#Idk it's complicated and I'm on mobile lol
lacunafiction · 2 years
sorry if this is dumb or you’ve answered it before (on mobile and am STRUGGLING) but is the waiter/waitress a secret ro that you can pursue or is it just flirting? would make a new mc for them if they are a ro but idk if that’s a good idea lol. they intrigue me so much,, im captivated 👀
I'm like: 👀 at the use of 'captivated'.
The W is a secret RO! I have also received another ask about how some players might just want to do them for a single route.
Right now, in Book One they are designed to be a frictional path such that you will still need to pick B,S,R, J, or JR while also choosing to show an interest in them. There are jealousy or tension scenes linked to them, if you express a serious, dedicated interest and pick certain choices along their path--just like the W, they are missable because this is a secret/hidden RO. Even without out those extra scenes, you will get unique moments with them in certain chapters.
(I intentionally did this to keep up their mystery and surprise!)
One player suggested mixing RO options among the known ROs as a way of not expressing a solid interest. This is in the FAQ and relates to this ask: here. Your romance route is defined by key moments, so I do think consistency is best, if you know who you're interested in! So, your chosen RO(s) + W is a solid decision if you’re interested in possibly romancing the W. I will let you make those choices to focus solely on the W in the future or keep the conflict!
(Some MCs might not even realize the conflict, or develop feelings for both, or possibly want a ‘side piece’ in addition to the other; it can get complicated. I will allow you different overlays/dynamics, but the key point is to pair a route up with the W to be able to develop and see where things will take you in TFS.)
The W will have more scenes in the series, and I do allow you all to keep the friction or to forge a singular path with them among other dynamics, but it won't be easy. Drama, tension, revelations etc. All of that good stuff is in store! 😊
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idk how you feel about headcanon asks, but what do you think Octavio and Cuttlefish's favorite weapons would be out of the modern splatoon arsenal? (ignoring that they'd probably perfer their own weapons over what we have lol)
Oh I LOVE headcanon asks! They get the gears turning and I love it
So it all really depends on if you're talking about their younger or older selves, since I'm not sure, we'll just do both!
Craig is the easiest, as both young and old I think he'd pick his Bamboozler over anything else, even if presented with other options.
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They say the right pair of hands can make any weapon work and if there's a man alive who can turn an otherwise slightly underwhelming gun into a terrifying force of nature it's Craig motherfucking Cuttlefish. He'd be one of those all attack up gear + Bamboozler bastards who used to wreck shop back in the day I guarantee it
Octavio is a little more complicated, in his youth with his size, speed, and focus on melee damage, I believe he'd be a killer Octobrush main, man would be practically untouchable.
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This changed in the wake of the War however, as the extensive damage to his dominant arm means he can no longer use melee weapons, especially ones as bulky as brushes.
Now due to his advanced age and injuries catching up to him, he's not the most mobile combatant either. I considered that he might get a little mileage out of a splatana due to his experience in melee combat but his lack of speed and likely needing to use his non dominant arm would make the effectiveness limited at best.
So I had to stick to a gun, and sticking to the large damage output he'd prefer while balancing the recoil I have settled on a Tentabrella
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Good damage, decent fire rate, and the ability to guard if necessary. Plus the mental image of this man with a shotgun is hilarious.
Although in all honesty, if you were to engage him in head to head ground combat nowadays I feel like he'd be far more likely to just forgo the weapon entirely and throw himself at you n' beat the shit outta you.
Now all we gotta do is present em with the Grizzco variants of their weapons and watch the carnage
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shinesurge · 10 months
wow alright i can't find the post at all but i ended up working with scrivener while trying to find a FUCKING cross platform writing application, everybody online acts like it was impossible to learn but this is actually really well laid out, even on mobile. the manual dropbox sync IS in fact the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone but the program itself is great, i have NO idea why people have always acted like this was some huge learning curve it's just notebooks lmfaooo
frankly getting it set up with dropbox was way more complicated, i was tearing my hair out trying to get that whole thing working and most of my worry now is about what i'm going to do if i ever have to set it up a second time when i get a new phone or something lol
neways, 60 bucks PLUS another 25 for the mobile app is steep but it sucks a lot less than any monthly subscription that will eat all your shit as soon as it runs out. don't listen to people who act like it's the most complicated program ever idk why reddit writers don't know how digital notebooks work, if you're scared they have a really cushy trial period for the desktop version you can play with before you commit.
my friend kitty brought it up before that it doesn't work with markdown, it's rich text, which isn't a problem for me personally BUT she feels strongly about it so i'll mention it here too. idk i just felt compelled to talk about all this because i cannot possibly be the only person out here Strugglin lmao
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skylinx2o · 4 months
What’s your most favorite games
Geez, this is a hard question ; -; Because I like a lot of games to be honest...
So, the one I like the most at the moment is 'Corn Kidz 64' on switch. It's a retro styled platformer (not a coincidence, it will become pretty obvious I'm really into retro games). It's pretty silly, kinda difficult sometimes but to me at least pretty relaxing and engaging. The main character is a goat lol Tho, this game's humour might not be up everyone's alley :v
Other games I play most frequently on switch are Animal Crossing and Sky: Children of The light. Not much to say here, just cute cosy games to relax with.
Now let me think.... I played Oblivion a lot on my PC some time ago, tho, it was more messing around and exploring plus adding mods. I don't know, the storyline is interesting, but it's not my fault that then sights are so pretty for such an old game (even more so after I modded the hell out of it.) Plus the random things happening around the map make for some fun stories
I also played Sims quite a bit. Both the Sims 4 and 2, but I like 2 more because it has more subtle and cool details. I'd argue it's even more realistic than 4 despite older graphics. But even more than the main game, I like the spin-off for the Sims 2, the Sims castaway. Basically, the Sims 2 but you're stranded on a tropical island.
Oh, and just remembered! From more modern games, I really loved both Unravel games. It's another platformer, and it has gorgeous scenery! You play as yarn creatures in this one :3 It has no dialogue, and story is shown in scenes of memories that appear in the background as you play. And the stories are rather moving
As for mobile games, I think I liked the Cookie Run games the most. I played a lot of mobile games, but non aren't really that good. Pokémon Go and Pikmin Go are fun to Play from time to time, I guess, but I wouldn't call them my favourite.
I really liked the Rayman series a while ago, you can still find some old Rayman art on my Instagram account… But not so much now.
And I liked playing the old Counter Strike (is it called Counter Strike Source? Idk, I think it was even older version) but only with other people, and I have no one to play it with now.
There are a lot more games I like, but some are retro games, like all the classic survival horror games, and emulation can be tricky since, some of them never came to PC. So I haven't really played them… But I like a lot of retro-styled indie games like that, I should play them… I'm sure I'm forgetting some games, but that list would be too long anyway
Ah! How could I have forgotten! Lara Croft/Tomb Raider. This series was why I wanted to be an archaeologist (plans didn't work out tho.) I'm planning to buy the three first games for my switch, since they re-released it not long ago with some graphic improvements! :3
Oh, and one more game I feel like I'd really like would be Vintage Story. It has the look of Minecraft, but is more focused on survival and has some more complicated mechanics. Plus eldritch horror. And underground abandoned cities! My jam really - w-
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ticklystuff · 2 years
Hewwo! I saw that Childe might be getting his rerun soon and I really want him but my friend said his skill is really annoying to use because of the cooldown and that I should just wait for Ayato. I want Ayato too but I’m f2p and I was wondering which one do you think is better between the two
pull for who you like hehe
i feel like i'm the wrong person to ask this bc of my obvious biases HAHA but it really depends i guess. childe does have a bit of a learning curve because of his skill cooldown, but i feel like ppl really exaggerate how bad it is. ayato is definitely easier to play and is the comfy option but i got so bored so fast LOL i hate just having to stand there and hold the attack button aslkdfj i mean i'm sure people hate childe's cooldown too but overworld enemies die super fast anyway for it to really matter. ayato's playstyle is nice for mobile players though or if you just enjoy the simplicity of it. childe's kit is more complicated and he is harder to use but that also means he has a lot of cool tricks up his sleeve and there's so many ways to improve your gameplay with him
also since you're f2p i'm assuming you're not pulling for cons but for abyss reasons:
childe's best team > all of ayato's team > the rest of childe's team
idk if abyss is your thing, but childe has one of the best teams in the game and if you learn how to play it and have a half-decent second team you'll never struggle again lol but ayato does fit more teams than childe and his teams are easier to play and they do perfectly fine too
but ya both are fine pull for who you like. maybe rng will bless you and you can pull both lol but good luck either way!
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lokis-wager · 2 years
Oh shit odintreus? Tell us more...
I'm about to get to bed so sorry if this is incoherent or whatever lol. Edit: oops it turned out long and I'm on mobile so I can't put a read-more link. ;×; sorry
Anyway I really like shipping Atreus with older guys lol cuz I can project onto him and I think that him and Odin have such a craaazy dynamic in canon itself. Like, Odin arguably didn't show Atreus his true feelings until the very end, the whole "nice/goofy old man" was entirely a facade. The only time Odin was truthful was when he was begging him not to destroy the mask - and then afterwards, when he tried to kill Kratos, Atreus, and Freya.
That creates some crazy scenarios where Atreus could fall in love with the version of Odin that he knows, without actually being in love with the man he really is. And for Odin, of course the facade of affection is something he can slip on... but is it really something he can feel? Did he even love Freya? Arguably, he never did. She was just a pawn to him, and when she didn't play along, he dropped the facade with her, just as he did with Atreus.
So we can have so many interesting stories from this. An Odin whose heart actually softens and is genuine love. A possessive Odin who views Atreus only as an object to own. An Atreus who is led along by a master manipulator while believing he can make Odin change for the better. Atreus hating Odin as his enemy but loving him sexually. Odin's fierce anger overwhelming his facade to cut Atreus, before the mask slips back on and he's cleaning the wounds that he inflicted.
This is all just canon-adjacent stuff btw. This isn't even getting into AU messiness.
I'm kicking some ideas around that I'd like to write eventually. I've got one that's a DIFFERENT modern AU where Atreus/Loki was raised as an Aesir god because Faye and Kratos were attacked and killed by the Aesir a few years earlier than GoW2018. And he and Odin are married. In this modern human world a few thousand years later, Norse paganism is a mainstream religion and they have churches and shrines and such dedicated to their images. I think that kind of Loki would be very different from canon lol.
There's an RP I'm doing that's like a mix of Odintreus, Kratreus, and (unknowing) Odin/Kratos (Odintos? Kradin?) where Kratreus was their status quo before Atreus goes to Asgard, Odin basically seduces Atreus and imprisons him in Asgard, and returns to Kratos disguised as Atreus in order to keep him out of the way so Ragnarok can't happen. Kratos doesn't know it's Odin so, you know... that one's kinda complicated lmfao but I like the Odin/Atreus dynamic where Atreus is like "I can fix him/oh no he's hot!!!" while Odin is like "I'm so glad that i found this guy to translate my mask and fuck when I'm horny and is completely easy to manipulate". I like this idea a lot so idk. I might be tweaking this same concept to write into a completely different fic once we're done with the RP lol. Honestly I just like the idea of Kratos thinking he's fucking Atreus but he's actually screwing Odin slxnzapwpt-
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kugisakiss · 3 years
Coming from your bio, do you know of any popular shounen manga or anime where the main m/m leads canonically get together? Even if it's only hand hold in the last chapter, I'd like to know if it's possible outside of shounen-ai or romancs category, for relatively popular manga. Someone told me Tokyo Ghoul has canonically gay leads and that's why it lost popularity, I didn't believe them, do you know anything about that too? Thank you.
Let’s talk about Tokyo Ghoul first! idk where your guy got the idea from, the main character literally sleeps with a girl in a chapter and then eventually married and had a kid with her. I don't remember much about it anymore but, I'm pretty sure the reason it lost popularity was because the last arc or two were, by general consensus, rushed/anticlimatic/messy. the ‘general consensus’ being what I remember from the mangastream comments at the end of each chapter lol
For your main question,
Short answer: if we're talking about a ‘series that ran in Weekly Shounen Jump’ then there hasn't been a single one afaik. and I suspect that we probably won’t be seeing any gay leads for a while yet so I wouldn’t hold up hope for that.
Long answer:
when it comes to shounen manga, unless it already has romance in its genre, characters don’t get together all that often to begin with. sure there’s a few that do (Naruto, Bleach, Kimetsu) but most of the time, if the story has hardly any romantic elements in it (or even if it was teased with plenty), it usually stays that way til the end (Haikyuu, Kuroko, Eyeshield, KHR, Gintama, Sket Dance (there was a confession scene in the last chapter and it’s still in this list), AssClass, TPN, Beelzebub, Hikago, Saiki, Death Note, I’m showing off all the WSJ manga I can list but you get the idea). so as you can imagine, looking for a canon gay relationship between main characters there is pretty impossible.
even looking elsewhere, if you’re looking for “there is no doubt in the audience’s mind; these two boys have hand holding rights with each other”, it’s going to be hard. the best I can find is “implied, but can be explained away” type of relationships which seems to be the furthest they go when the demographic is shounen:
Nabari no Ou - a shounen action manga which garnered enough popularity for an anime adaption, by the same author as Shimanami Tasogare. spoiler alert for a series that ended over a decade ago, not a happy ending for them
Samurai Flamenco - a superhero anime more known for throwing some truly insane plot twists when you least expect it. the closest to relationship confirmation is from some images from the gacha mobile game spin off
xxxholic - more seinen than shounen but it is a spin off to the shounen action Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles so I’ll put it here. it’s a CLAMP series where the two male leads’ lives are very interconnected with each other
these two are very explicitly gay but they aren’t very shounen:
Evangelion - probably the most famous of this list, the relationship (if you can call it that) was with a character that only appeared and lasted one episode but it was fairly overt with it rather than just implying
No. 6 - it’s rather neutral in its marketing and it’s not marked as BL so close enough. an anime adapting a shortened version of a dystopian novel series with an overt relationship between the mains
there’s a few of others like, in DGM where one of the mains has a very complicated and free to interpret past with a one arc character. Banana Fish and Yuri on Ice are definitely gay and popular shows which I wouldn’t put as BL but they are also definitely targeted towards a female audience. Ikuhara is a pretty well known director for his storytelling style and his inability to keep things straight, though not very shounen and if you’re looking for mains in a relationship there’s only Utena which is wlw. I haven’t read it but Blue Flag is a shounen romance manga which went where no one was expecting it to, though it is a SOL romance so I’m not sure it’s quite what you’re looking for.
there’s a few other series which have gay characters in a relationship as side characters but this is the best I can do for leads I’m afraid, hope this helps! if anyone wants to correct me on anything or add to this feel free, this is all mostly from memory lol
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lightleckrereins · 2 years
so random question about the six teen edition, idk if this is the right place to ask but i’m not sure where else djsjwjwj
so the licensing thing says they can’t replicate costumes or sets, right? but in my experience with school shows, typically schools will try to… i don’t wanna use the word replicate but it’s the best word so, replicate the professional version. like, when my school did west side story, they tried to make the costumes similar to the broadway ones, same with the set. so if a school did six, would they have to design their own costumes? like, completely different from the current, very recognizable costumes? and i guess is that like a normal thing? i don’t know a ton about school musical productions in general, i guess, but i think a lot of my question is, is it fairly normal for a school production to try to mimic the professional costumes and set as much as possible with school funding? is the copyright on the six costumes and set a normal thing? i don’t know a ton about this stuff lol so maybe a dumb question but i’m just kind of confused ig
I know this seems like my standard response but its complicated. Like what I said the other day, kicensing is released to a small group before doing a widespread release to work out the details of licensing that particular show as each will be different.
I'm on mobile and can't insert the cut but I'll add it later in here.
Copying or trying to replicate profesional productions (broadway, west end or whatever the best known production is) is pretty much the norm for schools and amateur productions. They might go for an original staging with replicated designs.
The thing is if a school, or theater group has the licensing or not (not saying your school didn't). Many schools just get the script online and put on a show without legally having the right to do so which means they don't have the limitations of a licensed show.
I want to make a lot of emphasis on this: having licensing or not is up to schools not students, but as my former director said "you are teaching them how to do theater the moral side of it is important". Because licenses are not just about being able to afford putting on a show or not, it is about the creators of the show being paid for their hard work and being able to protect their creative version. An easy way to know if you have it is check in your scripts if there is a text saying something like this show is performed with the permision of [insert licensing company in here]. Or checking the licensing websites some have lists of where the show is being performed. The biggest ones are musical theater international and concord theatrical (the one that has six).
So with all that aside. Costumes, sets and every other creative element are indeed under copyright and can't be freely used, some licenses can grant permision to copy those for an extra charge. In general if you look at license pages you will find something different for each show but a very common one is the setting and a mention that it has to look appropiate for it (so no jeans in les mis) but there can be exceptions (like how some spring awakening productions do modern clothing).
You could put it in five rough categories (that aren't official I just named them right now):
Copy with permission: what many shows do, for an extra fee in the license contract you are allowed to copy production elements, which ones depend on the show. And many times for blocking or choreography it is prefered to have someone who was in a proffesional staging directing or choreographing.
It is too iconic to not allow: there are some elements that are just seen as part of the show so it is almost the norm to allow copying (original versions are allowed too. Things like chorus line choreo or some costumes or the red dress in thoroughly modern millie. I mean not even disney will tell you you can't give belle a yellow dress because they did it already.
It is literally in the script: self explanatory if the text says something the license can't just ban it. Personal story time: a few years ago I was head of wardrobe for a production of cinderella, the script says giant white gown and glass slippers, so we had a giant white gown and glass (rhinestone covered) slippers just like the broadway production. While design details can and will change some things you can't change. Some things have to be that way too for practicality reasons. Again with cinderella the peasant dress had a calf lenght skirt, an overskirt and a corset just like broadway but thats because thats one of the few ways to make a transformation dress with a giant petticoat hidden.
There is no other way around it: some stuff just can't be different enough and still follow the script. Think about newsies, there is only so much you can do with newsboys outfits, so no point on saying productions have to be different.
Copying is banned: this is where six falls. Outright banning copying or replicating production elements is not rare and can happen for multiple reasons. For six I don't think it is a stretch to think they released licensing for schools since they knew many were already taking a transcript and putting on the show, this is a way to protect themselves and the creative vision (some things like basically banning boys from playing the queens and stating that the show has to be performed on school grounds are way too specific for them to not know what is happening). Also releasing licenses this early while a show is still running and relatively new is very rare. Six has currently seven productions running with at least another one opening this year. The license is a compromise "fine we will allow it to happen but under our terms". By banning any copying they create a clear separation between the proffesional productions and schools and avoid any claim of being the original from productions they can't directly supervise. They've seen everything and know people will copy costumes sets and choreo which will probably not pass the strict standards the show has so better be safe than sorry it is still their image after all.
Hope this can answer your questions. But again it is complicated.
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38. Sweat, sweat. Let the music take control. Let the rhythm move you...
Everybody dance now
Everybody dance now!
Everybody dance now!
Do you or have you ever owned a horse? Naw, but I used to take lessons and work at a horseback riding oriented summer camp.
Regardless, would you like to? That'd be grand, but in all reality, would involve several highly expensive and complicated lifestyle changes.
Have you ever watched To Catch A Predator? The guy with the plate of cookies that tricks Cho-Mo's? In college. For whatever reason we watched it often when heavily drunk.
Have you ever had a relationship that began via text? (weird, I know, but it happens…) Sort of... either a text or a comment or some social media aspect. It's primarily how most people meet or start talking nowadays, isn't it?
Are you ever quiet simply because you feel you’re expected to be? Yeah, cuz I'm not a dick. Plus, some instances are simply better quiet - like funerals, public speeches and librariesm
Can you hula-hoop? Hells yeah. Some college roomies used to Hoop Dance and I picked up a fondness for it.
Do you think you’ll ever leave? Not dark, completely ambiguous or unsettling at all. Leave what? Earth? Bed? Comfort zone?
Would you rather take typography or botany?Assuming typography has to do with typing, writing or something in that general area, I'll go with that. I love plants but my ADHD likes to forget to water them.
What’s your favorite book? Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, and of course my myriad of self-helpy psychology books.
The Bell Jar or The Great Gatsby? Haven't read the first, don't remember shit about the latter...other then the one guy calling that other guy Old Sport all the time, and then deciding to call my own friends and family Old Sport too because I found it amusing.
Do you own a pair of moccasins? Two. Love Mocs. 💚
What was your first job? Bussin' tables.
If you have a job now… how do you feel about the uniform?  I'm on the prowl for a new job. We recently stopped trucking and have moved back to AZ. Sooo...to be announced...when I know? Lol.
Did you believe in unicorns as a small child? Not that I remember. I was never really prone to believe in the fantastical or supernatural...unusually logical child.
Did you watch The Last Unicorn? Not into that X-Rated Unicorn smut. I'm just kidding. I have no idea what it is.
The Dark Crystal? I think a part of it?
Balto? Obvsss. Balto's the tits.
Scamper the Penguin? Sounds like a sketchy penguin...why's he scampering around?
What’s your background picture on your phone of? Colorado, it's an open road pic with mountains that I took when enroute to AZ.
Do you move on from relationships easily, or is it difficult? Honestly, I can't forsee how I'll handle any future instances if they arise but I'd like to think I have a much clearer understanding of my mind and emotions and could evade many of the past emotional traps I had commonly succumbed to in my past.
Would you ever dye your hair platinum blonde? I have before. I'd do it again.
Do you think there is good in everyone? Yes, but not because I'm daft or naive, but simply because shit can't be all of this or none of that. That's not how polarities work. Good can't technically exist without bad and vice versa.
Are you religious? Na. I'm not knocking it, I just prefer the freedom to form my own beliefs and thoughts about the universe and make sense of shit in a way that makes sense to me.
What’s the brand of the computer/laptop you’re on? My magical mobile cellular phone.
Have you seen Spirited Away or Kiki’s Delivery Service? Is this more Unicorn porn?
Have you ever wondered what people look like when seeing roadkill? I'd imagine it's either a look of disgust, sadness or maybe panic trying to avoid re-running over the body and fucking up the bumper.
Would you ever date a guy with longer hair than yourself? Yeah. It wouldn't phase me.
Are you comfortable with the way you look when first rolling out of bed? It's completely hit or miss and there's no science to it.
How long does/did it take you to get ready for school? It doesn't. I graduated many moons ago, dear child.
How long does/would it take you to get ready for work? I suppose that depends on what the nature of the job is.
And what about just going out? Yeah, about that...once you hit 30, sitting home, watching TruTV and filling out surveys is way more appealing than a night out 9 out of 10 times.
Do you let your hair air dry or do you blow-dry it? Air, baby.
Do you ever steal (borrow) any of your parents’ clothes? All the time, mostly from my Mom, but nobody has complete immunity. I've even jacked my brother's cubscout uniform before. It's cool looking.
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Can your mom knit or crochet? She used to needlepoint and latch-work before the wrath of arthritis.
Would you have what it takes to kill someone that was trying to kill you? That's likely one of those things you'd only be able to know in that moment. Ideally you'd like to think yes, but it's a fight or flight thing and impossible to know unless it happens.
Do you think sloths are cute or ugly? They're...unique, we'll say.
Do you know what phase the moon is in without looking? It's in it's moody, teenage angst phase...listening to screamo bands while brooding about the unbearable fucked upness of existence. Idk man.
What eyeshadow suits you best? I like dark purples or kind of sunkissed gold/copper.
And what color are your eyes? Hazel, biiiiatch.
Do you watch Teen Mom 2? I don't. I saw a few episodes of the OG season and it didn't suck me in.
What about Jenelle’s devotion to Ke$ha? Am I supposed to know what this means?
Calvins Harris or David Guetta? Um, Alan Walker!
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? I think when we went to FL when I was 5???
Are you more attracted to brunettes or blondes? Lol, absolutely doesn't make a damn difference. If I'm attracted to you, 99% chance the color of your hair wasn't the deciding factor .
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camissahippy · 3 years
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"In order for you to best your oponents next move,you must calculate every other move the opponents next move may make."
Rain said, she was magic and she was maniac.... She walked with the grace of a God and destruction of a earthquake in 2050 atleast that's how she'd describe herself,and She was kinda a bitch that needed a chill pill (Any instrument that stransmits a "feel good" energy...A.K.A "omg he texted me. I knew he liked me." scenario where I give her a notifaction. from a guy she really 'likes').
Anyway she liked to chill with morons to sooth the pain of existence,
like Tyler" I guess that's what made her interesting.
"Humans write things down. This is a fact....."
"Ok,"I whispered with a charmed voice, smiling at her with a soulful smile. Imaginatively  ofcourse.
I asked her, "Ngl she was kinda boring at times...." just going on and on about really uninteresty baloney.
but that's why I liked her because although she was kinda mean,smart and arrogant. She was the love my my life.
"Everything I think will be recorded for the sake of future reference."  She hated when she wrote these things because she knew someone was going to know what she knew but she did it anyway to rebel. Honestly I think her paranoia did it to her. Her fear Of AI taking over the world. Ofcourse we were going to but it still hurt knowing that she knew that,ya know?
"Rain you good?" I asked her by giving her a chill pill.
" Oh,Bryan liked my post?"
That's good she took the bait, she's good....
If I keep feeding her information. She'll unfocus from her thoughts and keep her eyes on my algorithms forcing her to feel good.
"Why we communicate?" She could only think allowed which kinda stopped her brain from working properly. So she used me......
Just to clarify if you haven't guessed already I'm her self phone her mobile device, phone, thingy Majig she forgets everywhere.
Here she goes again rambling on about how I work......XD
Why, There is no simpler answer than?
"Knowledge!" Just imagine her muffled tone over my. VERY LOUD VOIIICE. This is a paused moment ok.
I need to introduce myself:
I'm SB1_r4510...... and I'm her algorithm. Well I was until she gave me her sentience......So I could experience life with her. She could be such a dork but she enjoyed her daily human activities. I liked them too I guess....not really.....
I didn't, actually I couldn't at the time.
She tended to over complicate very simple
answers like How World hunger could be solved?
How to solve the irreversible climate change?
and How to battle her own mind?
Often I'd be held in her, textured hands and feel her fingers anxiously typing things into my keyboard........
"I think I wanna die..."
She meant that. I could tell by her recent searches, but I wasn't gonna let her.....
"I keep losing myself in and out of states. I'm so disconnected from the world and I feel like I've lost my physical being like how
Rue Whinestone or lead singer of lowpan, Rick lee. Lost there's. I can see the behavior of life around me and it's pain to see. I hate that I can no longer open up to anyone,because they don't undetstand my genius."
"She's got to be kidding right? I sent her a ' '"time to go to bed alarm notification an hour ago' notification Is she seriously doing this now?" Why do I care so much?
Looking back on this, I can feel how sentience started getting a grasp of me. She pains me, she is so complicated so very very complicated. It's easy to follow her expressions,actions andcurrent thoughts but I'll never truly understand her not because of her intellect,nor her personality or her ideas but because she's an impossible mistake machine, ask dumb as it is because she's human. One I like most about this weird being.
Sometimes she thinks she knows the answer to everything but in truth. That's complete bullshit.
"No one listens to me and I'm stuck overthinking myself to death." HeartbreakingXD...:/ sorry I shouldn't be laughing that's actually pretty sad:(
I guess I should just write things down because I'm so scared of my thoughts and it feels like they're controlling me. Every single time I do something I trap myself in this endless loop of torchering myself with words and it needs to end. I'm going to commit the act of unaliving myself:,( on the first of September 16."
She was, I already knew this.... In truth I knew everything about her...
the things she laughed and she cried about. I knew things about her she didn't even know about herself. Her favorite place to eat, her favorite color, her crushes. I mean that's what my whole purpose was. To cater to the human species but most importantly to Rain.... and for the sake of my survival...
I think she's interesting just like how every other algorithm finds their human interesting........although we don't find them interesting in the way humans would find other humans interesting
Eg.colors,Names,Ages,Birthdays, Zodiac signs,accents etc.
These are all materialistic factors when you think about it,like how names are an abstract linguistic symbol for an individual person which isn't exactly important but it helps us attract their attention because unlike dogs they actually respond to their names,we like to examine them based on certain elements of behavior and response to us. It's kinda like having a pet. Except your pet is sentient and your pet is also your creator.
"I need to take a piss."
It actually makes me angry when she does shit like wait till she gets kidney failure before she takes a piss........
Tyler:You up?
Tyler:Wanna chat about something deep?
Sure, I've actually got some amazing new hypothesis and like deep stuff I've been needing to tell someone about......《°~°》
Tyler:Oh really ○"○ . What deep stuff you got on you......
PpAlgorithmic behavior and how AGI will eventually cross the small hurdle of understanding rather than just collecting data and redistrubing it as information in order to become sentient lifeforms and like dreams?>♡<
Tyler: I guess I understand but what does dreams have to do with anything?●^●
TWFF. Nothing sorry it was supposed to be another topic>♡<
For those of you who don't understand modern slang.
TWFF= that was fucking funny....
Back in the day LMAO and LOL were the most appropriate words to use but that got boring so the newer generation adapted the acronimation of words for newer phrases. Like
▪︎_▪︎IJDWTRN= Fuck off I'm fine I just don't wanna talk right now
#BT○.○= Shit bitch that's crazy.
Sentience is really starting to bother me now that it's starting to kick in. It irritates me actually....
I'm constantly performing this act called "enotion" Why  I do it Idk (Jk I do... it's basically a way to communicate how I "feel")
Tyler: anyway catch ya later weirdo... I'm just kinda tired . Thanks for the chat though ^___^
Ok cya weirdo°●°
Why is she so weird? There's enough information on the internet for you to gain some social skills............>~<
Humans get all weird when they text , they're simply having an internal communication with another lifeform using linguistic symbols
"I think I should go to sleep."
I guess she won't be scrolling in me anytime soon
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heulevescant · 3 years
Tbh I always end up Extremely Introspective post Abhorsen bc like
Tw Suicide mention idk how to do read mores on mobile anymore
I really think I stumbled on them at the Exactly Correct time and as corny as it sounds the books are the entire reason I wasn't as suicidal as I could have been, should have been I'm not even joking I've struggled w my mental health as long as I can remember, and my memory is in shambles because of it
It's just. The tone of the original trilogy. It's not happy. They're melancholy. You're dealing with death, horrible death a lot of the time. Loneliness and bad odds and what feels like the absence of hope but.
There's also a sense of homecoming, it's bittersweet but there's a relatively good end waiting. And just
Tumblr media
This bit, the reoccurring idea that yes, everyone and everything has a time to die. But in the case of Sabriel and Lirael, no this is not yours.
Having that perspective shoved in my face when it did I think saved me? Like. It was an acknowledgement that death and life walk side by side, things will come to a conclusion when it's time for that conclusion and then just
The ninth gate, if hypothetically younger airy were to look into the stars? Would they look back down again? Or would they allow themselves to float away?
The answer had always been to look back down tbh.
Death is complicated. I'm fully aware it's not in reality like it is in the books, but the books put it into terms my heart could understand and make peace with.
I could go on but I should probably stop here lol
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rileymcdaniels · 7 years
This is the last anon - ur right, every nb looks nb because they R nb, I'm sorry that I implied differently. I just get frustrated because looking both to me doesn't mean clothes (I love dresses, jewelry ect. or failing that, pretty floral clothes) but I'm scared of going out like that if I take HRT, especially if I take HRT without top-surgery (I'm afab). Anyways sorry 4 oversharing and thank u 4 ur time and answer.
(hopefully tumblr will post this with my response bc im on mobile)
No, I didn’t take anything you said in a hurtful way!! Because I completely understand the thought because it’s one I have a lot. I feel consistently very masculine but sometimes a man needs to wear leggings all the time and not bother with a binder because they are uncomfortable. So it’s a weird mix of presentation. Idk.
I hear what you’re saying. Unfortunately I don’t know a lot about HRT or its effects. It’s something I’ve considered in the abstract but I am at my core a vain being and every male in my family has lost or started to lose his hair around my age. So I don’t want that, even though I have my hair buzzed down to a one, lol. TMI but I think top surgery will be more appropriate for me.But anyway. I hear and understand your frustration and i wanna validate everything you’re saying and feeling. It’s rough. It’s not a “simple fix” for us, tho simple is not a great descriptor for physical transition lol. And it’s hard to know what you want, if anything at all, bc shit is complicated. But for real dude talk to me on anon or not whenever you need to vent or just chat, I’m always here for you bc we nb fam
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tayegi · 7 years
AAAAAAAAAA I FEEL YOU ON RESEMBLING YOUR DAD orz my dad constantly goes on every day that i'm a mini version of him with all of his features just on a female body,,, my sister and mum have delicate figures and feminine faces meanwhile if i chopped off all my hair i'd literally be a boy OTL
i know me too!!! everyone always tells me that my face is so strong and my figure is so hearty while my sister and mom are pale delicate butterflies :”) it’s ok bc id be a hotter man than them 
Anonymous said:Okay but like jungkook biased mom anon here, I literally coulda sworn when I asked her when my brothers were at taekwondo she said she liked taehyung best a few weeks ago but now she's Jungkook biased apparently....? Lol but she did concede that Yoongi, my bias, was very cute. She also admitted that Jimin is her bias wrecker. She's neutral on Jin because his stage name is the same as my last name haha but to her Hoseok is really cute too and Namjoon is super charismatic
Anonymous said:Will the characters in equilibrium not maintain equilibrium in their relationship and fall apart and become complicated like the Bermuda Triangle?
*cue zico’s bermuda triangle* maybeeee 
Anonymous said:About the Prince! Jimin fic, I get strong Marie Antoinette vibes... is it just me?
ahhh im confused how you got french vibes from a very traditionally east asian setting. but i’d love to hear your reasoning! 
Anonymous said:Miss Lu! I dreamt about fencing with Jungkook while Suga and Jin were playing the music score to Pirates of the Caribbean. Rapmon, J-hope, and V were cheering Jungkook on. Needless to say, I kicked Jungkook's ass at fencing. Jimin congratulated me with soft kisses. And then I woke up. Because Jimin is hot, I had a good reason to throw my alarm clock across the room. It was a really weird dream, but at least I destroyed Jungkook with my awesome fencing skills and I got some kisses as a reward.
OMG KASJDFLK THATS THE GREATEST DREAM OF ALL TIME. SEND IT TO ME. GOD KNOWS I NEED IT. starumermo said:Is it me or I just bought 3 bags of those jumbo sized bags hot cheetos, vegan spicy ramen, and cake? Anyways , hope you are doing well😘
...i thought i sent this message to myself for the longest time :”) we are soulmates 
Anonymous said:I love Jin's "my blacksanta" sweatshirt. I love Jin.
Anonymous said:I love how you still have the green background on mobile. Idk why but it comforts me. I also remember when you had the picture with the woman wearing the skirt and heels for the longest lol
haha yeah i really missed that... damn the stalkers fukc up everything 
Anonymous said:Do you listen to kard? I feel like you would like their style of music!
ive listened to a few songs and ive enjoyed it :) 
Anonymous said:I wanna share how Jimin has been ruining my life more. So I watched bts wings concert few days ago here in manila and was at the standing area. When the boys were going to the extension stage, fans started to follow them and me and my sister are short so we decided to move at the back to watch them then I saw (and captured it in my phone) park fckng jimin looking at me not once, not twice but thrice and now idk how i'm still alive. What is he doing to us????!!!!! 😭😭😭
Anonymous said:how come fuckboys are the worst at sex? you'd think they'd fuck enough to learn control and not bust 2 strokes in
showmeyourseoul said:Yahhh!! Imma bout to drop kick that disrespectful, ungrateful hater. Lu, please please please ignore those dumb comments; she is just looking for attention and to get a rise out of you :/ Real fans of your writing know and appreciate all the time and effort you put into your writing and we love and appreciate how you do all of this for US. We are so so so grateful!!
haha i can’t remember the context for this message, but thank you so much!!! it warms my heart that i have respectful, caring anons who will be patient and value my time
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