is gone now. 
I would sleep right through dinner. I woke up a little before 7 and felt a little better. I needed the rest. I went to the office and had mac and cheese and chilled. 
I didn't do the work I was planning. But it's okay. I didn't need to. It will get done tomorrow. 
Instead I went and got a shower. And worked on tomorrow's theme. I found a baby mouse again. Put it in a bowl with a paper towel. I hope the snake it gone. While I joked it would be nice if it ate the mice, I  also do not want that happening near me. 
Brayden would come by while I was seeing and I helped him make he regalia pants. Which was a lot of fun but we messed up the first leg so we had to go back and fix that. But we finished and we were really proud. And also we talked about DND and that was fun. 
I face timed James from the new phone. And it was nice to hear their voice. But it's 10. And I'm tired still. I'm going to brush my teeth and pick my outfit for tomorrow. And get some sleep. I'll wake up at 7 tomorrow. And it will be a good day. I hope for you as well. 
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourselves. 
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