#kid Thor invincible
spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
prompt 64? :3c
“Oh, that’s not an encouraging phrase”
“Yeah, I know, but shut up” Ian jabbered, “Anyway, d’you wanna know what I found out about our dear corporate overlords from this file I got from the GDA archives?” he asked, waving the thick wad of bound A4 paper.
Mike’s brow creased, and he leaned closer over the break room table. “Oh? What’s on it?”
The wizard laughed, like he could hardly believe the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “These guys... they get sued like it’s going out of fuckin’ style! I mean, look at this!” he chuckled, turning the first sheet of the file over. “Unsafe working environment, labour law violations, wrongful termination of an employee, even fuckin’ tax evasion! Jesus, none of the actual supervillains we fight have a rap sheet this long!”
“You didn’t know that?” Kid Thor questioned, leaning back as he lay Mjölnir across his lap. “Everyone knows about the lawsuits. Hell, from what Phil told me, they’re actually planning to include a thing in the company training about how to avoid a lawsuit!”
“Wha- really?!” Ian exclaimed. “How did I not... oh come on!”
Mike began to chuckle at his friend’s obliviousness. His hand slapped the head of his hammer instead of his knee as he added “I am, like, actually surprised you didn’t know about them, man. I mean, Sarah’s been here like a year or two and she’s already filed one!”
“What’s this I hear about me?” came the voice of Knockout, holding her tray as she approached the pair, her signature pair of boxing gloves swinging from where they were tied to her costume’s waist. 
“Oh hey, sweetie! We were, uh... talking about ‘the thing’”, Kid Thor greeted his partner as she sat next to him. “Apparently, Gandalf hasn’t heard about all the lawsuits!”
“You’re kidding. Really?!”
“Okay, in my defence, I actually do have a life outside of my job, although I do find the whole ‘young elderly couple’ thing you two have got going very endearing” the wizard grumbled. “However, my good friend, if you ever call me Gandalf again, I’ll break your legs worse than that ice troll did!”
“Wow, so we’re going there, huh? I’ll have you know that that dropkick knocked the troll out, right after it knocked you out!” Mike shot back. 
“And for that, I am very grateful, of course,” Ian replied, leaning back into his chair, “However... you could’ve also done that by, oh I don’t know, hitting him with the hammer of the gods!”
Their conversation likely would’ve gone on for much longer, but a klaxon suddenly began to ring out in the break room. “Typical” Sarah spoke over the loud noise, before grabbing the paper coffee cup off her tray and downing its contents in one go. “Okay boys, time to get to work!”
5 notes · View notes
raphaelcrossofoliver · 2 months
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2 notes · View notes
wandabear · 1 year
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Summary:   Y/N proposes to Wanda and she says… no. That’s when things get complicated, too much.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x f!reader | Natasha Romanoff x oc ㅤㅤㅤ   
Warning:  Somewhat graphic MCU violence, death, ANGST and FLUFF. Mentions about abuse. As you know me: Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. This mcu style is my own, Natasha Romanoff will not die here. She deserves to be happy.
Songs for you: Ivy Willow
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER FIVE
“Thank you, auntie Y/N.” Morgan Stark said with the most adorable smile as she walked hand in hand with y/n.
Y/N took care of the kid that day and together they toured the Compound while Tony finished signing some papers and chatted with Steve, trying to keep things at peace.
After eating together one of the most delicious cheeseburgers and fries -Morgan's favorites-, she walked with her to the entrance where Tony and Steve were waiting for them.
“Aw. You're welcome, sweetie.” The inhuman smiled and leaned in to receive little Morgan's hug. “Thank you for keeping me company today. I couldn't have done it without you.”
“I love you, auntie Y/N. See you later!” Morgan smiled and ran over to her dad, who helped the kid get into the car and fasten the seatbelt. Steve stepped forward to go inside the compound, it was going to rain soon.
Y/N smiled at Tony. “That girl is getting bigger and smarter, Tony. She's soon going to take our jobs.”
“What can I say? I was part of the creation of this masterpiece.” Stark joked and both laughed.
Here they were, years later, Tony became one of the few people left in her life. All the grudges of the past had been left behind.
Y/N kept hands in the pockets of her coat, watching the trees moving slowly.  This time it wasn't Y/N who summoned the storm.
“You okay?” Tony took off his glasses, he seemed quite worried.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah.”  Y/N sighed and shrugged. “Just tired, there are too many problems on this planet and universe to deal with.”
“Well, that is now YOUR problem, but… You should eat better, kid, I see you a little pale.” Tony patted her shoulder and smiled, but still looked a bit worried.  “I'll tell Pepper and she's going to scold you. She will send you a cook to follow you everywhere, reminding you to eat.”
Y/N giggled tiredly and nodded slowly. “Take care, Tony. Take care of them, you deserve it.”
“If you need something…” He tried.
“I'll work it out with Steve, Yelena or Bruce. You rest.”
All these years Y/N had been practicing her powers with Jules, Bruce also helped her to understand herself a bit more. Over time she learned to control it almost perfectly.
Y/N possessed the ability of atmokinesis, one of the most powerful abilities in existence, where one can control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself.
Thor used to say that he was happy with the news, now he could share something so beautiful with a warrior like her. Summoning the most powerful lightning they have ever seen.
Jules possessed the ability of nature manipulation, another of the most important powers. Although she mostly had developed much more control over plants and some living beings. According to her, they used to whisper to her. Y/N smiled when she remembered that moment, in that same place a few years ago. She used to tease Jules saying she was crazy, because the brunette once said that a sparrow insulted her.
“Y/N… I swear, that bird called me a ‘shameless slut’ and he then flew away!” 
“Yeah, sure, I will definitely never believe that.”
Together, they were invincible. They could make total chaos as well as something very beautiful for this planet. Y/N's idea was to protect this world that was left, while Jules... well, remained a prisoner of her suffering.
Y/N went back into the Compound, stopping to look at that mural in front of her, mural recognizing those who had fallen.
Y/N stood still looking at the names, thinking about everything that happened all this time. She covered her face with her hands, the stress that Y/N felt lately was overwhelming.
“So, Stark stopped by to say hi?”  Yelena walked over, this time she wasn't wearing her Black Widow outfit. She always knew how to dress in style, maybe she was coming back from visiting Kate who lived in New York now.
“He came to tell us that Avengers Tower was going to be sold.” Y/N smiled sadly. “And that if we needed something, we could always count on him. He’s going to retire to take care of Morgan and Pepper.”
The blonde nodded. Those names made Y/N shed a tear that quickly dried up.
“I miss her so much, you know?” Y/N swallowed hard and closed her eyes, trying to stay strong but it was so hard lately. Especially when the memories grew heavier in her heart. “She’s the love of my life, how come I'm still doing all this? Why am I still alive?”
Y/N couldn't help but wept, feeling Yelena's arms surround her.
“There are days where I don't know how to go on without Wanda.” The agent sobbed in anguish, she always tried to be positive and strong but she no longer knew how to keep going. Especially with some of the remaining Avengers spread across the world. “I- I just… I make myself some tea and I just start crying, and I cry until the tea gets cold, a-and then I have to make another one.”
Yelena pursed her lips trying not to cry, but tears welled up in those green eyes. Both tried to be strong for each other.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ "Sometimes… I repeat to myself over and over again: what was the scent... what did her hair smell like? Because I remember it was raspberries but what if I forget? What if... I can't remember anymore?" Y/N smiled sadly. “I feel like I'm missing three pieces of my heart, and the only one that holds everything is you.”
“I know, Y/N/N. I miss Natasha too.” The russian cooed, hugging her tightly. “It hurts me so much… Sometimes I talk to her, whistle to her... but she doesn't answer. I’ve loved her so much.”
Now she was the one who broke down crying.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N looked down to see how Yelena hid her face in that hug, and just kissed her forehead, both consoling each other in a big hug at that moment.
Yelena wasn’t the kind of person who shows her feelings easily. No. Fuck, she used to just growl and roll her eyes at her but all this time... all this pain, she could only show it with Y/N.
“Do you think they're okay? Wherever they are.” Yelena sniffled.
“I dunno, blondie.” Y/N sighed. “But I hope so.”
That beautiful moment lasted for a while until Steve quickly led, with a rather worried and confused face.
“Y/N, Yelena… You two need to see who's at the compound gate now.”
And when they heard the whole story that Scott Lang had to tell them, they were even more confused and perhaps… deep down, hopeful.
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The noise of breaking glass and shots was all that could be heard, besides desperate screams of the members of that gang.
“It’s her! She’s after Javier!” One of the gang members yelled in Spanish and fired his machine gun into a dark corner of the street. A few seconds later, that same man was thrown into the air and hit the wall with such force that he died on impact.
The female figure of a black-haired woman stepped out of the darkness, a proud smile and brown eyes filled with a desire for revenge.
“Todos van a morir, pero ahora solo quiero a Javier. Entréguenmelo y podrán irse. [You all going to die, but right now I only want Javier. Give it to me, and you can go.]” The brunette ordered willing to let go, for now. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
None seemed to obey, in fact some of them laughed and looked at each other.
“Good, your choice.”
That woman raised her hands and killed several of those criminals, using vines to catch them, she took one and attracted one using him as a shield.
Jules smiled coquettishly then blew some spores into the man's face, like a poisonous kiss. The man's horrified look changed to a more relaxed one, the irises of his eyes turning green. “You want to protect me, and now… You’re going to kill all of your friends, then yourself.”
Exactly as she said, the man fired at his own people and then shot himself. Jules sighed and walked to the second floor of that building, where another group of thugs fired at her. One by one, she took it upon herself to clear the path.
“What do you want?! I didn’t do anything to you!” The leader of the gang asked, walking backwards. There was nothing left but to give up.
“You’ve survived.” Jules said as she slowly walked towards him. “Half of the planet didn’t.”
Even though it was her, that was no longer the same Julia from before. Those five years changed a lot in her mind and her heart.
“They got Thanos… you get me.” Jules cocked her head, biting her lower lip playfully.
Javier knelt down ready to beg for his life, even if his pride said otherwise.  “I'll give you what you want, but please, don't kill me.”
“What I want? You can't give it to me.” Jules whispered venomously. Step by step, it was a death sentence. The vines and the ivy were moved like snakes, searching for their prey.
“Por favor, güerita no me mates… Please, please don't kill me.”
She just raised her hand and one of the vines wrapped around Javier's neck, lifting him into the air. He began to move her legs, desperate.
“Julia, stop.”
Her best friend's voice made Jules turn to look at the door, perhaps with all the noise of shots and screams she hadn't heard the sound of the storm approaching.
Y/N slowly entered that warehouse.
“Oh, hey sis. Long time no see.”  Jules smiled casually, but didn't let the guy get away.  “Did you finally come to join the party?”
“I came to save you.” Y/N swallowed, noticing how the vines moved around her as if they had a life of their own, even if Jules controlled them. “Let him go.”
“No.” her response was blunt, it even made the vine tighten his neck more. “You... tell her... tell her what you've done.”
 “Please, don’t do this. You’re… not a killer.” Javier could barely say.
“Oh, look around you, I already am.”
“Jules, stop.” Y/N begged.
“Tell my friend what you did and I'll let you live.” Jules jaw clenched, making the vines tighten around the man's neck. He found it difficult to speak, he barely gasped like a fish out of water.
“What are you saying? I can’t hear you-” She said with an adorable smile but ended up shouting: “SPEAK LOUDER!”
“Julia, THAT'S ENOUGH!” Y/N took a step forward but Jules raised her hand, stopping her with the vines. Jules looked at her seriously, forcing Y/N to stay still and then turned to see the man again.
“You took that little one, didn't you? A little girl in Morelos. You did these despicable things to her.”  She hissed angrily, her gaze locked with the man's, who was struggling to breathe. “A child, and not just one...”
The man just closed his eyes and after a moment, nodded desperately hoping that she would let him go.
“See, Y/N? This happens when you’re soft like we used to be. When justice forgets what it really means.” Jules felt a huge pain inside her, her hands trembled but she was determined to go for it.   “No matter how much you fight to be better and let go your past, to redeem yourself…”  She thought of Natasha. “…You will die snapped and a rapist son of a bitch will be left alive on this planet.”
Y/N nodded, trying to reason with her. “You're right, he deserves to face justice.”
“Justice?!” Jules laughed wryly.  “There’s no justice! Especially when the jury released him because he didn't penetrate one of his victims with his penis… Oh no! He did it with his fingers and tongue, and that to them meant: letting him go!” The brunette screamed, the vines squeezed him enough for him to start turning purple.
“Justice. That's what that girl didn't have.” Jules took a shaky breath, those brown eyes no longer showed that warmth, patience and tenderness as before.  “But I'll give it to her. To all of them.”
Without waiting any longer, Jules moved her hand and the vines broke the nasty guy's neck, letting the lifeless body fall to the ground.
“One less, many to go.” Jules sighed looking at that man's body and then turned around willing to leave that place ignoring her friend.  “You shouldn't be here.”
“Neither should you.” Y/N followed her.
“I've got a job to do, you're making it more difficult.” Jules heard the police sirens in the distance, so she decided to go back and take the back exit of that warehouse.
“Is that what you're calling this?” Y/N walked after her, leaving through the back door of the warehouse. Jules took it upon herself to remove some of the surveillance cameras with ivy before they could capture her. “Killing all these people isn't gonna bring Natasha back.”
Y/N tried to take her arm.
“They are not people! They are infections corroding this Earth.”  Jules turned, breaking free of her grasp.  “The little that remains of this world at least.”
“You are not the one to decide that.”
“Neither are you.” Jules snapped.
“Natasha wouldn't want this.” Sadness was reflected in Y/N's eyes, who saw her friend as a poor shadow of what she used to be.
“She's not here to decide, is she?”
“But she could… if you come with me.” Y/N she released the best bait that she could to catch the biggest fish in the river. Hoping that was enough to get the brunette's attention.
And she did it. Jules turned to look at her, this time in a very different way. This time, a small light of hope was born in those brown eyes or maybe it was the anger she felt if Y/N played with it.
“Don’t do that. Don't play with it.”
“We found something.” Y/N sighed as she moved closer to her. “A chance, maybe.”
“That’s impossible.” Jules narrowed her eyes, not understanding.  “You just want to trick me to go back.”
“No! I swear… There’s a possibility. Just one. But you have to make a decision now, because the police are coming and the quinjet is three fucking blocks away.”
Now the concern was reflected in Jules face, there was no way to achieve what she said.  “You can't bring anyone back to life, not even I can go that far. Nature wouldn’t allow it.”
“It is not about playing with nature.”  Y/N walked in a hurry escaping from the sirens.  “It's about going back… Do you love her enough to give it a try?”
The raven-haired woman looked thoughtful. “Are you sure of that?”
“Pretty sure it could work.” Y/N looked at who was her friend for so long, for a moment she believed that the sparkle in those eyes had returned.  “But we need you.”
“Don’t.” Jules said barely, like a sigh.
“Don't what?” She stopped, making Y/N turn to look at her. The neon signs reflected their faces, like the most beautiful work of art.
“Please, don’t give me hope.” Jules pleaded.
And for the first time, Y/N's serious look turned into a softer one.  “I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner.”
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They spent days trying to plan everything they had to do perfectly. Each of the stones they had to 'borrow' and then return. A time heist. Each of them had a plan, but that wasn't what mattered right now.
“Tomorrow, we will be saving the ones we love the most.” Y/N took the beer and toasted against the brunette's, who was only watching through the big window.
“Tomorrow.” Jules sighed, her heart skipped a beat at the thought. “Do you think they will understand?”
“I think so… Yeah, I'm not going to be the one to tell Wanda that her favorite band split up two years ago.” Y/N said making her friend laugh again, missed that nice sound so much. “But fuck, I'm going to tell her that Britney won the damn lawsuit.”
Y/N laughed and then brushed a few crumbs off her shirt, making the ring she was wearing as a pendant to bounce.
“Still carrying that thing?” Jules smiled tenderly looking at the ring.
Y/N looked at it got lost in memories. The ring with which she proposed to Wanda so long ago. “And I will forever.”
She smiled at her friend, who understood perfectly. The raven-haired woman nodded slowly.
“If I had married someone... it would definitely have been Nat. She would say ‘No, thank you!’, of course, but at least I would have tried.” Jules said with a broody smile. Natasha Romanoff left a hole in her heart, taken it away forever.
“Wanda wanted us to get married when we got back from Wakanda.”
“Maybe you guys can get it right this time. You know that Wanda loved you deeply, right?”
“I know… I loved her so much, so much that part of me is no longer mine but hers.” She sighed. “And I'm going to keep this.” Y/N looked at that ring with sadness but also hope.  “Until I see her again, this is it, Jules. This is how we get them.”
“I hope so. I don't know what I'll do otherwise.” Jules looked down, feeling the full weight of her actions.
At that moment Yelena walked through the living room door, heading straight for Jules. Of course Yelena hadn't been there those days, she was trying to help Steve to convince Tony to help them.
“Yelena, wait-” Y/N got up seeing the anger on the blonde's face and remembering that she hadn't had the courage to tell her that Jules was back.
“No, let her do it.” Jules got up from her seat, clearing her throat uncomfortably. “I know you might hate me but-”
Without further ado, Yelena hit the brunette's face making her face to turn around, Jules noticed blood dripping from her lip. And if that hadn't surprised her too much, after the punch the blonde came to hug her tightly.
“I’m glad you’re here.” Yelena murmured staying in that embrace for a while. “We're family. I don't want to lose any more sisters... I missed the three of us.”
And how not to do it? Ever since Y/N and Jules had their separate ways, Yelena always felt in between. With no big sister, feeling like a child with her parents divorced, she didn't know which of them to turn to.
Jules looked up at Y//N and just stroked Yelena's blonde hair slowly. They both looked at each other and nodded. They were all Yelena had left, and none of them had given her a thought.
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“Tell me again, why did you bring her?” Tony asked again, narrowing his eyes at the brunette. “She could kill us in a flash.”
Jules chuckled.  “Yeah, I'm not that fast, Stark.”
“Isn't that what we need? We need people willing to give everything.” Y/N she sighed, running a hand over her face. It was the third time she'd answered that all damn day.
Steve, who was there with his arms crossed, just stared at them seriously.
“We all deserve a second chance. We can all regret what we have done, and then do better.” Steve nodded solemnly. If Jules was going to bring something good to that mission and she was going to keep someone from dying, then she was welcome.
Jules arched an amused brow. “Yeah, I'm not sorry for what I did... I’m just here to help, that’s it.”
“Shut up, Julia. You're not helping.” Y/N growled.
Between twists and turns, everyone managed to resolve their differences before keep going with the plan. Each of them had to follow the 'time heist' plan and bring the gems.
And they all made it, making it back alive for the big test. Of course, Y/N kept saying how great it was to see the first S.H.I.E.L.D. base in 1970. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Now, Bruce was ready to snap and change everything. Around him were all of the avengers, who watched him as if in his hands kept the most precious treasure in the Universe. And it was. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Are you sure, Bruce?” Steve asked one more time. “I can do it too.”
“No, I was made for this.” Bruce sighed deeply and after taking courage, he settled the gauntlet on his arm.
Slowly, the power of the gauntlet was consuming him, making him scream in pain. They all walked away in surprise, but they couldn't interfere even if they wanted to.
“Bruce, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago...” Y/N explained carefully, watching the gauntlet light up when the big guy put it on. “You're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Please.” Tony added.
“Got it.” Bruce growled.
Bruce knelt in pain and the way the power of the gauntlet burned his arm made everyone shocked.
“Did it work, Bruce Banner?” Yelena asked curiously.
Everyone looked at each other for a moment, their phones started ringing instantly and that brought a smile to everyone. Y/N took her phone and watched that something that she hadn’t seen for a long time, now was shown on the screen.
Y/N smiled widely and answered the call.
“Wands?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ But the call ended.
And they wish they had time to celebrate or answer; one of Thanos' ships stood behind the Compound. And the first thing he did was bombard the quinjets, taking away their chance to use them.
Everyone managed to stay safe, while the team tried to fight Thanos hand to hand, others tried to take the gauntlet and escape with it so that the titan wouldn’t have it again.
The powerful triad of the Avengers faced him, Thor, Tony and Steve. But he also faced Y/N, Jules, and the Hulk in an epic battle. They didn’t expect that attack, much less in such a treacherous way.
And although they thought that everything would end in the worst way, not just one but several portals opened on that battlefield.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Each of their friends passed through the portal, returning to their side, ready to once again face that enemy, together.
Y/N sighed and tried not to cry when she saw how Wanda ran towards her and melted into the strongest and most needed hug of their lives. Closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by her scent, giggling happily at the scent of Wanda’s hair.
Oh, raspberries.
A small tear escaped from her eyes.
“Strange told us.” Wanda cupped Y/N's face in her hands. She looked so… same and different. Y/N's face looked different, not much but small details that she noticed. “Five years, right?”
“Yeah.” Y/N closed her eyes, getting lost in the feeling for a moment.
“Five years, wow…h-how are you? Are you okay?” Wanda asked really worried.
“Can we talk about that later?” Natasha arched an eyebrow, nodding as Thanos's army regrouped on the horizon.
Y/N breathed deeply watching that terrifying landscape, but despite the fear, Wanda's hand taking hers made her smile. Of course they could against this. They had survived the worst, they could against everything.
And both armies finally met. Y/N rose into the air and used her powers, making a hurricane to get rid of some enemies. This time there was no doubt using those powers, it was a perfect execution.
“You are…” Wanda exclaimed in surprise. They both made an incredible team up now.
“Total control, huh!” Y/N smirked and then rose up.  “You should see this!”
Her eyes turned white for a moment, and the sky roared like never before. Several lightning bolts fell towards her and towards her enemies. Without stopping, they both fought to protect Peter Parker who stole the gauntlet, getting it as far away from Thanos as possible. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I already saw the boy, he's coming your way, Strange!” Natasha said through her earpiece and fired at one of the aliens, killing him.  But someone worse stood a few meters in front of her, showing that big spear.
“Not this bitch again.” Natasha complained, seeing how Proxima smiled creepily.
The black widow prepared herself for the attack, she was ready to face her when some huge vines opened up the earth and took Proxima, getting rid of her.
“Hey.” Jules smiled at her and stoodnext to her, surprising the redhead. Then raised her hand, making some thorny vines to grab many aliens and completely destroy them.
“You-” Nat opened her mouth but didn't know what to say, just smiled back.
“Pretty badass, don't you think?” Jules nodded watching as the earth swallowed them.  “They will be a good fertilizer for the soil.”
ㅤㅤㅤ “That wasn't fair, I was about to finish her off.” Natasha teased, smirking.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Sucks to be you... But by the way: You’re my whole world, Romanoff. I want you to know that.” Without further ado, the brunette approached to kiss Natasha's lips, just a peck. “’kay, gotta go. Don’t die this time!”  
The redhead just smiled and shook her head, running in the opposite direction.
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And despite the losses that are always to be expected in a war, they did it well. Except for Carol, who was still recovering after she'd snapped. She was powerful, sure, but that was a very potent amount of energy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ The corridors of the Avengers Compound were full of people coming and going. The medical room was being occupied by everyone who was badly injured, Dr. Cho was crowded but thanked the civilian medical staff who offered to help them.
Y/N kept her arms crossed, watching and making sure everyone was okay. Her tired eyes showed how she felt, beside being in pain. Several cuts and bruises in her face and body showed it.
She turned on her heels to leave for a moment, nodding to Steve who was chatting with Tony, Maria Hill and Nick Fury about everything that had happened.
Now everyone was back and despite the fact that it was a great joy, the world was once again in chaos.
“Agent Y/L/N.” Nick turned around so she could shake hands with her.  “Here they have told me the great job you have done trying to keep us standing.”
“Thank you, sir. I only did what I have been taught in S.H.I.E.L.D.” Y/N smiled and nodded kindly.
“I taught you well then.” Maria Hill said under her breath and they both laughed. Y/N patted the Maria's shoulder and kept walking, looking for that special someone.
She searched the living area, the lounge, and the medical wing but couldn't find Wanda anywhere.
Not until she saw how a brown haired lady escaping from her, walking quickly towards the main entrance hall.
“Wanda.” Y/N called out to her loud enough to make her stop.
Wanda turned around slowly, she looked like she had been crying, because her eyes were a bit puffy and red. She looked quite nervous, looking towards the door as if she wanted to get out.
“Why are you avoiding me?” That sounded sadder than she expected. You could tell the pain in Y/N's voice, and the obvious confusion.
“No, why do you say that?”
“I’m not stupid.” Y/N chuckled sadly.  “I haven't seen you since we were separated in the Med wing. I've been looking for you for a long time.”
“Yeah… I needed some air.”
Y/N approached her, both watched the outskirts of the compound with longing. “Are you okay?”
“Five years, right?” Wanda swallowed, unable to look at her. Couldn't or she would break. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N sighed. “Yeah.”
“I think… I think I'm not ready for this.” The brunette looked down, playing with her rings.
Y/N cocked her head to see her. “Ready for what?”
“To do this, Y/N.”
“Wow, no ‘detka’ this time.” Y/N gave a sad and ironic giggle. She didn't understand what the hell was happening now. “I don't understand.”
“Y/N, it's been five years.”
“Yeah, five fucking years go by and the first thing you do is walk away and ignore me.” Y/N she said a bit annoyed and hurt. “Would you please tell me why?”
“Because I'm not ready to know how you moved on!” Wanda finally snapped. “I'm not ready to…” Wanda cleared her throat, trying to be strong and not cry but it was so hard. “I'm not ready to see how you've moved on from me or met someone else.”
Y/N frowned and thought about stopping her, but she had every right to express her feelings. She wanted to know how Wanda felt.
“While for you it was five years, for me it was just... minutes.” The sokovian began pacing back and forth, finally letting go of everything she kept inside. “And I come back and I see you... so different and at the same time the same. Don't get me wrong, you look as beautiful as ever but I feel like... I've missed so much.”
"You have… you have a scar there, on your eyebrow, and I- I don't know how you got it! And and I feel so… I left you." Wanda began to cry, and although Y/N wanted to hug her, she only reached out her hand to take Wanda's and gently pull her.
“How do you think it feels to know that? I've abandoned you for years. God!”  Wanda approached to surround her in a hug, hiding her face in Y/N's chest.  “The things you've experienced and I wasn't there. You were alone.”
“I wasn’t alone.” It was the first thing Y/N said as she stroked her back.
“That's why... Maybe you've met someone.” Wanda looked up and tried to get away from her. “I'm not ready to know that you don't love me anymore.”
“I wasn't alone, I had my friends.” Y / N smiled tenderly and gently caressed Wanda's cheek. “Wanda... I haven't stopped thinking about you, I never stopped doing it.”
She took her beloved's chin to look into those green eyes. A heart that found its other side again, finally, their souls were entwined once more.
“I love you. I have loved you these five years... where I didn’t stop thinking about you, loving you, needing you.” Y/N she whimpered and wiped away the tears that began to fall. “I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. You don't know how horrible it was to live without you, you don't know how difficult it is. Cause it wasn't 'living'. You have no idea how gray the world is without you.”
Tears began to escape from Wanda's eyes and she didn't stop them. They both needed this, they needed to heal.
“Please, don't walk away.” Y/N begged, feeling Wanda cradle her face in her hands. “I only know that I survived because I had to, because I couldn't leave them alone... because I don't want to be without you anymore. I just can’t. I can’t do it.”
The sokovian hugged her tightly, allowing them both to release into a healing cry. Feeling the warmth of the other's body, all the pain could finally be left behind.
All those sad dates, all those lonely birthdays, all those cold nights.
“I love you, Wanda.”
“I love you so much, detka. I'm so sorry...” She put her forehead against Y/N's, getting lost in that beautiful feeling. “We won't be apart again. Promise we won't.”
“Nothing will separate us again, my love.”
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Jules lowered her gaze and hurried her step in that hallway, trying to get out of that place as soon as possible. Her heart was heavy but she had to do the right thing.
At least this time.
She was about to walk out of the Compound when a figure crossed in front of her, so fast. There was no doubt that this woman was one of the best spies in the world.
“Aw! Not even a hug? I see you're not a fan of goodbyes.” Natasha watched her out of the corner of her eye, crossing her arms.
Jules swallowed, this was what she least wanted.
“Everyone is there with their loved ones but you… you’re running away without even saying goodbye to me.” Natasha stood idly by, quite hurt.  Although the first thing she did was make sure Yelena was safe, Natasha had not forgotten Jules. “Running away like a quiet and scared mouse.”
“I’m not a scared mouse.” Jules narrowed her eyes. Those words made Natasha raise an eyebrow, Jules would never have spoken like that.
“I don't even deserve that? I understand that five years have passed for you, you must… you must have formed another more important bond or whatever…. Or maybe you just stopped loving me, but I am not even worthy of a goodbye?” The redhead scoffed.
“Nat-” Jules tried.
“I would like an explanation, because the last thing I remember is that we were... in love.” She wasn't going to deny that it hurt her deeply. “I understand. I wasn't very direct with that, I admit it... besides that a lot of time has passed and we didn't get to make it official, but that didn't mean I didn’t loved you! I did! I DO!”
“Nat…” Jules came over, trying to calm me down. She just cradled Nat's face in those soft hands. “It's not that.”
Jules sighed deeply, she didn't have time to explain.
“I love you, more than my own life.” The raven-haired girl placed her forehead against hers.  “I would give everything for you, I gave everything for you to be here.”
“Then tell me what's going on...” Natasha pleaded in a whisper, those beautiful eyes sparkling. This was one of the few times that she could see Nat being herself, opening her heart.
Jules leaned in and kissed her lips, losing herself in them. Didn’t care more than to relive that feeling, that warmth. Nat was alive, she was next to her. As soon as they parted from the kiss, the inhuman hugged Natasha tightly.
Her biggest fear was losing her again.
“I just didn't want you to see it…” Jules swallowed. “I didn't want them to do it in front of you.”
Natasha looked at her with confusion and concern. “Do what? Who?”
“I did some really fucked up things this time where you weren't, Nat... I- I don't expect you to understand me, I just... maybe one day I can explain. They will tell you many things about me, most of them are true... others not so much. And I’m sorry.”
At that time, General Ross entered with a group of US marshalls and surrounded them. Of course they left Natasha aside, they only came to handcuff Jules who didn't object. Her gaze stayed on Nat's. Sure they had technology strong enough to weaken her, but Jules wasn't going to run away. Not this time.
In fact, it was obvious that she knew perfectly well that this would happen, because Jules never resisted or tried to escape.
“Ross, what are you doing?” Natasha asked but one of the Marshalls pushed her back.
“My job, Ms. Romanoff. Just my job.” Ross nodded and they walked carrying Jules, although the arrival of the others Avengers made them stop.
“What’s going on here?” Steve frowned. “Ross, we can't go through this now.”
At that moment Y/N arrived, pushing whoever had to to face Ross.
“You can't do that, she's an avenger.” Y/N tried to intercede adn take her friend, but was stopped by the Marshalls. “Take your hands off me.”
“Julia Hale, you're under arrest for mass murder in several countries including the United States of America, eco-terrorism, mass property damage, conspiracy, torture, assault, kidnapping… You have the right… to not much at all after that, to be fair.” He sneered. “Do you have anything to say in your defense?”
Jules glanced sideways at Ross, who seemed quite pleased.  “They were bad people.”
“Ross… She saved half of the universe with us.” Tony stepped forward, ready to intercede too. “There's still fresh blood on her face, look at her! She just saved the world with all of us! Let her go… for now.”
“I know, Stark, but it's not up to me. It will depend on U.S. Goverment.”  General Ross started walking towards the entrance, where the SUV's were ready to go.
“It’s okay, I knew this would happen. We made a deal.” Jules looked back, seeing Y/N but was pushed forward.
Y/N frowned.  “A deal?”
“They let me help you if I agreed to go with them, for good.”
“Where are you going to take her?” Wanda asked, feeling the same indignation as her beloved. She hated seeing her like that.
“The Raft, until it's time for her to have a fair trial at the Capitol.” Ross nodded and the Marshalls loaded Jules into the SUV.  “It's not up to me to give her a pardon, it's up to them.”
“Don't worry, I have a cousin who is a very good lawyer!” The huge Bruce smiled and held up his phone, which made her smile.
Everyone was quite upset and outraged, Tony was talking to Pepper to find a good 'lawyer' to help them with this, besides calling the necessary contacts he had at the Capitol. Wanda took Y/N's hand, who stood watching her friend being taken away and couldn't do anything.
Even if she wanted to, she couldn't make it worse.
But the one who seemed most devastated was Natasha, who watched everything without knowing what to say. She had no idea what was happening, the redhead just went to the car’s door to see her one last time.
“I’m sorry.” Jules moved her lips, watching Natasha, before the truck moved away from the place. Leaving the redhead more confused than ever.
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“So…” Wanda murmured entering the room, looking around. Everything felt so new. Y/N invited Wanda to sleep with her in her room.  “It was hell.”
“Yeah.” Y/N sighed as she slowly removed her suit, the wounds making her hiss. “The first year we were together, Yelena kept us here. We couldn't leave her alone, we had all lost something.”
The sokovian sat on the bed, watching as Y/N changed. Her gaze fell on the new scars on Y/N’s body, thinking about everything Y/N went through, without her. She couldn't protect her. Maybe if she was there, those wounds wouldn't have happened.
After taking a nice shower, they both lay down on the bed so they could snuggle together.
“I started going to some meetings, you know which ones. About loss.” Y/N took some of her big shirts and handed one to her girlfriend, putting one on as well.  “It didn't help me much but it kept me standing, enough to keep me going for a while longer.”
Wanda hugged the side of her body, caressing her belly.
“But not Jules. She said that wasn't helping her, then she started to feel… angry.” Y/N was somewhat thoughtful.  “As she learned more about her powers, Jules began to feel everything even more. She has a great connection with nature and that… that made her take a different path.”
Y/N frowned and swallowed.  “I tried to make her stay with us but we couldn't. She didn't want to be here, brought back too many memories... About Nat and that, and we couldn't force her.”
“We lost contact for a few months until... we started receiving some weird cases. They were all bad people, that person was targeting criminals, murderers, cartel people, hunters.”
“I’m so sorry, detka. Really.” Wanda whispered.  She felt so helpless and angry. Thanos took everything from her. “I'm so sorry about that. I'm sorry I left you alone.”
“It’s okay now.” She smiled at Wanda, leaving a small kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes feeling that perfume once more. Yes, everything was back to normal.  “I’m so happy you’re here, that's all that matters now.”
“Do you want to sleep?” Wanda asked as she gently caressed her beloved's face, removing some strands of hair.
“I'm exhausted, I would sleep for weeks, but I don't want to stop looking at you.” Y/N muttered, her voice slightly scratchy. Her body ached too much, feeling a stabbing pain in muscles that she didn't even know existed.
Wanda smiled tenderly, kissing her chin.  “I promise to be here in the morning.”
“Pinky promise?” She brought her pinky so they could intertwine.
“Pinky promise, detka.”
They both laughed and snuggled again when Y/N turned off the lights on the nightstand. They were silent for a moment, sharing only the beat of their hearts, until Wanda spoke:
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How did you get this one?” The Sokovian traced her fingers over one of the scars on Y/N's stomach, slowly.
“I stumbled across a turtle.” Y/N bit her lip trying not to laugh, but Wanda just laughed and patted her.
“Come on, you dork. Tell me.”
“I was bitten by a beaver.”
“Y/N!” Wanda complained and Y/N burst out laughing.
“Wanda?” Y/N bit her lower lip.
“Taylor Swift released two albums in a single year… and they are very cottage core.” Y/N couldn't help but say it, knowing that it was one of her beloved's favorites.
“Oh God. How good is to be back!” Wanda chuckled amusedly, leaning in to look at her.  “Which is your favorite?”
Y/N bit her lower lip, forgetting her tiredness for a moment and took one of her headphones from the nightstand, she kept one and gave one to Wanda.
“Friday? Please, could you play 'Willow'?”
‘Of course, Ms. Y/L/N.’
 “This one is for you.”
'Willow' started to play, making them both smile as they listened to the song.
Tears fell down Wanda's cheeks upon hearing such beautiful words, tears that Y/N tenderly wiped away.
They spent some time looking into each other's eyes, listening some songs and exchanging smiles until sleep came over them.
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✨✨ Yeah, I was thinking about the finale... until @imnotasuperhero wanted a bit more. ✨✨ Don't hate me, hate her, poking the bear is never the answer. I'll bite.🐻 (kidding, i don't bite... yet.) here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  : @wandsmxmff​,  lonewalker17,  tsmeanobody,  dark-hunter16,  lattayhottay16,  natashaswifeu,  silverockmusic,  kacka84,  emeraldevan! @sunsol-22 @dparker0 @imnotasuperhero @pawiie
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fattestwriting · 1 year
I think they have the same name she's an invincible character who's the wife of kid thor
OOOOH, Knockout! She's not a huge sex icon for me, but I can see the appeal.
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
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Watching this movie has reaffirmed, I think, my two biggest issues with the non-animated DCEU. First, their obsession with Superman. Like, I get it (okay, not really), but you're really trying to be like "we need a universe of superheroes" and start with a guy who is literally not human (thus losing the ability to inspire dreamers to even dream of a reality where they're in that sort of position), invincible, one-of-the-fastest (I feel like they keep implying he is) and strongest, shoot lasers from his X-ray vision eyes: like, why do you need anyone else, other than the pure boring reason of "there's too many bad guys for just 1 superhero"?
I think this is where Marvel did much better, starting off with Iron Man and Captain America: sure, it very quickly became sci-fi (a self-built super heart; a steroid injection gone way wrong) and even the Hulk, and Starlord, and Black Panther, and Ant-Man, and Captain Marvel, and pretty much everyone aside from Thor - sure, they got some 'upgrades' (even if with alien technologies), but, in the end, they're still humans. So you can go home and dream like "this could happen to me." Whereas with Superman, sure he lives on earth, but that small semblance of hope is gone when he's not just a human. Same, to some extent, with Wonder Woman and even Aquaman. But I digress, that's just one of the qualms I've had with the DCEU from the start.
The second, and this is true of superhero movies everywhere, but like: holy shit destruction of property. Like, the initial scenes here with Green Lantern and more-so with Batman, they at least seem to be limiting the property damage (coincidental or by choice, not sure). But then they flip over to Metropolis and you see Superman battling one of those advance scout monsters and it's just into this building and outta that building and through 3 more buildings and on and on. Like, sure maybe he's not human so he doesn't care, but like, canon I think is that he was raised on earth. So then, how can he care so little? And same with Wonder Woman.
There is some entertaining humor in this movie - a lot of witty responses and funny comebacks as one-liners. And they do a good job of getting everyone involved, though, of course, they also just have the bad guys take Superman because they know otherwise he'd probably just dominate the fight.
What the DCEU needs to do, of course, is focus on the other characters: Batman, sure, but more like Flash and Green Lantern and Cyborg and Shazam - the human characters that make up that universe. Sure, we can still see Aquaman and Wonder Woman (who, of course, inspires others by being the only woman in this group of 7 that we see here) and Superman, but like, throw in that human touch. I don't think it's too much to ask, because I think on top of entertainment, these stories go towards building hope in people that they can make a difference in their world - and you snatch that hope away very quickly if your whole thing starts with "step 1: don't be human."
Having seen this movie, I much prefer Zachary Levi's Shazam, who isn't a brat to his foster family anymore (at least, I don't think so; I guess we'll see how the sequel goes) than this kid, who clearly still is.
The Batman/Superman (and Green Lantern) fight in this movie ended anticlimactically, as if Batman and Superman knew each other and were just fighting to best each other (like Black Widow and Yelena in Black Widow), but this is a million times worse because, again, so many building walls broken through and destroyed.
Steve Trevor is still alive but apparently has not taught Wonder Woman not to shove a sword in everyone's face.
The movie sorta jumps between scenes of "vanquish bad guys" and "quick, we need some laughs" - they do draw some laughs, sure, but the methods are a bit odd (like her reaction to ice cream, for example).
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the-firebird69 · 18 days
In other news we have several things happening here in punta Gorda Florida today due to what was going on yesterday with these two idiots they tried to get into their police uniforms about 50 times people kept telling them don't do it and they can try so right now they're going to be arrested if you were coming to pick him up shortly and for real they need to be arrested and there's a lot of people who can't stand what they're talking about all day long they're on topic and they have to stop them they're picking on everybody they can to try and make distractions and they decided to finally go after these guys it's a huge deal additionally we have several complaints in on these two guys from a lot of people important complaints now and they're now coming from Olympus and members of Olympus I'm complaining I hear him saying very rude stuff to him and over and over and nobody is stopping it and they're torturing her and threatening him constantly and we needed to stop it's complaining because she's ordering them to stop it they don't seem to be able to do that these are real complaints in their actual it does mean what it sounds like hustle means they're paying attention then we got them this morning and we're happy about it there's a couple other things
-they are threatening right now and we need to stop them but they're issuing warrants on them for kidnapping and the Trump's kidnapped several people from the mall and after our son left and they did like a preamble thinking they were going to kidnap our kid the sheriff showed up and he was there to kidnap people and it was John remillard the bus came and our son and Ken got right on and the driver moved out and he was pleased and he said it's a good job and Ken was saying it it says a hot time and he's right there and the lady started saying it and got shut off by her own and she's in the movie and is a pig and actually does not return there's a bunch of people to go out and feel good back here and they die eating people and they're forced to because of the brutality of these groups and things are coming out that are needed and they say they're doling it out and they sort of are in there losers too. But this is a huge deal and they kidnapped 10 people and they came down with cops so I think they're invincible and they're trying for a son and failing and they end up fleeing who's who and it does become a mess but not before a lot of them die and you see in the movie there's hundreds of thousands of people and mostly 75% of them die. And they're getting hit in all these movies and their people too and they did not go in the rings but the households are down to 1:15 and they died in combat elsewhere up north and Georgia and Alabama this movie is on and it is mad Max furioso and a lot of people that are trying to make the car and not realizing the movie is on right now and we're going to publish
Thor Freya
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spidersonicbatl0 · 20 days
A roster for an invincible vs hazbin hotel fighting game that similar to the canceled marvel chaos
Btw the invincible side is just base on the comic version of these characters. So this take place after the 143 but before 144
Hazbin hotel side
Charlie Morningstar
Angel dust
Cherri bomb
Invincible side
Atom eve
Omni man
Rex splode
Monster girl
Best tiger
Allen the alien
System Exclusives guest characters
PlayStation: Cole macgrath and kratos
Xbox: Alex Mercer and master chief
Nintendo: samus and Simon Belmont
Pc: solid snake and pyro
Dlc pack 1
Hazbin hotel side
Invincible side
Kid Thor
The immortal
Guest characters
Darth Vader
Micheal Myers
DLC pack 2
Hazbin hotel side
Invincible side
Tech jacket
Wolf man
Guest characters
Rick grimes
Dlc pack 3 (the hazbin side in this pack. contained characters from vivizepop old webcomic ‘zoophobia’. Because I ran out of characters that could fight)
Hazbin hotel side
Invincible side
Battle beast
Guest characters
They also be two free dlc characters. that I sure if this game happen. would be the most highly requested guest characters
Doom slayer
Spider man
Might make a post explaining what the story is. If this get enough attention
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lynnlantern · 6 months
I did a reread of Invincible but this time reading all the spinoffs and man. Kid Thor and Boxer's deaths hurt so much now. They didn't deserve to die.
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republic-world · 1 year
Chris Hemsworth Reacts To Claims Of Retirement After Alzheimer's Scare
Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth recently explained how the reports of him having an Alzheimer's predisposition was 'overdramatised' and blown out of proportion.
Last year, Hollywood actor Chris Hemsworth revealed that he had received a diagnosis regarding a predisposition to Alzheimer's disease. This revelation occurred during his docu-series, titled Limitless, in which he underwent gene testing. However, Hemsworth has recently clarified that the reports surrounding his initial diagnosis were exaggerated and sensationalised.
Chris Hemsworth was diagnosed with having two copies of the gene APOE4.
The gene makes him ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s. 
Hemsworth’s grandfather also suffers from the disease.
Chris Hemsworth calls media coverage of his diagnosis ‘overdramatised’
The Avengers actor spoke with Entertainment Weekly and discussed his initial reaction of being diagnosed. His experience was humbling, as he said at the moment ‘Oh wow, none of us are invincible.’ The Extraction star added that he realised he needed to ‘slow down and just experience this moment now,’ before letting the years pass him by. He added that the claims of his retirement were ‘overdramatised’.
The Thor actor explained that he was taking time off because he was exhausted after doing back-to-back projects. He added that his break was also due to his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. However, Hemsworth said, that it led to the two headlines being combined and causing rumours of his retirement due to the condition.
The Thor: Ragnarok star said that he wants to prioritize his family over work as he gets older. He told the outlet, “My kids are in school, and they’re of the age where it’s not as easy to upheave their life and travel across the world." Hemsworth is married to Fast Five star Elsa Pataky and is father to an 11-year-old daughter India and two twin 9-year-old sons Sasha and Tristan.
For More latest entertainment news only on www.republicworld.com
Republic World is a dynamic and most trusted source of news and information, founded by journalist and entrepreneur Arnab Goswami. We cater live and in-depth coverage of comprehensive news headlines and articles, covering a wide range of topics including India news, entertainment news, sports news and much more. Republic World features breaking news in India, current news headlines, India news live and today’s India News.
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
aaah i forgot to send smth in yesterday, but prompt 24 if you still wanna do 'em? :]
"Okay, that's a strong start," Ian considered, scratching his fledgling beard absent-mindedly. "Maybe a bit too strong considering you're not even dating yet. When did you say this dinner was, again?"
His friend took a sip of the orange juice clenched in his hand, readjusting his grip on the large hammer in his other hand before replying "Tomorrow night. Okay, what about 'every gift from the gods pales in comparison to how beautiful you are'? She's gotta love that one, eh?"
"Y'know, Mike, I'm starting to think you'd be better off dating that hammer than Sarah! Seriously, though, just... tone it down just a tad for the first date, will you?" the wizard advised his friend. "Once you're with her? Smooth sailing!"
Kid Thor let his head fall against the black metal of his weapon, groaning out loud. "I have the hammer of a literal god on me at all times. I've beaten actual supervillains. I'm an actual goddamn superhero. Why can't I talk to a girl properly?!" he lamented. The small outburst drew the concerned glances of a few other heroes at the bar they were in.
"Hey, hey, listen, you'll be alright!" Ian reassured. "Hell, even with your... let's say wordy idea of a compliment, Knockout's been all over you for the past five months! There isn't a chance in hell that the dinner'll go wrong. And I should know, I've got family there!"
"You really think so?" Mike asked.
"You can trust me on that one, mate."
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yesslots964 · 2 years
Hammer spin
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Hammer Spin 3D - Apps on Google Play.
Arm & Hammer Toothbrush Replacement Heads for sale | eBay.
Physics in Hammer Throw - EEWeb.
Spin Hammer Attack (Sonic Boom) | Sonic News Network | Fandom.
Black Hammer (comics) - Wikipedia.
Hammer | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki.
Fish Head E Series Hammer Spin II Weedless Jighead.
Hammer Spain.
Spinbrush™ Pro Clean™ - Arm & Hammer.
FDA Issues Warning On Arm & Hammer Spinbrush - HuffPost.
Marvel's Avengers: 10 Thor Skills You Should Unlock As Soon... - Game Rant.
Hammer Spin + Airborne - Monster Hunter: World - GameFAQs.
Spinbrush Paw Patrol Kids Electric Battery Toothbrush - Target.
Hammer Spin 3D - Apps on Google Play.
Sometimes, you may get amazing rewards and bonuses as an event gift. For example 70 spin links, 200 spin links, 400 spin links. In fact, you may get free spins up to 50000. So, don’t miss out on the events and definitely try to complete the event. According to Brian LeRoy, University of Arizona associate professor of physics, taking home the gold in the hammer throw requires three things from athletes: throw as close to 45 degrees as possible, spin faster, and keep arms fully extended. LeRoy says, theoretically, throwing the hammer at a 45-degree angle is ideal. Hammer Spin is Kirby's side special in Super Smash Bros. Cruelty, replacing the Hammer Flip (which appears to be his up smash). Overview. Kirby gets out the hammer from the Hammer ability in the Kirby games and spins around with it. Kirby is invincible to all damage during the attack, even from attacks from above and below.
Arm & Hammer Toothbrush Replacement Heads for sale | eBay.
Justification as its hammer and chisel. We heard it for the past couple of years - inflation is merely "transitory." Government and central banking officials as well as the Biden White House were in full spin mode on rising prices and the decline in the dollar's buying power while the mainstream media backed them every step of the way.
Physics in Hammer Throw - EEWeb.
I don't get this. I am doing it exactly like they say in the guides. Charge up to level 3, slide, release R2. And in those guide videos the character does the spinning. But my character doesn't do that. My character just jumps up and just does a drop attack. As if you jump down a ledge and press triangle, that move. The hammer throw is one of the four throwing events in regular track and field competitions, along with the discus throw, shot put and javelin. The "hammer" used in this sport is not like any of the tools also called by that name. It consists of a metal ball attached by a steel wire to a grip. The size of the ball varies between men's and women.
Spin Hammer Attack (Sonic Boom) | Sonic News Network | Fandom.
Hammer (ハンマー hanmaa, "hammer") is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used.Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools.. The hammer is a powerful blunt weapon with a surprising amount of mobility. Coupon codes are bound to the account that purchased the Spin and cannot be shared with other accounts. Cash Shop item prizes can't be traded. Non-Cash item prizes may or may not be tradeable, depending on the item itself - check the item's description in-game to see!. Hammer drills and rotary hammers are both excellent for drilling masonry. Rotary hammers are more powerful, though, and have a "hammer-only" mode with no rotation. They usually have an SDS chuck, which is better for hammering. Sure, you can drill a hole or two in a concrete block with a regular drill and a masonry bit, but you'll want to.
Black Hammer (comics) - Wikipedia.
Spin rates on the Hammer X were marginally lower than the M1, and the data suggests roll distances do not vary dramatically. It is interesting the note the average clubhead speed for the Hammer X was a full 5 MPH slower on average. The sword-shaped shaft fails to cut through the air with greater efficiency. Hammer Film Productions Ltd. is a British film production company based in London. Founded in 1934, the company is best known for a series of Gothic horror and fantasy films made from the mid-1950s until the 1970s. Many of these involve classic horror characters such as Baron Victor Frankenstein, Count Dracula, and the Mummy, which Hammer reintroduced to audiences by filming them in vivid.
Hammer | Monster Hunter Rise Wiki.
Hammer Drill. A hammer drill is a highly useful power tool for drilling through hard and brittle surfaces like masonry. Hammer drills achieve this by combining rotary drilling motion and hammering thrusts to penetrate tough materials. There are many home improvement projects that end up requiring you to drill through concrete or masonry. Valve Hammer Editor 4.x, provided as a component of the Source SDK, is the official Source mapping tool. Apart from the construction of level architecture, Valve Hammer Editor 4.x is also heavily involved with creating level events and scripting. FGDs. Half-Life: Source ; See also. Hammer Editor Documentation; Level Design Documentation.
Fish Head E Series Hammer Spin II Weedless Jighead.
The Instant Spin Dash Jump (shortened to ISDJ) is an advanced technique in Super Smash Bros. 4 that Sonic can use out of a run. While the standard Spin Dash causes Sonic to hop into the air at the start of the move and then land, pressing A or the jump button within one frame of starting a Spin Dash will allow the hop of the Spin Dash to be. Slam your hammer into your foe to leave them vulnerable. 1 Equalizing Blow: ½: Chain. Bring down your hammer on your foe. 2 Electro-whirl: 1 6 Spin around, reflecting missiles and hitting enemies. 3 Rocket Charge: 1 ¾: 12 Dash forward with a rocket-charged hammer to damage enemies. 4 Shock Shield: 1 ¾: 18.
Hammer Spain.
Most Spinbrush toothbrushes feature a dual-action brush head with a scrubber that moves up and down plus an oscillating spinner. The spinner sweeps back and forth like a tiny windshield wiper to help swipe away plaque. Spin for the win! Brushing is a chore no more!.
Spinbrush™ Pro Clean™ - Arm & Hammer.
Overview. The Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Sonic ProClean Rechargeable Toothbrush uses sonic and micro-sweeping technology to clean your teeth and promote healthy gums. With the power of 16,000 precision micro-sweeps per minute, the Sonic ProClean claims to remove 95% of plaque from hard-to-reach places. The replaceable brush head has multiple angles. The Hammer Strike and Volcano Scatter symbols give you something a little bit extra - and we'll come to those shortly. You can play Hammer of Vulcan from as little as 0.1 per spin and as much as 100 coins, making it a fantastic choice for new players and high rollers alike.
FDA Issues Warning On Arm & Hammer Spinbrush - HuffPost.
Smile, There's More To Love! Dual-action spinner and scrubber brush head spins 3,900 sweeps per minute. ADA-Accepted brush with soft bristles to help remove plaque and prevent or reduce gingivitis. No animal testing and no BPA plastics. Easy-to-open recyclable packaging. Dentist-recommended toothbrush.
Marvel's Avengers: 10 Thor Skills You Should Unlock As Soon... - Game Rant.
RTP 95.78. Bet per Spin £0,20-20. Paylines 117,649. Page Content. In Wild Hammer Megaways e transported into a world of Norse myths and legends with Odin, Thor, and the Norse Gods on a journey to Asgard. Where the mighty Thor, God of thunder, storms and lightning, gives you a gaming adventure with huge winnings on a central six reel, plus four.
Hammer Spin + Airborne - Monster Hunter: World - GameFAQs.
The most satisfying game! Moving your hammer, smash all white object! Escape blue blocks and chasing red balls, or you will die. How to play: Press the. The Arm & Hammer Pro Series is an electric toothbrush that is very similar to one by Oral B or Philips. The Arm & Hammer company claims that the brush spins up and down as well as back and forth which gives a deep clean. It also has most of the same features as their previous version Arm & Hammer Ultra Daily Clean spinbrush.
Spinbrush Paw Patrol Kids Electric Battery Toothbrush - Target.
Did some testing to see if the Airborne skill was affecting the sliding then Hammer Spin attack, I also did every test about 20 times with each to make sure it was consistent. Gear: Obliteration's Footfall (Nerg hammer with 0 affinity), naked except for Bazel Helmet (only earplug skill on it) for the gem slot with Airborne.
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inc0rrect-marvel · 4 years
[Peter bursts into Tony’s workshop, holding a box]
Tony, jumping a foot into the air: Jesus, kid-
Peter, holding out the box: Happy birthday, Mr. Stark!
Tony, taking the box and opening it: How did you kn-
Tony: [pulls out a mug labeled ‘Best Dad Ever’]
Peter: ᴰᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶦᵗˀ
Tony, choked up: It’s okay
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varangianviper · 2 years
I just find it weird when I read posts from ‚Loki fans‘ who state ‚all it needed for Loki to turn into an adorkable cute bean was some love uwu‘ like I mean - why did they like Loki in the first place? Why did they like Loki before the series came out? Because he looked good? Is that it? Or did they even like him before?
I came to like him, because - unfortunately - I saw many of my own struggles in him and I hoped for him to find his place. To find honour and love and respect in a world that had only let him down until then. I wanted him to learn to rise from the dust like a Phoenix, unlock his true power, become truly invincible and be a wise king to the Jotuns, forming an alliance with Thor as the rightful King of Asgard and maintaining the peace in all of the nine realms. Overcoming the psychological and later on the physical abuse he had endured during his quarrel with Odin and later on the (supposed) abduction by Thanos.
Loki should have broken the vicious circle between abuser and abused, formed new alliances and should have learned to trust, respect and love himself, relying on himself and thus also being able to forgive and to go on.
I‘m sad and I’m disappointed because there had been a really nice psychological build up for Loki’s Character in the MCU until Ragnarok and when they would have had the chance to pick it back up and to let Loki HEAL in a mature way… they gave us that sorry TV-Circus for kids who just don’t know any better.
Everyone may enjoy this product if they like. Good for each and everyone of you. Seriously. I wish I could enjoy it too. But it’s really just a whole new concept of a character I loved that makes him absolutely unrecognizable to me. And I am very sad about it. It’s like losing a friend. It’s like losing a bit of hope.
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nev3rfound · 3 years
curled up : b.b
bucky hasn’t seen you all day in the compound, and it turns out you’re sick in bed. so being the loving yet oblivious boyfriend he is, he decides to provide some needed comfort. (1k)
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(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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Walking into the shared living space within the compound, Bucky looks around, only to sigh in disappointment. “Anyone seen Y/n?” He calls out, only to be greeted by a series of heads shaking in response.
“You sure she’s not found someone else to annoy? Like Peter for messing up on his date with MJ?” Sam laughs, oblivious to Peter holding his hand up sheepishly.
“Erm, I’m right here, Mr Wilson.” Peter mutters, and Tony rolls his eyes, motioning to Peter to lower his hand back down.
“I haven’t seen her since last night,” Bucky admits quietly, unaware of Sam raising a brow to Steve. “and she’s not answering her phone either.”
Footsteps echo from behind, and Bucky knows it isn’t you as the footsteps stride through the corridor.
Loki stands tall as he passes Bucky with a smug look on his face. “Missing something, Barnes?” Loki questions playfully, hearing the metal plates in Bucky’s arm whirring as he forms a tight fist. “No need for that, I can assure you.”
Rising to his feet, Thor steps forward much to Loki’s disappointment. “Come on, brother, where is Lady Y/n?” Thor’s voice booms as he stands in front of Loki, recognising the sly look crossing his gaze. “Don’t make me ask you again, Loki.”
“I’d do what he says if I were you,” Tony chimes in from the couch, eyes never leaving his phone despite a potential argument brewing between a super soldier and two literal Gods.
“Well then,” Loki starts, looking between Bucky and Thor. “if you must know, Y/n is sick.”
Scoffing, Bucky crosses his arms over his chest. “She can’t be, she was fine yesterday.” Bucky reasons, but Loki simply looks at him before tearing his eyes away mischievously.
“Buck, she isn’t invincible,” Steve speaks up. “she’s only human.”
“Pitiful really,” Loki mutters, tutting to himself as he moves past the pair. “now if you’ll excuse me, I’m after some needed quiet after having to put up with Y/n sneezing and coughing two rooms down all night. Not exactly the kind of noise I like to hear from someone in the night.”
Turning around, Steve shakes his head as Bucky’s feet remain cemented in place. “Buck, go,” Steve ushers, and Bucky snaps out of his thoughts, rushing through the corridor toward the elevator. “god, young love, hey, Queens?” Steve jokes to Peter who nervously laughs.
“Whatever you say, Mr Rogers.” Peter mumbles, hoping by some miracle the ground will swallow him whole. *
Hovering outside of your door, Bucky can hear your dry coughs and faint swears leaving your lips.
“Hey, doll?” Bucky knocks on the door before opening it, revealing the room drowned in darkness; and at least twelve packets of empty tissues discarded across the floor.
“Bucky?” You speak up, sounding nasally. “I thought I told Loki I didn’t want anyone coming in here.” You add in defeat as you sink your head back down into your pillows, unaware of Bucky’s smile fading.
Closing the bedroom door behind him, Bucky creeps over toward you until he’s perching on the edge of your bed. Despite it being close to pitch black, a slither of light peeks through the blinds and Bucky can see your eyes are closed, but brows remain furrowed together.
“You didn’t want me to come check on you?” Bucky tries to hide the defeatist tone in his voice, but you open your eyes and reach out sleepily, flinging your hand on his.
“No, no I didn’t mean it like that,” You tiredly whine, and Bucky chuckles under his breath. “I didn’t want anyone getting sick, I’ve got into full quarantine.” You explain before coughing violently, a hoarse noise leaving your lips.
Bucky quickly picks up the glass of water you’re reaching for, and passes it to you. He listens as you gulp it down, a softer cough following before you lie back down.
“Full quarantine or not,” Bucky starts as he rises to his feet, moving around the bed to climb in beside you. “I’m not leaving.”
Feeling the dip in your bed, you roll over as a pair of arms wrap around you gently, lifting your body closer to his.
You hum in content, knowing there’s no use fighting and you don’t exactly have the strength to bother trying.
Resting your head on Bucky’s chest, his metal arm remains wrapped around you whilst his other hand rests on your hair, his fingers attempting to run through the tangled knots.
“Loki didn’t pass my message on, did he?” You suddenly ask, and Bucky pauses. “Stupid God.” You mutter, feeling Bucky’s chest rise and fall softly.
“He is, isn’t he?” Bucky remarks. That’ll show Loki for trying to get between him in and his girl. “Do you want me to get you anything? Like some soup? My Mom always made soup when I got sick as a kid.”
Shaking your head in response, you tug on the duvet, pulling it further over you both. “Can you just tell me a story? I wanna hear more about your family.” You whisper and Bucky tenses beneath you. “I, sorry Bucky, if it’s not something you’re ready to share that’s okay.” You ramble, but Bucky shushes you, returning to running his fingers through your now knotless hair. “I’d happily tell you, doll.” Bucky leans down and kisses the top of your head. “Well, growing up on Sundays,”
It was almost instantaneous that you fell asleep in his arms before Bucky was even able to get into any depth in his story. But it didn’t matter as you peacefully slept in his arms as the occasional snore left your lips.
Smiling to himself, Bucky closes his eyes, wondering how he ever got so lucky to find a girl like you; ill or not, you’re the most precious thing in his life.
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the-firebird69 · 22 days
We are sitting here listening to them talking about our son and they're horrible and you're seeing what you do today and all this garbage and the kids are invincible in there all very sick and they need to leave and I'm putting the order out on them
-we discussed a few things this morning about how to handle our question about Saturday and Jupiter Uranus and Neptune and it turns out like this Neptune and Uranus are far away and lasers take time to get to Earth and they take too long you don't have any safeties up and it's going to drag on like it is until we do with them Canadian and losing in the Canadian back gaining back and it's damn dangerous and doesn't mean anything it's still very unsafe if they gain it back it's more unsafe and I went over that then I went over the fact that we could hide behind the Sun and shrink it down and it wouldn't see it as big and it's very fact that he can get fairly small by comparison and it's much harder to see when it's smaller and it almost completely invincible so we discussed it and we're bringing it up anyways if we're at 70% or 80%? Even maintained until next year but we use up all the food and it would be good for him but really we don't have that kind of food available and he's going to be shrinking down anyways until the project comes up and by then we will have a bunch of them so I said we're going to proceed and we got everything in there for the project to go either way and you said to and they said that he's going to move it and stuff I said we all have to work at it and he did that on purpose so we all make it so it does not move and they said this is good and was going to proceed and it seems like you don't believe it but their fleet is not so big now it was huge and we don't want to be huge again and there's no satiating them by having a huge fleet to take away later I'm going to see what happens claims for some reason so we are going to go ahead and we're going to do this and it's going to work and we can make it so they don't too and we will check and make sure and we're going to be going after them for it and we will have to breach and we need to force it we're not doing it and we will have to. We have other things and they can't see that either they've been a complete panic and they're not panicking at all that's really why it's the same thing it's about 15,000 miles and they would have lost it and those ones you see in the videos are not that big they're about a thousand miles or 500 miles and I used to seeing those and we'll see the big mask now we have to get going on this and we're going to do it
Thor Freya
There are a couple more things but we're going to publish
Olympus your idea is very valid and seen almost fire is not going to cut it and you know why it doesn't keep the Earth intact and it doesn't save our people the explosion won't kill everybody it only kills them in a certain radius if they're there and we need assistance I just need to sign on where we are and there
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overclocksaa · 2 years
are we talking about heights?  because i have things to say.
like.  tony is 6′1, right, and he runs between 195 (confirmed by the official marvel novels, but i hced it before i ever read them) and around 220/225, and while that’s only like 20-30lbs difference to his overall weight over a very long frame, it’s kind of amazing what that difference does to his body shape.  at his...what i would probably call more naturally maintained weight at 195, he tends to look stretched out, lanky.  a little taller than he actually is because of that.  prominent wrist bones and collar bones, sharp and narrow ankles.  but let him gain some pounds in muscle and it pulls in compact over his frame, actually makes him look less tall, because of the way he holds muscle like that.  honestly, i’m gonna be real, though, tony at his natural weight comes across as a little twunkish.
and then you’ve got iron man.  six feet six inches of metal alloy, clocking in at over 425lbs depending on the suit.  like he’s been known to be whisper quiet in the suit, they’re designed for that, his stealth tech is kind of legendary on all fronts, but there’s just something about him not trying to necessarily hide, letting the full weight of the suit hit with each step so you can hear how heavy it is, and then realizing mach 10 is something of a leisurely speed for him and he can and will come in like a wrecking ball full tilt, never hitting the brakes like.  i don’t think people see past the shiny enough to realize how big and overwhelming and honestly terrifying iron man can be.  how uncanny valley, with how he sounds like a robot and moves like a man, and you don’t really think about it until he does remind you that he’s big, heavy, and strong, and that despite the fact that iron man by all accounts will present a friendly face to civilians and the like, there’s something eerie and uncomfortable and alien about him.  and yet iron man is where tony feels most at home, most himself (i need to talk about the one shot for that where he specifically states that tony stark has to dance like a puppet but people accept iron man in a different way and more genuinely).
there’s a lot to be said there, too, because something something, self-saving hero, something something, the strength and invincibility he wished he’d had as a kid, something.
anyway, i just think it’s interesting how tony is not a small man by any stretch of the imagination, despite the fact that he doesn’t have the stereotypical hero’s build and next to people like steve and thor and luke cage and anyone else that’s more broadly-inclined, he looks kind of reedy and delicate, and then iron man is on par in stature to, like, thor, generally, with that exaggerated body shape coupled with the uncanny valley effect of vocal modulator + head to toe metal suit.
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