buddiedaydreamer911 · 5 months
still stuck on the “it’s about time!” that hen giggled into karen’s ear
this means those two curled up on the couch, both probably holding wine glasses, and talked about how buck somehow liked men. either bi or gay, they talked about it and agreed on it.
but they had no idea about tommy, so who exactly did they talk about buck liking????? hmmmmmm??
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runningmunson · 4 months
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Living for finally getting Helaena/Phia content
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
1 - Matching Marks
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Part 2
It’s About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall l @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
What defines a Best Friend. A best friend is somebody who is always there. A best friend will do the most stupid and dangerous stuff with you most of the time. A best friend relationship however will make things rather complicated when you start developing feelings for them…for me that was around age 15 -16. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to age 12.
Georgie and I were running around the backyard of his house chasing each other. My parents were out on a date night so I was staying over at his place. We were in middle school during that time. “Y/n, I’m gonna get you.” He called out to me while he was nearly on my heels.
“Yeah right, Cooper - ah ow!” I suddenly tripped on a part of the swingset. I held my wrist seeing some cuts across my right wrist but it didn’t seem dislocated or anything.
Georgie came rushing over to check on me. “Y/n, are you okay?”
“I think I’m gonna be okay. But this is all your fault.” I snapped showing him the scrapes on my wrist that weren't just a little cut.
He slumped his shoulders. “I’m sorry but what do ya want me to do about it?”
“Make me feel better.” I answered him with a snarky remark.
Georgie bites his lip for a second thinking until he saw a somewhat sharp rock on the ground by the swing which was what I had tripped on. He picked it up drawing it across the same wrist as mine doing his best to copy the marks I had. “There now we have the same mark. We are even.”
“Ya know only a real friend would do something like that, Georgie.” I said when he helped me up off the dirt ground looking up into his eyes since he was barely taller than me.
He sent me a cheeky smile, bumping my cut wrist with his own. “We’re best friends. Always have, always will be.”
Laying on the couch in the living room of my house I was on my own until my parents came home from work after getting done with school for the day. Somebody knocked on the front door and I bolted upright knowing who it was. Opening the door, Georgie stood on my front porch. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought you’d be bored and my Meemaw sent me for beer and said she’d tip me in fire crackers. You wanna come with me?” He asked me.
I shake my head grabbing my coat at the same time. “I don’t know. Can’t we get arrested for this?”
“Possibly but only if we get caught and I think I can be pretty convincing.” Georgie didn’t see my worry with it.
Shrugging on my jacket I followed him to his meemaw’s car knowing she trusted me to drive. I was only a few months older than him so she knew I was closer to getting my drivers license then he would be. “Okay, I’ll drive but you go into the store. My parents will have my ass if they find out.” I warned him starting the car and we headed to the store.
We pulled into one of the closests parking spaces since she had handicap plates giving me a view of the cashier woman who looked to be his meemaws age. “If you’re lucky she won’t ask too many questions. I’ll be waiting here.” He shut the car door and went inside. I kept a close eye on the women while he was in the back getting a case of beer that she liked before going to the counter.
Georgie and the cashier were chatting up for a few good seconds then coming out with the case in hand. He came outside putting the bag down on the floorboard looking at me. “I can’t believe my accent worked.”
“You’re what now?” I raised a brow at him.
He looked back at me. “I used an Italian accent.”
“Georgie…” I groaned, hitting my head on the steering wheel where the horn went and the front entrance of the store door flung open with the elderly woman shouting at us.
“Give me back that beer!”
Georgie whipped his head around to me panicking. “Go, go!” I slammed my foot on the gas and spun the steering wheel around until we were out of the parking lot and away from the store. I wasn’t sure how fast I was going or if the cops were on us because I didn’t stop driving until we got back to the Cooper house.
“I can��t believe I just did that.” Sliding down in the driver’s seat to hide from someone’s view.
Georgie chuckled, reaching into the bag taking out one of the beers pointing it in my direction. “You wanna celebrate. I doubt she’ll know it’s missin’.”
“No! We’re only 14.” I raised my voice at him quickly getting out of the car. Going inside the house I covered my ears hearing music blaring through the house and figured it was coming from his sister's room she shared with Sheldon. When their memaw babysat there were no rules.
Sheldon, who was playing cards with his memaw, saw me standing by the kitchen backdoor. “Y/n, are spending the night?”
“I’m not sure. Why do you ask?” I questioned him.
He replied looking back at his cards. “I am just making sure that you won’t mess up my bathroom schedule.”
“I don’t think I will.” I lowered my hands from my ears the second the backdoor opened and Georgie came in carrying the bag.
Memaw turned in her chair across from Sheldon when he handed her the bag. “They give you any trouble?”
“Nah. Oh yeah, change.” Georgie reached inside his pocket holding it out to her.
She held her hand up., handing him some packs of firecrackers. “You keep it. Here you go ... .hey unless you want me to take them back you better give me my missing bottle.” She paused searching through her bag noticing the bottle.
“Fine…” He grumbled hearing me chuckling behind him. “Be quiet Y/n.”
“I told you she’d notice. I tried to warn ya.” Shrugging my shoulders we both walked outside into the backyard.
Georgie lights off the first firecracker throwing it in the grass and it made a loud boom making contact. He hands me the next one nudging my arm. “Give it a go.” I nodded, throwing it up into the air and it hit the grill creating the same boom.
“Wow…Georgie, can I ask you something?” I spun on my feet throwing my hair in my face.
He stands close to me still holding onto the pack of firecrackers in his hands. “What is it, darling?”
“Are we always going to be my best friend? I mean I know we have these marks but does this mean the same to you as it does to me?” Rolling up my jacket sleeve I showed him the familiar cut mark.
Georgie smiled, putting his wrist with the mark up against mine. “We’ll always be friends.” I nodded but I had hoped he would be able to read between the lines someday that I maybe wanted more.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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alloutshirt · 2 years
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dduane · 2 years
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atomicradiogirl · 9 months
house’s head, wilson’s heart - circle
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Screen shots of his Bafta acceptance speech!
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helpimhyperfixating · 7 months
Commissions Open!
It’s taken a few years, but they’re finally here!
Slots open: 1/3
What will I write? Literally anything! Character x Reader, Character x OC, Character x Character.
I will do: canon, au, nsfw, fluff, angst, a mix of those, whatever you need! If you’re unsure, just ask and I’ll let you know if I write it (i.e. if you’re unsure about some topics or kinks)
What characters and fandoms will I write for? Also literally anything! Got a blorbo you want from an obscure fandom? Pass it on. If I don’t know them, please just give me a description of their personality and mannerisms and I’ll go to town. This also goes for your oc’s (this is a ploy to tell me about em >:3333)
€1,50 - per 100 words
€2,00 - per 100 words for smut
You can let me know beforehand how long you’d like the fic to be (i.e. 800 words) and the price will be based on that (i.e. €12/€16). If I go over the word count, that’s a nice bonus for you, you ofc won’t have to pay ;3 (I’ll never go under the word count).
Payment will be half upfront and then half after when it is done 👉👈
I will try to finish your commission within a month of getting it, but it will depend on how many I have at the same time/what happens with my life, lol. Either way, I’ll keep in close contact and you’ll stay in the loop!
When I’ve written it but you don’t like something or think it’s wrong (that a character wouldn’t say it), please let me know! I’m writing this for you after all and want you to be 100% happy with it ^^
If you’re interested, please DM me!
I also think there is a commission system on kofi which I have but I don’t know how it works 💀
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the-lavender-clown · 2 months
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Now I have a place to do art and package orders!
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Oh shit… I’m out of Tumblr jail…
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so-much-for-subtlety · 5 months
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I know I have some newyorktuals that catch commuter rail - did we finally get digital signage on the tracks at GCT this week or have I just not been paying attention?!?
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tha-wrecka-stow · 1 year
SWV Discography
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
11 - Changing the Game
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Part 12
It’s About Time
What other episodes do you want me to include?? I am wanting to write them at 17 years old already so I might do a time skip unless y’all have anymore episodes you’d like me to include when they aren’t 17.
Georgie and I hadn’t really talked in deep conversation about whatever our feelings were. We had been working in Dale's shop for a few weeks now. So only small talk when the other needed help with a customer. 
Rounding the counter top I handed a person back their change before I eyed the clock seeing it was time for me to be off of work. “That’s my shift. Georgie I’ll see you tomorrow.” I headed towards the front door about to leave.
“Y/n, hang on a sec. Can I talk to you real quick?” He made me pause from pushing open the door to leave. 
I clicked my tongue looking over my shoulder at him. “I guess so. But make it quick I have to meet your sister before she tries out.” 
“Yeah I heard that was today. But I was thinking if you’re free afterwards that we could hang out.” Georgie shrugged his shoulders standing a few steps away from me. 
I clicked my tongue feeling uneasy about talking with him right now. I wasn’t brave enough to tell him how I really felt and I wasn’t sure that I would ever get there. “I’ll see if I’m free, Georgie. But I - uh should go. I promised I wouldn’t be late.” Pushing the door opened the young Cooper watched his best friend leave the store and he dropped the half smile on his face knowing he needed to say something sooner rather than later. 
George sr, Missy and I got out of his truck  before I watched Missy slam the backdoor behind her including her bedroom door in anger. Waiting outside her room i wasn't sure what to say listening to the parents talk about what happened in the kitchen. Memaw's shoes quickly stomped down the hallway pushing the door open. “You want to be on that baseball team?”
“Yes, but the coach said-” Missy sat up on her bed. 
Connie cut her granddaughter's words. “I don't care what he said get your glove, let's go.”
She got up from the bed coming to meet me in the hallway until Sheldon spoke up. “Missy..”
She halted glaring at him. “What?”
He sent her a good boost of confidence rather than a snarky comment. “Do good baseball.”
Connie, Missy and I got in her car driving to the baseball field where the coach was.  I gasped in surprise seeing that the coach was in fact my boss at the sporting good’s store. Connie stomped up to him while he was packing the back of his truck. “You tell my granddaughter she can't play baseball?”
“Oh, well, I was just looking out for her, that's all.” My boss responded to her. 
Connie snapped back. “Is that so? Well, we don't need you deciding what's best for her.”
“What do you need?” He asked. 
Connie nodded her head poking her index finger into his chest. “I need you to give her the same chance you would a boy!”
“Or what?” He challenged her. 
But she wasn’t going down without a fight. “Or you and me gonna have problems.”
“Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?” Dale picked up a ball and glove handing it to her. 
“No, we wouldn't.” She takes the gear  coming over to the two of us. Handing it to Missy she stands beside me and behind the young girl. “Fire it in there, baby.”
“I'm scared.” Missy put the ball in one hand and slipped the glove on her opposite looking at my boss but didn't throw it immmedatly. 
Connie faced her granddaughter looking her dead in the eye. “Meemaw has just made a scene. Now is not the time to be scared!”
“Come on, Missy just picture me down there. Throw the ball to me.” I encouraged the girl knowing that she had really impressive aim. 
Missy takes a breath before launching the ball directly into his glove. I jumped up in the air cheering for her while Connie removed her sunglasses teasing the coach. “I'm just a girl. But I think that’s called a Strike.” 
It had been a few days since she made the team and today was her first game. All of us were gathered together in the metal bleachers. Missy came out of the dug out with a red helmet on her head and a gray baseball bat in hand. She was in white pants, an orange shirt and her hair was braided down her back when she walked towards the mount. “Let's go, Missy!” Connie cheered standing beside me. 
“Go get 'em, Missy!” Her dad hollered while I stood as close to the metal fence as possible to see the game. 
The other team's pitcher threw a ball where she ducked underneath it and the umpire behind her caught the ball. “Ball.”
“Whoa.” Her mother gasped. “Oh! Dear Lord.”
Dale, who was the coach, remained calm as best he could. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it.”
“It happens. She's okay. Brush it off, Missy!” Missy’s dad touched his wife’s arm, not concerned about this. 
The pitcher launched the ball again before Missy ducked a second time since the ball was directly heading for her face. “Ball.”
“What the hell?” Connie jumped up to stand. 
George Sr raised his voice. “Son of a bitch.” 
“Ballard, you gonna let them give her a black eye or am I gonna have to come out there and kick their asses!” 
My boss raised his hands understanding the frustration. “Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Hold it. We talked about this. Cooper!” He called her name where we saw Missy run forward and tackled the pitcher into the dirt beginning to hit him with her fists. 
“Hell yeah!” I throw my hands up in the air in victory that she was standing up for herself. 
Coach Ballard shakes his head. “Ah, well, here we go.”
“Eat dirt. Eat it.” Missy said shoving his face in the dirt. 
Connie cheered her on. “Kick his ass!”
“Does it taste good? Huh?” Missy teased. 
Dale chimed in. “Yeah, listen to your meemaw. Kick his ass!”
“You gonna cry? Huh? Do it. Cry.” Missy noticed some tears coming down the boys face. 
Her mom didn't want to watch the scene before her looking at her husband. “Do something. Break it up.”
“H-Hang on. She's winning.” But all he could feel was proud of his little girl. 
“Missy! Missy Cooper, you stop beating up that boy!” Mary shouted not enjoying her see her daughter beating up a boy over a baseball game. 
Connie shouted back. “Punch him in the nuts!” 
After Missy was thrown out of the game I had to go home for dinner and everyone had to get ready for school and work the next morning. Laying on my bed with my bedroom door closed I was eating some Fritos and finishing up the math homework I had left until I heard someone knocking on my window in the middle of the night. “What the heck is going on?” 
The knocking occurred a few more times where I could see someone out there so I got up and opened the window. Shifting my gaze around I could see someone hanging off the tree that was near my window. “Y/n!” I recognized Georgie’s voice coming through the night sky. 
“Georgie, are you insane? Get in here.” I gasped holding out my hand for him to take as he crawled over on one of the limbs until I yanked him inside my window and we tumbled to the floor where I prayed we didn't wake up my parents. 
He got up off the floor using his knees tugging me up to stand with him. “I need to talk with ya about something.” 
“Hold up.” I moved around my bed flipping the lamp light on. “It’s the middle of the night. Did something really bad happen?” 
He shakes his head no. “Nah nothing bad. But there's something I need to tell you.” 
“Okay. What is it?” I asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
Georgie ran a hand through his hair and he slumped his shoulders heavily before the words I wasn’t expecting fell out of his mouth. “I have feelings for you.” 
“What kind of feelings?” I questioned him not believing what he uttered next to me after all this time. 
Georgie nervously responded with a blush on his face. “The more than best friends kind of feeling.” I hung my mouth opened so unclear of my next response to my best friend. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-bluee @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad @ashsallyblue2
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honeyedmiller · 7 months
actor!joel finally coming tonight or tomorrow
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