#Ianthe Ravenhunter
save-the-spiral · 2 years
I'm starting a wiz fandom ask trend and no one can stop me. What's a detail of your OC(s)'s appearance that you can't add with the in-game character details? I'll go first, Shawna has streaks of bright green in her hair!
(Please send this to as many people as you wish, I want to hear everyone's fun little details.)
oooooh, definitely the more natural hairstyles some of my characters like Ianthe or Fledge have that you can't get without stitching :( ALSO my character Morae's vitiligo (unless theyve added that and idk abt it oops) !! And Haley & Noah's moles/beauty marks T_T
For my Pirate OCs, Zenobia is TOO SKINNY and its so grating, like. first off she's a buccaneer, she has to have some muscle, and second off, she's also fat. pls.
Also Alexander's nose,,, pain. AND also most of the noses on my black characters for wiz,,,,
Also scars, of course, I give my ocs many scars. Also stretchmarks, but you dont see those obvi, and theres basically no character creators with those except for Sims custom content
I dont have the Spoons to ask other folks, so if anyone in the wiz/pirate fandom see this feel free to answer in a post of ur own/ask someone else!!
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
OC pronouns masterpost
In no particular order here’s my ocs & their pronouns, with added Neopronoun DLC bc they deserve it <3 Some I had to make up bc i couldn’t find them so they might not be grammatically correct?
Elissa Silvertusk: She/Her
Kestrel RainbowWeaver: She/Her, Ge/Gem/Gemself, Fawn/Fawnself
Castian RuneClaw: She/Her, He/Him, It/Its (There are specific dragonspyre drake community pronouns in their language that don’t translate to common well)
Jen Sirisopa: They/Them
Emrys Pyre: He/Him (is just generally Queer)
Mahamari Jade: She/Her
Quyen Jade: He/Him
Irisi: She/Her, They/Them (mostly just identifies as lesbian and not w/ gender)
Morelle RavenHunter: She/Her (trans & is uncomfortable with anything But she/her, even they/them feels misgendering)
Morae RavenHunter: She/Her, They/Them, Ne/Nym/Nir/Nymself,Ey/Em/Eir/Eirself, Hy/Hys/Hyself (Collects pronouns & gender is basically ‘girl??’ but autistically)
Ianthe RavenHunter: She/Her, He/Him (Bigender)
Leo NightSide: He/Him, They/Them , Xe/Xem/Xir/Xirs/Xemself, Voi/Void/Voidself
Noah Dreamtamer: He/Him, Rune/Runes/Runeself (only Haley gets to know his Secret Neopronouns)
Haley Raintamer: She/Her
Ursae: She/Her (but doesn’t know what a pronoun is and doesn’t care)
Fledge: Any (She/He/They) (Gender: is a Child)
Darling Alexander Dove: He/Him (Gender: pretty & murderous)
Tytonidae: He/Him, It/Its
Darcy Rhode: She/Her (Gender: also pretty & murderous)
Zenobia Ire: Any (with feminine terms like daughter, girl, etc)
Vitale Florus: He/Him (couldn’t find a good floral pronoun he would like :( it would be Pretentious though)
Susannah Judas: He/Him, Fox/Foxs/Foxself
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Six: Worlds
Welcome to day six of Wiztober2020. This is the first arc of my main timeline regarding the majority of my Wizard101 ocs. Set in order of when they happened, and some worlds were switched around. Content Warnings for war, school expulsion, sickness mention, torture mention, starvation mention, general colonization attempts (Marleybone @ Krokotopia), gangs mention (Marleybone), attempted murder, and murder (Malistaire).
(link to prompt list)
Grizzleheim’s civil war of ravens, bears, and wolves was resolved decades before the first great threat to the Spiral. Phuong Jade, a recently expelled life wizard from Ravenwood Academy (where she had attended under the name of Morelle Jade), had also been exiled from Wizard City. With limited Spiral Door Keys at her disposal, she ended up in the trading world of Grizzleheim. She was willing to settle, to wait until her girlfriend graduated Ravenwood Academy and came to find her. But upon living in Northguard for only a month, she realized the war between groups would not end until every group aside from one was wiped out. So she dug deeper, taking small quests and using her life magic as well as what little Shadow she had secretly learned and got expelled for. She dug deep and found the root of corruption in the few individual ravens that caused this very war, and she brought them to justice. After this, she stood before the leaders of the bears, ravens, and wolves, and was given the title RavenHunter, a name she would eventually give to her girlfriend, as Morae came to Grizzleheim not long after, and proposed as soon as they met after two long year of being apart.
Mooshu’s lands were revitalized and its emperor healed by two children of a healer, who had grown up in a small village and were some of the few wizards willing and able to stand up and fight. Mahamari ‘Mari’ Jade, a twelve year old theurgist, and her older brother Emrys Jade, a thaumaturge of thirteen, adventured out and began healing a sick world in search of a cure for a sick ruler. Right before they reached the Ancient Burial Grounds of Mooshu, the siblings fought, Emrys’ need for control in order to feel safe and Mari’s endless anger and ability to push her brother’s buttons making them clash horribly. Mari returned home, and not hours later Emrys was attacked and kidnapped by vengeful spirits who claimed to be restoring their lost honor. After weeks of torture and starvation, he was rescued by his sister Mari and their father Quyen Jade. The family worked together to finish the quest, and the emperor was saved. As a gift they were given priceless swords, and a key to Dragonspyre, more of a tradition than anything else. It took a full year for Emrys to physically recover, however.
Krokotopia had one protege of Alhazred who was able to fix the problems created by the Marleybonians that had destroyed ancient tombs and desecrated old homes of the dead. Irisi, at thirteen years of age, was the only one able to stand up to them, unwavering as she insisted they leave the pyramids and instead camp in the Oasis, receiving the undeserved hospitality of the manders. Irisi methodically set each pyramid to rights, carefully preserving what was left, and sending the undead back to their rest with her magic, utilizing balance to restore the equilibrium between life and death. She was brilliant, though learned of her own intense fear of ghosts, how their whispers and haunting only reminded her of how little life her adoptive father, the aged krok Alhazred, would have left. She powered through until she reached the Tomb of Storms. While on her way to defeat Krokopatra and ensure the safety of the Krokonomicon, she came face to face with her namesake. The first human queen of Krokotopia was now a memory of what she once was, a ghost bearing the name and withered face of the first Irisi, but nothing else. It was the hardest battle of the entire adventure, and after that Irisi secured the Krokonomicon with ease from Krokopatra. The Marleybonians left, and Alhazred had the Krokonomicon destroyed, but not until he was able to transcribe the text in a place where it could not be stolen, the only people alive who knew of its location being him and his daughter.
Wizard City was cleared of its monstrous invasion by four students of Ravenwood Academy who had fallen behind in their studies, whether by simple procrastination or by other extenuating circumstances. Noah Dreamtamer and his twin Haley Raintamer were one half of this group. Ianthe RavenHunter and their partner Leo Nightside were the other. They split the streets between them, uncomfortable with the other pair of students. Noah and Haley relished in being able to find a practical use for the skills they were being taught, and found it a much easier way to understand their magic. Ianthe and Leo were quiet, intent on mastering the use of their spells, and explore Wizard City outside of their home in Nightside. The four of them gathered again for the intense final battles, realizing that they worked best as a team, and became awkward friends, both pairs still distant in their mistrust of outsiders, yet still they had forged a bond.
Wysteria held its tournament, unaffected by the threat an ex-professor from another world could wield. Outstanding wizards from many schools were called to join, but those we follow in this world are from Ravenwood Academy and Krokotopia’s small school, run only by Alhazred and his few mander students. Mari Jade was invited to join, as now she had been attending Ravenwood since she was thirteen, and now was fifteen, the top of her class, though quiet and easily pushed around by her peers. Irisi was also invited, as the best of Alhazred’s students, now fifteen, two years after her eventful cleansing of her world. This was the first time Irisi had seen fellow humans, as well as those who were not a krok, mander, or dog. Irisi was starstruck by visiting a new, much larger world for the first time, though many there treated her as a rarity, a foolish stranger who did not know the basics of common life. Mari was different, as were some other kind souls. But Mari was far different. Irisi saw her and felt the quiet, joyful thrill of realizing a flower was blooming, as so few did in her home world. Both were inclined to shyness around strangers, and so rarely spoke, even when they were framed as a pair, and sent to find the true culprit so they were not punished. The subtle brushes of their arms, the few times they had to grasp each others hands for stability, the times when they would tend to the others wound, wrapping bandages and brushing fingertips over heated skin in order to check for breaks and bruises. They would spend extended moments staring into each other’s eyes, Mari’s a dark brown of rich earth and endless potential, and Irisi’s an amber that whispered of gold and bronze, of sunlight. They found the Spiral Cup, and then were able to compete in the final battle of the tournament, against each other. Irisi won, bringing glory and recognition to her small and easily dismissed home world, and was able to publicly speak of how she had to save Krokotopia from the ignorance of Marleybonians who saw the place people lived as nothing more than a museum exhibit to be made. 
Marleybone had no problems on the surface, and made a perfect world for Irisi and Mari’s first date. They had spent a year apart, sending letters across worlds to each other, as they both had studies to attend to. Slowly, over their year of letters to each other, they shared their lives, their hardships, and fell in love with a girl a world away. After this date, Irisi would begin living in Wizard City, assisting Arthur Whethersfield (who happened to be practically a brother to the her) in teaching balance magic, and hopefully beginning to set up a proper school building. Before that, they were to meet in Marleybone, and walk the streets at night, simply talking withe their hands intertwined, until they were to have a picnic at night, lit only by small balls of magic and the moon. It was not to be. Their moonlit walk in a park was interrupted by a cat on the run, who stumbled into them and pleaded for their help. Out of duty, Irisi agreed, and they assisted Baxter in running from a gang he had gotten on the wrong side of. This was how they ended up running across the rooftops of Marleybone, breathless and laughing as they ran from gang members to assist a very unlucky cat. It was after helping Baxter that he gave them information, having been told of Irisi’s Krokotopian origin. He told them of how there was still an exhibit on what little the Marleybonian had stolen from Krokotopia before Irisi intervened, and then he was gone, into the safety of his house. Mari seemed even more furious than her date, and they both entered the museum later with their magic flaring in bronze and brilliant green. Then, of course, they were informed by a rather terrified museum curator that the infamous Meowiarty had already stolen everything from the exhibit. They ran across rooftops yet again, this time chasing a mastermind to make him face justice. In this race, Meowiarty taunted them, claiming he now had the Krokonomicon. Irisi, enraged, told him that the Krokonomicon had been destroyed by her and her father’s hands, as she had explained clearly in her public speech only a year before. They had to chase Meowiarty to the top of Big Ben, fighting his cronies along the way,  and at the top, that was when Meowiarty grinned, and told them that he had already known Irisi was one of the only people alive who knew of the contents of the Krokonomicon, and that this had been a long con to bring her here, to this moment. They were both knocked unconscious, and Meowiarty’s ally, Malistaire Drake, who needed the Krokonomicon to wake the Dragon Titan, kidnapped Irisi. Mari woke to an empty room at the top of Big Ben, and a deep rage was unleashed from inside her.
Dragonspyre was the known home world of Malistaire Drake, and the resting place of the Dragon Titan that would destroy the Spiral to bring one woman back to life. Mari knew this, and was intent on going there, but she couldn’t do it alone and risk Irisi’s life like that. She returned to Wizard City, single-minded to the point of roughly shoving a bully she frequently avoided, making many students shocked to the point of finally noticing little Mari Jade, sixteen and five foot two, the long hair she had when entering Marleybone now cut short, as her braid had gotten caught in some iron fences during their chase and was swiftly cut by her own hand. She entered the ice school without hesitation, finding the nearest ice wizard near her age and demanding for her brother, who now went by Emrys Pyre. Emrys, age seventeen, was a closed off, easily annoyed prodigy. He had only three friends, and adamantly refused having any friendships at all. He always regretted the years long distance between him and his sister, even when they went to the same school, but he was ashamed of his own weakness and trauma after Mooshu, and hadn’t held a proper conversation with her since. Until now. His friends, lead by little Genevieve, had freaked out upon learning that he had a sister asking for him, and dragged him out into the main classroom of the ice school to properly see her again. Mari, covered in dirt and blood and missing a majority of her hair after her ordeal in Marleybone, told him in simple words that they were going to go rescue her girlfriend from the ex-professor of death, who had kidnapped her and likely brought her to Dragonspyre. At this deluge of information, Emrys insisted she rest for a day before insisting they go on a quest to murder a man. Mari allowed it, but while she stayed in the dorm of Castian and Jen, his friends, she ended up spending most of the night restless, and so the two took it upon themselves to assist her in a style transformation. That morning she met her brother over breakfast with half of her head shaved, a leather jacket, and a new appreciation for some of Jen’s favorite American and British bands from Earth, all of them punk and/or rock. Emrys just sighed, and was convinced by his sister to use their Dragonspyre Keys, given to them by the emperor of Mooshu years ago. They went, just the two of them, and with their skill and knowledge in magic, they spent only days going through Dragonspyre to reach Malistaire. Mari was fueled only by rage, her magic manifesting in a mass of writhing vines she could stand atop of and use as a method of transportation. Emrys, ever analytical and cold in order to cut off his emotions and cope with his trauma alone, was silent and expressionless as they cut down draconian soldiers (who looked so much like his draconian friend, Castian) and the ghosts of dead warriors. The siblings never spoke, they simply fought and defeated and repeated over and over, resting only when one of them collapsed. They reached the Great Spyre, and using Mari’s climbing vines and Emrys’ spikes of ice, they scaled it. The pair battle Malistaire’s small army of the undead and evil creatures who would gleefully see the Spiral rendered into nothing but stardust. The two of them faced Malistaire finally, but Mari only had eyes for Irisi, who was injured and barely conscious, her face a mask of agony as she was held by Malistaire’s hand over a river of everflowing lava. Using the siblings as a distraction, Irisi managed to push away Malistaire, though she herself fell in a heap by the deadly river. Mari and Emrys battled Malistaire, both far more powerful than the man expected. Emrys summoned creatures of immense strength, as well as creating shields for himself and his sister to save them from the necromancer’s draining attacks. It was Mari that struck the final blow, the sharpened and rage filled centaur she summoned firing a volley of thorned arrows, piercing Malistaire’s chest and killing the man before he hit the ground. They saved Irisi, as well as the Spiral, though Mari secretly, guiltily, thought that Irisi was more important, and knew she was no better than the man she killed.
The first arc was completed then, the first threat to the Spiral destroyed. Vines covered Malistaire’s body and bloomed at Mari’s first sigh of relief upon finding her love alive. The rage and need for vengeance spilled from Mari alongside her tears, and that magic sunk deep into Dragonspyre, life magic infecting and infesting into the deep core of the world.
Mari and Emrys walked into Ravenwood after that, Irisi on a conjured stretcher behind them, and they never returned to Dragonspyre, far more occupied with the trials to come.
They would never know that within years, the life magic Mari left in Dragonspyre would manifest itself and flourish. The corpses of the world’s dead would become the heart of a forest. The deep chamber of magma that fueled the volcano would cool, soothed by lullabies of life magic, fragments of the Song of Creation, and the skies would clear, no more smoke and fire to pollute it. Dragonspyre would become a green, flowering thing, a place of nature instead of a ravaged husk, now an overcome ruin. And water, finally water, would rule. The Dragon Titan would sleep under a blanket of moss, roots clinging to the small spaces between scales, and life would make a home of what once would destroy everything.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Four: Trap
Welcome to day four of Wiztober2020. I managed to write fluff! Content Warnings for Animal abandonment, animal neglect, starvation mention. I just don’t have the mental energy to look up how to properly care for strays so I kept it vague, don’t use this fanfiction as a how-to manual please.
(link to prompt list)
Leo was crouching in an alleyway of Nightside, his breath caught in his throat as he watched the metal cage of the trap he had set. Ianthe was at home, sleeping in, but he still had a time limit of until they woke up for this to be done.
The cat walked out from behind some boxes and large crates. They were very small, likely still a kitten, fur matted and an unpleasant brown-grey. They were likely hungry, though Leo had been unable to tell through the mass of fur. The cat sniffed the air, before catching the scent of the treats Leo had left out, and the poor dear probably didn’t even notice the cage the treats were inside until the door slid shut.
Bringing the kitten back to the abandoned library in Nightside where Leo had made a home, and was still renovating back into a proper library, Leo brought the small cage trap over to the little office room he had turned into an area for cleaning and caring for the many animals he ended up adopting and fostering. So many pets and familiars, both magical and from Earth, ended up abandoned by careless students, and Leo saw it as his duty to care for them instead. 
“Leo?” Ianthe’s tired voice echoed through the main room of the library.
Leo silently put a finger to his lips towards the kitten, who was letting out tiny mews every chance they had. Leo turned around to go and talk to Ianthe in the main room, but saw them standing in the doorway.
“Oh my gosh, is that another cat?” Ianthe peered past Leo, eyebrows raised. They didn’t have their glasses, so they squinted and rubbed their eyes, before yawning.
“Uh... No?” Leo said, unconvincingly.
“Oh, must be a weird dog then. My mistake.” Ianthe nudged Leo, and he stepped out of the way to allow Ianthe into the room. “Oh you poor dear.” Ianthe cooed in reaction to getting a good view of the kitten.
“I was just gonna clean them up and take them over to the shelter-” Leo started.
“Oh you just cannot! Look at them!” Ianthe put both of their hands to their cheeks, squishing their face. “I can’t! Look at how cute and small they are! How could you hide such a precious little baby away from your darling boyfriend?” Ianthe turned around, a hand on his chest. He had a tendency to make overt hints towards his gender of the day or if it changed, uncomfortable with outright saying what pronouns to use.
“We have, like, an uncountable number of cats. And a few dogs. And a snake. And many magical pets. And a literal deer that lives in the library.” Leo deadpanned.
“No excuse!” Ianthe grinned, the gap in his two front teeth showing, looking far too adorable to be fair.
Leo sighed. “After I take them to the shelter for a checkup we’ll see if moms want them.” he and Ianthe had a tendency to refer to Ianthe’s mothers as just ‘moms'.
“Yes!.” Ianthe turned back towards the kitten, leaning down and speaking directly towards them. “Oh you sweet little baby, my moms will love you. Just hope that my mama doesn’t name you, because she named her service orthrus Bread.”
The utter disdain in Ianthe’s tone made Leo laugh
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
fellow wiz/tma fan here: if your wizards were in the TMA universe, what fears do you think they would serve?
(link to entities page on The Magnus Archives Wiki, comprised ENTIRELY of spoilers.)
This is completely incomprehensible unless you listen to like an entire like three seasons of podcast. Luckily, I have, because I’m HYPERFIXATING bitches. 
This is my full list of current OCs (aside from wicked beau wright, who is SO undeveloped I dont even KNOW), not all are developed, feel free to ask about them. I have a google doc to keep track or I FORGET. if anyone wants me to do npcs hit me up, im already planning one for the eleven w101 schools and 5 p101 classes.
Irisi- The End. Her fear of ghosts, the undead, and the inevitability of death ruled her for a time. She had to overcome it, venture deep into previously resting tombs, entangle with mummies, wraiths, banshees, and simple ghosts. She found a fondness in learning their stories, and she watches her aging adoptive father, Alhazred, and wonders when he will turn into something that simply stops, or if he will linger, and they will chat.
Mahamari Jade- The Buried. Her life magic is nurtured by the earth, and that was a quick fall into allowing herself to be buried alive, to choke on the mud and clay. She had a fear of being confined into one role, and broke free. But now the rock and dirt fuel her magic, the worms nurture it, and she finds a detached peace in returning to the earth from whence she came.
Emrys Pyre- The Lonely. He has self isolated ever since his first great trauma, believing if he had not been a fool, had not dragged his younger sister along, he could have prevailed on his own. It is his deepest failing, and the Forsaken has hooked him deeply in his belief that he alone can survive.
Quyen Jade (Serpentine King)- The Hunt. While others prefer a more active chase in the hunt, there is an aspect of waiting. Not all predators can spend their days racing after the next meal. Lions sleep for most of their day, after all. Snakes as well, feasting only when necessary. When Quyen finds the necessary moment, and strikes, he never hesitates, and the venom and blood call to him.
Morelle RavenHunter- The Hunt. When slighted by the Ravens of Grizzleheim, she began to hunt them down, to prove a point. It is how she gained that name, Raven Hunter. She gave that name to her wife and child, as well.
Morae RavenHunter- The Slaughter. She is not an active avatar, one touched but not guided. Her chronic pain, caused by a sudden attack fueled only by bigotry and ignorance, haunts her. That, as well as her own organs waging war, causing pain, lead to a fear of that pain, a fear of sudden attacks. 
Ianthe RavenHunter- The Corruption. His magic has always taken well to fungus, to mushrooms that feed on decay. At first her fascination with pretty, bio-luminescent mushrooms drew her in, but how quickly we fall once we get a taste.
Leo Nightside- The End. For all he loves animals, finds them good companions, he is a necromancer. His respect for death only extends as far as he is willing to bend the rules. 
Noah DreamTamer- The Stranger. He has redefined himself so often he forgets who he was, doesn’t want to know the person he was born as. He loses people. He doesn’t remember her voice, how tall she was. He has to become someone he is not to continue on, and not simply stop in place and never move again, not even to breathe.
Haley RainTamer- The Vast. Her fear of heights is unrivaled, ever since a bad broomstick accident where she broke her wrist at age 10 or so. One day the sky will claim her, and until then, she will look up, practicing the magic of the storms that she allows herself to believe rule it.
Fledge- The Desolation. They are so angry, stolen from their home. They are willing to inflict that pain on any who stand in their way, to take short cuts, to technically get the job done to ‘save the spiral’. They find a certain dark joy in how the professors and students of Ravenwood Academy despair when they hear of the fight taking place outside of their own world.
Ursae- The Vast. Not the sky, but the sea. She is a mermaid, of Celestia. Not many know of the deep trenches, the branching and convoluted caves under the sea, the endless darkness. She survives there, and stares back out of the endless depths.
Kestrel RainbowWeaver- The Eye. She sits idly by, content in her passive inaction. She was locked away in a time vault in Dragonspyre, and escaped. Her current events became history books and scrolls. So now, she smiles vacantly from her blacksmithing shop, and asks for idle gossip, and learns about Wizard City.
Elissa Silvertusk- The Web. Taken in, pulled by her own lack of initiative. Her life changed from where it was before, being pulled and puppeted by her mother’s vindictive whims, until now she lives in the web’s embrace, following orders, content to allow someone else to do the worrying, and let herself be dragged along.
Darling Alexander Dove- The Flesh. He has no concept of the sanctity of sentient bodies. He holds no respect. Of course, he derives no entertainment when his victims are dead, unable to struggle, unable to dance alongside him in a macabre display of skills and how prettily a blade can cut into skin, fur, feathers, and then deep into the muscle, the bone, the flesh itself. It takes a long time to recognize what has gripped him. 
Darcy ‘Rusty’ Rhode- The Stranger. She becomes who you expect. She is docile, dumb, ditsy. She giggles at what you say even when it is not funny. Her eyes glint with excitement at the simplest of things, cooing over you. She is just another dumb broad, a woman who flips her long hair and drawls out things, bats her eyes. She becomes someone you do not know when she strikes, kicking you down and then again, pulling out a pistol and winking as if it is a joke you were both in on when she fires right between your eyes.
Zenobia Ire- The Vast. She lost her parents to the storm. She grew up having a connection to it, fearing it, but the way the thunder in those vicious Grizzleheim storms would thrum through her body like knuckles rapping against the tight skin of a drum, it calls to her.
Carlyle Nightngale- The Spiral. He lies, of course. Easily. He is a man of science, but nonetheless, no one can know in this Pirating side of the Spiral. So he tells tall tales of witchdoctors, the same thing every one of these ‘hoodoo practictioners’ claim, even if it’s all a ruse so they all can practice their own spirituality or science in peace. He never tells people what he is doing, simply smiling until they think they are in on what doesn’t exist.
Vitale Florus- The Lonely. He has been consumed by his on insecurities, but even before that, he was one of the few humans alone in a sea of automatons. All he was raised by was cold machinery. So he sits, alone, and tends to a secret garden he knows would be destroyed if he let anyone know. It is easier to not speak to anyone else.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
How would your ocs react to self-quarantine? Any ocs and any amount of ocs, I don't know them that well.
first off, all my ocs ARE quarantined. because they’re not idiots and understand responsibility for the public’s good!!! I have some vague plans for other ocs as well, they’re not mentioned. This is all the ocs I can remember right now. Hope I’m not forgetting any, I probably am though.
Content Warning for alcohol mentions and implied nsfw (just the pirate ocs). Read more because it’s long and also if you don’t wanna read about quarantine.
Emrys, Mari, and Irisi: 
They live together in a small house, one of those floating castles, with one of those teleport swirls like in Triton Avenue, only it takes them outside of the general dorms at Ravenwood. They turned off their teleport station, though! 
Irisi, the only one who cooks, tries in vain to get Mari to learn how to make anything other than her favorite veggie wraps/sandwiches. Emrys ends up learning though, and is very good with the preciseness of baking!! He gets the finer details on decorating better than Irisi, who’s not the best with artistic touches, preferring practicality. 
Also Mari breaks out the cards and tries to hustle them at poker. She fails and ends up watching Emrys and Irisi pick up the game too quickly and become too good at it. 
Haley and Noah:
They have a small shared home, which I’ve kinda just Assumed is a castle plot like the in game wizards can get, on the outskirts of Wizard City. Neither of them are accomplished cooks, and they kinda end up just living on soup, stir fry, and the breakfast foods they actually can cook. 
Haley gets BORED. She probably ends up cleaning the house top to bottom and going through her projects (mostly attempts at making clockwork creatures) and probably finding about 15 tools she borrowed from the storm school and lost.
Noah is the type to seclude himself in his room, but he’d probably go to check on Haley and also work on his own runes projects or read in the same room she’s in.
Morelle, Morae, Ianthe, and Leo: 
Morelle is used to it, because she has a tendency to hide out anyway, cannot be seen in public in Wizard City. Now she just gets to relax a bit more at home and spend time with her wife Morae.
Morae has decided to continue making the more basic breads and such in her bakery, and has set up a system so their daughter Ianthe and her partner Leo can deliver them around Wizard City, so people can have food. They do have to shut down their bakery. Morae tries and fails to teach her wife how to make macarons (again). 
Leo turns out to be very good with macarons. Bonus points for future child-in-law, I suppose. 
Serpentine King/Quyen Jade:
In the canon main timeline, he’s probably revamping his garden’s design, and worrying over his children, because he’s in Mooshu far away.
In his origin timeline, where I had a completely wack kingdom au, by the end he and that timeline’s Mari would be probably live off by themselves in the middle of nowhere or in a completely different kingdom in hiding, along with that timeline’s Noah, Haley, and Emrys. They’d probably rehash old stories, a lot of SK’s stories about his late husband and his four other children that Mari grew up with.
Elissa Silvertusk:
She’s not developed enough, I don’t have much planned for her aside from relationships with NPCs. Probably in Khrysalis or Zafaria.
Fledge (in their own timeline):
Probably with their adoptive family, Iridian and Corry! Now without school to deal with, they’re a lot more stress free, because they’re used to being on their own now after their awful trauma. They probably spend time having to confront that though, because they’re not used to being so restless and ‘useless’. 
Ursae (Fledge’s timeline again):
As a mermaid she would have her own tank and probably just not surface. She has her own stock of crystals that contain information (like in Dragonspyre) and could go through those, but also, she has lil’ fish friends to interact with as well, and can sign with Fledge through glass.
Rust/Rusty (Pirate): 
Would be with her group, an all female/NB vigilante gang in Cool Ranch. They’d all stay at HQ, probably getting everyone’s Sad Backstories after a bunch of family bonding and card games and shit. Rusty would probably get a little tipsy in order to bear it. Also maybe having to go out just a few times to make sure people aren’t being jackasses and making necessities cost more. That’s more fun, because they’re threatening people lol. 
Darling Alexander Dove (Pirate):
Bonnie Anne Is In Hell! She Just Is!!! A bored Alexander is a very very dangerous one, and as his right hand man/first mate she’s got a LOT on her plate. He probably almost gets his crew to mutiny against him, or he ends up sleeping with a few who will have to be cut loose after this because they have unrequited love/lusts for their captain now lol. He DOES get shitfaced. Several times. He cannot wait to go to a pub again just to see new faces and not just his crew.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
20, 55, 81, storm wizard, please
Electricity, Nightmare, Trust. (link to prompt list)
No warnings, but it does contain some p awkward dialogue because this is the actual canon way Haley and Noah start out on actually doing the main quest line for Wizard City.
Haley was not on the hair trigger most storm wizards find themself on. She’s not quick to anger, not easily irritated, won’t suddenly cackle or burst into tears. Sure, she was impulsive enough that her twin brother jokingly talked of grey hairs even though they were twelve, but that was just being a kid.
Right now, she was annoyed, mumbling her rants to her brother, who could only respond with more of the same, equally frustrated.
She and Noah were called up to the Headmaster’s office, about grades of all things. They were both angry and upset because otherwise they’d be scared, and they couldn’t look scared, because that meant they looked like they did something wrong. No one knew they spent their summers without any guardian to take care of them- that they had always done that since they came here at age eight.
Haley tried to intertwine her fingers with Noah’s only to accidentally shock him, static stinging and making the hairs on her arms stand up. She cursed quietly, but Noah only grabbed her hand in response, taking the shock with a fake-calm face, bumping their shoulders together before walking a bit faster. 
When they approached the Headmaster’s office, Noah knocked quietly, and the door magically swung open under his hand.
The resulting conversation, a meeting of Haley and her brother, two wizards she has never seen before, and the Headmaster, was a frustrating one. Headmaster Ambrose talks about their potential of all things, and how they isolated themselves into their pairs.
Haley crossed her arms at that, probably pouting a bit. She and Noah were twins. It wasn’t their fault everyone else didn’t understand them, especially Cyrus Drake, who pointedly made Noah a nervous wreck or gave ruthless assignments to all of his students. Haley was just better at practical work, she couldn’t do tests.
She was sure the other two, the tall-ish wizard with mismatched eyes and their friend, had their reasons too. Weren’t grades only an indication of how badly the teacher did their job of teaching them what they needed to know or whatever?
Headmaster Ambrose gave them a quest, an extra credit task of clearing out Unicorn Way, and tracing how ghosts and fairies of all things began to destroy that street.
The four of them were quiet. Finally, Haley muttered out a “Fine.” and got up, the other three following her. They were all dressed in robes, ready for battle as well as they could be, with little to no practical experience under their belts.
Wasn’t practical stuff where Haley shined, though?
It was in an uncomfortable silence that they walked through the Commons, more deserted than ever. Some students were pulled out of school because of safety concerns, the rest leaving because of the holidays. The two wizards accompanying them were walking stiffly, likely uncomfortable for even more reasons.
“So.” Noah finally said when the guard to Unicorn Way’s gate stepped aside, having accepted the letter from Ambrose. “I’m Noah, conjurer. Haley’s a diviner. We- uh- well we know a bit about battling, but not much.”
“Um.” The shorter wizard stopped, brown hand moving quickly in her hair, fluffing her large, loose afro of curls. “Um, Ianthe. Uh, me ‘n’ Leo- gosh, um. Death wizards, from Nightside. Uh- Why don’t we split up after a few battles, after you two get the hang of it? Or um, we don’t have to-”
“Sounds fine.” Haley cut her off, trying not to sound mean. “We talk to the guards, maybe a few students, then you guys be our training wheels for a battle or two, and then we can, y’know, stop being awkward and split up.” 
Leo nodded. 
“Good! Um, let’s get started on this saving the world stuff, okay?” Noah finally said, then winced at his voice cracking.
Haley snorted, bumping Noah a bit in the tunnel to Unicorn Way, then grabbing his hand. They could do a bit of extra credit stuff. This wasn’t the end of the world or anything. 
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save-the-spiral · 5 years
InkWizTober Day Thirty-One: Ripe + Celebration
Welcome to day thirty-one of inktober! Final day! Wrote something cute- a costume party event. It quickly became a more fun and magical version of what the elementary/middle school I went to would throw, with a significant decrease in dead inside high schoolers. No warnings, besides a bit of internal social awkwardness.
(link to prompt lists) (link to inktober tag)
There were a lot of ridiculous rumors about necromancers- especially around October, considering how often these rumors are treated as practical jokes or ghost stories. None of the rumors were right, of course, but the ones about how death wizards observed Halloween were definitely wrong.
Ianthe glanced around the brightly lit library, emptied of books for tonight, and instead full of excited young wizards in costumes and munching on sweets. This was about as far from a ghost hunt, or a seance, or a demonic Earth ritual, or some weird serial killer antics as one could get.
She grinned, bearing her glow-in-the-dark plastic vampire fangs. With a dramatic swish of her violet cloak, she welcomed another guest, playing up the fanged lisp to the amusement of a young student dressed as a tree. At her side, Leo laughed, his plastic fangs on display as well, but he made a fake-serious face at her nudging elbow, only causing the new guest to laugh more.
The boy introduced himself as Elijah, and excitedly watched the magical decorations moved as he entered the library.
“There’s already so many people.” Leo remarked dryly. To others this would seem sarcastic or annoyed, but Ianthe knew it was worry.
“No one will go looking for books to vandalize. They won’t harm the animals either- Irisi seemed fairly confident she could take control of the petting zoo.” Ianthe replied, nudging her partner. “You can go look over the place to make sure- it’s six thirty, I can handle any stragglers coming in.”
Leo held one of her hands, likely from instinct, he hated public displays of affection, and as he left the welcome desk, she overplayed the dramatics again, reaching out, quoting Titanic, all to see him snicker again, even if it was quickly replaced by a blank face.
Leo was worried. His books, his animals, they were like his babies, defenseless. 
Well, some of the animals could bite back.
And some of the books too, for that matter.
Either way, he was sure his friends and other volunteers would be doing fine- great, really!- but it wasn’t the same as keeping tabs on things, making sure it was all going well.
The event had been his idea at first, stemming from ridiculous ideas for his partner’s mothers’ bakery, a joke really. But it quickly spiraled out of control, and now he was standing in the middle of his library full of students (most of which he has never seen in his entire life) and there was even a full catered buffet of sweets. 
Morae was so excited to bake for the event, she even created a tall wedding cake creation straight out of a cartoon- it swayed on five tiers, all of them odd shapes, decorated in black, purple, orange, and lime green. Hundreds of cookies and cupcakes were all around the room as well, courtesy of Morae’s two employees.
Leo stopped by Morae’s table first- listening to her instruct parents and kids alike on how to frost their pumpkin or ghost shaped sugar cookies was so fun- she always treated everyone like an adult, a fellow professional baker, which often left the kids confident and wanting to come back for more cookies. When he caught her eye and raised his eyebrows, she just grinned and gave a thumbs up, so he moved on.
Noah and Haley were taking turns reading from a piece of paper, dramatically reenacting a story with ad-libbed words. Leo sat down on a chair near the back of the group, hoping Noah’s awkwardness wouldn’t lead to self doubt. Haley’s idea for the game seemed to be working, though, because of course the random, and usually juvenile words led to everyone laughing. 
“But be careful! On this spooky night, wizards are known to lose their- okay who wrote bananas again?” Noah turned to the crowd, exaggeratedly frowning, only for all the children to giggle when his top hat fell off his head from the sudden movement.
The next booth was face painting, and even if he didn’t personally know them, Irisi’s recommendation to put Julia and Adrien on the job seemed perfect, even if their flirting distracted them a bit. Julia was very serious as she painted a flower onto a young girl’s face, talking to her about the fairy wings they both wore.
Entranced by it, Leo bumped into someone. “Sorry!” He instantly snapped out, backing away-
Only for one Caleb Deathleague to be looking at him, confused. “Hey, you alright? You look tense.” 
Leo sighed, still on guard. Caleb was once an overbearing, rude kid, though rumor had it the boy had changed. “...Yeah, ‘Mfine.” 
“Hey! You organized this, right?” Caleb’s eyes brightened up, any intimidation Leo felt completely gone when he realized the other necromancer was dressed like a... mouse? His costume was made of paper and tape as well.
“Great!” It was then that Caleb lightly tugged on whatever was behind him- a child, by the looks of it. “Fledge here hasn’t ever gotten to have a Halloween before- what do you recommend for a more quiet activity?” 
Leo looked at the kid, recognizing the prodigy fire wizard by their beaded dreadlocks and intense eyes, though their feathered cloak’s hood was pulled up now. “Uh... You could probably grab some of the cookie decorating stuff and take it to a side table- Morae wouldn’t mind. I think some ice wizard- Alamina?- is taking care of a kinda quiet time and reading area- pretty sure she’s just napping in a ghost sheet costume. But Artur and Susie have some puzzles, word searches and jigsaws and stuff. And Penny 'n’ Marla are probably having too much fun DJ-ing the cake walk, you don’t have to actually talk to other people for that one.” 
Leo stopped himself, trying not to ramble and overwhelm them. 
“Thanks.” Caleb smiled at him, genuine. “Happy Halloween.” 
With a nod, the two passed him, and Leo could almost sigh with relief. Social interactions with people who weren’t Ianthe or her moms was hard. 
Leo had to take a whole second trying to contain his instinctive gasp or flinch, instead turning towards a nearby booth and smiling. “Hi Ceren.” 
“I wanted to show the kids why it’s better to cut the bottom instead of around the stem of their pumpkins- can you help?” The gentle life wizard was out of place in this usually dark library, his face painted to look like a bright green zombie. 
“...Sure?” Leo walked around to Ceren’s side of the table.
“So, this is how we grow our pumpkins, everyone watching?” Ceren nodded at the chorus of ‘yes’s that replied. He pulled out a rather simple wand, bright green magic glowing and the life emblem imprinting onto the plain pot of soil on the table, the rest of the surface crowded by in-progress jack-o-lanterns. Then, a bright green sprout shot up to every child’s awe, and a vine burst forth.
A kid yelled something about Cinderella, and the rest agreed, watching the sped up growth of two pumpkins- the bright yellow blooms, then the growing gourds that settled heavily on the cleared space of the table. Once it stopped, everyone clapped, even some kids who were drawn from other booths.
“Now, see I’ve got this knife- make sure an adult handles the knives, everyone- and I’m going to cut these pumpkins with the same amount of stem. Here, Leo, cut the top of this one the ‘usual way’ for me? Okay, so Leo’s is the normal way, but mine is upside down, cut from the bottom. Everyone see that? Okay! Now, Leo, could you use some death magic to speed up the rotting?”
Leo nodded, putting the knife down and grabbing his own wand- a gnarled branch from Mortis’ tree, a rare gift- and began to cast a general spell, careful to limit it to plants. The pumpkins began to lose their bright orange-ness, now both upright and in clear sight on the table.
The one he had cut began to sag much quicker than the other, which was only slightly discolored, and it continued. The kids cheered as the one he cut finally collapsed in on itself, quickly thrown into a garbage bag upon the loud sounds of childish disgust.
“Thanks Leo!” Ceren grinned at him. “So, that’s why we’re cutting from the bottom, so our pumpkins stay pretty and orange for longer!”
With that, Leo escaped, waving at some of his friends- looks like Mari had a wardrobe malfunction, if her loose hay and scarecrow hat were anything to go by, and Irisi was trying to make sure his few younger animals stopped playing tug-of-war with her mummy bandages. Emrys was silently watching people play his dart toss game, snorting every time an older kid claimed it was rigged, and giving the younger kids candy even if they missed.
Yeah, yeah everything was fine- he was not going to get himself dragged into another kindergarten class on temporary tattoos or something, nope!
When he finally made it back to the welcome desk, Ianthe was grinning at him, plastic fangs left on a candy wrapper while she ate a lollipop.
“I think my mom’s trying to sneak in with as many different costumes as possible in one night.” Ianthe finally said when he flopped down in his desk chair, slightly panting.
Leo glanced at the doorway. “Hi Morelle.” 
The masked person began to shout incredulously and leave, long black hair obviously revealing them as Morelle.
With one shared look, Ianthe and Leo broke into laughter.
And the night had just begun. 
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save-the-spiral · 5 years
InkWizTober Day Nine: Swing + Element
Welcome to day nine of inktober! Warnings for mostly just self doubt, death mention, and blood mention.
(link to prompt lists) (link to inktober tag)
Ianthe stared down at the scroll lying innocently on the table, once more tempted to light it on fire. The harsh, thick lines of her mother’s handwriting was illuminated by flickering candlelight, the figures and diagrams swooping in and out of vision with the temperamental flame. 
With another sigh, she grabbed the deck of cards again, letting a hand’s worth of them fan out in front of her fingers, the rest floating gently at her side. Even the cards were different from her usual ones. Instead of cold and chalk like, these felt warm, like carding your fingers through a loving animal’s fur.
She selected a card and watched it float out, dissolving with a small flutter of leaves as a treant attempted to spiral out of the forest floor in the battle array in front of her. It failed, fizzling with a soft air of disappointment, a worry tinged reassurance that there’s always next time.
With a frustrated growl, Ianthe pushed away the hand of cards, letting them fall, and grabbed the rest of the deck, throwing it. The green and brown cards scattered across the now empty battle array, spilling like autumn leaves or a splatter of blood.
Learning life magic as a secondary to her death magic was so very difficult. It almost hurt, the way they opposed each other, the way they tried to fight instead of obeying her command. Both magics were essential, parts of a whole, necessary for the Spiral to stay in balance. Yet they couldn’t stand each other.
It was petty. It was infuriating. It made Ianthe despair to ever become a proper wizard. It felt irrational, how quickly she went from loving the contradictions to hating them. 
Parts of a whole. Shattered, ragged parts of a whole.
Ianthe fell to her knees, trying not to let the tears fall. Learning life magic only reminded her how destructive, how horrible, how unfair death can be. There was a reason life magic existed to balance it out, but then of course that works the other way too. 
She felt like she was being drawn and halved, two magics pulling her apart. It hurt, it made her feel raw and vulnerable, having to unlearn and relearn magic from the beginning, for a whole new school. She felt stupid, and hated it.
With a sigh, she raised one hand automatically, instinctive, because that’s how people get their cards back after their decks scatter, but of course it only works for her death cards. She shouldn’t have even bothered-
And then the first few cards fall into her open hand, warm and soft. 
With a grin, Ianthe feels the life magic trickling through her again. She let the full deck of cards in her hand scatter again and runs off, yelling for her moms to come see what she just did.
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save-the-spiral · 5 years
InkWizTober Day Seven: Enchanted + Companion
Welcome to day seven of Inktober! Decided to write a fluffy piece, it’s Ianthe and Leo being dorks. Ianthe’s using he/him pronouns bc he’s bigender/genderfluid and its just a mood. Leo’s using they/them because nb rights bitches. (the bday party mentioned is my sibling’s. canonically a bastard life wizard who’s 20 now.)
(link to prompt lists) (link to inktober tag)
Leo finds themself staring at their partner. Again. 
It’s only a few minutes into a birthday party for some life wizard neither of them are quite friends with, but they went anyway because free cake. The autumnal leaves rain down gently onto the party behind the life school, a canopy of treetops over them ensuring dappled sunlight and proper lighting for photos.
Leo’s breath catches in their throat as they see a curled leaf the color of pumpkins gently rest on the voluminous curls of their partner’s hair, a natural cascade of beautiful black curls. They reach down and pluck the leaf absentmindedly, and their partner notices.
Ianthe turns around with a bright smile on his face. He wore a deep black blazer over a pale purple button down and black slacks, insisting on masculinity, grinning and joking that if offset Leo’s own skirt and tights and cardigan. 
His eyes flicker to Leo’s, watching their entranced expression for a moment before chuckling dryly. His fingers are shorter than Leo’s, and that’s all they could notice in the moment as their partner’s hand overlapped their own. Ianthe had pretty lavender nails, glitter dazzling Leo in the sunlight, contrasting against their own black nails, their long pianist fingers. 
“Is something wrong?” Ianthe tilted his head, hair shifting, a ray of sunlight catching and almost making a halo above his head. 
Leo was speechless. Years of knowing Ianthe, of being by his side, promising forever, and yet they still couldn’t believe he was real sometimes. Ianthe looked every bit the ancient nymph of his namesake, ethereal and ingrained in nature, something too beautiful to be of Leo’s own mortal realm.
Leo used American sign language to communicate in this moment, something few in Wizard City knew due to the preference for a common sign language in the magical worlds. Ianthe’s mother smuggled textbooks into the magical side of the Spiral just so they could learn from more than Leo’s own distant memories. 
It was special, something that was only theirs. 
Leo signed “I love you.” and Ianthe blushed, but interlaced their fingers, bringing their hands down by their sides now.
Every once in a while during the night, Ianthe would squeeze Leo’s hand, and they both knew it meant more than that.
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
Day Four- Spell
Hi! Welcome to Day four of Inktober 2018!! Decided to go for some dark stuff this time around, and also kinda get a feel for writing my characters Leo and Ianthe! Note- Leo is nonbinary but uses mostly he/him, and occasionally they/them, which I tried to show in this.  (also I completely made up some spell words, have mercy if I accidentally butchered latin or something) Warnings for snakes, necromancy, ritual summoning, major character death, and undead monsters. 
(link to prompt list) (link to inktober tag)
Leo stared down at the ancient scroll, leaning in and moving the onyx paper weights to examine the array formations and ancient symbols for what seemed like the millionth time.
Most wizards had an innate aptitude for ancient languages, but the ancient runes of Khrysalis were practically gibberish, the bane of anyone who wasn’t native to the world. And Leo wasn’t any different in that regard.
“Four fingers of the dust of the death mark death?” He muttered under his breath as he read, finger trailing under the words in the translation dictionary. “Is it tombstones?” He continued, noting the words down in one of his research notebooks and feeling more annoyed by the second.
He moved closer, only for his reading glasses to slip off his face and onto the worn parchment in front of him. Groaning, they leaned back in their chair, trying to make a concentrated effort on trying to relax, rolling their neck and listening to the cracks and pops.
“Fuck.” He whispered, shaking out his cramped hands. What he’d do for some booze that didn’t mess with his antidepressants right about n-
“Holy shit.”
Fingers is a measurement. Tombstone dust and bone dust would fit. It’s more of a riddle than gibberish. 
It might work. It’s stupid enough to work. Leo practically sprinted out of his study, scrolls tucked under his arm while he ran between the tall library bookcases, jumping over various cats and dogs and the occasional small deer or large snake that he cared for.
They stopped in front of Ianthe’s room, knocking only twice when the door was thrown open by a very grumpy significant other.
She looked up at Leo through a cloud of wild dark brown curls. Her purple glasses were askew, and the long t-shirt that was probably one of her moms’ went down to her mid thigh, acting as pajamas. She yawned, rolling her neck and revealing Leo’s familiar, Jet, curled around with her head settled in the curve of Ianthe’s collarbone. 
“This better be good babe.” She said in a monotone, sleepy rasp.
“It is!” Leo insisted.
“Is it interrupting my sleep at Four AM after I didn’t sleep for two days good?” 
Ianthe rubbed at her eyes, yawning again. “Good enough for me.” She muttered, turning and stumbling back into her room, Leo following behind.
As she got dressed and looked for a proper cloak for the drafty library studies, Leo explained their ideas, rambling and gesturing the whole time. Gradually, Ianthe perked up with interest, drinking in every word as she puttered around her room.
“That’s awesome, Leo. You sure you wanna try this, though?”
“Of course!”
“Leo.” Ianthe said quietly, turning to look at him. She always looked serious, but her eyes were blank in a scary way.
“I trust you on this one, but you totally owe me next time I’m doing a project.” She said, a smile crawling up her face.
Leo sighed. Last time she called in a favor they had The Ultimate Pokémon Tournament of Wizard City, consisting of just Leo, Ianthe, and Ianthe’s moms, but it still managed to take fifteen hours and end in bloodshed. 
“Sick.” Ianthe said, grabbing a handful of quills and charcoal pencils. “Oh yeah, take your snake.” She said, tilting her head up and dislodging the sleeping reptile slightly.
“Kid?” Jet hissed quietly.
Leo rested his fingers on Jet’s head, rousing her more. “C’mon.”
Jet grumbled and hissed as she curled around his forearm, settling in and preparing to assist in a magical ceremony, which ended up taking an hour to set up. 
The arrays were complex, the lines had to be precise and the runes had to be perfect. Ianthe drew the eyes, spiders, spirals, and skulls around the outside circle, and Leo worked from within, drawing complex star charts and perfect circles and triangles. It was hard work, and it took magical energy the entire time, draining them gradually. 
When they finished, Leo was trying to rest while sitting in his position in the middle of the array, watching as Ianthe measured out the last ingredients. 
“Care to tell me what the ritual actually does?” She asked.
“It essentially imbues the wizard to cast the Animate spell completely cardless and wandless.”
“Minion summoning whenever?”
The quiet filled the room again, little clinks of glass and metal making Leo twitch uncomfortably. He stood, cracking his knuckles nervously. 
“I’m ready to start.” They said, trying to raise their chin in a way that conveyed confidence.
“Just a sec, I’ve gotta get this right.” Ianthe said, bringing the measuring cup close up to look at it. “The alcohol measurement thing is weird, but I think I’ve got it.” She poured the dust into a silver bowl, bringing it closer with two hands.
“Sprinkle it around the edge while I recite some words at the cardinal directions, then it should start working. Don’t step in the circle, don’t-” Leo started.
“This isn’t my first necromancy ritual, Leo.” 
“I’m just nervous.”
“I know.”
Ianthe grabbed a handful of dust, standing right in front of Leo, at North.
She moved slowly, letting the dust trail behind her like a flower girl at a wedding, reaching East.
Ianthe looked at him for a moment, before walking out of his view, reaching South.
Silvery magic burst through the array lines, lighting up Leo’s face to look like a ghastly skeleton as Ianthe reached West.
Leo continued to chant the four words in order now, as Ianthe reached North again. The magic began pulsing wildly, and off beat racket like two drummers at the same set. The power of it made Ianthe stumble back, exlaiming in fear as she was pushed back with more and more power until she was flung against a library shelf, the bowl rolling away and leaving dust everywhere.
Leo’s vision was filled with morphing and warping magic, the greys and silvers blinding him as they formed into something. Something he didn’t want to see, as he was busy trying to see if Ianthe had gotten hurt.
A chittering, clicking laugh filled the room, followed by a ghastly groan. Leo felt the magic drain out of him, felt his familiar tighten around his arm, feeding in more magic to sustain him before he passed out or died from shock.
Standing before him was Wormguts, the old terrorizer of Nightside, and Foulgaze, the vicious ghost who haunted Olde Town. 
Laughter filled Leo’s mind again as he fell to his knees. More and more undead crawled from the ground, destroying the decrepit wood boards of the library floor and disrupting the array. 
Ghosts, skeletons, ghouls. More and more, every single one more twisted or rotted than the last. They all snarled and chittered and laughed. The magic glowed brightly around Leo, and the world went silent. They could feel themself dying, could feel the magic stealing from them.
An ultimate sacrifice, it seems.
He internally laughed at that last thought, before dying.
He died and so did Ianthe. And it wasn’t fair.
In the end, Leo joined the undead army of his own making, following the orders of those he summoned. His body and control of it was dead.
But not his mind.
No, not his mind. He spent the next few years trapped, watching as his ghoulish body destroyed young wizards, those he knew, those he loved. He watched Wizard City fall.
And it was all his fault. 
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
I’ve recently got into Sorority Noise (a band) and I think a lot of their music fits really well with my ocs Ianthe and Leo so here’s a few songs that I associate with them the most.
Ianthe: Fource
Leo: Fuchsia
Their relationship: A Will
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
Morae & Morelle RavenHunter
gay moms gay moms gay moms gay moms-
Morae is a conjurer and Morelle is a theurgist.
Morae is Neutral Lesbian and Morelle is chaotic bisexual trans woman to the max.
Morae is autistic and she has her own service orthrus and his name is Bread but he also answers to Sugar Bread and Prince Charming. 
Morae has a lot of sensory issues, mostly dealing smells and some visual stuff. She hates the Humongofrog spell with all of her heart because she would get overwhelmed every time she saw it, because of the strong scents and loud, grating sounds. She also can’t stand the sound of people chewing, it makes her overwhelmed to the point of crying. 
Morae stims by hand flapping and using squishy toys!! 
They met when they were around 15, because Morae decided to have a secondary in Life, and Morelle was her tutor.
Morae was disowned from her family on Earth because she wanted to learn magic. 
Morelle had two brothers who were also theurgists, and she hasn’t seen either of them since she was 16.
Morelle got expelled from Ravenwood and banned from Wizard City. She went to Grizzleheim and Morae decided to drop out of Ravenwood to go with her girlfriend.
Morelle is such a mess she ended up fighting with the ravens of Grizzleheim to the point where she attacked enough of them to gain the title of ‘RavenHunter.’
Morelle and Morae decided to take that as their last name when they married because neither of them had good experiences w/ their family at this point.
Morae smuggled her wife back into Wizard City and she started her own bakery in the commons (next to the Pet Pavilion tunnel and Prospector Zeke’s spot). Baking has always been her special interest and she has so much fun!! She hires any Ravenwood students from the Myth school to run the cash register and stuff because she doesn’t wanna deal with social interactions when she could just bake stuff all day. 
Morae also tutors conjurers on the side because she went to school with Cyrus Drake and she Knows what kind of person he is. She also tells them embarrassing stories about him.
Morelle helps connect the black market that is primarily run in Nightside to the rest of Wizard City. She has a lot of connections. (gay crime mom)
They have a daughter and her name is Ianthe!!! 
They’re in their 40s right now. Morelle is about 5′ 8″ and Morae is 5′ 2″.
Can’t find good reference pictures for them, sorry! Morelle is a Vietnamese woman with tanned skin, dark eyes and really long black hair that Morae loves to play with. She also has a lil fat, her daughter Ianthe has the same body type. Morae is a black woman with dark brown eyes and vitiligo, a skin condition that causes a loss of skin color, so there are blotches of her skin that are much much paler. She keeps her hair only about an inch long because she can’t stand her hair being longer than that because of the way it feels on her skin. 
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
Inktober 2018 Masterpost
Here’s the Masterpost for inktober 2018! It’s got content warnings, the prompt, and who I wrote about in each one. (link to the prompt list I used)
[Day One] Prompt: Poisonous | Content Warnings: attempted murder, kidnapping mention, poison, swearing, knives. | Characters: The Serpentine King, Emrys Pyre, Mahamari Jade (mentioned).
[Day Two] Prompt: Tranquil | Content Warnings: suspense, implied child death/kidnapping, memory loss. | Characters: Malorn Ashthorn (NPC), Jamie Bark, James Bark.
[Day Three] Prompt: Roasted | Content Warning: fire. | Character: Fledge.
[Day Four] Prompt: Spell | Content Warnings: snakes, necromancy, ritual summoning, major character death, undead monsters. | Characters: Ianthe RavenHunter, Leo NightSide.
[Day Five] Prompt: Chicken | Content Warnings: bullying/teasing, implied neglect from school authority. | Characters: Moolinda Wu (NPC), Mahamari Jade, Morelle RavenHunter.
[Day Six] [INCOMPLETE] Prompt: Drooling | Content Warnings: monsters, violence, panicked characters. | Characters: Mahamari Jade, Emrys Pyre.
[Day Seven] Prompt: Exhausted | Content Warnings: implied child abuse, runaways, child death mention. | Characters: Haley Raintamer, Noah Dreamtamer, The Serpentine King.
[Day Eight] Prompt: Star | Content Warnings: environmental disaster, kidnapping. | Character: Ursae.
[Day Nine] Prompt: Precious | Content Warnings: none | Character: Moolinda Wu (NPC).
[Day Ten] Prompt: Flowing | Content Warnings: death mention, injury mention. | Headcanon, no characters.
[Day Eleven] Prompt: Cruel | Content Warnings: death mention, arguing, murder mention. | Characters (all NPCs): Arthur Wethersfield, Moolinda Wu, Lydia Greyrose, Dahlia Falmea, Halston Balestrom, Merle Ambrose, Malorn Ashthorn, Cyrus Drake, Malistaire Drake (mentioned).
[Day Twelve] Prompt: Whale | Content Warnings: kidnapping, experimentation. | Character: Ursae.
[Day Thirteen] Prompt: Guarded | Content Warnings: burns, fire, and frostbite mention. | Characters: Emrys Pyre, assorted minor characters.
[Day Fourteen] Prompt: Clock | Content Warnings: mentions of violence, death, immortality, mention of animal sacrifice. | Headcanon, no characters.
[Day Fifteen] Prompt: Weak | Content Warnings: swearing, violence mention, death mention, sacrifice mention. | Headcanon, no characters.
[Day Sixteen] Prompt: Angular | Content Warnings: weapon (specifically dagger) mention, blood, death mention. | Headcanon, no characters.
[Day Seventeen] Prompt: Swollen | Content Warnings: bruises, black eyes, magical healing/medicine. | Characters: @balance-princess‘s Julia Rose and James Beaulieu.
[Day Eighteen] Prompt: Bottle | Content Warnings: minor gender dysphoria, swearing. | Characters: Noah Dreamtamer, Haley Raintamer (mentioned).
[Day Nineteen] Prompt: Scorched | Content Warnings: death mention, fire, abuse from teacher, exhaustion. | Character: Dahlia Falmea.
[Day Twenty] Prompt: Breakable | Content Warnings: alcohol mention, implied child abuse, broken bone mention. | Characters: Emrys Pyre, Morae RavenHunter, Morelle RavenHunter, Haley Raintamer, Noah Dreamtamer, The Serpentine King, Mahamari Jade (mentioned).
[Day Twenty-One] Prompt: Drain | Content Warnings: swearing, blood mention, violence, broken bone mention, bad coping mechanisms, anger issues, flashback mention. | Character:  Mahamari Jade.
[Day Twenty-Two] Prompt: Expensive | Content Warnings: violence, imprisonment, torture, malicious misgendering, transphobia, child abuse. | Characters:  Emrys Pyre, Morae RavenHunter, Morelle RavenHunter, Haley Raintamer, Noah Dreamtamer, The Serpentine King, Mahamari Jade.
[Day Twenty-Three] Prompt: Muddy | Content Warnings: blood mention, fighting, violence, death, undead monsters, swearing. | Character: Ianthe RavenHunter.
[Day Twenty-Four] Prompt: Chop | Content Warnings: axes/weaponry, fire. | Character: Fledge.
[Day Twenty-Five] Prompt: Prickly | Content Warnings: malicious teasing, fire, swearing. | Characters:  Mahamari Jade, Moolinda Wu (NPC), minor characters.
[Day Twenty-Six] Prompt: Stretch | Content Warnings: swearing, self deprecation, vague descriptions of binding, undead monster mention. | Characters: Noah Dreamtamer, Haley Raintamer (mentioned).
[Day Twenty-Seven] Prompt: Thunder | Content Warnings: slight injury, implied memory loss. | Noah Dreamtamer (mentioned), Haley Raintamer.
[Day Twenty-Eight] Prompt: Gift | Content Warnings: murder, death, graphic depictions of violence, strangling. | Character: @pyromancyy‘s Caleb Deathleague.
[Day Twenty-Nine] Prompt: Double | Content Warnings: violence, death, weapons, blood mention. | Characters:  Noah Dreamtamer, Haley Raintamer
[Day Thirty] Prompt: Jolt | Content Warning: Weapons | Characters: Noah Dreamtamer, Haley Raintamer
[Day Thirty-One] Prompt: Slice | Content Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, weapons, gore (mild), asthma attacks, teasing/bullying, murder, | All minor characters.
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
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I'm leaving you my breath It's all that I've got left I'd give it all to take it back from you again
-“A Will” by Sorority Noise
Ianthe RavenHunter and Leo NightSide, partners in crime and just in general.
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
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in the ancient greek myth, ianthe was a woman so beautiful it was told that upon her death, her grave was surrounded by blooming purple flowers, a last gift from the gods.
 Ianthe RavenHunter, a necromancer with theurgist tendencies, an introverted young wizard with a rebellious streak that is rarely seen.
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