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I adore that it still comes back to kicking, really pulling us back once again to the fact that we KNOW this character, we’ve LIVED alongside this Syaoran, and so has Lava Lamp, and yet here we are in the tragic climax where he’s using these same kicks against you all the same
I think you could also get a lot of mileage out of the fact that they are mostly physically identical - and so, their kicks would be their most evenly matched of attacks. It’s the rest of it all (their swords, their souls, their magic) that’s unequal, and THOSE are the things that are a cumulation of their choices and circumstances, and so it’s THAT part of it all that will decide things in the end.
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sentofight · 1 year
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It's her birthday ...
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Oh my!!!! Just read your post and the summary of the chapter and lmao, I am perfectly willing to wait for the volume to come out. First of all, congratulations to all of us YunaAki fandom that we actually got our favourite hobo to confess his feelings. Lmao, stuff his mouth with chocomint ice cream, Akiho! It feels a bit embarrassingly cute to finally have them being canon (officially that is!). Second, are we getting hints of a potential future arc that ties up with TRC/xxxHolic, especially since xxxHolic Rei is supposedly going to be revived? That description of Momo's scene makes me think that a book that is capable of rewriting the world would without a doubt be involved in TRC/xxxHolic shenanigans. I don't want to keep my hopes up too high given that CLAMP are ageing and have been working tirelessly for so long but maybe secondary author written light novels with illustrations from Mokona-sensei may be the way to go in the future, at least as far as CCS continuation goes? Given that Light Novels are at their all time popularity high right now and they have done it for CLAMP Academy before, fingers crossed! Although I believe we might take a few years before we get anything concrete on that side. Sigh! At least we have CCS CC anime Season 2 to look forward to now. Third, OMG!!!!! Tomoyo!!! I am now 100 percent certain that Sakura is going to be wearing a "King of Kwa" Qun Kwa, fully designed, hand embroidered and stitched by Tomoyo. There will definitely be two weddings - one at Japan (which will be whatever the couple chooses but I would love it to be a traditional Shinto one at the Tsukimine shrine) and a traditional Cantonese-Chinese one at Hong Kong (ain't no way the Heir of the Clan and his Japanese bride getting away without a "proper" and traditional Chinese wedding). Given that it takes at least a year for even an traditionally experienced embroiderer to create a King of Kwa, maybe Tomoyo mentioning this as they are entering 9th grade means that SS will really get married right out of high school. Like even her brain says whoops, I better begin the wedding planning and bridal dress designing already. Yes! Give us I-am-a-wealthy-Victoria-Peak boy Syaoran and his enormously large family being in sync over Sakura wearing a real gold and silver embroidered on finest silk from Guangdong with it weighing around 10-15 kg and that being the bare minimum because it brings the most fortune and fertility with its Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes. Buhahaha. And Sakura just going along with it because she does not really get to dip her feet into her husband's culture much and she is enjoying all the big family time because everyone, legit everyone in the family, is enamoured with her and how cute and absolutely precious she is. Ahahahaha. Sheesh, I am blushing so much. I had headcanons for so many years but these are all of them coming true!!! *shakes my head and arms vigorously in my fangirling heaven*
OMG Aubretiaaaaaaa!! YES!! We finally made it!! WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEEEENNNDDDD 😂😂 Ok excuse my silly little moment but yes, can you believe that I would've NEVER imagined they would make him say THAT in canon? I've always thought that they would go "the subtle way", for several reasons (and it also makes sense, character-wise) and leave it at the true name reveal, but nope, they had to SHOCK ME even in the final, definitive special chapter!! 😂 It isn't a shock that Kaito is feeling romantic love for Akiho, not at all: the shock comes from seeing it spelled out "clearly" on paper! 😂 I even imagined that this could happen a couple of years later along the way, but it's perfectly fine like this. We talked about this before, right? The attraction he feels comes from a chemistry between souls, and there isn't anything shady going on. So everything else will still come at the right time (and it's not like CLAMP will portray any of it, so each one of us can imagine it however we like). I'm gonna write another post later about the chocomint ice cream because I realized I forgot to point some things out in my commentary! 😁
About the Holic tie-in, in this specific chapter it doesn't look like there's any hint (the "appropriate price" Momo paid is a concept that exists in CCS too), but it can still totally happen, even in Holic itself. Like a cameo from Kaito and Akiho (since it would be kinda weird to feature Sakura herself, and she would steal the spotlight wherever she goes). I don't know, I won't hope too much for it, but things in Clear Card definitely were left open enough for them to reconnect to it in the future!
And yes, I also am totally convinced that SyaoSaku will have a double wedding! 😁 Tomoyo can still totally create a western-style dress for the celebration in Japan, since usually after the traditional Shinto ceremony, there's the party and that's where the bride changes outfit and can wear the western-style dress! But yeah, I also cannot see them going without a ceremony in Hong Kong too, and I really appreciated the description of the King of Qwa traditional wedding dress, especially cause I looked for it and...YES, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HOW THIS "BEAST" REQUIRES AT LEAST A YEAR OF EMBROIDERY!! If Tomoyo is going to undertake this challenge, SHE REALLY NEEDS TO START NOW 😂 I mean, look at this....pink blossom, it's perfect!
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It is so beautiful!! I can totally see Sakura wearing this! And YES, I agree, I think SyaoSaku will marry right out of high school 🥰 This special chapter really gave us "fuel" for so many future headcanons, right?? I really can't thank CLAMP enough for this!
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spurious · 9 months
fic writer 20 questions
I was tagged by @alienfuckeronmain & @nimuetheseawitch to do this one!
How many works do you have on AO3? 108. I need to add some ficlets to my collection but I've been slacking a bit on that, so.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 274,716
What fandoms do you write for? Star! Gate! At! Lan! Tis! The hyperfixation is strong ok. It's the thing that shook loose my half-decade dormant desire and ability to write, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Twenty Questions, 248 kudos 2. Ink and Wings, 221 kudos 3. Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers, 190 kudos 4. Solitary in a Wide Flat Space, 163 kudos 5. Abercrombie & Rodney, 151 kudos
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to!!! One of the things that was not good about posting all my ficlets onto AO3 in quick succession was ending up with more comments than I could handle, so now I have a...backlog. Getting comments makes me feel so good though, and I just...want to honor the effort made with some of my own in return? Idk, I've talked about this a fair bit in a handful of posts but I'm just really not used to the amount of interaction I get in SGA fandom and I still feel.......very blessed lmao. Bleh sincerity on main how gross
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? We Are Standing On the Edge, a Jin/Kame fic about a road trip and the apocalypse which I wrote for @merionettes in a fic exchange in 2010.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics either have happy endings or implied happy endings? I like making good things happen to the characters I love so much. Sometimes after making bad things happen to them, but. At any rate, O I Think We Should Be Brethren is my personal happiest ending because of how long and hard a journey it is to get there.
Do you get hate on fics? I got a hate comment once, on the (in)famous Kanjani Cannibalism Fic.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Do I ever! I like to write kinky sex as a means of exploring and facilitating vulnerability. I also like to write blowjobs.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've never written a crossover! ..............I don't think, at least.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I am aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A couple of my Johnny's fics have been translated into Russian and Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not to completion.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Yokohina, Sakura/Syaoran, McShep...don't make me choose between my children like this??? Sakura/Syaoran literally invented romance for my teenage self, like I am not kidding at how formative of a ship that was for me in my life. Also why I started learning Japanese, so. Yokohina will forever be beloved to me in the same way that Kanjani8 will forever be beloved to me, in a way that is (literally) tattooed into my flesh, in a way that influenced my life massively, in so many aspects. I will never not be thirsty for the two of them saying weirdly romantic things about each other in public forums, for them being the solid foundation upon which their group is built. For Yoko being a pigtail-pulling twelve year old boy towards Hina even as they're in their mid-forties. AND THEN THERE'S FUCKING MCSHEP. A ship that I knew about when it was popular and brushed off as an Any Two White Guys, Migratory Slash Fandom Thing. A ship that, when my wife and I started watching SGA, we said "haha wouldn't it be so funny if we ended up being all in on mcshep?" A ship that resonates in my heart in the most bizarrely intense way and shook loose the desire to write and create from its atrophied place in the back of my head. I love them. I hate them. They're perfect.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have about 25k of a later-years yokohina friends to FWB to lovers fic that I wish I could finish but the McShep brainrot is.........so strong. On the other hand, never say never?
What are your writing strengths? haha so much harder to answer this than weaknesses!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I can write good funny dialogue, which is amazing to me because when I started writing my dialogue was horrendous, just absolutely awful and stilted and I hated writing it so much! like it was a running joke between me and my best friend at the time that I could not write anything that sounded even remotely natural or like real human speech. guess that shows that practice makes perfect or whatever? idk.
What are your writing weaknesses? endings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ensemble casts/scenes with more than two people in them. plots more complex than simple romantic contrivance.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? nah. It always feels a bit fanfiction.net anime fandom to me?
First fandom you wrote for? speaking of fanfiction.net anime fandom....I wrote Sakura/Syaoran angstfic into a notebook when I was 13. The first things that I actually shared with other people were either Harry Potter or the fics I wrote about the boys at my church who were just unnecessarily homoerotic with each other in the way that only teenage church boys can be (iykyk)
Favorite fic you’ve written? guess. 🙃
Tagging: @sga-owns-my-soul @stargayatlantis @hearteyesmcgarrett @texasdreamer01
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liquorisce · 2 years
What are some of your favorite fics? It doesn't have to be aot or something you've written
omg tysm for this question I love talking about my fav fics ESP BC SO MANY OF THEM ARE NON AOT 🙈🙈 I had to go to my ffn favs for this hihi
so this is list is home to the fics that I have truly idolised, read repeatedly and tried to emulate in some way or another in my own writing journey:
1. Heartbeat by letmeannoyyoutoday. U must have heard me screaming about this fic before. It is god tier, the angstiest, the most painful Sasusaku you can imagine. There isn’t even smut in it but still I’m rendered a sobbing mess everytime I read this story. And I read it every fortnight or so, I swear. canonverse. sasusaku get married.
2. The most dangerous things by Childoftheashes. Man this fic is the tastiest thing in the ichihime fandom istg. Ichigo is unapologetically horny and bossy and slutty and I love everything about it. Orihime is absolutely clueless and drives him up a wall and it’s literally completely smut! This author is one of my smut senseis. I also really love "chasing paper tigers like dreams" by her.
3. Sometimes I think the stupidest things by starsinew. Ok I’m sorry for putting this here bc this user doesn’t have this fic up anymore (I managed to find the epub and thank fuck for that) but I had to talk about it bc this fic changed me on a fundamental level. I fell in love with it so much, even to this day I look back at it with an education lens as to how to write smut. God tier. I hope this author is well and living their best life.
4. Friends with Benefits by confused panda bear. Syaosaku, card captor Sakura. Again a story that doesn’t exist anymore online but I still remember some of the dialogues bc they were so iconic. Definitely a primer on smut writing for me. I invite you to check out their other stories tho they’re literally the harugou mother, birthing the most insane crackship in the free! fandom and getting everyone else drunk on it thanks to their god tier writing.
5. Clarity by randomteenager — angsty but silly gruvia. i love it so much.
6. Seeking Ginny by Casca. Harry/Ginny fic with heavy emphasis on Ginny's personal growth.
7. How to Coexist by Spoilerarlert and also washed up and rundown, I haven't finished it yet but fuck its amazing so far. Both are modern AU stories, one in NYC and the other in Chicago. I can't recommend this author enough, they have a very original and compelling style of writing.
8. Little Beast by herblacktights. This is my fav modern au, high school eremika. If you haven't heard me raving me about this fic already then ur obviously new here. ITS AWESOME! go read it now
9. Dog by Ackermom. floch x eren at it's unhealthiest best. canonverse. This author is one my favs actually, I devour ALL of her work, no exception. I also really enjoyed her reibert fics.
10. Icarus & I by bluinary. Armin-centric. Modern AU. I read this many years ago but I think of it often. I loved Armin's journey in this fic.
11. Three Days by Lotos-Eater. Canonverse. An angsty smutty Shikatema fic where Shikamaru thinks he's lost her.
12. For everything there is a season by SouthSideStory. If y'all are sasusaku stans then you know SouthSideStory already. She's phenomenal. This one is angsty sequel which delves into Sakura's feelings post miscarriage. I highly recommend the prequel as well.
13. Fool for you by Hand of Destiny. Syaosaku. Card Captor Sakura. Syaoran is a business mogul from a very traditional Chinese family. Sakura is an innocent girl who decides to try giving the escort profession a go. God tier, I swear. It also has a sequel!
14. lost girl & found boy. eremika. lost girls-verse. mikasa wants to know how babies are made, etc. cw: teen pregnancy.
15. all you want by senlinyu. i just binged this yesterday. holy shit. it's the big daddy of m/f omegaverse fics, I swear. dramione. canonverse + omegaverse. really really good!!!
ty for the question <3
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tillman · 1 year
rwby has a side character later in the series who's pretty explicitly plural and i think he's really well done i adore him. standard disclaimer that rwby can be a bit of a slog in the first few seasons due to lower production value but i think they're still fun and have a lot of charm to them (they're also the shortest of the seasons w episodes only 10 minutes a piece usually) and even if ur not vibing with them at first i highly highly recommend rwby in general and think it's super fucking worth it to get into
and then ik you said you dont do comics but if manga is ok i highly recommend tsubasa reservoir chronicle just in general bc it's literally my favorite manga of all time but also syaoran has some plural adjacent shit happening also later in the series. just do NOT watch the anime except for the ovas once you're far enough into the series for them bc the anime was so unbelievably fucking dogshit
manga is ok ! theyre a bit easier on the brain in terms of obfuscation in how to get into them LMAO. im not against comics i just dont like superhero media i think HEHE. ill put it on my list ... this is clamp ? i love the artstyle... swag.
and gerrrr rwby . i think thats very cool of them but man i dont think i could ever get into it even if i made a good attempt. ive tried numerous times across the years to give a shot but i think i just gotta accept its not at all for me. the storytelling and art style just kinda dont mesh w me. cool fightscenes though even if im not a guy who cares for flashy fights u gotta give them credit there
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kaminohana · 2 years
ok for sure one of the top CCS episodes- Sakura and the Elephant's Test of strength.
god, so many good moments. sakura also having just like the happiest day ever. she gets yummy food and a candy from her crush while her older bro isnt around to interfere. yamazaki trolling tf out of syaoran and syaoran just being so excited in the lie and seeing sloths for the first time. the heartwarming scene where the elephants play tug of war to help sakura against the clow card. the clow card design being SUPER adorable. yukito seeing the photo of sakura lifting the playground set and instead of freaking out just being like ":o oh wow sakura, you're so strong!".
its just so good and makes me feel so warm inside. it doesnt have to do anything complex to just pull off a really fun episode
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uopenthedoor · 1 year
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images that change ur life. i know this is giving that stupid tiktok "adhd extrovert gf and autistic gamer bf <3" but not really if u know sakura and syaoran its so much more complicated than that ok just trust me
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tsubasaclones · 3 years
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months
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Evil Wolverine’s crimes continue.
Fai is expressing concern over the fact that both individual Sakura’s had a huge amount of power separately, but now together…?
You now have Super Goddess Sakura - the all purpose tool for all your universe destroying needs!
The place he loses me is when he says that Original ‘Sakura’ has the nature to take both of these things into herself. Which, I don’t know why she would, since the feather belongs quite specifically to a different soul, and I don’t know why she would absorb the body of her clone. Like, the Syaorans never absorbed each other, and Watanuki has always been fine when meeting Lava Lamp. 
Is it specifically because the body is empty? So it kind of drifts automatically towards a soul very similar to its original to merge with? And since The Sakura Clone's soul was VERY close to the original Sakura's, that meant she was able compatible with the feather even through she isn't missing any part of her own soul? Like an Extra Memory DLC she could have since the files were compatible, even though those memories aren't hers? Or something? 
I feel like I am being pedantic but he specifically says she has the ability to take both those things into herself.
If Syaoran had died but left an empty body behind would Lava Lamp have accidentally fused with it? Or is this a Sakura Specific Function that’s happening because of the Extreme Universe Powers that are being thrown around her?
Honestly at this point Evil Wolverine could just start adding any other random event he needed to make this work to the list and I’d just have to shrug and say Sure, Ok. Whatever you say. That might as well also be true now. 
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volfoss · 3 years
Thinking about how the Clamp works connect hurts my head
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mikoriin · 5 years
PLEASE draw more tsubasa princess knight au, it is too precious o(*>ω
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How can you expect me not to eat
When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet
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justsyaoran · 5 years
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burrowingowls · 6 years
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Tsubasa Li colorspreads and pages 
(insp. @wishingyoucouldshowmelove‘s Princess Tsubasa set)
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spillingthefarm · 6 years
i know that ohkawa is one of the directors/writers or whatever but imagine if the clear card anime producers were looking at chapter 24 and were like “mmmmmmmmmmm... we hate this” hence the huge divergence of events in the last episode LMAO I STAN U ANIME STAFF... SAVE US FROM CLAMP’S SYAORAN FACTORY...
but for real though if this all ends with sakura obediently forking over all her magic (like in addition to just the wand, which i’m really hoping is just a tool and not the complete repository of her magic itself) i will be so mad. it probably won’t happen because clamp panders to their genre-specific demographics but also i would be so mad. it’s a shoujo for sweet baby children... we can’t have the girl mc giving up her power... it hers... she’s a girl... it’s her power...
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fuukashourai · 7 years
a manga panel where syaoran is the main focus: beautiful?? stunning??? absolutely gorgeous
a manga panel where syaoran is in the bg: very nice??? very good. beautiful, stunning
a manga panel where only half of syaoran is visible: gorgeous??? stunning, an angel absolutely lovely, very good
a black and white chapter cover art of syaoran: yeS??? GOOD, very nice, very lovely, absolutely beautiful
a full colored splash page of syaoran: stunninG?? GORGEOUS!!! lovely, very nice, absolutely phenomenal, the most beautif-
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