#Kestrel Rainbowweaver
save-the-spiral · 2 years
OC pronouns masterpost
In no particular order here’s my ocs & their pronouns, with added Neopronoun DLC bc they deserve it <3 Some I had to make up bc i couldn’t find them so they might not be grammatically correct?
Elissa Silvertusk: She/Her
Kestrel RainbowWeaver: She/Her, Ge/Gem/Gemself, Fawn/Fawnself
Castian RuneClaw: She/Her, He/Him, It/Its (There are specific dragonspyre drake community pronouns in their language that don’t translate to common well)
Jen Sirisopa: They/Them
Emrys Pyre: He/Him (is just generally Queer)
Mahamari Jade: She/Her
Quyen Jade: He/Him
Irisi: She/Her, They/Them (mostly just identifies as lesbian and not w/ gender)
Morelle RavenHunter: She/Her (trans & is uncomfortable with anything But she/her, even they/them feels misgendering)
Morae RavenHunter: She/Her, They/Them, Ne/Nym/Nir/Nymself,Ey/Em/Eir/Eirself, Hy/Hys/Hyself (Collects pronouns & gender is basically ‘girl??’ but autistically)
Ianthe RavenHunter: She/Her, He/Him (Bigender)
Leo NightSide: He/Him, They/Them , Xe/Xem/Xir/Xirs/Xemself, Voi/Void/Voidself
Noah Dreamtamer: He/Him, Rune/Runes/Runeself (only Haley gets to know his Secret Neopronouns)
Haley Raintamer: She/Her
Ursae: She/Her (but doesn’t know what a pronoun is and doesn’t care)
Fledge: Any (She/He/They) (Gender: is a Child)
Darling Alexander Dove: He/Him (Gender: pretty & murderous)
Tytonidae: He/Him, It/Its
Darcy Rhode: She/Her (Gender: also pretty & murderous)
Zenobia Ire: Any (with feminine terms like daughter, girl, etc)
Vitale Florus: He/Him (couldn’t find a good floral pronoun he would like :( it would be Pretentious though)
Susannah Judas: He/Him, Fox/Foxs/Foxself
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
can you elaborate more on how malistaire sylvia and cyrus escaped dragonspyre?
in my main timeline (because, including my pirate timelines, i have like 5) I have Mali, Sylvia, and Cyrus escape early from the wars and diseases specifically because they had been attending dragonspyre academy, and either by overhearing the staff talking or inferring it from their missions they realize they need to get out fast. Sylvia and Cyrus (who overheard this) were acquaintances at the time/study buddies, and while cyrus didn’t think the threat was that big, sylvia did.
(in my canon sylvia grew up in a lower class than the drakes, and so she knew the impacts that had been happening for basically her whole life would be building up to something like a war or big disease outbreak)
One of the first waves of the war began to break out, and Sylvia basically runs and grabs her already packed bag to go, and drags cyrus with her, but since cyrus was with his brother (unwillingly at the time, bc mali was an annoying twin brother, like most teens), and so sylvia basically saves both of their lives and uses the key for the spiral door that she may or may not have stolen from a professor’s office.
Spiral keys are kinda canonically a rare resource, so i’d think in a world like dragonspyre, only high ranking officials or old families would have them, so while the drake’s father probably had a key to dragonspyre and darkmoor and stuff, they didn’t, and probably would’ve perished somehow in the following apocalypse of dragonspyre.
(This also explains how my oc Castian Runeclaw and (most of) her family of draconians escaped Dragonspyre. And how Kestrel RainbowWeaver did, though her family had locked the key with her, so no one else in her family escaped or survived)
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
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Her eyes were bright red from her original face, but I made them brown, then decided to do away with the rainbow hair (which. I changed when any gear I was using hid it anyway) so I gave her pink! My sibling is also unnerved by our wizards suddenly blinking.
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save-the-spiral · 5 years
InkWizTober Day Eight: Frail + Weapon of Choice
Welcome to Day Eight of Inktober! Decided to go with a headcanon I’ve had for a while, accidentally devolved into the backstory of one of my ocs and developed it past what I had already thought up. Warnings for everything that goes with the fall of Dragonspyre, so like, war and murder and stuff. 
(link to prompt lists) (link to inktober tag)
In Dragonspyre there lies the Crystal Grove, a dangerous area full of fire and spiders now after the war that ripped the previously beautiful and prosperous world to shreds. There’s still beauty now. Though spiderwebs are plentiful on discarded skeletons, the light of the fires and the lava reflect in a kaleidoscope of colors in the gargantuan crystals. 
Before the war, because what is Dragonspyre if not a land of befores, clever jewelers lived in the Crystal Grove. Ones that were smart enough to live by the source of their income, and could draw inspiration like a sculptor from the raw form of their medium. 
More than jewelers lived there. Yes, there were people who tended to and bred the spiders for special silks, but there was one more calling, a single family with a different job.
There was once a family of weapon makers in the Crystal Grove. They made beautiful weapons, ones that had to be enchanted for strength, but they remained beautiful. The weapons of high ranking nobility and officers in Dragonspyre. It’s rumored that the Queen of Marleybone has most of those weapons now, another stash of things that should’ve stayed in tombs and crypts. 
The family had crafted a set of hammers and armor, their masterpieces, some of the few pieces to leave Dragonspyre before the war. They made more than that though- Arrows, daggers, swords, battleaxes, shields. All made of shining, perfect crystal, delicately carved runes imbuing them with more power, to never shatter. 
In the war, everyone in that family save a single child died. With their crystalline armory they still could not defend themselves, they still died. The child only lived on luck and fear, sealed in a vault with the family’s most secret of projects, sealed in time until the world was safe again. 
No one knows about it, and she was written off as dead, just another set of charred bones in the confusing aftermath. 
But that child is alive, she is hidden in that vault, learning the craft her family created. She already learned that life is as fragile as the crystals around her, but unlike those crystals life cannot be molded, cannot be chipped away at or bought.
She sits there today, creating. Trying to find meaning in it all, in how a crystal can shatter so very easily.
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save-the-spiral · 6 years
I'm gonna say... maybe "monsters" by lucius for the song ask game! which oc fits best?
(link to song) (link to ask prompt)
I think this fits with an oc I haven’t really introduced yet, but her name’s Kestrel!! She’s currently a mystery, but this definitely fits!! 
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
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A true Birthday Look (tm)
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
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I decide, ‘hey, what the heck, might as well solo this.’ then it turns out he’s a FUCKIN BALANCE BOSS. AAAAAH.
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
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Hacker voice: I’m in.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
fellow wiz/tma fan here: if your wizards were in the TMA universe, what fears do you think they would serve?
(link to entities page on The Magnus Archives Wiki, comprised ENTIRELY of spoilers.)
This is completely incomprehensible unless you listen to like an entire like three seasons of podcast. Luckily, I have, because I’m HYPERFIXATING bitches. 
This is my full list of current OCs (aside from wicked beau wright, who is SO undeveloped I dont even KNOW), not all are developed, feel free to ask about them. I have a google doc to keep track or I FORGET. if anyone wants me to do npcs hit me up, im already planning one for the eleven w101 schools and 5 p101 classes.
Irisi- The End. Her fear of ghosts, the undead, and the inevitability of death ruled her for a time. She had to overcome it, venture deep into previously resting tombs, entangle with mummies, wraiths, banshees, and simple ghosts. She found a fondness in learning their stories, and she watches her aging adoptive father, Alhazred, and wonders when he will turn into something that simply stops, or if he will linger, and they will chat.
Mahamari Jade- The Buried. Her life magic is nurtured by the earth, and that was a quick fall into allowing herself to be buried alive, to choke on the mud and clay. She had a fear of being confined into one role, and broke free. But now the rock and dirt fuel her magic, the worms nurture it, and she finds a detached peace in returning to the earth from whence she came.
Emrys Pyre- The Lonely. He has self isolated ever since his first great trauma, believing if he had not been a fool, had not dragged his younger sister along, he could have prevailed on his own. It is his deepest failing, and the Forsaken has hooked him deeply in his belief that he alone can survive.
Quyen Jade (Serpentine King)- The Hunt. While others prefer a more active chase in the hunt, there is an aspect of waiting. Not all predators can spend their days racing after the next meal. Lions sleep for most of their day, after all. Snakes as well, feasting only when necessary. When Quyen finds the necessary moment, and strikes, he never hesitates, and the venom and blood call to him.
Morelle RavenHunter- The Hunt. When slighted by the Ravens of Grizzleheim, she began to hunt them down, to prove a point. It is how she gained that name, Raven Hunter. She gave that name to her wife and child, as well.
Morae RavenHunter- The Slaughter. She is not an active avatar, one touched but not guided. Her chronic pain, caused by a sudden attack fueled only by bigotry and ignorance, haunts her. That, as well as her own organs waging war, causing pain, lead to a fear of that pain, a fear of sudden attacks. 
Ianthe RavenHunter- The Corruption. His magic has always taken well to fungus, to mushrooms that feed on decay. At first her fascination with pretty, bio-luminescent mushrooms drew her in, but how quickly we fall once we get a taste.
Leo Nightside- The End. For all he loves animals, finds them good companions, he is a necromancer. His respect for death only extends as far as he is willing to bend the rules. 
Noah DreamTamer- The Stranger. He has redefined himself so often he forgets who he was, doesn’t want to know the person he was born as. He loses people. He doesn’t remember her voice, how tall she was. He has to become someone he is not to continue on, and not simply stop in place and never move again, not even to breathe.
Haley RainTamer- The Vast. Her fear of heights is unrivaled, ever since a bad broomstick accident where she broke her wrist at age 10 or so. One day the sky will claim her, and until then, she will look up, practicing the magic of the storms that she allows herself to believe rule it.
Fledge- The Desolation. They are so angry, stolen from their home. They are willing to inflict that pain on any who stand in their way, to take short cuts, to technically get the job done to ‘save the spiral’. They find a certain dark joy in how the professors and students of Ravenwood Academy despair when they hear of the fight taking place outside of their own world.
Ursae- The Vast. Not the sky, but the sea. She is a mermaid, of Celestia. Not many know of the deep trenches, the branching and convoluted caves under the sea, the endless darkness. She survives there, and stares back out of the endless depths.
Kestrel RainbowWeaver- The Eye. She sits idly by, content in her passive inaction. She was locked away in a time vault in Dragonspyre, and escaped. Her current events became history books and scrolls. So now, she smiles vacantly from her blacksmithing shop, and asks for idle gossip, and learns about Wizard City.
Elissa Silvertusk- The Web. Taken in, pulled by her own lack of initiative. Her life changed from where it was before, being pulled and puppeted by her mother’s vindictive whims, until now she lives in the web’s embrace, following orders, content to allow someone else to do the worrying, and let herself be dragged along.
Darling Alexander Dove- The Flesh. He has no concept of the sanctity of sentient bodies. He holds no respect. Of course, he derives no entertainment when his victims are dead, unable to struggle, unable to dance alongside him in a macabre display of skills and how prettily a blade can cut into skin, fur, feathers, and then deep into the muscle, the bone, the flesh itself. It takes a long time to recognize what has gripped him. 
Darcy ‘Rusty’ Rhode- The Stranger. She becomes who you expect. She is docile, dumb, ditsy. She giggles at what you say even when it is not funny. Her eyes glint with excitement at the simplest of things, cooing over you. She is just another dumb broad, a woman who flips her long hair and drawls out things, bats her eyes. She becomes someone you do not know when she strikes, kicking you down and then again, pulling out a pistol and winking as if it is a joke you were both in on when she fires right between your eyes.
Zenobia Ire- The Vast. She lost her parents to the storm. She grew up having a connection to it, fearing it, but the way the thunder in those vicious Grizzleheim storms would thrum through her body like knuckles rapping against the tight skin of a drum, it calls to her.
Carlyle Nightngale- The Spiral. He lies, of course. Easily. He is a man of science, but nonetheless, no one can know in this Pirating side of the Spiral. So he tells tall tales of witchdoctors, the same thing every one of these ‘hoodoo practictioners’ claim, even if it’s all a ruse so they all can practice their own spirituality or science in peace. He never tells people what he is doing, simply smiling until they think they are in on what doesn’t exist.
Vitale Florus- The Lonely. He has been consumed by his on insecurities, but even before that, he was one of the few humans alone in a sea of automatons. All he was raised by was cold machinery. So he sits, alone, and tends to a secret garden he knows would be destroyed if he let anyone know. It is easier to not speak to anyone else.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
So I just got back into Wizard101 after a few years of not playing it (Pirate101 is my sort of Jam). Your writings have certainly made me wanna write some Wiz stuff again! I love all of your writings and your headcanons are so on point! So thanks for helping bring me back to a game I loved as a kid. If ya see a Balance Wiz named Emily Silverflower, feel free to say hi!
!! Welcome back!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed my writings, and that they inspired you and made you want to go back to wizard101!! 
I hope to see you out there! Kestrel RainbowWeaver is pretty friendless out in the Spiral because I’m awkward, lol. 
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
I spent like 70$ buying two separate bundles. I gave my sister the Avalon bundle and I have the... Shinobi bundle? I’ve never seen it before but it looks cool as hell.
I’ll be playing a little bit right now as I redeem the bundle and stuff! I hang out on the Orthrus realm, with my balance main Kestrel Rainbowweaver!
(I think that’s how to spell the realm name... yikes)
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save-the-spiral · 7 years
Play wizard 101 with you
(link to the original post here)
AAAah??? oh jeez, well I’m very very busy with the new school year, but I might post about it when I go online in w101 next time!! I’m focused on Barkingham Palace right now, at about level 46? So maybe I’ll be able to play with people some time! (Kestrel Rainbowweaver is my main and she’s balance!)
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