#Ian can be mean we’ve seen it
mickeym4ndy · 2 months
I’m not a Mickey fan who thinks he’s done no wrong or excuses all of his actions, but If I have to see one more post hating on/ being overly critical of Mickey by someone who thinks Ian is angel baby cupcakes that can do no wrong I’m gonna SCREAM I’m sorry. There are reasons to dislike every character in Shameless but there are some takes on this site where people nitpick at Mickey’s every action yet excuse so many of Ian’s. They’ve both done bad things to each other, neither of them are perfect.
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gender-archival · 1 year
I know none of us really post to this blog a whole lot anymore (sorry for that, life just got in the way), but I’ve got something to say and this has the biggest platform of all my MOGAI/LIOM related accounts, so here I am. I should also say that I don’t exactly know how to word this post. Normally, when any of us have gotten involved in these situations in the past, there’s already been some amount of criticism of said thing before hand, so it was easy to just say “hey, [x]/[x] is wrong/what have you” and leave it at that. This time, though, I’ve never seen anyone else talk about this, and if they have, it’s very clearly not a known thing at the moment. I haven’t even seen any posts from the coiner of this suffix about it. So it feels (to me, at least) that I should do a little more and I’m not sure what that ‘more’ is/should be. 
I should also say, I don’t intend this to be a callout of any particular user/users or to cause a witch hunt or anything like that. This is just an information post to maybe avoid another -coric situation, where it it’s become so consistently misused that it almost feels like there won’t ever be a point where it completely stops. Please don’t be mean to anyone who does the thing I’m about to talk about or anything like that. If anyone would like to kindly bring their attention to the issue, go for it, but don’t be anything less than 100% civil.
With all that out of the way, the post:
There’s veen a lot of misuse of the suffix -ica, recently, and I figured someone should clear that up. And since this account has more than 1000 followers and I’ve noticed it, I figured it should be me. 
-ica is a suffix coined on November 19, 2020, by now inactive user Genderstalgia. It, along with -ical and -musica, were coined as suffixes specifically for Musicagenders. That phrase was actually used verbatim in the coining post if anyone would like to fact check me on it. It’s not a general-use, uncoined suffix, like -ic or -ian to name a few, or something like -cenic that was coing to be used for pretty much anything. It, along with its counterparts, have a very explicit, relatively narrow, meaning.
Despite that, there’s been a surge of misuse of it over the past few months to a year (the archive on here and on the site are a good bit behind, so I’m not completely up to date). Thankfully, it hasn’t gotten as vad as -coric or even -comfic, but it’s definitely an issue. To the extent that we’ve created a list for them on Genderpedia and one that has more than double digit pages, here. That page isn’t linked so anyone can go harass the coiners with terms listed there or to drive traffic to the site, it’s just to demonstrate that there is a good amount of terms that are a part of this issue. In addition to that, there are multiple terms that we haven’t archived for whatever reason (mostly just time and fluctuating dis/interest).
I don’t know what specifically I can encourage anyone do outside of a few things. Anyone who has or thinks they might have terms that misuse -ica, or any other suffix for that matter, just go check! And, if you find them, just find a different suffix! There are coined things like -cenic and, in some specific cases, -aesic, -corian, -comfin, etc. (although those last ones do have specific definitions that might not fit, so check those too) and non-coined, general things, like -ic and -ian, or even a currently-unused look-alike like -eca, -yca, or something else like that!
Also, I’d generally recommend checking to see if any kind of suffix/term ending you’ve about to use has been coined and if it would apply. I know that’s crazy hard, because of how many there are and have been coined, and scattered information, but there are some sources that can help. We have an incomplete list of affixes, here, there’s the suffixes carrd, here, and there’s the account Coiningaffixes, here.
I know, looking at the coric/comfic/etc situations, there’s no way this one post will fix everything. It’s just unrealistic to thing that. But hopefully the reach this account has and, hopefully, general encouragement of checking for coinings and being willing to change term names will do something to start to make a dent. In all of these situations!
Thank you for reading, especially this long of a post from a practically inactive account, and have a good night! - Admin Grey
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Interpersonal Aftermath: Riley and Patrick Edition
Ben and Patrick | Ben and Abigail | Ben and Riley | Riley and Abigail | Abigail and Patrick |
We continue our relationship aftermath series with Riley and Patrick, and with me once again underestimating how much I had to learn (and to write) from this investigation.
Now, these two have even less interaction then our other low-interaction duos, but let’s work with what we’ve got.
Patrick meets both Riley and Abigail when they show up to his house with Ben after the gala. Initially I thought Patrick would instantly dislike Abigail, but @emmi-kat convinced me that he’d take to her immediately. She also argues that a little bit of that compassion would extend to Riley as well.
I’m inclined to agree, but while I don’t think Patrick dislikes Riley on first meeting, I don’t think he particularly likes him much either.
To review, their first real interaction goes like this:
PATRICK And he dragged you two into this nonsense? ABIGAIL Literally. RILEY I volunteered. PATRICK Well unvolunteer, before you waste your life.
The main difference between Ben’s companions is that Abigail was roped into this nonsense, where Riley is here voluntarily. He joined Ben in the futile quest for treasure, and I imagine Patrick holds that against him, at least a little.
Can’t these guys see how they’re wasting their lives away? he must think. Patrick at least knows why Ben feels compelled to do this. Riley doesn't have generations of family history compelling him to be here. He could, as Patrick puts it, unvolunteer at any time.
That doesn’t mean Patrick doesn’t think Riley is smart. After all, he knows that Ben is smart, but that was never the problem. It didn’t help that Ben had the patience and the mind to study deeply and try to unravel the clues, but it’s his bullheaded dedication to the cause that has Patrick most concerned.
It’s an interesting question how much of this same determination he senses in Riley. After all, Riley just helped Ben steal the Declaration of Independence. He’s as all-in as you can be. And yet he’s in more because he wasn’t going to let Ben do this alone, not only because he has a blind belief in the treasure.
The fact that Riley doesn’t recognize the Ottendorf cypher might give Patrick a little hope for Riley. I think Patrick would find it reassuring that Riley isn’t a die-hard treasure hunter, at least not in the same way that Ben is.
And of course, there’s this gem, which is one of my favorite lines of the movie:
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Patrick isn’t exactly impressed with Riley either. But then again, this isn’t a situation where Riley can show off his skill sets. In this scene, he’s fulfilling his everyman function with no tech in sight. He really is just “some guy” who Ben has tagging along.
I would expect most of Patrick’s frustrations to remain on Ben, but he doesn’t have a lot of reason to like Riley yet either. In the tension of the evening, I doubt Riley’s signature sense of humor isn’t even registering for Patrick.
They don’t meet again until it’s time to go down into Trinity Church, and even then they don’t interact directly until after the stairs collapse.
However, when they do, it’s Patrick patting Riley reassuringly on the shoulder and saying
PATRICK It's OK, kiddo.
after Ian leaves them in the pit.
That’s a pretty big shift from “What do you have, him?” So what changed? Well directly, as we’ve seen, almost nothing—Riley and Patrick haven’t interacted since. However, their circumstances have changed a lot.
I would argue that this fatherly instinct from Patrick is a result of three factors. One, everybody almost died a minute ago, particularly Ben, who was in peril for the longest. Patrick is probably feeling a lot of feelings about his son and the years they lost being estranged from each other. Some of this fatherly affection transfers over to Riley.
Second, the thrill/peril of the treasure hunt has awakened something in Patrick that he thought died a long time ago. In his worldview, this staircase should not be real. Hiding some artifacts is one thing, but secretly excavating a five story pit in the middle of Manhattan is a long way to go to prank the British. He must be starting to feel some of his long-extinguished hope that the treasure is real. This puts him in a good mood, hence “Kiddo.”
And third, even though their direct interactions have been limited, Patrick has spent enough time with Riley at this point to get a sense of Riley’s personality. And who wouldn’t love Riley Poole?
He might not realize it yet, but Patrick is bringing Ben back into his life, and taking everyone Ben cares about with him.
And what does Riley think of Patrick?
Although they had never met, I think that Riley has expectations of Patrick that trend toward the negative. In the 2003 script Riley explicitly knows about Ben’s tense relationship with his father before we meet Patrick on screen.
Outside the Archives he says
RILEY All right. I’m sorry. I know I'm not supposed to talk about your dad.
Now, Riley’s a slightly different character in the older script, and he has a slightly different relationship with Ben—Riley actually takes on more of a mastermind role—so it’s not a guarantee that any related details would be the same. We know, at the very least, that Riley knows enough to know that Ben is thinking about going to his dad’s when they’re in the park.
RILEY Ben, you know what you have to do.
It’s possible Riley knows any amount of detail about Ben and Patrick’s relationship between “My dad and I don’t see eye to eye about the treasure” to full details of their falling out, Patrick’s perpetual disappointment with his son, etc.
So when he goes to the door with Ben and Abigail, Riley knows he’s about to walk into something but he might not know exactly what. Then Patrick insults Abigail (Is she pregnant?), Ben a bunch of times, and Riley himself (What do you have, him?) and Riley can’t be having a great impression of Patrick.
So I imagine the “Kiddo” moment marks a "oh, this guy's actually alright" on both sides.
Going forward, I don’t know that they’d get particularly close—Patrick has much more in common with Abigail, after all—but I imagine that Riley and Patrick get along just fine. Patrick will always think Riley is a bit hapless, and Riley will always think Patrick is a bit uptight, but Patrick respects the lengths Riley will go for Ben, and Riley is glad for both of them that Ben and Patrick are on a better footing now.
“He’s a weird, goofy little man, but he’s my son’s weird, goofy little man” 🤝 “I just wanna impress my treasure hunt father-in-law/new adopted history dad”
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player1064 · 1 month
october 2023 <3 <3 <3
WIP asks but it's just the various sections of my happy (???) beville (/angsty carraville) WIP
October, 2023.
Jamie is normally a punctual person, but when it comes to things organised by Gary he tries to be just on the wrong side of late, because he enjoys how fussy he gets about it. Unfortunately, today the traffic was against him and the drive over from Liverpool was an absolute breeze, so now he’s sat in the THG car park wondering if he should loiter for another half hour or just get over it and go in early.
He looks over at Gary’s car, for once parked neatly within the lines, and figures that’s as good a thing to tease him about as any so he might as well just go in.
“And look, look,” he hears Gary saying excitedly as he approaches the studio. “This one’s my seat, right, and then –”
“Where’m I? Next to you?”
“Ooh, steady on,” Gary says, and Jamie can hear the stupid little grin in his voice. “No, that’s Carragher’s spot, you’ll be in the middle. Better camera angle there, anyway.”
Jamie stops just before the double doors that lead on to set, leans against the wall and drops his head back with a dull thud. He’s not sure how he’d managed to forget, Gary’s been pestering the podcast group chat about it for weeks. ‘Remember we’ve got Becks on tomorrow, everyone (👀Jamie) on their best behaviour!!!’
“That’s next to Keaney, right?” he hears Beckham ask. “Then who’s on my other side, Jill or Wrighty?”
“Oh, that’ll be Jill. Wouldn’t want to separate Roy and Ian, they’re fantastic together. And Jill is so excited, y’know, you’re her hero.”
“Aw,” says Beckham, with a bashful little laugh, “hope I don’t disappoint. Bit crazy that, innit? I mean, she’s the one with a European championship under her belt.”
The two of them fall quiet for a moment, which Jamie reads as his opportunity to enter the room without interrupting. This, of course, is a mistake; clearly luck is not on Jamie’s side today. He slips quietly through the door and is going to walk over but stops in his tracks when he sees them.
Beckham’s got Gary pressed up against the counter, his hands spread wide on Gary’s hips and Gary’s arms looped around his neck. They’re not kissing, it might’ve been better if they were – instead they’re stood there, heads tilted in close but not quite close enough for their foreheads to touch, and they’re just talking to each other, voices too soft for Jamie to hear.
That’s not the bad part. The bad part is that Gary and Beckham are laughing at whatever stupid little inside joke they’re sharing, and the smile on Gary’s face isn’t one Jamie’s ever seen before. It’s like he’s glowing, and Jamie’s stomach churns with guilt at walking in on something that feels far more intimate than just kissing.
He’s debating whether he should turn around and leave, wait for one of the others to arrive and walk back in with them, when Gary looks over and catches his eye, his smile faltering. Beckham frowns at him in question, then looks over with a polite smile when Gary nods his head towards Jamie.
Jamie watches Beckham’s hand squeeze Gary’s hip for a moment before he takes a step back, shakes his head at Gary fondly and walks towards Jamie with an outstretched hand.
“Good to see you, Carra,” he greets, and dear god Jamie hates him.
He hates him, he hates him, he hates him.
Jamie shakes the offered hand with his most charming smile. “You too. ‘s been a while, eh?”
“It has, yeah, but you know our Gaz,” he says, looking behind him to shoot a grin at Gary. Gary at least has the decency to be looking at the floor in embarrassment, hands fidgeting. “He’s never liked having crossover between his work and social lives, has he?”
Jamie’s not sure when he was relegated to just ‘work friend’. Maybe he never got out of that category to begin with.
Recording the podcast is excruciating. David Beckham is just a bit too perfect, everyone loves him just a bit too much. Even Roy relaxes around him, lets his guard down. He almost smiles, once or twice. The nation’s sweetheart David fucking Beckham, still thought of as their beloved England captain even now, ten years out of the game.
David Beckham, saving the world one corny inspirational speech at a time. David Beckham, one of the best technical players Jamie’s ever seen, whose talents are so often ignored in favour of the fact that he’s David Beckham. David Beckham who never boasts, who’s flash without rubbing your face in it, who always has time for everyone he meets.
David Beckham, probably the most famous footballer of his generation, who looks at Gary Neville like he hung the moon and stars. Gary Neville.
It’s not fair. He could do better than him. He should have done better than him, found another superstar to shack up with and left the poor mortals alone. Maybe then Jamie would’ve had half a chance.
He just really hates David fucking Beckham.
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doveabovetheworld · 1 year
My Muse;
Part 1; Welcome
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Warnings; language, smoking, drinking
A/N; So this is my first series fanfic so pls be at least a tad nice :,)
“Hey Y/N!” My cousin’s voice echoed from the phone speaker.
“Hey Mikey!” I said putting him on speaker so I could fold my laundry, “How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been Pretty good! Crystal and I just got back from taking Southy and Moose on a walk. What about you?”
“Eh folding mine and Ian’s laundry right now. Then I am probably going to work out in the garden for a little.”
“Sounds like fun! Anyways I got a quick question before I gotta go.”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“Would you wanna come here for Christmas? I know you have work at the clinic but maybe for a week you can fly here and stay with us. Plus you can say hi to Luke and Calum! You’ve never met Ash either have you?”
“I don’t think I’ve met him, no. I will say I haven’t seen you in years and it would be great to catch up…”
I finished putting the laundry away and sat on the bed. I haven’t seen Mikey in three years. Of course, we’d call and catch up every week or so but It’s been a while since I’ve spent time with him.
“Would it be cool if Ian could come with? I don’t really want to leave him alone on Christmas.” I asked.
“Of course! I haven’t met this guy yet and I want to know if he treats you well.” Micheal gave a subtle laugh and I couldn’t help but join him.
“We’ve been dating for three whole years Mikey, I think I’d know if he’s a keeper by now. I mean we live together so it couldn’t be that bad.”
“Yeah I guess that’s fair. Anyways just let me know if you and Ian are coming!”
“Will do! Bye, Mikey!”
I hung up and went to the garden outside. I decided to tell Ian about the invite after he got home from work.
Ian and I met at college four years ago from my friend Ellie. She knew I was stressed about school and family at the time and she decided to help get me out of the house by meeting new people. So by “new people” she meant the dude in the back of her philosophy class who she talked to twice. We did hit ut off though and started dating about a month after meeting each other. I’ve been with him forever and I’m happy! We obviously have our ups and downs but he’s amazing!
When Ian got home, I made dinner for us and as we were eating I told him the conversation I had with Micheal.
“So, you want us to travel across the country to see your cousin, his wife, and his friends who you haven’t seen in years and not to mention even met one of them?”
“Look, Ian, it’d be fun. I mean what else are we going to do? The rest of my family is back in Australia and you don’t even talk to yours anymore so who else are we going to spend it with?”
He gave a sigh and stood up from the table, “I get that you want to go, Y/N, but I have work. And what about your job? Do you think Teresa would let you go to California for a whole week when you already give her hell?”
“Wait a second, Ian. I don’t give her hell. If anything its the other way around! She’s awful! And yes she will give me time, you wanna know why?”
He just stood there leaning on the island counter, “Why?”
“Because I haven’t taken a day off in a while, actually. I’m still able to go. I’ll call her right now and ask if I can. What then?”
“Fine. If you can get the time off and if I can as well, we can go. Deal?”
I went to give Teresa a call and it surprisingly went really well. I got the whole week, and a couple more days, off. I told Ian and he was able to get the week off as well.
I immeaditly texted Micheal and got the plane tickets. In a couple of days I’ll be across the country spending Christmas with my boyfriend, cousin, and friends I haven’t seen in forever.
God I can’t wait!
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yukidragon · 1 year
Y/N's like a puppy when they're sleeping and snuggles up to their partner regardless of weather or position they fell asleep in. Jack loves it, he feels so wanted waking up being jetpacked or pulled into their chest like a teddy bear. Ian didn't like it at first but now he misses it.
Honestly? I don’t think Ian would dislike cuddling up MC in bed while they sleep. In the afterlife episode was full of a lot of physical contact, from rough housing, to hugs, to snuggly naps, to, well... sexy times. I mean, the game is for Adults Only after all.
Although, Ian might have had some issues with it, at least initially, due to his shyness.
He’s shy about a lot of things, but affection isn’t one of them at the moment.
Ian seems to need time to warm up to a person before getting physically intimate with them. That’s why I theorize that he cheated on MC with a friend he got close to at the prestigious college he attended.
Ian “You’re the only person I can see like that. Just you. Other people people are weird, and I don’t know them. But I love you. And I love doing…things with you.”
There’s also this really fantastic picture Sauce drew and posted on their (now gone) public twitter that shows Ian wanting to sleep with MC (presumably) in their bed. Forgive me for cropping it, but tumblr will smite me from on high if I shared the whole thing here.
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I mean, the canon nature of this picture is dubious, but I’m pretty sure the sentiment tracks with what we’ve seen.
Since I flashed some of Sauce’s wonderful art, I’d like to direct you to the SnaccPop Studios patreon to help support them and this lovely game. Please remember not to share any of the privately posted content anywhere else. Thank you!
It is possible that Ian might not have liked sleeping cuddled up together at first, but quickly got attached to it. I’m just very dubious that’s the case. With how hard he’s still clinging to MC and depended on them, I can see Ian as the type of person to fall asleep pining to snuggle up to MC before they get together. Then he would be clinging them like a teddy bear every night once he got over his initial shyness and the intimidation of the new phase in their relationship.
I’m pretty darn sure it would be something Ian would have missed a lot when he moved out. Hell, it might even have been a factor in why he cheated. MC certainly struggled to sleep alone in their big empty bed after the breakup...
Though that isn’t to say Ian couldn’t dislike it too at times, especially when the weather is hot and close contact just makes the heat worse. Here’s a little playful exchange that just popped into my head, which I will demonstrate with my MC, Alice.
Ian whined as he squirmed in his girlfriend’s grip, sweat making his pajamas stick to his flushed skin. “Aliiiicceee... Knock it off. It’s too hot for this...”
Though just as hot and sweaty, Alice playfully burrowed her face into his chest as she stubbornly clung on tight. “It’s never too hot for cuddle time,” she teased, using her best ‘gremlin’ tone of voice.
Ian groaned before letting out an irritated huff. “Come onnn...” He twisted in place and set about wrestling free of Alice’s iron grip. “Don’t be a jerk. We can cuddle later.”
Alice yelped as she was flipped over, then whined, the sound more put upon than genuine as Ian pinned her down to the bed and shot her an annoyed look. “But... but cuddle time...”
“Come on... don’t be such a baby about it,” Ian huffed, looking dangerously close to pouting now.
Alice’s response to that was to suddenly arch up and lick her boyfriend’s nose.
Ian sputtered and jerked back, releasing his hold as he fell back onto his butt. “Gross! Again with the licking?!”
Alice let out a giggle. “That’s the price you pay for no cuddle time.”
Ian let out another huff as he wiped his nose with the bedsheet. He couldn’t keep up his pout for much longer, however, and soon joined in on the laughter.
After getting their giggles out, Alice gave Ian a soft smile as she watched him flop back down onto the bed beside her. “Rain check?”
A small snort of laughter escaped Ian as he smiled back fondly at Alice. “Rain check. Once this heatwave stops, then we can cuddle all you want.”
Alice’s smile widened. “I’ll hold you to that.”
The good moments between these two really were sweet. It’s such a shame that they couldn’t make up for all the bad ones...
You bet your ass Ian misses cuddle time with Alice, but he only has himself to blame. Maybe he’ll find someone else to snuggle up to in bed like the night he cheated on her...
As for Jack, I’m positive the man is touch starved. No matter how hot or inconvenient it might be, he would absolutely love to cuddle up with MC. Whatever position they want, I’m sure he’ll be happy to do it, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him. It would be worth it. He wants to be wanted and needed by his sunshine, and physical touch is something he obviously craves.
Of course, if MC wanted to cuddle when it’s too hot, I’m sure Jack would be concerned about them getting overheated. Fortunately, there are so many marvelous modern conveniences to cool down with. Heck, it’s not a bad idea to fudge the thermostat a bit so that it’s a little nippy in the apartment - all the better for cuddling~!
Alice is an MC who always cuddles up in bed, even while asleep. When she has no partner, her bed is full of extra pillows that she snuggles up with, and when she was a child, her mom teasingly remarked that her bed was like Noah’s Arc with how many stuffed animals she shared it with.
When Alice had her couch sleepovers with Shaun after the breakup, she snuggled up to him in her sleep as well. It definitely wasn’t good for the poor guy’s unrequited feelings, I’ll tell you that!
Naturally, Jack is going to be absolutely thrilled when he and Alice start sharing her bed. It’ll happen platonically at first of course, similar to the game. She’ll use pillows as a divider between them on the first night, knowing what she’s like when she sleeps.
It certainly would be embarrassing for Alice if that pillow was gone when she woke up, and she found herself snuggling Jack instead. Don’t worry, he wasn’t the one that moved the pillow, honest! He certainly didn’t complain about the results though~
In fact, let’s do another little scene...
Jack sighed as he admired his sunshine’s sleeping face. He propped his arm up so that he could see Alice better even though she was facing away from him. She looked so cute curled up around one of the pillows, her expression one of relaxed contentment. He couldn’t help but envy the pillow she clutched so close to her body. He wanted to be the one she held like that.
For a moment, Jack felt tempted to spoon Alice from behind, carefully so as not to disturb her, but he resisted the urge. He couldn’t, wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want, and the body pillow stretched out between them marked the distinct border between him and his sunshine.
They were just two friends sharing a bed together for company in a purely platonic way. As much as Jack wished it was more, he wouldn’t cross the clear boundaries she set. Instead, he did his best to focus on being happy about how close they had gotten since they met. His patience had brought him into her bed, and he was sure that eventually it would bring them even closer.
Just as Jack settled down to get some rest himself, he noticed Alice start to stir. He went still, hoping he didn’t wake her with his movements, and watched as she rolled over in his direction.
Alice glommed onto the pillow between them, her blind grabbing at times reaching past it to snatch Jack’s arm instead. He didn’t dare even breathe as he let her paw at him in her sleep, soon trying to pull at him more than the pillow.
After a few futile attempts to get comfortable, Alice let out a small grunt that Jack couldn’t help but find adorable. She shifted more strongly, kicking and tugging at the pillow until she got a firm hold of it to toss it behind her back. Once the barrier between them was gone, she immediately dove into him, burrowing into his chest as she wrapped her arm around his waist and hooked her leg over his.
Jack felt his heart hammering hard as Alice practically molded her body into his, fitting against him like the other half of a complete whole. He couldn’t hold back the urge to wrap his arm around her in return and help her tuck in as close to his body as possible.
It might have been just a subconscious desire of hers, but Jack couldn’t help but feel giddy. Alice wanted to cuddle up to him. She was drawn to him just as much as he was to her, and this was just further proof of the bond between them.
Finally content, Alice settled in with her warm new pillow with a soft sigh, her cheek pressed against his chest. Jack couldn’t help but feel the same way as he basked in his personal ray of sunshine until he too finally fell into a peaceful slumber.
I mean... can you blame sleepy Alice for ditching the pillow and going for Jack instead? Sleepy MC has good taste after all. ;)
No matter the position they fell asleep in, Alice is going to snuggle up to Jack. Even in chapter 2 of Sunshine in Hell she was trying to do that a little bit. She’s just a big cuddle bunny, and Jack couldn’t be happier about that~
I’m sure Alice is going to jetpack Jack sometimes, as well as be the little spoon, though I’m pretty sure they’re going to be cuddling face to face the majority of the time. I mean... how can she resist using his chest as a pillow? Plus they both want to hold each other close.
Of course, Alice will let Jack use her chest as a pillow too once she gets more confident about their intimacy. It’s only fair that she returns the favor after all~
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore    
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abbatoirablaze · 23 days
Shameless, Chapter 15
Word Count:  2.5k
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of alcohol abuse and incest at the hands of Terry Milkovich.  
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“What the hell do you mean, she’s back?”
“Lip,” you sighed, giving your younger brother a look, “sh-“
“Well I guess when she heard that grammy died, she-“
You cut Ian off, eyes wide as the younger of your two brothers shrugged and bit into a piece of toast, “Grammy died?”
Tony stood from the table and made his way over to you at the stove, “baby, I’m so sorry.”
“You hated her, Tony…”
“Yeah, but that’s your grandmother…I know that you were close with her even after she went to prison.  I mean, I remember how hard you worked during the summer to squeeze in some extra cash for her.”
“You were close with grammy?” Ian asked.
Lip agreed, “she used all her extra money putting it on grammy’s books when she was locked up.”
“Not all of it-“
“So wait…did grammy leave you anything?” Ian asked.
“Let’s get back to the Monica situation!” you reminded him, “when did sh-“
“Monica’s nothing.  This morning…she’d made breakfast for us and everything.  She’s trying to prove that she can be there for us, but it’s only a matter of time until she disappears again,” he admitted, shrugging you off, “come on, Sofia…answer my question.  Did grammy leave you anything?”
“I have…funds set aside…she gave me money to pay me back what I gave while she was in jail…but as far as ‘leaving me’ anything, no.  I-”
“And the envelope that came this morning,” Tony pointed out, nodding to the unopened, but thick orange envelope on the counter, “that didn’t feel like a thank you card…I think your grandmother must have known something was going to happen to her.  It’s heavy, Sof…”  
Lip’s brow raised, “what?”
You sighed, “I-I wasn’t going to open i-“
“Do it!” Ian encouraged, his eyes looking between yours and the envelope.
“It’ll just go into my personal squirrel fund,” you shrugged, “I mean-“
“You still have a squirrel fund?”
“She keeps it in case you or your siblings ever needed anything,” Tony admitted before you could say anything to Lip, “Fiona doesn’t know about it because she doesn’t want her to try to cash in on it.”
“Well, how much do you have?”
“Tony lets me put all of my money into it…so…let’s just say I have enough…you know in case anything was to ever happen…”
“Enough,” Tony laughed, “if I lost my job, we would be fine for years!”
Both Lip and Ian were looking at you curiously, as though they hadn’t seen you in that light before.
As a provider. 
It made you begin to feel nervous, “what?”
“Fi Fi…when did you have the time?” Ian asked, “wh-why didn’t you tell us?”
“Please don’t tell Fiona about it…”
Lip shook his head, “I’m not saying anything.”
“I have to go to school,” he said quickly, before making his exit, “Bye guys!”
Before you could so much as offer your own goodbye, Ian had made a mad dash for the door.  You gave your husband a look, “I think that freaked him out…”
“You know it did,” Lip sighed, “we’ve never been stable a day in our lives, Sofia…and here you are with Tony, and baby Anthony…and you guys don’t have to worry about money or anything…I mean-it’s weird.”
You frowned, suddenly feeling much more guilty as you thought about your younger siblings and how they were living just next door. 
“Hey…I see how you are getting all in your head,” Tony commented softly as he kissed your temple and wrapped his arms around your waist.  Slowly, he moved you a few steps away from the stove, and started moving the two of you towards the table, “sit down with your brother and your son…eat something…I’ll do the dishes.”
“But Tony-“
“And after that, we’re going to go next door and make sure that your siblings got off to school…And check on Frank and Monic-“
“I don’t have to do that,” Lip asked casually, cutting Tony off as he raised his hand, “do I?”
“Not if you watch baby Anthony while we check on them…”
“Can I take him to Karens for a bit?” he asked, “I told her that I’d break her out of first period and say we had a baby appointment.”
“Hard pass,” you laughed, “you can spend your time with Karen Jackson, but I don’t want baby Anthony around her.”
He shrugged and picked up another piece of toast before getting up from the table, “well you three have fun at the nuthouse.   I’ll catch you later.”
“Be home for dinner!” you reminded him, “we said we were going to talk about Thanksgiving and whether or not we wanted to go next door for it.”
“Well, you know my vote,” Tony shrugged as he sat down across from you and began to feed Anthony, “any time away from Frank and Monica is a good time.”
“What?” he smirked, “I waited until Lip left to trash them…”
“Thank you…”
“So…if we don’t go over there?” he asked, “should we have Thanksgiving here, or go to moms?”
“I’m open to ideas…”
“If we have it here, we can have a little food fight afterwards…” he teased.
“Us playing with whipped cream and chocolate syrup in the bedroom doesn’t count as a food fight.”
“It does if it ends in another cream pie!” he smirked.
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“SAY THAT YOU REMEMBER!” you and your twin sister sang out together as Monica and Frank dance with the two of you.
“Dancing in September!” Frank continued on as Monica spun you in her arms.
“Mommy stop!” you giggled as she sang to you.  Your eyes met your sisters and Fiona was all smiles as well. 
The music surrounded the four of you as you partied together while  your younger brothers slept. 
You lit up a cigarette as the music wafted from their house to yours, your heart breaking a little as you thought about the fond memories you’d once shared with your mother and father and twin sister. 
The song changed and Fiona pulled the cigarette from your hands and took a drag. 
“He’s right you know,” you admitted sadly, “I know that you don’t like Monica and Frank, but…we had those moments…Debbie deserves them just as much as we did.”
“You didn’t see the look in Debbie’s eyes when they were dancing with her.  It-I just-“ she cut herself off, her tears slipping down her cheeks as she took another drag and shook her head, “it’s different, Sofia…I-I know how the story ends with them.  And I-“
“We can’t protect them, Fi…” you admitted with your own frown, “not from everything.  And especially not from Hurricane Monica and the tornado that Frank is.”
“I can’t just enjoy the ride…” she huffed, “because that ride is off the tracks…the kids will only get hurt in the end.  Like we were.  Debbie had the same look in her eyes that we had.  A look that said that she trusted them…and I just can’t-I don’t feel good about it, Fi Fi.”
“Stay the night here, Fi…” you offered, giving your twin sister a small glance, “you need a night…”
“I can’t,” she shrugged, instantly rejecting your offer, “have to get the kids up in the morning.  And I  have to stop by planned parenthood to get the pill for that crazy bitch…I-“
“It’s not all on you, Fi…”
“You’re over here, living in your ivory tower,” she grunted, “you don’t have to deal with it, Fi Fi…you got to walk away from it all.  I can’t do that to them.”
Tears welled up in your eyes and you sniffled, “I-I’ve always helped out, Fiona.”
“Not like me,” she hissed, turning on you, “you didn’t do the things that I did to make sure we were fine, Sofia….you got to graduate high school.  You got to be somewhat normal.  You got married to Tony and you have a kid.  I never got that fairytale.  That wasn’t taken away from you.”
“This was a bullshit idea, coming over,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she got up and walked down the steps of your back porch, “I don’t know why I thought I could talk to you.”
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“We have to go to the game…”
“I-I’m going to go, I just-she’s going to be there.”
“We never miss Carl’s games!”
“I know…” he frowned, “I-I won’t I just-I need to visit Steve first.”
“He’s the coach.  He’ll be there!” you growled at your little brother as you put Anthony in his car seat, “come on.”
“I’m coming!” he smirked, “but I told Steve we’d pick up his wife too!  So if you want mme to go with you, we have to pick up Este too!”
“LIP!” Debbie smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, “Fi Fi.  You guys came!”
“Of course we did!” you smiled, ��when have we ever missed one of Carl’s games?”
“Baby Anthony!” she grinned, tickling the bottom of his feet. Your son gurgled happily, “you guys are right on time.  They just started a few minutes ago!”
“LIP!  SOFIA!” your mother called, “OH MY GOD.  A BABY!” 
You looked between your son and little brother. 
“No one told her!” Lip frowned, “and I’m guessing you didn’t when you went over yesterday?”
“No one was home.”
He smirked, “Good luck!”
“Come and sit down!” she begged, “come and sit with us!”
“What, I’m off the boat for one minute and there is a fucking mutiny?” Lip growled, when he noticed that Frank, Liam, Monica, and even Ian and Fiona were sitting all together.
“Yeah, well no one told you to get out, now did they?”
“Actually, you did!” he reminded her.
“Hey, don’t be mad at Fiona!” Monica tried, “come on up!”
“Hey Monica, shut up!” he spat, “like most of my life this has nothing to do with you!”
“I sit?” Estefania asked, pointing to the bleachers.
“Yeah…sit!” he growled, “wherever is fine!”
“You babysitting now?” Fiona teased.
Fiona stood up as you led Estefania to the bleachers to sit down.  Your mom turned her attention towards you and the baby, “well who is this?”
“Oh…I uh-“
“Meet Anthony Markovich…Sofia’s spawn.  Our grandson!”
“A grandbaby?” Monica asked happily, eyes going wide, “oh my god, I’ve got a grandbaby? Wh-when did this happen?  How-“
“Oh, I’m sure you know how a baby is made!” Lip growled, cutting into the conversation, “befriending the enemy behind my back, Fi?”
“She just showed up,” Fiona frowned, “what was I supposed to do?”
“No, Fi Fi…I came…now I’m gone!”
“Oh really?” Fiona growled, watching Lip storm down away from the bleachers, “you just going to go storm off like a baby?  Too bad there’s no door you can slam!”
The next play started, and Frank muttered about how Lip was being a prick.  Your eyes watered as you watched the fight between your family members. 
Frank stood, cheering on Carl.  Fiona stormed out of the bleachers and towards Steve. 
“How’s my favorite nephew?” Ian smiled, looking towards your son, “he doing good?”
“Doing great,” you smiled, “I mean, he’s five months old…and-“
“He’s five months old?” Monica interjected, “oh my god, he’s so perfect.  He’s so-“
“A Gallagher!” Frank smiled proudly.
“Markovich!” you reminded your father.
“Whatever,” he replied angrily, “all I did was father you little jerks…created the Gallagher legacy and-“
“I married my husband and had a child with him.  What did you expect, Frank?” you growled, “that we’d try to keep the Gallagher name?”
“Would have been nice…” he muttered, “thankfully Lip is going to keep the family name alive with his little bastard.”
“Oh, if only he could hear your sweet words!”
“Stop it,” Monica begged, slowing the argument between you and your father, “Sofia…c-can I hold him?”
You bit your lip and looked nervously at your mother. 
“Let your mother hold her grandson!” Frank urged, cutting you off.  He took Liam from Monica, and she was holding her hands out to you.
“Please, Sofia?” she asked sadly, “I just want to hold my grandson…”
Your heart ached as you looked at her.  You began to feel guilty.  She hadn’t been afforded the opportunity to get to know your son. 
“O-Only for a minute…he-he’s not normally around a lot of people that he doesn’t know.”
“Of course!” she agreed.  You passed your son off to your mother, and you felt something in the pit of your stomach as you watched her tears slipping down her cheeks, “he’s so gorgeous…”
“Yeah…he-he’s my everything…”
“You’re a good mom,” she smiled, giving you a glance, “n-not like how I was…I can see that.”
“I’m going to be here for you…for the kids…” she smiled, “and for this little one.  He’s gonna be a real heartbreaker when he grows up…come on…sit down and cheer Carl on with us…please Sofia?”
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“I know that she’s here…”
“Colin, you have to go…” you frowned, gently easing him towards the door.
“My aunt said that she told Mandy to go home, and I know that she hasn’t showed back up at the house…my dad’s been looking for her like crazy…” he admitted, not budging, “and I know that she trusts you.  She had to have come here.”
You looked up the stairs, knowing that Mandy had fallen asleep an hour ago.  He took a step past you, but you put a hand on his chest, “Colin…please…”
“Sofia…she’s my little sister…I have to make sure she’s okay…”
“Trust me…she’s as good as she can be…” you frowned, giving him a sad look, “do you know what exactly happened, Colin?”
He shook his head, “dad’s freaking out…said that Mandy got knocked up by your little brother…the one that’s dating her.”
“It wasn’t Ian…” a voice said from the top of the stairs.  You turned, seeing a tired, cried-out looking Mandy with her arms wrapped around herself, “he-he’s gay…”
“Look, you don’t have to protect him, okay?” he asked, “Mandy, I know that you’re thinking the is the right thing to do, but I won’t hurt him, alright.  I-“
“Colin…you need to sit down…th-that’s not what happened…” she sighed, coming down the stairs, “i-it’s time that you guys know what happens when you’re in jail and dad blacks out.”
Colin looked like he was going to be sick as he stared between you and Mandy.
“No…he-he wouldn’t do-“
“He did, Colin,” she sighed, once more wrapping her arms around herself, “Ian and I never had sex.  Dad…he-“
He looked up at you with sad, tear-stained eyes.  Your heart broke for the man that you loved.  He was so sad to learn what had happened to his little sister.
“I-I don’t blame you guys or anything.  I-It’s no big deal!” she said defensively.
“No big deal?” he scoffed, “Mandy…you’re saying he got black out drunk and raped you…he knocked you up!”
“H-he doesn’t do it all the time,” she sighed, trying to defend her father’s actions, “he was drunk…and he thought I was mom.”
“We’ll figure it out, Colin…” you tried to reassure him, reaching out to the table to take his hand, “we’ll figure it out…”
“I-I have to go!” he said sadly, shaking his head.  He stood, ignoring the two of you, and made his way out of the house.  Mandy broke down into sobs as she fell against you.
“Hey-it-it’s okay,” you tried, “we’ll figure this out, Mandy…we’ll figure this out.  I promise.”
Chapter 16
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tentacledwizard · 4 months
Tumblr User tentacledwizard Reviews: National Treasure
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[absolutely INEXCUSABLE longpost ahead. Im sorry for being a Nick Cage fan. Not really, though. Also, SPOILERS for the first National Treasure movie.
    Hey, everyone, it’s your favorite reviewer t-wiz. Back at it again, posting like 5 days after seeing the actual movie. I know everyone must have been dying of anticipation. Well, so was I. We’re all in the same boat. And that boat is called the Charlotte, which is where the secret lies. That’s right: the movie was National Treasure. So I may get a little overexcited in this review.
Let me set the scene. @cgtg hosted another moviy nite on Friday. This time, the movie was Ghost Town starring Ricky Gervais. …Nobody really enjoyed it. I was only there for the last 20 minutes, and it sure wasn’t as fun as Employee of the Month. So I suggested National Treasure, starring the inimitable Nicolas Cage. The fact that I have a “nick cage” tag on my blog should probably tell you some things. I find his current status fascinating, as his thespian commitment is oft-regarded with snickering. He was fairly restrained in this movie, but still did a good job. I have a bit of a history with this movie. I first put it on as payback for having to see 50 First Dates, and was pleasantly surprised (by, among other things, Riley Poole). So I’m happy I got to see it again for like the third time in one month.
National Treasure is the kid-friendly saga of Benjamin “Ben” Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage), whose family has been consistently wrapped up in a quest for a stash of treasure. This treasure is a big deal. Pharaohs longed for it. This whole group called the Knights Templar were big Treasure Stash stans. A secret society called the Freemasons are also closely involved. Turns out many of the founding fathers were also Freemasons (I’m pretty sure this is actually true). So of course Kid Ben learns this from his grandpa in a spooky attic, but his dad (Jon Voight) is all “heck nah son, treasure is NOT where it’s at.” And he has a point! The search for the “National Treasure” has clue after clue after clue, and it requires Cage to make some truly insane leaps in logic (especially in the sequel. Yes I have seen both films). But it is consistently entertaining. Don’t worry, I won’t go through the entire plot because that would just be a synopsis. 
Okay. So we’ve set up a MacGuffin (the treasure) and Grandpa Gates has given us a clue (“the secret lies with Charlotte”). Time to fast-forward to the frozen North, where Nick Cage’s adult face appears in all its shining glory. So does his hairline. I’m a bit concerned- shouldn’t his face be covered up better? It must be freezing. Oh well. A Bri’ish chap named Ian (Sean Bean = oddly pleasing name) and a former cubicle worker named Riley (Justin Bartha) are also members of the expedition. They unearth a ship called the Charlotte, and inside is a clue that leads to the Declaration of Independence. Ian offers to “borrow” the Declaration. Ben, being a historian, is all “heck nah Ian, stealing important documents is NOT where it’s at.” Ian is all “A fair point, however, consider the following: Gun.” We get some tasty blue and orange color contrasts, the stunning revelation that the Brit was NOT to be trusted, and a badass explosion. 
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After this, shit gets real. Well, it was real from the start. It simply snowballs in realness throughout the movie. Benjamin and the non-evil expedition member, Riley, take this issue to the FBI, among others. The FBI will also get involved later on in the movie. Ben meets Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger), who is the love interest by way of being blonde and also knowing stuff about American history. Truly a match made in the National Archives. She tries not to laugh at their outrageous story. He patronizes her coin collection. They part ways, sure to meet again.
After failing to convince anyone the Declaration is in danger, Nick, I mean Ben, decides to steal it before Ian’s team can. Turns out stealing important documents is where it’s at.
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Resident smartguy Riley tries and fails to talk Ben out of it.
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Hey, it’s an important clue, and it has some serious historical value, and Ian has to pay for his perfidy. It’s nice to see/hear Ben and Riley when they’re not obscured by a haze of ice, because Riley is amazing. More at ten. Thus begins DECLARATIONTHEFT 2004, aka Awesome Heist Sequence. I love this scene. We get to see the early-2000’s CGI in all its glory. We get to see Riley and Ben do their thing. (Ben’s thing is history and secret clues. Riley’s is techy stuff.) Also the scene transitions? If I knew a thing about camerawork, I probably wouldn’t even mention this. But hey.
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Then the actual theft happens, and it’s pretty neat. Nick must go from National Archives employee to nerdy guy at a gala to, well, Declaration thief. Meanwhile, the British have weapons and they’re not afraid to use them. Kudos to Riley for being the guy in the chair. Double kudos to Abigail for having to put up with the thieves. Triple kudos to the giftshop lady for taking Visa.
Wow, this got long! This is what I get for summarizing the first part of the movie instead of ACTUALLY REVIEWING. Okay, here goes.
National Treasure, as I’ve said, is important to me. Sure, it seems pretty formulaic, but it’s fun. I got this inexplicable glee out of seeing Nick Cage work out each impossible clue. He is operating on a level we cannot understand. Every little plot-relevant thing about American history I could remember was like a major win for me.
This is an action movie, not a rom-com, so it’s certainly less character-driven than, say, Employee of the Month. The characters tend to be more developed stock characters, so it’s pretty hit-or-miss. For instance, Abigail and Ian are the mandatory Blond Love Interest and British Bad Guy. There’s not much to say about either. However, the Disapproving Parent, FBI Man, and Guy in the Chair were unexpectedly great. Especially that last one. 
There are plenty of great scenes: heists, dungeon crawling, tomb raiding, Nick Cage talking. The soundtrack is also good: they’ll have the usual action-adventure track and then give us a sudden drum lick like it’s no big deal. Okay, I admit that this is a very silly movie. And I am probably very silly for writing so much about it. But so what, it’s entertaining. Certainly not as homoerotic as Employee of the Month, but after all this is kid-friendly. As long as you don’t really tear into whether the “treasure” stuff is plausible, this is great to watch! 
Not only that, but Nicolas Cage was great to watch. His performance was oddly hypnotic, just as in every other movie he’s ever been in. My father was roasting his appearance for the entire movie, but I won’t get into that whole can of whales. On to the characters part.
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Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage). Ben Gates is a dedicated treasure hunter and historian. He supplies a considerable amount of the movie’s intense autism vibes (perhaps I am projecting, considering how much I vibe with this). However, I don’t like how condescending he acts towards Abigail. If I hadn’t seen the sequel, I’d probably still be annoyed by this. Like she’s unwillingly in your getaway van, show her a little courtesy and stop telling her to shut up. I wish he didn’t have so much casual misogyny. :| As I’ve said, Nick Cage was oddly mesmerizing as he did things like splonk off bridges and steal sacred American documents. I cannot think of him as “kinda cute actually” the way I did of Dane Cook, but that’s definitely for the best. Everyone thinks I have a celebrity crush on Cage. They don’t UNDERSTAND. 
Uh. Sorry, got off track. So Ben’s character kind of captures the crux of Cageness, in a way. Nobody understands how important this quest is to him, and he has to go by “Paul Brown” to avoid being a laughingstock. Do I see parallels with how Nick Cage changed his name from Coppola to Cage? I mean, they are there, but I’m probably looking into it too much. Side note, I enjoyed Ben’s one brief display of raw hopelessness. It’s the sort of thing you chuckle at when it’s taken out of context, but so are many of Cage’s big movie moments.
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Not much else to say about his role in this movie? Nick Cage certainly does “adventure hero” well. His most “Cagey” moment in both movies is absolutely when he faked a drunk argument with Abigail and then screamed “HAGGIS” at a Buckingham Palace guard. But here I am getting ahead of myself. The entire moviy nite group was surely gazing at Nicolas Cage’s hairline and aquiline nose for the entirety of the film. We basked in the sound of his soft ‘s’s and ‘t’s. We tried to parse his historical theories. Truly, his mind contains galaxies. Ben/Nick Cage operates on a whole other level than what we would believe.
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(aaa look at him ok im done now)
And with that said, let’s move on to the other man of the hour. That’s right, Riley Poole (Justin Bartha). Man, I love this guy. What can I say, I’m a sucker for sarcastic guys in chairs. Bonus points for nerd glasses. Riley gets all of the points. He is a gem. I’m pretty sure there was a whole article on Medium about his character, so maybe check that out if you are genuinely interested in this thing I’m typing here? 
So yeah, Riley is very much the guy in the chair. He provides comic relief, but is also a genius in his own right. Unlike Ben, he never seems to act self-righteous about this. Riley has this great mix of sarcasm and sincerity, and he’s a good foil to Ben/Abigail’s historical ramblings. Autism king tbh. I enjoyed his occasional infodumps.
Riley is also 10/10 in the sequel. We see more of his self-sacrificial side and low self-worth. He’s intelligent and funny, but in the end he just doesn’t see himself as that important. Except he is! He makes things happen! Without him, Ben would never have gotten the Declaration. 
And that’s what makes Riley compelling to me. Yes, he is a silly nerd from a silly 2000’s action movie. But you just kind of want to let him know that he deserves better from Ben and everyone who dismisses him. Probably by shaking his shoulders and yelling in his face, since I’m not sure how else one would get it across.
All in all, Riley is our king. And that’s not all there is to say on the matter, but I think I covered most of it. Riley should consume some jams and jellies. He’s earned it.
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Dr. Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger): The holy trio of autism is complete? She fills in the “blonde love interest” void, but she does have interests and a personality of her own. Abigail is an archivist at the National Archives, so she’s probably the most qualified to handle the Declaration of Independence.
 I, on the other hand, am not qualified to talk about Abigail. I don’t remember much about her, other than the fact I just stated. She’s pretty smart and helps on Ben’s insane treasure quest. She… collects campaign buttons as a hobby? She has an alleged German accent? Yeah, so she’s not a bad character but I don’t have much to say about her. At least not in this movie. A shame. I am glad that she recognizes Ben’s sense of entitlement for what it is, and their relationship over the two movies is reasonably entertaining. Her sibling relationship with Riley is 10/10 as well. So that’s Abigail. We love to see ladies who understand what’s going on!
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Ian Howe (Sean Bean): Ah yes, Mandatory British Bad Guy. Now, Ian is a treacherous piece of shit. He has many allies, and is just as obsessed with the treasure as Ben. But where Ben, Riley, and Abigail solve clues based on historical facts, Ian just keeps tags on them and then uses brute force to get what he wants. This is shown particularly well in the Declarationtheft scene- Ben and Riley have this whole heist planned out, whereas Ian’s guys are like “GUN.” As I’ve said, Ian is treacherous. He gets antsy at even the most temporary alliance. He seems to know Ben pretty well, as they played poker in the past. I imagine the movie would have been more yaoiful if they’d had more scenes together.
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Patrick Gates (Jon Voight): The dad. Like Riley, he is a foil to Ben’s treasure hunting stuff. Like pretty much everyone, he is also very competent and knows what’s going on. I liked his father-son relationship with Ben, and the way both of them make dubious bluffs in times of crisis. I have some stuff to say about his relationship with his ex-wife in the sequel, but this is a review of the first movie. So anyways, Patrick sees the search for what it probably is: a goose chase. He keeps it real!
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Agent Peter Sadusky (Harvey Keitel): Now this is another wise guy. Sadusky is an FBI agent who’s seen it all. He wants to get the Declaration back, and he knows someone has to go to jail for stealing it. And who stole the Declaration??
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(Epic scenes ensue.) 
Dead Guy: A casualty. Yeah, he DIES. It is so sad. We hardly knew him. Oh wait, we didn’t know him at all. Ever. Welp.
Money-Driven Child: I have no idea where Riley found or hired this kid but he is hilarious. I don’t even know who plays him. Whoever his actor is, I hope he is doing well and avoiding nefarious Brits.
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Cashier: She takes Visa. It makes a pretty funny scene. 
 And that’s a wrap on National Treasure. This film is a national treasure. Great camera work and scene transitions, great action scenes, and an all-around awesome (and very 2000’s) film. I eagerly anticipate the next moviy nite, as it may feature the actor for Jorge (EOTM.) If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I’ll see you approximately Friday. Long live Nicolas Cage.
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glapplebloom · 2 months
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I saw SatAM trending because of this, so why not give it my thoughts.
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SatAM is one of the first animated series for Sonic the Hedgehog. Since this was the 90s and only two games were released at the time with no dedicated cutscenes, DiC took this concept and ran wild in two different directions. While Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was more cartoony, SatAM was a serious story. Serious in kids standards at least.
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Dr. Robotnik has taken over Mobotropolis and it is up to Sonic and the Freedom Fighters to stop him from taking over the world. It was so popular, it inspired Archie Sonic to continue making comics after 50 issues. Though by that point any similarities to SatAM were surface level. So the question remains: should Sega bring back the Freedom Fighters into the Main Sonic line proper? Let’s look at the Reasons I can see for and against it.
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SEGA should bring back the Freedom Fighters
Popularity: First premiering in 1993, fans of them are still talking about them to this day. The fact that SatAM was trending in 2024 definitely shows that there are still people willing to support these characters.
IDW: They would be super easy to establish into the Main Series thanks to IDW. Since those comics are considered canon, there could be an issue where the opposite side of the Restoration is having troubles and only Sonic can reach them in time. You can introduce them properly there.
Ian Flynn: Ian Flynn loves them and when he was working with Archie he did great things with them. He fixed the issues that they were having before the reboot and made them fit well with the more focused Game Canon in the Reboot. And he’s the current Head Writer of the Sega Games. 
Speed Battles: Look at how easy it is to add characters in this game. They had IDW Exclusive Characters, characters from Sonic Prime, the Sonic Movie versions, even the Lego Versions. They can easily insert the SatAM Cast in here.
Money Making: While I don’t know if they could print the stories that don't have Penders involvement, they could for Ian Flynn’s work. And that means if they can work on an agreement, we could have reprints of those Archie Comics again. And they can use those reprints to reintroduce new fans into these characters so when they do show up in IDW, they can get a leg up.
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SEGA shouldn’t bring them back
Archie: While plenty of people who are supporting them are fans of SatAM, I have a feeling a good majority of them are actually following the Archie Version of the Freedom Fighters. And considering how the reboot got looked upon, I can see those who grew up with the comics not liking any direction they would take that isn’t one to one.
Redesigns: Despite the Reboot doing a great job redesigning them to fit more Game Canon, they would have to redesign them again to ensure they don’t look similar to their Archie designs. So there could be a chance people may not be able to recognize them as the Freedom Fighters when they first look at them.
Why not New: Sadly, regardless if they try to keep them as true as possible or give them the Breezie treatment, you probably can get more mileage if you just make a brand new character. They could probably do the same ideas as the Freedom Fighters and possibly more.
Jealousy: By bringing in the SatAM crew, you may get similar people rallying for others from other Sonic cartoons and wondering why not them. I know there are plenty of Sonic X fans who would love to see Tails’ best shipmate.
The Games: Sonic has a large cast of characters. The most we’ve seen recently was Murder Mystery. Whisper and Tangle only showed up in Sonic Forces Speed Battle, a mobile game where adding characters is the sales pitch. The last time they made a game where each character just wasn’t just a different version of the Sonic gameplay was Sonic Unleashed, and they were both Sonic.
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My Stance?
Honestly, I’m not sure. I bet if Ian Flynn could bring them back to the Sonic Universe through IDW he would do a great job with them. Then again, I do like what he’s doing now. Belle’s tragic story. Surge and Kitsunami being the Sonic version of the Androids. The Diamond Cutters Interpersonal Relationships that Mimic is hoping to destroy. To add these characters now when we got two of these stories going on right now maybe is asking too much. Maybe when all of that is settled. And I’m still waiting for Sticks the Jungle Badger to return. So far it was just a name drop. And that was in 2022. 
But what about in a game? While I definitely can see ideas for a game using those characters, Sega just released Sonic Frontiers in 2022 and Sonic Superstars 2023. Those are good first steps for those types of gameplay. And they’re going to take a while since they’re working on Sonic X Shadow Generations now. If they would, I wouldn’t trust them until they iron out the Frontiers formula. 
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metalheadmickey · 2 years
Crying and gagging (god it already sounds kinky😉)
Lol I already like the sound of this!
Answered below the cut 🌶
C. Crying: “ You ever make someone cry before? from ecstasy” was it with Mickey? Has Ian cried during sex?
You bet your ass it was with Mickey. The first time it happened it shocked the hell out of both of them, but man Ian fucking looooved that he could make him do that. And YEAH Ian has definitely cried during sex! He's gotten misty-eyed while making love (because, I mean, come on), and he's had tears streaming down his face while Mickey's made him choke on his cock, and he's cried while begging to come, and he's cried when Mickey finally did let him come...all kinds of reasons. Love that for him.
G: Gagging: We’ve all seen the famous Gag in their room. Who wore it? Who bought it? How was the first experience? How’s their gag reflex?
I think they take turns putting each other in it, but I see Mickey in it more. I also think it was Mickey who bought it. Dude knows what he wants, and what he wants is to have his jaw forced open and mouth stuffed full while he shuts his brain off for a little while. As for their first experience with it, I mentioned briefly in this fic that Mickey had a hard time swallowing all the spit in his mouth and ended up choking while lying on his back lmao, poor dude. But he is undeterred! And they figure it out. Good for them. How's their gag reflex? Lol neither of them have one. Except, well. Mickey will gag on his toothbrush and be like, why does this happen when I can swallow dick without a problem, this is so stupid. And he's right, it is stupid.
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looniecartooni · 2 years
Ian said in a Bumblekast that Mimic might be asexual because he doesn’t actively seek relationships.
Ian also said in a Bumblekast that Mimic canonically has had a ten-year long- distance relationship with a guy he visits once a year on Valentine’s Day pretending to be someone different for the whole day as a personal joke.
Ian has also said in another Bumblekast that Mimic thinks he did nothing wrong by abandoning and sacrificing his crew members to Eggman, hence why he still keeps his uniform- because he thinks it’s his. Also, the reason why he did it was because he was too afraid of the deadly consequences that would have come out of him being caught by Eggman hence he saved his own skin- yada yada yada...
A lot of people have complained that Mimic seemed kind of one dimensional in Tangle and Whisper. While that is still kind of how I feel and I think Ian mentioned that it was mostly intentional to make the Diamond Cutters sort of one dimensional and not very depth filled because they were meant to serve as more of a backstory for Whisper and kind of Mimic and while Ian doesn’t mind redeemable villains, he feels a quality is lost to them when they are redeemed.
Look- I’m not saying Mimic is a redeemable villain. Ian has repeatedly said that he is “a bad dude” with a list of reason on why he thinks Mimic is irredeemable and evil. I also don’t know what Evan Stanley quite has in mind for him moving forward as she is now head writer and has at least had some say in his design (Ian mentioned that in an email from Stanley that Mimic’s face looks like a skull because he purposely shifted it that way to look more intimidating and she is responsible for a lot of the designs as well as characters like Clutch). But in Tangle and Whisper (and kind of the Bumblekast too when Ian was asked this), Mimic does have a moment of guilt for destroying the Diamond Cutters before re-rationalizing that he was in it for the rewards and that friends/connections are “weaknesses”. 
I don’t know if we’ll ever get a backstory or will ever need one for Mimic before he was a Diamond Cutter, but from what I’ve pieced together from Ian’s explanations and possible headcannons as well as what we’ve seen in the comics is... Mimic’s behavior could be due to the fact he personally doesn’t like connecting with people and he sees them as a means to get a reward.
One could interpret that as an evil behavior (as he did literally sent a bunch of kids to their death to save themselves. One who may have even had a crush on him). But one could also argue that maybe Mimic doesn’t fully understand social connections because he himself hasn’t shown much of an interest unless he gets something out of it. Not having a desire to seek out social connections is a completely normal, non-villain thing to do. 
And the fact he finds it funny or just a means to an end (Ian mentioned in another Bumblekast that if Mimic, Whisper, and Tangle were ever to team up, Whisper would be the first to crack and attack Mimic because “he’s a professional” and would do what they need to do while Whisper can obviously not shake off the trauma that Mimic caused her) sort of suggests that maybe he doesn’t quite realize the extent of his anti-social/ lack of connection need affects him. He also, according from what I remember from the Bumblekast, doesn’t think he did anything wrong with the Diamond Cutters.
Mimic does still have the ability to make connections with people. We’ve seen him briefly question his actions when he watched the playback of the Diamond Cutters congratulating him. His actions still aren’t forgivable- he’s not afraid to literally backstab his companions to save his own skin. But it makes me wonder... if he knew more about his lack of wanting to make connections a bit better rather than chalking up his feelings to “friendship is a weakness” and doing what benefits him just because... would he have still turned his back on the Diamond Cutters or would he at least feel a bit more regret for what he has done?
A little extra thing I want to put in is Ian also mentioned in another nother Bumblekast that Mimic doesn’t have a particularly favorite food. He just kind of eats what satisfies him when he needs it (although someone in the room with Ian said that he might like street food when that came up. I’m not sure on the validity on that one though- we’ll have to wait for further info). Kind of adds to the whole idea that Mimic is kind of just doesn’t really feel the need to make connections which is okay. How that need has affected his actions towards other people is not okay. I doubt this concept will be explored much further, but it adds some more depth to his character kind of.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Arrival (2016)
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Watching Arrival a second time takes away its surprises but gives you a new appreciation for its storytelling. It’s a wholly different experience. You pick up on certain character beats and structural points that were impossible to spot the first time around. It’s a brainy sci-fi film so make sure you block off at least a half hour after it’s over to discuss it with your friends.
Twelve mysterious alien spacecraft have appeared across the globe. The U.S. government selects Linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) to help communicate with the extra-terrestrials. She begins deciphering the way these visitors communicate but progress is slow. While Louise and theoretical physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) desperately try to convey critical human ideas and concepts to the visitors, the rest of the world becomes increasingly wary.
Residing in the same neighbourhood as Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Interstellar, Arrival is about aliens but really, it’s about communication. Think about how many ways we communicate and how so many things are assumed when two people are face-to-face. You don’t have to speak the same language to know what barred teeth means. Smiles are universal. Even with all these things in common, we still misunderstand each other constantly. Now imagine communicating with a creature that (as far as we can tell) doesn’t even have a face. You wouldn’t know where to begin. At least you know they’re intelligent and willing to communicate. They haven’t blown us up yet. That’s promising.
Much of the joy of Arrival comes in the procedural bits. When Louise has an “aha!” Moment and makes a breakthrough, it’s the most exciting thing you’ve seen. The more her work comes together, the more eager you are for her and Donnelly to share what they’ve found with their superior (Forest Whitaker as Colonel G. T. Weber) and then get right back to teaching new words to the Heptapods.
The whole movie could’ve been just about learning to communicate with the visitors but unfortunately, mankind is never as open-minded as it should be. You can see the progress they're making but when Louise tries to explain it to others, they just don’t understand. Tiny, seemingly insignificant decisions snowball into avalanches which threaten not only this operation but the entire human-heptapod encounter and possibly, the world. There’s a sense of wonder and excitement blended with suspense and nerve-eroding fear that something will go horribly wrong any minute.
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Now that we know the ending, aspects of the story change completely. Initially, you assume the images of Louise and her daughter Hannah are flashbacks. These "explain" why, she is now alone and isolated. Actually, those are not memories; they're glimpses of her future. Deciphering the alien language and immersing herself in it allows Louise to perceive time as they do: non-linearly. It’s an example of time travel done right. Louise can suddenly look into her future and find crucial information from conversations that haven’t happened yet, bring them “back” and make them happen. How did she know what words General Shang shared with his wife before she passed? In a way, she always knew. That’s how time loops work and if you don’t understand it, this is where that half hour you set aside will come in handy. The problem is that you’re still thinking of time as a line when it isn’t; not anymore.
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Arrival has an airtight screenplay. Re-evaluating its story and themes further emphasizes how much time and effort was spent polishing it. It’s complex, which makes the moment where it finally clicks immensely satisfying. As a bonus, it’s wonderfully acted, extremely moody, gorgeous to watch and masterfully directed. This is the best sci-fi film we’ve seen in a long time. (On Blu-ray, March 15, 2019)
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gardenerian · 2 years
hi mel.
i just want to express the valid feelings i have about the s11 deleted scene, “i gotta worry. i’m your husband.”
first of all, it’s not deleted. it’s real and real for them as ian and mickey.
now. this scene. it was a long day with confusion, hope, frustration, and more but at least they were done with that for the day. they get home and try to decompress from their day with a drink.
ian quips for a potential name for the business and when mickey shuts it down, we see ian start to reveal his turmoils from within. mickey BEING THE GOOD HUSBAND HE IS notices… and boy oh boy does he help ian feel better!!!!!!!!!!
mickeys concern is something so so so so beautiful. it’s such contrast to what we’ve seen from mickey in the beginning, and to see him now, attentive & considerate is something so emotional for me!!!!!!!
and then ian is like i don’t want you to worry. ian is such a selfless person and is strong but sometimes struggles with the idea of not being strong. but! he’s human and it’s okay to be out of rhythm and in a slump.
mickey immediately claps back with “i gotta worry. i’m your husband.”
GET THIS. IAN SAYS “oh.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫡😭😭😭😭
and then mickey says an even more tiny “oh.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the arms wrapped around each other. oh my. i’m yelling from the rooftops.
this scene is my comfort and my joy. it’s my scene forever. it’s so simple and beautiful and means everything to me. thanks for this rant at 1AM.
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rachelbethhines · 1 year
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - Martin: 6th Review
Power of the Doctor - TV Story
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Dang this was so good.
I had to play catch up with Chibnall’s era to get to this episode, hence the delay, but damn what a story to end on!
This was the best anniversary special ever aired, the best episode of the Chibnall era, and perhaps my new favorite story of all time.
But is it a Fugitive Doctor’s story?
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Eh.... It’s more a multi-doctor story that the Fugitive Doctor cameos in along with a bunch of other Doctors, but it’s not a superfluous appearance by any means. Granted, we still get no real answers to her existence, and we never will, but she does arguably save the day in what is indeed a badass scene. Arguably the best on screen appearance for Jo Martin.
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So what is the story?
The Master sets up an elaborate trap to finally steal the Doctor’s body/regenerations, and for once, actually succeeds. 
And what I love about this plot twist, is that it’s made evidentially clear that it’s no longer about survival. He no longer needs those regenerations since the Time War... and the fact that he’s basically immortal anyways (the master is really the timeless child, prove me wrong) but rather his motivations are something far deeper, something hinted at since the beginning.
The Master hates himself. He hates being the Master. He wants to be the Doctor, because he wants what the Doctor has... fame, attention, adoration, love... but he doesn’t understand how those things work; how the Doctor acquired such loyal friends and a universe wide reputation as a hero.
He thinks it’s something innately special about the Doctor’s being, something that he can require by inhabiting the Doctor’s body... but really, it’s just because the Doctor has chosen to be kind. They’re not perfect, by any means, but they try.... They try to help when needed, and they learned that through their companions. The Doctor is the hero, because the Doctor has friends.
The Master, drives away anyone that may have given him a chance. They may have been his friends, he may have been the hero even, if not for his self destructive behavior and lashing out at everyone and everything. Hence his tragedy. 
And this is further backed up by the First’s Doctor run. He became the Doctor, the Hero, by learning how to be a better person from his first companions; Barbara and Ian.
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And yes, I loved all of the companion cameos! btw
It’s stuff like this, that reinforces the fundamental themes of the entire series, are the things that make the whole Timeless Child/Other/Morbius Incarnations, stuff so baffling. Martin’s Doctor can’t be a pre-Hartnell Doctor because the Doctor didn’t learn to be the Doctor until he met Barbara and Ian. Insisting that she is one undermines the story.
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That’s why the 6B theory makes so much more sense, and why I’m deeply disappointed that Chibnall didn’t have the guts to confirm it. To give us that final twist that would have fixed so much shit, but oh well.... I guess it’s up to us fans.
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But enough should of, would of, could ofs... Lets get to the Fugitive Doctor’s part of the story... spoiler warning below.
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Apparently the Doctor has built an interactive hologram of themselves that can take the form of any known previous incarnation. Including Martin’s version.
We’ve seen similar holograms created by the Tardis before, but this is the most advanced version to date as the Doctor has apparently been working on it since well.. forever basically. Since they’ve been in possession of the Tardis itself anyway.
The Martin hologram appears before the Master pretending to be the genuine article. Just long enough to distract him so that the companions can defeat him. This is helped by the fact that The Master doesn’t recognize this incarnation, but she apparently remembers him... make of that what you will.
So in essence the Martin Doctor gets to save the day. Which is honestly more dignity than the character has been shown thus far in the series and is a nice send off to them. 
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Honestly , I could talk about this story for ages, but we’re here for Martin’s doctor this go around so I’m keeping the review just to that... but seriously if you haven’t seen this episode yet, and are a fan of the series, you need to.
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spellbook-gayboy · 1 year
prompt 20? :]
"Oh, calm down, you drama queen!" Ian yelled, having to almost scream to be heard over the deafening howling that surrounded the pair. "Like I said, it's only a minor-!"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you!" Kid Thor talked over; his back pressed to the wizard's and his hammer held up in front of him. "'only a minor-level dimensional anomaly'- which is still pretty dangerous when you think about it!"
Ian rolled his eyes so hard he was half-convinced it was audible. "Every day, I am more and more surprised at how much of the world scares people shitless! Maybe if you lot lived a day in my shoes, you'd- shit, duck!" he shouted, pulling his friend down with him into a kneeling position, narrowly avoiding a large chunk of... something flew over their head and smashed into a nearby surface. “Ah, you worry too much, Mike! Besides, management will tack on a nice bonus for this one, and you can get Sarah a nice... actually, what were you planning to use the money for?”
“LA! We were gonna go on a sightseeing tour!” his friend shouted back; his voice slightly distorted by the anomaly swirling around them. 
“Jesus, how old are you two?! What’s next, you’re gonna get a mortga...!” the wizard started, trailing off as the howling and warping suddenly died down. “Okay... where the fuck are we?”
The pair had just been in the middle of a busy street when the distortion had flared up, but now they stood in some sort of snowy forest. It was almost picturesque in how crisp and even the pure white snow around them was, and every spruce tree was exactly the same height down to their individual needles. If they hadn’t just been whisked away from home by a tear in the fabric of the cosmos, perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so off-putting. “What the fuck?!” Kid Thor exclaimed, looking around the new environment in bewilderment. “Okay, uh... did you close the thing, Ian?”
“Yeah... and I think that’s what caused this, too. I mean, dimensional anomalies don’t just bend space, they bend time, too. We could be a thousand years in the past, in the future, or at the exact same point we left. Who’s to say?” 
Mike groaned, lightly banging his head against his weapon. “Goddammit! The one time I get a day off and I’m trapped in God-Knows-Where, probably a million years away from home, and it’s freezing too!”
“Ahh, come on! We’ve both been through worse than this!” Ian reassured his friend. “Hell, just last week, you took out seven Illithid priests without breaking a sweat! That’s no small feat, even for me! I...”
“You... what?” Mike asked. “Don’t stop praising me just yet, man!”
“Who is that?” Ian said. Kid Thor followed his colleague’s gaze, spotting the figure in question: a thin man, shrouded in black furs and leather, contrasted by both the crimson cloak he wore underneath and the shock of silvery hair he sported that flowed down to his shoulders. He seemed to be lacking an eye, a beaten cloth and leather patch covering the place where it would normally be. He was watching the pair from atop a rocky outcrop at the edge of the clearing they were stood in. He was a complete stranger, but there was something slightly familiar about him, like Mike had met him before. 
The man was gone, suddenly vanishing in a cloud of... feathers? “What was that? Who was that?” he asked, an edge of panic taking hold in his voice as he tightened his grip on Mjölnir.
“Definitely still on Earth, at least” Ian spoke, slowly reaching into his scarlet cloak’s folds. “That’s a Seiðr witch, which means we’re both in danger. A lot of danger”
“Oh, calm yourself, bairn!”
The two of them whipped around to see the old man, now just steps away. One thing that could only be seen up close were the litany of scars that covered his head: a jagged cut raked across the bridge of his nose, twin slashes followed the curve of his jaw, and a long and thin cut marked the flesh of his neck. Mike realised what had been so familiar before. “Holy shit... Ian?!”
“Aye?” the other two men said in unison. His colleague’s face twisted into one of surprise at the realisation of who he was looking at. “How is that... that’s not-! H-how old are you?”
The older Ian grumbled, the dour look in his eyes remaining as he answered “By my last count, eighty-three. Come,” he told them, raising an arm to point off in a different direction, “Niflheimr winters are nothing to balk at, even for an Einherjar and a Cambion”.
The two shared a look of confusion. This was turning out to be a long day. 
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oqal · 2 years
40 yo Reagan: I mean, Ian was great, it can’t be thst bad, especially now that we’ve done seen how childhood and teenage years can be :)
Doom music when May born
reagan is DEFINITELY kicking herself in the ass and is like i’m too OLD for this brett 😡😡😡
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