imaginariumwanderer · 2 months
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Cotton candy🐑
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ratpoizonz · 2 years
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uh huh
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stupidscav · 6 months
my hand slipped and made a new Iterator oc oops...
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info and closeups under the cut!!
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somnum has much more biological parts than many other Iterators. Their Ancients are extremely religious, somehow more so than the general populus, and thus based most of their research, society, and life around their religion, including their iterator. They have placed some extreme expectations onto somnum, and it makes them very meek and anxious.
to relay some of the stuff I wrote on paper:
their puppet is semi-biological and they have biological ears, some parts of the torso, legs, and tail. Their wings are synthetic (though may be changed later.) Their eyes are always closed because that is how their face was created. However, they do have a mouth! The little bumps on their face mark their mouth. They are able to detach from their can, often to visit religious ceremonies and organizations, which their Ancients have many of. Over time, they are believed to be a messenger of God (or a god) and can carry out their will, only making them more anxious because, well.. they are not. They have lots of art (they can draw on their walls), incense, and music in their chamber, and are often dressed in extravagant garb with religious purpose.
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maskofnova · 2 months
Okay!! (So i am gonna bring up my Whispurge headcanon a tiny bit too just because they do go hand in hand for me, sorry lol. Just dont read past the dash if you dont care about it.)
The sonurge dynamic for me is kind of near entirely one sided as far as like actual romantic interest. Like for sonic its a case of wanting to challenge and tease her to keep her mind off things and rile her up in a friendly way. Maybe a little flirty but for him its nothing serious. He enjoys their banter and their rivalry is a fun one.
But for surge i think its a complete case of crossed wires. The internal battle with her programming that puts him in a place of fixation in her mind by default but now is fluctuating rapidly between “i hate him so fucking much” and “i think he’s clearly amazing and i think i like him”. But either way its a struggle with the thought that the only reason he’s on her mind this aggressively might just be because its what she was made to think about.
I don’t think sonic would know about this internal conflict for a hot minute since i think she wouldn’t explain until it peaked the boiling point but the second he figures out how deep this goes he wouldnt keep this going. Hes not an asshole like that so ultimately this is my Toxic Doomed Ship where they have to eventually keep distance anyway by the end.
Even still when its good i think its really good, its just never going to last without Surge having some kind of breakdown.
Comparatively i think my whispurge headcanons also play on this rivalry dynamic between whisper and surge (definitely a more aggressive hands on one than the one with sonic. Fisticuffs followed periodically by adrenaline induced smoochin) but with those two its definitively, unquestionably a choice they’re both making of their own volition to interact like this. Even if it does carry some doubt or confusion on whispers part mostly about whether she really can trust Surge.
I think two commiserating aggro types can find some comfort with that and ultimately help each other be better than what they are by both of them having pretty tragic pasts they can relate to. (I think tangle and whispers dynamic is also extremely important but she could use another angle like that). Something i dont think Sonic is in a position to ever fully do. At least not until surge already gets all her shit sorted.
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sciderman · 1 year
my phone was going to die today so i’ve been writing the newest fic the ooooold fashioned way. pencil and paper and maximum effort 
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, these are my practices of the sheep, I think I’ve got it down by now
So I drew Cream sheep, Cotton Candy sheep, Cream Cotton sheep, and some sheep I found from concept art in the artbook
So the Cream sheep and Cotton Candy sheep seem to look the most similar to me, at least in terms of anatomy, with the biggest differences being the fact that cream sheep seem to be the only ones (of the three we’ve seen in game) with no tufts of hair on their head, and I believe the dollops of cream representing horns, as well as the fact that the Cotton Candy ones have sprinkles. Also it’s kind of weird how only the Cream sheep have horns, considering most sheep in real life have them. I noticed that by contrast, the Cream Cotton sheep look pretty different, at least in terms of facial features and just generally that they’re made of cotton, but given how they’re from a completely different area on Earthbread, I suppose it could make sense
Then there’s the ones from the artbook. Admittedly they aren’t shown to have ears or tufts of hair on their heads, I just felt like adding those. Also they’re from the Vanilla Kingdom artwork, so I imagine they’re closer to Cream sheep, though the difference is they have gold/yellow wool and horns that look more like cinnamon rolls. Considering we see the Vanillians with them, as well as the ones Pure Vanilla having in the artbook most closely resembling them, could they be some sort of older breed of sheep?
I’m curious as to what a “black sheep” for these species would look like. For the Cotton Candy ones, considering cotton candy doesn’t seem to really be a dark colored thing, and how most of them are pink, I’d imagine the “black sheep” to be blue instead. The Cream Cotton ones could be brown, since apparently cotton can grow brown instead of just white. Not sure about the Cream ones though, since cream doesn’t seem to be blue in general. Maybe chocolate flavored
For the purposes of the whole Pure Vanilla flock, most likely he’d have Cream sheep, given they seem to be native to the area he’s from, but I’ll still add the little Cream Cotton sheep. Or maybe I should pick the artbook ones? I’m not sure
Anyways, I think I’m over analyzing these sheep, just enjoy the pictures of the fluffballs
Oh yeah, and I’ll put my sheep references (the ones from CRK I mean) here
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
Sometimes. Sometimes I want uncomplicated, every day slice of life romance with skeletons where the biggest drama is "Life as it is" o(-(
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neverendingford · 3 months
#every time a character does the whole “talk softly and reassure the dangerous person” thing while also walking ominously towards them ughh#it drives me absolutely nuts. like. you're trying to talk them down from paranoia while you're threateningly walking towards them?#someone does that to me and I'm shooting them at least in the leg or stabbing with whatever makeshift spear I've manufactured#anyway. criminal minds is getting real annoying with the whole pathologizing of people.#like. guy shows signs of being very good at torturing people and they go “ah yes.. a pure sadist” or whatever the fuck#I get that it's shitty crime drama stuff but still. ugh.#I just. I fucking hate when people take the obviously wrong route when talking to mentally destabilized people.#like. people are shit at talking to suicidal people. are shit at talking down irrational fears. people are shit at talking down paranoia.#I hate how people don't fucking know how to interact with freaks I hate how people don't know how to interact with me#everyone acts on their own level without understanding what it's like in any way#and so everyone just projects their own reality onto you without performing any sort of empathy or exercising any sort of understanding#and I want to scream so fucking loud#you're all living in a cotton candy world and your words disintegrate in my humidity#and it's so fucking lonely#and my mind has been clear this past week. the autistic need for pressure satisfied by this prescription pushing on my brain#and I can feel the cogs turning. the wheels and pins and linked gear trains and drive shafts and traction band motors.#all the parts of my brain churning around and I can't get close because the heat from my motor makes my hood hot to the touch.#I burn your hand as you try and press your palm against my flanks.#only think saddle and tack make contact. strict guidelines and harsh rules to govern me.#when I am free I buck and I shift gait and I drag you under too-low branches#also. compared to Hannibal I can basically listen to criminal minds as a podcast. none of the visuals really contribute anything to the show#like. feels very shallow
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baby-yongbok · 9 months
I have an idea for a Hyunjin fan fiction, but I'm so excited about it that none of my thoughts make sense lol should I post a snippet? I'm nervous, lol 🫠
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glitterghost · 1 year
brb mourning all the past mutuals/friends/followers that I've had delightful conversations or interactions with, who either have deactivated unbeknownst to me, or have changed their handles since we've last spoke and I may no longer recognize.
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Crk Codes for New Event
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peach-peony-cookie · 4 months
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I made some proper cookie run fankids!
I hope you enjoy them!
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baconcolacan · 1 year
For viewer's sake, will anything lewd happen in the book? (Regimen on ao3)
Asking cus I'm new and generally uncomfortable with that,,
Ooooh, like explicit sex scenes?? No, I’m not planning on writing anything like that in Regimen, but, and I have to stress this, it might be implied that something happened, or there might be scenes that get a little spicy, but it wont ever stray into explicit territory.
As I said before though, mind the tags and this is NOT a love story. I will understand if you decide to drop the fic at any time because this IS Dead Dove literature, your comfort and mental safety is more important than my work getting any attention.
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bloodsoakeddoodles · 2 years
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They pair nicely, considering
#Doodles#Pajama Sam#Florette#Luke Wigglebig#Flukette#More ship art because I can't be stopped lol#Does this count as OC x Canon? No I don't know those cake pop ladies I swear I've never met them in my life#They're just one-off designs for the purpose of showing off Luke's reactions lol don't mind them#They are cute tho#Thinking about Hitch of all things - the scene where he's teaching Albert the correct hand placement to be flirty but not skeezy lol#Luke's totally a gentleman don't even worry about his lurid past lol#Something something being respectful because he doesn't know what else to do with the culture shock lol#Florette's just having a nice time good for her haha#Kiss ♥ They have a pretty incredible height difference considering she's standing and he's laying down lol#Cute and fuzzed out about it ♪ I just like kisses to be enjoyable for everyone :3#And then not quite Getting™ what their partner tastes closest to lol - unusual flavours for both of them!#Personally I see Luke as cotton candy flavoured - not bubblegum >:P and not any fruit flavour just pure sugar haha#It's very unusual for Florette! She's familiar with fruits even if she's not That close with them#And technically Luke does know about unsweetened candies like cocoa powder which is derived from plants but still not it!#This clearly requires more testing lol#And finally a sitting in one's lap ♪ Luke is drowning in florets! Oh no ♪#There's also something cute about both of them having just one leg-like appendage#Just imagining swinging their whole body like a leg over the edge of a seat haha#Silly ♪
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
waai waiwai waiwaiwai is the most song ever
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
I think I might be congenitally incapable of writing anything but fluff
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