kiisuuumii · 12 days
5:35 am
these last few days, i've been waking up anywhere between 3 am and now. i've not thought about it until this moment, turned to face the window blinds, remembering how it felt to say good morning, to hear you say it back, to then hear the quiet, and nothing.
it wasn't consuming. not overwhelming. not heartbreaking.
i felt a sense of peace i've still yet to find again. it felt as though things would find themselves working out. that, somehow and someway, tomorrow, today, would wake to be fine as i settled into bed.
maybe i was naive. or overestimated my emotional integrity.
or maybe the world has yet to surprise me. maybe i have yet to.
this is the closest to peace i've felt in a very long time, listening to the creaking of the house, to the sounds of the world outside waking slowly, to the faded memory of your voice.
i hope i may know it again. i hope i may find myself waking again one twilight and there is only the lightness of a new day, a soft joy for a few more hours of sleep.
i hope you find it too. i am always hoping. but you must know this already.
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mars-ipan · 28 days
tbh if you like an artist i’d say never block a song in their discography from your playlists. you never know when it will be that song’s Time
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noornight · 1 month
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seulira · 3 months
thinking about the snippet of a phone conversation I overheard, during which a frat boy said "You would think he's gay from how he talks, but his girlfriend is so bad"
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thebuckandeddiething · 5 months
I LOVE the canon bisexual representation we're getting right now, but there is this part of me wondering what Oliver's "lean into it regardless" season would look like…
I mean how much more smitten with Eddie can you play it before the director notices? Oh and the whole fandom thinking this time we've completely gaslighted ourselves into seeing something that wasn't there and IT WOULD BE THERE?!
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fadednorth · 8 months
I just saw my first tumblr ad on YouTube
It's a strange feeling. It is, it is.
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calamitydaze · 9 months
me watching the entire internet realize what i figured out 14 months ago
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owlyjules · 9 months
I hate everything.
(I lost my ipad pen again)
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neverinchargeinactive · 10 months
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"I swear this wasn't me."
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ninthdoctorr · 10 months
finally got around to watching the children in need short and YES! ah it was so silly and fun. julien bleach still doing a perfect davros. also i felt 13s influence on the this new regeneration.
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 11 months
Having read 4/5th of unholyverse means going “nobody told me thee iconic line was in the 8k last part”
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anartificialsatellite · 11 months
Haha nothing like waiting for the bus after shul and taking your phone out to check texts and seeing 97 Tumblr notifs
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jumbledbee · 1 year
The lack of consistency in TOS is so fuckinh funny to me
You’re telling me that Spock was so ashamed of pon farr in Amok Time that he’d rather die than tell his closest friends what’s wrong with him
Yet, in The Cloud Minders, he could tell Droxine all about it as a pickup tactic?
Absolutely wild
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bunnytreehouse · 1 year
oh right
new nightmare unlocked: someone cool tries to talk to you but suddenly your mouth is filled with caramel and you cant speak (there is an audience watching you)
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paradoxolotl · 1 year
Someone tell me why I just wrote an entire fic in my head and when I went to put it in a doc my brain quickly shoved it beneath the rug to pretend it wasn’t there
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kiss2012 · 1 year
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