#Idk maybe I'm wrong
theshipdiaries · 3 months
I've been rewatching Once Upon a Time season 2 (I skipped some parts) and... I remember Rumple being worse. like- so far? the worst thing he has done in the present is beat up some guys to impress his girlfriend. like- Regina did waaay worse things. In the past AND in the present. Maybe he does worse later? I mean Regina SLAUGHTERED VILLAGES. He only killed once in a while and never for like no reason. Or at least not as often, like- he didn't kill just to kill, or for pettiness all the time. Regina slaughtered villages just because they were protecting Snow.
She killed her own father who loved her so much. All in the name of revenge. The worst thing Rumple did was abandon his son and he did it because he was scared not because he wanted revenge.
I mean all of season 2 Regina kept choosing the path of evil over and over again and all Rumple did was help literally everyone. He did it annoyed but did it anyway. Then he sacrificed himself for everyone. like- for me that's his redemption already. He didn't need to necessarily do it again
And yet rumple is seen as worse? somehow? we'll see later. I honestly have the worst memory so l don't remember too much of the later seasons. I do know he kept choosing the dagger over belle, but that's the only thing that can kill him- I wouldn't trust anyone with it either.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 10 months
Listen I'm all for thirsting over Coriolanus Snow but can we not write Snow x Readers where Lucy Gray is the villain?? Something about excusing an entitled monster for his beauty and dismissing a female victim of violence because she's getting in the way of your 'wondrous love' just feels off to me-especially in the context of the Hunger Games universe being a dystopic society faintly resembling our own
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mysticalcats · 4 months
what the hell is tumblr communities
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oifaaa · 2 years
Aren't you popular? Your art is really good and ive seen it on, like, pinterest and whatnot as well. I was under the impression that you were popular
Not really? Like my art really isn't actually that great I'd say at this point it is average, slightly above average at a stretch, and I was actually more popular when I was drawing star wars then now that I'm drawing dc or at least according to how many notes I get my star wars art would get on average about 2k to 5k regularly while with my dc stuff it sits more at 1k to 2.5k with the odd art getting more, also I'm only on tumblr which isn't really considered a popular site anymore (but I still love it here so)
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randomnow · 2 years
its kind of wild to see people legitimately theorizing that Matt is going to go scorched earth/apocalyptic with Exandria
like... I don't doubt the man will do damage, he's always willing to break cities and throw in serious consequences but that world is his baby, he's not going to ruin it
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Isn't it funny that out of 4 imperial storylines only Bounty Hunter's story, the one with least imperial ties, ends with a significant Republic defeat (forcing Corellia to join the Empire, loss of Jun Seros, a Jedi Battlemaster, and chancellor of the Republic, even if you don't kill him)?
(and by 'funny' I meant ironic and representative of constant backstabbing and power plays in Sith Empire)
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will80sbyers · 2 years
I was also thinking how wlw are made canon and happy in animation more than in anything else and I wonder if it's about the fact that they have to tone down the desire in animation and they usually make it happen only at the end... like could it be a question of the networks being afraid that if they make the wlw couple last they think they have to show the attraction often and they associate that with the porn industry and how lesbians and bi women are seen as "promiscuous" from the general public instead of focusing on their love first and so they are more scared about the audience complaining? I don't know, it's just super weird... or maybe the fact that most writers are cis straight men and women so they have that bias when they tell a story and instead people that work in animation are usually queer
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Is that Alarm? That’s Alarm, right? They’re going to get caught in here by someone. 
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Seeing how Cybertron is pretty heavily urbanized thinking about how a medieval style heavily divided dark age world work is interesting.
Honestly, it would be. Especially since you've gotta consider how just their very biology must affect their technology. I think? that a close time period equivalent to that would be around when the not cloned Predacons were still up and about? Which oh definitely fits the medieval theme more, because we've gotta remember that the dark ages started after Rome collapsed. It's like the technological version of those fucked up animals you get after a mass extinction.
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I have been plagued with the knowledge that upside-down pineapples are a symbol for swingers
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danielcalmdown · 8 months
Tumblr media
early morning, on the way to Martinaise
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strhwaberries · 1 year
i found a new way of colouring my gifs and i think i like it better, it looks softer when i compare to my other mv gifs
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lunarmochi · 1 year
had an epiphany this morning while straightening my hair
all these years, people have always called me anti-social. i suppose it's bc many people wrongfully correlate being quiet/introverted to always just hating people and interaction.
and while that's true to a certain extent, it's more-so that i'm really anxious and have trust issues. i'm not that anti-social that it could become one of my defining traits.
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hoofpeet · 24 days
I think the issue I have with all of the pointless "art advice" that gets passed around on instagram/tiktok/etc is that it always acts like there's a set "end goal" to art- which is usually to be as realistic as possible ( I could also go into this for hours)- but that fundamentally misunderstands the point of art by acting like there's a Right or Wrong way to do things. Everybody has to figure out what the want from art and what their "goal" is; which can make a lot of art advice completely redundant and lead you down the wrong path
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kailyn-writes · 2 years
alright now I'm glad I didn't go..
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adamsrcnan · 4 months
confession time. lowkey i don't see what everyone else see's when they describe neil as being like some scary unhinged wild animal in tsc. like to me he's just neil being neil. insufferably blunt and honest, annoyingly snarky and incredibly perceptive to people around him. if anything i think it's more surprising how much more caring he seems. with regards to jean who he claims he can't stand. yet he promises they'll beat the ravens, doesn't say a word after jean trashes their room, is hesitant to leave the hospital room after he confirms riko is dead, asks after jean when jeremy calls kevin late at night, takes all of a couple minutes to decide to put a stop to jean's abuser, was ready to blow off the fbi and make a run for it from the thai restaurant when it seemed like jean wouldn't be able to contain his grief, told wymack he had him, told jean to find his own reasons to not wanna let go of life instead of holding on because he was told he had to, didn't touch jean until he absolutely had to and even then it was to remind him he was worth saving and he should believe it himself. like sure, him putting out a hit is a little unhinged maybe. but i have no doubts he wouldn't have done the same with drake if he'd been able to contact stuart at the time and things did not occur the way they did. again. it's just neil being neil. he's an instigator. and he even said it himself he was great at starting fights knowing he couldn't win them but doing it anyway.
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