#Idk- but happy pride month y/n! :D
mel-loly · 2 years
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Hi <3
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hana Yori Dango (Arataki Itto/Reader/Yan!Kamisato Ayato)
A/n: Eyoo it's Feb 3, the Setsubun festival should be happening rn!!! Idk how I thought it was feb when I uploaded this on SEPTEMBER. Anywahs, ily Itto. He's not a full-blown yandere here (yet?) but he is my– OUR himbo, comrade. Writing Itto's dialogues is a delight. I took some inspiration and ideas from @leftdestiny-posts and the itto/gorou enjoyer anon for this one! (both characters are technically here but... haha...) Thanks for the ideas ehehe >:D
gn!reader. This is Itto's side story for "Careful, He Bites.", so everything is in his perspective. Maybe it could be read as a stand-alone (?) if you haven't read the previous one for extra mystery lololol. 
An Unreliable Synopsis: There is another thing besides you and your flowers that Itto can't live without, and it's good fricking food. (Fic happens before "Careful, He Bites")
Cw: yandere!ayato, Japanese folklore, and pure biker gang leader!itto supremacy.
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Around the time Emperor Takakura reigned in the country, there lived an old farmer who wouldn't move a hair away from Yamashiro Province. 
They were gentle, and their neighbors consistently portrayed them as extremely dense. They did not care to dream big for themselves, and opted to worry only about the plate they'll have once the sun sets.  They didn't pay attention to whispers that would soon become the country's history; they hardly heard of the latest gossip regarding Taira no Tokuko. They lived blissfully secluded and unaware, and it was the life they chose to live.
Unaware may not be the best word to describe them, but unaffected.
███ was alone in their household with no spouse to care for them nor children to raise, and in turn, no one thought to accompany them.
Yet ███ never once considered themselves lonely. The moonlight may wax and wane, but the monsters that lurk nearby would never leave them pondering in the dark.
The moon was beautiful that night, too.
"–Won't you be a dear and fetch me a bottle of sake?" 
Their voice echoed inside the empty and dilapidated house. The █████ Clan had long been silent, so no human would answer their calls.
"HAHAHAHA!!! Off to drink again, eh? Leave it to the one and oni Arataki Itto to keep you company!"
But a yokai might.
This particular yokai, Arataki Itto, had grown accustomed to pouring drinks for the farmer, in a way, they consider him their grandson. Itto sat by the floor beside them. He was small in stature, not much taller than their knee, but they considered his heart to be much bigger than an average human's. So, how could they ever turn down his offer of joining his cute little gang?
"But seriously, grand-y," Itto grinned. "I don't understand why you drink so much when you could never beat me in a drinking competition."
And oftentimes, a bigger heart comes with a bigger pride.
"Oh, Itto..." The old farmer gently ruffled the young oni's hair. "You ought not to be proud of such a feat! You're too young to be downing these drinks."
"But grand-y!"
"Do not argue with me, young oni."
"Why not, especially when you sound like a total sore loser?"
The oni stuck his tongue out.
The farmer sighed, endeared.
Itto wasn't happy with the way they'd been acting over the previous month. Their movements have become terse and rigid since they returned from visiting Yae Miko. And right now, they're being awfully silent for a drunk person. Itto also didn't like how their clan's Kagura Bell Wand is also neatly boxed on top of the table with the kitsune's name on it. It's as if they're planning to give their family heirloom away. Does that mean no purification spells are working on their illness?
"Yo, grand-y. Is something up?"
He doubted it was because of ordinary human struggles. Their father had long perished in a failed rebellion and their mother had hopelessly succumbed to an undiagnosed illness. She left her child the heavy weight of carrying a disgraced Clan's name. Almost nothing can trouble the farmer. 
The farmer succeded most of their previous hardships. If "succeeded" also meant abandoning the Kuruma-dera temple and becoming a recluse entangled with yokai, then the old Sojo would be rolling in his grave right now. But the point is, Itto doesn't think the old farmer would act this way simply because of a menial problem like relationships and lack of entertainment.
"Oh, nothing. I am just... Pondering over my distant relatives' wellbeing. Nothing too personal."
"Do ya want to visit them? I can help you pack up! I've been getting stronger!!!"
The imperial court may be their cousin's home, but it is not their place to stay. Especially for a hakaiso like them. If their cousin wasn't merciful the usual Banishment Laws would've been in full effect on their trial and they'd be sent to Izu Province. They don't want to burden their subordinate clan-- the Kaedehara clan-- more with their presence.
So they digressed.
"Itto, I want you to have this."
They procured a small violet flower from the vase on top of their table. Itto's nose scrunched. The child never expressed any interest in flowers, so their affectionate gesture doesn't reach him.
"Eh? What am I gonna do with that, grand-y?" Itto was visibly unimpressed. 
"I have something to ask of you, won't you take this as a reward for that request?"
"HMPH! I don't even know what the request is!"
"Ahh... Fair point." 
They gazed at the moon.
"Can you look after the Kamisato siblings for me?"
The young oni tilted his head. Why would they ask that? The two bakenekos are already capable of taking care of themselves anyways. Particularly the oldest. Itto often played with Ayato, and all their games ended with the cat outsmarting him one way or another. The only fault Ayato had was being overtly clingy and jealous whenever another yokai steals their attention. 
"But why? It's not like Ayato needs help--"
"I'll be leaving soon."
"--raising his sis– HAAAAAH?!"
They cleared their throat.
"As a human, it still feels as though I'm abandoning my pets, even if they are intellectual yokais who can handle themselves. I'm worried about Ayato especially, he'll probably carry the weight of the world on his shoulders even if he could share the load. Our little himegimi doesn't even have a proper name yet." They muttered, melancholic.
"Hold up grand-y oni! Where are you going?! You're just going out of town... right?"
They laughed humorlessly and patted his head once more. "It won't be long. I'm sure I'll crawl home to you in a few more years. Don't cry, young oni."
So it's not a visit to the capital, it's...
Itto gulped.
"What... What did miss Miko say?"
"It doesn't matter. I am already tired of thinking about talking about it, what more if we discussed the subject?" They shook their head. By the sound of it, they refuse to talk not because of the emotional strain, but because successfully explaining things to someone like Itto would take too much effort.
"NO! Let's talk about iiiiiiiiitttt!!!" He incessantly tugged on their sleeves. "Is it your heart again?! As your gang leader, I already ordered you to stop purging wraiths!!"
They gave him a small, patient smile. For a brief, enchanting moment, it was as if the world slowed just for the oni to process an epiphany.
They tucked a wisteria behind his tiny ear.
"The moon is beautiful. Itto, thank you for making me the first member of your gang." They closed their eyes, breathing shallowly.
And then, a complete yet abrupt silence.
Young Arataki Itto lightly shook the old farmer.
Young Arataki Itto shook them a bit more forcefully.
"Grand-y oni?!"
They didn't reply.
Young Arataki Itto helplessly yanked them by their collar.
You toppled forward as a heavy weight pressed forcefully against your back. 
"Oomph– Goodness– Itto?" 
"Oh, thank God you're alive!" He sobbed.
Arataki Itto, your best bud, wept over your shoulder. You did not shove him away. Itto is way too strong for you, and you wouldn't ask him to carry rice sacks for you if that weren't the case. 
Itto had always been an obnoxious eccentric, often barging into your flower shop and leaving his muddy footsteps on the floor without any reservations until you surprisingly snapped. You commanded him in silent anger that he should make himself more useful to society. Hearing your low-toned voice was the scariest experience Itto had. Itto swears it was downright traumatizing. Distraught, he begged to be your "temporary" delivery boy to calm your nerves. His plan worked. 
You pay him generously for his service, especially since he is missing his birth certificate and therefore can't be employed officially, but that doesn't change the fact that your floors are still muddy now that he's always back.
Itto squished his cheek against your neck as he bawled. You first assumed he was here for his part-time job but he's more interested in sharing his story. You accepted your fate and listened to the biker's performance.
"You would not BELIEVE what kinda nightmare I had last night– like hoo boy, it was INTENSE!"
"Is that so?" You chuckled, slowly diverting your attention back to your previous task, which was watering your plants.
"Trust me, man! It was so strange, it felt like it was some premonition from a distant past or something."
"I'm almost certain that premonition refers to an omen of what might happen in the future, but do go on."
"I can't remember the details, but apparently I was talking to this old farmer– and then they died in my arms! Like bleugh!" Itto bit his tongue and closed his eyes, trying to mimic what the corpse did but it's obviously an exaggeration. "I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I felt so small."
"Oh, wow. How horrifying." You spoke with your voice dripping with disinterest.
It kinda blows that you see him as just an annoying kid-like figure, but at least you let him pull you close like this. Maybe you'd compliment his muscles one day (or not, he lowkey skips arm exercises).
"Right?! Get this– the old grandperson-guy gave me a sumire! A FLOWER!!!"
"This is most certainly the first time you're excited about flowers. Hmm..." You placed a finger on your chin. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but are your dreams trying to tell me that violets will sell well this season or...?"
You cast a glance at your reserved flower stock. Because none of them are violets, it appears that you cannot tease him by offering a bouquet. You would've joked about sending some to his funeral, but Itto is rattled enough without your misplaced sense of humor.
"What?! DUDE! Why is that your interpretation?!"
"It might be because I happen to be a florist, Itto."
Itto looked back at your flowers with an open-mouth expression that says "oh, right." 
He quietly noticed that most of your flowers have become more colorful since Ayato began generously giving you bonemeal as gifts. He sent jars nearly the size of a skull. It was pretty creepy. Nobody knows what that gentleman meant when he said he personally acquired and ground those bones for you, but at least they're great fertilizers.
"Well, yeah, I guess. But that's beside the point, compadre! I'm telling you all this because I wanna know what sumire, violets, mean in flower language or somethin'!"
"Violets in our country are often given as a sign of gratitude or love. Perhaps the old figure in your dreams only wishes to thank you before they regret not doing so." You sighed. Itto noticed how you looked perplexed amidst your ramblings, as though you were remembering something you shouldn't have. "Your fear of ghosts is seriously affecting your wellbeing, Itto. I fear that your cowardice will affect you one day."
'Itto, thank you for making me the first member of your gang.'
Itto shuddered. 
Nope. No way. There's no way that dude was a ghost.
"W-What?! Me? Afraid of GHOSTS?! HA!" He laughed emptily. "No way."
He paused, eyeing you with his face going way past your comfortable personal space.
"And you know, (Y/n)... Now that I took a good look at ya, you kinda look like the old person from my dreams."
The two of you went silent.
You chucked a half-filled plastic watering can directly into his head.
"OW!!! What was that for?!"
"Old-fashioned as my speech and knowledge of the world may be, that does not mean I appear old myself, thank you very much!"
"WHAT?! I didn't mean it like THAT! C'mon, (Y/n)!" Itto blew a raspberry beside your neck. "I wasn't saying that. I was thinking about how you have this wholesome grandpa or granny type of vibe-- not saying that you're cute-- well I mean, you are cute-- but not in a MEAN way-- like, you're giving endgame lover vibes--"
You gently pushed Itto's hug away and passed on the next batch of flowers before he spirals when defending himself. It's a trick you used against him frequently, which helps you drown out Itto's nonsensical ramblings that are often borderline flirting. He doesn't seem to notice that he'd take anything off your hands whenever he's speaking. Doing this prevents him from realizing that you're asking him to deliver flowers to a sleazy love hotel. You have to thank his biker gang's deputy leader– Kuki Shinobu– for that "life hack."
"This next bouquet is for a client in Kabukicho. Paimon was kind enough to inform me that there is a 10% possibility of rain, but it might pick up by 6 pm so use caution."
Itto furrowed his thick eyebrows. It's cute how you talk like P.A.I.M.O.N is as a person but– "It's just an AI..."
You shrugged.
"Any friend of Lumine is a friend of mine."
Itto perked up. Lumine. It's been a while since the three of you had the pleasure of spending the afternoon indulging in sweets with her in Bistro Ichiya. He wondered how she's been lately. 
She stopped responding to your calls the same summer you all became friends with Ayato. Itto thought it was such a bizarre turn of events. It lead you to wonder if your inadequate knowledge of technology had put on quite a formidable communication barrier, but it turns out your mutuals were unable to talk to her as well. Even Yoimiya offhandedly mentioned that it had always been in Lumine's nature to travel and forget her previous commitments. 
You highly doubted that Lumine would let it go this far, however. It's been half a year. You had been casual friends for longer than that and know that she's not as fickle as dandelion seeds. 
Itto pities your faith in her.
"... Still no calls?"
"Unfortunately no." You sighed. "Not even Paimon knows where she ended up in all her traveling endeavors."
"I'll try searching TeyvatBook again for you."
"Thank you. 'Surfing' the web must be incredibly taxing for both you and your device. I appreciate the effort, Arataki. Do make sure to replenish your phone's energy afterward."
You have the intonation of an aged soul. Itto assumed he'd be used to your manner of speech by now, but it's so eerily similar to the elderly person in his nightmares that it's bordering on the uncanny valley. He wouldn't be astonished if you were ever a docile monk in your past life.
"G-Geez. You make it seem like P.A.I.M.O.N's human. Kinda freaky."
Your silk-like laughter filled the gaps of silence, drowning his distress. 
"I am the type of florist who believes talking to plants helps their growth, aren't I?"
Itto smiled softly.
"Yeah... Yeah, I guess you are, grand-y."
"Call me later, big guy~–"
"Thank you for your purchase, have a nice day!" 
That was the last order for today. Itto would've boasted as usual, but he has your best interest at heart, so he refrained from doing so to keep a good name for the Sakura Bloom flower shop. Following a script is out of character from a man like Itto, but he did most of what you commanded effortlessly. 
On a side note: he looked quite adorable sporting a little green apron– clearly your size– instead of his usual bad-boy leather jacket. The look barely complimented his muscles but he's confident that he's still oozing charisma. He can't be too sure though-- he'll gel his hair extra later, and MAYBE you would say he's smokin'. 
Itto stepped away from the hotel's porch and walked toward his bike. he never would've guessed you take customers from this side of Shinjuku too. That lady earlier was unforgettably promiscuous, to say the least. As he was about to comb his hair and reach for his helmet, he stopped abruptly.
"Hol' up– Was that Ayato?"
It was unmistakably him. He looked off, though. Itto only saw him for like a split second from afar but Ayato's expression looked nothing like the gentle warm smile he usually sports.  Seeing Ayato without you nearby is rare since the man frequently accompanies you in public like a servant or a pet. That's not to say that Ayato lacks a social life. It's just that Itto never had the opportunity to speak with him one-on-one.
Itto became excited simply thinking about it, and the thought of asking why Ayato would be seen in the red light area didn't occur to him. Instead, he had another priority in mind.  He always wanted to know where Ayato got his niku-dango ingredients because he wouldn't answer when you asked Ayato or Thoma (but Thoma looked nauseous that day, so Itto couldn't blame the guy). Itto didn't care for the meat dango's recipe, but the ingredients made it delectable—the pork especially! If he was being poetic, it tasted nostalgic. It was as though he had relished in it fresh from his muddled memories. And he's craving for more.
He left his bike and ran after him just before the light turned from yellow to red. But when he reached the other side he couldn't find a hint of his light blue hair amongst the crowd. 
Itto cursed to himself as quietly as he could muster, still aware that he was wearing your apron. 
He spun around. The voice didn't sound anything like Ayato's, but the tone pointed at him. The stranger wore an obi that did not match the century he was in and two protruding azure horns that were hard to miss. It was like he came out of a Setsubun festival. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Itto felt as if those horns were real and not at all out of place.
"Arataki Itto." The stranger's nose scrunched, voice dripping with unadulterated disdain. "The pathetic red oni that stained our pride just for a sinful runin." 
Itto stared back, his face blank and his eyes hollow.
Itto froze as the name slipped out of his mouth. How did he know his name? And why is he so sure that's his name?
"How was it? How was the taste? Was it as good as you remembered?"
"I... Who are you, man?!"
Itto already knew his name. He knew he just said his name but he still asked out loud because he couldn't understand what the hell is going on. 
"Why don't you still remember...?"
Takuya seemed at a total loss on what else to say, unlike his heavily contorted expression. 
Arataki Itto is for being easily provoked, and Takuya took advantage of his simple flaw.
"It's been years since you made the deal. Why don't you remember who you were– who you are? Don't you remember the pact?!"
"Theeee– what now?"
Don't get him wrong, Itto feels guilty but he's stumped. He doesn't know what he's guilty of exactly, and this man isn't doing him any favors by continuing this guessing game.
"You promised– you red onis made an oath that you will live ALONGSIDE humans. Why did you eat them? Why did you start living AS a human?!"
Itto's breath hitched at the sound of Takuya's screaming, causing him to nervously run his fingers through his hair. As he reached for his scalp, a phantom pain seared where two things should've been. 
"... The hell you talking about, man? Are you a chuunibyo or something?" His voice came off as hoarse and strained, reflecting that an invisible force is harming him in ways he can't prove to himself or others.  
Takuya sucked air between his teeth. But just as he was about to break down his list of grievances, another voice interrupted the conversation.
"Ah, there you are, my friend! I have been looking everywhere for you."
The two stopped and Takuya froze. It was almost as if the stranger shrank as the taps of footsteps amplified in each stride. 
"Oh, my bro Ayato. There you are." Itto faintly greeted him.
The third person smiled weakly. 
Ayato always had excellent timing, it seemed. He curved a hand above Itto's shoulder and gave the stranger a cloudy sideways glance. His eyes were trained on the person in front of them, and in response, Takuya stood defensively. The horned "man" stepped back, preparing to sprint, while Ayato inserted two more steps into his space. 
Ayato got in between both Itto and the stranger faster and more forceful than what the biker gang leader anticipated.
His voice was similar to yours when he spoke. It was dangerously low with unmatched vigor and sharpness above all else. "Excuse me, sir, but we're in a hurry. We will be taking our leave immediately."
Takuya nearly sighed in relief as the elegant man shut down the possibility of continuing a conversation. His trembling form bowed quickly while his foot was already turned in the opposite direction. They have to have known each other. Itto had never considered himself as astute, and yet he discovered that this "Takuya" isn't the real threat out of the three of them. 
It was none other than Kamisato Ayato. 
"Y-Yes... Yes, of course, sir. Farewell."
Takuya scurried away.
What was that all about?
What kind of stunts did Ayato pull around Shinjuku for him to come off as intimidating without his knowledge? Itto furrowed his eyes as he looked at Ayato's back. Children don't even find Itto scary, and he had the stereotypical troublemaker look. Ayato appears kind and gentle, maybe a bit standoffish, but his soft appearance shouldn't be able to scare some weird grunt away.
Ayato turned to face him. 
Ah. So that's why.
His look of displeasure changed Itto's misconceptions immediately.
Ayato softened his expression once he realized Itto was staring, dumbfounded. He chuckled and tapped the biker's shoulder as if reminding him that the scary look wasn't aimed at him. Itto laughed nervously. Sure, it wasn't, but he made a mental note not to piss Ayato off, ever.
From that, Itto learned that Ayato can be as scary as you when he wants to be.
This man definitely got a dark side. Noted.
"Hey, uh, Ayato, did you see that?"
The light-haired man gave him an indifferent stare. "Saw what, exactly?"
"He had horns, my guy." 
Itto began ruffling the top of his head– something he normally wouldn't do since he adores his hair– and created two triangular air shapes. His friend watched him, amused, but perplexed about what he was trying to communicate.
"Like, that dude got those devil horns going on– don't tell me you haven't seen it!"
"Hmm." Ayato hummed, a small grin plastered on his face. 
"What would you do if I said I haven't seen anything? You're not afraid of yokai, aren't you?"
"What– C'MON!!!" Itto groaned loudly. "NOT YOU TOO– GAH!!! What's with you and (Y/n) today– enough with this "oooh-you're-afraid-of-this-aren't-yooouu" bullcrap! HELLO?!? I'm ARATAKI NUMERO UNO ITTO! Monsters and ghosts should be afraid of ME."
Ayato closed his eyes and shook his head, but his sly smile had not left his face. "Ah right, my apologies. How could I forget the unsurmountable one and oni Itto, how foolish of me."
One and oni?
Itto both liked and didn't like the sound of that. Much like the taste of Kamisato Ayato's food, the phrase itched the nostalgic part of his brain. He couldn't tell where he first heard it. Ayato didn't even look like he made a mistake in saying "oni" instead of "only", rather, it slipped out of his tongue so naturally. Like he was hoping Itto would catch on to whatever he was implying.
Well, he didn't. He had no idea where Ayato was getting at and he only has about 2 brain cells left after that terrible migraine.
"And don't even joke about yokai stuff! I don't wanna get bad luck this Setsuban Festival." 
Ayato raised an eyebrow.
"...I thought you were allergic to beans?"
"Yeah I am," Itto said. "And that's precisely I don't want any bad vibes for tomorrow. Can't have beans to save me from those onis, you know?"
Ayato muttered something Itto didn't hear.
"So you aren't fully human yet as well, hmm..."
"Say, why are you in the red light district? Don't tell me you're picking chicks around here."
Ayato refrained from rolling his eyes while Itto laughed.
"I'm not here for that, I'm trying to find a sist-- my little sister."
"Oh, oh! Tag me in! Lemme help. What does your sister look like?"
He appeared troubled when Itto volunteered to help. Ayato carefully chose his next words.
"She's shy and quite the formidable escapist. You wouldn't be able to find her unless you're looking at every nook and cranny."  
"Sounds like bullshit."
Ayato technically didn't lie.
Itto continued. "Do you have a sister complex or something? Bro, I won't do anything to her. Just give me a description."
He shrugged. "Himegimi looks like me."
"Well, duh, of course, she does. Can't you be more specific? Like her height, hair, and eye color maybe--"
"Never mind it. Once she's tired of searching, she'll be back home soon enough."
"But, dude, your little sister is in the RED LIGHT DISTRICT! Aren't you worried--"
"She'll be fine."
"But men would--"
"She's small, they won't notice her."
Itto's unsure whether Ayato's brain is too advanced or he's acting stupid because that answer didn't make sense at all. Aren't smaller girls supposed to be in more danger around these parts? His head hurt. He always treated anyone smaller than him as kiddos-- and he can't imagine a kid can protect themselves from kidnappers.
Suddenly, they heard a strangle rumbling nearby.
Ayato looked at Itto and his stomach accusably. 
He scratched his neck with a snobbish frown.
"Fiiiiine, I take it back. I'm hungry so I'll leave you searching for your sister. Alone. Without my help. At all."
Ayato, familiar with his antics by now, started leading Itto to walk alongside him.
"You're in luck then. I was planning to cook today. I haven't ordered Thoma to butcher the meat yet– but we will tonight. Perhaps you'd want to join me for dinner?"
"Holy shit, are you making those niku-dangos again?"
He nodded.
"For real? Hold on, let me tell grand-y first." He began messaging you.  
"Haha, so you're back to calling our (Y/n) "Grand-y", I see."
Itto looked up from his phone. "Back to?"
Ayato nodded solemnly. Once again, he had that look that hints that he's trying to get Itto to remember something on his own, but Itto REALLY doesn't have the patience at this point. He's so dog-tired plus he's starving. Itto doesn't have time for any more mind games, whether it's that Takuya guy or Ayato. 
Itto was surprised that you replied fast. Albeit, it was the default thumbs-up emoji and you might've mis-tapped but nu-uh, no takebacks allowed here, boss! Itto giggled like a preschooler as he bombarded you with smug Thank You stickers and emojis while you were (very slowly) typing a reply. 
"From that look on your face, I am guessing that they agreed."
"Hell yeah, man! I can't wait to grab a bite of that sweet sweet taste of perfection, baby! C'mon, free delicious food? Count me in!"
Kamisato Ayato's lips contorted into a Cheshire cat-like grin. 
"Let's eat him, together."
Dango over flowers/hana yori dango: means "substance over style" or preferring a practical gift over something superficial.
Hakaiso: a monk who had sinned/had been considered depraved.
Himegimi: word for princess.
Sojo: a high-ranking Buddhist priest.
Setsubun Festival: a festival focused on purging houses of misfortune (b e a n s), often associated with oni imagery.
Runin: an exiled individual.
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All slashers with a S/O who counts on their fingers:
For @iloveslasher ;) since asked! idk when I’ll open my requests (inbox)
Warnings: teasing, some cuteness, lots of confusion, referring to Pennywise as “they”, ooc Doom Head
I’ll probably forget some since I’ve got lots on my list :,)
It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written!
I’m SO, SO sorry it took me so long D:
Sorry if I made some mistakes or missed some things!
Michael Myers
He probably doesn’t even see it at first, not until he sees you at the table with a sheet full of your month expenses and your fingers moving up and down while you look down at the scribbled numbers.
If he cares, he sure doesn’t show it. He’ll just look at you from the doorway and maybe tilt his head before walking away. If you do that again though, he’ll stare at you and wait until you notice him before he walks over and finally understands that you’re just counting, which makes him almost facepalm.
I don’t think he ever did it, and he never will.
Jason Voorheese
The first time he’ll see you counting will probably make him smile as you’re looking at the ceiling, your lips moving a little as you put your fingers up then back down.
He did that when he was a kid and still does it sometimes, but only rarely though! So he understands how it can help you and will only smile whenever he sees you doing that. He finds it so cute coming from you! He’s happy he isn’t the only one who did and does that.
He’ll be less self conscious to do that because you do it.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
He’ll laugh when he sees you focused on something and moving your fingers, a shit-eating grin on his face. “What tf are you doing?”
If he startles you he’ll laugh even more as you try to explain it helps you counting. He’ll then tease you about it, seeming like a big meany, when he‘s just really curious ,even if he would never dare admit it.
When you see him at the kitchen table trying to count while moving his fingers, don’t tell him you saw. He’s got too much pride to be caught doing something so “stupid” like he told you when he saw you at first.
Tiffany Valentine
You’ll probably laugh at how big her smile will become when she sees you. She’ll probably squeal like a fangirl too.
What can she say? It’s so cute! So whenever she sees you, she’ll hug you from behind and if she sees that you lost your count, she’ll feel guilty and help you count back, trying the trick with her fingers.
If we’re talking about your concentrated face as you do that, oh boyy.. She will stare at you with a smile on her face, but will look away when you’re about to catch her. She’ll try it behind your back one time, but won’t really do it after.
Brahms Heelshire
He’s really happy when he sees you doing it. You count on your fingers?! He does that too!
He’ll help you if you need some help and will compliment you and tell you about how you’re twinsies for doing that.
Everything you do is cute (y/n)... So be prepared for him to be amazed by your cuteness, even if like I said multiples times earlier, he does that too.
He’s pretty childish though, so he might tease you when he’s feeling like it. Don’t hesitate to tell him if he offends you or if he’s being a brat, he’ll immediately stop.
If you’re too concentrated, he WILL try to make you pay more attention to him.
Freddy Krueger
Wanna talk about teasing? He’s going to tease the HELL out of you when he sees you. He’ll act confused, even a little disgusted as he call out your childish behaviour, but it’s all obviously a big joke to him.
If you’re offended, he’ll just laugh in your face and roll his eyes, smirking if you frown or become mad at him.
He’ll be so smug as he looks at you deep in thoughts, your fingers moving as you try to keep count of whatever you’re counting, before he scares the bejesus outta you.
He’ll probably try it once and like it, which will result in him doing it without you noticing.
Thomas Hewitt
If he comes up and sees you sitting at the table, your fingers moving up and down as you’re trying to count whatever you’re counting, he’ll be curious.
He knows you’re counting, he just didn’t thought you would do it like that! When he was younger, he used to do that to help himself too.
He’ll probably sit and watch you for some time, a small smile on his face. If he distracts you, he’ll feel so sorry! He’ll fidget and probably get up to get back down, but if you stop him he’ll stay reluctantly.
Bubba Sawyer
What?? What are you doing??
He’s clueless at first and only watches, his eyes following the movement of your fingers before they stray to your concentrated face as he tries to be quiet.
Lots of happy noises and cute babbles when you tell him it’s to help you count. He never really had to count, but he did it sometimes too! He definitely will always do that now<3
If his brothers make fun of it, he won’t hesitate to let them know his mind with the threat of a hammer.
Nubbins Sawyer (since I count him as a slasher)
When he sees you, he’ll tilt his head and come closer, sitting beside you and trying to keep silent to not make you loose your counting.
He can take the guess that you’re counting, he probably knows it, but he finds it cute that you do it with your fingers.
He’ll probably goofs about it, doing the same as you do whenever he needs to count, even if it’s to count to three.
Prepare yourself for some camera flashes! He will shamelessly try to capture you in pictures and put them on his wall, and he’ll talk about it like it’s normal if you ask him hehe
Chop Top Sawyer
He’s like his twin, but even more goofier.
But he’s a nuisance too.
When he sees you counting, he won’t even think about it and make you loose your count, then he will apologies and try to hug you even if you don’t want to. He feels bad!
Definitely trying, though. More to make you laugh and joke than to really count <3
ChromeSkull/Jesse Cromeans
It couldn’t be funnier to see his massive frame stop in the doorway, his eyes fixated on your smaller form as you’re trying to count something. He’ll only stare at you, like Michael, but will probably go see what you’re doing.
Whenever you do that, he’s going to tease you to hell and back, but it’s only because he finds you really cute!
His smoll S/O is counting on their fingers! Aww!
It’s only playfully though, he doesn’t (kinda does) wants to be mean or anything.
He doesn’t do that, but doesn’t have anything against it so he’ll try.
The Collector/Asa Emory
Oh... Okay?
He’s probably the one that acts the most normal about it at first. Like, you do you.
He sure will find it childish and a little bit funny, but he won’t say anything about it.
After that, there’s two ways it can go, one: he can go in with his day and just forget about it or two: he can just stare and silently wonder how cute it is you’re doing that.
He doesn’t do it, but he might try ONE time, feeling like it’s kind of ridiculous.
Pin Head
He won’t see you and won’t say anything about it— Or maybe he will, you never know what this guy will say or sees.
He’ll probably lift one of his non existent brows and will go away, leaving you to count. If you see him, he’ll maybe say something or like I said just go away without a word.
He doesn’t have time for this, so he probably won’t try.
Doom Head
As soon as his eyes land on you, a grin will escape him.
He’ll definitely distract you, chuckling if you become mad. But he’ll tickle you to make you forget about it! Even if you’re not ticklish.
He might cuddle for some time with you if you’re mad enough, reluctantly as he would seem grumpy.
He won’t try, but he’s got nothing against watching you.
Carry White(NEW!)
She’ll be the normal one probably, smiling if she sees you at first.
She’ll let you do it, and might even try it if you feel insecure about that^^
Scratch that, she WILL do it.
She’s SO nice about it too🥺!
A deep chuckle will escape him when he sees you sitting, your fingers moving as you look deep in thoughts. He might even try to capture this moment with a little sketch!
He’ll look at you lovingly as you pout your lips as they move, your brows furrowing as you finish counting.
If you’re not finished and you see him, he’ll only shake his head and murmur a “don’t mind me” with one of his charming smiles.
He’ll try counting on his fingers if it makes you happy!
The Creeper
Super confused at first, until he hears you mumbling some numbers.
After that, he finds it really cute like most of the slashers <3 he’ll definitely tease you about it with some purrs in between, just to make you loose what you were counting and pay attention to him. He might feel a little left out if you take too long.
You want some help? He’ll just pop up randomly and start counting with you, a little smirk as he counts on his fingers too.
Jig Saw/John Kramer
He’ll chuckle at first, seeing you so concentrated with your back to him.
He’ll watch you for some time, but he’ll sit beside you and probably will help you if you need some help.
He’s got nothing against trying, if it makes you happy<3
Amanda Young
She’ll just smile when sees you, walking back towards what she’s doing if she’s doing anything. If not, she’ll just watch you and wait for you to finish.
She’ll make some comments here and then, but she isn’t mean about it.
Probably tries!
Mark Hoffman
Okay, first thing... why can’t you use the calculator before you?
Well, he’ll smile tho when he sees you so concentrated bit won’t bother you. He’ll make some small comments that you probably won’t put together, but he won’t say much about it.
He won’t try, maybe just one tiny time.
Billy will be more chill about it, but Stu will try not to giggle to loud as he stops him in the doorway, his hands on his face.
It’s cute! It reminds him too much of a kid<3 you’re precious
The two of them will laugh/chuckle when they see you’ve caught them, but they won’t look away and Stu will even ask if you need some help!
They will both try, but Billy prefers sticking to paper.
Norman Bates
He’ll be kind of confused for 1 second, just to realize when he hears your small mutters.
“O-Oh! You’re counting? Let me help you!-“
Even if you tell him you don’t need help, he’ll insist and you two will probably be counting on your fingers, even if he prefers paper. His mother might say it’s too childish, but he won’t even care.
He’ll try it, but only when he’s with you.
Otis Driftwood
He’ll be hella confused, maybe chuckle a bit.
“You back in kindergarten or something?”
If you’re downstairs and Baby is near, she’ll smack the back of his head and send him a little glare.
Immediately feels bad if he sees you slouching! He’ll give you a head pat or a hug, trying to not seem too lovey-dovey.
When you’re alone together, he’ll probably tell you he didn’t mean it in a bad way.
He won’t really try it, except if you really want him to,
Captain Spaulding
Of course he’ll probably laugh at first when he sees you.
“What the hell are you doing?”
If he scares you, he’ll feel a little bad and ask the same thing, a small smile on his face.
When you tell him, he’ll laugh like it a joke, but stops once he sees you aren’t laughing.
Why... Why are you counting like that?? How can that help you??
He’s confused, but he’ll still smile and joke a lot about it if he sees he made you sad or feel insecure.
He’ll definitely try!
Vincent Sinclair
He acts pretty normal about it, if as-soon as-he-sees-you-he-tries-to-capture-the-moment counts as normal. But if somewhere throughout your relationship you’ve made comments about him not taking moments out of sketches, he’ll just stare in awe.
He sure does find it kind of funny tho!
He’ll look at you and smile softly behind his mask, blushing madly and turning away if he sees you’ve caught him.
He’s the first to try it, but he’ll do shyly<3
Bo Sinclair
When he sees you, he’ll do some jokes about it and tease you, because we all know that he’s the Queen of teasing (😂)
But seriously tho, it’s just because he finds you really cute. Like, who does that anymore?? He did that when he was a kid!
He’ll tell you it’s childish and all, but you might catch him trying to count on his fingers at the end of the day
Jack Torrance
That’s cute! He’ll definitely smirk each time he sees you doing that.
He’ll act goofy about it... But it’s just to hide the fact that Danny did that.
If you ever tell him that because you see through him, he’ll probably just frown or have a full breakdown while hugging you tight. Just don’t talk about that when he’s finished...
He might try, but probably only to be funny.
Art The Clown
He obviously won’t say anything about it and watch you, mimicking you for fun and grinning as soon as you see him.
If he’s in the mood, he might sit beside you and count on his fingers too, for what? We’ll never know.
He acts like it’s one of the cutest things, you might even see him framing his face with his hands, or maybe you won’t if he wants to be sneaky.
Is it a question? He’ll definitely do that now!
What are you doing, human?
IT will be the only one who doesn’t understand one bit, having no idea what tf you would do that for.
They will just tilt their head, maybe try it^^
But they’re definitely the one who made fun of you for it, kinda playfully
Leslie Vernon
He’ll stop what he’s doing just to watch you, a smile on his face. But when you’ll look towards him, you’ll see him looking at his things like nothing happened 👀
He’s so sneaky about it you won’t even notice each time he’s looking at you.
It might slip sometime later tho, he’ll tell you with a big goofy smile before acting shocked and smirking at your face.
He’ll try!
This guy will smirk about it, probably will scare you with a little magic too.
If you loose your count, he’ll have it counted in one second, so please try not kill him 😂
He honestly finds it really cute, not that he would say it (except if you’re cuddling he might hehe)
He’s got nothing against trying it, but he’ll probably be really confused.
The Moaner/Billy Lenz
He does it mostly all the time, but he’ll still tilt his head when he sees you sitting peacefully, a piece of papier and a pencil before you as you’re concentrated on counting.
If he’s feeling it today, he might just sit and stare at you, or he’ll mumble some filthy words under his breath as he bounces his leg, random impatience going through him.
If you see him and try to tell him he’s distracting you, then he’ll be even more of a nuisance
Or he’ll simply just walk away with a blank face, so please consider your options carefully, because that’s not a good sign.
You should probably pay attention to him if you don’t want something in the house broken tho, what do you need counting for anyway?
The Man(Hush)
He finds it funny at first, but he’ll still watch you silently, he might even scare you, like he’ll just sneak and jump before you to make you loose your count
He’ll have a good laugh, but after that he’ll apologies and give you kisses before he sits down and continue to watch you. He won’t do anything after that until you’re finished.
He’ll try! He’ll say he feels silly, but he just finds it cute hehe
Mayor Buckman
Aww! Cute^
As soon as he sees you, he’ll stop what he’s doing and a smile will appear on his face as he watches you so focused in what you’re doing. When he’ll ask you why, his smile becomes bigger and a chuckle might escape him.
He’ll let you do it, might even try it^^ but he’ll insist that you ask him for help whenever you want to count, because he doesn’t want you to take too long.
Herbert West(Dk if he’s a slasher but hehe)
He probably never saw it since he’s so into his work, but he’ll frown when he sees you.
What are you doing? It’s so childish!
Personally, he’s got nothing against counting on your fingers, but he’ll still wonder why?? Why can’t you just use your head??
He’ll be confused even if you say it helps you.
He won’t try.
Patrick Bateman
He might just stare at you blankly or make a “supposed to be funny” comment about it, even though he finds it kinda.. cute
He’s got other things to do, but if you ask him, because he won’t do it if you don’t, he might try counting on his fingers, or maybe he’ll just say an excuse because he don’t want to.
But other than that, yes he might try, just might.
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tsuumu · 4 years
hii! i really like your blog so far, you’re writing is really good! this idea just popped up in my head so idk if it’ll actually make sense but i’ll try lmao. so could you write some headcanons of sugawara, tendou, and kuroo w/ a shy s/o who gets jealous of some girls that come up to them, and she tries to tell them that shes jealous, and how they would react to that? thank you so much, and i’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense lmaoo :)
kuroo, tendou and sugawara with a jealous s/o.
good evening anon! this req is written in a school setting with various s/o personalities. i really hope you like it. <3
(the kuroo section is CONSIDERABLY longer than the other two and i apologise for that!! D: )
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• nekoma’s volleyball team had become quite popular after the nationals tournament, where they had fought tirelessly and with extreme talent for everybody to see. people knew of the members and especially of their handsome captain. kuroo was prideful of his position and liked to flaunt his team’s successes to those who were interested, unknowing that they were probably more interested in him.
• he’s been talked about a lot lately. your friends always want updates on your ‘volleyball prince’, to which you promptly swat them away. he’s not a famous person. he’s just a high-school boy. a really cute, out-going, intelligent high-school boy.
• kuroo spends his free time in classes with girls on, around and at his desk, happily answering all the questions they gave him.
• unfortunately, you’re not so pleased. since tetsu had chemistry exam prep, his class has moved just a few doors down from yours. usually you wouldn’t get to see him during class because the lab work was done on the other side of the school, however he cheerily mentioned the change to you this morning whilst you were walking together.
• it happens as you’re on your way to your next room, stopping abruptly at the thought of the walk and peering in to see what was going on. after a short few seconds of scanning, you catch sight your boyfriend’s signature, dark hair. he’s chattering away to his female classmates.
• you really can’t help but feel a slight pang in your chest.
• you’ve never been overly protective or possessive of kuroo, at least, there had never been circumstances that lead you to feeling that way. you just stand there momentarily, staring at the varying expressions of the girls. tetsu is so oblivious. they’re totally hitting on him. you can’t help but sigh out. yes. he’s the talk of the town right now but wouldn’t you stop to ask him if he’s even single? you’re not angry, just a little bitter that you couldn’t sit with him like that and let them know of your existence.
• one of the girls closest to kuroo punches his arm lightly and you focus your attention back on them. you can’t figure out what on earth the actual conversation is about but she keeps placing her hands on his arms when she’s laughing or speaking enthusiastically.
• you’re not a fan of that at all, it makes the jab at your ribs heavier. you decide, ‘fuck it’ and push on the door to open it. it’s entirely on impulse and the nervousness sets in when the classroom quitens and -give or take- twenty eyes are set onto you.
• the second kuroo turns his head, he stands up at once, that shit-eating grin you know and love dearly plastered all over this face. it’s like the conversation with anybody else ended the second he saw you.
“woah. i didn’t know the next teacher was gonna be the love of my life! no, but seriously, what have you done to him, babe?”
you push on his chest lightly and tell him to quit it, cheeks burning at how loud he is, before embracing him tightly and wrapping your arms around him. you feel much safer.
• yaku chucks a piece of balled paper at you two from another area of the classroom.
“hey, you two. i know we signed up for chemistry but not your chemistry!”
• kuroo just throws it back, before kissing you on the forehead. you mumble into the fabric of his button-up that you’re just on your way to your next lesson and you’ll probably be late now. you just wanted to see him and tell those girls you’re uninterested. he chuckles out, moving back slightly to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“well i’m glad you did. this was the best surprise ever.”
• he leans closer, pressing his lips to your ear in a coy whisper.
“what girls? there’s girls? i thought they only made one in this entire world just for me. if it’s not another you, i’ll pass.” the corners of your mouth tug into a smile, burying your nose more into him.
“hey, kitty. as much as i’d like to keep you in here forever, like a cat that very obviously has another owner, i’ll just have to see you after class. i’ll be right outside your door. okay? now scram.”
• he flicks your forehead and walks with you to your next class. you grumble playfully. on your way, you meet eyes with the girls earlier. they’re shell-shocked, previously unbeknownst of your existence, you give them a small wave before holding his arm tightly and smiling to yourself.
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• tendou is the life of the party wherever he goes. everybody seems to know him and it’s not always because of volleyball. he just seems to be friends with everyone. he’s the type to be chatting with teachers, students, the old, the young. he’s a mood setter and everybody loves him.
• you fell for him. hard.
• before dating him, it made you a little agitated that everybody got along with him so well. you never knew if his smooth words and instantaneous charm were factors of all his conversations. you could never approach him, since you’d never been good at displaying romantic intentions through actions. unfortunately, these small thoughts persisted even after he himself approached you and asked you out for coffee after school one day, despite not knowing you at all. even after he kissed you on the step of your door months later. even after he eventually begged you to be his.
• you aren’t too big on publicly displaying your relationship. initiating PDA was never your thing. you weren’t embarrassed of him at all, you just preferred to stay completely professional and education-orientated when in school. he’ll tease you, once even told you you remind him of a female ushijima... before staring at the ground to reflect on his own comment and taking it back vehemently (he doesn’t want to imagine dating his best friend in front of you).
• whenever you ask him if girls talk to him, he hushes you copiously, assuring you that every man and woman that’s entered his life after you as resembled humanoid blobs in purple uniform. he has eyes for only you.
• you’re a little cold, you tend to be when jealousy sets in. like that one day your friend told you that this notoriously pretty second year had approached him, handing him a blank lined sheet and asking for his help with her english work. you found out later that she’d thanked him with fluttering eyelashes and big smiles, before frowning down at the paper.
• he’d ended up practicing his signature over and over on the page because -and you quote- “i suck at english too but this paper was good document-signing practice, so thanks!”
• a relief washes over you. you and tendou are stark opposites, in fact, the only time you ever feel obliged to lose your cool is over him. however, you know he’s loyal. he loves you very much and hopes that you’ll come to trust him with your entire heart one day.
• you vow to work on it, hard.
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if sugawara was my s/o i’d just accept that everyone else would probably fall in love with him too
• this boy is made of honey. the first time you laid eyes on him was during first year, noir jacket slung over his shoulder, beautiful, silver hair rustling as he tried to shut the class window as you walked in, you were hooked.
• you felt utterly helpless at how infatuated with him you were. your friends all felt the same way. picture: sighing together and staring whenever he did ANYTHING. he was so sweet to absolutely everybody. nobody could ever bring them selves to defy, ignore or be aggressive with koushi. from the start it felt like you had competition.
• you’re a happy-go-lucky, loud-mouth shithead with an abudance of enthusiasm and energy but this third year makes your knees shake. walking up to him on a summer’s evening to ask him out, you could barely even talk. luckily, he did all the talking for you. your time together has been nothing but loving history.
• sugawara likes to spend his free time with you, often lunches, where he’s adamant on feeding you lots and lots of his own cooking to ensure you’re well-fed.
• imagine your surprise, when you’re walking, hop in your step, over to your usual meeting place and see your boyfriend sitting with another girl, feeding them. your heart practically falls out of your ass. steps slowing, you don’t even try to hide your alarm as you approach him. koushi’s face is to you, smiling and laughing. he catches sight of you and waves happily.
• your expression doesn’t change. you’re confused, hurt, unsure of how to act. should you just pretend like everything is fine? you feel like criticising them but they’re just eating. god, you’re overthinking this.
• “(y/n)! say hi to hinata!”
the girl turns around.
oh god.
• hinata’s blowing unattractively on strands of hair that are stuck to his face, before leaping up to greet you. he’s wearing a god damn wig.
“ah! (y/n), hi! i took totally weird, don’t i. it’s for this stupid drama class. i seriously thought i’d get to act and do fight scenes and look super cool to girls but instead, they made me dress up as a high-school girl! it’s ‘cause i’m short, they said!”
• you’re not even listening, just wallowing in your shame at how panicked you were.
“—i ran into sugawara and he let me try some lunch, have you eaten?” you shake your head, before grinning and suddenly grabbing the younger boy, trapping him in a playful headlock and making him squirm.
“oi, hinata. you gave me a scare, makin’ me think some doe-eyed lowerclassman was chatting up my boyfriend!”
• he whines and apologises profusely. koushi just sits and laughs, munching on his lunch and watching you give the poor boy hell. he’d never dream of that, he know you’d do worse to him if that were ever the case.
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Play Pretend (500 Celebration)
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500 Celebration Masterlist
Pairing: Ivar/Reader
Prompt: From the Love Tropes category: “Blackmail”
Word Count: 1596
Warnings: Modern!AU, angst, Ivar being a dick, nothing else I can think of.
A/N: This ain’t the fluffiest piece, it’s not fluffy at all, but hey, it’s marginally less angsty than the last one, that I can promise you.
To be honest, idk what this is, and I am not certain it is any good. But I’ve been dealing with one hell of a writer’s block lately, and I really needed to just write what came to mind. Hope you enjoy!
You eye the name flashing on your phone screen, and though a part of you really doesn’t want to answer, you still do.
“I would have thought you caught on that I really didn’t want to talk after the fourth day. This is bordering on stalking, you know.”
“Is it stalking if you gave me your number?” Ivar retorts without missing a beat, and you sigh.
“I assume you have a reason to call me. Unless missing the sound of my voice became too much to bear.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Is it flattery if it is true?” You taunt back, only to then chastise yourself for falling into familiar patterns.
“I heard your mother’s firm is taking over Ragnar’s newest countersuit.” Ivar starts, choosing to ignore your words.
“Ah, you just happened to hear that?”
“I might have asked,” He concedes, before taking a breath and continuing, “You know I’m going to England with him, right? His last meeting with Ecbert before he retires,” You offer only a hum in response, but something like dread and worry churns at your stomach. It is never a good sign when Ivar sounds so damn pleased with himself. “My father listens to me, trusts my advice.”
“If you’re going where I think you are…”
He interrupts you, words cutting and cold, “I could have your mother’s firm dropped before she even gets to sign anything.”
“I would say something about how blackmail isn’t the way to mend things with your ex, but…”
“You know better.” He tells you, the dry tone making the beginning of a smile pull at your lips, lips that you furrow when you notice the evidence of your foolishness.
A very lengthy argument and a plane ride after, you’re back in Kattegat, enough clothes for a week and a scowl on your brow that you think might be stuck there from now on.
Six months ago your mother started insisting that, now that you had gotten engaged to ‘one of the Lothbroks’, you should consider starting to work more closely with her; five months ago you freaked out at the mere idea of it and decided to do the exact opposite and take an internship opportunity in a non-profit in Nepal; four months ago Ivar said that if you were running away and leaving that you might as well break it off.
In none of those four months he considered letting his family know that long distance didn’t work -not that he even tried- and that you had broken up.
So now you are set for a week in the Lothbrok’s home for Björn’s wedding, pretending you never broke up with Ivar with the threat of your mother losing her contract looming over your head.
Which makes all of this fucking fantastic.
“You should have told them,” You say for what feels like the thousandth time, eyeing his profile carefully. “You should have told her.”
“You’re not here to tell me how to handle my family.” Ivar points out gruffly through gritted teeth.
“No, I’m here to pretend we haven’t broken up four months ago,” You scoff at the ridiculousness of the situation, turning to look back out the window. “Because that is a very healthy thing to do.”
“Healthier than moving to the ass-end of nowhere because someone suggested the possibility of you committing to something for once in your life.”
“I commit!” You protest immediately, frowning at his doubtful glare, “I committed to you!”
“You left me.” Ivar accuses without missing a beat, rage flaring and eyes set intently on you. Your mouth falls open at the fucking audacity of this man.
“No, don’t turn this on me. You-…” You bite back the words with a groan of frustration, running your hands through your hair before sighing, “You know what? It doesn’t matter.”
Resting back against the seat and wondering not for the first time how much these people pay their drivers to not blurt out every little secret that they overhear, you close your eyes and focus on the dull thrum of the car speeding through the highway.
Most of all you dread seeing Aslaug, if you are honest. The woman always did have a keen eye to notice everything about everyone, or at least the confidence to pretend she did. If you’re honest, she…intimidates you.
You tell yourself she has no idea you and Ivar broke up, which would give her no reason to hate you. She was always warm towards you since Ivar first introduced you as his girlfriend. Her eyes were even glistening with pride and happiness when you walked in with a ring on your finger.
You jump in your seat, turning frantic eyes to the man that sits next to you.
“Oh, Gods, the ring! Y-Your mother’s ring, I d-…”
Your words are cut short and left choked in a dying gasp with only a movement of Ivar’s hand, that now extends between you with the engagement ring in the palm of his hand.
He doesn’t even look your way when he offers it, but when you reach cautious fingers to grab it, you could swear his hand trembles slightly.
Sliding it back over your finger feels strange, and for a moment it feels so warm it burns.  You toy with the ring idly, and cannot keep the words from tumbling out of your mouth.
“You kept it.”
“Of course I did, it’s my Ma’s.”
Of course, how stupid of you. You curse the useless hope that unbidden sneaked up on you.
You decided to leave, you remind yourself. Hell, you are considering agreeing on making the original six months of your internship last a year instead.
Granted, agreeing to making it a year may be more out of fear of coming back home than of truly wanting to stay there. But still, you shouldn’t be holding out hope that there’s something left, or that there might be something to come back to Kattegat for.
“R-Right.” You nod for emphasis, but it is to conceal the way you have to swallow hard to keep your composure.
After a while of silence, either because your curiosity always got the better of you or because you need to make sense of this insane ruse you are about to partake in, you ask,
“Why are you doing this, Ivar?”
“Hm? Doing what?” He asks, at your stern glare looking back out the window and shrugging one shoulder, “I didn’t want to tell them.”
“You’ll have to, eventually.”
“Not now,” He states, a little harsher, making you realize you’ve struck a nerve. His eyes find yours for a moment before he returns his gaze to the road that passes you by, and the manor that approaches quite quickly. “But now…now Björn is getting married and…that should have been us, you know.”
“The wedding, the…the everything,” He grits his teeth, and his hand tightens into a fist before it loosens, the gesture familiar only now he lacks the crutch at his side to grip tightly in anger. Your eyes trace his profile intently, and you hold your breath waiting for him to talk. Ivar takes a breath, shoulders rising and falling slowly, “I should have married you.”
“So what? So you could make me stay in Kattegat?” You ask, maybe a bit more bitingly than you should.
“You loved me,” He states, proud even he makes it sound like an accusation, “You told me no one made you feel like I did, that you would never love someone like you loved me. Was that a lie, hm?”
All the answer you can offer is a glare and words kept stubbornly at the tip of your tongue. It is cruel to throw your words back at you, but you wouldn’t put it past him, since all of this is a cruel and sick game.
He is the one that broke up with you, he is the one that told you to mail him the ring back, he is the one that made things what they are; and yet he uses power and blackmail to get you to play a part. All the while refusing to admit he is the reason why you have to pretend in the first place.
But you are not deluded enough to tell yourself this is unlike Ivar. He is as ruthless as his father, maybe even more so, and he has the single-minded focus that Ragnar lacks. You aren’t sure if that last thing is a positive or a negative.
The car parks at the entrance of the lavish home you know by heart now, and Ivar takes a deep breath, looking at you one last time.
His words before he leaves the car leave you cold and stunned for a few moments,
“You’ll remember how good it was, you’ll see. I’ll make you forget all about leaving me.”
Scrambling to get out, you walk around the car to stand at his side, looking up at him with wide eyes, “So they know? They know a-and you made me come here to make me be with you again?”
Ivar frowns, as if you are the one that’s not making any sense.
“They don’t know,” He insists, the hand not on the crutch grasping at your left one, fingers running over the ring with appalling familiarity. You are left to wonder how much of this game of play pretend he is willing to make himself believe as true when he offers a smile that feels like home and says, “I don’t lie to you, you know that.”
____ ____ ____
Thank you so much for reading, I hope this was okay! I’ll be trying to post two or three celebration thingies three days a week from now on, so that’s it for today but I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow!
Also, some things in the masterlist may be changed (Echoes, for example, was supposed to be a Hvitserk one), so I might change the “Fake Relationship” for Ivar and write a sequel to this.
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @1950schick @ietss @peachyboneless​  @encounterthepast​ @maggiescarborough @chibisgotovalhalla​ @fae-sedai​ @zuxiezendler​ @crazybunnyladysworld​ @stupiddarkkside​ @northumbria​ @sagyunaro​    
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arianajbb · 4 years
💕 stay by @you-are-my-sanctuary
A road trip to Arizona goes wrong when you catch the attention of a familiar looking dark haired man with steely blue eyes.
💕 Tell Him, Not Me by @zsiopao
here y/n l/n lands a role in a new television series that will put her relationship to the test.
💕Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
💕 What Could’ve Been by @you-are-my-sanctuary
Steve stays in the past when returning the stones, leaving you behind and erasing everything you two were to each other. Decades pass and he wonders if he made the right decision. Especially since the memories of you still lingers in his mind years after.
💕  Let Your Spirit Fly by @starlightcrystalline
At the end of a long week, all you want is to get home. Fate has other ideas.
💕 painted with bruises by @harryspet
In which Bucky kidnaps you in order to get close to his enemy, Steve, but realizes that Steve isn’t the hero he used to be.
💕 Wolf, Partner, Gloves... by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
💕 Sleeping With A Friend by @wkemeup
You wake up in Bucky’s bed after a night you’re certain will only break your heart.
💕 An Unpredictable Reunion by @head-always-up-in-a-dreamworld
💕 American Boy by @quarantined-with-bucky
Request: So basically buckyxreader where she is a super successful businesswomen and awfully confident but when she’s with bucky she feels insecure as many women want him and she’s insecure of nat. Based on “American Boy” by little mix where bucky is her american boy and the other girl in the song is nat. So like angst with a happy ending (maybe smut if you’re comfortable idk idk).
💕 Uptown Girl by @brooklyns-boys
You’re a spoiled, shallow party girl who enjoys pushing any button you can find. When your parents put their foot down, giving you the choice between marrying a suitor of their choosing, or being cut off from your money, you’ll have to decide between luxury and the only person who’s ever given a damn about you.
💕 pictures of girls by @subtlebucky
you’re prepared for a fun-filled weekend with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. instead, you get a weekend with the guy who sort of rejected you and a camera. what could go wrong?
💕 don’t forget to sing by @sunmoonandbucky
You meet someone new in the most unlikely of ways during the quarantine in New York City.  An alley is six feet apart, right?
💕 bloody by @buckycuddlebuddy
he looked feral; his eyes black, face contorted in something devilish, lips blood red and shiny and the smirk on his face was promising more than he already had given.
💕 Home by @softlybarnes
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
💕 Kiss Me Better by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky has your heart, but he seems to despise you. Loki comes up with a plan to make him realize just what he’s missing.
💕 x by @blissfullylostinarabbithole
Bucky receiving his first piece of fan-mail.
💕 My Roommate’s Boyfriend by @angstysebfan
Your roommate’s boyfriend and you do not get along. You don’t even know why anymore. When your roommate has to move unexpectedly across the country, you both begrudgingly drive her car to her new home. Adventure, angst, and secrets come alive.
💕 life with tiny and beefy by @wiensrsoldier
💕 Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances
You and Bucky are both standing up for Steve and Peggy’s wedding. Checking in at the hotel for the weekend, you’re horrified to realize there’s been a problem. A big problem.
💕 A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Female!Reader is an Omega. Alphas and Omegas are rare, and Reader’s been able to avoid alphas through sheer force of will and luck in equal parts.
💕 we’re up all night to get lucky by  @nsfwsebbie
Your soldier comes home after his prevailing victory.
💕 Jealousy Looks Good On You by @tinymalscoffee
You go to your favorite coffee shop after your date from the morning before never shows up.
💕 x by @sinner-as-saint
uni!seb having a thing for boobies.
💕 Everything by @mariessecretfantasies
💕 Stardust And Starfish by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
“Hey we kissed once in kindergarten but I haven’t seen you since and I couldn’t remember why you were so familiar.”
💕 The Flaw Of Belief by @winterdaybreak
Y/N and Bucky fight over who can be more spiteful, who hates who more. Neither really mean it, but Bucky might just win.
💕 dear... whoever by @whistlingwillows
a mandated series of long and short diary entries from the new head of R&D for Stark Industries.
💕 starring role by @baezen
in which Hollywood’s former hottest movie star faces his biggest challenge yet – proving that he’s still worth the starring role
💕 Mr. and Mrs. Barnes by @cherrypickertheory
You and your husband, Bucky, live a normal life in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Or you did, that is, until you both realize that the other is a spy.
💕 kitten by @buckycuddlebuddy
“you know,” bucky started, voice low and raspy. “i think i have spoiled you too much lately.”
💕 Summer Days by @sleepypanda27
You meet a handsome stranger at the beach.
💕 Power Over Me by @sinner-as-saint
CEO James Buchanan Barnes is a dominant. And he’s spent the last 5 years searching for his perfect submissive. Then one night, he finds you. He thinks everything will fall perfectly into place now; but he thought wrong. Turns out your unfortunate past which still haunts you to this day, and some of his enemies are, well, connected. Things go wrong. And your bond with your dom is tested in many ways…
💕 Bucky & the Beast by @thejamesoldier
💕 House Pride by @delusionalwriterr
After encountering Bucky during a Quidditch game, both of you grow attached to each other. But is the attraction enough to overcome the disapproval of your brother, Tony, and the messy past between your families?
💕 Meet Me In The Hallway by @yikeswtfmate
Y/N and Bucky have hated each other since they were children and now they’re forced to live together, whether they like it or not.
💕 Postcards by @sebbytrash
Takes place after Civil War. Bucky is your best friend but of course you’re in love with him. He goes off to travel the world and rediscover himself, sending you Postcards along the way, whilst you struggle with your feelings.
💕 x by @moteldwelling
(this isn’t a fic but it’s amazing omg)
💕 Helpless by @prongsies
Sirius loved you. Loved you enough to let you go. Loved you enough to selflessly step back, allowing you to love someone he knows could give you the love you deserved - even if it hurts.
💕 What Is, And What Should Never Be by @whoisbxcky
You wake up one morning to find yourself in an alternate reality, in which the Avengers never came to be, and your friends are living perfect civilian lives. However, things are not all they appear to be, and you find yourself facing the worst fear you never knew you had.
💕 Impaled by @revengingbarnes
You’ve been pining after Bucky for months. A compromising situation during a mission brings you a lot closer to him than you expected.
💕 Helpless For You by @sgtjbuccky
A blind date has lead you and Bucky to the fourth date. Each one proving that you’ve got it bad more than prior and it doesn’t quite matter what will happen - you will keep on falling for that handsome devil and you don’t even mind.
💕 Flowers by @bucky-the-thigh-slayer
Love can take a while, but the right love is always worth time, and some old fashioned gestures.
💕 The (not naked) pin-up calendar by @bitsandbobsandstuff
When you ask for a favor, Bucky (very) grudgingly agrees. What can you do to thank him? Return the favor, of course.
💕 Rogue Angel by @harryspet
Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier. Will he be able to show he cares for you as his Daddy or will your training stop you from seeing the truth.
💕 Saving The Day by @jbbmoved
On your way back home, you are being followed by a couple of creeps. When your eyes fall on the most impressive and handsome Avengers, you don’t think twice and find yourself a fake boyfriend and savior.
💕 Hidden Lagoons and Seashells by @after-avenging-hours
💕 my heart, my angel by @paintedface
valentine’s day candy grams basically show how popular you are in the school, so you expect to get none, however, one, extremely sweet one, turns up on your desk. except you have no clue who it’s from.
💕 Like Silver Glass by @thejamesoldier
Out of all the things you have seen so far in your life – a colorful plethora of alien species, artificial intelligence, an imaginative array of mutants and their abilities, cyborgs, superhumans, assassins, geniuses, etc. – merpeople fell actually pretty low on your ‘Shocking Things That Exist’ list.
💕 Holiday Heist by @avengerofyourheart
When the art gallery you manage is robbed on Christmas Eve, you suspect the handsome stranger who flirted with you earlier in the day, but instead of involving the authorities, you take matters into your own hands with surprising consequences.
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mexdoll · 4 years
☆Come on ! Talk !
𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘒𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢'𝘴 𝘚/𝘖 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘶, 𝘐 𝘭𝘶𝘷 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘦𝘩𝘦🥺🥺 (𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘺 <𝟥 )
a/n: i live for angst
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✧okay so like oikawa tooru is a very jealous caring boyfriend
✧he suchs a caring boyfriend that he looks out for you
✧you know? the simple, if you look at my girlfriend in that way- ha ! i will break your nose :DD
✧hes- okay fine
✧he might not show it but hes super insecure about himself and doesnt want to loose you for someone better okay :’(
✧he acts cocky and all but hes deeply scared and doesn’t want to the thought of you finding him boring or not worth dating anymore
✧which is why he  possessives looks out for you
✧so when he sees you talking to this one person he doesnt like
✧he throws a fit
✧HE KNOWS that this person just wants to get in your pants
✧but due to his pride he-
✧he bottles it up
✧in his mind hes probs thinking : they’ll go away ^___^
✧so when he sees you hugging them,,,
✧hurt just pure in pain
✧but smile thru the pain :D
✧so when you go and hug him from behind, he acts like he’s fine
✧this goes on for like 3 months until
✧he cracks- why?
✧he drags you out of their arms, waking you up
✧cue some ✨angst✨
✧here you are defending yourself saying “they’re a friend and they just soft like that”
✧and then oikawa hits with you “oh then its okay for me to flirt with my fangirls if thats the case then huh?
✧that hurts? but he did have a point
✧so he gets tired of your shit and leaves.
✧you think: pfft he’ll come back
✧plus you’ll ignore him tmmr
✧play your cards right, y/n. oikawa is clingy
✧deadass after he went home he started texting you
✧and you ofc, leave him on read <3
Oikawa waits for you outside of the school. He was waiting for you for nearly 16 minutes. Nothing. He knows he shouldn't have said that. BUT YOU WERE TOO CLOSE WITH THEM HOW COULD HE NOT-. No oikawa, calm down, they’ll forgive you ^__^ !. He even bought you your favorite snack and favorite hoodie you love to wear. What could he go wrong?
When he sees you and yells out your name “Y/N, LOOK WHAT I BROUGHT YOU” with the biggest smile on his face, it slowly drops when you walk inside. He watches you- his heart hurts. WAIT NO, ARE YOU GOING TO BREAK UP WITH HIM? OIKAWA CALM DOWN !. 
He keeps following you, trying to talk with you. But you simply just. Not look at him. It hurts. When he sees you go in the bathroom he slowly sigh to himself. He’ll talk to you at lunch. YEAH ! lunch it is :D !
Not going as planned. You're just talking to iwa ! the ! whole ! time ! >:(. Again after again he tries so hard  to talk to you. But as much he tried, you were saved by the bell. You almost gave up the act. Oikawa brown eyes just looking at you everytime you walk by just aches your heart.
This went on for a week. No talking, not even listening to him. HE’S NOT SAYING SORRY EITHER. God, why is he so stubborn and dumb. Maybe if he just apologizes, you would have both been holding hands now >:(. You even stopped talking to the person !
After school you start packing your stuff and start heading outside. Walking home, you keep thinking about the billion text messages he sent.  And there he is again. Outside of your house. Alone and sad eyes. He’s playing with his fingers again. Yep it's time to forgive him. 
You walk towards him “Y/N, PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME, IM SO SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT DUMB SHIT TO YOU” He wants to hug you so badly right now. “Please if you want to break up with me i understand but-”
“Woah woah, who said i was gonna break up with you?” “Y/N YOU TALKED OH MY GOD” oikawa screams as he wraps his arounds around you. “I really am sorry for hurting you, i shouldn't have made you feel bad for talking to your friends its just-”
“Tooru, its okay! Just don't say it again” “so does that mean i can kiss you right” “no. no it does not” You giggle as oikawa grumbles
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✧okay so angry boi >:(
✧this mans just
✧only thinks about volleyball okay
✧not even other stuff like eating or idk
✧like helloo?? does the name y/n ring a bell
✧okay so toxic!kageyama is just.
✧um, not understanding at all or even try to
✧like youre his s/o why arent you supporting him
✧like kageyama, they are supporting you but you have to do the same bby
✧like you talk about your favorite things and hes like “oh thats cool”
✧no flavor, no interest at ALL !
✧its almost like he’s dating himself you know?
✧he cant wait for you but you have to wait for him for EVERYTHING
✧dates, school, pratice even napping together
✧and once you bring it up
✧he just
✧?? argues
✧not only argues but is really fucking mean too
✧you seen him get mad and all
✧just not with you
✧and hes all puff puff
✧he mostly doesnt mean anything he says AT all
✧but like omg-
“Y/n why are you being like this” Kageyama stops in front of you “You know i didn’t mean it” You roll your eyes and walk away. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. Fuck him and his volleyball. He really did hurt you and expect to just smile? No fucking way.
Man, kageyama just can't get you. You were being honest and now you can't take him being honest. You're so frustrating and ugh. Hinata sees him down and asks why, while in practice. Oh god then comes the whole team,,, great. Hinata big mouth once again just had to be loud
Oh? Is the great king gonna lose his queen? I wouldn't be surprised” The old gremlin tsukishima just had to speak huh. Now kageyama is even more annoyed. “Maybe you should just listen to them more, i mean you do care about them right? Daichi looked at kageyama“I do care but i don't understand why they got all mad” “Repeat what you said” “i said all they do is bitch and whine” Silence. Just silence. 
Then the team was coming for kageyama and his dumbness “Wow king, i knew you bad, but not this bad” tsukishima snorts “Poor y/n, they have to deal with the king”
“Fuck off” Kageyama’s even more annoyed now. “Try clearing it up today, i don't know, buy her flowers or her favorite things” Daichi the wise one was making sense in kageyama dense brain
“Unless you want y/n to not talk to you for the rest of your life tobio” Sugawara teased himNot talking to you? For the rest of his life? Nope ! not gonna happen. He rushed outside the practice doors to buy you your favorite stuff. Then rushed his way to your house. He was banging and ringing your bell like a maniac. 
For what seemed like hours was actually like 3 minutes, you finally opened the door. “Kageyama-” “LISTEN I WILL BE A BETTER BOYFRIEND BUT DONT STOP TALKING TO ME EVER” He gets on his knees and holds your feet “please forgive me, i love you so much i can't not tell you how much you make me happy” and then he cries softly
“Kageyama” you rub his back “I’m so sorry, I will never say that ever again, I promise you” he looks up with tears in his eyes. 
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arigatouiris · 5 years
an obscure evening — h.o
Author’s Note: I’ve never written for Harrison before and honestly idek if this is how he is in real life but I can’t picture him in any other way for some reason and I think this personality is so attractive and like, I do believe he’s reached zen or something like that. Tell me what ya’ll think~
Word count: 3431
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff (tooth-rotting kind), some crack? idk
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If anything, Harrison Osterfield wasn’t one to believe in obscure love stories. His mind had already reached zen, his composure not fitted with any other sort of trauma, Harrison walked the earth as if his feet kissed the ground; that was all there was to it. No mind on earth could enjoy only happy thoughts—it was when the mind accepts every kind of thought there was, did it truly achieve zen. 
Harrison sat thinking this when he was breaking up with his then-girlfriend. 
     “W-What? Are you bored with me?”
He didn’t have it in him to be rude, but there it was. His eyes reached hers, and his smile turned crooked just a little bit, his eyes narrowed, just a little bit; it was as if he felt terrible for going out with her in the first place, but this was not out of pity or any sort of false promise that Harrison made. In fact, he was one of the most honest people in the world, and that was perhaps why he was currently breaking up with this girl whose name does not really matter to this story.
     “I only see things differently than you do, love,” Harrison said, smiling at her now, carefully treading on a path most drown at.
He nodded once before continuing, “See, it’s like this. I’m not going to say the old ‘it’s me not you’ line to you. I am pretty sure the guy or girl out there for you is not someone who can’t even enjoy pizza and burgers with you.”
Perhaps, it was the way he said it that made her laugh a bit. 
     “You really don’t like junk food?”
Harrison shook his head, knowing his mission was a success. 
     “I really don’t.” 
The girl then leaned back and accepted the breakup rather well. However, the one that it affected most was Harrison himself.
That was the thing with Harrison ‘Haz’ Osterfield; he was far too understanding and perceptive for his own good. People, most often than not, fell under his predictions, not surprising him pleasantly, often leaning forward because he was influential and Tom Holland’s best friend. Unfortunately, most of the population knew him only because of Tom, and while he didn’t really mind being known as Tom’s best friend, it bothered him sometimes that this was all he was. 
Compared to Tom, Harrison had other special skills. He understood people better than Tom did, his calculations and predictions on people’s personalities and behavior were top-notch, and there was almost nothing that could surprise him. It was in fact both a blessing and a curse, for Harrison knew that if nothing surprised him then all he could be was bored. 
After breaking up with the fourth girl in six months, Harrison took a walk home. He had to take the tube, but that didn’t matter. Walking often made Harrison meet with certain characters that he otherwise didn’t have the luxury to find, and this was all that made the walk worth it. He’d observe mothers with their children when he was in the tube, he’d observe teenage boys and girls as they chatted with one another—comparing it to the things he would chat about when he was a teenager. The generational gap often startled him, but it also filled him with a weird sense of pride. All of this observing went unnoticed, but even then there was almost nothing out there that even came close to surprising him. 
His phone rang all of a sudden and he knew right away who it was.
     “What’s up, Tom?”
     “Did you do it?”
Harrison chuckled. “Yeah... As selfish as it sounds, she really wasn’t passionate about anything, mate. Anything except junk food, I suppose.” 
There was nothing Tom could say. Harrison’s bad luck with dating wasn’t anything new. He never really had any luck from the start—even in acting school. And as Tom knew from Harrison himself, it wasn’t better even in school. The one girl Harrison had a crush on in school turned him down, and the second that happened, he understood that there was something else about her that wouldn’t have satisfied him. It was merely the idea of how unattainable she was, and once that was cleared, there was nothing interesting about her.
He hated how his mind thought sometimes, but he had come to accept this as well. He was over-calculative, analytical, and very, very smart. It wasn’t always a great thing.
While he was talking to Tom on the phone, however, there was a light sound of music that his ears picked up. A soothing song, a song he had heard elsewhere in a different light but was now playing back to him in a rather different manner.  He felt breathless, almost—not sure if the singing was from the radio or if it was live. Before he could think, Harrison found his feet moving toward the sound, like gravity was pulling him there—leading him to a place where something finally would surprise him. 
And then he saw her. 
He listened wide-eyed, stupid. Glowing by her voice in the dim light of the underground station. If chocolate was a sound, it would've been her voice singing. If singing was a color, it would've been the color of that chocolate. She wore a light blue sweatshirt rolled up to her elbows, holding a guitar connected to an amplifier, a beanie covering her (h/c) hair and track pants. However, there was nothing more gorgeous than the sight of her smile, singing words that sounded like rhythmic honey, to a crowd that barely paid any attention to her.
     “Haz? You there?”
He didn’t think twice before cutting the call and watching her, admiring her, listening to her. He took a breath in and realized he was holding his breath till now, feeling a tad bit stupid. 
He was just thinking of it; he was thinking of how unlucky he was that nothing, almost nothing, surprised him in his life. Tom had come in like a whirlwind but sometimes, his quirkiness came with distance, and he was not someone Haz could call his own. Date after date, girl after girl, felt more a stranger when he broke up with them—feeling more of a stranger himself. And how strange it was that all it took for him to feel surprised was a stranger singing in a subway station?
Right then, if she were oxygen, Harrison was dying to breathe. 
When the song ended, only Harrison was near her. There was a smile stuck to his face, his eyes glued to her form, as she carefully detached the guitar from the amp and started setting things inside. Harrison walked over to her, feeling a tad bit nervous, before finding the right words to say. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he found that words had left him on his own.
     “I... I’m sorry, I... It’s as if you sang a song I’d heard when I was a child but forgot I knew until I heard it again.”
She giggled a second later before saying, “That’s very kind of you, but it was Train’s ‘Soul Sister’. I’m sure you’ve heard that song.”
Harrison chuckled before she began to fumble, “O-Oh! You haven’t? I-I’m so sorry, I only meant—”
     “No, no. Your singing was so good that the song felt like home. I didn’t have the right words there, sorry.”
Her eyes widened a bit before she made an awkward ‘o’ with her mouth. Giggling, she rubbed the back of her neck before grinning cheekily.
     “Thank you.” She said, bashfully.
Harrison chuckled, “For a performer, you’re quite shy when it comes to compliments.”
     “That’s because I barely get any. I don’t sing any originals, really. I just... do this as a pass-time. And I don’t even perform in one place, so... It can get a bit hard to follow.”
     “You deserve the praise. Oh, and here,” Harrison handed her a 20-pound bill. “For your beautiful singing.”
     “Oh my! I—I don’t take... I don’t—” She composed herself a second later before clearing her throat and continuing, “I won’t accept! I do this for fun, good sir!”
Harrison’s eyes widened. For someone so observant, he had barely noticed that there was no upturned cap or a bowl placed for money. He bashfully placed the money back into his pocket before muttering a soft apology. The girl turned around and placed everything in the bag before looking like she was ready to leave. 
     “My name’s [y/n], by the way. And thank you. Really. Compliments are really nice when they do come around. Especially from handsome men like you.” 
Harrison smiled at her before feeling his heartbeat accelerate. He noticed her reach forward to shake his hand. He mimicked the gesture and shook hers.
     “Harrison Osterfield. And don’t thank me for the compliments, that kind of defeats the purpose.”
And when she giggled, Harrison swore he felt butterflies.
     “Um, do you have somewhere to be?” She asked, tilting her head a bit.
     “Actually, no. I was just...” Harrison didn’t know what to say, “I was returning from meeting a friend. Why do you ask?”
     “O-Oh! Nothing, really,” She was bashful again. “I was just—okay, here goes. I was going to perform a song near the park. I have a very special audience and I have a feeling they’ll really like it if you came.”
Harrison chuckled. 
     “Me? Without knowing who I am?”
Sure, it hurt a bit that she didn’t recognize him. But, at least she didn’t burst out and call him ‘Oh, you’re Tom Holland’s best friend!’ And now, he was more curious about the audience she was talking about. 
She nodded vigorously before saying, “Don’t worry. They don’t need any other information other than your presence. Like I said, a very special audience.”
     “In the park?” Harrison asked, smiling a bit.
     “In the park.” She confirmed. 
He tagged along because he had nothing to lose, but actually, Harrison liked the adrenaline that it gave him. A whole life he spent predicting, calculating, learning—here was a girl who so effortlessly surprised him with every step she took. It was like she was meant to surprise him with everything. Especially the way he found her.
     “So, do you sing full-time?” Haz asked once they were inside the tube.
     “No, no. I’m in college. I really shouldn’t be spending my weekends here, but most people find solace in drinks and socializing and I... I have my hobbies.”
Harrison smiled, “It’s a good one, really. I’m glad I got to hear you sing.”
     “Oh, stop! You’re making me awkward.”
     “More than you already are?”
She giggled after that. Harrison stopped and thought about it, though. Her flaw had somehow become part of her charm; and here she was, with effortless mastery, proving to him time and time again that it was okay to be calculative and the way he was because she came along and changed everything in one breath.
In fifteen minutes, Harrison had learned she had a cat named Aziraphale (he assumed she loved the show), she had not yet watched a single Marvel movie because she prefers binging them like she did with Star Wars. He had learned that she didn’t have many friends but a thousand friends on the internet that she trusted with her life. And he had also learned that he no longer believed that he did not believe in obscure love stories. Every word that came out of her mouth sounded like a melody made just for him, but Harrison said nothing.
She was not made for him, no. She was her own person. And what a beautiful person she was.
     “I can’t wait for your show to come out.” She said as they got out of the tube.
Harrison’s eyes widened, and his heart almost stopped. 
     “Harrison Osterfield? The actor? Honestly, I thought you’d be a snob or something considering there’s a huge poster of you outside my dorm room. I had to look you up after that. And then I saw the show you were working on and it sounded incredible, so I’m looking forward to it.”
He couldn’t believe it. Not once in that sentence did she mention Tom. She knew him for him, and there was nothing more or nothing less. A mere billboard and a bit of Google had sent him right to her.
     “So you knew me?”
     “Oh, of course not. I knew of you. I’d...” She looked away before saying, “I’d like to know you, though. You seem like a nice guy,”
Before he could say anything, she brushed it off.
     “But, who am I kidding? Heh. This is all too surreal.”
It is, he thought before grinning to himself. His eyes shifted to her free hand beside his and thought once more, it is surreal.
When they reached the park, it was already twilight. Harrison’s heart was full. Harrison couldn’t remember the last time he felt this happy, especially with a stranger. It was a strange lie we feed ourselves most of the time—perhaps, because of the dying kindness in the world, set to enslave us in our own thoughts; we lie to ourselves saying the world is devoid of kindness and there can be no such thing has an instant connection. The idea of an instant connection seemed so surreal to Harrison that it didn’t even occur to him as a possibility in his life, as it doesn’t occur in ours. For those it does occur to, they are branded as hopeless romantics. 
For the first time in his life, Harrison wondered, ‘When did cynicism become normal?’ He turned to face (y/n), who had an awkward smile on her face as she was talking about some movie she really liked, and he felt his chest constrict. It was equally uncomfortable and warm, a wistful ache that lets you know you’re feeling. 
The two of them walked inside the park, somewhere in the middle, and noticed a group of older people sitting near the benches. The twilight made it a bit hard to see their faces, but they could somehow see him and (y/n). She made a whale noise upon seeing them, something that made him chuckle a bit, causing her to hit him playfully on his arm. 
     “Guys, this is Harrison, he’s here to watch me play! Can you believe it? My very own celeb audience!” 
One of the older men grinned before saying, “What a sharp young lad.”
Harrison smiled at all of them, now that he was closer he could see that there were around 8 of them sitting together, near each other. (y/n) turned to look at Haz and then grinned widely, shooting his heart to the skies.
     “Aren’t you going to introduce us, (y/n)?” One of the older women asked, with a soft smile.
     “Oh, right. Harrison, this lovely group is from the Cheshire Community.”
Harrison’s eyes almost widened; he knew what the Cheshire Community was. Senior citizens with no homes to go to would end up at Cheshire’s, and while his impression was that people in old age homes were sad and lonely, here was a group that showed him they were smiling despite it all. There was no room for pity, they looked genuinely happy.
A second later, (y/n) stood in front of them and unpacked. She was setting up her entire system while the group chatted amongst themselves. Silence was an odd thing, he thought because it communicated more than words sometimes. He watched as she giggled at some snarky comments some of the members of the group made, and his heart warmed at the sight. Did she have a relative here? Did she know any of them personally? Does she play for them often? What does she like? What food does she like? What are her favorite things?
His eyes widened as he watched her; he couldn’t believe it. For years, Harrison went looking for passion, bridled in people, making them do irrational things, but alongside this hunt, he would tell himself that it was impossible to find anyone of the sort. And just when he was getting used to the idea of mediocrity, he met her. 
When she started to sing, Harrison wondered if his smile was as big as hers. Maybe, it could be as big but definitely not as beautiful. The way she sang carried him away. It was a familiar song, the lyrics of which were sung by countless before her, but it was beautiful. Beautiful songs could sometimes take a person out of themselves and carry them away to a place of magic. But when (y/n) sang, it was not about the song, really. Harrison believed she could sing the phone book or even an instruction manual. He knew right then that whatever she sang, whatever the words or the tune, would be so beautiful, so achingly lovely, that no one could listen and be untouched.
When the singing stopped and it was time for them to return, he understood why she was doing this. It was a simple thing, and he couldn’t believe people never thought of simple things.
She sang for them. Because they indeed were lonely, but for a day, for a few minutes, they could forget all fo that because (y/n) was singing for them.
After packing things and saying her goodbyes to them for the night, she skipped to where Harrison sat and sat down beside him, grinning.
     “Seems like I’ve wasted your entire night.” 
Harrison only could scoff. “I wouldn’t ever call a night such as this ‘wasted’,” He turned to look at her with as soft eyes as he could manifest, “This is anything but wasted.”
She blinked a couple of times but her gaze was firmly fixed at his eyes.
     “It’s very strange,” She said, almost a whisper, “How real you are.”
He scrunched up his face with confusion, “Real?”
     “Wrong word,” She scolded herself before shaking her head, “Em... I’d say, normal.”
He felt a pang of hurt hit his chest but he waited. There was something about the way she said it that made it seem ethereal. 
     “Normal sounds... boring.”
She giggled at his reply, “It’s anything but! I don’t really know when it became a crime to be ‘normal’. People look down on normal as if it’s a bad thing, but really, normal is where we need to be. We’re all in search of something so we do these silly things to keep us occupied from ourselves. Take me for example, I can’t be by myself for even a second and there you are, making it seem like it’s the simplest thing in the world! For that kind of solitude to grow on me, as if it’s a normal thing, I think... I don’t think it’s possible at all.”
Harrison’s eyes widened. 
     “You’re perhaps the first person who’s made normal sound fancy.”
Taking a leap of faith, she leaned her head on his shoulder, “Normal is the fancy, pretty boy. Nothing beats it.”
You do, he thought resisting the urge to kiss her head. She smelt like vanilla and blueberries—and also rust and earth. Suddenly, she looked up and stared at him before turning away, clearing her throat.
     “I’d like to see you again, (y/n),” Harrison let out, unable to hold it in any longer. “I’d like to see you again a lot.”
     “I’d like to see you again too, Harrison.” She said, giggling, taking his hand in hers, and entwining their fingers.
     “To think this is happening after a weird break up.” He mumbled and instantly heard a gasp from her side.
     “Was it sad?”
     “It was... without emotion.” Harrison made a face.
She tightened her grip on his fingers and scooched over closer to him. He noticed the sudden closeness and his face felt warmer by the second. Passion drove him nuts but here she was making passion seem like a desperate school kid.
If every word she said was a rocket, nothing had made him fly like the ones she said next.
     “What will you do if I kiss you, Harrison Osterfield?” Her voice was a merry whisper, loud but careful, bouncing around the silence in the air as if it owned everything in the world.
He chuckled, leaning forward, their noses almost touching. 
     “Why,” His lips grazed over hers, “I’d kiss you back.”
If anything, Harrison Osterfield wasn’t one to believe in obscure love stories. And perhaps, it was because he didn’t believe in one did it happen so strongly to him. Not that he complained. 
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analphabete · 5 years
kuroshitsuji headcanon
i have a few headcanons for the sexualities/identities of the black butler characters, seeing as it's pride month!! don't @ me for this, i know sexuality doesn't really matter in a story like this, but eh...just kinda wanted to do it.
sebastian: pansexual. he's a d e m o n. he doesn't care.
o!ciel: this is harder, seeing as he's young, but i would say demisexual.
elizabeth: pansexual, too! she can love absolutely everyone, regardless of their sex/gender identity!!
mey-rin: i really wanna say bisexual, seeing as i love her with ran-mao, but i guess i would be kidding myself. most likely straight. big ally tho!!
bard: same as mey-rin, straight. ally, tho?? indeed.
finnian: queer/questioning. doesn't quite know of his sexuality, and he's happy to just live his life without worrying too much about it!!
snake: genderfluid pansexual. doesn't really care, doesn't really belong to a gender identity, so...yeah. he is one with his snakes.
tanaka: *whispers* old gay. gay. g a y.
r!ciel: can dead people have sexualities? yes, in this fictional list of headcanons. hm, most likely straight.
blavat: there is no one that screams bisexual more than blavat sky, but, you know. whatever.
undertaker: bisexual, too. could've loved claudia, could've loved vincent. we don't know yet.
grell: pansexual transwoman!! the second part is literally confirmed, and she has shown to love madam red, will, and sebastian. so, there. got you there, buckaroos.
will: panromantic asexual. can form a romantic bond with anyone, but the more sexy part? eh, he won't work overtime for that.
ronald: pan. PAN. P A N.
sieglinde: *shouts* give me my lovely little lesbian!! she's younger, so she may not really know, but if she does,, i think she's into girlies!! her first crush? lizzie. her supportive bestest buds who helped her find herself? o!ciel & sebastian.
soma: my lovely gay boi :)) or maybe homoflexible. idk, i feel like he's just kinda into dudes.
agni (rip): that man wAS PANSEXUAL.
edward: heteroflexible (bisexual?). mostly attracted to women, but there could be that one special man in his life. maybe.
i'll post more if you want!!
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Tag meme thingyyy
Tagged by marie (@hannibalismyhannibae) 
a: age - 24
b: birthplace - Denver, CO
c: current time - 2:46 pm
d: drink you had last - idk maybe tea this morning?
e: easiest person to talk to - maybe alex? or my friend geoff? lol im so unsure of everything
f: favorite song - rock you like a hurricane cuz im 80s trash
g: grossest memory - one time i puked all over the backseat of the car and it smelled AWFUL for like a month
h: hogwarts house - slytherin pride wooooo
i: in love? - with levi ackerman if that counts
j: jealous of? - everyone who can pull off dark red lipstick
k: killed someone - lol no tho i do make a lot of cannibal puns
l: love at first sight or should I walk by again? -i absolutely don’t believe in love at first sight or any romantic love tropes irl and yet i read all the cliche fanfiction 
m: middle name - andrea ughh i hate it
n: number of siblings - none
o: one wish - i want my book published!
p: person you called last - my boss to tell him i’d forwarded this manuscript
q: question you are always asked - generally some sarcastic version of “lol you have a masters in english, are you a barista?”
r: reason to smile - i have a terrible friend who sends me really long fanfiction at 2 am??
s: song you sang last - i sang happy birthday to my dad a few days ago
t: time you woke up - 6:45 every morning
u: underwear color - boring and tan
v: vacation destination - ooh i want to visit all the big cities in europe and asia
w: worst habit - starting 100k fics at 2am, probably
x: x-rays - i had one on my chest when i fell off a horse and broke 3 ribs and that sucked
y: your favourite food - paninis
z: zodiac sign - pisces
tagging @i-am-no-man-bitch as always and i guess also @adhdsaysquirrel bc ur cool too and alex is gonna tag u if i don’t anyway
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wololonowurgay · 6 years
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New Picture GIF love, dance, music, happy, cute, art, dancing, meme, sexy, christmas, fashion, girl, music video, food, hot, sad, yes, instagram, h, cool, wtf, heart, fire, birthday, beauty, life, goal, gay, beyonce, taylor swift, rainbow, black, cats, girls, travel, new, hair, money, model, man, rap, fitness, dj, queen, win, magic, day, mood, family, couple, 2018, memes, makeup, beautiful, photography, like, amazing, kitty, india, wave, smoke, a, style, awesome, best, v, free, weekend, geek, s, drake, cheers, joy, eat, twerk, mv, lgbt, babe, sky, home, chocolate, book, photo, guy, lights, drugs, shoes, fly, fortnite, ice, future, 420, post, great, valentine, bad, superman, la, hiphop, aesthetic, lit, trap, pride, dope, men, comic, idk, g, lovely, thanksgiving, cold, hit, studio, d, dancer, link, nike, bw, ariana, young, 2019, lesbian, promo, m, eminem, motivation, feelings, dress, valentines day, shark, female, rapper, grande, k, x, i, wait, f, boo, relationship, follow, popular, stan, roma, quotes, food52, valentines, de, gorgeous, us, twerking, forever, culture, raw, shoot, fresh, success, t, adidas, hurt, goals, broken, bag, designer, proud, drop, shooting, yo, american, flex, e, single, foodie, beat, luxury, attitude, moves, q, l, o, hard, b, u, trending, slay, want, youth, c, j, beast, couples, doll, guys, musicvideo, r, cap, lover, n, barbie, gang, snap, viral, freestyle, w, coco, flow, supreme, photographer, producer, lovers, foodporn, need, dm, bags, rosa, championship, chanel, p, superbowl, beats, explore, z, gucci, bling, heartbreak, bday, sauce, trend, em, period, gone, eva, taylorswift, bey, y, bruh, amore, influencer, heartbroken, styles, post malone, fave, bio, lil, memphis, bad bunny, drip, weapon, rnb, kendrick, en, arianagrande, chain, soon, african american, dance moves, hottie, newpost, instagood, dior, bc, generation, mua, versace, playlist, african, loves, af, jaja, deals, mixtape, cabaret, champ, hater, beyhive, black women, complex, 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musicalexpression, instamoodmyphoto, superbowlweek, instamoodsunseti, superbowlxx, catsnet, superbowlxxx, superbowlwins, newpostcards, newpostonmyblog, musictorelaxto, vadodra, musicaboadeouvir, februarygoals, musicalquotes, lovewhatido, superbowlevents, instamoodstadaily, superbowlmatchup, instamoodloving, superbowlswag, foodtalkindia, superbowlfriday, superbowlads2017, womenstyless, musicnomad, februarbaby, musicallychile, febstival, foodography, musicianhappy, instamoody, superbowlrecipe, instamoodweekend, superbowlprep, catsoftheworld, superbowlnightlife, superbowlxxix, superbowldrinks, shayara, musicvideocontest, febibig, musicaparaosolhos, feblove, musictostick, instamoodt, superbowl2k14, superbowlxlvii, catsdaily, superbowldrink, superbowlparties, newpostcheduled, newposttomorrow, musicproyects, amreli, musicindustreets, febracisbahia, musicinbooks, lovekittens, musicgarage, instamoodphotoshoot, superbowlz, instamoodche, superbowlnyc, foodoptimising, superbowltickets, superbowlcatering, funnyphotos, februarychallenge, musicitsmylife, feboda, musicmajorproblems, instamoods, superbowlbets, superbowlprintable, catsgram, superbowlandstudy, superbowlx, superbowl2k16, shayarilover, musicvisualizer, feb6, musicoscolombianos, febracisfloripa, musicalmovie, instamoode, superbowl10k, instamoodycow, superbowl49champs, catsofinstgram, superbowlofdips, superbowl47, newpostsoon, newpostscoming, aemdabad, musicnotfirthemasses, febrary, musicallybookishnovember, lovepuppies, musicadelasexta, instamoodoftheday, superbowlchampsagain, instamoodboard, superbowlchampion, catslove, superbowlhangover, superbowlcontest, foodshot, foods4thought, foodblogfeed, foodielife via Giphy
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cutsliceddiced · 6 years
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New GIF tagged love, dance, music, happy, cute, art, dancing, meme, sexy, christmas, fashion, girl, music video, food, hot, sad, yes, instagram, h, cool, wtf, heart, fire, birthday, beauty, life, goal, gay, beyonce, taylor swift, rainbow, black, cats, girls, travel, new, hair, money, model, man, rap, fitness, dj, queen, win, magic, day, mood, family, couple, 2018, memes, makeup, beautiful, photography, like, amazing, kitty, india, wave, smoke, a, style, awesome, best, v, free, weekend, geek, s, drake, cheers, joy, eat, twerk, mv, lgbt, babe, sky, home, chocolate, book, photo, guy, lights, drugs, shoes, fly, fortnite, ice, future, 420, post, great, valentine, bad, superman, la, hiphop, aesthetic, lit, trap, pride, dope, men, comic, idk, g, lovely, thanksgiving, cold, hit, studio, d, dancer, link, nike, bw, ariana, young, 2019, lesbian, promo, m, eminem, motivation, feelings, dress, valentines day, shark, female, rapper, grande, k, x, i, wait, f, boo, relationship, follow, popular, stan, roma, quotes, food52, valentines, de, gorgeous, us, twerking, forever, culture, raw, shoot, fresh, success, t, adidas, hurt, goals, broken, bag, designer, proud, drop, shooting, yo, american, flex, e, single, foodie, beat, luxury, attitude, moves, q, l, o, hard, b, u, trending, slay, want, youth, c, j, beast, couples, doll, guys, musicvideo, r, cap, lover, n, barbie, gang, snap, viral, freestyle, w, coco, flow, supreme, photographer, producer, lovers, foodporn, need, dm, bags, rosa, championship, chanel, p, superbowl, beats, explore, z, gucci, bling, heartbreak, bday, sauce, trend, em, period, gone, eva, taylorswift, bey, y, bruh, amore, influencer, heartbroken, styles, post malone, fave, bio, lil, memphis, bad bunny, drip, weapon, rnb, kendrick, en, arianagrande, chain, soon, african american, dance moves, hottie, newpost, instagood, dior, bc, generation, mua, versace, playlist, african, loves, af, jaja, deals, mixtape, cabaret, champ, hater, beyhive, black women, complex, blackgirlmagic, fr, trill, female rapper, cant, prada, loveyou, xxl, ghetto, asap, tight, dances, relationship goals, burberry, lamar, loveislove, glad, las, mf, millennial, renaissance, mill, lk, meek mill, valentino, wealth, hermes, lv, straight, loved, encouragement, 2020, febrero, mute, popping, givenchy, foods, edits, loveyourself, attraction, mlk, def, rappers, malone, mami, ysl, melanin, finesse, litty, foodies, mos, fendi, black history, yung, swerve, achievement, hermosa, loveit, mamacita, black girls rock, foh, bonita, icy, saucy, catsuit, blacklove, the future, clout, naturalhair, producing, baddie, hotties, foodtruck, africanamerican, lovewins, rolex, slaps, balenciaga, lovelive, karol g, midwesthub, genre, meek, millenials, sexi, gonna, bish, tho, poppin, asi, attract, doe, lipgloss, wanna, momma, conscious, foodgasm, quiero, louisvuitton, relationshipgoals, caro, kendricklamar, produced, badbunny, hott, themidwesthub, wrist, betta, baddies, febo, ableton, gunna, yall, gang gang, prod, loveu, blackgirlsrock, the future is female, superbowl2015, blackwomen, blackexcellence, trapmusic, the midwest hub, dancemove, 2k18, foodlover, sheesh, postmalone, oficial, boujee, sadquotes, secreto, likeforlikes, crib, digitales, freestyling, mpc, relation, sadedits, lovefl, feb, bih, lovestory, loveisintheair, ganggang, black queen, loveme, freestylin, dark skin, emcee, sadvideos, hiphopmusic, RHYMES, felice, lyrical lemonade, rere, musicproducer, 2k19, blackqueen, periodt, slayed, bmwm, barbies, cantwait, championships, icey, light skin, funnymemes, wmbw, anuel aa, flstudio, hermosas, radha, febracis, snapped, instamood, fiyah, photographe, lovelife, couples goals, get em, emceeing, escucha, twerker rich, wwbm, jewlery, pricey, gorg, foody, blackhistorymonth, foodphotography, surat, hiphopculture, awf, shayari, vvs, lovelovelove, foodlovers, lovefood, hiphopartist, hiphopdance, ahmedabad, plataformas, rapradar, no cap, slays, finna, lovethis, catsofinstagram, bookshop, todas, hiphophead, foodnetwork, swerv, arcobaleno, yal, foodblog, lovemyself, loveher, lovehim, oouu, for eva, most def, swurve, foodlove, lovecats, fiyahh, awfff, foodstagram, lovemyjob, foodcoma, foodblogger, lovequotes, loveanimals, lovethem, lofihiphop, history month, catskills, superbowlxlix, de música, lovemusic, foodart, feber, lovedog, foodstyling, hiphopheads, meekmill, foodislife, loveofmylife, soundcloudrapper, newhiphop, lovecat, logicprox, foodpic, catstagram, rnbmusic, hiphopbeats, realrap, rnbsinger, lovedogs, geeked, freeverse, superbowl50, superbowllii, foodbeast, hiphoplife, makingabeat, hiphopnews, gujju, febbraio, hiphopnation, westcoasthiphop, hiphopinstrumentals, unsignedrapper, hiphopjunkie, foodgram, hiphopinternational, hiphopdaily, flgang, hiphoplyrics, hiphopislife, hiphopproducer, boombapmusic, rnbhiphop, upcomingrapper, mpcstudio, rapinstrumentals, rnbbeats, foodpics, trapbeatsforsale, hiphopparty, nomumblerap, lookingforbeats, fotography, trapbeats, hiphopunderground, foodforthought, loveyourbody, loveforever, febreze, lovewhatyoudo, catsanddogs, prettygirls, superbowlsunday, lovetravel, febreeze, lovenature, catsrule, foodandwine, radhakrishna, radhakrishn, loveyourskin, feb14, febe, febre, supereroi, lovethissong, loveandlight, foodaddict, loveart, musicaelectronica, februar, foodphoto, lovemylife, influenceur, february14, womenstyle, foodforlife, newpostalert, lovelyday, foodism, rajkot, foodshare, superbowlli, lovemydog, musicislove, feb14th, lovequote, lovetotravel, foodinspiration, gujrati, fooddiary, foodspotting, catslovers, foodisfuel, foodstyle, musicais, newposting, foodforfoodies, catslife, superbowl2017, febreamarela, superbowl2014, musicasv, catselfie, catsarelife, foodpornshare, musicsession, februari, musicmakers, foodlife, lovecars, foodprep, foodphotographer, foodpassion, shayaris, foodbloggers, febbre, newpostonblog, musicaindie, gujrat, musiclicensing, febraury, foodpost, foodiegram, february2018, feb2016, catsofinsta, musicbar, superbowlparty, catsareawesome, superbowlmvp, febuary, musicfilm, february2015, february8, feburary, gujjus, superbowlwinner, lovephotography, febraciscoaching, superbowl48, superbowlhalftime, foodheaven, loveyourlife, foodoftheday, newpostontheblog, catsoftheday, foodvideo, newposter, catslover, gujjurocks, foodofinstagram, lovefitness, superbowlbound, musicconnection, sfondi, lovefashion, catsagram, february16, february14th, lovemakeup, musicamia, musicmanbass, february5th, feb27, foodgawker, musicalguidance, musicthatheals, musicalfountain, musicismyjob, musicwithyourdinner, musicproduceramnediel, loveinstagoodlike1, musicapparel, musicplayeroftheday, febstival2k17, february2016, musicforrelaxation, febianihermaini, musicmanmajesty, musiccures, musicismygod, catsofday, musicapesadabrasileira, musicjewellery, febom, superbowlfood, musicianandartist, musicalchoir, musicalychallenge, musiclegs, musicismysavior, instamoodsunsets, musicvlogger, superbowlweekend, musicofmychildhood, musicaitalia, musicbuyer, instamoodstylelove, feb29, musicindusty, musically2018, musicmylove, musicaafricana, newposts, superbowlsetup, superbowl29, superbowlready, newpostblog, musicingear, februarybaby, musicaldreams, musicbringsbackmemories, lovegreatbritain, superbowlprediction, instamoodz, superbowlofhaircuts, catsoninstagram, superbowlsmoke, superbowlxlviii, newpostisup, loveshayari, musicaltheatergirl, februarfabelhaftigkeiten, musicaparaseuevento, februaryspecials, musicmen, instamoodinstagood, superbowlxxxii, instamoodyellowh, superbowlcity50, catstocker, superbowl50champions, superbowlherewecome, newposters, gujjugram, musicsupply, feb2018, musicforphone, feb17th, musicalescape, instamoodstyle, superbowlcesoir, instamoodmusic, superbowlkatyperry, catsworld, superbowlteams, superbowlfifty, superbowlsnack, newposterontheway, musicoftheday, februaryphotochallenge, musiclink, februarywedding, musicaprihispanica, superbowldeoro, instamoodon, superbowlsf, catsofworld, superbowltravel, superbowlbaby, superbowl50champs, sadshayari, musicreccomendation, februarbaby2017, musicallykpop, musicfordays, instamoodu, superbowlpuppy, instamoodstylelovef, superbowlbingo, catsfollowers, superbowl50bound, superbowls, superbowlrematch, newpostcomingsoon, musicandwork, gujjuquotes, musicinstarument, february2017, musicbrain, musicisourdestiny, instamoodmy, superbowlchamp, instamoodstylelovenk, superbowlday, catsloversworld, superbowlaroundtheworld, foodismedicine, superbowlcommercials, superbowl43, newpostscomigipromise, musician4life, febphotoaday, musicfidi, februarbaby2016, music101, lovemywork, superbowlxxv, instamoodphotos, foodinsta, superbowlchampions, catsofig, superbowlminneapolis, superbowltonight, newposture, influenceuse, musiciantreatmentfoundation, februarbaby2018, musician4hire, feb12th, musicefsane, instamoodi, superbowltailgate, instamoodv, superbowll, superbowlxxx, superbowlwins, newpostcards, gujratis, musicllyapp, februarybirthstone, musicforbabies, musicalexpression, instamoodmyphoto, superbowlweek, instamoodsunseti, superbowlxx, catsnet, foodtalkindia, superbowlfriday, superbowlads2017, newpostonmyblog, musictorelaxto, vadodra, musicaboadeouvir, februarygoals, musicalquotes, lovewhatido, superbowlevents, instamoodstadaily, superbowlmatchup, instamoodloving, superbowlswag, superbowlnightlife, superbowlxxix, superbowldrinks, womenstyless, musicnomad, februarbaby, foodography, musicallychile, febstival, musicianhappy, instamoody, superbowlrecipe, instamoodweekend, superbowlprep, catsoftheworld, superbowldrink, superbowlparties, newpostcheduled, shayara, musicvideocontest, febibig, musicaparaosolhos, feblove, musictostick, instamoodt, superbowl2k14, superbowlxlvii, catsdaily, foodoptimising, superbowltickets, superbowlcatering, newposttomorrow, musicproyects, amreli, musicindustreets, febracisbahia, musicinbooks, lovekittens, musicgarage, instamoodphotoshoot, superbowlz, instamoodche, superbowlnyc, superbowlandstudy, superbowlx, superbowl2k16, funnyphotos, februarychallenge, musicitsmylife, feboda, musicmajorproblems, instamoods, superbowlbets, superbowlprintable, catsgram, superbowlofdips, superbowl47, newpostsoon, shayarilover, musicvisualizer, feb6, musicoscolombianos, febracisfloripa, musicalmovie, instamoode, superbowl10k, instamoodycow, superbowl49champs, catsofinstgram, superbowlhangover, superbowlcontest, newpostscoming, aemdabad, musicnotfirthemasses, febrary, musicallybookishnovember, lovepuppies, musicadelasexta, instamoodoftheday, superbowlchampsagain, instamoodboard, superbowlchampion, catslove, foodshot, foods4thought, foodblogfeed, foodielife via Giphy https://gph.is/2GuZx6H via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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jamiereilly273 · 6 years
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New Picture GIF love, dance, music, happy, cute, art, dancing, meme, sexy, christmas, fashion, girl, music video, food, hot, sad, yes, instagram, h, cool, wtf, heart, fire, birthday, beauty, life, goal, gay, beyonce, taylor swift, rainbow, black, cats, girls, travel, new, hair, money, model, man, rap, fitness, dj, queen, win, magic, day, mood, family, couple, 2018, memes, makeup, beautiful, photography, like, amazing, kitty, india, wave, smoke, a, style, awesome, best, v, free, weekend, geek, s, drake, cheers, joy, eat, twerk, mv, lgbt, babe, sky, home, chocolate, book, photo, guy, lights, drugs, shoes, fly, fortnite, ice, future, 420, post, great, valentine, bad, superman, la, hiphop, aesthetic, lit, trap, pride, dope, men, comic, idk, g, lovely, thanksgiving, cold, hit, studio, d, dancer, link, nike, bw, ariana, young, 2019, lesbian, promo, m, eminem, motivation, feelings, dress, valentines day, shark, female, rapper, grande, k, x, i, wait, f, boo, relationship, follow, popular, stan, roma, quotes, food52, valentines, de, gorgeous, us, twerking, forever, culture, raw, shoot, fresh, success, t, adidas, hurt, goals, broken, bag, designer, proud, drop, shooting, yo, american, flex, e, single, foodie, beat, luxury, attitude, moves, q, l, o, hard, b, u, trending, slay, want, youth, c, j, beast, couples, doll, guys, musicvideo, r, cap, lover, n, barbie, gang, snap, viral, freestyle, w, coco, flow, supreme, photographer, producer, lovers, foodporn, need, dm, bags, rosa, championship, chanel, p, superbowl, beats, explore, z, gucci, bling, heartbreak, bday, sauce, trend, em, period, gone, eva, taylorswift, bey, y, bruh, amore, influencer, heartbroken, styles, post malone, fave, bio, lil, memphis, bad bunny, drip, weapon, rnb, kendrick, en, arianagrande, chain, soon, african american, dance moves, hottie, newpost, instagood, dior, bc, generation, mua, versace, playlist, african, loves, af, jaja, deals, mixtape, cabaret, champ, hater, beyhive, black women, complex, blackgirlmagic, fr, trill, female rapper, cant, prada, loveyou, xxl, ghetto, asap, tight, dances, relationship goals, burberry, lamar, loveislove, glad, las, mf, millennial, renaissance, mill, lk, meek mill, valentino, wealth, hermes, lv, straight, loved, encouragement, 2020, febrero, mute, popping, givenchy, foods, edits, loveyourself, attraction, mlk, def, rappers, malone, mami, ysl, melanin, finesse, litty, foodies, mos, fendi, black history, yung, swerve, achievement, hermosa, loveit, mamacita, black girls rock, foh, bonita, icy, saucy, catsuit, blacklove, the future, naturalhair, clout, producing, baddie, hotties, foodtruck, africanamerican, lovewins, rolex, slaps, balenciaga, lovelive, karol g, midwesthub, genre, meek, millenials, sexi, gonna, bish, tho, poppin, asi, attract, doe, lipgloss, wanna, momma, conscious, foodgasm, quiero, louisvuitton, relationshipgoals, caro, kendricklamar, produced, badbunny, hott, themidwesthub, wrist, betta, baddies, febo, ableton, gunna, yall, gang gang, prod, loveu, blackgirlsrock, the future is female, superbowl2015, blackwomen, blackexcellence, trapmusic, the midwest hub, dancemove, 2k18, foodlover, sheesh, postmalone, oficial, boujee, sadquotes, secreto, likeforlikes, crib, digitales, freestyling, mpc, relation, sadedits, lovefl, feb, bih, lovestory, loveisintheair, ganggang, black queen, loveme, freestylin, dark skin, emcee, sadvideos, hiphopmusic, RHYMES, felice, lyrical lemonade, rere, musicproducer, 2k19, blackqueen, periodt, slayed, bmwm, barbies, cantwait, championships, icey, light skin, funnymemes, wmbw, anuel aa, flstudio, hermosas, radha, febracis, snapped, instamood, fiyah, photographe, lovelife, couples goals, get em, emceeing, escucha, twerker rich, wwbm, jewlery, pricey, gorg, foody, blackhistorymonth, foodphotography, surat, hiphopculture, awf, shayari, vvs, lovelovelove, foodlovers, lovefood, hiphopartist, hiphopdance, ahmedabad, plataformas, rapradar, no cap, slays, finna, lovethis, catsofinstagram, bookshop, todas, hiphophead, foodnetwork, swerv, arcobaleno, yal, foodblog, lovemyself, loveher, lovehim, oouu, for eva, most def, swurve, foodlove, lovecats, fiyahh, awfff, foodstagram, lovemyjob, foodcoma, foodblogger, lovequotes, loveanimals, lovethem, lofihiphop, history month, catskills, superbowlxlix, de música, lovemusic, foodart, feber, lovedog, foodstyling, hiphopheads, meekmill, foodislife, loveofmylife, soundcloudrapper, newhiphop, lovecat, logicprox, foodpic, catstagram, rnbmusic, hiphopbeats, realrap, rnbsinger, lovedogs, geeked, freeverse, superbowl50, superbowllii, foodbeast, hiphoplife, makingabeat, hiphopnews, gujju, febbraio, hiphopnation, westcoasthiphop, hiphopinstrumentals, unsignedrapper, hiphopjunkie, foodgram, hiphopinternational, hiphopdaily, flgang, hiphoplyrics, hiphopproducer, hiphopislife, boombapmusic, rnbhiphop, upcomingrapper, mpcstudio, rapinstrumentals, rnbbeats, foodpics, trapbeatsforsale, hiphopparty, nomumblerap, fotography, lookingforbeats, trapbeats, hiphopunderground, foodforthought, loveyourbody, loveforever, febreze, lovewhatyoudo, catsanddogs, prettygirls, superbowlsunday, lovetravel, febreeze, lovenature, catsrule, foodandwine, radhakrishna, radhakrishn, loveyourskin, feb14, febe, febre, supereroi, lovethissong, loveandlight, foodaddict, loveart, musicaelectronica, februar, foodphoto, lovemylife, influenceur, february14, womenstyle, foodforlife, newpostalert, lovelyday, foodism, rajkot, foodshare, superbowlli, lovemydog, musicislove, feb14th, lovequote, lovetotravel, foodinspiration, gujrati, fooddiary, foodspotting, catslovers, foodisfuel, foodstyle, musicais, newposting, foodforfoodies, catslife, superbowl2017, febreamarela, superbowl2014, musicasv, catselfie, catsarelife, foodpornshare, musicsession, februari, musicmakers, lovecars, foodlife, foodprep, foodphotographer, foodpassion, shayaris, foodbloggers, febbre, newpostonblog, musicaindie, gujrat, musiclicensing, febraury, foodpost, foodiegram, february2018, feb2016, catsofinsta, musicbar, catsareawesome, superbowlparty, superbowlmvp, febuary, musicfilm, february2015, february8, feburary, superbowlwinner, lovephotography, gujjus, febraciscoaching, superbowl48, superbowlhalftime, foodheaven, loveyourlife, foodoftheday, newpostontheblog, newposter, catsoftheday, foodvideo, catslover, gujjurocks, foodofinstagram, lovefitness, superbowlbound, musicconnection, catsagram, sfondi, lovefashion, february16, february14th, lovemakeup, musicmanbass, february5th, feb27, foodgawker, musicamia, musicthatheals, musicalguidance, musicismyjob, musicalfountain, musicproduceramnediel, loveinstagoodlike1, musicwithyourdinner, musicplayeroftheday, febstival2k17, february2016, musicapparel, febianihermaini, musicforrelaxation, musicmanmajesty, musicismygod, catsofday, musiccures, musicjewellery, febom, musicapesadabrasileira, musicianandartist, superbowlfood, musicalychallenge, musicalchoir, musicismysavior, instamoodsunsets, musiclegs, superbowlweekend, musicvlogger, musicaitalia, musicbuyer, instamoodstylelove, feb29, musicofmychildhood, musically2018, musicindusty, musicaafricana, newposts, musicmylove, newpostblog, musicingear, februarybaby, musicaldreams, musicbringsbackmemories, lovegreatbritain, superbowlprediction, instamoodz, superbowlofhaircuts, catsoninstagram, superbowlsetup, superbowl29, superbowlready, loveshayari, musicaltheatergirl, februarfabelhaftigkeiten, musicaparaseuevento, februaryspecials, musicmen, instamoodinstagood, superbowlxxxii, instamoodyellowh, superbowlcity50, catstocker, superbowlsmoke, superbowlxlviii, newpostisup, newposters, gujjugram, musicsupply, feb2018, musicforphone, feb17th, musicalescape, instamoodstyle, superbowlcesoir, instamoodmusic, superbowlkatyperry, catsworld, superbowl50champions, superbowlherewecome, newposterontheway, musicoftheday, februaryphotochallenge, musiclink, februarywedding, musicaprihispanica, superbowldeoro, instamoodon, superbowlsf, catsofworld, superbowlteams, superbowlfifty, superbowlsnack, sadshayari, musicreccomendation, februarbaby2017, musicallykpop, musicfordays, instamoodu, superbowlpuppy, instamoodstylelovef, superbowlbingo, catsfollowers, superbowltravel, superbowlbaby, superbowl50champs, musicandwork, gujjuquotes, musicinstarument, february2017, musicbrain, musicisourdestiny, instamoodmy, superbowlchamp, instamoodstylelovenk, superbowlday, catsloversworld, superbowl50bound, superbowls, superbowlrematch, newpostcomingsoon, newpostscomigipromise, musician4life, febphotoaday, musicfidi, februarbaby2016, music101, lovemywork, superbowlxxv, instamoodphotos, foodinsta, superbowlchampions, catsofig, superbowlaroundtheworld, foodismedicine, superbowlcommercials, superbowl43, influenceuse, musiciantreatmentfoundation, februarbaby2018, musician4hire, feb12th, musicefsane, instamoodi, superbowltailgate, instamoodv, superbowll, superbowlminneapolis, superbowltonight, newposture, gujratis, musicllyapp, februarybirthstone, musicforbabies, musicalexpression, instamoodmyphoto, superbowlweek, instamoodsunseti, superbowlxx, catsnet, superbowlxxx, superbowlwins, newpostcards, newpostonmyblog, musictorelaxto, vadodra, musicaboadeouvir, februarygoals, musicalquotes, lovewhatido, superbowlevents, instamoodstadaily, superbowlmatchup, instamoodloving, superbowlswag, foodtalkindia, superbowlfriday, superbowlads2017, womenstyless, musicnomad, februarbaby, foodography, musicallychile, febstival, musicianhappy, instamoody, superbowlrecipe, instamoodweekend, superbowlprep, catsoftheworld, superbowlnightlife, superbowlxxix, superbowldrinks, shayara, musicvideocontest, febibig, musicaparaosolhos, feblove, musictostick, instamoodt, superbowl2k14, superbowlxlvii, catsdaily, superbowldrink, superbowlparties, newpostcheduled, newposttomorrow, musicproyects, amreli, musicindustreets, febracisbahia, musicinbooks, lovekittens, musicgarage, instamoodphotoshoot, superbowlz, instamoodche, superbowlnyc, foodoptimising, superbowltickets, superbowlcatering, funnyphotos, februarychallenge, musicitsmylife, feboda, musicmajorproblems, instamoods, superbowlbets, superbowlprintable, catsgram, superbowlandstudy, superbowlx, superbowl2k16, shayarilover, musicvisualizer, feb6, musicoscolombianos, febracisfloripa, musicalmovie, instamoode, superbowl10k, instamoodycow, superbowl49champs, catsofinstgram, superbowlofdips, superbowl47, newpostsoon, newpostscoming, aemdabad, musicnotfirthemasses, febrary, musicallybookishnovember, lovepuppies, musicadelasexta, instamoodoftheday, superbowlchampsagain, instamoodboard, superbowlchampion, catslove, superbowlhangover, superbowlcontest, foodshot, foods4thought, foodblogfeed, foodielife via Giphy
0 notes
videos-jonyprime · 6 years
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New Picture GIF love, dance, music, happy, cute, art, dancing, meme, sexy, christmas, fashion, girl, music video, food, hot, sad, yes, instagram, h, cool, wtf, heart, fire, birthday, beauty, life, goal, gay, beyonce, taylor swift, rainbow, black, cats, girls, travel, new, hair, money, model, man, rap, fitness, dj, queen, win, magic, day, mood, family, couple, 2018, memes, makeup, beautiful, photography, like, amazing, kitty, india, wave, smoke, a, style, awesome, best, v, free, weekend, geek, s, drake, cheers, joy, eat, twerk, mv, lgbt, babe, sky, home, chocolate, book, photo, guy, lights, drugs, shoes, fly, fortnite, ice, future, 420, post, great, valentine, bad, superman, la, hiphop, aesthetic, lit, trap, pride, dope, men, comic, idk, g, lovely, thanksgiving, cold, hit, studio, d, dancer, link, nike, bw, ariana, young, 2019, lesbian, promo, m, eminem, motivation, feelings, dress, valentines day, shark, female, rapper, grande, k, x, i, wait, f, boo, relationship, follow, popular, stan, roma, quotes, food52, valentines, de, gorgeous, us, twerking, forever, culture, raw, shoot, fresh, success, t, adidas, hurt, goals, broken, bag, designer, proud, drop, shooting, yo, american, flex, e, single, foodie, beat, luxury, attitude, moves, q, l, o, hard, b, u, trending, slay, want, youth, c, j, beast, couples, doll, guys, musicvideo, r, cap, lover, n, barbie, gang, snap, viral, freestyle, w, coco, flow, supreme, photographer, producer, lovers, foodporn, need, dm, bags, rosa, championship, chanel, p, superbowl, beats, explore, z, gucci, bling, heartbreak, bday, sauce, trend, em, period, gone, eva, taylorswift, bey, y, bruh, amore, influencer, heartbroken, styles, post malone, fave, bio, lil, memphis, bad bunny, drip, weapon, rnb, kendrick, en, arianagrande, chain, soon, african american, dance moves, hottie, newpost, instagood, dior, bc, generation, mua, versace, playlist, african, loves, af, jaja, deals, mixtape, cabaret, champ, hater, beyhive, black women, complex, blackgirlmagic, fr, trill, female rapper, cant, prada, loveyou, xxl, ghetto, asap, tight, dances, relationship goals, burberry, lamar, loveislove, glad, las, mf, millennial, renaissance, mill, lk, meek mill, valentino, wealth, hermes, lv, straight, loved, encouragement, 2020, febrero, mute, popping, givenchy, foods, edits, loveyourself, attraction, mlk, def, rappers, malone, mami, ysl, melanin, finesse, litty, foodies, mos, fendi, black history, yung, swerve, achievement, hermosa, loveit, mamacita, black girls rock, foh, bonita, icy, saucy, catsuit, blacklove, the future, naturalhair, clout, producing, baddie, hotties, foodtruck, africanamerican, lovewins, rolex, slaps, balenciaga, lovelive, karol g, midwesthub, genre, meek, millenials, sexi, gonna, bish, tho, poppin, asi, attract, doe, lipgloss, wanna, momma, conscious, foodgasm, quiero, louisvuitton, relationshipgoals, caro, kendricklamar, produced, badbunny, hott, themidwesthub, wrist, betta, baddies, febo, ableton, gunna, yall, gang gang, prod, loveu, blackgirlsrock, the future is female, superbowl2015, blackwomen, blackexcellence, trapmusic, the midwest hub, dancemove, 2k18, foodlover, sheesh, postmalone, oficial, boujee, sadquotes, secreto, likeforlikes, crib, digitales, freestyling, mpc, relation, sadedits, lovefl, feb, bih, lovestory, loveisintheair, ganggang, black queen, loveme, freestylin, dark skin, emcee, sadvideos, hiphopmusic, RHYMES, felice, lyrical lemonade, rere, musicproducer, 2k19, blackqueen, periodt, slayed, bmwm, barbies, cantwait, championships, icey, light skin, funnymemes, wmbw, anuel aa, flstudio, hermosas, radha, febracis, snapped, instamood, fiyah, photographe, lovelife, couples goals, get em, emceeing, escucha, twerker rich, wwbm, jewlery, pricey, gorg, foody, blackhistorymonth, foodphotography, surat, hiphopculture, awf, shayari, vvs, lovelovelove, foodlovers, lovefood, hiphopartist, hiphopdance, ahmedabad, plataformas, rapradar, no cap, slays, finna, lovethis, catsofinstagram, bookshop, todas, hiphophead, foodnetwork, swerv, arcobaleno, yal, foodblog, lovemyself, loveher, lovehim, oouu, for eva, most def, swurve, foodlove, lovecats, fiyahh, awfff, foodstagram, lovemyjob, foodcoma, foodblogger, lovequotes, loveanimals, lovethem, lofihiphop, history month, catskills, superbowlxlix, de música, lovemusic, foodart, feber, lovedog, foodstyling, hiphopheads, meekmill, foodislife, loveofmylife, soundcloudrapper, newhiphop, lovecat, logicprox, foodpic, catstagram, rnbmusic, hiphopbeats, realrap, rnbsinger, lovedogs, geeked, freeverse, superbowl50, superbowllii, foodbeast, hiphoplife, makingabeat, hiphopnews, gujju, febbraio, hiphopnation, westcoasthiphop, hiphopinstrumentals, unsignedrapper, hiphopjunkie, foodgram, hiphopinternational, hiphopdaily, flgang, hiphoplyrics, hiphopproducer, hiphopislife, boombapmusic, rnbhiphop, upcomingrapper, mpcstudio, rapinstrumentals, rnbbeats, foodpics, trapbeatsforsale, hiphopparty, nomumblerap, fotography, lookingforbeats, trapbeats, hiphopunderground, foodforthought, loveyourbody, loveforever, febreze, lovewhatyoudo, catsanddogs, prettygirls, superbowlsunday, lovetravel, febreeze, lovenature, catsrule, foodandwine, radhakrishna, radhakrishn, loveyourskin, feb14, febe, febre, supereroi, lovethissong, loveandlight, foodaddict, loveart, musicaelectronica, februar, foodphoto, lovemylife, influenceur, february14, womenstyle, foodforlife, newpostalert, lovelyday, foodism, rajkot, foodshare, superbowlli, lovemydog, musicislove, feb14th, lovequote, lovetotravel, foodinspiration, gujrati, fooddiary, foodspotting, catslovers, foodisfuel, foodstyle, musicais, newposting, foodforfoodies, catslife, superbowl2017, febreamarela, superbowl2014, musicasv, catselfie, catsarelife, foodpornshare, musicsession, februari, musicmakers, lovecars, foodlife, foodprep, foodphotographer, foodpassion, shayaris, foodbloggers, febbre, newpostonblog, musicaindie, gujrat, musiclicensing, febraury, foodpost, foodiegram, february2018, feb2016, catsofinsta, musicbar, catsareawesome, superbowlparty, superbowlmvp, febuary, musicfilm, february2015, february8, feburary, superbowlwinner, lovephotography, gujjus, febraciscoaching, superbowl48, superbowlhalftime, foodheaven, loveyourlife, foodoftheday, newpostontheblog, newposter, catsoftheday, foodvideo, catslover, gujjurocks, foodofinstagram, lovefitness, superbowlbound, musicconnection, catsagram, sfondi, lovefashion, february16, february14th, lovemakeup, musicmanbass, february5th, feb27, foodgawker, musicamia, musicthatheals, musicalguidance, musicismyjob, musicalfountain, musicproduceramnediel, loveinstagoodlike1, musicwithyourdinner, musicplayeroftheday, febstival2k17, february2016, musicapparel, febianihermaini, musicforrelaxation, musicmanmajesty, musicismygod, catsofday, musiccures, musicjewellery, febom, musicapesadabrasileira, musicianandartist, superbowlfood, musicalychallenge, musicalchoir, musicismysavior, instamoodsunsets, musiclegs, superbowlweekend, musicvlogger, musicaitalia, musicbuyer, instamoodstylelove, feb29, musicofmychildhood, musically2018, musicindusty, musicaafricana, newposts, musicmylove, newpostblog, musicingear, februarybaby, musicaldreams, musicbringsbackmemories, lovegreatbritain, superbowlprediction, instamoodz, superbowlofhaircuts, catsoninstagram, superbowlsetup, superbowl29, superbowlready, loveshayari, musicaltheatergirl, februarfabelhaftigkeiten, musicaparaseuevento, februaryspecials, musicmen, instamoodinstagood, superbowlxxxii, instamoodyellowh, superbowlcity50, catstocker, superbowlsmoke, superbowlxlviii, newpostisup, newposters, gujjugram, musicsupply, feb2018, musicforphone, feb17th, musicalescape, instamoodstyle, superbowlcesoir, instamoodmusic, superbowlkatyperry, catsworld, superbowl50champions, superbowlherewecome, newposterontheway, musicoftheday, februaryphotochallenge, musiclink, februarywedding, musicaprihispanica, superbowldeoro, instamoodon, superbowlsf, catsofworld, superbowlteams, superbowlfifty, superbowlsnack, sadshayari, musicreccomendation, februarbaby2017, musicallykpop, musicfordays, instamoodu, superbowlpuppy, instamoodstylelovef, superbowlbingo, catsfollowers, superbowltravel, superbowlbaby, superbowl50champs, musicandwork, gujjuquotes, musicinstarument, february2017, musicbrain, musicisourdestiny, instamoodmy, superbowlchamp, instamoodstylelovenk, superbowlday, catsloversworld, superbowl50bound, superbowls, superbowlrematch, newpostcomingsoon, newpostscomigipromise, musician4life, febphotoaday, musicfidi, februarbaby2016, music101, lovemywork, superbowlxxv, instamoodphotos, foodinsta, superbowlchampions, catsofig, superbowlaroundtheworld, foodismedicine, superbowlcommercials, superbowl43, influenceuse, musiciantreatmentfoundation, februarbaby2018, musician4hire, feb12th, musicefsane, instamoodi, superbowltailgate, instamoodv, superbowll, superbowlminneapolis, superbowltonight, newposture, gujratis, musicllyapp, februarybirthstone, musicforbabies, musicalexpression, instamoodmyphoto, superbowlweek, instamoodsunseti, superbowlxx, catsnet, superbowlxxx, superbowlwins, newpostcards, newpostonmyblog, musictorelaxto, vadodra, musicaboadeouvir, februarygoals, musicalquotes, lovewhatido, superbowlevents, instamoodstadaily, superbowlmatchup, instamoodloving, superbowlswag, foodtalkindia, superbowlfriday, superbowlads2017, womenstyless, musicnomad, februarbaby, foodography, musicallychile, febstival, musicianhappy, instamoody, superbowlrecipe, instamoodweekend, superbowlprep, catsoftheworld, superbowlnightlife, superbowlxxix, superbowldrinks, shayara, musicvideocontest, febibig, musicaparaosolhos, feblove, musictostick, instamoodt, superbowl2k14, superbowlxlvii, catsdaily, superbowldrink, superbowlparties, newpostcheduled, newposttomorrow, musicproyects, amreli, musicindustreets, febracisbahia, musicinbooks, lovekittens, musicgarage, instamoodphotoshoot, superbowlz, instamoodche, superbowlnyc, foodoptimising, superbowltickets, superbowlcatering, funnyphotos, februarychallenge, musicitsmylife, feboda, musicmajorproblems, instamoods, superbowlbets, superbowlprintable, catsgram, superbowlandstudy, superbowlx, superbowl2k16, shayarilover, musicvisualizer, feb6, musicoscolombianos, febracisfloripa, musicalmovie, instamoode, superbowl10k, instamoodycow, superbowl49champs, catsofinstgram, superbowlofdips, superbowl47, newpostsoon, newpostscoming, aemdabad, musicnotfirthemasses, febrary, musicallybookishnovember, lovepuppies, musicadelasexta, instamoodoftheday, superbowlchampsagain, instamoodboard, superbowlchampion, catslove, superbowlhangover, superbowlcontest, foodshot, foods4thought, foodblogfeed, foodielife via Giphy
0 notes
worthyironman · 7 years
tagged by the wonderful @starksnstripes 
a) age:  old b) biggest fear: anything that flies and could potentially fly into me so like butterflies and cicadas  c) current time:  4:38pm d) drink you last had: coffee e) every day starts with:  rolling out of bed and crying because its usually before 5am f) favourite song atm: reverse faults by sampha g) ghosts, are they real?: flksfja yes  h) hometown?: like where i was born of where i grew up, i was born in phoenix az but grew up in many places so idk how to answer this i) in love with?:  myself, thanks for asking j) jealous of?: i dont really feel this emotion k) killed someone?: only mentally l) last time you cried: ugh like two months ago  n) number of siblings: one o) one wish: i cant tell you  p) person you last called/texted: raven q) questions you are always being asked: what does your tattoo say?( the most annoying question in the world) r) reasons to smile: i’m alive and happy s) song last sung: sign of the times by harry styles t) time you woke up: 730am, basically i slept in today  u) underwear colour: pink w) worst habits: i love procrastinating. im also really fucking stubborn and prideful. like if i was one of the seven deadly sins i would for sure be pride. its literally going to be what kills me x) x-rays you’ve had: god i think when i was 11 and i sprained my arm  y) your favourite food: ,,,this is so hard,,,i literally love everything,,,but its between tacos and bacon cheese burgers z) zodiac sign: taurus sun, scorpio moon, ascendant sagittarius 
i tag literally anyone who wants to do it, im super antisocial and dont talk a lot on here so just takes this as an invite to do it 
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isadorator · 8 years
A Fic Year in Review - 2016
It's that time again~ And I wrote so much this year, holy shit. As usual, any concrit and comments are welcome~~ (as are requests, when open lol)
what are THOOOOSE a superhero's holiday
Oh jeez. Both these fics got way more attention than I thought they would. But I keep underestimating the ML fandom tbh. The first was basically me goofing around and I somehow ended up promising to write a sequel since everyone wanted one (which I...still need to do.....). The second was a flag for both my descent into ladrien hell and also a return to my nsfw ways orz;;;;
you are gold and silver (1/2)
IT TOOK. SO. L O N G. TO WRITE THIS. Although this fic is firmly in AU territory now thanks to being beautifully jossed by canon, it helped me realize just how much I needed to grow in order to write romantic intimacy in a believable way. So, I made it my goal to work on it until it was up to my own standards.
(I...still need to finish this fic too......)
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (1/2):
fan merchandise
artistic muse
stuck in a small place
never have i ever
i want to touch them
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (2/2):
damsel in distress
beauty facial masks
visible marks
ice cream sandwiches
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (1/9):
the 4 times adrien pretended to shower to hide from ladybug (and the 1 time he was actually showering when she calls out his bullshit)
tried to kiss your lips but i missed
staring into each other’s eyes
Ah, the plan being put into action! With the release of actual ladrien eps, I had the perfect excuse to write romantic scenario after romantic scenario using submitted prompts. Which also meant I accidentally created a secret love affair AU and wrote more smut whoops. Still, they were super fun! I took a break halfway through to write some Inuyasha-inspired marichat that just would not leave me alone (also fun).
(....I promised to write a continuation of the 'never have i ever' prompt, didn't I alrjkdsflaks. AND TANGLED AU SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (2/9):
they go on a date together
soulmate au
“i love you. i’m completely and utterly in love with you. please don’t get married.”
the one time ladybug actually catches adrien in the shower
ACTUALLY in the shower
“of all the people i could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you.”
More ladrien prompts/romance practice~ The music prompt is still one the most cracktastic things I've ever written lol. Managed to make two more AUs with this batch that I've already started to expand on: the soulmate AU and the auteur AU. Lastly, in a surprise twist, the fucking elevator prompt managed to gather over 1k in notes. Probably because I ripped off Sailor Moon but. Still.
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (3/9):
another shower scene
away from home
“you have mom’s smile.” he said this to ladybug once, but he thinks it again and again and again. but ladybug is better: she is real.
calling bullshit
untitled continuation of a comic by pozolegirl
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (4/9):
under the covers
mega nachos
“i heard that the spots on your bodysuit corresponds to chakra points? so… what happens if i touch this?”
cute nose/forehead kisses
their first time
“i need you to pretend we’re dating…”
“is there anything you’re not good at?”
More Volpina prompts! Again, I like experimenting with them :D Also wrote a continuation of that Christmas comic because it was just way too cute~~
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (1/6):
love poem
i can show you the world
first love
everyone can see it
shower scene
it’s a trap
sins cannot be undone
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (2/6):
jealous fangirls/boys
“you have her smile”
gabriel | hawkmoth’s reaction
it’s not you, it’s my enemies
secret dating
window kisses
Oooooh boy. The triple whammy of Ladrien June, Ramadan, and starting my summer job. I was excited to have a month dedicated to just ladrien (as if I hadn't already dedicated most of my year to it lol) but fell behind pretty quickly thanks to my lack of free time. I aim to finish them this year!
And Ramadan. Man. It always sends my mental health straight into the toilet. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the way my family treats it. Idk. I tried to flush away the bad feelings by punching out 'sins cannot be undone' in one night. And it helped, I suppose. It's definitely the rawest thing I wrote this year and I still have very strong feelings about it.
three sentence prompts:
ladynoir, spy au
nino and marinette, karaoke au
ladrien, bodyguard au
ladrien, superman/lois lane au
adrien and tikki, baking au
alix and kim, and the one-time-max-actually-won au
alya and marinette, vigilante au
adrienette, foreign countries
ladynoir, and the elevator game/ritual
Between work and writing various wips that I still haven't posted yet (*coughcoughconjugalvisitcough*), I only posted stuff from this meme. I had fun (the goal) and the adrien&tikki kwamiswap AU one is still my fave |D *slams fists on table* LET ADRIEN BE A BAKER!!!!
untitled continuation of a comic by geek-fashionista insomaniac and the chaton pile
UMMMM My summer job ended by this point, so my only excuse for not posting much is it's all tied up in unpublished wips and...I was freaking out about starting school next month for the first time in y e a r s;;; Just some drabbles for the sidekick AU (not mine) and my own, sleep-deprived ideas (that I...still find hilarious alkdjfhalksd I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE ELSE TO???)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (5/9):
embarrassing hobbies (aka: adrien is secretly a popular ladynoir fanfic writer)
mlnsfweek prompts (1/3):
make 'em blush
we've got time
"i can’t believe we survived" sex
wet dreams
STILL REALLY STRESSED ABOUT SCHOOL, which translated into a lot of writing. Did a couple of Volpina prompts, including time ≠ water. Which. Got way more attention than I expected;;;; And that I...also promised to expand on......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And then #mlnsfweek hit and I'm actually really proud of myself for finishing the whole week, even if it was late~ /o/ Did some random scenarios, including some futurefic for the timebreaker AU. I still cackle every time I think of the wet dreams prompt tbh XDDD
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (6/9):
inside a video game
horror movies
“who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!”
aching muscles from running all over the city, and then: "would a massage help?"
discovering their sensitive spots
“so close” from enchanted
As usual, more Volpina prompts in between school and wips. Not really much to say except it was around now (or maybe September? My memory is horrible) that I realized I had developed a pretty good grasp on romance and could start working on upping my daily wordcount. I really want the mental stamina to complete a chapter fic one day...
mlnsfweek prompts (2/3):
School REALLY started to pick up in difficulty and I signed up for a fic exchange and a fanzine. Despite really wanting to, I didn't have time or energy to do more than one prompt for the #mlnsfweek redux, but I plan to complete it~ I have Ideas.
oh, the things i do for you (the bubbler remix)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (7/9):
bruises and scars
cold hands, warm hearts
I'm never, ever committing to more than one fic deadline near exam time ever again. I nearly died last month as I rushed to complete these fics, my studying, and prep for my vacation that started right after exams (I'm still recovering;;;). The remix is currently the longest fic I've written to date, including my wips! Holy shit!!!
Both were done very last minute, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried to finish the last of the Volpina prompts before the end of the year, but alas, time was not on my side. Better luck next year~ :'D
Total Year’s Output: ....58,718 words;;;
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
.......This is almost twice as much as I did last year. I actually passed the NaNoWriMo standard. Oh my god. There is no fucking way I would have predicted this last year. And that's not counting all the wips aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2016?
Uhhhh, Bustier/Mendeleiev, definitely. Also DjWifi?? I just wasn't into it at all last year, but now I'm rooting for them. Also, I did not expect to write this much smut, but here we are. ALSO MARIE/ADRIEN/MARINETTE AKA THE OT3 AKA LOVE SQUARED (the homestuck in me will never die)
What’s your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Happy...? Hmmmm....There's stuff that makes me laugh, that I'm proud of...
...I know it's not published yet or even done, but...probably conjugal visit. Not only is it chock full of my favourite type of ladrien, it's...sort of my thesis on emotional intimacy? It's proof of my progress. I look at it and I can feel my determination to grow and to move on from the mental rut I was stuck in for most of my life, that I won't let my past keep my from recognizing my own emotions and learning empathy, not forever.
(Maybe that's pride and contentment and hope more than happiness, but I'll damn well take it)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I ALWAYS SAY THIS but...I really want to finish my wips.....and I want to start an actual chaptered fic. Not a one-shot collection or a drabble collection. Long, plotty, gen or romance (or both!!), chapter fic. I want to write something that will keep people up all night, lying to themselves when they say 'just one more chapter'. I think I actually have a shot at completing one now, at my current skill and confidence level |D
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