#vitiligo y/n
jewbeloved · 2 years
I don't know if requests are open are not, but
Hello Hello! Okay so this is my first time requesting, like ever.
I was wondering if I could get Team Stan with a black s/o that has Vitiligo? If you don't know, it's a skin condition in which the skin loses it's pigment cells, so some parts of the skin is lighter than others.
Also I love your headcannons so much keep up the amazing work! <3
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Team Stan with a black s/o who has Vitiligo💖💖🌈🌈💖
Note: I don't really know much about Vitiligo, so I hope this post will be accurate I think?
Warnings: mentions of bullying and Cartman being Cartman?
Gender: Neutral
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💚💙 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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When they first saw your skin, they immediately had their jaws on the floor.
Cartman indeed started laughing at you and it made you quite sad.
Cartman got a bloody nose after that so don't feel bad <3
They did ask you what was wrong with your skin and you explained to them that you had Vitiligo.
They were so confused that they had to search it up before speaking to you again.
They are trying their best to understand your condition while forcing Cartman in the progress of not making you the butt of his jokes.
If Cartman continues to make jokes on your skin, Stan and Kyle will glue him to a tree and leave him there all day stuck, while Kenny comforts you.
If your condition gets any worse, they will be there for you whenever you need it.
You literally make their lives way better so of course they won't allow you to be sad.
Expect tons of kisses on your cheek, forehead, and lips.
If you're however still insecure about your condition, they will take you shopping to buy you clothes that can cover up most of your skin just like Kenny's parka.
Just like always, how you look will never change their view on you❤️🧡💙💚💖💖🌈🌈
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Ayo, the pizza here
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reticent-writer · 1 year
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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A Quick Pick Me Up (Yandere Neko Cafe x Reader)
Hey, ya'll, I know ya'll like my fandom work, but I promise you my OC stuff is just as good. Please read!!!!! I just felt like doing this today! Reader is gender neutral. Also YANDERE BEHAVIOR IS UNACCEPTABLE IN REAL LIFE! IT AINT CUTE, IT'S ABUSE! SEEK HELP IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE HAVE SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS!
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Picture belongs to @kaffee-und-liebe
Tw: Yandere tendencies, some platonic yanderes (the kids and Cocoa), some slightly suggestive content, cursing, Donut (you'll know what I mean later), mentions of abuse, and other possibly triggering content
You live in a city that is made up of mostly apartments, that don't allow you to keep a cat much less a hybrid. Too bad because you really love cats and cat hybrids. They're just so cute with their soft ears and tails and fierce expressions. When they purr? You almost die!
Which is why you are currently vibrating in front of the newest cat cafe where you can interact with cat hybrids and cats alike. It was also really close to your apartment building, so it was meant to be. The cafe was a cute brown stone building covered in vines and flowers with a black sign that in golden letters spelled out "Lucky Kitty Cafe". You felt pretty lucky standing in front of the building right now. You took a breath and entered the building.
A set of bells tinkled cutely as your eyes widened in amazement. The place was catastic! There were paintings of cats, a cat tree decorated with potted plants, chairs with little cat ears on the back, and much more. A strange looking person with a long and thin face and vitiligo and mysterious blue green colored eyes looked up with a friendly smile. They wore head scarf with a hat with cat ears on top and a beige shirt with caramel accents.
"Welcome to Lucky Kitty Cafe, I'm Shopkeeper, are you here to see our cats and cat hybrids?" Their voice was a soothing androgynous voice. They were pretty hot not going to lie. "Yes, I'm here to see the cats!" "Wonderful~" Shopkeeper purred as they grabbed a pen and paper. "Would you like anything to eat or drink while you wait?" You smile gleefully at Shopkeeper and nod. "I'll have (cafe order) please." Shopkeeper jotted your order down and nodded. "Good taste, we'll have that order out right away for you Mx..."
Mx. (Y/N) what a beautiful name...I can tell the staff will just love you~
For the privacy of our staff, they have been assigned names of popular cafe drinks and snacks. Their personalities our meant to cater to our wide clientele. Please take not of the following rules:
Rule 1.: Do not pick up cats
Rule 2: No pulling tails and ears of cats or staff
Rule 3: Harassment of any kind towards our cats, staff, or other customers will get you sent straight to Butch
Rule 4: Our staff are playing a role to increase your enjoyment of the cafe. The way they act in the cafe does not necessarily constitute how they act outside of the cafe.
Rule 5: Buy at least one item on the menu, this is a business after all
Meet Our Staff
Macchiato or Macchi is the unofficial mascot of "Lucky Kitty Cafe" she is a calico hybrid who is the sweetest person around. Her cheerful and bright attitude will brighten up even the grumpiest of people's days. She always is the first to greet new customers.
You were stunned when the tritone beauty perched herself directly on your lap, her orange eyes shining brightly as she bounced up and down barraging you with questions.
She was so excited to see a cute new face around the establishment! Your hands were so gentle as you pet her soft ears. She didn't feel the slightest bit of shame letting you know how much she enjoyed it with her loud purring. When your food and drink came you offered to share some with her.
With her?
She almost fell in love right then and there, no one ever offered to share their food with her in such a genuine way. The food was some of the best she ever had since she got to share it with you. She couldn't help but laugh as you gushed over the cats, you were more adorable than anyone here!
She's probably the first to go yandere, she can't help it when your sweeter than the sugary treats Shopkeeper bakes. She is one clingy motherfucker, so she'll always have some body part of yours close to her. She will also insert herself in any interaction you have with others in the cafe or outside. Don't ask her why she's here just pet her pretty tritone hair!
She wants to be the only hybrid in your life which means you may wake up with her snuggled into your arms blinking those sunset orbs at you cutely.
"Morning (N/n)! Did you sleep well? I know I did~
Collects any trash you leave behind. Dirty napkins? Now hers. Straws? She's wrapping her tongue around while thinking indecent thoughts. Lost your cute keychain? Well good luck ever finding it again because now it's a part of her shrine to you.
Don't let her cute face fool you, she will do whatever it takes to ensure that you are hers.
"(N/n) left their Chapstick here. Mmm (N/n) it's like sharing an indirect kiss with you~"
Meet the cafe's very own black cat Espresso. He is very quiet and aloof at first. Most people never interact with him as he will leave when people attempt to start a conversation with him. No one understands why Espresso even took a job here as he's clearly not a people hybrid.
He is no doubt one of the most handsome hybrids most people see. Beautiful dark skin and long dreadlocks accompanied with silky black ears and tail and intelligent brown eyes. His voice is very deep and mellow much like a good espresso.
He is a cat magnet as even the shyest cats can be found purring contently on his lap. He lets them hang around him as he sketches pictures of the cafe.
"You're a really good artist"
Espresso jerks at the sudden sound of your voice, how did you manage to sneak up on him? He froze as every impulse in him was confused on how to react. Run away? Thank you? Let you sit down with him? It's clear to you that the Windows shut down noise is taking place in his head right now.
"I'm sorry for startling you, I'll be on my way now."
It didn't take long for other cats and Macchi to distract you, but Espresso couldn't get the interaction out of his head. Yes, you scared him, but you didn't pressure him into conversation. You simply complimented his art before leaving.
Why did a small part of him wish you stayed?
In order for him to go yandere for you, you have to let him approach you in his own time. You must be patient as Espresso isn't used to engaging with customers like the other staff are. He is probably the last if not close to last who go yandere for you, which means you'll have an ally for when the others get too touchy.
He is very aware that the feelings that he is developing aren't the healthiest, so he tries to keep his feelings to himself. He adores your calming presence and how you can bring out the best in anybody. He begins subconsciously drawing you more and more in different scenarios. Most relatively innocent but there are enough indulgent sketches that he doesn't allow you to look through his sketch book without him supervising.
However, jealousy begins to gnaw at his gut when he sees you interacting with the others. When did Butch get so protective of you? Why do you hang around that bastard Donut? Why can't he have you all to himself? He starts to use the trust that you've built towards him to convince you to spend less time with the others. Besides that, he's one of the most harmless yanderes on this list.
"Oh, you're here, did the others smother you too much? They won't bother as long as you stay with me my muse."
Oh boy, you got this gremlin's attention, you really are too sweet for your own good, aren't you? Donut is an orange Munchkin cat hybrid and the shortest adult of the staff (the kids are platonic yandere for you). The definition of short guy syndrome but he hides it behind a cute facade. He lays it on thick for customers to give him fat tips (get you mind out of the gutter). A little bat of the eyelash here and a flirty wink there and everyone is eating out of the palm of his hand.
"Oh, a new customer, it's so nice to meet you I'm Donut~"
"Nice to meet you Donut."
"Hee hee, do you mind if I sit on your lap?"
He plops himself on your lap and starts not so subtly grinding on you which makes you very uncomfortable, you just met this guy. Plus, this is not the place for finding a random hookup. You push him off your lap and tell him that his actions made you uncomfortable. Donut begins boiling inside. You ungrateful bitch! How dare you turn him down! Him! HIM!!!! He yells in frustration later in the empty break room. Why were you being so rude when he was just being nice? (No dude that's sexual harassment) He's made it his personal mission to seduce you and then when you fall for him laugh in your face.
Donut turns up the clueless and the sexiness up by a hundred and ten percent. He wears extra skimpy and tight-fitting shorts and skirts (with lacey panties and/or thongs) as well as unbuttoning half the buttons on his pastel pink shirt, showing you his surprisingly defined chest. He skips around with an innocent grin, only for his actions to be ignored. You evil SLUT, how dare you pretend to not see what he's doing? He should teach you to be grateful and get down on your knees like a good whore does. He ignores all the other customers in favor of hatefully glaring at you from the corner.
He follows you out of the cafe and drags you into an alley nearby pinning you to the wall (he's actually deceptively strong). He screams all of the feelings he's been bottling up towards you with tears in his eyes. You stand still for a moment unsure of what to do and then you feel him go limp. Okay this is super awkward, the guy in front of you went on a nice guy spiel and then passed out. Unfortunately, you have some morality and decide not to leave him out here when your apartment is right across the street. You scoop him up and walk to your apartment (he's really light).
Donut wakes up in a stranger's bed and thinks he took his anger out by sleeping with some rando for a quick ego boost. However, he sees you coming into the room with a plate of breakfast and set it right in front of him. Why was he at your place? You explained what happened and Donut is very embarrassed, he can't believe he was vulnerable with the person he despises with all his heart. He prepares for you to mock him cruelly, but instead you treat him with the kindness he'd never show for you. Why are you such a mature person? It makes him so mad that he starts blushing, his heart starts pumping... did you always look so handsome?
Uh oh
Donut goes from being horrible to you to being the most delusional being on the planet. You treated him with kindness, which must mean you love him and much as he loves you. He does the cute act except this time its genuine and less sexual (he learned boundaries for you so be grateful (don't he still sucks)). However, he doesn't afford the same luxury to others. He sees the way others look at you and he doesn't like it one bit. He is cruel and sadistic towards rivals all while acting like an absolute angel towards you.
"Welcome home darling! How did I get in your apartment? You invited me here silly, now come and snuggle with your one and only~"
Sugar is a complete MILF looking like a golden age Hollywood actress in her work uniform. She is a Turkish Angora hybrid with gorgeous long white hair plated in victory curls and bewitching heterochromic eyes (left brown and right blue with a beauty mark under the left one). Sugar was a show hybrid like her mother before her but had to leave when she became pregnant with a stray hybrid's kittens. She is very gentle and motherly with an elegant femme fatale aura to her. Sugar is considered second in command to Shopkeeper and very respected for her age and wisdom (she's in her early to mid-forties because we love older women here).
Popular with old and young alike, you were starstruck when the snow-haired beauty and spoke to you with her lightly accented voice (she's Turkish). You felt completely comfortable with Sugar and were able to get some sound financial advice from her, as Sugar knew what it was like to be young and struggling to pay bills.
"Remember that charity is no only an act of generosity but also tax deductible."
"Yes mommy."
She found your slight crush on her adorable as it was flattering for younger people to find her attractive. However, she didn't want to have to parent her partner as well as her twins. She doesn't immediately go yandere nor is she the slowest to go yandere for you. This feeling changed when she saw how well you got along with Cookie and Muffin (her twins). You were able to get them to listen to you as well as break up their fights which was a feat that very few outside herself could do. Color her impressed.
"Mommy is (Y/N) our new parent?"
"Now kids we need to be tactical about this-"
"They helped find a crying child's parents."
"Cookie, Muffin, say hello to your new stepparent."
Very few younger people and hybrids knew the subtle art of seduction like Sugar did, which she believes gives her advantage compared to the others. She doesn't constantly badger you for your time like Macchiato, Donut, and Cappuccino do (she's only truly worried about the romantic rivals but Cocoa is on thin ice sometimes). Nor does she play it too subtle like Espresso and Croissant do. She invites you to "platonic" dates out with her and her children to parks and restaurants. She also will subtly touch you whether it be smoothing wrinkles on your outfit or giving you chaste kiss on the cheek (she says she greets everyone that way, but you have yet to see that). She knows she attractive and how to flirt in a way that makes you blush but not uncomfortable.
She's seen the cruelties of the world and hopes that you won't have to go through have the horrors she's faced. The world isn't very kind to single moms, especially older single moms. She wants you to be happy and safe in her home, as a cute little stay at home spouse. Let her do all the hard work outside while you stay home and do some work inside (she won't let you strain yourself though). She also is a doting and spoiling yandere. She's very generous and giving towards you (even in bed) and will have all your desires met except leaving.
She's a master manipulator and will use her children as a way to get you to consider staying with her. They love you so much, you wouldn't break their hearts, right? (the kids are also manipulative little shits as well) The only people she would consider sharing (this is only in dire situations) you with is Shopkeeper and maybe Bruce. Besides that, she won't rest until you are snuggled into her chest in the bed you share.
"(Y/N) let's go out again, the kids love hanging out with you dear and I wouldn't want to disappoint them. You will, wonderful!"
Cookie and Muffin: 
Meet the mischievous mixed breeds who work occasionally beside their mother. Cookie and Muffin are loved dearly by kids their age and lonely older patrons. They love sweets and messing with member of the staff they don't like (Donut and Cappuccino mostly) with very intricate pranks. They aren't always there and met you by chance as their mother had to pick them up early from school (Muffin and Cookie can get violent with each other and the only one who can break them up is momma Sugar). Muffin is the girl with short gray hair with a single white streak and Cookie is the boy with long white hair with a single gray streak.
They saw you playing with the kittens and wanted to play too! You rough house with the twins and don't get mad when Muffin bites you a bit too hard (kitten hybrid teeth are sharp). Cookie got jealous that you are paying more attention to Muffin and the two started fighting. Normally no one is brave enough to break the twins apart from each other, but you bravely stand between them enduring multiple scratches until they stopped.
They can't believe they hurt their new playmate; their mom is going to kill them. Both start crying while apologizing profusely for hurting you. Instead of yelling at them you scratch their ears gently and tell them it's okay. Your touch is just as calming as their mother's, wait why did you stop? Keep petting them please!
They're kids so they go yandere pretty quickly as they aren't romantic interests, and you sneak them pastries you bought (much to Sugar's dismay). Both are always trying to monopolize your time and will scratch and bite any staff or customer who interrupts their "(Y/N) Time". When their mom starts having a romantic interest in you, they're ecstatic, you get to become their new parent. While they are kids, they aren't dumb as they notice other staff members looking at you the same way that their mom does. They won't let just anyone marry you, only mommy can (they can't wait to call you their baba*)!
Their pranks become almost deadly in nature towards rivals of their mom. They never get in trouble for almost killing the delivery guy because they're just kids, what do you expect? Also inherit the manipulative trait from their mother. Oh no their babysitter mysteriously quit! Could you watch them? You come over only to find that it was an elaborate ruse done by the twins, so you have family movie night with them and Sugar (they "fall asleep" on you so you're forced to spend the night). Mommy is sad because she remembered how daddy left them. Could you cheer her up?
They aren't too dangerous yanderes besides the semi deadly pranks, but they aren't to be underestimated because they're children. They want a happy family with their favorite playmate, and they'll do anything they can to get it.
"(Y/N), Muffin pulled on my hair!" "Not before Cookie bit my finger!"
"Baba don't leave!" "Yeah, we'll stop fighting as long as you're here!"
Ah the intelligentsia of the cafe, its own certified genius Croissant. Croissant is a lover of reading, fine art, and playing his beloved cello. He brings with him a refined aura and a thirst for knowledge. He's a blonde American Curl who always wears his beloved red scarf, even indoors. He has semi long curly blond hair in a mullet and the prettiest hazel eyes. He's got freckles that he hides with makeup. He is popular with mainly older people who enjoy engaging in discourse with him on a wide variety of subjects. He also helps tutor kids occasionally in the cafe's break room.
Croissant saw you sitting in the corner reading a book while sipping on (beverage of choice), the book you were reading happened to be one he knew about. He asked if you were enjoying the book, which caused your eyes to light up. You began to ramble to him about the book you were reading which Croissant found very adorable. Finally, he found someone that had a similar interest to him.
The two of you begin to have a routine where you would have interesting conversations about your individual interests, where each one of you would come out learning more about each other. Croissant started noticing little things about you, like how one dimple is bigger than the other when you smile, or that your nose scrunches up when you're confused. That's totally a normal thing to notice about your friend, right?
Croissant is one of the last to go yandere but goes yandere before Espresso and Butch. I mean how could anyone resist your charms forever? You never are rude or demeaning like the jealous fools in his graduate classes. You actually listen with wide eyed interest and treating him like a regular person instead of something to be revered or despised made him fall deeper into his obsession with you.
Croissant will find any way to spend more time with you. You trying to go to graduate school? He can help you study! Applying for a job? Why not work here? Other work environments won't value you the way "Lucky Kitty Cafe" would value you. So, what if you're human, Shopkeeper is human too (are they though?)! Don't even worry about filling out a resume a good word from Croissant and you'll have the job by tomorrow (even if you don't want to work there you will end up working there if Croissant has something to say about it).
Croissant never values anyone's opinion on him before, but he reveres your opinion above his own. Prefer red heads? Guess who's dying his hair? Hate his curled ears? He suddenly prefers wearing hats indoors. He can become very unstable fast so try to reassure him with love and affection. Or else no one will be able to stop the fall out. He's one hell of a stalker since he wants to know that you are okay, and no one is hurting you. Keeps extensive lists of things you like and plans for the future home the two of you will buy that is far away from this city and its impure influences.
"Ah Mx. (L/N) it's a pleasure to see you today. Care to pick up our conversation from where we left off yesterday?"
Cocoa is a spunky freshly high school graduated college student who is working at the "Lucky Kitty Cafe" as a waitress for some extra money to pay for campus expenses. Cocoa is a Burmese with gigantic coke bottle glasses (she's extremely far sighted) and puffy space buns. She is popular with the teens and young adults who frequent the restaurant for her cute fashion sense and her sassy attitude.
She first met you when she spilled hot coffee all over you. The one day she forgets to wear her glasses! She immediately rushes you to the employee bathroom and apologizes profusely as she sprays cold water over the burn and begins to cry. She never meant to hurt anyone, and she may even get fired for injuring another customer (first time was no accident). You were fine thankfully but the guilt still ate away at Cocoa. She decided to spend time with you as payment and even pay for your meal. You laugh at Cocoa's guilt-ridden sad puppy eyes and compliment her nails. She immediately forgets her guilt and babbles about the cute new nail salon you should try. OMG you two should totally become BFFs!
Cocoa isn't immediately yandere and is like Sugar somewhere in the middle but further towards the immediate side. She's just hanging out with her new bestie! However, her tail bristles when she sees Macchi looping her arm around your waist, or the way that Donut coos at you while trying to feed you the cafe's newest dessert. Can't these two find their own BFFs, your hers. Great now Cappuccino is sleeping with their head in your lap! She snaps and screams at the other hybrid to leave you the hell alone, scaring many nearby cats. You tell Cocoa to calm down and that you're okay with Cappuccino doing this. What the fuck? How could you?!
After taking a second to calm down, Cocoa had to figure out why she was so worked up about you having other friends. It's good for you to have other friends...so why does it leave a bitter taste in her mouth. She doesn't hate the idea of you having friends, she just needs to be your BEST FRIEND!
Cocoa is one monopolizing and clingy girl. You have planned this weekend? Great now you can throw them out because Cocoa is taking you shopping to a cool new vintage store down the road, ooh and you can have boba tea afterwards! She bats away Macchi, Donut, and Cappuccino to have some time with her bestie, they aren't invited! She also believes as your best friend (she'll get rid of anyone who tries and replace her) she gets to pick who your future spouse is, and she is overly critical towards everyone in the cafe. No one is good enough for her bestie! She might put in a good word for the others... if they forfeit their time with you for the day (she's evil like that >:)).
Cocoa also is the type to try and hang out with you outside of the cafe by "coincidence". Oh, my what a coincidence that you both were at the supermarket at the same time looking for...mangos. Man, she loves mangos (she hates mangos)! Anyways, she found this really cute spa where they use sweet, scented bath bombs in the soak tub. Don't worry she'll pay! She also will totally snitch if she sees others trailing you (like she wasn't also stalking you) to make you like her more. Oh my god Croissant is totally following you, guess he isn't the gentleman he claims to be. What's she doing here? Don't worry about that, let's go rollar skating!
"(N/n) look there's 50% off matching sets of pajamas! Let's totally get some and have a sleep over together!"
You like em weird. Like really weird. Matcha is one strange hybrid. They are a Russian Blue with long bangs that cover their intense steel blue eyes. They have a couple streaks of light green in their gray blue hair. Their extremely pretty as they have a pale complexion and are lithe but when they open their mouth customers walk away in discomfort. As a result, Shopkeeper has them in the back most of the day and only really lets them come out before opening and after closing. They will be the one of the last yandere's you'll probably meet.
You were helping Shopkeeper with cleaning up after an intense day at the cafe, after all they let you stay in the comfiest table for hours after you purchased food. As well as staying after closing to feed the kitties. You also may or may not have been lured by Shopkeeper's promise of being able to take some of the leftover pastries home. Whatever your reason you were helping Shopkeeper, when Shopkeeper left to take a phone call outside. You smiled to yourself as you hummed a tune while cleaning up. You started actually singing when you heard a crash coming from the kitchen area. Strange you don't remember anyone being in the store besides you and Shopkeeper. Curiosity got the better of you and you decided to sneak a peek at whatever creature was in the kitchen.
You peer into the dark kitchen to find a skinny person holding a bent-up pan and an explosion of red all over the floor and all over the person.
"Oh, don't worry this isn't blood."
You proceeded to sock the stranger in the face and run to find Shopkeeper.
"There's a strange person with bluish hair covered in god knows what in your kitchen!"
"Oh that's Matcha."
After an in-depth explanation of why this person you never saw before was standing in front of you covered in strawberry jam (they like to be one with the fruit) you were introduced to Matcha. A hybrid who smells like and probably eats dirt, an acquired taste for most (both dirt and Matcha). You apologized for punching them in the face to which they grinned and told you they like how your fist felt on their face. Okay a little strange but Shopkeeper wouldn't hire a literal serial killer, right?
You don't even know anymore
Obsessed from the minute your fist made contact with their face. Not quite yandere but interested in the reactions you make (and the pain you can give them). They actually gain romantic interest towards you slower than you think, give or take two days. You saw the large cut on their arm and helped them patch it up, it was from that moment that they planned your entire wedding in their head.
Is terrible at stalking but does it in hopes of being caught and you berating them for it (thinks it's sexy when you're mad). Fights Macchi for the things you leave behind and is found sniffing the seat where you were sitting. Is the definition of worshipper yandere as they truly believe you are a deity, and they are your acolyte. They don't care if you hate them or want them dead, as long as they can be by your side that's all that matters.
Being your acolyte also means they will do anything you ask with zeal. It doesn't matter if it's highly illegal as going to jail in your stead would be a blessing. They just love you so much that it consumes their very being. They're willing to share you with others (as long as they can watch) as long as you still let them stay by your side too.
"Hit me, stab me, choke me, leave me to die. Any act done by your hands is a blessing and a pleasure for me~"
You got the big cheese's attention, the owner of the cafe, the mysterious Shopkeeper. Shopkeeper is alluring in an inhuman way with their sharp blue green eyes and charming androgynous voice. They loved the smile you gave them the first time you came in, what an adorable face. They also loved the face you made when you took a bite of the food you ordered, that blissed-out look is just too cute.
"Excuse me did you make this pastry?"
"Oh, why yes I did, it happens to be a family recipe."
"You're so talented, that was the best (pastry of choice) I every ate!"
Normally compliments don't faze Shopkeeper they'd reply with a nod and a polite thank you. However, you seemed so genuine and the way your eyes sparkled made something melt inside of Shopkeeper. You would surely become one of their favorite customers.
Shopkeeper is very hard to read so it can be difficult to tell when they go yandere for you. Their actions can be seen as purely platonic or as their attempt to flirt with you. They always make sure your favorite sweets are freshly made when you arrive to the cafe, they have the time you arrive memorized. If you don't like sweets, they always have something savory and tasty prepared to your liking. Keeps track of your food preferences and allergies when coming up with new items for the menu, so you can taste test them.
"I was thinking of adding this to the menu tell me how it tastes?"
"Is it necessary for you to feed me?"
One thing is for sure when they do fall for you, they begin to plan how to make you entirely theirs. Shopkeeper knows how their staff have taken a liking to you, and they don't feel like sharing (may have an easier time with the more submissive/guilt ridden ones like Matcha and Butch). They use their sweet words and actions to guide you in the right direction (right into their arms). They also aren't afraid to take care of rivals that come from outside of the cafe.
"Oh, why is there blood on my face? Just a little problem in the kitchen that's all."
Cappuccino is the Ragdoll of the group, a mellow, sleepy person. They are perfect cuddle shape with their chubby body and their big fluffy ears, hair, and tail. They are almost always asleep yet one of the most popular hybrids at the cafe for how cute and calm they are. They don't often choose who they fall asleep on, so they might have accidently fallen asleep on you.
"Oh, I fell asleep but not on a pillow."
"Hey, Cappuccino, right? I need to get to work so could you kindly..."
Cappuccino is pretty big both tall and chubby (because tall people can also be chubby/fat and beautiful) so it's hard to move them when they sleep, which is too bad for you since Cappuccino has decided you are their new favorite pillow. They always find you in what you're doing and force you to let them cuddle with you. After all, why cuddle with a cat now that you have Cappuccino?
"Cappuccino what are you doing in my house?"
"Ugh you're being to noisy be quiet, pillows don't talk."
Cappuccino goes yandere for you pretty quick, but you wouldn't notice as Cappuccino is too lazy to do anything about these feelings beside scent you constantly when you cuddle. Cappuccino is clingy in the sense that they can't get good sleep unless they're clinging to you. You may have places to be, but Cappuccino is sleeping right now so you won't be going anywhere. They're adorable and they know it, so they use this to make you stay longer too. One sleepy look from those big droopy blue eyes and you are staying a lot longer than you intended. Isn't willing to pick fights with Donut, Macchi, or Cocoa, but is willing to make it out like they are bullying them.
"You shouldn't hang out with people who treat others bad (Y/N), you know I never would (they totally would)."
Their apathy is one of the scariest traits they have, they may be lazy, but they use their cuteness to get crazed fans to get rid of the competition. They are not above getting rid of others at the cafe because they don't care about the people around them. Cappuccino is also very strong as when they aren't sleeping, they are at the gym, so if they feel motivated enough, they can bash some heads in. Cappuccino only cares about you, so don't make them do anything that you may regret.
"Oh (Y/N) sorry for humping you, I was having a very...intense dream."
Enter the devoted guard dog of the cafe Butch. The Pitbull hybrid is the tallest and strongest of the cafe and doesn't let anyone harass the Shopkeeper and staff. He sent you a threatening glare with his scared face when you arrived. He didn't know you and he hated humans for all the scars they gave him. You smiled at him and walked away. Tch, stupid human.
One by one all the hybrids fell for your charms (platonic ones are platonically in love with you) and it made Butch's blood boil. Why couldn't you be satisfied with just being a patron? Why did Shopkeeper look at you that way? Butch had a crush on Shopkeeper for saving him from his horrible life yet never had the courage to approach them. He saw the looks Shopkeeper gave you and it made him angry. He was going to confront you when he saw the scene with Donut occur. He saw the look of fear and worry on your face as you carried Donut gently to your apartment. He saw how you treated Cocoa and the twins as well as Matcha. You didn't have anything to get out of this so why do it?
His answer was given the night an old competitor from the fighting ring came at him with the intention to kill. He managed to kill the guy before he was killed but he was severely injured. He heard footsteps approach him head and he looked up to see you. You kept him awake long enough for the paramedics to arrive and take him to the hospital. The look of worry in your eyes is genuine and your smile of relief reminds him of the smile that Shopkeeper gave him that day they saved him (he's got a thing for nonbinary baddies). Your smile however was less calculated and more genuine.
Butch is the last to go yandere because Butch feels guilty. Guilty for hating you when you showed him nothing but kindness, guilty for betraying Shopkeeper like that and guilty for wanting to lock you away where no one but himself can see you. He is one overprotective and loyal pooch, who will protect you until his final breath. Good people don't deserve to face the cruelties a monster like him faced.
The most likely to be poly with you and Shopkeeper as he still holds feelings for Shopkeeper and they're both obsessed with you. You won't want for anything as he holds you in his muscular arms with his head buried in your neck to muffle the sobs.
"Please forgive me for being selfish, you're the only good thing I've got."
*Baba is the gender-neutral affectionate term for parent like mama and papa.
Sorry if it's bad towards the end, I rushed towards Cappuccino and Butch. Please feel free to request scenarios for the new ocs I dropped. ONLY PLATONIC FOR COCOA AND THE TWINS BUT EITHER ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
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content warnings: nsfw, med student!law, riding, perv!law, dick sucking, roles switch part way through, college au, maybe more.
plot: oh no! you’ve come down with the common cold and luffy suggest you visit his friend.. traffy? at the on-campus med clinic. seems simple enough till you’re fucking his brains out.
word count: 3.3k
It was just a simple cold, a quick trip in and out of the health clinic is all it would take. Get your decongestant, maybe a cough drop or two and lickity split you’d be better in no time. It’s not that you’re scared of the doctors office, just a bit wary of them whilst the process is long, arduous, and usually results in a headache. That’s why you thought the smaller on campus clinic would be quicker than scheduling an appointment, your friend Luffy said he knew the guy that worked there and added that he was, ‘grumpy but pretty practical.’ Went on a long tangent saying they’d known each other forever, yada yada, “go see him, he’d like you.”
It wasn’t a far walk from your dorm, plus it was a nice day out, the weather didn’t seem to make you feel any worse. When you walked into the small health center, you were shocked to see that no one else was there. The lights were dim in the main office and you would have sworn it was closed if a deep voice didn’t call out to you from another room, “Back here, what can I do for ya?”
You pull your jacket over yourself from the below sub temperatures when you make your way down the hallway. “Um… Traffy? Luffy said you’re studying pre-med. I just feel pretty congested is all..” You eye over the note Luffy had given you to double check the pronunciation, he knows you get pretty nervous at new places with people you don’t know. Annoyance shrouds his voice when he speaks again.
“Traffy? Of course that idiot told you to say that,” you can hear him sigh as you come up to the door. You shove the crumpled up piece of paper into your pocket simultaneously as you enter his office, shuffling awkwardly because he doesn’t look up from the paper work in his hand.
“Sorry bout that, what should I call you?” You can't see his face but he has short black hair that’s a bit messy, his hands show that he has vitiligo and tattoos? A bit built for a doctor, but the white lab coat makes him pop out amongst the pristine and dim space.
“La-” he finally looks up from his stack of miscellaneous books and papers but stutters over his words, “Traffy is fine.” He’s quick to clear his throat while giving a light awkward smile, all annoyance in his tone suddenly gone in thin air. You give a small wave as you pass your weight back and forth on the balls of your feet. The handsome man shakes his head in the act of doing a double take before he asks for your name. “Where are my manners, you are?”
“No no, it’s ok! y/n is fine,” your nerves cause you to mimic his verbiage as you stand planted in the middle of the room. He has these deep yellow eyes that stare you down while he asks you about your symptoms, asking when they first appeared and how long you’ve been feeling unwell.
He tsks which makes you gulp, worried that you’ve come down with a life threatening disease that seemingly has no cure. The snap of latex gloves against his tattooed hands snaps you out of your panic, “Well now, that just won’t do. No worries, doctor Law is here to help.” His low voice eases your nerves. As he stands up you realize how tall he is, and as his face comes into light you’re taken aback at just how handsome he really is. You’re almost annoyed at Luffy for hiding his hot friend from you, scruff that seems to suit him so well across his speckled features. Gold earrings with splotches of white hair scattered across his hairline. You’re praying your fever can explain why you feel so hot all of a sudden in such a cold room.
“Say ‘ahh’ for me.” His large hand rests underneath your chin, subtly tilting your head up to face him. Now you’re certain it’s not the fever that’s making you feel hot, it’s definitely him.
“Ahhh,” you stick your tongue out timidly, trying to avoid his almost predatory gaze while averting your eyes. All of a sudden his free hand enters your field of vision as two thick gloved fingers slide against your tongue, pushing the pads along the slimy surface. “Good,” he remarks monotonously, bright eyes never leaving your face.
Your mouth instinctively closes around his digits and you swear a light smile tugs at his lips before he retracts his fingers slowly. “Shit, sorry about that,” you say nervously, god you could jump off a bridge right now. How embarrassing, or so you think.
“Mhm, no gag reflex?” With his back turned to you he discards the gloves in a waste bin, ushering you to sit down on the examination table with a point of his finger.
You’re confused by his question, does he mean this in a medical sense or a practical one? The man is a doctor you suppose, it’s always best to be honest with your doctor, right? “Only when I’m brushing my teeth, why?” Those butterflies are back, causing you to swing your feet absentmindedly as you tell him the truth.
He returns to you with a stethoscope in hand as he places the ends in his ears. “Nothing, can you remove your jacket for me?” His demeanor makes your heart thump wildly in your chest, words that come out so smooth like he’s a practiced professional. You’re sure there’s something wrong with you because you’re getting turned on from a simple check up in the schools minute clinic.
You try to calm your heart as you take off your jacket, leaving you in a simple flimsy tank top. Hopefully he won’t be able to hear it’s [your heart’s] erratic beat. You curse yourself for not wearing a bra, you didn’t expect your ‘check up’ to go this way when you dressed yourself for the day, it was supposed to be a quick trip.
The cold air chills your nipples, making them visible through the thin fabric as they pebble up. Another pang of embarrassment stabs at your pride when he leans down to press the diaphragm over your chest.“Am I making you nervous?” It’s in the way he doesn’t even look at you as he presses the cold material over your blazing skin. “Your heart is beating so fast.”
“No…” you do your best to lie, hopefully that can save you or else you’ll have to hide in your dorm for the rest of your days while Luffy harasses you over embarrassing yourself in front of his friend.
“Your body doesn’t lie sweetness,” you can feel his stare drilling holes into your forehead now. “Ah, there it goes again.” You think you’re going to melt on top of his exam table if he doesn’t stop revealing things you don’t want to tell him. Your grip on the doctor roll makes it crackle beneath your hands as you try to calm down before you speak.
“What kind of examination is this anyway, I told you I’m just congested.” Defensiveness consumes you as you lean away from his touch, brain too rattled by his other worldly looks and words. You cross your arms and snub your head to the side, unbeknownst to you but most definitely to his own enjoyment it pushes your breasts together. You sigh, feeling bad for raising your voice at him. Maybe a bit of honesty will lessen the tension between you both.
“Look, I’m sorry for yelling, it’s just you’re really attractive and it’s making me nervous.” You drop your guard as you look up at him earnestly, apologizing isn’t always your strong suit.
He could be wrong, but he feels you want him in the way he wants you too. Luffy was right, his friend was hot. He’d heard about you in fleeting conversations, but was always curious to know what you looked like. There was just no way any normal person would want to be around that guy for more than a few minutes at a time. He could kill that guy for hiding such a beauty from him.
“I can help with that.” He turns his back to you once again, setting down his stethoscope. You’re gagged from the fact he blatantly ignored your confession. Your eyes that had drifted to the side now meet his as you stare at him wide eyed in disbelief. He leans over you, slotting his knee between your legs while his hands rest on either side of your head. You blink at him a few times dumbfounded because a few seconds ago you were sitting up but now lay flat on your back as he cages you in. Desire swirls deep in your stomach as you clench your fists.
He doesn’t make any sort of move on you till he has your consent. Sure he’s definitely already used some of his medical practice to his advantage, but he’s not here to hurt you. He won’t do anything to you unless he's sure you feel the same way.
You’re so turned on by it all that your legs squeeze together, interrupted by the knee slotted between them. “Please?” It comes out as more of a whine than anything while you place your hands on his shoulders, dragging him down to kiss you. It's sloppy and rushed at best, filled with mutual hunger as your tongues collide. His knee slides further and further upwards till it makes contact with your cunt that’s slowly becoming needier for more of his touch.
The swap of saliva is anything but sanitary and you almost feel bad for the fact you’ll get him sick after this. When he pulls away a string of spit connects you both, glimmering under the dimmed fluorescent lights, “here, lemme get that.” Traffy, or rather Law, swipes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip trying to clean up the mess he’s made, a shame, you like it dirty. You catch the digit with your tongue before sucking it into your mouth, working your warm muscle all over whatever’s available to you. His eyes darken a shade as they gloss over when you release his finger with a loud pop sound.
“Is this still part of the ‘check up’” you tease, a coy smile tugs at your lips as you try to rock your hips against his knee. “Cause if so, I think I’m a little sick Doc.” He likes this flirtier side of you, what happened to the girl who walked into his office 30 minutes ago that couldn’t look him in the eye? Who knew such a shitty job with inadequate pay could be so fun.
Law lets his speckled hands run along your sides, groping whatever free skin he can. “Yeah? Think the only cure’s suckin me off. It’s terminal. Better work fast, doctor's orders.” His words send shivers of excitement coasting through you like waves. You’re entranced by that smirk of his, what other kinds of faces can a stoic man like him make?
You sit up to undo his belt hastily while he pulls your tank top off from over your head. It’s a flurry of items being removed till you’re sinking to your knees in front of him. Every part of him is beautiful, dark hair that stands out against lighter skin on his abdomen, additional tattoos that trail down his body that aren’t just on his hands. You could eat him alive and not spare a single bite, he’s tantalizing.
Those same bright eyes watch you now as you admire him, drinking you in. After you’ve finished checking him out you place your hands on his thighs, kissing the tip of his cock which makes him tense beneath your hands. “What, are you nervous, doctor?” He hisses in response, twitching tentatively right before your eyes. You lick from the underside of his base to the tip, running your tongue along his veins.
Law’s more of a pervert in theory rather than in practice, watching you eagerly suck him off like candy brings down all his resolve. His cock slipping in and out of your lips makes his toes curl. He’s trying to suppress whimpers by biting down on the back of his hand. Heat rises to his face as he melts like putty with each jerk of your wrist. “You’re so cute like this Traffy, feel so big in my hands.” He groans at your praise, eyebrows knitting together while sweat builds at his hairline. Those med school types are always such sluts for praise, you should have known.
You slide your tongue along his sensitive slit while your hand twists around his base. “Such a pretty boy, you’d let anyone who walks in suck your dick like this huh?” The role reversal makes him delirious, he’s whining for you like his life depends on it.
“N-no. Just you, swear.” His voice is trembling as he struggles to look you in the eye. He doesn’t want to cum yet but if you keep talking to him like he’s some kind of slut he just might. He can’t remember the last time someone’s sucked him off like this, treating his dick like a prized commodity, it’s too much for him.
You take all of him in your throat while breathing through your nose, grasping at his bare thighs with your well manicured nails. He’s so thick it surprisingly makes you gag around him, tears well up in your vision but you push through, bobbing your head along his length. Spit dribbles down your chin and he’s convinced you’re trying to suck him dry. “Fuck please, do-don’t stop,” he’s never felt this out of control in his life and for once it feels nice to let go. He cums down your throat with no verbal warnings but his body said everything, orgasm ripping through him with a guttural moan.
But you don’t stop, continuing to suck him through his climax till he’s doubled over whining. “You even taste good,” you say while licking the corners of your mouth and then your fingers, letting your tongue slide between the webs of your hands. It makes his jaw drop and he can’t even say anything, his dick gets hard all over again from feeling so desired. Seems he’s found a new favorite patient.
Law can’t just leave you like this, not after you swallowed his load like you’d done it a million times before. He drags your kneeling form up to sit in his lap, letting you settle on him. He finds the placement of your hands on his chest endearing, your fingertips trail his inked skin and it feels intimate for someone who just caused him to break plenty of OSHA laws upon their first meeting. “I want you to use me, show me how to make you feel good,” the tip of his nose grazes your cheek as he speaks low in your ear.
Oh god, he doesn’t even know. It’s like he’s just opened Pandora’s box without a care in the world, and worst of all he personally asked for it. You can only smile sweetly, “this time let me hear you.” He nods like a dog just given orders, resting back against his palms as he waits for instructions. Your hands continue to feel him up, raking your nails across his pecks or squeezing at his biceps while you praise his figure. Law continuously gets harder beneath you, not even he was aware of this newfound kink for praise. Precum leaks from his tip in globs, please for the love of god just fuck him already.
You take him with no prep, usually you’d make sure to stretch yourself but with how wet he’s made you it’s honestly unnecessary. “Aah— fuck wait wait. You’re so tight.” He tries bracing himself when you sheath him, hands come flying to your hips as he grips you in place. “Can’t.. you feel s’good,” he’s breathing heavily trying to ground himself. Maybe he’s bitten off more than he can chew.
“But you’re taking me so well baby, your cock’s perfect.” And again he moans, it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard, he tries biting his bottom lip to silence himself but you roll your hips forwards. “I said, let me hear you.” You wrap your arms around his neck as you push yourself up by your thighs to drop back down again. Continuing the motion while he struggles to keep up beneath you. Law attempts to keep his eyes open but with his previous orgasm it’s borderline impossible, the rhythmic slam of your hips on his dick sends his mind somewhere hazy.
He’s too cute, falling apart like this. Zero composure left to his name as you bounce up and down. The veins on his cock rub so deliciously within your heat, every time they throb you’re sent into ecstasy. The table creaks and gives as you ride him, if anyone walked in right now they could hear it or him whimpering helplessly.
You lean forward trying to position yourself so your clit grazes his pelvis with each grind of your hips. “Touch me Traffy, anywhere please just touch me.” Your close, so close that you can feel the pressure building in your cunt. His mouth latches onto your nipple, kneading the soft flesh with practiced hands. The added sensation sends your head rolling back, tapered pants of how good he is at this and how you don’t want him to stop escape you.
The view is impeccable, delicate tits in his face while your slick pussy engulfs him. He watches the way your mouth moves when you say his name and saves the memory for later use when he’s all alone. It almost feels like a movie to him, but he knows a film couldn’t be as good as this. Even that stupid nickname he’s gotten over the years sounds so sultry coming from you right now.
Your hand comes down from his shoulder to push him off you and he’s startled, figuring he must have done something wrong, but then you’re touching yourself as you fuck him and he’s trying to keep the floodgates from pouring over. You twist and tug at your own breast before trailing it down your body, trying to relieve that desperate ache that’s built up throughout your trip to his clinic. His eyes are blown wide, pupils dilated as he watches your fingers drag through your folds and then your puffy clit. “Said you wanted to watch me, so watch pervert.”
Oh fuckkkk. His hips jerk, biting his own lip hard enough to draw blood as he coats your insides white. He can’t do anything but whimper and shake noisily, gravelly voice failing him because of how hard this second orgasm rips through him. “Yes yes yes! Fuck, you’re so hot.” You must be trying to kill him, he can’t take anymore of your praise or he’s going to have to come back for more.
“Such a slutty face, gonna make me cum all over this dick.” Your fingers work faster and faster over your nub bringing you closer to that euphoria. It’s licking your insides like wildfire and it truly feels like it might be the cure to any disease. Finally it crashes over you, the back of your thighs slap against his for the final time as you cream all around him. Hands shooting for his hair as you grind out the remainder of your high.
It felt so dirty to be used as a cock to fuck but dear god did it look so good. Your heavy breath hitting him in warm fans as your body calms down. “So..” you huff while laying down on top of him, “think I’m cured?”
“No, I think you’ll have to visit for regular check ups.” Those same hands that you first noticed when you walked in rub circles on the dimples of your lower back, another cheeky smirk from the med student following suit.
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 5)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm
Warnings: Your bsf's a gremlin and a simp for u, swearing, grammatical/spelling errors, ooc 🤠👈, oh shit I accidentally posted this unfinished uhmmm if u saw this not cooked yet no u didnt, you being a bit of a sassy little shit, mentions of your vitiligo A G A I N, your bsf almost getting caught have feelings for you by uhm... you, I FORGOT YOUR DOG EXISTED IN PROBABLY THE LAST 2 CHAPTERS IM SORRY, you and ur bsf being a duo, my shitty attempts at making you laugh
【Part 4】
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"In their eyes, you are sweeter than honey. Your smile more radiant than the shine of the golden sun. Your eyes reflecting the light like precious stars in the night sky. The marks of Vitiligo on your skin like a celestial map that is to be cherished." By their I meant the harbingers and pretty much everyone in Teyvat. Also guys I tried my best on this part pls forgive me. 😔🙌
"Finally those people left." Y/b/f/n thought before happily skipping their way into the 2nd floor and into your room because I imagined their the type to do this shit💀🤚 totally because they defenitely didnt wanna hang out mess with you.
"N/nnnnn?" Your bsf called out your name before pouting when you weren't there. "Wharrr?" You sassily replied back before coming out of the bathroom. "Oh there you areeee, can we play together pleaseee~ 🥺👉👈" Y/b/f/n pleaded, you couldnt help but laugh. You just had to. Like bro look at them, they look like a puppy (you meant that affectionately). "Of course why not." Little do you know, you practically accepted having an e-date with your bsf. But you didnt need to know about that now do you? ;)
"That divine presence we felt with their roomate...–" The Regrator putted his hand on his in a thinking position.
"We cannot be certain that it is our Holiness until we see their blood..." Dottore rudely cutted him off. "Now where the fuck is my funding."
"Bitch stfu I literally gave you your funding 5 hours ago. 💀🤚"
"Harbingers, return to your duties. For we still yet have to confirm if our Holiness has truly descended into Teyvat." The harbingers immediatly straightened up their backs as the Cryo Archon's serious tone.
"Yes your Majesty."
You found yourself playing Minecraft yet you still didnt buy the spotify fucking premium with your y/b/f/n on the computer. Sounds of you cursing agressively in tagalog and bisaya could be heard from your best friend's room get them ear theraphy 😔 "PUTANG INA IM OVER HERE 👹" You screamed over your mic to your bestfriend, whose blocky character was going the opposite way of where you are. "Sorry teh/kol! 😰" Yes your friend is scared shitless of you being like this, but they know you're just being... well, you. "Damn it your lucky I love you...–" Y/b/f/n accidentally out loud in which you fortunately didnt hear. "Ha?"
"LeTs SeE! 😍"
Before you could affectionately say another curse word you suddenly heard something scratching your door. "Wait, afk-" you said to you bestie 4 life before removing your chunky ass headphones and opened the door.
"Awwww is my big baby in need of attention again???" You cooed while giving him/her belly scratches, the husky's tail wagging happily at the affection he/she's recieving.
After 30 minutes of you scratching d/n you finally stood up from your crouching position, with d/n whining at the lack of hand on his/her belly but stood up and following you.
You sat down on your gaming chair and picked up d/n and sat her/him on your lap. Happily while wagging her/his. You then putted back your headphones.
"Yo, back."
"Bro what the fuck took you so longgggg" Y/b/f/n's avatar ran around you in circles.
"Yati ka shut the fuck up d/n wanted to sit on my lap."
"Lucky dog..."
"Nothang.... 😰" Your best friend said before you went back to your usual self. Again.
The tsaritsa was in her palace's library. Searching for books about the signs for you returning to teyvat once again.
Wait "You x reader" books fucking exist?! She's so keeping the book.
Until she finally found a book that seemed actually legit. "Istg if this also isnt the one..." The Cryo Archon rolled her eyes in her head before she flipped open the book.
【Part 6】
Published: July 1 2024. 8:02pm.
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
Law x reader where they both survive Flevence together and Law cures the reader after gaining his powers? Something where they are getting into trouble with Shachi Penguin and Bepo as teens or comforting each other about their residual vitiligo left behind from white lead disease?
He there and thanks so much for this request. I had trouble thinking how i should approach it. So i hope you like it <3
First Times- Law x reader
The first time I met y/n was back at home. She was friends with my sister Lami and I have no clue why. Y/N was younger than me but a troublemaker with a soft spot for my sister.  The moment Lami fell sick she was there for her. Bringing her flowers or self made cookies. Reading her books or telling her stories. She didn’t care if she would get infected as well at this moment. Lami was her number one priority and I respected her for this. She never had any friends except for my sister and even tho she was bullying others and decided to prank me from time to time, she loved my sister dearly.
The first time we held hands were after I managed to escape the quarantine. I was hiding under dead bodies and then I heard a soft whimper beside me. Without moving too much I saw y/n laying there. Under corpses as well. She was trembling, whimpering, trying to be silent so she could live. Without realizing what I was doing I reached out to her, held her hand and drew smoothing circles on her hands. She shrieked. panic and fear was in her eyes but as soon she realized it was me, she calmed down. We escaped together, hand in hand. We will be in it together. “We’ll escape together. No matter what.” I whispered. 
We approached the Donquixote Pirates, our wish to destroy as much of the world we could, seeking revenge was our will to live. Whenever Baby 5 and Buffalo would insult us or punch me, y/n was there to protect me. She was glaring at them, threatening them. She bullied them whenever she could. She learned to fight and she was pretty good at it. A fast learner. She disrespected me as well, but I had her back. Y/N covered me when I stabbed Corazon from behind. Threatening to kill Buffalo if he would tell the others. This was the first time I knew that I could trust her. Time passed and she joined Cora and me. Saving me from the white lead disease. “You saved my life back there. The least I can do is stay by your side. Lami would’ve wanted it as well.” I groaned after hearing those words but I was still glad that I wasn’t alone.
The white lead disease spread across her body as well after a few months, but she hadn’t any pain or anything else. As soon as I lost consciousness, y/n hugged me tight while we were sailing to the next island. We knew where the OP-OP-Fruit was. We just had to get our hands on it. After I ate it, I tried my best to save Cora but I had no idea how to use this power nor how to activate it. Later on, as Cora trapped us in a chest and silenced us, I knew that she was lying earlier as soon as she collapsed with heavy breathing. She was on the edge of death, but she tried to be strong for me. In this moment I hugged her tightly, activating my power and healed her.
Soon after we left and we could hear each other cries, we turned towards each other. We knew we lost him for good. We cried while hugging us tight. Later on we met two boys bullying a..polar bear? I wanted to use my power to help him, but y/n was faster. “Gimme the bat. You idiots can’t even hold it properly.” I was smirking. She was still a troublemaker.  Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, y/n and I were a little family thanks to Wolf. Y/n encouraged Penguin and Shachi doing pranks and it was kinda annoying. You three had a special bond and it made me a little jealous. Especially whenever they comfort you, when you feel unsure about the vitiligo left behind from white lead disease. Penguin and Shachi tell her that the white spots on her skin makes her even prettier. They were right though.  We both felt insecure about it, but our friends helped us, comforted us. Hearing your voice, words of comfort from you, I felt even happier.
One day, after we fought off the pirates I acknowledged my feelings for her. She was wounded after our fights, trying to protect me. I was healing her. My hands were shaking. “Stay awake, you hear me. I can’t lose you too. I like you too much for it.” Y/N just grinned at me. “Huh, so you fell for me, right?” She was precious to me. I tried my best to kept her alive and I did.
We entered the Polar Tang as a crew for the first time and I was looking at this beautiful scenery before my eyes, until I heard footsteps. You were standing beside me, smiling lightly. We weren’t kids anymore, we were adults now. You turned towards me, with a bigger smile. “So I guess we could agree that I’ll be your first mate. Isn’t it right, Captain?” She asked as she grinned at me. I couldn’t help but smirk as well. “Absolutely not. You are crazy.” We were laughing and I looked into her eyes. “But you could be my first kiss tho.” I whispered but she smiled at me. She was the most beautiful person to me at that very moment. “Anything for you, captain.” She said leaning in. We shared so many first times together and I was grateful that I found someone who will be on my side forever. 
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demoman-kisser420 · 5 months
Hello, I saw your new post. So I'm glad to ask about writing a all Mercenaries reaction "Reader have a Vitiligo" (you can google it, it's a skin disease). For me it's a beautiful thing, but I'm really curious about how all merc's will react.
You are free to use any part of body to show it (like face, back, arms, legs, hands etc.)
Gender is not necessary (would be grate if fem, but won't mind male or gn)
Manny thanks if you'll write it, have a good day/night! ☺☺☺
Any!Reader w vitiligo x the mercs <3
Woah y/n uh what's up with your skin.?
-asks alot of questions about it
-finds it cute
-if you were insecure about it be would help you alot by complementing the marks in specific
-was bullied for being different when he was a kid so he understands when u vent about ppl bullying you
Maggot. What the hell is that? *points at a spot of vitiligo*
-will ask you never ending questions
-honestly he finds it bad ass
-will call it "war paint"
-he thinks that vitiligo is beautiful (that is when he finds out what it is 😭)
*the mask is still on* they point at it and tilts there head slightly
-they are not new to scars or differences in skin so they find it unique
-will trace along the markings
-finds it really cute
-will draw along the markings
Ay uh you got a little sum on yer *insert place* there
-honestly he really likes it
-will always kinda trace the markings when he's bored
-doesent ask alot of questions but is kinda curious
He's never seen something like that before he's to scared to ask at first but you will catch him staring once he finally asks and you explain he kinda feels bad for asking
-at first he thinks it's like makeup or something
-is scared that he offended you while asking
Hey uh darling I gotta ask you a question what are all thoose markings ya got.?
-feels dumb for asking
-will call u lady bug
-he finds it nice and unique
Already knew what it was
-He finds it rare and unique and would want to study you
-mein schätz vould you mind staying up a little later I vould love to study your skin a bit tonight?
Is a little worried but not scared of it
Hey roo uh what are thoos marks ya got there
-once you explain he feels kinda dumb ad will chuckle it off
-calls your markings pretty
Once be finds out about what the markings truly are he finds it super attractive for no reason like it kinda tunes him on
-will kiss along your markings while wispering sweet nothings to you
(I'm sorry this was rushed but I love this request so fucking much I loved writing this and vitiligo is so pretty istg)
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kurogxrix · 2 years
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✩ When The Time Comes —> ( I. ) ( II. ) ( III. ) Sully!reader
IN WHICH the future Tsahik of the Omaticaya and oldest daughter of Jake and Neytiri, Y/N has always carried the heavy weight of future duties. Her trouble making antics can only aggravate her relationship her family…and somehow drive her to meet a certain grumpy Omaticayan.
- Sully!family with your children
✩ This Family is Our Fortress
IN WHICH Dad!Jake and Mom!Neytiri comfort you after the boy that you loved has chosen another.
✩ Coming of Age —> metkayina!reader
IN WHICH you and your twin brother Ao’nung loved to tease the sully kids upon their arrival. Until you and neteyam grow to fall in love,you worry that he will choose another as his mate after doing his iknimaya.
✩ All Of My Love —> (SERIES) Avatar!reader
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
✩ Dad!Neteyam x Mom!reader
IN WHICH Neteyam comforts his female mate who wakes up from a loud noise in the middle of her sleep
✩ All The Stars —> Metkayina!reader
IN WHICH you are Tonowari and Ronal’s eldest daughter, and your heart beats for Neteyam despite being betrothed to another.
Enjoy The Silence —> mom!reader
IN WHICH Neteyam realizes that he’s ruining the relationship between you two by putting his duties first, making your little family fall apart in the process.
✩ Ao’nung x Metkayina!reader
IN WHICH you are cold on a certain night and Ao’nung is your heated blanket (ft. the actual blanket)
✩ Fire Drill —> Sully!reader
IN WHICH yours and Ao’nung’s son is killed during Quaritch’s attack, but your family is here to help you pick up the pieces.
↳ Boys Dont Cry
IN WHICH Ao’nung cries for the first time in his life after the death of your son, but you’re here to help him through it.
✩ Ao’nung x Metkayina!reader
IN WHICH you are upset and Ao’nung comforts you infront of his friends.
✩ No Cap —> Metkayina!Avatar!reader
IN WHICH you are a metkayina dreamwalker and Ao’nung is crazy in love with you.
✩ Feels Like We’re Oceans Apart —> ( I.) ( II. ) Sully!reader
IN WHICH Ao’nung was dared to date the eldest Sully daughter with vitiligo, while Jake and Neytiri face the hells of parenthood with a child that’s different from others.
✩ Missin’ Something —> na’vi!reader
IN WHICH Quaritch was once a war machine made to destroy, and now he’s a clan member and a husband.
✩ Too close to the stars
IN WHICH Tsu’tey was scared of committing to you after the fall of sylwanin, afraid that he’ll only end up using you to tend to his broken heart. Only for him to watch you now with your new mate.
- Dating Miles ‘Spider’ Socorro headcanons
- ATWOW as meme pictures —> (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
- ATWOW characters as parents HEADCANONS
- ATWOW characters in Highschool + music taste HEADCANONS
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whatisthatmae · 2 years
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Neteyam x Vitiligo Metkayina! Reader
Part 1
Authors note: my second post!! Hopefully this doesn’t disappoint! Enjoy!
Pronouns: She/Her
Y/n pov
I was on my way to hunt some fish to eat for dinner when I heard someone blowing the horn for some odd reason. I got up from where I was and then I see people rushing to see what had arrived at our shores. I stop what I’m doing and go see what the commotion is all about. Once I got there I see my parents, Ronal & Tonowari, and my siblings Tsireya & Ao’nung. I had skipped my way over to where all the people from my clan were, swinging my tail a bit side to side,only to see some new comers. They looked like they were from the Omatikaya clan from the forest.
My siblings were beside my parents by the time I arrived. I skimmed my gaze over the new comers only to see what looks like to be their eldest son looking my way. I look at him a bit confused, mostly because he was just..staring at me. Either way I at least tried to give him a small smile. I don’t really like new comers, or anything new that comes to our clan. My attitude is similar to my mothers so at first I don’t really like them,but I at least have some heart to be nice..unlike her.
She had been looking over these new people with a judging look on her face. Even though I wasn’t the one she was looking at, it made me nervous. Her whole gaze, just makes me nervous. My mother, and the boys mother started growling at each other when my mom got to close to what seems like the other woman’s mate I assume. Toruk Maktou has apologized for the woman’s behavior, blaming it on the flight on the way here.
After a while of talking, my father declared that me and my siblings will help the new family learn our ways. I was not really happy about it because I have better things to do, I am the second eldest child in our family. I am training under my mother to become the next Tsahík. “Father, you do know I have other things to do, correct?” I said with a scowl on my face. Me and my father have butt heads a lot ever since I’ve gotten older. “It had already been decided.” He said sternly.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. I told my sister Tsireya to hurry up so we can get this over with. We showed the family to their Marui & I felt the older brothers gaze on me again. I don’t know what exactly he’s looking at me for though. Maybe it’s because my skin is sort of different? I don’t know. But I try to ignore it the best I could until the day was over. After a while their parents went with mine to go learn elsewhere, while me & my sister teach their children.
After their lesson I tried to leave as fast as I could. I honestly like to keep to myself, it just feels better that way to be alone. When I was on the shore I felt someone tap my shoulder for a moment. I turn around & guess who it was. Yup, the older brother who I still don’t know the name of. “ Yes? Do you need something before I leave?” I asked, being as polite as I could. “Yes actually.” He said, I raised and eyebrow for him to continue. “Could you tell me your name? I’d at least like to know the name of the person I’m learning from.” He asked. I sighed and told him what he asked for. “ My name is ____” I said back to him.
“I was wondering if you would like to be friends? The other people I’ve met here are being… should I say, rude?” I hum in acknowledgement and nod my head. “Yes, that’ll be fine, I guess. I really must get going though. My mother would be furious if I’m late.” I said in a hurry. “Oh, we’ll I’ll see you around then?” He asked curiously. “ Yes, you will. Goodbye!” I tried to put a smile on my face that looked at least a bit real. “Bye!” He said back.
It’s been a few weeks since the Sully’s have showed up on our island. Me and Neteyam have been getting to know each other better, and it’s been working. I’ve been opening up to him about this recently, like how I’ve been so stressed to keep up with my mothers expectations. He relates to my struggles too, which makes me feel better to say the least.
Neteyam has been getting better at his lessons too. I’ve taught him very well since he’s learned in such fast time. I’ve taught him every ting I know from riding an ilu, to hunting. I don’t really know what else to do when we “hang out” anymore…if you can even call it that. He says the we “ should hang out outside of the lessons” since their is nothing else that I can teach him.
Neteyam’s pov
Recently, I’ve been hanging out with ____ a lot. I’ve been making excuses to hangout with them or even just for the simplest things. Lo’ak is thinking that I like her, and I’m starting to see it. ____ is very mysterious, and interesting. She doesn’t really like to be out much with other people, and she has this fierce type attitude. Sort of similar to her mothers, just more..dialed back.
Today I made ____ a gift. It’s a bracelet from the shells from the shore that tuk and I found a few days ago. “Who is that for?” Lo’ak asked. “It’s none of your business, Lo’ak” I rolled my eyes at him while walking towards the place where me and ____ are supposed to meet. “ Its fine, I have a pretty good guess on who it’s for” he said. I huffed and kept waking. “Look big bro, someone’s gonna snatch ____ up and take her one day . Might as well and confess soon.” He said. “And why do you say that?” I asked. “ One of her brothers friends mentioned that he had a crush on her yesterday. So I suggest you hurry up and do it while you have the chance.”he shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I sighed and just kept walking until I see ____.
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berryhobii · 4 months
Hello all my gorgeous melanated and not melanated queens but equally as spectacular and beautiful(for all my light skinned, vitiligo, and readers with all albinism out there🩵🩵)
I hope everyone is doing well. So I have a little request for all of you. I recently received an ask to combine some of my couples in one story which sounds super great. However, there’s one sort of big issue that will kind of hinder that.
Since every fic I’ve written so far as been a self insert aka y/n, combining multiple OC’s like that will be kind of hard. I mean, if we’re calling everyone y/n, that’ll get super confusing really quickly for everyone.
So I’m reaching out to all my lovely readers to give me some name suggestions for the y/n’s of my fics!
I need names for the following couples:
Late For Work(Jungkook)
My Person(Namjoon)
Baby Girl(Seokjin)
Class In Session(Hoseok)
Hurry Home(Jimin)
Distracted Driver(Taehyung)
I’ll pick whichever ones I like best! And don’t be afraid to suggest your own name! Much love🩵🩵
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| meaning: a transformative change of heart. |
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headcanon: insecurity was something they made sure went away. Ft Dazai, Ranpo, and Chuuya. Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. Hiii guys guess who is back? here is another headcanon since I was quite absent here love you guys
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Insecurity: s/o with Vitiligo [disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color]
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Initially, he didn't seem to tell you that your skin was perfect the way it was, but seeing you desperately cover up the duel patch on your skin with makeup, (remind you it wasn't helping much ) just maybe broke him inside.
You were insecure about your skin.
"why belladonna, i love the way your skin creates two parts, and how beautiful it is under the sun shining uniquely unlike others”
He makes sure to complement you every time you come to his view.
Honestly, I could totally see him kiss the light patches on your skin to tell you there was nothing wrong about bearing two colors, so beautiful on your skin.
You would see other people, and would cover your hands in despair of the internal jealously you felt towards them thinking why you had to own such a thing, and why couldn't you look normal like others.
Dazai on the other hand, make sure you don't try cover up your arms as he would take your hands, look at you deep in eyes and silently convey the message of i love you.
He doesn't care wherever you are bet it be a park or café, he would hold your face and run his thumb over the patches and kiss them telling its beautiful.
He would never back down if you wish to have a treatment, after all your happiness meant the world to him.
But he would totally tell you along the lines of "NOO- WHYYY" and "I will miss them, the one on your hand was names Jaiden, I will miss him"
He loves you a lot, and your physical beauty doesn't estimate his love for you.
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Insecurity: s/o who has body dysmorphia
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It didn't take late for him to understand the situation you were going through.
"Ranpo do I look Okay??" "You look beautiful as always Y/N"
He doesn't confides you first, but when he starts to see how you would stop eating and over exercising, he was worried.
"Y/N, why aren't you eating? Here have a bite!" "Sorry Ranpo I think am gaining weight" "But you are healthy? Y/N and look perfectly fine!" "I don't know Ranpo, I look weird"
You actually vented all out, from your body dysmorphia to your problems and he listened>>>
You constantly checked if you looked fine, and Ranpo would always come and hug you from behind telling how much you look perfect while placing his head on your neck.
You would be staring at the daily magazine, looking at all models so beautiful and just perfect, and you then would be hearing Ranpo say, “but it doesn't make me love you less, i love for the personality, not for the physique. I will still love u if u turn into a worm"
despite all, he makes sure you eat and stay healthy.
Whenever you feel down, he will make sure you get tons of hugs and playful kisses on cheeks.
Can imagine him whispering all fluff words as he holds you in front of the mirror.
Lowkey thinks he will give butterfly kisses on stomach.
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insecurity: s/o who is insecure about her body hair
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Normally, he isn't the one to state or even observe such things with his S/O but oh boy some situations aren't avoidable.
(normalizing the fact you didn't shave or your hair growing hate is high.)
You were casually asking him if the outfit you wore was nice, when you looked at your arms and legs and that dropped your mood.
Now Chuuya didn't wanted to intervene but he asked why did u changed your outfit to which you responded with "Just felt like it"
Later he started to notice how you would try to pick out your forearm hair, and how desperate you were to cover up your legs and trying not to wear shorts despite the fact it was very hot summer in the city.
He asked why you were plucking out hair from skin when your told him you just didn't like your body hair and how you looked weird with it.
"isn't that normal? Your physique doesn't define u"
He is the best person if you want to boost moral confidence.
Actually doesn't mind if you decide to shave, after its your body, and you had the rights to anything you want with it.
He would make sure you don't feel out of place under any circumstances
If you ever pluck out hair, he would remove your hand and then intervene it with yours, indicating the habit wasn't good for you.
"Hey, look its fine, no one here is going to judge just because you own body hair"
his comfort speeches>>>
He gives very good forehead kisses.
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hii hope you liked the headcanon....still working on the requests i am getting and received and holy moly i love how you people get the brains to think like that. Sorry if my writing may look a off lately, cause i seriously cant think straight these days. For people who ever or are suffering from any mental or physical disorder, remember your disease doesn't define you, because its your soul which cannot be broken by any means. Find yours because its deep inside you, maybe hidden but never fragile. I think should start giving ted talks
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cloveroctobers · 4 months
JOHNNY COCO CRUZ — Spring Writings 🩵
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A/N: Thank you to all those that voted on that poll and it has been awhile since I last wrote for coco so why not? This is definitely AU based for how I envision a better life for our coco bean and there’s no need to explain it any further. It’s spring and most of us are coming off that S.A.D. so we want happiness around here, so that’s what we’re damn well gonna get! This was also inspired by some events that happened last Friday 🤭
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE & I’m using: 6. Hanging a porch swing together + 7. I don’t think she noticed my new cut.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of blood and body injuries + Letty’s smart ass mouth—the usual.
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
Getting back home was the best part of Coco’s day. The big move from Santo Padre to Ojai was the best choice all of you made years ago.
(Coco and Letty more recently.)
This was home.
A awful green ranch built in 1955 with .42 acres of land was not something coco ever really saw in his future. He never had a place that truly felt like his and all that hard work along with time finally paid off. In fact he didn’t think he’d actually be alive this long to showcase what a home should feel like. Day by day his purpose was still something he was trying to figure out without realizing that he’s been living it.
He rides up the curvy slope of the driveway, waiting for the gate to open up wide enough for his bike to fit through. The dark eyed man glances to his left towards the front door, sensing something even before he cut the engine to his bike. He’ll move it to the garage later, leaving it behind next to your car before carrying up the pathway to the front door.
Coco enters the home, tv on from his left showing some rerun of a reality show that Letty was binge watching. The mushroom play tent that blocks the front window of the home is bare and does not hold your three year old daughter, Haven. He thinks nothing of it until he makes that right down the hallway where the bedrooms sit, hearing crying from Haven and barking from your tosa.
His nostrils flare, hands going to his waist as he cautiously makes his way into the main bedroom. He immediately spots Letty bouncing a crying Haven on her knee as her other hand is moving rapidly against the screen of her phone.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Coco asks as he spots the dog still barking and scratching at the bathroom door.
Letty snaps her head up to look at him, “thank fu—fudge you finally got here! I’ve been texting and leaving you messages.”
His eyes are still locked on the door, which is now missing a door knob as he gently rests a hand down on Haven’s head to kiss the vitiligo patch on her temple. She makes grabbing motions for him which he obliges, tears streaming down her round cheeks, while he brings the toddler into his chest who rests her head there and seems to calm just a bit as she heaves to subside her cries.
Coco pats and rubs her back soothingly as Letty gets back to her feet, using her foot to nudge Jody the Tosa out of the way, “I went to a meeting after work, I sent that in the group chat before I shut my phone off.”
“Yeah newsflash, maybe you shouldn’t do that when you have a very vocal fucking baby at home.” Letty bites as she knocks on the door leaning downwards, “y/n, coco’s here!” She tells before whipping her head back to her father, “Now fix the door.”
He’s confused as he makes his way over to the bathroom door, spotting a stain of blood dripping from the outside of where the doorknob was supposed to be. “What the fuck did you do Leticia?”
“Me?! I didn’t do anything!” Letty yells while her brows immediately frown, “your girlfriend somehow locked herself in the bathroom and has been in there for I don’t know maybe an hour or an hour in a half? She managed to punch the knob out after I loosened it.”
Coco shakes his head, eyeing the tools tossed all over the floor and hands Haven back to Letty, “take your sister and go feed her, she’s probably hungry and it’s past dinner time.”
“Shit, I lost track of time.” Letty stands up straight and scrambles to leave the room but not without calling back out to you, “if coco doesn’t get it y/n, I’m calling the locksmith!”
Coco sucks his teeth as he shoos the girl out of your shared room, “I am the locksmith.”
Letty widens her eyes with a scrunch of her nose, “we don’t need anymore injuries in this household thank you, we have a baby in the house.”
Coco rolls his eyes as it’s his turn to go into a squat position and peer through the gap, it’s slightly blocked by the remaining latch bolt. He peeks in just enough to see you laying on your back on the rug, bandaged hand cradled to your chest as you’re staring up at the ceiling.
Completely over it.
“Hey, mamita. What happened?”
Your head lolls to the side to meet coco’s dark eye, “I went to unlock the door and it wouldn’t budge. Took Letty fifteen minutes to realize I was stuck in here since she’s so deep into Shahs of Sunset and I didn’t have my phone on me. I managed to punch the knob out.”
“Why not kick? Now you done fucked up your hand I see.”
“Rather that than my foot.” You wiggle your toes, “you gonna get me out of here soon right, johnny?”
A crooked smile appears on Coco’s lips then, “I’ll think about it.”
Jody growls at him from his left, making coco suck his teeth while you can be heard laughing from inside the bathroom. “I know this fool isn’t trying to raise up on me?”
“He likes me better.”
“‘Cause he likes to hump your leg.”
“Ew, shut up Johnny!”
Coco laughs and looks at the tools that were previously used: a hanger, a screwdriver, and some hair oil. He analyzes the door, then the mechanism and just shrugs grabbing the hammer to knock the latch clean off the door. It flies towards you, lying about an inch away from where your shoulder lays.
Coco instructs, “You might want to cover your face for this next part.”
“What?” You start just as Coco lunges the claw side of the hammer into the side of the gap, yanking it back with such force he thought the claw would snap. Thankfully it didn’t as it gave way, leaving him to keep swinging the claw into space before switching back to the flat side to knock out the edge of the cheap door.
The door creaks open as he pushes it back once a good chunk of the door is missing. Rolling back to face the door with an arm tossed over your forehead, you meet your boyfriend’s eyes.
“Hey,” he greets almost like a mad man as he’s breathing harshly now at that work he just put in.
You slowly get to your feet to meet both of Johnny’s dark eyes this time, “hey, we’re gonna need a new door.”
You grip the sides of his torso as you peck his jaw in thanks while he just scoffs, “fuck that door. It was a cheap piece of shit and I’ve got a better idea anyway.”
Which could mean anything.
He reaches down to pick up your wrist, examining your injured fingers, “think you broke any of ‘em?”
“Probably that middle finger but the rest im thinking a bad sprain,” you inform while Coco nods his head, figuring you would know better than anyone being a middle school nurse and all.
Coco shakes his head, a signature crooked smile playing on his lips, “Guess you won’t be giving nobody the bird for a little while, huh?”
“I’m left handed anyway.” You remind Coco who nods his head in realization, “thanks for getting me out. How did today go?”
Johnny gives a sharp inhale with a lift of his shoulders, “same shit everyday. We talk about feelings and shit. It’s the anniversary of Hope’s death and I was talkin’ to one of the sponsors there, he gave me some info to look into for Leticia.”
Letty losing not only one but two of her friends tragically was enough to mess with anyone’s mental. She already had a lot going on before that and the move out here steered her in the right direction somewhat. She openly talked about starting her own business after quitting (and being fired) from numerous of jobs. So far being a instructor that provided swimming lessons to toddlers seemed to be the one that stuck while creating a webpage for her upcoming house sitting business.
She was much like Johnny, not wanting to open up and when she gave just enough she didn’t want to be seen as weak. You had enough experience with that yourself, growing up with caregivers in the military that had their own battles which ultimately left you to be raised and adopted by your godmother who was far from rough around the edges. You learned to love Johnny and Letty through it all but you were also firm in letting them both know that you wouldn’t be their punching bag.
You completely changed the trajectory of Johnny and Letty’s life, making them often forget what life was like before you walked in. Yet there were always reminders in the black of their brain and sure you could hold them down but you couldn’t be their sole savior.
They had to find that within themselves.
That’s that deep shit Coco had to hear plenty of times and knew Letty wouldn’t want to but would eventually have to.
“That’s good, babe.” You offer a smile as you squeeze his upper arm, “we’ll talk about it some more when we put that swing up out front.”
You’re getting ready to exit the bathroom when Coco grips your wrist causing you to look back at him.
“The swing? Nah we’re not gettin’ into that with your hand all fucked up.” Coco already decided.
“I’ll supervise.” You beam, “c’mon I’ve been wanting that thing up since the first day of spring and summers approaching in the next few weeks!”
Coco blinks, “and I said I’d get to it.”
“Just like the emissions for my car when I was pregnant with Haven, got stranded and ended up with minor carbon monoxide poisoning?” You pointed out while the tatted man rubs his jaw in annoyance.
Which was enough indication for you to laugh and wrap an arm across his waist, knowing that you won, “fine but like you said, supervise. Not be in my fucken ear like a flea.”
“I know you like to get into your zone when you’re working but what we’re not gonna do is compare your girl and mother of your beautiful baby to an insect.” You yank on his earlobes making him hiss.
Smiling sweetly at him after, you quickly peck his crooked nose and bite his jaw before taking your leave, “glad you’re home, papa.”
Coco rolls his eyes and tossed the hammer into the toolbox, knowing he would get to it later before joining his family in the kitchen.
‘I don’t think she noticed my new cut,’ Coco finds himself thinking as he watches you move around the kitchen, working on heating up the leftovers while he’s tasked with making sure Haven doesn’t start throwing any vegetables she doesn’t like around again and Letty is screaming at the tv.
“Aye, who we yellin’ at?” Coco questions from the dining room which has three views: a sliding door that leads to the backyard to the left, straight ahead the kitchen can be partially seen, and then to the right flows into the living room.
Letty huffs as she tosses her phone down on the couch glancing in Coco and Haven’s direction, “fu—freaking Reza! He’s so annoying!”
“Then cut the shit off and go help y/n warm up the food.” Coco tells Letty who side eyes him.
She snipes, “I already took care of Haven and set the table…what’re you doing coco?”
“Paying bills.”
You twist your lips around in the kitchen, thankful the twenty-one year old couldn’t see your facial expression right now, not that you were ever scared of Letty but you also weren’t in the mood to deal with her mouth, especially being locked in the bathroom for forever.
“And I would be too if y/n didn’t give me a break!” Letty argued.
Finances became really rough once Coco got struck with addiction. Not that it was ever the greatest when Letty lived with Celia but she was the main one who had to hold it down once Coco got infected with the disease. So she didn’t appreciate Coco throwing that in her face when he should have been the adult who paid bills to provide for her and it was always a ongoing argument between the two, which is why you remained quiet once you sensed that starting to brew.
Thankfully with the progress of being sober and getting a job down at the shooting range as a range officer, Coco was on the path of being financially stable and you were the best at managing funds although Coco often clowned you for considering shopping for the house and the girls as “errands,” you were good at having a balance with money and into numbers a bit after living in a transformed school bus turned home (illegally if you want to be technical) with your god-mommy. She was a free-spirited woman who was into protests, loaded with money but still chose to park the bus/home out in the woods on some land that rightfully belonged to her ancestors before the law colonized it. It was sacred land and after her passing you did everything in your power to gain rights to that land yourself, later transforming it into a garden in honor of loved ones lost.
Life was forever blossoming and you always wanted to continue experiencing that growth. When coco came back into your life, it was unexpected but meant to be—you’d like to think. It’s like that saying, “if it comes back around then it’s meant to be.”
The both of you knew each other back in school and lost touch until he moved out here to Ojai. By then he was already in a program, leaving behind the Mayans to better his mental health. You already knew he was in some type of biker gang, thanks to being friends with Gilberto Lopez on Facebook. Curiosity always got the best of you and you didn’t have much to go off of since you couldn’t locate him anywhere on Facebook but found Letty through Celia’s page.
He was barely on Letty’s page too after spotting a comment where she went off on some lady who was friends with Celia, for making inappropriate comments on a picture the twenty-something year old shared for his birthday. It was causal lurking not anything stalker-ish and you didn’t want to reach out to Gilly about coco either since you didnt want to appear desperate—despite your besties begging you to just shoot your shot through Gilly.
That didn’t happen until coco came here.
It was like the universe knew to give you two a second chance and the both of you didn’t want to miss it. However you were content on just being friends but that wasn’t in Coco’s plans once he truly got to know the version of you now. Eventually he got you out of your own stubbornness and wasn’t one to beg but Coco knew you were worth it.
When you’re zoned back in on the conversation, bringing the food out to the table you spotted Letty now sitting in her usual seat resting her cheek into her fist while Coco shoved her shoulder with a snort, evoking the girl to shove him back with a smile just in time for them to start playfully throwing hands but you warn them to, “cut the crap you two, you’re at the table now act like you have some sense please.”
“My bad, mamita.”
“He started it.”
You playfully glare at them as you take your seat, lifting the silicone bib to wipe at the corner of Haven’s mouth before waving your hands along signaling for everyone to start serving themselves.
Johnny and Letty did not hesitate, which led to chatter at the dinner table, making Coco further grateful for this little life.
Later that night with the crickets chirping, the both of you have quality time as you’re seated on the grass while coco is drilling the chains to the swing into the brown beams out front.
“Hey babe, meant to tell you this earlier but I’m feeling the new look.” You announce after putting your phone down from taking many pictures of the process.
Coco glances over at you from the ladder, “yeah? I didn’t think you noticed.”
“Oh I definitely did,” you smile, “loved the Brazilian loose waves just as much as the Gretchen Grundler pigtails but hair grows back and it always fun to switch it up ya know?”
You don’t miss coco rolling his eyes at your attempt of dragging his hair but knows you’re joking nonetheless. He can also tell by the way you’re looking at him from the ground that you’re really a fan of the cut, “I’m almost finished here so you can show me how much you’re digging the hair up in our room, huh?”
Sighing you pout, “only if we weren’t getting up early to hang out with Bruno and Luis.”
That’s right ever since he got with you, he was able to reconnect with his two other kids. It took a lot of fight from Bruno’s mom for coco to be in Bruno’s life—who was now fourteen—threatening back child support out of pettiness (she honestly thought he died because of what Celia once told her after he got locked up) and Luis, who was ten and acting out way before coco came back into his life was still trying to get a feel for this stranger of a man who happened to be his father. Luis was quiet but there was a fire behind the shared eyes he has from his father.
Life was always a timely journey and you taught Coco patience.
“Look at it like this, I’ll have you out by midnight.” Coco smirks, checking his own phone for the time and to see a text from Bruno’s mom to confirm if you guys were still coming out to Montecito.
Bruno and Luis’s mom became good friends, often allowing the boys to spent the night at each other’s houses. Although Luis lived out in Carpinteria with his mother and siblings; which was nowhere from Montecito the two women made it their jobs for the siblings to have a relationship. Which was shocking on Bruno’s mom’s part to be honest. Bruno’s mother was still shady towards you, not liking the fact that coco picked you to spend forever with although she had a new man, she still felt a type of way but you knew not to take that personally…yet you were no punk and wouldn’t always bite your tongue.
You mockingly yawn, stretching your arms above your head, “you know I can’t get into the groove with open doors.”
Coco sucks his teeth, “well you better get used to it mamita, that doors not comin’ back.”
“That open concept shit you always talk about when we’re watching that home channel…well you’re gonna get it for the bathroom.” Coco double checks that the swing is secure before he starts climbing down the ladder, “and I get a show every time you get out the shower. So everybody wins.”
Scowling at the smirk on your boyfriend’s face, you push off your ankles to your feet, making your way over to the cute farmhouse like swing, “You’re no better than Jody.”
“I’n the fucken man of the house, not the dog.” Coco tells as he slips a hand over your waist as you go to sit on the swing.
“Don’t think I know the difference,” you joke once more as Coco bumps his nose against your cheek, now sitting beside you as you softly sway into the night.
With your good hand, you run a hand over coco’s shortened hair with a smile before resting your head on his shoulder with another yawn, “seee, this is nice isn’t it?”
“Yeah it’s cool but now none of us are going to be in the house.”
All of you were always out and about. If it wasn’t work, coco was out riding or tuning up the bike or doing woodwork, letty was sunbathing and used to be in the hot tub a lot until you two took over and that was enough for her not to want any parts leaving her to run the streets with the car along with Jody in the passenger side or fix up the car coco let her keep. You just liked being in the backyard to be “corny,” in the Cruz’ words one with nature birdwatching or with Haven who liked running around letting you and coco know that she would probably grow up to be involved in some sort of athletics one day. However once those bugs wanted to be seen by you? Then it was time to wrap it up and go right inside.
“We’ll get to enjoy the inside more once we’re old as hell.”
“I like my own personal granny already,” coco laughs while you elbow his gut, “ow, what? You were the one crying about your back the other night?”
“That’s because you left one of your stupid chains to your jeans in the bed.”
“My bad, thought you were into bondage.” Coco felt his lips twitch in humor until you lifted your head to glare at him.
“Y/n,” he says back in a warning tone but teasing, “aye show me some love, I got you out that bathroom and put this grandma shit up. You don’t got to bring up old shit, you know?”
“That was two days ago but whatever,” you respond yanking his jaw to turn his lips to brush against yours, “love you papa, now sssh and let’s enjoy the warm night.”
Coco lets out a sigh, squeezing your waist as you get comfortable back against his shoulder. “You better, brat.”
“After you…butt sniffer.”
“Always got to have the last word, don’t you?” Coco sucks his teeth, ready to nudge your head off him if you didn’t look so cute relaxing against him, aware that you were comparing him to a dog yet again while you laugh, tossing your knee over his, intertwining your fingers (the good ones) with his as you sink into the freedom of the night together.
⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀𑁍❀☼𖦹⚘ ⚘𖦹☼❀
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Mini Spot
➥ summary: Jonathan never thought he’d have kids especially with how much more different he looks now after the accident
➥ a/n: this fic is brought to you by @cyborgnoodle7297 saying “It would have been cute if the baby had vitiligo 😭💗” from this fic Embracing Love's Unfathomable Depths
➥ one shot
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Jonathan Ohnn, known to the world as the notorious supervillain known as the Spot, sat alone in the dimly lit room, his mind consumed by a mixture of guilt and self-doubt. He had embraced his dark alter ego, believing that his transformation into a villain would drive a wedge between him and his wife, (Y/N). He had convinced himself that she could never be attracted to him, that their passion would wane and disappear.
But fate had other plans.
(Y/N) entered the room, her steps hesitant as she approached Jonathan. She stood before him, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and desire. With a gentle touch, she placed her hand on his cheek, her voice soft yet firm.
"Jonathan, I know you've been through a lot. The darkness that surrounds you doesn't change how I feel about you. I still love you, and I am still attracted to you, no matter what form you take."
Jonathan's eyes widened in surprise, his heart both lifted and burdened by her words. He had never anticipated such unwavering devotion from (Y/N). A flicker of hope sparked within him, intertwining with the tendrils of guilt that still clung to his conscience.
"(Y/N), I don't deserve your love. Not in this state, not as the Spot," Jonathan murmured, his voice filled with a mix of longing and regret.
(Y/N) leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his. "Jonathan, we all have darkness within us. What matters is how we choose to navigate it. I choose you, regardless of the battles you face. Let me show you that our love can conquer all."
In that moment, Jonathan's resistance crumbled, replaced by an overwhelming desire for connection, for the intimacy he thought was lost. His hands found their way to (Y/N)'s waist, pulling her closer, their bodies pressed together with an electric fervor.
Passion ignited between them, an inferno of longing and rekindled desire. In that stolen moment, they rediscovered each other, their bodies entwined in a dance of love and vulnerability. The weight of the world fell away as they surrendered to the intensity of their connection.
Days turned into weeks. (Y/N) discovered that she was pregnant, a secret she held close to her heart, knowing that the revelation would both surprise and elate Jonathan. She awaited the right moment to share the news, wanting to ensure that their newfound happiness remained undisturbed.
One evening, as they sat together, Jonathan turned to (Y/N), his eyes filled with a mix of nervousness and adoration. "I feel like we've been given a second chance, (Y/N). Our love is stronger than ever, and I can't imagine my life without you. You mean everything to me."
(Y/N) smiled, her hand reaching out to clasp Jonathan's. "Jonathan, there's something I need to tell you. Something that will change our lives once again."
Jonathan's eyes widened, a mix of excitement and anticipation coursing through his veins. "What is it, (Y/N)? What could be more life-changing than what we've already experienced?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her voice quivering with emotion, “Honey, I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.
Jonathan’s jaw dropped, , his mind struggling to process the overwhelming joy that flooded his senses. He laughed and cried simultaneously, his heart bursting with a mix of disbelief and euphoria. "I'm pregnant! No wait, you're pregnant! Oh my god, we're pregnant!"
He pulled (Y/N) into a tight embrace, his body trembling with a mixture of happiness and nervousness. They clung to each other, their laughter and tears merging into a beautiful symphony of emotions.
In that moment, Jonathan realized that his past mistakes and choices didn't define him. The love he shared with (Y/N) had the power to heal, to overcome any obstacle. Together, they would embark on this new chapter of their lives, with their unborn child serving as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of their love.
And as they reveled in the joyous chaos of the moment, Jonathan couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world, grateful for the chance to embrace his role as a husband, a father, and a hero in his own right.
Jonathan Ohnn, dressed in a crisp suit and clutching his resume, walked purposefully down the bustling city street. He had made the decision to leave his life as the Spot behind, to find a way to support his growing family. A job interview awaited him, a glimmer of hope in an uncertain world.
As he navigated the crowd, Jonathan couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with anxiety. He was determined to turn his life around, to leave the shadow of his past behind. However, fate had other plans for him on that fateful day.
Suddenly, a figure swung down from the rooftops, landing with an agile grace right in front of Jonathan. It was Spider-Man, Miles Morales, the friendly neighborhood hero of New York City.
"Hey, Spot! You can't run away from your past forever," Miles called out, his voice laced with determination.
Jonathan blinked in surprise, his heart sinking at the interruption. "That's going to have to wait, kid. I'm on my way to a job interview. I'm trying to make a fresh start here."
Miles squinted at Jonathan, studying him closely. "Wait a minute... You're in a suit. The Spot doesn't wear a suit. What's going on here?"
Jonathan sighed, realizing that his secret identity was at risk of being exposed. With a resigned expression, he activated the mechanism in his suit, causing the familiar black and white spots to appear all over his body. The transformation completed, and he stood before Miles as the Spot once again.
"I've made some changes, Miles. I'm trying to leave my old life behind and find a better path," Jonathan explained, his voice tinged with sincerity. "But right now, I need to focus on providing for my family. Can you understand that?"
Miles' eyes widened, a mix of surprise and empathy crossing his face. He had always seen villains as adversaries, but in that moment, he caught a glimpse of the complexity that lay beneath the surface.
"I get it, Spot," Miles said, his voice softer now. "We all have responsibilities, and sometimes we have to make difficult choices. Just remember, I'll be watching you. Make sure you stay on the right path."
Jonathan nodded, his heart filled with gratitude for Miles' understanding. "Thank you, Spider-Man. I appreciate your vigilance. I'm determined to be a better person, not only for my family but for myself."
With that, Jonathan resumed his journey, leaving behind the encounter with Spider-Man. He felt a renewed sense of determination to make a positive change in his life, to prove that he could rise above his past mistakes.
As he arrived at the job interview, Jonathan took a deep breath, straightening his tie and adjusting his posture. He walked into the building with confidence, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to carve out a new future for himself and his family.
And as he sat down for the interview, his mind focused on his goals, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope burning within him. The past may have shaped him, but it did not define him. Jonathan Ohnn, once the Spot, was ready to embrace a new identity, a new purpose, and a brighter future.
Jonathan Ohnn, the former supervillain known as the Spot, stood at the front of the classroom, a feeling of both excitement and nervousness coursing through his veins. He had embarked on a new chapter in his life as a fourth-grade science teacher, determined to make a positive impact on the young minds before him.
Despite his unique appearance, the children in his class were surprisingly accepting. They looked at him with wide eyes and curious expressions, unabashed by his unconventional looks. Jonathan couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope as he began to teach, sharing his knowledge and passion for science.
As the day progressed, the children's enthusiasm grew, and they bombarded Jonathan with questions during a break. One young girl raised her hand, her eyes shining with curiosity.
"Mr. Ohnn, do you have superpowers like Spider-Man?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.
Jonathan chuckled, his heart warmed by their innocent curiosity. "Well, sorta," he replied, a playful grin forming on his face. "I can make portals, which allows me to travel from one place to another quickly. But they aren't as cool as Spider-Man's abilities."
The children gasped in awe, their imaginations running wild with the possibilities of his power. They started buzzing with excitement, eager to hear more about his unique ability.
Throughout the day, Jonathan found himself inundated with drawings from his students. The pages were filled with colorful depictions of him, the Spot, creating portals and performing heroic acts. Some of the drawings showed him rescuing people, while others showcased him using his powers in imaginative and fantastical ways.
Toward the end of the day, as Jonathan collected the drawings, he came across one that struck a deep chord within him. It was a meticulously crafted illustration of him surrounded by portals, with the words "The Portal Hero: The Spot" written underneath. Attached to the drawing was a small note that read, "Thank you for being our superhero."
Jonathan's eyes welled up with tears as he held the drawing close to his heart. Emotions swirled within him—a mixture of pride, joy, and gratitude. In that moment, he realized the impact he was having on these young lives, and the profound transformation that had taken place within him.
He wiped away his tears, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, my young superheroes," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Together, we can explore the wonders of science and unleash the power of our imaginations."
The children beamed with pride, their belief in him unwavering. They had found a hero in Jonathan, not for his past deeds, but for his commitment to change and his ability to inspire. In that classroom, Jonathan Ohnn had found a new purpose—one that extended beyond himself and into the lives of these young minds.
As the school day came to an end, Jonathan looked around the room, a profound sense of fulfillment washing over him. He had been given a second chance, not only to teach, but to shape the future in a positive way. And he vowed to do everything in his power to be the best teacher he could be, to guide his students towards a brighter tomorrow.
With renewed determination, Jonathan prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that transforming himself from the Spot into Mr. Ohnn was not an easy journey, but it was one he was willing to take. Together with his students, he would embrace the power of knowledge, empathy, and the belief in second chances.
Jonathan Ohnn, the former Spot, had become a hero of a different kind—a hero of the classroom, a beacon of inspiration, and a symbol of the transformative power of love and redemption. And as he locked the classroom door, he looked forward to the days ahead, eager to continue this remarkable journey of growth, discovery, and making a difference, one student at a time.
The sterile hospital room buzzed with anticipation and excitement as (Y/N) lay on the delivery bed, her face flushed with a mixture of pain and anticipation. Jonathan stood by her side, his hand clasping hers tightly, offering both comfort and support. They had arrived at this moment, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their child, knowing that something extraordinary was about to unfold.
The doctor, a seasoned professional with an air of calm, guided (Y/N) through the final stages of labor. "Okay, (Y/N), it's time to push," she said, her voice steady and reassuring.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength within her. But just as she prepared to push, an unexpected twist occurred. The baby, filled with the powers inherited from their father, Jonathan, teleported out of (Y/N)'s stomach, leaving everyone in the room momentarily stunned.
Gasps filled the air as the doctors and nurses stood frozen in disbelief, their eyes fixed on the baby who now rested on the bed, surrounded by a shimmering portal residue. Jonathan's jaw dropped, his heart racing with a mix of awe and bewilderment. (Y/N), her voice filled with equal parts shock and amazement, broke the silence.
"Oh god, they've got powers," she exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment.
As the initial shock subsided, the medical team quickly regained their composure, gathering around the baby to assess their well-being. The doctor's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and curiosity, observing the baby's vitiligo—a skin condition that caused patches of depigmentation, resembling small white spots scattered across their body.
Jonathan's expression transformed into a radiant smile as he gazed down at the baby. "And little spots too," he said, his voice filled with awe and adoration.
(Y/N) held the baby gently in her arms, a mixture of wonder and overwhelming love flooding her heart. "Just like their amazing daddy," she added, her voice filled with pride.
The medical team, though initially taken aback, quickly adjusted to the extraordinary circumstances. They ensured that the baby was healthy, monitoring their vital signs and performing necessary tests. As the commotion settled, the room became filled with a sense of wonder, a recognition of the miracle that had unfolded before them.
Jonathan leaned down to place a tender kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead, his eyes filled with an indescribable depth of emotion. "We've been blessed with something truly extraordinary, (Y/N). Our child carries the legacy of their powers and the uniqueness of their appearance. They will be a beacon of strength and individuality."
(Y/N) nodded, her heart bursting with a mixture of joy and gratitude. "Yes, Jonathan, our child is a testament to the love we share and the extraordinary journey we've been on. They are a reflection of the strength and resilience we possess."
As they marveled at their child, their hearts swelled with the knowledge that their family was something truly special. They knew that challenges lay ahead, but with their love, support, and unwavering belief in each other, they were confident that they could face anything that came their way.
In that hospital room, surrounded by the gentle hum of medical equipment and the whispered promises of a beautiful future, Jonathan and (Y/N) embraced their child's powers and appearance as a symbol of their unique family bond. And with the love that flowed between them, they knew that this child, with their teleportation abilities and vitiligo, would grow up to be a remarkable individual, leaving their own extraordinary mark on the world.
As the family basked in the warmth of that precious moment, they knew that their journey together had only just begun. With the support of their loved ones and the strength they found in each other, they were ready to face the adventures and challenges that lay ahead, embracing the extraordinary in their ordinary lives.
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josiesullysblog · 2 years
Just The Way You Are
~AGED UP Neteyam x Vitiligo Na’vi reader
~Angst, Fluff
~Summary-You were a triplet but the only difference between you and them are your skin.
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You were the baby of your family. You were also a triplet, and you had a skin condition. People never directly bullied you because of it, but they always left snarky comments.
Especially, your sisters it felt like they had this hidden animosity towards you. In every trio, there's always a duo you understood this meaning very well. They always left you out saying, “you wouldn't be able to keep up with us anyway!” you spent a lot of time alone.
Your mother took a lot of pride in how you and your sisters looked, “if you expect to mate, you’ll let me do your hair,” you swatted her hand out the way, “let me cut my hair! Then I’ll be able to wear them in braids and I’ll still be pretty!” your mother sucked her teeth, “nonsense!”
You gave up letting the woman have her way, “[Y/n], you already are different,” she paused looking at your skin, “I just want you happy,” she smiled looking at you, “okay.”
“I don't think I could see [Y/n] with a mate,” your oldest sister, Nova, said laughing, “I know that would be so weird!” your other sister, Sage, said looking at you, “why would it be weird?”
In your mind, they just said you were unlovable, that there was no way anyone could love you, “I don’t know it's just your vibe!” you rubbed your eyes fighting off tears, “oh, okay.”
As you got older, the more you felt people stare at you it was like you couldn't even leave your room, you became scared of how other people may judge you.
You knew better than to let other people get the best of you, but you couldn't help it.
“You should definitely come with us,” Sage snickered while looking at you, “yea like everyone is going!” Nova was the next to say, “why? You guys never invite me to places,” they both looked at each other before laughing.
“Omg just come with us already!” they forced you to go laughing the entire way, “here we are!” you put your head down scared someone would see you and stare.
It was like the moment you walked in Neteyam’s eyes bore into you, “who's that?” Lo’ak shrugged, “I don't know,” he stood up heading your way, “omg he’s coming over here!” Sage tried fixing her hair, “do I look okay?” Nova said as she did the same thing.
“Hey!” Neteyam waved at them though his eyes were glued to you, “this is our baby sister [Y/n],” Nova said petting your hair, “hi,” you gave a dry smile before trying to walk away, “omg [Y/n]! He obviously wants to talk why are you trying to leave!” the girl laughed obnoxiously.
Neteyam looked at her funny, “i’m Neteyam!” he had never met someone so gorgeous. “[Y/n],” it came out in a whisper but it was enough to cause the boy to smile.
He wanted to keep talking but your sisters pulled you away, “we’ll talk with you later!” Neteyam sighed as he watched you walk away, “someones gotta crush,” Lo’ak laughed slightly pushing him.
“Shut up,” they both went to sit down but Neteyam couldn't get you out of his mind. “[Y/n]! Remember that time you tripped and your top came off, that was like really embarrassing,” your sister's laugh filled the room. “I remember that,” Sage said, “[Y/n] is so clumsy it's so funny.”
You just sat there looking down, you knew there had to be a reason why they invited you, “what's that all over you?” a kid yanked you causing Nova to laugh, “omg stop! She’s just different,” tears threatened to fall as you yanked your arm back.
“Guys that's not funny,” Neteyam walked over standing in front of you, “bro i’m just saying, no one would want to mate with someone who looks like her,” that was the final straw you turned around and ran. You didn't want to see anybody, you just wanted to lay in bed and never come out.
“Why are you trying to defend her anyway,” Neteyam looked at the boy before connecting his fist with the boy’s face. “Finally some real fun!” Lo’ak laughed while joining in on beating the boy, “don’t look her fucking away again or I swear it’ll be worse.”
Neteyam’s hands went ram into the poor boy, the boy cried while everyone watched in fear, “ok I think that's enough,” Lo’ak’s hand tried reaching for Neteyam but it didn't work, the boy was gone.
“Neteyam, ENOUGH!” Lo’ak yanked the boys apart while looking at the other boy, “dude, dad’s going to kill us.”
Neteyam’s anger then shifted towards your sister, “you two are pieces of shit. Why would you just sit there and let your sister get ripped on.” they both put their heads down. “Let's go.” Neteyam walked off angrily with Lo’ak on his trail.
You cried into your mother's arms explaining what happened, “why do I have to be different?” your mother soothed you, “my beautiful baby, it's okay to be different,” you shook your head, “no, it's not you should've seen the way they made fun of me.”
You felt embarrassed like this was all your fault but it wasn't, “I don't wanna end up alone, mom I wanna be loved,” your mother felt tears roll down, “I wanna have children, and we all be happy but no one wants me.”
“That isn't true [Y/n], I promise you, there is someone who loves you more than you can even fathom.”
You just cuddled into her more, “why’s being different special on everyone else, but bad on me?” you looked at your mother, “why?”
“I don't know,” your mother didn't know how to help you, all she knew was to hug you and pray that one day all your problems would leave.
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You woke up early, you wanted time to think. When you wanted time, you went to the forest it was like your special place. The forest doesn't judge you, it embraced you, and it let you sing, laugh, cry, and all those ugly feelings you just felt so at home.
Neteyam wanted to see you, he needed to see you so he could explain himself. He assumed you heard about how he beat that boy up, and he didn't want to scare you off.
He caught you watching the flowers float in the water, he thought you looked gorgeous when you were just so at peace. No one was around and you could truly be yourself.
He moved a little, alerting you that someone was there. You stood up quickly, “sorry I didn't mean to scare you,” he smiled at you, “it's okay I was leaving anyway.”
“Actually I was hoping you could stay,” you faced him, “why?” he just shrugged, “well, I never see you around I wanted to get to know more about you,” you shook your head, “you're pranking me, and it's not funny.”
“I’m not I swear on everything,” you sighed before sitting back down. Neteyam stood awkwardly before you looked at him, “well done just stand there come sit down with me.”
Neteyam smiled as he sat down, “so, how come no one ever sees you?” you just shrugged, “I don't like leaving my room,” you faced Neteyam, “because every time I do, things like last night happen.”
Neteyam nodded, “thank you,” you said confusing the boy, “for sticking up for me last night, my sisters told me.” When they got home last night, they had apologized saying, “we should've stuck up for you.” It took Neteyam beating some boys up to open their eyes. You didn't think they were being genuine, they only did it because someone else said something.
“You didn't have to,” Neteyam smiled, “I wanted to,” it was your turn to look at him funny, “I just didn't like the way they spoke about you,” he smiled big at you, “this place is beautiful!”
You nodded, “I used to tell myself one day I’d bring my children here,” having children felt like a dream you’d never obtain, “why’d you stop?” you looked in your lap, “no one would want to mate with me.”
Neteyam did. He wanted to love you till his last breath, “what if you met the right man, who worshipped and adored you, what would you do then?” you shrugged, “love him,” Neteyam smiled. He was going to make you understand true love.
“I love your skin,” you looked at him, “it makes you stand out, it's beautiful.” you felt a blush pull up, “you don't have to pity me, “i’m not, it's beautiful [Y/n].”
Neteyam laughed, “what?” you smiled at him, “[Y/n], you know you’re pretty right?” you shook your head, “no, i’m not I'm hideous.”
“No, you're not, your gorgeous,” you stared into his eyes, “are you joking?” he shook his head, “i’m not lying to you.”
“How often do you come here,” you shrugged, “like once a day,” he smiled, “when you come here I want you to think about this moment, just me and you.” you smiled, “okay!”
“And I want to give you something if that's okay,” you nodded, “it's okay,” Neteyam smiled, “it's okay?” you laughed and smiled, “yes!”
Neteyam slotted closer, breaking the gap between you both, you sat there shocked before deepening the kiss. It felt so surreal that you were actually kissing a boy.
You both broke it off, catching your breath, “I would like to do that more with you,” he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “me too.”
Hey guys! Sorry if the ending feels rushed, I’ve been hanging with friends so I haven't been able to write. My holidays are almost over so I won't be able to write as much as I’d like :( but hopefully, you all enjoyed this!!
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nanak0m · 3 months
hello again!!
sorry for requesting so much, and I'm not forcing you to complete anything, but I really liked the design for the headmate you made us, and I was wondering if before we spawn her in, you'd be able to make a small subsystem of 3-4 to go alongside her?
again, it's totally fine if not, just if you're not going to could you let us know? sorry for taking up too much of your time 😭
No problem!! Sorry 4 the delay, this is the first time we make more than 2 alters in 1 req
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First request here
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♬ Name/S : Jun-Tao, Fen-ming, Zhi-hao, Yuanyun, Zichen
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, they/them, thwm/thwm, nix/zie, pix/pixel, ink/inks, sakura/sakuras, asph/aspho
♬ Age/S : 11
♬ Identity/IES : bluemushic, fictcomfic, tearsgender, demiboy
♬ Orientation/S : bellusromantic, pansexual, quoisexual
♬ Roles/S : mood booster, little
♬ CisID/S : blue eyes, pale skin, brown hair, age regressor, short hair, subsys member, peaceful
♬ TransID/S : transPersecutor, transChinese, transDeadName, transAutistic, transIntersexual, transAIAB, ocRacial, polyaccent & transAtheist
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Dorian, Aiden, Nolan, Amir, Chase
♬ Pronoun/S : he/him, fizz/fizzy, vamp/vamps, inc/incub, heart/hearts, blood/bloody, white/whites, knife/knifes, poem/poet
♬ Age/S : transAgeless
♬ Identity/IES : succgender, incuvampic, poemgender, vampgender, demiboyflux
♬ Orientation/S : pomoplatonic, gay
♬ Roles/S : socializor
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, obsessive love disorder, black eyes, short hair, long streaks, characters creator
♬ TransID/S : transHeartPupil, transVampire, transNonHuman, transPoet, transAlbinism, permaUniform, transRomanian, transRaceFluid & nullAnxiety
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Zakura, Dekia, Dakom, Mimi, Nekia, Dubi
♬ Pronoun/S : she/her, vit/vits, neko/nekos, deko/dekor, flu/fluff, cute/cutes, paw/paws, roll/rolls, soft/softy, kei/keii, :3/:3, 💗/💗, 🍧/🍧
♬ Age/S : 17 y/o
♬ Identity/IES : genderfae, strawboreamic, cufemian, prettypastelic, pawlexic, skygender, pinkgender, kittenlexic
♬ Orientation/S : lesbian, panplatonic
♬ Roles/S : stim holder
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, vitiligo, overAccesoried, brown-white hair, black eye and blue eye, short (157 cm, 5'6''), permaSmiley, american
♬ TransID/S : permaPigtails, transDekorakei, permaMask, transSugarAddicted, transKorean, transAsian (Thailand), transCatTail, permaNecklace, transDiscordUser
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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♬ Name/S : Arwen, Balin, Zirdan, Star, Holly
♬ Pronoun/S : they/them, it/its, ax/axe, rain/rains, elf/elfs, bi/biko, cake/roll, knife/knifes, cara/mel, choc/choco, dream/dreams, plu/plur, wish/wisher
♬ Age/S : agefluid (13-18)
♬ Identity/IES : caffèan, mochipawgender, gummysharkic, elfgender, foreststaric, agirl
♬ Orientation/S : reciproaroace, omnisexual (fem pref)
♬ Roles/S : urge holder, comforter
♬ CisID/S : subsys member, ambar eyes, white hair, elf, beauty marks, cute things lover, adventurer, relax, purple favorite color
♬ TransID/S : BlackRaceFluid, transTattoo, permaMakeup, transChilean, permaEarrings, permaBraids, transHumanTraits, transProshipper & transDepression
♬ Source/S : n/a
♬ Appearance/S - u can change it if you want:
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Now the question:
Why sub-system?
Answer: all of them are trans-races and trans-nationality, and they gonna appear at the same time, so they can be considered a group sub-system or a container sub-system! Choose what u want :b /gen
And remember u can re-request if this aren't what you expected!!
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting Isekai'd?! (Part 3)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
Guys in sorry I haven't warned yall about how ooc the characters will be in the pervious part 😰🙌 but all jokes aside I FINALLY FINISHED WOOO!!!
Warnings: Swearing, maybe grammatical/spelling issues, you have asthma, mention of you having vitiligo (the mentioning is only once), your bsf totally not having a crush on you.
【Part 2】
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Y/b/f/n looked through the peephole on the door and sweatdropped at both the people and the amount of people waiting outside impatiently. "Wait aren't they the Harbingers from that one game y/n can't stop playing?! I forgot the name though. Oops." Y/b/f/n thought before noticing an unfamiliar woman that seemed to be their leader, judging from the 'ice queen vibe' she was giving. She had long white hair tied into a bun and a pair of icy blue eyes.
Y/b/f/n finally snapped out of their thoughts and opened the door. (Here goes the oocs yall...)
"Yes...? How can I help you all...?" Y/b/f/n asked, sucessfully hiding the dread they were feeling at the sight of these men and women that could most likely 'destroy' both of you. Excluding your dog cus big furbaby is sleeping rn.
"May we come in?" The white-haired lady infront of them asked. However, it was anything but a question but rather, a command. In y/b/f/n's opinion.
Literally scared shitless for their life, your best friend greeted them and letted them in. With the first thing the fellow visitors noticed was the palpable yet pleasant warmth present inside the chambers. However...
They also felt a presence. A divine one to be exact, but they brushed it off. For now.
"Make yourselves at home... Visitors..." Nervously said y/b/f/n as they gestured them to sit down the grey, plush couch in the living room, in which they happily sit down almost immediatly. "Hey, this is actually pretty nice place." Tartaglia said as he lead onto the sofa. "Whats your name, comrade?" Asked Child the ginger head.
"Name's y/b/f/n." They said, making the harbingers and even the Tsaritsa we're shocked, isnt that the name of the first friend that their Divine Creator had made?! What a coincidence! Bbg its not. Its really not. 💀🙌
"Thats... Nevermind." Pantalone stopped himself from messing up infront of what could be one of their beloved Creator's acquaitances how tf do you spell this word 😰
"Whats that flat box over there, if I may ask~?" Columbina tilted her head curiously as she pointed towards the "flat box" that was above the fireplace. Its the tv by the way 😭 .
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This is what the living room looks like, pretend the couch is grey and the tv is off pookie :3
"Oh that?" Y/b/f/n pointed at the tv in which the Damselette nodded "Thats called a television, tv for short. *Insert your bsf explaining what a tv is in 2 case studies worth of essays because i dont know what the fuck im doing 💔*"
"So yeah, thats i-" Before y/b/f/n could finish their sentence, they were cutted off by the sound of you calling their name while coughing loudly. Oh how they loved it when you call their name but nows not the time to simp for their crush. "Wait, be right there!" They yelled back at you, before looking back at the 'visitors', as y/b/f/n called them in their head.
"Please, feel free to look around. Just dont... touch anything." Y/b/f/n said before ascending up the stairs.
As soon as they finally reach upstairs, the first thing they hear is coughing noises.
Oh shit.
"BITCH ARE YOU OK?!" Y/b/f/n asked as they fractically looked for your inhaler, you were having an asthma attack for the third time this day but shhhhh.
"W-wheres... my inhaler...–" You managed to say between coughs before Y/b/f/n responded "Wait here, I think you left it somewhere downstairs."
"O-oka—" You couldnt even finish saying that one single word as your coughing interrupted you. Why is it always the nicest people having to be cursed with something bad?! Your best friend thought as they hurrily went downstairs.
Childe looked curiously at the items that were just, well, existing on the shelf beside the tv when one of them in particular stood out. It was a photo of y/b/f/n and a familiar yet unfamiliar person. Surprise surprise, it just so happens to be you.
The person had a beautiful shade of h/c hair and s/c with... white patches of skin along their face and neck, hell, there was one small white patch right beside their mouth if he looked very closely. He couldn't see their eye color as they has their eyes closed while smiling more radiantly than the sun. Yeah, looks just like their Creator, but they still have one more thing to comfirm... To say that they looked ethereal is an absolute understatment. You look so pretty pookie ❤
"Thats Y/n, like the one with h/c." Y/b/f/n suddenly said behind him which almost made Childe's skeleton leave his soul, cus how the fuck did he not hear their footsteps?! "Now where..— there it is!" You best friend exclaimed happily and quickly got your inhaler before going back upstairs and leaving a shocked and traumatized Childe downstairs.
"Ey, I got your inh—" You immediatly grabbed it from them and took a few puffs before letting out a few shaky exhales... Here go the side effects. "Its okay bro, its only us. You can sit down." Y/b/f/n assured you and gently made you sit down. (Bro they made you lay down)
You letted out a grunt at the headache you were feeling after using the inhaler. And then lets just say that you fell asleep at some point <3 they were so tempted to kiss your forehead... :(
OMFG FINALLY GUYS IM SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER my fever had me on a chokehold
【Part 4】
Published: June 29 2024. 10:05pm.
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