lost-romantique · 1 day
The Way He Lit up His Life- Baby Stolitz Circus Edition (Part 1)
I love the way Blitz manages to light up Stolas' life, even when he never meant too.
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Stolas starts off his birthday fucking elated. Of course he would, IT’S HIS MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY!
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"You will be entrusted with the study of the Earth's skies, the stars, the prophecies they hold, all that stuff. Isn't that fun!"
Stolas is given his life's mission as a Goetia, and he couldn't be happier!
This is best birthday ever! Absolutely what can go wrong!?
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Stolas is forced into an arranged marriage with Stella, and he's devastated. He begins to cry.
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His father who is so good at daddying, mind you, suggests they go to the circus in town.
Stolas does not want to go, he's miserable. His birthday is ruined.
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Stolas is at the circus now, he has to have a fun time at the circus... right? RIGHT?
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Despite all the cool shit that's happening before him, Stolas is miserable. He doesn't even bother looking at the performances.
He even flicks away the peanuts off his grimoire.
This baby birb is fucking miserable.
Absolutely nothing can make this day go better...
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Suddenly, he sees HIM.
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The boy wonder, the man who will become the poster child for severe self-hatred, BLITZO BUCKZO!!!
But Stolas doesn't see that...
All he sees is a little imp boy with the biggest smile on his face. Stolas is smitten.
Could this be what they call love at first sight? Who knows...
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All Stolas knows is that absolutely nothing has caught his attention, OTHER THAN HIM!
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The moment Blitz lands on stage, Stolas does a double-take. HE DOES A MOTHERFUCKING DOUBLE TAKE!
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Whenever Blitz is on stage is the only time Stolas truly enjoys his time at the circus. All of his focus is on that little imp boy who can't make a fucking horse balloon to save his life.
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"Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working, so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse."
Blitzo makes a stupid joke no one laughs at, but Stolas... this baby birb finds it fucking hilarious. He's charmed.
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Blitzo sees that and he acknowledges his existence, almost instantly. He sees the only boy that would laugh at his stupid joke.
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Suddenly Fizz comes in, makes a perfect horse in record time, and everyone laughs at his joke instead. Thereby stealing whatever thunder Blitzo had.
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But you know the funny thing... Stolas doesn't laugh at Fizz's joke. Actually he's almost offended that everyone completely ignored Blitzo's joke.
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"I liked his broken horse joke, it was funny. Their legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar, it's called laminitis."
Paimon looks at Stolas curiously, giving his son the eye as Stolas proceeds to laugh to himself because Blitzo's joke is that funny!
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The scene ends with a closeup shot of a smiling Blitzo.
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I find it adorable just how quickly Stolas' boredom changes the moment he sees Blitz on stage.
Stolas was just given the life changing news that he was going to be forced into an arranged marriage, and he's miserable. He doesn't want to go to the circus. Only for all that change the moment he sees Blitzo.
It's so cute just how smitten he is, how enchanted Stolas gets when he sees Blitzo on stage. How the worse day of his life turned into one of the best all because he sees him.
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Please watch out for my future posts as I analyze all the Stolitz scenes in The Circus.
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ladyisabelsblade · 1 day
My Live Reactions to X-Men Origins: Wolverine
A text thread between me and my friend.
Just watched the opening sequence and it’s so fucking funny when you’re high
Dude that guy with the two guns, his sequence kind of slapped
And then the other guy punched a tank. Yo….
This Deadpool looks like an idiot with the swords but he’s still pretty funny lol
Why does he know Swahili?????
Oh no! They’re colonizers!!???
But not Wolverine, he cares about black people, that’s how you can tell he’s the good guy
Little brother, breaking cycles of abuse
--wolverine says racism is wrong! --have u seen his cartoon claws yet?
They didn’t look that bad but I am high so I don’t care
The action sequences aren’t half as bad as in last stand
Or at least I’m too high to notice if they are lol
--u see a lot of hugh jackman nipples
Lumberjack Wolverine, wow
Just wow he’s wow
"Your country needs you” “I’m Canadian”
Aw, I like this girl. She’s so gonna die
What the fuck is this stupid story?
Even Logan thinks it’s stupid.
Most clumsily overt foreshadowing ever
Oop, yep she dying
--lmao --yea she lasts under 10 mins thats hilarious
Damn fucking eviscerated
Manly man scream
He ruthless
--relatable tbh
He’s so oiled up
Damn the dramatic irony is dramatic irony-ing
The Adamantium looks like the aftermath of a lush bath bomb
--ooooh ur not at the cartoon claws yet --he’s still all boney
Cover up your tits you preening slut precursor
They look so stupid just do practical effects you idiots
I should have seen that coming
--who exploded things?
Everyone but Logan exploding the helicopter was slay queen
--lol this movie is such a blur for me, i love reexperiencing in real time
Oh this is the bad part
Fucking blob omg
--ah yes --and will i am
I like will I am he ain’t bad
And boxer Logan, boxer Logan is saving this scene for me
--idr him good or bad, i just remember he's will i am
He is
I laughed so hard when his name came up during the opening credits
--its a great jumpscare
Local man discovers his girlfriend was fridged for his character development
--is this the first time uv seen gambit in something? like have u seen him in the cartoons or stuff?
and poker? This is like combining every old lady white woman’s wet dream together: lumberjack, boxer, poker player
No I’ve never seen the cartoons man
--by far the most loved x-man
gambit slays here dude
Will I am dead
--u have the best one liners omg
I’m over an hour in and I’m really enjoying this movie, being high is really elevating my experience
--its probably greaat high ngl
It’s just like fun moment after fun moment, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense
--its my dad's favorite hated movie --its so fun
He’s right, I can’t believe you told me this was worse than last stand
--idr last stand at all ngl
Oh, well it was really bad
My man is more okay with jumping out of a plane than flying in one
sir this is an operating room you can’t be here
Damn, this is freaky, I thought Stryker was a creep in x2
oh it’s mystique isn’t it
Damn that’s cold
No, poor baby he’s so sad
They were together for 6 years damn
Yo this is so dope
This fight
--have u gotten to deadpool
Kayla, now is not the time
Not yet
--thats THE thing
I know
But here he comes
Yo the black around the eyes thing kind of slayed tho
Damn fucking sliced his head off
Oh shit damn
Do they look out for eachother because you kind of suck ass victor
Kayla come on don’t die
girl this movies good I don’t know what you’re talking about
That was so slay Kayla
But you’re still probably dying
he don’t even remember her that’s so fucking sad dude
damn wtf tear my heart out why don’t ya
This movies cheesy but it’s hitting all the right beats
Like this is a pretty good origin story movie
Probably a horrible stand alone movie, but if I pretend like I’m watching a bunch of flashbacks stitched together it’s pretty good
Oooo two post credits scenes
--he kiinda does
In Deadpool 2?
--yea lol
Comes back just to die
lol he wasn’t too bad but I think I’d have a different opinion if he was sober and there weren’t already two other great Deadpool movies
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rainybyday · 1 day
This is mostly based on these three ideas I had circling in my little head please send help. 
Warring States Period - First Idea
Kaguya won in this timeline and only Team Seven survived, both past and present (Sakura, Naruto, Sai, Sasuke, Tenzo, Kakashi, and Obito (all in a total of seven :D)), and so they went into a new timeline as they used their last bit of Chakra to destroy their timeline so Kaguya will never escape and take over other dimensions 
ObKk because I somehow am in a toxic yaoi shipper cycle, god help
Sasuke and Sakura will stay together because I have a massive pin collection with amazing pins of these two so it made me biased
Naruto and Sai are without any partners since their timeline got fucked
Ok so let me go over some little details I like to have
Uchihas love so fucken deeply its not even funny so when their loved ones are threatened, all hell breaks loose,
Hatakes are a feral clan and while they are seen as “domestic” in modern times not so much in the Warring States, there are two reactions. One (stupid) people will try to fight them to scare them off (ha) or are scared to high heaven and back away from them
Hatakes have fangs and have habits like touching and calling their close ones pack and mate and pup if considered pack 
Yes all of his students are his pups and Tenzo is affectionately called a sapling once he realizes that is a THING for Senju’s to say to their young
Tenzo secretly loves it
But before he never said it out loud since, you know, trauma
Hatakes are territorial of their pack so if anyone messes with their pack when they can’t handle it you are going to wake up with your throat being ripped apart from Hatake teeth
Having a Hatake and Uchiha couple might be a pair made in shinobi heaven if I think in that sense
Fear them
Kakashi gives head pats like it is free candy
Everyone decided to have the Hatake clan symbol on them to place a barrier between them and other warring clans because no one likes to mess with Hatakes (only dumb people do, aka, the political greedy people)
Oh wait I found my plot!
Sakura is still considered a civilian during this time, with no family name or any of that sort since, back then, a civilian was too poor to have a last name, so she, alongside Sai, are now Hatake. 
Since Hatake’s have a pack mentality they do have the occasion of adopting outside their clan and giving their last name, however, there have been very few cases in which a clan outsider is adopted into the Hatake. Usually, this is issued to the clan head of that clan and things will get sorted out. But, because Sasuke, Naruto, and Tenzo are time travelers, no one knows of them nor are they official in the clan registry they don’t do that. 
 Bastard children if you will, and while it's possible for both Naruto and Tenzo that is going to be difficult to tell with Sasuke and Obito
So they decided not to use their last names in such situations unless officially asked if they were of [instert clan here] and just said they are by blood
After all, last names are a claim so they are careful to say they are a Uchiha, Uzumaki, or Senju
Do they claim them?
I mean no?????
Let's say no
They are blood-related but do not claim name, claim blood, not name. If named they are shipped to the clan’s compound and goodbye pack member. 
Ok so, timeline!
I’m gonna make it about maybe a year or more before the death of Inzuma
Just because I can and because tension is still there
But not THE tension if you know what I mean
I want Tobirama to feel like something is wrong with the Chakra signatures floating around but I want Hashirama to know first what the actual problem is with the forest warning him about a pack he should not cross
Why the forest?
Because they feel another person with the forest within them
Aka Tenzo
Case and point
They find Sasuke first by accident
It was a patrol of Senju who found him and immediately didn’t know what to do but they had to capture the thing because obviously it was a Uchiha
They corner him and they are about to catch him when the trees start to move
At first, they think it's their clan head who came to trap him 
But no
The branches are capturing THEM and leaving the Uchiha alone
So now they are confused
Confused they see a man with short chestnut hair come out from nowhere, take the Uchiha into his arms, and warns them that they shouldn't mess with a Hatake cub
They promptly freak the fuck out
I'll add more later and edit more of my other two ideas cus I can. Nice to do a break on the dcxdp fandom not gonna lie.
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tigerdrop · 3 days
Got any fun thoughts to share about Ford and Bill?
they drive me crazy dude. i have a lot to say about them so im putting it under a readmore
ive been billpilled for 1 million years dog. hes like the Blueprint. bills the perfect entity to me: terrifying shapeshifting demon who can slip into every corner of your mind and read all your thoughts and memories. and also hes a cartoon character with noodle arms and a cute shape. and hes a pathetic worm whos hung up on his human ex. and hes a funny little guy whos playful and mean and delights in tormenting you but juuuust enough so that he doesnt break you. Hes so awesome
like. listen. this isnt going to be a surprise if youve read literally anything ive ever written. but if bill possessed ford and slammed his hand in a car door and got a kick out of it and put him in a funny little outfit id be fine about it. ford was literally in a 24/7 freeuse lifestyle with him so why WOULDNT he
yeah im kind of a masochist. Why do u ask
put his ass in a horny neurotic guys body and see what happens. hit his dick with a cartoon mallet for fun. slap him around a little. feels cool and neat! like "human bodies are so responsive, huh" said while blanfords about to jam a fork into an outlet (thats my name for it btw. Im not looking it up)
what if i hurt you?? what if i dropped you??? Just kidding :-)
i dont know how much genuine sexual pleasure bill would get out of it so much as the thrill and novelty of a new human sensation but i think that could be fun in and of itself. jacking off with another guys body in a weirdly distant way like Haha Wow. Im getting kind of flustered here! (actively jamming a coke bottle into his pussy)
and the thing that really drives me crazy about ford is how much fetish shit he thinks about/makes inventions for/has inflicted upon him. i think in the series finale hes tied up like 3 fucking times. its insane. he wants to give up control of his body so fucking bad dude!!!!! (exhibit A: ford going limp like a kitten whenever hes picked up. it happens more than once.)
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and theres even more contrived bondage bits in the deleted scenes! its maddening. hes an insane obsessive bdsm-lifestyling pervert and hes likethe ideal guy to match bills freak
hes soooo fucking easy. its so much fun to me. theres something really erotic about the way bill makes him feel special about his hands......like.......its naked flattery but its also kinda true. its weird. he likes weird shit. and ford falls for it soooo easy. drives me nuts
now walk with me. think about how easy that same interaction would transfer to ford being transgender. and your not allowed to get mad at me bc this is just my thing now
its so strange! kind of captivating. bills been around the block but the western conception of transmasculinity is so recent that for him it might as well be a blink of the eye. so i think it would be new to him. especially given when he actually makes a deal with ford. just another special thing about his special little guy. he *knew* there was something about ford
and to be frank i think that if you were a transmasc pervert in the 70s and a dream demon came along that understood you inside and out and can make all of your bizarre fantasies come true. well. you would have been fucking stupid not to fuck him
i need to read the book of bill so fucking bad bc the extra context of bill being super hung up on ford drives me CRAZY!!!! i love bitter lovestruck jerks. i love divorce. and i think they could and should hook up again. bad guys that are reluctantly forced to stop being so bad are so much fun and fords huge fucking ego didnt go anywhere. i think bill could convince ford to give him a second chance. at least just to hook up for old times sake
anyway. im making a bill itabag. Gotta go
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heartorbit · 3 months
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searching for a star that's still unknown to anyone!
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fungerisms · 1 year
O'saa doodle page cuz ive been playing as him and having him on my party a lot and hes just the coolest
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ilynpilled · 3 months
jaime turning women down constantly more bc he is very monogamous and in love with someone else right now for the first time and is also kinda scared of actually having sex with someone other than cersei is sm better to me than “i respect the kg vows of chastity so intensely rn actually because i changed into a good and serious person” or whatever lol
#i truly dgaf about that bffr jaime dude#like its a stupid vow that says nothing about u as a person lmfao#him in the bath with pia thinking of brienne like u r not fooling anybody honestly#like i truly do think its more copium and not being honest with himself tbfh#like he had a rationalization when pia came into his bed in asos too but then it was purely ‘i only love cers i would never’#and with cat it was so funny when he bluffing and was like uh i cant marry bc of my vows but i could still service u😉😉#he would have pissed himself if he was called on that bluff but only bc he would be cheating on cers and have sex with another woman#man that fucked his twins in a sept next to his sons dead body the moment he returned caring about chastity vows#his development isnt really about keeping every vow ever when most of it is fraudery anyway#like pls he is not keeping his vow to his king rn really 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i think the vows and respecting them has a deeper meaning thats the whole point which ones do u keep and prioritize and why#like weve been thru this 80x being a real vowhead is not what makes u a good person 😭#deleting ur individuality and personal life to be an honorpillhead lol#the vow to cat has meaning the elite bodyguard vow to never fuck has zero meaning 😭#he was ready to break the no marriage vow w cers pls#im not saying this bc of a shipper endgame in mind i find volcel jaime hilarious its just i dont like it as proof of his development#like ill be real guys sex positive warrior gurm is not pushing the idea that keeping ur chastity vows is what honor is about#like i get that he wants to be better and he is figuring out what that really means but
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wiggly-round-worm · 1 year
I’ll be honest i HATE the way the QSMP fanbase is treating Gegg and Tallulah. Like Gegg literally just appears, bro hasn’t done a single thing and people start talking about how they want him to die 😭 ?? And Tallulah starts feeling insecure trough no fault of Gegg and the Gegg tag just EXPLODES with hate. I’m a big petty baby and i don’t like seeing /neg in the tags bro. It just kinda feels like tallulahs the golden child who can do no wrong and Geggs the scapegoat who’s blamed for everything, and i feel like people are already taking it too far
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moeblob · 11 months
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Me, too, Blade. Me. Too.
(I am taking donations to buy a gigantic $250 stuffed cheeseburger. It's giant. I want it. I will never obtain it. I saw it in a shop window and..... wow. Big.)
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fantaorange · 3 months
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dont mind that i draw him like im gay for him (i am) but i drew this because of his stupid code name 🤭
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necrophiliak · 7 months
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jestroer · 1 year
I miss Iskall and Mumbo talking about how fucking stupid flat earthers are every single stream they had together
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azoosepted · 6 months
its 10 pm and im cackling like an idiot at erlking heathcliff love nikki dressup queen how did i get here
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feline-evil · 10 months
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Master Miller time
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clegfly · 3 months
i love when people try to call heromari something else creative like all the other ships its so funny. fym "roselily" "picnicsandwich" they are MORONS their trademark is not getting the memo and making their ship name their names because they are IDIOTS and just rolling with it
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skyburger · 6 months
kirby is like the funniest character to have in smash and like listen. they couldve just not given him his copy ability in smash but they DID and he has so many stupid outfits because of this and it fucking rules. why are these real images of an official unmodded first-party nintendo game. this is awesome
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