solplease · 15 days
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boom. reverse crowe and sol
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jedidragonrider · 8 months
As insanely frustrated I am with the end of the finale, THE END CREDITS MUSIC SLAPS SO HARD
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i-may-be-an-emu · 3 months
I hate talking on the phone so much oh I hate it so much I hate talking on the phone why can’t I just ring people and not need to type up a whole paragraph
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ghostinghome · 2 years
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finally done with kunitober,, lets all agree i finished on time yeah? ok
this was really fun !!! i once again apologize for the spam,, i just thought it was funny to do everything in like? one night every week
anyways, evan pettiwhisker tildrum king of evermore :]
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whsprings · 4 months
haha remember when I was in res and sh'ing every day and the staff gave so few fucks that they didn't even take away the thing i was using?? and even let me have my shaving razor (once)? because I do and I still get pissed about it
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hankvondouche · 7 months
When this joint came out niggas was like "I ain't know them other niggas could sing too"
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standarsh · 1 year
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gay-thoughts-blog · 2 years
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pigswithwings · 3 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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button-brr · 9 hours
hi welcome to garbage planet. can i take your order?
my fated gray lady sent another sad little boy who only likes to fuck when he's high who only vapes stuff he says he's going to get rid of one day. {cotton candy clouds that sweeten the deal a little bit] but mostly they just remind me of him and the nic makes me soooo fucking sick.
no serious plans no genuine love
I see their empty hollow laugh grins. so surprised a prince, handsome as I am, even looks at them. yeah. I love cute boys. I like sweet boys. I like fucking adult children who don't know how to make their beds and they sleep with stuffed animals and throw full blown fuckin tantrums when they run out of weed. but I promised myself I wasn't gonna do it again. so it's over. it has to end. it has to be over. I have to end it.
I'm so fucking sick.
of you. and him. and men like you. men like him. men who think they're more special than anyone else. men who don't ask if I'm doing ok. men who see and coo over me like I'm a child. I'll tolerate it. but I'm not fucking falling for it anymore.
I'm back in the shadowlands, it seems.
those are old tricks to me now. I see through your mask better than you see the placement of mine. and I have nothing to ask of you. keep whatever you want. things are trash are replaceable. disposable. everything is garbage in the end. in this garbage world. here on fucking garbage planet. I just didn't expect such a so much of negativity to come back so quickly. I just wish I could sit and think and be alone all over again. i would. happily.
nobody I need to see. nothing I need to do.
just me and my closet and dark air where I can sob and nobody can see my tears, not even myself. I hate obligation. I take responsibility and I take it seriously but I'm sick of bad dogs. untrained monsters barking their way into my path. I'll step into the weeds if I have to, find a stray hiding too sweet for this world. raise a good fuckin dog from scratch.
I don't need ruined goods.
I don't need a monster. I don't need a rapist beast jerkish ass self hurter that doesn't care about other people's feelings. you wanted to and you did and you want to and you would. human nature is to repeat whatever you can get away with whenever it works. not this fucking time. I'm sick and tired of it. I want good pure love. I'm not sticking around for this fuckin bullshit. that's all it is. two dates and you're fallen for me completely? you think couples counseling is gonna fix this? grow the fuck up. get a job and stop telling your mother everything. maybe then once you can buy your own things and pay your own rent, you'd find someone willing to fuck you good and right despite everything bad you do. I can't keep control of you. I don't want it.
im sorry i left a mark at all.
its not hard to cover up something you dont want people to see. you did it really well the first time. my love bites and bruises never landed so well before, too bad your sorry act crashed and you burned the bridges i was building. good riddance.
you are a fucking albatross. a #curse. a burden. a nothing. a bother. a beast. I've had enough.
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gr0undr10tz · 1 month
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unfinished chimera falin wip
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pickyandcautious · 6 months
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vitaestsicutstellae · 8 months
Oh Lord, I think about jumpin' Off of very tall somethings Just to see you come runnin' And say the one thing I've been wanting, but
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genderqueer-miharu · 8 months
No because kotoko's mv was like my only hope for amane getting innocent because her voting ends immediately after Deep Cover and i was hoping people going to vote for her would vote amane inno and raise her percentage at least a little. But now 😭😭😭
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