#hih commissions
helpimhyperfixating · 4 months
Wedding - Jotaro x Reader
This was a commission requested by @worldsetfree !
Thank you so so much, love, for your patience with me and for commissioning me in the first place ^^ I had a lot of fun with this!
CW: none
This is a post p6, happy ending au. Because dadtaro yes :3
Word Count: 3855
“What’s going on, love?” You ask softly as you reach up, straightening Jotaro’s tie. He’d just earlier come home from a long day at the office, writing on his newest research paper. Right now though, he was fresh out of the shower and getting dressed in fancy wear.
“I have a gut feeling.” The man mumbled, looking down at you. His hair was still a little damp, one stubborn curl draped across his brow while his hat was laying to the side on the dresser – the usual purple one replaced with a black one to match his suit, decorated with silver emblems for some more subtlety.
“About what? Jolyne asked us out to dinner. You were saying recently how you barely see her anymore, I thought you’d like this?” You questioned and Jotaro sighed softly, taking your hands away from his tie as he instead brought them down, squeezing a little as he instead looked over your head, seemingly trying to find the right words.
“It feels too sudden. Forced.”
Smiling a little sympathetically, you turned your hand around in his hold, squeezing his hand back to get his attention back on you. “Jolyne asked us to come. So we come. It’s dinner with her and some of her friends. Don’t you think that after everything she’s been through, she deserves a night out to a fancy place?”
“She does, but-“
“-No buts.” You interrupted him, making him frown a bit. “Jotaro, it’ll be fine. If anything, having us two there puts her in a safer position than when she’s alone.”
“Good grief, you’re insistent.” He sighed, though you saw the small quirk of his lip and smiled back.
“Good. That’s what you have me for. Now come on, let’s blow-dry your hair and go. We don’t want to be late.”
“Fine. So long as Anasui isn’t there.”
- - - -
Sitting at the restaurant, Jotaro had his arms firmly crossed over his chest, his hat casting his eyes into shadows as he scowled, almost brooding as he sat next to Anasui.
The pink-haired man – to his credit – kept his composure, holding a face of indifference as best as he could as he looked anywhere but the annoyed man right beside him at the table.
Sitting next to your husband, you couldn’t help but struggle to keep your smile down.
Jotaro looked downright pissy.
Sitting at the table, Jolyne sat to your left at the head, Ermes next to her (and opposite to you) and followed by Emporio and Foo Fighters, with Weather Report finishing up the crew, sitting at the head of the table opposite of Jolyne.
It was a positively merry band.
A little while ago, the drinks and entrees had been ordered, Jotaro already halfway through his beer.
“Dad, how’s the paper going?”
Pulled out of his brooding, Jotaro lifted his head, glancing to his daughter. “It’s going well.” He responded and you smiled to yourself, seeing the man’s sour expression soften the moment he laid his eyes on the green-haired girl. Or- woman, now. She wasn’t your little girl anymore. A thought that stung, though you kept it to yourself.
“What was it about again?”
“Blue whale migratory patterns.” Jotaro cleared his throat, always a little embarrassed to speak about his work.
“Oh, I hear they’re rare to be sighted!” Emporio spoke up, ever curious.
Jotaro nodded, crossing his ankles under the table. “Indeed, due to whaling in the last century their numbers drastically decreased. It’s been banned since 1966 but they’re still an endangered species.”
“So how’d you find them?” The now thirteen year old boy asked.
Jotaro’s lip quirked up before he answered while angling his hat’s brim down. “By knowing where to look.”
You knew your husband had a soft spot for the kid. In fact, the two of you had offered to take him in, but Jolyne had declined, saying she and Ermes could do that since they lived together. And neither of you protested, given Emporio and Jolyne in particular had a bond that could not be shattered.
“How’s the job, Jolyne?” You asked instead, lifting your glass to take a sip of your drink.
At that, Jolyne smiled. “It’s going well! I got some designs approved finally and have started making them.”
“You should see some of them, they’re incredible!” Ermes butted in, placing her hand on Jolyne’s thigh, making the girl blush as she glanced off to the side – a trait she got from you.
To his right, Jotaro saw Anasui glare daggers at Ermes, making the raven shift forward in his seat, blocking Anasui’s stare with his frame while giving a scrutinizing look of his own to the man in pink.
Seeing it, Anasui swallowed bitterly, crossing his arms and just letting it go. He knew he couldn’t beat Jotaro, no matter what happened.
“Oh! Do you have some pictures, Jolyne?!” Foo Fighters piped up excitedly, leaning on the table with both her forearms.
At that, both Jolyne and Ermes shared a look. Tilting your head in intrigue, you studied the two young women. There was excitement in their eyes, as well as slight nervousness in Jolyne.
“Sure.” Jolyne then hummed to her friend, nudging Ermes, who picked her bag up off of the floor, digging through until she pulled out a camera.
Before she could show anything however, waiters came up with the entrees, putting them down one by one in front of the right people.
Again, you saw the two women to your left touch, their hands intertwining under the table.
Perceptive as ever, Jotaro noticed too – the two of you sharing an inquisitive glance. There was something going on with them.
“So, show me what you’ve been up to, miss fashion designer.” You smiled, reaching over and gently squeezing Jolyne’s elbow.
“Okay, mom.” The girl smiled, taking the camera from Ermes, turning it on and flicking through a few pictures before handing it over to you.
Taking it happily, you shifted a little closer to Jotaro, pushing the camera’s strap to the side as you saw a picture of a slim fitting coral patterned dress sit on a mannequin. Jotaro leaned into your space, the two of you looking over at the small screen together, as you tilted it so that he could view it as well. “Oh wow, that looks so detailed!” You complimented.
“There’s some more pictures if you press the arrows right.” Jolyne instructed and you followed her word, moving your thumb to click the arrow.
The screen shifted to a new picture and your eyes widened as you felt Jotaro grip your hip tight, his breath faltering a bit.
Right there on the screen was a photo of Jolyne and Ermes on the beach, Ermes down on one knee, a small but ever so prominent box in her hands.
Snapping your head up to your daughter, you saw her with a wide grin on her face, her eyes a little misty as she lifted her hand, showing a beautiful yet simple ring sitting on her ring finger.
“You’re engaged?” You asked, in disbelief though quickly, a warmth filled your heart as you saw both women nod.
“No way!” Foo yelled out, almost throwing herself onto the table to look closer at the ring, Jolyne easily obliging. Emporio had the widest smile on his face, having already known and Weather Report held an unusual but calm smile on his face.
To your right however, you suddenly heard a chair screech, followed by a loud clang.
Anasui had abruptly risen to his feet, rage in his eyes as he stabbed his knife into the wooden table next to his plate.
Before he could say or do anything however, Jotaro had snapped his hand around the man’s elbow, tightly squeezing as he yanked Anasui back down into his seat.
“You shut up and smile.” He spoke, voice low as he glared at Anasui, a silent rage emanating from him that you hadn’t seen in quite some time.
“I won’t sit here and-“
“Then you won’t sit here!” Jotaro interrupted, yanking his arm before abruptly getting up himself, dragging Anasui with him to his feet.
Angry, a shimmering aura of a stand began to grow around Anasui, but Jotaro retaliated instantly, a familiar purple beginning to emanate around it.
“Think very carefully about what you’re going to do.” He spoke threateningly. Yet when Anasui just grit his teeth, glaring daggers at Ermes, the raven tightened his grip on his elbow and began to drag the pink-haired man out of the restaurant.
“I’ll make sure he makes it out alive.” Weather Report sighed as he got up. “Congratulations Ermes, Jolyne.” He said, giving another little smile before following the marine biologist and his impromptu charge.
Now you knew why Jolyne had made Jotaro sit next to Anasui.
Sighing softly, you then turned to your daughter, reaching out to grab her hand, reaching over to grab Ermes’ a second later. “I’m so happy for you two.” You whispered, tears in your eyes, which in turn caused Jolyne’s to fill as well. “I speak for both your father and myself when I say that I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You’ve been through so much. The both of you have. And I’m so happy to see you find solace in each other.”
At that, the two glanced at each other, Ermes reaching out and linking her free hand with Jolyne’s.
“Ermes?” You said her name and she turned, looking at you. “I couldn’t be happier to have you join our family. And you will always have a family in us.” You whispered. At that, you almost physically saw the lump form in her throat as she then nodded with a shy smile.
Smiling wide, you had to keep back your emotions as you then got up, starting to drag both out of their seats. Dragging Jolyne into a hug, she happily joined, Ermes stepping up a second later, joining in on your insistence as you hugged both women tight.
Pulling back, Jolyne smiled at you, blinking away tears. “Thank you, mom.” She whispered and you reached up, thumbing away the beginning tear in the corner of her eye, saving her makeup.
“I’m so excited!” Foo suddenly exclaimed, pulling Emporio close into a hug, the boy tensing up and frowning a bit, his growing age making him more averse to affection – like most teenage boys – making you chuckle a bit.
Just then, Jotaro and Weather Report came walking back in, Jotaro shaking his hand out a bit while Weather walked a bit more casual.
Yet as the raven walked up, seeing you all on your feet, he softened. Especially when Jolyne broke away from you and rushed up to him.
Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms, burying his face into her shoulder as he hugged her tight. You watched as he spoke a few words – too quiet to hear – but it resulted in Jolyne holding him tighter.
The two embraced for a few seconds longer while Weather Report took his place at the table again. Then, they pulled apart, Jotaro taking off his hat for a brief second to press a short kiss to his daughter’s forehead, just like he used to when she was a little kid.
Walking over a moment later, he walked up to Ermes, tightly shaking her hand. “Treat her well.” He muttered and Ermes hummed, a bit of a cocky smile on her face.
“Wouldn’t do anything else. Pink baby give you much trouble?”
“He asked to pass on his congratulations.” Jotaro said coolly, letting go of Ermes’ hand as he then walked back over to his seat beside you. “He unfortunately had to go home.”
Rolling your eyes good-naturedly, you took your seat at the table again as well.
Once everyone was seated, conversation flowed naturally, food being eaten before the main course was served. And by the time that dessert rolled around, Foo Fighters was firmly drunk after having stolen Weather’s glass of wine, and Jolyne’s ring had been thoroughly inspected at least a hundred times.
- - - -
Walking into the bedroom, Jotaro’s face fell into a deadpan as he saw you sitting upright in bed with your laptop on your lap. “Are you still on it?”
“It has to be perfect.” You mumbled, typing away as you continued to search for different venues.
It had taken about six months since the engagement, but Ermes and Jolyne had finally began planning the wedding, having asked you and Jotaro for your input – both thanks to the fact that you were funding it for a big part, as well as the fact that you already had experience when it came to planning a wedding.
“Darling, leave some planning to them. A bit of wedding stress is good for them.” He sighed, taking off his shirt as he walked to his side of the bed, lifting his pillow and rummaging under it to find the pyjama pants he keeps there.
“But there’s so much to do, I just want to help.” You frowned, glancing to the side to see your husband switch out his pants for the pyjama ones.
“Your helping is causing you to stress like it’s your own wedding. They’re smart girls, they can handle it.” Jotaro said, climbing into bed beside you.
He grabbed your cheek and turned your head to face him, shutting you up. “No buts. Sleep, Y/N.”
“I’m not overbearing, am I?” You whisper, worried now and Jotaro huffed in amusement, rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
“No, you’re not. Jolyne asked me to get you to take a break because she’s worried about you. She assured me she appreciates you taking the work load from them, but as I said; let them have their own wedding stress. It’s healthy.”
“You sure?”
Reaching over, Jotaro closed your laptop and placed it on his nightstand, shuffling down under the blankets a bit while pulling you down with him. “Certain.” He assured, looking at you with gentle eyes. Age had truly mellowed this man out.
“Okay.” You whispered, allowing him to pull you in as he took a deep breath, his arms tight around you as he cuddled you close, your own body melding with his.
“Sleep well, love.” He muttered.
- - - -
Reaching up, you straightened Jotaro’s bow tie a bit.
“I can’t believe she still invited him.” The raven grumbled and you sighed softly.
“Like it or not, she views Anasui as a friend. He saved our lives, remember?” You asked, dusting his suit of imaginary dust as you spoke and Jotaro huffed.
“I’ve saved his life dozens of times by not caving his skull in.”
Letting out a little ‘tssk’ you softly hit his arm. “It’s your daughter’s wedding day! Stop with the negative talk.” You scolded, crossing your arms. “He won’t be a problem. Weather Report is there to keep an eye on him.”
“He’s going to object.” Jotaro spoke matter of fact, clearly displeased.
“Didn’t you threaten him so severely he stayed out of Jolyne and Ermes’ way the entire wedding planning?” You countered, raising an eyebrow and Jotaro sighed.
“Yes, but even his malleability has an end. He’s obsessed with Jolyne. It’s dangerous.” He frowned and you nodded, not wanting to wave his concerns away, as well as knowing he was right.
“This is true, but Jolyne only allowed him to be here if he promised to behave. And we’ll step in if we have to.”
“I don’t like it.” Jotaro just said and you gave him a sad little smile before leaning up, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“I think you don’t have to worry.” You said. “I heard Ermes talking to Jolyne earlier, said she had it handled.”
At that, Jotaro seemed pleasantly surprised. “She okay?”
“Weather went with her.”
“Good man.”
Chuckling a bit, you nodded, patting his chest for a moment until music started up in the chapel. “Oh, that’s my cue.” You hummed, standing up straight. “I’ll see you at the front row. Love you.”
With that, you walked through he double doors, leaving Jotaro alone in the forechamber. “Love you too.” He mumbled, looking down and straightening the small flowers in his suit jacket pocket.
And then, a door opened behind him and Jotaro turned, the crease in his brow vanishing as slowly, Jolyne stepped out of her dressing room.
She was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown, white as snow and fanning out from her hips, giving a simple yet elegant shape, accentuated by jewelry embroidered into the boddice. Her hair was up into a perfectly sculpted bun, wreathed in braids.
“Look at you.” Jotaro muttered, holding out his hand and Jolyne walked over, positively shining as she took his hand, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Can you help me, dad?” She whispered, holding up her veil.
Looking down at it, he huffed a little in amusement and nodded, gently taking the piece of fabric from her.
Stepping closer, he raised his arms, carefully inspecting her hair, testing where it would be best to push the prongs of the veil’s comb into to keep it in place. With a gentle move, he slid the prongs into her hair.
“This reminds me of when you used to do my hair.” Jolyne whispered and a fond smile spread on her father’s face.
“Only fitting I do it one last time before giving you away.” He muttered, fixing the veil in front of her face so that it hung proper. “You planned it, didn’t you?” He asked and Jolyne smiled from behind the white silk, nodding.
“I love you, dad.” She whispered, her voice breaking a bit and Jotaro had to take in a heavy breath, cradling her cheeks through the veil as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I love you too, my little seastar.” He murmured back before pulling away, giving her a proud look before he shifted to stand beside her, holding out his arm. “Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Jolyne said back, her nerves flaring and Jotaro hummed.
“Then you’re doing better than I was.”
“Really?” She murmured, looking up at her dad and the raven nodded.
“I was sure I was going to throw up, waiting at the alter for your mother. Let’s hope Ermes is doing better than me.”
“So, I finally have something I’m better at than you?” Jolyne teased and at that, Jotaro turned his head to look at her, right as from inside the chapel, the organ began to play, the ceremony starting.
“You’ve always been better than me, Jolyne.” He spoke, his eyes soft. “You’re my little girl.”
Taking in a shaky breath, Jolyne was just forced to bite her lip and hold in her tears as right at that moment, the doors were opened, showing her to the gathered people.
Inside, everyone was waiting on chairs, even though there weren’t that many family or friends gathered. Ahead, Foo Fighters was spreading flowers across the carpet, fit to burst with excitement before she quickly veered off to the right and sat down in one of the few chairs set up in the room, not many attendees present.
Still, as the two Kujo’s started walking down the aisle, Jolyne felt her heart fit to burst, seeing Ermes stand at the altar, a proud smile on her face.
Almost perfectly, the sun shone in through the stained glass windows of the church and Jotaro glanced left, seeing the head of Weather Report’s Stand peeking out behind the man, even as he sat next to a pissed off Anasui.
Finally, the two reached the end of the aisle and Jotaro turned to Jolyne one last time, looking down at her, his hands dropping down to hold onto hers.
“Go start your life, Jolyne. Properly this time.” He quietly spoke, glancing up to Ermes who was still beaming with pride in her white suit, in awe of Jolyne in her wedding dress.
With a small squeeze to his daughter’s hands, he then helped her up the shallow stairs onto the altar, his hand feeling strangely empty the moment Jolyne’s left his to instead grab Ermes’.
Letting out a little breath, he turned and moved to sit down on the empty chair next to you, feeling your hand grabbing hold of his. And god did he not realise he needed that.
Together, you watched as the officiant began to read his lines, Ermes and Jolyne only having eyes for each other at this point.
They looked gorgeous and so so happy together and Jotaro was once again reminded of the Joestar family saying. Joestars only fell in love once in their life. And Jolyne had found her single love.
As the ceremony progressed, the entire church was dead silent, solely focused on the couple while the sun continued to shine perfectly down through the windows, bathing them in a multitude of colours.
And then, it came time for that dreaded part of the ceremony as the officiant called out. “Is there anyone who objects to this union?”
Turning around, Jotaro glared at the man sitting two rows back from him, but before either could do anything, a snap came from behind the raven, followed quickly by a kiss sound coming from around Anasui. He opened his mouth to protest and both you and Jotaro watched how there were two tongues in his mouth, only to snap together as Ermes’ signature Stand sticker disappeared.
Immediately, Weather Report shoved a handkerchief towards the man so he could hide his grunt of pain, as well as the blood.
For, with his tongue shredded, Anasui couldn’t speak a single word.
“Very well. The rings, if you’d please.” The officiant asked and carefully, Emporio stood up from his seat beside you, walking over to the two where he presented the rings.
With a smile, Jolyne took one first, slowly sliding it onto Ermes’ hand while repeating the phrase the officiant read aloud. Shortly after, Ermes did the same, Emporio walking back over to his seat.
Watching it together, Jotaro held your hand tighter and tighter, watching as Ermes now reached up, lifting Jolyne’s veil.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Reaching out, Jolyne grabbed Ermes by the hips before twisting her into a dip and kissing her deep as instantly, applause and cheering roared out through the church.
Your smile was as wide as the Chesire cat’s as you stood up like many as you watched the scene.
And as you looked over at Jotaro, his eyes were misty as he watched, clapping as he stood beside you, seeing Jolyne pull Ermes back to her feet, the two of them smiling sweetly at each other before sharing another, more tender kiss.
With that, the two of them began to ran down the aisle together, rushing out the doors and as you watched, Jotaro’s arm slid around your waist as he pulled you in tight, not having his hat to be able to hide his emotions.
If you wanna commission me
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hihhasotherfixations · 3 months
Will you ever continue your Miles Quaritch fic and Jotaro?
Hiya dear! Certainly I will!
For Jotaro, now that I made it through the college year I will soon start working on the next chapter of Break and Defend! Because I’ve kept everyone waiting way too long and I also wanna hit the 50 chapter mark finally ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As for Quaritch, I need to get back into Avatar a bit, but given I just recently bought Frontiers of Pandora, I do think my silly brain neurons will be quickly activated again for it 😳😳
So yeah, it is coming
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oh-no-my-hand-slipped · 6 months
An Adventurer’s Cold
An original fic commissioned anonymously
Subject: Original Characters By Author
Length: 3,998 Words
Genre: Denial, RPG, Contagion, Stuck Sneeze
Rating: E for Everyone
CW/TW: Slight Food Description, Mild Blood
You have entered MARLINE’S MAGIC SHOP.
“Snf…welcobe back, traveler.”
Marline took a worn handkerchief out of her front apron pocket, blowing her nose mightily. She sniffled, leaning against the old oak counter she stood behind.
“Whad can I interest you in today?”
Terra, only half listening, looked at the many mystical items lining the shelves. Dragon’s heart, succubus horns, even a small jar filled with pixie wings for one silver piece each. Not a bad price, considering how hard pixies were to catch.
However, she didn’t have time for browsing today.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a bronze kobold fang, would ya?” she asked, looking through a green eyepiece at the tired shopkeeper.
Marline smiled. “You took thad request for the rabid fairies, I take it?”
“Yep! They’re some nasty critters, but we’ve got a potion that should stun ‘em -”
“Hah-! hhhhp’TSHIEW!”
Marline bent over the counter, her long red hair spilling over her face. She groaned, taking her handkerchief out again. Terra lowered the eyepiece.
“Good health, Mar. Though it sounds like it’s a little late for that.”
Marline blew her nose with a loud honk. “I was bushroom hunting during a rainy spell ereyesterday - snf! I believe I bay have lived to regret it.”
“I’ll say,” Terra said, frowning. “Have any faeleaf? It doesn’t taste great, but it’ll set you right again.”
“Not this week, I’b afraid. I wasn’d the only one who fell ill after the storm. I would harvest sobe byself, bud I…hih! hhh’PTCHIIEW!”
“Hey, no worries!”
Terra reached into her traveling bag and pulled out a small, bitter-smelling burlap pouch.
“I always keep some with me for emergencies.”
Marline shook her head. “You busn’t – hih’PSHIEW!”
Terra set the bag on the counter.
“Listen, if anybody has an emergency, it’s what you’ve got. Besides, I haven’t caught a cold since I was a kid! I don’t think I’m going to start getting one now.”
Marline gave a knowing smile, but took the herbs with no more opposition.
“Stday in good health, kind traveler,” was all she said before stuffing her handkerchief back into her apron pocket.
“I will!” Terra replied, not noticing Marline’s expression. “The spirit of adventure will keep me warm! And a little mead, if I can get it.”
Terra chuckled, and turned on her heel to leave.
“Ah! Your kobold fang!” Marline called after her.
Terra spun around again, putting her hand on her forehead.
“If my bow wasn’t on my back, I’d forget that too,” she said, reaching for her belt. “Let me just get my coin purse, and I’ll -”
Marline shook her head. “No, no, dear traveler, please. Your kindness has been paybent edough.”
She reached into her apron, pulling out a sharp, yellow tooth with a purple tint at the crown. She held it out to the adventurer.
“Don’t mention it,” Terra said, accepting the tooth.
Suddenly, Marline’s handkerchief was retrieved again, and she sneezed into it yet again, sniffling with a quiet groan. Terra suddenly realized that the tooth must have been next to the shopkeeper’s many handkerchiefs throughout the day. That would explain its uncharacteristic shine.
She shrugged, putting the tooth into her satchel. She’d touched worse bodily fluids.
KOBOLD TOOTH is now in your inventory.
“Get some rest, Marline!” Terra called behind her as she left.
“I shall,” Marline said wearily. “Fare thee we-heh! hhhh’PCHIEW!”
You have entered the DARK FOREST.
“I believe this is the place, if my master’s geography is correct,” Vin said, peering at a dusty, yellowed scroll. “Though the topography may have changed since he made it.”
“Eh, how much can a bunch of rocks move?” Terra said. She squinted above her, checking the branches of the surrounding trees for glittering wings or beady eyes between the leaves.
Vin adjusted their glasses with a mechanism on the side of the hinge. “Quite a bit, actually. Earthquakes, battles, magical events, even the migration of animals can-”
ENERGY has decreased. You are now FATIGUED.
Terra yawned, rubbing her suddenly burning eyes. Vin scowled.
“You can at least pretend to be interested.”
Terra started. “Huh?”
“We have been walkin’ for a while,” Norif said, hoping to placate the scholar. “We ought to set up camp – it’s gettin’ dark anyway.”
Vin hmphed, but didn’t have any objection.
Suddenly, Terra noticed that there weren't as many sounds of footsteps as there were before. Her worn brogues, Norif’s dwarvish leather boots, Vin’s cork soles…
Terra turned around.
Frederick had completely stopped, and was looking up at the sky, which had just begun to show the pinpricks of summer stars. His wide, moonish eyes stared, unmoving. Then, with a slow motion, he lifted a thin arm and pointed a finger to the trees, his other hand moving inside his cloak. Terra instinctively rubbed her hands together, preparing her magic.
The others soon followed suit, grabbing their own weapons and standing at the ready.
Their preparedness paid off, as, before the party knew it, a swarm of angry fairies descended upon them, snarling and screeching.
Norif swung his ax at the creatures, taking large clouds of them with a single blow. Vin, with a scraping of iron, loaded their crossbow, the many cogs and mechanisms firing the arrows directly into each fairy heart. A thin rope attached to every arrow jerked them back into place with a satisfying clack. The practical Frederick fired his revolver quickly and without mercy, leaving every target a blood splatter on the dark soil.
But even with these efforts, the fairies quickly overtook them. Frothing mouths and gnashing teeth soon surrounded the adventurers.
They had expected this – after all, fairies could only be kept at bay with magic, as was their birthright. They all looked to Terra, their resident mage.
Taking this as her cue, Terra retrieved the kobold tooth from her belt, crushing the hollow bone in her palm until it was a thin powder.
A simple wind spell would spread the tooth, subduing the fairies until Terra could harness lightning to defeat them for good – electricity was the only natural element they had no control over.
Terra took a deep breath, and a howling gust of wind blew through the forest as she puffed out the ground tooth. A white cloud swirled around her. The rest of the party kept their distance, both out of reach from the spell and the rabid fairies. The cloud overcame the swarm, and, as they smelled the scent of their natural enemy, went limp and hovered in the air.
Exactly as planned.
Terra stretched her fingers, feeling the warm pulse of magic flow through her hands. To the knuckles, to the joints, then to the tips it went.
But, before she could cast the final spell, her breath caught.
The KOBOLD POWDER is tickling your throat.
Terra tried to will herself to focus on the spell, but it was no use. The powder was making her eyes water and her throat dry. She hacked out a cough, still holding her hands in front of her to cast. The spell buzzed uselessly from her fingertips.
No matter how much she wheezed and croaked, Terra couldn’t keep upright long enough to cast her spell. The cloud was starting to settle, and one of the bigger fairies shook itself from its haze, baring its fangs. It dived into a thin part of the cloud towards Terra.
“Watch out!” Norif called, but it was no use. Terra could hardly hear herself think, much less anyone else over her hacking.
Terra looked up just in time to see the fairy rear back an arm and sink its claws into her cheek. She yelped, stumbling back. A tree root caught her heel, and she tumbled to the ground. She lifted herself onto her elbows to the fairy growling a low growl, preparing another, deadlier attack. Green venom dripped from its fangs, and its yellow eyes dilated. Terra held her hands in front of her, trying in vain to ward off the creature.
“N-Nice fairy…snf…”
Unbeknownst to the mage, the tickle in her throat had slowly traveled to her sinuses. Her freckled nose began to twitch.
You need to SNEEZE.
A small group of black clouds gathered above them, and Terra’s hands began to crackle. Thunder crashed. The fairy started, looking up with wide eyes and a whimper. Terra squeezed one watering eye shut.
The clouds grew thicker, the thunder louder. The tree branches trembled in the wind. The other fairies, still hovering, looked up at the rumbling sky. Terra hitched, curling her fingers.
Lightning flashed, hitting every single fairy with a bolt of white hot magic. They fell to the ground, singed and lifeless. Barely contained, bolts began hitting nearby trees, giving them black, round burn marks with red centers. If the rest of the party hadn’t gotten out of range of Terra’s magic, they would have surely been struck as well.
Once the spell had run out of targets, it ended, and the dust cleared. All that was left in the now barren clearing was Terra, stunned and still holding her hands in front of her. A light drizzle began to fall.
There was a long pause as the party stood still in front of the clearing, afraid to join the fairies littering the ground.
“Cogs and corkscrews,” Vin murmured, their usually narrowed eyes wide.
Norif gingerly stepped into the singed circle, keeping the blade of his ax above him just in case.
“Y’alright?” he said, taking a torn rag from his breast pocket.
Terra blinked, and a nervous smile shook on her lips.
“I, uh…the spell kind of got away from me, huh?”
“I’d say so,” Vin said, earning him a glare from Norif, who had begun dressing the wound on Terra’s cheek.
“At least the job’s done,” he soothed. “No one in their right head would want fairies caught alive.”
Terra nodded. “Yeah. That’s right. Just - koff! - give me a sec and I’ll -”
ENERGY has decreased. You are now EXHAUSTED.
Terra fell back against the tree trunk, wincing. Norif rubbed her shoulder.
“We’ll make sure the fairies don’ seep back into the soil. You did your part. We’ll do ours.”
Hardly in a position to argue, Terra leaned her head against the tree trunk, closing her burning eyes.
Before she knew it, a pair of strong arms lifted her up from the ground. All she heard before she dozed off was Vin complaining that their glasses would get rusted in the rain, and there wasn’t a blacksmith for miles, and was it really necessary to do a lightning spell of all things…
You have entered GWALT’S INN.
“A c-couple rooms, if ya would.”
The innkeeper peered over at the counter at the adventurers. Terra was standing, as she had insisted on entering the inn on her own two feet. However, she had a hand on Frederick’s shoulder for support.
The innkeeper raised an eyebrow. “On whose account?”
Terra looked around. Instead of drunken workmen or soldiers recounting battle, the fine oaken tables were filled with nobles politely chatting over honey mead or aged wine. A few of them had turned to stare at the soaked, mud-covered party in varying degrees of confusion and disdain.
This wasn’t an adventurer’s inn, but a place for those of higher standing to feel a clean ruggedness, a false sense of bravery as they “conversed with the locals.”
This wasn’t a place for them.
However, before they could return to the stormy darkness, Frederick held up a hand and reached inside his cloak. He retrieved a thin card, one side silver and the other gold. A few words that Terra didn’t recognize were engraved into the metal. Frederick laid the card on the counter, pushing it towards the innkeeper with the tip of his finger.
To Terra’s surprise, the innkeeper began to sputter, his waxy face turning red.
“Of course, sirs! Madams! His majesty’s brave battalion!”
The nobles began to whisper among themselves, their disgust turning quickly to awe and reverence.
“I am terribly sorry, no, outraged that you had to travel in such dreadful weather!” the innkeeper stammered, showing them up the stairs with a low bow. “I will have your clothes washed immediately, and perfumed of course! And whatever of our selection of humble morsels you may like, if thou wishes.”
Terra raised her eyebrows, looking at Frederick. He only nodded solemnly.
It wasn’t long before the mage was in a pair of silk bedclothes, laying in a large bed with frilled sheets and a thick quilt.
However, she wasn’t sleeping.
“Ih-! Hih…!”
You need to SNEEZE.
She sniffled, then, with a sigh, blew her nose. Mounds of tissues surrounded her, all provided by the inn staff, of course. However, no matter how much she snuffled and sniffled and rubbed her nostrils with the palm of her hand, she couldn’t bring herself to sneeze – though the need grew ever more powerful.
Unable to doze for more than a few minutes, she tried to plan the next few days' journey with Vin and Norif, but to no avail.
“If we - snf! - take the high road,” she wavered, keeping a tissue at her nose, “w-we can…meh-!...make good time.”
Norif rubbed the end of his beard. “I don’ think we’ll be leavin’ this inn for a while. On account’ve…”
He cleared his throat.
“...the weather, a’course.”
“The rain’s never stopped us before,” Terra said. “A-And we won’t - snf! - have to stop for washing! We’ll just let the rain…c-clean - HI’HIH-!”
“Would you be quiet?” Vin hissed, not looking up from the map. “I can hardly concentrate.”
Norif slit his eyes at the halfling. Terra growled in frustration.
“You made me lose it again!”
She reached for another tissue, but, finding there to be none left, she buried her nose into the neck of her shirt.
“Disgusting,” Vin said, recoiling and putting the map in front of their eyes.
Terra ignored them. “Maybe some of the kobold tooth got into my nose…I’ve neheeded to sneeze since we bagged the fairies.”
She sniffled.
“Or maybe it’s a curse? But what curse makes you n-need to sneeze?”
Before Norif could answer, the door opened, and Frederick came in, arms full with packs of tissues from the innkeeper. He moved carefully around the bed, handing one of the packs to Terra. She ripped them open with one hand – as the other was more than occupied – and put almost half of them to her streaming nose.
“Thangk you,” she said with a blow.
Norif moved the quilt up to Terra’s shoulders, gently pushing her head onto the mountain of silk pillows.
“Well, until this, er, curse passes, it would be best to lay yourself down for a bit. Maybe Vin could find a cure for ya. Yea, Vin?”
Vin raised their eyebrow at the pointed request, but said nothing to refuse.
“I’ll be fine,” Terra said, propping herself up on her elbows. “And we’re - snf! - leaving tomorrow, rain or shine…!”
She yawned, settling back down again.
“Curse…or no curse.”
The innkeeper had insisted on breakfast before the party left. An array of meat, pastries, fresh fruit, wine, and mead were brought before them – a king’s feast.
But Terra could hardly touch it.
Having been kept up almost all night by her burning sinuses and aching head, she could only lean against the back of the wooden chair, shivering as the chilly morning air drafted through. Her coat was made to be warm, even in the most frigid northern wind, but it seemed like the cold was leeching into her very bones.
She was only awoken when Norif put a hand on her forehead. The warmth of his rough palm felt her head, then either side of her neck. She heard him whisper something to the others, but the only thing she could hear was her pounding temples.
“Mmn…is it tibe to leave?” she murmured, trying to push her chair back from the table. Her sore joints were too weak, and the chair’s back legs clacked back onto the floor.
“Ah! Not just yet,” Norif saud, an odd tone of urgency in his voice. “We need’ta…er, Vin’s gonna go to a library nearby. T’cure your curse. There’s really no use ‘n you goin’, it’s all dusty books and scrolls.”
“Don’d have tibe,” Terra croaked. “Back to the guild.”
Norif gave Vin a pleading look, and the scholar fumbled with their knapsack, taking out a few tattered papers and maps.
“Eh, w-well, we are a few days ahead of schedule. We needn’t be back for at least another week, and it only takes three days to - ”
Terra was already up from the table, ignoring Vin. Without much choice, everyone else followed suit. After yesterday’s battle, they were afraid of what might happen if they tried to force her back to bed.
The weather had much improved since the day before. Though it was still a bit gray, the sun peeked out between the clouds, sending rays of light through the raindrops still left on the leaves.
Despite her weakness, Terra took the front as usual, plodding alongside Norif. Shivers ran up and down her spine as a cold wind left from the storm began to blow.
As the group walked near the edge of the woods, the clouds grew darker, and the sun disappeared again. Terra put a thumb on the underside of her nose.
You need to SNEEZE.
Terra sniffled and rolled her eyes. As if on cue, her nostrils began to tremble, and a burning tickle flared in her swollen sinuses. But, this time, the urge grew so great that it made the mage stop in her tracks.
“Hih…? HIH-!”
Attempt to STIFLE? > YES NO
She put her hands over her nose. A slow tingling made its way from her nose to the rest of her body. Soon, the air around her crackled with blue sparks of magic.
“Terra?” Norif said, reaching towards her before thinking better of it.
Terra tried to answer, but it was taking everything in her to keep the magic contained. Thunder rumbled in the clouds as she squeezed one watery eye shut.
“I-I’m…guh-! HUH-!”
She desperately waved to her friends to stand back – she knew that this sneeze was coming, one way or another. The party wasted no time, running behind the treeline with whatever they could carry above their heads to protect them.
Terra leaned her head back, the magic coming to a peak inside her. The air was suddenly silent – a calm before the storm. Until –
A circle of lightning flashed around her, and thunder rumbled loud enough to shake the earth. Smoking burn marks smoked around her.
But, before the rest of the party could join her again –
Again and again Terra sneezed, with each sneeze bringing another ring of lightning and another round of thunder. All of her lost sneezes from the night before seemed to finally come to fruition, and she couldn’t stop for some time.
Finally, though, Terra did stop. She lifted her head, dazed and with singed hair, and sniffled thickly.
Snottiness Rank B! Power Rank A+!
Bless you, TERRA!
One by one, her comrades came to join her – Norif first, of course, then Frederick, then, after some convincing, Vin.
The thunder had subsided, but a heavy rain had begun to fall. Terra started to shiver again, her trembling breath visible in blue puffs of steam.
“Ya poor thing…” Norif said, taking off his own fur-lined cloak and tying it around her shoulders. “You really oughta’ve stayed in bed.”
Terra rubbed her nose on the back of her damp sleeve. “Bud…th-the guild…we need…koff!”
She began coughing into her arm, and Norif fastened his cloak tighter around her.
“Ya need do no such thing,” he said firmly, though not unkindly. “You’re sick as a gnome in the rainy season. And almost half as wet –”
“And the sooner you put aside that hero complex of yours,” Vin interrupted, “the sooner we can get inside the inn, out of this weather! I’m already soaking, and we certainly don’t need two people ill in this party!”
They crossed their arms, and lifted their chin.
“Furthermore,” they added, “we wouldn’t want you catching pneumonia. That’s quite a bit harder to treat than that disgusting cold. And I will be significantly more furious with you if I catch it.”
Frederick took off his combat gloves, then put them over Terra’s red-tipped hands. He looked over his glasses and gave her one of his rare smiles. Putting his palms on either side of Terra’s hands, Frederick rubbed them together, trying to warm them.
“Ya feelin’ better, Terra?” Norif asked.
Terra sniffled. “C-Cold…”
“Well, no wonder!” Vin said, scoffing. “Heat is mostly lost through the head. If she had some sort of covering, then, perhaps…she could…”
Vin stopped. Everyone was staring at them. Or, rather, their scholar’s beret.
“I mean…or, rather…” they spluttered, then threw their hands up. “Oh, fine! But it had better be returned to me in the exact condition I lent it. It’s irreplaceable, you know.”
They took off their hat, stiffly handing it to Frederick, as if through ceremony rather than a favor.
“Your sacrifice will be remembered through th’ ages!” Norif said, chuckling.
Vin glared at him. “My patience has already been tested enough. Do not test it further.”
“Aye, aye.”
Terra could feel a slow warmness spread through her, and her eyes suddenly felt heavy as iron.
“Alright, up ya go. Let’s get ya out of the cold.”
Terra was heaved up again, and, surrounded by the warmth of her friends, drifted into a dreamless, sneezeless sleep.
You have entered MARLINE’S MAGIC SHOP!
“Welcome back, traveler! Might I interest you in our wares?”
Marline smiled at the returning Terra, who replied by blowing her nose into a pink tissue.
“How’s it going, Mar?” Terra said, sniffling as she looked at the glimmering displays.
Marline’s smile faded. “Are you not well, traveler?”
“I’m weller than I have been. Just a liddle sniffly now. Snf!”
Marline put a hand to her mouth.
“Oh, Terra…it must have been my chill that you caught. And I left you without any faeleaf!”
Terra rubbed the back of her neck. “About that. You wouldn’t happen to have any more of that left in stock, would you?”
“Ah, yes, a fresh bunch! Why-”
Suddenly, a large, dwarvish sneeze came from outside the shop, followed by a chorus of harsh coughs. Marline put her lips together underneath her hand, keeping back a giggle.
“Oh, dear.”
“Yeah,” Terra said sheepishly. “I’ll take three pouches.”
She furrowed her brow, counting on her fingers.
“And a few-”
Another sneeze rang out, this time small and high-pitched.
“Okay, a lot of tissues. We’re gonna need ‘em. Maybe some tea? I guess? That’s what Vin gave me when I was sick, anyway.”
Marline winked. “I know just the thing.”
She disappeared behind the shelves for a few moments, coming back with many packs of tissues, two pouches of strong-smelling tea leaves, a few pouches of faeleaves, and a thick blanket.
“May your party be blessed with a quick recovery,” Marline said.
Terra started to reach for her coin pouch, but Marline stopped her.
“I gave you and the others my cold. I’m going to cure it as best I can.”
Terra opened her mouth to argue, but closed it again. She began to put the items in her bag.
“You’ll have nothing to sell at this rate, Marline,” she said.
Marline tilted her head. “Well, I can always deal in colds.”
Yet another sneeze came from the doorway, raspy and shuddering.
“It appears I’m quite good at it, I’m afraid.”
“I am too, if being an adventurer doesn’t pan out,” Terra said, turning to leave. “See you later, Marline!”
“Goodbye, dear traveler! And good health!”
Marline chuckled as Terra joined the others.
“Though it appears it’s a little late for that.”
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aller-geez · 1 year
Get to know my OC, Remington!!
(Im sure it can be confusing since that is my name also, but I actually got my name from him 🥰 so he came first)
Full Name: Remington Connors
Remington is a large, stocky 28 year old. Hes very stoic, and keeps to himself 99% of the time to avoid spending time around other people. He is also a wolfboy, and can have pure black wolf ears & tail. He is hot headed, and very stubborn, and will not tolerate others pushing him or his mate, Levi around. He loves to play on his natural intimidation. He has shoulder length black hair, and radioactive green eyes that always glow, however the light dims significantly if hes ill. He also has 1" red tunnels in his ears, the bridge of his nose pierced, as well as two piercings on each side of his bottom lip.
He also constantly has blood stored within his body that runs out of his nose/mouth whenever he experiences extreme emotions, as sort of a defense mechanism for his species. When sneeze attacks get too intense, he cant help the small sprays of blood that accompany them.
Only allergy is cats, which seems to be a fun game for his mate Levi who can freely switch between human and snow leopard, and enjoys teasing the normally very dominant male.
How severe are they?:
Hes a sniffly, hitchy, sneezy mess for the next few days if Levi is feeling extra mean, and coax out some desperate fits just rubbing his tail under his nose 🥰
Anything else that makes them sneeze?:
He does have a photic sneeze reflex and is sometimes sensitive to temperature changes.
Do they get sick often?:
As strong, and healthy as he looks and acts on the outside, poor Remi catches a cold every few weeks, unless hes been extremely lucky. As much as he tried to deny the existence of the "Man Flu", hes a big baby every time he gets sick again.
How bad is it usually?:
Every cold involves at LEAST one box of tissues in his lap, with a couple single ones never not clamped tightly to his nose as he constantly tries to fend off the coming onslaught. His whole body quits, and he definitely isnt much help when out of commission. Can get pretty messy, and definitely will have used tissues everywhere.
Do they stifle?:
About 50% of the time, as too many full sneezes can cause him massive nosebleeds, resulting in an extremely sore throat.
How loud are their sneezes?:
He tends to have pretty good fits, but they dont tend to get louder until the very last, desperate sneezes. Plus, he doesnt like to draw attention to himself sneezing if at all possible.
What do they sneeze into? (Hands, handkerchief, nothing?):
Honestly, Remi is HORRIBLE about remembering to cover his sneezes. Levi will constantly have to nudge a sick Remi to gently remind him to at least sneeze into his elbow. But prepare for the splash zone until Levi has to remind him again.
How often do they sneeze?:
When sick, hes a continuously sneezy mess that cant concentrate on anything other than his nose itching and bothering him. When healthy, you can still expect at LEAST 3 in a day.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?:
Usually 3-4 is a normal fit, but he has personally counted and got to 142 sneezes in one day from one of his usual nasty colds.
Do they have buildups, or are they sudden?:
Allergies come suddenly and completely unexpected, which tends to be a problem for the wolf since he had no time to prepare. However, when dealing with a cold, he is constantly twisted up in a presneeze face, with a balled up soggy tissue trying its best to keep up with both the ITCHY tickle, and the lake pouring from his nose.
Do they sneeze in public?:
He'll try his best to avoid it, as having someone notice that his hard, tough exterior has a weak spot, is definitely not what he wants. But yknow, its Remi and his nose, so its not out of the question.
Some examples of their sneezes?:
-' TSCHh!
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hoping someone else will jump on this train w me lol. more tsunade + jiraiya!!! still shippuden era ish. it’s just super general fluff so there’s no real plot
distant | weed | fuss | struggle | couple | professional | remember | nap | abundant | objective | wrong | discreet | gift | stay | collapse | cabin | practical | defend | haunt | indoor | rhythm | ankle | incentive | healthy | steam | anger | bond | text | correction | visible | guess | cinema | maze | contrary | observer | nuance | neglect | lip | reflection | sniff | authority | illusion | echo | medicine | lace | insurance | knit | dealer | grudge | affair | sofa | expertise | passion | spill | laundry | exposure | shelter | privilege | manner | relax | compromise | sacred | doubt | philosophy | thaw | ticket | bike | bench | vain | bed | improvement | pier | gravity | immune | vigorous | productive | reception | veil | bee | train | harsh | loyalty | fresh | late | mind | highway | sound | frozen | annual | soup | instinct | groan | lonely | spite | bill | crude | dare | magazine | mess | ignore | sketch | flush | liability | camp | brag | sour | compensation
prompt(s): fuss
Jiraiya had his ear glued to the door of Tsunade’s office. Like Shizune told him, she sounded awful. He took a breath. 
“Tsunade, I’m coming in,” Jiraiya announced, swinging the door open. 
She jumped, startled, and knocked over a cup of tea with her elbow. “Goddammit.” 
By the time Tsunade stood up, Jiraiya was already mopping up the liquid with the edge of his kimono. “Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” 
Tsunade waved him off before sneezing into a cupped hand. “H-hihH! Hh’TSHHT!” 
When she turned to face him again, her red eyes were watering. She barely had time to pinch her nostrils shut before pitching into another sneeze. “Ah’GNTT!”
Jiraiya winced at the sound. “You shouldn’t hold them in like that you know.” 
Tsunade scrubbed her nose with her wrist, rolling her eyes. “Did Shizune send you in here?”
“No, no, of course not,” he said, shuffling his feet. “I just wanted to see...” 
Shit. He was caught. “I just wanted to see if you wanted to get some ramen.” 
She returned to her desk, now tea-free, and began sorting through some of the paperwork at hand. “Ramen?”
He shrugged. “What can I say? Paying for all Naruto’s meals has really given me a taste for Ichiraku. Besides, you look like you could use a hot meal.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jiraiya studied her watery eyes, the tired bags beneath them, and her pink nose. Even like this, she was beautiful. 
“You can’t just pretend that you’re well when you’re not.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” she said, rubbing at the tip of her nose. 
“I heard you sneezing down the hall.” 
Tsunade laughed dryly. “You did not. You were right outside the door.” 
“Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?” She dabbed at her running nose with a handkerchief, silently urging him to leave. 
“I don’t appreciate that dismissive tone of yours,” Jiraiya said, reaching across her desk to feel her forehead. She grabbed his wrist with her free hand, but he’d already felt the heat rising from her skin. 
“Oh, don’t fuss over me, Jiraiya.” This was punctuated by a very liquidy sniffle, followed by a shuffling of papers. “It’s a cold. It’s nothing— hihH!” Her voice caught and Jiraiya watched her ample bosom heave as she fought the sneeze. 
“H-hehh... hih...” She fanned her face with her free hand to coax it out. “Huh’PTSHHH!”
“Get up,” Jiraiya said, more sternly than he’d spoken to her in awhile. “I’m walking you home, at least.” 
She sighed heavily and let him guide her toward the door. “Since when were you the gentleman?” 
“Oh, I’m always the gentleman,” he assured her. “Clearly you haven’t read any of my books.” 
request some stuff/give me feedback!!
read more naruto stuff!!
ask me about my commissions!!
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kats-kottage · 2 years
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🪨Beauty set in stone 🪨
Part of a commission for a customer on Instagram.
I wish they went more gargoyle than stone baby with Rochelle, she had so much potential 😭😭 but regardless she is absolute baby and I have always adored her colour scheme 😍
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
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Juniper's Allergy Mishap - Commission Piece - Page 3
Scenario: The second sneeze is continuing to build as she sniffles and snorts up the snot. Trying to get it out. She hitches and inhales one last time nice and big. Lifting up her hands as if gonna cover it but the sneeze is so big and wet it knocks her back. Right back into the flower bed that made her sneeze. Snot and pollen flys in the air as she falls backwards. She realized what happened and covers her nose quickly "oh doh, b-bplease". Covering her nose doesnt stop the pollen from coming in and she starts to feel the burning tickle again hit her again. Now for the last big sneeze she hitches, just like before. She can't breath with her nose covered like this, so she removes her now sticky hands from her nose, snot stretching all over her fingers. Dripping off her hands. She takes big breaths to buildip more and stretches the snot until it lets go of her hands. She waits for the sneeze, opening her mouth very wide to see the mess dripping from her nose across her open snout. Her eyes rolling up wards she hitches "hi-hih! ha- hahhhh!-" Snot is running out of her nose down her face. He breaths are big and her nose flares again with the side of her face scrunched up.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
So BS AU Izuku has Satou as his Rival, THOT AU Izuku has Monoma as his Rival and LTM AU Izuku has Momo as his Rival.
So in the spirit of removing B@kug0u as Rival who is the Rival for D4U Izumi, PETTY Izuku, PUP Izuku, Fic Writer Izuku, ConBro Izuku, OSP Izuku and HIH Izuku?
Dekiru 4 U Izumi - One-sided rivalry with Bakugou as Bakugou feels like it's a competition but Izumi doesn't really acknowledge him besides waving in his direction every once in a while. She's busy
PETTY Izuku - whoever wants to fuck around and find out
PUP Izuku - his rival is the system
Fic Writer Izuku - boy is his own worst enemy
Conspiracy Bros Izuku - Hero Commission
Operation Superior Purple Izuku - Mineta
Heart In Hand Izuku - anybody who thinks an omega can't handle their own shit.
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glitterrosesnz · 3 years
Xiao finding out his allergic to some kind of flower while with lumine/ aether 👉👈
you: Xiao with Aether or Lumine
Me: did you mean, Xiao with Aether AND Lumine?
dont think too hard about how they’re both there hdkfjslkdslj also. *(chanting)* flower crowns, flower crowns, flower cro-
Spending the day with the twins seemed, at first, to be a relaxing idea. Aether and Lumine had finally convinced Xiao to spend a day in Mondstadt with them, not really doing anything serious like commissions or anything like that, just hanging out and having fun. Xiao had, for the most part, resigned himself to simply following the twins around as they showed him to random places.
It was when the two of them decided to take a break in a flower field that a problem started to arise.
Xiao was usually fine with flowers, in fact he rather liked them. They'd never given him any trouble.
The tickle that had been forming in his nose ever since they'd stopped there was clearly going to argue against that.
To be fair, there were some flowers there that Xiao had never seen before. (Aether and Lumine had called them 'Windwheel Asters' and 'Dandelions'.) It was entirely possible that he was, actually, allergic to one or two of them.
That didn't mean he was going to admit it though.
He sniffled as discreetly as possible, rubbing the back of his hand against his nose in an attempt to alleviate the tickle before it could grow stronger. He'd sat down a short distance away from the flowers, far away enough that he'd hoped their affect on him would lessen, but close enough to not draw the twin's suspicion. The two of them could be very intuitive when it came down to it, but Xiao really didn't want to bother them with a small problem like this.
He rubbed his nose against his hand again, which turned out to be a mistake, as the tickle suddenly spiked and Xiao pitched forwards, barely stifling the sneeze in time.
"Hi-h'txch!" He sniffled, eyes watering. The sneeze had hardly been relieving, in fact, it hadn't helped at all. He glanced up, checking to see if either Aether or Lumine had heard. They seemed oblivious, their backs turned to him as they picked flowers and weaved them together, making flower crowns for each other. Xiao sighed in relief, only for his breath to hitch. Quickly, he pressed his hand against his nose and closed his eyes, trying to focus on breathing, and not sneezing again.
He was focused on this, that he didn't notice Lumine walking up until she had already put the flower crown on his head. He startled, instinctively switching from deep breathing to holding his breath as he glanced up at her. Lumine's expression was that of a soft smile, but it quickly swapped to a slight frown once she actually saw Xiao's face.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, "Your nose and ears look kinda red."
Xiao didn't answer, instead giving a glare that he hoped conveyed 'I'm fine' as well as 'I am definitely not allergic to the flowers you just put on my head'.
Lumine hummed in contemplation, and suddenly Aether was there as well, staring down at Xiao with narrowed eyes.
"Have you been crying?" Aether asked, and oh, Xiao could not allow the two of them to think he'd been crying of all things.
"No, I'm fi-heH.....fine." Xiao said, instantly regretting regretting speaking as he stifled two sneezes into his arm. "Hih-h'NGXt...-'tchi!"
"Ah." Lumine and Aether said, coming to the same realization at the same time. "Allergies."
"It's naht-" Xiao cut himself off, gritting his teeth together as he pressed his tongue to the roof his mouth to try and hold back.
"It's not allergies?" Aether guessed, and Xiao nodded, only to wish he hadn't, as moving his head jostled the flower crown Lumine had placed on him, sending a bit of pollen down into his face.
"Heh....hIH! H'txch! hEH! H'NGXT-iu!"
"What would you call this then, if not allergies?" Lumine asked as Xiao sniffled, trying to get a hold of himself.
"A...heh......sens- sensitivity- hIH! H'txch-ii!" Xiao barely managed to stutter out before stifling another sneeze. Neither Aether or Lumine looked very impressed.
"Mm....The flower crowns probably aren't helping huh?" Aether said, gently removing his while Lumine took off hers, throwing it to the side, before reaching to take Xiao's off as well. Xiao winced. He knew the two of them had put a lot of work into making those.
"S-sorry- h'ngxt-ii!" He muttered. Aether reached out and helped him stand up, steadying him as he continued to stifle sneezes into his arm.
"It's okay, you can't help being allergic." Aether said.
"Being out here probably isn't helping much." Lumine said, gently rubbing circles on Xiao's back. "Come on, lets get you back to Wangshu Inn."
The twins focused, drawing on the power of the waypoints, and with a shudder, they were in one of the empty rooms in the Wangshu Inn. Using their anemo abilities, they gently blew the pollen off of themselves and Xiao, but Xiao still continued to stifle sneeze after sneeze into his hands.
"You're not ever going to stop if you keep holding them in like that." Lumine said, grabbing hold of one of Xiao's hands and pulling it away from his face. Aether, following her lead, took hold of Xiao's other hand.
"W-wait, hold on-hIH!" Xiao started, trying to pull his hands out of the twin's grip as his breath started hitching again. He knew he could probably over power them and get his hands free but-
He didn't want to hurt them.
"C'mon, it's okay." Aether said, both he and Lumine gently rubbing circles on the back of Xiao's hands. "Let yourself sneeze. We don't mind."
Xiao knew that neither of them really cared, but he still turned his head away from them as he-
"Heh...H'ITCH-ii! H'iTSHH-iu! Hih...hIH- H'ISHH-ii!"
"There you go!" Lumine said, a hint of laughter in her voice. "Doesn't that feel better?"
"Snf....Marginally." Xiao said, gratefully accepting the tissues Aether proceeded to hand to him.
"Marginally is still better than not at all." Lumine said, Aether nodding in agreement with her.
"Which flower was it that you're allergic to anyways?" Aether asked, "All of them?"
"....Dunno." Xiao muttered. "This....has never happened before."
"Hm. Well we can test it later, if you feel up for it." Lumine said, "It'll be better for us to know specifically what sets you off after all. Then we can make allergy-free flower crowns for you!"
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simoffice · 4 years
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The Simblr World Council is live! President Julliana Kaminski welcomed the foreign dignitaries to Cascadia with a heart warming speech.
Julliana Kaminski: Thank you all for accepting our invitation to sit in the former parliament building of a country before our time. This organization was suggested to me by my Global Advisors and they believed that the SWC will be an amazing chance for all of our countries to come together and and support one another in times of need. I now welcome our guests to the stage.
Sadly not everyone chose to speak at the event.
Speeches under the cut
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HRH Princess Alexandra von Habsburg, Duchess of Lancastershire speaks first @the-real-royals-of-cornwall
“In life we can never take anything for granted just like in politics, only by working hard we can manage most problems of the Sim World. Rome was not build in a day... Important things take time. As A member of World Council I'm telling you that making alliance will take time but together we can make our countries stronger than ever.”
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Up next we have Emperor Napoléon IV of Francesim @empiredesimparte
"Spreading improvements, curing suffering, is the duty of this international council. Francesim, through this structure, will not neglect any of the means that can favour mutual aid in matters of justice, industry and trade... to encourage the creation of commissions, institutions, the protection of agreements between great international powers."
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Next we have HIH Prince Anthony, Count o Clairvaux @officalroyalsofpierreland
“Your Majesties, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Simblr World Council, Thank you for letting me speak before you all. Pierreland, though an empire, is a country that prefers peace. We prefer not to rock the boat. To allow for disagreements and disputes to be settled through diplomacy. However, we are not above involving ourselves in war, especially if it is to establish Peace. Throughout the simmnent, we have seen acts of aggression. Acts of Violence, that have shaken many sims to their cores. It is my personal wish, along with the wish of His Imperial Majesty David I, that the SWC becomes a place of open dialogue, a place for debate. It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword, may we all use our words.. rather than our armies to solve our disputes. Pierreland would like to announce that it will be a safe harbor for those who are fleeing the violence that is happening, particularly those who have been targeted for no reason other than the name they hold.”
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Next we have  HRH Crown Prince Caleb of Evandia @evandiaroyals​
“As a representative of the Kingdom of Evandia, I would like to say a few words about my kingdom. Evandia is a small kingdom that has long been isolated from the rest of the kingdoms in the world. It wasn’t until a few years ago that we dared to travel to other kingdoms for various events and host guests at our home. Now we are one in something bigger and Evandia is immensely proud of that as am I and the entire Royal Family."
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Next we have HM Queen Victoria II @thecharlestonroyalfamily​
“As many of you are aware Charleston is a small country. Our population is only a bit over 1 million. We’ve earned our place in history with our neutrality in times of world conflicts; a fact that has even become somewhat of a running joke among historians. We have always aimed to solve and prevent conflicts with diplomacy. That is why I am happy to announce that Charleston will be hosting a cultural exchange program so that we may all work together towards a brighter tomorrow. Charleston's motto is “united we stand, divided we fall” and I truly hope that through this program we will all come together to learn and educate ourselves in the cultures and traditions of our neighbours and allies. To build bridges and roads between our nations, to come together on our path to peace. Diplomacy is the key to prevent wars but it is true understanding and the willingness to compromise that make it work.”
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Next we have HRH Princess Clarisse @renaldiroyals​
“The Kingdom of Sandor was founded on the values of friendship, Peace and collaboration. As a member of the newly formed council and leaders we hope that we will be able to practice these core values, showcase and contribute our homegrown talent and resources to achieve the joint objectives of all member states. Whilst forming new alliances and reinforcing old ones.”
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Next we have Elena, Queen of Belvainia @theroyalfamilyofbelvania​
Hello everyone, it is so wonderful to have so many representatives here today, everywhere we come from makes us unique and special, which to me, is very important.  It is our differences that bring us together in one, and it is essential to stand together.  As Queen of Belvainia, something I emphasize every single day is to treat others with love and compassion and to not show anything but kindness towards every person you meet. The Council will surely bring us together to create a world with peace and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us.
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helpimhyperfixating · 7 months
Commissions Open!
It’s taken a few years, but they’re finally here!
Slots open: 1/3
What will I write? Literally anything! Character x Reader, Character x OC, Character x Character.
I will do: canon, au, nsfw, fluff, angst, a mix of those, whatever you need! If you’re unsure, just ask and I’ll let you know if I write it (i.e. if you’re unsure about some topics or kinks)
What characters and fandoms will I write for? Also literally anything! Got a blorbo you want from an obscure fandom? Pass it on. If I don’t know them, please just give me a description of their personality and mannerisms and I’ll go to town. This also goes for your oc’s (this is a ploy to tell me about em >:3333)
€1,50 - per 100 words
€2,00 - per 100 words for smut
You can let me know beforehand how long you’d like the fic to be (i.e. 800 words) and the price will be based on that (i.e. €12/€16). If I go over the word count, that’s a nice bonus for you, you ofc won’t have to pay ;3 (I’ll never go under the word count).
Payment will be half upfront and then half after when it is done 👉👈
I will try to finish your commission within a month of getting it, but it will depend on how many I have at the same time/what happens with my life, lol. Either way, I’ll keep in close contact and you’ll stay in the loop!
When I’ve written it but you don’t like something or think it’s wrong (that a character wouldn’t say it), please let me know! I’m writing this for you after all and want you to be 100% happy with it ^^
If you’re interested, please DM me!
I also think there is a commission system on kofi which I have but I don’t know how it works 💀
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^Art of oc’s made by my friend. Pfp made by @hoetaro-kujhoe
Hi! I’m Hih (Helpimhyperfixating)! I thought I’d make this just to make it easier for everyone ^^
Requests: Open (but slow because college)
Commissions: 1/3 Slots Open (you can DM me ^^)
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I’ll do pretty much anything sfw and nsfw! I especially love AU’s ;3.
Things I won’t do: age gap (sorry Price lovers 😔), hard degradation, extreme yandere (i.e. hurting darling), cheating (them on you, you on them), incest, non-con
Current fandoms:
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (specifically Price)
- Avatar (specifically recom!Quaritch)
- Spider-Man (I’m developing a love for Kraven)
🧸 - fluff , 🌒 - angst , 🔞 - nsfw (mdni)
CoD oneshots:
🔞 - Truth or Dare - Part 1 | Part 2 (nsfw)
🧸🔞 - Sfw & Nsfw headcanons | Part 2 sfw & nsfw
🧸 - Tattoo Blossom [Soulmate au] | Part 2 🌒
🧸🌒 - Nightmares - Part 1 | Part 2 -
🧸 - Price coming home from deployment drabble
🔞 - Neighbour (nsfw)
🔞🧸 - Cheating (nsfw)
🧸 - Theme Park
🔞Kinktober 2023 Masterlist [ended on day 24] 🔞 this Masterlist contains roughly 12 fics for Price! Just figured it’d be better to make a Masterlist within a Masterlist than list every single one ☺️
CoD Fics:
Wedded - Dragon! Price x Reader - Part 1 | Part 2
🧸🌒 Lost and Loved - Price x daughter!reader - coming
An AU I’m very excited for but too shy to share - coming
Dumb shit/drabble thoughts:
🧸 Price vs corner of the mouth kisses | 2 | 3 |
Meme post
Meme 2
Dragon Price drabble | 2
Avatar Fics:
Changes in the Forest - R!Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Coming- (on hiatus)
A Hunter’s Weakness - Kraven x Reader:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Patch You Up
An anonymous commission
Fandom: Pokémon (Undescribed male character)
Word Count: 2011
Genre: Sickfic, Sneezing, Caretaking
TW/CW: Brief nightmare sequence
He sniffled as the soup’s steam wafted from the bubbling pot. He was sure that it must have smelled wonderful, but now all its aroma did was make his nose run. Turning to the side, the trainer wiped his nose on his sleeve, the wooden spoon still in his hand. A small piece of tofu dropped to the floor, which attracted the previously dozing Pikachu from the couch.
It sniffed at the tofu, ear twitching, before trilling with delight and taking it in its paws.
The trainer turned to see Pikachu clutching its paw to his chest, cheeks crackling. Tears were starting to gather in its eyes.
“Aw, buddy…”
He put down the spoon and bent down to the pokémon’s level, taking the paw in his hands. This wasn’t the first time this had happened - being used to berries and pellets, Pikachu was still learning that you had to wait for some food to cool down before you could eat it.
Luckily, its paw was only a little red. The trainer took a small bandage out of his pocket, applying it as gently as he could. Pikachu didn’t really need it, but it always helped them feel better.
“There you go - snf! All better.”
Pikachu looked at the bandage, then smiled, trilling. It stretched its arms up to their owner, waving its tail. The trainer laughed and picked it up, letting it crawl onto his shoulder and into the hood of the hoodie he was wearing.
He turned back to the soup, which had gone from a simmer to a boil. He slid it off the burner, giving it one last stir before bringing a spoonful to his lips. He blew a few times, but before he could take a sip -
Without thinking, he put his nose in the crook of his arm.
The spoon’s contents dribbled onto the floor, which were promptly lapped up by Mabosstiff, much to Pikachu’s dismay. It hopped out of the trainer’s hoodie, getting on all fours and arching its back. Mabosstiff only blinked at the angry rodent before returning to its prize. Pikachu’s cheeks sparked, ready to strike. The trainer put his arms between them.
“Hey, don’t - HTSH’SHIIEW! H-Hih-? HKSH’SHIIIEW!”
He rubbed at his nose, which had begun to grow red. He patted his pockets for a tissue, but they had all been used long ago. He stood up and tore off a paper towel from a nearby roll, cringing as he wiped his already sore nose on the rough material.
The trainer blew his nose, finally feeling some relief from his congestion. However, it didn’t last long, as his nostrils quivered once more.
He put the paper towel over his nose, just in case, and dragged himself to the living room. He fell back on the sofa. By then, Mabosstiff, licking its chops, had settled back on the floor, already snoring. Pikachu was pouting nearby, thumping their tail against the coffee table.
The trainer grasped the paper towel to their face, hitching. Pikachu looked up, perking their ears.
“Snnnnf! Hah…hah-!”
Pikachu, beginning to like this new game their trainer was playing, put a finger under their own nose and squeezed one eye shut.
“Pika! Ah!”
The trainer sniffled. “Pikachu, I’b…t-trying to…ah-!”
The trainer sniffled, then sighed, rubbing his temple.
“Guh…lost it. Snf.”
But Pikachu, who didn’t want to stop playing, climbed onto the trainer’s lap, trilling and waving their tail. The trainer chuckled, running his hands through the pokémon’s fur.
“What ab I going to do with you?” he teased, using his thumbs to rub wide circles into Pikachu’s cheeks. Pikachu trilled, squinting its eyes shut.
Suddenly, the trainer’s nostrils flared with new vigor.
“Gah-! HAH-!”
With both his hands occupied and not a lot of time to think, the trainer bent over Pikachu, pressing the pokémon into their chest as the long-awaited sneeze finally came.
The trainer groaned, leaning their now pounding head back. The paper towel lay crumpled in their hand.
“Sorry, Pikachu - snf! - snug up on be.”
He blew his nose as Pikachu looked up at him with wide eyes, still a bit dazed. It held a hoodie string tightly in each paw.
The trainer groaned again, shifting to his side. Maybe if he could just lay down for a few minutes -
Pikachu climbed onto his trainer’s chest, sniffing at his face.
“I’b sorry, Pikachu - snf! - I can’d play right now. Just…let be rest a little bit…”
The trainer coughed, leaning his head on the arm of the sofa. He hadn’t realized how sore he was until he laid down. His head, his chest, his arms, his legs - they all hurt. And though he had put on a hoodie this morning to chase away a chill, it had now become a pounding fever. As much as he wanted to take it off, he didn’t think he could move his aching joints. The trainer felt sweat pooling down his back and beading on his forehead.
A gentle gust of air made the trainer open his eyes. A yellow tail moved back and forth in front of his face, fanning him. He sighed with relief as the cool air washed over him.
He didn’t know how long he had been asleep, or even remembered dozing off, but the next thing his trainer knew, there was a soft growling and snuffling next to his ear.
The trainer opened his eyes to see Mabosstiff’s big brown eyes staring into his. The pokémon barked softly through its chops, using its paw to nudge the trainer’s shoulder.
Trying to assuage it, the trainer reached out a hand to pet its head, but fell short as his energy ran out. Mabosstiff whined, putting its cold nose on the trainer’s cheek.
“What? What do yo-”
He cut himself off with a rough cough. Mabosstiff put its snout under the trainer’s shoulder, supporting him as he tried to sit up. Between Mabosstiff and the sofa, he was able to heave himself up, shivering.
Getting off the sofa, however, was a different story.
Mabosstiff, sensing the trainers unsteadiness, turned around and backed against the sofa. It turned its head expectantly.
After a few minutes, the trainer managed to will himself up, using Mabosstiff as support. His entire body throbbed in pain, but he managed to keep himself upright. Mabosstiff shuffled along with its trainer, waiting patiently for each step.
The pokémon led him to the pot of soup that he had previously abandoned. Luckily, he had taken it off the burner, but it had probably gone cold. Mabosstiff barked through their chops again.
“Do…you want soup?” the trainer rasped.
He took the wooden spoon and dipped a spoonful, then held it to Mabosstiff. Despite having scarfed it down earlier, though, it no longer seemed interested. The pokémon just stared at the trainer, waiting.
Shrugging, he put the spoon into his mouth. The soup was still warm, and the vegetables had just the right texture. At length, he swallowed, letting the warm broth soothe his sore throat. Mabbostiff grunted happily, and began to wag their tail.
Is that what the pokémon had wanted?
The trainer took a small bowl from the cupboard and dipped more soup into it. Then, using Mabosstiff, he went back to the sofa, sipping it. The pokémon sat in front of him, staring at him until he had finished. Once the bowl was empty, Mabosstiff took a quilt from the nearby armchair and dragged it to the trainer between its teeth. The pokémon jumped onto the sofa and draped a corner over its his feet, and the trainer pulled it over his shoulders.
With his stomach full and a warm blanket chasing away the chill, the trainer closed his weary eyes.
“Hello? Hello!”
A darkness had enveloped the trainer, and no matter how loudly he called, the only thing he heard was his own echo. A sense of dread began to prickle in his chest as he turned in circles, searching for something, anything to break the darkness.
“Please! Help me!”
No answer.
Cold sweat pooled down his back, and every hair stood on end. The abyss began to close in on him, its wiry tendrils inching closer and closer.
The trainer turned to see a beacon of red light flash in the darkness, chasing it back. The light dulled, revealing his Espeon sitting in the distance, tail wrapped around its paws.
“Espeon? Where-?”
Espeon only mewed in response before starting to walk into the inky black. The trainer hurried towards their pokémon, finally able to move. His steps echoed through the abyss as he got closer and closer to Espeon’s red glow…
The trainer started awake, now staring into a pair of large, violet eyes. His Espeon was sitting on his chest, their gem still glowing. As he blinked the sleep from his eyes, the gem darkened.
“Nngh…thangks…” he mumbled, petting Espeon’s head. The pokémon purred, leaning against its trainer's hand. Espeon wasn’t usually this affectionate. In fact, since the trainer caught it a few weeks ago, it was rare to see the pokémon outside of his room during the daytime.
The trainer groaned, patting his hoodie pocket in vain for the used paper towel. Espeon hopped off his chest with a twitch of its tail. The trainer tried to clean his streaming nose with his sleeves, but his smarting nostrils twinged with every rub.
He turned to see a tissue box floating a few inches from his face, a violet aura surrounding it. Espeon sat nearby, its eyes glowing brightly.
Of course, the trainer knew psychic types could use telekinesis. But Espeon had never done it before now - or at least not that he knew of.
However, with few options, the trainer plucked a tissue from the floating box. And just in time.
He blew his nose, finally able to use something clean and soft to clear his sinuses. Many tissues later, the trainer settled down again, and Espeon set the tissue box down on the coffee table. Along with it, there was a box of medicine, a washcloth, and a few pokémon pellets.
Pikachu waddled into the room, carrying a half full glass of water. Both his tail and paws were soaked as it left a wet trail behind it. Finally, the pokémon managed to get to the sofa, lifting up the glass to its trainer. By then, the glass was only a quarter full.
But the trainer smiled, carefully taking the glass.
“Thangk you, Pigachu - snf! You did a very good job.”
Pikachu puffed out its chest, waving its tail. Espeon was less impressed, and continued licking its paw.
But they weren’t the only ones who were busy. Mabosstiff had wrestled the trainer’s comforter, sheets, and pillows off his bed, using all of its strength to drag them into the living room. Soon, the trainer was a cocoon of various quilts, blankets, and cushions.
Once the canine had finished, it collapsed in a heap next to the sofa, snoring almost immediately. Espeon hopped onto the sofa and curled up on one of the many cushions. The trainer patted a place in the blankets.
“Cobe on, Pigachu. Up!”
Pikachu looked at its trainer, ears twitching. Then, suddenly, it scurried behind the couch. A few moments later, it returned with something in its paws. It scampered up the mountain of blankets, then held it up for the trainer to see.
It was a small, red bandage - just like the one the trainer had used earlier that day.
Pikachu laid the bandage gently on the trainer’s red nose, smoothing the edges on the side of each nostril. When it was finished, it leaned back, admiring its handiwork. The trainer chuckled, scratching behind Pikachu’s ears.
“Good boy, Pigachu…”
Pikachu trilled, circling a few times before curling up on his chest. As the trainer settled in himself, he made sure the bandage was still on his nose.
Sure, he didn’t really need it.
But, somehow, he already felt better.
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steliosagapitos · 3 years
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 ~ Emperor Nicholas II paid Fabergé 8,300 rubles for the purchase of a souvenir, now known as The Rose Trellis Egg. In the bill dated April 24, 1907, the Easter gift to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna is described as follows: "An egg of green enamel with branches of diamond roses and leaves of enamel. 1 diamond and diamond roses. Inside is a diamond chain with a medallion with a miniature of HIH Grand Duke Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich." It was quite an expensive purchase. According to the annual statistics of prices for bread and labor in St. Petersburg in 1853-1910, a qualified carpenter in 1907 was paid only 163 kopecks a day. However, this Easter egg became one of Alexandra Feodorovna's most favorite. Created by Henrik Wigström, it was decorated with flowers of the Empress' preferred pink shade. The rosebuds were placed on a greenish-yellow guilloché enamel. Since the Egg matched the color of the interior, it remained in the corner showcase of Her Majesty's Study in the Winter Palace until The Russian Revolution. The Romanovs had not lived there since 1904, but there were still a lot of valuables stored in their apartments. In May 1917, The Provisional Government's commission decided to take the most important objects for special storage. And although The Rose Trellis Egg was then called one of the "objects that have no destination", Alexandra Fedorovna considered this Egg the most functional because of its surprise. A platinum pendant with a diamond circle and an ivory miniature of her beloved son on a platinum chain with diamonds (in the characteristic Fabergé shape) was included by the Empress in the list of her personal jewels under no. 371. She often wore this piece during daytime events. After The Revolution, she obviously took it with her to Tobolsk in exile. The Rose Trellis Egg was sold by the Bolsheviks in the 1920s, and in 1930 it was bought by American collector Henry Walters. Today, this important Fabergé Egg without a lost surprise can be seen at The Walters Art Museum in Mount Vernon, USA. ~
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The nephew of Emperor Eric, HIH Prince Shane, has just gotten married. His new bride is 31-year-old Miss Caroline Nora McParr, of Northern Brindlen Lakes. Prince Shane is the 29-year-old son of the Emperor’s younger brother, the late-Prince Francis, and HIH Princess Traci (née Lester)
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According to best-man HRH Prince Thomas of Kenauria, Duke of La Croix, the prince nearly cried seeing his bride walking down the aisle of Heliga Klostret. 
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Caroline McParr donned a piece of jewelry familiar to the Imperial family: Empress Ilene’s Diamond Wreath Tiara. The tiara was made for the late-Empress on her 40th birthday in 1974, commissioned by Emperor Haudran. After she passed away in 1985, Emperor Haudran stored it in the Newcresti Imperial Jewelry Inventory, to be gifted to members of the Imperial Family. Emperor Eric gifted this one to Miss McParr just a month before the wedding.
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(Above: The union between Miss McParr and Prince Shane is sealed with a kiss.)
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(Above: From L-R; Princess Kaya, Empress Katrina, Emperor Eric, Mrs. Jonelle McParr, Mr. Michael McParr, Caroline McParr, Prince Shane, Princess Traci, Princess Melaura, and Prince Thomas)
The small-scale ceremony went off without incident, and Emperor Eric has granted Caroline the legal and courtesy titles of Imperial Princess. She will now be styled as Her Imperial Highness Princess Caroline of Newcrest. The Prince and Princess will continue to reside in Northern Brindlen Lakes with Princess Traci.  During photos, Princess Traci was asked what Prince Francis would think of Caroline. She responded: “Frankie would absolutely adore Carrie. She’d be like the daughter he never had.”
Congratulations Prince Shane and Princess Caroline!
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Disobedient sneezy sub!Bucky with a dom!Cap!Steve who is caring even if he wants to show who is in charge :) pleaseeeeee
eeee what a cute prompt!!! obviously, bucky's a birdwatcher. nobody's surprised by that.
w: (slight) mess warning
Steve can’t say he’s pleased by the sight before him. It’s Bucky, shivering in a chair on their back deck, nose, lips and cheeks chapped.
It’s lightly snowing, but expected to pick up in the late afternoon. At least Bucky’s got on Steve’s coat and knit hat. Still, he can tell Bucky’s shivering. Steve sighs, frowns and opens the sliding glass door.
Though Bucky normally turns at the sound, he doesn’t this time. he knows who it is. Plus, he’s fucking freezing.
“What the hell are you doing out here?”
Bucky chuckles, pulling the collar up a little bit higher, attempting to cover his exposed neck. He blearily blinks before wrenching forward with a volley of ticklish sneezes. “H-Hih! Hh’XXXNT! Hih’KNNT! H-hoo. Sorry, those sduck up od be.”
He pulls something out of his pocket with shaking hands. “G-got a light?”
It’s his fucking vape.
“Very funny,” Steve snaps. “Now come inside.”
“Aw, c’mon, I’b fiiiiide,” Bucky wines, pouting a little. His nose starts to run and he desperately needs to sniffle, but decides against it. Of course, the cold is making his sinuses prickle, and suddenly he’s gasping again.
Steve winces at the sound. Bucky’s always stifled his sneezes.
“You’ve got a cold, Buck. I told you not to stay outside too long. What are you even doing out here?”
When Steve says ‘hear,’ he gestures to the blanket of snow and scattered, icy trees in front of them. It’s quiet.
“Oh, I’b jusd bird wadching.”
Steve sees the corner’s of Bucky’s nostrils glistening and instinctively pats himself, searching for his handkerchief. “Here,” Steve says, handing it to him.
“Ew,” Bucky says, snatching it anyway. “These are so gross. I cad’t believe you sdill use one of these. Dod’t people use like, tissues dow?”
“Yeah, right, right.” Steve shrugs, rubbing the back of his head. “Guess it’s just one of those old habits right?”
Nostrils flaring, Bucky desperately shakes open the handkerchief and buries his nose into it with another pair of squelching stifles. “H-hih’XXXXT! KKKKNT!”
“Yeah, exactly,” Steve grins. “Like that. Now come inside, I’ve got some broth on the stove.”
“Oh, sobe br-broth? You tryig to woo be?” Bucky says sarcastically.
“Take it or leave it, Buck.”
request some stuff/give me feedback!!
read more marvel stuff!!
ask me about my commissions!!
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