avatarquake · 8 months
"Come now, Alastor. She's much too young for you." said Rosie.
And my poor brain (and heart) went straight to this;
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Like, excuse you, Rosie, covering it up with 'you're an ace in the hole' right afterwards, passed as a joke, no less, is not going to make me not think you did not think they were together - or at least on their way to be.
Like, come on. There's no way no one thought Alastor was at the Hotel for either to get Charlie under one of his deals or, failing to do so, woo her to gain favor and power.
I am amazed! This is a shipping line and the fact she backtracked by making it a joke? Immediately? To cover his ass, because, it's a wing-man/wing-woman's duty to not let you make a fool of yourself -by your or their mistake? Priceless!
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avatarquake · 2 years
Valkyrie talks Skulduggery into dressing up as Ichabod from TSS, while she dresses up as Ellie, for Halloween.
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avatarquake · 2 years
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*fangirling sounds reach levels beyond the human frequency levels*
Ichabod like casually drapping his arm over the back of the couch, Ellie scooting close to cuddle him up, the soft glow of the fire, offering to take her home, but both of them not in any hurry to move away from each other, and there at the end Ichabod's arm is lower, meaning he's holding Ellie even closer to him, AAAHHH! THIS WAS SOOO GOOD!
We were so well-fed with the season finale!
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avatarquake · 3 years
If it’s not a badass female with a ‘robot’, it’s a badass female with a skeleton, or it’s a badass female with a pumpkin man with me, huh?
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avatarquake · 3 years
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Yes, please, Ichabod, lace your fingers with Ellie’s, like this isn’t the fluffiest romantic shit since the dance, and your adorable inability to not compliment her from your position against the wall, but getting magnetically pulled towards her to do so.
(Ellie taking Ichabod’s hand in comfort was something I was expecting and was greatly gratified in seeing, yes, thank you, author!)
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avatarquake · 3 years
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This dumb jack-o-lantern and his partner are melting me into a puddle of warm and fuzzy emotions. Look at them!
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avatarquake · 3 years
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So not over this. Holy shit. Let’s all just get stuck here. Until the next episode is out. And then come back. Again and again. Because reasons.
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avatarquake · 3 years
Hey hey hey. Don’t do Valduggery. That’s what Third Shift Society is for. Time-displaced Darquesse and Vile maybe. But not that.
Dude. I do not chose what I ship. The ships chose me. I just roll with it. I obviously have the capability to drown in two quite similar ships. So, yeah, since both Valduggery -with its evil alter ego, Vilequesse- and Ichellie chose me, I am gonna do both.
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avatarquake · 3 years
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I am just going to leave these two right here.
Friday was a ‘tackle your boss-mentor-friend-possible-secret-crush to safety and then leave your hand on his thigh’ day.
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avatarquake · 3 years
I think I didn’t have the words, or more accurately hadn’t thought about it too much, but the anon’s question and @mooncactus‘s comment from the other day, made me realise the differences between TSS and SP’s protagonist duos. Because, while in a broad sense of it, they are quite similar -magic investigators deal with magic problems, the easy camaraderie, the instinctive trust, the worry about each others’ wellbeing, etc.- the differences are mainly about the female leads and how they became part of those partnerships: 
Valkyrie entered the magic world young -too young a lot would argue, for the job she is doing in the magic world for someone from a (mostly) mortal family with mortal upbringing- knowingly (or as close to understanding what she was getting into at the time) and without the worries of someone Ellie’s age, she sought out to learn magic, she was confident in her ability to be useful, or not hinder the current case she and Skulduggery are working on, normal or world-saving ones, presented herself as someone mature, if not an adult, in the way she talked to the rest of sorcerers she interacts with daily. That confidence, and presentation, led to Skulduggery in return defer to her as one of his peers. (To the dismay of more sensible members of the magic community.) Skul and Val are equals because from the start, Val treated him and demanded to be treated as equals. She, well, more or less, forced her way in. And Skulduggery let her.
Ellie, on the other hand, is a 20-year-old student, who is studying something she won’t do afterwards -hence why she is not continuing her studies-, who is struggling to make ends meet to pay her rent and bills, trying to find a job for the long run and hope she won’t make a mess of it and get fired (again), when she stumbles across Ichabod. She isn’t confident in what she can do in her everyday life. She didn’t seek out her powers, they awaken in response to her need to help out the guy with the pumpkin head and getting used to them takes time, to the point it nearly endangers her apartment (it took her four months to reach the point she didn’t accidentally set on fire something in her apartment). And when she is comfortable enough to use her powers, she is still not entirely confident about them (Director Majumdar’s words shake any confidence she had in her ability to remove the curse from the books without setting them on fire). When she agrees to be Ichabod’s partner, is a combination of hope he’ll teach her how to control her powers and needing a job. She went in this partnership deferring to Ichabod as someone who’ll lead her. Ellie was invited in this world. An invitation that Ichabod was willing to leave open for whenever she was ready to accept, something her erratic -at the time- powers didn’t leave her much time to ponder on.
So, yeah, while in a very broad sense of the word, Valduggery and Ichellie look similar, if we look a little bit closer, we’ll notice that they are not so much alike.
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avatarquake · 3 years
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OK, seriously, Maris is over there “low-key” shipping her ex with his partner. But, more importantly;
The second set of pics (ep.29) killed me.
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avatarquake · 3 years
I couldn’t help myself, I fast-passed next weeks third shift society and there’s a seriously lovely and soft moment with Ichabod and Ellie. I think this arc is definitely going to show us some development of their relationship/partnership and reveal things about Ichabod’s past.
Oh my gosh *squeals in shipper* Thank you, thank you, thank you for telling me! This week's wait is going to be extra exciting! Looking forward to reading it!
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avatarquake · 3 years
Now that’s out of the way, some other things I want to put in a list, for my peace of mind;
Part 1; Ichabod meets Ellie, develops a tiny hero-worship thing for long enough to think offering Ellie, a newly-awakened psychic, a partnership is a good idea. A couple abrupt, but gentle bridal-carrying and hand-holding to calm-ignited-hands happen. Also, Ichabod is probably wondering at the end what he got himself into.
Part 2; Ellie saying she’d be annoyed if someone came into her house and started messing with her stuff, while wearing someone else’s boa and holding on to a hat, realising she’s doing exactly that. Ichabod’s silence to what happens to destroyed spirits. "You shouldn’t have hurt her.” (Chill, dude.) He got her coffee the way she likes it.
Part 3; Casually tag your partner while running from the scruff of her jacket. Then grab and lead her away by the wrist. “Be creative.” Ellie’s face to that comment; -.-. “...Maybe no one will notice.” Hi, hello, Ichabod the human-sized pumpkin-headed cushion that will catch you when you pass out after overusing your flames during training. “...Don’t be dead, ok?” “The whole arm, eh? She won’t like that...” Who isn’t going to like that, Ichabod? Who? (At this point is either Maris or Ellie, because these two are the only known females associated with him that probably won’t like that. I don’t think Kathrine counts, because I feel like he doesn’t go often to see her, needing help with research.)  Also; "Who the heck gave us a review?”
Part 4; OK, something is wrong with Ichabod, we can all agree on that, can’t wait to find out what exactly it is, that needs to be taken care of by a witch. Ellie worrying about her partner being in more trouble than usual. Ellie’s pep talk. Taking on the Paper Guardian. Oberon being revealed as the one who gave the books to the museum. At least, indirectly revealed. Ellie heard him talk about the museum to himself. The books and the ring must be somehow connected.
Part 5; Ellie trying to simultaneously hide and find a way to talk to Ichabod about the witch mark. Ellie talking to Greg and realising that what she is telling him is what she should have done with Ichabod. Greg Samson calls Ellie Ichabod’s girlfriend, pumpkin head doesn’t dispute it.
Ichabod calling in his ex to help with the mark. Maris fricking teasing him about Ellie, alluding the dumb squash-face has probably feelings for his partner. Being cold with Ellie, but sliding in and making room for her to sit beside him. The car ride to Maris imp-infested property. The Wall. The Hug. The talking about it and making up. Why did you need to fix your tie, Ichabod? Also, I am calling your bullshit here, Ichabod, because you are hiding something from Ellie. The mark either sets off the nest or acts like Harry’s scar to Voldemort being near.
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